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Analysis of the poem "Spring Thunder" Tyutcheva F. I. Analysis of the poem "Spring Thunderstorm" Tyutcheva Spring Thoughts Analysis

The poem "Spring Thunderstorm" is one of the most popular in Tyutchev heritage. It refers in the early period of his creativity, and it is better to understand this work will help a brief analysis of the "Spring Thunderstorm" according to plan. This analysis can be used in the lesson of literature in grade 5 as the main or auxiliary material.

Brief analysis

History of creation - The work was written by Tyutchev in 1828 and the next year was already published in the magazine "Galatia". However, the poet returned to him in 1854, several conversion. Today, it is known exactly the second version of his writing.

Subject - Thunderstorm as an eternal movement, as a change symbol, as a new birth sign.

Composition - Three-part. The first part, she is stanza, opens the work, the fourth - closes, and the two centrals create the main image, "draw" a thunderstorm.

Genre - landscape lyrics with elements of philosophical reasoning.

Poetic size - A four-stranded jamb with pyrroce and cross-rhyme, women's and men's rhymes alternate.

Epitts"Spring, first thunder", "blue sky", "young rolled", "rain pearls", "bird gam", "loud-up Cup".

Metaphor – “sun thread Golden“, "Thunder rich", "dust flies."

Elimination"The flow runs", "thunder is sports and playing."

History of creation

The poem "Spring Thunderstorm" has a double dating. It was written by a young poet in 1828, when he was in Germany, and the year of his first publication was the 1829th. The reader first saw it on the pages of the magazine "Galatia".

However, after many years later, in 1854, Tyutchev unexpectedly returns to this poem and significantly reworking him by adding the second storm and changed the first.


Describing a thunderstorm, the poet precisely makes it the main topic of his work. At the same time, it shows it not just as a natural element, but as a symbol of the desire for change, the sign of what they will come.

Showing a natural phenomenon as a sign that talks about the birth of something new, the poet holds a very subtle parallel between the world of people and the environment surrounding them. It shows that youth is similar to the thunderstorm described by him: they both declare themselves very loudly. Thus, the main thought of the work lies in the fact that man and nature are united.

The personification of natural phenomena, giving them the traits characteristic of people, becomes the through the idea of \u200b\u200bthis verse. Frightened faucets are similar to children, and Tuchka is having fun, spilling water to the ground.


Composite This product is divided into three parts. The first stanza displays the main image of the poem - thunderstorm, thus determining its topic.

The second part consists of two stanza, in which different pictures are drawn associated with this natural phenomenon. The artistic space created by Tyutchev is filled with radiance and light. Here the poet conducts an analogy with the behavior of a young man who broke out from under parental care and dreams of trying all the pleasures of this world, to learn everything about him everywhere.

The divine beginning, which the poet sees in nature, is shown in the third part - the fourth quatrain, in which the laughing goddess hebules sheds lightning and thunder. With the help of an ancient Greek plot, Tyutchev metaphorically shows that hundreds of years before that and hundreds of years after the thunderstorm will rattle all the same. Thus, the thunderstorm image is reflected, the cyclicality of the world is demonstrated. With the help of magical history, the poet completes the narrative of the natural phenomenon, giving it a philosophical character.


This is an excellent sample of the early landscape lyrics of Tyutchev, in which, however, are clearly traced and philosophical moments, because the poet likes the thunderstorm, which threatens and changes the world, youth. That is, arguing about the world of nature, he simultaneously argues about the world of people.

Characteristic of Tyutchev poems Size - a four-stranded jamb with pyrroy - makes a poem with a light on sound and at the same time very melodic. This effect is complemented by the cross rhythm, in which the male and female rhyme alternates.

Means of expressiveness

Without the use of the paths, the poet would not be able to create such bright images. Artists are not so much, but they are all in their place. It:

  • Epitts - "Spring, First Thunder", "Blue Sky", "Young Roll", "Rain Pearls", "Bird Gam", "Through Cup".
  • Metaphor- "The Sun of the Night Gold", "Thunder Screaming", "Fly Fly".
  • Elimination- "Flow running", "thunder is sports and playing."

So that the picture of the thunderstorm was even more realistic, the poet resorts to such a reception as alliteration, playing with the letters of r and r.

The abundance of verbs allows, on the one hand, to create a very rich picture of nature with an ever-changing effect, on the other - to make a dynamic poem entirely.

From year to year, in early May, Spring claims itself to spring thunderstorms. It is Spring that inspires many poets to create true masterpieces. The present symbol of the renewal of nature and human soul was this season in the poem of Tyutchev "Spring Thunder". Analysis According to the plan of this creation of the ingenious Russian wizard, you can carefully trace.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev not in one essay sulled nature as a living being endowed with human feelings and features. At all stages of the creation of the poet, the topic of the unity of man and nature is traced. It paints the world with many-sided and diverse, constantly moving and changing. Only a person who is finely felt by nature, who knows her character, was able to choose the words for the poem "Spring Thunder". An analysis of it will prove the genius of this masterpiece.

The time of creating a poem

Start an analysis of the poem F. I. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm" stands with the history of its occurrence. For the formation of Fedor Ivanovich as a poet and the writer influenced many factors. As soon as he graduated from Moscow University, he was offered a job abroad. Tyutchev moves to Germany and becomes freelance attasses with a mission in Munich. There Fedor Ivanovich spent 22 years. Despite the remoteness from the native land, he continued to love him and treat Russian culture and nature with warmth.

It was singing the beauty of Russian fields, rivers, mountains, was able to express his most bright talent outstanding poet. Before analyzing the poem of Tyutchev, "Spring Thunderstorm" it should be noted that it is rightly considered to be classic. Allocate two dates of writing this masterpiece. The first time he was printed in the magazine "Galatia" (1829 g). After 25 years, already in Russia, the poet made amendments to the first street and added one more.

In the analysis of the poem of Fyodor Tyutchev, "Spring Thunderstorm" should be remembered that it belongs to the early stage of the work of the master. What was the reason for writing this essay, is it only the impressions of the spring thunderstorm? There is an opinion that I could affect the love of Wife Eleonora. Tyutchev was then 22 years old, and he just married. About the inspiration of the poet can be judged by the last stanza ("You will say ..."). The tone of the poem is very joyful - nature is recovered from the winter sleep.

Main theme

Continue analyzing the poem of Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm" is necessary with the definition of the main topic. The poet is colorfully drawing a spring thunderstorm reader. Thunderstorm acts as a movement leading to changes and the birth of something new. Fedor Ivanovich parallel compares the nature and peace of people. Spring thunderstorm compared with youth, the initial stage of the formation of the human soul. Coming out of children's age, youth trying to loudly declare his existence.

Tyutchev shows the reader an unusual thunderstorm. This is not a formidable and frightening element, but a beautiful, strong and triumphant phenomenon.

The main thought of "Spring Thunderstorm"

What idea is the creation of Fyodor Ivanovich? The author tries to show that a person is part of this world. Sky, water, the sun he attributes human traits. Life with a thunderstorm is updated, its meaning is illuminated from the inside. When there were peace and silence, the soul did not hear a gust. Thunderstorm becomes a symbol of desire, the exit of the internal forces of the human soul. With a thunderstorm, existence becomes bright and intense.

An unusual thunderstorm author shows the opposite direction of the whole being. He teaches the reader to look at all the peripetics and life thunderstorms from the positive side. Life, like the phenomenon of nature, is a raging, sparkling, shining. Everything is in dynamics, thunder "Sports and playing", and all the living he rejoices - birds, rain, waterfall. Cloud also laughs, shedding water. The description of the first rain is made in a joyful mood.

Features of the plot

As ordinary words, the artist creates a miracle - a thunderstorm draws in such a beautiful light that the reader has to just enjoy. Initially, the author reports that the spring thunderstorm for him is joy. He loves to look at the blue sky, where the first rollers are heard. He calls them young. Then it rained, dust flew. Birds began to rejoice in the thunderstorm and shouted. Then the poet compares a thunderstorm with mythical phenomenon. The rain is similar to him on the nectar of the goddess of adolescence of Geba (from ancient Greek mythology shed from the Cup.

Composition and genre

An analysis of the poem "Spring Thunderstorm" Tyutchev will be incomplete without mentioning its construction. This amazing essay is completely small, consists of four stains. The stanza is called a certain number of lines that are combined with a common rhyme. In this case, the author uses four-hundred.

The first stanza gives the definition of the topic and introduces mainly a thunderstorm. The second and third stanza is a description of the very element. In the fourth stanza, the phenomenon of thunderstorms is associated with the Divine Benefit. All stuffs are harmoniously flowed alone to another. In the last part, the author is trying to predict the thought of the reader about what is happening. Regarding the genre it is worth noting that this is the usual lyrical poem.

The image of thunderstorms

Tyutchev provides the reader a single image - a thunderstorm. It is perceived by the young creature, which buffels joyful power. The poet clearly recreates many characteristic features of this image. Fyodor Ivanovich shows an unusual rain. Usually everything starts with spohable clouds, dark low sky. Such a picture cites fear and horror. Tyutchev has everything differently: the element is described easily and joyfully. Thunder rang out, but he is not terrible at all. The poet shows the spring thunderstorm with a lightweight rehearsal before stormy year rains. The rain did not go, did not water, but just splashed. F. I. Tyutchev has a different poem - "As a rumble of summer storms, in which the poet shows a completely different element.

Very unusual ending poem. Tyutchev recalls "Windy Gebe" and Zeus. Why does he do it? Everyone knows that Zeus was considered the main ancient Greek God, the thumbnail, he symbolized the strength of the Sun, immortality and fire. The myths said that the booms for throwing lightning were in the claws of the Eagle Zeus. This bird came to the myth to eat the goddess of eternal youth Gebe. What changed Tyutchev in his poem with respect to myif? Tyutchev decided to show that laughing heba poured a boiling cup to Earth. This very author exhibits his joyful world view. He has an unusual thunderstorm image, he is fantastic, mythical.

Is it only about the thunderstorm in the poem? The reader is finely traced the soul of the poet, caring for love for a woman. Unusual images and phenomena, the author shows the state of his soul so that others felt his happiness and joy.

Language Features

The imagery and meaning color of the creation of Fyodor Ivanovich are achieved with the help of artistic and expressive agents. The author uses neutral in vocabulary stylistics. All conditions and actions in the work are transferred to the verbs of personal form or verbalia. With each new verb, the poet contributes a new picture to the masterpiece. At first he talks about risks, then about the rain, then about dust. Everything is replaced dynamically.

F. I. Tyutchev is a master of colorful epithets, and he once again proved in the "Spring Thunderstorm". He calls "young", pearl - "rain", the stream is "prompt." The poet uses a number of personification, which inanimate phenomena (pearl, thunder, stream) give the ability of living beings. Did not leave the master his creation and without metaphor, inversion.

Means of expressiveness

For disclosure of the poetic image of a thunderstorm, the author uses a lot of sonorous consonants, as well as alliteration with the sounds of "p" and "g" ("gromme groking"). Assonance is found in the poem when the same vowels are repeated to give it special language expressiveness. With the help of trails, the poet turns Thunder in a smart and mischievous boy, which is sports and plays. On the sun, the threads of the rain droplets that resemble pearls on the branches of trees.

Reading Evaluation

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a real Orpheus, chasing Russian nature. What do contemporaries see in his poem "Spring Thunderstorm"? Many conclude that people need to survive a thunderstorm at least once a year in order to understand that all dark events end with joy, peace of mind and confusion.

Nowadays, when everyone moved away from nature, this work is very relevant. Readers immediately remember the greatness and beauty of the foundation of the entire live. Everyone wants to return to its origins and express your warmth, appreciation. Readers are admired with what skill Tyutchev focuses on the spring natural phenomenon. He did not just poeticed a thunderstorm, but endowed her deep philosophical meaning.

In landscape lyrics, Athanasius Feta has a lot of poetic works devoted to such a beautiful period of the year as spring. And it is completely natural. After all, Spring is associated with revival, with a new life, which manifests itself after winter cold. Looking at all changes that occur in nature, Fet and created its melodic and graceful creations.

The poetic work "Spring Thoughts" refers to a group of such excellent work. The first lines describe the stunning renewal of nature. Birds are returned from distant edges, ice frees the river and gives her the opportunity to ruin with new forces, the sun warms the Earth with its warm rays.

However, in the last rows, the poet writes that the cold winter, which preceded the beautiful spring, between the beloved there was a quarrel and now the lyrical hero is not sure if everything is for the better. It remains only to hope.

The peculiarity of this poem is constantly repetition of the word "again." What does it say about? About the inexhaustible cycle, in which all life on Earth is drawn. Every year spring generates life and raises new plants from the ground. Every year, people find and lose each other. And with this, unfortunately, nothing will do anything.

One person, some relationships - it's just a bang, which is in the first dungement of the breeze. However, all living things have the right to real happiness. Therefore, the lyrical hero, shifting thoughts in her head, hopes only for the best ..

Often spring in lyrics acts as an personification of revival, awakening, the symbol of the appearance of a new life. This time of the year brings with you joy and extraordinary spiritual ascent, gives hope for the best future. Many poems dedicated spring Fet. Among them - "I'm the Verba all fluffy ...", "More Spring scented Nega ...", "I came to you with greetings ...", "The first valley", "the depths of Heaven again clear ...", "More Spring - as if unearthly ... "," More May night "," what evening!

And the stream ... ". Most of them are imbued with delight associated with the arrival of spring. The lyrical hero, as well as the surrounding nature, welcomes the changes occurring. Perhaps he is not fully aware of why spring gives rise to such emotions in his soul, which does not prevent them from being completely.

The poem "Spring Thoughts" begins with a positive note. The hero is inclined to perceive the spring as the time of hopes, love. The first four lines of the work are devoted to the description of the landscape. The poet tells about the flying birds that are flying in the afar, warm the sun, waiting when the fragrant lily of the valley will bloom. In the second

strozhan reflected the spiritual experiences of the lyrical hero. Landscape, which he observes, creates light feelings and emotions. His heart worries, blood sticks to the cheeks. It seems that the endless love is completely close, this is about to come and tighten into their whirlpool. The mood of the third quatrain is somewhat different from the mood that reigned in the first two. From the final stanza, it becomes clear that in the winter the lyrical hero had close relationship with a kind of woman. Most likely, there was a disorder between them. Now the man is not sure that in the spring, the medium of nature swelled they will be close again. Nevertheless, he does not leave hope for coming happiness.

In all three Straas, Athanasius Afanasievich repeats the word "again." Thanks to this, the reader has a feeling of a cycle of life, constant repeatability of things and phenomena. Every year spring comes, snow melts and stretch to the warm sun plant, every year people fall in love and part. The world exists according to the laws in force hundreds of years. Aligning details are changing, the first tools remain unshakable. The lyrical hero is only the grave in a huge universe, a small part of the eternal cycle. However, he has the right to happiness, for love, on joy, awakened in the spring.

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