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Autumn care for irises: Cooking a flower garden to wintering. How to trim the irises after flowering for the winter Preparation of Iris to Winter

These beautiful flowers are the decoration of any country site. However, in their cultivation, it is necessary to take into account special recommendations from plant care professionals. Consider them in more detail.

general information

In nature, Irises are represented by a huge variety of species, which has more than 800. From the Greek language, the name of this amazing flower is translated as "Rainbow". This is due to the fact that this culture has the inflorescences of any color gamma. The iris is a multi-year flower, which is characterized by thick branching rhizomes and bulbous roots. It is easy to find out on the reprehensive leaves and large flowers, which are distinguished by their unusual shape and bright color. To date, Iris grows almost all over the world.

Basic rules for plant care

First of all, it is worth saying that the rhizome of this flower requires minimal care. After falling down the tavat, it is enough to manually remove weeds and gently produce soil loosening. It should be borne in mind that the rhizome of the plant is quite close to the surface of the soil. When the flowers are quite growing, the weeding and loosening is recommended and excluded at all.

There are several recommendations that should be adhered to criste. First, it is necessary to carry out a daily watering of the plants under the condition of dry weather. If the summer was normal, it is enough to moisten the soil 3 times a week. Watering plants is recommended in the evening. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the drops of moisture not falling on the flower leaves.

Fertilizers are made 3 times for the season: in the spring, at the time of the bootonization and within 30 days after flowering. Spring feeding is carried out with fertilizers, which includes a large content of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. In the process of bootonization, the same feeding is used, but in more. When Iris has plowed, it is recommended to make phosphoric and potash fertilizers. It is very important not to feed the plants during flowering. Also necessarily cropping irises. It should be borne in mind that these activities are performed more than once. Consider more.

Crimping irises during breeding and transplantation

In order for plants to quickly fit in a new place, it is necessary to significantly reduce the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation of colors. To do this, it is necessary to trim the leaves on 2/3 of their total length. If the bush transplant is carried out in the summer, the Iris fan is also needed to cut. This procedure is very important, since otherwise the plant will cease to bloom abundantly next year.

The thing is that the old root system of the tavern after the transplant is significantly reduced, respectively, and its activities are not enough for the full nutrition of foliage and floweros. If you do not cut the fan in a timely manner, then the tips of the leaflets will start shrust and dry in any case.

During flowering

Before considering the cropping of the leaves of Iris in the fall, it is worth saying a few words about the care of flowers. During this period, it is enough to periodically get rid of the flooded flowers. In addition, at the end of the summer season, it is necessary to cut the entire old and damaged foliage. Healthy leaflets are cut on 2/3 of their length.

Pruning and care for iris after flowering

A month after the plant has fallen away, it is necessary to be necessary to impose with phosphorus-potash fertilizers. For this, 15 grams of means must be dissolved in half a bucket of water. This volume is enough for 1 bush. In no case can not fertilize these gentle flowers with manure, as this can lead to the development of root rot. It is also not recommended to overflow the collar fertilizers, which include a lot of nitrogen. At this stage there is no need. The fact is that nitrogen provokes the rapid growth of the leaves. Because of this, all trace elements will only go to the tops, and at some point the plants will simply stop blossoming. It is also worth considering that these flowers are better growing on neutral and weakness soils.

In addition, it is worth considering when to cut the irises after flowering for the winter. Like any other plant, the scatteries need proper preparation for freezers. It is necessary that the flowers do not died and continue to delight the eyes.

How and when to crop irises for the winter

This procedure is considered the most important of all. Casatics must be properly prepared for winter cooling. The timing of the pruning of irises in the fall dependent on the region where the plant is grown. On the territory of the middle strip of Russia, this procedure is usually performed in October.

In addition to cutting irises for the winter, it is worth considering other recommendations. After processing, the height of the bush above the level of soil should be not more than 15 cm. Also foliage is cut into this period and for other reasons. For example, there is a huge number of microorganisms in Vevey, which can be causative agents of an infection or virus.

How to prepare a plant to the cold

Knowing when cutting the irises after flowering for the winter, you can save a flower leaf with beautiful plants for a long time.

If strong frosts prevail in the country site, then in the autumn period, it is necessary to think about the insulation of the root system of the kat. Usually it is used for this straw, sawdust, humid or peat. However, when using these natural materials, they need to be removed in a timely manner with the onset of spring. If there is too late to remove the shelter, then the rhizomes of colors can fade much and eventually die. And then it will already be no matter how and when to crop irises for the winter.

It will also be useful to consider the main diseases of which they suffer.


Despite a harmless name, this viral disease is very dangerous for flowers. Mosaic can be determined by stripes and stains on the foliage of plants. In order to cure a viral mosaic, so far active drugs have been developed, so the only means that will help protect against the disease is timely prevention.

First of all, it is necessary to remove seedlings as quickly as possible, which are already amazed by the ailment. After that, they need to be burned to burn so that the infection does not apply throughout the country area. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to a strict regime of watering, as well as to make the necessary fertilizers in a timely manner.

It will not be superfluous to treat the plant from pests and diseases. For this purpose, you can use any drugs that are intended for colors.

Bacterial rot

This ailment can be determined on small spots having a brown color. As a rule, they appear immediately after wintering. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to remove the affected areas of foliage. After that, it is necessary to treat damaged by a solution consisting of potassium permanganate. If the defeat is too strong, then the plant is better to destroy entirely. After that, it is necessary to treat the soil using antibacterial compositions. However, much easier to adhere to preventive measures to prevent the appearance of bacterial rot. To do this, it is impossible to freeze the root system of the plant. It is also worth watching that the soil is not too moistened. In addition, it is necessary to make calcium and phosphorus in the land in a timely manner.

Knowing when cropping irises for the winter and how to properly cook them to the cold, you can achieve excellent results.

Irises are incredibly beautiful flowers. Irises belong to the nature of the corpsy perennials of the Iris family. Irises have about 700 species, have many forms and shades. Bearded and Siberian Iris are most popular. These flowers can grow everywhere, but personally for me, irises are associated with grandmother's cottages.

Many flowers are not enough. The lovers are chosen for landing on their homestead that this flower is. Iris is considered an unpretentious "resident" of the Garden. This flower does not need any special care. The main thing in caring for the Iris is to choose the right place for landing, correctly feed the iris and right hold the iris for the winter.

If we talk about a landing place, then the best place for planting Iris will be slightly shaded or sunny place. Irises do not like winds, therefore, the plot must be carefully protected from them.

As for the soil, then iris We prefer light loamy soil with a weakly acidic or neutral reaction. The landing site for the Irisov is preparing in advance (they jump the ground to the depth of the bayonet and remove all the roots of weeds, especially hazardous weeds for the iris are the odds and drinking).

The soil can be fertilized with crowded charcoal or ash. If we talk about landing timing, the best month will be July. Caling behind Iris is to feed, watering, weeding, loosening, in trimming after flowering and preventive measures warning diseases.

How to be with feeders? Many flowerflowers claim that Iris grows perfectly and without feeding. However, an adult plant is still better to feed. So, starting from a three-year-old, Iris fertility fertility 3-4 times. The first time is early in the spring, the second time - in the period of the bootonization and the third one month after flowering. Feed iris nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that different types of irises are in different ways react to frosts. So, for example, if you grow domestic varieties of irises, it is not necessary to strengthen them for the winter, but if you are the owner of the "Flower of the Overseas", then you should learn to take it from the cold. Watch out for the weather forecast in order to take care of the shelter of the plant in advance.

Irises who were hard to postpone the winter, will hardly produce flowerons. The plant may die not because of the low air temperature, and because of its jumps (the spring thaw is especially dangerous). So that your favorites have never ceased to delight you, about their "salvation" it is better to take care in advance, starting somewhere from August of the month.

At the end of the summer, you should get rid of all the flowers that are on the stems (just slightly pressing on the base of the bloody, in a few days, the breakfast will dry out). In the same period, it should be reduced or completely stop watering irises. The soil at this time is better not to disturb (stop loosening and weeping).

Crimping the leaves of Iris is a very controversial topic. Some flower products are categorically against the trimming of the irises, others are both hands "for". Crimping the leaves of iris is done in order to destroy all sorts of diseases and pests, and is rather preventive. Only you decide to trim iris or not. If you still decided to cut them, make it better as follows: Cut the leaves in the form of a cone at an altitude of about 10 cm from the ground, and the cropped leaves are burning. You can also examine the back of the rhizomes and the base of funeys, it is not superfluous and pesticide processing.

When the first frosts grab the soil, the plant will need a shelter. Iris will not need to cover if the winter is sufficiently snowy and snow cover reaches 20 cm.

Shelter for Irisov

Winter shelter for irises must be necessarily dry. If the shelter for the iris is not dry enough, the flower can simply be easily recycled from the lack of oxygen or to die due to excess moisture in the soil. The best material for the shelter of Iris is oak leaves. Oak leaves not only do not fit, but also do not absorb moisture. In addition to the leaves of oak, you can use a spruce sweetheart and pine branches.

The rhizomes of the iris are powered by a dry peat, and on top built so-called. "Cap" from a waterproof material that should not close to the roots. You can also add about 10-15 cm of garden soil and make a tubercle (slag), which will not only soften the drops of temperatures, but also will not give meal water to stay on the rhizomes. Chalas can also be littering.

In the spring, do not rush to clean the shelter from the irises because There is a threat of return freezers. For the best oxygen supply, you can simply be gently turned the shala. Remove the shelter finally better in early April.

Many flower flowers send an iris to wintering on the principle "he dried and fall off." This is fundamentally incorrect approach, because it is extremely risky - yes, winter-hardy irises can and cope, but the flowers of more gentle varieties will certainly suffer.

Lost in the variety of Iris varieties is easy - all shades from snow-white to almost black and all sizes from crumbs, barely rising from grass, even an experienced florist will be tangled from the first grader to giants. But the preparation of irises for the winter is the same for all species and varieties, both bulbous and rhizable.

Trimming Iris

The leaves of the irises, filled and fired around the edges, often become a refuge for causative agents of diseases, as well as a place of wintering of malicious insects. In order not to produce a problem in your own garden, the leaves need to trim the height of 10-15 cm and remove from the site.

If we talk about when cropping irises for the winter, it is necessary to navigate to your region. In the middle lane, this is done before the first frosts, in early November. Accordingly, in the north you can start before, in the south - later. If you do not want to fade and monitor the weather forecast, cut the leaves of irises during the rain - it will provide the plant better ventilation and will not give water to the roots.

Crop the flowers together with the seeds on the iris immediately after flowering, and two weeks after it - and the stems themselves. From the flowers should remain no more than 2 cm - this will avoid rotting.

Landing and transplanting of irises in autumn

It is possible to plant irises as in spring and autumn. However, if you want bulwing irises for sure to please you with blossoms next season, then prefer autumn landing.

All types of irises grow better, bloom and winter when landing on an elevated, well ventilated, illuminated place. They do not like moisture stagnation or dense soils, so it is necessary to choose a plot with a well-drained soil for iridarium.

Autumn landing and transplanting of Iris is performed immediately after the plant dried out the leaves. The bulbs are cleaned of soil, separate the baby, then planting material dried and planted on a new place at the end of September or early October. The warm season of the plant is used to be rooted, but the growth will not have time to go.

Before boarding all the bulbs worth cleaning from the old peel and disinfection

Rhizopy irises after division are planted similarly. Moreover, both of those and other freshly visible flowers must be hidden for the winter, regardless of their variety, because they are still too weak for self-wintering.

The shelter of the irises for the winter

Winter hardiness of the irises, which means that the need for shelter for the winter depends on their variety and species. The most fragile and gentle are bulbous Dutch, Japanese and Spanish varieties ( Wedgwood., Cajanus.), rhizable irises (Iris comb, Iris Unnamed, Iris Lake), as well as all tall varieties iris bearded.

More resistant to our winters of iridodikiomes (Iris Vinogradov, Iris Dunford, Iris Net), as well as British bulbous varieties. From the rhizable irises to this group, an iris is a leafless, Iris Biberstein and Iris Dwarf.

Finally, calmly winter even in the most severe years, wildly fabricated irises (Iris Siberian, Iris Swamp, Iris bristly, Iris East and Iris Yellow).

Before hiding the irises for the winter, it is necessary to undermine the aisle and treat the top of the rhizomes and the remains of the leaf of fungicides (alin-b, bastophyte, vertra, gamiir, etc.). But if you decide to feed the irises for the winter, then choose the mineral complex without nitrogen.

If the third group irises can be sent to wintering after trimming and processing without more effort, then with the first two will have to tinker. It is necessary to cover the irises for the winter with the beginning of frosts when the rainy period approached the end, i.e. In about the middle - the second half of November. It is not worth doing this before, because during precipitation covered irises can recycle. For shellation, peat, humid, chips or straw are perfectly suitable. Cover the Iris so that there is a 10-centimeter loose layer over the bulbs or roots, and put the bag from above.

If you have noticed that bulbous irises of some varieties on your site regularly freeze, go with them, like with gladiolus - dig up for the winter. It is necessary to do it after a complete drying of the leaves. Cropped and treated insecticide bulbs must be dried over a month at a temperature of about 25 ° C, and then stored in a dry cool room.

Even the winter-hardy varieties of rhizable irises must be stolen in the first year of life and after the occurrence of 4-5 years of age, when the roots begin to perform from under the ground.

In the spring, the irises awaken early and calmly carry the temperature differences, so the shelter can be removed from them, as soon as snow in the garden comes. Under the daytime you can easily find all the problems that have arisen in winter. Perhaps shelter did not help, and part of Iris still frozen. Then he will need treatment:

  1. gently remove the whole cleaner of the dead leaves, cleaning it to solid fabric;
  2. treat a slice of a rich winegartening solution;
  3. sprinkle aster with ash or crowded coal.

Such processing will allow Iris to bloom this year and will not give starting the process of rotting.

You can always say - "Why do I need these efforts? Irises will bloom and without them!". But believe me when you see how grateful these plants can be and how magnificent and together they bloom after carefree wintering, you do not remember the time spent.

Irises - bulbous and rhizome plants capable of growing in good care in one place long enough, not even degrading in quality and abundance of flowers. And at the same time, they can, like all other bulbous, digging out on the autumn and keep to the spring planting into open ground. Especially in the southern regions, just enough sun and even with minimal moisture, the curtain of Iris is still growing and blooming even in abandoned areas. But the porridge does not spoil the oil, and the irises on our "oil" react so gratefully, blooming with abundantly beautiful flowers that there is no eye from them.

Often, many flower products, and I first, consider so unpretentious plants that, putting into the ground and occasionally watered, leave them for the arbitrariness of their botanical fate. And then with annoyance notice, why is that, gentle pink, Iris disappeared even in the conditions of southern soft winter?

Everything is clear: some varieties are winter-hardy, and with accuracy, on the contrary - others require a special culture of their breeding. Here we become before the tough question: have or not to have? If you have, then you need to respect them to botany and in a timely manner to abide by all the stages of the growing upstairs of your favorite irises.

Thanks to the attention of breeders and flowers of amateurs, as well as universal love for these plants, they are presented on country, native and urban flower beds currently with a huge amount: from dwarf and royal to the aquatic and chassis of their representatives. But the correct care for the irises in the fall and the main training of irises for the winter is the same for bulbous, and for rhizons, including.

In addition to the fact that the dry leaves of the irises look badly, so they still become a shelter for wintering insects and causative agents of diseases. Therefore, there is a reason to get rid of them in a timely manner and trimmed with very sharp gardens to a height of 10-15 centimeters. As usual, trash from this procedure should be burned in a special device.

When to crop irises for the winter

There are no accurate terms, but you can focus on the climatic features of your region. In the southern edges, it can be moved until the end of November, and in the middle lane of Russia, it is possible to cut irises before the first frosts, coming most often at the beginning of November. Northern regions may need to do it a month earlier.

If you do not lift the criticism of the irises with some time limits, it is quite advisable to attenuate this work to rainy weather when the plant needs an increased ventilability to eliminate the mooring of the root system.

Follow the appearance of the irises, you need to follow them immediately after their flowering, after 2 weeks from its completion, and crop the whole outflower arrow, leaving it no more than 2 centimeters from the base so that the bush does not appear.

Like many flowers, irises allow them to land and transplant and in spring and autumn. But flower practice shows that with autumn landing, the bulbs of the irises will bloom full and friendly in the first season. The dried completely leaves of the Iris will be prompted that it is time for their transplantation and landing, and these functions are an integral part of the care of iris in the fall.

Start with cautious digging of rhizomes, which is divided into bulbs. Everything is cleared of the soil, the baby is separated. The resulting planting material is dried for about 1 month, and at the end of September-beginning of October, planted in the prepared soil, so that the plants will be carried out to be reliably rooted.

This flower culture of all varieties and species prefers to grow and flourish at best on well-lit, fertile, correctly drained and ventilated places.

Rhizopy types of irises breed the division of the bush and plant in open ground according to the same rules and on the same time as all other irises. It is important again transplanted and rooted landing of irises like bulwing, and root to certainly hide for the winter so that they manage to survive such a natural test, like strong long frosts.

For regions with frosty winters, it is more expedient to give preference to cold-resistant varieties of irises, iriedodocimams: Iris Vinogradova, Iris Dunford, Iris Mesh and British bulbous grades; Rhizome irises: Iris Bezless, Iris Bibirstein, Iris Dwarf.

In difficult climatic conditions, with harsh frosty winter, lovers of Irisov include breeding of wild fabricated types of Iris: Iris Siberian, Iris Swamp, Iris East and Iris Yellow - they, thanks to their natural frost-resistant properties, carry any frosts, thankfully blooming in the spring.

Preparation of Iris for Winter

Start follows from the careful loosening of the rims to avoid mechanical damage to the root of the irises. Following or at the same time, to treat the upper part of the plants, removing dry leaves, fungicides to choose from: alin-b, bastophit, Vectra, Gamiir and others. The correct feeding of irises for the winter will be alleged to support their vegetative forces in the coming winter period, according to the instructions, which does not include nitrogen, stimulating growth.

How and how to cover the irises for winter

Wild-growing irises growing on the site should be subjected to all the measures listed above and leave for wintering without shelter. The remaining varieties and types need shelter, which is appropriate to be carried out with the beginning of frost and the end of heavy rains. It is about the middle or the second half of November, in more northern areas - climate. Premature shelter is fraught with shocking and rotting the root system of these plants. It is possible to hide with appliant materials using peat, the 10-centimer layer of which the rhizomes of irises are covered. For insulation and maintain an airbag, it is best to cover with a pap.

Even the frost-resistant varieties of single-air irises must be covered for winter and when the age reaches the rhizomes of 4-5 years, which have already begun to speak out of the soil, because the first and second can suffer from strong and protracted and, especially unnigent, winter.

If there is particularly gentle and freezing irises in your garden collection, you can save them in the same way as all the bulbous garden flowers whose bulbs are winter out of the soil, for example, dahlias and gladiolus. In dry weather, immediately after drying the leaves, they should be digging, cutting, process insecticides and on the need for fungicides and, drying out in the open air for a month at a temperature of about +25 s, put on storage to the spring landing in the open ground in a dry cool room .

The shelter you struck, given the early biological awakening of the irises, you can shoot immediately after the conjunction of the snow. It should not be afraid of small return freezers - irises are adapted to the drops of spring temperatures and normally go to active growth.

If it is found that the Irises were still injured during the period of harsh wintering, then they need to be treated according to the testimony: to clean the upper part of the frozen root to the solid tissue. Rich wine-colored with an aqueous solution of mangartean carefully to treat the resulting wounds and sprinkled on top of the integral black activated carbon or organic ash. All of these timely measures will be able to defeat the process of rotting and developing Iris in all its glory.

Listed in this article are tested by extensive experiences of many flower water and serve for you only with advice, the task of using which you will certainly decide on your own. Let's say with confidence that you will not regret - you will be puffged to you, long-term to the last blooming blooming of an unusually beautiful and mysterious in your structure of the Iris of any variety. Good luck and daring!

After with the end of the summer, many plants beat away, it is recommended to hold some activities in terms of courtship for them. So let's talk about the irises today, the care of them in the fall, what they need preparation for winter. Many gardeners adore this is a perennial plant, this flower is good, and it also easily tolerates not very strong frosts, if they provide a corresponding shelter.

Iris grows well as a single landing on the flower bed, it looks great together with other representatives of the flora that grow on the site of many dachens. Consider how to carry out the correct care of these colors in the autumn time.


It is worth noting that theoretically planting, as well as to transplant Irisa from early spring time until October. But that the plant goes well well, it is recommended to conduct a transplant during rest, it comes after the end of the flowering of this beautiful Flora representative.

If you decide to transplant the irises or put these chic flowers for the first time on our garden or the country area, then try to spend it at the end of August of the month or at the beginning of autumn time, that is, in the early September. If the time is missed, but the weather allows, then transfer the irises in the fall at least before frosts.

Before splitting the big bush of irises, which is already growing in the garden, it is necessary to choose a fairly developed plant. It is neatly digging, trying not to damage the root system, after which they shake off from the stuck soil and inspect for integrity if the fired rhizomes are visible, then the new instance will have to dig.

It is necessary to divide a good rhizome so that a sheet beam was present on each separated part, while the rhizomes are recommended to trim about a quarter. It is also necessary to remove the old, so-called dull particles of the root system, and the leaves are cut off, leaving them no more than fifteen centimeters.

If damaged places are detected on the rhizome, they must be cut, after which it is important to release them into a solution of manganese for 15 minutes, after such a procedure, the root system should be forced, in addition, all sections are recommended to be treated with a crowded coal, to which you need to add to the sulfur.

For careful rooting of the iris, it is necessary to put it correctly. To this end, there are a small hollyk in the prepared hole, they laid rhizome, it is important to straighten the roots quite well on different parties. It deepens at no more than 5 centimeters. Between bushes (30-50 cm are observed.

The land around the planted iris should be sealing and pouring water. And in the spring you can expect beautiful flowers. Landing and care in autumn time give better results than in different time.

If the irises are not planned to transplant, then the soil should be looming, removing weeds, as well as brand the land. Without transplanting in one place, they can live up to seven years, and hybrid varieties need to transplancing more often to preserve the so-called plant cure as long as possible.

In order for the Iris buds differ in size and were large, they must be picked up fertilizers. During the vegetation of the earliest spring, phosphate fertilizers can be used, and when the plants are filled with phosphoric and potash varieties of feeding.

It is worth noting that the irises, like other garden flowers, do not tolerate the feeding with fresh manure, otherwise they can just die. At the autumn time it is recommended to reduce watering to a minimum, if this is not done, then the rhizome can be dried.

Until the moment of frosts, it is recommended to cover the tubers of the irises with snacks or leaves, thereby you can save this plant during severe frosts. And in the spring time, the shelter should be removed, since the roots can overheat under the spring rays of the sun, which is not very good to reflect on their subsequent development.

What exactly can the rhizomes be covered? Irisa by winter In addition to leaves and fabrics, you can sprinkle using dry sawdust, peat, it is also suitable for humus or compost, and you can also use conventional soil, in the extreme case of river sand.

As for sawdust, it is better to sprinkle them as long as possible when the forecast is no longer expected to rain, otherwise moisture wet them very much, and when frost hit, they will confuse in a lump that is not very good for the plant. It is also worth thinking about that whether the sawdust and napnik will not be a good pier for mice ...

So if you decide to cover the plant to peat, then it is better to use a low-door peat, and with the arrival of spring, it is necessary to urgently rake the covered shelter so that the sun's rays can warm up the flower kidney directly, while it is not necessary to clean it, it can not serve as the so-called mulch Next to the root system.

River sand as a covering material is not the best component, since it is pretty cold, it can be used in the absence of another shelter, in this situation it is recommended to mix a little with the so-called delicate earth.

And by the way, do you remember how to hide a bushes of young grapes for winter? For this, his vines are pressed to the ground, covered with a board that the earth falls asleep immediately near ... And what is not the method in our case?! It is necessary to clean this shelter in the spring to prevent overwhelming the ground part of the flower, but only when there are no minus temperatures on the ground in this afternoon.

Do not disturb the root system to winter and dip near the plants with the soil, they will be better punishant with the use of any of the above-sized underfloor material. If you comply with the simple presented recommendations, then the spring can be seen beautifully blooming irises that will certainly please you, dear reader.

Proper care for the autumn for irises and prepare them for winter will give the gardener a kind of guarantee that it will be possible to admire the most important irises in spring time.