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Slaughterhouse number five, or crusade children. Slaughterhouse number five, or a crusade of children (dance with death on duty)


Billy Pilgrim disconnected from time to time.

Billy lay down to the elderly widow, and woke up on the wedding day. He entered the door in 1955, and came out of another door in 1941. Then he returned through the same door and found himself in 1964. He says that he has seen his birth many times, and his death and the fact and the matter got into different other events of his life between birth and death.

So spoke Billy.

He shifts in time by jerks, and he is not dominated, over where it will fall, and it's not always nice. He constantly nervous as an actor before the performance, because he does not know which part of his life will he have to play.

Billy was born in 1922 in Ilum, New York, in the family of a hairdresser. He was a strange boy and became a strange junc - high and weak, like a bottle of Coca-Cola. He graduated from the Ilium gymnasium in the top ten of his class and studied one semester in the evening courses of optometricists, in the same orem, before he was called on military service: Walked World War War. During this war, his father died on the hunt. So it goes.

Billy fought in the infantry in Europe - and captured to the Germans. After demobilization in 1945, Billy arrived again on optometric courses. In the last semester, he walked around with the daughter of the founder and the owner of the courses, and then fell ill with a light nervous disorder.

He was placed in a military hospital near Lake Placid, he was treated with electric shock and soon discharged. He married his challenged, graduated from courses, and the father-in-law arranged him in his case. Ilium is a particularly advantageous place for optics, because there is a general steel company there. Each employee of the company must have a couple of protective glasses and put them in production. In orma, sixty-eight thousand people served at the company. So, it was necessary to make a mass of lenses and a mass of frames.

Frames are the money.

Billy Ryrochelter. He had two children - Barbara and Robert. Over time, Barbara married, too, for optics, and Billy took him into the case. Billy's son, Robert, poorly studied, but then he entered the famous military unit "Green Beetments". He recited, became a beautiful young man and fought in Vietnam.

In early 1968, a group of optometricists, where Billy was, hired a special aircraft - they flew from Ihum to the international optometric congress in Montreal. The plane crashed over the mountains of Shugarbush in Vermont. All died, except Billy. So it goes.

While Billy came to himself in one of the Vermont hospitals, his wife died from the accidental poisoning of carbon oxide. So it goes.

After the disaster, Billy returned to Ilium and first was very calm. Through the entire top, he had a monstrous scar. Practica he no longer did. The housekeeper took care of him. The daughter came to him almost every day.

And suddenly, without any warning, Billy went to New York and spoke on the evening program, usually transmitted all sorts of conversations. He told how he was listening in time. He also said that in 1967 he was kidnapped by a flying saucer. Soccer This, he said, flew from the planet Tralyfamador. And he was taken to Tralyphamador and there were shown in the naked form to visitors of the zoo. They paired him with a former movie star, too, from the ground, named Montana Wildbek ...

Some sleepless citizens in orme were heard Billy on the radio, and one of them called his daughter Barbara. Barbara was upset. They and her husband went to New York and brought Billy home. Billy softly, but stubbornly insisted that he spoke on the radio pure truth. He said he was kidnapped by Trabamador's Day of the daughter's wedding. Nobody was missing him, he explained, because the Tralyfamadorians held him for such a turn of the time that he could stay on Tralyphamador for years, and there is one microsecond on earth.

Another month passed, without any incidents, and then Billy wrote a letter to "news or" news, and the newspaper published this letter. It described creatures from Tholfamador.

In the letter it was said that they were two feet in growth, green and reminded in the form of "pumping" - the thing that plumbers pump pipes. The suckers with their soil, and extremely flexible, rods usually watch up. Each rod ends with a small hand with green eye on the palm. Creatures are quite friendly and able to see everything in four dimensions. They regret earthy, because they can only see in three dimensions. They can tell the earthlings wonderful things, especially about time. Billy promised to tell in her next letter of many wonderful things, which he taught the Tralyfamadorians.

When the first letter appeared, Billy had already worked on the second. The second letter started like this:

"The most important thing I learned on Tradlephamador is that when a person dies, it only seems to us. He is still alive in the past, so it's very stupid to cry at his funeral. All moments of the past, present and future always existed and will always exist. Traghamadorians know how to see different moments as well as we can see the whole chain of rocky mountains. They see how much all these moments are constant, and may consider that moment that interests them now. Only here, on earth, there is an illusion that the moments go one by one, like beads on the thread, and that if a moment has passed, it passed irrevocable.

When Tra Tralfamorean sees a dead body, he thinks that this man is in this moment Just about a bad form, but it is quite well safe to many other moments. Now, when I hear that someone died, I just shrug and say how the Thorfamadorians themselves talk about the dead: "Such cases". "

Billy composed a letter in the basement of his empty house, where all trash was fell. The economy had a day off. In the basement stood an old typewriter ... a rhylad, not a machine. She weighed more than heating boiler. Billy could not transfer it to another place, because he wrote in a littered basement, and not in his room.

Heating boiler spoiled. The mouse spray isolation on the thermostat wire. The temperature in the house fell to fifty Fahrenheit, but Billy noticed nothing. And he dressed was not too warm. He sat Bosoy, still in pajamas and bathrobe, although it went to the evening. His bare feet There were ivory colors with promine.

But Billy's heart was joyful. It was burning because Billy believed and hoped to bring many people comfort by opening them the truth about time. The inlet door was completely poured out. His daughter Barbara came. Finally, she revealed the door with his key and went over his head, shouting: "Dad, daddy, where are you?" - etc.

Billy did not respond, and she fell into the perfect hysteria, deciding that he would now find his corpse. And finally looked into the most unexpected place - to the basement storage room.

- Why didn't you answer when I called? - asked Barbara, standing at the door of the basement. In her hand, she squeezed the number of the newspaper, where Billy described his acquaintances from Tholfamador.

"And I did not hear you," said Billy.

The parties in this orchestra were at the moment were distributed as follows: Barbara was only twenty-one, but she considered her father the elderly, although he was only forty-six, - the elder, because he was damaged by the brains during the aircraft catastrophe, and she was also He considered himself the head of the family, because she had to bother at the funeral of the mother, and then hire a housekeeper for Billy, and all that. And besides, Barbara and her husband had to dispose of Billy cash deeds, and more than quite significant sums, since Billy was completely removed by money. And because of all this responsibility, at such a young age, she became pretty nasty special. Meanwhile, Billy tried to preserve his dignity, to prove Barbara and all the rest that he did not at all and, on the contrary, dedicated himself much more an important thingthan his former work.

Slaughterhouse number five, or crusade children

(Dance with death on duty)

american of German origin (the fourth generation), which now lives in excellent conditions on the Cape code (and smokes too much), for a long time he was an American infantryman (non-stop service) and, captured, became a witness to the bombing of the German city of Dresden ("Florence on Elbe ") and may tell about it because survived. This novel is partly written in a slightly telegraph-schizophrenic style, as they write on the planet Tradlephamador, from where a flying saucer appears. Peace.

Dedicated to Mary O'Hair and Gerhard Muller

Reversal bulls.
Calf Mile.
Woke the babies Christ
But he is silent.

Almost all this really happened. In any case, about the war here almost all truth. One of my friend and in fact shot in Dresden for took someone else's kettle. Another familiar and in fact threatened that it would take all his personal enemies after the war with the help of hired killers. Etc. Names I changed everything.

I really went to Dresden to the Huggenheim scholarship (bless their God) In 1967, the city was very reminded by Daiton, in the state of Ohio, only more squares and squares than in Danteon. Probably there, in the ground, tons of human bones intersected in the dug.

I went there with an old fellow soldier, Bernard V. O'Hair, and we made friends with a taxi driver who drove us to the slaughterhouse number five, where we, prisoners of war, locked overnight. Called Taxi driver Gerhard Muller. He told us that he was in captivity of Americans. We asked him how he lives under the Communists, and he said that he first was bad, because everyone had to work terribly a lot and lacked either food nor clothes or housing. And now it has become much better. He has a cozy apartment, a daughter learns, gets a great education. His mother burned down during Dresden bombing. So it goes.

He sent O'Haire a postcard for Christmas, and it was written in it - "I wish you and your family, as well as your friend of the Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope that we will meet again in the peaceful and free world, in my taxi, If you want the case. "

I really like the phrase "if the case wants."

It is terribly reluctant to tell you what this stray book was worth it - how much money, time, excitement. When I returned home after World War II, twenty three years ago, I thought I would be very easy to write about the destruction of Dresden, because it was necessary only to tell everything I saw. And I thought that a highly artistic work would be released or, in any case, it will give me a lot of money, because the topic is such an important.

But I could not come up with the necessary words about Dresden, in any case, they lacked them for a whole book. Yes, words do not come now and now, when I became an old frangle, with the familiar memories, with the familiar cigarettes and adult sons.

And I think: however, all my memories of Dresden are useless and however, it was seductive to write about Dresden. And in my head, the old mischievous song is spinning:

Some kind of scientist associate professor
He was angry with his tool:
"I rode health,
Capital droked
And you do not want to work, fuck! "

And I remember another song:

I call Ion Jonsen,
My house is Wisconsin,
In the forest, I work here.
Whoever meets;
I answer everyone
Who will ask:
"What is your name?"
I call Ion Jonsen,
My home is Wisconsin ...

All these years familiar me often asked me, what I work, and I usually answered that my home work is a book about Dresden.

So I answered Herrison Staror, film director, and he raised his eyebrows and asked:

- Anti-war book?

"Yes," I said, "it looks like that."

- Do you know what I tell people when I hear that they write anti-war books?

- I do not know. What do you say to them, Harrison Star?

- I say to them: why don't you write an anticient book instead?

Of course, he wanted to say that the warriors would always be and what to stop them as easily as stopping the glaciers. I think so too.

And if the war did not even come to us as glaciers, an ordinary old woman would still remain.

When I was a little and worked on my notorious Dresden Book, I requested the old one-sexer Bernard V. O'Haire, can I come to him. He was a district prosecutor in Pennsylvania. I was a writer at Cape Code. In war, we were ordinary reconnaissance in the infantry. We never hoped for good earnings after the war, but both settled out well.

I instructed the central telephone company to find it. They know how to greatly. Sometimes at night I have such seizures, with alcohol and telephone calls. I get drunk, and the wife goes to another room, because it carries mustard gas and roses. And I, very seriously and elegant, call on the phone and please telephonist to connect me with someone from friends, who I have long lost sight.

So I found O'Haire. He is low, and I'm high. In the war we called Pat and Patason. We were captured together. I told him on the phone, who I am. He immediately believed. He did not sleep. He read. All the rest in the house slept.

"Listen," I said. - I am writing a book about Dresden. You would help me remember something. Would you not come to you, see, we would drank, talked, remembered the past.

He did not show enthusiasm. He said that he remembers very little. But still said: come.

"You know, I think that the junction in the book should be shot by this unfortunate Edgar Darby," I said. - Think what irony. The whole city is burning, thousands of people are dying. And then this very soldier-an American arrest among the ruins of the Germans for taking the teapot. And they judge throughout the fory and shoot.

"GM-MM," said O'Hair.

- Do you agree that this should be a junction?

"I don't understand anything," he said, "this is your specialty, not mine."

As a specialist in the union, ties, characteristics, amazing dialogues, intense scenes and clashes, I threw a book about Dresden many times. The best plan, or, in any case, the most beautiful plan, I sketched on a piece of wallpaper.

I took color pencils at the daughter and each hero gave my color. At one end, the piece of wallpaper was the beginning, on the other - the end, and in the middle there was a middle of the book. The Red Line met with blue, and then - with yellow, and the yellow line was broken, because the hero depicted in the yellow line was dying. Etc. The destruction of Dresden was portrayed by a vertical column of orange cross, and all the lighter lines passed through this binding and went out from the other end.

The end, where all lines were broken, was in the beet field on the Elbe, behind the city of Galle. Lil rain. War in Europe ended several weeks ago. We were built in Sherngi, and Russian soldiers protected us: the British, Americans, Dutch, Belgians, French, New Zealandsev, Australians - thousands of former prisoners of war.

And at the other end of the field there were thousands of Russians, Polyakov, and Yugoslavs, and so on, and their American soldiers were guarded. And there, in the rain, there was an exchange - one on one. O'Hair and I climbed into the American truck with other soldiers. O'Hair Souvenir did not have. And almost all of others were. I had - and still there is a major saber of the German pilot. The desperate American, which I called in this book Paul Lazzaro, was driving around the quarts of diamonds, emeralds, rubies and any such. He removed them from the dead in the basements of Dresden. So it goes.

The fool-Englishman who lost all his teeth somewhere, drove his souvenir in a canvas bag. The bag lay on my legs. The Englishman then looked into the bag, and rotated his eyes, and twisted the neck, trying to attract greedy eyes of others. And all the time I stuck me with a bag of legs.

I thought it was by chance. But I was mistaken. He was terribly wanted to show someone what he had in a bag, and he decided to trust me. He grabbed my glance, winked and opened the bag. There was a gypsum model of the Eiffel Tower. She was all messed up. Her watches were made.

- Did you see the beauty? - he said.

And we were sent on airplanes in summer camp In France, where we were drove with milk cocktails with chocolate and fed all sorts of delicacies until we were covered with a young gip. Then we were sent home, and I married a pretty girl, also covered with a young gip.

And we brought the guys.

And now they all grew up, and I became old pergun with the familiar memories of the usual cigarettes. I call Ion Jonsen, my house is Wisconsin. I work here in the forest.

Sometimes late at night, when the wife goes to sleep, I'm trying to call the phone old my friend.

Translator: Rita Wright-Kovaleva Series: Foreign prose XX century ISBN: ISBN 5-352-00372-8 Electronic version

"The slaughterhouse number five, or a crusade of children" (eng. SlaughterHouse-Five, Or The Children's Crusade ) () - the autobiographical novel of Kurt Vonnegut about the bombardment of Dresden during World War II.

Title and prehistory

Vonnegut was released by the troops of the Red Army in May 1945.

According to the writer, the bombardment of Dresden was not caused by military necessity. Most dead with this operation were civilians, residential neighborings were destroyed, killed architectural monuments. Wonnegut, being undoubtedly against fascism, does not recognize that the defender was "punishment" for the crime of the fascists. The novel was censored in the United States, he was listed in the list of "harmful" books and was withdrawn from libraries.

At the beginning of the novel, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book on the bombardment of Dresden is described. The author complains that it can not come up with the necessary words for this book, which he considered his main work. To form a plan future bookHe met his fellow soldier Bernard O'Hare. O'Haira Mary's wife was very angry, having learned about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book about the war, because in all such books there is an element of the heroization of war - a cynical lie supporting new wars. The conversation of the Vonnegut with Mary is a key episode at the beginning of the novel, he explains why the book about Dresden turned out to be so strange, short, confused, which does not prevent her from being anti-war. Also from this dialogue it is clear where the second name of the novel came from.

Yes, you were then completely children! - she said.

What? - I asked.

You were in war just with children like our guys at the top.

I nodded my head - her truth. We were in war velves are unreasonable, barely disguised as childhood.

But you do not write so much, right? - she said. It was not a question - it was an accusation.

I ... I myself do not know, "I said.

But I know - she said. "You will pretend that you were not at all kids, but real men, and you will play all sorts of Franki Sinatra and John Wayin or some more celebrities, bad old people who love the war. And the war will be shown beautifully, and wars will go one after another. And they will fight children, as those our children upstairs.

And then I understood everything. That's why she was so angry. She did not want to kill her children, whose children. And she thought that books and cinema would also raise the wars.

And then I raised my right hand and gave her a solemn promise.

Mary, "I said, I'm afraid that I never end my book. I already wrote thousand five pages and threw it all. But if I ever confer this book, I give you an honest word that no role for Frank Sinatra nor John Wayne will not be in it. And you know what, "I added," I will name the book "Crusade of Children."

After that, she became my friend.

As a result, Roman was devoted to Mary O'Hair (and Dresden Taksist Gerhard Müller) and written in the "telegraph-schizophrenic style," as he was expressed by Svangut. In the book, realism, grotesque, fantasy, elements of madness, cruel satire and bitter irony are closely intertwined.

The main character is American soldier Billy Pilgrim, ridiculous, timid, apathetic person. The book describes his adventures in the war and the bombardment of Dresden, which imposed an implanial imprint on the mental state of the pilgrim, since childhood is not very sustainable. Vonnegut introduced into the story a fantastic moment, which from the comic naive "story about aliens" grows into some slim philosophical system.

Dresden's bombardment remains in the novel exactly what it is - a black hole, emptiness. Calculated for word, the emptiness would lose their status.

Someone writes the trilogy, quintology, and dofigaloga, in which there are no handfuls of reasons for reflection, - Wonnegut wrote a short novel who you read in a few hours, and comprehend and think about several years. The book is small, but those impressions that it produces, those misfortune that creates and develops, is unlikely to enjoy the same big novels in a dozen.

So far I thought about the novel somewhere on one and a half. In any case, it seems to me. All this very much want to squeeze into the review - only who needs all my Ahinea to hell?! So it seems to me that anyone. Therefore, it will not be particularly rant.

The hero of the novel is not a little, moreover, at first glance, he is completely uninteresting. He sees his whole life: being a baby, knows what will be in old age, turning into an old man, remembers infancy, and not just remembers - may return, dive at any time in his way. The time for the hero of the novel is not a straight line, but an arbitrary broken, jumping on his fate as it is pleased. It's not so difficult, you quickly get used to it, but the roof of this demoloses specifically - and while reading, and after.

After ... What kind of word is? .. before, after, during ... I hear these words, the tramadorrs rush to the sky. We, people - fools. All to one, in all generations. Idiocy? Maybe. But reading the "slaughter" in it really believes.

Wonnegut in his repertoire: the novel promotes humanism, noticing at the same time that any propaganda of humanism is meaningless, for hatred, injustice and all the other opposites of humanism both were, and there are also damn it, and will be ...

The composition is amazing very many. And it is unique. Language tongue. At the same time very delivering. It `s Magic!

In general, in "Login No. 5", I surpassed myself and so much ninety-ninety-five percent ever already read by me. Stormy and felting applause.

Rating: 10.

I have not read such technically unusual novels for a long time. However, until now, in general, the only thing I read from Wannegut was "Titan's sirens", but it was so long ago that I just remember that it was some kind of fun Gon, in the spirit of Lenin-Mushroom.

"The slaughterhouse" is essentially his rong, and even cheerful places. But only places. Because the topic itself affected by the author - if narrow, then the air raid on Dresden in March 45, if wide, then the topic of war and its victims - in itself involves a certain level of seriousness. The author did everything possible to avoid traditional pathos and morality for such the topic, and it, oddly enough, succeeded. In the preface, which is quite organically imagines, part of the novel says that the author wrote the anti-war book. So, this is the most strange anti-war book from everyone that I have ever read.

The author bypass the theme of war as it were from the side to not say - from the rear. His the main character - And not the hero is at all, but rather, a typical antiger. Someone Billy Pilgrim, for the entire short military career, not simply did not make anything worth mentioning, but also managed to go through some very narrow edge of military events, practically did not touch the actually hostilities. The war that Billy caught, appeared from the most unsightly and non-negotective side: first the captive and camp for the prisoners, then a terrible raid on Dresden, in which many probably died, much more worthy people, and Billy survived. Not that it was put in the reproach, of course - but still some feeling of the oddity of the actions of fate remains.

Although with Billy eventually everything came out very difficult. It seems to be how it easily got drove and relatively calmly lived the next twenty years, and then he was stolen by aliens. You did not hear. Stolen aliens from the planet with a non-pronounced name and showed some time in an aliens of the zoo. From them, Billy about learned the secret knowledge, which have long been known for Hindu philosophy, if not lying, that time is non-linear, and all the moments of time exist and always existed at the same time, and therefore every moment is predetermined and unchanged. Billy tells little about the war, but we still learn enough about her, and a lot tells about the planet Tholfamador, but this is still not enough. As a result, a very strange text is obtained, how strange there can be a combination of similar incompatible topics. And at the same time he does not cause the slightest dislike. It is not scary, not unpleasant, sometimes even funny (in any case, it is written and translated just perfectly), and unusually interesting. I do not know how else to describe it.

Rating: 8.

Probably, this is one of the best works that I have ever read. It is so ideal in all its radiance, which is not at all to complain about!

This is a book of two things:

1. About war. About the present war without embellishment with all the human abostivities, about the senseless victims of the bombing of Dresden, when Americans, as in Hiroshima, just kicking the corpse. About absolutely different war of Russian and allies and about the same different conditions captivity. When the film "War of Hart" was released, where for the first time show the difference in the detention of Russian and Americans, the Kinopoisk site was literally filled with angry reviews that this does not happen. But you need to read the classics, Wannegut. It was. And the film, by the way, is very truthful.

2. About tradrals. On aliens who live in 4 dimensions. And for which actions, bad or good, I don't mean anything. They have nothing to discuss, recognize the truth, give an assessment. Everything happened. And this is not changed.

There are a lot of such aliens on Earth: it is a general writing a book about the bombing of Dresden, who thinks that the Germans simply deserve this execution, these are Russians who have long forgotten about the Katyn execution, this is what I think that there is nothing about It is remembered, these are all those who seem that the woman is taking a handbag, we pass by, thinking that they are not doing them and they cannot do anything.

We all turned into a travelery, became the same as Billy Pilgrim. Our feelings stumbled, we began to spit everything. And it is sad: frown:

Outcome: incredible strong bookwritten, and it can be seen, a man who is still experiencing what he writes about. It seems to me that every lover of fiction simply must read her.

p.S. The review was some kind of gloomy, although the book has a lot of ironic and just funny. I was forever worried about the moment of the meeting of prisoners of the torn Americans with the old, crippled on the Eastern Front, the German warden and their reaction to each other!: Smile:

Rating: 10.

This book, of course, I want to be called a masterpiece. First, the author of the book, judging by his biography, very decent, pleasant and good person, Veteran, who had to survive a lot and after the war. Secondly, the "slaughterhouse number five, or a crusade of children" is just a hymn pacifism, she is designed to fight off and kill all the hunt, destroy any romantic ideas about the soldiers. But! Alas, maybe she came across it too late. It turned out to be interesting only as a look at the second world by the allies. Very, very, very interesting was to "watch" the British and Americans. And thanks to the author for the fact that he did not downgrade the role of the Russian soldier in the whole meat grinder, as it is often done now.

But the spiritual unhealthy of the main character? ... You know, somehow I happened to go in one compartment with an elderly woman, a long road, all the elderly feed weakness to people in the pursuit ...

Spoiler (plot disclosure)

In general, she told her story. She was 5 years old when the war began; And she remembered every day of this his war - how her mother kept her, life in the occupied territory, the filtration camp, like a miracle they fled from there, as a miracle did not take her as a donor, the partisan squad, again captive, beaten and mutilated mother , Miraculously failed shot ... And all this with the eyes of a 5-year-old child. After such a story, I would like to repeat and repeat the "War Cursed", although this lines seemed just a slogan for a few more hours ago.

And the most interesting thing is that the girl has grown and raised good sons, and she was good husband, I. good jobAnd good neighbors, and everything you need for happiness. And never went to her "rods that end with a green eye on the palm" and did not hurt her on Tralyphamador.

That's all. Five-year Russian girl and American soldier. And the case, of course, is not in aliens.

Rating: 8.

Is this a book anti-war? Sure! But then, why not write an anticultitious book? This is a difficult task - destroy the war, probably no less difficult than stopping the glacial or global warming. And more unparalleled, because for this it is necessary to be almost impossible - to change itselves, and all of how many seven billion us are - to all.

But maybe still try? And to start personally from yourself and from the smallest: read this book and feel all the events described, disassemble thoughts and hints, live / and more than once / life Billy Pilgrim, again and again returning in 1945 and experience the same event - Dresden's destruction - meaningless and merciless.

A strange and terrible gift was given the author of his hero: for him there is no death and birth - only the infinite cycle of unchanged episodes and events. There is no saving oblivion for him, but only the constant knowledge of how life will pass, all errors, achievements, victories and lesions. Without the possibility / and desire / something to change and fix. Rather, the observer than the participant of life.

But let me all the same observers we are with you when including TV and accompanied by another report about the terrorist attack in the East, the war in Africa, riots in Asia, indifferently switch the channel on the next series? Maybe this is the case?

Then let's start from the very beginning. The crusade of children began in 1213, when two monks originated the idea to assemble the army of children in France and Germany and sell them into slavery in the north of Africa. 30 thousand children were ridden, and their lives were dissolved among the strategies of history. In 1939, the Second World War began, at which 50 million people were killed and most of them were killed - young people, barely entered the life, which were killed in battle, in concentration camps, were killed by bombs, shells, bullets, gases, bayonets and knives. In 1945, 135 thousand people were killed during the Dresden bombing, who, for the most part, burned alive. How much did the war taken over the 20th century and how much will the century add a century?

Many will say: that is a sense in these figures and the listing of terrible facts, if one of my voice and even thousands simply dissolve among a million-hare chop indifference. But hope is always there: read the episode of the writer and housewives once again when she accuses the author in romanticization of war. "She did not want to kill her children, whose children. And she thought that books and cinema would also raise the wars. " And then the writer answered: ".... I give you a honest word that no role for Frank Sinatra, nor for John Wayne will not be in it." "" And you know what, "I added," I'll call the book "Crusade of Children."

Rating: 10.

Yes, you were then completely children! - she said.

What? - I asked.

You were in war just with children like our guys at the top.

You will pretend that you were not at all children, but real men, and you will play all sorts of Franki Sinatra and John Wayne or some more celebrities, bad old men who love the war. And the war will be shown beautifully, and wars will go one after another. And they will fight children, odd like our children upstairs. " (from)

What simple language Writes vonnegut. Something it resembles the "canning row" of John Steinbeck. This simplicity is bibing. It goes from the heart and therefore it finds a response easier. It shows small details of absurd, degrading and deleasing impact of war.

It would seem that funny moments and situations, people. But this laughter through tears. Sad truths, vices and errors, human pain is visible through this laughter.

Why are people fighting? Are these animal instincts? But none of the animal kills himself like that, so much. The person is simply not in nature any enemies. So he chooses himself as an enemy himself. But he just just killed. He also will invent any sophisticated cruelty, he enjoyed him. Where does such a perversion come from? And terrorism? Hiding with high ideas, these people come in a mean and meaningless. And mankind does not learn anything, does not recognize their mistakes, because it is a crown of creation, which is perceived by him as a proper, not subject to doubt.

Rating: 10.

Now I understand why alien invaders are not flying to us, you know, like in Hollywood statements about the destruction of mankind. We will destroy themselves what, as sometimes it seems, we are quite deserve. The history of mankind is an inseparable chain of cruelty and bloodshed. On February 13, 1945, the sky over Dresden broke, and the hell went down to Earth. For Wannegut, who survived this slaughter, the ruins of Dresden became something sacral, point of no return. But for humanity, this is only another chain link. Dresden on fire. Constantinople in fire. Nagasaki on fire. The slaughter is always there, invisibly attending our lives from birth to death. Communists, fascists, militarists-imperials. Tens, hundreds of razor-sharp faces separating their and strangers. Death spilled by fire rain equalizes everyone, in it all indistinguishable, charred pieces of meat, fused in stone. Dear gentlemen of the presidents, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Sheykhs and others need to be reduced to the slaughterhouse and force to cut the defenseless animals, twisted with sleeping pills. Those who like it will need to be forever to isolate from every position, at least a little more responsible than the conductor in the tram. Those who break, send to plant roses in the parks. The remaining I would venture to entrust our future, as I would risen to trust his Wannegut, who survived the hekatombit a hundred and thirty-five thousand souls. This is not forgotten. Never.

Rating: 8.

I would never have thought that with such a strange angle, from such an amazing point of view you can depict war and history. One of the most humanistic novels, where the humanism is not so much said. The strongest anti-war novel, where the war itself is not so much.

Webness in time in an arbitrary order of one rather empty person. Some sufficiently ridiculous aliens. And immediately a terrible catastrophe of Dresden. Cruelty and easiest irony. Horror and fun. So everything is ridiculous, but everything is so good and harmoniously filed that here it is our life and our story.

For some reason, it is not possible to decompose this novel on the shelves even for yourself. He causes a storm of emotions and emotions, they are very difficult to understand. This novel must be read.

Rating: No

High estimate of the community of this work is not clear. It seems to me that readers put high grades from the principle - "so necessary." At the same type of classic, Pashkin's poems, the prose of Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky's music, Kurt Vonnegut- even if I do not like to put a high rating. Nonsense diluted enclosures of humor and sarcasm. Big plus is a small size of the work, otherwise it would not read. I do not recommend.

Rating: 5.

This is a rare work about the war. Where people die are not tragically, not heroically, not pathetic, and just stupid and meaningless. The Germans are on the verge of defeat, bombs are torn around them, but they manage to shoot a man for taking the kettle. Just in the inertia, contrary to any logic. It would be funny if it were not so sad. In addition to people, that killed fighting or becoming victims of the winners, there were those who died just like that. Without a sense, without heroism, without honors. Without a universal tragedy. For the kettle and other nonsense. Simply because they were the most ordinary people and were not at that time not in that place. There are few people writes about them, few people remember. Because writing about the ordinaryness and the stupidity of death is not particularly interesting. And about the cruelty and the meaninglessness of the war is useless. Because nothing will change. The author even errone himself on this occasion at the beginning.

Fantasy here is more like an incatch to strengthen the entire absurdity of what is happening. And if you suggest that the hero is simply haughtily fled from everything experienced and he has been having everyone, it is not at all.

I will not advise this work to everyone and everyone. In terms of the plot and his filing the book is quite an amateur. But if there were losses in your life, and after them somewhat outlined, you may well be with the author on one schizo-wave. And you can not be. After all, everyone reacts to the tragedy in its own way.

I would say that the book is very situratively. For people with a certain warehouse of the mind and life experience. Not the most pleasant life experience. For those who can once acutely reacted, and now he having walked about someone's death, says "what horror!", But indifferently answers "such things ...".

P.S. You will be in Dresden, feel free to pass by this very slaughter. There is nothing to watch there, and you will take a god. That one reason to touch eternity, then the other is simply a way to earn not tightening. So it goes.

Rating: 10.

What distinguishes Wonnegut from many other writings - appears, with reading, the feeling that he is talking to you, just chats behind the bottle of whiskey and cigars. As in the "Relief of the darkness of the night", the whole meaning / thought is revealed simply in several paragraphs, unstable. As for example, a conversation with a friend's wife. About schoolgirls in the shower.

To all already written in other reviews, I would like to add the following. Already asked the question of why such a style, why wasn't it just not to tell about Dresden, the eyes of the writer himself? I think Svoingut gave on this answer at the beginning - he could not do this, he did not know how to write about what he saw. Probably therefore such a style of book ..

Rating: 9.

"One of the main consequences of the war is that people who participated in it are disappointed in heroism."

Some remained. All the best long killed.

And reached, one of which is the main hero of the book - Billy Pilgrim - are captured to the Germans. And they become witnesses of the meaningless bombing of Dresden. Anglo-American troops.

"150,000 people died. It was done to speed up the end of the war. "

"Saline number five", of course, is one of the most significant novels of the twentieth century. I will not say that it is obligatory for reading - no books that are required to read. Everyone reads that he is pleasing. But the fact is that the "slaughter" was needed in 1969, during the Military Campaign in Vietnam, and even more necessary now.

The book shows the war, as it is, as it is shown in the best films of Spielberg - meaningless, landed, insane, to nausea devoid of heroism.

The Russian soldiers are shown in captivity - simple, kind, with a wide smile. Do you know a lot of American novels, where are Russians depicted in such?

The American military is shown - "the weakest, dirty and untidy, who all the time are new and complain, and quickly turn into bevelous animals."

Before the very end remained a person's insightful, critical politics of his own country. A man who returned from the war lost, devoid of illusions. In America, such people, in my opinion, are not very much.

Billy Pilgrim, returned from the war, did not receive the hero medals, no bonuses. He married a woman, "on which no one in the right mind marries", he has neither honor, nor fame. His son in the 60s is sent to Vietnam. Pilgrims congratulate everything. "What is your nice son!"

The wife persistently asks Billy to tell about the war. It seems to her that this is something very beautiful and interesting. Exciting. "She, like all representatives of weak gender, is associated with violence and blood."

And Billy, with all the desire, could not explain to her what war is.

He will not be able to explain this and to women journalists, under which it works in the newspaper, and who occupied jobs in return for her husbands sent to Vietnamese meat grinder.

Reading the novel, remember the past and present.

The Great Patriotic War, which was won, in essence, the same ordinary people, like Billy, not heroes and not by handsome, powerless before the fate. The best died immediately, they remained. They returned from the war. With terrible, cruel war. What awaited them?

Stalin's Russia. Shot, torture and interrogations on Lubyanka, 25 years old on the linden article and slow death in the camp (Read more - read from Solzhenitsyn). At best, a permanent deportation in Siberia without the right to hold high positions.

The most lucky was waiting for the return home, where they were not waiting for his wife, in wartime for the bowl of soup and the opportunity to dance in the club who were given to German officers (more - in Bondarchuk), and who traveled to her husbands with the words: "Who fought for the truly died, and you The tag was sitting off! "

Further, inchlastic life, the old age at a pension of six thousand, and the possibility of the 9th of May to get a bunch from a schoolboy, whom the teacher drove into a demonstration to demonstrate, and who wanted to spit on the Great Patriotic War, and the beer would be better in the entrance.

I remember and a wonderful holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, when our mother, sisters, wives and mistresses, as if in a mockery, give us socks purchased for forty rubles in the bail-stall, and cheap deodorants.

You remember the heroes of Afghan and Chechnya - more precisely, trying to remember. Do you know at least one name? But they were. But something in the textbooks is not written about them.

Picture heroes in the cinema - honorable. Being a hero in reality is terrible. This is the worst fate on Earth.

Anecdote in the topic:

"The soldier returns from the war. On the threshold there is a wife.

He stands in front of her - the hand is taken away to the elbow, the uniform in the blood, the boots in the mud, stinks the horse. Rely on the crutch.

By language licking the dry lips, hoarsely says:

Expensive! We won! The country is saved!

Wife with disgust looks his head to the legs.

Fu-U-y! Why are you so dirty?"

So it goes.

Rating: 8.

Heavy work. And sad.

First of all, I would like to note that "Titan's Sirens" I had to do more, but I still do a feedback on the "slaughter." Why on her? As Billy Pilgrim would certainly answer: "I don't know."

Imagine a segment of time. There are points and areas on it. Under each of them inscription. Here under this point it is written: "Birth". Here: "Wedding". And here, big black letters: "War". The whole length of time in the aggregate is nothing but the human life represented by a set of abstract facts - symbols devoid of meaning and meanings. This is our reality with you, what a higher creature sees it (God or a resident of the Planet Tragalfamador, no matter), from the height of the point where it is. For the highest creature there are neither morality nor ethical, it does not ask endless issues, fully characteristic of humanity. Such a creature never seeks to understand why it happens, and not otherwise, it only observes the final picture - the final result of any action.

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

Why did the war begun? Why are so many meaningless victims?

Why is the old teacher shoot a teapot for theft?

Why a wife hurrying to her husband in the hospital suffocating carnant gas In the cabin of your own car?

We are looking for an answer and do not find, because life always leaves a place for the absurd, over which you can either cry, or laugh. So it goes.

Well, if you mix all these areas and points? Change places "War", "Birth", "Wedding" and "Death"? If you throw an individual from one temporary layer to another, without giving him to come to your senses, nor think about further actions? If you melt that amber, in which, according to the author, finds the current moment and man inside it? Then confusion emerges inevitably. And Billy, like a true pilgrim, walked in time, having lost, apparently, the hope of understanding the main thing, to gain himself ... Roman "Little Number Five" is sober, but at the same time a cynic look at human life. View of a man who passed through the horrors of the war and the rugged son, which will become a soldier. The point of whose confusion is the essence of the confusion of any sensible, who has collided with a non-infertous understanding of the "logic" of the historical process - the process, deprived of and huminance on humanity or morality. Ultimately, this is a look of a person who no longer asks questions and floats through life, like a sailboat without a crew, customized only by wind and waves - the waves of history in this case.

british prisoners officers for whom the war seemed just an entertaining game,

"Three Musketeers", which lived only in the head of one damage guy,

<свино>login number five

the impotence of the "Little" man and his essentiality,

civilian bombings for the disappearance of the military

and many other things, which can only tell the eyewitness ...

All this I would prefer to see the eyes of a veteran of Wannegut without the screen of a polulous pilgrim, without funny, but little interest to me inserts about Trafactor, about their N-dimensional space and predestination of all things.

That is why 7, not 9.

Rating: 7.

This book written by the direct member of the plot (the author appears on its pages from time to time as an episodic character), talks about the freedom of will and its absence. As in any ingenious books, the question is only asked here, the answer should give the reader. Mysterious aliens Even the concepts of this do not know how freedom will. Earthman possesses her (in any case they think so), but constantly use it for wars, murder, violence.

Probably this prayer, which is really often pronounced in the temples of the Lord, most fully passes the essence of the book.

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

Lord, give me patience to accept the fact that I can not change,

give me the strength to change what is possible

and give me wisdom to learn to distinguish the first from the second.

From the book: Carolidez N.J., Bald M., Soyuva D.B. et al. 100 forbidden books: Cancer history of world literature. - Ekaterinburg: Ultra Culture, 2008.

Slaughterhouse number five, or crusade children
(Dance with death on duty)
Posted by: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Year and place of the first publication: 1969, USA
Publisher: Decorate Press
Literary form: Roman

After many years after World War II, Kurt Vonnegut met with Bernard V. O`heir, with whom he became friends during the war to talk about the destruction of Dresden. Allied troops bombed Dresden; He stood in ruins - like after the nuclear bomb explosion. Wonnegut and other American prisoners of war (POW) who survived in the harsh test "Schlachof-Funf", "Babin number five", concrete refuge, designed to slaughter a cattle. Two friends later visited Dresden, where Vonnegut received a material that supplemented his own experience, to create his "famous book about Dresden."

Billy Pilgrim, the main character, was born in Troy (New York) in 1922. He served in the army assistant chaplain. After the random death of the father on the hunt, Billy returned from the dismissal and was assigned to help the regimental chaplain instead of a killed assistant. Kapellan himself was killed in the battle in Ardennes, and Billy and three other Americans were fighting off their own and got lost in the depths of the German territory. One of the three soldiers, Roland Viri, an artillery of anti-tank artillery, who was a unpopular guy all his life, which everyone bothered and from which everyone wanted to get rid of. Viri repeatedly pushed Billy from the enemy fire line, but Billy was as exhausted and exhausted that he did not understand that his life was saved. It infuriates Viri, who "a hundred times the day Billy saved life: he scolded him on what the light stands, beat, pushed to be not stopped." Viri and two others from the fourth, both scouts, in the imagination of Viri turned into "three musketeers". However, together with the obsession with Viri, the desire to preserve the life of Billy Hallucinations is growing and contempt of scouts to Billy and Viri, which they eventually throw. Viri is ready to kill Billy, but at that moment he was already on his way to the murder, they discovered and takes a detachment of German soldiers.

They are searched, selected weapons and things and are transmitted to the house where prisoners of war are contained. They are placed together with twenty other Americans. In order to propaganda, Billy is photographed to show how the American army is preparing his soldiers. The Germans and prisoners of war go further, meet along the path of other prisoners of war, which merge into a single human river. They are given on railway station And they share the titles: ordinary with ordinary, colonels with colonels, etc. Billy and Viri are separated, but Viri continues to assume that Billy caused the disagreement of the "Three Musketeers", he tries to inspire hatred to Billy his neighbors by the car. On the ninth day of the way, Viri dies from gangrene. For the tenth day, the train stops, and people are shipped to camp for prisoners of war. Billy refuses to jump from the car. It is removed, the corpses remain in the wagons.

Captured undress, their clothes are disinfected. Among them are Edgar Darby, a middle-aged man, whose son fought in the Pacific, and Paul Lazzaro, a tiny wrinkled man, covered with furuncons. Both were with Viri, when he died, Darby kept his head on his knees, and Lazzaro promised to revenge Billy. Captive returns clothing and give out personal rooms that they must constantly wear. They are discharged to Barack, in which several Anglics of the Middle Ages, who were captured from the beginning of the war. Unlike its American colleagues, the British are trying to be in the form and follow themselves. They also skillfully saved food, and can afford to communicate products from Germans to various useful things - for example, on the boards and others construction Materials For the arrangement of their barrack.

In a terrible state, in delusion, Billy is placed in the sanitary part of the British branch, in reality of six beds in one of the rooms of Barack. He is injected by Morphine, Darby looks after him, the reading "Scarlet value of valor" is all the time. Billy awakens from narcotic sleep, without thinking, where he and what year is it. Darby and Lazzaro sleep on neighboring beds. Lazzaro broke his hand for the fact that he broke cigarettes from the British, and now he will rare in Billy and Darby, as he will revenge one day for it and for the death of Viri, in which he blame Billy.

The head of the British reports to the Americans: "You, gentlemen, let's go to Dresden today, a beautiful city ... [...] By the way, there is nothing to be afraid of the bombing. Dresden is an open city. He is not protected, there is no military industry in it and any significant concentration of enemy troops. " Arriving in place, Americans see what they told the truth. They are taken into concrete refuge, where there used to be a slaughterhouse, which now became the shelter - "Schlachthof-Funf". Americans work at a factory producing malt syrup, enriched with vitamins and minerals, for pregnant German women.

Four days later, Dresden was destroyed. Billy, several Americans and four German security guard took place in the dungeon of the slaughter when the city began to bomb. When they came out from there the next day - "the sky was completely closed with a black smoke. The angry sun seemed to a nail hat. Dresden was similar to the moon - some minerals. Stones fucked. There was death around. " The soldiers ordered the Americans to be built four and led them from the city to a rural hotel, quite removed from Dresden and avoiding bombing.

Two days after the end of the war, Billy and five of other Americans return to Dresden, a laddering in abandoned houses, taking attaching things. Soon the Russians enter the city and arrest Americans, and in two days they send them home to the "Lucreta A. MOTT".

In war, Billy Pilgrim, among other things, travels in time. His travels happen when it is on the verge between life and death or under the influence of drugs. When Viri attacked him, he traveled to the future and the past. For example, he returned at the time when he was a small boy and they came to the "YMKA" "Christian Association of Young People" - A. E. His father tried to teach Billy to swim by the "Swim or Tony" method. He dropped him into the water in a deep place, Billy went to the bottom - "He lay on the bottom of the pool and wonderful music ranked around. He lost consciousness, but the music did not shine. He vaguely felt that he was saved. Billy was very upset. " He moved from the pool in 1965, he visited his mother in Pine Bor, a nursing home; He then went to the New Year's Eve party in 1961; Then returned in the 1958th on a banquet in honor of the team of the youth league, in which his son played; And from there again to the New Year's party, where he changed his wife with another woman; As a result, he returned to the second world war, in the German rear, where his shaking under the tree of Viri.

Field from the injection of morphine in the British part of the camp of prisoners of war, Billy is transferred in 1948 to the hospital of veterans on Lake Placid. He meets Eliot Rosoter, the former captain of infantry, who added Billy to the works of Kilgor Trat, a little-known science writer, who became the favorite writer Billy and with whom years of Billy became acquainted personally. Then Billy is sent at a time when he is 44 years old and it is demonstrated in the zoo on the tracalfamador as a different form of life.

Tragalfamadorians - telepaths living in four dimensions and have clear ideas about the concept of death - captured Billy and placed it in a zoo where he sat naked in a room, furnished with furniture from Sirs and Roubek warehouses, Iowa City (Iowa). Soon after the abduction of Billy, the tramadorians kidnapped a woman dugout, Montana Wildbek, a twenty-year-old movie star, which, as they hoped, will become a friend of Billy. Over time, she trusted Billy and they loved each other, to the joy and pleasure of Tholfamadorians.

Shortly after their sexual experience, Billy awakens. Now it is 1968, he sweated under an electric blanket, heating might and main. His daughter put him in the bed on returning from the hospital, where he was placed after the aircraft crash in Vermont along the way to the optometric congress in Canada, in which he survived only. His wife is Valencia Merble, a daughter of a successful optics, which brought Billy to his business and made it in this way a wealthy person. She dies from random carbon monoxide poisoning while Billy is in the hospital.

The next day, Billy Pilgrim departs to New York, where hopes to get to the TV show and tell the world about Tralyfamadorians. Instead, he hits a talk show on the radio, the theme of which - "Roman is dead or not?" Billy talks about his travels, Tralyphamadorians, Montane, numerous measurements, and the like until it was taken out "delicately from the studio during a break when advertising was advertised. He returned to his number, lowered a quarter of a dollar into electric "magic fingers", connected to his bed, and fell asleep. And he passed in time on Tralyphamador. " Billy Pilgrim died on February 13, 1976.

According to Lee Berres, the "Layer number" is one of the most frequently prohibited books of the last twenty-five years, it can be proud of dozens of cases when students, parents, teachers, administration, librarians and priests advocated the withdrawal or destruction of the novel for the following reasons: obscenity , vulgar language, cruelty, "sorting" vocabulary, "identified children" language, wormless, immorality, "too modern" language and "nonpatariotic" image of the war.

Jun Edwards considers the protests of parents and religious figures: "The book is an indictment of war that criticizes the actions of the government, it is anti-American and nonpatariotic." This charge does not take into account the reason why Vonnegut wrote a novel who had to show that "it is impossible to politely speak about the fool." Edwards strengthens the position of the author by the following arguments: "The youth can refuse to participate in future battles, reading about the horrors of war in such novels, like the" slaughter number five "..., but it will not make them anti-American. They do not want their country to be involved in the rigidity, extermination of entire peoples, but want it to find other ways to resolve conflicts. "

Nat Hento reports that Bruce Severi is the only teacher in high school Drake of the North Dakota, which in 1973 used the "Selo number five" in school at school as an example "alive modern book" Severi provided a book for consideration by the director, but without receiving an answer, decided to act independently and studied it in the lessons. The objections of students against the "inappropriate language" led to the fact that the book was called the "devil gun" on the school council. The school council ruled that the book should be burned, despite the fact that none of the members of the Council did not read it. Severi, having learned that his contract will not be renewed, stated: "A few words for three letters in the book - it's small importance. Students heard them before. They did not learn again. I always believed that the task of the school was to prepare these guys to life in "Big, bad world", I think I was mistaken." Severi with the help of the American Union for civil liberties filed a lawsuit on the school council. In order not to bring the case to the court, the following agreement was achieved: 1) "Saline number five" can be used by teachers of the High School Drake in English lessons in 11 and 12 classes; 2) the lecture of Severi cannot be orally or in writing is unsatisfactory; 3) Severi is paid compensation in 5 thousand dollars.

"The management of a librarian on the settlement of censorship conflicts" gives a detailed report on the process of "Pico against the Council on Education" in the Free School District of Island-Tris Union, whose cases were considered in 1979, 1980 and 1982. It is significant as the first case when the case of school library censorship reached the Supreme Court. The case arose thanks to the initiative of the members of the school council, present at the meeting of the Society of New York Parents (Pony-U) in 1975, on which the issue of "monitoring of textbooks and books in school librariesoh". Using a list that included books recognized as "superfluous" in other school libraries, Richard AERNS, then Chairman of the Long Island School Council, together with a member of the Council of Frank Martin, glanced once in the school library to find out which books from the list in it . They found nine books, including "Selo Number Five." At the next meeting, with the two directors of secondary schools in February 1976, the Council decided to withdraw these nine books (plus two more) from an incomplete secondary school program. This decision was the reason for the note of the director of Richard Morrow, who said: "I do not think that we must agree and act in accordance with someone's list ... We already have our own course, ... aimed at solving such problems." At the meeting, on March 30, the director of AERNS ignored this note and ordered to remove the books from the county libraries. After the case was connected to the case, the Council issued a refutation that stained:

"The Council for Education intends to clarify the situation - we are in no case pursuers and non-burners of books. Although most of us agree that these books may be on the shelves of the Public Library, but we all believe that these books are not suitable for school libraries, where they are easily accessible to children, whose mind is still at the formulation stage [so] and where their presence Seduct children to read and absorb them ... "

Morrow replied that this is the "Council's mistake, like any other individual group - to withdraw the books without a detailed study of the opinions of parents, whose children read these books, and teachers who enjoy these books in the learning process ... And without having studied the books themselves." In April, the Council and Morrow voted for the establishment of a committee of four parents and four teachers who will consider these books and express recommendations regarding their status in the future. Meanwhile, Morouu demanded that books be returned to the shelves and remained there until the completion of the consideration process. Books did not return to the shelves. At the next meeting, the Committee decided that six of the eleven books, including the "Five Room slaughter", can be returned to school libraries. The three books were not recommended to return, another decision was not achieved by two. Be that as it may, on July 28, the Council, despite the conclusion of the Committee, voted for the return of only one book - a "laughing boy" - without restrictions and the second - "black" - with restrictions that will depend on the position of the Committee. AERNS WERNING that the remaining nine cannot be used as mandatory, optional or recommended literature, but their discussion in the lessons is allowed.

In January 1977, Stephen Pico and other schoolchildren, which was represented by the New York Union for civil liberties, was served. Pico stated that the Council had violated the first amendment, to select these books from the library.

As noted in the records of the process, the school council condemned these books as "anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and frankly dirty"; They quoted a number of passages telling about male genitals, sexuality written by obscene and sacred languages \u200b\u200band the blasphemous interpretation of the Gospel and Jesus Christ. Leon Gurwitz writes: "The federal district court quickly ruled in favor of the Council, but the appellate court returned to consideration on the statement of students." The Supreme Court, where the school council appealed, supported (5 votes against 4) the decision of the Court of Appeal, rejecting the opinion that "in the actions of the school council, there is no likely violation of the constitution in this area." The cycle ended on August 12, 1982, when the school council voted (6 against 1) for returning books to library shelves, but with the condition that the librarian should notify the parents in writing that their child takes the books that they could count off offensive. (For more information about discussions around this case, see the censorship story "Black").

A lot of other episodes took place around the "Loom Five" in the seventies, eighties and nineties. As indicated in the study "Prohibited Books: From 387 BC to our era to 1987, an unknown urban school board from Iowa ordered in 1973 to burn 32 copies of the book due to an obscene language of the work. The teacher, which included the book in the program, threatened with dismissal. In McBi (South Carolina), a teacher who appealing to this text was arrested and accused of using obscene materials.

"Newsletter he intellectual Fridom reports that in 1982, in Lakeland (Florida), the Supervisory Committee voted for the prohibition of the book (3 votes against 2) in the library of High School Lake Dzhibson, referring to frank sexy scenes, violence and obscene vocabulary. The complaint received from the board member was supported by the Deputy Director of the School of County Regiment Cliff Maine, who stated that the policy of consideration of books justifies the legitimate force of this decision.

On May 27, 1984 in Rasin (Wisconsin), William Greyindland, the district assistant on administrative issues, forbade the acquisition of the "Selo number five", saying: "I do not believe that it is a place in the school library." Member of the United School Council of Eugene Dank objected: "Deculs to our youth in a qualitative reading program is a crime." This caused lively disputes, which led to the prohibition Council of five textbooks, three on social sciences and two in economics. Member of the Board Barbara Scott made a proposal to create a "spare list" containing books for reading written

resolution of parents. Meanwhile, the Rasin Education Association threatened to take legal actions and initiate a federal court against the school council if the books are prohibited. Executive Director of the Association, Jim Ennis, said that the purpose of the process would "prevent the seizure of the" modern and significant literature "from libraries and programs by the school council". On June 14, the Committee of Officials recommended the school district to acquire a new edition of the "slaughterhouse number five", and also offered a new library recruitment policy. The latter suggested to attract parents to the formation of the Committee, consisting of parents, librarians and educational managers who will be collected by new materials for the library to joint efforts. The news of this was reduced to the Association from legal actions against the School District.

On May 15, 1986, Jane Robbins-Carter, President of the Wisconsin Library Association, informed the United School District of Rasin that the problem of censorship with their resolution "is obliged to conflict between the policies and practice of the district, since they influence the selection and purchase of materials for the library, as well as On the principles of intellectual freedom, which claims Bill on the rights of libraries of the Library Association of America. " The protests were caused by the actions of William Grindlend, who claimed "His power to destroy orders for the materials for the library," not relevant to the regulations of the recruitment policy ", using" vague and subjective criteria "in the choice of materials, as well as send" queries for a disputed material ... in Public libraries, local bookstores and newsstands. " Robbins Carter adds that "censorship will continue until the education council accepts the revised selection policy and the purchase of materials for libraries." In December, the Rasin United School District Committee adopted such a course in June 1985. On December 9, the Supervisory Committee on materials for the libraries of the United School District of Rasin voted (6 votes against 2) for ensuring that the "slaughterhouse number" was placed in limited access and issued students only with parental permission. Grandland, a member of the Committee, who launched a book, said: "I objected to this book to be in the school library, and now I objected. But the restriction is a worthy compromise. "

In October 1985, in Owensboro (Kentucky), the parents of Carol Roberts expressed a protest, saying that the "Calm number five" - \u200b\u200b"just disgusting," referring to the passage of atrocities, "magic fingers" [the name of the vibrator - A. E. ] And the phrase - "the shell joined the lightning on the trousers of the Almighty himself." She also prepared a petition that was signed by more than a hundred parents. In November, a meeting of the administration, teachers and parents, who voted for the text remaining in the school library took place. Judith Edwards, director of the City Department of Education, noticed that the Committee "felt - the book deserves approvals." In April 1987, in Lyaria (Kentucky), the district council for education refused to withdraw the "Selo number five" from school libraries, despite numerous complaints about foul language and sexual perversions in the book. Director Phil Isense spoke in defense of the book, stating that she "shows mud of war": "We do not force them [those who are against the book] to read their [books in the library]."

In August 1987, in Fitzgerald (Georgia), the school authorities decided to ban the "Selo number five" in all city schools, as well as offer similar protection against other "reprehensible" materials. The book was banned (6 votes against 5) after Feiz and Maxin Taylor, whose daughter brought a book home, filed an official complaint in June: "If we do not take any action here, they will bring this garbage into class, and we We will put on it to print your approval. "

In February 1988, a member of the school council Gordon Hutchison, a member of the school council, stated that he wants to ban the "Seline number five" and all the books like it, which he called "Books with a dirty language." His attention attracted a complaint brand Forrest, whose daughter chose a novel from the list of recommended reading of the central secondary school. President of the District Association of Teachers and Parents Beverly Treichen so responded to this event: "You may have extremely serious problems with the prohibition of books." Dick Ike, executive director of the Union of Eastern Baton-Ruži Education Workers, eagerly elaborated, defending the book. School Council President Robert Crawford, Vietnam Veteran, agreed with Ike and Tragen, saying: "I believe that it is dangerous to start prohibiting books. We can clean the libraries if you want. " In March, Bernard Weiss, Governing schools, said that a committee will be created to evaluate the book. The Committee from Twelve people voted (11 "For", one abstained) for leaving the book. A member of the Community of Bill Hewie said: "It is difficult for me to believe this society ... in which the removal of books from library shelves may be discussed. I do not want to live in a society that approves bingo and prohibits books. "

"Forbidden in the United States: Book Censor Handbook in Schools and Public Libraries" mentions a sharp criticism of the "Boyside number five", undertaken in 1991 in the FLAMMER (Idaho). Parents protested against the use of the book in the 11th grade program in English and literature, referring to blasphemy. Since the school did not develop a mechanism for such prohibitions, the book was simply seized from school, and the teacher who used the book in the lessons, threw all the copies.