Repairs Design Furniture

Garden is not like everyone else - interesting ideas. We decorate the gift with your own hands: We make decorations from girlfriend. Create a wildlife corner, combining live plants and natural stones.

Despite the gradual drop in interest in cultivation on its country sites of various vegetable crops and arrangement instead of garden gardens, however, there are people who continue to plant different agricultural crops on their sites.

And if you approach this process creatively and use different ideas for the garden, you can significantly reduce the work of the garden owners.

Creation of lazy groes

Creating such a variety allows you to reduce the weeding, increase yield, and such beds will allow you to increase the time to relax.

To create such beds, you need to make a box or a rectangle of tightly bounded boards. Instead of a tree, you can use such building materials as slate, metal sheets and even capital beds laid out of bricks.

The dimensions of such a variety can be practically any, the main thing is that plants in such beds are not close and they should be positioned so that they are maximally covered with sunshine during the day.

From the inside of the incomplete frame of the trimming of PVC pipes, in the corners of the structure, as well as in several places along the long side of such a variety. The ends of such pipes must continue to perform for the top edge of the boards. Subsequently, these trims will serve to insert the arcs, which will be pulled by observer material if necessary.

The boxes are installed on the site in a predetermined place, on the bottom of such beds it is recommended to lay a fine metal mesh, which in some cases can protect landings from rodents. Inside such beds of boxes, the soil falls asleep and after filling the boxes, planting plants are performed.

In the summer period, such beds need to wipe almost every day in the morning or evening especially in the heat. To facilitate this task, you can always lay a drip irrigation system, which will produce watering plants not very often, but quite abundantly. So watering the garden is easy to make it yourself

For planting plants, such beds are drunk such a garden, seeds or seedlings are planted, after to eliminate the soil weeds are covered with mulch.

Such beds pay off quite quickly and with the cultivation of cultivated plants such beds are able to give a good harvest.

Landscape design in the garden

Even with the cultivation of vegetable crops, each garden, as well as trees and shrubs, can become elements of landscape design. For example, when growing any curly plants, it is necessary to use tapers for which the plant rises up. And if you cut it and give a beautiful appearance, such plants will decorate the garden.

On the plot it is recommended to install any small architectural forms, fall asleep the tracks with multi-colored gravel, plant plants not only strictly according to direct lines, but also in spirals, wave-like. The beds themselves around the perimeter from the outside can be decorated with natural or artificial stone.

If it is planned to make the walls of the beds from the boards, they should be taken, and to cover in several layers of olifa so that they retain their natural color as long as possible.

To scare away birds that love to be touched on a garden with practically any crops, it is recommended to install one two frightened, which can also be beautiful and originally decorated and periodically rearranged from place to scare away birds and shifts of the common garden of the garden.

To select the most optimal arrangement of the garden suitable in all parameters to the tastes of the owners, it is recommended to see the numerous photos of the garden made with their own hands. And then you choose the most optimal option for designing the garden.

Creating a beautiful garden

To create a beautiful garden, it is necessary to make enough effort, especially if the site is on uneven terrain or at an angle. Optimally, if the garden is in the smooth terrain.

But it is not worth it and despair if the site is on the slope or on the hill, in such sites it is possible to locate in the form of terraces.

And if you systematize the beds, bushes, trees in a certain order, taking into account the economic buildings, you can make a beautiful plot.

Well, then it will only be left to maintain the entire site in proper condition so that it does not lose its beauty. To do this, it is first recommended to make a plan scheme of the site with an indication of its sizes and, if possible (if any), the diagram should specify the height difference on the plan.

This is necessary not only for the competent distribution of a variety and other plantations on the plot, but also in order for certain cultures to oppress each other.

It is possible to create a certain effect to grow on certain sites, the different combined plants are especially concerned about colors and flowering plants. With their literate distribution, it is possible to obtain a stylish, well-groomed and beautiful view of the entire garden.

Maintaining the garden without much effort

In the modern world, people are forced to work long hours during the week, and they do not always have the opportunity to take care of the garden in a timely manner.

In order for the plants to successfully grow and develop, it is necessary to handle the beds. To facilitate this process, you should establish an automatic or semi-automatic system for watering cultivated plants.

If greenhouses are installed on the site, they can also be provided with similar watering systems and install automatic greenhouse ventilation systems. All this will make it possible to greatly facilitate the work of the amateur gardener and grow a good harvest.

It is advisable to make a bed in such a garden universal so that you can land different plants every year. This will avoid the rational of the soil, and the periodic disembarkation in the same beds of different plants will avoid the rational of the soil.

Proceed for a garden to your liking

The design of the garden does not usually cause special difficulties, but it all depends on the size of the plot, its area, relief, etc. On the issue of the design of the garden, it is necessary to approach not only thoughtfully and carefully, but also creatively.

Before the formation of a variety, and planting cultivated plants, taking into account already growing (shrubs, fruit trees), it is necessary to display the entire plan of the site schematically, taking into account all produced plantings and economic buildings. The plan should indicate the area of \u200b\u200bthe auxiliary buildings.

The plan should also display a place to rest, place for barbecue, you can also provide a place to create a small pool.

It is necessary when landing all plants and the arrangement of all necessary zones to be guided by common sense to plant plants so that they do not oppress each other, and at the same time, it should be taken into account between them (for each culture they are certain) in order not to turn the garden in Thickets of tropical impassable forests.

So create one or another design of the garden does not make much difficult work, the main thing when creating a beautiful design of the garden adhere to the opinions of those people who have already used different techniques to create such a type of garden and cottages.

Photo of the garden do it yourself

Who said that the garden should be extremely simple, and the beds on it are long and straight? This is not at all, if you wish to make a garden with your own hands not like everyone else - interesting ideas, decoration options, step-by-step instructions and master classes are collected in this article.

If you wish to become more independent of the boring garden troubles, you can master the methodology for creating lazy beds that allow you to enjoy the dual pastime and do not require regular weeding. Moreover, beds for lazy are not only very comfortable - they also increase the yield of garden crops!

Dachniks know perfectly, how much attention and strength requires every planted plant, and the results are far from always justify the costs - for example, seedlings may not exist either, as an option, do not give the desired harvest. And the arrangement of lazy beds is one of the possible options for solving this problem.

What is the feature of such beds? First of all, the fact that seedlings grow "by themselves", but the yield is increasing several times. The technique is based on one simple rule: the beds can not be easily or dig, except for their preparation and directly landing. Yes, permanent weeding helps to get rid of weed plants and fluffing the soil, but the latter sooner or later dries off and stops providing plants with sufficient moisture.

Note! Preparation in this case is very important - it is recommended to be carried out in the fall, since then there is an opportunity to assemble a muffin material (the land can be covered with cones, straw, wood sawdust). If there is such a cover, weeds will not be able to germinate on the site.

The process of manufacturing a lazy garden, nothing difficult and consists of several simple steps.

Step 1. First, decide which the height of the seams of beds will be (it depends on the place where you install them). In accordance with the required dimensions, apply board boards, connect with the help of screws and wooden bars (at the corners). It is advisable to use clamps, as in the image below. After completing the assembly, turn the finished box and take a seat under it, based on the conditions of illumination.

Step 2. Drop the pits with a depth of 12-15 cm for corner bars, firmly set the bed. Check the sides using the construction level (in order to function normally in the future). Attach the sections of PVC pipes from the inside to the scenaries for the subsequent film setting or the hoop with the grid. Drain the bottom of the bed, cover it with a fine metal mesh (it will protect the landing from rodents), as well as a layer of geotextile (the last moment depends on the purpose and the materials of the bed).

Step 3. Put the box with the soil, fix the hoses for the drip irrigation system. Square. If necessary - install arcs for underfloor material. Everything, lazy Gibergis is ready for use!

  1. Be sure to take care of the watering system. This may not be the most expensive model. Watering can be done not often, but abundantly - so plants will receive enough moisture before your next arrival.

  • The key to saving time and strength can be correctly selected gardening inventory. Therefore, buy only high-quality tools - not only buckets with shovels, but also other useful little things that facilitate work. In addition, think in advance how this inventory will be stored.
  • When the planting season begins, unpacked the ground in order to prepare it to seeds / seedlings. After planting plants, the soil is no longer touched - the mulch will take care and protect plantings from weeding plants. From you you will need only timely watering beds.
  • On a note! The way, as you can see, an interesting and very effective is the perfect option for both lazy and experienced dacities who know their job well.

    Prices for Trelliers

    Video - arrangement of lazy beds under the film

    Good crops with high beds

    The construction of a frame and watering high beds is a very time-consuming (at least at first) a process that, nevertheless, in the future will help you forget about bad crops or an adverse climate.

    The sun always illuminates the high bed, and therefore the earth warms it enough in order to start landing in April. The metal mesh laid below will protect the plants from rodents. If the frame will not be very wide (no more than 1.5 meters), then you will be convenient to care for plantings from two sides. Still a bed can be divided along two stripes and cover the film to make a kind of greenhouse.

    Note! It is these beds that make it possible to get the earliest harvest - at the beginning of salads, and later vegetables. The disadvantage of this design is only one - the need for frequent watering. The fact is that water in such a soil is not delayed for a long time.

    High beds, despite the initial difficulties with arrangement, will still quickly pay off and give good results. In addition, it looks quite attractive.

    Smart beds - a great option for your garden

    Smart beds (and they are also called warm), they are practically no different from the lazy, except that the chief emphasis here is made precisely on fertilizers. It is well known that good fertilizer contributes to an increase in yield (even with a minimum of the accompanying effort). The ground in such beds is not the usual land, but a compost that includes wood sawdust, foliage, straw, thanks to which future plants will receive even more nutrients. On top of the compost, the thin layer of the soil is stacked, and a month after preparation, you can already start the disembarkation.

    The height of such can reach 1 m, but they can be protected in the same way as high beds described earlier. It is recommended to use for this logs, stones, bricks, thanks to which the garden will look even more attractive. Also, do not forget about the inner watering.

    The method is suitable for those who can spend time on the construction and get a lot of fertilizers. But it is safe to say that all efforts with interest will pay off, and you will have beautiful beds bringing a crop for a couple of weeks before the deadline.

    Making an inexpensive high bed

    The cheapest way to build high beds is to enhole with a parasite. Among other things, such beds will become the perfect decoration of the area made in natural style. You can grow here not only vegetables, but also flowers. As noted above, the arrangement provides for multilayer filling. We will consider the simplest example of his example.

    Table. Instructions for the arrangement of budget warm beds.

    Steps, photosDescription of action

    Build the Earth inside a conventional cardboard or geotextile already made by a wicker - so useful substances will not go into the ground during irrigation. The durability of cardboard is not worth talking at all, but it is good because the cellulose in the future will also become an organic.

    On top of the cardboard, pour the layer of weeds from the garden or freshly jammed lawn grass.

    Then pour dry hay.

    On top of the hay, pour a layer of compost or, as an option, overworked leaves.

    And the last layer is a fertile black thing.

    The optimal time to arrange such beds is autumn, since after the summer there will be all the necessary components. By the way, if necessary, you can take care of the natural heating of the soil - for this you need to make a thin layer of manure (the latter will rebuild and highlight heat).

    Video - Make universal warm beds

    Let it be strange for us, but the garden can also become an element of landscape design. And with this task you can cope with your own hands! We give some useful tips that will necessarily help you with the design of the garden.

    1. If possible, try to use a sleeper - thanks to her, curly plants will be able to make their contribution to the design of the garden plot.

  • Use contrast (not only in color, but also in form) of culture, experiment. For example, large can be effectively supplemented with tied tomatoes or the same curly plants.
  • Grokes need to be framed, not only to increase yields. The garden can become a combination of a single plot, if used for its framing the same material.
  • Do not forget about the colors - they can be decoration not only of the house zone, but also the vegetable garden. Give preference to perennial cultures suitable for style to create beautiful beds.
  • Between themselves, bedding can be divided into small paths, and to fill the space to use, for example, pebbles.
  • If you do not plan to receive a lot of harvesting from beds, you can draw your attention to English or French style.
  • All of these tips will help you make once boring garden work easier and more pleasant. We also note that the garden can be decorated and more traditional (in our understanding) element - for example, scarecrow.

    Prices for pebbles

    galka River

    Scarecrow Garden - Original Dacha Decoration!

    Scarecrow on a garden can be not only a means for scaring birds, but also a real decorative element.

    It is believed that scarecrow is necessarily a shabby and dressed in rags, looking really frighteningly. But today's dachanik is also an esthete, which is why the current scarecrow looks good and more careful.

    Some of the modern masterpieces even scarecrow can not be called. For example, can someone scare such a charming crow?

    You may note that for the manufacture of a similar decorative element, skills are required or even talent. Sometimes it is true, but you can always find a simpler, but original and attractive option.

    Flower pot, a couple of jeres and an old dress - and ready scarecrow

    An old flower pot can be found on any summer cottage, as well as 2 troops under the frame. To create "Locks", use some unpretentious plant, colorful outfit in the covers, the rest - to your taste. The main thing is to consolidate the "head", since it will weigh a lot in this case.

    If you are fascinated by the creative process, you can not stop on one scarecrow. Make a charming couple or a whole company of original garden stuffed.

    If such colorful person does not fit into the design of your site, look for a more appropriate idea - for example, pay attention to this couple.

    You can finally get acquainted with our master class to create another cute frightened.

    Table. How to make scarecrow - step-by-step instructions.

    Steps, photosDescription of action

    First prepare old jeans for starters. Ankolotok tie the nodes as in the image on the left, after which they bring some unnecessary old rags or leaves, as in the example to give the volume.

    In addition, the old jacket will also need. Take it and connect with jeans stolen.

    Next, the thread in jeans belt and not too much tighten it. The sweater can fill all the same old rag, after which the belt can already be delayed.

    As a result, you should get about the following.

    For the manufacture of a "head", you can use the old T-shirt. The latter also type anything for the volume, after turning inside out to mask the sleeves.

    The last touch of the composition will, of course, the hat. In the absence, you can make a wreath from the leaves to hoist it stuffed. Everything, it remains only to draw a face - good or evil (you decide).

    Many variations of the mill today can be purchased in stores or in individual craftsmen. But often the price of such decorative objects is overestimated, and if you know how to work with wood, it makes sense to try to make a mill with your own hands for the garden. And will help you.

    Now your crop is under reliable security, and the garden itself looks really original, not like everyone else! A few more examples of cute gardeners, you will find in the video below.

    Video - Options for a scared for the garden

    Everyone who has or a plot of land at a private house, thinks about how to reflect the territory and make its estate beautiful. Many quite successfully achieve this goal by decorative plants, colors, garden trees and landscape design elements. But our garden may have to be beautiful - we picked up 100 photos of country gardens that will help you make sure.

    The style and size of your garden can be completely different, but it does not prevent him from being one of the most beautiful corners at the cottage.

    Country garden photo. Unusual shape of the garden

    Garden beds do not necessarily have to be boring and monotonous. Look like beautiful gardens on these photos due to the shape of the beds.

    They can give the most different configuration.

    And decorative sides and borders can revive the view of your garden as nothing else.

    They can be made of any girlfriend, including old boards, metal, brick or stones.

    Very beautiful bed fencing in the shape of a shoulder. In order for the soil from the box, the soil is covered with the inside of the inside the agriculture.

    Beautiful vegetable garden. Photo how to combine plants

    However, there is little simply beautifully arrange the beds themselves. To completely transform the garden, you need to work on their contents.

    Much of what grows in your garden is beautiful in itself. Why not take advantage of this?

    How can I diversify your garden?

    Let's look at these photos as far as possible plants, taking into account their appearance so that the combinations of plants create interesting compositions.

    When you can combine not only useful cultures among themselves. No one forbade plant flowers and decorative plants right on the bed with a cabbage.

    And it is not necessary to land all the smooth parallel rows. Try to remember other figures from school geometry.

    Or create creative chaos, the harmony of which is not explained by the severity of forms and lines.

    Fantasize! But do not forget about the basic principles of compatibility and crop rotation.

    Salting tall plants, remember also that they can create a shadow for their low-speed neighbors.

    Garden: Photo of comfortable beds in the country

    If all this seems to you excessive and unnecessary, then here is the simplest way to bring order in the garden and give it a neat look.
    Lift the beds quite a bit and spread in the aisles between the beds of the agriculture - it will prevent the growth of weeds, and you do not have to spend the forces on the weeping tracks. Even these minimal measures are able to transform the traditional garden to be unrecognizable.

    Such beds do not need to dig. Squeeze or trenches are digging for landing, and cover, covering the bed of mulch from straw or beveled grass. The size of the bed should be so that it can be handled from both sides.

    How to handle wooden fences for beds.

    Often the question arises than to handle chambers for the beds so that they serve longer. Such boards cannot be treated with chemicals that can harm you and your plants. Therefore, neither the usual olive, nor waste machine oil nor ordinary antiseptics for wood here fit here. Natural Olife is environmentally friendly, but it is expensive.

    For the same reasons, avoid making beds of beds from slate, plastic or rubber. Some stamps of these materials are isolated toxic substances. And to determine whether the slate is harmful, which you plan to bed or not, in the view, is impossible even to professional chemist.

    The most economical processing of wooden fences for breakers for money.
    From the inside, the board generously handle copper vitriors (you can directly dip in it), and it is enough to bother with lime outside. This option can last up to 15 years.

    The most economical version of wooden fences for beds in time.
    Terraced board, fairly road, but contains all the necessary protection against rotting. It will last as a fence for a bed of decades.

    But as the practice of dachensors shows, even boards, taken for a bed of a bed without any processing, quietly serve 5-6 years.

    Beautiful vegetable garden for every taste.

    Alternatively, with a conventional garden, you can plant your garden in the same way as the flowers are beautiful rounded shapes near the gazebo or recreation area.

    The most beautiful in any garden is the plants themselves. Healthy, fresh fragrant. If you try a garden as a decorative flowerbed, take care that he does not gap with bare voids after harvesting early vegetables and greens.

    If the garden is small, then you can spend on beautiful fences for high beds.

    Combining vegetables with decorative plants, you will be surprised at how unexpectedly refined view of the leaves and fruits of vegetable crops.

    Beautiful garden, as well as flowers, you can grow in a container and decorate with them terrace.

    You can replenish the ranks of the owners of beautiful gardens even if you have no cottage. Perhaps the roots of the type of carrot, it is not practical on the balcony, but to grow greens and special pots of tomato and pepper forces to everyone.

    It is not necessary to experiment with the garden design for the entire site - try to make this year a small kitchen garden near the house in the form of flower beds. One of your practical step will give you more information and conclusions than 100 photos of beautiful gardens.

    Beautiful garden is not empty fun. It still brings useful vitamins, charges health and helps save on products. Your garden can be the subject of your special pride if it has its own unique design and modern practicality. But, this is your garden, and you decide how much you are ready to work in determination to make it beautiful, like on these photos.

    Any work spent on the garden will undoubtedly pay off a good harvest. But behind the beautiful garden is more desire to care for, do you agree?

    Every cottage, every garden plot can always be decorated with infirous materials, which are very much in the country. Of these materials, unusual things may be able to attract the attention of many. In this article you will learn about how to make it so that the garden, the garden and the cottage became beautiful. Here we have collected all the brightest and interesting. And all this can be made with your own hands.

    Garden decoration in winter

    To decorate the garden with your own hands with something interesting is not only in the summer, but also in winter. In winter, you can make sculpture cones. The bumps for the sculpture at the same time are harvested in advance. Make it in the fall. The cones are used in creating entire sculptures or individual elements.

    If you take a wire and rod, then you can make it possible to make volumetric compositions. In this case, it is recommended to armonize your fantasy T to create what your soul wants. In this matter, the most important thing is not to limit yourself. Sculptures can be completely any size.

    In the garden decoration in winter, of course, it is used. From the snow yourself create sculptures of different sizes. And so that they looked even more beautifully highlight them. The effect will be impressive.

    As a rule, in winter it is very fatal. Therefore, glowing garlands and other elements will be in this case a wonderful decoration.

    In the garden decoration, various sculptures can be used. You can buy them in the store or manufacture yourself.

    Original idea. In winter, you can decorate the cottage with figurines from ice. For their manufacture, you will need a beautiful form in which beautiful decorations are laid out. It may be: Rowan berries or a bump. Fill these elements with water and leave on the frost. After a while, everything will freeze and finished products are used in the garden decoration. For greater originality, such products are tinted by food dyes.

    In winter, everything looks harmonious in the garden. Trees are scattered with snow and everything looks beautiful. But the situation in the garden can be made even more attractive. Make bulk compositions from wire and branches. Compositions may have the form of beasts or some geometric shapes.

    In this article we will try to list bright crafts for your garden. However, if you do not know how to create something beautiful, you do not need to worry. Enough in the garden to position the correct sanctification and the garden will be able to wake with new paints.

    Decoration of Tietary

    Modern gardening decoration is significantly different from ancient years. Today, with the help of some efforts, the garden has become more convenient and practical. Make your garden more interesting simple. Take advantage of the following recommendations.

    Make zoning. The garden should be divided into sections. In each section, it is recommended to grow those types of plants that are able to get well with each other. As a result, the process of servicing the garden will become easier, and the growth of plants will be better.

    Take advantage of fences. Experts recommend every section of the garden to extinguish from others and lift over the overall level of soil. As a result, you can save time on the weeping, and the land will not be oversaturated. You should come up with an attractive sideboard. You can use wood or other materials. Make them above the ground level. As a result, there will always be purity and order between the beds. Below for you, we collected photographs of the decoration of the garden. Each such solution will help save place in the garden. In addition, it will look very beautiful.

    The garden is rational to use the place. Plants distribute in the desired order. As a result of this action, the garden will look neat and care for it will be faster and easier.

    Good idea: Better tracks from concrete or gravel can be laid between the beds on the garden. With the help of such tracks it will be possible to get rid of dirt, and it will be more convenient to work with the beds.

    It is worth noting that the most interesting crafts for giving, which can be made with their own hands are able to make the cottage very beautiful. At any dacha or in a conventional country house, you can equip the simulation of wildlife. Put the floor with a suitable coating. Such a coating can serve a simple grass for lawn. Arrange the country's furniture. And be sure to arrange the plants. In such a zone, you can relax and enjoy comfort.

    Decoration of the household site is a creative process that allows you to relax from work in the garden and in the garden. The decorated area becomes a wonderful holiday destination for the owners of the cottages and their guests.

    When I want something beautiful, but there is only an empty piece of earth with two old trees, it is not easy to decide what to do with this piece. The use of the skills of landscape design professionals is expensive. Does there really have a simple budget way to decorate the garden with rented materials? There is!

    Rainbow in Rosary

    It will take a small plot of land, ordinary stones and acrylic paint. In this case, as a test site, they are unsolicited by the remnants of the rosary.

    By the way! Everything can be useful, for example, weaves, from which you can build a great track for children and adults. Better if the wood is dry. In any case, not wet.

    This style of landscape design can be called "positivism". It will fit perfectly if you have children, you love flowers and think that summer is the time of bright colors.

    Now it would be nice to mulch the well. But the mulch is not. But there are stones. Pebbles are in bed. It is quite possible to use how mulch. Around the trunk neatly lay out white small pebbles on the crumpled soil. The radius is about 15 cm. If they are not white, or in general, multi-colored, you can cut them right on the spot after laying acrylic white sprays.

    Large stones will have to paint with a tassel. Two layers of paint (one, and when driving - the second) is quite enough. Stones do not necessarily dye from all sides - one of them will still lie on the ground.

    Tip! Acrylic paints diliate half water, otherwise they will be too thick and slandered unevenly. In addition, so they are enough for a long time.

    Jars with 200 ml paints are enough for about 60 major stones. Large stones painted in bright colors will serve edging for roses.

    Green finish

    After that, the most interesting begins. Around the pink bushes, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the project, the emerald grass of the lawn will grow. This means that you will need something. Namely: sand or peat, humus, fertilizer for lawn, grass seeds.

    It is best to search at once sports lawn, which has a minimum of four varieties of herbs. It is necessary to sow thick. Written on a box with seeds area for which seeds are designed, immediately multiply on two.

    Tip! So that the lawn lay down exactly, and was homogeneous, the grass seeds are mixed with sawdust. With sand, it is not worth mixing, it is harder and homogeneous with light seeds will not give.

    Before sowing the lawn, complete the laying of decorative pebbles around the white mulching pebbles. Stones in the soil do not need to be pressed, just put it on the surface. When the grass begins to grow up, she will slightly cover the pebbles.

    Next to the pink bushes, lay out a path made of painted wooden sleeps. It is not necessary to do a solid track, enough "steps" so that you can walk or become on them to care for roses. While the young grass is growing up, it's not worth it to trample.

    How to sow perfect lawn

    1. To prepare the soil, rub it with robbles, breaking all lumps.

    2. Then lay on the surface with a thin layer of humus (1 cm) and suck with sand mixed with peat (2 cm).
    3. Nutrient soil is not needed, as you have already laid a layer of humus under the future lawn. But for more effect, you can sprinkle the prepared platform for starting fertilizer for the lawn in granules.
    4. After that compact the soil. For this, it is not necessary for a special rink and even a big barrel. Two small sheets of plywood or any material on which you can stand enough. One sheet is put on, getting on it, glad to put the second, go to it. And so while the entire area does not compare.

    5. Now it is necessary to water the soil well and you can suck seeds. They should be dry. When buying pay attention to the date of the package, which stands on the box. It is desirable that it be no more than two years ago.
    6. Try to sow evenly in all directions. The thicker you seize, the more dense it will be the turf and above the stability of the lawn.

    7. Failure of seeds soil. A layer of 1 cm is sufficient. Watering with small sprinkles, so as not to blur the land.

    Tip! If there is neither peat, nor sand, buy a construction sieve. Select a place in the garden with a dry soil and ask for it through the sieve. It turns out a great fridge.

    If the invasion of birds is cool or expected at night, you can cover the crops of the film. Under the film warmer by 5-7 degrees, the seeds will go faster. Yes, and moisture required by seeds for punishing, in the shelter will continue better.

    Tip! Ants from one anthill in a couple of hours can drain half of your fresh landing lawn. So that this does not happen, it is worth it to take care of anticipation of ants, as well as slugs that young grass will go with pleasure.

    Now it remains only to wait for the flowering of roses and greenery. All the beauty is spent one weekend and minimum of money. Moreover, success is guaranteed, because there is nothing difficult in creating such a project. It looks very positive. Easy to care. Causes admiration for the neighbors and the stormy delight of the children.

    Video - how to plant a lawn

    Video - Decorative Painting Stones for Garden

    Flower "Creek"

    You have a country area, a vegetable garden, a garden, a beam flower bed, but something is missing. The soul asks beauty. Here, for example, make an artificial reservoir with your own hands. No, not a swimming pool, but at least a small pond, or streams. But it is so difficult! You need to dig a pit, carry cobblestones, buy a film or plastic container, mess with aquatic plants, acquire all sorts of mechanisms - filters, pumps. Think, beauty is simple? Still as happens! Easy way to acquire beauty without additional material and physical costs - streams of colors.

    The floral stream is not even an element of landscape design, but a way. The non-traditional method of planting plants is not on the usual flowerbed, but in the form of a bitch arising from any container. All costs are to purchase a container. Although, you can use the old clay pot.

    Miracle from the pot

    To create a floral stream, you will need part of the site on which you were going to make another banal flower leaf. Capacity - it can be: a pot, jug, a bottle (any container, from which the future "stream" will take the beginning) and finished to landing floral seedlings. You can sow a stream and seeds, but in this case, firstly, with beauty you will have to wait, and secondly, it is not known how the seeds will go. The stream can be uneven and with "propellas". Seeds can shove the birds, wash off rain, drag the ants in their dwelling.

    Soil plants

    The choice of plants for the stream is not so obvious, as it seems at first glance. You can use soil rates and pinch plants.

    Table. The choice of soil workers in accordance with the conditions of growth.

    Growth conditionsTypes of soil plants
    If the flower "stream" runs along the illuminated garden plots, it is necessary to plant light-minded soils.These include: Anything, peeling cloves, cutch, carpet phlox, Alissaum.
    If the location of the stream in onest, plant plants that can endure shading.Sit down the dwarf astilba, Tiall, Yellow Lamiastrum, Brunaru, Bowls, Trophy, Lutikovoid Anemone. These plants are luxuriously bloom and feel great in shading, for example, among the trees.
    Flower stream can be created even in a strongly shaded place.To do this, use the shadowable soils: the violence is fragrant, the balquin is small.
    The stream can be created even where the constant dampness and the earth even in the summer "does not smell."Moofly busy plants: Goose Papes, Houttynia, Coinsted Welberry form a lush and colorful "water flow".


    Along with the soil workers, it is possible to use many annuals for creating a floral stream, only to choose low grades, not higher than 30-50 cm. The list of annuals for this purpose is huge. Limit only those that in your climate sow in the ground. The impressive list is to choose from what.

    By the way! Will effectively look bully flowers. They can be attached close to each other, and weak and defective, if necessary, replace.

    Instead of pots you can use stump

    Bulbous flowers and perennials

    The "bulb" version of the stream can be made of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, muskari, gladmi (miniature gladiolus), anemones, freesia, cyclamen and other perennials.

    Root perennials can also be used. Excellent will look in line of primroses, Yaskolka, Camery, Veronica, Pansies, Carpathian bell, Armeria, Glovenka, Daisy, Pechechennica.

    No tilt for "stream"? Create it with mound of land

    Planting a stream

    Deciding with the landing material, finding the suitable jug, denoting the length and width of the future flower stream, can be started.

    1. The ground is dripped, purified from weeds, well align and moisturized.
    2. The plants are then placed on pre-placed places.
    3. All watered.
    4. It is important to remember that the soil plants grow quickly, therefore the zones of their disembarkation need to be limited, and the coming "from the shores" the shoots of shoots regularly delete.

    That's all, the floral stream is ready. It will require no more care than ordinary flowerbed - watering, feeding, removing dried flowers. The visual effect you will get will surpass all your dreams of beauty. Do you still think that beauty is not simple?

    Creating a dry stream on the site

    Growing up

    Liana occupy a special place in the hierarchy of decorative plants. Their stems are flexible and unstable (among herbaceous annuals, among perennials there are tree lianas). But the vitality and desire to grow "to the sky" - unprecedented. They only need a support. Give Lianam Support, and they will turn your site into a fabulous blooming kingdom.

    Vertical landscaping for which Liana is used, a very important part of landscape design. If most plants can "cope" with horizontal surfaces, then fences, walls, pillars, balconies, terraces decorated only with LIAN.

    Is it too hot in the summer in a gazebo? Create a shadow with climbing crops

    What are good Liana

    1. Most of the Liana do not require a large power area. They are sufficiently small soil (twice as fewer than any other plant) to give you much more than any other plant, leaf mass and colors.
    2. Liana can grow near the wall of the house, where the foundation and the layer of the soil over concrete passes only 15 cm.
    3. Liana can grow in tubs and flower pots.
    4. Liana is very resistant to drought, to excessive humidity, many - to cold.
    5. They do not need high nutrient soil. Of course, they will not give up fertilizers, but without feeding will grow and bloom, and some are also fruit.
    6. Annual lianas are beautiful in that the speed of their growth is up to 5 cm per day.

    Tip! If you need urgently, this summer, to re-organize an unsightly wall or poured a blooming greenery pergola, a gazebo, terrace, seek help to Ipomee, Dolichos, fragrant peas, quamoclite, kobee, nasturtium, decorative beans. These fast-growing lianas will cope with the decoration of the site on "excellent."

    Table. Annual lianas and their characteristics.

    This curly annual grows up to 4 m high or there, where you will send it. If you do not direct, "will head" himself. He will braid everything that can and can not be shaved - fence, neighboring fence, wood, sunflower, grapes.
    This is a curly annual from the bob family. Its stems can grow to 3-3.5 m. Stems thin, ribbed. And the flowers are from 3 to 5 cm in diameter, all sorts of tones and colors and with a delightful thin, but strong aroma.
    Grow up to 5 meters. Flowers are small, but very interesting shape. Coloring is also the most different - from white, to red and motley. Blowing beans can be up to the most frost. Her foliage, together with flowers, looks very decorative and, at the same time, exquisitely.
    This plant is wondering not only (not so much) with flowers as your openwork leaves. The flowers at the quamoclite are also available. They are funnelized, intense red, quite numerous. But the foliage of the plant, the bright green, dissected into the many "lobes", resembling, whether the housing of evergreen trees, or the Acacia, helps the quamoclite flowers to appear in all his scarlet.
    This plant is exceptionally elegant. He has a large leaves, trees, dark green color with a purple tint. Flowers - in the form of beans. Large, purple and emitting magic aroma. Dolichos blooms late - at the end of summer. But it blooms to frosts, until the end of October.
    Kobeya climbing - from other LIAN is distinguished by very beautiful and large colors. Flowers, up to 9 cm, just fantastic. In the form of bells, slightly elongated, and from them far beyond the flower look long stamens. Flowers Kobei from the middle of summer to frosts. Flowers are dairy and purple coloring. Violet first greenish, then cream, and only then linen (or acquire a bluish tint) and become purple. Therefore, on the same Liane at the same time, the flowers of three different shades can be seen.
    Very useful and high decorative flower. Leaves, flowers and fruit nastures are used in cooking, cosmetics, traditional medicine. Grow up to two meters. Grows very quickly. Large leaves, wide, beautiful irregular shape. Flowers - "Gramophone" of solar colors - from dark burgundy to lemon yellow. Flower all summer and half of autumn.

    The cultivation of annual lian

    In the cultivation of herbal annual Lian there is nothing complicated. You can sow them directly into the soil (since these plants develop rapidly, it is better that the soil is loose and fertilized).

    1. Sow at the end of May.
    2. Make shallow wells, 2-3 seeds are placed in each well.
    3. If the seeds are small, you can sow into the grooves. Depth - about two centimeters.
    4. Pour sowing and waiting.
    5. Waiting will have to be long. After a half or two weeks, sprouts will appear.
    6. After two weeks, it is worth making support for them (pull the ropes, install pergolas), for which they will clip.

    If you want to get the flowering of annual Lian before, it makes sense to grow first seedlings, and then plant it into open ground. Seed seeds are planted in April, in separate peat pots (most of herbaceous Lian, a weak root system, which is not to be injured during transplantation).

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