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Effective leader - Peter Drucker. Peter F. Drucker. Effective leader

Efficiency, as well as management, requires fulfillment of certain and quite simple things. It consists of a small number of practices. These habits of behavior are not "congenital". IX

I have not met a single "natural" manager who was born effective. All effective managers must learn to be effective. All of them practiced efficiency until she became their habit. IX

Efficiency can be mastered and it must be mastered. IX

Without efficiency, there is no "performance": it does not matter how many intelligence and knowledge is included in the work, it does not matter how many hours it takes. X.

8 principles of effective managers

Effective leader Not required to be the leader, in the sense, as is customary to understand. XI

What made all [Effective Managers] are effective - this follows the same principles:

  • They wondered: "What should be done?"
  • They asked themselves: "What is good for the company?"
  • They developed plans.
  • They took responsibility for decisions.
  • They took responsibility for communications.
  • They focused on opportunities, not problems.
  • They conducted productive meetings / meetings.
  • They thought and spoke "we" instead of "I".

The first two practices gave them necessary knowledge. The following four helped them turn knowledge into effective actions. The last two provided that the whole organization felt responsible and accountability. XI


The first principle is to ask what should be done. Note, the question is not "What do I want to do?". Asking themselves what is needed to do, and seriously considering this question - this is critical for successful management. Without this issue, even the most talented leader will become ineffective. XII.

I have never seen a manager who would remain efficient and worked on two tasks at the same time. ER [Effective leaders] are concentrated only on one task. XII.

After the question "What should be done?", ER establish priorities and adhere to them. For the generated priority, the company's mission could be redefined. XII.

After the initial top task is completed, the ER revises priorities, and does not move to task number 2 from the initial list. XIII.

Every time ER asks himself "what should be done now? ". And every time he sets new priorities. XIII.

ER seeks to focus on the tasks that he can do especially well. It concentrates on it, and the rest delegates. XIII.

The second principle of ER is the same important as the first - asking: "Is it useful for the company?". They do not ask whether it is useful for owners, shareholders, employees or managers. They take into account this, but also understand that the decision, not useful for the company, will not be useful for shareholders. XIII.


Leaders - people of business; They act. For managers, knowledge is useless until they have been fulfilled. XIV

First, the managers determine the desired results, asking: "What contribution to the company should expect from me to the next 2 years? What results do I go down the effort? What are deadlines? " Then he considers all the options: whether they are ethical, legal; Do the mission, values \u200b\u200band politics of the company relate to the company. Affirmative answers do not guarantee efficiency, but [you need to set them]. XIV

The action plan is a statement of intent, not a commitment. This should not be a strait shirt. He must constantly revise, because every success creates new opportunities. Just like every failure. XV

In addition, the action plan should create a system for verifying results, not expectations. XV

The XVI solution is not accepted while people do not know:

  • The name of the person responsible for performing the decision.
  • Deadline.
  • The names of people with regard to the decision and what they need to know to confirm the decision.
  • The names of people who need to be notified about the solution, even if they are not concerned.


Good managers focus on opportunities, and not on problems. You need to take care of solving problems, you do not need to avoid them. But the solution to the problems, no matter how necessary it, does not produce results. This prevents loss. Research opportunities - brings results. XVIII

Managers are looking for opportunities in such situations: XIX

  • Unexpected luck or failure in their company, competitor or in their market.
  • The gap between what is, and what can be on the market, in the process, service, product.
  • Innovation in the process, product or service within the company, or on the market.
  • Changes in the structure of the industry or market.
  • Demography.
  • Changes in the image of customer thinking, their values, perception, mood.
  • New knowledge or technology.

ER monitor the problem of problems not to overthrow the study of opportunities. Most companies, the first administrative report page contains a list of key problems. XIX.

Every 6 months, the top management must draw up a list of best features, and a list of the best employees. Er put the best opportunities in the position of research, and not a solution to problems. In Japan is the main task Frame department. XIX.

Put best people In the right posts - critically important. XVII

Development of efficiency

Efficiency can be studied, but it cannot be trained. Efficiency is not an object, but self-discipline. 166.

The first step to the effectiveness is to conduct a timekeeping. Analysis and removal of time absorbers requires actions: changes to their habits, relationships and a circle circle. 167.

The second step is to concentrate on obtaining the result. Not on performance and hours of work, but on the achievement of the result. 167.

You need to learn to concentrate and put priorities, instead of trying to do everything bit. 171.

Efficiency must be mastered. 174

The head operates according to plan, in which all its main actions should be provided, its relations with subordinates, and the time should be allocated to think about promising issues and time to increase their qualifications.

Head working on the principle " open doors", I.e. in the office there is someone wants when he wants and on any question, cannot count on the rational use of his time.

Who wants to order, he must be able to obey, - only then will he learn to manage.

The head, weakly versed in special problems, the management of the implementation of which constitutes its competence, is similar to the blind, which takes place to be a conductor.

Should be brave and decisive; Nothing compromises the leader as notionlessness and cowardice, fear of taking responsibility, constant waiting for instructions more than what and how to do.

There is no need to postpone the decision of the issue without reasons: the burden of unresolved problems presses the psyche and makes a man irritable.

Do not rush to make changes in already decisions madeuntil you understand that, in fact, needs adjustment. Hurry, which means that insufficiently thoughtful actions often do not benefit.

Do not hurry with conclusions on issues in respect of which you need to express your considerations. Before you study all the necessary information, consult with experienced people and carefully listen to any opinions on these issues.

Load subordinates in such a way that they have learned to appreciate the time - there is nothing worse than forced idleness.

If you fail, do not complain about external circumstances, look for a source source. Remember that the leader who easily finds excuses always and everything is rarely a specialist in anything else.

With unforeseen circumstances, they are faced, as a rule, managers who are unable to predict them, feel their approach and prepare for them.

Distribute tasks with the experience and abilities of each employee. It is impossible to give orders, clearly exceeding the possibilities of the employee. The task must be difficult, but fulfilled.

Giving a task, it is necessary to explain to the subordinate its goal and the meaning, and also verify how the subordinate understood the task. This will help him act consciously and take the initiative.

It is impossible to give several important and urgent tasks at the same time: this splashes the attention of the artist. It is recommended to determine the priority of tasks and allocate from them the most important and urgent.

It is unreasonable to count only on yourself, considering yourself everything knows and everything can, but subordinate illiterate, unqualified people.

Never do yourself to what your subordinates can perform, except when you need to show a sample of execution or an example.

Participate in all matters and delve into all the details, take visitors, holding a handset in one hand, and another to sign a letter and at the same time talking to the employee standing nearby - not best style Work.

The lack of instructions "from above" is not the basis for inaction. The questions included in the competence of the head should be solved by them independently without special to the resolution of the highest instance.

Execution of each task must be controlled: no control can bring an employee to the idea of \u200b\u200bunnecessary work performed, at the same time it should be avoided by petty custody over the subordinates.

If there is at least one loaf among your subordinates, do our best to force it to work, otherwise it can undermine the discipline in the whole team.

When a decision proposed by an employee does not contradict in principle, provide him with a maximum of freedom: there is no need to conduct discussions on trifles and interfere with the manifestation of his initiative.

Each employee's achievement and its initiative must be noted immediately. Do not forget to thank the subordinate, preferably in the presence of other employees, for good work. A person encourages a positive assessment of his actions and grieves if he does not notice his success.

Each time with satisfaction, mark positive shifts in the behavior of the unfashionable employee, whom he managed to achieve. Review him that you are for reasonable compromises and do not share the slogan "all or nothing."

Do not be afraid if your subordinate will be more knowledgeable in some kind of question; Rejoice in such a support and maintain its good reputation of the subordinates. There are praise to the head and put him in merit.

Do not give promises if you are not sure that they will be fulfilled. This leader does not cast words to the wind, weighs every one's promise and, if it is given, performs it with all the energy and perseverance.

Create and constantly maintain the material and moral interest of subordinates in the final results of labor.

It is better not to get involved in punishments; If you are not completely confident in the guilt of the subordinate, it is preferable to refrain from punishment.

Judit yourself and let you joke around. A kind joke creates a confidence setting, makes the work more attractive and productive. However, in your jokes beware of:

  • put a person in a stupid position;
  • touch other people's intimate or family affairs;
  • express your hostility or mock someone;
  • do not take into account someone else's pride, touch human dignity;
  • laugh when not funny, or laugh at the joke before others;
  • laugh for those who do not understand something.

Keep yourself with people exactly, do not lose self-composite under any circumstances. Who cannot manage themselves, he cannot manage anyone at all.

Remember that the head does not have the right to be offended. He must analyze the emerging situation and make a decision.

Do not try to acquire a reputation as a "good" manager, familiar with subordinates.

Do not speak in the dispute something sharp and the more offensive. Think about the fact that every person has self-esteem. To sort out the point of view of opponents, try, at least for a minute, put yourself in his place.

Remember: the spark of respect and especially love, renounced by the head in the heart, is able to charge it to creative dedicated work, not counting over time.

Never use power until you make sure that all other means of exposure are exhausted; Act a belief method, find an individual approach to each employee with the highest possible consideration of the characteristics of its nature, knowledge, experience and attitudes towards the case.

Do not abuse patience of subordinates, be brief in a business conversation with them.

Always try to first find out how appropriate your critical comments on the subordinates in each particular case may be, bearing in mind that their errors can be caused by respectful causes.

In order not to humiliate the subordinate without much need, do not make subordinate comments in the presence of a third party. Do not speak about subordinates unfriendly or offensively in their absence, express your claims to them openly.

Evaluating the behavior of the subordinates, do not give the random and secondary details too much importance.

Hell soberly assess the results of their activities, recognize their mistakes and canceling the wrong decisions.

Modesty is not only a man's decoration: you can be modest, without being smart, but you can not be wise, not possessing modesty.

Carefully and benevolently listen to any criticism and any proposal of the subordinate, even if it is insignificant. Otherwise, the subordinate will be silent in other, more important cases. The head neglecting with fair critical comments inevitably opposes itself to the team and ultimately loses the opportunity to effectively manage.

In the manner, there is professional literacy, general culture And the moral appearance of the head. A favorable impression produces simplicity of speech, well chosen intonations, facial expression, restrained economical gestures and postures, tagged and to the place said word.

It is desirable that in the actions of the head there was no formalism so that they are all dictated by appropriateness.

Sometimes it is useful to make comments in the form of a question: "Do you think that an error is allowed here?" Or don't you think that you should change something here? "What to say the same thing in a sharp shape.

In general, we should try not to instruct not in the order, but in the style of trusting communication: "Please", "be kind", etc. If you have authority in the team, then everyone will understand the request to him as an indication, mandatory .

The appointment of any employee should be coordinated with the leader in whose subordination it will be. Then this head penetrates a big sense of responsibility for the activities of the new employee and tries to help him, especially at first.

Be an optimist and in difficult situations, do not lose the breathtaking of the Spirit: this instills in subordinate confidence in the success of the case.

It is necessary to be able to understand well in people, first of all in his immediate surroundings. Podahalism and non-harmonious praise often begins the head of immature leaders, prevent them from correctly evaluating the situation and the results of their activities.

Not best way To sleep the vigilance of the head than flattering, especially since it is often difficult for him to distinguish it from sincere respect and recognition of merit. However, the constant reminder is even about real deserves there is a form of a flattery.

Do not attempt to create a group of "reliable persons" around yourself in order to secure support in the team: it will inevitably damage your prestige and destroy the team.

The manager himself never should be late and obliged to demand the same from subordinates.

It is necessary to be fundamental not only with subordinates, but also to communicate with their supervisory managers, to correct them about the situation in the system managed, to defend the interests of the case.

The head should use as much as possible the word "I". Frequent use of the word "I" is caused by secret complacency and extreme ambiguity. It suggests that the leader wants to emphasize its importance and exclusivity. Such behavior of the head, as a rule, is irritating to subordinate and disgusting to everything that he says and attributes to himself.

Communicate effectively and respectful. Start with clarifying expectations from the department or the sphere in which you work. What should your group do to an organization?

  • Listen carefully. Openness for other ideas and problems will help you understand the situation and take optimal solutions. Allocation of time and place to listen to employees is an important component effective communication. When you pay to employees close attentionThey respect you and are ready to listen to your recommendations. If it is strictly given orders without listening, it can undermine the devotion and enthusiasm of employees.
  • Speak briefly and clear. Avoid notations or directives by verbal messages. Think about the most important postsYou want to pass, and report them in part or by phone. Lay out thoughts in messages emailTo make sure that they are clear, brief and clear.

Create a schedule of regular meetings with employees. Read the workers, highlighting time for them daily or weekly. Ask them about projects over which they work during these meetings, and how you can help them in their embodiment. Dedicate regular meetings to listen to the offense and defeat employees. Use meetings to discuss the success of the team and for brainstorming to solve new problems.

Give tribute to your subordinates. Evaluate the work that gives the desired result.

Focus on strengths His employees. Pay attention to the unique talents and abilities of each employee and use these forces in favor of the project or company. For example, an employee can be an excellent secretary, but a slow text type. Find the capabilities to use its skills.

Help improve their weaknesses. Part of the effective management is to assist employees in turning their shortcomings in dignity. The first step is to determine the area that needs improvement. And already from this should be repelled and improve your department.

  • Do not pay excessive attention to disadvantages. Excessive attention to K. weaknesses The employee can lead to desposion and low labor discipline.
  • Look for a solution to the problem. Conflicts often arise in production and may appear between employees, between the employee and the leader, or between the employee and the client. To find effective method Solving such problems means focus on thinking of facts and creatively approach the decision. Concentrate not on emotions and search for guilty. Think of what actions are needed to assist employees who will help to return peace of mind and resume performance.

    Be stable. When things go bad, avoid mutual accusations. Instead, focus on active promotion forward, while removing the lesson from failure, errors or problems.

  • Create a documentation system to optimize processes. Create a system to save workers' work time to perform tasks, and / or to eliminate errors. Create documents that determine the responsibilities of the employee and responsibility for certain tasks.

    • Create a schedule for employees. Make investing in the development of your staff. Develop manuals for learning to assist employees, taking into account the specifics of the tasks being solved.
    • Automate simple tasks. This will help employees focus on more productive and interesting projects.
  • Personal efficiency of each employee - main tool Companies aimed at dynamic development. It is determined by simple formula: resources / results. And each owner is the founder - the shareholder is aimed at minimizing costs when achieving expected results.

    Like a principle electric current In metals, the head is intended to streamline "Labor" vectors of each individual employee: minimize their costs, while improving the overall results of activity.

    Effective leader - This is a boarding school, with a bright need for self-actualization, among other things, aimed at accumulating constructive experience, having high learning and excellent self-inflammation skills.

    The head is involved in all the links of the chain of any business process. Goaling, forecasting, planning, organization, decision-making, motivation, control and accounting, are those functions that need to be optimized by the head.

    You can select several tools that help the manager to become "effective".


    It is extremely important to implement the optimization strategy within a cohesive and professional team. Therefore, the first fundamental basis is people. If the leader's shoulders lie on the production, sales, any significant site, should not be shy in measures. The team needs professionals in their case. And they need to find, correctly motivate, put ambitious goals. If there was no "Balat" at the selection stage, you need to get rid of it during the work. Employees whose activities brings main income must be rewarded. And in order not to have a "star disease", "stars" should be all. This will create the spirit of proper competition. And the effective leader is the "supernova star" - will lead them behind them.

    Time management

    The second is invaluable useful tooltime management. It is necessary to systematize its work. Practical and efficient tool for analysis " weak places"- a photo of working time. After all, it is from myself who needs to start. It is important here to evaluate your "time kidnappers", to understand what processes, even solutions can be delegated, to optimize the control process, allocate additional toolkit To facilitate and accelerate the course of business processes.


    Energy - Here is the field for hyperatabilities. And this is another zone of development for an effective leader. Emotional mood team - hardly 50% of the guarantee of general success. And this is one of the most difficult areas in management - motivation, adequate response, stimulation.

    An effective leader is important to create its own unique atmosphere in the team. Through the personal individuality to come to the individuality of the general. As part of conflicts and stresses that are inevitable, through the position of the observer to come to the position of the communicator. It is important not to forget that employees should feel comfortable not only in the horizontal plane (in cooperation with each other), but also when communicating with the head.

    Three principles

    Summarizing, I want to note a few more important principles in the work of an effective leader.

    First, the effective leader always conducts an analysis of the situation involved in actors influencing factors, and only then decides. Opportunities and alternatives - this is what the manager should see in case of failure. After all, any mistake is another step towards success.

    Secondly, an effective leader should not make decisions without receiving full information about what he should do. Often managers within the framework of the general global Strategy "Spray" and spend efforts to unnecessary "tactical jumps". This leads to an increase in the processes of implementation of the plan and achieving the expected result.

    Before starting the war, you need to know against whom you are fighting.

    And yet, an effective leader is always "We", and not "I"!

    Tatyana Akimkin, Head of the Department for the search and selection of personnel (Direction of FMCG), Holding "Empire Personnel".