Repair Design Furniture

How I worked in the garden around the world. Spring work in April in the field, in the garden, in the garden for children. Video -How to grow tomato seedlings at home

We all unconsciously wait for spring. Although it brings with it a lot of trouble and work, we rejoice first spring days and look forward to when we can start in the garden, in the garden. Owners who cultivate large tracts of land need to prepare equipment and seed during the winter, prepare fertilizers and pest and weed control agents. From the moment the spring field work began, all processes must proceed consistently and on time. It is easier for summer residents and homeowners to prepare for spring. The main thing is to buy bags of seeds.

spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden, they begin immediately after the snow melts. The land needs to be cleared of the remnants of the last crop, fertilized, plowed.

Features of spring work in the field depend on what crop will be grown on it. If so, they have already been sown in the spring. It is necessary to inspect them, assess the degree of freezing and loss.

If everything is in order with the crops, then spring work in the field begins with top dressing. Timely applied fertilizer allows you to collect a high yield.

When growing spring crops, spring work in the field is aimed at maintaining moisture in the soil and controlling weeds. For this, plowing is used. It can be carried out when the soil is not smeared. After harrowing, the soil warms up faster, and moisture does not come out. This kills the germinated weeds.

Spring field work in the field depends on the composition of the soil. On light soils, heavy harrows are used. On medium and heavy use cultivators. Soil with a high sand content dries out faster than loam. Therefore, work in the fields with such soil begins much earlier.

garden work

As soon as the soil has dried a little, you can begin spring work in the garden.

You need to start by cleaning shelters from frost. Better not to do it sundial so that the plants do not suffer from a sudden change temperature regime. Those structures that are intended for repeated use are washed, dried and hidden until the onset of autumn.

Then they rake up all the garbage: branches, last year's leaves, grass. Even if the cleaning was carried out in the fall, it must be repeated. They look to see if meltwater is gathering under the trees. This can lead to rotting of the bark.

Clean and herbicide flowerpots and flower pots. Plants are transplanted into fresh soil.

Weed control

Spring gardening includes perennial weed control. They wake up with the first warmth and begin their growth. Weeds should be removed immediately. This is best done when the soil is still damp. root system plants do not develop. Nettle can be removed completely. But sow thistle, no matter how hard you try, you can’t pull it out with a root. But if you regularly cut it as deep as possible, you can get rid of this prickly enemy.

top dressing

Fertilizing the soil can begin in March. Fertilizers are applied, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. These are preparations "Azofoska" (contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), "Nitroammophoska". It is good to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers: rotted manure, compost. It is better not to bring fresh manure and chicken manure into the ground. These fertilizers are best piled up or in a hole and used next year or as a liquid top dressing in the summer.


This is a labor intensive process. But it gives a positive result.

Sawdust, last year's leaves, straw mulch the ground in flower beds, in beds with strawberries, under young trees.

Cover with a protective layer of beds with tender plants requiring a lot of moisture. It can be tomatoes, peppers, carrots - how much strength and material you have.

Cucumbers, zucchini after such processing rot less, give more fruits.

The mulched area almost does not need to be weeded or watered.

tree care

Pruning is of great importance in life. It is carried out before bud break. If you do this later, then the movement of juice along the branches will begin before the wounds from pruning heal. So, maybe it's better not to cut at all? In this case, the tree will grow tall and thin. This will make it difficult to care for him. Yes, and the fruits will be small, pale and sick.

In the spring, dry, diseased, damaged branches are cut. All places of pruning or damage by rodents are carefully lubricated with garden pitch. You can cook it yourself, but it's easier to buy it in the store. You can cover it with paint instead of var, but oily, without acetone.

Some trees, such as cherry, Walnut, it is better to prune in the summer, when the spring movement of juices is over.

Often they are whitened with lime. This procedure saves young trees from bark burns in early spring, when there are no leaves yet. Lime kills some pests and fungi.

Planting trees and bushes

They are planted in early spring, while the buds have not yet swollen and blossomed. Otherwise, the survival of the seedling will be very problematic. Pits for planting are best prepared in the fall, filling them with manure to half. But few people do it. Usually the desire to acquire some kind of fruit tree arises when spring work begins in the fields.

If you bought seedlings, but there is no hole, you can dig it in the spring. Its depth should be up to a meter. When planting grapes - 80 cm are laid separately, mixed with rotted manure, wood ash. Can add mineral fertilizers. Pour a little to the bottom of the pit so that the tree is soft and the roots have room to grow. Before planting at the seedling, the roots are slightly cut with a sharp pruner and dipped in clay slurry. Install the tree so that the clothespin (curved part of the trunk) is directed to the north, and the place where it begins is at ground level or slightly higher. This place should not be in the ground, as various infections or diseases can penetrate through it.

The pit is carefully covered first with enriched and then with the remaining soil, while watering several times. See that the roots do not break when the soil is compacted. It is better not to fill the pit to ground level, leave a recess for watering. Then the water will linger in this hole, and not scatter into different sides from a tree. The soil around the tree is mulched. Pegs are hammered near or around the tree, tied with a rope. And support the tree, and you will not forget about it. Remember to water regularly.


This is the gardener's aerobatics. Anyone who has learned how to do it efficiently will be able to provide himself with a wide variety of varieties. fruit trees and shrubs. instill new variety can be copulation (grafting with a cutting) or budding (grafting with a kidney). It is believed that copulation is more efficient, cuttings tolerate winter frosts better. It is held from mid-April to the end of May. But stone fruit should be grafted as early as possible, until mid-March. The main problem when copulating is to make even cuts on the rootstock and scion for their close contact.

Perennial flower care

A bush that has grown enough must be divided. If this is not done, the plant will weaken and may completely disappear. And his flowers will become small, or they will not be at all.

Separate bushes phlox, hosts, bluebells. Chrysanthemums, if they wintered on the street, are separated and seated. Those kept indoors are taken out into the sun, hardened, and then planted. Peonies after such an operation do not bloom for three years. Separate the bushes with a shovel or knife. The incision site can be sprinkled with crushed charcoal so that the wound does not fester.

Prepare for germination dahlias, gladioli. They can be placed in sand or sawdust, periodically wetting with water. Gladiolus are planted at the end of April, having previously disinfected for 20 minutes weak solution potassium permanganate. In one place they are grown no more than 2 years.

planted annual plants resistant to cold: daisies, viola, forget-me-nots.

Bulbs are fed (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths).

Gradually remove the shelter from the roses. They are pruned. In curly and park trees, only dry and weak branches are removed. Repairs are cut into 6-8 buds. On tea leaves 2-3 buds per shoot.

Lawn care

It consists in feeding, combing, aeration, weeding. It is better to fertilize immediately after the snow melts, "Kimeroy". Comb out effectively with an electric verticulator. To access air to the roots of plants, an aerator or a less sophisticated technique - a pitchfork - is used. They are used to pierce the soil through small gaps.

If there are many weeds, apply herbicides.

Disease and pest control

In the spring, the vegetable garden, field and garden are attacked a large number pests. If you do not fight them, they will eat the crop, not you.

Chemicals are used in the fields. They are sprayed with crops when they carry out spring work in the field.

Dry leaves and fruits remaining on the trees must be removed and destroyed until pests get out of there. Weevils are harvested on a cold morning. A film is placed under the bush and the branches are shaken. Weevils fall on her. They are collected and destroyed.

Each type of pest has its own methods of struggle associated with its habits and lifestyle.

You can sprinkle all the pests together chemicals or "Fitoverm", created on the basis of organic raw materials. There are also means to combat fungal diseases of plants.

Bordeaux liquid, when applied before bud break, protects against pear), coccomycosis, moniliosis (stone fruit), peach curl.

Growing vegetables

Before you start planting vegetables or sowing seeds, it is advisable to make a plan. Consider the predecessor of each crop, determine the amount of space occupied and seed material.

Grow horticultural crops can different ways, depending on your climate, soil, garden or field size, physical and technical capabilities. The beds can be lowered into trenches (sandy soil, poorly retaining moisture), raise the ridges (clay soil). This is enough laborious way. A thick layer of manure, compost and earth form " smart garden". Smooth ridges are used in greenhouses or on any soil, if there is no desire and opportunity to raise or lower them. Spring work in the field is difficult to carry out if it consists of such ridges.

If there is not enough space for planting, containers are used.

Held from mid-March. The soil is considered mature when a clod of earth, firmly compressed in the palm of your hand, does not release water. The soil is ready to receive seeds, tubers and seedlings.

1. Complete tasks for group work.

1) Field farming.
a) Write down the definition. Crop farming is the cultivation of field crops.
b) Give examples of field crops grown in your area.

wheat, rye, oats, corn, buckwheat, potatoes, flax, sunflower

2) Vegetable growing.
a) Write down the definition. Vegetable farming is the cultivation vegetable crops .
b) Give examples of vegetable crops grown in your area.

cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers

3) Fruit growing.
a) Write down the definition. fruit growing - is the cultivation of fruit crops.
b) Give examples of fruit crops grown in your area.

apple trees, pears, strawberries, cherries, plums

4) Floriculture.

a) Write down the definition. Floriculture - it's cultivation flower crops.
b) Give examples of flower crops grown in your area.

chrysanthemums, asters, peonies, roses, hyacinths, gladioli

2. The wise turtle wants to know if you can classify cultivated plants. Show with arrows which groups the plants shown in the figure belong to. Ask a classmate or teacher to check your work.

3. Cross out the extra word in each row.

a) wheat, rye, carrot, barley - Carrot is a vegetable, and everything else is a field crop.

b) Tomato, cabbage, onion, plum - plum it fruit crop and everything else is vegetables.

c) apple tree corn, cherry, apricot - corn is a field crop, and everything else refers to fruit crops.

G) Cucumber, peony, lily, narcissus - Cucumber is a vegetable, and everything else is a flower.

Explain your decisions (orally). Think of a similar task for classmates with other examples. Write it down.

  • strawberry, currant, radish, Cherry
  • onions, carrots, tomatoes, rye
  • Tulip, barley, wheat, oats

Listen and evaluate the answers of your classmates.

4. As instructed by the textbook (p. 193), observe the spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden. Do it yourself necessary work. Write a short report about what you saw and did. You can draw or paste a photo.

This spring, I helped my grandmother plant onions in her garden. It was very interesting.

First we took a shovel and dug up the ground under the bed. Then we leveled the ground with a rake and formed a rectangular bed.

Then the grandmother took a stick and drew straight longitudinal grooves on the bed. It was in these grooves that we began to plant small bulbs, which my grandmother called “onion sets”.

Grandmother said that all the bulbs should be at an equal distance from each other. We deepened them a little into the ground and made sure that the root was always at the bottom, and the tail with a green seedling at the top.

Then we sprinkled the planted bulbs with earth and watered them well from a watering can. I hope our bulbs will germinate quickly and we will use them for cooking all winter.

Here comes the spring! And let the majority of summer residents still have snow on household plots, everyone knows: it's time to start moving spring work in the garden. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our spring planner of work in the garden and vegetable garden. It will help beginner gardeners to get lost in the new gardening world. And summer residents with experience will quickly orient themselves in the current work in the garden and vegetable garden. So let's get started:

Spring work in the garden

The first step is to walk around the garden, look around: are all trees and shrubs protected from the spring sun. Proper shelter in the winter-spring period is the key to a healthy bark, and hence the tree as a whole. Spring protection is especially important for fruit seedlings in the garden. Care consists in shading the trunk from strong changes in day and night temperatures. You can wrap the trunk with non-woven material, or spruce branches. In the middle of spring, when the snow melts and the temperature drops smooth out, the shelter from the trees is gradually (in a couple of weeks) removed. By the way:

  • Well, if on the south side of the trunk young tree a peg will be installed, so it will shade the seedling a little in the summer.
  • It is very undesirable to whitewash seedlings - this reduces the growth rate and thickening of the bark, because whitewash clogs the pores of the tree.
  • Spring work in the garden suggests trimming shrubs and pruning fruit trees. Pruning work must be carried out before the juice begins to rise along the trunk and the kidneys swell.
  • Hide evergreen shrubs from the sun. FROM with the help of a lung shading with non-woven materials can preserve the lush green foliage of shrubs such as evergreen rhododendrons, conifers, hollies, etc. Shelter can be removed after the frost ends.

Spring work in the garden

  1. The very first and main job in the garden part of the dacha in the spring there will, of course, be a thorough cleaning of winter debris from all beds and flower beds. Particular attention should be paid to insects and larvae in the beds. Remove all living things that you see on earth, so you will significantly reduce the number of subsequently breeding pests.
  2. We bring organic fertilizers . Spring is the time to work in the garden with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. Before starting spring plantings, care should be taken to ensure that there are enough nutrients in the soil. For this purpose, ready-made compost, purchased peat or rotted manure (perm) is great.
  3. If the soil is heavy , coarse sand, fine gravel should be added - to add airiness to the soil, and there was no stagnation of water at the roots. If the ground is too loose (sandy), among other things, it is desirable to add granular clay or clay soil- this will help to retain moisture and nutrients on the surface of the beds for a longer time.
  4. We loosen the soil in the beds and flower beds. It has long been known that constantly digging up the soil in the garden is not useful - its structure is disturbed, nutrients with digging go deeper into the ground. But loosening to a depth of 5-10 cm is a great way to prepare the land for spring planting. Loose soil - porous and granular, in it the roots of plants feel great, quickly gaining strength and growth.
  5. Inspect lawns after winter- another important spring work. All last year's grass is torn with a rake, potholes in the lawn must be filled with earth mixed with sand (50x50). It is useful to sprinkle the entire surface of the lawn with fine sand, level the surface, and plant fresh seeds of the lawn mixture on the resulting bald spots.
  6. Withdrawal winter shelters . True, it is better to do this gradually: at first, only loosen the strapping, then, as day and night temperatures rise, it is better to replace the shelter with a more breathable and translucent one (lutrasil, agrospan and other non-woven material).

But the plants should be finally “unpacked” only after the last frosty night. That's all preparatory spring work in the garden, having done which it will be time to move on to more pleasant things: planting vegetables and flowers, decorating and arranging your own country world. We wish you success in carrying out spring work in the garden!

Ekaterina Fedyakina
Spring work in the field, in the garden and garden

Lesson on the topic " Spring work in the field, in garden and vegetable garden»

Target: Activate dictionary by topic: « Spring work in the field, in garden and vegetable garden»

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about spring work in the field, in garden and vegetable garden; teaching retelling on the topic.

1. Organizing moment

Guys, let's remember what you can do in field, garden and vegetable garden.

Guys, how can you call a person who rides a tractor? (tractor driver)

And the person who working in the garden? in kitchen garden? (gardener, gardener) .

And the people who work in the field and plow the land(plowmen).

Guys, what is the name of the people who grow and harvest bread? (grain growers).

2. Articulation gymnastics:

"Smile - tube"

If our lips smile

Look, the fence appears.

Well, if the sponges are a narrow tube,

So we can play the pipe!

"Brushing teeth"

Soft brush in the morning

Cleans children's teeth.

There will be strong teeth

White, beautiful.


Under a tall pine

We found a fungus with you.

For the boletus to grow

Lift up the tongue.

3. Retelling the text about spring work.

« Work in the garden»

Vitya lives in the countryside with his family. Viti's mother is a gardener. Dad is a tractor driver. Was warm spring day. The boy Vitya went out to help his grandmother in kitchen garden. Grandmother asked to bring a shovel and a rake to her grandson. Vitya brought tools and they set about work. Grandmother dug the earth, and Vitya loosened it with a rake. They prepared the land for planting, fertilized it and began to plant vegetables. By the evening work has been completed!

Text questions: where Vitya lives with his family, by whom Viti's mother works, by whom Viti's dad works, where Vitya helped his grandmother, what his grandmother asked to bring Vitya, what did his grandmother do, what did Vitya do when they began to plant vegetables, when it was finished Job?

4. Physical Minute "Flowers grew in field» .

Flowers have grown in field.

It's good to grow free! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Everyone is trying

Reaching for the sky, for the sun. (Sipping - hands up.)

Here is a cheerful wind

The stems swayed (Children wave their hands.)

Leaned down to the ground. (Leaning forward.)

Right-left, back-forward -

So the wind bends the flowers. (Tilts right-left, forward-backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

But when will the rest be? (Body rotation.)

5. Clap your hands when you hear the sound R in words: (R sound hard or soft)

Combiner, Gardener, Farmer, Gardener, Poultry breeder, Rabbit breeder.

Clap your hands when you hear the sound R words: (Rh sound hard or soft)

Plowman, Shepherd, Tractor driver, Miller.

6. Organizing moment

What did we talk about today? (about work in the garden, in field, in garden)

What can be done in field, garden and vegetable garden(plant, dig, sow, plow, water, harvest, furrow).

What professions did you hear today (gardener, tractor driver, plowman. Farmer, gardener, combiner, etc.)

Who are you listening to today? (about Vita)

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A goal: To clarify and expand ideas about the work of people in the spring. Activate Dictionary

An urgent problem in the agricultural sector during the spring field work is to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of technological operations for feeding winter crops, preparing the soil and sowing spring crops.

Spring dressing: crops and norms

Of great importance for achieving significant winter crops are spring feeding, especially those that are located on not the best predecessors (legumes, grasses, etc.).

This operation should be carried out on thinned up to 45-50% crops, it is more expedient to sow the rest. Early spring top dressing of plants in the slit phase should be carried out ammonium nitrate, and on well-moistened soils and developed crops - in two terms - also in the tillering phase. Weakened crops can be fed with increased rates of nitrogen (60-70 kg/ha). Caution should be exercised against the use of UAN for this purpose due to possible necrosis.

It is better not to feed crops located on fallow and leguminous crops and under conditions of early resumption of vegetation on frozen soil, but to transfer this operation to the end of the tillering phase.

It should be noted that top dressing of winter crops nitrogen fertilizers on frozen soil was once prohibited by the environmental standard due to the risk of their being washed into water bodies, so this operation should be used as an exception on fields with a flat terrain.

As for perennial grasses, the first step in the early spring period is to assess the condition of the sown areas. To obtain full productivity of clover of the 1st year of use, it is necessary to have 150-180 plants / m 2, alfalfa of 1 year - 180-200, 2nd - 120, 3rd - 80.

If only 30-50% is preserved, one-year chaff (25 kg/ha), vetch-oat mixture (80-100 kg), white mustard (10-12 kg), Sudanese grass (10-15 kg) can be sown in clover. alfalfa of the 1st year - alfalfa (10-12 kg) or a mixture of alfalfa with cereals (awnless bonfire, meadow fescue or meadow timothy grass) with any number of living holes of mice, grain baits treated with preparations such as Storm 0.0005% should be decomposed.

Grass crops of the 2nd and 3rd years should be harrowed or discused shallowly. Legumes should be fed with a norm of 45-60 kg / ha of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, legumes of the 2nd and 3rd - 45-60 kg / ha of phosphorus and potassium.

It is better to grow corn for silage as well as grain, 30-40% of early-ripening varieties, 40-45% - medium-early, 20-30% - mid-ripening.

Spring cereal crops (wheat and barley) should be placed after legumes and those that are grown on sufficiently fertilized backgrounds. After good predecessors (winter wheat, corn, sunflower) you can sow oats. It is not recommended to sow oats after sugar beet, which has pests in common with it.

For spring grain crops, phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be applied in the fall, and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. In this case, half of the total dose of nitrogen must be applied before sowing.

On fertile soils for spring crops, it is necessary to apply nitrogen in a dose of 45-60 kg of the active substance, on poor soils - 60-70 kg. When placing oats after properly fertilized row crops, fertilizer can be limited to seedbed application.

With sufficient moisture for fodder barley, in addition to the pre-sowing application (30-40 kg/ha) of nitrogen, it is advisable to double-feed: the first (30-40 kg/ha) - in the tillering phase, the second (30 kg/ha) - in the heading phase. The total dose of nitrogen can be increased to 100-120 kg/ha.

For malting barley, the dose of nitrogen fertilizers should be reduced by 25-30%.

It should be taken into account that spring wheat has a less intense tillering, so it is advisable to apply part of the nitrogen (30-40 kg/ha) for pre-sowing cultivation. In the area of ​​sufficient moisture, wheat fertilizing with nitrogen should be carried out in two stages - in the booting phase - a third of the total dose, and in the heading phase - the remaining 20% ​​of the dose.

Under oats, depending on the conditions, from 30 to 60 kg / ha of nitrogen should be applied. Smaller calculated doses should be applied for pre-sowing cultivation. At doses of 60 kg/ha, part of the fertilizer must be transferred to the booting phase.

Spring tillage

Moisture closure should be carried out in the fields where autumn tillage is carried out for sowing spring crops. To do this, high-performance wide-cut tools ZPG-24, BZP-24, BZP-15 (ZAO Lozovsky Forging and Mechanical Plant) and similar tools with toothed or spring working parts should be used.

When conducting seedbed preparation soil, preference should be given to high-performance wide-cut and combined aggregates of both foreign and domestic production. To do this, it is better to use machines and implements with toothed and clawed working parts in combination with levelers, rollers or harrows, which makes it possible to form a seedbed in one pass when reseeding winter crops, carrying out autumn and spring plowing, as well as when bringing the soil to a sowing state after the complex processing measures taken in autumn.

The main brands of implements of this type of domestic production are cultivators KPSP-4, KPS-8, Sirius-10 (JSC Krasnaya Zvezda), KPP-8 (JSC Umanfermmash), KPSP-4, KPSP-8 (JSC " Kalinovskoe RP "Agromash"), KPS-4 PN, KPS-4 PP, KPS-8 P, KPS-12 PM (TM Voskhod), KP-5.6, KP-8.5, KP-12 (NPP BelotserkovMAZ) APP-6.02-01 (JSC Fregat Plant), KPI-6.6, KPI-8.0 (Prommash Plant), KPN-8.2 (Galeshchina Mashzavod OJSC) , combined tools and units AKPN-6, AKPN-8 (Krasilovmashzavod OJSC), AK-4, AK-6 (Kalinovskoye RP Agromash OJSC), KA-4.4, AK-6 (Krasnyannskoe SP LLC "Agromash"), AP-6 (JSC "Umanfermmash"), etc.

Fields with big amount It is better to process plant residues with combined universal disc implements UDA-2.4, UDA-3.8, UDA-4.5, UDA-5.6 (LLC NPP BelotserkovMAZ) and disc harrows BDLP-8 (LLC Krasnyanskoye SP Agromash), BP-4, BP-6 (TM Voskhod), BDT-7, BDSh-8.2 (OJSC Umanfermmash), BDT-6, BDT-4.2 (OJSC Vishnevichi Agrotekhnika ) and others.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that the cultivation of fields with disc implements can lead to drying out of the soil. Therefore, under such circumstances, in order to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture, cultivation should be carried out with tine cultivators or combination tools to form a seed bed. In many cases, before sowing, it is advisable to use additional rollers KZK-6, KZK-9.2, KZK-12.5 (JSC Umanfermmash), K-6 M, K-10 (TM Voskhod). For dump processing, Ukrainian enterprises LLC PKF Veles-Agro, CJSC TPFG Interagrotek produce plows general purpose, which are aggregated by tractors of various traction classes.

Sowing of spring crops

One of the main and mandatory elements of the integrated protection of crops from external and internal infections and pests is seed dressing. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account the spectrum of its action, the expected damage by diseases, varietal characteristics, weather conditions, the reaction of plants to this drug, price, and more, using drugs for this according to the "List of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use in Ukraine" in the current year.

In the farms of our state, the most common grain-fertilizer and grain-fertilizer grass seeders SZ-3.6A, SZP-3.6 B, SZT-3.6 A, SZ-5.4, SZT-5.4 (OJSC Krasnaya Zvezda) . Behind last years increased demand is observed for pneumatic grain seeders "Mistral-6" (JV "Agro"), "Klen-4.5", "Klen-6" (MSNVP "Klen"), pneumatic wide-cut grain-fertilizer seeders-cultivators of the company "Khorsh -Agrosoyuz ", sowing complexes ALCOR-7.5. ALCOR-10 ORION-9.6 (JSC Krasnaya Zvezda). At the request of farms, grain-fertilizer seeders of the SZ brand of components various types coulters: two-disk for single-tape (SZ-3.6 A) or two-row sowing (SZ-3.6 A-04), single-disk (SZ-3.6 A-01) or coulters (SZ-3.6 A-03) . For sowing flax, the SZ-3.6 A-02 seeders are equipped with two-line coulters.

In the case of growing spring grain crops using intensive technology, it is necessary to form technological tracks during their sowing, along which technological complexes of machines will move in the process of caring for crops. It should be noted that the track for almost all domestic sprayers is 1400 mm. That is why, in order to ensure conditions for the formation of tramlines during sowing on a seeder with a working width of 3.6 m, it is necessary to block (block) the 8th and 17th sowing units. The number of passes of the seeder with closed and open coulters is determined by the width of the sprayers that are on the farm. The distance between the centers of the existing tramlines (16.2 or 21.6 m) corresponds to the working width of modern sprayers.

The distance of 16.2 m between the centers of the tracks is used if sowing is carried out by seeders SZ-5.4 and SZ-10.8, following one after the other, or by units of two or three seeders S3-3.6 A, while the three-seeder unit operates with hitch SP-11 A, SP 10.8 or SGP-10.8, and two-seeder - with the middle section of the hitch.

Standard double-disk coulters for single-tape sowing with row spacing of 15 cm should be used in all zones of Ukraine. Double-disk coulters for double-row sowing with an average row spacing of 7.5 cm are more suitable for the Forest-Steppe and Polissya. Single-disk coulters can be used when sowing grain, overseeding grasses on areas of sparse winter crops and for feeding them with nitrogen fertilizers. Single disc openers cause less damage to plants than double disc openers.

Tear coulters create a compacted seed bed better than disc coulters. These openers should be used in well-cultivated soils and not infested with weeds. All coulters, except for double-disk double-row coulters, are designed for sowing grain with row spacing of 15 cm. According to agrotechnical requirements, at least 80% of the seeds must be placed at a given depth with a deviation of ± 1 cm, that is, in a three-centimeter layer. Seeders of the SZ-3.6 A type operate satisfactorily at a speed of 5-7 km/h with soil moisture of 15-25% and provide a sowing depth of 2-5 cm.

To avoid sifting during the sowing of spring grain and fodder crops due to clogging of the coulter with earth or plant remains that have fallen into the seed material, the lower metal tip of each seed tube should be replaced with a tip through which, if the coulter is clogged, seeds are poured out. The tip hole must be placed behind the coulter.

Seeds are planted into the soil with harrows, sowing harrows or a chain device. The sower on the seeder can clearly see how the seeds are poured out through the hole in the tip of the seed tubes, and the blockage of the coulter can be quickly eliminated. The tip of the seed tubes can be ordered at the NSC "IMESH".

The factory-made disc coulters for single-band sowing do not form the seed bed satisfactorily. For its stable compaction, each such opener should be equipped with triangular tips, on which the opener designed by NSC "IMESKh" is placed. During operation of such a tip, the coulter discs do not rotate. If necessary, you can exclude it from work by attaching the coulter to the leash.

Yu.Vozhik, Dr. tech. Sciences