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Roses Gloria Dy. "Gloria Da" is the most famous Rose of the twentieth century. Rose "Gloria Da" - landing and care

Description Rose Gloria Dei Cl .: Advantages and Disadvantages

The original grade - Gloria Dei - refers to a tea-hybrid variety of roses and was removed from 1935 to 1939 in the French nursery Maian. On the world market, this plant was introduced after the end of World War II - in 1945. And four years later, in 1949, the American breeder of Li Brady was discovered by closing this variety - a special mutation of the kidneys, giving the shoots of a vacuum form.

So, the plenty shape of the roseGloriaDEI is not a separate variety, but by the side product of the Higher Mutation tea-hybrid rose With the same name. This must be considered when buying a sapling. If after the name of the variety there is a reduction in "Cl." Or mark "Climbing", which means that the rose will be plenty. If there are no such designations - ordinary tea-hybrid.

Main characteristics roses Gloria Dei Climbing is collected in the following table:

Evaluation parameter Characteristic
Color Creamy-yellow with pinkish edges of petals
Number of flowers on the stem 1
Flower size 12-15 cm
Height 250-350 cm
Width 200 cm
Growing Zone (USDA) VI Zone (Lower Volga region, Voronezh, Kaliningrad region, Rostov-on-Don)
Winter hardiness
Resistance to mildew ★★
Black spot resistance ★★
Resistance to rain ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀ (repeated)
Landing time April or late October

Like the parent grade, the Gloria Dei Climbing is most valued for the beauty of the flower, the coloring of the sunrise. In full dissolution, the flower is a very large, elegant, classic glassworm tea-hybrid shape. Other advantages of this Clilinga include:

  • strong growth and beautiful Habitus bush;
  • fitness of a flower for cutting;
  • re-blossom ability;
  • good immunity to fungal infections.

From the disadvantages it should be noted the insufficient winter hardiness of the plant, later entering the flowering (closer to mid-June) and bad shadowness.

Tip # 1. The reproduction of the claying - the task is not easy, because with incorrect vaccination, their properties can be lost. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire seedlings only in professional, proven nurseries.

Reviews Roses about Rose Gloria Dei Cl.

Russian roseworks are familiar with the Cloaming Gloria DEI and on other trade names - Gioia Climbing or Peace Climbing. This is the same variety produced by different nurseries.

About the plenty rose Gloria dei climbing the opinions of the owners, mostly positive:

"The grade produces strong injecting! Giant flowers, the height of the bush is more than 2 meters. But I, unfortunately, I planted unsuccessfully - on a thoughtful place. By winter, all the snow was filmed from the site, and the rose was extinct. And I still can not forget her, looking for a good nursery to buy a sapling. My plenty Gloria dei caused admiration for everyone! People even came close to it to take pictures "(Tatiana, Saratov).

"Living and a healthy rose! I ordered mail, I received a seedling, but "Sukharik". I sent to a bucket with water and forgot about it for a month. When I remembered, it turned out that the roots dissolved and got involved. By that time all good places The site was occupied, and my poor thing fell into clay and stones. But for the year he adjusted a bush under 4 meters, and most importantly - amazing beautiful flowers! I love this rose (and my neighbors love) " (Elena, Sukhum, Abkhazia).

"The grade is beautiful, but in the suburbs grows and blooms tight. I gave me 4 years without flowering. Gave thick trunks of 2.5 meters. Almost no sick. Finally, for 5 years, the nine beautiful colors flushed. Repeated blossom also pleased - 10 flowers. And then broke while laying for the winter at the vaccination itself, and in the spring he washed. Ordered a new seedling from another manufacturer. Waiting for the second year, until it blooms. " (Natalia, Moscow).

"My Kuste is plentyful Gloria Dei for 4 years. Winter is experiencing mainly well in our harsh climate. I have a winter ground under the construction bag and a layer of snow. The plenty shape does not work, because in the spring you have to crop overgrown shoots to live wood. But blooming abundantly, the flower is tightly stuffed, gentle, with a light aroma. The problem only during long rains - the bud is not revealed and boots. And so - very beautiful rose (Elizabeth, Kemerovo region).

Comment Analysis allows us to conclude that Gloria Dei Cl. - Sun- and thermal-loving grade, more suitable for cultivation in climatic zones with soft winter. However, this rose is capable of growing even Siberia, although it does not fully show its potential.

Gloria Dei Cl Growing Rose Rules Rules

Enhance the chances of Gloria Dei Cl. on manifestation best qualities The varieties will help the following rules:

  • landing on a sunny windless area;
  • watering 1 time per week for 20-30 liters under the bush;
  • mulching of the priority circle;
  • regular feeders according to the general plan for making fertilizers under roses (read also an article ⇒);
  • moderate trimming with the preservation of the productive old weaves, from annually whose color pains are growing;
  • the garter to the support with the location of the woven under the tilt to the horizontal plane;
  • creating winter shelters, especially when growing a variety in the regions with cold winters (read also an article ⇒).

Despite the relative resistance of the rose Gloria dei Cl. To fungal diseases, do not neglect their prevention. This is especially true of growing on wet areas or in the climate cheese. The prophylactic spraying of Futolavin fungicides, "Oxychich" or "Ridomil Gold" will give the necessary protection against infections.

Board # 2. According to Rosovodov Reviews, Gloria Dei Cl. Not too demanding to mechanical composition of the soil. However, the best result This variety demonstrates on high-humus loose soils frompH, close to neutral. Rose speaks well to spring making a humus and mature compost in rOCK. Acidic soils are deoxidized before landing dolomite flour. Severely evilized by adding loose components (straw sections, river sand, brick crumb, compost).

Actual questions about growing roses Gloria dei Cl.

Question number 1. Rose Gloria Dei Cl. attacked triples. How to get rid of them?

The fight against trips requires patience and systematic treatments both plants and soil. You can try the alternation of Aktara preparations, "confident" and "phytodeter". Infected buds need to trim and burn.

"Gloria Da" worldwide is recognized as a reference to roses. It awarded the honorary title of "Century Rose", it is considered a symbol of peace and the consent of the twentieth century. The history of the creation of "Gloria Dat" and its further distribution in the world are closely related to the key historical events The first half of the last century.

Family passion roses

Rose "Gloria Dae" was removed in the French family nursery "MEILLAND". Interesting prehistory of this significant event. In the middle of the XIX century, Lyon gardener lived by name Joseph RambauxHe loved roses very much and brought eight new varieties. His daughter's husband, Francis Dubrey, was also carried away by roses, crossed them and brought 64 varieties of roses. Family activities roses continued his daughter with her husband Antoine Mainean and Son Francis Meyan ( Francis Meilland., 1912 - 1958). Francis from childhood helped parents. After World War I, the family acquired a plot of land under rose nursery.

30s of the twentieth century, seeding 3-35-40

In the thirties, Francis traveled to America, where a lot communicated with the American breeder of roses D.Kh. Nicolas. From America, Francis brought new ideas, a patent for copyright protection (there was no such document in Europe), a color catalog of roses and a refrigerator for rose storage.

On June 15, 1935, Francis and his father Antoine Maineyan considered fifty young hybrids, who had just blossomed flowers. All of them were grown from seeds in the MEILLAND nursery. One sample with an unusual coloring terry flowers really liked Francis. So began the glorious story of the famous tea-hybrid rose famous worldwide. The seedlings were assigned the working number 3-35-40 and tried to propagate it. Rose had only three kidneys (eye), suitable for vaccination. Two eyes died, only one kidney took root. The most famous XX century rose began with that kidney.

Rose was magnificent. It was an obvious breakthrough in breeding. Francis did not have time to place orders, since everyone wanted to have new Sort. A certain number of seedlings had to get beyond France. Young Francis turned out to be a good organizer. He released a color catalog of roses (and not the usual black and white list), thanks to which all roses grown in the nursery began to spit quickly. The nursery also earned good money on the production of refrigerators for roses. Before that, there were no them in Europe. Francis continued to engage in breeding. He independently brought the rose variety "Golden State", which became the 1939 exhibition emblem in San Francisco.

In June 1939, the presenters of roses were gathered in the family nursery "Meilland", foreign clients were invited. They demonstrated new roses and concluded contracts for the supply of seedlings. A small number of cuttings of Rosa "Gloria Da" was sent to foreign nurseries Italy, Germany and the United States to get feedback and discuss the name of the rose. Parcels were accompanied by its description. Having admired all the rose by that time had not yet had official status, since the grade was not registered. As it turned out later, the cuttings sent by mail managed to get almost to all recipients. But contacts with foreign breeders interrupted the Second World War.

Four Roses Names

In the family of Mainean Rose decided to give the name of the tragically dead wife of Antoine and Mother Francis. Rose was called "Mine A. Meilland" (Madame Mayan). In the war, Francis Maiana did not take to the army, since he had a stomach ulcer. In order to survive, the family was engaged in growing vegetables. But part of the time was given roses. For any possibility, the nursery sent parcels with cuttings by the addresses of customers who managed to make orders before the war. Francis did not know whether the parcel would reach, but tried to perform all orders. In May 1940, Francis and his wife Mary Louise, who from six years helped his father to engage in roses, was born the son of Alain.

In every country that received a rose cutter, she was called in their own way. In France - "Mine A. Meilland" (Madame Mayan). In Italy, "Gioia" ("delight"), in Germany - "Gloria Dei" ("Glory to the Lord"), in the USSR Rosa came from Germany with the German title "Gloria Da". In the US, on April 29, 1945, the name of the rose was officially announced on the early end of the war - "Peace" ("Peace"). In the history of Roses "Gloria Dae" there whole line Coincidences: The grade receives the All-American Prize on the Victory Day over Japan, and the awarding of the medal coincided with the signing of the US and Japan's peace treaty.

Francis managed to ensure that the breeders had copyright on the new varieties of plants with them. Prior to that, in Europe, such patents were not issued. In 1948, F. Maineyan received his first patent for the "Rouge Mainean".

Triumph Rose "Gloria Dae"

This wonderful tea-hybrid rose has become a symbol of peace and consent. At the First Assembly of the UN, in San Francisco in 1945, the chapter of each delegation of the founding countries was awarded in the flower "Gloria Dae".

Rose invariably won the most prestigious international competitions and exhibitions. "Gloria Da" is still considered a classic, a benchmark of tea-hybrid rose. It is used in the removal of new varieties. Many of these varieties become winners at the largest international exhibitions ("Confidence", "Prima Ballerina", "Christian Dior", "Pink Peace", "Princess De Monaco" and many others).

The author of the best rose century, Francis Meilland, died in 1958. People are grateful to him for a beautiful rose, which has no one, and four official names! The kennel is still working. After a fairly early death of Francis, his son Alan Meyan, who was then only eighteen years old. Now the kennel "Meilland International" is headed by Frencis's grandson, Mattias Meyan. The nursery received world fame, it takes new varieties that send to many countries of the world.

Brief description of the grade "Gloria Dae"

"Gloria Dae" is a grade of tea-hybrid rose with gentle lemon yellow flowers with pink spraying and a thin aroma. The glass-shaped large bud with a dissipation first becomes greenish-yellow, then painted in golden yellow tones with a slight pinkish tinge, while planting the edge of the petals acquire intensively pink color. Rose is suitable for cultivation in the northern and southern regions. Her terry flowers are dense, sometimes with 45 or more petals! Diameter of flowers up to 15 (19) See Rose continuously blooms throughout the summer. Recent flowers appear at the very end of autumn. Medium height The bush is 1 m, the ripening shoots have dark green leathery, glossy leaves. The variety is considered frost-resistant.

There are varieties of "Gloria Dei": plethomous "Gloria Dei Climving" and the straak form of this rose.

Autumn trimming Rose "Gloria Dae"

I talked with many flowers (lovers and professionals) engaged in rose growing. All of them unanimously admire "Gloria Dae." They have no consensus, as better. Some believe that it is not necessary to quickly shorten his shoots, others adhere to the bold trimming, so that in the summer the bush has become more magnificent. Third advise to leave for winter all the strong branches half shortening.

The grade "Gloria Da" is quite winter-hardy. Unfortunately my best Rosa Grade "Gloria Dae" died. Not from frost, but from spontaneous. A feature of the rose was an incredible number of petals and a long condition of the college of the flower. After that failure, I hide for the winter "Gloria Da" only. A couple of bushes in the past and in the last year they were overwhelmed without any shelter, only with the addition of compost to their foundation (replacing the dip). In the spring they quickly recovered after insignificant frozen.

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This rose has two more names: Gloria Dei and Gioia. It was removed in France at the beginning of the forties. Since then, PEACE Rose is considered one of the most famous varieties of roses. And there is something for. Rose flowers large 10-15 cm in diameter with flowers. The color is gentle-yellow with a pink edge, gradually changing to a creician yellow. Every flower lives about a week. It has an average fragrance saturation. Some flower products say that it almost does not smell. Others, on the contrary, write that it has a strong aroma. Looks like everything is individually. But in general, a lot of positive feedback on rose.

PEACE rose refers to tea-hybrid, forms a bush with a height of 120-150 cm and in diameter about 1 m. The leaves are large, dark green shiny. Blossom from June to September waves. One flower on the stem. A bush has an average resistance to mildew and black spot. Flowers are not bad to carry rainy weather.

Prevention and treatment of black spottedness briefly described. Pro martherny Dew.

Plant loves a sunny place. At least half of the day of the rose should be carried out in the sun. The soil should be pwinning and fertile. Watering is required moderate, in arid periods more. Undercantling with a special fertilizer for roses in spring after removal of shelter and useful once again before flowing. Later in August you can plug ash and phosphate fertilizers so that the bush is better prepared for the winter.

Peace Rose Like other tea-hybrid roses blooms on the shoots of this year. Corresponding to this pruning. In the fall, it is not recommended to make a strong trimming and remove not overwhelming and dry branches. In the spring it is recommended to do pruning, leaving about 6 kidneys, that is, the stalks of up to 30 cm long. Pruning should be done over the kidney looking outwards so that the young escape grow is not inward, and the outside of the bush. Pruning It is advisable to do when the kidneys are just beginning to swell so that the plant does not spend extra forces on the disclosure of the kidneys and the growth of young unnecessary shoots. Twigs older than 4 years are usually recommended to trim so as not to thicken a bush.

In summer, the blurred flowers also need to trim.

Rose Peace refers to the 6th climatic zone, Therefore, in more northern areas it should be stolen for the winter. It is not worth it to fear, people are successfully growing this variety in Siberia. A bush for winter must be dipped and wrapped with a double layer of Loutrasil or burlap.

Acquired seedlings are better to plant in spring. They should have at least three healthy escapes. A pit for planting to dig up the size of 60x60x60 cm. Mix with a compost. Soothes and roots seedling a little bit, hold a few hours in the water. The vaccination location must be blown about 5 cm.

In decorative purposes, a rose can be used as a solitator, and in a flower bed, where it looks great as an accent. Good neighbors will be lavender, dolphiniums, Kotovnik, Malva. At the foot, you can put the purple, low zinnia.

Flower garden on the window. Beauty in the country.

Do It!

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Peace rose has yellow with a pink color. The height of the bush is usually about 100-150 cm. The width of about 125 cm., It happens more but quite rare. Resistance to PEACE Rose Diseases: sick in unfavorable years.

Description: PEACE Roses

Everyone knows MME.A.Meilland - although in Germany her name is Gloria Dei, in Italy Gioia, and in English-speaking countries - Peace. This is the most famous rose in the world, and probably still the most common. Rose is named in honor of the mother of the hybridizer, dead young. Flowers are huge: the grade is so strong that when he just appeared, I installed absolutely new standard Quality roses. The peak of popularity, which came in 1950 and 1960, roses are fully required MME.A.Meilland. The flowers are incredibly large and beautiful at all stages of the dissolution, from elegant buds to a fully opened flower, although, in fact, in culture a variety varies. For example, the color is usually a gentle yellow with a raspberry edge, burns out to creamy-pink, in practice it changes depending on the time of year and the place of cultivation. The smell also changes. Many complain that the grade does not smell, others describe the fragrance as strong, bright, sweet and fruit. Nevertheless, everyone agrees that he has a high-spirited bush, strong petals, large dark green foliage, and good resistance to diseases. (Are) Here it is. Number one. The most popular rose in world history. Bred by the French breeder Mainean at the end of World War II. Rose with beautiful, sometimes fragrant flowers, abundantly blooms, the bush is winter-hardy and stronger. Many say that now Peace is not so yellow and bright as before. However, I have not seen obvious evidence. (RRC) Branchy high-spirited bush up to 1.2 m high with shiny dark green foliage. Flowers are very large, bright yellow with a pink-red edge, with a light aroma. A deservedly popular rose, the bush looks good even when it does not bloom. Resistant to disease and winter-hardy rose, easy to grow. (IER) The history of this rose is a real melodrama. Rose was bred in France during the Second World War, and was taken out with cuttings without a name in a diplomatic baggage in the United States before the seizure of France by the Nazis. Rose spread in American nursery and released in 1945 Rosa returned with the world to the liberated France and therefore was named Peace. Later, the variety decorated all the tables of the UN meeting. Flowers are luxurious, large and terry, pale yellow with a pink edge. The grade is a strong-resistant, winter-hard-resistant and resistant to diseases, in the south somewhat under black spot. (

Originator: Meilland, 1945.
A tea-hybrid rose, up to 1.20 m high.

One of the most popular tea-hybrid roses today. Golden medalist of the Russian Rosovodov Society (1947) of the United Kingdom (1947). Winner of all kinds international Competitions Roses from 1944 to 1976. Special to become this rose, magnificent flowering and power, as well as the history of its appearance in the world of risks leave the championship in the variety. Rose "No. 1" Gloria dei remains unsurpassed and desirable for any collector.


Rose buds are quite large, so it gains strength for flowering for a long time. External petal, which is visible in bud has a red-cherry shade. In the dissolution, flowers are quite bright, yellow with a pink bloom along the edges. Flowers strong, good shape, with a sharp center. Flower size is 12-15 cm, which is considered large. The terrace of colors give petals in the amount of up to 40-45!.

The aroma is refined and for tea-hybrid roses - quite strong!

Blossom abundant. Flowers hold for a long time And little spoil the rain.


Large bushes are large, strong, reaching 1.00-1.50 m in height. Saving strong, reprehension. The leaves are large, dark green, usually dense, leathery, shiny.

The variety is stable to typical diseases of roses, winter-hardy.

Suitable for growing in groups, for cutting, for stumbamous culture.