Repairs Design Furniture

Houses with a single roof. Houses with a single roof: a new one is well forgotten old. The advantages and disadvantages of the roof with one slope

Private construction in the CIS countries is docked on the construction of two-storey buildings with double-tight types of roofing, but only a few build a house with a single-sided roof. Such people tend to become very discussed persons who, in fact, broke all the ancient traditions. Buing a residential building with one slope, you will definitely win at least in several points. In this article, I want to tell you about what one-story houses won with a single-piece roof, make out some projects and consolidate the read photo materials.

Advantages of single sump solo systems

European countries are already in all the charms of these systems, as for Russia, then things are a little different.

The developers are in no hurry to build a two-storey house with a single-sided roof, they like the standard - a two-tie rafal system, but it loses in many ways. Judge yourself.

  • Economic and rational use of building materials and wood products, which is very much spent on the construction of complex rafting systems. Savings can be achieved by applying externally not attractive, but cheap roofing, for example, rubberoid or rubber bitumen
  • Create a rafter system is not much difficult, because it is much simplified here. Consequently, this process can be performed on its own
  • Data sailboat Roofing is small, and this is a positive factor for developers of windy areas
  • Atmospheric precipitates will be only in one direction. Due to this, you can arrange a better drainage system
  • Easy service
  • There is the possibility of an additional roofing thermal insulation device. This allows you to raise the temperature of the residential premises
  • Easy preliminary calculations before starting work

Despite such a large list of positive parties, do not forget about the nuances that will not allow to apply this type of roof in your area of \u200b\u200byour stay. By the way, to understand how houses with a single-board roof look like, see the photo in this article.

Houses with a single roof. Their projects and photos

The whole design process, as a rule, gets to those skilled in the art, but no one forbids to express their thoughts and preferences regarding your future comfort. A single-storey house with a single-sided roof may look like a two-story, thanks to the attic space. Therefore, before passing the wishes to the project bureau, it is necessary to clarify what type of design you need.

To date, the skeleton house with a single-table roof is recreated with:

  • Attic. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch space, as a rule, does not constitute a lot of square meters and is at the very top of the building. Thanks to the attic space, more improved thermal insulation is created. So that such a room was easy to maintain, it is necessary to create a height enough for the passage of an adult. In fact, this parameter should be equal to the height of the ordinary room
  • Without an attic space. In this case, the roof will simultaneously protect against precipitation and ceiling. Such a nuance allows creative people to use it for their own purposes and create unique projects

Almost the easiest construction object is a house from a bar with a single-pate roof. As a rule, it is a rectangular shape and looks very simple, but stylish. Skat is achieved by the difference between the heights of the facade wall and the rear. Despite the fact that the large-size windows are not appropriate here in connection with modern technologies, you can find something suitable. This type of construction is the cheapest option, and any change in its configuration, for example, changing the type of roof, will lead to a sharp increase in the cost of all housing.

So, let's analyze the most common projects of houses with a single-sided roof.

Option 1

Developers want to build a fairly large house area, therefore, projects of single-storey houses with a single-table roof must be suitable. As an example, take the construction that has five bedrooms with a simple layout. Walls should be performed from gas-silicate blocks, which is a rather cheap building material. Reinforced concrete slabs are used as the overlap, and instead of the foundation you can put an ordinary w / b monolith with reinforcement. As for finishing works, the facing can be carried out using tiles or bricks.

It is worth noting that designers often use combined products that mimic natural materials, such as wood or brown stone.

It is also necessary to approach the arrangement of the room. As a rule, sleeping places on the second floor are placed so that the headboard is in the lowest place.

Option 2.

Let's consider now projects of frame houses with a single-pate roof in two floors. This structure, as a rule, has a greater useful area, but in general it looks more compact. As an example, we will analyze the project where the roof area is 230 square meters, and residential 100.

The big area of \u200b\u200bthe roof says that it needs to be done as much as possible. This is done in order to have it possible to safely serve it during the winter period. Such housing is suitable in latitudes whose people do not know what great atmospheric precipitation is.

In this project, the attic space will play an important role of additional thermal insulation, so on roofing with large areas, its device is necessary.

By the way, in the USA and Canada, it is such a type of roof (almost gentle) is not entirely as intended. It is often equipped with workshops or some lawns, but it will be possible only when the rafter of the building is strengthened, therefore, the price will jump sharply.

This house provides a large garage and a balcony located on the top floor. As a rule, it is exploited only in the summer time of the year and often only in decorative purposes, for example, for landscaping.

The lower floor plan includes a kitchen, an entrance hall, a hall, a few rooms, a restroom and an internal entrance to the garage. As for the floor is higher, here you can find a few bedrooms and baths, dressing room. The basement in this project is absent.

Gasilicate blocks are used for the construction of walls, and as a foundation, the same reinforced concrete plate. Facing products are also not very different from the previous version, so it makes no sense to list them. It is worth noting only one nuance. If you plan to create quite high buildings, then no need to use expensive roofing, which will be attractive by its appearance. The fact is that all such a roof will be hidden from human views, therefore, only their quality is important.

Option 3.

A ready-made two-storey house with a single-sided roof will include a living area of \u200b\u200b86 square meters when its total size is 240 squares. It does not provide a garage or the ground floor. These projects are a very common solution due to their simplicity. If the building only provides for a living area, then you can take a little different material for the construction of walls, say, boat concrete, but the foundation remains unchanged. As facing materials, it is best to use ordinary plaster in conjunction with wooden slats.

I offered you the most common options that allow you to create a one-storey house with a single-bed roof, but it is worth understanding that this is not all the designers capable. The photos shown in this article prove it.

Single roofs. Projects and their nuances

Designing is always worth trusting to specialists, but it often happens that the developer itself is able to do it independently.

If you feel about such a number of people, then you should remember the following nuances.

  • When the project of the house is drawn up without attic room and the ceiling is combined with the roof, a particular attention is paid to the roofing structure and the coating itself. These materials are required to have the highest possible characteristics and differ from other reliability. For mounting work it is worth inviting highly qualified masters of their case. In order to roof possessed good waterproofing and did not allow warmth to leave, it is worth using not only good materials, but also a high-quality tool
  • It is not necessary to plan a low basement, because preventive inspections will be quite problematic, and in general, this room will become essentially useless
  • The greatest difficulty in building houses with a single charter system is facing the facade. With poor work, your accommodation will be more like a business structure, and not on the comfort. Remember that the appearance, as a rule, depends on additional details. Therefore, if you prefer minimalism, you should use more expensive facing foods in order to compensate for aesthetics

At the end, I want to say that not to all developers fall on the soul of a building with single-sided roofs. One thing seems very simple, the other does not resemble the house, and the third find only the economic building. Remember that the appearance of your comfort depends largely on the design and idea that you invest in it.

Of course, the materials used in the construction will also play their role, but less significant. Come go to the development with the mind and do not forget to calculate the snow load for your region, because your defense will depend on it.

For the Russian region, at present, the greatest relevance have at home with a traditional duplex roof. And when building, country houses are not talking about at all. Projects of such houses still often remain without well-deserved attention, although in fact, this kind of design allows not only to emphasize the nature of the hosts of the house, but also to save on materials, as well as to expand their ability to finish at home: both internal and external. We propose to consider the pros and some disadvantages of houses with a single-room roof, as well as projects of one-story, two-storey houses and cottages, with the gene attached to them.

Houses with a single roof: what are the advantages and disadvantages of such type buildings

Traditionally, most of the owners of private houses and cottages prefer to design their home with traditional layout, and, accordingly, the double roof. Projects of houses with a single-table roof are a rather infrequent phenomenon in the world of construction, although it cannot be said that they are inferior to everyone else. On the contrary, such structures look very original, more beneficial from an economic point of view.

In addition, thanks to modern building technologies and high-quality roofing materials, you can create an original and reliable house, which will fully justify the concept of "the house is your own fortress", pleaseing the owner with good quality and comfort.

Two-storey house with a single roof

Houses with a single-table roof are very in demand in the United States and European countries, especially this concerns the cold countries due to some features of such structures. Therefore, such houses are especially relevant for mostly cold climate of Russia.

The advantages of houses with a single-bed roof include:

  • Significant savings of roofing material, as well as the material necessary for the construction of a rafter design. Even more reduce the cost of materials, using relatively inexpensive and fairly simple roofing materials, since they are not visible to the eye.
  • Mounting work for houses with a single-bed roof is a fairly simple process, which allows them to be carried out with their own hands.
  • Single roof is an ideal option for windy regions, since such a design has a small sail.
  • The feature of the roof design greatly simplifies the incidence of precipitation.
  • The convenience of the roof for repair work if necessary.
  • Excellent option for large houses.
  • You can fully use the attic space, designed by an excellent attic with large windows.

But it was not without flaws:

  • The importance of precisely made calculations of the section of all elements of the design of the design. Otherwise, the roof can simply not cope with the snow load.
  • When designing a roof with a small angle of inclination, a particularly enhanced hydro and thermal insulation will be required.
  • Not a particularly attractive appearance. In order to avoid this, you will have to use fairly nothesive roofing materials and make roofing work especially qualitatively.

Design features and operation rules

When building a house with a flat roof, several important features must be taken into account:

Single Roof does not allow to equip an attic room
  1. If the project is provided for the house without a attic and the roof is combined with the ceiling, then it is necessary to use roofing materials of particularly high quality and attract the construction work of construction professionals so that the roof is made absolutely hermetic and had good thermal insulation properties.
  2. If the attic is still provided according to the project of the house, then it will be quite difficult to maintain the roof from the inside and is inconvenient due to the relatively low ceiling and lower the height of the roof from the top edge to the bottom.
  3. The complexity of the facade works. With low-quality and rudely made facade finish, the house will look just like a big barn. Small details will also significantly affect the appearance of the building.

Council. Special attention should be paid to the decorative element of the outdoor finish of the house - all materials used not only should be of the highest quality, but carefully selected color and textured gamma is also important. If there are a lot of additional details - it will significantly reduce the requirements for the facade finish.

Because at home with a single roof is a rather unusual design solution, then such a house should be operated, not forgetting the right and timely care of the roof:

  1. Cleaning the roof from snow more often, especially in the time of heavy snowfall and during the snow melting in the spring.
  2. Constantly control the condition of the structural elements of the roof and on time to eliminate the disadvantages or breakdowns.

Single Roof Houses Projects

Those who are ready to retreat from traditions and bring something new in their lives, designers offer original and high-quality solutions for the house. Consider them in brief.

One-storey houses with a single roof. A similar design in the world of modern building materials allows you to look at it in a new way. Projects with a single-board roof are perfect for those who want to see in their house simplicity and at the same time originality.

For one-story house, the roof height is extremely important: the functionality and size of the attic room and the ability to mount additional decorative elements depends on it. Very often, in projects for a house with a single-table roof there is an extra roof over the porch, tilted in the opposite direction relative to the main roof.

One-storey house with a flat roof

Two-storey houses with a single roof You can build in such a way as not to sharpen attention on the decoration of the first floor of the house. At the same time, with similar roof design, a spacious balcony can be equipped on the second floor or to build panoramic windows.

Very often in the projects of two-storey houses with a flat roof make a bet on the contrast of the floors, at the same time combining ascetic and discreet first floor and elegant second. Such houses always look very elegant and modern.

Single Roof Cottages. Houses of this type are most often represented by a laconic rectangular design with a small one. Their distinguishing feature is a common idea for all the structural elements of the house and at the same time a subtle difference between each of them. The roof is usually built at an angle of 30 degrees, which makes it possible to prevent accumulation of precipitation during the cold period of the year. This is an excellent option for the country house.

Single Roof Cottage

Houses from Bruus. The main tasks assigned to houses of this type: economy, environmental friendliness, rigor, heat of construction. The use of a flat roof on will reduce heating costs. In addition, the frame of the bar will provide an opportunity to build a truly design with a large margin of strength.

Complex at first glance, houses with a single-table roof, as you could make sure it is reliable, original and simple. We introduced you in the main features with the main features and capabilities of these structures. We hope the information was useful for you.

Housekeeping Roof Houses: Video

A single-storey house is particularly popular among customers, and, as a rule, this is a skeleton house with a single-sided roof. Popular as standard projects and individual orders drawn. This is an excellent option for country construction, for giving or living a small family. If the family consists of 2-4 people, then the second floor is usually not needed - it is used only at the arrival of guests, but at the same time it is necessary to give it all the time. And these are additional costs.

House with a single carcass

One-story frame houses choose those who plan to engage in independent construction. About the technology of frame house-building read here. One floor allows you to avoid work at a sufficiently high altitude, and also allows you to do without additional techniques. The construction of a single-storey skeleton house with a single-sided roof also reduces the number of workers needed during the construction of the house.

Flat Roof with Playground

At the same time, the skeleton with the simplest roof can be very pretty - despite the conciseness of the project. You can achieve this not only with the help of finishing, but also the construction of veranda, canopies and other architectural forms. You can also make the original and convenient location of the household rooms by selecting a suitable house from a huge number of interesting projects of frame houses, which are offered both a single roof and duplex. Today, projects are limited to your fantasy.

Choosing a roof for home

Most often, during the construction of a single-storey house, a double roof is chosen, while undeservedly counting a single-table less attractive. However, there are a number of options when a single roof is suitable much better.

  1. When it is better to stay at this option:
  2. When you prefer a simple design.
  3. When it is necessary to ease the weight of the building.
  4. When you just pretty such projects.
  5. When I want to save on building materials.
  6. When you prefer a small angle of slope - from 3 degrees to 45.
  7. If on the roof you want to make a place to take a sun, make an open veranda or somehow use the roof site differently.

Single Roof Frame Device

However, there are cons of a single-piece roof. The most important is the inability to make an attic or attic. Often snow accumulates on a flat roof, which you have to consider. In this case, the roof must be well isolated and insulated. It is necessary to choose the roofing material, given the possibility of a long-term cluster of snow on the roof.

Technology construction

Most often, inclined rafters are used for frame houses. The technology of erection of such a single-bed roof is to create walls of different heights. As a result, the rafter is based on and fixed by the lower end on the beams of overlaps. High wall or rack is a support for the rafter system in its upper part. It is also desirable to establish additional covers or racks that make the design more rigid and durable. Such a single-piece roof technology is used not only in skew houses, but also in brick and blocks, which demonstrate many projects.

Roof device for one-story house

As we know, in the construction of frame houses, the ventilation of the premises is given great importance. The roof can also be ventilated and not ventilated. A non-ventilated roof usually has a small angle of inclination, and should be carefully waterproof and insulated. The ventilated roof has a gap between the roof and overlapping, as a result of which the service life is extended by removing water vapor from the insulation.

Do not forget that the choice of roofing material depends on the inclination angle you chose. Popular lately such material as a soft tile, implies an angle of inclination to 10 degrees. Professional flooring is recommended to use at an angle from 10 to 20 degrees. The professional flooring is chosen with a longitudinal profile and a wave height from 3 cm. If the angle of inclination is from 20 degrees - use ondulin or slate. Metal tile can be put if the roof angle is from 25 degrees and more.

The single-row roof device begins with the installation of Mauerlat and overlap beams. The second stage is the installation of the rafter system. All elements of the rafter system are made from a dry boards of 5 mm (in thickness). They must be carefully treated with flaky-protein - you can in several layers.

Important: those rafters lying on the end of the walls that do not rely on the side part are fixed to the walls of screws with corks or anchor bolts. Use a strain reinforced concrete belt for better fixation!

All rafters should be rigidly fixed to the lower and upper edges of the roof. In the walls (top strapping), nests are prepared in advance, where the beams of overlapping will be laid. They are stacked for waterproofing. On the beams of overlappings or on Mauerlat, the lower part of the rafter feet is fixed. Strong fixation is performed using metal linings. Intermediates and racks are used to legend even greater stiffness of the structure. Picps and racks are installed on the beams of overlapping. For fixation, staples or corners of metal also use.

To make a flat design, start the installation from extreme rafter feet. Between them stretch the rope and, focusing on it, laid the rest of the rafters. The step is leveling the distance between the overlap beams.

IMPORTANT: When the device has a rafter, the raster must be installed "edge", it will help maximize resistance to the deflection. As a result, you will get even after many years a smooth roof.

Variety of projects with one floor

Sometimes it seems that one-storey house cannot be interesting and attracting attention. And if there is also a single roof, giving up to 25% of savings, then such a house will be boring and simple. However, this is not the case.

Project with a plot

Today, projects of single-storey houses are distinguished by a huge variety. Consider some of them. These projects can be taken as the basis of your future home, refine, change, add some solutions and use. One-story houses are easily built with their own hands, additional information about the independent construction of single-storey frame houses can be found here.

A project of a single-storey house with a flat roof

It is a house 10.1x15.2m. In it, as we see, 4 rooms that can be used as a bedroom for each family member, as well as a large common living room. The living room has access to the open veranda and in the kitchen. The house has two San Knot, in the first of which there is a toilet and sink, and in the second - a full bath, a toilet, a bidet. The kitchen also has a small shop where you can install a washing machine.

One-storey frame house, project

It is an original elongated house, the length of which is 19.36 m. House width of 12.45 m in the widest place (where the garage). The house has 4 rooms, a kitchen and a large hall. The project provides 2 bathrooms. There is no passage to the garage from the house.

Individual project of a single-storey skeleton house with a single-sided roof

It is a house with a large veranda overlooking the living room, a porch and 5 rooms, with built-in dressing rooms, wardrobes and a large living room. We also see an extension garage, enter which you can right out of the house. The house has dimensions of 14.94x16,14m. The house bribes the abundance of rooms that are conveniently located for all family members.

Of course, in our article we will not be able to consider all the projects, but on the basis of the considered, we can see that even single-storey single-storey houses are not similar to one another, and can meet the needs of any person.

One-storey skeleton house with a single roof: projects

The skeleton house with a single roof is a popular project, which is characterized by the economy and simplicity of self-erection. What are the projects of single-storey houses?

How to build a skeleton house with a single roof: project options

Today, houses with a single-sided roof enjoy great success. And although at first glance it may seem that one-piece roof is usually. But if you show a fantasy at the design stage, the house behes the original and interesting. In addition, it will not be difficult to build it, so all work can be done with your own hands.


Most often, inclined stopilas are used for houses of frame-type. A single-piece roof device for such a building is the mounting of the walls of different heights. Thus, the rafters will rely on and fasten the lower ends on the beams of overlaps.

The high wall will be a support for rafting systems at the top point. You can also take care of the installation of auxiliary voids or racks. Thanks to them, the design will become more reliable and rigid. You can take advantage of this technology of a single-table roof not only in the construction of wooden frame houses, but also buildings from brick and foam blocks.

The first option assumes the presence of a small space between the roof and overlap. Thus, out of the insulation is moisture, which extends the service life of the material. But the non-ventilated roof is performed with a slight angle of inclination and carefully high-quality waterproofing.

On the video - a design of a skeleton house with a single roof:

It is also worth considering the choice of roofing material. In this case, the selected angle of inclination has to be taken into account. Today, a soft tile remains very popular to arrange a single-board roof. With it, it is mono to create a slope of up to 10 degrees. It is advisable to apply the professional flooring when the slope of 20 degrees. If the angle of inclination is more than 20 degrees, the appropriate material will be slate or ondulin.

Installation of the roof in a frame house begins with the installation of Maurolat and block of overlapping. Next is the installation of the rafter system. All parts of it are performed from dry boards, the thickness of which is 5 cm. Before installing them, it is necessary to process with a special firebound. The rafters that lie on the street of the walls and do not rely on the side of it, it is worth securing with the help of screws with traffic jams.

On the beams of the overlap fixed the lower part of the rafter feet. It is possible to obtain durable and reliable fixation when using metal linings. Use intermediate racks can be used to get a more rigid design.

Installation of subposses and racks is carried out on the beams of overlapping. Durable mount is possible when using metal brackets. You can get a flat design if the installation works start with extreme rafter legs. Between them to tighten the rope. It will become a benchmark for laying the remaining rafters. When installing, the rabbar should be installed by the edge. Thus, it is possible to maximally increase resistance to the deflection. As a result, you get smooth roof even after a couple of years of operation.

Popular projects

Today there are many interesting and original projects of framework buildings with a single-bedroom roof.

Project NO1

Today, the question of the construction of the house from pure material remains relevant. This project involves the construction of a two-storey skeleton house with a single-sided roofing structure. At the expense of a large angle of inclination of the roof, the house acquires a visually exterior increase.

During the two-story frame house with a single-sided roof

The space of the kitchen, the living room and the dining room is combined on the 1st floor and is supplemented with secondary light, which goes from the outdoor staircase. This makes the project even more interesting. There are also additional options here - this is a terrace and covered parking for cars. Perhaps you will also be intersening about what the house in Scandinavian style looks like.

Project NO2.

Build a house with a single-piece roof, using more budget projects. Most often it is two-story structures in which each cm2 is rationally melted. Since a single-table roof is cheap itself, it allows you to optimally distribute the space on the 2nd floor.

Bedrooms are located where the highest ceilings. Bathroom, wardrobe and staircase in a lower part. The total volume is reduced, and, consequently, the price for heating and construction. But what the interior of the house in the American style looks like, can be seen in the photo in the article.

Project NO3.

It looks very interesting this two-storey skeleton house with a single-bedroom roof. Its area reaches 180-190 m2. Layout here is standard. There is a living room, kitchen and living rooms on the first floor. At the expense of large windows in residential premises there is good lighting. The second light of the living room allows you to visually increase the space of the house.

House up to 200 meters

There are residential and sauna on the second floor. The roof of the frame house is made of bituminous tiles on the polymer mastic. Due to this material, it is possible to cover reliability. But what are the projects of houses with columns in a classic style, you should follow the link and read the contents of this article.

Project NO4.

Since a single-side roof combines simplicity and reliability, it is possible to apply it even during the construction of a frame of the Finnish house. Such buildings are distinguished by a weathered and modest design. According to this, the project is built on screw piles. It has spacious and large windows, as well as a terrace of 16 m2, which makes the building even more attractive.

According to Finnish technology

And although the dimensions of the house are small, it does not affect its functionality. It accommodates such rooms as the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom. This option is perfect for the arrangement of the country house. But what are the projects of two-storey brick houses with a garage, and how they look. You can see in the photo in this article.

A single roof is a favorite reception of architects in the construction of "glass" buildings. Projects of such houses most often assume a single-storey construction. Due to the large glazing area, the house is literally filled with sunlight.

House with glazing

The roof is performed under a slight tilt. According to the project at home, there are rooms such as living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom. In order for the hot summer to prevent overheating at home, it is necessary to perform large raids from the sunny side. Due to them, the shadow and coolness occurs during the day. But what does the brick house with the attic look like, and how to build it, will help you understand the video from the article.

With a proposed project and the use of high-quality building materials, you can build a frame house suitable for year-round accommodation.

Single Roof Frame House: Projects, Device

Frame house with a single roof: projects. Single roof device for a skeleton house. Projects of single-storey frame houses.

How to build a skeleton house with a single roof: step-by-step briefing from A to Z

A single roof, according to modern architects, has the main crucial importance in the development of not only housing economy class, but also stylish. After all, those strength and costs that usually go to the construction of multi-communal, can now be directed to the exterior. For example, on the construction of the pool in front of the house or an extension of the barbecue terrace. And the rest of the same single roof is not inferior at all in anything.

Therefore, it does not mean that the house with a single-sided roof will be unscrewed or too simple. On the contrary, playing with the inclination and direction of such a design, roofing material and internal space, you will receive a unique architectural project, which will not be exactly from your friends. And our site will make such a house inexpensive in construction and modern and inside, and outside!

Architectural Benefits of Single Roofs

Of course, where the dive roofs existed by millennia, everything unusual seems ugly and ridiculous. But the Eiffel Tower in France in the first years of construction embarrassed the locals in their "non-community."

Fashion for single-sided European villas came to Russian expanses recently. And still separately taken architects will rebel against such a trend, calling the monorscate roofs exclusively "Saraine" and arguing that customers do not even look at similar projects.

But in fact, not only the customers of their future "dream houses", but the self-building with golden hands are increasingly making roofs of their buildings with one-sided, with different angles, direction and combination with other roofs. Because, besides a more dynamic look, which can only give a tilt plane, single-sided roofs are more functional and even economical.

Most often in world practice, single-table roofs can be found in Finnish houses, which are known for their pleasant combination of modesty and desiccation:


In warm and hot countries, houses with a single-table roof are especially popular: no insulation from the inside, the design always looks original, and on costs such a roof is much cheaper. So the northern countries began to adopt this useful fashion.

For example, not so long ago in Norway created a new type of residential building - high-tech, with a single-sided inclination at 19 °. He himself produces energy, thanks to the solar panels on the roof: the atrium has a sufficient thermal mass to accumulate enough heat for the day and give it all night. And not only to give, but also to provide the whole house of electricity.

And for water heating of walls and floors, the rainwater is heated by the sun, which flows through a single-sided roof right in the drain. With the usual double or holm roof, all this could not be realized!

Is it worth making a "single table" for a residential building?

Until recently, one-piece roofs could not be called popular in Russia. It so developed historicals that, because of the winds and abundant snow in this country, it was the most practical precious roofs that were sharp, which in the more snow regions were sharp, and in more windy - gentlemen.

And the purely visual indigenous population is accustomed to seeing the roof houses with a slope at least 30-40 °, where there is a traditional attic for storage of the most different. Single roofs carry such inconveniences:

  1. Understanding space at the Upper Mauerlat. Under the attic you do not use it, and the attic is obtained unusual. Leave without a attic - then the entire interior geometry will seem broken and cause discomfort.
  2. On a single-sided roof, rainwater has two times greater pressure than the duplex. Why? Everything is simple: all the liquid flows on one slope, which will fall on it until it falls to the ground. And if you take and break this scat in half, "house", now the water will be divided into two streams in the skate. And this is twice as fewer and influx. That is why single-sided roofs are problematic in terms of leakage, especially if it is incorrect to approach the choice of roofing material.
  3. Single roof is one holistic plane, and this is a real sail. That is why when storms and strong winds, exactly such roofs suffer.
  4. The need for a solid rafter system. The load here is always distributed less than a bartal roof, and therefore rafters will have to be thicker and stronger.
  5. A complicated ventilation system, which sometimes pay no attention at all, and then surprised by the short term of such roofs.
  6. A minus of such a roof is that it will have to clean it in abundant snowfall, otherwise the roofing material and construction system can happen. And on ordinary days, on the contrary, the snow itself comes from such a roof, and not avalanche, but gradually.
  7. Unpopularity of experiments. Even more: neither rich, nor poor, and designers do not want to risk their own investments in the construction and are at all in despair from any unusual roof.

So because of all these reasons, single-sided roofs in our country in 99% of cases are found only on the baths, garages and summer country houses. Although at the same time in a minor and not particularly windy region, such a roof could bring a lot of bonuses, including the same unusual stylish design.

Frame houses with a single-room roof are considered the most energy saving. This is not given that the South Wall area in such a house will be the biggest, and the northern wall is the smallest. Now see a difference with bounce projects? Moreover, the north side itself is still built without windows, and serves as one of the walls of the utility room: boilers, a boiler or trap, where the garden inventory is stored. But the presence of an attic under the roof in private construction is already considered to be taught his time.

A single roof is wonderful what possesses:

  • Simple design. So simple that with a small private construction for her do not even make much accurate calculations. Here you do not need to customize the skates to each other, seek the identity of their weight and load on the walls. No complex supporting systems are needed, which are often found in other types of roofs.
  • High practicality. In addition to the main functions of the roof, it is also used as an open platform for a variety of purposes.
  • Reliability. In view of its simplicity and simpleness, such a roof is also the most reliable among all others.

And from the practical sides, we allocate such:

  1. The ability to arrange a house without a attic and associated problems.
  2. The original ceiling geometry, which is involved as a separate designer element.
  3. Lack of skate and cracks under it.
  4. The ability to remove rainwater and snow from the roof only one way - where the skate is tilted. It is important if people (like on the streets of the city) go straight before your home or you broke a beautiful garden and do not want to pour it into the rains.

And, of course, simplicity of construction work:

Know-how: combinations of single-sided roofs

There is one new architectural fashion: a bartal roof that consists of two single, but not connected in a skate. And technologically speech is still about two separate single-sided roofs, which are built in all the rules. And in the middle there is either a flat part or an open terrace between two half at home. An incredibly successful and functional solution, we note that allows you to add more natural lighting into the house.

Houses with a single-table roof are recognized worldwide as the most favorable energy saving. What is not surprising, because the cube in this regard also takes first place, and what then is such a house, if not a cube?

Now we will open you a secret: everything is in compactness. Any building is called compact if he has how much the minimum area of \u200b\u200ball external surfaces is possible. So, the house is sometimes built by fairly precipitated projects, when almost every room - three outer walls, plus another complex roof. And sometimes so that the rooms are just one such wall, and the roof is generally a single one.

What is the essence? The smaller such outer surfaces that are in contact with cold street air, the house itself will be warmer. That is why compactness is so important in construction!

In this design, everything is simple: one-piece roofs are built on the same templates, but rely on two parallel Maurolalat-run. And the main advantage is that such a faithful design does not "push the walls of the house with its pressure, and, it means that the skeleton structure is already much less than the requirements for strength. True, in such a house there must be a minimum of two inner walls.

And in modern architecture, a new style has appeared relatively recently: combined into a single whole roof, which have a slope in different directions.

Modern frame house: from the foundation - to the roof

The skeleton house with a single-sided roof is a construction of sawn timber and fastened wood panels. The frame of such a house itself should be built either from the metal or from a solid vehicle. It is solid, while rafters on the roof should be made just from coniferous rocks. Now explain.

The fact is that solid wood breeds have the property of keeping a geometric shape and not change over time: do not so much, do not sit down, do not get out. And, of course, on bending, in view of such properties, they work badly. But the coniferous rocks are just good because they perfectly cope with dynamic loads, why the walls are made static and durable, and rafters are more flexible and withstanding and shrinking at home, and a small deflection due to snow.

Although wonderful houses are obtained on a metal frame:

Fundament device under frame house

Under a small one-storey house is easiest to make a column foundation. But, if you build a good two-storey skeleton house with a single roof, the technology will be a bit different.

The fact is that a simple columnar foundation is no longer suitable here. The frame house is worse than any other tolerate seasonal movements of the soil, the emergence of the Earth or other similar problems, and therefore experienced builders advise the slab foundation under it. This takes all the dynamic load on itself, and the integrity of the frame is preserved.

Therefore, for a two-storey building, do just such a foundation:

Or a more modern warmed Swedish plate:

Frame construction technologies

There are two main technologies of frame construction.

Frame-panel technology

In this case, the frame house is built from different separate building materials: bars, facing, insulation, interior decoration, steam and waterproofing. All this is attached to the frame in its sequence, and in the end we have a house that is not worse than the buildings from the bar.

Here is a good example of construction according to this technology:

And the main components of the house built on such technology look like this:

Frameless technology

To build such houses, a detailed project is made initially, according to which the shields of the required size are manufactured in the factory. We are talking about multilayer panels, in which the inner covering, insulation and all kinds of insulation are already initially included. All you need is just consolidating these shields on the frame of the house, which takes most of two days. As a result, the whole house, ranging from the design and ending with the arrangement of the roof, is built in just a week.

So, insulated SIP panels are most popular in frame-panel technology. SIP is a wall panel that is intended to carry longitudinal loads. The frame house on the Canadian technology, which just provides for the use of SIP, is particularly warm and holistic.

And when building a frame house from such a material, such a question arises: and the roof do from the same material, or is it still traditional? With beams, rafters and crate? The fact is that everything solves the length of the overlap.

So, with small spans, up to 5-6 meters, a single skeleton roof of the frame house may well be from SIP. It will be already insulated, durable and easy to perform. Moreover, SIP has good bending strength. But for large spans, it is better to build traditional overlap and reinforced rafters. After all, it is not to make a complex roof from SIP, but just a single one enough:

It is just important to know how to properly connect the beams of overlapping with such walls:

Single Roof Device on Frame House

A single roof in the design world is also called monoskat. The house with such a roof modern architects see somehow differently than single or holm: easier, air and stylish.

A single roof wardly behaves here where spans from 6 to 8 meters. Usually the slope of the skate is made to the north, and in the southern facades there are large windows. Often, the outer insulation of such a roof is practiced: from above extrusion polystyrene foam, which is covered with cement tie, and on top of it - roofing carpet.

What is also good, the drainage system in such a roof is simplified and only needed on one side, and not on two or four immediately. But this is not necessary: \u200b\u200bin the south-sided side of the skate abroad, solar collectors are often equipped.

Step 1. Design

A single-sided roof of any format is always different from the batch that the rafters are not connected in the skate, and both ends are attached to the walls of the building. Those. Skate as such is not at all. The only exception is a run on which the utterance rafters are attached, but it never exceeds the level of the entire skate.

If you are stationing on frame-panel technology, then you will easily create the difference between the walls:

But if you are using a sip-panel or walls have already been made of one height, then it will have to make rafting farms.

Crowned rafters in a single roof are done when the building has an inner strong partition. After all, the longer the rafter leg, the more the danger of its deflection or turning. And therefore, if there is an opportunity to rest such rafters - you need to use it.

In this case, a run is mounted on the carrier partition:

Now the rafters are already twice as soon as possible - so that each of them one of them rests on the wall, and the second is on the run. And be sure to check the angle of inclination of such rafters with a laser level - it must completely coincide. And externally, such a roof will not differ from simpler single one-stop.

But in general, the coolest rafters of a single-table roof can be in all these versions:

Although the rolling rafters in a single roof of the skeleton house can be generally failing:

Hanging rafters are good because they can be constructed directly on Earth, in the form of ready-made farms. After all, their main difference from the consistency in the fact that the load is now transmitted to the rafter triangle itself, and not on the walls of the building. And it is quite reasonable, because most often one-sided roofs are arranged just on small buildings, such as a bath, a garage or a lot. And the walls are usually not happy with a special fortress.

That's how to decide: if your construction is not distinguished by the monumentality of the walls, make hanging rafters, and if more or less strong and there is an inner wall - then wean. The choice is quite simple!

Step 2. Cutout under Mauerlat

Defined? Then clarify the future angle of inclination of such a roof and make a template for rafters:

And the cutout itself needs to be done to open the rafters of a single-piece roof at Mauerlala. The main task of Mauerlat is to compensate the horizontal irregularities of the walls. That is why when it is laying, be sure to arm the construction level.

Step 3. Manufacturing rafters

For this task you will need such fasteners:

And how difficult, you have rafters, it depends on what load on them is planned. The higher, the rafters should be more reinforced from the inside:

Step 4. Calculation of the crate

As soon as fasten the rafters, go to the crate. The smaller the slope of a single-table roof, the more often the cutter should be (up to solid):

Step 5. Roofing

For a small slope of the roof, use a soft tile that is generally most often found on frame houses:

And on the sharpening skates - that already the soul wishes, only in advance, calculate the weight of roofing on the whole house and the foundation:

It remains only to lay the selected roofing and organize water. Which, fortunately, is made in a single-sided roof on one side:

Step 6. Gloomy

With a relatively recently, a new fashion squeak appeared in frame construction: cleanliness, laconicism and many glass surfaces. What is the easiest way to achieve precisely by framework technology, for which the presence of a single-piece roof instead of massive and clumsy multicate - real sweat:

The easiest, according to modern architects, the way to bring more light into the frame house is more light and ease - make transparent inserts into the roof or and and at all the light-minded one part. For example, over the covered veranda or part over the attic. And in fact, it is not about glass at all, but just about modern roofing polycarbonate, which is more often used by monolithic or corrugated. About this on our site there is a separate article, and here we note only some technical moments.

Choosing a polycarbonate thickness that you are going to use for the construction of the roof, calculate in advance climatic and static loads. You probably saw the photo, where are beautiful durable greenhouses for spring turn out to be fully barred roofs? And all because when buying the owners, they decided to save on quality, without having calculated, such tons of snow fall out with harsh Russian winter. You would not want something like this happened to the roof of your home, isn't it? After all, it will not be difficult to replace the top of the usual greenhouse, but replacing the roof of the house is real problems.

Fastening profiled polycarbonate sheets on the roof is needed using the same attachment that is used for metal products. These are self-tapping and self-controlled STSD screws. The sheets themselves are bonded with each other with special profiles that are equipped with EPDM rubber seals. All this is necessary so that such a beautiful roof flows. There is also a special connecting aluminum profile - for P-6066 polycarbonate. It consists of a special clamping strip and seal, but it is already necessary to fix it with the help of self-tapping screws directly to the pipe or crate.

In addition, if you remain a polycarbonate residues (there are standard sheets), use it for glazing utility rooms:

And more from another roofing is so applied.

The house with a single-pate roof, built on the framework technology at a competent approach, will be the most modern and stylish!

Frame house with a single-sided roof with your own hands: step-by-step instruction

Detailed analysis of the construction of a modern frame house with a single roof: step-by-step illustrations and the newest video instructions.

If you want to build an extraordinary, unlike a neighbor house, look at the houses under a single-piece roof. It gives the building originality. In addition, a single roof is the simplest in the device. So simple that it can be done with your own hands.

Pros and cons

Single roofs are considered inexpensive and simple in the device themselves. And this is true, especially with a small width of the building. Nevertheless, in our country at home with single-sided roofs there are quite infrequent. For the most part, this is due to the fact that two or four pitched roofs are more familiar - they look both more familiar. The second snag is to find a project adapted to our weather conditions. There are a lot of Western project resources, but they are designed for a softer climate, as a rule, have a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing. Find an architect that competently change the favorite project is very difficult. But if it was still possible, and the harmony of the building was not disturbed, the house turns out very original.

Many scare uneven ceilings in some part of the building. Their, of course, is more difficult to beat than standard, but the result is completely different - the original is 100%. True, this time find a designer who can develop a similar interior on the expanses of our Motherland is very difficult, nevertheless, possibly.

There is another way out - to align the ceilings by overlapping, and the free space under the roof is used as technical premises. Such options and hosts are implemented very satisfied. Yes, technical premises on in the basement floor, and at the top, but it is no problems with groundwater.

This is perhaps all the minutes or pitfalls that a single roof can bring. There is, however, another moment, which is difficult to name the disadvantage, due to the features of the structure, the roofing material is not visible on such houses from the ground. If the area is smooth, without high drops of heights, bother with the appearance of the roof, it makes no sense. It is better to choose simple in appearance, but high-quality materials, quiet (large plane, with rain noise strongly) and reliable. One of the popular options is a folding roof. It provides due degree of tightness, not very noise. Another option is from modern materials. Such roofs are even quieter, and modern materials can be operated 20-30 years without repair.

Single-car roof device

The required slope of a single-table roof is organized due to the height of the opposite walls. One wall of the building is significantly higher than the other. This leads to increased consumption of materials for walls, but the rafter system is very simple, especially for the buildings of a small width.

With sufficient bearing ability of the walls, the liner system of a single-piece roof is based on Maurylalate, fixed to the wall. In order for the load distribution to be more uniform, the top row of the wall masonry is reinforced by the longitudinal reinforcement (for brick walls, from concrete blocks) or on top of the last row, armopoyas (for walls of limestone, sewer) is poured. In the case of a wooden or frame structure, the role of Mauerlat usually performs the last crown or upper binding.

With insufficient strength of the building material of the walls, most of the load can be transferred to the overlap. For this, the racks are installed (step - about 1 meter), for which the runs are stacked - long bars walking along the building. On them and rely then rafting legs.

When the Armopoyas was filling or laying the last row, in it, with a step of 80-100 cm, the studs are installed, with which the Mauerlat is then attached to the walls of the building. In wooden houses, if you do not do Armopoyas, it is impossible to lay the studs. In this case, it is allowed to install on the pins with a hexagon head. Under the pin, a hole is drilled through Mauerlat, a pair of millimeters less than the diameter of the pin. A metal rod is clogged into it, which attracts a wooden bar to the wall. The connection is delayed using the hex key of the desired size.

Single Single Roof System

Such roofs are especially popular when building yard buildings - Sarai, garages. Just the size of the buildings make it possible to use not very powerful beams, and the beams are required in small quantities. With the width of the structure up to 6 meters, the chalk system of a single-table roof almost does not contain additional reinforcing elements (backups and runs), which is profitable. Also attracts the absence of complex nodes.

For the middle strip of Russia for flight up to 5.5 meters take the beam 50-150 mm, up to 4 meters enough 50-100 mm, although it is in good way, it is necessary to consider snow and wind load specifically in your region, and, based on this, to be determined With beam parameters.

When the distance between the walls is up to 4.5 meters, a single-table roof consists of two brings in Maurolalat, fixed on the walls, and rafting legs, which are based on Mauerlat. Really very simple design.

With a width of the span from 4.5 meters to 6 meters, it is still required to be licked, fixed on a higher wall at the level of overlapping and a substropsy leg, which rests on the beam in almost the middle. The angle of the slope of this beam depends on the distance between the walls and the level of the Lenzny installation.

More complex rafting systems in a single-table roof with a width of buildings more than 6 meters. In this case, it is optimal if the house is designed so that inside there is also a bearing wall, which is based on the racks. With the width of the house to 12 meters, the farms are still simple, the cost of the roofing device is minimal.

For buildings width more than 12 meters, the system becomes more difficult - the subcording feet becomes greater. In addition, the manufacture of beams longer than 6 meters long is expensive. If an increase is required only to the width of the oops of the roof, the beams are frozen along the edges of the lumps. These are pieces of beams of the same section, connected to the beam and fixed on the sides with two wooden lining with a length of at least 60 cm bolted with bolts or nails, allow the use of mounting plates.

If the total length of the beam is obtained more than 8 meters, they are usually spliced. The joints of the joint are additionally enhanced by killing the boards or mounting plates.

Fastening options raftered to Mauerlat: moving fame at the top and tough above right. At the bottom right, the option of the sinks without soles (it is very rarely applied)

There may be questions about the methods of fastening the rafted single roofs to Mauerlat. There are no fundamental differences. Everything also makes a cutout in a rafter foot, which the timber rests in Mauerlat. In order not to suffer with each rafter foot, aligning it to landing, drinking the first, out of a piece of blackboard, thick plywood or bar makes a template, exactly repeating the resulting "drank". All subsequent rafters are flooded before installation. The template is applied to them in the right place, the removal of the required shape and size is fixed.

It was a speech about the hard fastening of the rafter feet to Mauerlat. It is used on all buildings that give a small shrinkage. On wooden houses, this method of fastening cannot be used - the house all the time settles or lifted a bit, which is why there may be a skew. If the roof is fixed rigidly, it can break it. Therefore, when applying a single-table or any other roofing on wooden houses, a sling and mauelalat is used. For this there are so-called "sliding". These are plates, condition from the corners that are attached to Mauerlat and movingly connected with them metal strips that are attached to the rafter foot. There are two such slopes for each rafter.

Choosing an angle of inclination of the roof

The block angle of the roof is determined by the totality of the indicators - the wind and snow load and the type of roofing material. First, they are determined with an angle of climatic conditions (depending on the number of precipitation and wind loads). After watching the minimum recommended bias for the selected type of roofing material (in the table below).

If the desired angle is greater, everything is fine, if less (which happens very rarely) - it increases to the recommended one. Doing the roof with an angle less than the minimum angle recommended by the roofing manufacturer, does not definitely - will flow at the joints. To easier to focus, let's say that for the middle strip of Russia, the recommended slope of a single-table roof is 20 °. But it is advisable to count the number for each region, and even for different arrangements of the construction on the site.

By the way, keep in mind that different manufacturers of the same type of roofing material may require different minimal bias. For example, one brand can be carried out on a roof with a minimum bias of 14 °, another - at 16 °. And this is despite the fact that GOST determines the minimum bias of 6 °.

It is also worth remembering that with a skate up to 12 ° in order to ensure the tightness of any roofing material, it is necessary to miss all the joints of the material with a liquid waterproofing composition (usually - with bitumen mastic, less often - roofing sealant).

We determine the height that is required to raise the wall

To ensure the excavation angle of a single-table roof, it is necessary to raise one of the walls above. As far as I learn, remembering the formula for calculating the rectangular triangle. We find and the length of the rafter feet.

When calculating, do not forget that the length is removed without taking into account the scenes, and they need to protect the walls of the house from precipitation. The minimum sink is 20 cm. But with such a small ledge beyond the building, a single roof of Kutsuza looks outside the building. Therefore, there are usually at least 60 cm on single-storey buildings. On the two-storey, they can be up to 120 cm. In this case, the width of the sink is determined on the basis of aesthetic considerations - the roof should look harmoniously.

The easiest way is to determine how much it is necessary to extend the roof in design programs, allowing the building on the scale and "play" with skes. Everything should be displayed in 3 dimensions (the most popular SCRATCHUP program). Choose in it different sizes of the soles, decide which it looks better (this is if there is no project), and then order / do rafters.

Photo report from construction: Single Roof on a house of aerated concrete

Built house in St. Petersburg. The project was not, there was a common idea that is presented in the photo. House made from aerated concrete, finishing - plaster, roof - folding chosen based on the low cost, reliability, ease of installation.

After the walls were kicked out, Armopoians flooded in them, into which studs (Ø 10 mm) were installed through each meter. When concrete in Armopoyas reached the required vanity, the waterproofing layer ("hydroize", cut along the bands of the desired width) was laid on the bitumen mastic. Over the waterproofing, Mauerlat is stacked - the ram 150-150 mm. All lumber, which are used for the roofing device, dry, are processed by protective impregnations, antipirens.

Start mounting a single-table roof - Laying Mauerlat

It is first put in place (lies on the studs, adhered by helpers), pass along, knocking the hammer to the places where the studs are standing. The bar is imprinted by places where the studs stick out. Now the holes are drilled and simply get it on the hairpins.

Since the span is obtained by large, put backups from the bar (150-150 mm), which is laid a run, which will maintain rafting legs.

The roof width is 12 meters away. This is taking into account the deposancy of 1.2 meters from the front side. Therefore, the bars Mauerlat and the run "sticky" beyond the walls of the walls.

At first there were doubts about such a large removal - the extreme right bar hangs 2.2 meters. If this takeaway is reduced, it is bad for the walls, and the appearance will deteriorate. Therefore, everything was decided to leave as it is.

Laying timing

Stacked rafters of two sprocketing boards 200 * 50 mm, with a step of 580 mm. The boards are riveted with nails, in a checker order (at the top below), with a step of 200-250 mm. Hats nails on the right, then on the left, pairwise two tops / from the bottom right, two tops / from the bottom left, etc.). Splicing places of boards are broader on less than 60 cm. The resulting beam is obtained much more reliable than a similar one-piece bar.

Next, a cake of a single-table roof for a given case is such (on the side of the attic - on the street): vapor barrier, stone wool 200 mm, ventuzor (doomlet, counter-doletka), moisture insulation, roofing material. In this case, this is a pure gray color.

The insulation from the inside will be carried out later, and while on top of the rafter, we put the hydro-wind-wind-protecting membrane "Tailer Solid" (vapor-permeable).

The membrane lays down-up, attached brackets from the stapler. The canvas that rolls above enters the already laid 15-20 cm. The junction is punctured by a double-sided tape (bought together with the membrane). Then the planks are stipulated on top of the membrane, they are a doomle for folding roof.

First, the cutter made from the board 25 * 150 mm in a step of 150 mm. After laying, like roof, it was decided to strengthen the crate. For this, there are 100 mm widths for the boards between already laid boards. Now there is a gap of 25 mm between the boards.

Single Roof Disease As a result

Next on the lower fronton, the hooks were bent for. They are nor unmarried, because because of the big length of the fronton, it was decided to make two receiving funnels at a distance of 2.8 meters from the edge. To secure runoff in two sides and made such a relief.

Next, it is necessary to make pieces of metal (paintings) 12 meters long. They are not heavy, but they cannot be bent, because Salazki disappear. For lifting, a temporary "bridge" connecting the earth and roof is constructed. On him and raised sheets.

Next go roofing, which differ depending on the type of roofing material. In this case, it was necessary to solve the problem of temperature expansion of the material - galvanized steel (poural) when heated / cooled significantly changes its dimensions. To ensure freedom of expansion, fixing the material for the crate is decided for Falts moving clemmers with freedom of movement of 15-20 mm.

After laying the roofing material, the skes are remained, and they are no different.

I need to bring the root "to mind" - to sunmate, but, mostly, it is ready

Well, in the photo below what happened after decoration. Very modern, stylish and unusual.

House with a single-table roof - finishing almost finished

Projects and photos of houses with a single roof

As already told, it is hard to find interesting projects of residential buildings with a single roof. While these buildings are unpopular. Perhaps just because of its originality. This section contains several projects or photos of already built houses. Maybe someone will be useful at least as an idea.

Large windows - beautiful, but irrational in our climate

Multi-level house - an interesting implemented project

This is the prototype of what is located above.

Original house. Under one single-sided roof and house and host construction, and even part - canopy over the courtyard between two buildings

At European expanses (especially in Germany), houses are quite popular with a single-board roof, whereas in our country this option is considered more acceptable for economic buildings. The system with a small bias is distinguished by constructive simplicity.

Pros and cons

Fashion on flat roofs appeared in the middle of the last century and became an expression of the desire for simplicity and functionality. The lack of personality, elegance and style is one of the advantages. Other positive features are characteristic:

  • Saving wood when building a rafter system, as well as roofing material.
  • Ease of installation - for this procedure, specific calculations are not needed, additional supporting nodes (as for a multi-part version).
  • Small sailboat. Ideal for regions with strong winds.
  • Easy to arrange the drainage.
  • Ease of repair and service work.
  • The ability to create a full-fledged two-storey house. Equipped mansard will have high walls and large windows.

One-skate roof provides extensive expanses for design solutions. If it is completely flat, it is equipped with an observation platform, a gazebo, a summer garden, a place to receive sunbathing. Extremely productive the idea of \u200b\u200bmounting solar panels and collectors for water heating. With the front side of the building on the skate, the installation of a large window is appropriate: it not only serves as a source of daylight, but also visually makes the room more spacious.

  • low attic problems (if provided by developers);
  • the need to regularly purify the roof from snow and ice in the winter and spring period, continuous control over the constructive elements and timely elimination of defects;
  • high requirements for hydro and heat insulation equipment;
  • not too presentable.

If there is a desire to make a cottage more attractive, it is necessary to make decorative architectural elements into the project, pay attention to the color range of the outer decoration. With the same purpose, and also for the manufacture of an absolutely sealed system, you should buy high-quality materials and entrust the installation work to those skilled in the art.

Options for private houses

Single roofs are used not only for small cottages, but also structures in the style of high-tech, large cottages, multi-storey buildings.

Since the snow load will be greater than in the presence of several rods, it is important to accurately calculate the angle of inclination and the cross section of the support elements - otherwise the design will simply collapse under the multi-skin mass. This is especially true in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house intended for the Northern region.

Choosing the project, pay attention to that all buildings with a single-sided roof are divided into two large groups:

  • with a attic - on the upper floor of a straight ceiling, due to the air interlayer in the attic space, thermal insulation is improved, only care is problematic;
  • without a attic - the roof plays the role of overlapping, because of which the ceiling of the upper floor is beveled.

Descriptions of popular facilities:

1. single-storey.

  • Features of the cottages are such: modest sizes and a rectangular shape, lightweight lines, small windows. Named criteria correspond to Finnish houses area no more than 30 m2. Buildings are characterized by simplicity, but at the same time reliable and practical. They are usually built on frame-shield technology. The main nodes are manufactured in advance at the plant from multilayer panels and customized in size. A single roof is designed by determining the difference in opposite walls in height. In the garden plot, the assembly is carried out in a couple of days. The same need for installation of the roof.
  • One-storey house in the middle price range. If you put the same tools into the project as in the construction of a standard residential cottage (up to 100 m2), you can create an original design with a multi-level single roof. The rafter system remains as simple and available in the plan of the construction, the attic is also absent. In the interval between the levels insert the window frames by receiving an additional light source.

2. Two-storey.

The project is chosen depending on the number of residents, budget, construction style. It can be a minimalistic wooden cottage with an attic. The top floor has a different level of heights - where it decreases to a minimum, decorate the storage room. The second option is to locate on the second tier of the bedroom and install the beds in the side of the ceiling.

The house with a single-pate roof consisting of two floors is built from aerated concrete blocks, making floors from reinforced concrete slabs, and the foundation is from a powerful monolithic reinforced concrete. To diversify the finish, combine the trim from bricks and tiles with wood imitation. On the ground floor there is a dining room, kitchen, hall, toilet, garage. At the top of the bedroom, the bedrooms are attached to the balcony.

3. High-tech cottage.

The foundation is a solid reinforced concrete slab, the walls are constructed from aerated concrete. It is possible to make a flat or single-board roof from concrete, protect it with a waterproofing film, and then pave the insulation from the Minvati. From above covered with rolled material.

The house of about 100 m2, built in the style of High-tech, consists of a bedroom, a kitchen-dining room and a living room combined with it. From the latter, the summer veranda exit: these rooms are separated by a sliding glass door, expanding space. Provided place for fireplace and garage.

For houses in the style of High-tech, it is characterized by the use of glass and metal as decoration. Design is carried out taking into account these features: large windows, metal drains, steel rolls, glazed doors, transparent partitions. Even roofing can be made of glass.

In addition to the glass and metal decor, elements from wood and texture plaster are used. Next to the modern building there is an organically, a platform for recreation paved with tiles and a pool.