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Global strategies list. Global strategies

The beauty of good 4X strategies (global strategies) is most likely obvious to those who consider themselves a fan of the genre; This genre is extremely reigger and so exciting that time in the game flies unnoticed. It must be said that the thematically genre is very limited - you will get a galactic, historical or fantastic topic - but the main gameplay: expand, explore, use and exterminate (4x - Expand, Explore, Exploit, Exterminate), works in all topics. These games about the construction of the empire and the crushing of all who will not submit your will. It is not surprising that they are so fascinating.

Players who recently come to the genre may not know where to start, and naturally, they will want to choose something more affordable - such as Civilization 5 - since global strategies often packed with complex systems and require some time on their development. However, veterans of the genre will finally postpone their fleet carefully developed spacecraft and look for something new. Since today the genre becomes more popular than ever before, our list of the best global strategies will include games for all players - both new and old.

Civilization 5.

Let's take the truth in the eye, you knew that she would be on the list - perhaps you even assumed that she would be the first on the list, right? This game series, each time receives a new part in this franchise, has for many years dominating in the genre of 4x - global strategies. With the CIV 5 output, this series of games has become perhaps the most accessible and understandable than ever, but at the same time it has not lost the depth underlying. The appearance of fights on a hexagonal (hex) map was perhaps the most significant change in the series, as a result of which the battles in the game began to wear a more strategic nature, before admitted, they were laying a heap of riders in one quad and sending them to the city. There are disadvantages, in particular bad political systemBut at the moment the game is very well for sale in Steam, and most likely, in the end, you will spend no less than a hundred watches in it.

In this game you will have to take on the role of commander-in-chief, raise your nation with your knees and bring it to triumph. From the very beginning you will manage a handful of ignorance. But, putting a little effort in the passing company, you will open unique opportunities. Your small settlement turn into a whole empire with valiant warriors and faithful servants. When you come to the impressive army, your enemies will get tremble from fear at the sight of your flag, and the allies will be happy to come to the rescue in a difficult moment.

Endless Legend.

Although Endless Legend can and looks like a Civilization clone, in fact the game is a fresh look at the genre of global strategies. Fantastic elements (expect to see gigantic sandy worms and harsh faces) Of course help her stand out, but its unique approach to regions management, that's what really makes feel the endless legend. Usually in global strategies you, in an attempt to devour all the resources, try to capture as quickly as possible so many cities as possible, but in Endless Legend in this aspect it is better to behave more methodically, it will be more useful to maximize the effectiveness of any particular region. The fact that each fraction is unique, from units that you can use to quests that you will be made - means that you will have much more sense to replay than in the same civilization.

Galactic Civilizations 3.

Age of Wonders 3

Age of Wonders 3 is a real fantasy strategy including spectacular battles, complex hiking, construction, science learning, diplomacy and much more. Following the example of Heroes of Might & Magic, Age of Wonders 3Sourets reliable system Management city with deep, tactical fight on a hexagonal (hex) map. The game is largely based on the last item of this list, in fact, it is good, since this game aspect is really at the height. Performance is of particular importance for control of the forces that you can take with you into battle, but the levels (Tier) of the units are growing, and each unit has unique qualities and advantages, it means that highly level units participating in most major clashes will be quite By the way. While, starting from the third part, in the heroes of sword and magic it was not so important Age of Wonders 3it recreates this very specific style of global strategies.

Distant WORLDS: Universe

The barrier to enter this game is quite high, the fact is that in the game is a simple graphics, and an incredibly cool learning curve. However, give her time, she deserves that you understand in all subtleties and then you will see that Distant Worlds is one of the deepest games and the most enriching genre of global strategies. You will have a huge universe for conquests (if you want to play it), a huge selection of custom ships and stations, and something is rare for genre 4x - an exciting system of the economy, which is surprisingly interesting to create and maintain.

This game is really able to surprise, it is waiting for you an incredibly realistic galaxy with planets, asteroids, merchants, pirates and so on. If you manage to meet a merchant - you're lucky, because if you get pirates, in most cases they will require ransom, or will open fire on the defeat. The main feature is that you have to establish contacts with a lot of races, raise the economy of the planet, trade, sell, weave intrigue, kill and much more. Distant Worlds will not receive awards for appearance, but if you are looking for something with an extremely rich and complex gameplay, then you should try this game.

Star Ruler 2.

In Star Ruler, 2 gameplay passes in real time (RTS), but do not let it confuse you - the mechanics of the global strategy here is incredibly rich. For example, a political game is very well implemented and gives the player a sense of satisfaction when communicating with other factions. Elements of the economy, too, surprisingly well implemented and rely on that you carefully cultivated the planets and develop their maximum potential. There is a shipbuilding module in which you are on the hexagonal grid draw armor, weapons and even the inner areas of the ships are not difficult to understand the system, so it is easy to study and use, but at the same time it retains the necessary complexity.

Ai War: Fleet Command

So, Ai War today is a bit old, but the game has received DLC updates for many years, supporting its relevance - not what it would need this aid, because the game idea is so fresh and original, which is as long as You will not come out direct continuing you probably do not want to play another similar global strategy. It must be said that the graphics will not be able to conquer you and in terms of gaming 4x systems there is no greater diversity, but in return to the creation of an impressive economy, collecting numerous resources or the belief of opponents in your political valor, the focus is on the massive, thousands of ships flotilla - to explore, expand and, Ultimately, destroy the powerful forces of AI wishing to destroy you. It's not so much, but every new game persistently intrigues and encourages you every time you become all powerful.

Thea: The Awakening

But this global strategy is chittrate, since Thea. In fact, do not meet all the criteria so that it can be considered a full "4x" - its function "Expand (Expand)" is strictly limited. But the yoke is still interesting; Slavic mythology gives her a unique atmosphere and peace, but what really distinguishes it from the rest of the games of this genre is an emphasis on the crafting. In this sense, the mona ( Thea.) a little more rpg than other typical global strategies, but because it has its own personality, making it good choice For fans of the genre looking for something new. Everything is tied to the collection of resources and the crafting system, from the technology of technology, which unlocks new resources for construction to ordinary, but with the participation playing cards (Card-based) fights - which, if successful, reward you required materials. The game requires a lot of mic equipment and therefore it has a pretty slow pace, but in general the game can offer something new.

Endless Space.

The infinite space positions the player as a ruler of the emerging space civilization, and provides him with the opportunity to cultivate his cosmic empire with the help of various ways and means that match your game style. The essence of the game is familiar to everyone who played 4x strategies before. You are learning technologies from a large list. You manage systems and planets, making up the projects of their development. You build a fleet, colonize suitable planets, participate in diplomacy, and lead war.

Events will develop throughout the galaxy, before the start of the game you will need to choose a race and a planet with which you actually begin the colonization of the galaxy. Depending on the selected race, you are waiting for completely different games of the game, some races prefer brutal battles or trade, while others adore financial fraud and intelligence. By pumping out your planet at any time, you can colonize the other, thereby expanding your possessions and becoming an even more powerful and dangerous opponent. Endless Space has several features and mechanics that distinguish it from competitors and allow you to compete with any game class AAA.

Total War Series

TotalWar is a universal strategy that has entered all the best, namely thoughtful step-by-step battles flowing in real time, so get ready, it will be hot. The country's management will occur on a world map in step-by-step mode, but the battles will transfer you to a huge location, where you have to bring your warriors in real time to victory. As it should be assumed in the game there is no, so if you started the battle Be kind, finish it or give up, but it is unlikely to like your people. Separately, it is worth noting the quality of the graphics and the realism of the fighting. In battles with enemies you are expected to be an impressive spectacle with the participation of several thousand warriors.


Despite the fact that this game was released back in 1996, not many modern global strategies capable of boasting the presence of such a variety of content as in this legendary game. It is worth noting the complex game gemplies, Master of Orion 2 emphasizes to the development of alien civilization, based on the economic, technological and social Development. Players can choose between different races or create their own races with a set of strengths and weaknesses. Players can even develop their own ships based on available technologies.

You have to visit the role of ruler, commander, architect, philosopher, strategist and many more. To surpass other states, you will need to study unique technologies that help in mastering invaluable knowledge. Since the victory is the main priority, you can choose one of three possible paths: Kill all the enemies, capture Antares, where the enemies of the whole galaxy live or defeat the world. The first two options are obvious and there is nothing complicated in them, but the third implies to capture power through the creation of commercial coalitions. If you manage to combine all the planets, sooner or later, the peaceful population will decide to elect the president for himself, and here you will have to take part in the present election race. If you manage to recruit the greatest number of votes, you will be proclaimed by the president and will come "HappyEnd". In independence from the choice, an Orion star will always be present on the intergalactic map. It does not affect the passage of the game, but if you manage to visit it first, you will gain impressive technological advantages, and you will proudly call "Master Orion".

Galactic Civilizations 2.

Galactic Civilizations 2 is one of the few global strategies, combining the fighting, the development of the economy, science, culture, a study of space and, of course, political interventions. The game may surprise the fact that the prehistory of Galactic Civilizations 2 is based on a series of stories written by its creator, Brad Wortdell. Although the game is not the most original setting, but it will ensure an interesting background for an excellent strategic game.

Depending on the preferences, you can devote yourself to science, the establishment of contacts with politicians or hire a powerful army and colonize one planet for another. To obtain obvious advantages in a particular industry, you will have to choose one of 10 races that have more than 20 unique abilities. Developing its planet you have to explore more than 200 technologies and build 50 diverse structures. Exploring space on your way will meet 26 unique and unusual planets, radically distinguished by culture, economy, relationships, faith and, of course, external species. Separately, it is worth noting the thoughtful artificial intelligence, so in independence from professional qualities you will probably pick up suitable difficulty (all of them 12). If you like to create rare things at your disposal there will be a unique editor of ships, allowing you to realize any fantasy. This global strategy is the embodiment of multivariate and balance, because at that moment you can be a ruler of the world, and in an hour to die, hoping to subjugate the next planet.

Hearts of Iron Series

Hearts of Iron is a unique global strategy that dips you into the cruel struggle of the USSR and Germany. To win, you need to attract as many third-party states as possible, as the enemy cannot defeat them without their firepone. If you are sympathetic to Germany, you can try to move on their side and try to carry out a bold Hitler's plan. Depending on the belief, you have the right to choose one of the three political areas: fascism, democracy or communism. Absolutely all will depend on this choice: ranging from the army and ending with the methods of fighting. It pleases that the developers have created more than 1,000 commander who existed in fact, and their manners and behavior are based on real people, so you have to know everyone, because you can win in battle only with an experienced commander. If you are familiar with the story, you can choose any time interval, the differences are in battles and new technologies. As for the army at your disposal there will be infantry, arrows, tanks, cavalry, artillery, air defense and much more. The main highlight is unique technologies that open new types of weapons and ways of fighting. If you get tired of performing missions, at any time you can create your own unique card with a lot of details and try to defeat the opponent on your own terms.

Europa Universalis 3,4.

Europa Universalis 3, 4 is a unique global strategy, you will need to take one of the world's worlds on any day of world history since May 30, 1453 to 14 July 1789 (in additions, this period is expanded). At your disposal will be a qualitatively thoughtful diplomacy, thanks to which you can enter into unions, to conduct peaceful negotiations, declare war, to capture, demand redemption and much more. In addition to the solution of diplomatic issues, it is necessary to find time and for construction, because it is possible to get recognition only with a developed province. EUROPA UNIVERSALIS will probably enjoy leisurely and ambitious tactics, because for victory it is necessary to possess these qualities. All due to the fact that most of the time you have to observe exactly, and only then take important decisions that can entail unforeseen circumstances.

In general, you are responsible for the whole state, and how exactly it depends only on you. You can hire warriors and capture your neighbors or go to search for new lands and become a happy owner of valuable treasures. To understand all the nuances will have to be pretty, because in the game there are a lot of indicators that can turn the thriving city into real ruins. You will have to follow the economy, trade, fatigue, joy, anger, to read traditions and so on. Because of the big abundance of information, you must always have a spare plan, because everything can go to the battlement at any time. As in any global strategy in this game, bloody battles are waiting for you, but they are not prioritized, because you can influence the situation with dozens of different ways. Of course you can punish the offender, but you should not neglect the fact that the neighbors can unite the pores of you.

It is possible to note that such a classic, like heroes of sword and magic 3 and Master of Orion 2 still remain the same playing and interesting as once (there is even a HD reprint HOMM3, if you are interested ...). But still, if you think that there are global strategies that, in your opinion, we missed and really need to add, just let us know about it in the comments


10th place - The Political Machine 2016

  • Year of issue: 2016
  • Developer: Stardock.

The Political Machine 2016 is the Stardock Pre-Race Simulator, the fourth game in the The Political Machine series, in which the player conducts a pre-election company to be elected president of the United States. The goal is achieved by traveling from the staff in which the player receives money and ratings to achieve the ultimate goal.


9th place - Urban Empire

  • Year of issue: 2017
  • Developer: Kalypso Media.

Urban Empire is a successful combination of a town-planning and political simulator. The city in the game is managed by the Merov Dynasty, around which the intrigues are constantly flying. The player will have to build infrastructure, create whole areas, use power to make certain laws for the city, participate in political processes and even bribe their rivals. The city begins its development since the 1820s and is experiencing 5 different eras, each of which implies its dangers and opportunities.


8th place - Peacemaker

  • Year of issue: 2007
  • Developer: Impactgames.

The political simulator in which the player will have to choose a side in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is necessary to react and take social, political and military decisions. Critics note that the game is very realistic and makes the player in the essence of the situation.


7th place - President for a day: Corruption

  • Year of issue: 2015
  • Developer: Serious Games Interactive.

President for a day: Corruption is a strategic presidential simulator of one of the countries of Africa. The duties of the player will include a solution to various social, economic and military problems. Methods for their permission depend only on your actions.


6th place - crisis in the kremlin

  • Year of issue: 1991
  • Developer: Sphere, Inc.

According to the plot, we have to play the Secretary-General of the CPSU (incorrectly called president during the game) from 1985 to 2017. The player can choose as the chief hero of the reformer Mikhail Gorbacheva, the nationalist of Boris Yeltsin or the conservative of Egor Ligacheva. The game contains political jokes, cited by the Chairman of the KGB, depicting the disasters of Soviet people in humorous light. There are many inscriptions in Russian for immersion in the atmosphere of the game.

5 Victoria II.

5th place - Victoria 2

  • Year of issue: 2010
  • Developer: Paradox interactive.

In Victoria II, you can play for any of the 271 countries of the world in the period from 1836 to 1936. The player has a number of tools that have both direct and indirect impact on internal processesflowing in the state. Unlike the previous game of the series in Victoria II, there are practically no strictly predefined historical events tied to a specific date. Instead, a system was introduced at which certain events occur when performing certain conditions. The entire able-bodied population of the world in the game is presented in the form of individual groups, each of which has a certain profession, nationality, religion, literacy and political views. Each resident of the country can migrate, get a job (or lose it), change the profession, and also has certain needs for products. The entire population is divided into 12 types.


4th place - Tropico 5

  • Year of issue: 2014
  • Developer: Haemimont Games.

In Tropico 5, four different epochs are available, starting from the colonial era, world wars, cold wars and up to modern times, which allows progress from the XIX century to the 21st century. Eli President now has a dynastic family that will be present on the island. In addition, functions in the field of trade, research, updates and exploration were reworked. Thanks to the multiplayer, diplomacy allows players to share resources, builders and electricity. In addition, they can help each other money. Finally, players can compete and even declare war on each other.


3 place - SuperPower 2

  • Year of issue: 2004
  • Developer: Golemlabs.

The game has a planet Earth with almost all states at the beginning of 2001. In SuperPower 2 Map Schro-shaped and extended. Many elements of the game are realistic. The population, GDP, geopolitical relations and military equipment is identical to this, which is armed with the respective countries. As in real life, states are consisting in various international organizations, this is UN, CIS, NATO and others, less well-known. In addition to the traditional accent strategies for military units, SuperPower 2 has macroeconomic regulation tools: the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, income tax and tax on the enterprise, which is different for the sectors of the economy.


2nd place - Democracy 3

  • Year of issue: 2013
  • Developer: Positech Games.

There is no foreign policy, all diplomacy comes down to humanitarian aid, the laws on foreign investments and others like them. There is no war at all (although the armed forces are, and occasionally happens that the steepness of the army affects the total). The main essence of the game is to satisfy all the segments of the population, while keeping the budget in the plus.


1st place - Power and Revolution: GeoPolitical Simulator 4

  • Year of issue: 2016
  • Developer: EVERSIM

Power and Revolution is the fourth part of the game in the line of computer games in the GEOPOLITICAL SIMULATOR strategy genre, in which the player acts as head of state or the leader of the opposition party. The duties of the player enters both the solution of economic problems and social, and military. Of the advantages, players celebrate a detailed world, where everything is interconnected; New scripts and game mode for the opposition. Of the minuses - an outdated engine and a large number of bugs.

Today, most computer games require a quick response from gamers. For those who prefer slow and thoughtful actions, loud products come out very rarely, which makes them the most valuable. Read about the best global strategies in the article.

Determination of the genre

The Global Strategy is a game in which you have to manage the emerging state. Almost always the territory is open completely, but the enemy's army regularly interferes with peaceful existence, and resources have to be sought. The player must develop a country that controls, not forgetting about science, production and defense capability. Developers of global strategies pay great attention to detail and realism, especially it is manifested in historical games. The events of the past can not always change.

Hearts of Iron 3

By drawing up the top 10 global strategies, it is impossible to get around this game by the party. Russian localizers gave her the name "Victory Day". The action of it unfolds in the middle of the twentieth century. Gamer will begin his way a little earlier than the Second World War, and will finish a few years after its completion.

You can manage absolutely any state from existing in that era. Moreover, the choice of the country will determine all further goals. Managing Germany, you will have to conduct conquering wars and at the same time withdraw the "axis" on the leading positions around the world. Yugoslavia task is much easier - survive in the conditions of confrontation of the superpower, and possibly to join one of them. You can take the chair of Brazil leader and compete for the sole dominance in South America.

"Victory Day" offers not only to fight. The player will have to do both foreign and domestic politics, sign trade agreements, enter into unions, develop industry, publish laws, choose ministers, engage in propaganda and espionage. At the same time, to write the story of Gamer is waven as he wants. The Allies of Germany can be the United States and China. And it is not necessary to arrange Austria anchlus.

Total War.

Describing the Global Strategy Game Games, it is impossible to bypass the Total War series. Each part combines step-by-step mode on a global map and RTS in separate battles. At the same time, individual games affect certain era of history. Almost always, the gamer is offered to lead any state in order to capture all non-control territories.

The main feature of Total War is a scrupulous balance, which rings to no tactics of the Rush. Any troops have both strengths and weaknesses. The enemy, superior to the number, can be defeated with the help of competent tactical techniques: entering the rear, environment, height.

Diplomacy and other actions in peacetime are made with much less attention to detail than hostilities. One way or another, for the sake of their goal will have to manage the armies, what is the name of the game.


By drawing up a list of global strategies, it is impossible not to mention the "civilization". This legendary game offers the player to fulfill all the roles, becoming in the head of state. The gamer will have to build new cities, lay roads, build buildings, irrigate the fields, develop mines, wars, enter into unions.

The story begins in antiquity, and the country consists only of one settlement. Its location can be chosen personally. Hundreds of years will pass, and this tiny village will become a powerful empire. In the course of the case, the player will develop technologies, move from copies to swords, change on the rifles onions, its subjects will learn to extract oil, uranium, iron.

In "civilization" there is not even a hint of historicity. On the monitor screen, you can see the soldiers of the Roman Empire on tanks, aztecs, piloting fighters, or the Indians that launch an intercontinental nuclear missile.

Victoria 2.

The action of the game occurs during the colonial wars. The user will have to choose one of the two hundred countries and make it the most powerful, however, not only by wars. The best global strategies are represented by products that reflect external conflicts to a greater extent, that is, those that occur between states. "Victoria" puts politics internally in the first place. Details of these processes here is performed on more high levelthan most of the representatives of the genre. The game can be rightfully called a political simulator.

The gamer is provided with tools that directly or indirectly affect the processes occurring within the state. "Victoria" does not have almost no predefined historical events tied to a certain point of time.

Another feature of Victoria 2 is a big nonlinearity. Under this term hides the opportunity to create a story independently, artificial intelligence will not push the gamer to the other side that is closest to reality.

Crusader Kings 2.

Another product that represents global strategies that makes focus not so much on waging wars as on Palace coups and intrigues, - Crusader Kings 2.

The first thing the gamer will encounter, - an unusual strategic system. Here, each action is calculated not by turning, but by the number of virtual days and months. Moreover, the construction of something may be unbearable for a long time. Of course, no one forbids turning on the rewind, but at the same time you can skip multiple key moments that will lead a player to defeat. For example, your vassal will decide to make a deal with traitors who only wish to overthrow the ruler from the throne.

Never before Crusader King in strategies there was no such number acting persons. Vassalov and suzeraines are not just a lot, but a lot. Each titled person has its lands, relatives, enemies, pursues any goals. The characteristics are so much as some RPG can envy.

Europa Universalis IV.

Europa Universalis IV presents those global strategies that require adherence and patience. First, as always, you will make decisions, enter into diplomatic contracts, develop industry, and then long look like your plans are embodied.

"Europe" provides gamer with the possibility of government management. And they can be guided as you want. No restrictions. Internal and foreign policy is simply simply simply. The higher the stability in the country, the higher you can raise taxes and the lower the risk of uprising. It is worth decreasing this meaning - the revolution will begin, and with it and inflation, if there are no gold deposits on the territory of the state. In addition, there are many more indicators: economics, trade, contentment or discontent, military traditions, fatigue from war. And all this needs to be controlled and make plans, focusing not a few moves forward.

Of course, there is a war here, but only as an addition to diplomacy. It starts only when it is useful for the initiator. Conquests are possible only with a huge trend in force. But do not forget about those who have not participated in hostilities. It is possible that some neighboring country will want to progress - weaken the aggressor, break the trading routes.

Europa Universalis: Rome

A rare top describing global PC strategies can do without a notic on Europa Universalis: Rome. If the "four" allows you to live a peaceful life, opening new trading tracks and caring about the population within the state, then in the "Rome" a lot is aimed exclusively for military purposes. Without battles, you can survive here, but you can not win or take a leading position.

The fighting has become more difficult. Multifunctional troops do not exist. Infantry, archers, rifle and ordinary cavalry - all separately. Total presented six types of troops. In order for the army to be combined, it should be used at least two, and the best of all - four types of troops.

Like many other global strategies, Europa Universalis: Rome constantly causes the gamer to make a choice, and all positive effects are compensated for negative. Fighting, you can capture the provinces, it will bring money and territory, but the troops have no cultural or religious skills. The land will remain alien in the state. It will be formed less, the residents will refuse to enter into the army at all.

To capture undeveloped territories, it will have to spend much more time, but at the same time the new provinces will spread their cultural trends, and this is more profitable for the country.

Northern countries can colonize neighboring lands, but also there is a danger - barbarians. Periodically, nomadic tribes leave with exhausted territories, collecting the whole horde, which only wishes to rob civilized countries. Of course, you can agree with the barbarians: to pay, suggest to take the province, get to surrender.

Pax Romana.

Pax Romana - Nugget, unknown to the general public. In this game, there is all the same that other global strategies for PCs are offered. However, in addition to the strategic regime, there is a political one. The latter is most interesting.

In it, on a regular combat card, you are managed not only. You are just the leader of the same parliamentary fraction of Rome. Moreover, the characteristic of the character is so much that their number will easily give odds any RPG. How does this state of affairs affect the familiar gameplay?

Carthage must be destroyed? However, the war can declare only the Senate, and only after the vote. And only the consul is appointed voting on the question. It turns out to start the war, you must first chain the "my person" in the Senate. War, profitable for you, began? Excellent. But it is not a fact that the leadership of the army will give gamer. What if the troops will be headed by a consul who does not want war? In this case, he will minimize the losses and its own, and others.

Of course, it can be attracted to the court for failure to comply with the requirements of the Senate. But if the powers of the consul will be extended, the court will not take place over it until the official will put off the authority. And the measure of preventing the judges who are also elected are chosen.

There are a lot of such parts in the game. The developers tried to fit in their product all the rules of Rome political games without any simplifications. And I must say that it turned out it is beautiful. After passing all the scenarios, the gamer easily passed the exam on the Roman law at the historical faculty.

Distant WORLDS: Universe

Not bypassing global PC strategies and science fiction topics. Action Distant Worlds: Universe takes place in space setting. However, the main activity unfolds outside the planets and bases. After the construction, you will have to start exploration and movements through the universe. Strategic resources here are more than 40. What is interesting, the player is monitored only by the extractive industry, the construction of stellar bases, colonization. Everything else is in the hands of the private sector controlled by artificial intelligence.

As all other global strategies, Distant Worlds offers a player diplomatic tricks and technical progress. The tree of development is extensive, but the branches are only three. Diplomacy is implemented classically. Gamer can sign trade agreements, enter into unions and pacts, declare war. There is an opportunity to learn what other races think about each other.

However, if all the possibilities seem redundant, the player can easily adjust the level of interaction. Everything can be automated to such an extent that the gamer will turn into an observer.

Before the start of each new batch, it is possible to set up maximum parameters - ranging from the aggressiveness of the pirates and ending with the age of the galaxy.

Age of Wonders 3

Describing the best global PC strategies, it is impossible not to note Age of Wonders - the game in the fantasy universe. In addition to the main genre, it includes RPG elements and step-by-step tactics. The nearest relative can be considered the "civilization" of Side Meer. The main difference from Civilization - there is no ways for peaceful victory. Everything comes down to military actions.

Strategic nuances in the game of Uym. It is required to monitor not only the movements of their armies and their placement, but also pay attention to production, improve relations with neighboring states or neutral cities, carefully study information on the mood of the inhabitants of the Empire.

At the start of the game game is provided the main character (sole ruler), platoon of soldiers and a small village. Goal one is to destroy all enemies.

Series Warhammer 40,000

Release date:1992-2011

Genre: Real-time strategy

The Warhammer 40,000 series is the most popular and one of the best-selling games. Fans are constantly waiting for the release of a new game. The most famous is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player chooses a race (imperial guard, cosmodeant, tau, necrons, orcs, chaos, eldars every game appears all new races) for which he wants to play, after which it chooses the place that wants to capture and fights with that race that owns this Earth.

The battle occurs in real time on the terrain on which the battle occurs. Players capture special points that give influence and build generators giving energy, buildings, troops are built on these resources, improvements. Each race has its own troops, super units and heroes and abilities. The goal of the game in the campaign to capture all the land and become the patron saint of all lands.

Civilization series

Release date:1991-2013

Genre: Global step-by-step strategy

In Civilization, a complete model of human development was created since the most ancient times and until modern day, the player must create and develop his mighty empire, among other competitors, the victory could be a military victory over everyone, the victory on points, the game ends in 2050 or the culture or Build a spacecraft and fly to Alpha Centaur. The strength and development of civilization consists of the development and creation of new cities, the creation of production in the cities of troops, scientific and military research. Also in the game you can create wonders of light.

For the prosperity of civilization, the player should be able to focus and balance between scientific progress, the increase in military power, the replenishment of the treasury, the development of infrastructure and culture, diplomatic contacts and trade with other civilizations. The player can participate in historical events that occurred, managed leaders such as Stalin, Napalon, Ramses II, Catherine II, and so on. Which series is the best difficult to say. Someone says that part is the best, someone that fourth. Graphics adherents say that the fifth best of this series.

Warcraft III.

Genre: Real-time strategies with RPG elements

In the people, the so-called "Varik" was one of the most anticipated games: more than 4.5 million preliminary orders and more than one million copies of the game sold in less than a month, which made it the most quickly soldered computer game the game received a large number of positive reviews, many Editions celebrated the game titles "Best Game of the Year" and "Best Strategy of the Year." Also, the game received high marks and players.

The game has 4 races: alliance (people), undead, hordes (orcs) and night elves. Each race has its own unique heroes, which in battles receive experience and a new level. With each level, new Hero's abilities are opening. Also, the heroes can buy or lift the objects from the mounted mobs that improve the combat characteristics of the heroes and the surrounding troops. On different cards, players capture mines with gold and extract the forest, these resources are building base and units and improve their characteristics.


Genre:Step-by-step strategy with RPG elements

Heroes of Might and Magic III Step-by-step fantasy game, the third part of the series has become a cult and acquired many fans around the world. Despite the outdated schedule, thousands of players around the world are still playing. The fourth and fifth of the game came out with more better graphics And improved gapeleam, so if you are not a fan of old games, and love graphics, it is best to play in the last parts.

The player travels on a global map heroes that manage the mythical creatures, exploring new lands capturing cities and fighting enemies. On the map, the player moves only one hero and can only go through a certain distance or to make one or more actions, after which he misses the move and already enemies under the control of the computer make their move. Attacking the enemies you move in combat mode, the army of enemies and your army of creatures stand opposite each other, moving in turns of the combat units need to destroy enemies. With the development of cities, you can open up new features and spells. Hiring troops.

Starcraft II.

Genre:real-time strategy

Starcraft II is the second part of the cult first part of the first part of the 1998 part of the game became the most anticipated game of the year due to the great popularity of the first part and fully justified their hopes from the players. Many gaming Russian and foreign portals put the game with an estimate of over 9 points out of 10, 9.3 points received in the player ranking.

The plot of the game and all actions occur in the distant future, and the most accurates of the XXVI century in the distant part of the Galaxy Milky Way. Three races terrans, zergs, and protozes oppose each other. Players produce two types of mineral resources and gas supplies to which after which build buildings and hire combat units. The main task is to destroy the base of the enemy. Each type of units has its strong and last sidesTherefore, to destroy certain types of troops of the enemy, you need to hire troops that are well destroyed.

Total War Series Best Rome: Total War

Genre:step-by-step global strategy, real-time strategy

Total War Rus. " Total war»A series of games that has already seven games and various additions. Different games cover different temporary historical periods and states. The most popular and cult is Rome: Total War in 2004 the actions in which occur in ancient Rome during the republic from 270 years before. e. until 14 years old e. For example, Shogun actions: Total War occur in Japan Shogun: Total War in the XVI century where the praying dynasties oppose each other. Empire: Total War - during the days of European colonial wars and so on.

Gameplay games are very similar to Civilization. The player manages troops, cities and settlements at the global point. After completing all actions, the player misses the move after which competitors managed AI make their move. If you or your enemy attack each other, then you move to the tactical map, where you are managed in real mode by all your troops, attacking them and placing in convenient positions on the map.


Release date:1996 and 2000

Genre:Real-time strategy

Red Alert - the game released in the last century and capturing the minds and souls of gamers around the world, thousands of people are still playing in it, more than 30 million copies sold. The action of the game is unfolded in an alternative story, where the allied troops protect Europe from aggressive Soviet Union. The player can choose one of two warring parties: Alliance or USSR. Accordingly, the goal of the game for the Allies is to stop Stalin, until he seized the whole world, for the USSR - to achieve full seizure of Europe. Depending on the floor selected, the victory of the player leads to one of two alternative ending.

The battles in the game are held on the ground, so on the water and in the air. Each party can have its base and can train land forces, air force and navy. Each party also has unique features ,. player mechanics is that even a simple infantryman can destroy the tank. The tank can easily destroy the machine-gun dot, a small group of grenadeometers will also easily cope with the tank, if it is not covered with anti-personnel technique or infantry, which forced various types of troops in battle.

EUROPA Universalis Game Series

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre:step-by-step global strategy

Continuing a series of global EUROPA Universalis strategies. Like previous games of the series, the third part invites you to head one of the states of the world . The essence of the game: Develop national ideas that give the game powers of certain advantages; As new state technologies are discovered, it is possible to choose one of the national ideas. The action of the game takes place in real time, but the reaction speeds from the player is not required, since at any moment the game can be paused. The game occurs on a schematic shown world map, broken into more than 1,500 marine and ground provinces.

Playing can take control of any country from those who existed in this historical period (about 200 states). Under his control are the country's economy, the formation of armies and fleets and the management of them, diplomacy, the introduction of new technologies, domestic politics States, a change in state religion and colonization of new lands.

The feature of the game is to bind to real history (I note that in the third part of the series is no longer pronounced to the history and gameplay more free); There are predefined historical rulers in advance for each country, each of which has certain abilities affecting the game that existed in reality of the commander (such as Suvorov or Napoleon I Bonaparte), pioneers, researchers and navigators (such as Columbus, Ermak and Fernan Magellan ), as well as historical events that usually occur in the same country and at the same time as in real history (for example, in 1517 an event occurs, which gives you the opportunity to go to Protestantism)

Company of Heroes 1,2

Release date: 2006

Genre:Real-time strategy

The Gameplay of Company of Heroes is very similar to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player commands whole detachments of fighters, but there are separate unique units. Each detachment has a scale of lives (not a separate fighter) and if during damage to the detachment of life ends, the whole detachment dies. A player can equip various weapons, fading of infantry, choosing some weapon for a promising in battle. After the death of the detachment there is a weapon that can be chosen and arm a different detachment. This also applies to the stationary type weapon, such as anti-tank guns, machine guns and mortars.

Each party in the game is divided into three unique direction-infantry, landing and tank Americans and defensive, offensive and propaganda in Germans, the promotion of which gives access to new combat units and attacks (for example, attacks of attack aircraft). Another important difference is that squads and units in the game have three levels of experience. After the destruction of the enemy, a new level is obtained which increases damage, speed, health, armor, or a combat units overview, depending on its type.

The game has three types of resources: weapons, fuel and personnel. Personal composition is used to build buildings, hiring new combat units, both infantry and armored vehicles, fuel, in turn, for building buildings and armored vehicles, and weapons - to provide detachments with additional weapons, for example, a grenade launcher, for artillery and air strikes or for In order for your technique to receive new opportunities. Resource replenishment is carried out using checkpoints.

Age of Empires III

Genre:Real-time strategy

Age of Empires III Strategy deserved worldwide recognition due to its innovative and fascinating gameplay. Age of Empires received large ratings on gaming portals and magazines. A feature of this game is a competently worked artificial intelligence (the opponent whom the computer manages). The player manages one of the powers (United Kingdom, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, France), which went to conquer the New World (America).

The main action takes place in the colonies, on the map usual for such games, but now each power has a native city in the old world. He serves the only goal - the help of his colony. In the game three resources: food, tree and money. Which produce various buildings. Transitions between epochs, five era: research, colonization, fortresses, industrial and epoch of the Empire. Military Academy training, bandages sends soldiers in colonies. The infantry depends on the national affiliation of the city, the Spaniards will have Rovelero, and the Russians - Sagittarius and Cossacks. The Academy also has improved troops.

Battles occur in real time. The maximum number of squad and a group of soldiers allocated by the "Frame", - 50 units. The shooting infantry has four buildings: ordinary Sherga, which is convenient for firing salvo, rarefied system, reduced losses from artillery fire, hand-to-hand combat and kara. There are three buildings of melee, two of the same, the same neighbor and kara, and a circular construction for the cover of the shooters. Cavalry learned three buildings - all the same short battle and kara, as well as the onset of low speed, but with damage to the area.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Genre:Strategy, Step Tactic, Tactical RPG

The game is a remake (alteration) of the popular and old X-COM game: UFO Defense released from 1993. Aliens attack the planet and the aliens begin to the alien invasion. The game is being conducted on behalf of the commander of the secret international organization XCOM (division to combat aliens), which has the most advanced technologies, weapons and scientific developments of humanity. It employs the best specialists in the world - military and scientists. The organization should conduct combat actions against aliens, threatening the existence of human civilization.

The player is provided by the central base of XCOM, which is carried out by strategic management of the organization: observation of the actions of the aliens on the global world map with the help of a satellite network, the distribution of funding for the development of scientific and technical potential, weapons and placement of interceptors for the destruction of flying plates, as well as carrying out combat operations against Aliens by the forces of existing fighters in ground skirmishes. The base is represented by the player in the form of a "ant farm" - the slicer of the soil, allowing to look at the room "side".

In the tactical battle fighters to perform up to two steps in turn - a run, shot, throwing grenades, the use of a first-hand aid kit. Each fighter has only three characteristics: accuracy, willpower and health glasses.
After the first progress in the rank of soldiers receives a specialization. It can be an attack aircraft, sniper, heavy infantryman or support soldier.


Genre:real-time strategy

Worked out graphics and three-dimensional gaming space - the implementation of six degrees of freedom (you can consider the battlefield, a combat fleet under different angles) movement of gaming objects and the presence of a well-thought-out control of the fleet in three dimensions. A rich and complex plot, gradually dropping directly during the game. In the next gaming mission, the player receives that fleet that completed the previous one.

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose a fleet of two races, either Taidan: on the future plot it is not reflected in any way, only combat units are changing. The key feature of the fleet both Kushan and Taidan is the presence of the main parent ship that performs the role of the main base of operations. The maternal ship has its own armament, and a hypervigator that allows you to overcome a significant space.

The entire space fleet is divided into a combat fleet and a support fleet. The support fleet includes special ships, such as a collector and resource controller, research ship, probe, ship detector of invisible ships, gravitational well generator. The combat fleet is divided into classes: Small ships are fighters, corvettes, heavy ships - frigates, superheassed ships, flagships.

Series of Stronghold Games

Release date: 2001-2014

Genre:real-time strategy

The game system of all games of the series is based on an economic simulator of a medieval city or castle. The games have a number of unique parameters characteristic only for games of the Stronghold series. So, in the first stronghold, the "Popularity" parameter was introduced for the first time, affecting the performance and number of the population. The combat system is standard for strategies - direct management of groups of units. Economic component is one of the main games in the Games. There are quite complicated and long production chains. As a rule, in the Games series, the greater attention is paid precisely the economic, not military component of medieval castles.

In all the games of the series, except Stronghold Kingdoms, there are campaigns (series of plot-related missions) and map editor mode. In Stronghold, a single campaign, in other games there are several campaigns.

In all games, except Stronghold and Stronghold Kingdoms, there is an opportunity to play against computer opponents on the selected map. In Stronghold and Stronghold 2 there is a mode of siege (siege or lock protection without conducting the economy). In the first games of the series (to Stronghold 2 inclusive) there is a free construction regime (economy without war).


Genre:Real-time strategy, God simulator

Spore game is a simulator of the evolution of life on the planet, as well as a strategy and space simulator. The goal of the game is to develop a creature from a microorganism to an advanced space race. During the passage of the game, it is possible to make changes to the creature, improving its characteristics. Also, as far as development, the player will independently create various techniques and buildings, or choose ready-made options from the catalog.

At the beginning of the game, a microorganism living in aquatic environment falls on the player's control. At this stage, the game is to survive, the microorganism must be eaten by pieces of meat or algae, and try not to eat other carnivorous creatures. With eating food cell grows and turns into a microorganism. After that, the creature is chosen on the ground, where it also develops. Over time, under your leadership, a tribe, civilization and space that you will have to manage.

Ground Control 1,2

Release date: 2000 g, 2004

Genre:Tactical Strategy in Real Time

This game was an advanced game of your genre and gained many awards. Ground Control has a three-dimensional graphics and a freely rotating camera that allows the player to look at the battle from any angle. The game completely lacks resource collection, database development and research. Player's goal is to control a limited number of combat units and performing various tasks with their help.

The main goal of the game is the destruction of the troops and the opponent buildings using the features of the relief and the strengths of their own army. Combat units include various types of armored vehicles, airplanes and soldiers delivered to orbital shuttle battlefield. After the start of the next mission, the player cannot cause reinforcements, which requires a thorough choice of combat units and their configuration to battle.

The most important element Games - the requirement for the tactical approach in any situation. Each detachment has its pronounced strengths and weaknesses. Combat units are combined into detachments. The player can give orders only to the detachments, although the units themselves will fight and get damage separately. There are four categories of detachments: infantry, armored vehicles, support, and aviation. The player can choose the configuration of each individual detachment to the battle. For example, a tank squad Craven Corporation may exist in four configurations: reconnaissance, light, basic, and heavy. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so different configurations are suitable for different tasks.


Release date: 1995-2010

Genre:Real-time strategy

jeria of successful computer games that has the greatest sales among strategy series. The action of the game is unfolding in an alternative time reality, conventionally modern in which all over the world there is a war between the two global groups - the international UN military forces, united in the global defense initiative, and the military-religious fraternity of the Node led by his charismatic leader Kane, fighting for The possession of an alien substance Tiberius, slowly propagating throughout the planet.

The gameplay of the game is based on the principle - the resources to build the base to destroy the enemy. The only source of money (loans) in the game is Tiberius. Another important resource in the game is electricity produced by only energy stations. The various structures and units produced by the player together form a technological tree in which access to technologically more perfect, and, accordingly, more expensive structures and units. The base can be protected by various facilities, which include both barrier fortifications.

26.08.2018 Pavel Makarov

One of the first strategies with the development of Sid Meier's Civilization civilization, published in 1991. The game is designed by MPS Labs studio and MicroProse has been published. The player had to deal with the development of the chosen people. In the course of the game, it is necessary to study technology, deal with diplomacy, participate in wars and develop the economy. Setting included the historical period from the primitive system to a non-farm future.

Civilization has become a game that founded the genre of step-by-step global strategies with elements of economic development, politics and science. In Sid Meier's Civilization, the concept of "Technology Tree" was used for the first time. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with modern representatives of the game genre, in which it is necessary to develop their civilization.

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Release date: 2010 year
Genre: Global Step-by-Step Strategy with the Development of Civilization
Developer: Firaxis Games.

The task of the player is to bring its civilization to one of the types of victory. Victory types in civilization: military, diplomatic, scientific and cultural. Step-by-step strategy (TBS) develops on a global card consisting of hexes. Part of the hexes are assigned to various resources and improvements. Another part is under the wonders of the world, the city-state or controlled by competitors.

Two large additions were released to the game: Gods & Kings and Brave New World, which contribute to significant innovations into the game mechanics. Numerous additions with new civilizations and gaming cards have also come out.

The feature of the game is access to a huge number of mods, downloaded through the menu. Fans created many scenarios, civilizations and cards, the variety of which can satisfy the most demanding taste.

Some disadvantages can be called the weakness of the AI \u200b\u200b(however, the usual for most strategies), but it pale against the background of numerous advantages of this wonderful game. Facts that talk about incredible popularity: sold copies of more than 10 million and a rating for Metacritic 90 out of 100 on Metacritic.

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

Release date: 1999
Genre: Tactical Strategy with the Development of the Medieval Kingdom
Developer: Ensemble Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios.

This game is a continuation of one of the classic series in the genre of real-time strategies RTS. She won many awards. 2 million copies were implemented for the first quarter of sales. Assessment on Metacritic was 92/100. The player is available to control 13 civilizations with its specificity. In addition, The Conquerors added five more. Also in the game there are 5 companies. Civilization passes through four epochs, each of which opens access to new divisions and improvements. The gameplay consists of building cities, collecting resources, army creation. As a result, it is necessary to defeat opponents, by destroying their armies and the destruction of buildings.

In 2013, the game was reissued in an improved HD format, having obtained significantly improved graphics. Later in this format, three more DLCs were released with new civilizations, cards and scenarios.

Forge of Empires.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: online strategy with the development of the city
Developer: InnoGames.
Publisher: InnoGames.

If you are not ready to draw so much in the weave of Sid Meier's Civilization, but you want to spend people from the Stone Age to the world, similar to science fiction, then there is a great option in the face of Forge of Empires. On your shoulders only one city. The game is available for both PCs in the browser and for mobile platforms Android and iOS.

An important part of the gameplay is interaction with players worldwide. You can shoot neighboring settlements on you, but you are not a flasher spit, you can answer!

Cossacks 3.

Release date: 2016 year
Genre: Tactical Strategy with Base Development
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher:GSC Game World

Classic remake RTS 2001. The player is available for managing 12 countries, with 70 types of military units, 100 technologies and more than 140 historical buildings. The gameplay unfolds in Europe on the 17th and 18th centuries, with the corresponding divisions and weapons.

Cossacks 3 - Screenshots

The feature of the game is a huge crowd of armies, worn on the map and destroyed by thousands in brutal fleeting battles. For victory, the management of armies must be combined with skillful management - the extraction of key resources and the construction of the necessary buildings.

For our time, the gameplay of the Cossacks 3 is somewhat outdated, but the fans of the classics are able to deliver pleasant moments.

Total War: Rome II

Release date: year 2013
Genre: Global Strategy for the Development of Antique Civilization
Developer: Creative Assembly.

Total War is one of the most famous series PC games familiar to each strategy lover. In this genre, only the Civilization series is at its level. Rome II is the eighth game in Total War, and one of the most successful. It combines the strategic regime on the global map, which is engaged in macro-management on resources, movement, appointments, with tactical, in which battles occur.

The company begins in 272 BC. And designed for 300 years. In the game 117 of various fractions fighting on a huge map in 173 regions covering Asia, Africa and Europe.

Directly on the battlefield, the main types of troops of the ancient world (cavalry, infantry, elephants, etc.) are fighting, taking into account the historical specifics of different fractions (Greek phalanx, Roman legions, etc.). Different types of battles (siege, river battles, etc.) are available, in which thousands of units are fighting.

In addition to the fascinating Rome II game offers many materials on the history of the ancient world, especially his military unit.

Stronghold Kingdoms.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: Online strategy with the development of a medieval state
Developer: Firefly Studios.
Publisher:Firefly Studios.

What is the control of the medieval castle? Stronghold Kingdoms tries to give this as simple as possible, but an honest answer - this MMORTS (genre that combines the real-time strategy and multiplayer functionality) gives though simplified, but a full-fledged idea of \u200b\u200bhow to contain its fortress with knights and dysentery.

One of characteristic features Games - Your successful passage depends not only from victory over computer antagonists, but also from interactions with other real gamers over the network.

Rise of Nations.

Release date: 2003
Genre: Step-by-step strategy with RPG elements and nonlinear plot
Developer: Big Huge Games.
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios.

The game is similar to Mechanics with Total War, combining strategic action on a global map with direct leadership troops in battle mode. Visually, it is much poorer Total War, and in the field of battles and strategies is inferior to this classics.

The player takes control of one of the 18th nations, which leads to victory after 8 historical epochs development. It is available for about 100 different units, each fraction has its own unique fighters.

In 2014, reprinting the game, with updated graphics and multiplayer.

Europa Universalis IV.

Release date: year 2013
Genre: Global Strategy with the Development of Civilization in the Renaissance Epoch
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher: Paradox interactive.

Global strategy from Paradox, one of the leading developers of strategies.

The game captures the gap from late Middle Ages to an early new time.

Gayming proceeds with real historical events ( geographical discoveries etc.). A player to achieve victory should skillfully combine trade, diplomacy, colonization and military actions.

The game is characterized by a strong strategic component characteristic of Paradox, with a relatively poor military unit. Tactical battles are absent, and the game goes only on the global map. In this form, the game is similar to chess.

"Fishka" Europa Universalis IV - the process depends on random events, both positive and negative, which are generated every year.

Vikings: War of Clans

Release date: 2015 year
Genre: MMO strategy with the development of Viking settlement
Developer: Plarium
Publisher: Plarium

If you often see the videos on YouTube, then you have already known that, they say, since the road to your heart strategy from the nineties and starts zero, you will certainly taste Vikings: War of Clans. Such an obsessive uniform advertising may turn away any desire to try the game.

But for some reason, people play in her several times more than Viking ever existed. And all because it is a well-thought-out military strategy, which is equally enjoyable from favorable unions with other players, and from thoughtless plundering of their lands.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: Global strategy with the development of its own dynasty in the setting of medieval Europe
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher:Paradox interactive.

Another Global Strategy from Paradox, covering the medieval period, from 1066 to 1453.

The feature of the game - it is a symologist of the dynasty, not civilization or state. The player using wars, marriages and murders is working hard on a global map to achieve success of its dynasty and eliminate competitors.

14 DLCs already released, adding new dynasties, events and expanding the game period.

The game is similar to strong and weak parties with Europa Universalis IV: The powerful strategic component with advanced AI is connected to the poor military unit.

Throne: Kingdom At War

Release date: 2016 year
Genre: MMO Strategy with the development of the medieval kingdom
Developer: Plarium

The world of Throne: Kingdom At War can be described as an abstract fascinating Middle Ages without the inquisition, but with knights. In the game you create a hero, and it all depends on it - it improves your possessions and manages your soldiers in battles.

Once in the fictional Amarian kingdom to all the rules of the wise monarch. But his dying was impedled everything in chaos, and the hero is one of the fighters for control over his possessions. You can explore new lands and conquer recalcitable. Whatever, while you yourself are not overthrown.

Release date: 2010 year
Genre: Global Strategy with the Development of Civilization in the New Time Epoch
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher: Paradox Development.

Another global Paradox strategy. The game is greater degree oriented on aggravated fans. The player needs to spend many hours on political and economic decisions.

The player manages the state by combining his political, diplomatic, economic, military and technological aspects. Game Period 1836-1936. The game covers all the Earth, with more than 200 played countries.

Victoria II is more oriented towards the development of economic relations. The game has a challenging system with more than 50 types of goods and factories, prices for which are determined by millet and offer. In the field of politics and diplomacy, the player interacts with 8 various types Governments and 7 ideologies. The military component, for which 20 types of land and marine troops correspond, is less important than in analogs.

Grand Ages Medieval.

Release date: 2015 year
Genre: Real-time strategy with the development of the medieval state economy
Developer: Gaming Minds Studios.
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital.

Not quite a good attempt to cross RTS with TBS. The global map in real time state is managed. The emphasis is placed on the economy, battles have less significance. The fractions are almost no different from each other, the battle is very boring, the only strongly worked part is trading. To build a strong economy, you need to carefully track prices for goods, compare alternatives, engage in logistics and trade trade.

Grand Ages Medieval can be called a trading strategy to which "for a tick" screwed war and other components.

Medieval II: Total War

Release date: 2006
Genre: Global Military Strategy in the Setting of Medieval Europe
Developer: Creative Assembly.
Publisher: SEGA

The fourth game in the Total War series, one of the tops of the strategic genre.

The game covers the period of the Middle Ages; The company has 17 fractions. In the process, it is necessary not only to deal with competitors, but also take into account global events corresponding to historical periods. For example, the invasions of Mongols and Timur. Religion plays an important role on the global map. For example, Pope can overcome you from the church and declare you against you. crusade. If the population of recently subordinate territories professes different from your religion, then the likelihood of uprisings occurs.

The system of agents responsible for the spread of religions, espionage and other components of victory are fully implemented. The decisive battles are better to carry out manually, and not to put the authorship, and then it can be noted that the game engine was finalized in Medieval II. Soldiers received individual content and a variety of combat techniques. This visually favorably distinguishes battles from the "clone wars" of previous games of the series.

In addition to our article, we suggest a detailed video review of other PC strategies with the development of civilization including settings from the primitive period to modern days.