Repairs Design Furniture

Description and photo of exotic beauties Hoya Lobby. Hoya lobby transplant after purchase

Naturally grows in India, Thailand and Burma.
Thomas Lobb for the first time discovered it in the Mountains of the Care (Karia) of East India at an altitude of about 1500 meters above sea level. NOUND Highland (Nowgong, Madhya Pradesh), in which the first copy was discovered, begins in Northeast India and runs along the border of Myanmar (Burma). Later, the representatives of the species showed up in Thailand, in the territories of Changtaburi (Chumphon) and Champshon, which speaks relatively extensive distribution area.


Growing H. Lobbii. Kustoid. Straight, unreliable shoots of this hoeing are able to grow to 1 m. Height.

Dark green leaves with separate blonde specks reach lengths 8 - 11 cm. And 2 - 3 cm widths. The leaves are usually growing pairs, but often four sheets appear from one node. The leaves in the leaves are very short, so they are always developing very close to the stalk. The floral umbrella is surprisingly beautiful and consists of 15 - 20 flowers about 2 cm. In diameter. Folded red flowers of flowers in the fully opened condition look like glowing lights. The inner crown is dark-red, color resembles a lingonberry, and in the very center - white. Flowers smell slightly sweet. The umbrella keeps about 10 days.


At the homeland, Hoya Lobba blooms during the rainy season, from June to October inclusive. Since it comes from very wet areas, in indoor culture it is necessary to contain it enough humor - regularly water and spray. And since she is still a mountain view, then the larger heat does not like and requires some cool content.

The happy owners of this plant, nevertheless, do not consider it very whimsical and difficult to care, saying that the main requirement that Hoya Lobba puts forward in indoor culture, it is more space. Because it is very quickly growing and her hard, the branches will soon occupy almost all the windowsill.


Within the framework of one species there are plants with a few different coloring flowers.


H. Lobbii. Photo: Danilenko Valery (Dvall).

H. Lobbii. Photo: Danilenko Valery (Dvall). H. Lobbii. Photo: Danilenko Valery (Dvall). H. Lobbii. Photo: Inessa (Joker).

H. Lobbii. Photo: Inessa (Joker). H. Lobbii. Photo: Inessa (Joker).

Video: A Visit with Hoya Lobbii.wmv

This is one of the most common indoor flowering Lian. She received his name in honor of the English gardener T. Hoy.
The most popular hauy is fleshy. This is an evergreen in a length of 6 m long. The shoots are quite thin requiring an additional support. Dark green leaves are small, thick, rigid, oval shapes, covered with a wax chain. The indisputable advantage of the plant is fragrant flowers. Hoya blooms annually. White flowers with a pink crown in the center, have the shape of an asterisk, are collected in a socket.
In nature, there are about 200 types of Hoya, only two are growing in indoor culture: Hoya beautiful (Hoya Bella Hook.) And the hauy meaty (H. Carnosa R. Br.).
Hoya Lobbii, Hoya Lobby
Hoya Bella - Hoya beautiful
Plant care
Hoya blooms annually.
The plates are white with a pink crown in the center, have the shape of stars, are collected in a socket. After the spring appears buds and bloom starts, the plant is not recommended to touch or rearrange from place to place. Otherwise, buds and already bloomed flowers will begin to be down. Each inflorescence blooms several weeks. Hoya flowers allocate nectar and make a pleasant strong fragrance. The growing plant, the more rich and longer flowers. After the flowers are covered and fall, the flowers should not be touched, nor turn, because next year, flowers are formed again.

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If you have a sunny window, Hoying every year for many years will please your blooming view for many years, but it blooms much less on the northern windows or not blooms at all. Remember, at least a plant and a light-chapter, but in summer noon it is necessary to hide from direct sunlight. In the rest, Hoya is quite unpretentious plant, and the care of it does not represent complexity. In the spring and summer is abundantly watered and sprayed. The optimal temperature during this period is 22-25 C. It is necessary to ventilate the room where the hauy grows, but it is impossible to carry it onto the open air. In winter, watering is reduced, the spraying is stopped, the air temperature should not exceed 12-15 C. Maybe winter and at a higher temperature, but the bloom next year will not be so rich. Starting from the spring and during the entire growing season, the hauy feed 2 times a month with a complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Video: Pink Guy Cooks Stir Fry and Raps

If shoots become too long, part can be trimmed. It is better to trim long growth shoots, leaving short sprigs on which flowering occurs.
Propagated in the spring or autumn cuttings of the shoots of the previous year. There should be at least two pairs of leaves on each harvested stalk. The cut is made not directly under the node, but below, since the roots appear on the intersals. It is rooted in water, sand or substrate consisting of peat and sand (2: 1) at a temperature not lower than 20 C. After the cuttings are rooted, they are planted several pieces into one pot. An excavation mixture is recommended, consisting of a delicate, leaf land, humid, peat and sand (2: 1: 1: 1: 1).
Adult plants transplant in 2-3 years. In addition to hauy, meaty, cultivate less common hauy beautiful. It is a small, abundantly branching shrub with hanging shoots. Leaves are essentially smaller than that of the previous species, they are slightly publisted and have a triangular shape. Flowers with a brighter dark red crown. It is used as an ampel plant. It looks great in the hanging basket. Caring for her is the same as for the hay meaty, although it is more capricious and heat-loving.
Perfect grows on hydroponics.
It is damaged by a spider tower and a shield, aphid.

Option 1: Delivery to the regions (Choose the delivery area below!)

Delivery to the regions is made by sending parcel of Russian Post Service.
ATTENTION: Plants are sent by mail only from May to September!
The center of the violet is not responsible for the actions of the Russian Post!

Cost of delivery: 350 rubles

Aginsky Buryat AO, Altai Territory, Amur about., Buryatia R-ka, Irkutskogo, Ust-Orda Buryat AO, Chita's about ..
Adygea district, Arkhangelsk about., Astrakhan about., Bashkortostan R-ka, Belgorod, about., Volgograd, about., Ingiving P-ka, Kabardino-Balkar district, Kaliningrad, Kalmykia Rd, Karachayevo-Circassian R-ka, Karelia Rd, Kirovskaya, Komi P-ka
Shipping cost depends on the amount of the order
Altai district, Dagestan district, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarskiy region, Kurgan, about., Novosibirsk, Omskogo, Tomska about., Tyva Rd, Tyumenskaya, Khakassia district, Khanty-Mansiy JSC, Yamalo-Nenets JSC.
Shipping cost depends on the amount of the order
Bryanskaya about., Vladimirskaya about., Vologda about., Voronezh about., Ivanov.
JSC, Krasnodar k., Leningradskaya, Lipetsk about., Mari El R-ka, Mordovia R-ka, Novgorodskaya, Orenburg about., Penza about., Perm, Pskov, Rostov, Samarskaya about., Saratovskaya about., Sverdlovskaya about.
Shipping cost depends on the amount of the order
North Ossetia-Alanya Rd, Stavropol k., Tatarstan R-ka, Udmurtskaya district, Ulyanovskaya about., Chelyabinsk about., Chechen P-ka, Chuvash district.
Shipping cost depends on the amount of the order

Hoya: types and varieties

The length of the stem of this climbing plant can reach ten meters. The decorativeness of the Hoya is due to long flowering. Young shoots stand out against the background of green foliage of a brown-purple color. Flowers are collected in large umbrellas and smells like. Most varieties of oval leaves are rather large - up to 8 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. But there are also miniature plants, for example, Hoya Bella.

In nature, more than 50 species of this flower are found. Some of them are grown in greenhouses and homes.

The most famous such types of Hoya are the most famous:

  • fleshy;
  • beautiful;
  • imperial;
  • discharge;
  • linear.

Funny hauy wax ivy - uncomplicated, curly succulent with dense leaves, which blooms continuously from the beginning of spring and to late autumn. This species has many varieties, among which there are plants with multi-colored leaves - green with creamy color border or with a yellowish middle.

Basic requirements for cultivation

Hoya is a light-affilome plant. When growing in room conditions, it only blooms on southern windows. However, in sunny, summer days the plant must be shadowed so that there are no burns on the leaves.

The more light for Hoya, the faster it will bloom. If buds appeared, it cannot be rearranged.

It does not like drafts, air temperature drops and strong cooling, at an indoor temperature below + 10 ° C may die.

  • Hoya loves lightweight, drained, fertile soil.
  • For normal growth of shoots and flowering, regular feeding fertilizers are needed.
  • The soil in the pot must be wet, rich in front of the next irrigation.
  • In favor of Hoye will go warm shower and regular spraying.

Special requirements include the selectivity of certain types of plants to the acidity of the soil and air temperature. There are Hoya, which cannot grow normally if there is less than + 20 ° C in the room.

Home care

Choosing a plant for the room, it is necessary to take into account its size. Some Hoya grows quite large - these are real wood lianas. Other types are compact and do not take a lot of space on the windowsill.

The plant can be grown as ampel, having hung a pot, or install a support, whining the stem around it. The younger than the plant, the more flexible stalks from him, the shoots will win with age, and can break when godfolk to the support.

There are no special problems in care for Hoya. All efforts pay off with beautiful bloom, which in proper content can be quite long.

Features of the content depending on the season

Ivy is able to bloom in winter. If the flower water wants to enjoy such a spectacle, then the plant begins to cook since September. Pot put in a bright, cool place and cut watering. It is best to place a flower on the eastern window sill. In December and January, the flower almost does not water - drought stimulates flowering. During this period, the air temperature in the room should be about 15 ° C.

Some varieties do not like cool air, for example, Hoya Multiflora with a decrease in temperature below +20 ° C drops flowers and leaves.

Usually, Hoya uses the winter, as resting time, it is beneficial to the reduction of irrigation and the absence of fertilizer. Most often it blooms in spring and summer. During this period, the plant requires regular watering, spraying, feeding and good lighting.

Watering Hoya

In the summer and in the spring during the intensive growth of Hoya, it is abundantly watered and sprayed. In the fall and winter, the spraying is stopped, and watering is reduced. The plant is watered as the earth coma dying is dry, warm water.

To stimulate blossom, watering in the summer is made by soaking in warm water for 1-2 hours. For this pot with flower put in a large plastic bucket. From the soul watered the hauy on top of water with a temperature of about 30-35 ° C. When water in the bucket reaches the top of the pot, barely covering the ground, closed the crane. After 1 hour, the plant can be reached from the bucket, and put on the previous place in the room.

The composition of the soil and the choice of pot

Hoya does not like big flower pots. In small, on the contrary, grows very quickly. In a natural habitat, this plant leads an epiphytic lifestyle, settles in the crown of large trees or on the rocks, where the nutrient medium is very small. Therefore, when choosing a pot, you need to give preference to small tanks, with well-transmitting water and air soil.

The material from which the pot is made is not much important, plastic, clay or wood suitable. The substrate for landing should be loose. Self prepares a mixture of peat, perlite, coconut fiber and wood crust. For nutrition, a little leaf leveling is added. Most of the types of Hoya prefers neutral or weakly acidic soil. But there are varieties that require increased limestone content, for example, H. Curtsii, H. Serpanes.

Making fertilizers

The fertile substrate in which the plant is planted, is already a good fertilizer. But after a year of cultivation, Hoya begins to lack the main nutrient elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This can be expressed by the external growth slowdown and changing the appearance of the leaves.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale green or yellow, and then fall.
  • The lack of phosphorus is expressed by redness of the residents of the sheet or its edges and vertices.
  • When potassium deficiency, the edge of the sheet plate dries and twisted.

In the warm season, the hauy feed during watering 1 time in two weeks with a complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. The ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in it should be the same. If signs of a shortage of some element are noticed, you can find feeding with its predominance.

Landing and transplanting

Hoya does not like frequent transfers. If there is a need, you can make a transplant 1 time in 2 or 3 years.

Since this plant easily forms air roots, it is possible to plant it very simple. The long shoot of an adult plant is placed in a pot of earth and pinned with wire. When the escape gives root, it is cut off from the parent plant.

When transplanting in a fresh soil, a new pot should not be much more than the previous one, Hoya will not bloom until its roots fill the entire space of the earth coma.

Be sure to put a good drainage to the bottom of the water from watering. The land must be well drained and fertile, you can use a mixture for succulents.

Features of breeding

The plant is breed by seeds, gag or cuttings. For the drawing, the twigs of last year are used, which should be 2 or 3 nodes. They can be rooted in water or substrate. Hoya Kerry, with the leaves in the shape of a heart, is rooted by well-leaf cuttings.

In one pot plant a few twigs, so that the plant looks more decorative during flowering.

  • Cut cuttings break two lower leafs.
  • Washed under running water to wash out allocated sticky juice.
  • Fool into the Powder "Korninov".
  • Then planted in perlite or vermiculite - the moisture-intensive substrate in which the cuttings quickly allow the roots.
  • After landing, it is suitable for mini-greenhouse, covering a flower pot with a celofan package seedlings. Put in a bright and warm place.

The first roots will appear for two or three weeks. If you put a plant in a transparent plastic cup, it will be visible. The rooted hauy is transplanted in a small pot.

Diseases and pests of plants

Flower Hoya loves moisture, but with a bad drainage in the pot and strong watering the root system can bend. If you do not transplant the plant into another container and fresh soil in time, it will die.

Hoy and insect pests suffer:

  • shields;
  • white throats;
  • mild cherry;

If the first signs are detected, the plant is treated with insecticide. If there was a web tick on the leaves, the treatment with acaricide or infusion of garlic.

Why does Hoya do not bloom, yellow leaves?

With improper cultivation of Hoya, difficulties may occur - the leaves will turn yellow, curl and fall.

There are several reasons for this:

  • cold air indoors;
  • excess sun;
  • lack of moisture or excess watering;
  • dry air medium content;
  • bad drainage;
  • cold water for watering;
  • lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Some flower products in order to achieve information bookmarks are placed several times in the spring or at the beginning of the summer the pot with a hauy in warm water with a temperature of 30-35 ° C and watered it 2 or 3 times a week with warm water.

For flowering, plants need these conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • age 2-3 years;
  • close pot;
  • shoots at least 30 cm long;
  • feeding phosphoric fertilizers.

In winter, watering is reduced and kept hauy in a bright place with a temperature of 15 ° C. It blooms on old blooms, so they can not be turned on. When the plant blooms, it is stopped fertilized and try not to rotate the pot so that they do not fall the buds.

Description and species

This evergreen plant belongs to the numerous family of the Lastune, which includes more than 200 varieties of shrubs and Lian. The name of his flower is obliged to the famous English professional gardener Thomas Hoy, growing in greenhouse various tropical plants for many years. In decorative flower growing, this culture is used quite a long time.

In the wild, Hoya grows in rare forests as a undergrowth and tries to use as a support of rocky areas of the slopes or trunks of trees. You can meet it in the west of Australia, in China, Polynesia, in Madagascar and in the southern regions of Asia.

Adult copies in length are capable of growing over 10 m. The shoots first brown-violet, then as theyighing the sheets, they become green and gradually decide. Air roots cling to support. The young leaves at Hoya Glossy, then over time they become matte. Depending on the variety, the shape, size and painting of sheet plates are different.

Flowers in form are always similar, the size is usually not more than 2 cm, collected in an umbifted inflorescence. There are varieties with large - up to 8 cm - flowers (imperial). Over 5 rounded petals rises a five-membered crown, usually a contrasting color. Flowers of a variety of color (red, yellow, white, orange, etc.) live up to 3 weeks, then a new bud in the same place is blown. Culture is distinguished by long blossom, which lasts from May to November. The blooming chew has a very strong bright aroma and attracts insect with plenty of nectar.


Culture is divided into 3 categories:

    ampel, or hanging;

    ivyovoid, or fluttering;

    restaring, forming in the form of a bush.

The following types of Hoya received the greatest distribution among the flower water:

    Lakunosa (concave). Flower with thickened and pretty long green weaves, seated leathery oval leaflets having a dense green or brownish red color. Flowers whitish-pink flowers.

    Carnose. Succulent shrub with large juicy wax leaves. Small pubescent flowers with cream or slightly pinkish petals are decorated with cherry-red wedges.

    Hoya Tricolor.. Amplid perennial having thick green with white-pink leaves. Middle-sized flowers, bright red shade.

    Multiflora. Liana with elongated leaves having a well-visible streak. Flowers pale yellow with a border of a brighter yellow color. The fragrance has citrus notes.

    Fleshy. Few branching liana with small brilliant green leaves. In umbrella inflorescences, small fragrant flowers of pink and red shades are very tightly sitting.

    Fine (Lancing). A branched shrub or a small village with hanging weaves. Ophid-lanceal small leaflets are green and motley. Through the whole year, white elegant flowers blooms.

    Imperial. Good curly liana, having pubescent shoots with oval leathery sheets. Flowers are very large, dark red shades with a whitish wedge.

    Thompson. Plant with oval velvety-sowed leaflets of greenish-gray with silver stains. White-white large flowers with pointed petals are decorated with a yellowish-red middle and possess a thin jasmine aroma.

    Compact. Miniature plant with unusual two-color leaves. Spherical umbrellas consist of a large number of pale pink flowers.

Care and cultivation

As a rather unpretentious plant, Hoya requires with its cultivation of compliance with some special conditions, if possible as close as possible to natural. For room content, the hauy meat and beautiful is most often used.

Accommodation and temperature

Selecting the place to accommodate the flower, it must be borne in mind that it cannot tolerate permutations and movements. Especially undesirable to touch the plant during flowering. It can reset buds, flowers and even leaves.

This tropical culture prefers a bright enough, but scattered light. The straight sun rays are destructive for her and can leave burns on juicy fleshy leaves. Hoy it is best on Eastern or Western windows. On the southern one, it will be uncomfortable, so florists recommend using its ampel-free qualities and have plants in warm rooms, providing a reliable support for supporting shoots and inflorescences.

One of the reasons why hauy does not bloom, there may be a lack of illumination. Light day for her should be 12-14 hours, and in winter - 10 hours. For additional illumination, you can use phytolamba or daylight devices. It is very important to remember that the plant harvested a rich fragrance during flowering, which is intensified at night. Therefore, it is undesirable to place a flower in the bedroom.

To the temperature of Hoya is undemanding. It is quite suitable for the mode of + 20 ... + 30 ° C. Recommended winter temperatures should be + 16 ... + 18 ° C, during this period the plant is resting. Although it loves fresh air, but the drafts tolerate is very hard. When supercooling is able to reset the foliage.

Watering and humidity

Hoya refers to drought-resistant species, so it requires rather rare, but very abundant moisturizing soil. It is necessary to water only after drying the upper layer of the substrate by about 2-3 cm, usually enough 1 time in 5-7 days. In the cold autumn-winter time, watering is reduced. It must be done after the complete drying of the soil. As a rule, it happens no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. At all, it is impossible to water at all, because the roots can dry and get sick. It is fraught with weakening, disease and death of the plant.

From the pallet, excess water is drained to avoid getting the root system. Some experienced flowers do not use pallets under pots under the content of this culture. Water take a soft, stunned and having room temperature. Hard liquid must be mitigated with acid (acetic, lemon) or peat (you can boil). The best option will be the use of rain or melt water.

To the humidity of the air, the plant is practically not sensitive. It feels perfectly perfectly with dry air. In the summer, it is recommended to regularly spray it from the sprayer to a strong heat or put in a tank with wet river pebbles.

Transplant and subordinate

Culture is distinguished by rapid growth, for the growing season, the plant may be 30 cm. Young specimens need an annual spring transplant in the pots of larger volume (2-3 cm in diameter wider than the previous one). Adult flowers are transplanted as needed, but usually no more than 1 time in 3-4 years.

When choosing a container, it is worth considering that in a more spacious pot at Hoya will better grow new shoots, forming a thick crown. In close capacity, the plant can give more abundant flowering. It is recommended to use ceramic pots to provide better air permeability.

The transplant is carried out by transshipment. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to place a drainage layer of at least a third of the volume (pebbles, broken shards, ceramzite, etc.).

The soil is required air-permeable, loose and having a neutral or weakly acidic reaction. You can use the finished mixture for epiphytes (orchids). Alone, the soils are prepared from fertile land, large sand and peat taken in equal proportions. Then it is added fine chopped moss sphagnum and crushed charcoal into it.

During the growing season, the hauy is pumped no more than 1 time per week using mineral complexes for orchid or flowering succulents. In the fall and winter feeding is not needed. The concentration is better to do less than recommended in the instructions, as the flower does not like an excess of trace elements. After a transplantation of 2-3 months, it is not necessary to produce feeders, since with the correct selection of the substrate in it there is everything necessary for the growth of the plant.

Blooming and cropping

There is a very effective way how to make the hauy bloom, if problems arise with it. For this spring, the plant together with the capacity is placed in a pelvis with water, heated to + 30 ... + 40 ° C. After about 10 minutes, the shoots from the water are removed, and the pot from the ground is left in the water for another half an hour. Such a spring bathing perfectly stimulates flowering. It is recommended to carry out a similar water procedure and in the fall in order to temper.

If this procedure does not raise actions, then it is necessary to revise the conditions of detention. Special attention should be paid to a sufficient level of illumination. Other factors can affect the absence of flowering. Often the reason is the absence of a winter peace of rest at a temperature of + 10 ... + 15 ° C.

In frequent trimming, the culture does not need. Young plants pinch after the formation of the fourth leaf to increase the number of new shoots. Cropped with too stretched offshoes in order to form a beautiful crown and stimulation of flowering. Old color paints are better not to delete, as they are able to release buds again.

Hoya is very easily adapted to the living conditions in the apartments. It's not difficult to care for her, any amateur of houseplants will cope with it. Spectacular and very fragrant blossoms of Storm will justify all the efforts.


general information

Hoya - the genus of tropical evergreen plants of the family of the Lastune, called name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoi, who worked in Orangers from a noble duke of Northumberland.

Plants of this kind differ in appearance, origin and color of colors, but they all have certain similar features. So, all Hoya are characterized by fast growth, endowed with green-pointed leaves of oval shape and weathered shoots with air roots.

Their flowers are fragrant, rims, are collected in umbrella inflorescences located on core branches.

Hoya wax ivy can be kept at home: myths and reality

Over the centuries, the people there are belief that Hoya can bring misfortune into the house in which it is grown. Therefore, many flowerflowers are afraid to keep it in the apartment.

In our country, they are also attributed to other magical properties.

It is believed that Hoya can bring trouble on a married couple and lead from her husband's home to his mistress, and from a young unmarried girl she "knocks off" the grooms from the threshold.

Do not advise to keep Hoyy ricers, because it is believed that it brings problems in business, ruins the family and leads to poverty.

But there is another opinion. According to Feng Shui, it is useful to put it in the bedroom of newlyweds, as it is able to keep marriage, strengthen it and make an alliance to long and happy.

In fact, all these opinions are just superstitions and myths. Believe in them or not, decides each. Medikov has its own opinion on this. Flowers of many types of wax ivy have a specific and quite strong smell, which can be harmful to people with allergies.

Therefore, before making a purchase, it is better to make sure that you are well tolerate the aroma of wax ivy.

Main types and varieties

Since this gene has more than 50 species, we will get acquainted with the most famous and popular of them.

Hoya Beautiful or Hoya Bella (Bella)

It is distinguished Miniature tender flowers in the form of five-pointed asterisks and collected in seven or nine sophisticated inflorescences. In warm weather in their center, droplets of fragrant nectar appear.

Motherland Bella - South China Province and Indonesia. Flowering time - from May to September. The second name Bella - Hoya Bella is beautiful.

In this video, the bloom of Hoya is beautiful:

Hoya Kerry (Kerrii)

Kerry became popular thanks special form of leaves in the form of miniature green hearts. It can often be found in flower shops on the eve of the day of all lovers. Green Hearts are sold in beautiful pots and are presented as a present on February 14.

By the way, thanks to this tradition, Hoya Kerry received the second name in the people - Hoya Valentine.

Hoya Meat (Carnosa)

Refers to curving succulent decorative shrubs. It is characterized by quite large, fleshy, juicy leaves of oval shape. Flowers wax, thick, dense, approximately 1 cm in diameter.

Their color varies from pale pink to purple. Hoya is meaty as a kind is valued by botany and breeders for simplicity of crossing. Thanks to Carnosa, many other varieties have been displayed.

Hoya Lacunosa (Lacunosa)

Refers to epiphetic, common and rapid varieties. In nature, encourages anti-libiotic relationships with ants that settle among its roots. Characteristic feature - miniature rhombid leaves with an uneven surface and depressures between the veins.

Thanks to such a feature, the people of Lakuen dubbed concave.

Hoya Matilde (Mathilde)

The variety derived from Hoya Serpens and Carnosa. Differs in curly long stems of 1.5 mm thick and wide oval leaves covered with silver specks.

Flowers fragrant, white with greenish tint and pale pink wedges. Flowering time is the whole year.

Hoya Tricolor (Tricolor)

Other names - Hoya Carnose Tricolor (Carnosa Tricolor), Hoya Tri-color. It looks like carnosis, but differs the original coloring leaves.

They are creamy white color with green edges and pink streaks in the middle. Inflorescences are multi-flowered, lilac-pink shade.

Hoya Compacta (Compacta)

This species of Hoya has small swirling leaves.

Although the compact can often meet on the shelves of stores represented as a separate type, many flower trees consider it a subspecies of Hoya Carnosa.

For the first time, Berton researcher took it to a separate form, which found that the compact was different from Hoya Carnosa a special form of the petals of an inner crown resembling tears.

One way or another, the compact is very common in home flowerness thanks unpretentious care and long blossom.

Hoya Obscura (Obscura)

The second name is dark. It was found at the beginning of the twentieth century by Botany and Eller's researcher. It features green leaflets with severe dark streaks, watching stalks and small flowers with a backwater pink petals with a dim yellowish middle.

Hoya Linearis (Linearis)

The second name is linear. A rare representative growing in highlands of Himalayas. Differs on linear light green foliage. It grows in the form of a row, the length of which can reach six meters.

During flower from the liana, the gentle, barely intimate vanilla smell. Sometimes it is compared with the fragrance of lily.

Hoya Grazilis (Gracilis)

The second name is Hoya Elegant. Powerful liana with oval oblong leaves of light green color with barely noticeable specks.

On its stems, 2-3 sheets grow, which create a spectacular tight carpet. The inflorescences are very decorative and consist of 20-25 bright pink sprocket flowers.

Hoya Retus (Retusa)

It is also called Hoya compressed. It is endowed with thin, narrow, elongated leaflets, growing in clusters, and original white color flowers with a bright purple middle. Their aroma is similar to the sour-sweet smell of lemon.

Hoya Australis (Australis)

He received its name in honor of the place (mouth of the Australia River), where was first found by Botany Joseph Banks in 1770. In the people, it is called Hoys South or Australian.

Austlicis is endowed with glossy green leaves of a variety of shape (from elliptical to oval) with severe veins. Young shoots can have red color. Flowers in diameter about 2 cm, with white wrenches, white crown and red center, fragrant.

Hoya Tsangii (Tsangii)

Allocated to the independent view of Burton in 1991 in Kloppenburg. Previously found in literature under the names Honeydew and Philippines. Epiphet growing in the Philippine Islands.

Tsang is distinguished by diamond, succulent, elliptic leaves with bent back plates. Hoya Tsanga Yellow Flower with Red Main. The aroma is similar to the butter with honey.

Hoya Obovat (Obovata)

In the people, it is called inversely-aisher. Endowed with thick fleshy leaves without visible streaks. Umbrellas consist of 20-30 fluffy flowers with petals of soft pink colors and a dark pink inner crown.

Aroma are covered with the smell of roses.

Hoya Imperialis (Imperialis)

Epiphetic liana growing in the rainforest of Malaysia and Thailand. For the first time was discovered by the Esquire researcher in 1846. It is endowed with long laid cylindrical weaves, which in a natural medium can reach 7-8 meters in height, and oblong-oval leaves of a saturated green color with pronounced veins.

Flowers imperialis are considered the largest and graceful in the genus Hoya.

Hoya Kurtisii (Kurtisii)

Synonym: Hoya Pruinosa (Hoya Snow). It is a non-collar epipheit with clinging air roots stretching from all nodes.

Listers are small, with short cutters, thick, rhombid, with pointed tips, rough, coated with silver spots. Flowerines are short with convex umbrellas, numbering 10-25 large brown tint flowers.

Hoya Pakhyclada (Pachyclada)

Epipheit with thick, sowned, succulent shoots 7-10 cm long and round leaves. Miniature color pains, umbrella inflorescences with 20 flowers that are thinned by a sweet perfume aroma attracting insects.

Hoya Laziantha (Lasiantha)

Synonym: Hoya's wool and colorful. Earlier was known as Plocostemma Lasiantha. It grows in the northern part of Indonesia, Malaysia and Borneo.

It is a bush plant with thin leathery leaflets covered with grayish grip. Bright orange colors with inner purple-red face.

Hoya Polynera (Polyneura)

Synonym: Hoya multi-minor. Decorative fast-growing shrub Hoya, very harmonious complementary interior. It looks spectacular in suspended porridge.

It is endowed with original diamond-shaped leaves with blue-green streaks, resembling tails of exotic fish. With proper care, the blood flowering period can last throughout the year.

Hoya Meliflua (Meliflua)

Liana with curly long vacuisers, distinguished by very fast growth. In a natural medium, they can reach over 3-4 meters in length. Therefore, Meliflua especially needs to undergo a trimming and proper formation in the cultivation at home.

Juicy leaves, glossy, various in size, with pronounced streaks. Pink flowers are distinguished by a strong smell.

Elliptica (Elliptica)

Enough rare representativegrowing in the Philippines and Indonesia. Sometimes it is found in private colonel collections. And sorry, because it is considered one of the attractive Hoya.

The elliptic is endowed with original leaves with rounded tips and beautiful streaks, due to which the elliptic looks very aesthetic. The fragrance of colors is not sharp, more visible in the evening.

Hoya Globulose (Globulosa)

Synonyms: Hoya Villosa, hauy spherical. It is characterized by major sowed leaves, curly decisive stems, elongated flowerwomen and large spherical umbrellas with yellow-white petals with a diameter of 1.2 cm.

Hoya Kaudata (Caudata)

Synonyms: H. Crassifolia, H. Flagellata. A curly liana with dense egg-shaped leaves up to 9-14 cm long. Kaudat is endowed with beautiful miniature pale pink petals.

Good coming up at home and with proper care can bloom throughout the year.

In this video, the plants amateur shows and tells about different types of Hoi, which grow home:

Home care

It is not difficult to care for Hoya. It is enough to fulfill the simple rules with which we will read below.

Transplant after shopping

The first, where care should begin - a transplant after purchase.

Transplant Rules:


Hoya loves good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Western and oriental windows are suitable for its cultivation.


In the warm season, the room temperature should be +20 +25 degrees, and in the late autumn and winter +13 +16 degrees.

Humidity and watering

The humidity in the room should be moderate. Watering is carried out as the upper layer of land drying. As a rule, in the summer watering more often, and in winter less often, about once every 2-3 weeks.


The feeders make only in the spring-summer period. For these purposes, a universal complex mineral fertilizer is suitable.

Hoya: reproduction

Question: How to roud a hauy, as a rule, does not occur in front of the flower water.

The easiest and most common method of breeding - cuttings.

At the same time used old (last year) shoots cut in spring or autumn. The cuttings are rooted in interstice, so they are cut off by 2-3 cm below the sheet node. Root in the substrate or sand.

Diseases and pests

Usually, when complying with the correct care of problems with the cultivation of Hoya, the flower flows does not occur. If treating careless care, it can become a target of pests or diseases.

Frequent care errors

To the main mistakes that make flower makes:

  • Frequent abundant irrigation. At the same time, many flower products forget that the oversupply of moisture in some cases is even more dangerous than its disadvantage. Such watering can lead to the appearance of rot, which leads to death.
  • Too much sunlightbut. The second no less common error. It is believed that sunlight houseplants should receive as much as possible to feel comfortable. As a result, the pot put on an open window, leave under direct sunlight, and as a result, the leaves burnt the sun.

Remember, what kind of type you would not prefer, the main thing is to give it their warmth and care. With the right care, even the most capricious kind of Hoya will delight the flower water for many years!

Hoya Lobbii - Hoya Lobby

Growing a bush, shoots are unselling, up to 1 m and 0.4 cm in diameter.

The leaves are usually growing pairwise, but four sheets appear from one node. The leaves are dark green with a light grip, 8-11 cm long, 4 cm wide, with short cutters, so they are always developing very close to the stalk.

Up to 20 flowers can be collected in a floral umbrella. Flower diameter up to 2 cm, Flowers are pubescent. The color of the petals varies from the cream to the burgundy, the crown of the flower is glossy, cherry blossom, in the fully opened state resemble glowing lights. The smell is weak, sweetish. Flowers regularly and willingly. The umbrella keeps about 10 days.

Temperature: That larger heat does not like and requires some cool content. The average temperature of the content is 17-20 ° C. In the hot clock, in the summer, requires a privacy and cooler seat on the windowsill.

Lighting: Scattered light, without direct sunlight. It feels best in priestly, and best of all at a distance from the window, place. Good responds to artificial lighting.

Watering: In indoor culture, it is necessary to contain it enough humor - regularly water and spray. On hot summer days, watering can be daily, in winter - 1-2 times a week, depending on temperature. The soil must be slightly humid. Do not allow feeding of the subract. Drainage is required.

Features: When planting the plant, it should be used easy, water-permeable soil. It is not recommended for beginners, as the roots can be installed and the leaves can be proposed if there are unsuitable conditions for this Hoya. When rooting with cuttings, you can use lower heating.

Hoya Lobbii. HOOKER, 1883.
Hoya Lobba

Habitat area : Tropical forests of India, Thailand, Munmar.
From the history : got its name in honor of the collector Thomas Lobb. He found it in the Karia Mountains in East India on Nowgong at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. This highlands begins in Northeast India and runs along the border of Myanmar (Burma). Later, the plant was found in Thailand on Chantaburi and Chumphon, which indicates a relatively extensive distribution area.
Published in Flora of British India 4 54 (1883).

Grows H. Lobbii bush. Its shoots do not go, reach lengths up to 1 m, and 0.4 cm in diameter. The leaves are usually growing pairwise, but four sheets appear from one node. They have very short stiffs, so they are always developing very close to the stalk. The leaves are dark-green with separate light strainers, reach the lengths of 8-11 cm and widths 2-3 cm.
The floral umbrella consists of 15-20 flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Folded red flower petals in the fully opened state resemble glowing lights. The inner crown is dark red, the color resembles a lingonberry, and in the heart it is white. Flowers smell a slightly sweet aroma. The umbrella keeps about 10 days.
There are varieties with dark red colors, meat color, cream color.
H. lobbii blooms at home during the rainy season from June to October inclusive.

Tips for care
Temperature : Since H. Lobbii Mind, then the larger heat does not like and requires some cool content. The average temperature of the content is 17-20 ° C. In the hot clock, in the summer, requires a privacy and cooler seat on the windowsill.
Lighting : scattered light, without direct sunlight. It feels best in priestly, and best of all at a distance from the window, place. Good responds to artificial lighting.
Watering : Since H. Lobbii is from very wet areas, then in indoor culture it is necessary to contain it enough humor - regularly water and spray. On hot summer days, watering can be daily, in winter - 1-2 times a week, depending on temperature. The soil must be slightly humid. Do not allow feeding of the subract. Drainage is required.
Features : When planting plants, it should be used lightweight, water-permeable soil. It is not recommended for beginners, as the roots can be installed and the leaves can be proposed if there are unsuitable conditions for this Hoya. When rooting with cuttings, you can use lower heating.

Motherland plants India, Thailand, Burma.

It has unbelievable shoots that reach lengths up to 1 meter, and their diameter is 0.4 centimeters. The leaves are mostly growing in pairs, but sometimes four sheets may appear from one node. They have short cutters because of this they always develop close to the stalk. They have a dark green color with small separate specks. Their length is 8-11 cm, and width 2-3 cm.

Flowering resembles an umbrella in which 15-20 flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Petals are omitted. The inner part of the flower is bright red, and in the center of white. Have a sweet fragrance.

Such an umbrella keeps for 10 days.

Growing methods

Grow plant:

  • seeds;
  • sheet;
  • cuttings.


After flowering in pods, seeds are formed, which are used for sowing. Before that, they need to be dried. Choose only fresh seeds. For sowing is preparing a special soil. In such a soil and sow seeds. They give sprouts very quickly.

However, some of the sprouts can die from the drying of the soil or due to the overaffect of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control watering. Besides it is necessary to provide good light and warm. In such a state, they are about 3 months until leaflets and good roots appear. Only after this plant can be transplanted into a separate container.


This method has shortcomings - this is a long and complex process. Leaf can almost immediately put rootsBut for a long time will not give sprout. If you adhere to certain rules, you can grow a flower with this method.

  1. For such cultivation, it is necessary to take the leaves of the plant, which grows in nature. These leaves have more power.
  2. The sheet needs to land in the loose soil at an angle of 45 oh. Watch him for several weeks and only then roots will appear.
  3. Next to stimulate the production of growth cells. This can be done with the help of special preparations, such as heteroacexin. One drop of the drug must be applied to the base of the sheet.


This is the easiest way to grow.
So that the cuttings are well rooted, it is necessary to pay attention to its size and age. For home cultivation, cuttings are chosen with two nodes. Also for rooting optimally taking mature, but not yetwearing cuttings.

Before boarding the cutlets, you need to cut correctly, namely do a cut under the node. If the barrel is long, then we leave a couple of centimeters under the node and the rest is cut.

Next, rooting the cuttings in the water. To do this, we prepare in advance the dark tank so that the light does not fall into water, and fill with water tank. Deleting the leaves from the second knot of the cutlets, put it in the water. We put the container into a warm, wet place with a temperature not higher than 22 o. And after 14 days, the cuttings will give root. After this happens, the plant needs to immediately plant in the ground.

Care rules

  • Shine. The flower loves bright lighting and easily tolerates straight sun rays, but not worth it to abuse - the plant can get a burn. Therefore, it is necessary to shaping. It is best to raise on the western and eastern side. At noon create scattered lighting. In winter, it is also necessary to contain a plant with good lighting, so the shading is not necessary.
  • Temperature. The best temperature for the plant is +22 - +25 o. Winter content of content should not fall below +16 o. It should be remembered that Hoya Lobby does not like stagnation of air, and it is necessary to avoine the room.
  • Watering. Requires abundant irrigation from March to October. For watering, use soft dilated water. Hardwater must be mitigated by manganese. Water as the upper soil layer drying. Autumn watering reduce. Watering costs a couple of days after drying the substrate. Produce watering with warm water. Also to improve the growth of the plant twice a year are arranged by a bath. To do this, it is placed in water heated to 30-40 o.
  • Feeding. Conduct them in spring and summer. For this use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants. Apply 1 time in two or three weeks.
  • Trimming. Spend only after flowering. For the formation of a beautiful plant. Trim need long shoots, but small to leave for further flowering.
  • Pot. You also need to pay attention to the choice of pot for the plant. So that it is good and long bloom, choose small pots so that the roots completely filled the space.

Good grows in pots of all materials. But it is worth remembering that in the plastic potted moisture faster evaporates and need to water more often.

But in Clay, on the contrary, it remains longer. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly control watering plants. An excellent option is clay pots with ceramic crumbs. They do not allow moisture to be stammer and quickly evaporate. It also grows well in bamboo suspension tanks.

Diseases of the plant

They can occur due to improper care, for example, dark spots on the leaves, yellowing and fading the leaves. To solve these problems, it is worth reviewing the content of the flower and correct the errors in care.

it the plant is subject to infection of such pests as a web tick, shield and aphid.

Insecticides are used to remove pests. You can also wash the plant on their own or washed with flowing water.

Observe the rules for the care of Hoye Lobby, pay enough attention to her and it will delight you with beautiful bloom.

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