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Rose Claude Brasseur: Description, Growing, Care and Reviews. Rose Claude Brasser (Claude Brasseur) tea-hybrid Rose Claude Brasser Description

I am a beginner rosewood, I have a rose for about a year, but among them there is already a pet is Rosa Claude Brasser. I planted it in this spring and I can not share what beauty happened only two months after the landing!

Price.I purchased a rose in the flower market for only 250 rubles. in a plastic black bag, sells their only nursery in our city (selling just excellent healthy seedlings not similar to the outcome from large garden centers bringing roses from afar)

Claude Brasser's seedling is quite powerful about 60 cm. And after the landing immediately drowned in growth, giving a lot of gently green with slightly orange steels of shoots. After a week and a half, the rose wanted to please me with flowers, putting three buds, but I read smart Soviets On the Internet everything has risen. What Claude answered more large growth. By the way, I asked the owner of the kennel about the breakdown of the buds and she answered that the buds do not need the buds, the flowering rose does not harm even in her first year, you can cut down the shoots for stronger tissue.

And now what beauty!
Rose is beautiful to everyone, firstly holding flowers long. First, the buds, it looks beautiful, then it is gradually revealed, the buds in the shape of a glass holds, and then the flower becomes a gustomakhov. Flowers are large. The color is my favorite, on the catalogs and the photo it is more lilac dusty, and in life the color is more juicy and a little more pink with a lilac spraying. Flowers are not afraid of rain, stalks are not fluttered, keeping flowers despite the long rains of this summer.

Form bush. The bush grows more styling than height. There are a lot of leaves. Smell. The first that the flowers almost do not smell, but among the other varieties this is the most aromate. If it is strongly inhaling, it smells like lemon syrup and verban.
The bush is no longer sick, so breathing his health. The word happens, but, like on the other roses, disappears after spraying.

Just as the lion is the king of animals, Rosa is the queen of flowers. The variety of varieties, forms and colors of these amazing plants do not leave indifferent neither lovers or professionals. It is allocated among the classic tea-hybrid varieties of Rosa Claude Brasser. Incredibly tender lavender coloring, flawless flower shape and rich aroma - these are the main advantages of this amazing variety. Grow the true Queen of the Garden - the task is simple: enough to buy seedlings high Quality And provide them with optimal conditions.

Love symbol: Legends and legends about the appearance of a beautiful flower

The queen of flowers was angry in all countries. There is a lot of legends on how the rose appeared. According to one of them, Rose was born from a dazzling white foam, which hid the body of Aphrodite. According to another version, the queen of flowers created Allah when the plants came to him with a request to appoint a new ruler instead of a lotus, distinguished by a festival and a special balm. In the chief library of China - Imperial - today collected 500 volumes dedicated to a magnificent flower. A lot of explanations and how white Rose turned into red. IN Ancient Greece They believed that Aphrodite was in a hurry to her beloved, God fertility, Dionysus, through the bushes of roses. The spikes wounded her tender body to the blood, which was obscured by petals. The Persian legend reads the love of nightingale to rose. Captured by beauty and elegance, nightingale in a rustling of feelings hugged a rose, the spikes pierced the heart of the loving, and painted in a dark red color.

Rosa Claude Brasser: One of twenty-five thousand

Today there are about twenty-five thousand roses. The variety appeared relatively recently - he was taken out in 2006. A man in honor of which were named Roses Claude Brasser - Claude Brasseur - Brilliant French actor, laureate of the National Prize "Cesar".

This flower is designed to be the decoration of the gardens - a flawless bud, consisting of seventy-five petals, is striking a lavender tint and a charming aroma. In the smell of roses of this variety, the fragrance of verbenas and bright tack of citrus were mixed. The diameter of the blossomed flower reaches fourteen centimeters. Matte dark green leaves resemble a dense satin. Grow pink bush from seventy to ninety centimeters, and the crown width is half the meter!

Rose Claude Brasser: Advantages

Abundant blossoms differ in view of it relatively recently, combining it strengths Floribunds and tea-hybrid roses. One of the most decorative representatives of this type is Rose Grandiflora Claude Brasser. But the point is not only in the flawless form of bud and the magic aroma. This rose whole line Advantages:

  • freezing resistance;
  • lasting I. abundant blossom - one flower can bloom over two weeks;
  • increased resistance to pulse dew;
  • rose Claude Brasser is not afraid of black spot;
  • equally steady sunny rays And rain.

Conquered the gardeners fragrant, drinking aroma of roses, dense flowers. Even completely blossoming, the flower retains an elegant form. Claude Brassener grade will decorate even small garden plot, I wonder the rose will look in flower arrangements.

How to choose the perfect seedlove?

To grow at the rose area of \u200b\u200bthis amazing variety, you need to purchase a high-quality seedling and determine the optimal landing density. When buying a young shrub, you should pay attention to its underground and overhead part. Old bushes in this place - thickening, characterized by many cuts remaining from previous periods. Such bushes are called intensively cultivated. Their crown is underdeveloped, they rarely give new shoots. The best way - planting material in containers. Often container roses are implemented in the flowering phase, which means it is likely to be mistaken with a variety of extremely small. The appearance of the plant plays an important role - seedlings must be healthy, with developed roots and leaves. Spottedness - a sign of a patient plant!

Transportation of rose seedlings Claude Brasser

Long-term transportation is a real test, to withstand which is sometimes impossible to tender seedlings. Survive the road will help the following rules:

  • the roots should be lowered into water or simply wrap the wet cloth;
  • soothes are recommended to wrap in wet paper;
  • saplings need to be placed in polyethylene.

Saplings of roses in such a state can safely transfer large distance And the time to landing is five to seven days.

Each novice gardener should know: landing roses is needed at a certain distance from each other. For a variety of Claude Brasserer fits a diagram 30x50 centimeters. Sutting the bushes is thick, you will spend a lot of strength to fight fungal diseases. And with a rare landing, space for weeds will appear.

Rosa Claude Brasser, the reviews of which are pleased with amateurs gardeners, not particularly good. There is enough soil rich in humus, and the solar plot - and all summer shrub will delight purple flowers. Views of Grandiflora Experts recommend spring. It is very important to make it timely. Early trim delays flowering, and late makes the plant weak. But before the onset of cold, pink bushes are better not to cut - so the plant will have more forces to winter. Late in the fall, a rose is better to just dip ground.

To protect the rose from the fungus, a shrub should be treated with bordeaux liquid or copper vigor during the growing season. If there appeared on the plant such pests like a word, leaflerting or cobed tick, infected shoots is important to remove and burn! Unchecked bushes need to spray insecticide. It is worth noting that roses need shelter for the winter. Frosted buds are important to remove that the black mold from the affected part does not infect all the plant.

Rose Claude Brasser: Description of the breeding process

Modifying beautiful flowers in several ways. The most common - shilling, tanning and dividing the bush.

  1. Delivery - in the autumn or spring period, the rose bush must be digging and divided into several parts. The main condition - each part should have at least one escape and the root system. After planting separated parts, it is necessary to rush to pour the plant and dip it.
  2. For breeding roses, waiting for spring. It is necessary to cut the annual flexible escape, bend it to the ground and fall asleep very nutritious soil.
  3. Reproduction using stem cuttings allows you to grow roses with high ability to regenerate. The only drawback is an enemose-resistant root system.

Like a screenwriter for the film, you are able to pick up any plot for your garden. It can be a sunny and bright still life, a classic and romantic look, and maybe a more dramatic and restrained picture that luxurious fill roses Claude Brasseur (Claude Brasser).

Walking around the garden, be prepared that anyone, even the easiest gust of wind, will cover you with flavors of this wonderful flower. Grade of tea-hybrid roses Claude Brasser possesses captivating and inspiring lilac color. Cloudy weather makes this flower even more beautiful, the color becomes more saturated, hawk. The outer chic roses is due to the terrain of the flower, in one buton there are about 70 pieces of petals, which is about the size that reaches 14 cm in diameter.

In the summer, Rosa will repeat you with your colors, re-releaseing them in a fresh green bruise with a height of about 90 cm. Difficult color of roses for the garden, because not every gardener will lead this bush, because he does not know how to cope with him. To make it easier for you to decide on his acquisition, land rose Claude Brasseurnext to the colors of the same cold shades, as well as ordinary white daisies and.

Rose Rose Satering System Claude Brasseur (Claude Brasser) To send to the customer is packaged in an individual packaging from peat mixture, covered in the film, thanks to which your sapling will come alive and full forces.

Buy Claude Brasseur rose saplings (Claude Brasser)you can by clicking the "Add to Cart" button and placing an order.

Packing type: Roses roots are packed in a humid nutrient substrate, tightly scutched with a film and have a label with a variety. A permissible shelf life in the package without loss of quality subject to storage conditions up to 3 months. Sending orders with roses seedlings is produced in the autumn and spring seating season (dispatching restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

From time immemorial, the rose is considered to be a favorite flower of all ladies. Pink bushes occupy the most honorable place on any flowerbed, and amateur gardeners carefully take care of the queen of all colors. Currently, thanks to the works of breeders who crossed different types Roses, there are a great many varieties: approximately 15 thousand. Tea-hybrid varieties Are among the most beautiful and agricultural and noble because of their origin and grace. One of the representatives of this variety is Rosa Claude Brasser, which will be discussed in this article.

Buds Roses Claude Brasser Claude Brasseur (Franz.)

Tea-hybrid varieties combine the flowers of a variety of colors. The view got its name due to the fact that he imagined the most top Qualities All other source subspecies. As a result, tea-hybrid roses have the largest and most resistant flowers, and their riot color Gamma. Amazing imagination.

Rosa Claude Brasser, a description of which appeared relatively recently, in 2006, is one of the new products of tea hybrids. The flowers are pretty large, but this circumstance does not deprive them of an ideal form in general and petals in particular, and the elegant form of buds is preserved enough for a long time And not disintegrate. A distinctive feature Their color palette can be called the presence of cold tones, such as lilac, lavender, pink with a cool note of blue.

General Description: Bushes, Flowers and Leaves

Lilac Rose Claude Brasser has a bush middle heightwhich ranges from 70 to 80 centimeters, and the maximum diameter of its buds can achieve even 14 centimeters.

Large flowers of this variety are perfectly harmonized with a saturated dark green color of foliage, which is characteristic of an extraordinary dense. Rose Grandiflora Claude Brasser is characterized by the strongest blossom and increased frost resistance. Its most like to use in bouquets on the cut, as it has long and straight stems. For proper care The bush queens of colors will become a crown of any collection, especially since it shows good resistance to different diseases and pests.

Resistance to adverse factors

Rose Claude Brasser is derived in such a way that his representatives have good adaptation to various weather circumstances of their habitat. In the hottest weather, when the buds of many garden flowers fade, receiving burns of their gentle petals from the scorching sun, Rosa Claude Brasser retains his inflorescences unchanged.

Unpredictable summer temperature differences from heat to coolness will also not damage the flowering of this beautiful representative of the genus tea-hybrid. And frequent rains and livne, which can leave the dried stains on other colors, no way damage this rose.

Another valuable property for which a subspecies is highly popular is an aroma coming from colors. Drinking, deep, stable, this smell will not leave a single gardener or collector indifferent, and flowers cut into a bouquet will fill the room with a delightful resistant aroma, which will hold a long time.

Planting pink saplings

Like other varieties of roses, tea-hybrid seedlings are planted in the spring after snowing snow or in the fall under the shelter. In early spring Pre-cropped young bushes need regular everyday evening and morning watering up to complete rooting. Next, the frequency of watering can be reduced to once a week. With the onset of summer in spring seedlings, it is best to remove all nascent buds, since the rapid plant will not be able to fully bloody until the desired leaf mass is gaining.

For autumn landing The branches of the pink bushes should not be cut. It is only necessary to compact the land around the bustle to protect root system From frosts, as well as sprinkle all the plant on top of the soil, so that the slide is formed. So usually all roses are insulated for the winter. When snow comes down, revived autumn seedlings can be trimmed from weak escapes to ensure the appearance of young and strong.

The feature of the trimming of large-flowered Claude Brasser is to remove the weak branches above the fifth or sixth point of growth. Meanwhile, the stronger and strong on the type of branch should be trimmed higher to preserve their length. Each clipped stem is preferably to handle garden borants.


Roses' care includes also feeding with natural or ready-made complex mineral fertilizers. The first time to enrich the soil should be when the planted plant has fully adapted to the conditions of the external environment and the beginning of producing new shoots. Spring is considered the most favorable time.

Natural types of fertilizers, such as manure or overworked compost, in the midst of spring lay out around the adopted seedlings to one square meter Landing took about 6 kg of fertilizers. Complex mineral fertilizers Brought according to the instructions after abundant irrigation, so as not to burn the roots of the flower. It should be noted that roses do not require annual feeding, it will be enough to make it every 2-3 years.

Watering mode

Good watered roses bushs required constantly, especially in hot dry weather. Despite the good portability of the hot summer, Rosa Claude Brasser needs well-wetted soil no less than the remaining varieties.

The necessary watering is convenient to organize a drip method, but if there is no such possibility, the gardeners are used by the traditional watering from the hose. Mandatory condition At the same time, the avoidance of droplets of water on the leaves of colors. The drops of droplets on the leaves act as lenses, focus bright sunlight And they can leave burnt marks.

Do not forget about the explosion of the earth around each bustle to provide roots good air permeability. However, it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to harm the root process itself.

Opinions of buyers and gardeners

From the entire family of classic tea-hybrid, Rosa Bronssher is gaining more and more popular. Customer reviews speak for themselves. The plant has many advantages and good adaptability to various climatic conditions, which makes this kind of roses almost perfect for cultivation.

This rose is widely used not only to compile bouquets, but also for group landings, as huge gentle-lilac flowers, this is not the only dignity. A rich in the dark green foliage cluster tea Claude Brisser looks very harmonious on any flowerbed.

Rosa Claude Brasser refers to new grades of tea hybrids - for the first time this flower was described in 2006. The greatest application and popularity This plant received as a component of bouquets; This contributed not only to the attractive type of flower, but also a straight and long stem. Rose Claude Brasseur is popular and how garden plant - The flower is resistant to pests and diseases.

Description Claude Brasser (Claude Brasseur)

This rose is a chamber-hybrid class of Claude Brasser, has characteristic of the category of signs - large sizes and a variety of color. Pink bushes reach a height of 70-80 cm. Flowers large sizeIn diameter can reach up to 14 cm. For petals and buds are characterized by classical outlines. Buds retain their shape for a long time, do not long disintegrate into separate petals.

The palette is distinguished by the presence of shades of the cold gamma. Roses grade Claude Brasser come in the following colors:

  • lavender;
  • lilac;
  • pink with blue notes.

Leaves and stems dark greenwhat is perfectly combined with bright color Buds. The foliage has an unusual thickness.

Growing Roses Claude Brasseur (Claude Brasseur)

Roses can be planted:

  • in the spring, when snow saved;
  • in the fall, before the snow dropping out.

Spring-planted pink bushes are watered daily in the morning and in the evening. When seedlings are firmly rooted, the frequency of watering decreases to 1 time per week. In the summer, buds of buds are recommended to remove - the young bush is unable to bloom to full until the acquisition of the required leaf mass.

The plants planted in the fall are covered to spring. For this, the soil around the plant is compacted to root roses to be reliably protected from cold. In addition, the Earth needs to sprinkle the entire bush to the top - an earthy pyramid should be formed at the site of the landing (the mound should not be for the ramp, otherwise it is possible to damage the seedlock).

In this way, they are hidden for the winter and spring landing. After melting snow, the slide above the soil level rolls. On the bushes cut lifeless and weakened shoots (over 5-6 growth points). Strong shoots are cut above.

Rosa Mainean Tea-Hybrid Claude Brasser is characterized by resistance to sunlight, temperature differences and heavy rains. All these weather phenomena are not reflected in the appearance of the flower, so it is popular with gardeners.