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The value of fruits in the nature and life of a person? The value of flowers, fruits and seeds in nature and human life The value of seeds for nature and man

Fruits are the final stage of the development of the flower in plants. Fruit is needed by a plant in order to protect the seeds of this plant contained in it.Also, the fruit helps spread these seeds. Thus, the fruit plays an important role in reproduction of plants.

Fruits exist only from higher seed plants, and at the same time only in coated bridge, flowering plants.The gamoted plants are deprived of fruits, as well as lured closed containers for their seeds, deprived of flowers. Also, the fruit is formed only from the fertilized flower. Therefore, if the flower for any reason did not pollinate insects, then the fetus he will not give. The fetus develops from the polished launch, first he is green, dissolved, then ripen, and becomes ripe. At this point ripen and seeds.

Amazing fruit

Pericarp- This is the part of the fetus that surrounds the seeds. When the fruit is overbuilding, the fruit falls into the ground, where its ocoplodnik creates a nutrient medium for germination of seeds.

There are such fruits in nature, where there are no seeds. They're called mushed.

Exist poisonous fruits, dangerous to human life.For example, wolf berries ("Woroniye Eye") - Cute brilliant berries that appetizing look. Especially they threaten playful children that they do not understand the plants. It is important to remember that not all the fruits are edible, some are deadly dangerous!

If the fruits are in the launch of a few, and they grow together, it is called sPLATES.Also the fruits are divided into dry and juicy By the amount of water in its consistency. That is, by the nature of the spindlement. For example, beans - beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, these are fruit dry. And the cherry, pear, peach, orange, tomato, grenade, mango is all the fruits of juicy, where much water.

Exist in nature Very interesting and unusual fruits.For example, Physalis's fruit resembles a Chinese flashlight. And the tropical bob entad has a pod's length of almost two meters! The fruits of an exotic sausage tree, which also grows in the tropics, ripen the whole year!

The value of fruits

The value of plant fruit for man is large. Thus, because plants are spread in nature, and plants for us and the source of oxygen, and food, and medicines, and raw materials for the chemical industry. Also many fruits of plants we we eat - For example, pears, tangerines, apples, sunflower seeds, and so on.

Other fruits themselves are used as medicine- So from the fruit of elderly, for example, they prepare medicine, valuable and useful at cold. Some fruits - source of natural paints. For example, from the berries of blackberries with the help of chemical reagents make purple paint, and from walnut partitions - black paint.

The fruit is a specific organ of flowering (coated-brimmed) plants, which is a closed receptacle for seeds. It can develop without double fertilization, and without seeds (with apomixis).

The variety of fruits is huge, and they have long attracted the attention of researchers. Already in the 16th century, Caesalpini created an artificial system of classification of flowering plants based on the types of fruits. In the 18th century, the German scientist Gertner identified science on the fruits, the peculiarities of their structure, ontogenesis, ecology and distribution as Carpology(lat.carpos. - fruit).

Man's close attention to the study of fruits is not accidental. Fruits - the basis of our life and have a huge the value in a person's life:

1) food (starchy, containing protein, fruit, stroke, vegetables, spicy);

2) Feed (beans, Vika, Oats, etc.);

3) Oilseed (ting, hemp, sunflower, etc.);

4) medicinal (hawthorn, raspberries, rosehip, etc.);

5) fibrous (cotton);

6) DIY (bottle pumpkin, etc.).

It can be used both the entire fruit and its parts (spindlers, seeds.

The fruit is a modified after a double fertilization or apomixis of the Ginets of one flower, sometimes with the growing flower grown to it.

Thus, the fruit is a modified after double fertilization or apomixis flower.

Foot functions:

1) protection for seeds;

2) dissemination ( lat.dISSEMINARE. - distribute) - The process of distribution of seeds.

The value of fruits in nature:

1) provide resettlement, reproduction and survival of plants (see fetal functions);

2) Food for animals.

Signs of fruits in plants are hereditaryly stable. By the fetus, it is often possible to determine the plant. In different groups of coated plants, the evolution of fruits was in its own way, but it was in the direction of the strengthening of their functions, \u003d\u003e some fruits became multifamies, others - small or single-bedded. But in any case, devices appeared that contributed to their better distribution.

There are cases when the same species, and even on one plant, fruits of a different structure can be formed or possessing various physiological features (for example, germination timing). This phenomenon is called heterocarpia (Different). It meets, for example, in the calendula, in families of complex color, lubber, brown, cruciferous, etc. (two dozen families are known). Heterocarpium has an adaptive value. Thanks to it, the spread of fruits is improved (the fruits of different form are distributed differently), the plants have backup paths of the dissemination and improves plant survival (since different fruits germinate in different times) \u003d\u003e improves plant adaptability to environmental conditions.

In the Ulyanovsky pedunniversitet worked in their circle scientists-carpologists: Levina R.E. And Voitenko V.F., studied heterocarpius.

Fruit structure.

The fetus consists of champulodnik (pericarpium ) And seeds. The airlodic usually has 3 layers: Outdoor ( exocarpium), middle ( mesocarpium) and internal ( endocarpium). These layers may differ in consistency and structure or be the same. For example, in Cherry (fruit - Kostyanka): Exocarpium - Film, Mesocarpium - juicy, fleshy, and endocrium - solid, rocky forms a bone concluding seed. The ocoplodnik in a typical case is developing from the wound walls, but sometimes other parts of the flower (the base of the stamens, petals, a blossom, etc.) can also be taken in its formation.

    Formally, the seeds correspond to the reproduction of plants, but do not be such a comfortable device as a fruit, the reproduction process itself has been very complex for plants. That is, the fruit performs two most important functions at once - protects seeds of plants from adverse environmental conditions and damage for the entire period of their aging, and the second role - supplies the seeds with nutrients that the plant specially lays out in the fruits. The third role of the fetus is the spread of seeds, which is carried out by the most families. As soon as the seeds are ready, the fruits also finish ripening and become soft and tasty so that they are eaten, and the seeds thrown further from the plant. Or the fruits are revealed and the seeds fall out to the ground, sometimes seeds are spread by winds, and some fruits can even shoot seeds.

    Fetus Plants, such as apple, plum, pear, etc. It is the location of its seeds, which use its internal content, flesh, useful substances, moisture, for the development of them and maturation to continue their genus - the main task and meaning of all living things.

    The fruits appeared near the progressive (currently) group of plants - coated bridge or flowering. It is due to the presence of the fetus they received their main name, as well as the widest distribution.

    Fruits perform a number of essential functionsthat allow coated or flowers to compete with other plants and perfectly adapt to various environmental conditions:

    • Protective function - the most important of all. It is thanks to the fruit that the seed receives additional protection (from drying out or rotting) and the possibilities for final maturation.
    • Spreading seeds - The second most important function of fruits. Due to the diversity of the structure of fruits, the optimal method is achieved for one or another type of distribution, and this is to survive the type and expansion of its habitat. Fruits can spread seeds with its special structure (self-discharge), wind, water, animals.
    • Additional nutrients - The third is the function. It is not present in all fruits, since the very seed seed has a special substance - endosperm, whose role is just a supply of nutrients for the embryo and its future development.

    The most important functions of the plant for plants are the protection and distribution of seeds.

    Fruits help to survive plants, or rather seeds.

    Fruits protect seeds (walnut), or referred them to a free place (maple), or at first provide nutrients (beans), or occasionally in the stomach of animals (rowan), which immediately allows you to focus the seeds.

    In different plants, fruits contain a different amount of seeds. In some many (poppy, cucumber, pumpkin,), in other pieces (peas, beans), in the third and only one (cherry, peach).

    All the fruits are divided into dry and juicy,

    and by the number of seeds for multifreemmes and single-sighted.

    The fruit is a very important organ plant. It is thanks to him that such an important process is happening as fertilization.

    Fruits can be divided first, on complex and simple. Simple consist of one pestle, complex - from several. An example of complex fruits is raspberry.

    Secondly, on juicy and dry. They, in turn, are divided into single-bed and multiftedry.

    Juicy single-bedding fruits is a cherry plum,

    juicy multifreemary fruits is currants, grapes,

    dry single-bedding fruits is rye, wheat,

    dry multifreemary fruits is poppy, bob, mustard.

    So, the fruits perform many functions, but the main ones are protective and distribution of seeds.

    Fruits are essential in the life of plants, their reproduction.

    Inside the fetus is several seeds or one. The fruit performs the role of protection and preserves the substances necessary to feed the seeds and the formation of the embryo.

    Fruits play a big role in human life, proteins, fats, mineral salts, as well as organic acids, carbohydrates and even vitamins accumulate in them. They are of great importance in human nutrition.

    Also fruits are an important feed database in animal nutrition.

    The world. What is the role of fruits in the life of plants?

    The role of fruits in the life of plants is very important, since they contribute to the continuation of the life of plants.

    Many plants breed seeds, and the fruits of these plants are conceived in order to:

    1) for the growth and location of the seed;

    2) providing ripening plant seeds;

    3) fetal peel protects ripening seeds;

    4) With the help of animals and insects that feed on the fruits, the plant spreads its seeds for further reproduction of its species.

    For example, take a plant walnut.

    The nut has a very dense skin and extends to distant distance he with the help of a raven, which collect the fruits of the nut, and during the flight they lose it.

    Where will lose there with a high probability will grow a new nut.

    The fruits of plants are contained seeds. With the help of seeds, the plant breeds, that is, due to the seeds, the life of a particular plant species continues.

    Consequently, the fruits of plants indirectly participate in the reproduction of plants. Namely:

    fruits protect seeds from adverse effects of the external environment;

    in juicy fruits, nutrients accumulate that will feed the germinating plant from the seed first;

    fruits contribute to the movement of seeds and the spread of plants.

    The appearance of the fetus is considered a sign of a complete heyday of the plant, when full of strength and is ready for reproduction. The fruits play a primary role in the vital activity of plants, they do not give me out, disappear from the ground by plants. Also in the fruits, water accumulates, which in the extreme situation will save the plant for some time from drying out. The fruit plays an important role for seeds inside. Plant Seeds are protected by a shell and ready to give a new plant life.

    The main functions of fruits in the life of plants are as follows:

    1)Protection of seeds and creating a favorable environment for maturation. The fruit protects the seeds from the effects of cold temperatures, microorganisms, insects, and the animals on immature fruits will not get stuck. Many fruits in immature form, that is, at that stage, while the protective role for them is the most important, have an unpleasant taste and high acidity. That is, protection is not only mechanical (Through the thickness of the fetus, negative factors harder to damage seeds), but also chemical.

    2)Seed resettlement. Here the plants are different strategies.

    Some fruits are small and very lungs or they have a form that contributes distribution of wind (Klena Klena).

    Others - rose and become edible late in the fall, while the seeds themselves are covered with a rigid shell and are not digested in the British gastrointestinal tract. For example, the rowan ripens deep in the fall and does not fall, rests on the branches. It turns out that in the winter time this berries secondly increased attention from birds (other feed is not thick!). Birds smooth the fruits, and the seeds spread over long distances during the winter nomad.

    Third fruits are characterized by a good taste, and they can afford to ripen in summer: among the summer abundance of food, still there are animals and people who are ready to eat them, and scatter seeds (watermelon, cucumber, tomato and d.Р.)

    The fourth are arranged in such a way as to spread clinging for animal wool (burdock, a series, etc.).

    That is, the nature of thought out; everything: the weight of the fetus and its shape, the structure, the thickness of the shells, the chemical composition and even the timing of ripening, - All this in order to ensure their own plant, the most effective way of resettlement and reduce competition between them.

    3)Depot of nutrients for seeds. There are concepts technical maturity and biological maturity. With technical fruit, it becomes edible, and when biological ripen its seeds. Good example - tomatoes. To assemble the seeds, they are broken, and donate on the windowsill. Seeds during this period are obtained from the fetus.

    4)Protection during wintering. Many seeds have a hard shell, which does not give them ger not in timeAnd allows you to germinate when the shell will swell in the spring. Some fruits are also carrying a similar function. In addition, if the whole apple fell to the ground and remained to winter, it closes his seeds from extinction, and in the spring they are already slightly bundled in the soil.

    5)Fertilizer and adjustment of soil acidity. The fruit fell into the soil, or on its surface, begins to decompose, and enriches the soil by organic. Sometimes the fruit is acidified with the soil, and thus eliminates competitors who can interfere with the sprout to break into the light.

    6)Lucm soil. Sometimes the structure of the fetus helps the sprout to organize a convenient place Growing. Here you can remember the acory or chestnuts, which shook out from the tree rolled into the groove or deepening. Some of them will give sprouts, others will become a substrate for their growing.

    If the chestnut falls on a flat tight earth, he has little chance of survival. He will start germinate and dried. And if someone comes on it, the dense envelope of the fetus will allow him to press it into the ground, and not damage. Walnut or bean sash, for example, if they remain at the site of seed growth, then create air cavities in the soil than also help spons.

Each organ of a living organism performs its vital function. To understand their specialization will help us anatomy of flowering plants. The fruit occupies in this row not the last place.

Generative bodies

All parts of the plants can be combined into two groups. The vegetative is root, stem and leaf. Their role is important. This is the flow of water, mineral nutrition, organic substance synthesis, vegetative reproduction. (flower, fruit, seed) are designed to perform the role of playing organisms.

What is the fruit in the plant? To answer this question, you must first figure it out in its origin. The fruit is formed only from certain parts of the flower: from the fertilized female genital cell - the embryo, from the central - the spare nutrient of the endosperm. All together it is seed. But for the germination and development of the future tiny body, reliable protection is needed and additional meals. This important role is assigned to the spindlement consisting of several shells: external, medium and internal. Each of them has its own characteristics caused by the functions performed.

What function is performed

Fruits are dry and juicy, single-sighted and multified. But, regardless of the features, everyone in his own way "cares" about its seeds, performing the most important functions.

Spreading seeds

What function does the fruit perform - you can consider not only in the perspective of protection, but also the spread of seeds. And this is very important for plant resettlement everywhere, increasing their species diversity.

Methods for the spread of seeds are diverse and depend on the characteristics of the structure of the octurizer. For example, everyone known to scatter the seeds, breaking the leathery peel. Similarly, balsamine fruits are cracking during touch.

A reliable assistant in the spread of plants is the wind. Maple and ash clints are easily picked up air flows and transferred to quite distant distances. In general, most of the drop-down dry fruits spread their seeds that way.

Many steppe dries at the base, is barely and also transferred to the wind. So travels along the steppe spherical bush roll-field.

Spiky and chain fruits of burdock often have to be dying away from clothes or wool pets. This is their adaptation to the settlement. After all, it is possible to detect a barn at a considerable distance from the attachment site.

Distribute their seeds for the flow.

Well, and juicy fruits with a bright octoplate traditionally are a favorite delicacy of not only a person, but many birds and animals. Together with untailed food residues, the seeds fall into the soil away from the mother tree.

Protection of semen

Fruits, like a reliable house, help seeds to experience unfavorable environmental conditions. And when the heat and the presence of a sufficient amount of solar energy is to germinate, giving life a new vegetation body.

Of course, not all parts of the plants are delicious and edible. For example, what function does the fuper faste? Its adhesive shell is not used in food, does not have valuable food qualities. But with such a protection rich in oils, the walnut seed easily breaks in the land of autumn and winter. And in the spring will give the beginning of the future hazer.

Tasty and healthy

But most of us fruits are associated with a delicious and useful product that has widespread use. A person cans fruits and berries, marinate vegetables, crushes and adds spicy seeds into a variety of dishes as seasoning. From the fruits of cereal plants get flour, without which it is impossible to bake bread. Of the dry fruits of corn, sunflower, soybeans, flax squeeze a large number of valuable oils.

Fruits and seeds are used in various industries. From cotton manufacture natural fabrics, allowing you to feel comfortable even in the unbearable heat.

And in the period of colds without strawberries, raspberries and viburnum just can not do. They are rich in vitamin C supporting human immunity.

In nature, there are a lot of poisonous fruits. Belen causes vomiting and dizziness, elderos - diarrhea, binding of tees - violation of the activities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At the plant, the worsion eyes are poisonous all parts. Berries are traditionally the most dangerous because they have an attractive look. Especially often children are taking place. But it is impossible to do this in any way, because it can lead even to a heart stop.

We looked at which function is performed by the fruit as a generative organ of plants. It plays a crucial role for the organism itself, for its settlement and nutrition of animals. But most of all uses a person using whole and processed pieces of fruits.

1. What is a seed?

The seed is the embryo of the future plant with a margin of nutrients and a reliable protective sheath - seed peel.

2. What is the role of seeds in the life of plants?

For plants, the seeds play a crucial role, with the help of seeds the plant breeds and spread to other territories.

3. What role do the fruits in the life of plants?

The fruit is necessary to protect and distribute seeds.


1. What ways are the fruits and seeds in nature apply?

Fruits and seeds apply to wind, water, animals, man, as well as by self-religion.

2. What devices for distribution have fruits or seeds carrying by the wind?

The fruits or seeds carrying by the wind are for distribution have white fluffy hairs, wonderful grows.

3. What devices have fruits or seeds distributed by man and animals?

The fruits of plants such as a burdock or a series are equipped with sharp cloth and hooks.

Seeds of juicy fruit rowan, elderberry, bruborries, blueberries, cherry and other plants are protected by a solid shell, so they are not digested by eating animals.

4. What plants scatter their seeds?

Its seeds are scattering the lump, beans, peas, acacia, poppy, viola.


What is the importance in the nature of the spread of fruits and seeds?

The biological role of the spread of fruits and seeds is that plants thus expand their habitat.


1. Find out how fruits and seeds of plants growing near your home are applied.

Fruits or seeds carrying by the wind: Maple, dandelion.

Acacia scatters its seeds.

Seeds of juicy fruit rowan spreads with animals.

2. Collect the seeds of trees and shrubs. Piece of them sit in the school area, and remain the rest to the nearest nursery or forestry.

3. Collect seeds of decorative cultural and wild plant, as well as seeds of medicinal and rare plants for sowing on an educational and experimental site.