Repairs Design Furniture

Electric trap for mosquitoes with their own hands. What a trap will help for mosquitoes. We make trap for OS

Trap plastic bottle - Safe, cheap design from undergraduated means, which can be installed on both the street and in the house. Constructed for 3-5 minutes. Depending on the chosen bait and temperature conditions It works effectively against mosquitoes and other insects 4-20 days.

Operating principle. Pregnant females of mosquito (they suck blood only) are looking for victims on thermal radiation and carbon dioxide, exhaled people and animals. Also, a lot of carbon dioxide is distinguished by alcohol fermentation, during which the yeast is processed by sugar into alcohol (alcohol). It is on this fact that the bait from mosquitoes consisting of water, sugar and yeast is based on. While fermentation goes the trap actively works.

For other insects, for example, flies, fruit flies and OS, "Braga" replace products with a strong smell: pieces of fruit, jam or honey. Part of the bottle is filled with water, on top of the "boat" from foil or other material put the bait so that it does not sink.

Inverted in dark fabric plastic bottle performs the function of the trap. Insects (especially mosquitoes) attracts the absence of light inside, they willingly fly on the smell of bait. Trying to get out of dangerous placeInsects always move to light or up, but due to the narrow cone-shaped hole and the lack of light pests sooner or later fall into the water, where they die.

Compound traps for mosquitoes:

  • plastic bottle of 1.5-2 liters - 1 piece;
  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 50 grams (2 tablespoons);
  • yeast (bakery) - 5 grams of dry or 25 grams of pressed;
  • dark fabric, paper or foil - a piece to overtake the bottle.

Depending on the temperature, the time of functioning traps for mosquitoes - 4-7 days (so far sugar does not move into alcohol). Then you have to change the bait. For other insects, a trap with bait from jam or honey acts a couple of weeks.

How to make a mosquito trap

1. Plastic bottle is cut to the circle diameter so that the upper cone-shaped part is about equal to one third of the length of the entire bottle.

2. Heat water to 30 ° C (not higher, otherwise yeast may die from high temperature and fermentation will not begin). Add sugar, mix. Make yeast, mix again.

If other bait is used, make a "boat", bending the edges of the foil along the edges so that the design is steadily held on the water under the weight of pieces of fruit, honey or jam.

3. Pour the mixture into the cut bottle. Top to install the cone-shaped part of the neck inside.

For the construction of traps from other insects, it is enough to add 200-250 ml of water to a bottle of water, to position the "boat" with the bait, then install the cut part.

If the joints fit are not tight, it is desirable to seal with a scotch tape or another adhesive tape so that carbon dioxide or other smell is only over the neck. Thanks to this, insects will not accumulate on the outside.

Nowhere from them there is no save. Fly and fly ... Itchy and oculate nasty zzzzzzzzzzz ... biting and biting ...

So got that I decided to devote them a whole post.

First, I suggest see how these vampires drink blood. Cute little, but it is necessary to know. "Song from this movie" also interferes a little, but the essence of the process does not overshadow ...

And now - a mosquito bite in HD quality, macro. Brrr ... I would never have thought that it was going on.

I did not find words to this, the emoticon did not come up with this - something between "tin" and "crazy, what a nightmare"

People's methods of scaring and rejuvenation of mosquitoes

After what the concept of "I love the world" gave another crack. Therefore, I remembered all those folk Methods Scaring these bloodsows that ever used or about which heard. About chemical somehow, if any of the people does not help.

So, what we need to do so that the mosquitoes do not get to us:

  • Decompose near the windows and rave bouquets over the door fresh Pijmasor walinkles. After drying, change (frighten)
  • Decompose the room finely chopped leaves of cherryuhi
  • Sprinkle valeric
  • Score Comarich Sok. basilica, castbreet And smell fresh carnations
  • Before bedtime in the headboard, you can drop a tiny droplet kamfar oil
  • Apply a few "points" anisov, kedrov, natives or eucalyptus oil On naked parts of the body.
  • Or drop the droplet from the above oils on the light bulb, and then turn on the light. Fumigator, however!
  • Well helps scare away
  • It is said that mosquitoes do not like blooming pelargonium and rosemary
  • Advise on the window to put fresh top Tomators, flowers and leaves black elderry or lavender, leaves mint., kotovnik Lemon, medicinal melissa. And a pleasant fragrance in the house, and mosquitoes must fly to the neighbors)
  • Divide in a small amount of water vanillin, Before going out to the street, rub my feet-hands (I generally simply with my hands all the open parts of the body completely "wash") helps!
  • "Sold" cologo "Gozdika". All childhood passed hand with this smell - probably helped if they sprayed them;)
  • You can ourselves make Lotion: clove oil - 1 part, cologne - 5 pieces, alcohol - 25 pieces
  • Make a decoction out roots of dusty (boil the handful of chopped roots in 1.5 liters of water) and handle their face and hands (here it is - another property of weeds !!!)
  • Grasp the open parts of the body with juice dwarm nettle
  • Wipe open parts pork Salom (Introduced ... ok))
  • If you have to sit at the lake (river, limana) on fishing, then good tool - Donate berezov Degtem Martial coloring on face, neck and hands. And be sure to put on the body a T-shirt made of volumetric yarn, and from above - a free shirt with a high collar and tightly fastened cuffs.
  • Old Ural way: dry horse manure Treat V. tin jar, let it flare and slightly. Gear smoke to lay down the country rooms, close the door-window tightly, and after 10-15 minutes to ventilate. The day three is the hungry komarich in the smoked room will not fly! Do not be afraid, there is no smell from manure too, but if something and remember, remember Maurice Gerald and Louise Pontrexter)) Ndaaaa ... I clarify the heroes of the Roman Main Reed "Rider without a head" ... Maurice was Mustanger, From here and inspired that the most romantic feelings of the smell of horse manure did not interfere with ... Uff ... who needs, he will understand ...
  • In the fire in the country can throw some plants chamomile pharmacy, mosquito, either do not like
  • Also scares Komarov smoke from cones (pine and fir) and needles juniper. (By the way, you need to try the bursts of the Tui! Who will try - tell me how the result ???)
  • Yazhnes are advised to fall spray Willow with leaves or lavender shoots
  • I heard that mosquitoes are afraid of smoke from settled leaves bosnes black
But the fresh smell of pine and fir mason like, so do not hide from them in the forest!

Trap for mosquitoes

I understand that everything you read can be boldly forget, because the trap for mosquitoes, which we can make it for 10-15 minutes, will reliably protect us from night vampirities without any additional conditions :)

We look, in delight, rejoice in the folk smelling and the non-real mind of our compatriots!

And for those who did not have time to read everything and remember while watching a video, duplicate with sleepy standing letters.

How to make a mosquito trap: instruction scheme

The shelf life of the trap - up to 2 weeks. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

This is an antitomarine monologue. For all the rules of drama - from the terrible beginning to a happy end))

I would be grateful to replenishing piggy banks of folk useful "anti-sobs" of advice. For it will mean that mosquitoes are afraid of more and more herbs, oils, smoke and cologne ...

Yes, their troughs will be afraid and weakened the itchy wings!
Let only boys be born!

Night "singers" in the summer they brought not only residents of rural houses, but even citizens living in the first five floors. Many different or premises are sold in stores. Most of them have enough complex conditions use or high price. A homemade trap for mosquitoes can be deprived of these drawbacks, since it most often is made from the girlfriend. Similar homemade are based on biological peculiarities of insects: the desire to find a source of carbon dioxide and night flights with orientation to the moon. The latter is the reason that night insects are "flying to the light."

On a note!

Not all insects fly to light. It will arrive at the light bulb or not it depends on what spiral it "went," focusing on the lamp, like on the moon. The narrowing spiral will lead it to the lamp, expanding will give the opportunity to fly away.

Views of homemade traps

This is the most common material for homemade. The principle of their device is the same: Komar flies into a funnel and cannot get back. To do this, the plastic bottle is cut into two unequal parts. A smaller part with the neck is tightly driven into the second part back side. The embarrassment for mosquitoes in such a trap can be different.

With carbon dioxide

The most common and simple in the manufacture homemade trap. Its action is based on the fact that by the smell of carbon dioxide allocated by living organisms. But carbon dioxide is distinguished not only warm-blooded creatures. Get gas using yeast fermentation. Yeast, feeding by carbohydrates, distinguish between a person like a person. Komar flies to the trap, "thinking" that this is a warm-blooded body. After penetrating inside through the funnel, the insect can no longer fail.

On a note!

A mosquito trap on carbon dioxide should not stand next to people. Man exhales more than a two-liter bottle with Braga.

In warm water, the sugar is stirred, the yeast is poured and poured into the prepared trap. The bottle is wrapped with a cloth or paper so that inside it was dark. Works such a trap week. Then the solution must be changed on fresh. If desired, you can do without yeast, simple water.

I would not say that it is very effective tool To destroy mosquitoes in the house. But here is the smell of yeast standing. As soon as the neighbors did not complain about moonshop. I can not say that this trap from mosquitoes helps well, but in it they were afraid.

Ekaterina Zamyatina, Moscow

Ordinary water

The action is based on the method of reproduction of mosquitoes. This variety does not prevent the female before. This is a street trap that will help to check the population of bloodsuckers.

The scheme, how to make a trap for mosquitoes on the principle of a reservoir, more complicated than just a trap with carbon dioxide. For such a device, a large bottle is needed, the water in which will evaporate slowly.

  1. Sorry cut off.
  2. In the bottle make holes for draining excess water and stick to them with trimming of the window grid. Optionally, you can make two more holes above the first to attach to them the carrying handle.
  3. The bottle is painted with black paint to get the effect of a dark standing reservoir.
  4. Top of a trimmed bottle winding the fabric so that it captures and the inner side. The top of the bottle is also closed with a window grid.
  5. Water poured into the bottle until it starts poured through the drain holes. The fabric is also wetted from the outer and inside.

The fabric should always be wet.

Mosquitoes, taking a trap behind the reservoir, lay eggs on the grid. The hatched fall into the water, but cannot get out of the trap after the completion of the development cycle.

Komarihi prefer "blooming" water, so a trap need to throw a bunch of grass to infect liquid with green algae.


The electric trap can be in three versions:

  • with a special lamp separating carbon dioxide;
  • with an energy-saving "ordinary" lamp;
  • with a fan.

Summer finally came, we are still waiting for the heat, and the mosquitoes are already here. Of course, it is unlikely that we will have the same invasion of insects, like, but it is still worth being prepared.

Found for you a cheap and simple device that can be made with your own hands. The principle of its work is used in American military bases in malaria zones with fantastic results. There are many options Ovitrap, some easy, and for others you need to use poison.

This mosquito trap is simple and extremely effective - kills a whole generation of mosquitoes before they get the opportunity to bite. After six weeks of use, up to 98 percent of insects die.

How it works

This mosquito trap is like honey for flies. They are looking for standing water everywhere in a dark place to postpone the eggs. For his short life period, they make up to ten wketches in different places. Mosquitoes live for the sake of blood, which they then turn into eggs. As soon as they get it, they are still rapidly looking for water.

As soon as the mosquitoes lay the eggs, larvae hatching, which crawl through the screen into water and turn into live mosquitoes, which are too large to fly through the screen. For a while you won't notice anything and it will seem that nothing happens in a trap, but this process can take a week or two. So keep pouring into the trap water, and six weeks later she will be full of dead mosquitoes.

On the territory of four thousand square meters It will take 4-6 such traps. As soon as you see that the trap is full, remove the screen, pour dead insects and plot the water.

Step One: What do you need

1. Normal plastic container, the bigger, the better. Better black, if not, you can paint or darken later.

2. Black socks.

3. Silicone-based glue.

4. Metal grid or screen.

5. Wire.

Tools: drill, nippers, scissors and chalk.

Step two: Drill two holes in the container at the top to see the wire later. Just below, drill holes with a diameter of 6 millimeters so that the water does not reach the metal grid.

Step Third: Stick black sock to container.

Apply glue to the bottom and then press the end of the sock. While glue dries, make the screen.

Step fourth: Place the container on the metal grid, circle the circle with chalk and cut the screens for future traps.

Pitch fifth: Slit pieces of wire to hang on them traps. It is usually enough half a meter length.

Step Six: Once the glue dries, pull the toe along the circumference of the container to the very end.

Step seventh: Gently insert the metal grid into the container and slightly push, so that the screen is above the drilled holes below. Mosquito larvae will creep through the grid to the water, will hatch and become too big to fly away. If the water level is above the screen, then the trap will not work.

Step eighth: Insert the sliced \u200b\u200bwire into the holes at the top and bend from the inside.

Step ninth: Dial the water bucket in the pond. Mosquitoes love exactly standing water, so fresh water will not work, it should be with a fusion.

Finish all traps in the bucket to fill them with water. Excess water Subscribe through drilled holes. You can add a couple of pieces of dry food for dogs so that water remains stagnant and after heavy rain.

Step tenth: Color traps and start killing mosquitoes. Spend better away from the sun and wind - on trees or bushes. Rainwater will replenish the trap that will work until the dead mosquitoes are filled.

The problem called "Mosquitoes got" is known to each of us. Its solution is relevant not only for summer residents and residents of the private sector located in the lake or other reservoir. Attack the bloodsouts of apartment owners in urban heights. Moreover, the floors are not a hindrance for them. Disappointed in the advertised destroyers, folk craftsmen are trying to find their method of struggle. Trap for mosquitoes with their own hands is an alternative to pills, ointments, aerosols, electronic trappers and other industrial manufacturers.

Can be made of girlfriend

The principle of operation of self-made and industrial catchers is based on the physiology of mosquitoes: they are attracted to heat, the smell of urea, isolated by sweating glanes, CO2 (exhaled gas) and water. Homemade mosquito trap does not require purchasing expensive chemicals, motion sensors. In his farm, there is always a piece of cardboard or other tight paper, Castor (castor oil), turpentine, rosin, water and sugar. From this set you can make a sticky canvas or tape. The work is as follows:

  • Prepaid adhesive lathes. To do this, in 5 tablespoons of water dissolves 3 tbsp. Sahara. Sweet liquid is heated before boiling. When stirring is brought to thickening.
  • Hot sugar syrup is mixed with a half cup of rosin, a quarter of a glass of turpidar and 100 g of castor oil to the formation of a homogeneous sticky mass.
  • The prepared composition is applied on the sliced \u200b\u200bpaper stripes or a whole format sheet.
  • The finished trap is placed near the resting place on the street or at the entrance to the room. You can put in the house and follow how mosquitoes will fly on the smell and stick to paper.
  • As insects filling in the insects should be changed. Usually, this is done once a week.

Attention! The other composition is used as an impregnation for paper belts: pine resin (0.3 kg), flaxseed oil (0.15 kg), bee wax (0.01 kg), honey (0.05 kg).

"Oda" plastic bottle

Capacity from plastic on domestic expanses is used in different areas. After its emptying, enterprising users do not throw away, but create a mass useful devices For home use. So for the fight against bloodsicles, she was useful.

For the manufacture of self-made catcher, it will take a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters, sugar sand (0.5 glasses), 5 g of yeast. The principle of operation of the future device is based on attracting insects to fly on the smell of carbon dioxide. It exhaless man and warm-blooded animals. This trap for mosquitoes from a plastic bottle is just attracted by insects from the source of CO2. The manufacturer's algorithm is.

  • Plastic container is cut across. There should be 2 fragments. The one that contains a cone neck must be at least 1/3 of the total length of the vessel.
  • The cone-shaped funnel is tightly inserted into the lower (bottom) part of the bottle in the inverted form.
  • The place of the joint of both halves is stuck with scotch.

The design of the catcher is ready. It remains to cook bait.

  • In half the glass slightly heated water (no more than 30 ° C) sugar dissolves. The yeast is then divorced (you can use the "saf-moment").
  • The resulting composition is well stirred and poured into the cooked plastic trap (the bottom bottom part).
  • The level of the sweet wandering solution should be such that the edges of the neck will not get to it.

It would be nice to use dark bottles from under beer or kvass so that mosquitoes do not scare the bright light. If the plastic is light, the design wrapped in opaque paper or a mirror foil. Soon B. installed trap Friction processes will begin with the allocation of attracting aroma mosquitoes and heat, to which mosquitoes also fly. Wall through a narrow neck, insects will not be able to leave. After the end of the fermentation process of the bait (and it lasts a few days), it should be replaced.

Attention! It is necessary to clearly observe the recipe in the manufacture of the solution. With insufficiently warm water, it may stop or not begin fermentation at all. And with an excess of sugar and yeast, the foaming increases: the solution will rise dramatically and starts to "get out" from the trap. In this case, it should be removed the extra foam.

Such a device is easy to descriptive and install in the house or on the veranda. A undoubted "plus" traps are considered ease of manufacture, autonomy and silent work.

A simple mosquito trap can be made of a piece of gauze, lubricated insect glue. The treated canvas is stretched on the ventilation holes, mines. You can use it for window openings.

Western for insects based on UV radiation can be made from a daylight lamp with a capacity of 20 W, concluded in the reinforcement from the grid. Mesh weaving are two metal wires under voltage. For maintenance safety, the model is placed in a woven grid case. Works trap as follows: mosquitoes attracted ultraviolet radiation, fly to it, fall under the tension filed on the electrical grid. The device on one side struggles with insects, the speaker is another - is a source of soft calm lighting.

Electronic device from economy lamp

If you are friends with electrical engineering, then the economy class lamp with a resource used can be applied to homemade design traps. You will also need a high-voltage module and a finger battery.

  • The light is disassembled, the desired details are removed.
  • 2 holes are drilled in which a soft aluminum wire is used. One end is fixed, and the wire on the helix wounds on the light bulb.
  • The remainder is bought it.
  • The same operation is performed from the other end, through another drilled hole.
  • Two "native" wired ends come out of the light bulb. One of them is connected to the end of the wound aluminum wire And tightly spinning on it.
  • The remaining 2 outputs (from the bulb and aluminum wire) are connected to the module, previously connected via the switch to the battery.
  • The connected module wear a light bulb with high-voltage winding. It is necessary to make it so that the wiring on both parts coincided, and their contact occurred.
  • The resulting device trap turns on, the lamp lights up. Mosquitoes fly to her light. As soon as they enter the lamp body with a wire, immediately affected by the current discharge.
  • A polyethylene cover is used as a pallet for fallen insects. It is glued with construction glue to the lamp donkey.
  • At the top of the catcher for hanging from the wire, the loop is performed.
  • The device works when the total light is turned off.

Night "catch" mosquitoes

Well, if there is a blood circuit at all. ... our compatriot includes a vacuum cleaner at 3 o'clock and collects them from the walls and the ceiling.

In the case of the premises of the room with mosquitoes, one catcher will not be enough. Strengthening effect is achieved by alignment in all rooms in problem areas of several traps different design. It is necessary to take into account the moment of addiction. If the trap is detected, the trap does not act (there are no or few insects), the design itself or the bait needs to be replaced by a new one, and in time to return to the previous option.