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Guide on testing tests. Game portal

Osada Castle

Peace Dracula (Gabriel Belmont) was disturbed by uninvited guests. Having devastated the winery with blood, moving towards the gate and perform simple techniques: rotate the camera for 360 degrees, take a jump, directed and circular attack. Through through the gate, soldiers in iron armor appeared from the siege facility. Block the first attack by holding the shown button, and after the flash, not the release button, we applied a number of crushing shocks. Powerful attacks of enemies cannot be repeated, so seeing a red flash on their swords, press the block + movement to any side. We restore health by drinking blood stunned soldiers. To do this, approach them close, click on the button shown and, after the collision of the circles, we press the same button again. Already from the next QTE task, you can enable and disconnect at any time. By skipping the first blow, quickly press the jump button to evaporate from subsequent strikes. In addition to the usual whip at the disposal of Draculas there are sword of the abyss and claws of chaos. The first allows you to restore health with each opponent's impact, and the second is to pierce the shields and apply increased damage on enemies in a strong arm. Combining the knowledge gained, destroy the latest group of enemies.

Dracula (Gabriel Belmont).

Plugging the structure, climbing the debris on the left side and shift to the right. We highlight the active points for which you can cling. I jerle on the beam, grab around the chain and, by moving to the column, go down. Selecting outwards, exposed to a huge siege titanium and a paladin. Damage from powerful shots and block weak attacks. The enemy is most vulnerable against Cales's claws. Do not forget to replenish health with the hill of the abyss. Half the exhaustion of the protection scale of the enemy, move onto the hand of titanium. During contractions with knights, Paladin will periodically give the team to Titan on the destruction of the castle. We join before the hand hit the wall. After the advent of reinforcement, Paladin will again go to active actions. Hold on your hand by pressing one of the buttons after the convergence of the circles. We climb up the right side, if necessary, highlighting active points.

The enemy will try to hit us with explosive arrow, so we try to move faster. The camera will indicate three fasteners. We cling to them and quickly slide down as soon as the pictogram decreases in size. If you bounce ahead of time, then the opponent will still have time to change the place of defeat. We continue to climb up. Again, highlight the active points and at the right point in time we go around the mechanisms. Further, with the help of titanium, we destroy three floor mounts. We approach the highlighted steel plate and throw it away. We climb upstairs, shift to the left and go down. We continue to shift on the left side, we climb up and destroy the three floor mountings already in proven way. Return a steel plate and hit the heart of titanium.

In the battle with a tireless paladin, it is more often driving aside, as it is not limited to one powerful blows. Simple blows try to block, then make devastating counterattacks. Periodically, the enemy will produce arrows. At this point, we simply run on safe sites, avoiding pictograms. If Paladin is distinguished from us, then it is preparing to release its main weapon. Depending on the orientation of the weapon, we jump or evade the side. Do not forget to use the kneon of the abyss and Khaos claws.

Gabriel Belmont once was the knight of the Light Brotherhood Orden. His path began in the distant eleventh century. Successfully defeated Satan, for a number of reasons he became an immortal Dracula. The beloved Gabriel Maria gave him the son of Trevor, who under the auspices of the Brotherhood went on the destruction of the father-traitor. Gabriel did not know about the existence of the Son, so, without thinking, killed him. Before the death of Trevor managed to inform who he really is. Gabriel desperately tried to save him, sharing his blood, but it was too late. He buried his son in the castle and promised to destroy the genus of human. Bourned in the Viennes Trevor Blood Draculas every year gave him limitless forces and power of the Father. And now, finally, the rim from the dead, he proclaimed himself by Alucard and swore once and permanently ending the Dracula. At this time, heir to Trevor Simon, who decided to go in the footsteps of the Father. After going to the castle of the majestic vampire, he met Alucard and together they managed to send Dracula to temporary peace.

Paladin Brotherhood.


A little less than a thousand years have passed. On the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Waking up from a long sleep, we leave out and follow the boy in the alley. There will encounter a monster, to resist which we are unable. Someone in black armor comes to the rescue and crashes with our offender. Once in one chamber with people, immediately approach them. We kill a man and drink the blood of a woman.

Zobek, founder of the Brotherhood of Light and in the past Comrade Gabriel, did not make himself wait. He promised to deprive the Dracula of immortality, if he does not allow the coming of Satan to land. Zobek introduces us to the case. We have to find and kill Satan servants before they complete preparations for the return of their ruler. The ministers are hiding among people and occupy the highest posts in society. Zobek managed to enter one of the ministers. With the help of the portal, he sends us to the headquarters of the Pharmaceutical Corporation "Biokvimek".

Biocvimek Corporation
Scientific district

Open a travel book, which presents four large partitions - abilities, card, subjects and reference book. Let me mean with new information marked by a question mark. Having finished, we turn around the corner and open the gate near the box. They will return here a little later, but for now, let's go further, we will rise higher and, turning left, take the memorial. Go in earlier open garage, I choose the daggers of the shadows and throw them into two highlighted mechanism. We raise the gate and find ourselves in the corridor controlled by Golgofian Guardian. Hide in darkness on the right side. Rear - the grill behind which the pain is located (available with the ability of "fog"). Driving a rat, go around the guard and move to another end of the corridor, where we get on a similar shadow portal and again we accept the usual appearance. Touch the enemy and take it with his body. Time is limited, so immediately heading to the scanner of the retina of the eye near the door, we spend the scan and pass to the gateway. We launch the disinfection process by pulling the lever on the left side.

Choose Roy. bats And we produce them in a constantly moving guard. When the guard near the stairs goes to check the partner, quickly run to the stairs and climb upstairs. We grab the active point on the right side when the closure stops. Then quickly shift to the left and jump over to the next design. We jump down down, catching up the guard and take it with its body. We interact with the device to the right of the door, we go into the room and use the pain of pain. We get a stone of life - by collecting five such stones, the health scale will increase. Coming out of the room, we appeal to the rat through the shadow portal on the left side. We move to the highlighted ventilation grid on the other side. Penetrating inside, run forward, jumping through obstacles. We collect skulls and on the fork we pass forward. At the end, turning the wires, thereby stopping the blade, and, returning to the fork, turn to the right. Collecting the skulls for 150 points, I acquire the first skill for the shadow whip - "dodge."

Bodyguard Zobeka.

We choose from ventilation, get to the stairs, near which the guard is located, and penetrate the next ventilation shaft. We are moving through the only path, bypassing bare wires, and in the end we will find yourself in a room with a paint. Favoring the second stone of life, we return to the room, from where we got into the room with the first box. I hiding again in the shadows and take the appearance of Dracula when the guard will pass by us. I quickly release into it the swarm of bats and climb the stairs. On the left behind the bars is the pain of pain (available with the ability of "fog"). On the top bridge - another paint pain (available with the ability of a "double jump"). Rising upstairs, I will see three tanks on the left. We cling to the active point on the nearest of them (available with the ability of a "double jump") and slowly, avoiding damage from steam, moving through other active points. From the last distant tank, we supply to the stairs behind the back and use the sacrifice column.

Follow the mysterious guy and transfer to the castle.

Berngard wing

Rear - the abyss. I am amazing the mechanism of the chaos bomb (available with the ability of the "Bomb of Chaos") and they move to the left side of the descended design. We use the pain pain, look at the right side and with a metal of the chartile of the abyss in the waterfall (available with the ability of the "hellish shell"). We cling to the wooden strengthening behind the back and quickly move along the active points towards the waterfall. Active points are best highlighted not to lose precious seconds. We rise by waterfall and jump over to the next strengthening on the right side. We rise even higher, we use the pain of pain and jump down. We select a soldier's diary and pass to the room with a map. The last fork will lead to the city of damned.

On the right lies the highlighted body - we look at it and take the diary of the soldier. We follow the corridor and get to the statue of the blood, completely restoring health. We go around the debris on the right side and interact with the pain of pain. We cling to the wooden beam on the wall, climb upstairs and, jumping through the failures, get to the pain of pain. Going down, go to the destroyed illuminated staircase and climb on other active points.

We run on the balcony and get to the room, where I stretch for the lever and open a blocked mechanism. We use shadow daggers to destroy blood clots. Once in the hall, jump on the design and swing it, running forward-back. We jump over the next design, then on the design on the right side and thus get to the balcony with the pain in the pain. We jump down and interact with another paint bar next to the debris. Freeze the waterfall (available with the ability of the "abyss" projectile), quickly climb upstairs, shift to the left and climb the balcony. Use the pain pain and jump down. To the right of the waterfall - drain, leading to the lattice, behind which is a pain in pain (available with the ability of "fog"). We climb the stairs, cling to wooden strengthening on the left side and climb the balcony. We move on the other side, jumping from one design to another, having previously swaying them.

Memories persecuted Dracula. The Ghost Trevor then and then reminds him of past mistakes and terrible things. We get to the destroyed tower, we get up onto the beam and cling to the active point on the central design. We are moving to the right and climb upstairs. We go to the left and select a soldier's diary. Raised by wooden design, jump onto the platform and, swinging it, jump over the other side. A little further behind the bars is a pain in pain (available with the ability of "fog"). Also, if you jump down, we will find yourself in the log of the carmillas. Returning back, turn to the left and jump down, where the sacrifices will be discovered behind the bars (available with the ability to "fog").

Ahead is the sword of the abyss. The castle's strength will make everything possible so that we do not get to it. We run on safe sites and cling to active points. The sword is pumped along with a whip, which allows you to open new and complex combinations. The magic of the abyss is not infinite, so when it is exhausted, the use of the sword will become impossible. However, you can get the magic of the abyss right during the battle. For this, continuously apply strikes on the enemy and fill in the concentration scale displayed in the central bottom of the screen. After filling the scale, each subsequent blow will provoke the loss of spheres from the enemy. The concentration scale is filled only when using the main weapon - shadow whip. We collect spheres and thereby fill the magic scale of the abyss. A stone golem can stump foot and let the blood on the ground. At this moment you need to jump. Applying enough damage with navel, he will start glowing. We approach closer and pierce your heart. At the second stage, damage on the enemy can be applied only at the top, i.e. in a jump. We shy more often, because the enemy became more aggressive. Repeated with the head of the golem and finally deal with it.

We select the primordial stone of the abyss. We switched on the skeleton of the abyss, with a metal of the abyss of the abyss in the waterfall and quickly climb upstairs until the operation is over the action of the freezing. In the absence of magic of the abyss, go into small room and fill the scale through the statue of magic. Nearby is a blood statue - we use it for full recovery of health. Once at the top, destroy the barrier and select the Relics of the "Saint Tears", which completely restores health. Most relics can be used only once.

The passage on the right side will lead us to the destroyed corridor. On the path on the wall, you will find a keyhole for the key from the dungeon. Cross a huge abyss and at the other end we interact with the pain in pain. Go down the active points and, by finishing the case, climb up the same. Returning to the fork, turn the right and the next highlighted fork we pass forward. Around the corner of the right is the pain of pain - we interact with it. On the contrary, behind the bars - another paint pain (available with the ability of "fog"). On the development itself, if you look up, we will see active points. We climb on them (available with the ability of a "double jump") and select a soldier's diary. We choose to open space. Left, behind bars - a pillar of sacrifice (available with the ability of "fog"). You can get to it by jumping on top. Ahead - waterfalls. I freeze their snack shells and quickly climb first on the left, then right. Waving to the very top of the right waterfall, cling to the active point on the left side and continue to shift in the same direction. Next to the waterfalls lies the body of a soldier - we take a diary. Right - Wooden fortifications. Rising on them, jump over the failure on the left side and go down the lower and lower to the pain in the pain. I jump onto a small area from above (available with the ability of a "double jump), we climb along the active points and use a column of sacrifice. We return back and pass on.

Trevor in danger. The vampire grabbed him, but seeing us, immediately let go. These creatures must protect the castle from uninvited guests. The damned blood of the Dracula seized their body and mind. We destroy the enemies, blocking the usual and dodgeing from strong blows. Periodically help the Trevor to get rid of captures. We receive a white wolf medallion from Trevor. We will be able to move between the real world and the castle through the wolf altari, which are marked on the map with the corresponding symbol. We climb upstairs at an active point on the column. Turn to the left, jump over the failure and get to the pain of pain. We approach the altar of the wolf and call on a white wolf with a medallion. We climb upstairs, go to the right and follow the wolf (even to the right, on a cut plot with fences, is a pillar of sacrifice, to get to which you can with the ability of the "double jump"). Returning to the real world, continue the search for the servant of Satan.

If you have problems with the passage of the game Lords of Shadow 2You can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. Lords of Shadow 2. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Passage of Lords of Shadow 2 Read below.

Osada Castle

See the video. Dracula sits on his throne. Suddenly, someone breaks into the hall. Stand up, go to the goal. Soldiers appeared. Now the game will suggest what to do (training and training). How to deal with the crowd of soldiers, see the scene. Dracula breaks the beam, which broke the door. Pass a little further, now you have to show the skill of acrobatics. When you start jumping the abyss, quickly press the capture at the right moment so as not to fall down. Go a little further, you will see how the crusaders storm the castle. You will also get acquainted in the first boss - Paladin.

Try not to get involved in the Middle Fight. Beware of a special attack, during her paladin quick jerk runs on you and waving a weapon. At such moments you can simply evange. When the standard of living near the boss falls to half, the roller will begin. In him, Dracula jump on a big robot. Now you need to climb upstairs, just be attentive, Paladin will try to knock you down arrows. When you get up, fight with knights. The robot will turn the hand, go upstairs. Next, do so that the arrows of the boss fall into fasteners. Then you will find yourself up again, you will need to kill the enemies, again allow the paladin to break the mounts and quickly slip through the bolts to the head of the robot.

Again, help the boss break fasteners. Raise the robot helmet. Dracula will change its system, as a result, a large car will break and fall apart. Many knights died, it remains only to kill the Paladin. Use the same tactics as in the first battle. Use the power of the fire to punch the shield of the enemy. Everything will end with the fact that Dracula will remove the helmet from the Paladin. He will try to ask for the help of God, but that will all end with an explosion. The battlefield remains the Dracula and the mysterious warrior. See preview roller who will tell briefly about further events.


In the yard of the 20th century, the Dracula wakes up. He is trying to remember the events of the past and in the end, it turns out on the street. Left you have a boy, go for him. You will be in the alley with the demon. It is impossible to kill it, so just look like it beats you. A little later, a knight will appear and kill the creature from hell.

It takes several hours, you found yourself in a cage with the family of people. You are a vampire, so kill them and replenish your veins with innocent blood. Roller again. In it, the necromancer Prondek admits that he returned the Dracula to life to help stop the coming of Satan. But for the beginning, the knight of darkness should be returned all their strength and find out who turns ordinary people in demons. Go to the first task.

Biochemist Corporation

Go through a little straight and turn left. To the left of you will be a garage, open it. Go inside. With the help of blood magic, break the mechanism, now open another gate and go to the main building. Ahead will be a huge soldier, it is impossible to kill it. Go to the dark angle on the right and turn into a mouse. Pass past the enemy, become an ordinary person and come to a soldier. Make it in it, go to the goal and activate the eye ID. Next, you have to open the door and meet two enemies in the new room. On the right-wing bright mice, and quickly click on the stairs to the next room. Then the stairs upstairs and left .. Go ahead, Dracula will see her son, run behind him.

You were in the past. Follow the only way across the street dvor. Next, you will find yourself in the room with a broken mechanism. With the help of blood magic, replace it and click on the lever. You will find yourself in the hall for banquets. For chandeliers, jump over the other side. At the same time, swing the chandeliers, running forward and backward. Pass a little further, pick up the debris upstairs. It remains to pass the corridor. Dark blood does not want to give you to pass, quickly run and jump from one debris to another until you reach the end.

Roller. It will appear naked in it. In order for the Dracula to get the power of ice, you need to defeat the boss. His attacks mainly go on the ground in the form of an earthquake and side shocks. So everything is simple. At the right moment jump and dare back. Beat everyone in those places where blood flows. After victory, take the crystal. Freeze the river, go upstairs. Go through the corridors to the hall. There will be wars of darkness. He will be obsessed with blood, his servants will capture Trevor. Kill all your enemies and save your son. Get an amulet wolf. Use it on the central platform. A guide to another world will appear, get used to the top and go beyond the animals in the darkness.

You were again in the present. Kill the demon who followed you. Go along the corridor, freeze the water, cross the next room. Freeze the fan on the left, turn M Rat and run along the ventilation. Beware of electricity. As a result, you will find yourself in a new room with a security guard. In the left of it there is a hole, go to her in the rats of the rat, jump through the wire and turn off the power. Return back. Become again a man, distract the guard with bats and set up in a scientist. Go to the laboratory.

In it, you will learn that the mysterious lady creates a virus. She release him indoors. All people will become demons, and you lose the appearance. Kill everyone and watch another video. The lady turned into a strange creature that he wants to kill you. Throw into her a piece of ice so that the girl demon could move being invisible. Next, just beat it and evaporate from shocking with electricity. After the victory, grab the Demon's soul and move to the prontec.

Three Gorgon

From Zombeck's headquarters, Trevor moved you back into the past. Go forward, you will find yourself in a room with a lava. The first girl will appear, she will tell the way. Go left. You will be trapped. Kill demons. Beware of the largest, he needs to apply more blows than the rest. As you finish, open the gate the key obtained.

Next, jump through the fragments of stones on the other side. Talk with another sister, on the way you will meet more demons. Kill them. After victory, take up the top and only forward. You will find yourself in a room with an interesting mechanism. It can create 4 platforms. Go ahead, talk to the prisoner. Then you need to get to the gate. Right from them activate the lever. Return a little back, go to the right side of the gate. Switch the prisoner, drag it to the opener opposite you. As a result, the short will help you.

Go straight, break the blood to the altar. Kill the soldier, again right along the path. Kill flying monsters, go to the building. See the roller about three sisters. They will help you get the power of fire. All is well, but blood appears. She turns sisters in a huge monster. Ice forces can restore health, so Bates with its help on tentacles. The damage will be small, but the scale of life will be filled. To win the monster, beat on the head in the jump. At the right moment, run away from shocks with your hand. At certain points, the monster will try to apply a critical attack. Then you need to evade, freeze your hand, climb on it and cut off one of my heads. Repeat this action three times.

After the victory, take the scope of fire. With it, create an passage at the top, get on it on the protrusions. Kill demons. Go to the pag of the shorteys, buy something if you want. Go to the wolf label, return to the real.


Go to the elevator, go upstairs. Next will be a video. Zombeck believes that there is an antidote against the virus and it is in the Bohomik building. Go to the elevator, go down. On the parking lot, destroy demons. Freeze the two pipes in front and one at the top. Go to the elevator, go upstairs. You need to get out of the Alley of the Building and Milk Bridge, on the way you will meet many demons.

Go to the broken windows of the building on the right. Turn into the mouse and run on ventilation. Coming out of her, turn into a person and leave the building. Jump down, kill demons. Go further on the debris, kill on a small platform of demons. With the help of blood magic, turn off the electricity and take the building. Enter the inside. Open the door with the lever. Turn into the mouse, go to the right and go to the floor below.

Kill multiple demons. In the next room, return the power supply, open the doors. Go around the hall, climb up and go out to the street. You meet the new kind Enemies - soldiers. First you need to burn their protection, and then beat. As you finish, go through a few streets and go to the building. Get to the familiar laboratory, go to the right and upstairs. Burn the door. Pass the corridors, choose to the street. Kill another crowd of demons, sit down in the elevator and go down.

Next Stop: Custling

Jump on platforms, holding them for them. Get to the main complex. Seam the volatile mice on the guard on the right and set up in the left, go through the eye scanner. In a new room, distract one more security guard, pick up quickly on the stairs on the column and go to the next location. In it, set up a soldier, open the door. Turn into the rat and run into the train. He will start his way.

Next, just try to survive. Like a monster, hide from the soldier. When you are outside, evade the signs and other things. How to finish, go to the landing platform. The knight of the prontec appears. Follow it, together pass the sophisticated places with Parkur. How finish, go upstairs on ruins.


Go through the grille. You will meet Trevor and it will take you to the past. Follow the corridor, talk to Camilla. She poison you. Kill the skeletons, go forward. Gabriel's wife will appear, she will try to help you. You need quietly and not falling on the eyes of Camille with the help of blood to activate the platforms. Go through the gate, now you have to go along the path.

Roller again. Your wife was closed behind bars, and the witch requires blood. Blood her ball with three kits (1 goal - 5 fireballs). Choose Manu by murder. Then just beat around the witch, avoid the hands of the spirits. How finish, say goodbye to your son and wife. Return to the real world.

Antidote: Part 2

Go through the grid, take up the top. You will meet a new type of soldier on the street (with bombs). Kill them. How finish, go to the building. On the lower floor, go through the grille and activate the supply of electricity. Fast two elevators follow the top to get to each of them scroll through the columns and pass through the grilles. You will find a place where there is a serum from the virus. Turn into a rat, set up in a scientist and go to the Forbidden Complex. Kill the doctor and take the syringe. Returning to the probe, you will learn antidote. He is in colitis to him a monster-prisoner. She will not like your behavior. The result, again the battle with it, only with a more advanced form. Win it easy, jump during attacks and dare. A greater damage can be applied if you beat in a jump. How finish, look at the roller.

Slices of mirrors

Dracula decided to recur in the past. Go to the desired point in the debris. Talk to Trevor. He wants to collect the mirror together. Now you have to collect pieces.

Run along the trail, kill the knights. Discover the passage and talk to the forest keeper. He is against your idea to help his son and hides a fragment. You need to imperceptibly reach the lever to stay unnoticed. Shoot the bells and jump on the protrusions. Do not step on the leaves. Go to the elevator, climb upstairs. You need to fight the keeper of the forest. Beware of his fast attacks and prosty, and so to defeat it easily. Turn off his head and fold to get a shard. Return to Trevor. He will say where to go on.

Run the theater, on the way again you will have to kill the soldiers. Turn into the mouse, go through the floor to the generator and activate the mechanism. Return back. Click on the lever that is on the scene. The announcer will tell a fairy tale to make it all the coincidence, make the actions that he says (to put the desired background and choose characters). How finish, get a heart and insert it into the corpse.

Blood will appear again, it will turn the wizard in the monster. You need to kill the knight and dragon, and between them fight with a big doll. Be careful with all the enemies, their grips and attacks are dangerous direct shock. After the victory, get a fragment and return Trevor. He will give a hint where to look for the last fragment.

Male in mask

Go to the parking lot, kill the demons and go to the elevator. Go up. You will meet a mysterious guy, run behind him and find yourself in a new area. Kill robots and go forward, you will meet a guy with a hood. Suddenly there is a big demon and your goal runs away. Run behind him, kill demons and pick up the building. Go inside. You will see a purple line, it indicates where to climb. Light the tank, sit down on it and burn. As a result, you will find yourself in the library. Kill demons. A guy with a hood appears again, and behind him and a big monster. Kill him on the street. But after the victory, the mysterious person will hide in the church, take it into her on the lamppost. As a result, the roller again. It turns out that your goal is the last of the kind of Belmonds. His task is to kill you.

You need to fight back. Fit the whip and just beat it combo strikes. After the victory, become a shadow and go through the knives. Make the last blow. After the victory, Dracula will not kill his relative. In response, he will go with you to the building where the devil's servants are located. Belmond try to call higher powerBut the darkness will appear. She will take you to Trevor. It will capture blood that turn into a large monster. Show your hands and underwater attack, beat in jump. When the life of the monster will come to an end, your twin will appear. Beware of his spit, beyond. Sometimes he will create a monster re-and it will also need to kill.

Second assistant

The last Belmond is dead, but the battle continues. Go to the Alley Building, go down through the sewer. Get to ventilation, take up with darkness. The right guard, distract the volatile mice, and go through the other security guard themselves through the shadow mode. Now quickly the lasers and air to the top. Restore strength, go to the elevator and upstairs. Go ahead along the corridor, do not pay attention to the Trevor. See the video.

In it, the right hand of Satan is trying to kill you. From the last strength to leave the room and enjoy the left. See the video. Dracula had strength and he was ready to fight. But the servant of Satan is not going to give up, he revives three figures and need to kill. The fat man beats on the ground, thin with the aunt the wind attracts to him, and the last hits the current. Beware of attacks and Bates them alternate. In the end, shy away from the lightning, make the last blow to the last figure and requaint the servant of Satan.

Mirror of Fate

Run to Trevor, talk to him. Then you will be at the prontext. He will order you with his servant to stop the last Knight of Satan. Run along the castle together, collect a mirror on the platform and activate the gate. Candle for the rope and the fire. Then you will have a blood magic to create platforms for a satellite, simultaneously evade fire and not to leave the platform. When finished, leave the castle and leave to the alleys.


Kill evil spirits, not letting them create demons. Get to the gate. Restore health, open the gate. You will find a servant of hell with the knight. He will reveal a terrible secret. Connect the mirror again and go to the throne. You will have to go through some moments of the first mission, you can only die you. It turns out that the knight is Alucard, the son of Dracula. He will tell about the plan and you will need to put it into action. Suddenly, the probe will appear. He is not glad that you decide to give Satan. As a result, the former employer turns you into a huge old woman with oblique. It must be killed.

Just stand next to the boss, jump and beate in the air. Do not move away because the combo attack of the prontec does not act next to him. When he encourages the dead, more often jump and kill the statues at the top. You can restore magic and health on zombies. After a crushing victory, you will have to find Satan servant. You can find it in the alley where the second mission began. If you can't find a place, go back to the Base of the Prognosty and go in that area, Alucard will tell the path itself. When you get to the right place, look at the roller in which Satan will appear.


Last battle remained. Take up to the dragon chains, avoid from green smoke. Get to the chain, tear it. A small roller, you need to get to another chain. First move sideways, and then the dragon will turn over and you will find yourself on your two legs. Do not hurry to tear the chain. On demons, restore health and forces for the battle, and only then drop the chain.

The dragon will be defeated and flies down, Satan in rage. He puts up in Alucard to give the battle of Dracula. In fact, you will have to fight with yourself. Satan's abilities are the same as yours. More often evaporate from its attacks and do not use combo receptions on it. After a long battle, see the final video. The game is passed.

,, Master, Dracula.
Collection of remaining secrets
Chapter 6. Call Satan:, Statues,, Death,, Satan.

  • Achievements . Questions - Answers .
  • Passing levels. Chapter 2: Cursed City

    2.1. Salvation of chupacabra
    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Passage of the game. City of the Damned

    We return to the office Zobeka, but it meets on the way a little boy and transfers us to the castle of Dracula.

    Wing Bernharda

    We again found themselves near the destroyed center of the castle, but now we are in another corridor - in the wing of Bernharda (Bernhard's Wing), as the game card indicates us. We inspect the dead knight ahead, we find soldier Diary (4).

    We enter the hall, we meet a strange girl moving on all fours. This is another castle defender, which means it obeys us. She knows where the chaos gloves are stored.

    Owlish slice

    Through the hall we go out to the cave filled with Loo. We go to a big statue of a horse, to the left of it lies soldier Diary (5).

    Climb upstairs, enter the round room.

    Armored enemies attack us from the bloody circle. Small enemies (minions of the dungeon) can only beaten in front, they are protected from behind. The big enemy (tired of the dungeon) on the contrary - you can only beat the back. First we disassemble with minions, only then take it for a major enemy. The jailer can be simply quickly bypassed by evasion and hit in the back, but you can wait for his taranne attack, from this enemy will stay down his head into the wall, at this time you can beat it with impunity.

    After the victory over the jailer we choose the fallen Key of the dungeon (Dungeon Key), insert it into a well about round Mechanism. The key is used only once, it turns on some of the mechanisms once and forever. For each killed jailer drops exactly the same key, you can carry a maximum of three keys with you. You should always have a margin of keys to open secrets.

    Cool unlocked mechanism, while pressing the "F" key on time. We enter the opened gate.

    Path through chains and geysers

    We enter the next cave. Here we see the shining blue circle, where you can apply a white wolf amulet, and on the left, a dark corridor for the entrance. This will allow us to return to the real world, but for now we do not need there.

    We go on the right side, we climb on the rings on the wall, cling to a large chain. The chain begins to descend down under our weight, from each of our movement it descends the faster, so you need not just move, but use jumping, so we will jump through one tap. Rising to the necessary height, quickly jump from the chain to the left.

    We continue to move along the wall to the left. We jump onto the second chain, let's go down it, jump on the ledge on the left. Further climbing three chains up. In this place, if some chain begins to go down too quickly, then just jump on the adjacent chain.

    Further on our way several geaser columns, from which couple comes from time to time, and then Lava. Also there are rocky pillars here, the steam does not come out of them, but after a few seconds break under our legs. Quickly run forward on those columns, where there is no lava. Couple can not be afraid, it serves as a warning about the appearance of lava.

    We jump over the other side of the cliff. We meet another strange girl.

    Dungeon Chupacabry.

    We enter the hall where the second floor is destroyed.

    We jump onto the first floor, we kill the enemies that appeared, we climb on the opposite wall and go further.

    In the corridor with a pile of skulls at the left wall we find soldier Diary (7). Ahead is visible big roomSeparate platforms with green panels. We approach the first panel ("F" key), with the help of it, build a bridge of four round platforms (choose the direction of the bridge with the keys W, A, S, D). First, build the bridge strictly straight. For the bridge there are a pair of rules: 1) The bridge may consist of a maximum of four platforms; 2) The bridge must cling to another green panel to fix it. We go through the bridge to the next platform, climbing the stairs.

    In the hands of a big statue in a green cage, Chupacabra is concluded - a small fun monster, capable of moving instantly and steal the magic energy of enemies. In the first part of the castellic, he delivered us a lot of trouble, but now he obeys us as the owner of the castle, and it needs to be released.

    To free the chupacabru, we first need to press the button from the long gate. We approach the panel, build the bridge forward. We pass to the next panel, we build a bridge from it directly and left. We pass to the goal, press the button, from this the chupacabra camera drops down.

    The bridge is still not rebuilt, we return to it on the previous platform. From there we build a bridge to the opposite platform.

    From the platform opposite the statue, we build the bridge to the right so that the last part of the bridge will turn right under the cell of the chupacabra. Now we move the bridge back, and the cell will move with NM.

    We build a bridge to the opposite platform, go there. From here, build the bridge to the left and back so that the camera is inside the device, highlighted by yellow. The device will decide magic protection, and the chupacrara will be on freedom.

    Chupacabra opens us a gate ahead, we go to them.

    2.2. Acquisition of claws of chaos
    Castles: Lords of Shadows 2. Passage. Acquiring The Chaos Claws

    Balcony Garpius

    On the fiery tunnel we get into the next location. We go to the square, fight with flying guards. In battle will have to constantly jump and apply air combo. But Garpius can be temporarily shining on the ground, for this we turn on the sword of the void, throw frosty blades into enemies.

    Building on chains

    On the first platform, I am fighting with Garindi again. We go to the left edge of the balcony, jump over the post, the wooden structure is overwhelming on another platform.

    We enter into battle with two armored jailers. After victory over them, we take two dungeons keys.

    We enter the round room, approach the statue in the center. Activate the mechanism, from this in the floor there will be a circular staircase leading down. At the bottom of the stairs we find soldier Diary (9).

    We jump onto the stone platform, the statue of the jellyfish get Claws Chaos. We are catching up with two dead girls Eriel and a wall. They join the girl of the jellyfish. All together they fall under the control of the bloody substance and turn into a giant truder's gigantic.

    Boss: Medusa (Gorgona)

    Initially, we turn on the chaos gloves and destroy the stone obstacle to the jellyfish. After that, it will be better to immediately switch to the usual whip. In this battle, you need to take care of the mana of emptiness and chaos stronger than the health of the hero.

    1 head. Jelly can be hit only on the heads, and they are high in the air, so they will have to constantly jump and hit a whip in the air. For a long time to stand in one place and it is impossible to spend long combo, otherwise the jellyfish will hit the fist from above. Also jellyfish from time to time puts his hand to the ground and holds the claws from left to right. At this moment you need to move a little back. At the bottom of the screen of the jellyfish can not get us, but there are tentacles here, which can be hit, if you get under them.

    When we bring a third of health in jellyfish, she will hit her hand on the ground, and leaves to keep this hand for a few seconds. At this moment we switched on the sword of the void and throw a frosty blade in the hand.

    (If the whole blue man is spent, then we will not be able to grab a jellyfish. In this case, we can use the relics of mana recovery (clamp the "4" key, select the mouse with the right upper relic, we use it by pressing the "X" key). If there is no Mana, nor relic, and you do not know how to recruit a combo counter to the maximum, then it is better to die and start the battle again. In the next life you will have a small stock of mana).

    While the hand is frozen, we can jump on it and climb up to the right head. The monster will begin to shake us with his hand, but it does not hurt us. We climb the head, she swallows us, press the displayed button to destroy the head.

    2 head. The jellyf has a new attack: she aims when the target decreases to the end, we will turn into a stone if we are within this goal. Therefore, we constantly use evasion to run away from aiming.

    When Jellyfish Gorgon will have one third of the health, she will hit her hand again on the ground and leaves it. I freeze the hand with a blade, then switch to the magic of chaos and knock off the spikes that appeared on the hand of jellyfish. Only after that you can climb up. When we turn out on the shoulder, the left head hides in the hair. We need to wait a while, evading left and right away from hand. When the head appears again to jump into it and destroy.

    3 head. The last head gets the opportunity to breathe fire. It can either produce a directional flame, in which case quickly evade. (Before that, you can shoot a frosty blade in the mouth of jellyfish to weaken its flames). Also, jellyfish can produce fire upstairs, after that the fireballs will arrive on top and heat the ground around. In this case, you need to hide either in the left or in the right corner of the arena, where fireballs did not fall.

    We finish the last health of the jellyfish, after that the hero will break her heart. From petrified jellyfish removing Stone of initial chaos (Primordial Chaos Gem) - makes it possible to throw fiery blades.

    We turn on the chaos gloves, throw the fiery blade in the highlighted target. From the stone platform we climb upstairs.

    2.3. Visit to the store
    Castlevania 2. Passage. Setting Up Shop

    We go to the next room, activate the mechanism on the statue. On the elevator go down, fight with a jailer and minions. Now we have claws of chaos, so you can punch armored enemies with fiery blows. We use the key to open the lock.

    We pass through the bridge. Dracula will automatically sit in a wooden elevator, which will bring us to the chupaker shop.

    Shop of chupacara

    In the store we can buy things laid out on the shelves, for your combat experience. To buy, use the "Space" key. It is worth buying the keys to always be able to open a secret. Particularly expensive relics are 5000 experiences, they are not yet available to us.

    In the store on the left wall we see the Cleidos Mirror (Kleidos "s mirror). It opens access to additional tests on a special arena. To open the mirror you need a Cleidos runes (Runes of Kleidos), obtained for finding the sacrifice altars (Piles of Sacrifice).

    At the exit from the chupacabra store hands us Dragon Talisman (Talisman of the Dragon) - a relic that allows us to turn into a dragon (kills all enemies around, causes serious damage to bosses).

    City of damned. Output

    Coming out of the elevator, immediately see the first altar of the sacrifice. Dracula cuts his hand on the knife statue, for this we get the rune of Cleidos (1). We go further, we find in the right corner soldier Diary (10).

    We go to the long-air right room, we get to the map room (Map Room). In the center of the hall we show a three-dimensional location map. We can move to other such rooms with cards, but for now it is not available to us. Let's go back.

    Secret. Do not enter the circle, go forward. We have a serious test. It is necessary to climb on the wall and sprinkle to the left, avoiding jets of lava and mobile mechanisms. And the lava and mechanisms can reset us down and climb will have to start first. If the removal is climbing to the left side, climb up, prolazes inside the wall, go down. Inside in a narrow room there is an altar of the sacrifice, from it we get a rune of Cleidos (2).

    Secret. From here, on the support we climb to the top of the bridge. We go to the left corner, jump down on the inclined platform next to the wall. On the platform we descend to the opening in the wall. Jump down, find crystal Chaos (2).

    We go to the central location. I get up in a glowing circle, we call a white wolf, follow him, we return to the real world.

    Passing levels. Chapter 3: City Center

    3.1. Raid in the city
    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on PC. Walkthrough. Downtown.

    Appear on the underground parking lot. There is nothing interesting here. Immediately enter the elevator, rose to the Zobek office. Together with the former Paladin Zobech, I interrogate the captured Demonse Raisa Volkov. We need to find an antidote to return the girl to the human appearance.

    On TV we see that mutants from the pharmaceutical corporation fought throughout the city and attack civilians.

    Underground parking

    Go back to the car park. Mutants appeared here and destroyed everything around. Coming into battle.

    After the victory, we go to the right distant corridor of the garage, we find a break in the wall through which monsters penetrated. We cleaned the fiery blade. Inside the corridor are burning two flux of pipes from pipes. We are trying to put out them with ice blades, but it does not work. We leave the corridor back, we see the destroyed pipe on the ceiling, from which water flows. Shot a frosty blade into a pipe under the ceiling, it becomes hermetic, water flows through the pipes in the corridor and extinguishes fire.

    Square with statues

    We go out. On Round Square, fight in contaminated residents. Having understood with the enemies, climb the destroyed staircase forward.

    We fall on the fork. On the left and right - secrets, but not to get them yet. We jump forward to the bridge, kill several more enemies. On the other side of the bridge we see a closed store with neon sign.

    Book Shop

    Through a broken window enter the bookstore. There is nothing interesting inside. We enter B. dark spot, turn into a rat, run into ventilation.

    Find out in the neighboring house of the store. There is another ventilation, it leads to the previous room. We turn into a person. On the inclined cabinet we climb on the second floor. Jump in the alley.

    Alley and Square

    In the alley in the corner of the left we find a memorial (2). Fight with enemies. We go to the break. From here we jump on the right side.

    Below we kill several infected residents. On the wall we see a waterfall behind bars, which can be freezed, but it is only if we need to return to the top. And to the right of the waterfall is a memorial (3).

    We go to the next square with the enemies, after the victory inspect. To the left of the square there is a secret, but we have not yet go through the grille. We go to the right, at the corner of the house we see cables for which you can climb upstairs, but they are under electricity. We look upstairs, on the right you see a small column, where the cables come from, shoot there with a throwing blade. After that we climb on cables, overlays through the fence.


    We climb the window on the second floor, we go into the shower room. Turn on the water supply mechanism from this will open interior door. We fall into the destroyed mental hospital.

    2nd floor. On the second floor, many doors are closed, it is necessary to correct this situation. We go to the right room, smash wooden door on right. We get into the room with a globe. From here we climb on the wall on the left, overwhelming into one of the locked cameras.

    In the chamber, we turn into a rat, we pass to the adjacent chamber in the ventilation, we see a box of pain, but in this form not to take it. We go to the next chamber. Here on the floor there are holes, we jump into them.

    1st floor. We find yourself in the morgue where there are several enemies. We are successful to the dark spot, turn into a person, kill monsters. We restore Mann from the statue. The stairs go down below, we see the lever near the generator, but it does not work yet. We go further, we see three fiery flux, gassim them with frosty blades. Inside Take void Crystal (8). Next to twist the valve. After that, you can return and press the lever. The generator earned, all the doors in the building opened. We enter the door to the right of the generator, climbing the bricks upstairs.

    2nd floor. We go to the main hall.

    According to the second floor corridor, we pass to the elevator.

    3.2. Scientific quarter
    Castles: Lords of Shadows 2. Passage of the game

    Walking yard

    Through the break jump on the square. Here the fighting police destroy monsters. Police officers are protected by armor and can put an impenetrable shield. They attack automatic queues, can take off into the air and produce taranny attacks. Fire chaws chaos break through the shield of the police, but this is not enough to kill them. It is best to study and use the ability of a knuckle. We stand next to the enemy, clamp the block (the "SHIFT" key) and jump (the "Space" key). As a result, we turn the flip over the enemy and find ourselves from behind, after that you can immediately attack the enemy in the back.

    After victory, we enter the resulting break in the lattice.

    Activate the switch on the wall, enter the door.

    Driving part

    From the roof of the building we jump on a trawl. Here the fighting police fight with monsters. Killing opponents.

    On the way we go to the right. We see that we returned to the courtyard of the pharmacological company, where we started the mission 1.1.

    We can go through all rooms inside the company's building if some secrets missed there. But it is better to pass by the building to the right to a high platform. Upstairs enter the break in the lattice, go down to the sewer hatch.

    Pharmacological company

    In the sewage fighting with the police. In the wall inspecting the Memorial (8). On the tunnel we go to the second floor of the hall, where we fought with Rasa Volkova.

    On the balcony we go to the icing tunnel. Include fiery claws of chaos and shoot a fiery blade in the ice. Activate the switch, go to the open door.

    Industrial complex

    We enter the dark room. Here you need to jump onto the bottom platforms. Bottom found crystal Chaos (5). We are passing through narrow tunnels, we kill mutants.

    We go out into the round room, here you need to get high up on various handrails. In some places, we will interfere with a jet of steam and electrical closures, avoid contact with them.

    Dilapidated Most

    From the top of the circular tower jump over the suspension path. Along the wall we climb on a high dilapidated bridge. On the bridge again there is a battle of police and mutants. Jump forward through the abyss of the square with the statues. At the entrance to the building we find a statue that fills Mann.

    The main entrance is closed, so we go to the tunnel to the right under the porch. On the way we find a memorial (9). We approach the closed goal, on the fiery points on the left and right, we produce fiery blades. We enter inside, on the car lift go down.

    Assembly line

    We see suspended lines for which containers with cargoes are moved. On the left wall we climb up, jump over the passing container.

    Climb to the left side of the container so as not to hit the obstacle to the right. When the container comes to a smooth section of the road, we look down, jump onto the bottom container, we are going to the other side. We descend on the sideboard so that we do not hurt us from above, then rising again to the roof.

    When the container will pass over the ground, jump down. At the bottom of the side wall we find a memorial (11).

    3.3. Railways
    Castles 2 on PC. Walkthrough. Riding the Rails

    Train Station

    We go into the dark room, you see two guards ahead. On the right guard, we send a flock of bats. When the left guard is suitable for the right, sneak into the back and excite. In the body of the guard approach the scanner, we go to the opened doors.

    In the next room, on the left there is one guards-Calvary, stunning his flocks of bats, at this time quickly run and climb the stairs. The guard will start looking for us, and we continue to go on top.

    Immediately go down down, sneak into the guard and put it in it. Using the guard body, we open the gate ahead.

    Ahead we see the car where scientists entered. The car is under the supervision of two guards. You cannot distract their two, so we go back and turn into a rat. In the form of rats run inside the car, turn into a dracula.

    By train

    1 platform. The train with scientists moved, we are going with them. Suddenly the Monster Satan Soldier attacks. Fight with a monster on the platform car. This is a boss, but so far he has no health, just make him a few blows.

    1 car. We leave from the battle, in the next car we find a guard and starts shooting. Quickly jump out the window. Crawling forward on the side wall of the car, we climb on the roof of the car and run in the other side, so as not to get under the bullets of the guard.

    2 platform. Let's fall on the next platform. Satan's soldier attacks us and here, but you do not need to pay attention to it. More importantly, the guard from the next car is trying to chop up the platform. We are released in the guard flock of bats and run closer to the car.

    2 wagon. We cling to the wreck of the car, in the side wall we will rinse right, we climb up and run to the next wagon. The previous car is falling off at the entrance to the tunnel.

    3 wagon. We are on the roof of the train, but it is very dangerous in the tunnel, so we go down on the stairs to the left. On the wall we will rinse right and jump into the window. Inside the wagon is a guard, and we hide behind the barrels. Just sit and do nothing for some time. The guard will not reach the end, but unfold back. At this time, approach the back and put in the guard, we leave the car.

    3 platform. On the next platform we meet with Satan's soldier. Two wooden boxes will not interfere with us, they are easily destroyed. We apply a certain damage to the boss, then cling to the door of the next car.

    4 car. On the right wall, we reach the staircase climb the roof. The train enters the tunnel, so you will have to ride from obstacles from above. We look forward to the glowing lights, we need to move to where there is no lanterns. In total, there are four possible positions of the hero - by the number of lanterns, the Dracula moves between these positions of the jerks. It is not necessary to ride, we will lose a lot of health about the collision.

    Boss: Satan soldier

    We go inside the wagon, here we start the battle with the boss. Scientists around can be used to replenish health.

    Satan's soldier can move both in the floor and ceiling. When the boss jumps from the ceiling, you need to shy away from it by pressing the keys shown on the screen.

    The boss often blocks our blows, at such moments just jump over it with a flip (clamp "shift", press the "space").

    By defeating the boss, Dracula jumps out of the car, because at this moment someone allows the whole train under the slope.

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    Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

    First training. It will be necessary to get up from the throne and go to the hall where you press all the buttons on the left. After the emergence of soldiers, we continue to perform the instructions, just beat them there is no point.

    There is some problem with the keys when playing a PC, helps key reassignment.

    When all the dead and control of the hero is mastered, you can practice in climbing. Then there will be a workout with a boss and a fight with a bunch of beside the hand on the hand of Megarobot, who first sweep the main character, and then give up to climb down her hand. Climbing will have to make clinging for small protrusions and donating the shots.

    Now you need to squeeze between the rotating elements of the mechanism, most importantly without a rush. Upstairs it will be necessary to beat the soldiers, and eventually make the enemy shoot on three rivets at the wall. We pull out the wall and climb on the wheel, then roll down and again the protrusions for which it is necessary to climb upwards, where it will have to tear rivets, thereby causing the Paladin to shoot. At this stage, it will shoot more precisely, so it will be necessary to use evasion.

    Battle with paladin

    We start to beat the enemy until he starts to throw swords, from which it will be necessary to escape with jumps. Then we wait until the health is restored to the maximum, activate the rage and the Paladin's rare, sometimes switching to the sword, to restore health.

    After the battle, we watch the rollers, then ferment in a sheet through the streets and succumb to the goddalak in the alley, and again the video showing the beginning of the plot.

    Having gained independence, moving according to the sign, we arrive at the door in which it will be necessary to go and hide in the darkness. We become a rat and slip by the enemy, then put it in his body and open the door. Behind her again, you need to plunge the darkness of one of them, while the other leaves the staircase, dive there and the mission up. A little further jump down, and then back, upstairs.

    We go beyond the boy, then grab the box with a crystal, the heart and make your way inside the tower on the protrusions, to the very top. We go on the balcony to the lever, shoot to free the mechanism. We jump on the hanging plates, for which you swing them, moves from the edge to the edge. Do not forget about the cube below.

    Fight against bloody giant

    Mail comrade is quite simple, it is necessary to beat for that part of the body where blood is in this moment. You can get away from attacks with simple jerks to the side. To gain a combo, you need to start an attack after the giant makes three blows in a row.

    Okolod Golem, moving into a small room where you turn into magic and treat. After that, we leave it and move to a waterfall, which will have to freeze the throt of "white" magic. We climb on the ice and take the relic, it is located beyond the boxes. Then in the catacombs. In the big hall, you will have to look for rings and climb on them to the top. Screensaver, then you have to trick the enemies, periodically picking up the boy from the demon. After the death of all enemies, we use the altar of the wolf.

    We climb up, the beast will hold us into the real world. We conclude that portals can be used to move between worlds. We go further, kill the next daemon, and on the sign of the locked door, with the help of frozen on the right of water. We select everything you need and freeze the air flow, turn into the rat and dive under the ice.

    In the bottom of the waters run on ventilation, the fire must be thrown away, avoid electricity. Outside, becoming a man and throwing bats in the guard. Next again rat, and again in the ventilation near the box in the corridor. Inside the cable, we unzip the wiring and come back. Here again we accept the appearance of a person, we rush to the mice, and then put in the technique and open the door.

    Smoking Demon Fight

    We start with an ice boom, you need to aim in advance. He will stop and continue to attack the current and a little in the near battle. It is better not to approach, and beat it with a bloody lady, since his attacks are almost all circular. Then the servants will appear, all the rules and frost's daisy again. And so, alternating approaches, bring it to the coffin.

    After the death of the daemon, we move on various dungeons to the room with a puddle of blood. Here it will be fun, you need to start with small monsters, and in the end to finish the big one. He should be taken up, until his forehead persists in the wall, well, and then put him on the ridge. We take the key from the corpse and open the gate.

    We go to the big chains, we climb on them upstairs, jumping on the rings on the left. Then the grips on the other, roll and look at the ring, and again on the chains, alternating them to not fall. Then there will be columns with fire.

    And they kill demons again, then climbing the rings up. Then we collect the bridges to the demon in the cage, walk to it. After that, make your way to the door, there is a mechanism. Then bring bridges to the cage, we cling it and move to the backlit edge.

    Garpius Ralim and climb on the bridge, at the other end, Garpia again and again them into consumption. We go down and crawl under the bridge, the gates are two daemon, you will have to kill them. Unlock the gate, the inner pass pierce the sword and go down.

    Fight against a tri-head demon

    We begin with the destruction of the barrier, it will be necessary to use the chaos mode and fiery fists. Then crumbling tentacles, while restoring its characteristics. And then attack the freak itself, when he will hit his hand, it is necessary to frow him forearm and in his hand climbing his head, beat the creature about the ground and rub the head.

    Two will be harder. After freezing with fiery fists, we divide the armor of the forearm and only then we climb. My head wait a little, the boss will try to grab. Then another one's head, at this moment the creature starts to beat more, but now it is necessary to finish it without climbing, just in the forehead.

    We select the artifact and go to that part of the map where the rise is visible. At the top we select everything and charged the energy from the artifact, we pierce the ceiling. We go ahead, some of the gates will meet the guard. We run to the store and go to the elevator, rising by becoming a statue with a sword and call the wolf.

    In the building it will be necessary to find a demon, after which proceed to the elevator. Monsters will meet at the exit, we kill them and go to the door. There are undermining the passage, and then frow fire. This will not completely help, so back and freeze the statue on the pipes. After leaving the elevator, we kill everyone and follow the sign.

    The building move the rat, on ventilation. After that, there will be a few clashes in the city, after which it will be necessary to go upwards, where the electricity will be shifted in the antenna. After entering the building, we move on the right side to the protrusion, which go into the room and further in the appearance of the rat goes into the sewer.

    Inside the room, turn into a person and kill all monsters, we kill enemies with shields below. Fire barrier freeze to rotate the wheel inside. After that, launch the generator near the door, after which it will open. In the fog, there will be simple and armed gaps, their expenses, after which we dive into the passage where we follow the sign to the hatch.

    We make your way to the technode, in which we climb up to the door, behind it and disinfect. We pass the tunnels, carefully climb the mine, with unstable protrusions. On the bridge we kill everyone and go to the right, on the performance. Fire arrows turn on the door, after which we are going on the elevator down, where after trips in the carts go down. Current go around by hanging on the side of the wagon, then jump. Here, one guard is distracted by mice, in the second, we will approve and open the door. After killing everyone, we move through the fence, then in the pipes upstairs. We enter the body of the next enemy and unscrew the door, the field of which is returned, turn into the rat and make your way through the protection.

    Beying until you can bite, then throw out the window and run away by the hands to the right to the roof, where you need to rush down. Throwing mice into the arrow, after which I make my way on the car, the tunnel must be measured near the stairs, and then get into the window. In the body of the guard unscrewing the castle, inside we beat the creature, then we leave along the side of the car. Upstairs, when running slip into lampposts. Now you have to beat everything that is available, even if necessary, employees.

    We go beyond the robot, in the room Ralm All "Handsome". The robot is sent to turn on the lever, and the hero break the wires from the riser located on the other side. There will be more enemies ahead, after their destruction we climb the protrusion, the robot also give the team to climb above, the gate will open. Now up the beams and in the open window.

    We use portals twice, to skeletons that will be killed. After that hiding from the girl with a lantern. We go around the rooms in which 4 cross splashes blood, the lady is busy the same, so you have to redo it. The main thing is not to fall into her bloody cloud. After we go out and smear the cross, now we go through the bridge. The girl is chosen located on the left.

    Witch fight under the dome

    We kill demons and collect energy. Then breathing the dome of the magic of chaos, after which the fire arrows in the dome in the dome. The next stage is the most difficult, before the blow, you need to slow down the witch. Further, after applying a variety of damage, the witch will begin to multiply, to let the electrical circles, from which you need to jump off and still have time to beat in images. The fourth stage will require the use of fog skills, to exit from the way, you can also be treated by a girl behind a cell. If you act correctly, the victory will be ambulance.

    We return and use the ability to climb and go through the grille, you can also pass mines. We jump to the fountain, kill enemies, then climbing the building and move on the sign through the wall. Inside the garage, seep through the grille and go to the elevator.

    At the arrival of the ralim freak, then we serve the current with the lever in the basement. On the next floor, we again kill everyone and again pass through the lattice found to a new elevator, if there is no power, you need to return to the basement to the lever.

    Upstairs in the bottom of the rat, they are inserted through the hole, and then as a person enter the body of a published employee and open the door.

    Fight with a demon on ruins

    "It's not so afraid of the hell, as his little one" is exactly the case. To begin with, we bounce at each movement, in my melee, it is not very strong, so that the sparring is quite possible, and also, it is necessary to shoot it to it. If the demon opens the mouth means its activity rises. When it is with a ledge of throwing energy, it is necessary to leave the jerks to the side.

    When the enemy perits, we go along the bridge, then we climb on ruins to the opposite shore. Here on the protrusions upstairs, as the marker indicates. After lifting, we kill the whole company, the main thing is to know that the sorcerer strengthens the soldiers, so we must try to blame him first. We use the chopper and then upstairs into the church. Leaving the temple, follow the bridge.

    Fishing with Forest Guard

    There will have to be invisible to pass by the speaker. The main thing is not to rustle foliage, turn to the transition to smoke; It is not necessary to stand for a long time at one point, he falsils someone else's smell and will pursue. Shooting in the bell, you can lure to this villain. Recover the gate, go and go to the elevator, upstairs replenish the stocks of energy and health. The owl is removing the ice boom, and take what it is necessary, after which the battle will begin.

    We start standard - from the Mordoboy, we use simple attacks, we carry energy. We calculate the blocked short-term attacks and act, successfully reflecting them. When his level of life falls, he will take for swords and attack near will be almost useless. And so before the final, when he starts to beat magic. There or break through the block, or to shoot from published, who docked what. By killing a freak, we return to the boy.

    Next, I put in the marker, by the way killing everyone, until we do to the column in Krapinka, it is a lever. Raise, ruffle guard and further on protrusions. Apply electricity in the theater. For which we climb on the scene, then through the balcony, jumping and rat we climb under the scene. Then we burn the oven and again, the rat leave on the pavement on the right. And in the end, activate the lever to the right at the scene.

    Staging a puppet theater

    The first is a fat man with a hammer, the second is a workshop. The third will be a doll of an adult, the fourth step - change the background on the image of the roof, the fifth - doll of the demon, then a small doll and theatrical background. Now you have to grab a heart from the scene.

    Fight against Master Toys

    We start with the murder of the knight. The number of types of its attacks is three, so it will be easy to cope, just sometimes jump off from attacks. Now the master. The best beat it hanging in the air if you are the ability to go. Then the dragon appears, it is necessary to dare from the fire from the fire, and you have time to hit the head, at the end we blame shooting fire in the bowl of the muzzle. And again the master. When he shoots him on two legs with fiery balls in the head, falls on the floor, attacking in hand, and so a couple of times. Energy is in the well near, you can use. After graduating, we go back to my son.

    Fight against a giant robot

    We start with the destruction of the servants, in parallel collecting the energy of chaos. Then we beat him exactly in the forehead, it will begin to be returned, the fiery arrows will go to the move. After the destruction of the armor, you need to beat on your head. And when it falls, break the rods on the back, two enough.

    We move again on the sign. Ralm demons and go to the hatch. Through the sewer, we go to the demons and destroy them, then climb the stairs. To do this by shooting fire in fasteners, inside the trolleys to the top, where we lower the bridge, shooting the magic of chaos.

    We fall, we kill the guards and we climb up the ice, we kill everyone again and pass through the grille inwards to feed food. Then back, turn on the fan and on it further upstairs. In another building, it will be necessary to go down and pass through the library.

    Fight against a giant daemon on the street

    Carefully follow the freak, it is impossible to approach close. Attacks can be destructive. Shooting published fiery arrows, the energy replenish the death of the servants, it is best to use circular combo to do this.

    When the creature "flies the flips", moving on by marker, the door opens with the chopper behind. There will be many enemies, a few big robots and a couple of ordinary. The battle will be heavy, so you should kill small robots, and climb away from bully to the column.

    Fight against a person with a cross in the church

    The enemy will apply a lot of circular attacks, so it is better to beat it on the fly. When the enemy will lose part of life, you fall to the ground, where it will fight better. But the tactics of the battle will change little. Well, in the last phase it will be necessary to destroy all the stones around.

    After the victory, we go for a man.

    Battle against blood demon

    For victory, it will be necessary to partially damage the demon, then the possibility of double jump will appear. For the battle, the easiest all is more hanging and beat when the head is methim into it, if there is all over.

    By killing the creature, we move around the marker, jump a double jump, then in the hatch. We move cellars, in some places as a cloud. In the premises with security make their way in Stels. Throw in the protection of mice and run forward, to the right of the 3rd guard flying the fog to him behind his back. But before you distract other mice.

    Now fields with rays. Everything is just running, jumping for a long time not stand on the plates. Then as a cloud upstairs through the fan. Here you will pass from the head of Sitchov to the corridor, located next to the entrance to the room.

    Here begin joint tests for two. Quite just essentially. In the first jump on the hook and speak the partner when you pull. In the second, it is necessary to arrive in the boards, creating a platform to a partner at the same time. Plus, look around and do not go from platforms. Here you have to make a shot, a jam step, and so quickly and without stops.

    In Square, I do not regret the forces, we will quickly with everyone, until the side has come. The first masses of magicians from the statues. The assistant distracts part of the enemies, but it helps it little. The result - all the enemies are dead, we look at the cat-scene.

    Fight against a demon with oblique

    At the beginning, beat near and on the fly, until it shakes. Then we kill the crowd of the dead, and then causing them freaks upstairs. When the boss loses a lot of life, he will take the appearance of a person, but the blades will fly around it. They can be avoided by becoming a cloud.

    We go out and the street, we kill everyone and come back. We are looking for a card for quick movements, transfer to the most east, now by the pointer to the elevator. Then jump on platforms, kill enemies at the door, the switch is located below. The riddled passage is going around by passing away and diving under the arch. Upstairs apply a mirror.

    Fight with the devil

    We go on the snake, the guard and walle and more chains. Now the battle with his son, you have to move very quickly, the enemy is strong, then the matter attacks the darkness. Help the attacks from the air, damage is large. Sometimes Satan takes off and shoots fire, here you need to go off the way, as soon as the label appears.

    That's all, the last boss whipped, game Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 ended.

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    Osada Castle

    Peace Dracula (Gabriel Belmont) was disturbed by uninvited guests. Having devastated the winery with blood, moving towards the gate and perform simple techniques: rotate the camera for 360 degrees, take a jump, directed and circular attack. Through through the gate, soldiers in iron armor appeared from the siege facility. Block the first attack by holding the shown button, and after the flash, not the release button, we applied a number of crushing shocks. Powerful attacks of enemies cannot be repeated, so seeing a red flash on their swords, press the block + movement to any side. We restore health by drinking blood stunned soldiers. To do this, approach them close, click on the button shown and, after the collision of the circles, we press the same button again. Already from the next QTE task, you can enable and disconnect at any time. By skipping the first blow, quickly press the jump button to evaporate from subsequent strikes. In addition to the usual whip at the disposal of Draculas there are sword of the abyss and claws of chaos. The first allows you to restore health with each opponent's impact, and the second is to pierce the shields and apply increased damage on enemies in a strong arm. Combining the knowledge gained, destroy the latest group of enemies.

    Dracula (Gabriel Belmont).

    Plugging the structure, climbing the debris on the left side and shift to the right. We highlight the active points for which you can cling. I jerle on the beam, grab around the chain and, by moving to the column, go down. Selecting outwards, exposed to a huge siege titanium and a paladin. Damage from powerful shots and block weak attacks. The enemy is most vulnerable against Cales's claws. Do not forget to replenish health with the hill of the abyss. Half the exhaustion of the protection scale of the enemy, move onto the hand of titanium. During contractions with knights, Paladin will periodically give the team to Titan on the destruction of the castle. We join before the hand hit the wall. After the advent of reinforcement, Paladin will again go to active actions. Hold on your hand by pressing one of the buttons after the convergence of the circles. We climb up the right side, if necessary, highlighting active points.

    The enemy will try to hit us with explosive arrow, so we try to move faster. The camera will indicate three fasteners. We cling to them and quickly slide down as soon as the pictogram decreases in size. If you bounce ahead of time, then the opponent will still have time to change the place of defeat. We continue to climb up. Again, highlight the active points and at the right point in time we go around the mechanisms. Further, with the help of titanium, we destroy three floor mounts. We approach the highlighted steel plate and throw it away. We climb upstairs, shift to the left and go down. We continue to shift on the left side, we climb up and destroy the three floor mountings already in proven way. Return a steel plate and hit the heart of titanium.

    In the battle with a tireless paladin, it is more often driving aside, as it is not limited to one powerful blows. Simple blows try to block, then make devastating counterattacks. Periodically, the enemy will produce arrows. At this point, we simply run on safe sites, avoiding pictograms. If Paladin is distinguished from us, then it is preparing to release its main weapon. Depending on the orientation of the weapon, we jump or evade the side. Do not forget to use the kneon of the abyss and Khaos claws.

    Gabriel Belmont once was the knight of the Light Brotherhood Orden. His path began in the distant eleventh century. Successfully defeated Satan, for a number of reasons he became an immortal Dracula. The beloved Gabriel Maria gave him the son of Trevor, who under the auspices of the Brotherhood went on the destruction of the father-traitor. Gabriel did not know about the existence of the Son, so, without thinking, killed him. Before the death of Trevor managed to inform who he really is. Gabriel desperately tried to save him, sharing his blood, but it was too late. He buried his son in the castle and promised to destroy the genus of human. Bourned in the Viennes Trevor Blood Draculas every year gave him limitless forces and power of the Father. And now, finally, the rim from the dead, he proclaimed himself by Alucard and swore once and permanently ending the Dracula. At this time, heir to Trevor Simon, who decided to go in the footsteps of the Father. After going to the castle of the majestic vampire, he met Alucard and together they managed to send Dracula to temporary peace.

    Paladin Brotherhood.


    A little less than a thousand years have passed. On the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Waking up from a long sleep, we leave out and follow the boy in the alley. There will encounter a monster, to resist which we are unable. Someone in black armor comes to the rescue and crashes with our offender. Once in one chamber with people, immediately approach them. We kill a man and drink the blood of a woman.

    Zobek, founder of the Brotherhood of Light and in the past Comrade Gabriel, did not make himself wait. He promised to deprive the Dracula of immortality, if he does not allow the coming of Satan to land. Zobek introduces us to the case. We have to find and kill Satan servants before they complete preparations for the return of their ruler. The ministers are hiding among people and occupy the highest posts in society. Zobek managed to enter one of the ministers. With the help of the portal, he sends us to the headquarters of the Pharmaceutical Corporation "Biokvimek".

    Biocvimek Corporation
    Scientific district

    Open a travel book, which presents four large partitions - abilities, card, subjects and reference book. Let me mean with new information marked by a question mark. Having finished, we turn around the corner and open the gate near the box. They will return here a little later, but for now, let's go further, we will rise higher and, turning left, take the memorial. We go to the previously open garage, choose the daggers of the shadows and throw them into two highlighted mechanisms. We raise the gate and find ourselves in the corridor controlled by Golgofian Guardian. Hide in darkness on the right side. Rear - the grill behind which the pain is located (available with the ability of "fog"). Driving a rat, go around the guard and move to another end of the corridor, where we get on a similar shadow portal and again we accept the usual appearance. Touch the enemy and take it with his body. Time is limited, so immediately heading to the scanner of the retina of the eye near the door, we spend the scan and pass to the gateway. We launch the disinfection process by pulling the lever on the left side.

    Choose a swarm of bats and release them in a constantly moving guard. When the guard near the stairs goes to check the partner, quickly run to the stairs and climb upstairs. We grab the active point on the right side when the closure stops. Then quickly shift to the left and jump over to the next design. We jump down down, catching up the guard and take it with its body. We interact with the device to the right of the door, we go into the room and use the pain of pain. We get a stone of life - by collecting five such stones, the health scale will increase. Coming out of the room, we appeal to the rat through the shadow portal on the left side. We move to the highlighted ventilation grid on the other side. Penetrating inside, run forward, jumping through obstacles. We collect skulls and on the fork we pass forward. At the end, turning the wires, thereby stopping the blade, and, returning to the fork, turn to the right. Collecting the skulls for 150 points, I acquire the first skill for the shadow whip - "dodge."

    Bodyguard Zobeka.

    We choose from ventilation, get to the stairs, near which the guard is located, and penetrate the next ventilation shaft. We are moving through the only path, bypassing bare wires, and in the end we will find yourself in a room with a paint. Favoring the second stone of life, we return to the room, from where we got into the room with the first box. I hiding again in the shadows and take the appearance of Dracula when the guard will pass by us. I quickly release into it the swarm of bats and climb the stairs. On the left behind the bars is the pain of pain (available with the ability of "fog"). On the top bridge - another paint pain (available with the ability of a "double jump"). Rising upstairs, I will see three tanks on the left. We cling to the active point on the nearest of them (available with the ability of a "double jump") and slowly, avoiding damage from steam, moving through other active points. From the last distant tank, we supply to the stairs behind the back and use the sacrifice column.

    Follow the mysterious guy and transfer to the castle.

    Berngard wing

    Rear - the abyss. I am amazing the mechanism of the chaos bomb (available with the ability of the "Bomb of Chaos") and they move to the left side of the descended design. We use the pain pain, look at the right side and with a metal of the chartile of the abyss in the waterfall (available with the ability of the "hellish shell"). We cling to the wooden strengthening behind the back and quickly move along the active points towards the waterfall. Active points are best highlighted not to lose precious seconds. We rise by waterfall and jump over to the next strengthening on the right side. We rise even higher, we use the pain of pain and jump down. We select a soldier's diary and pass to the room with a map. The last fork will lead to the city of damned.

    On the right lies the highlighted body - we look at it and take the diary of the soldier. We follow the corridor and get to the statue of the blood, completely restoring health. We go around the debris on the right side and interact with the pain of pain. We cling to the wooden beam on the wall, climb upstairs and, jumping through the failures, get to the pain of pain. Going down, go to the destroyed illuminated staircase and climb on other active points.

    We run on the balcony and get to the room, where I stretch for the lever and open a blocked mechanism. We use shadow daggers to destroy blood clots. Once in the hall, jump on the design and swing it, running forward-back. We jump over the next design, then on the design on the right side and thus get to the balcony with the pain in the pain. We jump down and interact with another paint bar next to the debris. Freeze the waterfall (available with the ability of the "abyss" projectile), quickly climb upstairs, shift to the left and climb the balcony. Use the pain pain and jump down. To the right of the waterfall - drain, leading to the lattice, behind which is a pain in pain (available with the ability of "fog"). We climb the stairs, cling to wooden strengthening on the left side and climb the balcony. We move on the other side, jumping from one design to another, having previously swaying them.

    Memories persecuted Dracula. The Ghost Trevor then and then reminds him of past mistakes and terrible things. We get to the destroyed tower, we get up onto the beam and cling to the active point on the central design. We are moving to the right and climb upstairs. We go to the left and select a soldier's diary. We climb on the wooden structure, jump onto the platform and, swinging it, jump over the other side. A little further behind the bars is a pain in pain (available with the ability of "fog"). Also, if you jump down, we will find yourself in the log of the carmillas. Returning back, turn to the left and jump down, where the sacrifices will be discovered behind the bars (available with the ability to "fog").

    Ahead is the sword of the abyss. The castle's strength will make everything possible so that we do not get to it. We run on safe sites and cling to active points. The sword is pumped along with a whip, which allows you to open new and complex combinations. The magic of the abyss is not infinite, so when it is exhausted, the use of the sword will become impossible. However, you can get the magic of the abyss right during the battle. For this, continuously apply strikes on the enemy and fill in the concentration scale displayed in the central bottom of the screen. After filling the scale, each subsequent blow will provoke the loss of spheres from the enemy. The concentration scale is filled only when using the main weapon - shadow whip. We collect spheres and thereby fill the magic scale of the abyss. A stone golem can stump foot and let the blood on the ground. At this moment you need to jump. Applying enough damage with navel, he will start glowing. We approach closer and pierce your heart. At the second stage, damage on the enemy can be applied only at the top, i.e. in a jump. We shy more often, because the enemy became more aggressive. Repeated with the head of the golem and finally deal with it.

    We select the primordial stone of the abyss. We switched on the skeleton of the abyss, with a metal of the abyss of the abyss in the waterfall and quickly climb upstairs until the operation is over the action of the freezing. In the absence of magic of the abyss, go into a small room and fill the scale through the statue of magic. Nearby is a blood statue - we use it for full recovery of health. Once at the top, destroy the barrier and select the Relics of the "Saint Tears", which completely restores health. Most relics can be used only once.

    The passage on the right side will lead us to the destroyed corridor. On the path on the wall, you will find a keyhole for the key from the dungeon. Cross a huge abyss and at the other end we interact with the pain in pain. Go down the active points and, by finishing the case, climb up the same. Returning to the fork, turn the right and the next highlighted fork we pass forward. Around the corner of the right is the pain of pain - we interact with it. On the contrary, behind the bars - another paint pain (available with the ability of "fog"). On the development itself, if you look up, we will see active points. We climb on them (available with the ability of a "double jump") and select a soldier's diary. We choose to open space. Left, behind bars - a pillar of sacrifice (available with the ability of "fog"). You can get to it by jumping on top. Ahead - waterfalls. I freeze their snack shells and quickly climb first on the left, then right. Waving to the very top of the right waterfall, cling to the active point on the left side and continue to shift in the same direction. Next to the waterfalls lies the body of a soldier - we take a diary. Right - Wooden fortifications. Rising on them, jump over the failure on the left side and go down the lower and lower to the pain in the pain. I jump onto a small area from above (available with the ability of a "double jump), we climb along the active points and use a column of sacrifice. We return back and pass on.

    Trevor in danger. The vampire grabbed him, but seeing us, immediately let go. These creatures must protect the castle from uninvited guests. The damned blood of the Dracula seized their body and mind. We destroy the enemies, blocking the usual and dodgeing from strong blows. Periodically help the Trevor to get rid of captures. We receive a white wolf medallion from Trevor. We will be able to move between the real world and the castle through the wolf altari, which are marked on the map with the corresponding symbol. We climb upstairs at an active point on the column. Turn to the left, jump over the failure and get to the pain of pain. We approach the altar of the wolf and call on a white wolf with a medallion. We climb upstairs, go to the right and follow the wolf (even to the right, on a cut plot with fences, is a pillar of sacrifice, to get to which you can with the ability of the "double jump"). Returning to the real world, continue the search for the servant of Satan.

    Scientific district

    Jump down and replenish the magic scale of the abyss through the magic statue. Go down even lower through the break on the left side. Cursed blood pursues us here. We destroy the enemy, come to the closed doors and we release the Nearbyaway projectile in the waterfall on the right side. We climb on ice, shift to the left and move on the other side. In the corner there is a blood statue - we restore health if necessary. I freeze the fan with the abyss, quickly hide in darkness on the left side and, having to go into the rat, run into the ventilation system. In the future, the airflow from the fan will be climbing upward (available with the ability of "fog") and get to the sacrifice post, rummaged by active points and again accepted the shape of the fog. Then go down through the grille and insert the key from the dungeon into the keyhole to get additional experience points.

    Driving the rat, the fiery and electric traps and turn the left on the first fork. In the future, the long-distance trumpet will lead to a room with a paint pain. On both sides there is a trap in the form of a press. First we go along the left side, the overall wire and, returning back, run on the right side. We are chosen into the room, we accept the appearance of Dracula and use the pain pain.

    Selecting the corridor, we turn right and penetrate into the next ventilation. We overload the wires, we return back and through the darkness after the drawer we accept the appearance of Dracula. The guard called for the help of the technique. Being behind the shelter, we release the swarm of bats for the guard, run up to the technique and put it into it. We interact with the right side to get into the gateway. After disinfection, we will fall into the camera with a secret development, where and collide with the servant of Satan Rasa Volkovka. Having guessing our presence, it will break the gas containers, which will lead to immediate infection of scientists. We try to deal with obsessions, avoiding damage and thereby filling the concentration scale. We collect valuable spheres to fill the magic scales.

    Gas also affected Raisa. We switched on the sword of the abyss and immediately after the appearance of the opponent, we produce the abyss shell in it. By cooling the dust of Raisa, we continue the battle, blocking the usual and dodging from powerful shots. Periodically, small electric traps will appear on the floor. We avoid dangerous sites and try to stay away from Raisa. Arrivals are used to replenish the magic of the abyss by a set of concentration and subsequent collection of areas. We repeat the same type of battles several times and, having won, send Satan's servant to Zobek through the portal opened.

    Raisa Volkova.

    Three Gorgon

    City of Cursed

    Trevor reminds that we have lost the power of chaos, which is now located at Gorgon - Euriala, Sfeno and Jellyfish. Once in his possessions, we pass a little forward and select a soldier's diary. We get to the round room, dragging the lever on the left side and go down to the city of the damned.

    Evirala warns us of danger and reports that the power of chaos owns jellyfish. Jump even lower and discover the pain pain. Behind the Statue lies the body of the soldier - we take a diary. We go to the next round room and find yourself surrounded by the wardrifier of dungeons and dungeon minions. A major representative has a strong armor, so it is useless to attack him in the forehead. Weak place - back, get to which it is very simple with the ability to "dodge" (squirrel through the enemy). Occasionally, the enemy applies a ram and if you jump off to the side in time, then you can force it to crash into the wall and choke a flurry of combinational strikes on it. By hovering the warder, we take the dungeon key with which the mechanisms and caches are unlocking. Insert the key to the specified device, then use this device and, pressing the appropriate button on time, open the door. To open other doors, come to them and sacrifice blood.

    If you go through the door to the left and then the right to the right of the soldier's diary. We assume the design over the precipice (available with the ability of the "chaos bomb") and move on the other side. Get to Lava, get up at the edge and look left. We supply to the island (available with the ability of the "double jump"), we use the key to the dungeon and sacrifice blood to get extra points. Returning back, with chains, jump onto the column and at the active points on it climb on the topmost bridge. We go to the right, unfold and jump on the site on the right. We pass until the end and jump out even lower after a spill on the right side of the pain. Again, with chains, jump into the column, but we are not up to the end, but we go to the intermediate bridge, where the sacrifice post is located. After moving on the other side, we will get to the center of the city of the damned.

    We leave out and turn to the right (if you pass metal beam on the left side, then discover the altar of the wolf; We climb higher at the active points and get to the keyhole for the key from the dungeon). Jump on the island and then on the chain. The longer we hang on it, the faster it goes down. Therefore, we climb up as quickly as possible and cling to the highest active point on the column on the left side. If we do not have time, you can temporarily grasp the other bottoms on the column and allow chains to slow down. We are moving to the left, jump over to the next chain and go down. We jump over the broken column, we move to the left and in three circuits get to the very top. We move to the other side of safe pipes, of which couples and lava are not combined.

    We meet Sfeno and on her advice we go to the dwarf in imprisonment, which should help us in exchange for freedom. We pass to the cliff and look at the left. You jump over to the pain of pain and use it. Jump down, we destroy minions and climb up the active points on the wall. We select a soldier's diary and interact with the device with which we deposit the path to another similar device. We click on the "forward" button three times and pass to the island (three times "to the left" will lead to a key well for the key from the dungeon).


    The prisoner was our old familiar chupacabra. Go down, we use the device and click on the "forward" button three times. We move to the small island, we interact with the device and press the "Left" button - "forward" - "forward". Activate the device on the wall to omit the cage with the chupacabra. Re-send the path to the previous island. Go there, we use the device and click on the "forward" buttons - "forward" - "right". We go further and deploy the way to the pain in pain: "Left" - "Back" - "Back". If you go through the lattice (available with the ability of "fog"), then we will fall to the elevator - a short path in the Larque of the carmilla. We return back and lay the platform to the cell, clicking on the "Left" button three times. We go to the central island, we use the device and click on the "Left" buttons - "left" - "Back" and thereby bring the cell to the highlighted cracker of locks. Chupacabra kept the promise and pointed the path to jellyfish.

    We approach the edge, sacrifice blood and go to the other side. Having selected on the open space, we are driving from the attack of the deep harpy, by clicking on the appropriate button. Crawing with the enemies, climb up the active points on the wall and, returning to the place where the cat scene began, we find a soldier's diary in a dark corner. Returning back to the location of the battle, we climb the active points on the columns and select a soldier's diary. After moving on the other side, we exterminate Garpius. Then approach the edge with a destroyed fence and jump over to the column. Surrence below, we move to the end to the left and climb up. We will try to stop two warders at once. I am glad one thing - both without armor, so we can beat anywhere. The opponents are serious, so I will kill one first, then another. One of them is likely to set fire to his hammer and will become more dangerous than before, - from him and let's start. Obtained warders, select the key and insert it into the device. We lower the lattice, make a couple of steps on the stairs, turn right and jump up. Use the pain pain and go back. We go into a round room, rising to the pedestal and activate the device. Go down and pick up a soldier's diary. If you go through a broken window and jump down, you will find a locking well for the key from the dungeon.

    Return the second main source of power - the power of chaos. The damned blood was overwhelmed by the sisters of Gorgon and united them into a single huge creature with three heads. We destroy the barrier by activating the claws of chaos and apply a few powerful blows. The tactics of the battle is quite banal: run up, jump and attack the head. I do not care hard, otherwise you can not have time to dodge or move back, depending on the type of enemy strike. Replenish the magic reserves and chaos can be destroyed by the tentacle in the foreground. Magic is useful in any case. Applying enough damage Gorgon, she will lower the hand that needs to be freezed by the penless shell. Then climb along the active points on the hand, occasionally disappearing to the right to avoid collisions with the other hand. After that, we move horizontally, we get to the head and destroy it. At the next stage, we act on a similar principle. When another hand is stuck in the ground, freeze it with the interlessa projectile, activate the claws of chaos and destroy the stone protection on the hand. We climb upstairs, shift horizontally and jump from one point to another, so as not to be fluttered. Watch the gorgon's head and as soon as she gets out, jump over to her. With the last head, everything is much simpler: when it starts to choose the air, shoot it the abyss shell in it and complete the fight by pulling the heart from the buds.

    We select a stone of the pristine chaos and climb up the active points on the gorgon and the column. The rift leads to the airflow, rising (available with the ability of "fog") on which we will return back. Without reaching the statue of magic, look into the room on the left side and use the pain in the pain. We bring the ceiling with orange glow with the help of a chaos bomb. To do this, activate claws of chaos, choose the chaos bomb and throw it into a flip design on the ceiling. Climbing even higher than the active points on the left side. We descend the stairs to the round platform, we interact with the device and get to an open area where we will face the ward and minions. Now that we have a power of chaos, we can break up a strong armor of enemies. Crane with everyone, select the dungeon key, insert it into the device on the right side and open the door. Sacrificing blood, go through the bridge and straight go to the store of the chupacabra. The showcase is represented a large number of Reliquia, any rare items and highly valuable keys from the dungeon. In addition, here you can purchase one crystal of life, chaos and the abyss, which are not found on locations. Before leaving, we get a dragon talisman from the chupacabra, allowing you to call an assistant helper during the battle. To reuse it, it is necessary to collect scales dropping out of the killed enemies, or buy them in the chupacabra shop.

    Going down on the elevator, we go to the right and take the diary of the soldier. Left is a pillar of sacrifice. Solving blood on it, we get a rune. Having gathered four such runes, the test will open. In total, in the game sixteen runes. Getting into the Arena Cleedosa is possible through the mirror in the chupacabra store. From the poles fall and improved in the form of the possibility of transferring more relics. Ahead and a little right - room with a map. Thanks to it, it can be instantly moved along the already looped lock locations. Room cards in the lock allow you to move only on the locations of the castle. The same rule is valid for both room-cards in the real world. On the left, on a small island (available with the ability of the "double jump") - the pain of pain and the diary of the soldier.

    Antidote: Part 1


    We call on the wolf through the altar and follow it. We move to an underground parking in the center. We get to the elevator and climb Zobek headquarters.

    The virus is actively distributed in the city. At the interrogation of Raisa Volkova, so nothing is possible and did not report. Zobek tried to read her thoughts, but it came across only the Bay of Chaos and Mraka. The only chance is to return the Human appearance Risa. To do this, you need to get an antidote, which was certainly created together with the virus to protect scientists, servants of Satan and other important persons.

    We get to the elevator and go down to the car park. On the left - the grid (available with the ability of "fog"), passing through which we will get to the keyhole for the key from the dungeon, and if you move further, you will find a pain pain.

    We go on the right side, we destroy obsessed and approach the door on the left side. Destroy the passage of the chaos bomb. Block two fireflows with projectiles abyss. This is not enough, so we throw another shell in fire system on the ceiling with the right side. We pass to the elevator, climb up and out out. We are growing with the enemies, jump over the debris and go to the bridge. We destroy obsessed and move on the other side. We pass to the end, we climb up the active points on the right side and use the pain pain. Jump down and go to the bookstore.

    Satan soldier.

    Hide in the darkness, we turn to the rat and penetrate the ventilation, which is next to the output. The mine will lead us to another room. We accept the usual appearance and climb the next floor. Jumping down through the window, we take a memorial in the corner on the right side. We leave out of the alley, we kill the only obsessed and jump even lower. We take a memorial on the right side. We destroy the enemies, jump over the failure and straighten with a lot of obsessed near the fountain. On the right of the fence is the generator. Made by the shadow dagger in its upper part. We climb up the active points on the pipe, shift to the right and jump down. We take the memorial, jump over the fence and again we climb on the pipes to the building window.

    After disinfection in the shower, follow the corridor and spread with the enemies. We take the memorial, come back and go to the room on the left side. We destroy the door and climb up the active point on the wall. We go into the room, hide in the darkness and turn to the rat. We are moving through the grids, we skip the room with a paint pain and pass to the next one. We descend down through the break in the floor. Bim small premises On the right side, where we appeal to Dracula and are separated with the enemies. The room on the opposite side is the statue of magic. Let's go down, destroy the shields of nonsense claws of chaos and finish them with a whip. We are going around on the left side. We free the passage by stopping the fireflows of the abyss projectiles. Use the pain pain and interact with the device. We return back, activate the lever and restore the supply of electricity. We pass through the opened door. On the right upstairs - a memorial (available with the ability of a "double jump). We climb up the top of the active points at the other end of the corridor and, turning, get to the pain of pain. Looking into the hall, we cleare it from enemies. The battle may seem difficult, in this case we exterminate skeletons one by one. We rise to the second floor, then on the span between the second and third floor, where we find a memorial. From the stairs, jump over (available with the ability of a "double jump") to the next floor, unfold and jerk on the staircase. On the fourth floor there is a pain pain and a key well for the key from the dungeon. We are going to the already familiar corridors and do not forget to look into the ward with a paint pain. We use an elevator to descend to the lower floor.


    Scientific district

    We jump down, we destroy obsessed and face urban defenders - law enforcement fighters. Apply the punches of chaos claws and, after the enemy distinguishes from us, it is very important to catch up with it and in the jump to take the finish to finally destroy strong armor. By destroying everyone, we go through a break in the fence and turn to the right. We run to the wall, climb on active points and interact with the sacrifice post. Returning back, go to the building and activate the switch on the wall.

    We leave out, jump down and spread with opponents. Know the fire staircase of the chaos projectile. If you go to the end on the road and jump over a dilapidated barricade, we will find a memorial with a memory. We run in the opposite direction, pass through the break in the fence and find ourselves in the already familiar place. We turn right and get to the room with a hatch. Go down, we destroy the couple of law enforcement fighters, we take a memorial and climb up the stairs. We comply with the abyss and chaos scales and choose to the ladder. Rising upstairs, moving along the yellow fence clockwise. From the place where it is formed by a spind out, cling to the active point on the central device. We shift to the left, take a jump back and, moving away from the center, moving to the right and jump down to the pain of pain. We kill enemies, pass to the stairs and immediately turn the left. We pass through the grille, turn into the rat and jump down in a spill in the floor. We accept the appearance of Dracula, we use a sacrifice column and take up the airflow. We rise to the top level and go to the door on the right side. Opposite it is an active point. We cling for it (available with the ability of a "double jump"), climb upstairs and interact with the sacrifice post.


    We release the chaos bomb to the icing plot in the gateway. I pull the switch, waiting for the completion of disinfection and leave the gateway. We jump onto one platform, then another and use the pain pain. You jump over the failures, follow the narrow track and turn to the left to get to get to the pain. We fear obsessed with firearms. Damage from them is quite weight, so you shy away in the direction or freeze the penless shell. Get before central system And with caution climbing the active points, withstanding the time before the locked and spewing paces. Climbing the stairs, immediately unfold and look down. We jump into the box of pain, we use it and again climb the stairs.

    We pass to the long column, we climb the active points and, not paying attention to obsessed, go to stronger fighters (if you go right, go through the lattice (available with the ability to "fog") and use the elevator, then we will find yourself in another part of the scientific district, Where is the pain pain). We continue to move along the bridge and clear it from enemies. We climb the stairs, we use the pain in the pain and go back to the magic statue. After replenishing both scales, go through the passage on the right side. We take the memorial, jump down and throw the chaos bombs in the glow from each side of the door. We pass to the cargo elevator and go down.

    We leave out of the elevator, we climb the stairs on the left side and jump over to the container, which will take place on the right side. Immediately shift to the left and slide below, so as not to face the elements of the structure and electric trap. Approaching the tunnel, we jump onto the lower container and hang on it in the same way. Having left the arch, we turn around and cling to the active point on the arch on the right side. We climb upstairs and take a memorial. We jump onto the container, and then on the site on the left side. We take a memorial and descend through the open hatch. Before passing to the hatch on the right side there are active points. We climb on them, waiting for the arrival of the container and jump on it. Having hung on the ledge, I will pass the trap and quickly jump (available with the ability of the "double jump") to the area on the right side, where the keyboard is located for the key from the dungeon.

    We jump out the lower and lower and soon encounter two guards. Behind the bars (available with the ability of "fog") - airflow leading up. We release volatile mice in a fixed enemy. Quickly rushing to another guard and take it with his body. We interact with the scanner to the right of the door and pass through the gateway.

    Distract the guard of bats with bats and quickly climb the stairs near the fence. We are moving to the right, we move along the pipes and cling to the staircase on the right side. Climb upstairs, use the pain pain and return to the pipes. Follow the guard and, fading the moment, imperceptibly jump down. Consider the body of the guard and open the gate. We return to the door leading to the gateway, hide in darkness on the left side and appeal to the rat. We pass through the open gate to the car, we run inside through a small rift and we accept the usual look through the darkness of the tanks on the left. The noise attracted the attention of the guard, but Dracula was able to hide in time. The train moved from the place and disappeared in the dark tunnel. We are attacked by Satan's soldier. The opponent is not noteworthy, but it will not be so easy to get out of it. Applying enough damage, we take capture and turn out to be discarded in the next car. Quickly get out of the window on the right side, we are moving to the right on active points and climb onto the roof. Without paying attention to Satan's soldier, raising the swarm of the bats for the guard. At the last moment we manage to jump over to the car and get rid of the guard. We are moving to the right of active points and climb on the roof.

    We descend at the specified staircase on the left side, we are moving to the right and go down to the window. Do not stick out, sit behind the shelter. Guardian without reaching us will unfold and go in the opposite direction. We catch up with it, take adequate body and interact with the scanner on the door. After a short confrontation with a soldier, rushing after him in the chase. We cling to the damaged door, we are moving to the right and climb the roof. Move from side to side to avoid collisions with lighting devices. We carry out the final stage of battle with Satan's soldier and go to the station.

    Suddenly, the bodyguard Zobeka appears and persistently offers his help. There is nowhere to go, you will have to seek an antidote with a companion. On the tunnel we return to the station of the science district. Let's go through a narrow platform from the left side and discover the keyhole for the dungeon key and a memorial. Between them upstairs - the pain of pain (available with the ability of a "double jump"). Then we climb even higher and rushing forward by the airflow (available with the ability of "fog") to the collapse of the sacrifice. At the very end of the right platform there is another paint pain.

    We approach the wall and climb upstairs after a partner. Jump down, activate the switch on the wall and pass through the door open. The grill on the right (available with the ability of "fog") leads to the upper bridge, where the pain of pain is located. Jump down, we destroy enemies and interact with the switch on the wall. We ask the bodyguard to hold it. Immediately after the tunnel there will be wires - we tear them. Turn to the left, and in the next fork - to the right. Jumping down, pass through a spill in the wall on the right and we get extra points, if there is a key from the dungeon. If on the fork to turn left, go through the grille (available with the ability of "fog") and climb by air flow, we can quickly get to the station. Returning to the wires, we go right and jump down. We are afraid of obsessed and soldier Satan. We cling to the active point and, helping each other, throw the bodyguard for the bars. We go into the next room, we climb on the column and go through the metal beam. The bodyguard left us, as Zobek at the moment it needs more. We rise higher and higher, without missing a pillar of sacrifice and two pains of pain. We are chosen in the alley, come to the goal and meet Trevor, who reports the danger of Mary's threatening mother.

    Curse of blood

    Lair Karmilla

    We transfer to the castle. Behind the bars (available with the ability of "fog") are the pain of pain and a statue that closes one door and opens another. We go to the meeting with the carmill. After drinking her poisonous blood, the scale of health is painted in purple color, and now, with obtaining damage, its restoring part will decrease. After the destruction of the skeleton, we destroy the remaining bunch of blood. On the left behind the bars - the staircase leading to the second floor, where the pain and room with a map are located. Also, if you climb the stairs, turn right and approach the lattice, then you can jump even higher (available with the ability of the "double jump"). We interact with the sacrifice post and jump over the other side. We select a soldier's diary next to a torch, climb on active points and use a pain pain. We climb the stairs, turn it over and tinge to a post of sacrifice. We go to the left and jump down to the pain in the pain. From here you can climb higher, pass along the wall of the room with a map and detect another paint pain. Raised the stairs again, we go right and jump on the design. Running it, jump down and insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole.

    Maria comes to the rescue. We drink her blood to return the lost strength. Carmill begins to hunt for us. It is impossible to fall under the light of its lamp, otherwise you will have to fight against the inhabitants of the castle. Each room has an outdoor cross. Activate all four crosses to open the door. We try to move quickly and even jerks, as the karmilla can deactivate the crosses. We go further and activate another cross. On the left, behind the bars (available with the ability of the "fog") - the pain of pain and the passage leading to the wolf altar, the pillar of sacrifice and the elevator, descending into the city of the damned.

    From the statue of blood, we go to the end to the end of the left and climb on wooden fortifications. Move through active points and get to the column of sacrifices. Going out, we immediately turn the right and select a soldier's diary. We go after the carmill. Two Mary will be in front of us. Obviously, one of them is a carmilla. We approach the real Mary, which is on your left hand from us, and drink her blood.

    Carmilla comes to an even greater rage, sharpening Mary into an improvised cage and builds a shield around him. Destroy this shield is possible only with the help of the chaos bomb. We produce magic in the usual way: we increase the concentration, inflicting strikes on enemies and not allowing the production of damage, and collect the spheres. We do not forget that a well-supplied block will give a prominent increase to the concentration scale. Keep at a distance from the main opponent, so as not to get damage from electricity, and occasionally rushing from powerful attacks. Even after the destruction of the shields, the clever carmill will not allow to get closer to it. We continue to collect spheres and use the chaos bombs. Applying a karmille is quite injuries, numerous clones surround us. As soon as possible, we destroy them all, while constantly jumping so as not to get damage from electricity.

    Favoring a new ability, turn into fog and break out of the chain paws of creatures. Now we can get to Mary, turning to the fog, and fill the health by drinking her blood. Damage from attacks, we apply retaliatory strikes and periodically restore health. Having won, come back and transferred to the real world.

    Antidote: Part 2

    We appeal to the fog and pass through the gate. We stand on the ventilation on the right side and in the form of the fog rising by the airflow. We replenish the magic scales and magic of chaos. We climb along the active points, do it in front of the air flow and turn into fog. Going on the other side, hide in the dark on the left and turn to the rat. Penetrate the drain and run to the end to the room with a sacrifice post. On the way back along the same drain, descend even lower after a spill in the lattice and choose the balcony where the pain is located. We jump into the alley and go back to the building on the already done path.

    Fighter of law enforcement set mine. We take the memorial and jump over the mine or pass it by contacting the fog. We destroy the enemies outside, go around and climb on active points on the wall of the building. Move to the right on the sign and jump down. In the building on the right we will find a pain pain and a room with a map. We go to the next building, get up on the grille and turn to the fog. We use the switch quickly run into the elevator and climb the top floor.

    Daughter of Satan.

    Coming out of the elevator, we pass through the grille on the right side. Get to the box of pain, we use it and go back. We rise to the staircase, we use the pain in the pain and go to another half of the hall through the lattice on the right side. Kill the couple of enemies, taking a memorial and go down. Penetrate the room next to the staircase through the grille. We restore the supply of energy and quickly rush to the elevator. Climbing higher and higher, constantly turn left. We pass through the grille and get to the elevator. Once on the top floor, we go right behind the memorial. Returning back, moving in the other side. Let's go down through the grille, boil through active points and get to the next elevator. If you did not have time, you will have to go down and resume the supply of energy. Rising upstairs, jump over the failures and get to the stairs. We use the pain pain, go down slightly lower to the debris and jump to the patch of sacrifices. We cling to the active point in the elevator mine (available with the ability of the "double jump") and supply to the pain of pain.

    After watching scientists, we go along the narrow passage along the destroyed wall. On the right there will be darkness - hide in it and appeal in the rat. We pass through the grille, we turn right and get to the dark plot where we accept the usual appearance. We are waiting for the appearance of a scientist and take possession of his body, attacking the back. We go to the door, we use a scanner and, hitting inside, get an antidote.

    Returning to Zobek headquarters, we enhance the antidote of Raisa Volkova. The vaccine has affected at all as we assumed. Instead of positive results, Raisa has gained even more power, spread the building and broke free. Zobek created a dome that would not allow other ministers to recover their allied. In the near battle, it is not very fond of building complex combinations: we apply two or three blows and bounce aside. In long battle, it will not be superfluous to use chaos shells. And finally, our ace in the sleeve is the dragon talisman. Be sure to let it go into force. When Raisa is removed from us without stopping, running around the territory, so as not to get under the flurry flying from above. We defeat the opponent and transfer to the castle.

    Parts of the mirror

    Rear - a room with an icing door. Use the chaos bomb to destroy ice. After activating the lever, we will fall into the wing of Berngards.

    We leave out, jump over the failure and go down to the pain in the pain. Returning back, we dreamed to the tower and pass through the bridge. We click on the wooden fortifications, they are moving to the right and necessarily highlight the active points so as not to miss the fork, leading up to the place where we can use the key to dungeons and get extra points.

    After moving through the failure, we dreamed of the destroyed tower on the right side (available with the ability of the "double jump") and select a soldier's diary. We get to the dilapidated tower, we climb upstairs and, in the end, tear down down. Before climbing the tower, we can go left and find a box of pain and a room with a map. We use conventional warriors to fill the concentration scale and subsequent collection of spheres in favor of the power of chaos, and then claws destroy the strong armor of the heavy warrior. The main opponent is a church who uses magic. Attacking it for every opportunity, especially when he gives the power of his wards.


    We activate the device, climb upstairs and pass inside the building. If you turn left before entering the left, we will get to the pain in the pain, bother to whom you can only with the ability of the "double jump". We interact with the statue in the room and we meet with Trevor. He asks to bring him a mirror of fate. On the right in the dark corner lies the body of a soldier - we take a diary. We are chosen out, following the pointer on the mini-card. At the fork, turn right (on the left - the pain of pain (available with the ability of a "double jump")). Climb upstairs and select a soldier's diary before the bridge. Crashing with the enemies, go to the building and interact with the statue on the right side. Go down and communicate with Agrusom - the brother of the late Pan. Agrus wants to revenge for the death of Pan, so he is so easy not to make up a mirror.

    It is necessary to get to the mechanism without falling into the eyes of Agrus. Made by the shadow dagger in the bell on the far wall on the left side and, without waiting, when the Agrus comes running, jump over the leaves on the right and grab about the ledge of the flower beds. We are moving to the end to the right, take a jump to the next ledge and go down to the safe area. Quickly run to the next flower bed, cling to the ledge and shift to the left. We go around the tree, turning into fog. We cling to the flowerbed with the monument, we move to the right and hide around the corner. Again, become a fog and go around two flower beds on the right side. Being behind the club, we are waiting for the ability to restore, and with the help of it, we get to the mechanism. We are not in a hurry to activate the mechanism, and again waiting for the restoration of the ability. By pressing the button, the Agrus will come running to us. We appeal to the fog and go to the outstanding goal.

    Rising on the elevator, we will find the statue of blood on the left, and the right is a statue of magic. We go to the open space, freeze the bird of the abyss, and take a fragment of the fate mirror. In a fight with Agrus, we try to dare more often than attack. We deliver the moment and block the simple blows of the enemy. Do not forget to use the kneon of the abyss, chaos claws and useful relics.

    In the park, where we hid from Agrusa, there are several places to get to which it is possible only with the ability of a "double jump". There are cobes of pain and a soldier's diary. One of these places in the far wall to the right of the gate, the other is not far from the mechanism that opens the gate. Go down to the water and take the diary of the soldier next to the tree. Virtually rising upstairs, on the right above we will see the ledge, leading to the pain in pain, to dope from which it will be possible only with the ability of the "double jump". We pass inside and activate the statue of the left. Returning to Trevor, give him the first fragment.

    We go to the round room, activate the lever and while the door opens, with the shadow dagger in the emerging targets. For a successfully passed test, we get extra points. We leave out, we are painting with enemies and interact with the device with the inserts of gold color. Rotate it, quickly and often pressing the buttons shown. On the other side there are a pain pain and elevator leading to the city of damned.

    Fur of law and order.

    Climb upstairs and go to the building. Raised the stairs to the right, we use the pain in the pain and jump down. We kill the soldiers, pick up the diary of the soldier and climb on active points. On the next right balcony there is a pillar of sacrifice. The balcony on the left side will lead to a pain in pain (available with the ability of a "double jump"). Then you jump over to the destroyed floor on the left side and use another paint pain. We get to the scene and activate the device at the wall on the left side to gain access to the statue of magic. We rise to the scene, climb the active points on the right side. By moving to the balcony, we select a soldier's diary lying on the right side. We go through the break and jump down. We use the pain in the pain and in the darkness we appeal in the rat. We pass through the grille and move along the scene until you find the grid. We run under the scene, we accept the usual appearance and throwing the chaos bomb to the mechanism. We turn into the rat again, climb on the right side and slowly overcome the traps. We overload the rope and return to the place where we first turned into a rat. Taking the face of Dracula, we climb upstairs, go down to the scene and pull the lever for marked on the mini card.

    We had the honor to take part in the puppet representation. Activate the lever on the platform and proceed to the case. Listen to a part of the story and put on the scene of the dice and scenery - workshop. After that, we continue the story. Next, in order of queue: Walter Bernhard, Castle, Demon, At the same time, a child and theater. Having finished, rising to the scene and take the heart from the hands of the child. Engineering a dock, which tells a familiar story about our overthrow his own son. The mirror of fate crashed, and his fragments scattered throughout the castle. The cooking time has time to demonstrate one of the fragments before they wake up the damned blood.

    Opponents are quite weak and their attacks are predictable. We are growing with Walter de Gray. We apply enough damage to the dock, periodically bouncing back so as not to get under his hands. In the fight with a dragon Sarganix we fear fiery breathing and sparkling traps. From the latter it is better to stay away at all. We finish the dragon, firing the chaos bomb to the specified glow. With a repeated appearance of a puppet, it will put more serious techniques into the course. When he hurts his fingers, without stopping, running around the territory to avoid the sparkling trap. If the enemy grabs us with his hands, then we break up, taking the shape of the fog. At the last stage, when the doll gets up on his arms, with a tack of handle or a chaos bomb in his head. Then run and applied as much impacts as possible. In the absence of magic, we open a cache in the wall and replenish reserves through the statue of magic.

    Onshaded, the dice will give a fragment of the mirror and remember us. We return to Trevor and give him the second fragment. Another fragment of the mirror is outside the castle. Trevor will take us to Zobek headquarters.

    Victor Belmont.

    Man in a cloak


    Zobek said that someone, perhaps the Messenger of the ministers, in search of us the cathedral was wandered. Going to parking, we are growing with new enemies. Before death, they explode with a large radius of defeat, so we run out as far as possible. We follow the sign on the mini-card and, without going inside, we continue to move on the road. We pass through the grille and take the memorial.

    Returning back, climb the elevator and we are afraid of obsessed. By jumping over the debris, we turn right and pass through the grille (if you go left, we will get to the room with a map). Moved forward, do not miss the break on the right side leading to the pain pain. Go down the lower and lower, then we climb on the design and, turning the right, use the pain in the pain. Deploy and move on the other side. We accept the shape of the fog to climb up the airflow. We climb the stairs and straighten with law enforcement fighters. Before the abyss is a box of pain, to get to which it is possible only with the ability of a "double jump". In the corner there is another air flow - climbing it, turning to the fog. We climb the stairs, open the door and jump down. We climb the active points on the wall and we are chosen on the surface (left - the path back).

    We climb up the active points on the wall on the left side (available with the ability of a "double jump"). We are chosen on the other hand and jump into a small plot. Turn to the right to the right of 90 degrees and dual jumping up to the next building. Jump out one more small plot in the corner from the right side and jump down to the memorial.

    Jumping over the wall, encounter a law enforcement fighters and a larger multifunctional fur. Use chaos bombs to destroy protective construction On the head of the fur and the subsequent damage on the head itself. We finish the fallen fur with ordinary whip. Next, we are out of order tools on it right hand And the right shoulder of the abyss. We are finally straighted with fur, conducting a combination of a whip.

    Following the sign to the building. We rise to the very top, activate the switch and go to the next location.

    Art area

    Jumping down, we immediately turn right and take the memorial. Behind there is a passage that will lead to another memorial. If you go left, then you will find a grid next to the wall, followed by a wolf altar and a magic statue. Moving along the road, soon discovering the person himself, whose power felt Zobek. An unknown in the hood is trying to hide from us and it succeeds, thanks to the huge monster that appears. We destroy obsessed, unfold and, approaching the gate of the cathedral, turn to the left. We are moving along the wall of the cathedral, until you find a memorial. We go into the tunnel and use the pain pain. Get to the hatch, go down and choose on the other hand.

    We destroy the enemies, go to the intersection and hit the fire staircase on the wall of the left building of the chaos bomb (the road to the right leads to the wall with break, followed by a statue of magic). We climb the stairs and active points. At the very top of the destroyed staircase there is a pain in pain, get to which it is possible only with the ability of the "double jump". Penetrating the building, jumping from one construction to another, as it should swinging on them. We rise higher and move on the other side. Go down to the pain in the pain, we use it and jump down. Extermining enemies, taking a memorial, re-climb upstairs and chose on the roof. Kill obsessed and go to the long-round pass on the right side. Selecting the elevator in the mine, we jump onto the intermediate floor on the left side and use the pain pain. At the very bottom of the mines there is a key well for the key from the dungeon. Returning to the roof, throwing the chaos bomb in the glow and thus omit the crossing, according to which it will not be possible to use.

    I freeze the waterfall with the abyss, quickly climb the active points on the ice and penetrate the building. Crazy with the enemies, pass through the grille and release the shells of the abyss in the pipes. We restore the power supply, come back and press the button. Rising an airflow, taking the shape of the fog. Molding the chaos bomb to the tank with a flammable, which breaks off and pierces the wall of the neighboring building. Jump everything below and below through breaks in the floor and in the end we will get on the parking lot. We restore health through the statue of blood and go to the passage on the right side. We climb the active points (available with the ability of the "double jump") and move into the room where the key well is located for the key from the dungeon. We go out and run to the end right - we will find a memorial. We return back, we get to the balcony on the design to the right of the gate of the parking lot and use the sacrifices column. We climb even higher on the column, penetrate the building and go down two floors below. We activate the switch and pass to the library.

    From the stairs, jump (available with the ability of the "double jump") up and pass to another part of the library, where we find the pain of pain. Also jump over the remote area in the corner to pick up the memorial. Go down and follow the sign, passing the enemies along the way. After a short meeting with a mysterious person in the hood, join the fight with the faithful assistant to Satan Avaddon. His weakness - Luminous heart. Apply strikes on it in the near battle or from the distance, throwing a very effective bomb of chaos. To replenish the scales of the abyss and chaos, we destroy obsessed and collect spheres. Avaddon is not as strong as it may seem at first glance, but some of his attacks can be dangerous. In particular, it is a sharp tail moving under the ground, from which you need to run away without stopping. It is necessary to run away and when the enemy enters the rage, after applying to it a certain number of damage. We finish AVADDON in QTE mode. On the wall there is a plot with a destroyed partition - we climb there (available with the ability of a "double jump") and use the sacrifice column.

    Go to the only passage. Ahead is an unlit room in which the switch is activating (right, behind the wall - room with a map; if you climb higher, go into a small room and climb the airflow, then return to the library). While the door opens, we take a memorial, which is subject to the items to the right of the switch.

    Let us go out and spread with the enemies. The tunnel on the right will put the room - a short path to the Holy Cathedral. If you go left, we will get in the alley with the Wolf altar. We climb along the active points, tinge to the signboard, jump from it on the arch (available with the ability of a "double jump") and use a pain pain. Returning back, we climb higher on the left side (where the glow) is immediately cling to the active point on the left. We climb through the wall, climb the building and use the pain pain. We return to the main road, we go through it to the end and, destroying the fur, use the pain pain. We run back to the post, climb on it and shift to the left to the building. Climbing up, we jump down on the right side and take the memorial. We repeat the previously done path, jump on a suspended design, swing it and jump over to the statue.

    Negal Meglamp.

    Penetrating inside, we choose to the stairs and go upstairs. We jump over the active points, shift around the wall and get to the pain of pain. Going down and below, soon you will find a statue of blood - we use it if necessary. Slowly go ahead, pass through the grille and overtake the person in the hood. The warrior of the Light Brotherhood deprived us of abilities. He knows how to block our attacks and its weapons are no different from our shadow whip, so they are driving away from directional strikes, and from circular - we jump. Returning here later, we climb the active points on the column. We pass to the end to the end, jump over the other side (available with the ability of a "double jump") and use a column of sacrifice.

    Lying down, the forces are returned to us. We often block the opponent's blows and counterattack. We try to keep at a distance to avoid the powerful combination rates of the warrior. At the last stage of battle, it is necessary to destroy all obeliski. We destroy a designed daemon, pressing the button after the reunification of the circles. Viktor Belmont - a defender of mankind, the last of the famous kind. He leads to a group of people who have not exposed to the virus. Tell him an antidote. As a gratitude, Victor decides to help us find the ministers.

    Following the Victor, jump down and activate the switch. We go further, cling to the staircase on the right side and go upstairs. Looking in the middle, take the shape of the fog to fly to the other side. Left - air flow, which can be reached with the ability of the "double stream". Insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole, sacrifice blood and climb the airflow. We take a leap forward and use a pain pain.

    Continuing climbing upstairs, get to the elevator. Outside, we will meet the bodyguard Zobek. Soon the enemies will appear - we destroy them together. Victor, sacrificing himself, will call the minister. This will allow you to track our goal. We take away from Victor a fragment of the mirror of fate and transfer to the castle.

    The damned blood absorbs Trevor and appears before us in the form of a creature, personifying everything nasty, which is in the soul of Dracula. In essence, we have to fight against two opponents. In both cases, in the near battle, we use the shape of the fog. By attaching the first enemy, the second will come out of it. We make a double jump to get to the head, and we apply shocks on it from the side that it does not erupt blood. We repeat the actions until complete destruction.

    Second minister

    Square of victory

    Climb on the balcony, clinging for an active point with a double jump. We go to the other end and supply to a perpendicularly placed balcony. We go inside and go down on the lift. Jump down, then even lower and, turning, use the pain pain. We move on the other side of the bridge, we climb on the signboard and overcome the failures with a double jump. We take a memorial and return to the Victory Square.

    The second minister is at the company's headquarters - the world leader in the production of weapons. You jump over a truck and wall on the right side and use a pain pain. Returning back, jump over the wall, we use a pain pain located near the left statue, and descend through the hatch next to the right statue. Get to the air flow and climb upstairs. In the future, a closed passage will be liberated in the next room, which will lead to an airflow. We rise halfway and use a pillar of sacrifice. Rising to the end to get to the hatch leading to the surface.

    Guido Sandor.

    You distract the moving and most remote borrowed mice from us. Quickly run on the other side and go down through the far floor lattice, contacting the fog. We take a memorial, hide in darkness and turn into a rat. We run through a narrow passage, we take the drawing of Dracula and detect the keyhole for the key from the dungeon. We return to the hall with guards. Being behind the wall, distracting moving and the most remote deeds from us. As far as possible, we approach the stairs, turn to the fog and, rising to the top, pass by the guard and through the grille.

    We are waiting for three vertical laser settings and, without stopping, we run forward, because if you stay on the floor cell longer, the protection system will be found. Double jump jump over horizontal laser installations and, by moving on the other side, climb the airflow to the middle of the middle. Fully restore the health and replenish the magic of the abyss and chaos through the corresponding statues. We rose on the elevator and, not paying attention to the Trevor, we go into the room. The servant of Satan Nemal Meglamp is striking us with a current, which leads to almost complete exhaustion. Let's come back here later to use the pain in the pain, which is at the top behind the back. We go out into the corridor and slowly pass through it to the end. We hurt nergula in the castle, where we will have much more chances to resist him. The enemy masters stone statues. At all three - one life. Each statue has unique abilities. We often take the shape of the fog and destroy the enemies one by one, while causing them damage in an arbitrary order. The latter will remain the most massive statue that made the abilities of the defeated statues. Practically dealt with the enemy, we are moving towards him, in time evading the electrical impulses. We destroy the statue and hijacked in her nerve.

    Mirror of Fate

    Overview Tower

    We climb on active points on the right side. Making a double jump and move to the sacrifice post. Returning back, go to the next room and jump down. Next to the column lies the body - we take the diary of the soldier. We go out and get to Trevor. We get a mirror of fate and transfer to Zobek headquarters.


    The last minister remained, which is much more powerful than his late brother and sisters. Together with the bodyguard Zobeka go on his search. Following the pointer, go down and use the fate mirror. Arrange fragments in its place. You can rotate for 360 degrees. Having done everything as needed, we go further and grab the hook. It is necessary to slip through fiery traps. The first erupts the fire once, after which the long break is followed - at this moment and move past it. The second trap is two eruptions with short breaks; The third is three eruptions, the fourth - four eruptions. In the next test, you need to send the bodyguard to the lever on the other side. We get up on the left cell and the shadow dagger in the platform in front of the partner. We get up on the right cell and throw the dagger into the platform to the left of the partner. We get up onto the left cell and throw the dagger to the platform before the partner. Quickly stand on the right cell and throw the dagger into the platform before the partner. Quickly get up on the left cell and throw the dagger into the platform to the right of the partner. It is impossible to allow fireball in us or in the bodyguard. If you stand on one of the cells for a long time, then the fire will appear on this side. Therefore, we do not allow the fireball in general to have to appear from the side where the partner is located, as he can no longer be able to dodge. On the right, behind the bars - the keyboard for the key from the dungeon.


    Once in the courtyard, we try to destroy dark monks as soon as possible. They prefer to attack from distant distances. Periodically, the monks are combined and become a single creature - a dark apostle. If approaching the apostle is close enough, it is capable of creating a shock wave for a second - bounce back or become a fog to avoid damage. On the right of the gate is the blood statue - we will replenish health if necessary.

    Synchronously pushing the levers and pass inside. The servant of Guido Shanndor calls Satan. When trying to stop him, the bodyguard stops our initiative, and we are transferred to the castle. We use a fate mirror and arrange fragments in its place. We get to the throne room, where we have to find out the whole truth. Dracula and his son Alucard, a reborn vampire, concluded a deal: Dracula voluntarily agreed to dive into sleep in order to wake up in a thousand years and once and forever committed to Satan, who will be called on the land by his ministers. Alucard will be the bodyguard Zobek and helps him find a Dracula. Everything went clearly according to plan: Let the servier hold a ritual. Guido disappears and Zobek appears, which is overlooked by us due to betrayal. The enemy skillfully uses his instrument. At first, it performs a circular attack, and then aimed, so actively accept the shape of the fog. In the breaks we are growing with the dead and, collecting spheres, we replenish the scale of the magic of the abyss and chaos. Having touched the forces, the bombs of chaos destroy creatures on the upper positions throughout the perimeter. By attaching the enemy, we appeal to the fog and pass to Zobek unhindered to finally deal with him. Alucard to go to search for the minister.

    After leaving the place of the battle, on the right side you will find a memorial and a pillar of the sacrifice, and with the left - the keyhole for the key from the dungeon. We leave out, we are painting with enemies and climb the active points on the other end on the left side. After some time, the search for Alucard was crowned with success, and he will notify us about it. We get to the alley, next to the Holy Cathedral in the Arts Area. The main pass is blocked, so we go around the right side. Having met Alucard, we go to the right, jump onto containers and interact with the sacrifice post. When we are ready, we climb the active points and penetrate the building. There will be no way back, so we buy in advance with everything necessary (especially the relics of the "Saint Tears" and the dragon scales) in the chupacabe shop, which is in the castle.


    Jump down, we go into the room and use the fate mirror. Preparinging fragments in its place, climb the stairs and observe the appearance of Satan. Having killed the minister, he shook at heaven on a huge Leviathan. We climb up the active points, avoiding energy bursts. We get to the chains and together with Alcurate drag for them. We continue to move along the active points and soon we can climb the back of the beast. We are growing with the enemies, pull the chain and destroy the monster.

    Satan puts up in Alucard and tries to set us against the son. The enemy is strong, hardy and incredibly fast. It uses powerful attacks in combination with simple blows that can be blocked. Periodically, Satan feels an energy blow to us: we are driving aside and join to avoid the shock wave. In the arsenal, the enemy has long attacks using dark matter. We use the Relics of "Holy Tears" to restore health. Applying enough damage to Satan, he will rise above us and start to fire. We run around the territory and bounce on time from dangerous sites.

    Gabriel Belmont Saved the world from Satan for the second time. And this time largely due to her son. After completing the game, the "Free Game" mode will be available and a new level of complexity will open - "Prince of Darkness".