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How to do more per day - my secrets of personal effectiveness. How much to do a lot of day: Little tips for big achievements

Some people demonstrate supernatural abilities on the path leading to the achievement of goals. It is surprising that representatives of this category are holy than weekend and regularly go on vacation. You will never notice them among those who work overtime. How do they manage to seek such ambitious results, working at no more than 8 hours a day?

According to a new study of the staff of the University of Stanford, human productivity decreases sharply when the working week exceeds 50 hours. If you feel about the category of convinced workaholikov and strive to work more than 55 hours every week, warn you that it does not make sense. You can spend on professional duties for up to 70 hours a week, but the amount of work done will be incommensurable smaller. Let's talk about how to use your time correctly. Before you there are some good tips.


This is the most important strategy for all weekends. When you come home on Friday in the evening, make it so that you have become inaccessible to colleagues and bosses until Monday. Practice lack of accessibility in the evenings and at night on weekdays. So you will be able to avoid constant stress that cause any random calls. If you are required to spend overtime processing time emailSelect certain hours for this.

Minimize homework

Households have an amazing ability not to end throughout the weekend. When from morning to evening you are busy with routine actions, you lose the opportunity to relax. Worse than many household works Taken a large number of physical forces. Therefore, plan your business so that they all fit on the working week. Weekend Leave for rest.

Exercise stress

If you do not have time to play sports from Monday to Friday, do not forget that you have 48 hours at the end of the week. Only 10 minutes of movement saturate the brain with soothing neurotransmitters, as a result of which the general stress accumulated in the week decreases. Sport classes is a great way to develop creative skills and invent new ideas. This is especially characteristic of the activity that is performed in the fresh air.


Weekend - it's time to bring your thoughts in order. To do this, apply the regular practice of reflections that is powerful tool For self-improvement. Think about how to reorganize your work to improve labor efficiency.

Favorite hobbies

It can surprise you, but idle time on weekends will not restore your strength as it will make your favorite hobby. When you are entirely giving yourself your favorite lesson, you find a great way to avoid stress. Hobbies like music, reading, needlework, drawing and playing with children, will keep your mind open for new thoughts.

Time with family

If you want to get a charge of cheerfulness for the upcoming work week, think about a family event. Get down your children in the amusement park, to visit the grandparents or go with my wife to your favorite restaurant. Positive emotions received from communicating with close people will triple your strength.

Practice small adventures

Do not be afraid of the spontaneous adventure. If you accidentally fell out the opportunity to visit the concert of live tool music, use it. Replace training on a treadmill hiking in the forest. Try what you have never done before. As studies show, the expectation of small adventures forms a premonition of good in people.

Early rise in weekends

It is tempting to stay on weekends in bed for all morning and good sleep. However, you will feel the cheerfulness and tide of strength only when you develop a habit to get up at the same time every day.

Select time for yourself

Nothing tunes on the accomplishment as a positive morning. Therefore, be sure to allocate some time at the very beginning of the day for yourself. 2-4 hours after awakening, your mental abilities reach their peak. Until this time, you must saturate the brain with oxygen, making charging, and the body with vitamins, using a nutritious breakfast. Well prepares the brain to work Morning practice meditation.

Preparation for the coming week

The weekend is a great time to plan the upcoming working week. You will spend just a few minutes, but protect yourself from stress and give an impetus to performance. When the week becomes more manageable, you will only have to focus on the process.

Sometimes, and even more often than sometimes, we do not have time to do everything we have planned. We have an endless list of tasks in our hands, and around millions of distracting factors. Unfortunately in the days of only 24 hours, so you have a few sentences that can help you have time to do more.

25 ways how to do more

1. Create habits

Select several actions that you make on a regular basis and make a habit of them. For example, select a specific time when you respond to emails, or that after work you will definitely go to the simulator room. Gradually, repeating them every day, these actions will be automatic.

2. Quality Son.

If you do not get enough sleep, your productivity at work can significantly decrease. It is recommended to sleep around 7-9 hours.

3. Wake up earlier

If you can get enough sleep and at the same time get up earlier, it's just great. In this extra morning hour you have less worries that you can distract you, so use it with the mind.

4. Stop constantly checking mail

Choose a time when you check your email box. Unexpected letters with requests and tasks can divert you for a long time from your main work.

5. Make Daily Task Lists

Sewing great tasks for smaller. Instead of going to swing, you can seriously think to sign up for yoga lessons. Or instead of writing a course in one evening, you can tune in to write on the sheet a day. Small achievements will be in a big win.

6. Make a list of what you should not do

Bad habits are also important as good. Maybe you still have to watch this movie on another day?

7. Do not at the same time several tasks

Our brain is not able to think about two things that you are trying to do together.

8. Turn off the phone

When it comes to performing some specifically set tasks, silence is a key to success. Turn off your phone for a while if you need someone, they will leave you voice message (or just write the SMS that you will get later).

9. Engage in the afternoon

If you can afford, you allocate a small break throughout the day for exercise. As physical activity turned out very well activates productivity.

10. Enter a healthy lifestyle

Get rid of OT. harmful habits. It will add you strength, energy, health and even save you a bunch of money. And also adds you at least a couple of years of life. To be healthy is great!

11. First make the most necessary things.

Usually these are the things that I want to postpone "for later." Be sure to write down a few such at the beginning of each of your day. And follow them!

12. Sort letters

As soon as you checked the mail, be sure to deal with all the letters: answer those that require a response, delete spam, move the necessary in drafts. Organizations are very important if you want to do most.

13. Brainsstorning

Highlight a little time for yourself and let your ideas shown yourself. You may have a lot good ideas For a relatively short period of time.

14. Keep a notebook and handle at hand

Also act as Richard Branson and then you will not forget any of your ingenious idea.

15 Disconnect all social networks

VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki - You will not believe how much time they will take away, until you disable them at least for a week.

16. Protmosite

You do not have to be the first to the finish line. Let you have time to look back and evaluate the work you have.

17. Camping Time

(You will again see how much time you will be torn social networks!) Record how much time you have to sort email letters, reading, etc. It will help you plan your day better.

18. Do not jump from one to another

Select for each definite task as a certain amount of time. As soon as the time goes out, go to the next.

19. Look back

Every week, take some time to analyze it: what you have achieved and what you should be tentable in the schedule of next week.

20. Turn off

Headphones to help you. By the way, other people are unlikely to distract you when they see that you are busy.

21. Remind yourself

Leave notes and notes about those things you need to do. Put invoices and books (which you want to read) for prominent places. Stick sticky notes!

22. Fit good

Lunch does not just quench the hunger. Products such as salmon, almonds and carrots increase the energy level. What do you follow what you eat.

23. Do not litter

Get rid of everything you can distract you. Remove the dishes, disassemble the paper on the table, remove all the extra things ...

24. Tell me "No"

Do not try to do everything for everyone. Learn to speak solid "no" and you will remain focused on your task.

25. Make a break

Highlight some time for yourself, for relaxation, for relaxation. Resting, you can return to work with new forces. If you work without a break for a long time Efficiency is significantly reduced.

There is such a joke: "I am often asked to reveal the secret, as I have time to do so much. There is no secret - because I do not have time! ".

But if you really are interested in how much you still have time, but at the same time spend less forces, then here are the seven techniques personally proven by me.

1. Focus on your talents

Admit how many hours do you spend on what you are best? Most likely a maximum of a couple of hours from all time hours.

And what if you did every minute exactly what you were talent? Can you imagine how much you "grew up"?

Here is an example of how focusing on talents helps to be successful for a long time. Rolling Stones Group still collects full stadiums in their world tour. Although the group participants are already far over sixty. How did they manage to be blown away? The thing is that they are doing only one thing - write music and play. They are not engaged in the organization of the concert. Do not plan the tour route. All this makes other people. "Rollings" focus on the main thing.

And it is very important. When you focus on your talents and pay a lot of time for your favorite case - only then you can achieve significant success.

2. Arrange priorities

Surely you heard about Pareto rule: 20% of effort give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the effort is only 20% of the result.

The list of our everyday affairs can consist of a dozen tasks, but only some of them are important in real - those that move us forward to achieving the goal.

Every day I choose the three most priorities from the entire list. And these tasks I try to solve in the morning while my energy and creativity on high level. And all meetings, routine things I stand for afternoon.

Perhaps your peak activity falls at another time and in the morning you want to sleep most, and not to develop a plan to seize the world. Know your schedule of activity is useful, so try to track, at what time of the day you are most effective.

3. Frequently

If you are downloaded by cases so that you can't even take the day during the day, I advise you to use the 4D formula. All cases can be divided into several groups. The formula will tell you how to get rid of extra cases without loss.

Enough to spend your time for useless things. If there is no result from these cases, then they have nothing to do in your list. Do not be afraid to say no meetings for which you do not want to go, someone else's requests that only waste your time. Drag all unnecessary affairs.

2. Delegate

Here will include all the cases that you can delegate to another person without loss. Do not attempt to take control absolutely all processes. You simply simultaneously overload yourself to other people who can perform.

3. Until the best times

If it is possible to postpone until better times, I calmly set aside. Just do not forget to note when you plan to implement it.

This includes cases that do not tolerate delay. If you need to do it now, take and do.

4. Set the timer

Another advice - use the Pomodoro technique. Despite the seeming simplicity, it is very effective. Every half an hour take breaks for 5 minutes and soon you yourself make sure that you started doing much more. This is logical: if you do frequent breaks, it is easier to keep the concentration.

I often use the Forest application. The bottom line is that when I turn on the timer in the application, the tree grows on the screen. If you roll the application, the tree will die. This is an excellent motivation to focus on work and is less distracted by pop-up notifications in the gadget.

5. Decide the tasks consistently

To be productive, make things alternately. The Russian proverb about the pursuit of two hares appeared not from an empty place. Attempts to make several cases at the same time actually fail.

Even the computer slows down if you try to start a bunch of programs at it. Therefore, try each task to solve separately. Then the level of concentration will be maximal and the case will go faster.

6. Ask ourselves "What am I not doing now?"

We are accustomed to pronounce and postpone important things for later. Sometimes we specifically fill all our day with small and useless tasks, so that at the end of the day justify your inaction with a crushed: "Not enough time." Think, and do not you shy away from important cases? To preserve awareness during the day, I ask myself a question: "What am I not doing now?". The answer to the question is usually becoming the most important thing from which I am trying to evaporate and which you need to solve first.

7. Use the "Rule 90"

Another technique that I was presented in the "Esssentialism" book is "rule 90."

Making any choice is easier if you put each option from 0 to 100 points. If the option is not gaining above 90 points, it can be deleted. Making a choice - choose the best, and not just good.

If I used to begin to apply this rule, I would not bought all those things that then hung in my closet without a chance to be rushed. Most likely, your wardrobe is full of such things. This rule can be used when cleaning. If you rated some thing to 60-70 points, it is better to throw it out. Do not agree on compromises.

Most strategies for increasing their own efficiency are too complex and confused. More precisely, they are not complicated, but tightened. It is done intentionally. After all, it will not be possible to sell a book in which only 5 pages. Therefore, the author begins to smear ordinary principles for dozens of chapters.

There is some paradox in it, because we do not want to spend time in an empty, we want to do more and at work, and at home, and we offer several hundred pages of useless ver.

Learn to manage to cope with large quantity Affairs can each. This article offers three simple CouncilHow to increase your productivity. These are universal principles that you can adapt to your needs and needs.

1. Planning

It is impossible to just come up with a plan in my head and then do everything. You must write specific actions and be sure to refer to the time you want to perform them. This is similar to the appointment of a meeting with an important client. Only this client you yourself. Do not be late.

The list of your cases should not be optional. That is, you should feel the duty to finish it. It should not be just your desires. These are the tasks you need to perform. Be yourself the strict chief.

2. Increase efficiency

Efficiency means that we carry out tasks for the maximum short term. In addition, we can work less, but more.

  • First, you need to understand how much time it is necessary for some kind of task.
  • Secondly, you need to think about how this time it is possible to cut. But not to the detriment of quality.

Do this too, you need not in my head. Write at least 5 ways, how to speed up the execution of some business. Then choose those options that will give the maximum effect.

Often you will seem to speed up anything impossible. Just start dischargeing ways. All that come to mind, even strange at first glance. Our brain is inherently lazy, it needs to be forced to work. At the end you will be surprised by your own creativity.

Many things are much more efficient to do it yourself, but it is better to charge someone else.

3. Save the concentration

The most cunning enemy of our productivity is different distractions, procrastination. Today we have a huge amount of information from all sides and is difficult to resist this. If it does not cope with this item, the previous two will be useless.

There are two excellent ways to keep focusing on important affairs. You probably heard them, but still do not use.

  1. Get rid of all external stimuli. Turn off the notifications from social networks, games and other services that this moment You do not need time. Take yourself a rule not to enter social networks and not read the news until all things are made. Postpone all this until the evening, and even better until the end of the week.
  2. Use the timer. Choose the optimal interval for work and recreation that suggest you. For example, you can work 90 minutes, and then rest for 20 minutes. During these 90 minutes, it is impossible to be distracted anything other than work. And the time allocated to rest should not be exceeded. Numerous experiments have shown that such an approach allows you to fight concentration problems as efficiently as possible.

In order to increase its productivity and so much more than several times do not need to pass multi-day courses or read fat books. You need to stick (strictly) of just a few rules.

With age, the feeling arises that time is stuck running. It is based on the understanding that the objective lifetime remains less, and cases, desires, aspirations and needs becomes more. Already enough life experienceIn order to effectively organize its activities in the workplace and in everyday life, and now the main enemy becomes time, or rather his inexorable movement forward. To overcome this run, you need to do more than before, for the same time segment.

On the way of intensifying activities, barriers constantly arise, which can be called "thieves of time". They are selected the main resource, to manage which a person learns almost all his life. All that in one way or another interferes prevents the goal is related to the factors, "devouring" time. They also create such external and psychological circumstances, because of which for some time the ability is lost to qualitatively, quickly and with the orientation to the future to do what is required and what brings pleasure.

What are the main "thief of time"?

  • Bad habits. Their great many: from smoking and hobbies with social networks to inorganic and chaotic snacks. The body of the avid smokers requires nicotine at least once a hour. With an 8-hour working day it is easy to calculate that the 10-minute surroundings are "pouring" almost an hour and a half voluntary downtime. For those who abuse alcohol, it is difficult to rely on serious affairs. In addition, the unpleasant morning "amber" and the hangmest syndrome turn a person in the likeness of a zombie, for which the work retreats to the background, compared with the desire to "be necessary".
  • Conversations are not in the case. When students at a pair are asking the teacher to "talk to the distracted topic," they take time and knowledge, hoping through the conversation "nothing to delay the moment of the survey. If the teacher is talking about, he recognizes himself unable to organize an occupation so that students do not have any thoughts about anything other than study. The desire to prosecute at work is only a temporary self-dedication of the participants of the improvised " round Table."From the fulfillment of official duties, which pernicably affects labor productivity.
  • Force majeure (unforeseen circumstances). This is a cold, a fracture of the legs, stress, suddenly arising problems in personal and professional spheres, not to mention natural disasters And other misfortunes that are brought out for a long time from the usual rut. Recovery after experienced trouble is delayed. Only a few manage to mobilize and collect domestic reserves in the fist to continue to operate "on your field", whether creativity, work, teaching.
  • And, of course, lazy! Laziness is a conscious failure to start, continue or completing the action. It is precisely it prevents to bring a non-ergonomic workplace In proper condition, spend a little strength and planning the day schedule. She does not allow to gather with thoughts and stop being distracted by numerous temptations, screaming: "See TV, play in computer game., have fun, relax, then you finish, I will not go anywhere! "

With "time thoughts", the appearance of which is associated with the deviation of a person from the desired mode of consumption of this resource, it is possible and necessary to deal. The effect of others should minimize or try to avoid their occurrence. Managing time, a person acquires the degree of freedom with which he can do more and take another step to the sensation / state, which is called the motivating word "success."