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In which poses it is better to take pictures on the street. What is static and "with what they eat"? Poses for photography in the forest

Dream will learn how to photograph professionally, but you can not find time and finance for visiting specialized courses. Our article will help you solve this problem in a few minutes. From it you will learn what postures will help you make beautiful, original and natural photos.

  • Every person at home can see hundreds of photos. But very often in this huge quantity it is not possible to find even a few decent pictures. This is connected with the fact that we practically we will take pictures, without thinking about the landscape around us, light, and, of course, about in which posture
  • It is usually a good view that allows you to make the most natural snapshot, which conveys the nature and mood of a person. In addition, the correct posture can help break the flaws of the figure and emphasize all its advantages.
  • Professional photographers know a lot of interesting angles, allowing them to take photos that are not ashamed to show friends and acquaintances. For this, they take into account the time of year, the mood and type of the figure of a person, and already relying on this data, decide which posture will be optimal
  • If you also want to feel like a real fashion model, then let's deal with what angle will help you make an original and beautiful picture

How beautiful to be photographed: poses

Successful Pose for Women's Photo Session

If you are going to arrange your first photo session, then remember the main thing, you must receive the maximum pleasure from the process. If you do not like something, and you will be tense, it will immediately feel the camera and photograph to get unscracing. So try to behave most naturally and do not smile if you do not want it.

Basic postures:

  • View over the shoulder. Snapshots made from this angle are obtained very penetrated, so most suitable for portrait photos. But in order for the picture to be perfect very important to keep the neck and back. If you lift your shoulder very highly, then people will seem that you have no neck
  • Hands of the face. This posture is also perfect for a portrait. You can launch your hair, and to bring the other to the chin and relax a brush slightly. In this posture, the main thing is not to show the back side of the brushes in the frame. It will look not very beautiful and create a certain imbalance with your face.
  • Focus on elbows. You can rely on the elbows as sitting and lying. In this case, your smile will play the main role. It should be natural and open. So you can close as much as possible to the camera lens, thereby showing the surrounding how open you are

Winning Posses for Photos
  • Very often in social networks you can see candid photos of girls made in the bedroom, on the beach or on the dance floor. On them, ladies are posing in vulgar poses, unnaturally bending their body and hands. The worst thing is that they do not even think about the fact that in the future these pictures can see their children and parents of her husband
  • Therefore, if you do not want to get into such an unpleasant situation, then try minimally to collapse your body and in no case do not accept the poses. Photographed without clothes pervertible only on the beach, and then if you have an ideal figure

Original postures for domestic photos:

  • Take your hands. Very often incorrectly arranged hands spoil the photo. It is they who pass on how tense and the man are stressed. Therefore, if you want to look as much as possible, then take something wrong. Take a flower in them, a soft toy or what kind of original decor. If the concept of a photo shoot does not imply the use of any foreign objects, then let the hand play with curls
  • Take pictures standing. In this case, it is also strictly forbidden to stand at a fast. Try to make your body to be relaxed, but the posture remained perfect. If you do not want to seem older than you are, then try not to tilt your body towards the lens. In the event that you are very much closer to him, then in the photo I will be visible all flaws of your skin and it will make you visually less attractive

Beautiful poses for photo on the street

Successful postures for photographing
  • If you want your photos to get the most picturesque, then spend a photo session on the street. In this case, you will not have to spend money on extra entourage, because the sun, the sky, beautiful buildings, scenic reservoirs and cozy courtyards will be used as original scenery.
  • If we talk about the theme of the city photo shoot, then it can be completely different. Depending on the site you like, a photo session can be romantic, family, beach or fabulous

Poses for street photo shoot:

  • Triumfator. Such an angle will show others that you like to be in the spotlight. So, find a beautiful place, relax, lift both hands up above your head and bend one leg in the knee. At the same time, your chest should be as pulled as much as possible and slightly tilted forward.
  • Supermodel. Take a relaxed pose and distribute the weight of your body to one thigh. Wide the second leg forward slightly, removing the foot to the side. For more natural, put one arm on the thigh, and to a friend to lower the body. I need to keep my head as much as possible without tilting it in any direction
  • Support for item. As a support, you can use a car, a large tree, the wall of the house or garden bench. All you want to do in this case will learn it, for example, to the wall and slightly cross legs. If we talk about hands, then they can also lie on the wall or just play with hair or love to others

Pose sideways for photo

Pose sideways
  • If you want to look slightly trying to take pictures in the side postures. They will help smooth all the minor flaws, hide fat folding and make you visually higher. But if you will be photographed from this point, then special attention is paid by clothes.
  • She must sit on you perfectly. If the dress, blouse or trousers will be small for you, then you will not be able to move freely. Burglary Open will add you weight and make you non-existent folds


  • Become sideways to the photographer and incarn the back of the letter S. The face is lifting, and the hands are crossed in the waist area or put on the hips. Consider the fact that in such a posture weight should be distributed only on one leg. Another leg should remain completely relaxed
  • If you have beautiful hair lengths, then try to show them around. To do this, stand sideways to the camera lens and start moving your head so that the hair flutter. Ask the photographer so that she captures you exactly from such an angle
  • You can try to take pictures in a sitting side pose. To do this, sit on the ground and lean against the wall or tree trunk. At the same time, keep your back straight, but put your hands on your foot, bent in the knee. Another leg should freely lie on the surface of the earth

Poses for photo in dress

Poses for photo in dress
  • Photos on which the woman is imprinted in the dress is always gentle and beautiful. It does not matter short or long, evening or everyday, usually such pictures always emit positive energy.
  • Of course, in this case, an important role is played by the right post. It will be better if you refuse ridiculous photos and make a truly romantic and feminine pictures
  • Do not forget that the dress should go well with the surrounding environment. And if you, for example, wearing an evening outfit, then spend a photo session on the beach in such a dress forbidden

Ideas for photo shoot in dress:

  • In the event that you are dressed easy summer dress in the floor you can try to take a picture in motion. Sit, for example, on a swing and start swing. Snapshot should be done at the moment when your dress will start beautifully waiting in the wind
  • Stand straight, slightly lift your head and bring back. Put one hand on the thigh, and the other is slightly removing the hem of its outfit. Do not forget to smile cute
  • If you want to show your beautiful figure, then we dress the tight short dress and lie in it in it in such a way that all your bends are visible. On the stomach in this case it is impossible to place as in such a posture on the finished photo only your head will be visible

Posses for photo in full growth

Interesting Pose for Women's Photo Session
  • Absolutely all people seek to look beautiful in the photos. But unfortunately, the camera loves everyone, and if a person does not know how to serve himself correctly, it immediately affects the pictures. This is especially noticeable in photographs on which people are captured in full growth.
  • But still there are several poses, with which every person can cope. Believe me if you are calm, cheerful and confident, your pictures will be worthy of any fashion magazine
  • Concentrate the severity of the body on some one leg and make movements that imitate calm walking
  • Put the feet as close to each other and bend one leg into your knees. Hands at it put on the hips and keep them relaxed in the waist area
  • Oh up your shoulders about any support, take a little back of your hands. Leave one leg as a support to stand on the floor, bend another and lean back to the point of support
  • Take a relaxed pose, carrying the severity of the body from one foot to another. Hold your head as much as possible and slightly burn back

Poses for photo with baby

Children's photo session
  • For any married couple, the child is the biggest happiness. That is why they try to capture all his achievements and pleasant moments of life
  • But since all the kids are terrible fidgets, then make a good photo it is possible very rarely. Therefore, if you want a kid at least a little listen to your wishes, then spend a photograph in a game form


  • Place your child in the garden and put on it as you can more toys. Wait until the kid begins to play enthusiastically and only after that start shooting it.
  • Let the dad or grandfather comes with his knees and puts the child to himself on his back. Try to laugh it than anyway at this moment, and when the kid sincerely laughs Make a photo
  • Offer your crumb to catch up bubble And take a picture of it for this occupation. If you wish, soap bubbles can be replaced with bright balloons, believe me in any case such photos will be very touching

Poses for photo in summer

Poses for flight photos

Summer photo sessions are always very bright, original and colorful. This contributes like nature, so the mood of people. It happened so, but in the summer we become more fun, energetic and cheerful. And it is such an internal state that contributes to the fact that the pictures during this period are obtained as vital and natural as possible.

Poses for flight photos:

  • Lady on the bench. Such angle is suitable for absolutely all women. For such a snapshot, you will need to find an old shop in the park and how to lie on it. Your body should be as relaxed as much as possible, one hand lie on the back of the bench, and the other elegant to sign
  • Crossed hands. Such a posture is ideal for street photo shoots. All that you will need to do in this case is just to be opposite what neither be beautiful building and cross hands on the chest
  • Pose lying. Stick to the green grass and thoughtfully look at the sky if you want such a picture to get the most gentle as possible, then dress a light flying dress, and decorate your head with a wreath of wildflowers

Poses for family photo

Pose for a family photo shoot,
  • With the right approach, the family photo session can be an ideal pastime for the whole family. If your family has small kids, then think about it in advance how you will entertain them so that they agree for a long time Posing in front of the camera
  • In general, try to draw up a certain shooting plan and, if possible, stick to it. And remember, group pictures are obtained alive if they are removed in motion, so if you want your family photo to work as much as possible, then do them while your relatives will play football, swim, fry kebabs or just roll on the grass

Ideas for family photo:

  • If you want to get beautiful frame, Then try to make a group photo in the jump. Optimal option For such a frame, a beautiful forest glade or picturesque river bank. Find the most comfortable spot, become everything in one row, and all at the same time jump. Try to all at the same time looked into the camera lens and openly smiled
  • If your family is still only from three people, then try to make a gentle homemade photo. within the walls of your home. To do this, it is convenient to stay on the bed or on the floor by the fireplace and put your little treasure with each other. Ask grandmother or grandfather laugh baby, and when he smile Make the perfect shot
  • Make dad center photo. Put it for a beautifully served table, and you will wave for him, as close as possible by leaning my head to Him. If desired, the head of the family can be put on the floor, and around him sear all his households. In such photos, smiles play not the last role, so it will be better if there will be no pensive views and extinct eyes on the family photo

Successful postures for full girls

  • Frequently often ladies with lush forms flatly refuse to be photographed. It seems to them that the camera makes them even less attractive and more voluminous. But still if you know a few secrets, even such forms can be made the main highlight photo
  • The main thing, do not try to hide your completeness of baggy outfits, fully hiding your body. Choose a beautiful summer dress for a photo shoot, a pencil skirt and a light romantic blouse or trendy jeans and an original T-shirt
  • Choose outfits that will show those surrounding the most attractive parts of your body. Also, do not forget that the pyshes are categorically forbidden to be photographed into profile and face. Optimal are considered pose sideways or three quarters

Poses for lush ladies:

  • If you take pictures of all the growth, then in no case will not stand smoothly. Try slightly set one leg forward and lean to the side. At the same time, the hands should be in the field of the waist, and the head must be assigned to the opposite side of the side of the body
  • Sitting Pose must also be removed with a slight slope. In this case, too, it is necessary to abandon horizontal and parallel lines. The best seating pose for pieces are the angles, in which their legs are at different heights.
  • Full women are very well obtained in the pictures on which they are captured lying. With such an angle, the chest and thighs, and the priest look quite advantageously. Unlike wellness, they can safely pose lying on the stomach

Video: Posted on photo shoots (Fundamentals of paired posing)

If you suddenly overtake creative deadlock, new ideas ended or just looking for a small tip for photography of the girl, then you can use sketches as a starter crib, because they are one of the most important stages Preparations for. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography. Many professional photographers Use such a technique when preparing and during a photo session. Pose of girls for photo shoot From this article should be used as initial recommendations, and it is best to view and discuss the proposed perspectives with your model, especially if it has little experience. Thus, you will be able to establish a psychological contact with the model. During the photo session, do not hesitate to ask the model of her opinions, what poses she more like. It helps and model, and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end - get worthy. It will be very helpful if the model thinks about the photo session that she wants to see in the pictures, what does it want to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Can something romantic? Or some special character traits? What options will be better to be able to succeed? The following poses are a prompt not only for the model, but also for the photographer, they can be printed or throw themselves onto the phone and carry with them like a crib, which will help you at a difficult moment.

In this article, a photo as an illustration was chosen to each post. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //, copyrights belong to their authors.

So, look: successful poses Girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often when shooting portraits and model, and the photographer forget about the position of the hands. However, it may turn out something creative if you ask the model to play with your hands, trying different positions at the head and face. The main thing is to remember one rule - no flat, intense palms: the brushes should be soft, flexible and, it is desirable that they are not turned directly into the frame of the palm or the brush rear.

3. Probably you are familiar with such a composite rule as.

4. Very cute pose for a seated model - with switches switched together.

5. Another open and attractive posture - the model lies on the ground. Source and make a frame with almost the ground level.

6. And again the option for the position is lying: you can ask the model to play with your hands - folded them or calmly omitted to the ground. Beautiful angle for shooting on the street, among colors and herbs.

7. The most elementary pose, but it looks just stunning. It is necessary to remove from the bottom level, go around the model in a circle, making pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the hands, brushes, heads.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions Foot and hands, focus on the eyes of the model.

9. Pretty and playful posture. Great for almost any interior: in bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a picture of the model from the bottom position with focusing in the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to demonstrate a beautiful figure of the model. Perfectly emphasizes silhouette on a bright background.

11. Another friendly posture for the seated model. Place the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest, and the other foot, also bent in the knee, lay on the ground. The glance is sent to the lens. Try using different angles Shooting for better results.

12. An excellent way to demonstrate all the beauty and plastic of the body of the model. You can use as a pose for silhouette on a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with large quantity possible options. Let the model experimenting with the position of the hips, hands, head.

14. Easy and at the same time elegant posture. The model is turned a little in the side, hands in the rear pockets.

15. A small tilt forward can unobtrusively emphasize the forms of the model. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. Sensual pose with raised hands favorably emphasizes smooth bends of the body. Well suited for slender and taut models.

17. Position options in full growth is simply infinite, this position can be taken at the starting point. Ask the model to easily rotate the body, change the position of the hands, head, direction of view, etc.

18. Such a pose looks pretty relaxed. Do not forget that you can rely on the wall not only with your back, but also shoulder, hand or thigh.

19. Frames in full growth are quite specific and better suitable for high, slender models. Here is a small secret: the body of the model should remind the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the hands are in a relaxed state.

20. One is the best pos For slender models with a huge number of possible options. To catch the most profitable position, Ask the model to slowly change the position of the hands and continuously bending the body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and drapery. With their help you can get sensual pictures. It is not necessary to navigate the whole back: Often, even slightly naked shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. Successful posture for a photo shoot and an excellent angle, from which the model seems slimmer. The model is standing sideways, the chin is slightly lowered down, and the shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often ordinary postures are most successful. The model should move the weight of the body to one leg, and the body is bent into the S-form.

24. The model touches both hands to the vertical surface, for example, a wall or wood. Pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model is endowed with beautiful long hair - definitely show them in motion. Ask it to quickly turn your head so that the hair develops. Experiment with exposure to get clear or on the contrary, lubricated and emphasizing the movement of the frames.

26. In the next pose, the model sits on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, then you can get a thematic snapshot (for example, a girl froze, and now resting and heated).

27. Excellent and convenient posture, which is suitable for a photo session in the house, studio on the couch and not only ...

28. Beautiful pose For a model sitting on the sofa.

29. Excellent option for photographing a model sitting on Earth. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. In the sitting position, you can experiment, you should not limit ourselves only to certain plot poses.

31. It is believed that when crossing the legs and hands between people, a certain psychological barrier is created, and it is impregnative when photography. However, this is not always the case. Photographer should try to make a photo where the hands of the model are crossed on the chest. This is a great pose for a female photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy.

32. It is not always worth inventing a certain position of the hands. It is absolutely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing, remember that standing, the model should carry the body weight on one leg.

33. Another example of poses for a photo in full growth, which is ideal for a photo shoot. The hands of the girl, in whole or in part, are in pockets.

34. This is the possession of winning for the summer photo shoot. Ask the model to walk and slowly stroll.

35. The hands of the model behind the back, unusual, but very open and sincere pose. Also, the model can lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, it is very simple, and at the same time, spectacular position. The model stands a little sideways, and the face turned to the photographer, the head is slightly tilted.

37. The model will be very harmonious will look in the frame, if both hands put on the waist. Pose is suitable for the belt portrait and portrait in full growth.

38. If there is some high object of furniture nearby, which you can learn with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create formal, but at the same time free and posing posture.

39. Another successful posture is to sit on something. Well suits for shooting indoors and outdoor.

40. An example of feminine and winning posture for a picture of a model in full growth.

41. A rather complicated pose, due to the fact that the model movement needs to be transmitted. Nevertheless, if everything is done correctly, the award will serve as an excellent, elegant fashion shot.

42. Excellent Pose, True, Certain Camera Settings will be required: The girl relies on the fence or railing of the bridge. A large diaphragm will provide a small depth of field and blurry back.

43. Magnificent pose, if everything is done taking into account its features. Correct location Hands and legs play a decisive role here. Perfect for any physique. Please note that the shooting should be made from a slightly elevated position.

44. Beautiful posture for intimate photography. Well used in different conditions, on the bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting posture. Racurs take from the bottom point. The upper part of the body of the model is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs bent in the knees up, the feet are crossed.

46. \u200b\u200bSuch a posture is not the easiest. Attention should be paid to a few things: the hand on which the model is based on, should be turned palm from the body, the abdominal muscles must be controlled, the legs must be elongated. Pose is ideal for sports type of physique.

47. The next complex pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For a successful end result, it should take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, hands, waist (there should be no folds on the skin!), Hips and legs.

Dear girls, future fashion models and just lovers to photograph this article for you. In it, you will find positive lessons for a photo shoot of a girl, as well as tips and poses for a photo shoot in the studio for girls. Follow it simple adviceAnd you will look much better in the photos than usual.

The article turned out quite large, so for your convenience I prepared a small table of contents. And those who read the article to the end waiting for a pleasant bonus - all article material in video format.

Beginner photographers, you will also be interested in this material. Even if you have the most ordinary photo session of girls at home in inexperienced or models, various complexes often arise and it does not know how it turns better, which posture to take. In this case, you can take initiatives to your hands and simply give it several recommendations for posing from this article.

What is posing?

For starters, let's determine what posing is. Undoubtedly, it is an art and he can learn. After all, not every beautiful girl It can also pose and just as good in the photo as a fashion model. Posing is the art of taking such a body position that will benefit and demonstrate best dignity Models and hobs its disadvantages. Next, on the examples below, you will see how many photos of the same girl can be different if you stick to the simple position of the position. You can take these simple rules for weapons and use these ideas for a photo session at home for girls.

Proper posture or Latin letter S

Proper posture is a pledge of successful poses. The spine of a person resembles the Latin letter S. In the photos, smooth transitions are interesting and attractively. So what would you get beautiful - Try to repeat the outlines of the letter S.

In the photos you should have a beautiful posture. Pay attention to the spine and shoulders. The spine of a person consists of 3 departments: the top is the cervical, the middle-chest department and the lower - the lumbar spine. In the process of posing, it is important to remember all three departments. Next, consider each department separately.

Beautiful neck

Always try to pull the neck up and at the same time do not lower your shoulders down. It is a simple action visually will extend your neck. Add your femininity and elegance in the photo. Two simple actions: pull the neck and lower the shoulders Significantly open and visually lengthen your neck it will give you elegance and femininity. In the photo below compare the model to the left in the usual position and the model to the right with the stretched neck and lowered shoulders.

We increase breasts

Regardless of the position in which you positive always straighten your back Due to the deflection of the infancy. It works in all positions: standing sitting or knees. So you will have the right beautiful posture, and the chest will seem more. Compare two photos. On the left, the model looks like a sutoon, and the model straightened the back. This visually increased breasts model and in general fashion
l looks much more interesting to the right. In addition, on the photo on the right of the outline of the Latin letter S is more pronounced than the left and the model, respectively, much more attractive turned out to be photographs.

Maximum sexuality and femininity

Pay high attention to the lumbar spine. Rock up foresomy. It will give you maximum sexuality and femininity. A pleasant bonus will be a visual increase in breast shape.

If you do not fade, your back will look like a sutower, and the ass and chest flat. Launch attached right shape Body. Regardless of the type of figure, a person will look slimmer.

In the photo on the right clearly seen, the model begins in the lower back, thereby demonstrates the correct posture and beautiful bending of the body. All this emphasizes the advantages of the female figure. And again we see as the photo looks beautifully in which the Latin letter S. is clearly traced. The more in your position of lines and bends of approximate to the Latin letter "S" the better.

Poses for photo shoot standing. Features.

One of the common positive options when you can effectively and naturally demonstrate the charms of the shapes - posing standing with the focus. Poses with focus on the wall looks feminine and sexually due to the fact that the construction of these poses is the deflection in lumbar Department spine.

Pay attention to the model on the left. There is no bend in the posture, which would emphasize female dignity. In the photo on the right, the model looked slightly in the lumbar department, moved his back from the wall and slightly sat down. Thus, her posture acquired similarity from english letter "S" Remember this technique it is easily used anywhere in any situation.

On the Internet you will find a variety of models poses for a photo session standing, and in all successful cases in their position will be the outline of the very Latin letter "S"

One more example.

Posing sitting. We emphasize the advantages.

When the model takes a sedental pose she wants to relax it normal reaction man. If the model relates its back, then the photo will be as follows the example of the left. In a relaxed state, sitting the girl looks like a sutulous and unpleasantly the tummy stands out.

Now look at the photo on the right. The model flashed in the lumbar department as much as possible. She had the right posture, there was a beautiful roundness of the priests and now, instead of a tummy, the chest is issued. All advantages on face.

Photographers and girls you can use this posture not only on photo shoot in the studio. Boldly use such poses for a photo shoot on the street for girls sitting on a bench or pick up ideas for a photo session of a house for girls sitting on a luxurious sofa either armchair.

All that was told about the importance of the deflection in the lumbar department at the positiveness of sitting, just as fairly and for poses in a sitting position using furniture, on the floor or land. Girls Take it to weapons and always use when posing for a photo shoot.

Posing on the knees. Spicy poses.

Consider now examples of posing on the knees.

In the photo on the left, the model relaxed. A triple back is visible and there is not a single attractive bend.

On the right of the model is a beautiful bending of the back. The ass is much more attractive and the chest visually became more. The photographer asked the model to transfer body weight to the far from the hip cameras. Thanks to this sly Receive Her ass broke away from the ground, began to look much more attractive and supplemented the bending of the back.

Another positive option at which it does not do without a deflection in the lumbar spine - it is posing on the knees. Such postures are pretty piquant. As the rules, they are accepted when you want to demonstrate the charm of your shape and make a drop of your sexuality. As it was said earlier, you just need to get into the lumbar department.

On the right, the model did not rush in the lower back. The same sutowned back, the rounded tummy and the ass looks not attractive.

On the right photo, a beautiful bending of the back, an attractive form of priests, the chest is moving forward. In general, we achieved a goal that stood before us.

In the process of posing, you should always remember the spine and that the correct and beautiful posture is needed, which will quickly solve many problems.

Where to give shoulders?

Not only spine affects the correct posture, but also shoulders. Above, we talked a little about the fact that the shoulders should be omitted to open the neck.

Whatever does not disturb the correct posture, you need to follow the spine and reduce the blades, lowering shoulders. Consider this example. It combines three rules: pull the neck, lower the blades, get a lumbar department.

To the left it is clear that the shoulders model raised, thereby hid her neck that became practically not visible. Due to the fact that the shoulders are not divorced, and they look forward at the model appeared the stuff in the result of which the breast looks flat.

In the photo on the right, the shoulders at the model are lowered down, and the blades are reduced. Thus, in the photo of the model, the model turned out to be a beautiful and long neck, the correct posture and the chest is emphasized.

Results and conclusion

Dear photographers. If you are interested in posing for a photo photo session, then ask your model to always stick to these five simple rules:

  1. Repeat the outlines of the Latin letter S. Especially expressively it turns out, in the poses for a photo shoot on the street for girls.
  2. You can use this simple reception everywhere. Posing your model for a simple girl photo shoot at home or you think about the poses for a photo shoot in the studio for girls. Just all ask the model to pull the neck. This will reveal her femininity.
  3. On photo session at home excellent idea For the girl will be lowered shoulders, it will also visually open and emphasize the beauty of the neck.
  4. Posing on the photo shoot gives bonuses to the girl. Ask her to straighten your back and in the photo of her breasts will seem more.
  5. You can introduce this reception to any poses for the photo shoot of girls. Just ask your model get into the lumbar spineAnd it will give sexuality to her in photos.

You can find these and many other positions on the site: Positioning Guide

And now the promised video, at the end of which you will see examples of photos on which all listed rules are followed.

Successful to you frames!

The quality of the photo depends on the experience of the wizard, the discharge of the model. If two conditions are observed, even full models will look more slender. But there is I. certain ruleswhich regulate poses for a photo shoot for full girls. Position options Consider in the article.

Want to be beautiful in the photo?

If you are the owner of the magnificent forms, it is not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure of being photographed. Years pass, but the memory of them can be captured. Do not argue yourself and look at the podium models with sadness. You are also a model, but unique.

The success of the photo shoot will depend not only external view Models, but its openness, the natural state of rest, self-confidence. Tune in to a positive result in the head, but also the knowledge of the correct posing in front of the lens you will not hurt.

Portrait rules

The portrait must emphasize the virtues of the face and the decollete of the model. The plan is large, the lens can add a couple of kilograms. Therefore, the photographer should take pictures from above, but by no means below.

To avoid the effect of the second chin, it is necessary:

  • sitting in the invertation to the camera;
  • lower my head slightly and slightly fold it back (do not overdo it so that the photo does not have noticeably that you deliberately did it);
  • fill the top of the body forward - it will focus on the face that will stretch slightly;
  • owners long hair It is necessary to dissolve them on the shoulders to lengthen the oval too. If the portrait is made in the insertion, the hair can be shred to one side, covering the cheek close to the lens;
  • try to avoid smooth lines in posing in front of the camera, must be a small deflection of the body or a bias to the side;
  • light and shadow game if Studio shooting - bright accent It is given onto the center of the face, the contours are a little darkened to hide chubby cheeks, the second chin, make an oval more elongated.

Conventional photo standing, sitting or lying

Many ladies of spicy forms refuse to be photographed in full growth, collecting in their album only snapshots along the breast line. If you choose the right post, you can remove folds on your stomach, lengthen your legs, reduce the volume of the hips, make an attractive hand even in short sleeves.

Racars standing

Full girls always try to knock on, to stick, thinking that they will be less. And the correct posture for the photo shoot is:

Poses for full sitting

When the model is sitting on the chair, sofa, the chair is its body becomes shorter and wider, especially if there is a face.

Pose semi-graside

Proper posing is the following nuances:

  1. Sit the insertion, without touching the back. Spin smooth, shoulders are assigned back. Head slightly tilt and lift. The legs can be rid of each other or one lift to the bench, and leave the other below. At the same time, the body should be straight or a bit thrown back to avoid folds on the stomach.
  2. The chair can only be used as a support - stand up to him with your back, mind your hands, headed behind your back, and slightly sneeze or bend one leg in your knees, and leave another straight. Do not allow in a position while sitting direct direction of the case to the chamber.
  3. Use accessories to cover in a sitting stomach position. Soft toy, pillows will distract attention from problem areas.
  4. Full girls on photo shoots should try themselves in pamping lying, especially on the stomach. This posture will add piquancy to pictures. So that the photo does not seem to be a vulgar one can wear a beautiful evening or home outfit. It all depends on the theme of the photo shoot.

"Mermaid Pose" for photo sitting

The key to success is, of course, properly selected outfit, hairstyle, makeup. Without this, even the brightest model with correct proportions Bodies may turn out to be unfortunately.

Women's successful postures for photo shoots on the street - this is the topic of our today's article. Surely, she will interest you, because every girl seeks to have as many beautiful pictures as possible. Knowledge that you get during the study of the following sections will certainly use you, because you, our dear readers, love to be photographed.

Magic process

High-quality work of the photographer is the key to the good mood of fashionista. She helps every lady to feel like a real model, despite the fact that the forms are far from ideal, and in their own face you see a lot of flaws. Shooting on the street is, in general, huge joy, because on the background of natural landscapes and urban streets there is a huge number of opportunities to make really beautiful pictures. But here, as in any other case, it is important to take into account a number of factors, otherwise the result will not be so rainbow and positive. But you, our cute readers, do not react to this with negligence and coldness? That's right, everything must be approached with the mind!

So, let's start our conversation with the description of the most successful positions of the body and limbs. We will not describe each specific case, because it all depends on what way you want to appear in front of the camera lens. Below we gave only a few recommendations.

  • Taking a picture of full growth, try not to strain the muscles of the body. Sleep the cams, feel the relaxation of all parts of the body, with the exception of the spine and neck.
  • Try to keep a beautiful posture, the slope has not yet decorated a single woman and did not make it a real queen of beauty!

  • You can slightly bend one leg, deploy your shoulder to the photographer and put one hand on the waist.
  • If you want to capture yourself in the sitting position, position the housing for three quarters relative to the camera lens and slightly pull the lower limbs. In no case do not take a frontal pose. This is permissible only for photographing to different documents.
  • While creating a portrait, relax as far as possible. The smile should be natural and natural, so you can recall some pleasant moment at this moment. And one more rule: do not strain the muscles of the face, it is very important!
  • Holders of a wide person should turn him away a bit toward and down.

It seems the basis of the basics we told you, but now let's go from this theory to some interesting moments. So, for example, before a photo session, you should open your cabinet and thoroughly go through all things. Think up your image down to the smallest detail, try out several ensembles, see which combination is optimal. Think over each detail from the color of the socks that will be hidden from prying eyes to the color of precious stones, inlaid into small earrings-cloves or a pendant.

When choosing a suitable place for filming, focus on your own character and mood. So, the familiar characters with an eccentric character can be posed on a crowded street. They simply do not damn the views of passersby and compliments passing by men. But the modest from nature women is better to retire and hide from prying views of curious people and zooak.

Another important moment: for the time of the case, it is not a sin to visit the beauty salon. There you will make perfect styling and makeup. It would be nice to think about your favorite handles - your nails will not prevent a spectacular decoration.

What is static and "with what they eat"?

Photographer possessing not only extensive experience, but also to the artist's deposits, can tell a lot about how the details are important. Here you need and the right angle to find and make the girl look in the right direction. If you do not trust the specialist, you can scroll through fashion magazines and learn a lot of ideas and successful solutions From there. Commonly, all postures are conventionally divided into two groups - static and dynamic. About the first we just will talk now.

This method allows you to make very beautiful and bright shots. When a girl is for a while in the same position, the photographer can pick up the most profitable view. For example, a chair or suitcase can be in the professional studio of the main figure. They are deployed sideways to the lens, while it is quite necessary for you to sit on them. Very effectively, the posture will look at, in which the woman is only slightly clouded for furniture, puts one knee on it or turns the profile. On the street, such art objects can serve as benches in the park, porch at home, wall, tree, concrete plate etc.

Attention!If you want to take a pose lying or half a walk, remember that the limbs that are closest to the lens will seem longer.

Dynamics - this is life!

Have you ever thought that photographers at the wedding are rarely suitable for guests and ask for a few seconds with a stretched smile on her face? The answer is simple: they want to capture the sincere moments of happiness and joy for the marriage, when a person does not pay attention to the camera and does not notice it, but completely given to his own emotions and gust.

Street photo session can also pass in the permanent movement of the girl. Here everything is based on the flight of fantasy and your desires. Here are just a few examples:

  • Collect fallen leaves from the ground and throw them on yourself. The photographer will definitely press the button at the right moment and caught the mood you want to convey.

  • The owners of long and thick hair can be turned their head so that the wind plays your curls and tremble them in different directions.

  • Close and descend on the steps, and the frame will be filled with energy and positive emotions.
  • You can bone up with all my might to demonstrate in front of the camera all the advantages of your tightened figure. Looking at this picture, you will have a feeling of air and weightlessness.

  • Use the opened umbrella. Constantly look out from under him, to figure out whether the rain ended.

Interesting! During the game on the camera, try not to be distracted by it. Let anything distract you from the game of the game in the ball or walk through the park. If you are constantly looking into the lens, the staff will look unnatural.


In fact, the art of creating the right posts cannot be mastered within five minutes or an hour. The more you work, the faster you will understand which postures will be the most profitable and correct for you. We just have several advice and recommendations that professional photographers often use.

  • A look from the shoulder is considered one of the most successful angles. He can hide some disadvantages of appearance, including overweight and skin problems. The main thing is to be able to correctly put the body and bend the neck so that it looks elegant.
  • Actively gesticulate with your hands. Apply them to face, as if you think about something or something concerned.
  • You can lie on the ground and turn a slightly head towards the camera.

  • Extraright socks, back and protrude your chest. Just do not cease, otherwise you will be like a peacock trying to demonstrate to everyone around all their charms.

Attention! If you take an event at the sea and your body is practically naked, pick up a swimsuit that can win all the flaws of the figure. Having accepted the next posture, look around, because any folds on the stomach, even the most minor, can spoil the impression of you.

And a little more about the angles and not only

Street photo shoots are considered the most popular, because on the background of nature, a woman can reveal all its potential. Therefore, at the end of the article, we will talk again about which postures will look out on the street beautifully and relaxed:

  • In the crowd you can feel yourself as a queen and an object of universal attention. To do this, it is enough to get up smoothly and lift one knee, and the hands will spread to heaven or to the sides. Professionals often refer to this body position with a sonorous word "triumphant".
  • To turn into a real supermodel for some time, move the entire weight of your body to one thigh and put your hand on it.
  • To make the image of the size and at the same time exquisite, stand right and cross the lower limbs.
  • During shooting, you can climb on different items - the effect will be simply amazing!

We advise you not only to take advantage of the recommendations described above, but also generate our own ideas and actively embody them into reality. And try to capture all the verge of your person in the pictures. It may be modesty and licentiousness, cunning and simpleness, kindness and gloating, amazement and apathy. We are experiencing a whole range of feelings every day, which can be demonstrated before the camera.