Repairs Design Furniture

Installation of a soft roof of Tekhtonikol ranch. Soft roofing Shinglas is a new standard of beauty and quality. Anderep lining carpet with mechanical fixation

Recently, the popularity of the soft roof is gaining momentum. There is a very simple explanation. First of all, the excellent performance of such a coating should be noted. We will highlight only some of them: absolute waterproof, high strength characteristics, attractive appearance, durability.
Recently, the popularity of the soft roof is gaining momentum. There is a very simple explanation. First of all, it should be noted excellent operational. We will highlight only some of them: absolute waterproof, high strength characteristics, attractive appearance, durability.

The undoubted advantage of a soft tiled roof is a fairly simple installation of flexible tile. Installation instructions involves performing several mandatory stages. Flexible tile following:

How does the flexible tile fit in practice? The installation instructions offered to your attention will answer this question. The material package includes all associated elements, for example, a lining carpet. Given the special adhesive layer, applied from the back of the flexible tile, the installation instructions can be used for roofs with a slope of 12-90 °.

Installation of flexible tile do it yourself

If you intend to perform installation work yourself, then it is very important to know how the flexible tile is fit correctly. Installation instructions in which all the stages of the necessary work are described in detail, will be especially useful in this matter.

Preparation of the foundation

This is plastic and soft roofing material, so the installation of flexible tile is mandatory performed on a rigid base. Under the influence of sunlight, these characteristics of the shingles are only increasing. If the material is mounted on a rarefied clamp, then either the shings will simply do not fall on it, or after laying will take the shape of the crate, which, you see, to put it mildly, it will look ugly.

According to the installation technology, the base must be without drops and smooth, so on top of the ordinary crates are stuffed with moisture resistant plywood or OSP.


Generally speaking, the shingle can be put on the basis of individual boards, but with certain restrictions on the step between them and the height drop: the maximum step should be 5 mm, the maximum difference is 2 mm. However, even with such harsh conditions, literally in a year on the roofing coating, the "drawing" of the base is already being viewed.

The lining carpet under the bituminous tile serves as an additional protection of the roof of the flow. For roofs with a small slope, about 1: 3 and less, it is laid on the entire surface of the base. At large angles of the slope, the lining carpet is used only at dangerous areas: eaves, horse, endow, end parts.

Fill the carpet from the bottom up, ranging from the lowest plot of the skate, with the allen. Pour the bottom strip, the top does not allow the water to be counted for it. For fixing the lining material, special glue and nails use.

Roofing rains need to be gained. To do this, use metal strips for eaves and ends, which are installed over the lining layer.

Further installation stages are already connected with the roofing material itself.

Laying of bituminous tiles


Installation of bitumen tiles, especially non-professional, is recommended to be carried out on a markup indicating the exact direction of installation, which is pre-performed on the roof. In fact, because of relatively small sizes, quite often the rows in the process of laying are being twisted, and if there is no significant value for small areas of such flaw and the eyes are practically not rushed, then on large - they are fraught with unpleasant consequences.

From top to bottom (or vice versa), it is desirable from the edge, from where the gears will be stacked, the two straight lines are drawn in parallel, while retaining the distance of 50 cm between them. Then perpendicular to them marks the row lines in 25 cm.

Stacking process

Start mounting from the lower edge of the skate.

Series 1. There are two options.

  • lay trunciers upside down;
  • Use a special self-adhesive strip, however, it costs much more - almost twice. This row should be focused on the skate.

Series 2. Starting from this row, the laying continues, following the markup. Gars from the bottom side are equipped with a protective film. It is removed immediately before sticking and pressed to the base. Clean the tile with the help of special tinned or grooved nails, equipped with a wide hat.

They score them around the edges and in the middle of each of the shots so that two rows can be fixed at once. Moreover, the protruding forms of each of the subsequent rows must close the hats of the fasteners of the previous ones. For each running meter of bituminous tiles, four nails are needed.

Subsequent rows are placed with a shear half meter. If necessary, you need to trace that the petals of each subsequent row are located between the same elements of the previous one.

The principle of fixing the shots remains the same, regardless of a number.

It was the basic part of the installation instructions for flexible tile, deck and soft tiles from other manufacturers. For example, the installation of tiles flexible TilerCat Prima is performed on the same principle.

Nuances Installation Technology Flexible Tiles Shinglas

Special attention during installation requires the so-called dangerous sections. Let us dwell in more detail at these stages of installation work.

  • The least problematic is the laying of the material on the horse. For this area, several options use:
  • Potor skate element made of metal. It is purchasing already ready either in the form of a special metal plank, or - from the same tile (skating tile) or
  • Made it yourself, cutting out of individual trunks. These fragments are driving through the horse and fix the same fasteners.

  • Everything is different with Endov - according to statistical data it is a plot, sufficiently subject to leakage. Therefore, as a preventive protective measure, a substrate is used, which is perfectly sampled. This measure is mandatory independently of the roof slope - it is used even with sufficiently large tilt angles, when not the lining layer is not used. In the clermed undershits, soft gears are not bend, but cut into the direction of this element.

To increase the reliability of this joint, it is necessary to sample the additional layer of separate tile fragments. They are placed on the neck of the neighboring rocks that form rtandov, and are sampled using bitumen mastic.

  • As a rule, the roofing coating is not completely uniform, there are certain obstacles on its path, for example, ventilation or chimney pipes. These sections are sealing, using an end carpet and metal sheets treated with anti-corrosion.
  • From the material, the canvas of the appropriate size are cut and cuts on bends. Similarly come in places where roofing elements are performing. Thus, it is possible to ensure proper felting.

More clearly will show how to install a flexible tile video.

  • Improvement of endanda, ribs, skate, dome roofs, adjoins and penetrations

The roofing system with the shinglas bitumen tiles should consist of solid vapor barrier from the room, thermal insulation of the required thickness, windproof film. The underfloor space must be ventilated. Without ventilation, wet evaporation will accumulate in the layer of insulation and above it.

Color code on the packs of flexible tiles are checked before laying, it should be the same. With the same code, a slight mismatch of shades is possible. So that it was inconspicuous, the material from several different packaging is mixed. It is recommended to lay laying with diagonal stripes.

If the air temperature is below + 5 ° C, the laying of the material is possible, but with some limitations. Packages are kept in the warm room. On the roof they raise several pieces only before installation. Adhesive bands are recommended to preheat. This uses a construction hairdryer.

Trimming trunks are performed on a rigid substrate (plywood sheet, blackboard). Cutting cannot be performed on the already laid bitumen tile (there is a risk of damage).

Packaging with material is stored at a distance from heat sources and not under the right rays of the sun. Heating is excluded that adhesive bands do not stick together with siliconized film (it should be easily removed).

When storing packages on pallets, they are not stacked (each pallet is placed separately).

To make the sheets of the material well separated from each other, each package is a bit bend, shake before opening.

It is not recommended to go to the already mounted coating if the installation is performed in solar or wet, hot or cold weather (traces or stains may remain). Engineers of the company "Westmet" recommend leaving the lazes to access the desired area on the roof.


Bitumen tile Shinglas. Used as the main coating. In the catalog - more than 70 models. Puts on the instructions below.

. Used for additional waterproofing and alignment of solid flooring, increase the service life of the roofing system. The line contains:

  • self-adhesive lining carpets of the Anderep Ultra series. Polyester is made, bitumen, facial surface - with a protective layer of mineral fine-grained sprinkle. Running increases the strength of the lining carpet. The main layer is a SBS-modified bitumen that impresses the base of polyester (used as a reinforcing layer for greater strength). The inner surface is glue, with a siliconized film, which is removed before installation;
  • carpets with mechanical fastening. Universal carpet - Anderep prof. It is facilitated, the base is from polyester, the main layer is a bitumen impregnation, the facial and inner surface - from polypropylene, durable, not sliding. It can serve as a temporary roof to 6 months. Anderep Prof Plus: The polyester base impregnated with bitumen is protected by a SPUNBOND layer (nonwoven polypropylene) outside and from the inside, an adfied self-adhesive edge (closed with a film before mounting). Anderep GL, GL Plus: The base of the glass cholester with impregnation SBS-modified bitumen. The surface is protected by a layer of fine-grained sprinkle. On the surface - thermoactive stripes that glue during operation, increasing the reliability of waterproofing. Performance of the GL Plus of the region is additionally protected by an adhesive layer.

When laying carpets, bitumen mastic is not used.

Endament carpet. Used in endowes, in the adjoint areas. Comes in rolls. The base is from polyester, reinforces the SBS-modified bitumen layer. The outer surface is a layer of colored basalt granules. The omene carpet is selected in the color of the roof, is used in areas where the risk of leaks is increased.

Planks: adjoining, end, cornice, frontal. Used as good items. The basis is galvanized steel. The coating is polyester or granulate (protects against corrosion). When the roof device uses strips of the same color as roofing.

Fasteners TEKHNONIKOL Complets the bituminous roofing nails 45x3.5 or 30x3.5. Made of galvanized steel, have a ring pump (five times more reliably held in the flooring). The diameter of the Hats is increased. After mounting the fastener cap is hidden by petals overlying shots.

Mastic. It is used to glue the shingles of bituminous tiles to the lining carpet, on the adjoining areas, styling olemny carpets. TechnoNikol №23 Fixer contains bitumen, polymers, solvents, fillers. It is cold mastic (does not require heating before use).

. To organize a removal of wet evaporation from the underpants space, aeroelements are used, aerators, technonecol valves, provide a sufficient amount of blood production.

Auxiliary materials can be replaced by third-party products provided similar characteristics.


Flexible Roof Consumption Norms

The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe coating is indicated on each packaging of the material. For most shapes, cutting and collections it is 3 m 2 / pack. Exceptions:

Mastic consumption

Varies for different nodes, plots:

  • the kennels of the lining carpet are 100 g / p. m (mastic is used if there are no self-adhesive bands at the edges);
  • undan carpet - 400 g / p. m (edges are sick around the perimeter);
  • adjoint - 750 g / p. M (edges are sampled along the adjoint).

Observing the cost rate, the mastic is applied with a thin layer (up to 1 mm). It is impossible to increase the thickness of the layer so that swots are not formed in the sections of the admission.

The soft tile gives any house a completely different look: the structure becomes beautiful and aesthetically attractive. The tile always looks noble, which cannot be said about the common asbestos-cement sheet (in the people of the slate), it is more solid, and gives the house a certain type of wealth.

Of course, not only from using exactly the soft roof house acquires this attractive look appearance. An important role in such cases is also played by the manufacturer, and the skill of workers carrying out installation. But the services of workers require additional money, and their cost will not even rarely equal to the cost of the roof itself.

That is why many people, acquiring a soft roof, seek to establish it on their own, without any help from the assembly companies. This, of course, requires certain skills, without which the installation of a soft roof of Shinglas is simply not possible. But if you already have experience of construction work, it is enough to watch the video where the features of laying the tiles of this species will show (and there are a lot of such videos in runet), as well as read the instruction that we will try to set out the most brief and at the same time.

Installation of the roof is best done in the dry and warm season. Many are counting on, they will cope with one day, but there are different cases, the circumstances are developing in every way, and it may well happen that instead of the expected day on the installation will take about a week. That is why it is better to know the long-term weather forecast in advance to rain, hail or storm warning caught you surprise.

There may be a speech about to lay in winter. Is that you live in the south of Italy, and you are not confused by the permeating wind at 25 degrees of heat. In Russia, such global depressurization of the housing in the frost is extremely recommended.

Shinglas produces a wide variety of types of soft roofs, we will list here the main of them:

  1. Two-layer laminated tile ranch.
  2. Two-layer laminated country tile.
  3. Two-layer laminated jazz tile.
  4. Two-layer laminated Western tile.
  5. Three-layer laminated tile Continent.
  6. Other.

In more detail you can read directly on the Schinglas website or in the online store selling this kind of roof. Differences in it are insignificant, and more affect the appearance than as construction materials. One package contains the amount of roof sufficient to cover two square meters, so that based on this number and sizes of the roof, you can accurately calculate how many packages of a soft roof you need.

Modern flexible tile is a unique roofing material, with which you can embody any architectural idea, revitalize a country house and give an elios to a country cottage. And in this article we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the popular bitumen tiles of domestic production, which comes from the Schinglas brand.

In order, you will be interested to know that the popular soft roof of Schinglas is Russian production. It produces a manufacturer of various building materials Tekhnonikol, which many is known for the roof rolled roof. And here no longer works the rule that domestic is always worse than foreign. Why? Now we'll figure it out!

What is the flexible tile of Shinglas?

So, let's first figure it out with the concepts that you are clearer, what will be discussed on. So, the basis of the tile of Shinglas is a glass-like, which provides roofing material sufficient elasticity and density. It is clear that the elasticity parameter directly affects the flexibility of the tile, and the final quality of the product depends on the density.

The base of the tile is covered on both sides of the bitumen layers (why and call soft tiles - bituminous). The quality of the layer affects the elasticity of the material, wear resistance and water permeability. Next, the upper and lower layers of the tile. The top is covered with basalt crumb, which makes a product resistant to any atmospheric influences, plus decorativeness. And the lower layer of the tiles is covered with a polymer mass and a protective layer, which should prevent the further destruction of the roof sheets, if some violations of the technology were allowed in the mounted.

Bottom is the adhesive band. Moreover, it is not just glue - this is a frost-resistant polymer mass that covers up to 60% of the scene and provides reliable laying of roofing material. And finally, the protective layer is a silicone light grateful film that protects sheets from gluing among themselves.

A special granulate is used as a sprinkling for this tile, which manufactures Tegola. This is a basalt crumb of three fractions at once, i.e. The most durable and durable rock is used as a raw material, which is not scared by no weather conditions. And the granulate itself is painted in advance by the method of high-temperature firing, due to which the roofing coating does not change its color throughout the service life.

The main advantages of Shinglas

The main advantage of domestic tile Shinglas is 100% tightness. But please, of course, other indicators:

  • Flexibility that allows you to equip the roof of the most complex configuration - from almost flat surfaces from 12 ° to the slope of intricate domes.
  • Lightweight, and therefore in strengthening rafters there is no need.
  • Biological resistance - neither corrosion, neither rotting such a roof threatens.
  • Absolute water resistance and frost resistance. Such a roof does not absorb water in mind due to its non-porous structure.
  • Wind resistance is a wonderful quality of the roof for the most windy locations, where the usual professional flooring breaks with one jerk.
  • Chemical resistance. Shingle Shinglace, due to its sprinkling and protective layers, easily tolerates acid rain, and salts.
  • Practicality and efficiency: a small amount of waste even on the most complex objects, affordable price and valuable compactness.

Is impressive? But all this thanks to the special technology of production Shinglas. And the new collection of three-layer tile and conquers at all:

Collections of soft roofing Schinglas

In total, 22 colors are used to create various combinations of soft tiles of Shinglas, several types of cuts and variants of the number of layers. For example, the most popular series Tekhnonikol Shinglas is "jazz" and "Country". New products - two-layer tile "Rancho" and three-layer "Continent".

All series of flexible tile Shinglas mainly differ by the mass of the bitumen used and the quality and color of the sprinkle. So, for example, the "Rancho" series is distinguished by simple flowers, and "Jazz" and Country "- already for real design connoisseurs, because more expensive sprinkle and the ability to create a bright pattern are used here. As for the thickness of the bitumen, it increases from the "Ranch" series - to "Jazz", why there is a difference in price.

If you are looking for roofing material with soft, natural shades that will never come out of fashion - pay attention to the Country series. Here are seven model rows that are called the names of American states.

The tile of the Ultra series is distinguished by unusual forms and noticeable bright colors - blue, gray, green, red and brown. Such a roof is good for incarnation of a variety of designer ideas.

But Series "Jazz" represents 7 species of spectacular imitation of a wide variety of architectural styles - from the classics to modern. The thickness of this tile is quite large, and therefore the quality is one of the best episodes.

But we will talk about the collections not only from the design side (color, texture, cutting), but also by quality and durability. Therefore, all collation collections are divided into three main groups: single-layer, two-layer and three-layer.

Single-layer tile Shinglace: Neat Style and Practicality

Single-layer tile, as you already understood from the title, is the gentlers glued on the solid base. The volume of such roofing simulates a specially applied shadow. It looks good, and the question is only in practicality.

Pay attention to the samba series, which is advantageous with its bright colors:

On jive, which is made on noble classic motifs:

And popular cadrill:

Two-layer tiling Shinglas: 3D volume effect

The multilayer tile has the best quality, rich in color solutions, almost never leaves and is easy to install. Such a tile will cost you more than 20-30% than the usual one-layer, but there are no reasons for it. The main difference is in manufacturing technology. In this case, several sheets of soft tiles are used, which are connected to a bitumen mastic among themselves. Of course, as a result, a completely new level of quality is obtained.

So, the advantages of double tile is this:

  • Durability. The warranty period for such a product is two to three times higher than on the usual single-layer tile.
  • Reliability. It is clear that two layers of any material according to their technically, at least two times better than one layer.
  • Strength. It is no longer easy to damage such a roof, and exactly not falling with a tree with an apple.
  • Easy installation. Here, the layers are still glued together in the factory conditions, and therefore they do not need to combine in place. This is a valuable point, because Not all of us are aesthet and not all of us have such a good eye, to perfectly combine the segments of different colors.
  • Design. Now it is visible and the volume and texture, and texture. Such a roof looks much more spectacular and more expensive than just a flat glued image, even with a shadow. This type of soft roof is already more realistic to name tiles, and not to its imitation.

They love two-layer tiles and professional exterior designers - for its volumetricness, colors wealth and textures. And for the fact that using it is enough to hide any disadvantages of the roof.

And another two-layer tile is almost indispensable when it is necessary to cover the roof of a complex shape, with all sorts of turrets and frontions. But we know that modern architects - fantasy is limitless!

Three-layer tile Shinglas: new word in construction!

Such a tile - the roofing of the future! First, the upper third layer serves as an additional mechanical protection of the roof, and secondly, it allows you to achieve a stunning effect effect. See for yourself:

Subtleties and nuances of mounting

Shinglace products can be coated even with a slope less than 11 °, not to mention other angles of inclination. Moreover, it is possible to install this soft tiles in the cold season - you only need to hold rolls in the warm room in advance so that they can be dispersed.

Well, the manufacturer of Tekhnonikol took care that the adhesive basis does not change its properties even at at a minus temperature. Therefore, it is possible to work with Tiling Shinglace at negative temperatures, only you have to warm up the adhesive strip with a construction hairdryer if the temperature becomes below + 10 ° C.

And now let's consider in more detail all the subtleties and nuances of working with this roofing.

What will have to tinker?

At the moment there are many shares from Tekhnonikol, where detailed master classes on the installation of soft tiles are held. As a result, sales are significantly increasing, because anyone is inclined to acquire something with which he has already figured out in reality. Therefore, even in the deaf corners of Russia, you can find old houses with a new soft tiled - marketing makes your own business. But let's talk about the minuses.

Significant minus soft tiles Shinglas from TechnoNIKOL who is able to spoil all the impression - this is the need to pick up colors. Moreover, if you bought some kind of lot like that at one time, and then counted, which is not enough, and six months later they bought the same thing - to put together, it is impossible. Because shades will already be different, which will become noticeable. In addition, they come across different sometimes even in one pack!

True, furious consumers have found a way out. We purchase 4-5 packaging and simply mix the colors. It turns out stylish, and no one will notice the differences. You have to stay a designer! But many other manufacturers supply their products with an already finished coloring, over which you do not need to break your head. Although who likes what.

Preparatory work

So, first of all, solve the issue of ventilation. So, if there is only a non-residential attic under the roof, without ventilation can not do without. It is important that in the summer under the roof the hot air was harvested, and the humidity could be easily out. You do not want to have enough rafters for just a couple of years? Therefore, be sure to put the ventilation pipe above the skate level. The fact is that the bituminous tile is almost also a steamproof, like rubberoid.

If there is no need for waterproofing, then you can not forget vaporizolation - just pull the film from the inside, under the roof.

Choose the base

But what do you need to glue a flexible tile? For this purpose, smooth shaggy boards, OSB-plates and moisture-resistant plywood are completely suitable. Such materials are not only durable, but also hold the dynamic load from nails well. But the usual lining cannot be used - it is easy to split thick nails, which have to be attached to the tile. Moreover, the plywood due to its structure in practice turns out to be much stronger than the usual board of the same thickness.

In any case, the main requirements for the foundation under the tiles are:

  • Absolute dryness - otherwise, then all tiles will walk, and the solution to this problem will be not cheap.
  • Stiffness - no deflection!
  • Ideal evenness - such that the maximum difference in height within one square meter should not exceed 2 mm!
  • Strength. Yes, the bitumen tile is light, but you can not forget about the snow, right? Remember how hard it is to remove snow into abundant days, and now imagine what pressure it has at a layer just 30 cm!

Step rafter do 50 cm if you use a solid board, and 90 cm, if you have plywood. Here is a good example:

Montaja technology

So, we proceed to laying the soft roof of Shinglas, pre-put on the finished base of the lining carpet. In principle, any of the proposed modern market comes here, but Technonol himself advises to take Anderep Barrier or Anderep Prof. carpets, because They have a special propylene protective layer.

Although there is such a practice when the lining carpet does not fit along the whole roof, but only in the most problematic places - where the adjoining, around the attic windows and pipes:

But it is better to do everything initially technologically correct:

  • Step 1. At first, put the lining carpet in Undova and fix it with nails with a step of 20 cm, and then mounted the rows from the bottom up - so that they are parallel to the eaves, with the allen in 10 cm in the longitudinal position and 20 cm in the transverse one.
  • Step 2. All edges of the lining carpet fix the nails with an interval of 15 cm, the seams are punctured by the brand K-36 glue, and leave an additional 15 cm to the carpet in Endov.
  • Step 3. Installation of a soft roofing Shinglace according to the rules is carried out from the bottom up, along the entire surface of the skates. After that, we glue and nail the tile itself.
  • Step 4. Do not forget to remove the protective film from each tile. And the part of the tile, which will be close to the frontal sink, additionally process with a special glue or a layer width mastic up to 12 cm.
  • Step 5. Close the horse in the cornice tiles.
  • Step 6. And now it is important to protect the edges of the base from rain and snow. Therefore, mount metal cornisa strips. It is necessary to put them with an allen in 5 cm and score with three nails so that they flashed both planks. Fastening perform zigzag, with a pitch of 10 cm.
  • Step 7. To protect the laid soft tile from the moisture during the rain, along the rtands, put an additional end carpet. Clear it along the edges and fix with roofing nails in 10 cm increments.
  • Step 8. If the angle of the roof is less than 12 °, then to avoid leaks, lay the self-adhesive lining carpet in two layers, and increase the ventilation gap between the wooden base and the insulation to increase to 80 mm.

We offer you two detailed master classes that will explain everything to you:

That's all the difficulties. Boldly acquire the domestic tile, and install the installation according to all the rules. Then the result will definitely please!

Do not save, and it is better to use a soft roof. Although the simplicity of installation, makes the price for 1 square. m. acceptable, for medium wealth. Today we will look at the roof of Shinglas, laying technology, properties of pros and cons. The most important service life of this coverage is about 60 years, of course, when compliance with technology.

  • Anderep GL is the principle of device and structure like a soft tile, attached the same mechanically, and does not require the use of mastic to seal seams. Apply mainly under soft tile.
  1. Roofing nails. It is steel fastener, topped with stainless steel, the diameter of the nail heap is not less than 9 mm. As well as the diameter of the rod is at least 3 mm. Fastener consumption per quarter. m. is 80 grams.

And now we will tell you why we stopped on the tiled Shinglace.

Because both tiles and all the auxiliary materials and components are manufactured by one manufacturer of Techno Nicole and you can buy them in one place. What is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

Installation of flexible tile Shinglas

How we all understand that the installation, consists of many stages. The initial stage is the creation

Base under laying

It should be started with the fact that work should be carried out into a warm without precipitation time of the year.

At rafters, the membrane film, which will protect the insulation from moisture.

Fresh film with the help of a copula.

The insulation is laid from the bottom of the membrane between the rafted. The counterbuchka on the booths is fastened with a step of 20 cm.

As a base, select the most optimal option, it is OSB-3 (oriented chipboard), but so, plywood and other building materials can be used.

It should be attached as a brickwork, applying nails and self-tapping screws. Seam between the plates must be left 3-4 mm. For temperature expansion.

When you use the flexible tile of the Western and Continent collection, the base should be made with a thickness of at least 12 mm. For other collections, sufficient thickness is 9 mm.

Lining layer laying technology

We also considered the types of lining option, it should be noted that the adhesive lining layer Anderep is used for the endand area, it is desirable to use one roll for the whole length, but if it does not work, then the brass must be at least 30 cm. And do not forget to carefully smoke the joint . The width of the lining carpet should be chosen 1 m., 50 cm. From each edge.

In the field of the eaves, the self-adhesive material Anderep is also used.

The material is placed on the width of the cornisic departure, as well as about 60 cm inside the building.

This method of laying prevents water from entering.

The entire remaining surface of the roof is covered with a lining material with a mechanical fastening. Stacking can be conducted both in the longitudinal direction and in the cross. From the bottom up, in the longitudinal method of therapy no less than 10 cm. In parallel to the cornice sink, the brass is not less than 15 cm. With any method, the joints are necessarily processed by a fixer for the entire width. To the surface of the roof, the lining carpet is fastened with roofing fasteners.

It should be noted here, after the lining material is attached, apply markup. The markup allows you to put a smooth soft tile, both vertically and horizontally, but this does not mean that on these lines need to be tiled. Everything just vertically the band is equal to the width of the tile itself, and horizontally every five rows minus 80 cm.

Mounting Technology Shingle Shinglace

Fix the starting strip, it starts. You can use a special skate-carnice tile or tiled itself, only pre-cutting off the petals.

We retreat about two centimeters from the edge of the roof and glue over the lining layer and nail with nails.

After that, we begin the installation of the initial row, the specialists recommend starting from the center of the roof and unforgettable, retreat 2 cm from the edge of the starting layer.

The subsequent layer is also mounted from the center, but shifting to the left or right on the floor of the petal. So continue to glue and shock the tile every subsequent row, and do not forget to shift.

The tile in each pack can be slightly different in shades, so you should mix a few packs. It is naked with galvanized nails tiles, the main thing is that the caps are in the same plane with the surface of the roof.

For a different tile shape, a different quantity of fasteners and the attachment method.

So for a dragon tooth, the place of the allen two layers of the tiles at the same time attached to the nail, so that it was easier to score, the manufacturer lakes the facial surface of the roofing thin line.

Collection The continent should be attached only by nails long 45 mm.

The edge of the tiles along the edge of the roof should be punctured by impregnation to a depth of about 100 mm. This allows you to protect the roof from the side rain. Recommend the adhesive layer to warm the construction hairdryer.

The top row is adjusted to the skate and cut a 2-3 cm to the edge of the metal bar, to beat the water. On the other side of the roof, the sequence is the same. The skate tile is also used to arrange the ribs. Near the ribs and the rods, the coating is cut, so that the gap is about 50 mm. The ski tile, it is stacked from the bottom up, the brass is about 5 cm. The mount produce nails of 2 pcs. from each side. Plaster and process primer. From above, a row of tiles fill the skate.

With the allen on the prepared wall, but not less than 300 mm.

All joints, seams and surfaces carefully process.


As with any kind of coating, the tiles shinglas requires care and repair.

  1. The check is to carry out each autumn and spring.
  2. When removing branches and leaves, use only soft brushes.
  3. Periodically remove the drainage gutter from the garbage.
  4. If a large layer of snow accumulates in winter, it is necessary to remove it in layers. You can use only a wooden shovel. Professionals are recommended to leave 5-8 cm. Snow as a protective layer.

In case of damage to the roofing coating, it can be restored.

  1. Eliminate the cause of damage.
  2. Disassemble the old plot, damaged tiles.
  3. Conduct the installation of a new section of the coating using a hair dryer and bridges.