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What is protected in graduate school. Forget about the army. Latest Tips for the section "Work & Career"

The system of multi-level education implying to obtain the degrees of the bachelor and master is introduced from us more than 15 years ago. Disputes about the effectiveness and necessity of such educational practice do not subside until now. However, nearly 200 Russian universities are now carrying out masters for more than 100 different areasAnd their number is constantly growing. What is the magistracy and who needs it?

According to the 1992 Education Act and the Numerous Ministry of Education Ordinctions (and before this State Committee), the magistracy can be called the third level of higher education. She is preceded by undergraduate and complete higher education.

Bachelor gets a basic higher education, without any narrow specialization. As a rule, the term of study in the undergraduate - 4 years, after which you can immediately begin searching for work. If your goal is a magistracy, then the undergraduate of the relevant university is the best "starting site".

Complete higher education implies training for 5 years, after which, by passing the state exams and defending the thesis, you become a specialist or graduate specialist. Actually, such training existed in Soviet universities and exists in most Russian and today, although the specialty seems to be gradually goes into the past.

And bachelor's degree, and a specialist diploma equally considered higher educationTherefore, allow you to enter the magistracy. They will respond to a number of issues relating to the degree of master.

Who should strive to get a master's degree?

Previously, those who decided to devote themselves academic career - research and scientific and pedagogical activities or work in the field of high-tech technologies.

Today, this feature of the magistracy is maintained in most universities, but every year there are more and more magistracy programs with a clear practical orientation and narrower specialization. It can be said that with an increasingly clear transition to the Bachelor - Master's system, the first becomes a source of basic knowledge without specialization, and the second one gives more practical and narrow knowledge in the selected area.

What is the duration and maintenance of the master's program?

The duration of the program is two years. Upon admission, it is necessary to submit a bachelor's diploma, or a graduate specialist or a specialist. In the first two cases, the candidate has the right to free education (first higher), in the third - only on a paid (second higher). The master's program includes two approximate components in terms of volume - educational and research. Accordingly, at the end it is necessary, first, to pass exams, and secondly - to submit research work: master's thesis.

Paid or for free?

If earlier it was possible to do for free only in the magistracy of the "his" university, that is, in which the candidate graduated from the undergraduate or a specialty, then for several years as this situation has changed: it is possible to enter the budget department and in another university.

For those who chose a scientific career, we note that the magistracy is an excellent preparation for admission to graduate school with the prospect of obtaining a degree of candidate of science. During the training in the magistracy, the future graduate student gets used to independent scientific work. At the same time, the magistracy does not in any way replace and does not duplicate the latter, since, in contrast to graduate school, the academic part of the program has no less important to prepare a master, rather than the research component.

Graduate school

Postgraduate studies - the path of the future candidate of science.

The degree of candidate is achieved by the defense of the thesis after training for a period of up to 3 years in full-time graduate school (or up to 4 years in a correspondence graduate school). During this time, several scientific publications have to prepare and pass 3 candidate exams - usually this is philosophy, a foreign language and a specialty exam. In addition, you will have the opportunity (or even the duty) to conduct seminars and take exams - what is important if you are interested in teaching activities.

To help you on the path to the status of a graduate student can, as already mentioned above, the master's degree. In addition, it is necessary to learn well, writing scientific articles on university conferences. The determining factor is the opinion of you about the scientific council of the university and your supervisor.

In addition to universities, graduate school exists with various reeds. Reception of graduate students B. scientific institutions An order of magnitude lower than in graduate school in educational institutions: annually in the university graduate school there are over 100 thousand applicants, while scientific institutions take about 17 thousand graduate students per year. Thus, the benefits of graduate studies include a lower level of competition for vacancies. Surely in your university teach researchers - with them you can agree on practice, and in the future - and on admission to the graduate school.

Receipt of the degree of candidate of science occurs through the defense of the thesis in front of the dissertation council. After re-check Works (this time the highest attestation commission - VAC) and with a positive decision of the commission, the applicant receives a cherished "crust" of a candidate of science.

Some facts:

  • The level of owning a foreign language should allow the future candidate of science to translate one page of the type of machine-writing text in 1 hour.
  • Most postgraduate studies are free, but there are also paid - especially with non-state universities and in economic specialties.
  • Full-time students of graduate studies are given a delay from the army for three years; Candidates of science call are not subject to.
  • If the degree of candidate of science is not the main goal, you can complete training in graduate school without protecting the dissertation. In this case, you will be given a diploma of graduate school and about the delivery of candidate exams.
  • An analogue of graduate school in military educational institutions will be called an adjuncture, and in medical - the redine.
  • Candidate of sciences may claim to receive the degree of doctor of science by entering the doctoral studies, preparation and protection of the doctoral dissertation.
  • Obtaining a learned degree is possible in the form of contractual. In this case, the exams and the defense of the thesis occurs without a separation from the main place of work, in graduate school or doctoral student, applicants do not come.

Actual question: What will give you a degree of a candidate of science in the labor market, if you are not going to engage in teaching activities? So, in which case you should think about the dissertation:

  • If you are working in the field of high-tech technologies. The degree of candidate of medical, biological, physico-mathematical and other natural sciences guarantees an advantage in hiring highly qualified specialists. This applies not only in Russia, but also abroad.
  • If you want to become a senior manager in Russia. In the West, domestic shots with a degree in humanitarian sciences (economics, jurisprudence, sociology) are valued significantly lower than the "natural sources". In the openings of our enterprises, it is often possible to meet the desirability of the existence of a scientific degree - so the decision to protect the dissertation for the future leader's leader or financial director is strategically justified.

Cars are coming

In 2015, new standards for graduate school and graduate school, which seriously tighten the requirements for accreditation of such programs in universities and research institutes. According to these changes, many universities will lose the right to offer master and postgraduate programs. The released places will be redistributed in favor of the leading universities of the countries that will be able to ensure all the requirements for these programs. Moreover, it will be not only metropolitan universities, since the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plans to provide major regional universities in graduate studies and graduateurs.

I recently graduated from the university and received my red master's degree. It is time to make a choice, go to graduate school in my university or not to go. Habinder to search for answers to a chain of questions "Why?" - "What will it give to you?" - "Why do you need that you will give it?" He led me to some stupor when thinking about continuing training in graduate school in my university. It is necessary to clarify that under it, I understand myself, my family and its surroundings.

A little prehistory.

In the fifth year, I found the opportunity to go to classes along with graduate students. As a result, by the end of the fifth year, I listened to postgraduate courses on philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, english language, I passed the tolerance for the candidate exam in English (as a applicant), was read and thought about the philosophy that was taught, wrote and defended the abstract on the work of Huntington "Collision of Civilizations" and Fukuyama "End of History?", I received admission to your philosophy, read a couple of reports At the local forum, came to SECR 2008.
For questions questions "Are you going to graduate school?" I answered: "I do steps to enter a graduate school, but I still have no goal go there, because I have not defined why I need it." I liked classes in philosophy and I really received a buzz from studying this subject, as well as from psychology with pedagogy. At these courses, I could go to graduate school, but they got me and without it.
Shortly after the protection of the diploma, having everything in the hands required documents, I passed the candidate minimum foreign language By specialty, perfectly. And this is all despite the fact that I did not answer at that time to the question "Why?".
And then there was a Philosophy's candidate exam, which I passed on 2. I won't hide that I seem to surprise everyone who could only have been surprised. Disappointed and disappointed talented teachers who judging by my activity in practical classes, as far as I understood, I expected something more from me; Some of my fellow students took this deuce as a joke ...
I would say that it was my first twice for all the time of study at the university - but it would not be true. I received this twice after receiving a diploma :-)

Choice factor

I think that to a certain extent, a man - Tabula Rasa, a blank sheet, judgments and worldview of which are formed by the environment from the moment of birth. Once he begins to deliberately dig in his own worldview, it turns on and forms the worldview of other people ... in life, various and contradictory opinions constantly affected me. First of all, the opinions of the parents, then - employees, teachers, friends, heroes of books, neighbors, and a bunch of different opinions, delusions and prejudices ... Someone wanted me to go to graduate school, and believed that it was right. Others said: "Why do you need it?" And they encouraged the chain of reflection. Third said: "Your choice, think by your head."
I came to the fact that you need to ask other people, listen to what they say, but think of their heads, to make decisions on their own and act.
I asked different people. Asked graduate students, asked those who had just defended, those who were defended for a long time ago, those who studied in graduate school but never protected (there are those that regret it and those that they do not regret), asked classmates, applicants, Smart students that younger, people who did not go to study at the institute, parents, teachers and employees. I received a whole range of responses. Next - brief, which is especially remembered.
"I don't know why, but it is exactly cool!".
"If you have the opportunity - you need to use."
"The degree does not prevent. For items I will negotiate, the main time is to work. The degree is something else. At least - insurance." You need to add that for this person, graduate school still solves the issue of the army and the official refuge.
"I want to work teacher." - "But they have small salaries." - "But you can take bribes, in one session you can raise up to 35 pieces of hryvnia, if the lecturer ...".
"I am going, because I can. Then, at work, I will give salaries by $ 50 more than others. And the pension will be more."
"Koshu from the army."
"To get a degree. Yes, and money is not bad - Scholarship 800 UAH per month is not lying on the road. There are people who work at 8 o'clock a day for a whole month to receive 800 UAH per month. Learn in graduate school is not so expensive. "
"Ask for this my mom"
"I have a project, I want to work on it and develop it. I will move science."
"Conscate, insure, get a stable job ..."

Why are people going to graduate school?

In fact, everyone has its own specific motives. And for each motive - its factors. But you can select some general or common motifs.

1. Doing

People who go to the university to move science or teach, put their goal to do it qualitatively, get a buzz and from the process, and from the result. The money is worried about little, they do not bring the situation to bribes, they are pleased to remember these people. The case made with love cannot be bad. As a rule, they are moderate in their needs and in the amount of money that they want to receive. They have where to live, and there is that there is. Perhaps there is another job where they work for money. From scientific / teaching work, they receive a buzz and do it for the soul. This is their vocation. There are few such people, and most of them are scientists and teachers from God. I respect and love these people. And I would like to work with them.

2. Get a degree

I want to put the emphasis that I could not remember a single person whose motive was " become K.T.N.-Ohm, "but I heard a motive many times" receive The degree. "The goal" to obtain a degree "has two motifs in most cases.
Benefit. For example, someone dreams of going abroad, and since our titles are allegedly quoted, thinks to get a better job / salary, someone in our country is counting on an increased scientific retirement, an increase to the salary or better position. If you work the teacher at the university - degree and scientific rank Uniquely needed, because Their presence increases the hourly bid of the teacher.
Vanity. The desire to have a "crust" is a rather primitive desire, akin to the desire of the Indian to hang on a beautiful striking thing so that the rest watched and envied. And in emails in the signature you could add the cherished letters PHD. It looks like a desire to have raspberry pants in the film "Kin-Dza-Dza" so that the other Tsaki was worn, quiet and "ku" did. Well, or at least they appeal to you. And there was an opportunity in the dispute when all the arguments were already exhausted, it is not enough to use the manipulative phrase of the type "I - k.t.n., and you, sorry, who?".
"Vanity - my favorite sin" - John Milton said (performed by Al Pacino) in the film The Devil's lawyer.
But, the formal elevation with the help of titles, and not affairs, leads to the fact that titles cease to be appreciated. For example, K.T.N, or not - plays for me almost a latter role in determining his professional competence. If the titles buy - soon they depreciate and mean nothing. People are no longer proud of them, do not look at them and do not appreciate. Diplomas have long been not hanging on the wall and do not demonstrate, but fold into the boxes.
I decided that it was necessary to answer the questions for myself: "Why do you need a degree?", "What will it give you?", "Why do you need that it will give?".

3. For general development, get the "light" money, kire from the army, relax.

A sufficiently seductive complex of the reasons for which many people fall into graduate school. Interesting communication, if desired, is provided. People in graduate school gather, as a rule, competent and educated, so the company is interesting. It is also somehow funded by a scholarship of about a thousand hryvnias, which, by the way, are not lying on the road. To whom it is necessary - the delay from the army for three years is given, after which in our country no longer urged by age. And yet, this is a way for another three years to be a student, adapt to life, to prove something, like "I could!" (If necessary). It is possible that if the country still overcomes the crisis in the education system, teachers will have a good salary. So even there is some kind of prospect. But these people are usually seriously concluded and not protected on time. Postgraduate studio is serious, if you do, then you need to seriously and devote time to this, seeking goals. Otherwise, it is idle.

"Removed" look.

The system of degrees has not always been, but appeared not so long ago. This is a hierarchy. Pyramid. It is based on a lot of students and bachelors, the level above - already less masters, graduate students - even less, even less candidates, very little doctors, very few academics. This is something similar to the structure of the army. The system is constructed in such a way as to cut off what does not fit into the rules of the system. It is good, but every stick about the two ends and, the system, therefore, leaves only those people that suit it in the hierarchy. Dizzying ideas together with the inventors of eternal engines go forest. Also passed by graduate school Einstein and Tesla, Edison and Bill Gates ...
But, a good physicist without a doctoral degree - now is rather an exception. But a good programmer without extent - rally rule. All specific. Who, where, when - everything is important and every factor matters. Now we are talking About the system, as I saw it with my own eyes in my Technical Institute, which produces computer and near-computer specialists.
When the filters in the system begin to work "incorrectly", the system stops performing the functions for which it was built. There are not those people who possess knowledge, but those that "must" proceed: children of teachers, whose relatives, people who pay money, and other "good" boys and girls with such connections. The university sometimes resembles a big family, when suddenly learn that these two people are relatives ... and is not a seductive opportunity to attach the Son to the Ward at the Department when you work the Zavorkapler ...
Over time, the system is degenerated and there is some time in the degenerate state. And then everyone understands that the crisis occurs, after which quantitative changes will move to high-quality ... what everyone was confident, it turns out to be asked and fluid, and you have to adapt again ... Yes, so that to sleep - on soft warm, To eat - delicious, and inhale - incense ...
Some people believe that the system there is corrupt and has nothing to do with real science, namely, science should be the main activity in graduate school. Some say "In this manure, I do not want to walk even in rubber boots - everything has been rotted there, unfortunately." Others are also confident that everything is corrupt and university - a big "family", but they accept the situation and use it with profit. Ensure in a large family and sit near the big feeder - it is very profitable, although it may be disgusting that it will have to change your own principles that the filter missed you and you have taken root in the "family". With wolves live - on wolf. But this is not a rule. In the university, many smart and good peopleand the system is not so corrupt. In addition, there is also a soul, conscience and nervous cells ... Entered into the university, to learn there and finish it - you can honestly and without connections / bribes. There are many examples. In the university, despite everything, there are cool people and they are really taught. So learn there - worth it. And not only there. However, everything is subjective.
Despite all the "for" and "against", a lot of smart and good boys and girls go to graduate school. But, I know that not less, but even more, the number of no less smart and beautiful people are staying away from graduate school and feel great.

Specificity of technical graduate school

Swirl. Graduate school on profile information technologies Specified. All large and serious studies are made in laboratories of large corporations or in collaboration with them. In my area, you need to directly ask the scientific supervisor "What company do you cooperate with?". Because if anyone is there anyway, then the point of this study then? Then it looks like a twist, small turbulence in the tail of the study stream, the front and the main part of which occur in the subsoil of Samsung laboratories, Google, Microsoft, Intel, other firms and some Western universities. Other areas are another matter. However, in the twinge you can also "catch a fish" :)
Technology update rate. Computer technologies evolve very quickly. Psychological, linguistic, medical and other humanitarian education, obtained 20 years ago, is now much more relevant than a computer formation of 20 years ago. Roughly speaking, at the university we took a lot of technologies that died, the principles that are outdated, the skills that will never be used are. Most of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe knowledge gained during the study at the university, I received on the working front, my own studied item. I made sure that the following statement takes place and works: "Tell me - and I will forget; show me - and I will remember; involve me - and I will learn."
Many people fall into the motivational crisis, when suddenly enter the technical graduate school. They do not know why she is. But they already began as it were, and it is not good to throw in the middle ... And it still stretches on ... According to statistics for some of the past years, which (suspiciously accidentally) came to my eyes in the postgraduate department, in the university we have There are two departments where high percentage defended (in time): philosophy - 80% (4 out of 5, personal approach), information protection is also some kind of figure, it seems more than 40%. All other departments fluctuate at a level of 30% or less.
It is worth mentioning about one case. Now I read little, and thinking a lot. So, after the protection, I saw a book on the shelf, which I have not yet read and read did not plan (and she stood there ten years). Isaac Azimov "Dead Past." Spontaneously took and read. I do not know what exactly prompted me to read this book ... But there I found such a thought that one way or another influenced the adoption of my decision.
"Ralph Nimmo did not have a specialized university diploma and was proud of it.
A specialized diploma, "he explained somehow Jonas Fostera, in the days when both were much younger, is the first step towards death. It is a pity for a person to take advantage of the received privilege, and now he is already preparing a master's dissertation, and then a doctoral dissertation. And in the end you are the deepest ignoramus in all areas of knowledge, except for a tiny piece of exhausted eggs. "
"You need to protect your mind and not clutter it with uniform information, until you reach maturity, and instead, to train it in logical thinking and supply wide ideas, and as a result you can get a mighty weapon at your disposal ..."

For the benefit of all mankind

Maybe it is ridiculous, but I thought about graduate school in the light of the benefit of the world, the contribution to the general case, the acts for the benefit of all mankind. And came to the fact that in universities work very much smart people, But their work on the dissertation passes in vain. Written dissertations go to the basket. They read very few people, and at the same time nothing happens, the chain of events does not start, which leads to changes. And if nothing happens - no deposit. I think that global benefits from one quality lecture / books / articles / songs / photos will be greater than on one dissertation, that one article or lecture, on average, can lead to more actions and changes in the world than one dissertation.
Yes, I exaggerate, but I do it to emphasize the contour and face.

The choice is subjective. Everyone chooses for himself

Once again you need to repeat that the choice is subjective. Everyone chooses for themselves. There are people who received degree and glad. There are people who have received a degree and consider that in vain spent so much strength and time. There are people who have not received a degree, but would like. Almost everyone believes that the scientific degree and experience will not be superfluous. I emphasize that "will not be superfluous," and this does not mean "necessary." If there is a desire, the topic, there is time and money, there is where to live, there is a supervisor, interest, and nature does not oppose the real position of things - it can very much.
But even if these conditions are not, who wants - will find opportunities;
Who does not want - reasons
Ultimately, you choose.
And you are responsible for your choice.
P.S. Thanks to all people who were able to share their thoughts and took part in the formation of my vision of the issue. Publication date: 11/16/2013

This question is asked by many. However, this issue is truly problematic after you enrolled in graduate school. So let's consider the basic concepts ...

What it is

Graduate school is needed in order to get a candidate degree. If you only finished the university and received a master's status or a specialist, you can enroll in graduate school.

In theory, graduate school is needed in order to educate scientific frames that would move back to the science. However, in fact, everything is completely different ...

The fact is that graduate school as a forge of scientific personnel has long been outlived. The truth is worth a reservation, much depends on the specific university. However, in the global plan, graduate school has ceased to be something important and necessary.
This is especially felt when you just did there.

You think you will be there to receive brilliant advice, to communicate with ingenious scientists, moving the science forward ... But in fact, everything turns out at all. Obtaining a candidate is 90% of bureaucracy and 10% of science. The candidate protects not the smartest, but the most earliest.

Statistics find easy. Come on any forum of graduate students and see the reasons for admission. As statistics shows, only 10% go to graduate school for the sake of, actually, science. So, here's the list ...

Delay from the army

This is the most frequent cause. If you are subject to call, then when entering the graduate school you will be asked directly: "Must from the army?". If you say "yes", then with a probability of 80% you will not be taken to the graduate school (although, in commercial will take).
The university needs you to engage in science, and did not avoid the army. But here there are many nuances.

In the commercial graduate school it is very easy to enter. And if you have another red diploma, it will make it easier to easily. And considering that universities with accredited graduatement a lot of universities, then there are no problems in admission. If you have a lot of four in the diploma, but you at least once participated in the conference, you will also take you. If you have a triple, it will be impossible to do.

In addition, pay for 3 years of graduate schools is much cheaper than buying a military ticket. And most of the guys at the time of completion of the university already have a job or their business. And throw it all for a year, in order to work for free? !!! The army is not the place where you need to be. Although if you want a military career or law enforcement, then the army will be needed.

But it is not necessary to think that graduate schools are packed by "kosychi" - it is not. After all, in graduate school, those who have at least some tendency to science are coming. Therefore, over time, you begin to penetrate the science and forget about the initial reason for admission to graduate school.


This is the second most popular reason. If we speak human language, then in graduate school there are many those who are used to learn. Such people have no work, they are forever student. Among them are those who do not want to lose his student spirit. They are afraid of the world.

If such people still defend the candidate, then become eternal teachers. Pichal :(

If you are one of these people, then you dress up and start working! Postgraduate studies without practicing - time to wind.

Those who move science

IN pure form Do not meet. These are usually those people who are really useful for Russian science. However, they pursue the purpose of either a career or money or glory. Such people rarely become teachers. Usually they get high positions or leaving abroad.

Such people are easy to distinguish. At the beginning of the 5th year, they already find a supervisor to themselves and are already beginning to be published and printed.


These are adult people. Candidate brocade they need in order to move on career stairs. This is especially true of officials who "litter" the most delicious places in legal universities.


There are people who learn in graduate school, but do not understand why they do it. It seems that the special intention of life circumstances is guilt. Some people just follow the "wave".

In general, everyone decides for himself, why he needs graduate school. Special success seeks graduate students of technical and economic specialties.
From your actions depends on who you will become. You can become another teacher without prospects, and you can become a famous scientist or apply your knowledge to increase capital. Actually, money is the only criterion for the success of a person ...

You can leave your reasons and your opinion in the comments.

Thanks for attention!

Latest advice Section "Work & Career":

When you need to leave work
Vacancy, which will survive the crisis: Sales Manager

Good day, dear reader! This article for those who can not decide to go or not go to graduate school after the end of the university? Many former and current students fear their future uncertainty.

Here they will finish the university, and then what? After all, you are unlikely to take you on the high-paying work right from the training threshold. So? So. And no one wants to work for a penny. Still, Russia is the country of capabilities as - in no way. I do not want to stare in non-work in young years?

Maybe it is better before you join the ranks of working people, should you increase your education so that be more competitive in the labor market? Let's see, you still need to enter the graduate school and if necessary, then why.

For those who do not know, graduate school is postgraduate education. As they say in English-speaking countries - PostgraduTe ("After completion"). Usually graduate students learn 3 years (sometimes 4). There are budget and paid places, everything is as in the university.

Will I go to graduate school or not?

The life of the graduate student is somewhat different from the life of an ordinary student, although he, and the other receive knowledge. Only in graduate school big accountYou will receive knowledge yourself, for the needs of your candidate thesis, while students, for the most part, receive new information through the hearing of lectures and visits the seminars, i.e. From some teacher.

And what is generally happening in graduate school, and how can she help you when a device for work?

A good question that requires a detailed answer. If you go to study in graduate school, then you are waiting for approximately the following.

If you have to write a graduate project in the university "on the exhaust", which confirms that you have mastered the skills of your specialty, then in graduate school, the plank rises. There you must submit your own in the end of your studies scientific work According to the question you are interested in.

What does it mean? This means that you must over the years of your studies in the graduate school "shifting" not one hundred different books, scientific journals, articles, etc.

Then, based on the material read, form its scientific vision of the problem over which you work. Then your candidate dissertation you present to the Commission, which decides whether to award scientist Candidate n sciences or not.

What does their solution depend on? First of all, from what you can prove that in his candidate work is reflected completely new (your own) look at the test problem, i.e. Is there anything in your work that promotes science to step forward on this issue.

If in high school, you can, almost without fear, "copying", i.e. Insert the text of the text from different books into the alleged books, then this focus will not pass in graduate school. There are very stringent requirements for the use of other people's thoughts. In short, someone else's for your own, it is unlikely to succeed. We will have to work, and hard work hard.

But if you protect your work before the strict commission, you will be very far in intellectual plan from most people, i.e. from your potential competitors.

Usually, those people who end up graduate school with good or excellent results are no longer thinking over a monetary problem. Her will not be, what to think about it?

Although there are many examples when candidates N of sciences work ordinary workers in construction sites, factories, janitor, etc.

Why do you ask? After all, they managed to defend themselves before the commission, then they have great knowledge than the average person? And here is not. Most likely, such "candidates" ordered their candidate theses in some office (the benefit of the PRU's pond is now, average price PhD: 25-40 thousand rubles).

By defending his candidate, they come to work, reasonably hoping that they will be given a highly paid place. Annette! Even if yes, after the expiration of a small amount of time, such an unfavorable "candidate" is calculated and asked for all 4 parties.

After all, to calculate the false candidate is very simple. It will not be trite to meet the declared competence.

Here is a explanation of low intellectual salaries. It's just no intelligentsia, but ordinary people who decided to break through to the top of society by deception. And, by and large, self-deception. The system rarely skips inappropriate elements. She like Kaspersky blocks "viruses."

However, if a person is really capable and honest, if he really proved through his candidate work, that he stands something in a scientific community, the system approves and "fats" it in upper class. Everything is simple to madness.

Therefore, the next time you say that after graduating from graduate school, a person works as an ordinary manager in an ordinary company, hinting for the fact that graduate school is a waste of time, remember this article. There may be a person who are told about you, and there is the very "virus", which the system does not allow.

We hope you realized that graduate school is a serious event that requires serious people and a serious approach to learning. Are you just such a person?

You are a strong spirit, purposeful, but still thinking about will in graduate school or not? Then look with what you have to face if you still decide to go to learn after the university. Are you ready for this?

Minuses of graduate school

First, let's start with the minuses of studies in graduate school. They are not so much as the pros, however, we want to warn you against hasty decisions. So let's go!

1. To study in graduate school, we need analytical abilities and a desire for knowledge.Can you sit on books on books in search of necessary information? Not? And it will have to do if you are going to study in graduate school. In addition to finding information, you still have to analyze it, "silence" the main thing, "discard" the secondary one.

How were you in university with higher mathematics? In graduate school, she is very useful for you. Do you have a desire to delve into any question? Be sometimes a "boring", proving the surrounding point of view?

These and other qualities you will need if you aimed to study in graduate school. Pretty look at yourself and honestly tell me: Do I have such qualities or at least their primitives?

If not, and you are not yet a graduate of the university, but only a visionary student (well done!), But the desire to learn is very big there, then you need to try to work out. How? And very simple. Participate in all scientific conferences passing in your university. "We" instill "the habit of scientific work.

2. Monetary problem.

If you are going to study in graduate school, then, rather, it's all, at first you will face that you will have a very tight with money.

You will already be about 22-23 years old, and naturally that you need money very much. You can, of course, in parallel to work, only it will be the same as in the saying about two hares. Concentrate on something one (better, in graduate school) or look for such work that will at least distract you from the educational process.

Such work is not difficult to find such work. For example, the work by freelancer you can bring good income at first.

By the end of graduate school, usually graduate students give legal permission to earn money. You have to teach students a mind-mind. Yes, maybe there will be "crumbs", but at least something.

Therefore, if you decide to enroll in graduate school, then think over the options for your material content in advance for 3 years of your learning. Most young people do not go to graduate school precisely because they are scared by a monetary problem.

We hope you are not a "spacet", which you think "like everyone else." In the modern world you can find countless opportunities to make money. Therefore, we look at the fact that in not taking the right way to enter the graduate school due to a monetary problem.

If you are talented and smart, then give your talent road, do not ruin it in the embryo!

3. Long "exhaust"

Well, and, probably, the most important minus of training in graduate school is that the fruits of their work should be reaping after a while. While your friends and acquaintances work and earn money by buying different things on them, you will read books. You will learn.

But this is minus as if fictional. In fact, you will invest in yourself. And investment is the key to the success of almost any rich and successful man. Only few know that rich and successful people will first invest in themselves. And not money (although they are also), but knowledge. After all, knowledge is very expensive now.

The modern world is filled with goods, services, but people with high-quality knowledge - no. Information - yes. And knowledge - no.

Damn, now you can download almost any book for free, to go through any video course without paying a penny. Needed knowledge So easy to get and "absorb" them. But also easy and not to do so. Choosing only for you

Therefore, do not worry that everything around with money, and you are all like a poor student. Firstly, you are far from the poor (in spiritual terms, something for sure), but, secondly, you have 1000 times more chances to become a "big and respected" person after graduating from graduate school than your friends without a candidate degree. The main thing, remember that you should always be given to your favorite lesson, then the "exhaust" will happen more powerful and noticeably faster.

Pros graduate school

Now it is the turn to tell you about those advantages that promise learning in graduate school. They are much larger than minuses. Below we give only the most weighty to show you that self-education, which implies training in graduate school is the key to your future success.

1. Education.

Today, how never appreciate educated people. Much has already been created: there are technologies, and experience. There are no main - people who can all of this successfully manage and coordinate actions.

Therefore, the demand for highly educated people is now more than ever. On really highly educated, not on "viruses". Therefore, if you choose a path to further enhance your education, enrolling in graduate school, then, most likely, you approach a step towards success.

The experience that you get, studying the scientific works of the best scientists on your problem, will be very useful for you in practical activities.

You will be competent any average specialist in your area. The time of the Soviet "equalization" passed, the time of successful people and ... "Prostaches". Who to be, to solve only you! The graduate school moves you up the social staircase and with these difficult to argue. So if you want your intellectual abilities Complied with the needs modern societythen you should be vital to graduate school.

2. Personal growth.

In addition to deep knowledge that graduate school will give you (and in fact, your self-education), you will also grow as a person.

After all, during training you have to participate in a huge number of all sorts of scientific conferences, where the best minds are going.

And among the best personalities, your personality will grow. You will feel this very soon for yourself. If you become strong personalityYou will be less disturbing life problems. What do you think, why influential people became such? All because they have a strong rod that successfully opposes external threats.

Other proof that now personal growth is a very important component of your life, is that almost every corner you can find declaration of courses for improving self-esteem, oratorical abilities, stress resistance, etc.

All this in the aggregate is personal growth. Once the Internet is Pottit with this ads, it means that there are demand for such services. And if there is a demand, it means that it is important for modern people.

After all, now everything changes very quickly, many new things appear. All this leads to the fact that people cannot live normally, because They are subject to various stress, problems, etc.

However, you will threaten to a lesser extent, because you will know after graduating from graduate school how to treat everything that happens in this world. You will know the sense of knowledge of the functioning of the system (peace) will definitely overtake you.

Therefore, if you are going to study in graduate school, you took a step towards self-improvement. Similar quality is very valued in the modern world.

3. Career features.

Of course, most people go to graduate school in order to continue to be a man with highly paid work. Money, of course, rule the world, but it is partly.

The world rules are reasonable people who take the most responsible decisions. After graduating, you will enter the informal club "ruling". It is those who manage, always receive more than a simple worker. Always!

Only money should not be your selfselot. The most important thing for you is that you can apply your knowledge with the benefit for society.

If you will work in good faith, then the money will come by themselves. After receiving deep knowledge in graduate school, apply them with benefit for people. And then our world will become a little better. Of these, at first glance, small cases, and are great things. Remember this.

4. Forget about the army.

This item concerns the male part.

First, if you enroll in graduate school immediately after graduating from the university, then you automatically receive a deferment for the entire period of your training (if, of course, this is a full-time graduate school).

And secondly, if you successfully defend your candidate work, and you will be assigned a scientific degree of a candidate N of sciences, then you can forget about the army. According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" from 28.03.1998 N 53-FZ, you are freed from service in the Armed Forces of Russia. That's how.

Conclusion: In this article we considered the question that graduates of universities are interested in go or not go to graduate school After graduating from the university.

If you still decided to go there, then you should know what awaits you there. First, you will have to submit a certification commission at the end of the training on your master's dissertation on the scientific problem you are interested in.

It concerns the meaning of learning. Secondly, you must soberly appreciate your abilities: Can you learn or not? And, thirdly, we told you about those privileges that graduate school after her end. The choice is yours!

Do all the conscience, and our world will be better!