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How to pass an interview with the head. How to submit yourself to an interview for the position of the head. Consider your non-verbal behavior.

Interview with the supervisor is one of the most important stages in employment on a particular position. Very often it happens that unprepared people fail or behave not entirely correctly, because of which they are not hired. So how should I behave correctly and what to answer in the interview? Let's deal with.

5 main mistakes

First of all, it is worth starting with 5 major errors that admit almost all candidates with the head. At first glance, these things may not seem so significant, but ultimately they play a rather important role.

Calmness, only calm

The first and most common mistake on any interview with the head - excitement. In general, worrying for a person in certain situations is quite normal, but not in this case. The excitement is one of the most dangerous enemies at any interview. Even if the filled questionnaire and a rich resume will be on the side of the applicant, then the uncertainty, trembling in the voice, sweat, running eyes, etc., will not be played by the candidate.

Here is a simple example of how to work on the device to work at the interview. The voice is clear and confident, the view focused, the behavior is calm, the hands do not "dance" on the sides, but most importantly - the absence of fear. If you adhere to such behavior, then no excitement will be. As for the feeling of fear, then everything is simple. Do not be afraid that the person who takes you at the interview is occupied guideline, First of all, he is the same person as you. We do not have a feeling of fear in stores in front of the sellers, before the bank employees or in a cafe in front of the waiters, so what are the head of the manager?

And one more pretty important point. Some people in front of the interview comes to the "awesome" thought, which is allegedly designed to help with excitement and experience - the reception of soothing. It is extremely recommended to do it. The head and mind should be extremely clear to clearly take all the information and competently respond to questions, and sedatives do not allow this to fully do.

I know everything, everything can

The second most common mistake in the interview with the supervisor is excessive confidence in itself and its abilities. It would seem that in this may be bad? Everything is simple. The candidate, as a rule, put forward a little overpriced requirements, for example, a salary not at 30,000 rubles, and 60000. Of course, there is nothing wrong with such a desire, but if we are talking about a particular vacancy with specific conditions, then require more, Moreover, at the stage of negotiations, it's just stupid.

In addition, such people often begin to list large lists of what they know and know how, even a little bit of all this embellish - for more effect, so to speak. Naturally, the manager will have a completely logical question, they say why a person with such a track record and knowledge still without work? The answer is known to both parties, but the employer will simply be silent, without becoming visible, and the applicant will say that before that time there was no interesting proposals.

One way or another, you should not overestimate yourself and even more so to lie, even if a little bit. You must always remain myself and respond as open as much as possible.

Everything suits me

The third most common mistake in the interview with the supervisor is complete agreement with all and even more. It is in mind when the candidate agrees with everything that the employer says, and also slightly underestimates its demands in the hope that it will play on the hand. Wine all this is a well-established stereotype that managers need to answer always what they want to hear.

This is an extremely wrong statement, especially in the interview. Agreeing absolutely with everything that says "Chief", and understating its own requirements, the applicant shows its weakness and, as a result, in the future, no focus on the result in work. Why then take this person to a person if you can find another, more interested and "I spark" in my eyes?

The conclusion here is simple: in no case should not underestimate your self-esteem and even more likely to do everything ready, pliable and non-absorbative person.

Ex work

The fourth mistake in the interview with the director, which many many are allowed is the history of the departure from the past job. Not everyone tells the truth as it really was, because sometimes it can play not in best side. One thing to say that the dismissal was own willing, and the other that fired a guide. And in fact, and in another case, the director at the interview will arise, what caused such a act?

Answers here are always different, but usually everything comes down to the fact that there was a bad boss or the conditions did not suit, they were not enough, the holiday was not, etc. Of course, there are few words believe, even if they are true, because if it were Otherwise, it turns out that honest leaders are not so much. Of course, information on the care of the past work can be checked through the contact numbers of the phone of the former bosses, which are left in the questionnaire, but do it not always. In addition, if such numbers are not specified, it only aggravates the situation.

Ideally, there is only one solution that will reflect a favorable characteristic. It is the characteristic from the previous place of work that will be the best argument that a person went on his own accord or was fired by one reason or another. Get a feature easily - the main thing, not to quarrel with the authorities when careing from work.


Well, the last mistake that meets at the interview to the post in a new place is bluff. It means that the next thing when the candidate allegedly nonsenoms, during the interview with the director or someone from the leadership, mentions that he has one more or more proposals for similar posts, and if they are taking a job today, then he refuses from negotiations with them.

This is done in order to show the significance of your person, they say, that's what, that's how many people are offered to me. In fact, it turns out everything else. At best, such a candidate will inform that he will call him back - the classic of the genre. At worst, they will refuse immediately with the proposal to go to work in other firms, which, from the words of the applicant, offer him similar posts.

Here you need to remember the following - Even if you have a pair-three "spare" options, it's impossible to talk about them on the interview in any case, because no one will begone to get a job in their company. This needs to be clearly understood. Best - first get acquainted with all the conditions on two, three different places, And after drawing conclusions to go. And talking about the fact that someone offers a similar vacancy there, because if it were true, it was unlikely that such a person sat in the office at an interview in another company.

On the interview

Very often you can hear a lot of questions related to how the interview still goes?

Usually the whole process is divided into 2 stages: a telephone conversation and a visit to the office. Read more. Otherwise, everything passes by classic scheme. At first, the questionnaire is filled in, where the candidate indicates which position he claims, information about himself, its qualities, previous places of work, desired wages, etc.

After that, the questionnaire is worthwhile to the secretary, which refers to its leader. Following the 5 minutes, the second stage begins - an interview with the authorities, within which questions will be asked regarding some questionnaires and additional. If everything went successfully, the candidate made a positive impression on the employer, then with a probability of 99%, it will be proposed for work. Here, in fact, all the information regarding the question: how is the interview.


Questions at the interview with the head are quite standard and, in theory, should not cause any difficulties, but usually happens otherwise. In order to avoid misunderstandings, a small list of the most common questions and answers will be offered, or rather what should be answered.

Examples of responses at the interview:

  1. Transfer strengths and quality. In this case, it is necessary to list all its strengths, for example, diligence, responsibility, quality of implementation, compliance with all the last deadlines, etc. Actually, nothing complicated.
  2. What is interesting vacant position for a candidate? Usually, such a question is asked often those who are solved to change not only the place of work, but also the specialty. The easiest example. The person worked as a sales assistant, and in a new place claims the post of forwarder. In this case, it is necessary to clearly and clearly explain what this decision is connected. As experience shows, it is usually a simple desire to change the situation and master the new profession.
  3. Why do you need to take exactly you? Another one of the most frequent questions. Answering it, you should not say that you need money or that there is no other choice - it repels. Needed, on the contrary, tell what the profession attracts (if it differs from the past), what experience you hope to get on it, what prospects see and everything is in such a style.

From the above examples, one conclusion can be made that it is necessary to answer at the interview as high as possible and, most importantly, confidently, without trembling in a voice. In this case, you can guarantee 25% of success.

Now is the time to move to the interview stages.

Interview by phone

The first stage of employment on any work begins with phone call. In other words, the first job interview passes. Call is best before dinner, because it is very often possible on the same day to come to an interview to the office.

As for how to talk, then the minimum set of tips:

  • Clearly delivered voice.
  • No excitement.
  • Attentiveness.

Here, perhaps, 3 basic rules that need to be remembered. Also a big plus phone call is that you can immediately clarify some questions regarding the work schedule, wages and official employment.

Second phase

Now is the time to talk about what to do in the second stage - interview with the leader. First of all, it is necessary to prepare. There is such a Russian people's saying: "Meet for dressing, they accompanied by the mind." So, the appearance must comply with, since the first impression is formed according to how man is dressed.

Clothing should be comfortable, clean, in no case do not stop. The style can be chosen both business and everyday, but you need to remember the following: if you go to get a position, for example, the problem, then put on the pants, a shirt with a tie and a jacket do not need. The clothes are selected directly from the circumstances. And in the summer, some often come to an interview in a T-shirt, shorts and slags - it is wrong. T-shirt can be left, but shorts and slaves are better changed to jeans and sneakers.

It is also very important at the second stage to show your manners and punctuality, that is, to arrive at the place of ahead of time, 10-15 minutes, and politely say hello.

When it comes time to go to the office of the head for a personal conversation, be sure to first knock on the door, and after it to open it. Thus, you can show your lifting and make the first positive impression.

As for the further conversation and how to respond at the interview, then it was said earlier, so there is no point in repeating. The only one, going to an interview to the office, be sure to take a portfolio with you best works, copy of your resume, characteristic from the past place of work (if any), handle, passport and notepad, in case you need something to write down, for example, some important details Type of work schedule, wages, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to tell about 5 very valuable councils. They will definitely help to pass an interview. So, proceed.

About myself

The most often job seekers introduces the simplest request to a stupor - to tell about yourself. At first glance, there is nothing difficult in this, but for some reason, people are simply lost. Here is the plan of how the correct story should be drawn up on myself in the interview. Example:

  • To tell about your education, what it is, to specify the name of the institute, faculty, profession.
  • Next, you need to remember all additional training courses, if any.
  • List the previous places of work. It is advisable to mention the periods, that is, how many days, weeks, months or years you have worked in previous places.
  • If the future vacancy is associated with a computer, then you must tell about all the programs that you own, including not even well mastered (sometimes it happens).
  • Well, finally, we can say a few words about the ownership of foreign languages.

It is worth remembering that it is worth telling about this with this without any excitement and notion, as if we talk with your friend or a long-time friend.

But in a bad example, you can attribute a scarce listing of your capabilities, frequent hits, interrupts, uncertainty, or much worse if the employer has to pull information, as they say, "ticks".


The second board is a smile and a good mood. It is very important to come to the interview in a good arms of the Spirit - it helps a lot and when filling out the questionnaire and personal conversation with the head. In addition, the cheerful and cheerful man has a lot more, rather than frown or too focused.

Phone - enemy

Another pretty helpful advice - Disable the sound on the phone during the interview. Thus, no one can prevent you from, and if he suddenly hesitate a call during a conversation with the boss, it will only play in minus. By the way, the competent manager at the interview also disables the sound.

Do not chew

Some people prefer during the interview to chew a chewing gum in order to calm their nerves a little. It is not worth doing this, because there will be no benefit from this, and besides, this behavior will tell about the "high" level of culture.


Well last Council - It is always worth passing pauses during a conversation. Learn clearly and clearly talk - this is one thing, but it will be zero, if you do not make tactical pauses in a conversation. Everything is just mixed in "porridge".

Here, in general, and everything related to the interview. Complete it is easy, the main thing is to remember some things and be confident!

The interview is a responsible event, both for the applicant and for the head of the company: the first need work, and the second - good worker. How the interview will be conducted, and what questions will hear the applicant depends on which position on which position is available in the organization. Consider how an interview is going on for a leadership position.

Preparing for interview

Of course, every applicant, before you go for an interview, trying to prepare as much as possible. And it is right, because it is there that you can make a good impression on the head and show your advantages and qualities in which the company needs so much.

If the organization is considering candidates for the position of the head, then the most outstanding of them are taken into account. Each position requires certain skills and skills. But the candidate for the position of the head of this is not enough, because it, in addition, should also show what personal qualities, experience and achievements has.

Conducting an interview for a leadership position, the manager will want to thoroughly study the applicant from all sides. He will be given all sorts of questions that can affect several areas. Special attention is paid to:

  • intelligence;
  • leadership qualities;
  • innovative thinking;
  • influence;
  • views and judgments;
  • commercial smelter;
  • strategic vision;
  • attracting resources from the side;
  • effectiveness;
  • the ability to build relationships with a third party;
  • the ability to interest and manage relationships;
  • experience in the international sphere.

The applicant who wants to take a guiding position should be well prepared. He needs to know the answer to each of the listed items. In addition, you should not lead theoretical knowledge, here should be told about the practice, personal experience.

As a rule, the interview passes as follows: First, the employer must tell about his position, responsibilities, possible prospects and career growth. Specifies the details and details. Next, the applicant can ask the manager or employer of their questions. Here we clarify: the candidate not only can, but must ask them! If the applicant does not have any questions during a conversation with the head, he looks absolutely not interested in work. Do not prepare a whole list of counter questions, it is enough to ask about three or four.

Do not forget that the interview is carried out in order to learn as best as possible candidates, "farewelling" them, check the abilities and quality. Already after you are offered to take a vacant position, you can ask all your questions.

Sometimes the interview begins with the request of the employer to the candidate that he spoke about his life position, objectives, plans for the future, difficulties and prospects. Answers must be exhaustive and clear, so you should prepare answers to them in advance.

Questions specified at the Charter's Interview

In addition to the standard for all questions on the interview (tell us about yourself, about the company, about your positive and negative sides etc.), it is acceptable to asks for future managers. These include:

  • What leadership qualities do you have?
  • Tell us about your past professional errors and lessons learned from them?
  • Do you know how to influence employees?

In addition, the head can offer a applicant to submit specific situation And ask to find out of it. Since the interview passes with the aim of finding the manager, the following question is quite possible: "What qualities should have a great leader?" Your task is to list them.

The main thing, remember that in order to competently manage the staff, the head must have the following qualities:

  • self-confidence;
  • courage;
  • worldview;
  • communicative skills;
  • a tendency to self-analyze;
  • the ability to create a cohesive command and manage it;
  • the ability to support your subordinates.

It is these qualities of a good leader to highlight, responding to the question. Of course, when you congently with a manager or manager, you should not breed demagogy. By this, you are only a tired interlocutor and will appear in the image of a bolt. But the "naked" facts of your life and experience will also be inappropriate, because the applicant for a leading position should be able to competently and beautifully speak, observing the golden middle.

Holding an example is personal experienceTell us about how you could get out of the current situation, what tasks decided what result achieved. Observe the sequence in your story. But you should not constantly "jap." You may seem like the head of the joining that you absolutely do not need.

How to answer questions about the manager?

So, you came to the interview, as you wish to take the vacant position of the head. The employer is sitting in front of you, and the further career depends on how you manifest yourself. But how to build a dialogue and answer the questions of the employer?

First, listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not get distracted by extraneous thoughts. Hearing the question, quickly analyze: what does the employer want to hear from you? If suddenly you did not understand something in the question or did not hear it, ask again. It will be better than an incomprehensible or wrong answer.

Secondly, remember that the answers must be competently built. They should have the beginning, middle and, accordingly, the end. First, briefly describe the situation that has arisen. Then, mention the tasks that you set for yourself to solve the problem.

In the middle of the answer, it is worth talking about the problems that I had to face in this situation, and how exactly you were solved. In the end, make conclusions, describe the indicators for which you measure your progress.

Try to prove to the employer that you are always aimed at the result.

Quality for employment

What qualities should the applicant have? Of course, each employer establishes certain criteria for selecting candidates. But there are those qualities that are needed by a candidate at any interview:

  • confidence in your strength;
  • neat appearance;
  • experience and professionalism;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • behavior manner;
  • communicability.

In addition to these standard qualities for all qualities, there are those that each leader must have, namely:

  • ability to manage, organize the work of the team;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • be the initiator to go on the result;
  • be able to cope simultaneously with several cases;
  • for all responsibility and seriousness, have a good sense of humor.

Well study and remember the listed qualities before going to the employer. But what if the applicant believes that it does not have all these qualities at all? Refuse a governing position? Not at all. Very often we are able to show one or other advantages and opportunities directly during operation. You should simply remember these characteristics and strive for them. It is then that you will definitely work out!

Etiquette Rules: Access to work

Interview for a guiding position

Successful interview for the position of the head has its own specifics and features. The task of such an interview not only to evaluate the professional skills and knowledge of the candidate, but also experience steering work, the achievements and competence of the candidate as a managerial.
The subject of questions on the interview We have already considered in the article what questions are asked on the interview. We will consider additional questions at the interview to the position of the head who will be able to help you prepare for the most difficult and responsible interview. If you are not sure that you can prepare for the interview yourself. We are ready to help you! For many years, our specialist has been consulted on preparation for the interview, both in person and remotely, on Skype. At consultation, you can take preparation for anyone, even the most difficult interview.

Questions on an interview for a guiding position

2. Questions about leadership qualities. The head is the leader, at the interview you, be sure, can ask about how you see successful and effective leader And what professional skills and personal qualities you have, as a leader.

The main thing, do not intercept yourself and observe the balance between personal qualities and the skills of an effective leader. Try to avoid beaten qualities, such as determination, dedication, analytical warehouse of the mind.

3. Questions about achievements and results. Choose the most significant and significant achievements in your career. When mentioning specific achievements, follow the facts, reinforcing the numbers. When told about your results, eat more often combined: "My team managed to achieve," "together we", and so on. So you can emphasize your role in the work of the team and the ability to work in a team.

4. Questions about the future success in this position. Very often asked question at the interview: "How do you think it is necessary for successful work In this position? " Be sure to get acquainted with the text of the vacancy, with the requirements of the employer, to the candidate for this position.
Combining these knowledge with their professional and personal qualities, you can successfully answer this question.

5. Questions about goal. Questions aimed at finding out how much you can set goals in front of yourself and before subordinates and achieve the necessary results. Here the employer often asks such a question: "You need to increase sales in one week (execute a plan, pass the project) that you will do, where will you start?"

Many managers saying that they put a goal before employees will control the tasks and motivate employees, forget to tell that to achieve the goal also need tools to achieve this goal. Remember this!

6. Questions about personnel management.There may be a lot of questions on this topic. For example, some of them: "What ways to motivate employees do you know and use?" "How will you hold the employee from dismissal"? For these questions, each manager should know the answer.

7. Issues evaluating the ability to action. Wash these questions in the following: Your actions at the past work places show what you can wait for the future. Answers to questions about how you acted in the event of certain problem situations Or conflict, think about in advance ..

8. Questions about the level of professional development. Questions aimed at clarifying the need of a candidate to improve the professional level. Questions on an interview for a leading position can be about trainings, seminars that might have visited the candidate. Or about reading professional literature or other interesting sources of advanced training.

9. Questions about errors and failures.The task of such issues is to identify whether you are ready to recognize your mistakes and failures from which no one is insured. If you ask you about the biggest failure in your professional activities, tell us about the greatest failure and lessons that you managed to extract from this case. Never deny, do not say that you never had failures and mistakes.

10. Questions about income level.Avoid a direct response to this question. Most. the best option In this case, it will be: "I am sure that your company offers a decent wage. But the main thing for me is not a salary, but the ability to contribute to the development of your company. "

If you, nevertheless, ask to clarify the income level to which you apply, call the salary range acceptable for you, based on your expectations and information about wages Such posts in the labor market.

An interview is called an extremely important event, and not only for a potential employee, but also for the head of the company. The first wishes to get a job, the second wants to get a highly qualified employee. How to pass an interview for a leadership position - further in our article (what to pay attention to, and what questions you will ask the recruiter). We will also tell you about what answers should be given to the questions set in front of you and what should not be done in any way.

First, let's say a few words about the preparation stage on the eve of the interview - what can be done for yourself in advance (still in your home)?

Preparatory stage before interview

Of course, anyone before the campaign to the interview seeks to be as ready as possible. it correct solutionbecause only in this way you can impress the potential boss, demonstrate to him his top Qualitieswho are so needed by the firm. Therefore, it should be preparing to prepare for this event in advance - and not "feverishly" and vigorously think that to say, already in the office itself of the employer. In fact, this is the most common error among applicants - not the most serious attitude To the passage of a particular interview.

If the institution conducts interviews to the position of the head, the selection is carried out according to the most stringent criteria. Select only the most outstanding of all possible candidates. Work for any position involves the presence of relevant knowledge and skills. But the one who wants to become a leader must have other advantages - just to have knowledge is not enough. The potential leader must show his personal qualities, solid worker experience and achievements in this area. It should be different (for the better) from the applicant applying for a rank position (forms a consultant).

What is interested in recruiter

What is interested in recruiter

When carrying out such an interview, the recruiter will try to carefully examine the candidate on each accessible side. The applicant will have to answer a huge number of questions - from the most different spheres. Most of all in such cases, the qualities of the candidate are learning as:

  • intellectual level;
  • qualities inherent in the leader (if they have this applicant);
  • innovative thinking (whether he can offer some new ideas that contribute to the development of the company);
  • the ability to influence others;
  • views and ideas;
  • commercial cutter;
  • strategic vision;
  • attracting resources from the side;
  • effectiveness;
  • the ability to negotiate with a third party;
  • the ability to attract attention and lead in relationships;
  • solid worker.

Questions from the candidate

Often, the interview is carried out according to such a scheme: At first, the potential chief speaks about the position itself, lists the responsibilities, probable prospects and career growth. Next follows the clarification of parts and details. Only after that its questions on the interview are entitled to ask the recruiter himself directly.

Small but important refinement: The applicant does not just have the right, he is obliged to ask such questions! If he has nothing to ask his potential boss, it means that he has no interest in future work and position. No need to prepare a huge list of these issues - you can restrict two and three.

Do not forget that the main goal of the interview is to identify as many details about each candidate. In other words, we are talking About their "tightness", checking abilities and skills. You can ask all other things with questions with questions only when you are already offered to conclude an employment agreement.

Sometimes at the very beginning of the interview, the employer asks the candidate so that he reports what life position, tasks and plans for the future. In other words, what would he want to reach in his career. Such questions need to be provided with clear and exhaustive answers, so it is better to prepare for them in advance - even at home.

Of course, any applicant is worried about the following question: How to successfully pass an interview for a leadership position?

Questions from the candidate

About the most often asks the manager

What questions should the one who wants to get a leadership position should answer?

The interview includes not just standard questions for each case (the story about yourself, the company, about its advantages and disadvantages, and so on). It is still asked questions related to the future duties. They sound like this:

  1. What kind leadership skills you have?
  2. Tell me, what professional mistakes did you commit in the past? What conclusions were made?
  3. Can you influence employees?

Another recruiter often suggests a candidate to come up with a certain case and asks how the applicant will solve the situation.

Since the main goal of the interview is a search for a manager, may also ask such a question: "What (in your opinion) is the quality of the quality to the great leader?" You will need to list them.

Worth not to forget about the following an important moment: Competent management of working personnel suggests the leader of such qualities:

  1. He must impress self-confident and his man forces.
  2. Must be brave.
  3. Have a worldview.
  4. Own communicative skills.
  5. Must be able to conduct self-analysis.
  6. Must create a cohesive team without any problems (which will listen to it without any objections).
  7. Must be able to support anyone to any subordinate.

All of the above qualities of an excellent leader and stand out when answering the manager delivered by the manager. Of course, answering the questions of the manager or an employer, it is not at all to be paid to demagogy. That is, you should not start long explanations and explanations - there will definitely not be good for you for you - the interlocutor simply gets tired of you and considers the chatter (and will try to "get rid" as possible from you under any benevolent pretext).

At the same time, the "dry" circumstances of your experience will also be produced not the best impression, since the leader is extremely important and beautiful speech - With compliance with the "golden" middle.

If you tell about your own experience, definitely explain how the problem has already been allowed, the solution to which tasks were engaged in one time and what they managed to achieve. Here it is necessary to remember such an important point: make sure that your story is consistent (phased). At the same time, it is not necessary to regularly insert the word "I". The head may consider that you are an upstart, an egoist, which will not add to you to get the desired post.

Questions and Answers: How to give competent answers

So, you will have an interview, because you have a desire to work as a guiding position. You go to the office and see the manager (or direct employer) who invited you earlier on the passage of the interview. Now it all depends solely from you - how, you show yourself, and build your further career. How to build a competent dialogue? How to give answers to the manager's questions?

What needs to pay attention to? The following features.

Feature first: Listen to your interlocutor carefully and focus. No need to be distracted and thinking about something outsiders. This is absolutely superfluous. Listen to the question to the end? Perfectly, now promptly spend mental analysis: What answer would you like to get from you to the employer? If something is not completely clear to you (the question given to you is not fully understood), please apaint and ask him again. It is much better than a challenged or wrong answer to the question.

Try to submit a proof manager that the most important thing for you is to achieve the goal and the result!

Quality candidate

What qualities you need to have to work for work

What qualities should be a potential candidate for a senior position? Naturally, any boss prescribes for itself specific criteriaaccording to which the applicants will be selected for vacant workplace. At the same time there is a list of those qualities in which obligatory There must be a candidate passing any interview (regardless of the level of the desired position).

The candidate must:

  1. Do not doubt yourself and their strength.
  2. Looks neat and carefully outwardly.
  3. Have recommendation letters - let's say with the previous place of work from a satisfied employer.
  4. To behave culturally.
  5. In addition, the applicant must differ in communicability - to be in moderation sociable and not squeezed, otherwise he will never become the leader. This quality is extremely important because a person working on such a post should be able to find mutual language from different people - Including with its own subordinates.

It is worth noting that all of the above qualities are considered standard for any candidate for a senior position. But there are those that should be inherent directly to the very leader. He must:

  1. To be able to manage, work with a confusing team.
  2. Be able to work with the team.
  3. Offer your initiatives to achieve the desired result.
  4. To be able to solve several cases at once, not just one.
  5. Not only responsible and serious, but also with a good sense of humor.

In other words, he should be able to laugh where it is appropriate - and focus where it is about serious work.


Summing up, we want to note the following: Be sure to read and learn all the above criteria before you go for an interview to the vacancy of your dreams. What needs to be done if it seems to you that you do not have all the above-mentioned qualities? Is it worth abandoning and not going to a leadership position? Not at all.

Sometimes we show our best qualities after you proceed to our official duties. Just do not forget all these characteristics and try to match them! You will definitely cope!

In our article, we told you about how to get a guiding position (how to pass an interview) - what moments pay attention to the employer to make a choice in your favor! We told about what questions are given on the interviews most often and gave recommendations, how best to answer them. We hope that the information provided has benefited you!

Vacancies of the head quite a lot today. But those who want to receive this post even more. How to prepare to become in the forefront of this race for post? Especially if you feel that it is your way to work, is it your way in life?

The labor market in the modern world looks like gladiatorial battles. And to pass this fight, we need significant advantages, will and constant desire to reach a maximum. In this article we will consider the highlights when preparing for the interview. What you need to pay attention to how to be sure and how to show your competence?

Requirements of employers

But let's start with the candidates watch employers? Seeing the situation from their point of view, we can soberly appreciate yourself. Correct the direction of your personal growth. What do they require? Employers are important that the employee is fully and unconditionally devoted to the needs of their company. Most ads we find such requirements:

  • The ability to build relationships, negotiate.
  • Decision efficiency.
  • Self-dedication in work, responsibility.
  • Self-organization and ability to organize others.
  • Scrupulousness.
  • Skills self-development.
  • The ability to set goals and develop plans.
  • Orientation to achieve success.
  • The ability to manage your time.

That's right. The company in which the cozy moral and psychological climate works betterwhere employees are jointly responsible for the result of labor, and are not afraid to take the initiative. For this, a person who stands at the head of all processes should be undoubted leader. He must develop strategic thinking, have high level self-control, and it is also necessary to understand its motives and subordinates. After all, if a person has no motive for activities, it is impossible to "force" to work. Working with people is also involving greater responsibility.

Responsibility for all the work that subordinates carry a manager. And, if necessary, must intervene and help solve the difficulties arising. So, he needs to know thoroughly all the process he managed. You need to plan time in accordance with the importance of tasks.

Based on the above qualities, we can draw a picture of the perfect manager. And now ask yourself, what is your motivation yet? Are you ready step by step to approach this ideal, to achieve the best results, climb by career stairsAnd at the same time to sacrifice the interests of your personality?

Create a "face". Secrets of the image of the head

We found out that there is more chances of the leader who has leadership abilities and outstanding analytical thinking. Your task is to interview all my external species And the behavior will demonstrate all these qualities to the interviewer.

Show what you have our own look at the surrounding things, events. Show that you have formed as a person and you have your own image. But do not overdo it. Your behavior should be natural. Otherwise you will look ridiculous. To create your image, you need to practice a little.

  1. Ensure confidence. Work in front of a mirror with facial expressions and gestures. If the Mimica or Pose gives pressure, stiffness, then Fortune can turn away from you. You can not fold the hands of the castle. Also should not cross legs. Best Pose - Sit straight, putting hands on the table or knees. Follow the posture. During the conversation, look into the eyes. Otherwise, the source may have the impression that you have a problem with contacts.
  2. Collect your speech. The manager must be expressed clearly, concisely and in essence. But at the same time it should be free. Do not let the waters of spoil the impression of yourself. Remember that communicative abilities are necessary for the head.
  3. Appearance. You will win if you dress up and tasteful. Think out what shoes are dress. Pick up accessories. Your view shows an internal state. Show that your credo is tidy and accuracy. Your hairstyle, hands, cuffs - everything should look perfect. But in no case is not prefabricated.
  4. Openness and optimism. It is important to show the interviewer that you are optimistic about the future: you have personal goals to which you are striving. If the interviewer sees that you are full of enthusiasm and ready to minimize the sake of purpose, you can safely count on success. But still, personal goals cannot contradict corporate. On the contrary, they need to bring together as much as possible.
  5. Bold, active position and fast mind. You can show these qualities in a conversation. For this, find everything about the company in advance and tell us what you think about its position in the market. Ask what priority tasks puts the director of the company. Find out whether the owner plans to expand his business. All these questions will be shown and your competence, and maturity, and the mind at the same time.

Types of interviews and principles of behavior

Since competition in the labor market is high, education and experience do not play a decisive role when choosing. Therefore, prepare for testing and alarms. The interview can be arranged in order to check your knowledge, psychological stability or other criteria. About the usual biographical interview everyone is known. But we will tell about some types of interviews that go beyond the simple conversation Tet-A-Tet. And how to behave on them.

Panel. During such an interview, two or three people can speak with you. Each of them evaluates a certain criterion. And then puts his verdict director who makes a decision.

The principle of behavior. Each interviewer has its own plan of questions. Do not interrupt it. You can ask the prepared questions at the end of the interview. Do not justify. Be honest in answers and friendly.

Stressful interview. It holds one person or somewhat simultaneously. Their task is to bring the applicant outside the comfort zone. That is, a person is deliberately derived: they can shout or, on the contrary, turn away and not to listen at all. Try to be calm and natural. The candidate is intentionally angry to see how it copes with stress loads.

The principle of behavior. Be friendly and with dignity to answer the questions set. If you stay calm and you will behave confidently in dealing with a clearly inadequate interlocutor, you will successfully pass the selection.

Interviews on competencies. You ask a series of questions that will be analyzed in the future. Questions will concern the content of your work. Or simulate the situation from which you must exit in a certain way. So the employer retrieves the necessary information about the applicant and assesses its level of preparation. There are often problems on the shoulders of the head psychological compatibility workers. Perhaps the employer wants to know about your experience in solving such problems.

The principle of behavior. Try to present this situation and find at least some solution.

Knowing all the pitfalls that can block the way to gain the desired position, you can better prepare. Working on yourself, you will certainly achieve your cherished goal. After all, luck accompanies the strongest.