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How a scientific degree is awarded. Scientist

Due to the historical features of the development of science and education system in different countries, the concepts of "scientific title" and "scientific degree" are determined in different ways, from here and understanding their place and role in science and education can differ significantly. The widespread development of international education and scientific cooperation makes it look for general moments and produce at least an approximate scale of comparing these concepts. In our today's material, we consider the main differences between the Russian and Western system of scientists of degrees and ranks.

Academic degree: award

Academic degree in many countries - This is the qualifications of the researcher, which reflects the scientific level achieved.

In universities of Western countries, there is the following system of academic and scientists degrees:

  • Academic degrees or qualifications - This is a bachelor and master (in some countries, the Master is considered as a degree).
    • According to the rules adopted in the Bologna countries, the bachelor is considered as an academic degree indicating the receipt of higher education. Sometimes it is defined as qualifications by a particular specialty.
    • Master is the following academic degree for the deepening of the specialization obtained by higher vocational education for the bachelors.
  • Academic degree (one only): Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). It meant here is not the philosophy itself, but in general. All listed degrees are awarded by universities and scientific institutions.

In Russia today exists two specialist training systemshaving academic degrees and qualifications.

  • The first consists of preparing bachelors (4 years of study) and masters (6 years of study). Bachelor and masters were initially considered in our country as graduates of higher professional educational institutions. Moreover, the bachelor's degree consisted of the highest formation of the first level, which was lower than the Master's degree and qualifications of a graduate specialist.
  • The second system since Soviet times produces graduate specialists with a 5-year learning period.

Scientists of degrees in Russia are also two: candidate of Science and Doctor of Science. The scientific degree is awarded on the basis of the protection of a candidate or doctoral dissertation by scientists with the Councils of universities and are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for a certain scientific specialty, reflected in the cipher and the name of the knowledge branch. For example, Candidate of Historical Sciences or Doctor of Biological Sciences.

Scientific title: Assign

Scientific title - This is a qualifying step of scientific and scientific and pedagogical staff, reflecting various levels and volumes of academic and scientific and pedagogical work. Holders of scientist chapter can not only carry out individual research and student training, but also organize these processes at a high qualification level.

In Russia, there are two scientists of the title: associate professor and professor. At the same time, the scholar title should be distinguished from office. For example, associate Professor is a scientist or position? At the same time, both: there is the title of associate professor, and there is an associate professor. Ideally, they must coincide, that is, the post of associate professor is intended for a scientist who has the title of associate professor. But sometimes the post of associate professor can occupy a person who does not have this scientific title.

Who assigns the scholar title?

Scientists are assigned to the Ministry of Education and Science on the presentation of educational institutions of higher education.

Academic title of associate professor It may be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who replaces the post of associate professor, the pedagogical experience of which is at least 3 years, and the number of published scientific works is at least 20.

Academic title of professor It may be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who replaces the position of professor, head of the department, dean of the faculty and has the title of associate professor. The pedagogical experience of the candidate in professors should be at least 10 years, and the number of published scientific papers is at least 50.

As a rule, the rank of associates corresponds to a scientific degree of a candidate of science, and the rank of Professor - Doctor of Science. In the field of art, physical culture and sports, scientific ranks of professors and associate professors are also assigned, but according to other approved criteria. To assign them, it is not necessary to have scientists from the degree of candidate or doctor of science.

Assigned scientific titles have a permanent "lifelong" character. At the same time, persons having scientific ranks can be deprived of them in case of inconsistency or violation of the requirements for the assignment of scientists.

Abroad, scientific ranks coincide with their posts. If the employee receives the position of professor, then from this point on, he is referred to as a professor until he occupies this position. In a number of leading universities, there is a lifelong title of professor together with the post enshrined. Thus, the work of the scientist in the West is paid for his position, and the money is not paid for the title.

Honorary titles and degrees

In addition to official scientists, degrees and ranks in the scientific world, there are still honorary titles and degrees. For example, the title Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation A well-known designer, doctor of technical sciences (for the combination of discoveries and inventions) M.T. Kalashnikov. In 2015, approved honorary Scientific title "Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)"which is awarded for merits in scientific activity.

In Western countries, for great merits in front of science and culture are awarded Honorary Doctoral (Honoris Causa)that translated means "for the sake of honor", that is, without the protection of the dissertation. As a rule, we are talking about people who as a result of their social and practical activities have made a great contribution to the development of society, scientific thought and culture.

Despite all the differences in academic degrees and titles, international practice has shown that there are real possibilities for a practical comparison of qualifying systems of different countries in science and education. Partially this issue is solved by international treaties and agreements, partly by the accession of countries to the Bologna process. For example, scientific degrees of candidate and doctors of sciences are equal to Ph.D., and the scientific ranks of the associate professor and professor - to the Western rank of professor in each particular case, depending on the field of knowledge (humanitarian, natural, technical sciences).

If you decide to work as a teacher, then you need to navigate in posts at the Department of Universities: Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, know what is the difference between them, and what the requirements should be a candidate for every position to represent what You need to be ready.

If you already have the experience of scientific and pedagogical activities, they may have defended his thesis, but doubt the loyalty of the understanding that there is a position, a degree, academic title, explanations in this article you will also find.

If you just show idle interest, who is above: Professor or Doctor of Science? Also look for an answer in the article.

How to get a job as a teacher at the university?

+ Improve diploma

If you want to work later by a teacher, and before the end of the specialized university there is still enough time, then do not lose it in vain and work over your estimates. It sounds trite, but in practice it turns out to be true: the employers really look at the evaluation in the diploma, and the higher they, the more employment opportunities for you open, and the trielents are not needed to anyone.

If the diploma has already been received, and it is impossible to change anything, then, unfortunately, I don't know the facts that teachers with topics work in profile disciplines work in the university (you know such cases? Share them in the comments!).

+ Create a resume by providing his photo

A ready summary must be with a photo, so the employer will be easier to combine and remember as one: you, your resume and interview with you. Imagine, he / her in the table can lie a lot of pieces of paper, pulling out some kind of resume, it will be difficult for him to remember a person, an impression with him, and the impression on it, if there is a photo - the question is removed.

+ Personally contact the Zavka

If you are sure of your desire to find a job as a teacher and have a ready-made summary, the next step will be the search for contacts of the university coastard, where you would like to work, because it is she / he, and not some other official of the university, aware, is there any It / its free bets, or when they are released. Knowing the surname, name, patronymic, working phone Zadeardos, you need to contact her / name, and, in the event of a job, you will be invited to an interview.

At the same time, the conversation with the Zavorka Fed at the phone increases the chances of destination of the interview compared to sending resumes by mail.

Think, why do you need to shake a couple of weeks waiting for a possible response of the employer to your resume, and to make extra television in the form of a search for a meeting with you? You better immediately get the answer: "Yes, we have vacancies, come to the interview", or: "No, and not foresee," and move on, look for other solutions to the problem, how to get a teacher at the university. The employer, in his position, usually do not have to "run" for the personnel, in high school, as a rule, a little vacancies, and it is a candidate who wants to get to work, ABOUTi am initiative.

+ Choose a good time

Successfully get a job as a university teacher will help the well-selected job search time.

Typically, the load between teachers is distributed to the school year, and it starts on September 1. We begin to pre-distribute the load in the spring.

As you know, the school year is divided into 2 semesters, and teachers most often dismissed, read: the places are exempt, at the beginning of the semester.

It follows from the foregoing that approximately in May, June Zavorkapler will need to know if he needs / she will have new teachers for the next academic year. \u003d\u003e Better to contact the Zabedroy in May, June.

But in any case, it is particularly not as planned and here: some teacher found another job and decided to quit, he does it usually since the beginning of 1 semester, less often - from the beginning of 2 semesters. \u003d\u003e Monitor the vacancies in late August, early September, late December, January.

It happens that in the middle of the year, someone goes somewhere, then the Zabedroy has to attend someone to find someone, and in the midst of the school year it is very difficult, everyone is arranged and working in their places. Here he / she opens a daddy with the accumulated summary of candidates, and your photo in the resume can serve you a good service: he / she is alone remembering another barely barely, and you will remember and invite you to the interview!

How is the competition going on to replace the vacant post of teacher of the university?

I'll answer. At the first point: information about truly free places at the departments of universities is not served on the labor exchange, nor publish on the Internet; On the second item: Placement of ads on the competition for filling vacant posts at the university is the formality, fulfilling the requirements of the procedure of the competition, and for each post there is already a real person who now claims, and a little earlier it took this position, he simply expired for labor contract.

The fact is that this is happening in accordance with the universities of practice, in view of the following regulations on the procedure for replacing the posts of pedagogical workers belonging to the faculty, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Extreme - in 2015):

" 1. This Regulation<…> Determines the procedure and conditions for replacing the posts of pedagogical workers related to faculty, in an organization engaged in educational activities on the implementation of educational programs of higher education and additional professional programs, and the conclusions of employment contracts for an indefinite period or for a certain time no more than five years.
3. Conclusion of the employment contract to replace the post of pedagogical worker in the organization, as well as transfer to such a position preceded election by competition For replacement, relevant posts (hereinafter - Competition). "


Practice shows that the teacher is a labor contract for up to 5 years (it can be both 1 year and 3 years, or another figure to 5), cases of admonition of perpetual treaties are unknown to me, this happens, possibly with the famous professors (If you are known circumstances, examples, when perpetual contracts conclude with teachers, tell us in the comments).

So, in order to take a certain position at the department, you need to go through the competition, which means to confirm your compliance of this post. Competitions allow you to keep teachers in Tonus, make them develop, as the appropriate candidate is usually a teacher who meets the following requirements: the advanced training has published scientific articles that issued educational and methodological benefits with work experience and the other.

Among the stages of the competition, it is possible to allocate the following: filling out the applicant of the package of documents, the report of the candidate before the members of the department, on which he claims to continue to work, approval of the candidate at a meeting of the Competition Commission of the Institute / University, the approval of the candidacy by the Scientific Council of the Institute / University is brief.

Posts at the University ascending

The lowest post of the university teacher - assistant . He, just like other teachers, leads practical or seminar classes, butnot It may be allowed to read lectures. The salary of the assistant is the lowest, but also the requirements for a candidate for this post minimal - work experience of 1 year, and after graduating, there is no condition for the existence of the experience.

Next position at the University of Ascending - senior Lecturer . Lecturer in this post alsonot It is allowed to read lectures. But the requirements for the employee who claim to it are sufficiently high: and work experience at least 3 years and, in the case of a candidate of science, work experience is also necessary. In addition, a candidate for a position should submit the results of research and methodical work: the presence of published scientific articles, the release of educational and methodological benefits.

For the overwhelming majority of teachers who have not defended their dissertation, and therefore, not having a candidate of science, the position of senior teacher is a ceiling of development at the Department in the university.

Position associate The department at the university is given in the presence of a scientific degree of a candidate of science (that is, successful protectionphD Thesis) and experience of scientific and pedagogical work, that is, work in the university by the teacher, at least 3 years or the academic title of associate professor.

Senior teacher and associate professor, the difference as we see is as follows:

Senior Lecturer - the post below the associate professor.

The existence of a candidate of science is the main condition for the applicant for the post of associate professor.

The necessary scientific and pedagogical experience seems to be the basic requirement for the applicant for the post of senior teacher.

The posts of teachers at the university also include such as professor , it can only be served as a teacher who has a scientist degree of doctor of science (and therefore defendingdoctoral dissertation), or the scientist of the professor, as well as work experience of 5 years.

The difference between the associate professor and the professor is as follows:

Professor's post of professor.

The presence of a degree of candidate of science (or academic title of associate professor) is the main condition for claims to the post of associate professor.

The academic degree of doctor of science (or the scientist of the professor) seems to be a necessary requirement for the applicant for the post of professor.

Position and degree

Now you know what positions can occupy teachers at the department, but I also mentioned such a concept as a degree - it is worth staying on it.

Scientists of degrees in Russia are two: candidate of science and doctor of science.

To obtain degree of candidate of science It is necessary to enroll in graduate school, at the end of which to protect the PhD dissertation is a scientific study on a certain problem.

What gives graduate school in Russia and why go there? Graduate studies give a delay from the army? Included in labor experience? What gives employment? Training in graduate school and work, how to combine? What is the term of study in graduate school? What are the forms of study in graduate school? Is there a correspondence graduate school? What is the corresponding postgraduate study from full-time? What is the learning process in graduate school? What gives graduate school without protection?

Doctor of Science It is awarded after successful protection of a doctoral dissertation, written during training in doctoral studies. In doctoral studies, you can enter only already having a scientific degree of candidate of science.

Associate Professor is a position or a scientific degree? Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference?

Thus, answering the question: Associate Professor is a post or a degree, it can be said that the Associate Professor is a position held by the teacher at the Department, which is usually a scientific degree of candidate of science.

Associate Professor and Candidate of Science, what is the difference? The difference of associate professor from the candidate of science is that, as you already know, the Associate Professor is the position of the teacher at the Department of the University, and the candidate of science is a scientific degree awarded to him as a result of the successful protection of the candidate thesis.

What is the difference between the doctor of science from Professor? Who is the above Professor or Doctor of Science?

Doctor of Science and Professor - the difference is that the doctor of science is a scientific degree, awarded to the researcher who defended his doctoral dissertation. And Professor is a teacher's position at the Department of the University, which may occupy, in the overwhelming majority, a teacher who has a doctorate degree.

Answer the question: who is above the professor or doctor of science, in my opinion, is impossible, because these concepts relate to different system of ranking research workers.

Professor - is a post, highest at the department: Assistant -\u003e Senior Lecturer -\u003e Associate Professor -\u003e Professor.


The degrees awarded in various countries differ significantly by names, qualifications requirements, award procedure and / or approval.

To obtain a degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences, it is necessary to prepare the dissertation and protect it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at the university, research institutes or other scientific institution. To protect the thesis for the degree of doctor, it is currently necessary to have a degree of candidate of science, protection of the dissertation for the degree of doctorate of the doctor by persons who do not have the degree of candidate, in accordance with the current "Regulations on the procedure for awarding scientists of degrees", is not envisaged. It should be noted that the compliance or relativeness of the branches of science and specialties of the previously obtained (sequentially) higher education, the degree of candidate of science and the doctors of the doctor of science is actually not regulated, except for cases of degrees of degrees on medical and veterinary sciences that are only possible if Appear of the highest medical (veterinary) education. In fact, in practice, it is recognized as well-permissible and not limited to HAK cases of obtaining a higher degree in the industry of sciences and specialty, unrelated to already available: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), degree of doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, technical and physical mathematical sciences, etc.

In parallel, there are similar degrees of the doctor of law, theology, etc., awarded by an accredited higher educational institution. Degree of doctor law (DL), medicine (DM), business administration (DBA), etc. In many countries, they are treated as a component of a professional, not academic / research doctor, that is, it is assumed that the owner of such an extent is involved, as a rule , practical activities, not science. Obtaining such degrees also does not require an independent scientific research, so professional doctorate is usually not considered a scientific degree. Assigning a particular degree to a professional or research doctor depends on the country and even from a particular university; So, in the United States and Canada, the degree of doctor of medicine is professional, and in the UK, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth. A number of universities in Great Britain (including Oxford and Cambridge) even include a doctorate of medicine to the highest doctorate (approximate analog of the doctor of science in Russia), requiring a significant contribution to medical science.

Scientific titles

In Russia, scientists are currently divided by the title of associate professor (or professor) by specialty and by the department. Since 2011, scientists in both the department and specialty are awarded the orders of the Minister of Education and Science on the presentation of the Higher Attestation Commission. The qualification requirements for applicants for academic titles in the department and in the specialty are somewhat different, for example, to submit to the academic rank of professor at the department, it is necessary to be the author (co-author) of textbooks or teaching aids, which is not required for the title of professor in the specialty. But the professor in the specialty needs a greater number of persons defendeding candidate dissertations under his leadership: for professors in the department - as a rule, at least two, for professors in a specialty - as a rule, at least five.

In addition, the requirements differ and within each category (professors in the department, associate professor on the department, professor in the specialty, associate professor in the specialty). Thus, it is assigned to the scientific title of professor at the department to persons who have a scientific degree of candidate of science, and associate professor to persons who do not have a scientific degree, but the requirements for them are much tougher than to applicants who have a scientist degree of Doctor and Candidate of Science, respectively. Special requirements are presented to co-order applicants, which are employees of culture and art and having relevant honorary titles (People's Artist, Honored Artist, etc.), as well as employees of physical culture and sports having a title of deserved coach. In addition, it is allowed to assign a scientific title of professor at the department to large professionals who received international or Russian recognition in the relevant industry of knowledge.

According to the system operating in Russia and Belarus, the academic title of associate professor does not necessarily have an academic title of associate professor.

Scientists and titles that existed earlier

The scientist of a senior scientist is currently not assigned to the Russian Federation, it is equal to the rank of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (as well as currently in Ukraine and in some other post-Soviet states), the rank of senior researcher was assigned to employees of research institutes, and qualification requirements for applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, in contrast to the duty officer.

Until the 1950s. In the USSR, there was a scientist "Senior Laboratory".

Before the revolution, scientific degrees of a valid student existed in the scientific and educational system of Russia, a candidate (more precisely, a candidate of the university), master's and doctors, scientists of adjunct, private professor, associate professor, professor, extraordinary professor, ordinary professor, honored professor. All this hierarchy was entirely canceled in 1918 (although some of the listed degrees and ranks were abolished back in the XIX century). Scientists in the Russian Empire gave the right to receive the ranks of a certain class (see the table of ranks).

The position of the degrees of bachelor and master in Russia

Prior to the fulfillment of Bologna recommendations, the degree of bachelor and master in Russia are not related to academic degrees, but to qualifications (degrees) of graduates of educational institutions of higher vocational education.

Nomenclature of scientists degrees

Depending on the specialty, on which the dissertation is protected, one of the degrees' scientists is awarded the applicant.


Honor Doctor or Honor Degree or Doctor Honoris Causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without passing a course of training and without registration of mandatory requirements (on publications, protection, etc.), but who have achieved great success in the case and Asked in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious leaders, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are involved in teaching and lectures in the best universities of many countries of the world. Honorary diploma of Doctor of Science is not issued in medicine.

The honorary degree can be awarded and removed.

Non-state organizations

Religious organizations can award the degree of candidate (doctor) of theological sciences (or theology), assign the titles of professors and associate professors, etc. Other non-governmental organizations can also assign various degrees and titles, up to academician (see Non-state Academy). However, all these degrees and titles are legally not those in Russia and do not give them to the owners of the rights stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Modern discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring scientific and qualifying powers of Vaca to scientists of universities and research institutes (including non-state), as is done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer expresses an opinion on the inevitable devaluation of the system of scientists of degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel.


Links on the topic

  • The site of the highest attestation commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Baleevsky L.S., Muranov A.I. Domestic history of regulatory regulation of the nomenclature of specialties of scientists in relation to jurisprudence // Jurisprudence. - 2008. - № 5. - P. 243-259.

Indicates the receipt of the title of the title with this position during the period of labor relations. However, in the modern Russian Federation (Russia), the scientific title is lifelong, but is assigned only after working out the necessary experience in the same (or equivalent) position and perform a number of other formal conditions.

Scientific titles in Russia

Modern condition

Currently (2019) in Russia, two scientists are assigned: "Associate Professor" and "Professor". These terms are the generally accepted shortening of the full name of the titles pointing to the scope of activity: "Associate Professor on such a specialty", or "professor on such a specialty", or "Professor RAS / RAO according to such a department." Other titles and concepts related to the persons engaged in the scientific and educational sector (Doctor of Science, membership, a researcher, assistant and other), scientists are not.

Changes of recent years

By the end of 2013, scientists were assigned associate Professor on the Department and professor at the Department (mainly employees of higher educational institutions, including part-books), association by specialty and professor in specialty (mainly employees of the Research Institutes involved in training). Until 2002, the Employees of the Research Institute could also obtain a scientist title of a senior researcher (SNA), the requirements for applicants that did not include the presence of pedagogical experience; It now corresponds to the associate professor in the specialty.

Since December 2013, the title of professor and associate professor is assigned only "in the specialty", the existing titles are equal to them. At the same time, the procedure became complicated. Thus, one of the mandatory conditions for assigning the title of professor is now the presence of the associate professor for at least three years (previously the scientist of the professor could be assigned to persons who did not have before this title).

By the end of 2013, the consideration of certification cases of applicants for the titles was engaged in the highest attestation commission (VAC) under the ministry, referred to as the "Ministry of Education and Science", then the Ministry itself. At the same time, the term "Mintophruuki" changed the meaning in May-June 2018: if until the specified time was designated, then on May 15, this ministry was reorganized, and from June 18, the reducing the "Ministry of Education" officially began to refer to the newly created Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2015 introduced honorary Sociality "Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)", awarded - with a restriction by age - for merits in scientific activity. It is assigned not to the supervisory authorities of the Higher School, and the Presidium of the Academy. Achievements of this title as researchers are usually higher than that of the middle university professor, but teaching experience can be small. In 2016, a similar title appeared in RAO.

History of scientists in Russia

Scientific titles in the Russian Empire

The only scientist in the Russian Empire was introduced by Charter 1804, the title of Honored Professor, given after 25 years of service at the university, usually before retirement. The title of Honored Professor provided a lifelong pension.

In the scientific and educational system of the Russian Empire, arranged in the German model and arranged at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, there were teaching positions of adjunct, extraordinary professor and the ordinary professor. Later, since 1863, instead of adjuncts, regular associations were introduced, in 1884 renamed privat-associate professors. The position of the ordinary professor corresponded to the head of the department, and the extraordinary - professor; For this posts, a doctoral degree was necessary. Adjunctions, or associate professors, were assistants and deputy professors; Initially, adjunctions became faces from among students, but since 1835 the requirements for them were increased to the extent of a master similar to the current candidate of science.

As "scientists of the title" of the name of the above positions in those years in Russia were not used, except for colloquial use. Instead, the role of "titles" of university teachers and researchers played certain ranks within the framework of a single system - a table of ranks. When classing a teaching position and upon receipt of the doctor, the corresponding rank was assigned:

Scientific titles in the SSR Union

Scientists and degrees in the USSR were re-introduced by the decision of the Sovnarkom in 1934. The certification system in terms of scientists was more extensive than today, and included 6 titles, three for universities and for Research Institute: the university rank of professors in the Research Institution valid Member Research institution, the rank of associate professor - a senior researcher, and the rank of assistant is a junior researcher. Thus, at this time, the country's scientific and educational institutions operated a fully parallel system of three graduation of scientists: in research institutes - younger, senior researcher, a valid member of the institution; In universities - assistant, associate professor, professor.

Subsequently, the titles of a valid member of the institution were stopped (not mentioned in the "Regulations on the procedure ... Assignment of academic titles", approved in 1975), then the younger Researcher and Assistant (no in the "position" of 1989, introduced from July 1, 1990 .) And - already in the post-Soviet period - a senior researcher (absent in the "position" of 2002).

The titles of the Junior Researcher and the assistant were close on qualifying requirements and did not assume the mandatory availability of a scientific degree. In the 1930s, these titles were assigned to persons who successfully completed graduate school and leading scientific or educational work, but later the demand for graduate studies was canceled. Unlike the titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher, the approval in the title of an assistant or a junior researcher was issued by the order of the head of the university / Research Institute without the participation of the USSR WAK, and the certificates certifying the assignment of these scientists were not issued.

Scientific titles in religious educational institutions

Foreign scientists

General characteristics of the situation

The rules for assigning scientists in different countries are different and are often based on national traditions, although steps towards unification are being taken. Unlike Russia and the countries of the former USSR, in most states there is no pronounced delimitation of the same name and titles: for example, reception of an employee to the position of professor in an educational institution simultaneously means receiving the title of professor. General is a strict differentiation of degrees from the titles - the scientific degree documents the qualification of the employee, and the title reflects its compliance of a particular scientific and pedagogical position.

The names of the titles in many countries are repeated by the Associate Professor and Professor adopted in Russia - with various definitions: "Honored", "Full", "Ordinary", "Associated", etc. In some countries, academic titles are also considered an assistant, lecturer, Starting. At the same time, the "associated professor" (Associate Professor) approximately corresponds to the Russian associate professor, and the Assistant Professor (Assistant Professor) is simply a scientific employee without a title. Quite detailed lists of scholars are available in the English and Italian sections of Wikipedia.

Recognition of foreign titles in the Russian Federation

The informal establishment of compliance of the professional level of owners of titles from different countries is difficult, since each country has its own "strong" and "weak" institutions, and the qualifications are also individual. Much more informative in this sense of the Curriculum Vitae of a specific scientist.

In the legal plane, recognition in the Russian Federation received abroad, is carried out either in accordance with international treaties on mutual recognition of documents on scientific degrees and scholars, or in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of foreign educational organizations and scientific organizations that The documents of foreign states on the degrees and scholars recognized in the territory of the Russian Federation are issued. If foreign scientists do not fall under the conditions of the above-mentioned contracts and orders, the question of the recognition of foreign scientists is solved individually (before its reorganization in 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

see also


  1. On the procedure for assigning scientists (Neopr.) . Website "Documents of the Government of Russia" (December 10, 2013). Checked October 1, 2017.
  2. Federal Law N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (with change and extra.), Paragraph 11 of Art. 108. (Neopr.) (2012).
  3. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation N 1258 "On approval of the procedure for establishing incentive payments ..." (Neopr.) . Russian newspaper - Fed. Vol. № 5687 (14) (2012).
  4. (Neopr.) (1992).
  5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2018 N 215 "On the structure of federal executive authorities" (Neopr.) . Russian newspaper (May 15, 2018). Checked on May 16, 2018.
  6. On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  7. Regulatory documents on the rank of "Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences" and the Coordination Council of Professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences (rus.).
  8. Order on the establishment of the honorary title "Professor RAO" (Neopr.) . Site RAO. Checked on February 20, 2018.


1. Scientists degrees ...............................................................................2

2. Scientists of the title ............................................................... ..... 7

3. The position of the degrees of bachelor and master in Russia .................................................................................... 8

4. Why do you need a scientific degree .......................................... .9

6. Nomenclature of scientists degrees ................................. ... 11

7. Honorary degree ............................................................ 12

8. Conclusion ......................................................................12

9. The list of references used ........................ .. ... 13


Scientists and titles are a qualification system in science and high school, which allows to rank scientific and scientific and pedagogical staff at certain steps of academic career. Currently, in the Russian Federation, scientists are awarded the degrees of candidate and doctors of science and are assigned academic titles of the associate professor and professor (according to the department, in the specialty). The academic title of associates is appropriated, as a rule, candidates of sciences, and the academic title of professor is assigned, as a rule, doctors of sciences.

  1. Scientific degrees

The degrees awarded in various countries differ significantly by names, qualifications requirements, award procedure and / or approval.

In the USA, the United Kingdom, a number of other maintenance officers who joined the Kollyonian process is harmonized by the nomenclature of academic degrees, involving the establishment of uniform requirements for three degrees in each industry of knowledge:


Bachelor (from Lat.Baccalarius- "young man", in turn, the delay. Bacca Lariu- Fralexation) -Academic degree of degree of development assigned to the development of the basic training program. For the first time appeared in medieval University of Compact Europe. There is a preparing level of preparation in 1993. The normative term of the bachelor preparation program (with full-time learning) is 4 years. The qualification is based on the results of the protection of the meeting of the meeting of the Mental Attestation Commission, gives the right to enter the magistrate. After December 31, 2010, the bachelor's bachelor's advantages of the Imagistanut are fundamental qualifications for entering Russian universities.


Master (from Lat.Magister-Machine, Teacher, Head) - Higher-academic degree, qualification (in some countries - a starting degree) acquired by the Completion Completion of the Magistracy (mastering a special training program). The magistracy is the step of higher professional education, the next postbaasemate, which allows you to deepen a specialization at a certain professional direction. B1993 Gaitermin "Master" is returned as the qualifications of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education. The position of the magistracy in the modern Russian education system is dual. On the one hand, this is a system for improving the qualificationsBaslavlissecialists, on the other hand, the Master is equal to the qualifications of university graduates. The normative term of the Master's Preparation Program (with full-time education) - 2 years. However, a student must master the preparedness program (4 years) of or Specialist (5 years). Walfthilled according to the results of the ProtectionMagusky dissertation, the meeting of the State Attestation Commission gives the right to enter the Wick. After December 312010, the Master's Balancement Bablands will be fundamental qualifications for entering Russian universities.

    ph.D. (here under the philosophy is understood as science in general, and not self-philosophy; in parallel there are similar degrees of the doctor of law, medicine, theology, etc.)

Philosophy Philosophy (Lat.philosophiæ Doctor, Ph.D., PHD, is usually pronounced as a Pi-Eich di) -Ardive degree awarded in many countries of the West. The actual analogue of the scientific degree "Doctor of Philosophy" in the Russian education system is the scientific degree "candidate of science". The redefined work of the degree of the degree is the doctoral dissertation (English.d.d.thesis) Despite the name, currently the degree has no practical attitude towards Philosophy (only historical) and is awarded in almost all scientific areas, for example: Ph.D. or Ph.D. Philosophy Philosophy. This situation is associated with traditions rising to the times of medieval universities, the standard structure of which usually assumed the presence of faculties of philosophy, jurisprudence, theology and medicine. Therefore, in addition to the doctor of philosophy, there is a limited number of other doctoral degrees of the same rank; Doctors awarded the degree of the doctor of medicine, lawyers - a doctor of law, the theologians - Dr. Theology, and all the others - Doctor of Philosophy.

In the Russian Federation at the moment, mixed: a new system is partially applied with a bachelor's release (4 years) and masters (6 years), partly old with issued specialists (5 years). Instead of the highest single Western degree of the Doctor (philosophy, etc.), it is used inherited by the discovere associate of the German sample, in which there are two degrees:


Candidate of Science - a scientific degree of steps (dotocutor of sciences) of the VSSR, the Russian Federation of a number of union. Established by Decree of the USSR SCC dated January 13, 1934. In the Russianwaschkanda degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the position. The procedure for assignment: In Russia, a scientific degree of candidate of sciences awarded the Sistemptation Council on the results of the protection of candidate students. Neudak of the Russian Federation is a decision on issuing a diploma of a candidate of science.

Scientific industries:

Candidate of architecture (k. Arch.)

Candidate of Biological Sciences (k. B. N.)

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (to. In. N.)

Candidate of Military Sciences (k. Military. N.)

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (k. G. N.)

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (k. G.-m.n.)

Candidate of art history (

Candidate of Historical Sciences (k. And. N.)

Candidate of Culturalology

Candidate of Medical Sciences (k. M. N.)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (k. N.)

Candidate of Political Sciences (by. Paul. N.)

Candidate of Psychological Sciences (k. PSX. N.)

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (k. S.-H.n.)

Candidate of Sociological Sciences (k. Soc. N.)

Candidate of Technical Sciences (k. T. N.)

Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences (k. Farm. N.)

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (to. F.-M. N.)

Candidate of Philological Sciences (k. Phil. N.)

Candidate of philosophical sciences (k. Filos. N.)

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (k. X. N.)

Candidate of Economic Sciences (k. e. N.)

Candidate of Legal Sciences (k. Yu. N.)


Doctor of Science - a degree of expensive, high-speed (post-chandididate of sciences) of the VSR, Russia, a number of nonsense in some former socialist countries. In the Russianvuvuzakdatorskaya degree is one of the sufficient conditions for participation in the competition for the PersianProfessor.

Scientific industries:

Depending on the specialty, on which the doctoral dissertation is protected, one of the following degrees is awarded the applicant:

Dr. Architecture (ARH.)

Doctor of Biological Sciences (b. N.)

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (century. N.)

Dr. Military Sciences (D. Military. N.)

Doctor of Geographic Sciences (d. G. N.)

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (d. G.-m.n.)

Doctor of art history (see.)

Doctor of Historical Sciences (d. And. N.)

Dr. Culturology

Doctor of Medical Sciences (d. M.)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (d. N.)

Doctor of Political Sciences (Paul. N.)

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (PSX. N.)

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (D. S.-H.n.)

Doctor of Sociological Sciences (D. Soc. N.)

Doctor of Technical Sciences (d. T. N.)

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (farm. N.)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (F.-M.n.n.)

Doctor of Philological Sciences (d. F.n.)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Philos. N.)

Doctor of Chemical Sciences (d. H. N.)

Doctor of Economic Sciences (d. E. N.)

Doctor of Legal Sciences (d. Yu. N.)

At the same time, the degree of candidate of science is awarded to the dissertation council and is approved (a decision is made to issue diplomacy of sciences) of the highest attestation commissioning commission of Russia, and the degree of doctor of science is awarded to the VAC Presidium on the basis of the application of the Dissertation Council.

To obtain the degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences, it is necessary to prepare the dissertations to protect it at a meeting of the dissertation council, the scientific degrees appeared in USSRV1934 (introduced by the decision of the USSR Council "on scientists and the titles" of January 13, 1934, which actually restored scientists in pre-revolutionary Russia). The greatest number of candidates and doctors of sciences in technical, medical, physico-mathematics.

The analogue of the scientific degree of a candidate of science in most countries is the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D., pronounced Pi-Eich di; not to be confused with the doctor of philosophical sciences) and numerous (but rarely awarded) equivalent to it. The approximate analogue of the tender degree of the doctor of science in countries with a "single-stage" system of academic degrees is the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a "two-stage" system (for example, in Germany) -gabitated form.