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Peter Drucker: Effective leader. The essence of the work of the head

From any manager required proper execution Tasks - effectiveness. People with brilliant mental abilities may be ineffective workers. The mind, imagination and knowledge only in combination with efficiency are embodied into the results.

Until recently, the main problem of organization was the productivity of physical labor workers. For the last hundred years, we learned to measure it and repeatedly increased the productivity of a separate worker. At the heart of the activities of modern organizations is intellectual work.

  1. It cannot be measured with the help of criteria derived for physical labor;
  2. Not amenable to quantitative measurement;
  3. Not measured at costs;
  4. The contribution of managers does not depend on the number of subordinates;
  5. Efficiency is the results, and not the volume of management work.

In books on the development of management personnel, a portrait of the "head of tomorrow" as a "man for all times", in such people the world has always experienced a big draw. Universal genius required:

  1. Able to carry out analysis;
  2. Decisions;
  3. Work with people;
  4. Creatively thinking;
  5. Well understand in mathematics;
  6. Understand characteristics His company and management structure.

Companies are gaining people, at best, possess one of desired qualities. Forming the organization so that any person, strong in one or another sphere, could use his skills and abilities in work. Make a bet on the expansion of the horizons of activity of people with the help of the workers affordable to them. Do not count on a sharp jump in the development of personal abilities.

Distinctive trait Effective managers - the ability to achieve a positive result in everything. Five habits that need to develop a manager to work efficiently:

  1. Know what your time is spent. Work on time management, increasing its effectiveness.
  2. Concentrate on achievements that go beyond the organization. Aims not for performance, but to the end result.
  3. Develop the strengths - their own, their chiefs, colleagues subordinate. Do not dwell on weaknesses, do not start with tasks that are not able to solve.
  4. Concentrate on spheres in which high-quality work will lead to outstanding results. Define priorities and do not retreat from them.
  5. Take effective solutions. The correct solutions are a system, a number of correct steps in the correct sequence. The effective solution is based on the incomprehension of opinions, and not on the consensus. Fast solutions - erroneous solutions. Decisions should be a bit, but they must be fundamental. The right strategy is needed, and not inventive techniques.

Distribute your time

The time resource is indispensable! Learn to manage your time - first determine as accurately as possible, to which it is actually spent and reduced its unproductive use as possible. Consolidate the time that can be controlled in the enlarged blocks, do not make 20 blocks, make 5.

The time management process consists of three stages.

Time to register

Consider the amount of time spent on work, analyze your effectiveness.

The first step towards improving the performance of the head is the exact register of the actual spending time. Regularly register your time costs. Resect the most unproductive classes and get rid of them. After each check, make a new working schedule. Ask yourself diagnostic questions:

  1. What happens if this is not done at all? If the answer is "nothing" - give up this case.
  2. What types of activities for which I answer can do another person and do the job not worse, or even better than me?
  3. What are my actions spend time, without bringing the benefit of work?

Time Management

Make a plan for useful and necessary cases. Poor management spends first of all your time.

  1. Reflect the unproductive costs of time due to the lack of a system or short-sample. Repeating from year to year crises in work - a good signal for taking action. The crisis, which happened for the second time, should not arise.
  2. Make sure that the workforce is not too much - it reduces efficiency. In such cases, workers spend more time on "interaction" than to work. If the managers spend more than a tenth of their time on the solution of "human relationship problems" - the team is too large.
  3. An excessive number of meetings is an indicator of a bad organization of work. The task must be holistic, do not break it into several subfolders when the responsibility is divided between many people and the information does not reach those who are really necessary. Meetings should not be a rule, but an exception to the rules.

Consolidation of Time

Group things into large temporary blocks. Working hours will be spent to no avail if it is crushed into blocks for 15-30 minutes. For consolidation of time blocks, there are many ways. You can work one day a week at home; plan meetings, checks, discussing different problems for two days of the week; Make a daylight schedule every morning before leaving for work.

Discretionary time goes to the fulfillment of cases bringing the highest return. Rate what amount it is at your disposal. Select one-piece time blocks to carry out specific events. Constantly revise your schedule and get rid of the least productive activities.

Do not leave a plan on paper - work with him constantly.

Heads often have to do ineffective, but necessary affairs: conversations with the best customers, participation in subordinate meetings, the provision of references ... Try to entrust such affairs to the responsible subordinate. To achieve real results, a mental worker should focus on the achievements and goals of the whole organization.

What contribution can I enter into the success of my organization?

Remember your responsibility to the company. A person who focuses all his attention on current efforts and constantly emphasizes its powers and power, is just a subordinate, no matter how high the status of its status in the organization.

Personal duties of the head

Each organization must be succeeded in three main areas:

  1. Direct results;
  2. Development of values \u200b\u200band their confirmation;
  3. Preparation of employees to work in the future. If the organization gives a failure in one of these directions, first it will be in a state of stagnation, and then stops its existence. It is in these areas that the head must contribute.

The inability or reluctance to change in accordance with the requirements of the new position is the common cause of the head of the head. Not only the results are changed to which its activities are directed, the overall importance of the three main parameters of successful labor changes.

How to improve the efficiency of a specialist

You need to give a specialist to work effectively in your niche. He must clearly understand who will use the results of his work and what you need to know and understand the user to make your work productively. It is necessary to take care of the practical applicability of its product. The main thing is not to produce universal, "masters for all hands."

Right interpersonal relations

The right interpersonal relationships occur when the leader focuses on his contribution to the common cause. Requirements for effective interpersonal relationships:

  1. Communication;
  2. Teamwork;
  3. Self-development;
  4. The development of other people.

Effective meeting

The main rule is initially orient assembly on a specific result.

Effective leader should clearly know what he wants to achieve thanks to the meeting, report or presentation. The content of such activities should be carefully thought out and communicate in advance to the participants.

How to strengthen the strengths

To achieve results, use all possible strengths of subordinates, partners, bosses and their own. Make the strengths as productive as possible.

Selection of employees on the basis of their strengths

Personnel selection rules:

1. The position at which two or three people has already changed, perfectly coped with their duties in previous places of work, should be considered impracticable. Change it.

2. Make each post scale and meaningful. Working task should be so wide so that all the strong quality of the employee manifested themselves in full strength - This will reveal his strengths in the candidate.

3. Start working with people, revealing and correctly using their potential, and not charging them standard duties. Do not attempt to appreciate the potential of the employee, the potential is only a promise. Successful executives are developing their own forms of assessment, which consist of transferring employee achievements on their previous positions and four questions:

  • What does he do well?
  • What else can he do well, based on his abilities?
  • What does he need to learn to fully use his strengths?
  • If I had children, I would like to work in this person in the future? Why?

4. To use the strengths, you need to be able to put up with the weaknesses.

5. Avoid a dangerous trap - creating positions for a particular person.

How to manage your boss

Focus on strengths his leader, that is, the creation of him conditions for the actions that he is capable of doing effective work both his own and subordinate.

If the strong side of the boss is the ability in the field of policies in the post, where politics is determining, first of all, familiarize it with a political aspect of the situation. He will understand what is spent talking about, and effectively uses his strong party, taking into account the new policy of politics.

Improving its own efficiency

Do what you know how to do the best, constantly look for what else can be done.

Effective leader always monitors his own results, its results and tries to track common trends: how to work with the audience or what time of the day it is better to write presentations, make quick records or carefully work out each sentence.

To be effective, it is necessary to expand favorable opportunities and limit problems. The standards for the activities of the group of people are established on the example of the leader - your activity should be based only on your strengths.

Everything has its time

The main secret of efficiency is a concentration. First of all, it is necessary to fulfill the most important things and never make some important affairs at the same time. Hard self-discipline is needed, the Will's Iron Power and the ability to say "no". This will help you when solving a huge number of tasks.

Do one thing for one time cut - it means to do it quickly. People who can redo the mass of things, different in nature, are engaged in turns.

Get rid of shipping yesterday

Systematic getting rid of the old - the only way to effectively start a new one. Get rid of past failures; yesterday's success, ceased to be productive; Activities that did not bring the desired results.

The problem of famous organizations is not in the absence of creativity. Often, all their employees are too busy with the solution of the tasks of yesterday. Stimulating creativity is successful even in the most limited impregnated bureaucracy structures if they regularly check programs and activities on their relevance and any unproductive activities immediately terminated.

Priority and other questions

Definition of priorities - the task is simple. It is more difficult to determine the non-priority tasks that should be postponed and strictly adhere to their solution. Courage, and not an analysis dictates really important rules for determining priorities:

  1. Choose the future, and not the past;
  2. Focus on favorable opportunities, not on the problem;
  3. Choose your own direction, and do not enjoy the flow, following the winners;
  4. Put the goals that will give a visible result, and not those achieved safely and simply.

Impose your own priority tasks, despite the restrictions on time and circumstances. This is the only hope of the head to become the master of his time and circumstances, and not their slave.

The decision-making process

Effective leaders think strategic and large-scale categories. Do not put yourself the goal to solve current problems, do not take too much solutions. Concentrate only on the most important. Do not seek to rapid decision-making.

It is necessary to know when the solution should be founded on principle, and when to proceed from the needs of the moment and pragmaticity. The most time in this process is not to make decisions, but to implement them into life. Implementation of an effective solution should be simple and as close as possible to the possibilities of the average employee.

The process of adoption effective solutions:

  1. Ask yourself: "Is this situation characteristic, or is it an exception to the rules?". Solve the general characteristic problem through the establishment of the principle. With exceptions, you need to understand, considering the specific situation.
  2. Clearly determine what exactly should be achieved thanks to a specific solution. What goals does it pursue? What minimal tasks are set in front of it? What conditions should it be satisfied? The effective solution must meet the objectives, otherwise it is ineffective and inappropriate.
  3. Start with what is right, and not with what is acceptable. At the final stage, you still have to compromise. If a person does not know how to meet the boundary conditions, it cannot make a choice between the correct and incorrect compromise, and this often leads to errors.
  4. The introduction of the decision takes the most time. No solution will be effective if the mechanisms of its implementation will not be developed from the very beginning. No solution cannot be considered accepted while someone will not be responsible for its implementation. The implementation of the solution into real actions requires answers to a few questions: "Who should be aware of this decision?", "What actions should be taken?", "Who will have to do them?", "What should be the action for people who are entrusted to them. , managed to execute it? ". Actions must comply with the abilities of people who will be entrusted with their implementation.
  5. Provide a feedback system for constant verification of the implementation of solutions and reconciliation with a plan of implementation. For effective feedback, you need organized information, numbers and data. The manager must personally check how its decisions are fulfilled, otherwise its activities will be ineffective.

Effective solutions

Any solution is a choice between options. To make an effective decision, collect the maximum number of opinions confirmed by the facts. We produce both in yourself and in our colleagues a habit of determining what to pay attention to what to learn and what to check. This is the basis of any effective solution.

Effective solution is not the result of consensus in the assessment of the existing facts, this is the result of conflicts of different opinions, as well as a serious analysis of various options.

The development of a suitable evaluation mechanism is associated with a certain risk. To make a judgment, you need to have options for selecting. Only in the presence of options can be hoped for a reasonable choice.

The first rule of decision-making is not to make decisions until you hear the opinions contrary to yours. Why make a decision, you should insist on counter-arguments:

  1. This is the only opportunity to prevent the situation when a decision maker becomes a prisoner of the organization. The way to break out of captivity of prejudices is to ensure the flow of documented and carefully thoughtful objections.
  2. Only disagreements provide alternatives to the proposed option. The decision without an alternative is just a move of a desperate gambling player as carefully he was not thought out. Look at the opposition as a means to think about the solution options.

Each solution is interference in the wellland system. A good leader will not risk and accept extra solutions. The decision should be taken if without it the situation is likely to deteriorate. Favorable opportunities most often lead to improvement than to radical changes.

You are ready to make a decision if: Requirements are thought out, options are studied, risks and advantages weighed, but this is not enough. In this situation, a successful leader must not succumb to the temptation and conduct a study of this issue again.

Circulation 2007, published in the publishing house Vilms, is already unlikely to find, but in 2012 the book was published in Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

The effectiveness of the head is not due to the "talent" and certainly not the "brilliant abilities" of a person. Effective leader uses practical techniqueswhich can and need to learn. Management books usually talked about managing other people. The topic of this book is the management of yourself to improve the efficiency of your activities. The fact that people are generally able to control other people while nobody has been proven. But you can always manage yourself. The leaders who do not know how to manage themselves to improve their efficiency, will not be able to effectively manage their colleagues and subordinates. Management is largely carried out on its own example. ... The effectiveness of the individual's work is increasingly dependent on its ability to work effectively in the organization, on the leading post.

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Chapter 1. Performance can be learned

Even the most gifted people may be surprisingly ineffective; They sometimes do not understand that thanks to one abilities it is impossible to achieve any significant success in the work. Intellect, imagination and awareness - of course, essential qualities, but only in combination with efficiency they will be embalmed in the results. The measurement and assessment system - from the organization of production and accounting to quality control, - used in relation to physical labor, is not applicable to the work of intellectual. That is why work on necessary The product is a measure of intellectual labor efficiency. An employee of mental labor does not need a petty guardianship. He can only help. At the same time, he must direct himself to perform their tasks, that is, effectiveness.

Education is precisely the area in which America is most competitive. Education can be considered the most expensive investment from all of us known. The return or productivity of the representative of mental labor is expressed in its ability to solve topical tasks. This is called efficiency. Activities in which knowledge is the main driving force is not a quantifiable measurement. This activity cannot be measured at costs. Intellectual activity is determined by its results.

I call "managers" ("managers") of those employees of intellectual labor, managers and individual specialists who, by virtue of their provisions or existing knowledge, should make decisions that have a significant impact on the result of the work of the whole organization. If the managers do not strive to maximize efficiency in their work, they will simply turn into officials who are led by the last clock.

There are four main problems that are almost uncontrolled by the head. ... Each of these problems is hampered by the achievement of positive results in the work.

The organization as a social phenomenon differs from the biological organism. Nevertheless, it is subject to the same law that regulates the structure and size of animals and plants. According to this law, the size of the size, the surface of the habitat increases in a quadratic proportion, and the mass in cubic. ... As the organization and its visible achievements grow, more and more attention, energy and abilities of the manager are sent to internal events to the detriment of the tasks facing it and achieve real efficacy for the outside world. ... Actual external events are often qualitative and not subject to quantitative definition. They still can not be called "facts". After all, the facts can be attributed to the events that someone have already identified, classified and first of all endowed with relevance. ... It is important not the trends themselves, but their changes.

One of the weak points of modern education is that young people are limited to knowledge in some kind of narrow region and with disregard relate to all others. ... Each of them should have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning and tasks of those disciplines that do not have a direct relationship.

The concept of an "effective personality" simply does not exist. Those effective managers with whom I had to meet, plungely different from each other with the abilities, with temperament, what and how they did, personal qualities, knowledge and interests. In other words, they differed from each other in everything that determines the personality of man. They combined their one important property - they achieved the fulfillment of important and urgent tasks. ... Efficiency is something like a habit, a set of practical methods that can always be learned.

There are five main elements to improve the efficiency of the employee of the management.

1. Effective managers should know what they spend their time. The ability to control your time is an essential element of productive work.

2. Effective managers should concentrate on achievements that go beyond their organizations. They should be aimed at performing work as such, but to the end result. A good manager before proceeding to perform a task, sets myself a question: "What results should I achieve?" The work process itself and its methods depart for him to the background.

3. Effective managers must build their activities on strong qualities, both own and managers, colleagues and subordinates, and are also required to find out positive moments In specific situations.

4. Effective managers focus on several of the most important areas in which the execution of the tasks will bring the most tangible results. They must learn to establish priority directions of work and not deviate from them. Actually, all of their activities should consist of the execution of priority tasks.

5. Finally, effective managers must make effective solutions. And this, first of all, the system of systemism, that is, the process of performing the task must pass in the desired sequence. It should be remembered that an effective solution is always a judgment based, rather, on the "misconception of opinions" than on "consistency in facts". Excessive hasty leads to incorrect decisions. Decisions should be a bit, but all of them must be fundamental. In making decisions, it is necessary to be guided by the faithful strategy, and not the momentary tactical considerations.

These five elements of management efficiency are the main theme of this book.

Chapter 2. Know your time

According to my observations, experienced managers are not immediately rushing to solve their tasks. They start with the analysis of their time, and not from planning, - first they think about how to distribute their time. They are then trying to control the time, the most important element of which is to reduce non-production costs. Finally, they bring their "personal" time to the most large and related blocks. Thus, this process consists of three components:

  • time registration
  • time management
  • enlargement of time.

Experienced managers know that time is limited. The performance limits of any process are set by the most score resource. In the process that we call "the achievement of the goal", this resource is time. ... Time is completely indispensable. During certain limits, we can always replace one resource to others, for example, aluminum copper. We can replace human labor to capital. We can use more knowledge intensively incorporate intelligence. But we cannot replace time. ... Nothing is so characteristic of effective managers, as their reverent time care.

Although a person, like all living beings, is equipped with a "biological clock", he does not have a reliable sense of time. ... if we rely on our memory, we do not notice what our time is spent. ... Employees of intellectual labor, and especially managers, must learn how to dispose of their time enlarged blocks.

Most of the time takes communication with subordinates. Those managers who think that can discuss plans, directions and quality of work of their subordinates for fifteen minutes, just cheating themselves.

In order to achieve real achievements, an employee engaged in mental activity should be focused on the effectiveness of its organization as a whole. In other words, he should strive to achieve such results with which his organization enters the outside world.

In order for mental workers to successfully promote the case, the leaders of modern organizations must allocate a significant part of the time to meet them and discuss all the problems. Sometimes similar meetings Pass even with younger makeup. Usually managers ask the following questions: "What you need to know about your work? Do you have any original proposals for our organization? What reserves available can be entered? Will you foresee any unwanted turns of events that, besides you, no one can provide? What would you like to learn from me about our organization? ". Without such discussions, employees lose enthusiasm and turn into officials - "pastors" of time or send their efforts to the narrow area of \u200b\u200btheir interests that are not related to the needs of the organization. At the same time, such mini symposiums require tremendous time, especially since they should be kept in a leisurely and calm manner. People must believe that "have any number of time." Ultimately, this contributes to a speedy achievement. At the same time, this indicates the need to consolidate the time of the head, since the intermittentness slows down the process of performing work.

The more people work in the organization, the more often it is necessary to make decisions on personnel. But early decisions are most often wrong. They require study and, therefore, large costs time. Before making an optimal solution, most often it is necessary to consider the issue of different points vision. According to a popular opinion, Alfred P. Sloan, in the past, the head of the world's largest company "General Motors", never accepted decision-making solutions from the first time. When they asked about his secrets, he answered: "I don't have any secrets - I just emerge from the fact that the first version of the decision of the appointment to the post or promotion of someone will most likely be incorrect, and therefore I scroll through the whole process of reasoning yet Several times before bringing the decision to execution. "

... The recording of the actual spending time can be considered the first step towards improving the efficiency of managerial labor. ... Systematized time management can be considered the next step in improving the performance of the managing. First of all, it is necessary to identify the sections of the diligence of time in order to eliminate them. During this, it is recommended to respond to a number of diagnostic issues.

  1. To identify and eliminate the types of activities that do not bring any results, but take time.
  2. Next, decide which of the types of activities can anyone else with no less (and maybe with big) success?
  3. As the leader refers to the time of others, which he spends himself. Experienced managers have developed a habit of asking such a question: "What do I do this that absorbs the time of subordinates and does not increase their effectiveness?"

... time loss as a result of bad leadership and improper labor organization:

Chapter 3. Individual contribution to overall activities

... the thoughts of effective managers go beyond their formal responsibilities and are directed to broader goals. They, as it were, constantly ask themselves the question: "How can I have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of my institution?" Such managers constantly feel responsible for achieving the goals.

For most managers, the "descending" trend in their activities is characteristic. First of all, they are worried about the increase in their own authority. Ultimately, such an orientation makes managers ineffective.

Starting the diagnosis of organizations, I asked the leaders the question: "What do you do specifically to justify the salary paid to you?" In most cases, such answers followed: "I manage accounting" or "I am responsible for workers engaged in the sale of products." It is very common and such an answer: "850 people work under my beginning." But very few of those who are responsible as follows: "In my task, it is included to provide such information to the managers of units that need to make the right decisions", or "I try to find out what kind of products will be in demand in the near future", or "I I think about and preparing solutions that will then be considered by the president. "

The concentration on the contribution to the general case distracts the attention of the manager from its specialty, narrow qualifications and its department. In other words, it focuses on the functioning of the whole. His attention is drawn to the results of the entire organization. It is typical for him to analyze the question of how his qualifications, specialty, functions and its department can be made to the organization as a whole and in carrying out its tasks.

Ask yourself a question like "How can I help my organization?" - It means start searching for unused reserves at its workplace. As we know, quite often much of what is traditionally perceived as the exemplary fulfillment of their duties, is in fact only a pale shadow that in principle can be achieved in this workplace.

Any organization is trying to succeed in three directions:

  • achieving direct results
  • formulation and maintenance of values
  • preparation of future personnel.

It is in these directions to make a specific contribution every manager.

This organization that only fixes today's level of achievements loses the ability to adapt. In the vital activity of society, only changes are constant, and therefore such an organization will not be able to survive in tomorrow. The most common cause of the failure of the manager lies in its inability or reluctance to change due to the requirements imposed on him with his new position. The manager who continues to do what he successfully managed to be in an old place is almost doomed for failure.

... The higher post is occupied by the manager, the greater role is played by the external (in relation to its particular organization) environment as a factor in achieving the goal.

The most important thing is not to generate universal, masters for all hands. It is very important to create such conditions under which a specialist is able to improve efficiency, both its own and its specialty. This means that he should identify the user's products in advance, as well as identify its needs in those knowledge and skills that will help him produce them to master them. ... Specialists who take responsibility for their contribution will try to correlate it with one whole.

If managers manage to install a good relationship In their organizations, this is not because they have "talent handling people." This can be explained by the fact that in its work and relationships with others, they are aimed at contributing to the common cause. The concentration on the deposit involves four main conditions for effective relationships:
- Communication,
- Collective activities,
- self-development I.
- Development of others.

Communication. ... why tremendous efforts to achieve adequate communication do not give results? Traditionally, communicative relationships were built on descending, that is, from leadership to subordinate. Than with the big diligence, the head is trying to bring something to the attention of his subordinate, the greater the likelihood that the latter will perceive it in a distorted form. In other words, he will hear what he wants to hear, and not what he really was told. The governors that take responsibility for achieving the goal in their own work, as a rule, require a responsible attitude towards it and from their subordinates. They, no matter how constantly turning to their employees with questions: "For what results do you answer in front of me, your boss, and in front of the whole organization as a whole?", "How can you use your knowledge and abilities with the greatest effectiveness?" In this case, communication becomes not only possible, but also effective. ... The goals that subordinate themselves are in front of themselves, almost never respond to the demands of the head. Subordinates see reality with completely different eyes. The more abilities they have, the greater responsibility they are willing to take, the more their perception of reality, its possibilities and needs differs from the opinion of their head or organization.

Focus on the contributionleads to the emergence of communication diversity and makes a possible collective work. Question like "Who should use the results of my work in order to make them effective?" Immediately reveals the significance of a person in the team, regardless of whether it belongs to the leading formulation or an ordinary worker.

Self-developmentmostly depends on the concentration on the contribution to the common cause. A person who is asking himself a question like "what is the most important contribution I can enter into the activities of this organization?" In fact, asks the following: "In what direction should I develop?", "What knowledge and skills I need to purchase to be Can make this contribution? "," How much effort I need? "," What parameters should I install for myself? "

Effective meeting.Effective managers ... ask yourself: "Why are we collecting this meeting?", Do we want to work out some decision, make a message or find out the direction of our activity? " ... you can meet and listen to what they are talking about, or to take part and advocate, but you cannot combine these two principles! At the same time, the concentration on a specific goal, to contribute from the very beginning, is the key rule. The contribution to the contribution to achievement is the way to efficiency.

Chapter 4. Rate for strong qualities

Effective leader does everything to everywhere and increase the return from the strengths of the Organization. He knows that it is impossible to rely on weakness. Make the strengths as much as possible - this is the true goal of any organization. Of course, it is impossible to overcome all weaknesses that are invariably available for everyone. But in our power to make them insignificant.

Selection of employees on the basis of their strengths.By accepting personnel decisions, the manager focuses on the presence of advantages, and not on the lack of flaws from workers. The head that nominates workers or staffing, focusing only on the weaknesses of people, at best will receive the most mediocre results. Strong people always have rather noticeable weaknesses.Experienced managers know that their subordinates pay not for causing the authorities, but for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

The skilled manager will never ask: "We will we believe with this employee?" But I will certainly think: "What contribution can be expected from this employee?" He will never ask: "Why can't this worker do?" His question will be: "What can one worker distinguish between?" In other words, during the selection of personnel, experienced managers are focused on high indicators of applicants in a one important area, and not on their overall performance. If it seems to you that this is obvious, why are so few managers know how to use the strengths of others with the greatest efficiency, especially their colleagues? The main reason lies in the fact that the direct task of the manager is the filling of the vacancy, and not the selection of the person most capable of performing this work. Traditionally always start with the existing workplace, then looking for a person on him. Acting in a similar way, you can come to the false principle of finding the "most accurate" employee, a person who does not apply for anything. Observations show that such people are usually mediocre.

Positions must be objective, that is, they must be determined by the task, and not a person. It is impossible to change the work and the obligations of all just because for some workplace Came new person. The adjustment of posts for the person unmistakably leads to the system of favorites and a conformism. The leaders who create excellent production teams are usually not closely in close relationship with their nearest colleagues and subordinates. Choosing workers according to their abilities, and not for personal sympathies or antipathy, such managers are focused on the achievement of high indicators, and not for universal consent. To ensure results, they retain the distance among themselves and the nearest colleagues.

Effective leaders are selected by workers based on their strong qualities, non-adaptable jobs under personality features. For this, they follow the four rules.

1. They should not assume that jobs and positions are created by nature itself or the Lord God. They are the work of man's hands with all his inherent disadvantages. Effective managers will always beware of "impossible" jobs, which are not under power a normal person. The rule is sufficient simply: any work that turned out to be unbearable for several performers (moreover, those who distinguished themselves from the best side in their previous positions) must be recognized as unsuitable for everyone.

2. The second rule of selection of workers based on their strong qualities is to give the responsibility of each post and demanding to the employee. If working tasks are too small, it does not allow to manifest the best parties to employees. A young specialist should ask himself as early as possible: "Can I demonstrate everything that is capable of, in this organization and in this area of \u200b\u200bwork?" But he will not be able to ask himself this question, not to mention the answer to him, if the work with which he began his activity is too limited, is easy and built so that somehow compensate for the absence of experience, instead of revealing All his capabilities. Many managers often complain that the zeal of young professionals is very quickly dried. However, such managers should only blame themselves: they fucked the youthful fervor of young employees, entrusted to them to perform a tedious and unimportant work.

3. Effective managers know that it is necessary to start working with people with disclosure and proper use Their potential, and not with the distribution of orders to carry out standard duties. It is for this reason that such widespread system of certification and assessments of specialists' knowledge obtained. If the head, following the recommendations of our assessment system, comes from the shortcomings of his subordinates, it will spoil the relationship between them. Search and underline deficiencies make further joint work almost impossible. It is not surprising that only very few managers prefer to use existing system ratings. The use of this erroneous tool leads to undesirable situations, since he pursues false goals. Only labor efficiency should be measured. Experienced managers usually develop their own forms of estimates, sharply different from officially proposed. As a rule, such forms begin with the transfer of the results of the activities that were expected from employees in their former and these posts. There are also records of their actual achievements. This follows four questions:

  1. What does this worker know how well?
  2. What functions, taking into account his previous achievements, can it be successfully implemented?
  3. What should he learn to fully reveal his abilities?
  4. Would I want to work under his start?
    1. If so, why?
    2. If not, why?

4. Effective managers know that for productive use of strong qualities, it is often necessary to put up with weaknesses. Experienced managers know that two people with mediocre abilities cannot achieve the same results as one talented specialist. There are only three explanations of the "indispensability" of the employee:

  • He really is noncompeatient and can only hold on due to the absence of its specific responsibility.
  • His strong qualities are used only to support their weaker boss, which is not able to make independent decisions.
  • His strong qualities are sent to the deferment of solving serious problems or to hide their existence.

An indispensable condition for the promotion of a person in service is its proven ability to effectively perform the functions required in this position. All other arguments, such as "he indispensable ...", "he will not find common language With the current team ... "," He is very young ... "," We never put on such posts of people who have no experience in our field, "should not be taken into account. It's not just that every work requires the best of its performer. An employee whose functional advantages are proved, should be able to reveal its potential. The rate is possible, and not to problems with solving personnel issues, contributes to the creation effective organization, as well as the atmosphere of enthusiasm and devotion. On the other hand, the responsibilities of the manager enters immediately to remove from the work of anyone who cannot constantly show high results. Allow such people to remain in their positions means to decompose others. This is B. higher Executive unfairly in relation to the whole organization.

How to manage your boss.First of all, we must try to make it possible to use its strengths. ... There is nothing better to achieve success than a successful chief, quickly moving through the career ladder. ... Everyone who ever looked at her surrounding almost more closely, made a completely obvious conclusion that all people are divided into "readers" and "listeners."

Improving your own effectiveness.Effective managers are concerned about their restrictions, but they are able to detect a great set of all that they can perform. While others complain that they do not have one one, then another, effective leaders prefer not to waste time and do what they know how to do the best. Effective leader does not hide his weaknesses, he tries to be himself. In the sphere of human relations, the distance between leaders and middle peasants is the permanent value. High leading leaders makes tightening middling.

Chapter 5. Everything is your time

"The Secret" of Efficiency is concluded in concentration and focus. Effective controls are always starting with the solution of priority tasks and at the same time make everything consistently, that is, something one at a certain period of time.

Before concentrating forces in one direction, effective managers are trying get rid of the pastwhich ceased to be productive. They periodically revise the programs of their activities and activities of their colleagues, while setting the question: "If we have not yet done this, then is it worth doing this now?" If the answer is negative, they reduce or generally stop working in this direction. At least the managers try to do so as not to invest additional resources in already unproductive directions. Yesterday's actions and decisions, no matter how bold and wise, they are inevitably turning into today's problems, crises and misunderstandings. At the same time, the success of the past is long worried about their utility. An even greater danger is activities that, despite all their prospects, did not bring the desired results. They sometimes "warm the pride of the chief" and therefore are inviolable. A manager who wants to be effective himself and make its effective organization, must carefully track all programs, all activities, all tasks. He must constantly ask himself: "Is it worth the effort spent?" The most effective means of supporting the new people serve themselves who have proven their effectiveness. They are always busy more than it should be. To successfully solve new tasks, we should release the most valuable frames from all over. New workers are gaining to work out and promoting existing activities. It should be started to start something new with people whose qualities do not cause doubts, that is, with those who have extensive experience in this organization.

Systematic getting rid of the old is the only means of introducing a new one. None of those known organizations do not have a lack of ideas. We do not experience problems related to "creative thoughts". But only a very minor part of the organizations can embody their worthy ideas into something practical. Everyone is too absorbed by the solution of the tasks of yesterday.

Priorities. It is very important to determine which tasks should be solved in the first place, and which are left to "then" as having less importance. If the circumstances, and not the manager, make a decision, then the tasks are likely to remain unresolved. Because in this case there is no time to implement the most difficult of them. Circumstances always prefer the day yesterday. Because of the circumstances, leaders will not pay attention to what is being done outside this organization. Circumstances are always inclined to manifest itself most clearly inside the organization. They always choose what has already happened, not the future; Crisis, not the opportunity ...

It is the courage, and not an analysis, dictates truly important rules for determining priorities:

  • Focus on the future, not the past.
  • Concentrate on features, not on problems.
  • Choose your own direction, do not swim by the flow along with others.
  • Put for yourself high goals that allow cool to change the situation, not those that are "reliable" and are easily achievable.

... In business, it seems not those companies that seek to develop new types of products on the already existing organizational and technical basis, and those that are aimed at introducing new technologies and types of production. As a rule, the introduction of something new in a limited radius of actions is associated with the same risk, complexity and uncertainty, as if this introduction related to a large coverage of actions.

Chapter 6. Decision making elements

Effective supervisor is a leader that takes effective solutions. Effective managers do not seek to take many decisions. They focus only on the most important. They try to adopt those few important decisions that are at the highest level. conceptual understanding. Effective managers know when solutions should be based on the principles, and in what cases they should be taken pragmatic, based on the being of the circumstances. They know that the most difficult is the choice of a faithful compromise, and therefore seeking to learn how to distinguish the necessary compromise from unnecessary. They also know that the most time-consuming over time is not the decision of the decision, but the incarnation of it into life. As long as it has not embodied in reality, it remains good wishes.

Examples of the adoption of conceptual solutions by Theodore Vail (Bell Telephone System) and Alfred P. Sloan (General Motors).

The whole process of making an effective solution disintegrates to elements.

1. The first question should be a manager who wants to take an effective solution: "Is this situation characteristic or is it an exception to the rules?" You can distinguish four types of events. First, there are really typical events, and individual cases serve here symptoms. Secondly, there are such problems that are specific to individual companies are common. Then there are really exceptional, really unique problems. Indeed, unique events occur quite rarely. When such an event occurs, the question should be asked: "Is it really an exception or just a manifestation of something new?" The initial manifestation of a new typical problem is the fourth and last category of events that have to deal with the decision-making process. All events, with the exception of really unique, require principal solutions. They need to be considered through the prism of rules, policies and principles. True unique events, however, require a purely individual approach. It is impossible to come up with rules for exceptions. The head, before whom it is worth the task, to develop an effective solution in my organization, first of all, should determine which of the above-mentioned four situations it deals. An experienced manager knows that the incorrect classification of the situation leads to incorrect decision. The most common mistake is the relationship to a typical situation as a series of unique events, that is, the manifestation of pragmatism in the absence of principle and the concept of typical. Another rather common mistake is the attitude to a new event as a manifestation of an old problem to which the old rules apply.

An experienced leader comes from the fact that the problem is typical. He also recognizes that the event, attracted his attention, is actually a symptom. He always tries to identify the essence of the problem and does not stop on the treatment of alone symptom. This explains why the experienced responsible worker always seeks to solve issues on a high conceptual level. "If there are many laws in the country, it testifies to the incompetence of lawyers." In such a country, they are trying to solve each problem as a unique phenomenon, and not as a special case that falls under general norms. Like this, the manager who takes too many solutions is most likely lazy and ineffective.

2. The second important element in the decision-making process is a clear definition of what we want to achieve this decision. What are our solutions? Will we set any minimum of tasks before you? What conditions should our solutions meet? In science, these conditions are known as "border". In order for the solution to be effective, it should satisfy the border conditions and be adequately a goal. Everyone can take an incorrect solution and each from time to time takes such solutions. But all of us should beware of such decisions that do not satisfy the border conditions.

3. It is necessary to start not with what seems acceptable, but from what it seems true. This provision is based on the fact that at the final stage of each action, the need for a compromise usually appears. But if there is a fuzzy presentation of the conditions that must be satisfied, it becomes impossible to distinguish the correct compromise from the wrong. Often, all this ends with the choice of the latter. Alfred Sloan: "... People will not be able to choose the right compromise, if you first do not explain to them that in the essence of" right ". It is not worth spending time on thinking about what is permissible and what you should not talk about, in order not to cause resistance. ... we will not win anything, if we start with the question: "What is permissible?"Answering this question, we can lose the most important and lose opportunities to find efficient (not to mention the right) answer.

4. Implementation of the solution is the fourth main element of the decision-making process. While the analysis of border conditions is the most difficult stage in the decision-making process, the transformation of it into effectively requires high time. No solution can be effective if from the very beginning it does not include the possibilities of implementation.

When implementing the decision, it is necessary to respond to several specific questions: "Who should know about this decision? What action should be taken? Who should take this action? What should this action be that people responsible for him could implement it? " In practice, they often neglect the first and most recent issues, which leads to deplorable results.

If the behavior compensation is rewarded, which is required to solve new tasks, it is quite possible to conclude that such behavior is welcomed by superior guidance.

5. Each responsible solution must be provided with feedback to verify the conformity of theory and practice. After all, even the most effective solutions eventually become obsolete. The military has long been learned one simple thing - without checking orders, most of them remain unfulfilled. Warlords know that their own eyes are the most reliable check. The usual testing tools that are used by the presidents - reports and reports are not a reliable feedback. Personal check Also is the best, if not the only one, by assessing the relevance of the initial parcels underlying a solution. If, when checking, their inconsistency is detected by new realities, they should be revised. It's no secret to anyone that any parcels are early or late. Reality is also a variable factor.

Chapter 7. Effective Solutions

The solution is a judgment. This choice between the right and wrong. At best, the solution is the choice between "almost right" and "probably wrong", but much more often the solution is a choice between two directions of action, the loyalty of which cannot be proved. In most books, which describes the decision-making process, it is said that "starting to start the search for facts." But experienced managers know that it is necessary to start from the other - with opinions. In order to determine what is also "Fact", it is necessary to find out the criteria for relevance. The effective solution does not follow from consistency in facts. It takes its beginning in the collision of various opinions, as well as in a serious analysis of possible alternatives.

Only accurate methodthat compensate us to test the opinion of reality is based on a clear belief that everything begins with opinions. What to do with hypotheses, we know - they do not need to doubt, they need to be checked. Perhaps the basic idea should be expressed in the question: "What is the criterion of relevance?" The head always comes from the fact that traditional dimensions are far from always what is needed. Indeed, if traditional measurements retain their effectiveness, there would be no need to make decisions - there would be enough partial fit or adjustment. Traditional dimensions reflect on their essence yesterday's decisions. If there is a need for a new decision, this, first of all, means that the measurement has lost its relevance.

Most effective method Looking for an acceptable measurement is personal participation in the "feedback", this connection should be made before deciding. Effective managers always seek to enlist measurement alternatives in order to choose the one, most suitable.

Our vision of reality is narrowed if we do not have alternatives. It is exactly that it is primarily explained why the most experienced leaders discard the second major commandment contained in decision-making textbooks, and seek to create a controversy atmosphere, and not unanimity. The first rule of decision may sound like this: "If there is no preliminary disagreement, it is impossible to develop an optimal solution."

There are three main points that are in favor of making a decision in the conditions of objections and counterproofs. Firstly, only in this way the person responsible for making decisions can avoid the fate of the prisoner of his organization. Each in the organization is trying to impose his opinion. Everyone seeks to make sure that it is the solution that he considers it necessary. Secondly, only disagreements can provide alternatives to the proposed solution. Among other things, the controversy is necessary to stimulate imagination.

It should be proceeded from the fact that the person who made seemingly clearly incorrect judgment sees a reality in a different light and seeks to solve a different problem. Effective leader will always ask: "What does this officer try to achieve if he believes that his position is reliable, rational and reasonable?" Only he is in the existing versions of judgment, he will think about who is right, and who is not. Unfortunately, most people traditionally take their vision of things as a point of reference the only possible.

The head who wants to take an effective solution, asks: "Is this decision?" One alternative is available at your disposal - nothing to do. But often you have to make a decision only because inaction can only worsen the situation. The same applies to favorable opportunities. A favorable opportunity appears only for limited time, and if it is not used, it will disappear. In such cases, it is necessary to act, and this most often leads to radical changes. If the question "What happens if nothing to do?" You can answer that "everything is formed by itself", then the intervention is not required. Do not interfere in cases where conditions do not represent any importance and do not affect the course of events. In Roman law, written almost two thousand years ago, it says: de Minimis Non Curat Praetor - Prettor is not engaged in trifles. Many responsible persons Until now, it is not known this saying.

I recommend spent comparative analysis Risk associated with action with a possible risk of inaction. Formulas proper solutions do not exist here. But there are clear guidelines that facilitate decision making in specific cases:

  • Act if, considering all the circumstances, the benefits will significantly outweigh the costs and risk.
  • You can act or inactivate; But not shy away and not limited to half solutions.

Suppose everything is ready to make a decision. It is at this stage that most solutions are denied. Suddenly it is found that it can be unpleasant, unpopular or difficult. Decisions on its very essence should not cause unpleasant emotions, however, most of the effective solutions initially leave an unpleasant precipitate. It is safe to say what will not do at this stage effective leader. He will not give up temptation and will not require another study of this issue. It will not allow you to spend the time of employed people just to compensate for its own indecision. The fact that the correct decision is associated with some negative moments, in principle, is not the cause of refusal. But unconscious anxiety or internal alarm always act as limiters, even if for a short time. As one of my friend says, who knows how to take the most optimal solutions: "I always stop if I do not clearly see the situation."

Efficiency can be learned, but it is impossible to teach it.
Efficiency - not "subject", and self-discipline!

Although phrases from paragraphs 3 and 4 seem similar, it is not. Pay attention to the selected words.

Purpose by guideline - This is not only a pleasant and important event in the career, but also a heavy, responsible burden. In order for the chair in the future "not a pink", the newly minted boss without experience is to master a number of skills, learn to communicate with subordinates. How to become a manager - communicable and efficient? What qualities for this need to develop? Who will help with learning? What principle should I build interaction with subordinates?

How to organize a workflow?

The ability to concentrate the attention of employees to achieve a common goal is one of the key professional qualities of the head. As practice shows, subordinates that have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe final activity of the entire team are more motivated, charged by the team spirit. It happens that the alleged result is strongly delayed in time, which, undoubtedly, undermines the stimulus to work. In this case, the boss may, instead of a long-term goal, to put a number of intermediate tasks before employees of the department (enterprise).

Ignoring goals - not the only problem of management. A common mistake of the head without experience is the desire to take over the functions of subordinates, as well as control every step of workers. At the same time, an effective managerial manager for current duties and affairs takes no more than 25% of the time. The larger part of his efforts is aimed at organizing the process:

  • development of the company's strategy;
  • optimization of the organizational structure;
  • improving professional competence subordinates.

In the company where the staff is correct and debugged the interaction of personnel, the head does not have to be distracted from global tasks: workers coped with everyday routine.

However, control from the head is still important. By ordering subordinates, the manager must follow the tasks set. Also, it is also impossible to give an order, and then, without waiting for the results, to cancel it, reorienting the employee to implement another project. In the consciousness of subordinates, the relationship between the goal and the result should be shocked. And the point here is not only in motivation, but also in the self-satisfaction of the employee: the accumulated incomplete cases distract from current tasks, create an atmosphere of psychological discomfort. Exit from the situation when the workload prevents some employees to focus, a redistribution of work can be.

How to develop the quality of the manager and managerial skills?

You can become a leader, but do not grow professionally. Meanwhile, competition among the employees of the highest echelon in the labor market is quite serious. The new generation of managers is characterized by greater practicality, mobility and independence of thinking. Naturally, the appearance of the modern leader is changing. Now it is not enough to be just a boss: it is necessary to combine in one person of the organizer, mentor and leader.

What qualities should be developed to truly become the leader?

  • Administrative and technical skills, the ability to select a team, build relationships with personnel and partners.
  • Be sociable, susceptible and critical to new information. To be able to present yourself, find an approach to employees.
  • Have innovative potential, that is, to think the categories of the future, see the future, strive for changes and optimize the workflow, be ready for risk.
  • Leadership qualities - a group of psychological properties that helps to conquer high status in the team (self-confidence, reliability, sequence, active life positiondetermination).
  • Reputational component (honesty, compliance with ethical norms, responsibility). Resistance to stress and frustrations.
  • Strategic thinking - the ability to set goals and objectives, predict the results, consequences of their and other people's actions.

For the development of managerial skills, it is necessary, first of all, a desire. Teachers of the new boss may be superior authoritative and experienced leaders. If there are no companies in the company, you can contact representatives of another organization. Do not forget about the great power of self-education. We will improve the competence to help webinars, trainings, seminars, reading educational literature will help.

Desktop books of the head can be the following work:

  • Allen David "how to bring things to order";
  • Dr. Peter "Effective Manager";
  • Kovi Stephen "Four Rules of Effective Leader";
  • Fox Jeffrey "How to become a first-class leader";
  • Ryshev Nikolai "Leadership Technologies";
  • Sutton Robert "Art be a good leader."

Management styles: how to communicate with subordinates

The style of communication of the head with subordinates depends largely on the nature of the chief and the specifics of the company's activities. If a person who leads the department (enterprise) is convinced that people do not like to work, they want to ensure the best of all and do not have ambitions, he manages in an autocratic manner. Such a model involves a high degree of centralization of power and control, application as an incentive of coercion.

Head-Democrat more like command work. Appealing to employees, he takes into account, above all, their needs for self-expression and accessories. He does not impose his representation to employees, but controls the results of their activities. With a democratic style of management, the powers are minimized by the staff, between the head and subordinates, respectful relations are built.

Having a tendency to let everything on a self-shot, the head will most likely choose a liberal model of relationships. With this style, subordinates receive absolute freedom, and the head plays the role of the coordinator. Liberal leader is distinguished by politeness, tolerance, goodwill, willingness to listen to criticism and susceptibility to other people's ideas. On the other hand, he lacks perseverance, determination, demanding to subordinate.

IN real life all three control style in pure form Do not meet. Moreover, in different circumstances, the same manager can behave as an autocrat, Democrat or Liberal. Its communication model can over time to transform under the influence of traditions that have developed in the team, as well as internal messages set in front of it tasks and requirements.

No matter what control style manager chooses, with subordinates it should be correct and polite. It is necessary to allow employees to express their (possibly different) point of view. When someone from the staff makes a mistake, the worst thing that the manager can do is to humiliate and insult the guilty. A good manager all comments to the employee will express alone, without a cry and curses. At the same time, to be attentive to the feelings of other people - it does not mean to tolerate their incompetence at all, so with negligent workers, it is necessary to part without delay.

Communicate effectively and respectful. Start with clarifying expectations from the department or the sphere in which you work. What should your group do to an organization?

  • Listen carefully. Openness for other ideas and problems will help you understand the situation and take optimal solutions. Allocation of time and place to listen to employees is an important component of efficient communication. When you pay to employees close attentionThey respect you and are ready to listen to your recommendations. If it is strictly given orders without listening, it can undermine the devotion and enthusiasm of employees.
  • Speak briefly and clear. Avoid notations or directives by verbal messages. Think about the most important postsYou want to pass, and report them in part or by phone. Lay out thoughts in messages emailTo make sure that they are clear, brief and clear.

Create a schedule of regular meetings with employees. Read the workers, highlighting time for them daily or weekly. Ask them about projects over which they work during these meetings, and how you can help them in their embodiment. Dedicate regular meetings to listen to the offense and defeat employees. Use meetings to discuss the success of the team and for brainstorming to solve new problems.

Give tribute to your subordinates. Evaluate the work that gives the desired result.

Focus on the strengths of your employees. Pay attention to the unique talents and abilities of each employee and use these forces in favor of the project or company. For example, an employee can be an excellent secretary, but a slow text type. Find the capabilities to use its skills.

Help improve their weaknesses. Part of the effective management is to assist employees in turning their shortcomings in dignity. The first step is to determine the area that needs improvement. And already from this should be repelled and improve your department.

  • Do not pay excessive attention to disadvantages. Excessive attention to K. weaknesses The employee can lead to desposion and low labor discipline.
  • Look for a solution to the problem. Conflicts often arise in production and may appear between employees, between the employee and the leader, or between the employee and the client. To find effective method Solving such problems means focus on thinking of facts and creatively approach the decision. Concentrate not on emotions and search for guilty. Think of what actions are needed to assist employees who will help to return peace of mind and resume performance.

    Be stable. When things go bad, avoid mutual accusations. Instead, focus on active promotion forward, while removing the lesson from failure, errors or problems.

  • Create a documentation system to optimize processes. Create a system to save workers' work time to perform tasks, and / or to eliminate errors. Create documents that determine the responsibilities of the employee and responsibility for certain tasks.

    • Create a schedule for employees. Make investing in the development of your staff. Develop manuals for learning to assist employees, taking into account the specifics of the tasks being solved.
    • Automate simple tasks. This will help employees focus on more productive and interesting projects.
  • Personal efficiency of each employee - main tool Companies aimed at dynamic development. It is determined by simple formula: resources / results. And each owner is the founder - the shareholder is aimed at minimizing costs when achieving expected results.

    Like the principle of electric current in metals, the head is intended to streamline "Labor" vectors of each individual employee: minimize their costs, while improving the overall results of activity.

    Effective leader - This is a boarding school, with a bright need for self-actualization, among other things, aimed at accumulating constructive experience, having high learning and excellent self-inflammation skills.

    The head is involved in all the links of the chain of any business process. Goaling, forecasting, planning, organization, decision-making, motivation, control and accounting, are those functions that need to be optimized by the head.

    You can select several tools that help the manager to become "effective".


    It is extremely important to implement the optimization strategy within a cohesive and professional team. Therefore, the first fundamental basis is people. If the leader's shoulders lie on the production, sales, any significant site, should not be shy in measures. The team needs professionals in their case. And they need to find, correctly motivate, put ambitious goals. If there was no "Balat" at the selection stage, you need to get rid of it during the work. Employees whose activities brings main income must be rewarded. And in order not to have a "star disease", "stars" should be all. This will create the spirit of proper competition. And the effective leader is the "supernova star" - will lead them behind them.

    Time management

    The second is invaluable useful tooltime management. It is necessary to systematize its work. Practical and efficient tool for the analysis of "weaknesses" - a photograph of working time. After all, it is from myself who needs to start. It is important here to evaluate your "time kidnappers", to understand what processes, even solutions can be delegated, to optimize the control process, allocate additional toolkit To facilitate and accelerate the course of business processes.


    Energy - Here is the field for hyperatabilities. And this is another zone of development for an effective leader. Emotional mood team - hardly 50% of the guarantee of general success. And this is one of the most difficult areas in management - motivation, adequate response, stimulation.

    An effective leader is important to create its own unique atmosphere in the team. Through the personal individuality to come to the individuality of the general. As part of conflicts and stresses that are inevitable, through the position of the observer to come to the position of the communicator. It is important not to forget that employees should feel comfortable not only in the horizontal plane (in cooperation with each other), but also when communicating with the head.

    Three principles

    Summarizing, I want to note a few more important principles in the work of an effective leader.

    First, the effective leader always conducts an analysis of the situation involved in actors influencing factors, and only then decides. Opportunities and alternatives - this is what the manager should see in case of failure. After all, any mistake is another step towards success.

    Secondly, an effective leader should not make decisions without receiving full information about what he should do. Often managers within the framework of the general global strategy "spray" and spend efforts on unnecessary "tactical jumps." This leads to an increase in the processes of implementation of the plan and achieving the expected result.

    Before starting the war, you need to know against whom you are fighting.

    And yet, an effective leader is always "We", and not "I"!

    Tatyana Akimkin, Head of the Department for the search and selection of personnel (Direction of FMCG), Holding "Empire Personnel".