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What to clean the beet or carrots before. When digging carrots and remove it for storage. When digging out beets and carrots for storage, timing

In October, the cotton houses are not harassed: before the onset of frosts still need to have time to whiten the trees, plant winter garlic, dig root.

Beetle Be sure to remove before the first frosts. The tops of its roots protruding above the surface of the Earth, and therefore may be subporn. Store such vegetables will be bad. But it is not worth a hurry with a cleaning of beets designed for long-term storage.

Dates for months

The optimal period when you can dig beets for storage in the Moscow region and the middle lane of Russia: the second half of September - the beginning of October. In the south, the country is cleaned a little later, and in the north - a little earlier.

Before the onset of frozen Beet must need to dig. It is believed that carrots reduced temperatures are not scary. But the beet that fell under freezing will be stored very badly.

Small beets can be left in the ground until the end of October. By this time, the roots manage to grow some more effectively and increase to 5-14 cm in diameter. And this is quite enough to prepare a fresh salad or fragrant brisk. Mmm ...

They say it is best stored beets of a rounded shape, medium size (no less than 7-8 cm).

And those who are accustomed to focus on the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardery, the next chapter of our article will be interesting.

What will say the lunar calendar 2018 ...

In September 2018, digging beets for storage recommended:

  • September 2 at 11:02
  • September 3,
  • September 4 to 15:04,
  • September 6 from 16:54,
  • 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 September,
  • September 12 to 21:15,

Source: Magazine "Pomice farming"

The listed dates correspond to the phases of the decreasing moon and the new moon. It is believed that at this time all nutrients rush to the roots of the plants, saturately satisfying them. Beets - root, which means it is these days as it is impossible to suit her cleaning.

At the end of the month, favorable dates for cleaning beets are as follows:

The main thing is to try to assemble the harvest when the moon is in fiery, air or earth signs, - then the harvest will be less damaged. It is impossible to dig a beet when the moon in watermarks - long ago there will be no such crop. The listed dates are favorable for harvest.

Source: Magazine "1000 Soviets of the Dachnik"

Cleaning secrets

  • Beets are pulled out of the ground and leave to lie in a pile of the sun for several hours.
  • Then the leaves are cut off, retreating from the head of the root of 1-2 cm.
  • Beets are cleaned from the ground, trying not to damage it, you do not need to wash.
  • It is impossible to turn the top hand and wash the beet before booking for storage.
  • For winter storage, only healthy copies are suitable, without signs of damage.

Storage secrets

  • Beetles are recommended to be stored at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees and humidity 90 - 95%.
  • Basement is suitable for storage, cellar or any other ventilated room.
  • Beet can be decomposed on large polyethylene bags and keep them in an open form so that there is a flow of fresh air.
  • Corneaplodes can also be laid in boxes or containers, moving dry sand, sawdust or ashes (let's slightly).

We will be glad, if the readers of the Babushkina Dacha blog will share their experiences when it is better to dig out beets: at the beginning or end of September. Or maybe in October? Write a comment on the article, we will be happy! 😉

Nowadays, any vegetables throughout the year can be purchased on the market or in the store. This statement fully applies to such an indispensable root, like carrots. However, many not without reason believe that in this case it is impossible to be fully confident in the absolute environmental purity of the product. Therefore, the majority of gardeners prefer to grow natural vegetables on their own pre-site.

However, sow seeds and grow a vitamin harvest is only half of the case. It is necessary to competently solve the issue with cleaning orange wealth.

Basic principles for the choice of harvest timing

Carrots are a culture that perfectly transfers reduced temperatures. However, it should not be considered that it can be without any problems in the ground to the most frosts. Choosing time for cleaning, you should definitely take into account several important points.

  • It is not recommended to exceed the timing of the ripening of a particular variety. Carrot, disturbed in the ground, partially loses its taste, becoming less juicy and sweet.
  • The moment of the onset of biological ripeness should be taken into account. This means that rootfields must acquire the size and painting provided for in varietal features. Sometimes due to adverse weather conditions, the biological ripeness does not occur at all. Especially often by this "sin" late satisfying varieties. Then you have to remove carrots in the stage of technical ripeness, which is also possible, but significantly reduces the volume of crop and its burning.
  • Influence the terms of harvesting weather conditions. With stable daytime temperatures in the range from +3 to +5 ° C, the roots are stopped, and it is meaningless longer to keep them in the ground, and with frequent rains it can lead to an affect of various diseases. Autumn frosts should become an immediate cleaning signal, otherwise it is possible to lose a crop.

When to remove the middle and late carrots

The cold-resistant carrot allows you to keep it in the ground, even after the onset of cool autumnen days. Moreover, it is even recommended to do so, since the maximum amount of useful substances accumulates in rootes precisely during the period of gradual decrease in the average daily temperature. In addition, it is this process that leads to the final aging of the vegetable and an increase in its burning.

All this is primarily refer to late varieties that have a growing season for longer than 110 days and most suitable for storage. They can be without loss in the garden all September, and sometimes until mid-October. But it should not be considered that the longer the carrot sits in the ground, the more tastier. The disturbed vegetables become loose and much less juicy, as well as risk sulfur with a gray rot with a sudden occurrence of frosts to -3 ° C.

Carrot, whose ripeness occurs in the range from 80 to 100 days, is considered the middle-easier. It is sufficiently juicy for fresh salads, but is suitable for continuous storage. Such varieties can be in bed until the second half of September. However, it is not recommended too tightening with their cleaning, as the fruits lose sweetness and are made woody.

Terms of harvesting early carrots

Early varieties begin to ripen already in the middle of summer. The period of their growing vegetation is small and takes no longer 80 days. Usually, early carrots begin to remove gradually, pulling out the edges of the copies that have reached the diameter of more than 1 cm. Such roots are still very gentle, but already sweet enough. They are well suited for vitamin salads and baby food, as very tasty and juicy in the raw form. The only lack of early carrots is its complete storage unfortunate. In addition, such varieties are not recommended in the Earth, as they quickly crack and lose their delicacy taste.

With gradual cleaning, do not forget to remove the holes formed after removing the root plant, as they can become a "gate" to penetrate carrot flies. You can remove the entire harvest of early varieties at the same time to free the place for another culture. Carrot Grokes will perfectly serve for growing coastal salad, bush beans or representatives of the family of cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, kolrabi).

External signs for determining cleaning time

To understand when you remove carrots, it is not enough to know the timing of the ripening of the variety. It is necessary to closely monitor the dreams with rootes. What will be the signal to the beginning of a solar crop digging?

  • One of the main signs of ripening fruits is the yellowing of the tops, especially its lower leaves.
  • Another feature of fully overwhelmed carrots is the beginning of the formation of side roots, which marvel the readiness of a two-year plant to the transition from the stage of formation of the root in the stage of formation of seeds.
  • It makes no sense in further dedication with cleaning if the carrots reached the size of the size, shape and painted seed manufacturer.

How to collect harvest

A competent approach to cleaning will allow you to get absolutely affected fruits, which, besides, will be perfectly stored in relevant conditions. To achieve this, you need to take into account several subtleties of the process.

  • Planning in the near future to dig a carrot, stop watering it. It is best to do this for one or two weeks before the expected time.
  • For cleaning, always choose the dwell. It will allow you to collect more dry root roots that are better stored.
  • With the help of a lunar calendar, timing harvesting to a decreasing moon, which will also contribute to its best preservation.
  • It is important and a way to extract carrots from the ground. Short-free varieties are easily removed from the beds directly with their hands, without the help of a garden tool. For cleaning of varieties with a large length of the roots, it is better to use forks or shovel.
  • Note that any mechanical injuries (chips, scratches or cracks) adversely affect the storage duration. They allow you to penetrate the fetus by pathogenic microorganisms provoking rotting.
  • Dropped carrots must be immediately released from the tops, which is not recommended to turn off. It is better to trim the leaves with a knife, taking the top of the fetus, not more than a pair of millimeters. It will protect the harvest from too early germination.
  • Purified root roots Before laying on storage, it is recommended to dry out in the shade during the day, and then overdo it, removing damaged and patient instances.
  • Never laid a crop damaged by frost, as it is largely losing the ability to resist numerous diseases.

It is extremely important to remove carrots in time. It is too early to dig up - she will not have time to crumble and accumulate enough vitamins. Collect late - turns the taste and blend. There are several signs for which you can accurately determine the optimal cleaning time of this vegetable.

It is clear that it makes no sense to remove the carrots early - it has not grown and did not grow up, therefore it will be difficult to maintain the fruits. In addition, a minor cooling goes to her: she begins to gain weight, accumulate the bulk of vitamins and sugars. By this time, foliage ceases to be formed, and all nutrients are sent to the fruits.

But even before the late autumn it is impossible to keep it in the ground, because the unacceptable carrot can put new roots, and the pulp will become loose and tasteless. In addition, with sudden frosts, it can be frozen or get sick, and this affects storage.

Sometimes carrots are left until spring in the ground. But it is necessary to prepare in advance - choose a special place for sowing seeds, they observe a special irrigation regime and properly cut the tops.

First of all, the maturation time depend on the varieties, and each has individual characteristics:

  • purpose (storage, processing or eating fresh fruit);
  • a period of vegetation (time from shoots to ripening);
  • features of agrotechnology.

All this is easy to find out even before sowing, since it is indicated on sachets with seeds.

Ripening of early grades

Early carrots ripen out 85-100 days after seedlings, it is cleaned first. It is not laid for storage. On the blank, young carrots is not suitable, but is good for food in the fresh form - the juicy and sweet.

You can collect it already since the end of June, when the fruits achieved 1 cm in diameter. Do it gradually, as needed. Made first of all where the dense is growing. The remaining fruits get more nutrition and fill faster.

It is impossible to leave the holes in the ground after pulling the roots so that pests do not penetrate the fruit. These holes need to immediately sprinkle the soil.

Cleaning early carrots is completed until mid-July.

Maturation of middle-wide varieties

At the middle carrot from the appearance of shoots to the aging passes 105-120 days.
Later, this period is not worth cleaning the middle carrot. She does not like protracted autumn rains. And with bad weather, it is largely losing beneficial properties and taste.

The average carrot is also not saved until spring, so they are not laid for a long time. But still, at a suitable storage location, the average carrot will not lose its qualities for several months.

Ripening of late varieties

Lovely varieties ripen from 125 days. In good conditions, more than 7 months can be stored, without losing taste and density.

They are not afraid of frosts, resistant to diseases. It is in the autumn days that late carrots are gaining more vitamins.

Clean such carrots at a time when the air temperature is about + 4 ° C, but not lower than -3 ° C.
It is advisable to clean until the onset of cold weather, until constant night frosts started.

Terms of cleaning of varieties planted under the winter

From autumn (in November), the carrots are sow for early harvest. For sowing, the early grades are suitable.

For storage for winter, such vegetables are not suitable. But in mid-June, you can pull a large young storing from the bed. It is used in salads, for cooking vegetable dishes, eating fresh, make delicious vitamin juices.

How to determine what time it came to clean carrots from bed

Each carrot variety is digging at one time, but there are general recommendations.

In order not to miss the cleaning time, you should consider:

  • growing region;
  • weather state;
  • signs of biological ripeness;
  • features of the variety.

Accounting for all factors will provide long-term conservation of root.

Dependence on the cultivation region

Of course, the timing of cleaning carrots depend on the area where vegetables are grown.

Approximate deadlines:

Also a lot depends on the weather.

The influence of the weather on the timing of carrots cleaning

In the last month of the growing season, carrots accumulate most of the beneficial substances. However, it is impossible to delay too much with its cleaning.

Autumn weather changed, moreover, one year is very different from the other. Therefore, choosing the time for collecting carrots, be sure to take into account the weather forecast. On the calendar it may be the end of August, the end of September or even October.

If the temperature holds above + 10 ° C, cleaning must be postponed before the onset of cool days. The fact is that warm fruits are stored bad.

It is necessary to fear as rains (carrots will start to grow new roots or cracking) and cold weather.

In accordance with the weather, it is cleaned:

  • before the rainy season;
  • when the temperature is set about + 8- + 4 ° C;
  • not later than the thermometer scale drops below -2 ° C.

The timing of ripening depends how warm and dry was summer. With steadily hot weather, the fruits ripen faster, so and the harvest will have to be removed before.

In the raw and cold summer time maturation increases. Then remove with the bed later.
The main landmark is signs of biological ripeness.

Signs of ripeness of carrots

Ripe bright color carrots, fragrant, tasty, strong and crisp. By this time, all her leaves are darker, and the bottom - more and yellow.

If the fruits began to crack, it means that time has already passed to clean, and you need to urgently get the carrot from the ground to save the harvest. This also says the reflection of white side roots.

Fully yellowed and self-taking carrots - a sign of the disease and also a signal to immediate cleaning.

Also, it is not worth waiting for the fruits to grow more than it is based on the characteristics of the variety: dusty, they are poorly stored.

How to dig up from bed

Under all requirements for cleaning, fruits can be saved to the next harvest.
So that the carrots have gained more nutrients and strengthened for long-term storage, it is prepared in advance to it.

It is necessary to stop watering the beds 2-4 weeks before the expected period of cleaning. Fertilizers are terminated for the month.

How to choose a day

Dipping carrots in a dry cool day. If you clean up in rainy weather, the roots will raise too much moisture, so when savings can be started.

With the weather, colder -3 ° C is also not to dig carrots - it will freeze, and it will become unsuitable not only for storage, but also for eating.

Rules of cleaning of carrots

Carrots need to be cleaned carefully, the main thing is not to damage the fruits. You can pull your hands for the top-bottomed varieties with hands, but tools will be required for long-fledged.

It is better to sink slightly, then pull the carrot for the tops. Otherwise, the leaves can break through, then they will have to search for roots in the ground.

When cleaning:

  • dig no shovel, but forks;
  • the earth is drunk in several centimeters from the roots;
  • in order not to break, the roots are pulled vertically up, without swaying from side to side;
  • the sticking ground is neatly written by hand.

If the land is severe or drying, the garden is watered before cleaning. Do this per day, but not too abundantly.

Trimming Tina

Be sure immediately after digging the carrot, you need to trim the tops.

The fact is that the roots through the leaves immediately begin to lose moisture and wither. Tina, in turn, will pull the nutrients from the roots. It can be started or moldy, and it will harm the fruits.

Remove the leaves, bowing them from the root with hands or cut off with a knife.

Do it:

  • to the root itself;
  • sutting 2 mm of fetus to prevent spring germination;
  • leaving a small tail (for fruits intended for planting on seeds).

For trimming use sharply compatible tools.

Preparation for storage

So that the carrots are well stored, it is necessary to prepare it properly.

Damaged fruits

Storage laid smooth healthy root roots. Therefore, first the carrots sort: in any wound wounds, infection easily penetrates. Feeding fruit necessarily infect neighboring plants.

Fruits that are cut, broken or damaged in a different way, are postponed on food or processed. Roots with cracks, sluggish, frozen or damaged pests, are also not suitable for storage.


Vegetables selected for long-term storage are dried. It is necessary even when it looks dry. It should also dry and the place of cutting of greenery.

For short time, especially if white roots have already appeared, you can leave in the sun.
Carrots before booking on the savings is better not to wash. But sometimes, especially if the vegetables are collected in the rainy autumn, heavily dirty, it is necessary to do. Wash the vegetable cool or slight warm water.

Washing or simply peeled root roots decompose with one layer in a dark dry room. Until the complete drying is kept for a few hours, and sometimes days. But not so long so that she began to wither.

It is dangerous for the preservation of the crop and the situation when the carrot is assembled with warm weather and immediately moved to a cold place: the strong temperature drops are not tolerated.
Before omitting into the cellar, the fruit temperature needs to be aligned with the storage room. They are laid out in one layer at a temperature of about + 6- + 8 ° C from two to ten days, and only then carry in the basement.

So that the carrots have been kept for a long time, it can be processed. For example, sprinkle the whole root or only a cropped top with a crowded chalk.

Storage of carrots

Keep the harvest in a dark, well ventilated basement, cellar or caisson. The best temperature is 0- + 1 ° C, humidity - about 90%. Storage It is desirable to handle a sulfuric checker to get rid of microbes and viruses.

More often, carrots are folded into cardboard or plastic boxes (boxes).

To preserve fruits use:

  • sand, which should be slightly wet;
  • sand mix with lime fluff in proportion of 10: 1;
  • chew;
  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • moss SFAGNUM.

The roots are placed at a distance from each other with rows, speaking a centimeter layer of the selected material. The lower and upper layers are a subflink.

You can store roots in polyethylene bags or packages. Fruits should be well sucked, in the package - the holes for ventilation are made.

Very good, this vegetable is stored in the clay crust: each root is fed to the "chatter", dry and remove into the boxes. By 10 kg of carrots, 3 kg of clay will be required.

Place the container is better on racks. In the absence, you can put boards or bricks.
To scare the rodents around, lay the wormwood.

How to save in winter at home

In the warm room, carrots are stored badly. The only reliable place is a refrigerator. Of course, this is suitable only for a small part of the crop.

Roots are placed in a compartment for vegetables, wrapped paper.

The second method: washed, cropped and well-dried carrots on one root are tightly wrapped in the food film. Then they take 3-4 pieces and tightly turn the film in a few more layers. Thus, carrots can be stored at least a year.

Carrots are rightfully considered one of the most useful vegetables. It is simply a huge amount of vitamins. Grow carrots easy.

Any gardener or dacket, even the most novice, will easily rub with the task. But when to remove carrots from the bed to provide her long successful storage? This is the question with this and will deal with this article.

Why root roots do not worry winter

Many hostesses, as well as the hosts faced with the fact that grown with love roots do not worry the winter period. But it happens that half the harvest is not able to even reach frost. What is the matter? There may be several reasons here. Firstly - different times of ripening from different varieties. Secondly - ignorance when you need to remove carrots from the bed. Thirdly, the technological side of the root crust can be broken by itself. Finally, the last, the fourth reason is unsuitable weather conditions.

When to clean the beet and carrot with beds

At least carrots, as well as beets are considered roof-resistant roots, still collect them better before regular frosts come. It is impossible to allow the plants to be covered with snow still on the beds.

And do not see that the tops are still green and beautiful. So when to clean the beet and carrots from the bed? The best time for this is the end of September or October month. Usually cleaning starts right away, as the potatoes are removed. But too early to dig root roots too. After all, you deprive them in this way a large number of useful substances.

Early harvesting time

That carrot, whose varieties ripen very early, is not suitable for long-term storage. It is planted, as a rule, in order to obtain beam carrots. A young sweet root is ready to eat in the middle of summer and is used for salads or baby food.

If you do not know when you need to remove carrots from the bed, you can skip this moment, and then it cracks right in the ground and lose its juiciness. If you have noticed that the diameter of carrots reached a centimeter, it means it's time to start digging it. This is the most delicious and useful carrot for consumption in raw form. Do not forget to burst after digging individual carrots formed pits. This will help prevent the lesion of the remaining root carrot flies.

When to remove carrots from bed breeding, if the maturation time is average

Growing on its plot of varieties having the average maturation time, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to raise such vegetables from eighty to one hundred and ten days. Watch your site. If you notice that the bottom leaves are yellow, then it has come when you can remove carrots from bed. If you do not remove the roots in time, then their flesh will acquire looseness, and taste qualities will become much worse.

The view is that all the leaves should get yellow and fade, extremely mistaken. It rather says that the plant hurts than about his maturity.

When to remove carrots if it is late

Talk about late varieties. Their ripening lasts more than one hundred and ten days. These varieties are called autumn and gather in the first half of September. It is in the autumn period that carrots are accumulated in large quantities of vitamins and nutrients.

The most important thing is that the day to which is not rainy. Before Morozov, contrary to emerging opinion, no root root in the ground is not worth it. If you do this, it is very often defeated by their gray rot. In this case, the entire harvest may be lost during the storage. But early digging root roots is not recommended. The large temperature difference will not bring anything good. If the harvest is already assembled, and the air temperature is still above twenty degrees, then you should not put it immediately into the cellar, where, of course, the temperature is much lower. So all the same when you remove carrots from the bed? Based on all the above described in this section, it can be concluded that as soon as the air temperature becomes lower (about four degrees of heat), but the weather will still remain good, you can safely be taken for digging carrots.

How to collect harvest

Descending into when you remove carrots from the bed, it is important not to miss the moment that the correct harvest increases the chances of obtaining a qualitative result in the storage process. Carrot before cleaning should be prepared. Somewhere a month before the designated time, watering is stopped. This will save the future harvest from cracking.

Collect carrots in a warm and clear day. Before the night frosts begin. The fournal carrot will not be stored.

Little to know when to clean the carrot for the winter from the bed. You need to still understand how to do it. Dig roots is best using forks. So less chances for damage. Carrots dug up and get out of the soil, holding for the tops. We clean it from the ground with your hands, but in no case with a scraper. Try not to damage the roots, because they are unlikely to continue for a long time. Also avoid shocks and fesoms during the transportation of roots.

As soon as the carrot is dug, it is necessary to remove the tops, and, as quickly as possible. If this is not done, then moisture through the leaves will evaporate so much that it will lead to fetus fading. After all the tops are removed, the carrots are folded under the canopy, leaving it a little to ventilate.

Methods of removal of tops

You can remove carrots vote in different ways. One option is to unscrew and breaking it with your hands. You can also cut off the leaves, but it is impossible to touch the root roof. One of the options cut off the tops is the one at which a small tail remains on carrots, which in size should not exceed one and a half centimeters.

And you can also cut the top of the carrot to the depth of no more than two millimeters. In this case, during storage, the tops will not be able to germinate and the root plant will not lose its nutritional properties, but this work is very jewelry. If you do it not as you need, then you risk losing the entire harvest due to rot.

Storage of carrots

In the previous sections, we found out how and when to remove carrots from bed beds. Now we will understand how this storage is carried out.

After the carrots dried slightly, smooth the remaining land from it. For storage, use drawers with a small depth. The roots are laid in them with rows and slightly pecks sand, which should be a little wet. For these purposes, you can still use peat. Some gardeners store carrots in plastic bags, making the holes for ventilation in them. Of course, the basement in which you plan to keep your vegetables should also be well ventilated.

Another interesting way to store carrots is to dry it into a clay tank. Each root plant before shipping to the basement is cooled into clay and dried on the grid. Thus, protection of mice and other pests is protected and juicy and crispy carrots are preserved. Sometimes glued garlic is added to the clay mixture, which scares various pests from the crop.

If you want to save a small carrot until spring, then prepare a hole with a depth of about thirty centimeters and pour it off the bottom of the sand. Rows laid carrots there, speaking it with sand. When the whole carrot is laid, pour the pit and cover it with leaves, fir branches and slate. In winter, he grind a lot of snow over it. Thus, excavating this pit in the spring, you will get root of such freshness, as if you just dug them.

Saving carrots in the refrigerator, wrap each piece of paper. So she will be able to remain juicy and tasty longer.

If you store carrots for you, do not forget that it can be sued or freeze. In this case, problems with rot, you definitely will not arise.

The sections of this article considered when to remove carrots from the bed, how to do it right and how you can save your harvest until spring. Observing all the uncomplicated rules, you can pamper yourself with fresh carrots for the entire period of cold weather and even longer, almost to the new crop.

Cleaning and storage of carrots. In the fall, dackets are wondering - when to remove carrots with bed beds? Carrot is a useful and delicious vegetable, but for long-term storage, you need to properly choose the timing of harvesting.

Today you will learn: When digging carrots, how to dig a carrot, storing carrots for the winter - the best ways.

When to dig a carrot - the period of cleaning?

Cleaning carrots It can be started when the root is reached in diameter 1.5 cm. It all depends on the period of sowing, a particular variety and timing of its maturation. Depending on the region Carrot harvesting deadlines will be different.

If you reap the carrots in the ground, then the vegetable will become rude, and can again go to growth.

Early varieties are usually removed in the middle of summer, the secondary days in early September. Lastly, the cleaning of carrots intended for storage in the winter.

Cleaning time can be determined visually: Pull out one carrot and look - if it covered with small roots over the entire length, then it's time to dig carrots.

Start cleaning carrots with dry weather. Corneaplodes seized from the Earth, leave for several hours outdoors for drying. The tops are cut immediately to the root of the root. Large root roots always dig early, and the small time can be given a little more effectively.

When growing carrots on the soils, it gets out of the ground pulling out the tops. When growing on more dense soils, use the forks to dig the carrots, if you do not work with your hands get the root from the ground.

As the root root got out of the ground, simply smooth it from the stuck soil, in no case should not scrape a sharp object or to overturn about the ground - this will lead to damage and poor storage.

Cleaning carrots You should have time to spend the onset of autumn frosts. Roots stop their height at a temperature of +8 degrees - this is the temperature of the middle - the end of October. It is in October who should actively begin to dig a carrot from the bed.

By this time, a sufficient amount of sugars, vitamins, carrots acquire a good taste of taste in root.

The peel is completely formed and will prevent carrots from drying out.

Video - When digging carrots and beets?

Storage of carrots for the winter at home

Besides vintage carrots You need to collect, it is necessary and maintained correctly. The main thing before storage to select carrots for priority and for long-term storage.

Small and damaged root roots are better to use first. If there are many of them as the option to grate on the grater and dry, then use to be destined, store in banks.

Before laying the root blocks to store them, they need to be cooled to a temperature of + 2-4 degrees. Due to cooling, damaged areas on the root crops obtained as a result of cleaning, and the respiratory intensity will also be reduced.

At home Carrots are usually stored in boxes in cellar or basements.

The optimal storage temperature of carrot + 1-2 degrees. But such a temperature is difficult to achieve and usually it is +5 degrees. As a result, carrots simply germinate.

One of the storage methods - melting Morkovia. Carrots are sprinkled with chalk and fold into storage boxes. Approximate consumption of 250 g of chalk per 10 kg of carrots.

You can stop carrots coniferous needles or sawdust - It is very well affected by storage.

Instead of sand, you can use such modern materials: perlite or vermiculitis. These materials slightly consume moisture from the air and absorb gas exchange products, which prevents the rotation process.

Well showed itself this way of storage - carrots are placed in a drawer lined with polyethylene.

Video - How to store carrots?

Storage of carrots in the apartment

If you do not have a celler or you live in a multi-storey building, you can save carrots in cellophane packages.

To do this, cut off the carrot of the tops, wash well and put into transparent packages. Packages tie a node so that there is no air access.

Large carrots harvests!