Repairs Design Furniture

Than laundering a dirty laminate. How to wash laminate without divorces: useful tips. Folk remedies for laminate care

What washing the laminate so that there were no traces and divorces from detergent, scratches, swelling panels - these questions are interested in many homeowners. The laminated coating today belongs to the most popular: externally similar to parquet panels have quite high performance characteristics and affordable price. The multilayer material from the MDF and decorative paper plates coated with acrylic or melamine resin is cleaned of contaminants by special rules, which will be discussed on.

Finding out how to wash the laminate, you should first study a list of prohibited tools and detergents: it will help longer save the glitter coating and avoid many troubles. So, when washing the laminate is not recommended:

  • use abrasive powders;
  • apply soap, soap solutions and other alkaline preparations - they damage the protective coating of acrylic resin, poorly washed away and leave traces;
  • use acids, bleaching - they also eat the top layer of laminate;
  • clean the pollution with a metal washcloth or a rigid brush

Detergents and Work Tools

What washing the laminate so that he glistened like a new one? It is easy to achieve this if you buy the appropriate inventory and detergents. The laminate washing kit includes:

  • an ordinary vacuum cleaner equipped with a soft bristle (or) nozzle;
  • a broom with a mild pile;
  • flat with microfiber material or microfiber rag;
  • bucket;
  • soft dry fabric.

Now it is easy to choose a special means for washing laminate without divorces. The consistency of such drugs is usually liquid or gel, and the pH indicator is neutral. The safest of them are formulations based on organic raw materials (for example, Mellerud Bio). You can apply less expensive universal gels with a mark "for any species of sex."

Important: Detergents intended for laminate, preferably check in advance. To this end, they are tested on a small low-rise site. If after that the floor is cleared of contaminants and is not damaged, the means is suitable for use.

Daily cleaning is not necessary to perform with detergent. From laminate without divorce in this case? So that alkaline water does not leave whiten traces, it is neutralized vinegar (100 ml on 2 liters of water).

Fighters to remove stains

Usually, the protective coating interferes with the introduction of pollutants into the lower layers of laminate. Therefore, most stains are removed wet, and then a dry cloth. In other cases, the following recommendations will be useful.

  • Laminatclear, Loba, Quick Step stains are used from complex pollution. If they are lacking universal gels in concentrated form: they will cope with the footsteps of juice, chocolate, bold stains.
  • Lipstick, shoe cream, varnish, ink remove acetone, methyl alcohol or all the same Laminatclear and Loba. These same drugs remove the strokes of the pencil or felt-meter.
  • Blood stains, food, wines remove the glass washing tool. It is sprayed onto the surface, wearing a soft cloth. Then the napkin is rinsed in water and wipe the floor again, then treated with a dry cloth.
  • Paraffin from a candle or chewing gum carefully believes a wooden scraper. Then the surface is degreased and applied repair paste for a laminate or a wax pencil.

Instructions for washing laminate coating

In order for the floor to be truly clean, it is worth understanding than washing laminate at home and what actions algorithm. This will help brief step-by-step instructions.

  1. For a start, the floor covering will carefully sweep.
  2. Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning, using a brush with a mild pile, so as not to scratch the floor.
  3. The detergent is diluted with water in the ratio prescribed in the instructions.
  4. Mop nozzle is wetted in solution, squeeze, wipe the floor on a small area. After that, the nozzle washed, wipe the next fragment of the coating. The operation is repeated until the car wash is all laminate.

But the advice, how to wash the laminate so that there were no divorces. To do this, repeat the floor processing, wetting the mop in clean water. In the process of washing, the water is repeatedly changed, and the nozzle is diligently pressed. To laminate glitter after cleaning, it is polished with a soft dry cloth.

For high-quality laminate washing, we use the appropriate mqvabra

Note: If the floor is not too dirty, it is moisturized by the sprayer. When using a rag or nozzle, they need to press well. With an optimal tick, the washed gear dries no longer than 2 minutes after a damp cleaning.

Is it possible to use the washing vacuum cleaner and steam generator

When you are interested, than you can wash the laminate, except for the mops, the thought of the washing vacuum cleaner immediately arises. Modern household appliances allows you to quickly remove dust - this is especially important on large areas. In order to damage the protective film during washing, two points should be taken into account.

  1. Laminate quality. The mechanized car wash with a vacuum cleaner is recommended only for lasting and wear-resistant laminate 32-34 class. In addition, he must have a wax impregnation that prevents the boat of the boards when moisture gets into.
  2. Model of vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to choose a harvester unit, spraying a moderate amount of water and quickly collecting it. For the washing of laminate, apparatuses with suction capacity of at least 300 watts are suitable. Well, if the model is equipped with a parquet adapter and a device controlling water supply depending on the flooring. The equipment includes a special nozzle, instantly removing unnecessary moisture from the floor. Among the best models it is worth noting Thomas, Vax, Bissel.

Trying to find an answer to the question than you can still wash the laminate so that there are no traces, users sometimes pay attention to. This is an aggregate of a new generation, which allows removing not only dust, but also to disinfect the surface, destroy the fungus. And two more advantages: the purification of the ferry is carried out without the use of chemical means, after cleaning there is no divorce. But this method is not suitable for processing laminate with a lock connection: steam penetrates the gaps between the boards, deforming the material.

Important: The steam generator is recommended only for laminate with a glue type of connections. The microfiber nozzle is folded several times, and the steam supply is included periodically. It is impossible to purify the laminated laminated floor with a wax coating: because of this, the near-surface layer is melted and deformed.

How to wash laminate after repair

For prophylaxis, the floor should be placed in advance with a polyethylene film. If he still contaminated, you should learn how to wash the laminate without divorce after repair.

Cleaning technology is as follows:

1. Dirt and garbage trash sweep;

2. Quickly and carefully remove paint splashes or dried with acetone solvent or ethyl alcohol. The solution is applied to the stain and withstand a minute, wipe the dry first, and then the moistened napkin.

3. Scratches and chips fill the repair paste or disguised as a wax pencil.

4. Wash the floor in the usual way.

If in the process of repairing the laminate hit the acid, it remains only to replace the damaged board.

How to extend the life of Laminate: General rules for care

To increase the service life of the laminated board, the right choice of material when buying, as well as neat operation. Depending on the purpose of residential premises, material with different marking indicates its wear resistance is used. It is from this quality that depends largely how much laminate will last.

  • 21-22 Class - a budget option for residential premises, has low wear resistance, it fully serves about 4 years.
  • 23 It is better to wear wear, with proper operation performs its functions on average for 6 years.
  • A little more expensive 31st grade gives a chance of full use of the floor covering for 10-12 years.
  • Laminate 32-33 classes - has a thick protective layer, moisture-resistant impregnation. The material is intended for public institutions with a large load, but it is placed in apartments. The high price pays off for a service life for 15-20 years.
  • The 34th class of laminate panels has the maximum strength, which allows it to be used in places with maximum load.

Currently, classes 21, 22, and 23 are no longer produced, but it is likely that someone may have such a sexual coating.

So that modern coverage does not lose their appearance, it should not only find out how to wash the laminate floor, but also to learn other rules for care. Here are the basic recommendations received from manufacturers and cleaning specialists.

1. Prevent scratches and scuffs.

2. Prevention damage to liquid coating.

  • Randomly spilled water should be immediately blocked up with a soft napkin. Floor vases with flowers put in special pallets.
  • Warning burnout. So that the sunlight does not discolor a laminate, windows should be shadowed with blinds or curtains.
  • Wet and dry cleaning. You can vacuine coating every other day: Laminated layer repels dust. Wash laminate follows 2 times a week, and with a special means - 2 times a month. After wet cleaning, it is advisable to wipe the floor with a dry cloth. Mastics for laminate are not applied: it remains on the laminated surface in the form of divorces.
  • Cleaning matte laminate. Manufacturers are advised daily to wipe it with a soft napkin.


Laminate is a delicate floor covering that can be easily spoiled by an excess of moisture. Therefore, you need to know how to clean it correctly after repair and how to care for further. Under the observance of non-hard rules, the laminate floor will maintain an attractive appearance for many years. Most often, during cleaning, the problem of traces and divorces remaining on the surface arises. So that the laminate at home was clean and glittered, the councils of the Cleaning Services specialists should be adhered to.

What can not be used?

Externally durable and reliable laminate is afraid of moisture. Penetrating the gap between the panels, it causes you torsion and intimidation of the edges. Especially scary for flooring the impact of hot water, due to which the laminate can be deformed. In this regard, it will be necessary to abandon the use of steam detergents: they serve steam and hot water, which will certainly fall into the joints and cause damage to the panels.

The exception is laminate, in the process of installation of which a special sealant for castle connections was used. It protects the edges from the penetration of moisture and deformation.

In addition, there are a number of funds that are extremely not recommended to be used when caring for fiberboard coating:

  • Cleaning fluids that include ammonia - this substance corps the upper protective layer of the panels.
  • Abrasive preparations like powders for washing dishes or cleaning plumbing - they can leave unattractive scratches on the surface. For the same reason, it should be pre-removed to pre-remove solid crumbs, sand, small stones, otherwise it is not to avoid damage to the laminating layer.
  • Acids, chlorine-containing liquids, bleach and alkali are delicate for laminate - they are too aggressive, and the protective layer will quickly lose strength and become matte.
  • Metal washcloths, scrapers and hard brushes will leave ugly scratches on decorative panels, so they should be removed away.
  • Preparations containing glycerin and polishing agents of floor coatings (silicone, parquet mastic, etc.) destroy the surface layer.

All furniture items that will move along the floor during operation, for example, the legs of the tables and chairs, it is necessary to provide protective stickers made of soft material - they will prevent the appearance of scratches on the laminate.

Working tools and detergents

For cleaning rooms with floor-fiber plated plates, you must purchase the necessary inventory:

  • broom or brush with soft bristles;
  • household vacuum cleaner with a brush nozzle;
  • plastic bucket for water;
  • household or universal mop with flat base and soft nozzle;
  • dry rag from soft hygroscopic material - flannels, viscose or microfiber.

Cleaning preparations intended for other domestic purposes should not be used as detergent. It is better to purchase a special composition for washing floors from a laminate board, the choice is now great. It is important that it is a gel or liquid with a neutral pH. Perfectly fit both detergents for laminate and universal products intended for any flooring, for example:

  • Unicum - cleans and restores the natural gloss, does not contain phosphates, with long use, it creates a protective film that prevents persistent pollution;
  • Flat is a universal detergent for laminate, parquet, linoleum and tile, quickly dissolves the stains of the dirt, easily washed off and leaves the divorces;
  • Cinderella - attaches shine and clean well-kept species, protects the edges of the panels from moisture, does not leave divorces;
  • Laminol - biodegradable concentrated laminate detergent, does not contain toxic substances;
  • FL-Fourcover - It is recommended for cleaning rooms with floor coatings that require gentle care, attaches shine and effectively removes pollution.

This list can be continued for a long time, so each consumer will be able to choose a tool in accordance with personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Supporters of eco-friendly funds can do without chemistry and apply a proven folk remedy: if you add a few tablespoons of white vinegar or lemon juice in a bucket with water, the contamination will be easier from the panels, and the floor will glisten like a new one.

Any detergent before first use is recommended to test on a small section of the floor, which is in a small place. If, after washing on the surface, there were no divorces and the protective layer did not suffer, this composition you can safely wash the laminate in the apartment.

Mop for washing flooring from laminate

Laminate floor washing technique

Wet cleaning must be carried out in a certain sequence, and if you do not retreat from the recommendations of the cleaning companies, we will not appear on the laminate, scratches, divorces and hillocks:

  • sooting the dirty floor with a soft broom or brush, so that the sand and solid grains in the wash process did not scratch the laminate;
  • if the room is visually clean, walk along the floor with a soft-powder-brush vacuum cleaner - collecting the dust, hair and threads, it is possible to make it much easier for cleaning;
  • pour warm water in bucket (35-40 ° C) and dilute in it the required amount of detergent specified in the instructions;
  • visually divided the room area to sectors and wash them alternately one by one, starting from the very far corner from the entrance door;
  • moisten a soft rag or mops, squeeze and wipe a small section of the surface;
  • solve the rag in the washing solution and proceed to washing the next sector;
  • after processing the entire floor covering, rub it with a dry soft cloth.

In the process of cleaning, it is impossible to leave puddles - any liquid spilled on the floor must be immediately wipe. For moderately dirty floors, a slightly wet rag with vinegar is suitable, for persistent contaminants, a special detergent and a frequent change of water in the bucket will be required.

So that the floor is glittered, and there are no divorces on its surface, it should be washed along the panels. If somewhere and the muddy stains remain, with such a technique they will merge with the pattern and will be practically invisible.

Removal of complex pollution from laminate

Experts advise until the end of the repair work, to put the floor with the film. But if it was not possible to protect the laminate from construction dirt on time, it is worth using tips on its cleaning:

  • Large garbage gather hands to not damage the protective layer of panels. Small fragments and sand to sleep with a soft broom or vacuum cleaner.
  • Paints Paints Remove White Spirit, preparations with acetone or ethyl alcohol: Mix the rag, attach to the spot, hold a couple of minutes and lose with light movements.
  • Mounting foam Clear Dimeksida is a cheap pharmacy drug. It must be applied to the spot, hold some time and read the foam with a sponge or rubber spatula (scrapers and metal spatulas cannot be applied).
  • Black stripes from shoe sole remove the stationery eraser or pour food soda over them and lose a damp cloth.
  • To wash the spins after repairing with warm water with the addition of any gel for washing dishes. If it was not possible to finally clean the floor from a white plaque, to wipe it with another composition - in warm water dissolve ½ cup of table salt. Such processing will not only save from unsightly chalk divorces, but also create a kind of protective film that repels the dirt.
  • Surface scratches disguise with a waxy pencil of suitable color.

During operation, you can encounter the problem of removing different stains. For each type of contamination there is its own tool. For example, traces from markers can be erased by the White spirit, alcoholic beverages - ethyl alcohol, and stains of fat or oil in the kitchen - a damp cloth moistened with dishwashing liquids.

From bare feet on the surface of the laminate, unsightly traces remain. In order not to spoil the appearance of the coating, it is advisable to wear socks or home slippers.


Wash laminate is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance: it is enough to walk on it with a damp cloth and grate with a dry soft cloth. If we carry out regular cleaning 2 times a week, you can do with a simple folk agent - warm water with table vinegar or kitchen salt. These foods will help wash the floor without traces and divorces and prevent the appearance of persistent contaminants. Those who trust the household chemicals are worth gaining a detergent for laminate and apply it according to the instructions.

Laminate is an outdoor coating based on high density fibreboard. It is well holding heat and creates the effect of natural wooden floor, so that the popularity gained. It's easy to care for such a material, but without certain rules can not do. First of all, it is worth understanding what means and tools can be used for washing the floor from the laminate, is it possible to use the detergent vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner and is afraid of a hot water coating?

Tools and means

Prepare a broom, a bucket and mop with a soft nozzle - it is easy to squeeze and it does not scratch the coating (foam foam perfectly).

A solution based on liquid soap can be used as a detergent. It disinfects well and removes pollution. Do not use the high concentration of soap to avoid the appearance of divorces on the surface. To give laminate shine and remove more complex contaminants, add vinegar to warm water, in proportion of 1 tbsp. l. on 5 liters of water.

If possible, purchase a special floor washing means. It will cope with the contamination of any kind, without damaging the material. Instruct the water in water, observing the dosage specified in the instructions. Moisten a rag or mop in a solution, press and wash the floor.

Before buying a means for washing the floors, carefully read the instructions, because not all of them are suitable for laminate, and some can damage the protective film. Do not use substances with abrasive properties, as well as rigid brushes to avoid surface damage. Avoid funds in which there are bee wax or glycerin. To remove stains, do not use acidic and alkaline solvents.

Removal of stains

Sometimes traces and stains remain on the laminate, which are not removed by conventional washing and require a special approach. To clean the coating, you can take advantage of special household products or homework.

  • Remove the fat stain from the laminate will help the detergent for dishes. Apply a small amount of means directly to pollution and leave for a while. Wipe the floor with a damp cloth.
  • Remove the stain from paint or varnish the woven disk, moistened in acetone-containing liquid or alcohol. During cleaning, act neatly and avoid the ingress of a large amount of substance to the floor. Remove the wax tracks, paraffin or droplets of dried thick paint will help the plastic scraper.
  • Remove glue from laminate can warm water and a soft cloth. Just wipe the location of the pollution, and after softening the adhesive easily sinks from the surface.
  • Conduct with a stain from the marker will help a cotton swab, moistened in the White-alcohol, and remove the blood from the laminate to determine the windows. Remove black traces from shoes using an elastic or weak soda solution.

Divorce wash rules

To wash the floor from laminate without divorce, follow certain rules:

  • Clean the surface from pollution and dust. You can do this with a vacuum cleaner with a conventional floor nozzle, mops or broom.
  • Do not use a lot of water and too wet rag. Mix the mop, squeeze the extra moisture well and rinse the floor, ranging from the corners to the center and gradually moving towards the exit.
  • For washing, use special chemistry or home remedies to effectively disinfect and clean the surface. When using household chemicals, do not forget to wash it off with clean water.
  • In the absence of strong pollution, use only a vacuum cleaner to avoid frequent floors of the floor. Wet cleaning should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • After washing the floor, remove the residues of moisture with a dry cloth or a napkin so that the laminate does not break.
  • If at home there is a steam cleaner, use it to not leave a divorce. At the same time, be configured to adjust the periodic steam feed mode and use a special microfiber napkin. Do not use steam cleaning too often.

Use of washing vacuum cleaner

If the waterproof laminate coating, use the washing vacuum cleaner to clean it. During operation, the device splashes the soap solution on the floor and instantly sucks it back together with dirt particles, so that the surface is in line with water. Many modern models are equipped with a special foam nozzle, which removes water residues.

Laminate, as well as any other flooring requires careful and careful care. Recently, my husband and I put a new laminate in two rooms, and I needed to understand: how and how to wash it, how often, what he is "afraid" and so on. Of course, we studied the information about the laminate before it is acquired and stacked. But that was information about the properties and quality of the laminate, and now I had to figure out how to care for him.

Moika rules

It is much easier to care for the laminate floor than natural wooden, as it is only partially made of wood. But this does not mean that it is impossible to damage it, scratch or that it is less dirty. The absence of appropriate care in the near future will lead to the fact that the surface of the floor will sweat and will be covered with scratches, stains and other slighted cleaners. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the laminate, in a timely manner and carefully .

For wet cleaning you will need:

  1. Broom with mild pile.
  2. Vacuum cleaner with a brush nozzle.
  3. Mop with fabric (soft) nozzle.
  4. Bucket with warm water.
  5. Special means for washing laminate.

Attention! In no case do not use the abrasive sponge!

Immediately before washing, the floor must be carefully suitable or pressed. On the vacuum cleaner, always use the brush nozzle to prevent the appearance of scratches. Especially carefully pass through the corners of the rooms, there usually gather the most dust.

Tip! Any new detergent for laminate first test on a small sector of the floor. Preferably somewhere in the corner or behind the cabinet. If the coating has become clean and remained intact, boldly use it for washing the rest of the floor.

The principle of laminate floor washing is fairly simple: a special cleaning agent is divorced in water, wetting the mops in it, we press well and wipe the floor. Etc. I advise you to rinse the sponge in the detergent solution more often and the water can be changed as often. So you will avoid the appearance of divorces after washing. Some detergents are recommended after washing the floor to wipe it with a mop moistened in clean water, without a means. Therefore, carefully study the instructions for the selected medium.

Laminate can be washed and steam cleaner. But! And it is important : fold the napkin for floor nozzle in half and do not use the continuous steam supply mode (replace periodic)!


Each supermarket sells detergents and cleaning products for any floor covering. Such means are two species: universal and special. Universal are good in that the laminate, and tile, and linoleum can be washed alone. Special means (and this is understandable by name) are produced for a specific coating. If your financial capabilities allow, then it is better to acquire detergents for each specific coating in your home If not - universal funds will come to your aid.

Universal means

  • . Good remedy with antibacterial effect. It is quite suitable for any coating. It does not form a lot of foam, so it is well flushed and successfully copes with any kind of pollution. It has a pleasant fragrance. Important! It has no chlorine.

  • . My favorite universal agent. Well launders, purifies floor coverings (and not only) even from fat spots. Economic, well foams. And he also has one undeniable advantage: it does not require flushing! I often use this tool and very pleased with the result.

  • . Budget option for cleaning, but must be recognized, the quality of it is much higher than the price. It is quite successfully copes with almost any mud on the surface, it has a pleasant smell. The only drawback for me personally: after him terribly scratched hands. For this reason, I do not use him.

  • Help. . In principle, the normal cleaning agent, well launders and leaves the traces. But too much foams and extremely inconveniently packed.

  • . Universal alkaline for washing floors. Absolutely safe, although I would not risk using it for home. This remedy is well suitable for washing floors in the store, office, school and on other squares, where there are many people. It can also wash metal, plastic and rubber surfaces.

  • . Excellent universal means of domestic production. By law, the owners are in demand. Suitable for washing any floor, as well as for washing walls from a tile. Excellent cleans any surface from any kind of contamination. The only drawback is necessary to wash it off with water.

  • . This detergent produced in Germany, and you can no longer talk anything. Any product produced in Germany is no doubt about its high quality and this is a fact. Detergents - no exception. This means of very high quality! Cleans even a strongly contaminated surface, regardless of when and from which this contamination appeared. It has no harmful components. After washing the floors, the Karcher means, the fresh fragrance remains. But this is not all, this means you can wash even dishes, so safe. Available in high tanks from 10 liters. Most often it is used in enterprises, in stores and offices.

  • . It is also a universal detergent. It consists of natural components, so it is safe not only for hands, but also for various flooring. But, the quality of washing leaves much to be desired. My opinion: In vain the money spent. If there is no possibility to buy a good detergent, then it is better to make it yourself than spending money on a low-quality tool.

Special means

  • - Excellent means for washing laminate floor. It has water-repellent properties. It is good to wash the floor after repair.

  • - This cleaning agent is from the premium category. But the price corresponds to the quality. It is superbly coping with any pollution, does not leave divorces, economical, has a pleasant unobtrusive fragrance.

  • - Good tool, confident middle journal and by price, and in quality. Soased dirt will be sick, hardly, but accurately polishes the surface and give her a beautiful gloss. It can be used for easy daily cleaning. The secret of this means in flaxseed oil, which is included in its composition.

Tip! Choosing a detergent for laminate care, be sure to consult a specialist. Remember that some funds can cause serious harm to your laminate.

Homemade detergents

Detergents from the store are, of course, well, but: expensive, not always qualitatively and safely. Therefore, wash the floor is better with the help of independently prepared means.

  • Option 1 . Alcohol or acetone . If you need to get rid of highly polluted spots, immediately before washing the floors, apply a few drops of alcohol or acetone onto cotton swab and wipe the dirty sections of the floor. You can even use a liquid for removing a set of acetone.

Tip! Do not abuse aerosals containing ammonia to remove stains. Since such funds are very often together with a stain erase and protective coating.

  • Option 2. . Laundry soap . The best means to remove various contaminants remains economic soap (with marking GOST 30266-95). A small amount of soap should be grate on the grater and add to the bucket with warm water, to thoroughly stir so that there are no pieces left. Then wash the floor first with soap, then wipe with a damp cloth and finally dry. In addition, the soap is well laundered dirt, it also disinfects the surface.
  • Option 3. . Table vinegar. Four tablespoons of 9% vinegar dilute in two glasses of warm water, pour the resulting solution into a bucket with water and wash the floor. In the same solution, you can wipe furniture from dust and pollution.

When cleaning the laminate floor, it is important to adhere to some simple rules:

  • Laminate does not tolerate aggressive powders.
  • It is categorically impossible to rub it with a brush.
  • After washing - be sure to wipe the laminate dry.
  • Take the floor daily.
  • Wet cleaning - 2-3 times a week.

No matter how ridiculously sounded, but it's extremely difficult to wash the laminate laminate. Properly conducted procedure guarantees you a brilliant coating and well-groomed look, because the floor sets the tone to the entire room. However, violation of technology leads to the formation of white spots, laminate becomes dim, ugly. To avoid such a situation, it is important to adhere to the practical recommendations for choosing a cleaning agent and conducting wet cleaning as a whole.

Wet cleaning technology

Almost all modern apartments and houses laminate laid. A particularly relevant problem of wet cleaning becomes in those rooms that are passing.
To wash the coating without divorces is difficult for the reason that the flowing water contains in its composition a lot of rhymes, which, in combination with cleaning agents, gives the fastest shade.

  1. To prevent the appearance of light strips, neutralize water with a table vinegar. Prepare the solution: Pour 550 ml. Composition in 2.5 liters of running water, mix.
  2. When the cleaning agent is ready, pay attention to the tool, with which the cleaning will be carried out. You will need to purchase a special mop with a microfiber, which has the adjustment lever for more sparing cleaning. Important! You can not use old T-shirts and other dilated rags as a tool. This is especially true of colored products, they make the surface dim. The Council applies not only to the purification of laminate, but also linoleum and parquet.
  3. After all the preparations, wash the mops with water with water, squeeze, lower it into the solution, wait 3 minutes. After the expiration, remove excess water, proceed to washing the coatings. Perform the procedure with open windows so that the floor is not formed and wet spots.
  4. Your mop movements must remind a snake. You can also move from one wall to another, but then the mop must go parallel to laminate panels. After completing wet cleaning, do not close the windows.
  5. In cases where large puddles were formed on the coating, they need to be eliminated until the floor starts to dry. Wipe the laminate with a lint-free napkin, if possible, go over the surface with almost dry mop. Such a move must be done to prevent the appearance of divorces and swelling panels.

Do not use a laminated cloth or sponge with rigid elements (embroidery, buttons, seams, etc.), as they leave ugly stripes. In addition, processing the floor with a rough brush, you risk leaving microcracks on the laminate, which under the influence of water will be "spread".

The main feature of the coating care is that it is necessary to use only special means marked "for laminate".

When laying a laminate, consult a specialist, which cleaning means is allowed to wash the coating. Many drugs are at their essence are extremely aggressive, they can lead to strain and swollen panels.

  1. "Mellyurd Bio". The tool perfectly copes with contaminants of any kind, suitable for cleaning the laminated coating after repair. The special composition smoothes scales and forms a kind of film, which pushes moisture.
  2. "Mr. Proper". Budget version that has found approval from Russian owners. In addition to cleansing the coating from dirt and dust, the agent has a pleasant smell that gives the room freshness.
  3. Emasal Laminate. Designed for laminated coating composition refers to a luxury-class preparations. It is suitable for expensive parquet and tiles, because it does not leave the divorces at all. The main advantage is the cost effectiveness, one bottle is enough for 3-4 months of regular use.

Practical tips will help to achieve a well-kept appearance of the coverage and extend its operation.

  1. Cannot be used to clean the coating detergents with abrasive particles in order not to disturb the structure of the panels.
  2. In no case do not make wet cleaning with the use of chlorine-containing drugs and ammonia, since these components destroy the protective (lacquer) layer.
  3. Before you begin the coatings, make sure the absence of small stones, sand and crumbs. To do this, it is recommended to fit the floor.
  4. Prefer only tools "for laminate", refuse to purchase compounds for tile or linoleum.
  5. It is important to understand that high heat treatment is destructive effect on the state of the coating. For these reasons, do not use steam cleaners, under the influence of the temperature of the moisture clot, the moisture is penetrated into the slots between the panels, which will inevitably lead to bloating.
  6. Refuse the use of cleaning agents, which includes cheek and acid. The Council is extremely relevant if your laminate has a glossy surface.
  7. For the final processing of the laminated coating after washing, buy a microfiber cloth. It will prevent the formation of divorces.
  8. Before preparing a solution from the selected detergent and water, read the instructions. Do not exceed the amount specified by the manufacturer, otherwise you will not be able to avoid white traces.
  9. The recommended frequency of wet cleaning of the room varies within 2-4 times a week, it all depends on the patency of the room.
  10. If you have no possibility of acquiring funds for laminate, buy a liquid soap for children or dissolve a third of the construction bar in the pelase.
  11. Do not forget to add a table vinegar to the water, which are planning to wash the floors. Optionally, it can be replaced with medical alcohol, vodka, citric acid, reducing the amount of half.

How to wash laminate after repair

There are no cases when the surface of the laminate is dirty after the repair. To avoid such a situation, stick to the instructions.

  1. Remove large pieces of garbage, sweep the coating by a broom, collecting dust and dirt.
  2. If traces of mounting foam or paint are present on the laminated coating, remove them with cleaning agents, which include ethyl alcohol or acetone.
  3. To get rid of the nylby building materials, pour a small amount of the composition on the spot, wait about two minutes, remove the residues with a soft cloth from the microfiber.
  4. If, after cleaning on the laminate, gaps or scratches disguise them with a wax pencil and wear well.
  5. Complete the procedure for washing floors by moving mop from one edge of the wall to another. If necessary, perform a wet cleaning of 2-3 times using professional cleaning products.

With the advent of laminated coverage, popular manufacturers have begun to produce a series of funds specifically for floors of this kind. In addition to excellent cleansing properties, drugs serve to protect the surface and imparting the brilliance, due to which the laminate does not fade and does not change the shade. Perform wet cleaning according to the instructions, follow the recommendations.

Video: How to wash laminate without divorces in a matter of minutes