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Rose Chaino hybrid Gloria dei. Rose grade Gloria Dei (Gloria dei). Gloria Dei Cl Growing Roses Roses

From the middle of the last century, the leading positions among tea-hybrid roses deservedly occupies the legendary grade of "Gloria Dei", or "Gloria Dei". IN different countriesah This variety has different names. This rose is known for Italian rose, on the territory of Germany, the name of the variety sounds like Gloria Dei, and for America's flower and other English-speaking countries, the variety is called "Peace". In the flower beds of our country, Gloria Da was delivered from German nurseries, which made it possible to consolidate the name in Germany in Germany.

History of origin

Rose called "Gloria Da" was derived as a result of work on the crossing of varieties "Georg Dixon" and "Claudia Perenn" with the varieties of Joanna Hill and Charles Kilham with the participation of Margaret Mak Grady and F. Meilland. " The grade was obtained by French breeders in the thirties of the last century, and Francis Mean became the author of the variety and its description.

Initially, Rosa "Gloria Da" was called "Madame A. Meilland", which was given to her Francis Meilland in honor of the untimely gone from the life of the mother. Nevertheless, today, this in most countries is known as "Gloria Dei" and refers to the category of the most beloved, as well as the most common varieties in the world.

Description of varieties

Rosa Gloria Actions many times became the same winner of the most prestigious international competitions and exhibitions, it is still considered a classic to this day, as well as the standard tea- hybrid roseWhat allows you to use the variety when the new hybrid forms are eliminated.

Grade Description:

  • the pink "Gloria dei" bush is a high-resistant, up to two meters high, a fairly branched, with good decrepitude;
  • the width of the replacement and fairly powerful bush does not exceed in conditions proper trimming 80-90 cm;
  • leaves of dark, rich-green, very decorative, with a pronounced glossy surface;
  • buds large sizes, with thick, pronounced terrace, very attractive, glazing form;
  • the diameter of the fully discontinued flower can vary in the range of 130-160 mm;
  • at different stages of disclosure, the painting of petals changes and can vary from pale, gentle-beige-yellow color to bright yellow, with a very beautiful pink-red border;
  • the aroma of the flower "Gloria dei" is light and very pleasant, increasing after the rain or in the evening hours;
  • the average number of petals in color is collected within 26-43 pieces;
  • the shoots are powerful and well developed, contain single flowers or inflorescences of three or four flowers.

How to crop roses (video)

For one blossom wave, the pink bush of this variety forms the order of forty flowers, which makes it very decorative.

It should be noted that the tea-hybrid grade "Gloria dei" is extremely rare, and is characterized by an increased level of resistance to winter frost. Cultivation of Rosa Gloria Dei in the southern regions involves conducting timely preventive events to protect the pink bush from the defeat of black spot.

Technology landing

To get not only beautiful, but also bustween tea-hybrid rose bushes, Planting seedlings must be carried out according to the agrotechnology of this decorative culture:

  • looking should be made in the first decade of May, choosing solar, well-protected areas from the winds;
  • the soil on the rose growing area should not only be quite fertile, but also have weakness indicators, as well as the optimally loose structure;
  • before boarding the rose seedlings implemented with an open root system, you need to drink moisture, lowering for several hours into water with vegetable stimulants, which can use aloe juice;
  • pre-prepare landing points, the size of which can vary depending on the diameter of the root plant of the plant;
  • the average distance between the planted pink bushes should be approximately 30-50 cm;
  • before immersion in the landing pit root system Roses are recommended to suck into a clay bolt based on two parts of clay, one part of the water and manure.

Immediately after planing and easy sealing of the soil around the rose bush, it is advisable to form a special irrigation earth roller, allowing water to hold in the location zone of the root system. Watering after landing should be abundant and produced with warm, dilated water.

If there is a need, the rose seedlings are shading and the soil mulch around the bushes. A good result gives a fusion of the stem part of the rose to a height of 12-14 cm, which contributes to the protection of the lower kidneys from negative impact Weather factors.

Standard care for tea-hybrid varieties is simple, and when growing roses of Gloria, it is desirable to adhere to the following recommendations for the care of decorative garden culture:

  • the trimming of pink bushes should be carried out both in spring time and in summer and autumn periods;
  • of particular importance is the main, or spring, trimming of the plant, which should be carried out immediately after landing or removing shelter from bushes;

  • young decorative plants It is recommended to cut into two or three kidneys, and more adult specimens need to trim six to seven kidneys;
  • in the late decade of October it is required to trim the foliage, as well as all unpleasant buds, too young or weak escapes;
  • the cosmetic trimming of a pink bush is systematically carried out, which involves the removal of all the sworded flowers, broken or patients of escapes;
  • in the first decade of August, all giraring shoots are subject to removal, which will ensure aging and wearing the lower part of the shoots before the onset of significant cooling;
  • fingering Roses tea-hybrid variety It is necessary to spend from May to July, twice a month, using complex mineral fertilizers and the organic;
  • starting from the last summer month, should stop making nitrogen fertilizers And feed the pink bushes exclusively with potash-phosphoric fertilizers, which helps to enhance the aging of young shoots.

Before ensuring pink shelter bushes on winter, It is required to remove all non-invalid shoots, trim the foliage and treat the above-ground part with a 3% solution of iron vapor.

Description Rose Gloria Dei Cl .: Advantages and Disadvantages

The original grade - Gloria Dei - refers to a tea-hybrid variety of roses and was removed from 1935 to 1939 in the French nursery Maian. On the world market, this plant was introduced after the end of World War II - in 1945. And four years later, in 1949, the American breeder of Li Brady was discovered by closing this variety - a special mutation of the kidneys, giving the shoots of a vacuum form.

So, the plenty shape of the roseGloria.DEI is not a separate variety, but by the side product of the occult of tea-hybrid rose with the same name. This must be considered when buying a sapling. If after the name of the variety there is a reduction in "Cl." Or mark "Climbing", which means that the rose will be plenty. If there are no such designations - ordinary tea-hybrid.

The main characteristics of the Rose Gloria Dei Climbing are collected in the following table:

Evaluation parameter Characteristic
Color Creamy-yellow with pinkish edges of petals
Number of flowers on the stem 1
Flower size 12-15 cm
Height 250-350 cm
Width 200 cm
Growing Zone (USDA) VI Zone (Lower Volga region, Voronezh, Kaliningrad region, Rostov-on-Don)
Winter hardiness
Resistance to mildew ★★
Black spot resistance ★★
Resistance to rain ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀ (repeated)
Landing time April or late October

Like the parent grade, the Gloria Dei Climbing is most valued for the beauty of the flower, the coloring of the sunrise. In full dissolution, the flower is a very large, elegant, classic glassworm tea-hybrid shape. Other advantages of this Clilinga include:

  • strong growth and beautiful Habitus bush;
  • fitness of a flower for cutting;
  • re-blossom ability;
  • good immunity to fungal infections.

From the disadvantages it should be noted the insufficient winter hardiness of the plant, later entering the flowering (closer to mid-June) and bad shadowness.

Tip # 1. The reproduction of the claying - the task is not easy, because with incorrect vaccination, their properties can be lost. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire seedlings only in professional, proven nurseries.

Reviews Roses about Rose Gloria Dei Cl.

Russian roseworks are familiar with the Cloaming Gloria DEI and on other trade names - Gioia Climbing or Peace Climbing. This is the same variety produced by different nurseries.

About the plenty rose Gloria dei climbing the opinions of the owners, mostly positive:

"The grade produces strong injecting! Giant flowers, the height of the bush is more than 2 meters. But I, unfortunately, I planted unsuccessfully - on a thoughtful place. By winter, all the snow was filmed from the site, and the rose was extinct. And I still can not forget her, looking for a good nursery to buy a sapling. My plenty Gloria dei caused admiration for everyone! People even came close to it to take pictures "(Tatiana, Saratov).

"Living and a healthy rose! I ordered mail, I received a seedling, but "Sukharik". I sent to a bucket with water and forgot about it for a month. When I remembered, it turned out that the roots dissolved and got involved. By that time all good places The site was occupied, and my poor thing fell into clay and stones. But for the year he adjusted a bush under 4 meters, and most importantly - amazing beautiful flowers! I love this rose (and my neighbors love) " (Elena, Sukhum, Abkhazia).

"The grade is beautiful, but in the suburbs grows and blooms tight. I gave me 4 years without flowering. Gave thick trunks of 2.5 meters. Almost no sick. Finally, for 5 years, the nine beautiful colors flushed. Repeated blossom also pleased - 10 flowers. And then broke while laying for the winter at the vaccination itself, and in the spring he washed. Ordered a new seedling from another manufacturer. Waiting for the second year, until it blooms. " (Natalia, Moscow).

"My Kuste is plentyful Gloria Dei for 4 years. Winter is experiencing mainly well in our harsh climate. I have a winter ground under the construction bag and a layer of snow. The plenty shape does not work, because in the spring you have to crop overgrown shoots to live wood. But blooming abundantly, the flower is tightly stuffed, gentle, with a light aroma. The problem only during long rains - the bud is not revealed and boots. And so - very beautiful rose (Elizabeth, Kemerovo region).

Comment Analysis allows us to conclude that Gloria Dei Cl. - Sun- and thermal-loving grade, more suitable for growing in climatic zones from soft winter. However, this rose is capable of growing even Siberia, although it does not fully show its potential.

Gloria Dei Cl Growing Rose Rules Rules

Enhance the chances of Gloria Dei Cl. on manifestation best qualities The varieties will help the following rules:

  • landing on a sunny windless area;
  • watering 1 time per week for 20-30 liters under the bush;
  • mulching of the priority circle;
  • regular feeders according to the general plan for making fertilizers under roses (read also an article ⇒);
  • moderate trimming with the preservation of the productive old weaves, from annually whose color pains are growing;
  • the garter to the support with the location of the woven under the tilt to the horizontal plane;
  • creating winter shelters, especially when growing a variety in the regions with cold winters (read also an article ⇒).

Despite the relative resistance of the rose Gloria dei Cl. To fungal diseases, do not neglect their prevention. This is especially true of growing on wet areas or in the climate cheese. The prophylactic spraying of Futolavin fungicides, "Oxychich" or "Ridomil Gold" will give the necessary protection against infections.

Board # 2. According to Rosovodov Reviews, Gloria Dei Cl. Not too demanding to mechanical composition of the soil. However, the best result This variety demonstrates on high-humus loose soils frompH, close to neutral. Rose speaks well to spring making a humus and mature compost in rOCK. Acidic soils are deoxidized before landing dolomite flour. Severely evilized by adding loose components (straw sections, river sand, brick crumb, compost).

Actual questions about growing roses Gloria dei Cl.

Question number 1. Rose Gloria Dei Cl. attacked triples. How to get rid of them?

The fight against trips requires patience and systematic treatments both plants and soil. You can try the alternation of Aktara preparations, "confident" and "phytodeter". Infected buds need to trim and burn.

Rosa Gloria dei is the legendary variety, many decades are a permanent leader among garden hybrids. This beautiful lemon yellow flower is a repeated winner of the most prestigious international exhibitions, he was called the symbol of the world, and it was he who at the end of the 20th century was noted by the honorary rank of the "Century Rose". The variety is widespread around the world, it is based on a lot of very beautiful hybrids, and each flower worship honors it to grow this miracle in his garden.

Gloria dei grade (Gloria Dei) acquired such high popularity in the world not by chance. The history of its creation and further distribution is directly related to the significant events occurring in the first half of the 20th century. Rose was removed in France by the famous breeder and flowerfish F. Meilland. Work on the removal of the variety lasted from 1935 to 1939, and when an experienced sample was received, the author called Madame A. Meilland's flower in honor of his deceased in the young age of the mother.

Amazing beauty Rose quickly spread beyond his homeland. Her seedlings through the post office flew into different countries, in each of which the flower was given their name: in Italy, the variety is known under the name "Gioia" (joy, delight), in England and the USA - "Peace" (peace), in Germany Gloria Dei. The countries of the USSR Rosa got from German nurseries, so it is known here called Gloria Dy.

By the end of World War II, the grade became known so much that he was associated with victory, peace and consent.

At the first UN General Assembly, held in 1945, all the heads of delegations of those present in the conclusion of the Forum received a flower. Since then, Rosa has become symbolizing the consent and the world between countries, official diplomatic techniques and business meetings decorated with her bouquets.

And now, after so many years, Gloria Dei is the most popular and sold rose in the world.

Video "Kust Description"

From the video presented you will learn a lot of interesting things about this variety of roses.

Description of varieties

A rose bush looks very typically for a tea hybrid: low (up to 1.2 m), slightly spread, stems branched, reprehension, with small spikes, leaves large, dark green color, glossy leaf plate, insignificantly served on the edges. Of particular interest are large terry flowers of pale yellow, along the edges of a reddish shade.

What is characteristic, its color rose changes as far as the air is dissolved and depending on the air temperature. By the way, the intensity of the flavor of the flower also depends on the weather and time of day.

In a half-column form, the rose bud has a glasswall and pale greenish-yellow color. As they bloom, the rose acquires a cupid form, and the color is replaced by yellow-orange, with a reddish spraying along the edge of the petals. In hot weather, the flower becomes pale yellow, almost white, and the pink shade becomes more intense and bright. Gloria dei is a very large rose. Its diameter is about 15 cm, but good care The size can be more. A flurry flower consisting of more than 45 petals.

The aroma of roses also has a property to change. In the evening hours and after the rain, the flower smells more intense and sweeter. Happy aroma is lightweight, barely catchy. Flowers a bush continuously from June to the end of summer, and even in the fall, buds still appear. The duration of the flowering of one rose is approximately 30 days. Despite the French origin, the variety quite successfully grows in countries with a cold climate, has high immunity to disease, but in a hot climate, leaves are sometimes affected by black spot.

Technology landing

Gloria Dei grade is not afraid of cold and even moves strong frosts well, however, it is better to choose solar, well-ventilated areas for a permanent gross. Such conditions will help to avoid most fungal diseases, characteristic of tea roses. At the same time, the bush should not be subjected to drafts, otherwise the flowers will quickly lose their beauty, and the petals will fall before.

Place a rose in a well-haired soil in the first half of May. For landing it is better to choose a sunny, but not a hot day. The perfect for rose is a loose, breathable soil with a deep fertile layer and neutral or slightly increased acidity. If the soil in the garden is not nutritious, it should add humus and sand to it, and immediately before planting, make special fertilizers for roses. The flower does not carry the water stagnation, so the drainage layer is recommended to be laid independently of the characteristics of the soil.

If the roots of seedlings are open, which often happens in plants purchased in the nursery, then they should be placed before planting for several hours in warm water so that they will deal with and put themselves with moisture. Instead of water, you can use solutions with biostimulants. If fertilizers were introduced into the soil, then the pit is digging before the landing. An option is also possible. organic fertilizers (Compost, humus) directly into the pit, but then dig it and make fertilizers need a couple of weeks before landing.

The size of the pocket depends on the size of the root seedlock. It must be so width that the roots are hosted free. As for the depth, it is necessary to expect that the root neck must be gluned into the soil by 2-3 cm. When group landing, plants are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, since the rose bushes of Gloria dei, though compact, but rather tall. After landing, the land around the bush is tamped and abundantly watered with an estate water.

For lush flowering Rose requires moisture and nutrients, so watering and feeding should be paid special attention. In hot weather, a rose is watered 2 times / week at the rate of 7-10 liters of water on 1 bush. After rain, watering resumes a week later, but it is necessary to focus on the moisture of the soil - if it is still high, you do not need to water. For watering used estate water room temperature. Can not use cold water From the well or directly from the water pipeline. Ideal for watering is considered rainwater. Most suitable time For moisturizing - late evening after sunset.

Feed the rose with complex mixtures designed specifically for roses, as well as organic. The first two feeders are held in the spring: one during the dissolution of the kidneys, the second - during the formation of buds. The third feeding, it is the last, is held shortly before the onset of constant cold weather.

Spring rose is needed nitrogen, so at first feeding you can make Selitra, urea. In the summer and autumn, a liquid korlard is suitable as a fertilizer at 1:10, mixed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (50 g).

The rose of this variety is resistant to a number of diseases, but this does not exclude the need for prophylactic treatment of bushes. In the spring, even before the dissolution of the leaves, the plants should be treated with a 3% solution of iron or copper sulfate. Experienced flowerflowers Recommended to disembark near roses Velhets - these flowers allocate special enzymes that eliminate harmful microorganisms, besides, they scare from many pests with their smell.

No less important event in the care of a rose - pruning: sanitary and formative. The first is carried out in the spring and implies the removal of all patients, weak and frozen shoots. The need for sanitary pruning may occur in the summer if the plants have risen or were damaged. Also throughout the summer, you should remove the sworded buds. The resulting trimming is carried out in the fall, during which the tops of the shoots are shortened by half or third. Such trimming contributes to more magnificent branching of the bush next year.

Garden roses are accepted for the winter to cover, but since Gloria dei is enough frost resistant, then shelter is required only in the northern regions with long and harsh winters. It should be noted that the hassle with the Rose Gloria Dei is less than with others, and it grows quickly - literally after half a year it can please the first bloom. By the way, the flowerflowers with experience advise not to allow young plants to bloom at once. If you break the first few buds, the bush will send all its strength to strengthen the roots, and will soon bloom even more.

Video "Fighting Diseases"

From the video you will learn about the fight against rose bushes.

Gloria dei among the flowers of the planet is considered a benchmark. She was awarded the honorary title "Century Rose", it is called the symbol of the consent and the world of the twentieth century. But few know that the history of the creation of this variety, its further distribution in the world is connected with the key events that took place in the first half of the last century.

Family passion

Rosa Gloria Dei is removed in the MEILLAND nursery in France. The prehistory of its appearance is very interesting. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Joseph Rambaux Lyon Gardener, very loved roses, was able to bring eight new varieties at once. And his son-in-law Francis Dubrey, also very interested in "queen flowers", as a result of crossing, has already brought sixty-four species. Family lesson continued. The kennel has grown so much, and the popularity of seedlings purchased from these gardeners has become so big that after the First World War I had to acquire a new plot of land.


Rose Gloria Dei was called the symbol of peace, consent. At the very first UN Assembly, held in 1945 in San Francisco, the heads of delegations of each of the founders received this flower.

"Queen" invariably won the prestigious exhibitions and international competitions. Gloria Dy is still considered a classic - a benchmark of a hybrid rose. It is very often used as a basic view to remove new varieties. Many of the new hybrids become medalists of large international exhibitions. These are the varieties of the Ballerina, Christians Dior, Princess Monaco, etc. They all their appearance are obliged to exactly this wonderful flower: the genericant of many of them is Rosa Gloria Dy.

Description of varieties

Externally, this kind of gentle lemon yellow With pink spraying. He has a very thin fragrance. A large glasswood bud in the growing process first painted in greenish-yellow color, then it becomes golden yellow with a slight pinkish tint, and intensively pink color, in the edges of the petals, becomes goldenly yellow. Rose Gloria Da, a description and care of which are considered in any special literature, is equally suitable for cultivation in both the northern and in the southern regions. In her dense flower flowers, sometimes forty-five and more petals. The diameter of the head reaches nineteen centimeters.

Rose Gloria dei flowers continuously throughout the summer. Last buds appear on it at the end of autumn. A high-height bush rides up to one meter. His reprehension shoots covered with dark green leathery glossy leaves. This rose is tea-hybrid. Gloria dei is considered a frost resistant.


This rose variety is not only the most sold in the world. Gloria dei, no doubt, is considered the best tea-hybrid species. Decades it is not only the most beautiful existing varieties. It is called the most resistant among the other representatives of the chain-hybrid family. Per last yearsTrue, experts began to celebrate some susceptibility to such death as black spot, but this could not become a reason to abandon landing on his site of a variety conquered the world.

On the basis of Gloria, the breeders are derived about three hundred ninety varieties of roses. The work continues at the present time. The descendants of this wonderful representative of tea-hybrid species were varieties of Berlin and Princess Monaco, reception to guests in the garden and the Golden Crown, the speaking sun and the fiery world, love and peace, as well as many others. In the fifties, breeders from different countries were completely independent of each other with each other brought a new variety - Gloria Rosi's rose variety. He retained all the advantages of the original, but at the same time acquired the qualities of Liana.


Put it in early May, when the soil has already fully relieved. To do this, solar, protected from wind space on garden sites. The soil must be well drained, besides, it should be a weakness. Before boarding the Saplings of Roses Gloria Actions, you need to lower the water so that the plant is good by moisture. Washing holes are preparing in advance: they should be in a depth to forty centimeters. The distance between the bushes is the same - 40 cm.


Watering a rose need warm water. Experts believe that it is best to use rain moisture for this. Watering water must be defended during the day. For this shrub, the presence of neutral soil is desirable, which is enriched with organic fertilizers.

Rose Gloria Dei needs a periodic feeding. Best fertilizer For her, the dung alone is considered, although mineral adorders also plays an important role. The first time the plant is fed by spring urea. The second time you need to give potash-phosphoric fertilizers.

When using a man-where it is necessary to pre-prepare it: two weeks before use you need a fresh korovak mix with water (1: 3), you add potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The solution must be well mixed and used in two weeks, once again diluting with water in the proportion of 1:10.

The grooves that are lagging behind the side shoots on thirty centimeters, first spilled with water, and after - harvested fertilizer. Under each bush, you need to pour about five liters of solution. After the soil snacks, the furrows should be at the dry ground, and the next day to break.

Rosa Gloria Dei loves to watered it late in the evening, after the final sunset. In this case, the roots will not only take a sufficient amount of water, but also will not be afraid of day rays. No need to cover the rose in winter, if not expected too severe frosts. This plant will only work perfectly at temperatures up to minus fifteen degrees.

Eliminate the rose from malicious organisms and diseases perfectly helps the neighborhood with the velvets. They need to land around the rosary: \u200b\u200bthese unpretentious flowers allocate special enzymes into the air, which are greatly fighting with many threats of the flower bed.

Specialists advise not to give young and freshly dried seedlings to bloom. The first five or six buds are better to have it, so that at first all the strength of the plant went to strengthen the roots. Knowing all the peculiarities of cultivation, you can not doubt that after six months, a real flower garden will appear on the site, the main "hero" of which will be Rosa Gloria Dy.

Tea-hybrid Rose "Gloria Dae".
The history of this rose is a real melodrama.

Sometimes this variety is called the most famous rose twentieth century. "Gloria Da" worldwide is recognized as a reference to roses. It awarded the honorary title of "Century Rose", it is considered a symbol of peace and the consent of the twentieth century.

The history of the creation of "Gloria Da" and its further distribution in the world are closely related to historical events The first half of the last century.
Rosa "Gloria Da" was removed in the French family nursery "Meilland".
On June 15, 1935, Francis Meyan and his father Antoine Mainean considered fifty young hybrids, who had just blossomed flowers. All of them were grown from seeds in the MEILLAND nursery. One sample with an unusual coloring terry flowers really liked Francis. So began the glorious story of the famous tea-hybrid rose famous worldwide. The seedlings were assigned the working number 3-35-40 and tried to propagate it. Rose had only three kidneys (eye), suitable for vaccination. Two eyes died, only one kidney took root. SAMI famous Rosa The twentieth century began with that kidney.

Gradually, the Mainland family nursery (Meilland) becomes famous not only in France, but also beyond. In June 1939, just a year before the country's occupation fascist Germany, French and foreign breeders came across it. They were demonstrated best varieties And they concluded contracts for their supply. A unique rose under the working number 3-35-40 led specialists in admiration. The variety has not yet been registered. To get reviews of leading breeders and discuss the name of the masterpiece, some of the cuttings was mail sent to the nurseries of Germany, Italy and the USA. They were accompanied detailed description Roses.

Rose was magnificent. It was an obvious breakthrough in breeding. Francis himself wrote about her flowers: "Amazing in shape and size, with a greenish tinge, warmer to yellow and gradually saturating Punchov along the edges of the petals."

But the plans of the rovers were not destined to come true: the second world War. Contacts between breeders were interrupted for a long time, but the recipients still managed to get parcels with precious cuttings.

Disobedient breeders continued to persistent work on the breeding of the wonderful "Frenchwoman." But together to choose the name for her due to the circumstances, they, alas, could not.

By this time, the mother of Francis was left of his life, and a saddled son called her name more beautiful from his roses - "Madame A. Meilland" ("Madame Mayan").

In Italy, she was given the name "Gioia" ("Joy"), in Germany - "Gloria Dei" ("Glory to the Lord").

But the very character of the variety obtained by the rifle in the United States was the most symbolic. The American society of Rosovodov officially registered it on the day of Berlin's fall under the name "Peace", which means "peace".
A few weeks later, at the first meeting of the UN, each delegate received on one Rose "Peace" with a note, which said that the world is the most important goal of the entire world community and the wishes of delegates, their children and children of children around the world of joy.