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Alexander Babkin. Professor Babkin: The crisis practically does not affect the innovative potential of companies

The industry priority 2 The concept of the technological platform Technological platform (TP) The tool for combining the efforts of various parties - states, business, science - in determining innovative challenges, developing a program of strategic research and determining the ways to implement the basic principles of the TP to combine the efforts of the most significant and stakeholders (states , business, science) combining the efforts of the most significant and stakeholders (states, business, science) to ensure the development and implementation of long-term (strategic) priorities across certain sectors of the economy technological modernization in the most promising for the development of the economic directions of states about the science boss of the proposals E demand The development of the program is investigated by the definition of e ways to implement

The concept of the technological platform The technological platform is a communication tool aimed at intensifying efforts to create promising commercial technologies, new products (services), to attract additional resources for research and development on the basis of participation of all stakeholders (business, science, states, civil society ), Improving the regulatory framework in the field of scientific and technological, innovative development (hereinafter - the technological platform). The technological platform is a way to mobilize the efforts of all interested parties - various departments, business, the scientific community to achieve the final goals in certain strategic priorities.

The technological platform is a mechanism for coordination and coordination of efforts of various departments, state corporations, infrastructure monopolies, regions, etc., undertaken in the framework of existing mechanisms for the implementation of national scientific and technological policies - FTP, VIP projects, industry strategies and programs, corporate programs development, etc. The mechanism of coordination and coordination is through the use of technological mapping, determining the object tree, formulating indicators of their achievement, the establishment of specific deadlines, and, most importantly, the distribution of the zones of responsibility between specific participants. The technological platform is a way to implement an effective public partnership, the development of the concept embedded in megaranges.

Purpose of technological platforms in Russia 5 ambiguity (weak structure) interests of business is the undevelopment of tools for determining the priorities of scientific and technological development in terms of interaction with the "main players", the low level of integration of these tools into the decision-making system. Insufficiency of business influence on research and development. Programs fragmentation of research and development sector, problems in transformation of R & D results in commercial technologies multiplicity of tools and channels of state support research and development, innovative projects, the need for "setting" duplication of R & D supported by the state; The weak distribution of the results obtained is a limited "planning horizon", low innovative business susceptibility. Inhomogeneity of the research and development sector, including at the level of divisions; The ambiguity of the competences are the lack of "stream" of high-quality innovative projects Availability of barriers to the dissemination of technologies related to the sectoral regulation of the goal of the extension of the "horizon", possible areas of technological upgrading and improving its effectiveness through the development of scientific and production partnerships. Expansion in the economy of the circle of potential "beneficiaries" from Research and development supported by the state Improving the conditions for dissemination in the economy of advanced technologies Attracting additional non-state resources to an innovative consolidation of resources in priority areas of innovative development of the Best Selection, the formation of the "Excellence Centers" in the Research and Development Sector, the development of the relationship of the priority for the socio-economic development of various scientific and technological directions

Technological platforms can be created on the initiative of business, science, states, civil society, including companies, including companies with state participation; scientific organizations and educational institutions, including national research centers, national research universities and federal universities; state institutions of development; state authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; Non-commercial organizations and public associations, including associations of entrepreneurs.

In the course of the implementation of technological platforms, it is carried out: the development of a strategic research program involving the definition of medium and long-term priorities in conducting research and development, building mechanisms of scientific and production cooperation; Formation of training programs, identification of areas and principles of development of standards, certification system, measures for the development of innovation infrastructure; Development of a program to implement and disseminate advanced technologies in the relevant sectors of the Russian economy, which defines various mechanisms and sources of financing, the obligation of the participants in the technological platform; The creation of an organizational structure ensuring the necessary conditions for the implementation of interaction between enterprises, scientific and educational organizations.

1) strengthening the impact of the needs of business and society to implement the most important areas of scientific and technological development; 2) identifying new scientific and technological opportunities to modernize existing sectors and the formation of new sectors of the Russian economy; 3) the definition of fundamental areas for improving industry regulation for the rapid spread of promising technologies; 4) stimulating innovation, support for scientific and technical activities and enterprise modernization processes, taking into account the specifics and options for the development of industries and sectors of the economy; 5) the expansion of scientific and production cooperation and the formation of new partnerships in the innovation field; 6) Improving regulatory legal regulation in the field of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative development.

The main stages of the formation and development of the technological platform promising appearance of the sector for the long-term perspective Strategic program research plan implementation of the strategic research program Stage 1 Evaluation of key challenges Determination of strategic goals and possible ways of technological modernization Provisional framework Assessment of scientific and technological potential Possible "Agenda" for research and development Stage 1 Evaluation of key challenges Determination of strategic goals and possible ways of technological upgrades Provisional framework Assessment of scientific and technological potential Possible "Agenda" for research and development Stage 2 Defining priorities in conducting R & D, main potential participants Building scientific cooperation, determination of possible consortiums Determining the necessary directions Development of scientific infrastructure Formation of training programs Determining the directions and principles of development of standards, System Systems Ication Evaluation of the required financing Stage 2 Defining priorities in the implementation of R & D, the main potential participants Building scientific cooperation, determination of possible consortia Determination of the necessary directions for the development of scientific infrastructure Formation of training programs Determination of areas and principles of development of standards Creating an organizational structure for monitoring progress and problems, clarify the necessary directions of research and development Determining the interaction tools in determining priorities and the exchange of the results achieved by the results of the "roadmap" generation of the permanent "project portfolio", subordinate to the decision of strategic tasks, taking into account the resource "framework" 3 Determination of various possible sources of financing Creating an organizational structure for monitoring progress and problems refined The necessary directions of research and development determination of interaction tools in determining priorities and the exchange of results achieved the definition of the "roadmap" generation of the permanent "project portfolio", subordinate to the decision of strategic tasks, taking into account the resource "framework" 10

Potential benefits in the medium term for active participants of technological platforms Business Science State Improving the environment for innovation, stimulating demand for innovative products. Improving the quality of personnel training, taking into account the necessary technological competences. Financial support for the implementation of innovative projects. New opportunities for technological modernization and expansion of planning horizon. new products Expansion of opportunities for the choice of partners, selection of the best counterparties Political support in world markets, the possibility of the formation of international alliances in areas characterized by high risks and requiring resource support and public attention, expansion of the population's demand for innovative products (services) Improving the environment for innovation, Stimulating demand for innovative products. Improving the quality of training for training, taking into account the necessary technological competences. Financial support for the implementation of innovative projects New opportunities for technological modernization and expansion of the planning horizon opportunities for the issuance of fundamentally new products. Expansion of partners for the choice of partners, the selection of better counterparties political support in world markets, the possibility of forming international alliances in areas characterized by high risks and requiring resource unification Support and public attention, expansion of the population's demand for innovative products (services) Business involvement to partnership with scientific organizations, demonstration effects for business, expansion of business demand for R & D Expansion of competencies of interest to business (training, engineering, design, long-term forecasting) small firms created by scientific and educational institutions in the subcontract network filling the "failures" of applied science. Formation of new cooperations in the scientific sector. Formation of centers com Petzing, including at the level of units of scientific and scientific and educational organizations, capacity-building for the implementation of complex projects with many participants to attract business to partnership with scientific organizations, demonstration effect for business, expanding business demand for R & D. Expansion of competences for business interest (training , engineering, design, long-term forecasting) Inclusion of small firms created by scientific and educational institutions, in the subcontract network filling the "failures" of applied science, the formation of new cooperations in the scientific sector The formation of communities of competences, including at the level of divisions of scientific and scientific and educational organizations. Formation Capacity for the implementation of complex projects with many participants Definition of medium and long-term priorities of scientific and technological policy Concentration on priority areas of modernization of the economy of private and state resources Coordination of R & D, financier To identify the areas of improving regulation, including the sectoral improvement in the conditions for the dissemination of advanced technologies, improving the efficiency of large state-in-country companies Increasing the effectiveness of budgetary expenses Definition of national and long-term priorities of scientific and technological policy Concentration on priority areas of modernization of the economy of private and public resources R & D coordination funded by budget funds to identify the directions of improving regulation, including industry improvement of the conditions for the dissemination of advanced technologies Increasing the efficiency of large state-owned companies Increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures 11

The list of technological platforms of Russia (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation G.) The name of the technological platform of the organization - Coordinators of the Technological Platform Medical and Bio Technologies of 1.Medicin Future VPO "Siberian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" 2. Biondustry and bioresources - biotech2030 RT-Biotehprom OJSC (GK Rostechnology) Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov 3.BioenergeticFU Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute"

Name of the Technological Platform of the Organization - Coordinators of the Technological Platform Information and Communication Technologies 4. National Software Platform OJSC Concern Sirius (GK "Rostechnology") 5. National Supercomputer Technological Platform Institute of Software Systems named after A.K. Aylasymann RAS Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova Photonics 6.6. Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies - Photonics Non-Profit Partnership "Laser Association" 7. Development of Russian LED Technologies of Rosnanotekh GC

The name of the technological platform of the organization - coordinators of the technological platform of air-space technology 8. Aviation mobility and aviation technologies of FSUE "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Professor N. E. Zhukovsky "(FSUE" TsAGI ") OJSC" United Aircraft Corporation "State Corporation" Rostechnology "9. National Space Technological Platform FSUE" Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering "GOU VPO" Moscow Aviation Institute "10. National information Satellite System of OJSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnyova »Nuclear and radiation technologies 11.Wasted nuclear fuel cycle with reactors on rapid neutrons of GC Rosatom 12. Directory Thermonuclear Synthesis of GC" Rosatom "13.Rodaization technology" Rosatom "

Name of the Technological Platform of the Organization - Coordinators of the Technological Platform Energy 14. Intelligent Energy System of Russia FSU "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia 15. Excologically Net Health Energy Energy of the All-Russian Heating Engineering Research Institute OJSC (VTO OJSC) 16. We prompted technologies Renewable Energy of RusHydro OJSC 17.All Distributed Energy CJSC Agency for Prediction of Balances in Electric Power Industry OJSC Inter RAO UES NP "Russian Peat and Bioenergy Society"

The name of the technological platform of the organization is the coordinators of the technological platform of transport technology 18. Approaching innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of construction, maintenance and safety of automotive and railways of Rosnanotekh GC 19. High-speed intellectual railway transport OJSC "Russian Railways" Metallurgy technology and new materials 20. New polymeric composite materials and technologies FSUE "VIAM" of the SSC ROSNANTEKH 21. Materials and technologies of metallurgy of FSUE "VIAM" of the SSC of the Russian Federation of RT-Metallurgy OJSC "NITE MISIS

Name of the Technological Platform of the Organization - Coordinators of the Technological Platform Production of Natural Resources and Oil and Gas Processing 22.Technological Platform of Survicious Minerals OJSC Siberian Coal Energy Company (OJSC SUEK) 23. The technologies of production and use of hydrocarbons GOU VPO "Russian State University of Oil and Gas name I. M.Gubkin "24.glumbing processing of hydrocarbon resources of JSC" VNIPINEFT "

Name of the technological platform of the organization - Coordinators of the Technological Platform Electronics and Mechanical Engineering 25.Technology of Mechatronics, Embedded Management Systems, Radio Frequency Identification and Robot Building GOU VPO "Moscow Physics and Technology" (IFTI) Rosnanthech GC Central Research Institute Robotics and Technical Cybernetics " (GNU TSNII RTK) 26.SVCH technologies "Roselectronics" (GK Rostekhnologiya) 27. Oceanoao "Concern Maritime Information Systems" "Agat" of OSK OJSC SSC of the Russian Federation OJSC "Concern MPO-Hydropribor"

Peter Great Spbpudeputy Head of the Department of Scientific Organizational Activities, Professor of the Higher School of Industrial Management and Economics


1977 - Ryazan Institute of Communication
1997- SPB Academy of Communications
1988 - Protecting dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Field of Research - Justification of options for creating new equipment, optimization of the enterprise manufacturing program, development of a sectoral development strategy (on the example of MIC enterprises)
2001 - protection of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics (specialty 08.00.05, industry).
The area of \u200b\u200bresearch is the theory and methodology of the processes of management of the creation of new techniques (on the example of the PP complex).
2002 - Scientific title Professor at the Department "Economics and Management in Ashinoenation"

Professional experience

2004 - N / Time, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great
Scientific Scope Activities - Guidelines in the Scientific Part
Educational activities - Professor of the Higher School of Industrial Management and Economics.
Participation in conferences:

- Innovative economy and industrial policy of the region (2001-2017)
- Innovation and Economics of the Industry (2008-2017)
Invited Rapporteur of a number of All-Russian and international conferences.
2012 - Laureate of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of science and education
2005 - the main scientific editor of the VAK magazine "Scientific and technical statements SPBU. Economic sciences, head and executor of the NIR series.
Chairman (co-chairman) of the organizing committee of annual conferences conducted by
In Russia and abroad (Sweden, Finland, Spain, Greece, Israel, Cyprus, Estonia):
2001-2017 Innovative economy and industrial policy of the region
2008-2017 Innovation and economics industry

Is it possible to predict which of the two similar enterprises will solve an innovative task faster and more successful, which of them entrust the development of new products, and to whom - its mass production. We talk with Professor SPBGPU Alexander Babkin.

Each enterprise or an association of enterprises in one way or another has an innovative potential - a value that is amenable to accurate quantitative assessment and is a set of various resources necessary and sufficient to implement innovation.

Innovative potential can be maintained and increasing, they can and need to be able to control in order to most effectively use its capabilities. Of this opinion, Professor of the Department "Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering" of Polytechnic University, Director of the Economics and Innovation Industry, Deputy Director of the Department of Scientific and Organizational Activities, D. E. n. Alexander Babkin.

- Alexander Vasilyevich, you are considering different criteria for assessing the innovative potential of integrated structures, with one of the signs of such a structure is the presence of an innovative component. Does this mean that innovation is obviously inherent in a similar structure or need to attach some efforts and means to create it?

- It is absolutely not necessary that the integrated structure should be innovative. Another thing is that the association of companies always has a synergistic effect: so, enterprises included in the integrated structure begin to produce products faster and better at the expense of the cooperative association, even if we are talking about the same product nomenclature.

The association of enterprises, as a rule, leads to an increase and resource, and financial, and, as a result, the innovative potential of companies included in it. Under the integrated structure in this case, we understand the union of economic entities leading to joint activities that are inherent in such properties as the deepening of their interaction, the development of links between them.

Integrated structures can have a vertical or horizontal association of enterprises, which in the form of an internal organization and the degree of independence can be issued as a concern, holding, consortium, etc.

Solving problems of exit from crisis and sustainable post-crisis development is largely determined by the company's ability to use its innovative potential

Why is such a structure getting closer to developments and innovation? First, because it usually unites a group of interrelated research and production enterprises, as well as logistics, information and other resources necessary for the effective interaction of enterprises among themselves and the effective activity of the structure itself.

Secondly, because transactional costs for creating or promoting a new product are sharply reduced. A separate enterprise no longer needs to go to the bank for the loan for the purchase of new equipment or seek funds for R & D. His leader can convince the Board of Directors to include these costs in the Business Plan of the Holding, if one may prove the profitability of the event. Take marketing market research, without which it is impossible to plan work on an innovative product. One enterprise does not draw such a service, and in large corporations over the study of the market there are whole analytical departments.

The presence of these and many other functions in the integrated structure makes it possible to implement innovative potential in each business unit to a much greater extent than when they act one one.

At the same time, calculate the achieved level of the innovative potential of the integrated structure and thereby prove its effectiveness on the basis of quantitative assessments - such techniques exist and with us, and abroad. Although this approach does not guarantee the stream of innovation. It only testifies that the company or structure has internal reserves to engage in innovative activities.

An assessment of the innovation potential takes into account the innovative susceptibility, activity and competitiveness of the enterprise
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But in order to mobilize this potential, administrative will and necessarily innovative management: systematic monitoring, various measures to improve innovative potential and other activities to keep it ready. Another thing is that companies often simply do not have a market need for innovative developments.

- And what about the union of enterprises, like clusters? Will the methods consider them as a powerful tool of innovative development?

- Unlike the integrated structure, the cluster is, I would say the technological form of the union, although as it can be transformed into organizational and legal. From the point of view of the production process, the cluster can be considered cooperation, and from the point of view of interaction - to be sectoral or territorial. Often such associations develop historically, in the Soviet Union, the territorial and production complexes also developed as specially planned production chains.

In the modern economy and we have, and abroad, clusters are created under government support and financing as a "point of growth". According to their geography and specificity, in particular, one can judge the national priorities of the country's socio-economic development of the country or region. It is assumed that such associations should be innovative. In any case, the methodology for assessing the innovative potential of clusters from heterogeneous or same type enterprises also exist.

- What are the existing methods for assessing innovative potential?

- Evaluation of innovative potential is always an integral system characteristic. It takes into account the innovative susceptibility, activity and competitiveness of an enterprise or an integrated structure.

There are three main approaches to an assessment of innovative potential. A functional approach considers various functional components of the structure: financial, personnel, logistical, organizational and management, market and others. A structural approach is based on an assessment of the innovative potential of each enterprise, which is part of the integrated industrial structure. The project approach suggests that the potential is determined by the success of the development of innovative projects.

Introduction of sanctions, the devaluation of the ruble, the economic crisis - all this is risks for the company's economy, but practically does not affect its innovative potential

To quantify innovative potential, it is important to determine the set of indicators. The composition of these estimated indicators on various features can be considered key to create an adequate and proper evaluation system. Existing sectoral or research techniques differ in the number and composition of groups of these indicators, justifying their choice, the number of indicators in each group and so on.

For example, the Commission of the European Communities offers a system of innovative indicators, which contains 16 indicators divided into four groups: human resources, generation of new knowledge, transfer and use of knowledge, innovation financing and result.

In the method of assessing innovation potential, we consider the activities of enterprises from the point of view of available resources: structure, management, personnel, finance and others. Each resource is described by a set of indicators. In our approach, about 60 combined in six groups were used. Based on the total data of all groups, an integral indicator is derived, which varies from 0 to 1 and allows you to judge the degree of innovative potential of an enterprise or an integrated structure: a very high degree - 0.7-1.0, high - 0.5-0.7, Average - 0.3-0.5, low - 0.1-0.3.

- What practical meaning is such information?

- For businesses it is an opportunity to assess its position relative to other companies in a clear coordinate system, compare itself with the industry leader. For committees and departments taking legislation, this is a real assessment of enterprises, excluding lobbying or other factors of influence.

Quantitative indicators make a picture more objective and impartial and allow you to take right steps. This may be very useful for the development of regional and federal plans for socio-economic development, the formation of industrial policies, making a decision on financing one or another direction, support to enterprises.

- There is a statement that the hierarchical structure of a large corporation, in contrast to small or medium-sized enterprises, itself is little embailed to risks that are inherent in innovation. Therefore, for corporate innovation, the role of innovator entrepreneurs, such as Martin Vismann, Richard Branson

- Yes, but even this component of a large corporation can also be calculated and take into account as an additional resource in the integral indicator! Of course, the personal activity of the entrepreneur is not a standard type of activity that can be estimated by such regulated economic criteria as the volume of production issued or profit value.

But the personality of the entrepreneur with his preferences, interests, lifestyle in her public perception is closely connected with the image of the enterprise. We often project our idea of \u200b\u200bthe head of the corporation on the company's activities. Why not approach the role of the entrepreneur as a quantitative assessment of the image of his company?

There is a connection between economic challenges and scientific and technical development of enterprises
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It is enough to take a group of experts, fill with them a questionnaire with certain data, which would be evaluated on a 10-point scale, bring the overall image of the image ... Such methods of polls and data processing are well known and worked out in research practice. Therefore, even small-formalized ideas and concepts are amenable to definition and estimates that can be converted to quantitative data.

- What do you think exist today, in the context of economic and technological sanctions, risks for companies or integrated structures in the implementation of their innovative potential?

- In principle, sanctions and related consequences on the state of innovative potential of the company directly do not affect. But the connection of the scientific and technical development of enterprises with modern economic challenges is.

In my opinion, the introduction of sanctions just gives the chance to enterprises to realize their potential, since the difficulties of the present period in the economy make them count only on their own strength and actively look for their place on the changed market. To do this, it is necessary to develop and produce a new product for yourself and for the market, search for other logistics supply schemes, to establish contacts with other consumers, focus on new suppliers of component products or to establish their production.

Such activity leads to the fact that the company necessarily begins to produce and implement something new and thereby be able to use potential. That is, for the enterprise, the success in solving problems to exit crisis and sustainable post-crisis development is largely determined by how much it can provide its current tasks through innovative potential.

- Is it possible to give an example of the practical application of the technique?

- More than a year ago, we calculated the potential of the shipbuilding cluster of St. Petersburg, relying on the available open data, and received a fairly high integral indicator. And as far as I can judge the results of the calculations, the practical experience of interaction with industrial enterprises and those projects in which the Polytechnic University participates, the engineering enterprises of the city have a sufficiently high innovative potential. Another thing is that the scale of its use depends not only from the enterprise's own plans.

Tatyana Reuters talked

In the print version, the name of the material is "Believe algebra" (Magazine "Industrial and Construction Review", No. 166, October, 2015)

Chronicle of events

A.V. Babkin

Employees SPbGPU - Heads of Scientific and Pedagogical Schools

Employees of SPBSPU - Leaders Of Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Schools

The scientific and educational schools of the federal and regional levels are presented, whose leaders are employees of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

THE SCIENCE; Scientific schools; Scientific Pedagogical Schools; COMPETITION; Register of scientific schools.

Are Presented Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Schools Federal and Regional Level, The Heads Which Are Members of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Science; Scientific Schools; Scientific and pedagogical schools; Competition; Register Of Scientific Schools.

Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation holds a competition for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading Russian scientific schools. The selection of grants is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2005 No. 260 "On measures for state support for young Russian scientists - candidates of science and doctors of science and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation."

The leading scientific school in the Russian Federation is considered the emerging team of researchers of various age groups and scientific qualifications related to research on the general scientific direction and joint joint scientific activities. The specified team must prepare scientific personnel, to have a leader in its composition, as well as young researchers.

According to the results of the competition, the leaders of leading scientific schools recognized three employees of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University:

Vasilyev Yuri Sergeevich (Engineering and Construction Institute), the topic - "Research and Justification of the parameters, modes of operation and methods for controlling energy complexes based on renewable energy sources for distributed and decentralized generation operating in the conditions of the Far North";

Lopota Vitaly Aleksandrovich (Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transportation), theme- "Study and modeling of the processes of seam formation during welding of heterogeneous materials by concentrated energy streams";

Ruda Andrei Ivanovich (Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport), Theme - "New Dispersed-hardening Functional Materials based on Copper and Aluminum".

^ Scientific and technical statements of the Sacctist St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. 1 (190) "2014

In accordance with the order of the Committee on Science and Higher School of St. Petersburg dated 19.11.2012 No. 80 "On approval of the Register of Leading Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Schools of St. Petersburg" and the decision of the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council under the Government of our city (Protocol No. 2/13 of 09.12.2013) in order to preserve and efficient use of scientific and technical

and the educational potential of St. Petersburg by order of the Committee dated December 13, 2013 No. 99 approved the list of Scientific and Pedagogical Schools of St. Peter-Burgas included in the named register.

It includes sixteen employees of the Polytechnic University - leaders of leading scientific and scientific and pedagogical schools of St. Petersburg (see Table.).

NO FIO Scientific region of school activities Institute SPbGPU

1 Akopova Maria Alekseevna Theory and Methods of Vocational Education Institute of Applied Linguistics

2 Burlov Vyacheslav Georgievich System integration of the processes of public administration Engineering and Economic Institute

3 Vasiliev Yuri Sergeevich Non-traditional Energy Engineering and Construction Institute

4 Vakhrushev Sergey Borisovich Physics of Nanocomposite Materials Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications

5 Vorobiev Leonid Evgenievich Physics Semiconductor Nanostructures, Optoelectronics Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications

6 Glukhov Vladimir Viktorovich Economics and managing innovation processes Engineering and Economic Institute

7 Gumenyuk Vasily Ivanovich security problems in emergency situations (protection in emergency situations) Institute of Military Technical Education and Safety

8 Zhegezh Petr Dmitrievich Theory and practice of creating safe computer systems Institute of Information Technologies and Management

9 Kotlyarov Vsevolod Pavlovich Software Engineering Institute of Information Technology and Management

10 Lopota Vitaly Aleksandrovich Laser technology processing materials Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport

11 Rudskaya Andrei Ivanovich Creating and improving the technologies of plastic and thermomechanical processing of materials Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport

12 Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich Mechanic combustion and explosion and extreme processes in materials Institute of Military Technical Education and Safety

13 Trifonov Peter Vladimirovich Noise-resistant coding and its applications Institute of Information Technologies and Management

14 Fedorov Mikhail Petrovich Scientific Basics of Energy Saving and Environmental Technologies in Urban Construction and Economic Engineering Institute

15 Tsikin Igor Anatolyevich Digital Treatment of Signals in Radio Technological Systems of Communication and Navigation Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications

16 Schneerson Herman Abramovich Powerful Pulse Energy, Technique and Physics of Supervous Pulse Magnetic Fields Institute of Energy and Transport Systems

Babkin Alexander Vasilyevich - Director of Scientific Research Department SPbGPU, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Engineering of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Doctor of Economics; 195251, ul. Polytechnic, 29, St. Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: [Email Protected]

Babkin Aleksandr V. - St. PETERSBURG STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY; 195251, PoliteKhnicheskaya str. 29, St. Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: [Email Protected]

© St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 2014