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How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands? - Master Class. How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands: master class with a photo big pillow for pregnant women with their own hands patterns

He was greatly reserved me at night, then for the rest on the sofa, I decided to sew another one - so as not to carry a pillow to sleep there and here.
True, such a big design was no longer what, and I chose a simpler option, so I had another pillow for pregnant banana (or boomerang). It is much more compact, packed tightly, and you can also apply it for other needs!

Instructions How to build a pattern I did not find, only pictures with the "seminemary" and sizes, so I did it - it was drawn by a sheet of notepad on 8 squares, sketched the contours, and on a piece of wallpaper, I also painted 8 squares already in full size and moved the pattern.

For sewing you need to choose two cuts of the fabric: for the altitude and pillowcases (before opening the fabric you need to be able to wash and sip, because natural cotton sits very much when washing).

This pattern is not so compact due to the wide "scope" of the sides of the pillow, so it is more convenient to place the pattern on the fabric so that it is not folded on the center, and the seam (if you choose a drawing with a small pattern for pillowcase, then the junction will not even notice) .
We sew half the parts of the pillow, we swallow, stroke.

We sew the details of the pillowcase and the pyrital around the perimeter, clean the seams. On the "breakfast" of the upper part, we leave no stitching piece - for packing and inserting lightning.

For convenience, it is possible to sew strings to the pillowcase (or immediately enter them in the seam) - arrange them at the ends of the pillows and centimeters 20 above the inner edge.
These internal strings can be adjusted by themselves and sew when the pillow is ready - so you get a pillow not only for comfortable lying on the sofa, but also a comfortable feeding cushion (though, not everyone still has such a design, I still loved others Options).

But adjusting the strings at its discretion, you can change the shape and diameter of the pillow!

At first, this pillow for pregnant women banana was good on the sofa in the living room and my husband and I constantly divided it. With her, it is really convenient not only to lie down, but also to sit, jumping her under the back.

And when we had a baby, we made him an improvised "nest" on the otfika. While I was preparing lunch or worked for a laptop, my son slept near, he was cozy in this cocoon, and I didn't have to pull out car autolo or a special bed from a bed.

Of course, in a month and a half, this cocoon has already become small, and the actively learning the world The child did not want to constantly lie on his back in the same position.
We untied all the ties on the pillow and it became a kind of limiter on the edge of the sofa - the son studied to turn over, and we had no fear that he would run into the floor - the pillow was reliably held defense.
It was also great for a short time to leave the son of sleeping on the sofa - he could not stop over the pillow, he could not shove too, and we did not disturb the sleep of the child with shocking in the crib.

Now this pillow simply lies on the sofa and the husband sometimes builds a comfortable throne from all pillows to view the series. But in fact, it was actively used six months - 3 months before childbirth and 3 months after.
Is it worth sewing - definitely yes! Beautiful thing! Especially in the later dates, when you do not know where it would be more comfortable to pour your huge stomach.

About fabric consumption: For pillowcase, a cut of 170 cm will be required with a width of a fabric 150 cm, for the alternate as much. This is taking into account the allowance for the seams and shrinkage (but the pattern itself, I repeat, noncompact and remains a lot of pieces).
About money: About a thousand rubles on the fabric, filler from holofayber, zipper and thread.
About time: 3 pm - wrapping, dry, build pattern; then smooth, cut and sew; Fill with a holofiber and insert a pillow in the pillowcase. In a pair of hours for the evening without a preliminary sewing skirt, such an item is fast enough.

Pleasant creativity!

For a full-fledged rest we need comfortable sofa And a cozy pillow. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding, our ideas about comfort are becoming higher, and a special pillow will come to the revenue, it immediately solves several problems.

This is a big horseshoe pillow for future and nursing moms helps his back to relieve fatigue, take the most convenient position, and sew this multifunctional "helper" - a pair of trifles. Let's be proceeding!

Such pillows are of different shapes and are denoted by the letters of the Latin alphabet, which looks like: U, I, J (L), C, G.

U.- The shape has a shape of a horseshoe or cocoon, supports the back and stomach, the most comfortable and most popular in young mothers, but also the biggest one, so it is not suitable for a small bed.

Its size along the entire length depends on the growth and is about 220 cm (with growth to 150 cm, the height of the pillow will be approximately 130 cm), 340 cm (with an average of about 165 cm, the height of the pillow will be about 150 cm) and 400 cm (with High height 170 cm and above, the height of the pillow will be about 180 cm) x 30-35 cm.

I. - the simplest, in the form of a long roller, which can be hugging and throwing onto it, use as a roller under the head to view the film with the whole family, as a bed limiter, a soft bench for a children's room, usually has dimensions of 170 x 30-35 cm .

J (or L)- Also compact, but more functional, has a bend on one side, to which it is convenient to put his head, it fits the lower back, chest and neck in the position on the side.

C. - Looks like the letter C, has bends on both sides and size at the outer edge to 360 cm with a width of 30-35 cm.

G. - the most convenient for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers, even more convenient U., It has additional element at a right angle, contributes to relaxation and relieves the tension well. Her standard size At the outer edge of about 350 cm, the height is 160 cm with a width of 30-35 cm.

I / C.- Banana pillow, smoothly bent and in shape resembles a boomerang, its size at the outer edge is about 230 x 30 cm. If you see the ends of such a cushion, it is easy to form comfortable figures from it.

And one more super idea - a transformer pillow, stitched from individual elementsFrom which you can build any zigzag using ties!

  • For such a pillow, stitched with her own hands, cotton, satin, polisteine, poplin, tick, hawk or bike suitable. Do not forget that we will wash the pillow periodically.
  • For sewing a banana pillow, take a cut of 160 cm, it will be enough for the medium size (width 220 cm), we immediately buy a cotton cloth for pillowcase. It will also need a secret zipper for a pillow of 20 cm long (although it is possible to do without it and simply sew the technological hole after packing) and zipper for a pillowcase with a length of 60 cm.
  • For packing, take a synthetone, holofiber, polystyrene foam balls, syntputs.

Draw and cut the pattern of a banana pillow or other selected shape according to the drawing scheme. The pattern of the banana is shown on the sheets of A4 format, it is easy to draw it on the scale or print on the printer and glue.

Moving the fabric is twice as well, fasten the pins and circle paper molds, make a place where secret lightning will be (if we decide to sew it). I cut out the parts with the allowance on the seams of 1.5 cm. In the same way, take it out the pillowcase.

First you need to be pulled out and put the zipper, then firm the seams along the contour with a small length stitch, twist the product on the front side, fill the filler to the desired density. After that, to fasten the zipper or, if there is no, to sew a hole in the pillow (the zipper in the pillowcase will still have to do, because we will wear it and remove it for washing).

For pillow more complex form You will need two cuts of tissue with a size of 130 x 80 cm (or more, according to your desire, depending on the growth). Prepare panting according to the pattern scheme, take it out the details. To give the pillow, the volume is needed between the main details insert the bands of the tissue 6-8 cm wide with the internal and outside. Next, in order: we sew bands, we insert the zipper, we add parts, turn and stuff shape.

And now you can relax on our pillow, stitched with your handles.Cozy holiday, pleasant sleep and spiritual feedings, cute craftsmen!

If you have breastfeeding your favorite crumbs, you will definitely come out our .

Pregnancy is a great time when you need to enjoy life, pay attention to the wonderful moments, enjoy the rest. But women know how inconveniently lie with the belly, especially in the last months of pregnancy. I want to put the tummy more convenient to give the muscles back rest. Best of all, the pillow for pregnant women is coping with this task. It is very easy to do it with your own hands. You need to stock matter, sewing instruments, patience and you can proceed.

Simple pillow for pregnant women with their own hands

In stores for sale a large number of Pillow models for pregnant women. They have different shape, performed out different materials. Each pillow for pregnant women is good in its own way. I propose to sew a round large pillow, which, after childbirth, can be used for feeding and relaxing the baby. Such an option "three in one" must be used with pillowcase. This will ensure hygienic purity of the device. Before starting work, learn the pattern. The pillow has a bagel form, which has rounded ends. Build on big sheet paper Circle with a radius of 55 cm., And inside it - a small circle with a radius of 25 cm. If the mom's growth is more than 160 cm, then 10 cm should be added to the numbers on the pattern. .

What you need to sew a pillow

Pillow for pregnant women with their own hands is sewn from dense cotton fabric, and better bosi. The color of the material can be any, but it is desirable to choose a neutral beige or gray. Such colors do not dissolve, and will not be shifted through the pillowcase. The pillowcase can be sewed from the fabric that you will like on density and colors. Find the threads and zipper to the material.

List of materials:

  • Fabric 2.5 m. For a pillow, as much on the pillowcase. The width of the fabric should be 110 cm and more, otherwise you will have to sew parts from pieces. Matter is perfect for bed linenSince its width is 2 meters.
  • Filler. You can buy a holofiber. It is well tolerate and keeps the form. It is needed 1.5 kg (the third part of this volume will be needed in the future). During operation, the product will lose its forms, and the remaining filler will need to be added through a special pocket on the zipper.
  • Lightning. It will take one zipper for a pillow (30 cm) and one for each pillowcase that you plan to sew.
  • Threads, needles, scissors, Portnovsky chalk, decor elements to choose from.

Pillow for pregnant - this is a simple product. If you sew it with your hands, then it will take from 5 to 10 hours. Sewing machine Conduct with the task in 2 hours. In any case, the main thing is that all the lines were smooth and strong.

Pillow for pregnant women with her own hands: work work

  1. Build the pattern. You need 2 parts for pillows and pillowcases. At the pattern, pillowcases need to be added from all sides of 2 cm, because the pillowcase should be a little more than the pillow.
  2. Sew the details. To do this, fold 2 parts of the pattern from the fabric face part inside. Purge the right-strained product around the perimeter without affecting just a zipper.
  3. Remove the product on the front side. Sew holes. Will the pillow with a filler.
  4. Making pillowcases. We sew two details of pillowcases and sew zipper. For that time, when the pillow for pregnant women (with their own hands stitched), it will be used for the baby, you can envisage a bright children's pillowcase. In order for such a model to be used during feeding, the products are sewn to the ends of the product.

Surely many have heard about such wonderful pillows that make the life of a pregnant woman more comfortable, and help you stay with the convenience of staying on the bed, keeping the volumetric stomach. After all, everyone who hasnden, or on this moment It hits the baby, unanimously agree, how difficult it is to take a comfortable position and relax to relax.

Such pillows today can be purchased in many stores, including on the Internet. However, if you do not have a desire to spend a considerable amount on this product, and there is even a drop of free time and sewing skills, then you can easily make such a roller yourself. And in this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow for pregnant women, pick up the most successful patterns, and help with the choice of the form of this product.

I would like to notice that this, at first glance, an outstanding belonging has many advantages:

  • it allows you to find a comfortable location not only during sleep, but during reading, food, etc., and in the future - and during the feeding of the baby;
  • prevents the pains in the back, the swelling of the legs and fatigue, which are lack of sleep.
  • There are several options for such a pillow, which differ in shape:

    • Horseshoe pillowwhich is considered classic option such a product. It evenly supports stomach and back, and therefore the load on the spine is properly distributed. Particularly suitable for those who love to spin with a side on the side, as it is not necessary to shift it. However, it is necessary to take into account that such a product is quite bulky, and it takes a lot of space on the bed.

    • C-shaped. It is convenient to accommodate on such an affiliation, putting one of her bending under the head, and the other is under the knees, that is, it removes the load not only from the back and abdomen, but also from the legs. It is also convenient for the fact that you can safely put the baby to sleep inside it in the first months of his life, and it will feel great in such a limited space. The only minus is that it will have to turn over when you decide to turn on the other side.

    • Mr.. It is a long roller with a curved end. You can put either head or legs. If you like to ripe from side to side, then such a pillow you also have to shift. But she is not so cumbersome.

    • Banana pillow. Its form fully corresponds to the name. Such a product will not take a lot of space, and it can be easily taken with you on the journey. However, despite the mobility, you can conveniently place your head, stomach on it, and throw the leg.

    • I-shaped. The easiest option of such a product is a smooth roller on which you can accommodate as it is convenient for you.

    • Pillow-boomerang. The most compact and mobile version is a mild corner that you can put either under the neck or under your feet or under the stomach. It will not take a lot of material.

    What will be needed for manufacture, and how to choose materials

    For the manufacture of this product you will need:

    • paper for pattern;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • zipper;

    • pins;
    • threads;
    • needles;
    • sewing machine;
    • the cloth;
    • filler.

    And if, on the first points, everything, in principle, is understandable, then about the last two questions arise: what fabric and the filler is better to choose?

    The main criteria for choosing fabric are its naturalness, hypoallergenicity and, of course, it should be pleasant to the touch. For the pillow itself, you should choose a hazard, flax or cotton. For pillowcases, you can buy knitwear, plush, velor, fleece, fur, or even tie it with knitting needles - it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

    From the filler, first of all, it depends on how the product will hold the form, and how much will be useful for you.

    It should also be hypoallergenic and enough elastic. As a rule, for the manufacture of such pillows uses:

    • Hollofiber - Enough cheap MaterialWell keeps the form and does not cause allergies. He also does not absorb smells and not afraid of wetting.
    • Synthetic Pooh - According to the characteristics, it is very similar to holofiber, however, in contrast to it, it keeps heat, but does not delay air, and therefore it does not cause a sweating.

    • Polystyrene foam - It is the most popular, but not the cheapest filler. It perfectly supports the shape, is environmentally friendly, does not require much care, it does not let mold and bacteria. But it is important to know that over time it decreases slightly in volumes.
    • Husk buckwheat - Is, of course, the most environmentally friendly filler. However, it is not suspicable, and the product with it will have a lot of weight.

    Making a classic horseshoe pillow

    The manufacture of such a product has the following steps:

    1. A pattern is drawn on paper, and then cut with scissors. We suggest you choose this option.
    2. The fabric at the same time must be folded twice (the face of the inside), and then place the pattern about the bend on it, and fix it.
    3. Then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric and strictly fix it with pins in order not to shift.
    4. Thus, two identical horseshoes are cut out of the tissue (left when cutting into the seam in the area of \u200b\u200b15 mm), which are attached to each other.
    5. Then they need to be filtered between themselves and strain the typewriter with a straight line along the contour. Only a small plot is not built up, through which the filler will be held.
    6. Then our case is turned outward, through the left hole we fill it, and then this hole is sewn.
    7. According to the same scheme, the pillowcase is also sewn, only when cutting it is necessary to add 1 cm everywhere so that the pillow can be placed inside. Also on the pillowcase, it is necessary to leave the hole (about 50 cm) and insert a zipper there.

    Banana Pillow Production

    Such a pillow is manufactured similar to the previous one, only for this you will need another pattern. We recommend that you use this.

    It should be noted that it is more simple in the manufacture, and it will take the materials to it much less.

    Production of feeding pillows

    The cushion in the form of a horror will be able not only to facilitate the life of a woman during pregnancy, and in the future it will help to conveniently stay in the feeding of the baby, and the baby himself, when he will learn to sit, can be attached to it.

    It is also possible to make such a pillow according to the scheme described above, however, it is necessary to choose the appropriate pattern. It looks as follows.

    We want to give you a few practical Soviets Regarding the manufacture and operation of this product:

    • Since the pillowcase you will be erased by hand, and quite often, its inner seams we strongly recommend to spend.
    • When choosing a pillow shape, pay attention to whether you are experiencing discomfort in specific places or general characterSince, perhaps you need only a small pillow under a specific part of the body. Production of such a product will save your time and means.

    • If you make a sleep pillow, when choosing a cloth color, give preference to calm color gammasince bright colors affect nervous system Not the most positive way.
    • Remember that pain in one or another places is not always provoked by an inconvenient position, and if the use of the pillow does not help you eliminate it, then you need to contact a doctor or accept (for example, or). If you simply can't pick up the right pose, turn out of the side to the side and can not fall asleep, then in this case, you may need to contact the doctor to appoint a sedative (read more about).

    Video on making pillow for pregnant women

    In this video, it shows how to sew a comfortable horseshoe pillow for pregnant women, as well as given practical recommendations Regarding its manufacture.

    We hope that this article was useful for you, and you have received comprehensive recommendations on how to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands using patterns. If you happen to do this - share your experience and leave comments.

    Want to know how to sew a pillow for pregnant women? So you will soon be added to the family, you are happy mom or grandmother! Some of the most pleasant hassle, these are troubles on the preparation of the meeting of the long-awaited baby, information about how to sew a pillow for pregnant women are very useful, because The same pillow is later used for comfortable feeding baby chest.

    The expectation of the baby makes a woman overwhelmed and filled, by the way, the future grandmother of the baby, close to this, may have a future grandmother, because she also passed through it. According to statistics, if the grandmother helps a young mother with a newborn, then in such families the kids are less likely, accidents rarely fall and extremely rarely happen, and the young mother has time to rest, which is a pledge happy relationship Young families, if there is time and strength on each other. Therefore, I urge all the modern moms waiting in the next nine months of grandchildren to familiarize themselves with the information about how to sew a pillow for pregnant women and what it is needed, so you will take care of pregnant and kid. And of course, young mothers, let your pregnancy be the most pleasant time waiting!

    Why do you need a pillow for pregnant women

    Pregnancy Wonderful time, no one argues with this, but the more the longer the term of pregnancy, the greater the tummy and in this regard in pregnant women often have problems with sleep, and therefore rest, replenishing the forces, which is very important for a pregnant woman. The cushion for pregnant women helps a pregnant woman comfortably fallback on the side, a pillow for pregnant women can be used for himself, under the tummy, throw her leg on her or put her head, so Pillow for pregnant women helps a woman to choose a convenient pose in which it can fall asleep. In addition, the pillow for pregnant women helps create comfortable conditions for sleep, it contributes to the removal of tone and muscle tension, it is impossible to overestimate the importance, because Spasmned muscles creep blood vessels breaking blood circulation and including in the uterus creating a lack of nutrients and oxygen kid. Comfortable, calm dream of a pregnant woman is very important for the health of the baby and a young woman.

    There is one more reason to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, this product can be used and after the birth of a child, a cushion for pregnant women easily turns into a pillow for feeding or in a small playpen in the center of which you can put a child that he would not ride From the sofa while you will unsubscribe.

    Buy a pillow for pregnant women or sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands

    In a free sale, you can easily buy a pillow for pregnant women, just to choose a pillowcase from natural fabrics. If you want to save a little, maybe you like to sew and needle up, you can sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands patterns different models Pillows will be lower in this post.


    Filler cushion for pregnant women

    Regardless of whether you decide to buy a pillow for pregnant women or sew your own hands. It is useful to know some details relative to the filler, most often the cushion for pregnant women is filled:

    • balls of polystyoltolol
    • hollofiber
    • artificial Swan Pooh
    • buckwheat husk

    Each of these materials has its own properties, let's consider them.

    Polystyrene foam artificial material, I immediately make a reservation that allergies can cause natural materials, but there are no artificial. Polystyrene foam is the same foam-known balls in the balls, it is a rather popular filler in the pillows for pregnant women, it is light, takes the shape of your body, does not absorb smells, breathable, antibacterial. Of the disadvantages, the fact that it is crushed over time and it needs to be added to the pillow to give the previous form. As a rule, for the period of pregnancy, polystyrene foam in the pillow is enough and no need to add. Some pregnant women complain that the polystyrene foam in the pillow is slander and prevents from falling asleep.

    Hollofiber- artificial material, easy, can be washed in washing machine, quickly dries, smells does not absorb, breathing, antibacterial.

    Artificial winch fluff-artificial material, lightweight, breathing, you can wash, dry quickly, smells does not absorb, antibacterial. It has very low hygroscopicity, i.e. Does not absorb moisture.

    Buckwheat husk natural material Not causing allergies, somewhat heavy, easily accepts the outlines of the body, has a pronounced fragrance, the rustling can interfere with sleep, but they quickly get used to it and stop noticing him. Filler cushion for pregnant women from buckwheat husk can not be washed due to difficulties with drying, conducted studies confirm that dust pliers are not breeding in such a filler, but if there are doubts, the product needs to freeze, this is the advice). Of the shortcomings: filler from buckwheat husk for pillow is the most expensive of all listed.

    As a filler for pregnant women, it does not recommend using a cushion, because This artificial material is prone to deformation and is knocked down in Komny, and in addition, it contains glue and can cause allergies.

    If you decide to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, you should sew a special pillowcase for the filler on the snake and several replaceable pillows that can be removed for washing.

    How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands

    So, finally, let's get to the main issue: how to sew a pillow for pregnant women with their own hands?

    We will look at the most popular and sought-after pillow models for pregnant women and patterns to them. In order to save it, you can sew pillowcase for filler, such as from the old sheet, curtains, etc. For the strength of the pillowcase for the pillow filler, in addition to the main seam, process sections with overlock, "zigzag" or a gripped seam. When you sew replaceable pillowcases for the pillow, use the same pattern, but do not forget to retreat 1 cm. On each side, it is easy to dress on a pillow with a filler and do not forget to leave a zipper space.

    Pillow for pregnant women shape "Horseshoe"

    The largest model of the pillow resembles a horseshoe, for which he received its name, a very comfortable model, its lack that it is big and takes a lot of space.

    Pillow for pregnant women M-shaped

    Her dignity is that it is quite comfortable and not too voluminous, next to the future mommy there is a place for the daddy) on a short part of the pillow you can put my head, and the long lay down under the tummy or put the leg on it. The long part of the pillow can be adjusted to their growth as it will be convenient.

    Pillow for pregnant women G-shaped

    One of the most popular and comfortable models of the cushion for pregnant women fully copes with the task set before it.

    Pillow for pregnant women "Banana"

    A very comfortable and practical model can be used by a pregnant woman and after the birth of a child during breastfeeding or to sleep a child, in this case you need to seize the cushion to the ends of the pillow « did not open » When a child will rest in it. In this model, as well as in other lengths, you can adjust into account your growth.

    Pillow for pregnant "roller"

    Simple, but a comfortable model of a pillow for pregnant women to sew her own hands will not be difficult for her, it can be put on the neck, the lower back, hug her to put her leg on it, etc. This model can also be collapsed and fixed in such a position if you leave to the ends of the string. The length of this model of the pillow for pregnant women can also be adjusted with your height.
    And a small bonus)

    This pillow can also be used for breastfeeding baby, and like a maneen for the baby.

    But this, of course, not by the post, but I could not resist! What an adorable ... cradle! Or a cot, young moms can tell how to call it) if you carefully consider photos, then using patterns at the bottom you can sew your own hands and such a miracle.

    The world of happy woman