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The name of Julia on the church calendar is a complete feature. Julia - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope. How the name is translated into different languages

Julia's female name happened from ancient Greek Iulius and is literally translated as "curly" or "wavy". Another popular variation of origin is from Roman Julius, the meaning of Julia from Latin - July.

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Variations named after: Juliana, Julia, Julia, Julis, Yushichka, Julcay, Yula, Yulka, Yulia, Yulyushik, Yusya, Yulchik, Yuska. Name Day celebrates twice a year - July 29 - Martyr Iuliya Corsican and May 31 - Virgin Maulia Corinthian.

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      Julia still from the diaper shows his difficult character and does not give a descent to her parents. It is capricious and requires increased attention. If your relatives will not indulge in her whims, she will achieve desired with tears and hysterical screaming: for example, it can fall to the floor in the store and knock on your feet, demanding buy another toy.

      • The girl loves to spend time exploring the world around. She can study a complex designer for hours, reflecting on his actions. Julia is a dreamer and a fideller, her fantasy can be envied. It can easily avoid home duties, inventing an incredible story. The girl prefers to shift responsibility for the perfect act on another and never give himself offen.

        Girl all takes close to heart. Even someone else's grief can drive it into deep sadness. She is compassionate and good to others, never greaders and will always support in a difficult situation.

        The girl does not like to spend time playing with his peers, she prefers loneliness, can calmly read books. Immersing in reading your favorite literature, she forgets everything, representing himself the heroine of the adventure novel. Julia has few girlfriends, because the girl can not always find a common language with peers: she considers them stupid and superficial.

        Julia has many talents. She can write poems from an early age, well draws, she has a wonderful musical hearing and excellent manners. It is aristocratic, elegant, loves luxury and beautiful things, so requires parents only the best. No wonder Julia's name is translated as "kudryaya" - her hair is jealous, because they are a real pride of the girl. She loves to make intricate hairstyles and cause admiration for classmates.

        The girl succeeds in humanitarian objects, adores foreign languages \u200b\u200band literature, but mathematics is given to her with difficulty. Yule likes to learn, she loves to know the new, receive high grades and praise teachers. It can easily learn a huge poem instead of the specified passage.

        How to determine whether the guy is suitable for a girl - the compatibility of names in love and marriage


        Young Yulia's life is full of entertainment. She loves to attract attention, always well maintained and beautiful. She has a lot of fans who give her flowers and shower with compliments. She has several faithful girlfriends with which she spends his free time. Yule lays noisy parties, pathetic institutions and good rest. By nature, she adventure, which cannot live and day without adventure.

        The girl may not pay due attention to their studies, which is why it can have conflicts with parents. She got used to act impulsively, even if he would regret the deed. She is stubborn and bold, likes to do everything called and does not listen to anyone. Julia can be aggressive and quick-tempered if she can't do conceived. She is prone to independent life and often leaves the parent home at an early age.

        Julia does not know how to lie, she is a sincere and fair girl. However, contacting the bad company, it is easy to negatively influence the surrounding.

        The character of the girl depends on the time of year when she was born:

        Season Description of character
        SummerLaskova and extremely patient, appreciates sincere relationships and respects his parents. She is not indifferent to other people's problems, always ready to stretch the hand of help. Julia is a bit naive, believes in real disinterested love and is waiting for his fabulous prince
        FallIt is practical and cold with others, restrained and does not show its true emotions. It is impossible to understand that this girl has on the mind, it is unpredictable and has attractive mystery
        WinterSmall and insightful, it exceeds everything values \u200b\u200bspiritual qualities. Julia is romantic, gentle and charming, needs care and friendly support
        SpringSensual and very creative nature, loves to create beautiful things with their own hands. She is always surrounded by men, but only friendly relations are associated with them.

        Gemini Male - Characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


        The fate of Julia may form differently. It all depends on the upbringing and spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat parents were vaccinated.

        The woman feels great in the role of a housewife, she is a keeper of a homemade hearth and makes superbly coping with routine work. She knows how and loves to cook, surprising their households with exquisite and varied dishes.


        Julia believes in love at first sight, it is attracted by the strong and powerful men with whom she could feel like a little and defenseless girl. She has long chosen the future spouse, romance and beautiful courtship are very important. A woman loves ears, so compliments can melt her heart.

        In the choice of his beloved, the owner of this name is fully relying on its intuitive sensations, without listening to any advice. Having loved all my heart, Julia is ready for any victims for the sake of his man.

        Marriage and family

        Julia is constant in his feelings, she is devoted and true to his chosen one until the end of his days.

        Julia is awaiting happy marriage. She needs praise and regular attention, loves sincere conversations and does not accept scandals and sorry in the family. A woman performs his duties in good faith, without shifting responsibility for her husband. Julia loves children very much. She is caring and a good mother who seeks to give their kids all the best. Patience shows, does not shout on children and with pleasure engaged in their upbringing.

        A woman likes to receive guests, she knows how to surprise her loved ones and brighten up one-time leisure. She is talented and inventive, always think of a cheerful occupation for the whole family.


        The owner of this name can achieve large heights in professional activities, but the career is not preferring family values \u200b\u200bto material.

        She is executive and hardworking, tend to command, skillfully manipulates people. She will achieve overall recognition in any way. Employees respect Julia's opinion and obey her. She does not regret the premiums for a conscientious employee, will always go to the position and will go early with work.

        Secret named after Julia

        Table Characteristics and Compatibility:

        Type of personalityMelancholic
        Major qualitiesRefinement, kindness, generosity, sensitivity, quick temper, aristocraticity, honesty
        Positive sidesJustice, Responsiveness, Responsibility, Charm, Compassion, Demanding, Independence, Sincerity, Devotion
        MoralA woman has moral principles and never retreats from them. She has a kind and merciful soul, she is always ready to help the poor and unhappy, sharing everything that has, appreciates spiritual qualities in people. She is a faithful wife and a loving mother, cares and honors his parents.
        Negative sidesSugagarianism, vitality, malignancy, naivety, stubbornness, pessimism
        PsychicYulia has an unstable psyche, it is subject to sharp mood drops, often be sad and likes to reflect on the pressing. It really appreciates its capabilities, but it may not dream for hours, it has an irrepressible fantasy and inexhaustible creative potential. It is easy to offend and bring out it, because Julia hardly controls his emotions.
        ThinkingNon-standard creative thinking, phenomenal memory. If Julia is passionate about or working on an important task, it does not notice anything around, fully focused on the work process
        Intuitive abilitiesShe has exacerbated intuition, a woman listens to her inner sensations and always decides to trust her female premonition.
        friendshipJulia has few friends, but she really values \u200b\u200bfriendship with them and never betray them. Friendship for her is holy, she will always come to the rescue and puts the interests of the best friends above their. With a woman it is difficult to find a common language and deserve her trust, but a person who will be able to do is lucky, because Julia knows how to store secrets and give valuable advice
        BusinessJulia does not like to obey, but prefers to lead and criticize subordinates. She will be able to manage their business and become a successful business lady, if you learn to skillfully manage cash and competently invest
        SexHer behavior in bed depends solely on the mood of a woman. It can be a passionate tigress, liberated and hot, perform all men's whims. And may also be a small and fluffy kitten, which needs tenderness and affection. Sexy joy for Yulia do not stand in the first place, she prefers spiritual communication
        ProfessionsActress, model, designer, singer, poetess, language, philosopher, psychologist, teacher, journalist, athlete, stewardess, TV presenter
        HealthThere are problems with vision, stomach and throat. Woman pays due attention to his health, itifies correctly, engaged in physical culture and harnesses, so rarely sick with viral infections
        HobbiesLiterature, Cooking, Needlework, Theater, Painting, Cinema, Yoga, Gymnastics, Dancing, Singing, Writing Poems, Travel, Interior Design, Fashion, Foreign Languages, Psychology, Esoteric
        Male name compatibilityEgor, Boris, Nikolay, Vladimir, Roman, Trofim, Artem, Sergey, Alexey, Robert, Maxim, David, Victor, Eugene, Pavel, Mikhail, Dmitry, Eldar, Timofey
        Incompatibility with male namesAnton, Vladislav, Yaroslav, Stanislav, Albert, Arthur, Oleg, Georgy, Innokenty, Prokhor, Daniel, Konstantin, Zakhar, Alexander, Ivan, Igor
        Compatibility with astral signsCancer, Lev, Virgo, Aquarius
        Incompatibility with zodiac signsScorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus

The review contains large and small secrets of Julia.

Julia is the secular / worldly form of the Christian name of Julius. The first mention of the name of the Iulium is dated to the second half of the III century.

There are two versions of the origin of this name:

  • greek: from ϊουλος - fluffy, wavy, curly;
  • latin: Lulia - July or Julius - belonging to the genus Yuliyev.

Holy patron named after Julia. When is the name day, Angela Day at Julia on the Orthodox calendar?

Main dates:

  • Virgin Maulia Ankir, martyr. Help (on a new style): May 31, November 19.
  • Virgin Mauliya Carthaginskaya, Martyr. Honor (new style): July 29.

Dates for reverence of local saints:

  • Blessed Juliania Vyazemsky, martyr. Honing (by N.S.): January 3, June 15.
  • Juliania Muromskaya. Holes (by N.S.): January 15.
  • Juliania Ptoleamide, martyr. Honing (by N.S.): March 17, August 30.
  • Juliaia Amician, martyr. Holes (by N.S.): April 2.
  • Juliania Moscow. Holes (by N.S.): May 16.
  • Julia, martyr. Holes (by N.S.): July 5.
  • Olshanskaya fabulous maidial. Holes (by N.S.): July 19.
  • Julia, martyr. Honing (by N.S.): August 31.
  • Iuliya Lisbon, martyr. Holes (by N.S.): October 14.
  • Iuliania Ilopolskaya, martyr. Holes: December 17th.

Secret named after Julia

Inquisitive minds are still trying to answer the question of how the sound vibrations of uttered words affect the person, incl. Names own. Why do some sound combinations cause unpleasant associations, and others give the feeling of happiness? Why is one people comfortable with their own name, and others hate him with all the fibers of their soul? Scientist and researcher Velichko F.K. suggested that each word we pronounce is your rhythm and their vibrations. If these waves do not coincide with the internal vibrations of a person, it feels discomfort and anxiety.

What vibration gives the universe name Julia? Analysis in the table.

Secret named after Julia: Semantico-phonetic analysis name

What nationality is Julia's name?

This form of the name is common in Eastern Europe.

Name Julia, Julia: Origin and Validity, Popularity

The peak of the popularity of the name fell at the end of the 70s. - The beginning of the 80s.

According to statistics, 2016, Julia's name is located in the 30th place in the list of popular female names.

The origin and the name of the name described in detail at the beginning of the article.

Julia - Deciphering the name from Greek

In Greek, the word "ϊουλος" means: fluffy, wavy, curly.

Name Julia, Julia in English, Latin, different languages

In the table (see below) you can see how you are written and sounds the name of Julia in English, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, German.

Here are the diminutive forms of this name.

Name Julia in different languages

In addition, the names of Julia in Dutch, Portuguese, Finnish, French, Swedish and Japanese sound interesting. Especially pleased with the variety of diminutive forms of the name.

Name Julia in different languages

How is the name of Julia in passport written in a passport?

Julia: What abbreviated short name, diminishing-smear?

The more names of the name - the better for its owner. After all, each new combination of sounds carry different vibrations and affects a person in different ways.

Short name: Julia.

Summary of the name: Lia, Lu-Lu, Luleka, cradle, lully, Yulec, Yulzka, Yules, Yulechka, Yulka, Yulzia, Yulchik, Yuliak, Julia, Yulia, Julia, Yulia, Yulyashka, Yusik, Yusichka, Yuska, Jusya.

Julia: Name, Character and Fate

Julia is secretive, fearing and indecisive. But knows how to carefully control their fears. Because of this, the surrounding the impression is that Julia is a cold person, impassive and appreciated.

At a young age requires constant attention and care from parents, and in a mature - from his partner. At the same time, a very volitional personality, although it tries not to demonstrate this side of its nature without any need. If the need nevertheless arose, it is better not to stand on her way: to achieve its goal, Julia, without thinking, will meet all obstacles.

In the stressful situation acts quickly and rigidly. POST FACTUM comes to her.

It has a well-developed intuition. Add to this alive and inquisitive mind, good memory, the ability to listen and hear and you will understand why Julia becomes beautiful lawyers, psychologists, teachers.

Julia is quite ambitious. If she chooses a career, then will be the best in his profession. If Julia is trying on his wife and mother, it will be the best.

As a rule, in the house of Julia there are many books, including about art. I am pleased to visit museums, art galleries, theaters. It has a creative hobby: drawing, photography, embroidery, etc.

Very honest and responsible. Does not tolerate lies. It is hard to experience treason (both partner and friends).

Does not tolerate when she is imposed on someone else's point of view.

Dizzing and malicious.

With all this, her close friends adore for the Boymy House, willingness to substitute shoulder and help the explanatory advice.

The most difficult words for Yulia: "I need help." All his problems Julia tries to solve independently.

Name Julia: Sexuality, Marriage

Name Julia: Sexuality, Marriage, Relationship

Singlebank. It becomes very sensual and sexually active when finally finds his second half. However, if the parquet was unable to keep her attention, all its sensuality and activity hides behind the outer coldness.

Very honest. The same is waiting for the partner.

For children - just a fanatical mother. If a child needs a star from heaven, Julia will get it.

Beautiful hostess.

Name Julia: Health and Psyche

These two concepts depend, not least, from heredity.

Julia lives according to the principle: "You're healthy, while there is no strength to see the doctor." Accordingly, you will never hear from Yulia complaints about health. She is tireless and very worn.

But this does not mean that Yulia has no problems. She needs to take care of himself and closely treats her health.

What patronymic fits the girl to the name of Julia: compatibility with male names

List of men's names compatible with the name Julia, incl. As patronymic is presented below.

What patrimonies are suitable for Yulia

Congratulations on Julia Angel: Short, in verses and prose

Remember that Yulia is thin natures, well-feeling lies. Yulia does not need to be a flattery. She is enough to hear a few warm but sincere words.

Congratulations for Yulia # 1

Congratulations for Yulia # 2

Congratulations for Yulia # 3

Congratulations for Yulia # 4

Congratulations for Yulia # 5

Song named Julia, Julia

  • "July girl"; Artist: Chameleon.
  • "Julia's kisses"; Artist: Evgeny Osin.
  • "Redhead Girl Julia"; Artist: Tim Namenko.
  • "Yulley"; Artist: Malvina.
  • "Yulia"; Artist Andrei Razin.
  • "Yulia"; Artist: on-on.
  • "Yulia"; Artist: Oscar Kamionsky.
  • "Yulia"; Artist: Julia Savicheva.
  • "Yulka"; Artist: Mark Vinokurov.
  • "Yulka"; Artist: Night Patrol.
  • Yulkin Anniversary; Artist: Glory Bobkov.
  • "Julia, Julia, Yulka, Julia"; Artist: Vladimir Krachmalev.
  • "Julia"; Artist Aramis.
  • "Julia"; Artist: Marsel.
  • "Julia"; Artist: Map Blanche.
  • "Julia"; Artist: Lena Temnikov.
  • "Julia"; Artist: Blue Bird.
  • "Julia"; Artist: Shahryzada.

Tattoo named Julia, Julia

Named tattoo still in trend. In the photo: a few interesting ideas for the English-speaking version of Julia.

Tattoo named Julia # 1

Tattoo named Julia # 2

Tattoo named Julia # 3

Tattoo named Julia # 4

Tattoo named Julia # 5

Name Julia: intuition, intelligence, morality

Intuition is well developed. In most cases, it is the intuition that saves Julia in critical life situations.

Julia is smart, loves to solve puzzles and read detective stories. However, to the development of some disciplines, Julia is suitable with Lenza. And it's not in the absence of mental potential. The point is in the absence of interest in the subject studied.

Julia is characterized by strict moral stuff. It can be reeded in everything: from "to come on time on time" before "change the world for the better." Julia never humiliates to lies. It is easier for her to tell the truth, even very unpleasant than lying and removing.

Name Julia: Hobbies, Activity, Business

In order not to choose Julia - she will achieve maximum heights in everything. And all thanks to its perfectionism and perseverance. Most often, her hobbies are associated with art and creativity, and labor activity - with communication.

Suspension named Julia Gold: Photo

Yulia love to look flawlessly. Beautiful decoration, presented as a gift, will not leave them indifferent.

Suspension named Julia from gold # 1

Suspension named Julia from gold # 2

Suspension named Julia from Gold # 3

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Julia?

The name is most revealed by the scales born.

Stone Talisman to the name Julia

  • Lapis lazuli. Bring well-being and success.
  • Nephritis. He will emphasize the beauty of its mistress, will help in achieving the goals.
  • Sapphire - a symbol of intelligence and purity - will strengthen intuition.
  • Amber will help Julia in finding a loved one.

Flower, Plant, Talisman Wood for Yulia

Yulia has powerful solar vibrations.

Perhaps that is why

  • stern's totem flower began sunflower,
  • plant - grape vine,
  • tree - oak.

Totemny Animal named Julia

At the behalf of two absolutely incompatible totems: dragonfly and deer. What, in general, is not surprising. Dragonfly gives its ward to the speed of the reaction, and the deer indicates its impossibility.

Numerology named after Julia

To compile a complete numerological portrait of a person, it is necessary to make calculations taking into account the name (by native father), the name and patronymic (by the native father). In compiling this characteristic, also taken into account

To find yourself a pseudonym by name, go to the section "Name Julia, Julia in English, Latin, different languages" of this review.

Famous people, celebrities with name Julia: photo

Photo gallery of beautiful and talented Julius serves as a confirmation of all the above characteristics.

Julia Peresilde, Actress

Julia Vysotskaya, Actress, TV presenter

Julia Lipnitskaya, athlete

Video: Julia Savicheva - Julia

The main feature of the character of Yulia is susceptibility. She is characteristic of sociability, indecision and fearness, the intuition has better than the mind.

Yulia's name on Latin means "kudryaya", "wavy", "fluffy". This is the female version of the name "Julius".

Origin of Julia:

The name of Julia is derived from the name of the very famous Roman kind of Juliyev.

Characteristic and interpretation of the name Julia:

Julia usually grows a healthy and good-natured child. Problems of parents she can deliver except with capriciousness and increased sensitivity. She often dwells in the world of fantasies, sharply susceptible to new impressions and is interested in all unusual and otherworldly. In the company Tikhonia, willingly shares with friends toys and sweets. Does not like noisy fun and pranks, but not from those who prefer loneliness. Tiring, becomes sluggish and touchy. It is learning selectively, it happens talented in humanitarian sciences. Children's fears often retains to mature age.

Yulia is rarely interested in career growth, preferring to pay more time to the family. It is well suited to them professions associated with art that do not require strict reporting. Julia does not like the exact sciences, understanding comes to it from intuition, and not due to data analysis. It may seem to be bosses and colleagues, but in fact, Julia is simply calm and non-Ambiscical. Failures perceives painfully, able to abandon their goal because of them. It acts well according to the instructions, clearly and on time performs orders. In independent work, it may be difficult and irresponsible, forgetting and does not attach a lot of other interests.

In Yulia's friends, attentiveness and tactfulness are appreciated. Rough words strongly wounded them, offended Yulia rarely revenge - usually simply interrupt relations. Friend sincerely, they are seriously experiencing betrayal. The overall language is equally well found both with men and women.

Yulia stale, which can grow into trouble. The protective response of them is a closure, non-surrender. Independently, Yulia rarely can get out of depression, they need the help of relatives and loved ones. They will be pretended by coarse jokes and rudeness, they stretch to sophistication and aristocraticness. Doctors are afraid, with age are increasingly fond of self-medication.

Usually, Yulia is elegant, slim, possess a pleasant challenge voice chamber. In the object of love interest, they are looking for the same as in the other: tacty and aristocraticness. Restrained in the manifestation of emotions, are shy, failures on the love front are worried much harder than career. I am pleased to provide my husband a strong family rear, not the role of housewives.

Friendly and strong family - what Julia is most strive for. She is always clean at home, she loves to cook and receive guests. Usually indecisive, prefers serious domestic issues to solve his spouse. Carefully engaged in raising children. In moments of rest, loves to read, at home collects a good library. With relatives tries to maintain even relationship, is always ready to help.

If Julia appeared in the summer, it is characterized by a kindness and tenderness. "Spring" is the greatest fantasies, the "autumn" - closed, undone, dreamy and detached. Born in winter pay attention to the career, smart and calculating.

They will be a man named Alexander, Vyacheslav, Vladimir and Victor, Cool and unsuccessful relationships with lions, Sergey, Anton.

Name Yulia - Meaning and origin: Women's form named Julius. It came to the Russian language from foreign names.

Energy and karma: Julia name is inherent striking nervous excitability, rapidness of emotions, and it looks like Yule likes to be a clockwork.

At least the state of peace often causes her apathy or, at least bored and laziness. But when she is on a platoon, she often does not cut. No wonder the same name is like a word of Yula.

Secrets of communication: this is where really in case of any conflicts meaningless to appeal to logic and mind! I don't care what to convince the waterfall on the second to stop or flow into the other way. However, it is no less useless and succumb to their emotions, it is better to simply give Yuly the opportunity to speak out and cool or send it energy into a different direction, what a sense of humor can be pretty.

  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Colors names Yulia: orange, salad.
  • Stone-talisman: lapis, sapphire, jade.

Value name Julia Option 2

1. Personality. Meaning of the name Yulia - Those who make up the wine of life.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 83,000 speakers / s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Basic features. Analysis of the name: sociability - susceptibility - intuition - health.

7. Totem plant. Vine.

8. Toten animal. Deer.

9. Sign. Libra.

10. Type. Yulia is hidden, somewhat afraid and indecisive. As well as their totem - grape vines, require care to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting work for them is the purpose of life.

11. Psychic. Avoid conflicts with society and peace, a little dyed. They have several aristocratic manners, do not like common entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Yulia Does everything not to show the strength of your character. But there is will, and at the right time she makes itself felt.

13. Ecavitability. Very strong and combined with a quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to amazing outer coldness.

14. Reaction rate. In order not to submit that this situation is afraid or worries them, Julia constrains its emotions to such an extent that it seems absolutely impassive.

15. Field of activity. Do not love to learn, do it only as needed. Or choose homely focus and then become unsurpassed hostesses and perfect wives, or combine homework with the profession of lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendants, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.

17. Intellect. Yulia is a living mind, prone to generalizations, great memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. susceptibility. If a Yulia And similar to it are binding to someone, it is for a long time, but perhaps forever. Very careful, often for many years await your fabulous prince.

19. Morality. These women are inherent in self-esteem, they are faithful to the word and always fulfill their obligations. Yulia Equally friendly both with men and women and are hard to experience treason or dishonest actions.

20. Health. Flawless. Never complain, tirelessness and hardy. The only weak point in their organism is the internal secretions.

21. Sexuality. They are restrained that it does not exclude sensuality impulses, especially when they meet the perfect partner.

22. Activity. It is necessary a lot of clutches and at the same time perseverance to develop activity from these girls. The imposition of anyone of his point of view of Julia considers reprehensible.

23. Sociability. Overcome their difficult life problems independently. Related must take care so that they do not disappear contact with society.

Conclusion. They need to be well understood to not offend the lacarock. Yulia Does not like to discuss the shortcomings of your character and dreams that the prince from the fairy tale understanding them from a half-clow ...

Value name Julia Option 3

Women's names Yulia - "Wavy, Fluffy" (Greek)

Movable, not to notice its presence is difficult. Julia is always going up the stairs. The baloveman of fate - since childhood is surrounded by worship and with dignity takes it.

Talented, with a highlight. Julia is trying to achieve universal recognition, but has a sense of tact and gives the strongest to the relevant honors. Goat-huza with elegant sharp horns. Manit and ... leaves. Hidden, somewhat afraid and indecisive. Requires high attention and care from parents to flourish at the right moment with an unprecedented force. It should be tactfully and persistently develop its activity.

Happy marriage or fascinating work can be the meaning of life for her. Yulia Avoid conflicts, a little dictates new acquaintances. She has several aristocratic manners, does not like common entertainment, fairs. Does everything not to show your will. But at a certain time she cannot suppress it. Strong excitability is surprisingly combined with cold inconsistency, and the ability to a lightning reaction completely confuses. In order not to submit that it is too worried about it, it restrains emotions to such an extent that it seems completely insensitive and indifferent to everything that happens.

Do not have much desire to learn, does it if necessary. At the time of choosing a profession, it opens up great opportunities. Yulia It can choose a home focus and become an unsurpassed mistress. Can combine a household with the work of a lawyer, psychiatrist, stewardess. He has a gift of foresight of the main stages in his life. She has a synthetic mindset, magnificent memory, but it is not too inquisitive and susceptible to all failures. If someone is attached to someone, then firmly and for a long time, so when choosing a friend, it takes great care.

Yulia Very restrained, but the impulse of the senses are not excluded. Although many years can wait for its narrowed. Does not tolerate morals and does not say anyone itself, it does not reproach - it is lower than its dignity. Gently fulfills orders, mandatory. Equally friendly with men and women. It is hard to experience treason or dishonest acts of others. Julia is sensitive to defeat. She is unobtrusive and does not take out when she impose something. He knows the price, is very raw, and you need to be very tactful in communicating with her.

Julia's health is impeccable. Never complain about malaise, strain, tireless. But it is worth paying attention to the internal secretion and blood organs.

"Winter" Yulia It is purposeful, assembled, clever, restrained.

"Autumn" - closed, silent, but extremely practical. May be a dramatic, a programmer, a health worker. Name Yulia Fits grounds: Naumovna, Mikhailovna, Grigorievna, Bazhenovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Savelievna, Alexandrovna.

"Summer" - charming, good, gentle.

"Spring" is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination. It can become a musician, art historian, artist. Name Yulia Fits grounds: Denisovna, Markovna, Moiseevna, Vyacheslavovna, Stepanovna, Karlovna.

Value name Julia Option 4

Mystery name Yulia "This is a female form named after Yulia, comes from the Latin word" Julius "- curly, fluffy1.

With an unbridled fantasy, touching and wounded girl. In the mood, strong differences are noticeable when cheerful, frisky and noisy yule becomes suddenly without much the cause of sluggish and apathetic.

In such a state, it is best to leave the girl alone, the time will pass, and she will again become the same. It is difficult to redo, until the latter stands on his own, reluctantly recognizes his mistake. Several buggy, does not like to watch horror movies, does not tolerate blood type.

Adult Yulia Purchase, driving, well prepares. What is just not in her pantry! Family, the farm, the well-being of relatives pays almost all his time, work, its professional growth is interested in little, so colleagues often make up the impression of Yulia as a man with Lenza.

Yulia It is always open for friends and relatives to your house. Guests to Yulia go willingly, she is not a scaper, loves to chat with girlfriends, gossip a little, sincerely rejoices of the successes of friends, not envious.

It prevents stubbornness that it is different in childhood. It will not follow someone's advice, even in cases where it knows that they are quite reasonable. This character trait does not give Julia to find a common language with mother and mother-in-law, which is why it prefers to live with them apart.

Many Yulia are passionate books, reading is their favorite activity. They will not allow to miss her husband, always bring a variety of family life. The husband usually loves Yuly and obeys it in her whole.

Selflessly loves his children.

The union with Vasily, Edward, Evgenia, Bogdan, Mark, Vladislav is reliable. The family life of Julia with Taras, Anatoly, Nikolai or Andrey does not make up more often.

1 In ancient Rome, women were assigned from the genus Yuliyev.

Value name Julia Option 5

Yulia The name means - from Lat. Female Roman Name; from Greek. - fluffy, wavy; Star. Iulnya.

Derivatives: Julia, Yula, Julia.

Folk signs.


Good, gentle, capricious creation, hovering in the clouds and devoid of any sense of self-preservation and responsibility. therefore Yulia Needs the patronage of a person mature, which has a solid character. It will not be for it in a burden, because in his spiritual essence, she is trusting, submissive. Her imagination occupy all sorts of supernatural phenomena and otherworldly power.

Value name Julia Option 6

Origin of names Yulia - July (Lat.).

Name Day: May 31 - Names of famous: Holy Martyr YuliaAmong other devo martyrs after the torment for faith, Christ was recessed in the lake. July 29 - Holy Martyr Yulia-deva, after the torment for faith, Christ was crucified (V century).

  • Zodiac sign - lion.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright yellow.
  • Favorable tree - oak.
  • Patron name Yulia - Dragonfly.
  • Stone-talisman - amber.


Yulia Mudra and gentle externally, however, the character of her capricious. Very passionate about all fantastic and supernatural. Pretty good-natured, prone to charity, willingly shares with others. Very well knows how to blame anyone in his problems, just not yourself. She has no sense of responsibility.

Yulia Created for obedience and with good impact it can succeed. Its creature, overflowing fantasy, needs a solid will.

Value name Julia Option 7

Yulia - Man is stubborn and persistent. I will not give way into any dispute, whatever you say to them, will remain with her opinion.

Reductantly smear name - Julia. It is easy to offend her - a very wounded person. It is rather choleric temperament, with differentials.

At times on Julia, it attacks nothing to explain apathy, and then it is better to leave her alone. She will soon get fresh forces, and her ordinary energy, fantasy, wit will come back to it.

Yulia, as a rule, have good husbands, are brought in marriage. They are wonderful hostesses, they all glitter in the house. They love to receive guests and adore for some kind of loved ones. But to work belong to Lenza, although in youth they choose professions on the vocation, they will achieve posts and seemingly make hope to make a career. Rare Yulia Processes the work experience required for retirement.

Many Yulia Passionate Booklists. Reading their favorite occupation. Some seriously are fond of folk medicine, they are engaged in self-medication and the treatment of loved ones. But professional physicians among Julia are practically no - they do not tolerate blood type.

Sometimes Yulia behaves indecisive. To persuade Julia to seem like a doctor, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Value name Julia Option 8

Interpretation of the name Yulia - This is a female form from the men's name Julius, and in translation from the Hebrew can be translated as the "flame of God".

Julia's name is inherent striking nervous excitability, rapidness of emotions, and it seems that Yule likes to be a clockwork. At least, the state of peace often causes her apathy or, at least, boredom and laziness. But when on a platoon, she often does not cut. No wonder the same name is so similar to the word "Yula".

Pretty good-natured, prone to charity. Vinit in his problems anyone, not only.

  • Color name Yulia - bright yellow.
  • Favorable tree - oak.
  • Covenate plant - sunflower.
  • Patron name Yulia - Dragonfly.
  • Stone-talisman-amber.

We continue to acquaint you with the most popular women's names in the world. This article will be devoted to women whose name is Julia: the meaning of the name, the nature and fate of his carrier will be described in detail.

In Europe and the United States, a lot of distribution has a slightly different form of this name: Julia, Juliana, Julie.

Astrological patron named after Julia is the sun.

Name Julia has two versions of its origin:

  • according to one of them, this name happened from the Greek word, which means "Curly", "fluffy";
  • according to another version, it originated from the Latin word, which means "July, born in July".

Description of personality


This is a friendly woman, but a little secret. She does not like to talk about her life, especially if at the time of the conversation she is not everything smoothly, and does not tend to gossip about others.

Julia is a reliable friend, since childhood and for life. Her friends want everything, but not everyone succeeds.

Very often can not be solved for something, to make a choice, in this case, it will suffer for a long time, to torment doubts until they give up for help to the most proven friend.

There is some incredulusity and caution in relation to people.


These women are not so many hobbies. Since childhood, Julia does not like to travel very much, because it almost always points out on any type of transport, and it is afraid to fly.

But she likes to read, watch interesting programs. In general, it is fascinated by everything that is associated with mysterious and incomprehensible human impacts by phenomena. She believes in all supernatural and often trones himself in fortune telling and conspiracies.

Relations and marriage

Capable for rapid acts, married can exit literally for the first oncoming, in which it feels without memory. Men attracts with their aura of mystery and charm, she has very large and expressive marriage marriage will most likely be due to sudden pregnancy.

Family life is not easy for her, she does not like Routine. And the mother of it will get a wonderful, which can be a good friend to her child and communicate with him will be equal. In her chosen one, Julia is quite quickly disappointed, it will never forgive betray. The first rash marriage will most likely seize.


In the professional sphere, she is a hardworking worker, however, she has to avoid complex orders. The work changes often, especially when it becomes your mother's mother. After all, there is now a family for her in the first place.

It can be injured by the scope of jurisprudence and psychology. As a rule, he tries to themselves in a variety of professions, and rarely can find the calling throughout his life.


For Yulia, the diseases of the respiratory and throat are characteristic. The reason may be a strong dependence on smoking. It is susceptible to frequent colds, she may have bad teeth, but it is afraid to treat them.

The influence of the date of birth on the character:

  • spring - artistic and cheerful, it is very emotional, her creative professions attract it;
  • summer - sociable and kind, will be able to realize itself in ecology and veterinary institutions, as it does not have the soul in animals;
  • autumn - serious and responsible, has a tendency to science;
  • winter - mysterious, herjects all incomprehensible and mysterious, she skillful storyteller, can realize himself in commerce.

What life is waiting for her?

Characteristic named after Julia. What fate awaits her

In the family of Julia, as a rule, is a senior child, a copy of the Father.

Since childhood, she will notice and understand that things are happening around, which the rest of people for some reason do not notice. She may have a gift of clairvoyance and predictions of the future. But most likely because of the ridicule of people around people, it will not develop these talents.

Julia will marry early, perhaps this will affect unplanned pregnancy, or the next nervous breakdown against the background of losses will push it into the arms of the first counter. In her chosen, it will be very quickly disappointed, but it will be patiently to treat all his outcomes, or on the contrary, inaction, as long as the man does not change her.

She will never forgive treason and under any circumstances. Having learned about it, she loses control over his emotions and can very surprise a man who always thought his wife is meek and patient woman.

The child will be consolation for it. Whatever the father, the child she will love his pure love. As a rule, Julia is born boys. On one child, she is ready to stop.

The professional sphere will not strive for distant heights. Most likely she will choose a mediocre language of classes bringing it sufficient income and not occupying a lot of time and effort.

In old age, Julia will be a good grandmother, very hospitable, friendly and sociable. She will be happy to help her adult child and his children. Furnace pies and cook pickles - it will be her favorite occupation.

What girl will be?

If you call the daughter of Julia, what future is waiting for her?

In childhood, the yug will be a calm and quiet child. She will quickly find a girlfriend, the same baby as she, and will be happy to take her every day with her, without having to give any trouble to her parents. Girls will grow together and become good friends in the future.

Yulia often changes the mood: now she can laugh and rejoice, and a minute to block in himself and silence, staring at one point. Throughout the childhood, she can hear different inexplicable voices and sounds, to see unprecedented creatures, their shadows. The girl will not be afraid of it, she will perceive it as proper and even try to answer something. But with age, she will lose this ability and most likely will forget about everything.


School years for Yulia will be very heavy. She is absolutely inclined to learn, it is scared by surrounding the desk throughout the day, and she would not look at homework at home. Just do not need to force the girl forcibly to do lessons and time in learning. Nothing, except for even greater hatred, you will not get. It is important to try to captivate her and interest, you can through the game, you can via promotion.

Teenage years

In adolescence, Julia begins to pay attention to that boys surround it. They show interest to her, and she willingly accept their courtship. During this period, it can again fall out of the educational process. Very loving girl, it is important to talk to her as early as possible about the methods of contraception.

Famous Tests

  1. Yu. Tymoshenko (Ry.1960) - Surname at birth - Grigyan, then changed on the name of Mother of Tellagin; State and political figure of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007 - 2010);
  2. Yu. Menshova (Ry.1969) - Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter;
  3. Y. Frank (Rod.1970) - German writer;
  4. Yu. Norwich or Noridgeskaya (1342 - OK.1416) - English spiritual writer, mystic, theologian, the first Englishwoman who wrote a book - "Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love" (OK.1393).