Repairs Design Furniture

Instructions for sticking vinyl wallpaper. How to glue vinyl wallpaper - step-by-step instruction. Required tools and small secrets

In addition, the vinyl wallpapers are beautiful and practical, they are considered ideal for new buildings. Their flizelin base is elastic, so the wallpaper does not spare from the wall because of their natural shrinkage. To glue such wallpapers, special glue uses. How to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly?

Relief vinyl wallpapers are very practical, and their decorative characteristics are above all praise

What instruments are needed

For work, except for the wallpaper, it will be necessary

  • brush for primer walls;
  • roller or brush for applying glue on the wallpaper cloth;
  • line and level;
  • roller for rolling seams;
  • special spatula or brush to smooth cloth;
  • scotch paper;
  • two cotton rags and sponges that are necessary for wiping excess glue with floor and walls;
  • stationery knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • tassel for lubricating small sections of wallpaper glue;
  • the blade is wooden, which is pressed and spread the wallpapers on narrow parts of the walls.

The necessary tools for pasting wallpaper must be clean and working

How to prepare walls under the stick of wallpaper

First of all, remove the remains of old wallpaper from the walls. Dry mixture for gluing vinyl wallpaper, according to the instructions on the package. Walls are neglected. This can be done with glue, and you can use the primer of deep penetration. It is also desirable before starting work on pasting walls vinyl wallpaper handle walls with a special composition, which prevents the appearance of mold under the wallpaper.

After drying the glue and composition on the wall, it is necessary to spend a vertical line. It will serve as a benchmark for gluing the first cloth. It is possible to navigate the angle only if you are sure that the corners indoors are smooth. In order to spend the line correctly, use the plumb.

After that, you need to turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the outlets and switches from the walls.

Remember that the vinyl wallpaper can be glued only to dry walls. They must be cleaned of old coatings if there are cracks, they should be sharpened, and align the surface. How to check dry walls? Shack a small piece of polyethylene to the wall with a painted scotch. If the water droplets will appear on the night on his inner side, then the walls are still insufficient, and you need to wait until they dry out.

So that the wallpaper lay smoothly and kept hard, you need to carefully prepare the walls, removing the remnants of old wallpaper from them

How to make sure the strength of the surface before pasting the walls of vinyl wallpaper? Just stick to the wall a piece of ordinary scotch, dramatically drop it and look at the wrong side. If there are remains of old plaster or paint, the wall cannot be considered prepared. Do not forget to align and rejuvenate the walls before glue vinyl wallpaper.

Works on pasting walls with wallpaper should be carried out indoors where there is no draft. You must close all windows and turn off the fans and air conditioners. It is not recommended to glue new wallpapers for old. Walls must be completely cleaned. Include fans and air conditioners, you can open the windows only after complete wallpaper drying.

How to beat vinyl wallpapers correctly: step by step instructions

Cut the wallpaper on the stripes, leaving a 10-centimeter point in length of each strip. If you bought vinyl wallpapers with a pattern, carefully pick up the adjacent panels in the height. Fold the sliced \u200b\u200badjacent wallpaper panels on each other in the drawing down. In each stack, fold no more than 10 stripes. Each strip should be shifted at the bottom of 10-15 cm.

Promotation of the edge of the edge of the canvas - a particularly important operation that requires attention and diligence, because it depends on it, how strong there will be joints between the wallpaper strips

Step 2: Apply Glue

How to beat the vinyl wallpaper correctly, so that the band connections were practically invisible? The panels should not find each other, the wallpaper should be glued. You can start working only after complete drying of the primer. First apply glue the wall of the wall under the first cloth. After the adhesive is applied under the second cloth, etc. There are varieties of vinyl wallpaper, where it is necessary to miss glue only a bulletin cloth, not a wall, and there are such where it is necessary to apply glue and on the wall, and on the wallpaper. Information on how to apply glue composition, read on the roll of wallpaper.

In modern repair technologies, almost everything is provided; therefore, to smooth joints between the canvases, you can use a convenient and efficient roller

Step 3: Sticking Wallpaper

It is better to do it together. One person stands on a stepladder and applies the top edge of the wallpaper to the wall under the ceiling. The other at the same time, standing on the floor, maintains the lower end of the strip, gently combines the edges with the vertical line spent along the wall. The cloth should be slightly pressing the wall and squeeze the brushed air bubbles from top to bottom from the axis to the edges. It is very important to wipe the surplus of glue if he spoke at the edge of the wallpaper. Make it with a clean cloth, not a brush.

Wallpaper smoothing is performed from top to bottom in the directions indicated in the photo

Step 4: Cut the edge of the wallpaper

After the cloth is glued, near the plinth and under the ceiling remains extra material. Surplus must be cut off with a knife. The lower edge of the wallpaper is bent on the plinth of 4-6 mm. It is very important to use when cutting only with a sharpened knife, if its blade is stupid, wallpapers will ride and reveal. If you use a stationery knife, periodically change the blade during work.

Step 5: Technique sticking vinyl wallpapers in "Problem Places"

Problems When the walls are pasting, wallpaper most often occur during the circumcision of excess canvas at the bottom of the plinth, on top of the ceiling, at switches and sockets, in the corners.

If you have not removed the plinth before starting work, the wallpaper should be inserted into the junction between the wall and the plinth. At the same time, the remaining part of the lower edge is cut and the reconciliation is sticking the strip for overlapping the seam and part of the plinth. But it is best to remove the plinth before starting work. When the wallpaper is pasted, the plinth is screwed to the previous place.

Circumcision of wallpaper at the plinth must be performed by a special knife so that the slice was smooth and neat

The edge of the panel adjacent to the ceiling should be obtained about 5 cm so that the glue does not blur the ceiling. Then the wallpaper is needed to press the wall from above and smooth the brush from the bottom. If you glue the wallpaper not to the ceiling (for example, we decided to combine two types of wallpaper or part of the wall you are painted), tick the pencil before gluing the boundary of the top of the cloth throughout the perimeter. It is on this strip that you will focus when sticking.

In the corners, leave extra wallpapers to the depth of the niche and the allowance. It is necessary to make cuts on the cloth from below and on top. Climbing the canvas, it is bent over the angle, and after it is neatly cutting. The joints and places of wallpaper overlapping are highly pressed to the base so that the gluing was durable.

Today you can often meet vinyl wallpapers in the kitchen, where their strength, practicality and ease of operation are particularly relevant.

If you decide to punish the batteries wallpaper, the canvas should be found no further than 10-20 cm for the heating radiator. Use a narrow roller with a long handle for pressing wallpaper to the wall. Near switches and sockets wallpaper, as a rule, do not cut in advance, but glue directly on the holes. When the glue dries, the holes cut through the wallpaper. Switches and sockets are screwed into place after the end of work.

Video master class: how to glue vinyl wallpaper

How to glue vinyl wallpaper, preparation, sticking, working with corners.

In the previous article, we considered the types of vinyl wallpaper in detail:

Someone will say that sticking vinyl wallpaper is not much different from sticking wallpaper on a paper basis. But when you read this article, you will understand that there are a lot of differences. And if they are not fully taken into account, then wallpapers can disappear the next day, and you will have to do everything again, considering those nuances that you did not want to remember.


So, you will need to stock pretty serious list of tools. First, you need a special brush designed to primer the wall and subsequent application of glue on vinyl wallpaper. Further, instead of a sponge, it is better to take a roller to which the seams will ride. You will also need a special spatula that you will smooth out the wallpaper canvases, a soft sponge or cotton rack, which is removed by the glue of glue, the tassel that you will be sinking small wallpapers. In trivia, you need to have scissors, a knife for trimming, level, roulette, paper tape, a ruler, as well as a wooden spatula, which you will presser and separate the narrow parts of the wallpaper, for example, on the corners. Perhaps all.

Preparation of walls

Before walking the vinyl wallpaper, do the traditional preparation of the walls. You will need a special dry glue mixture for vinyl wallpaper, which you need to breed with water according to the instructions. Drink the walls with these glue over the entire surface. If you do not find the glue, you can stock ingestion of deep penetration, commonly widespread. Next, since the wallpaper is heavy and not too well passed air, the walls need to be treated with a fungicidal composition, protecting them from the appearance of mold fungus under the canvas. After drying the glue and composition, take the thread with the weight and sculpt the vertical line on the wall. It will be your guide for sticking the first wall cloth. At the end of the procedure, turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets.

Additional Information

If you do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and have never been involved in this before, it is desirable to have a number of man who, as they say, "know".

Wallpapers are glued only on a dry aligned surface, which is especially important for wide relief vinyl wallpaper. From the walls you need to remove an old coating. Cracks need to scream, align the surface.

You can check the dryness of the walls with a small piece of cellophane and painting scotch, which this cellophane will be glued to the wall. Leave the material at night. If water drops were formed on the inside of cellophane on the inside of cellophane, it means that the walls are not enough to glue vinyl wallpaper on them. We have to dry further.

The strength of the wall coating is checked using conventional tape. Stick a piece on the wall and drop sharply. Take a look at the inside of the scotch. If there are particles of plaster or old paint, it means you need to prepare the wall: remove old layers, to engage in primer and alignment.

Anyone who knows how to properly glue vinyl wallpapers will tell you that in the room in no case there should be drafts. Air conditioners, fans, open windows, all this is a terrible taboo! Drafts are welcome only after the glued wallpapers are completely dry.

Never glue new bulk coating on old. The latter must be completely removed from the wall. Water them with water, wait a bit, and then they will be filmed with a spatula without any problems.

Preparation of wallpaper

Cut wallpapers on the walls in the height of the wall, but with a 10-centimeter allowance about the supply. If you cut vinyl wallpaper with a silk screen or a common pattern, then you first need to choose the drawing of the adjacent canvases with the maximum coincidence. Wallpaper stripes fold down the drawing down. Each stack should consist of 10 wallpapers, no more. And each strip must be moved towards the neighboring at least 1.5 centimeters. It is best to take meter wallpapers that allow you to minimize the problems with the selection of pattern and the right cut.

How is glue apply?

Vinyl wallpaper glue only jack. This means that the panels should not find one thing. After drying the primer on the wall, you can proceed to the process of sticking. Initially, apply glue to that section of the wall, where the first cloth will be located. Stick the canvas on the wall, mark the following and glue it. The sequence of actions is repeated until the end of the work.

Additional Information

With glue, it is necessary to work very carefully, since negligent attitude will lead to the intake of adhesive composition on the front side of the wallpaper.

Give the mixed glue to sweep carefully, defending it for 5-10 minutes after kneading. This rule is necessarily prescribed in the instructions.

Read the information on the roll of vinyl wallpaper. It is possible that the glue needs to be applied not only on the wall, but also on the wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Technology of correct gluing. Alone shook wallpaper will not work. Only double. And even faster - threesome. One worker stands on a stepladder or on a chair and applies the top edge of the canvas to the wall. Another employee holds the bottom end of the floor strip on the floor, combining the edge of the wallpaper with the designated vertical line. Next, an easy pressure of the wallpaper strip is carried out to the base, after which the air bubbles are supplanted with the help of the brush. The brush is working from top to bottom and from the axis towards the edges. If you have noticed a glue from the edge of the canvas, quickly wipe it with a clean cloth, not a brush!

Cut the edge

Printing wallpapers under the ceiling and in the field of plinths, you need to remain extra material, clipped by the line of the knife. At the same time, the lower edge of the band should go to the plinth about 5 millimeters. Trimming wallpaper is made only with a sharp knife. If the blade is blunt, it will bloom or stop the wallpaper, not yet dried by glue. In the process of trimming, you regularly change the rapid blade.

Plintus canvas

If you did not remove the plinth before starting work, insert the bottom edge of the wallpaper between the wall and the plinth. The remaining part is cut and sticks the strip from above, which will allow to close the seam and the upper part of the plinth. I strongly recommend removing the plinth before sticking wallpaper so that it does not interfere with you. At the end of the sticking, it is naked or put back.

Gluing top

The ceiling edge of the wallpaper canvas must be subjected to 5 centimeters to protect the ceiling from glue. After that, the wallpaper is pressed on top to the wall and smoothed down the book with a brush. Other canvases are linked. If you glue the wallpaper not up to the ceiling (for example, you have paint or plaster on the top of the wall), then you need to note the top border of the blending area on the wall. This should be done throughout the perimeter of the room. The band will help you navigate in the course of work.

Work with corners

In the corners you need to leave extra vinyl wallpapers to the depth of the existing niche, taking into account the allowance. After that, cuts are made from above and below, and the cloth is bended behind the angle by the method of climbing. Next, the wallpaper is neatly cut off, and in the corners of the place of overlapping the panels and joints strongly pressed against the wall, providing a dense gluing. I note that at the corners of the room, the wobbly canvas should enter the other side of the maximum of 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, on the other wall, the first canvas is glued from the corner itself, closing the previous 3-4 centimeters.

Sockets, Switches, Batteries

Behind the batteries, the walls should be covered by about 10-20 centimeters, no more. Climbing wallpapers to the wall is carried out using a narrow roller equipped with a long handle. They can work both beyond the battery (from above, bottom, side) and through radiator ribs. Near switches and sockets Wallpapers are not cut in advance. They are glued directly on the holes. Only after drying the adhesion can be cut.

General information on wallpaper sticker:

  • Is it worth taking cheap ready-made plastic windows for giving, cost.

  • Processing of furniture and terraces with teak oil.

  • Fundamental blocks for home and its foundation, types and production.

First of all, you will come in handy paint brush, and not even one, but a few. To start, you can stock 2 species with different widths: For example, 25 and 100 millimeters. Also prepare a bucket for careful dilution of the wallpaper glue and the object for mixing it (it can be a blade or a spoon, but with a long size handle).

Don't forget about tools for cutting canvas: Pencil with soft blade, scissors and tape measure (as a last resort, they will easily replace the metal line or knife).

When sticking wallpapers with already applied with a special adhesive solution, the need for glue and tools disappears itself. You can only come in handy bucket from plastics in order to clean the chopped wallpaper strips.

So, short list of necessary tools:

  • working surface;
  • 2 brushes;
  • bucket;
  • glue;
  • shovel;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • scissors.

Note! Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you need to prepare a wall for work.

Preparation of adhesive solution

The main feature of the vinyl coating, which directly affects the technology of sticking, is pretty large weight parameters. These wallpapers are related to hard wallpaper classAnd for their sticking will require a special adhesive solution with the ability to quickly grasp. In fact, it is not a big difficulty and the process itself does not have significant influence.

Such glue is sold at any building of building materials and has an appropriate note - "glue for vinyl wallpaper."

As you can see, the question of which glue composition is to choose with vinyl walls to decorate walls, resolved, it remains only to find out the right technology of its preparation.

There is nothing complicated in it: you need to take a clean bucket and half fill it with water room temperature. Next, using a small stick (blades), we warm the liquid and gradually pour the contents of the packaging with a concentrate in the bucket.

Important! It is necessary to add the adhesive composition evenly and not too slowly so that you have time to mix it evenly.

After the entire adhesive composition turns out to be in the water, leave it for five to ten minutes so that the glue can completely swell. After that, mix the resulting material once again, and if the adhesive reminds with its consistency of thick sweets, it means that it is ready for use. If you have a jelly, you need to add some more water and stir carefully. That's all the technology! Adhesive can be used in operation.

Technology sticking

Adhesive is ready, you can start the walls of the walls. How to stick the vinyl wallpaper?

Wallpapers from vinyl are different types - depending on the main material there is a fliseline and paper base. Exactly the base of the canvas affects the technology of their adhesive, After all, the vinyl coating with the phlizelin base does not need to cover with adhesive composition. But the wallpaper with a paper base must be molded with glue.

How important is the condition and type of wood, if you have chosen and installed, - find out from the article on the link.

Read the installation of multi-level stretch ceilings. Details about the independent installation of multi-level stretch structures - advised professionals.

If we are talking about sticking vinyl wallpaper with the selection of ornamentTheir, first of all, must be discarded correctly. There is nothing complicated here too - we measure the height of the walls, roll off the cloth over the surface and cut off the strip We need length with a sharp working knife. All the following stripes need to roll in accordance with the first, observing the exact pattern of the pattern.

The next stage is wallpaper lubrication with adhesive compositionAt the same time laying out each strip in such a way that the glue does not pollute the facial surface. This step is necessary for a good impregnation of the base of wallpaper glue.

It is possible to simultaneously smear several lanes at once, so that in the future it is not time for this process. But if you participate in sticking wallpaper with the foundation from Flizelin - This stage can be safely skipping, because glue cannot be needed for data.

At the time when the stripes are impregnated with adhesive composition, you need to be coated with a solution with a solution. But here the same methods, as with the wallpaper, are unacceptable.

The simultaneous lubricant of the whole wall with glue is extremely undesirable., because the composition has such a feature like dried, so the wall is flashed only for one strip.

Let's start sticking the first strip. For its smooth attachment, using the level, follows spend a vertical line on the wallIn accordance with which the canvas will be glued.

Sticking need to start from the top. Pick the top of the strips for baguettes and thoroughly smooth the bulk blade with its simultaneous alignment in accordance with the conducted line.

Tip! It is necessary to align the cloth, starting from the middle and gradually moving to the edges using a painting roller or spatula.

As experience shows, difficulties with sticking the first strip usually does not occur. At the final stage, the remnants of wallpapers in the upper and lower part are simply cut off with a knife.

More the time-consuming process is to stick the second and all the remaining wallpaper canvas, because it will already have to customize the bands one to another with extreme accuracy, so that the lumen does not have formed between them.

In this respect, it is much easier to put the wallpapers with the base from the phlizelin - such a material allows them to slide through the wall covered with glue. You can only need their movement relative to neighboring canvases.

Increased attention decide seamThat you need not only diligently fit, but also go well. It will not require much effort from you if the web was glued smoothly and lack of folds.

The main difficulty that occurs when the walls of the walls are vinyl wallpaper - it is pasting corners. In this case, the canvas cannot be attached to the Vinyl, the blade is practically not holding the glue composition. This problem can be solved only by the breakdown of the canvas.

Of course, it is possible to make a junction in the corner of the room, but such a trick can be realized only in a room with perfectly aligned walls.

We offer to watch a video on how to bleach vinyl wallpaper quickly and without much effort:

Frequent questions about sticking wallpapers from vinyl

Question: How much do the vinyl wallpapers dry?

Answer: There is no accurate response to this question, because at the time of drying the wallpaper from vinyl is influenced by many factors (for example, temperature regime, the humidity of the room, in which the work is carried out, the type of glue, which is used for sticking, as well as on its quantity). But anyway, vinyl wallpaper must be sinking at least a dayAlthough this period is quite often lacking. The best option will leave the room for several days, within one week, because sometimes such wallpapers may require that section of time for complete drying.

Question: How to remove wallpaper from Vinyl?

Answer: The structure of vinyl wallpapers includes two layers: the bottom paper or textile layer, which is covered with a polyvinyl, and an applied ornament or a closure on the surface. It is necessary to remove these layers as follows: Climb the film layer over the angle and break it off from the paper substrate.

After the film is detected from the vinyl, swing the substrate and clean the wall from it using a scraper. If the paper substrate will remain, it can play the role of an unreliable base for a new coating. So even if it is perfectly even accommodation on the wall, do not be lazy to remove it, otherwise your repair can delay.

Instead of water recommended apply special compoundsWhen applied which the vinyl wallpaper becomes much easier. In the case of applying a similar solution, first read the guidelines for its use, as well as with safety measures when working with it. Of the modern innovations of the building market, you can recommend special fluids for removing the canvases.

Question: How to beat the vinyl wallpaper?

Answer: It is necessary to glue the top edge of the canvas to the wall and gradually combine the wallpaper with a pre-drawn vertical line. After that, to make easy pressing of the strip to the base and with the help of the brush, to displace all air bubbles. Brush work in direction from top to bottom and from the center to the edges.

Important! In case of detection near the edge of the woven cloth of the adhesive, quickly remove it with a clean cloth, but in no case is not a brush!

Question: How to glue meter vinyl wallpaper?

Answer: Foreign manufacturers of vinyl wallpapers, the products of which we can in excess to observe in building supermarkets, offer wallpapers of various widths of the cloth. For example, the French produce width roll rolls 70 and 90 centimeters, Belgium supplies us a cloth with a width of 90, 100 and 140 cm, and the Italians are rolls 70 and 106 cm rolls. Russian width factories hold standard width - 53 cm.

Sticking wide wallpaper from vinyl suggests gluing cloths on perfectly smooth walls of walls, in view of the fact that any irregularities of the surface, flaws to achieve the perfect dusting of neighboring cavers simply will not allow you. It is this factor that is the fundamental and main "seamless" plus. The technology itself does not differ from, say, rules.

Question: How to quickly handle the wallpaper from vinyl?

Answer: To do this, use the roller, which you need to moisten the wall with water or composition. Make a 10-15-minute break to give the coating well to impregnate moisture. After turning, the old canvases are very easy to remove from the walls.

Question: What is the price of sticking vinyl wallpaper?

Answer: If you decide to hire masters for sticking the room by wallpaper from Vinyl, first of all, it is necessary to consider the size of the room, because the price directly depends on this. Practice rates start within 150 rubles per meter square, but still cheaper to carry out such work independently, because it does not require special skills and efforts.

Question: Why dug vinyl wallpapers?

Answer: There are several reasons for wallpaper deals:

  1. Defects of walls.
  2. Poor-quality surface preparation.
  3. Failure to follow instructions.
  4. Uneven coating with adhesive composition.
  5. Overhairs quick or slow maid drying.
  6. Low quality materials.

Read about how to correctly perform - features and subtleties of technology, useful tips of the masters.

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That's all the secrets of the blending technology of vinyl wallpaper. Difficulties may occur only at the stage of sticking lanes of the mustache and sometimes - when the corners are pasted. The shocking of wide (meter) woeful cloths from Vinyl is no different from sticking of any other type of wallpaper, because the vinyl wallpaper is one of the simplest covers used when finishing the walls, which cannot be said about or.

For those who prefer to do repairs on their own, you need to know all the nuances of the wamp of the walls of vinyl wallpaper. Only in this case the result will be aesthetic and high-quality.

If you first take for the execution of this kind of finishes, then all the information set out below is necessarily useful. It will be about how to shove the vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, not paying for help to professionals. More precisely, how to do it right.

Preparatory stage of work

Before you know how to glue vinyl wallpaper properly, you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the preparatory stages. Naturally, the first step towards the decoration of the room will be the acquisition of the products themselves.

  • The very first thing to pay attention to with their choice is the main characteristics that are usually set out on the package. From what they will depend on, all further work on the decoration decoration depends. For example, light and thin options will require you to very thorough preparation of the surface of the walls before pasting. Since all, even small flaws and wall defects, if they are not eliminated, they will play a joke with you. And the room decorated in this way will lose its attractiveness and aesthetic appearance.
  • If you choose fat and heavy wallpapers, you cannot hope that all irregularities will hide under them. It is possible, damage to the wall of a small character and will be invisible, due to the fact that the thickness is significant, but serious defects are impossible to hide under them.
  • In addition to the above characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the basis of vinyl wallpaper. It can be either paper or phlizelin. The second option will simplify the work on the salary of the walls.
  • And yet, everyone knows that determining with the number of purchased products, you need to take into account their report. Simply put, it is necessary to calculate the necessary merar, focusing on a repeating pattern. More precisely, its size, since in the process of fitting the pattern, part of the wallpaper will go into consumption.
  • The most advantageous option is a monophonic wallpaper (for them you do not need a fit) or with a small pattern (the fit of which is minimal).

It concerns the acquisition process. And now a few words about the preparation of walls to decoration.

  • First of all, if there was some finishing on the walls, you need to clean their surface.
  • If the walls are painted with oil paint, you can not delete it. The main thing is that it is not dark color, otherwise it will be shone through the wallpaper.
  • Further, all deep damage, such as cracks and cracks, must be embedded using mounting foam.
  • At the next step, you need to put the walls, as well as alignment. Be sure to wait for a complete surface drying, after which you need to apply a layer of primer.

Here is mostly the entire list of preparatory work. Now you need to decide which tools you may need in the process of finishing walls with vinyl wallpaper.

List of instruments

  1. First of all, of course, wallpapers themselves.
  2. Special tape for jacking.
  3. To apply glue to be uniform and convenient, you need to purchase a roller. It can be fur or made of foam rubber.
  4. For the canvas to lay on the wall smoothly, without air bubbles, you will need another roller, but already rubber or plastic.
  5. Glue, designed for vinyl wallpaper or its universal option.
  6. A comfortable knife suitable for cutting.
  7. For a more convenient sticking of wallpapers in the top of the wall, you need to prepare a stepladder. If it is not, then the steady table will be able to replace it.

Mostly this is the entire list. But I want to add a few words about the wallpaper glue, because it is from him that the end result will be dependent, and the work process itself.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper is the most optimal option for them. Its component, in addition to the standard (starch, antiseptics), is methylcellulose. But if you plan to combine various types of products, it is best to purchase a universal adhesive analogue.

With it, you will highlight any wallpaper with high quality, only pay attention to the fact that it will be necessary to breed it in different ratios (depending on the type of finishing material). Now consider information on how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Getting Started

How to glue the wallpaper? First you need to prepare them. What is included in this stage?

  • Rolls are cut on the desired size of the web, given the fitting of the pattern (if necessary), as well as from 3 to 5 cm of stock. If you have too much time and free space, then you can unwell the cutting stripes on the floor, let them fly away. After this procedure, it will be easier to finish the walls, as they will no longer be twisted by taking the formally familiar to them.
  • Another nuance: all work is carried out only in a fully closed room, since even a small draft can interfere with its high-quality execution. If there are cracks in the room, from which it blows, you need at least at the time of work, take them down with a tape. Do not worry about the fact that you will stay without fresh air for a long time - the sticker of vinyl wallpaper does not take much time.

The wallpaper strip is located on the horizontal surface (of course, clean) pattern down. Then glue is applied to its irons with a roller. Make sure that all the edges are good to them missed.

If you glue heavy wallpaper, you need to apply glue in advance, giving them time so that it absorbed a little. But light products should not be lubricated by glue in advance. If your vinyl wallpapers have a fliesline base, the process is even more simplified, since it is not necessary to lubricate in this case, it is enough to apply glue composition only on the wall surface.

Here are some more important advice. Wallpapers are glued, starting on top. During the glove, it is necessary to smooth cloth in the direction from top to bottom and from the center to the edge so that there is no air under it. It is necessary to do this at once, since after drying it will become impossible.

Speaking about how to glue vinyl wallpaper, it is important to note that their sticking is performed only to join, because the material is distinguished by a high-definite structure and relief. When applied with adhesive composition, it is necessary to carefully treat the edges of the clouds, so that after sticking they do not spit out and did not dissolve.

Before glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to decide on the choice of glue. We need specialized glue, which is designed to stick such a canvase. For example, if you use the usual wallpaper glue, then during sticking of the canvas will be stretched, and after drying, they will simply be squeezed, as a result of which there will be ugly joints between them.

For such a type of wallpaper, special glue is for sale, high-qualityly holding vinyl bands, which does not allow them to shrink, not allowing the dimensions after drying.

Important! We need to be treated with glue and wall wallpaper (although it is often limited to the application of the canvas). You can not stick the canvas if glue is processed only by the wall. If the surface is primed with glue, it is not necessary to process it - it is enough to apply glue to the vinyl web.

The stores sell different types of cloths, but they are all implemented under the general name "vinyl".

The most popular species are:

  • A common variety of vinyl canvases. The material is characterized by a beautiful texture, a noble exterior, the presence of unusual enclosures that imitate a silk surface.

  • Standard view, characterized by fineness, increased density, practicality, durability. Their sticking is performed on smooth surfaces, otherwise the defects of the draft surface will be too much noticeable. The vinyl wallpaper of this type is presented in a wide variety of models, characterized by coloring, design, design, structure, texture and other characteristics, so with the choice of suitable trim for the bedroom, living room, children's, kitchen and other residential premises there will be no problems.

  • Vinyl canvas, differ in relatively large thick, high strength characteristics, increased density. They usually depict all sorts of bulk drawings. Due to relief, as well as visual volume, the vinyl wallpaper of this type can be glued on the surface and walls with defects - minor flaws will be masked.

Important! For each variety of vinyl wallpaper, its type of glue is provided. For example, if the cloths are made on the basis of foamed vinyl, it will be necessary to buy an expensive glue composition, which will be able to keep heavy finishing materials on the wall.

To perform work, you will need to use the following tools:

  • Wide bruster, soft roller.
  • Cornel, pencil.
  • Rubber roller.
  • Plastic spatula.
  • Clean rag, sponge.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Level, line, plumb.
  • Wide metal spatula.
  • Construction Scotch.

Important! In order for the vinyl canvas to stop and do not turn off after sticking, the rough surface must be prepared to prepare for the salary process.

Preparatory work

The process of preparing walls to pasting vinyl wallpaper - long and time-consuming, which includes consistent steps, each of which is required to be executed:

  1. If the blowing of vinyl canvas is not performed in a new house, then from the walls it is necessary to remove the old finish: wallpapers, plaster, paintwork composition, etc. It is necessary to delete not only the main part of the old finish, but all the tracks remaining from it.

2. Alignment of the surface. After removing the old coating, it is necessary to visually inspect the work surface. It must be smooth, without defects, crumbling concrete, etc. You can climb the wall with a rubber hammer to check its integrity. Small defects can be sealing with plaster, but if the entire surface is in an unsatisfactory condition, then the old plaster must be eliminated to fully and handle the wall with a new composition to align it.

Important! It is ultimately not recommended to stick the vinyl wallpaper on the former wallpaper coatings or paint, even if they are in satisfactory condition. The optimal option is to remove the old coating and paste the new web to the pure aligned black surface.

It is also necessary to check not only the evenness of the draft surface, but also its humidity. It is not recommended to glue vinyl wallpapers on those surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture and wet (especially relevant for old wooden and other country houses).

If the wall is constantly wetting and becomes at least a bit wet, then any varieties of vinyl canvas will not hold on it.

Before glue vinyl wallpaper on a prepared wall, it is necessary to take into account tips on the implementation of this process.

They will be useful to those who have to do this work for the first time:

  • Vinyl canvas will be glued qualitatively if the wall surface was completely dried before the start of work. Therefore, you need to wait for the preparatory and main stage of sticking.
  • Works on sticking should be carried out in a room with closed windows and doors, with off systems of ventilation and air conditioning. Upon completion of sticking, the room also needs to be left closed for 24-36 hours, otherwise the canvas simply expalace from the wall.
  • Buy vinyl wallpaper is better with a margin so that in the process of performing the work there is not a situation of lack of cloths. If the room is relatively small, then all the work is desirable to complete in one day.

Important! No need to stick wallpaper if there is an increased humidity in the room.

On video: Tricks sticking vinyl wallpaper.

Marking of walls under the sticking of vinyl wallpaper is one of the most important work stages.

If it is ignored, then when sticking, the vinyl canvases will start gradually shifted, they will have to constantly mix them and move, which will lead to additional time costs and increased consumption of material.

Standard residential rooms have 4 walls and 4 corners. Clear vinyl wallpaper can be started from the wall with the window or from the angle that is located closest to the window. If sticking is supposed to be done from the angle, then it is necessary to immediately measure the verticality of this angle. It is necessary that the first strip of vinyl wallpaper "lay down" is perfectly smooth.

To do this, from the angle of the room in the direction of the adhesive, it is necessary to retreat about 3-4 cm. Then you need to take a plumb with a colored cord, fasten it in the top of the wall. If there is a partner, then the lace can hold it from above. The plumb must lower down, conducting a strict vertical line. Then the lace must be pulled out and release, due to which a smooth vertical line will remain on the working surface. In the future, it will be possible to poison subsequent vinyl wallpapers.

The second side of the first wobbly strip will be driven into an angle with a slight occasion on the adjacent wall. In case the angle of the room does not have the perfect vertical, due to this navigation, this drawback will be almost completely leveled.

The process of sticking vinyl canvas also includes several stages that must be executed sequentially. Camping is a simple process that can be performed together.

The main thing is to purchase high-quality and suitable glue composition, as well as follow the main recommendations.

The glue for vinyl wallpaper needs some time so that the mixture is blown, therefore kneading the adhesive composition - the first stage. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mixture strictly according to the instructions on the package (it will be unique in each case depending on the manufacturer).

Glue for vinyl canvas is usually required to fall asleep into a container with a predetermined amount of water. Flipping of dry adhesive powder is gradually carried out with constant stirring of the resulting mixture.

Vinyl wallpaper can be with a clear pattern, which will require high-quality fit, or without it. In the first case, consumption of canvas will increase significantly.

Waste will be absent if you need to glue vinyl photo wallpaper.

If the cloth with a pattern, then it is possible to customize it in several ways:

  1. You need to mark the layout of the height of height, cut off and paste the first strip, then attach the following roll to it, shifting it gradually for combining the pattern. In this case, waste will increase significantly (about 30-50 cm length from each roll).
  2. If the second method is selected, then you need to take into account the set step of the pattern elements, select the desired shift value between the canvas during the combination process. This is more complicated, but an economical option.
  3. The third way implies the use of several rolls at the same time to fit the pattern. For example, an odd canvases are taken from one roll, and from the other - even.

Important! If there is an opportunity and there are vinyl wallpaper with a margin, it is recommended to choose the consumable first method, because it is easier to perform and weaken.

The retention roll, you need to take into account the height of the surface of the surface, the displacement step and make the stock of the length under the final trimming. There is enough stock in 5-7 cm. In the marked place, the wallpaper must be passed, to smooth out, cut off with scissors or a sharp knife.

The process of sticking

Casting walls with vinyl wallpaper is performed sequentially. There is a specific scheme, in accordance with which such work is carried out.

Glue vinyl wallpaper better together.

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. At the first stage, the prepared adhesive composition is applied to the wallpaper and on the wall. The wallpaper glue should be applied to the wallpaper with roller, tassels or ordinary sponge. Special attention should be paid to the edges of the bands.

2. The band of vinyl wallpaper is needed from above, applying the top edge of the canvas to the pre-glued etern with a small adhesive. The vertical plane is strongly recommended to align the glued strip using a level.

3. After gluing the upper part of the band, it is necessary to gradually, moving to the bottom, press it to the wall with a plastic spatula or roller. Praise the band is best using the Herringbone method, i.e. Removing the air moving the spatula from the center to the edges of the strip. The glue from the vinyl web is recommended to immediately remove the clean cloth or sponge.

4. Sticking the second strip is performed in exactly as well, but now you need to glue it so that the drawing has matched. First, it is necessary to align the canvas strictly through the joint line, after which it is already engaged in combining the pattern.

5. For the angular parts of the room, it is necessary to use bands that should enter the adjacent wall by about 3-4 cm.

After the vinyl wallpapers are pissed, it is recommended to carry out all the remaining building materials, tools, tank with adhesive composition out of the room.

The door and windows in the room are worth closingto speed up dryingdo not include a fan or air conditioner.

After sticking, you need to wait at least 1-2 days so that the adhesive mixture is frozen. If immediately after sticking, open the window and create in the drafts of drafts, then the likelihood is that the vinyl wallpaper is simply dug.

Pocking vinyl wallpaper (25 photos)