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Series: "Famous Quran Readers": Best Quran Quartz - Abdulbasit Abdussamad. Series: "Famous Quran Readers": Best Quran Quartz - Abdulbacitis Abdussamad Beautiful Quran Readers

The sacred quran is the words of the Most High. Therefore, Muslims are extremely reverent not only to the text of the book, but also to the process of familiarization with him. This applies to both the study of meanings and recovery and even simple reading of Divine Revelation.

Currently Mishari Rashid (On the main photo - approx. website ) It is imam-hutnabon of the Cathedral Mosque of Kuwait, where he heads Taravich Namazu during Ramazan.

Kuwaiti Hafiz enjoys fame worldwide. Considerable merit in this belongs to the Internet. It is through the worldwide network and video hosting Youtube Examples of reading Koran Mishari Rashid received maximum coverage. He became the owner of a large number of awards from a variety of national cultural committees. At the same time, talented Imam had opponents who did not like what he performs Nashda (religious chants). Orthodox Muslim groups announced this practice to an innovation that did not make faithful followers of Islam.

2. Abdul- Basit Abdussamat (1927-1988)

Egyptian Hafiz stood at the sources of mass distribution of records with reading the sacred text. In the early 50s of the last century, he moved from Luxor to Cairo, where he almost immediately acquired enormous popularity among various groups of the population. Listen to the reading of Abdul Bassite came high-ranking politicians and foreign ambassadors. In the 1960s, its tours along various states of the world begin. He visited not only in Muslim countries, but also in the United States, Soviet Union, Western Europe.

Over his death, various rumors were Vitaly. For some time it was believed that he was killed in the accident, but diabetes was genuine cause. To overcome the disease, even hospitalization in one of the best clinics of London did not help. Abdul Bassite died in 1988, even before the emergence and mass distribution of the Internet. But the connoisseurs of his talent digitized audio records with the reading of the Quran after the death of the eminent Egyptian.

It is noteworthy that the father of Abdul Bassite was Kurd.

3. Saad al-Hamidi

This reader and Hafiz Quran was born in Saudi Arabia in 1967. He mastered the text of the Holy Scripture by 22 years. It is also known as one of the most authoritative modern specialists in the Taj Distance.

Sad al-Hamidi enjoys extremely popular in the Middle East - in particular, at home.

4. Muhammad Ayub (1951-2016)

This Islamic Cologia and Kari has Burmese roots (now the state is called Myanmar). His parents fled from the country, fleeing the repression of the communist regime, which was established in Myanmar in the 1960s. Refair Ayuba Family has managed to find in Saudi Arabia.

By 13 years, Muhammad Ayub learned the sacred quran. Further, he specialized in the issues of Islamic law, after which he turned his eyes to the Kranic science. In the early 1990s, Imam Muhammad became Imam Muhammad (S.G.V.) in Medina.

It is known that Muhammad Ayub openly adhered to the Khanafitsky Mazhab. In 2016, at the age of 65, he died in Medina.

5. Mulmina Aul Mubarak

Indonesian Quran-Hafiz is known in many countries of the world as a participant and winner of prestigious competitions (Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, Canada) to the most beautiful reading of the final revelation. Currently, he actively leads educational activities in their native country, discovering the boarding school in Prestrins popular for Southeast Asia.

This is our small list of outstanding readers of the Holy Book of Islam, who continue to inspire millions of Muslims around the world with their example. The reading of Ayatha Allah helps to get rid of bad thoughts and fill their own soul softness and trepidation in relation to the world around.

We add that the editorial version of the site is focused exclusively in Middle Eastern and South Asian hafises. We will be appreciated if our readers offer their lists of favorite Kariyev, including from the post-Soviet space (Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan or Turkmenistan).

Answer from VJACHESLAV Goryainov [Guru]
1. Abu Hazaifa al-Muskaya / Abu Khathayfa Al-Makky
2. Abu Khadzhar al - \\ "Iraqi / abu khajaR Al - \\" Iraky
3. Ahmad Samir / Ahmad Samir
5. Ahmad Ibrahim / Ahmad Ibrahim
6. Ahmad Ibn Ali Al-Ajmi / Ahmad IBN Ali Al-AJMY *
7. Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al-Hauish / Ahmad Al-Hauashiy
8. Ahmad Hydd At-Tarabuliya / Ahmad Hydr AT-Tarabulsy
9. Ahmad Khalil Shahin / Ahmad Nalil Shahin
10. Ahmad Rajab / Ahmad Rajab
11. Ahmad Samir Sharara / Ahmad Sameer Sharara
12. Ahmad Abdul Gaffar Bakhbach / Ahmad Bahbah
13. Ahmad Ali Al-Huzayfi / Ahmad \\ "Ali Al-Huthaify
14. Ahmad \\ "Jes Al-Mi \\" Seraui / Ahmad Al-Me \\ "Serawe
15. Osama AS-Safi / USAMA AS-Safiy
16. Usama Ibn \\ "Abdullah Haiyat / USAMA HAYYAT
17. Ashraf Al-Basyuni / ASHRAF AL-BASYUNY
18. Amin Al-Gannam / Ameen Al-Ghannam
19. Anas Al - \\ "Imadi / Anas Al - \\" Imady
20. Anuar Al-Sabban / Anwar Al-Sabban (RM)
21. Ayman Sha / "Ban Al-Darua / Ayman Sha \\" Ban Al-Darwa
22. Ayman Muriji / Ayman Mursy (RM)
23. Ibrahim al-Ahadar al-Kayyim / Ibrahim Al-Akhdar *
24. Ibrahim Al-Busaili / Ibrahem Al-Busaily
25. Ibrahim al-Sauyney / Ibrahem Al-Thawainy
26. Ibrahim Al-Jibrin / Ibrahem Al-Jibreen
27. Ibrahim as-sa \\ "DAN / IBRAHEEM AS-SA \\" Dan (RM)
28. Ibrahim al-Sust / Ibrahem Al-Sweed
29. Ibrahim al - \\ "Asyri / Ibrahem Al - \\" Asery
30. Ibrahim Al - \\ "Amness / Ibrahem Al - \\" amry
31. Ibrahim Ibn \\ "Abdullah Al-Badaiui / Ibrahem Al-Badaiwi
32. Ibrahim Al-Marzuki / Ibrahem Al-Marzuqi
33. Ibrahim Ibn \\ "Ali Al-Zayate / Ibrahem IBN \\" Ali Al-Zayat
34. Ibrahim Abdul Fatti Sha \\ "Asha \\" Ai / Ibrahem Sha \\ "Asha \\" AY
35. Idris Abkar / Indrees Abkar
36. Islam Fickri / Islam Fekri
37. Isma \\ "Ile Al-Sheikh / Isma \\" Eel Al-Sheikh
38. Al-Husseini al - \\ "Azzazai / Al-Huseyny Al - \\" Azzazay
39. Al - \\ "Ashry \\" Imra / Al - \\ "Ashry \\" Imran
40. Taufik Ibn sa \\ "ID al-Sig / Tawfeeq AS-Saigh
41. Jazza \\ "Al-Soyilich / Jazza 'al-suwaileh
42. Jamal Shakir \\ "Abdullah / Jamal Shaker \\" Abdullah *
43. Hatch Farid Al-UA \\ "IR / Hatim Fareed Al-Wa \\" ER
44. Hassan Ibrahim Hashim / Hasan Ibrahem Hashim *
45. Hassan Ibn Kari Al-Husseini / Hasan Ibn Qari Al-Husainy
46. \u200b\u200bHussein Eli Al-Sheikh / Husayn Aly Al-Shaykh
47. Khalid Ar-Rumaih / Khalid Ar-Rumaih
48. Khalid Al-Ca \\ "Go / Khalid AL-SA \\" EEDI
49. Calid Al-Kachtani / Khalid Al-Qahtani *
50. Khalid Ibn Suleiman Eli Mukhanna / Khaled Ali Muhanna
51. Khalid Ibn Muhammad Al-Majid / Khaled Al-Majid (RM)
52. Califa Al-Tunaiji / Khalifa Al-Tunaiji
53. Khalil Al-UHE / Khalil Al-Unsy
54. Reed Abdul Mukhsin / Reda Abdul Muhsin
55. Ramadan Al-Sabbag / Ramadan Al-Sabbagh
56. Riyad Al-Hulayfi / Riyad Al-Khulaify
57. Riyad Al-Fawaz / RIYAD AL-FAWAZ (RM)
58. Ziyad Ahmad Al-Hage / Ziyad Ahmad Al-Hajj
59. Salim Mahmoud Abdul-Jalil / Salim Abdul Jaleel
60. TAX themselves Kandil / Samih Taha Qandeel

This is only the first 60 ... the rest see the link

When Muslims say: "Read as Abdulbacit", "everyone understands what we are talking. He had a nickname - "Golden Dagger". Abdulbacit is a reader who is undoubtedly loved by all Muslims of the world. The voice and reading style are striking with your beauty, and to some extent immersed in the aesthetic trance from the beauty of the recovery of the Quran.

Abdulbacit Born in 1927 in the village of Armanat in the south of Egypt. He learned the Koran being a student of Muhammad al-Amir in his native village. The rest of Kyrayat learned with the famous reader Muhammad Salim Hummad.

1950 Abdulbacit arrived in Cairo. Muslims in many mosques were fascinated by his reading of the Quran. Once he read Suru Al-Ahzab, he was asked to read longer than the ten minutes of time granted to him - he was listened to one and a half hours. He captured people with his workshop reading, style, and flawlessly performed by the Rules of the Quran.

And grandfather Abdulbacita, and his father, were also famous Krano readers. Such parents could not not affect the little Abdulbacit. He learned the Quran at ten years.

At the end of 1951, Abdulbasit performed on the radio. For several years, Abdulbacit was already known for so much that moving to Cairo became simply necessary. His performances with the recoverties of the Quran were so popular that the demand for radio receivers increased repeatedly, as a result of which it was necessary to build production facilities for the production of radio receivers.

Began to come calls from around the world. Not all requests for the arrival of Abdulbacit could satisfy. Sometimes he was forced to this, saying that their appointed event would take place only in the presence of Honorable Abdulbacita.

Abdulbacit traveled to the world and on official invitations of countries. So, for example, he was invited to Pakistan, where the president of the country met at the airport. And in Jakarta in Indonesia, he read Koran in the largest mosque of the city. The mosque could not accommodate everyone, and they took the square one square kilometer before the mosque, where more than a quarter of Muslims were gathered, who listened to his reading until the morning, standing on their feet. However, the very first departure beyond Egypt Abdulbasit made in Saudi Arabia to fulfill compulsory prescription - Hajj, everyone with her father. Saudi could not help but take this opportunity and asked Abdulbasit to write down a few Sur for their further broadcast on the radio. Abdulbacit does not hesitate, agreed. It was not the last visit to Saudia, there were other multiple invitations to perform Hajj.

During his trips, Abdulbacit was not limited to travel only to Arab and Muslim countries. He traveled the world along and across to meet Muslims in any part of the globe. The most famous mosques, where he read the Quran, are the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca, the Prophet Mosque in Medina, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, as well as Mosque Ibragim in Hebron in Palestine, Mosque of Omeyadov in Damascus, in the most famous mosquits of Asia, Africa, United States of America, France, London, India.

Abdulbacit followed its nutrition, but all, hepatic insufficiency in combination with high sugar gave a complication. He was treated in London. But soon asked her son to take him home to Egypt.

Muslims lost his brother by faith and a wonderful reader on Wednesday on November 30, 1988. A lot of ambassadors from around the world came to his funeral, as a sign of recognition of his role in the call in all its forms and manifestations.

Abdulbacit left behind a special and unique reading style of the Koran, which is not one generation of young Muslims to imitate until the fidge itself, if there was the will of the Most High.

Abdusab Khairuddinov