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What should be the correct proportion of the roles "Leaders - subordinates. The role of the leader in the modern organization

Principles of leadership:

♦ it is better to be what seems;

♦ It is better to be capable than to be.

Components of leadership - the field of activity of the leader, the implementation of which allows it to effectively affect people and circumstances.

Leadership is, first of all, responsibility. Without taking responsibility, you can not delegate it.

Fig. 9.2. Leader functions

Denote the main functions of the leader (Fig. 9.2):

I. The leader formsthe vision of the project determines the long-term and coming goals of the team's activities, develops a project development strategy using the intellectual potential of the team. Of the mosaic of the vision, the final image of the design of the project to which the team will go to the team all the time of its existence should be aware of the ideas and proposals of team members. This image can be adjusted and revised, but it is precisely the main managers and a motivating factor in team collaboration. The team leader gives a slave sense of involvement in the development and implementation of the vision, but never delegates the function of forming a vision to one of the team members. It usually leaves this feature. Similarly, the leader determines the priority of the goals and the choice of strategies for achieving.

II. The leader controls the real levers of power. Power levers - Real mechanisms for implementing management decisions. The power levers include:

The presence of a lobby. The leader must have a free entry to higher managers, the impact on the team, broad connections in the external environment. If there is a driven influential friend in the external environment or in the leader's leadership, it is necessary to establish personal contact with the authority of power using or without. When using a led in the establishment of contact with an influential person, the leader occupies the position of the "host", and the slave is the position "Guest". If this condition is not fulfilled, then the authority loses the entire management team. The wider active contacts leader with power centers, great influence He possesses.

Financial management. The leader has not only the right signature under financial documents, but also keeps his hand on the pulse of financial flows. Delegating its leading financial management, it is advisable to specify:

- the zone of independent decision-making slave with the subsequent


- control zone, where the leader is informed of the results,

- coordination zone,

- zone where the decision remains behind the leader.

Sales and supply control. The one who built a sales system or project supply is an indispensable personality, which has vital external communication for the team. Consequently, the team leader should "on the shoulders" of his merchant himself to enter into strategically important agreements, connecting to the process immediately after the release of the slave on the person, which makes decisions and corresponds to the rank head of the project. The head of the project to hold the first meeting with the responsible person is preferably together with a member of the team who will have a way out for him.

The presence of an indisputable authority. Some managers try to avoid taking off the authoritative subordinates. The leader of the leader is determined by how much it can manage high-class specialists. The team leader can effectively use the high authority of its driven, "including" and "turning off" its influence under command interaction. To do this, it is necessary to clearly limit the scope of the responsibility of the slave for all team members know, in what area the authoritative slave is an expert. If the team led in the illusions of the team members is an expert in all areas, then this is a serious problem of the project manager. It is necessary to control these illusions, sometimes even artificially determining the authoritative slave of its informal role that coincides with the formal. The task number one from the leader - in a short time to create from other members of the team of experts in different areas Command interaction. It is necessary to carefully listen to the opinion of the authoritative slave, when it concerns its field of activity, and dispelly listen or interrupt when it crashes into other areas, while applying to the opinion of a new expert in this area. Gradually, new experts team members will take their niches and under no circumstances will launch the old "authority" there. In this, they are interested in themselves. The team will appear somewhat strong specialists along with the old authoritative slave. Each of them will be actively self-sustained to withstand competition with the influence of the "authority" of the old expert in many areas.

Thus, the following tasks are solved:

2. Effective intraceand interaction is formed.

3. The team is laid good soil under the professional growth of high-class "young" experts - experts in their fields.

Leaders are often metaphorically compared with eagles. And legitimate, as, like Orlam, leaders have sharp vision (insight) and a huge force of character. But when the leaders suggest that they should be as lonely as most eagles, the meaning of comparison is distorted. A good leader should never act alone. When the leader acts as a lonely wanderer, taking all responsibility for itself, this adversely affects both on it and on the team. As a result, the leader and team itself exhausted.

The government of team leadership in the business is that several people have more power than one, which means that the force is in quantity. In team leadership, the main support of leadership is detected - providing authority. The leadership is replaced by the upbringing and training of new leaders, or the so-called replication process.

Replication of leaders in the team allows you to increase team performance per unit time. For example, when the leader is faced with the task of solving the problems that members of his team have and within an hour he has the opportunity to meet with three of them, having trained three team members to solve problems, together with them the leader will be able to meet with twelve members in the same time. It improves performance on four hundred percent.

The main discipline in leadership is to resolve problems. The leader is responsible for providing strategies to overcome those barriers that are on the way of the team to goal. When practicing team leadership, the burden of overcoming the obstacle is distributed at all and accordingly increases the potential of team performance.

There are three stages of formation of effective team leadership:

1. Imagine individuality.

Start leader is necessary with a change in its priorities in the team. He should no longer allow himself to deal with the problems of a small nature, and devote himself to devote himself and pay attention to only the most difficult issues. This is the most significant difference between progressive organizations and organizations being in a state of stagnation. When there is such a behavioral model in the team, in which all questions and problems solves the leader, hands are associated with hands, and they are deprived of the opportunity to develop their own potential.

2. Form the culture of trainings.

The leader needs to teach all members of his team to all the principles and strategies that he / she enjoys when making decisions and resolve problems ("cowardly" leaders always be afraid of issuing their own professional secrets because of the fear of their offset with their positions). It is important that the leader taught team members to share with colleagues with their knowledge gained (this is important for the formation of culture of training). Open exchange of knowledge, experience and information is building confidence in the team and, accordingly, strengthens it. Contempt and secret collusion are the product of secrecy.

3. Raise new leaders.

The last stage is that the leader gives its most dedicated to the members of the authority to solve problems. These new leaders will be responsible for the permission of all problems, limiting the tasks of the initial leader only by the most complex problems. The command leadership replication process gives the team a unique power and potential, thanks to the investigativeness plan in it; Thus, eliminating the risk of stopping the continuity of leadership in case of absence or dismissing the initial leader.

Leadership is a powerful tool; And that the team can overcome all sorts of obstacles, this tool needs to work properly. Consequently, the government of leadership should not be concentrated from one person; Absolute power takes care even the most good intentions. However, the power of leadership, distributed throughout the team, and used as part of the unity of the mission, is the ideal way to use this power in business.

Leadership is one of the socio-psychological factors affecting performance. The leadership potential is a set of psychological qualities that meet the needs of the team and the most useful for the resolution of the problem situation in which this team got. Leadership is the primacy in stimulating, planning and organizing the Group's activity. Behind the ability to lead the leadership such integral characteristics as "mood for danger", "management abilities" and high "personal activity".

Under the "conference on danger" is understood high efficiency actions in stress, as well as sensitivity to potential danger And fearless.

The actions under stressful conditions, the most appropriate roles of the true leader, are in its team protection championship, in organizing group actions, in attacking actions, in choosing a strategy and tactics of team behavior. The sensitivity consists in the ability of the leader to anticipate the possibility of stressful circumstances and the options for their development. Fearlessness is conditionally indicated by the quality that allows the leader longer than everyone to withstand threats to it, and are restored faster after lesions.

In the structure of management abilities, the suppression functions of the intragroup aggressiveness (conflict) and supporting weak members of the group, planning the upcoming actions of the Group.

High personal activity of the leader includes a wide range of private manifestations - from initiative and contact with physical mobility and tendency to form temporary unions with different members of the group.

T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva in the book "Effective Team: Steps to Creating" allocates twelve requirements for the potential leader of the team:

1. The leader must be a carrier of the organization's values, believing in its mission.

2. The leader should be able to develop with the organization.

3. The leader must have good organizational abilities; Starting to act, see the ultimate goal.

4. The leader must be attentive to people, be able to see, above all, their creative abilities. Dating, understand the individuality of everyone.

5. The leader should not use the knowledge of the weaknesses of people to manipulate them (conscious provoking the feeling of guilt, blackmail, threats, etc.).

6. The leader must have positive thinking: Conscious your own depths and act in accordance with them; do not distort information on the basis of own internal contradictions and unresolved conflicts; believe in success, create positive thoughts; In difficult situations, always look for a way out, do not fall into despair.

7. The leader should be able to honestly and objectively analyze its own actions and decisions, as well as the actions of the people who trusted him.

8. The leader must be a "team man", and not an individualist or hermit; possess a high communicative culture.

9. The leader must possess the internal "Code of Honor" and "Ethics of Character".

10. The leader should be able to competently dispose of his own and stranger time, clearly express priorities in the work.

11. The leader should be able to competently plan workload and measures to restore forces (both for itself and for others).

12. The leader should be able to reach synergies: the special energy of the team's collective mind, the unity of the aspirations of the team members.

Peter Drager said: "Control is the art of doing right, and leadership is the art of doing the right things." Indeed, this leader is able to inspire people to feats and work wonders, and if he is still a strategic leader, then his team is "doomed to success."

According to P. Draker, in the cohesive team of like-minded people, headed by a recognized leader, ordinary people become able to perform extraordinary affairs.

The leader's task includes the deliverance of employees from the feeling of fear before failure. The lack of confidence in their own capabilities encourages, according to A. Weisman, the usual teams of "ordinary" performers undertake the bar of the goals. But Communion means replacement, and this is the biggest enemy of success in business life. The winner team should be ready to meet with obstacles and tune in to overcome them. Failures, conflicts should be considered as possible "growth points" as signals about the urgent need for organizational changes.

The leader is obliged to convince his subordinates that they should not be afraid to take for the most difficult tasks that they have the right to risk that mistakes are often becoming the key to success.

Group EUM 505.

Swedov Olga

Essay on the topic "The role of the leader in the formation and activities of the team"

Currently, companies act in conditions of merciless competition, so it is necessary to create strong teams that can overcome obstacles and achieve a high result. All the efforts of modern companies are aimed at creating an effective team. It is also known and proven by numerous examples that joint efforts can always be achieved and produce better results. If the team is intended to be trained, then at the expense of team work it will be possible to celebrate success in all areas of activity. Successful teams use the synergies of talents and the energy of their members in such a way that 1 plus 1 gives the result of at least 3 (and often much more). In a word, when the command works simply, the overall result is much higher than the sum of its parts.

The team can be defined as a group of people who have high qualifications in a certain area and the most devoted common goal of the activities of their organization, to achieve which they act together, mutually coordinating their work. Many studies of experts in the field of formation and activities of teams show that no factor provides greater benefits and benefits than effective leadership. Leadership is necessary in order to turn a group of people in the team and transform them into force, which is a sustainable competitive advantage. Leaders know how to make people start working together, and how to motivate them to try to fully reveal their abilities. Leaders also know how to balance the individual aspirations of the team members with a reference to the creation of synergies - a general result, which is much higher than the amount of individual contributions of the team members. Like a orchestra conductor or a football team coach, an effective leader is achieved from players that they first seek to achieve the highest command result, and not personal. Obviously, teams where there are leaders can achieve all this much faster than teams without leaders.

The word leader comes from English Lead. So, the leader is a leading, going ahead. The leader is the main member of the team with a high personal status, which has a strong impact on the opinion and behavior of subordinates to achieve the goal. The perfect leader of the team, according to Belbina, is a calm person who radiates confidence, with the qualities of a team player who reveals the ability of other people well and knows how to use them.

In fact, the main responsibilities of the leader of the team are similar to the usual controlling functions of any boss. However, in addition, the leader has to face and solve unique managerial tasks. The effective leader of the team should from the very beginning to understand its role that its functions are not limited exclusively by managing or controlling the performance of the team, but include assistance in the cohesion of the team and the realization of the personal potential of each of the team participants. The leader should be an example for subordinates and the guarantor of tasks for manual. Consider more like leadership or management team leads to the formation of a nicely operating team and a more complete and rapid implementation of the goals.

The team is a system and how any system has its own life cycle. There is no rigid classification of the period of life of the team. Just experts believe that often when the team members proceed to work together on a task or project, a certain sequence of events occurs.

At the beginning of the team formation, an excess of energy takes place. Despite this excess, it is unlikely that it is enough for a long time. The team should overcome the internal contradictions and doubts (at some stage) before a really cohesive team is formed. This process It gives rise to risks, however, this is the necessary way to create the rules of the team. The clarity of the intentions and cohesion of the team members will result in a higher performance than in the Working Group. After executing the tasks, the commands often disintegrate. The main characteristics of the team development stages and the role of the leader in each of them are reduced to the table:

Stages of the formation and activities of the team

Stages A brief description of The role of the leader
  • this is not yet a team, but a combination of individual individuals;
  • there is a discussion in the very general Appointments of the team, its goals, composition, work mechanisms, etc.
  • people are careful in their manifestations and seek to impress each other;
  • fears and fluctuations are possible associated with not a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming work in the team;
  • shared by all understanding is present in a slight degree;
  • low commitment to the interests of the team.
  • introduce team members with each other if they are unfamiliar;
  • create a relaxed and comfortable environment;
  • give a team a clear direction and a clear goal;
  • involve team members in the development of plans, refinement of roles and identifying ways to work together;
  • provide the team information needed to start work.
Trigger (drilling)
  • people "open" and identify individual goals and expectations;
  • disagreement and contradictions are on the surface;
  • the appointment of the team, the style of management, group roles, models of interaction and behavior - everything can be questioned and challenged;
  • internal problems of the team go to the fore;
  • feelings find their expression;
  • there may be an interpersonal conflict;
  • appeal to past incidents and problems;
  • ready to take the risk of collaboration;
  • team members are inspected from their colleagues and learn more about themselves.
  • helping the team to successfully solve disputes;
  • ensure an exchange of views and constructive discussion of problems.
  • inspire a team to achieve the intended goals;
  • explore the strong I. weak sides each team member;
  • encourage team members to make increasing responsibility and new obligations;
  • develop and implement agreements on the powers of the team members and the procedure for making decisions;
  • the team can reject the recognized leader and determine an alternative way to manage its affairs.
  • establishing norms and procedures for work;
  • formation of acceptable guide style;
  • distribution of roles and the formation of models of interaction;
  • development of cooperation and mutual support, strong trust;
  • formation of decision-making mechanisms, control and feedback;
  • ensure the formation of norms and mechanisms that contribute to the effective work of the team;
  • coordinate the aspirations of each member of the team with common goals and values;
  • promote team cohesion.
  • the team is combined and can work effectively to achieve the goals set before it;
  • general understanding of problems;
  • mutual support and mutual assistance;
  • a comfortable atmosphere that stimulates the achievement of new heights;
  • development, professional and personal growth of team members.
  • regularly assess the effectiveness of the work of the team and the results of its activities;
  • provide feedback to team members;
  • delegate additional powers to team members;
  • discuss with members of the team suggestions to improve its activities;
Reorganization or disbandment
  • dissolution or re-formation of the team after completing it task;
  • an option is also possible before the team of new tasks.
  • inform the team members about the upcoming changes (reduce tensions associated with changes and transitions);
  • evaluate the work done by them and what they have learned;
  • encourage team members to ensure that they do not lose touch with each other and supported relations

Thus, the leader's role is key in a team, possessing a certain influence, it must motivate the activities of the group members, provide intragroup balance and satisfaction, and at the same time send and coordinate the efforts of the Group to achieve faces facing it. Therefore, companies pay a lot of attention to the selection and preparation of leaders, contribute to the improvement of their qualifications, conducting various trainings and seminars.


1.R. Meredith Belbin - team managers. Secrets of success and cause failures. Publisher: Hippo, 2003

2. Magazine "Director", May 2009, M. Yakubovich "Management teams".

3. Pugachev V. P. Human Resource Human Resources. M. 2002.

4. Yakhontova E. S. Efficiency of management leadership. M. 2002.

5. Pract_man / TR / TEAM / TR-Team- Stages.htm

Short description

Currently, companies act in conditions of merciless competition, so it is necessary to create strong teams that can overcome obstacles and achieve a high result. All the efforts of modern companies are aimed at creating an effective team. It is also known and proven by numerous examples that joint efforts can always be achieved and produce better results. If the team is intended to be trained, then at the expense of team work it will be possible to celebrate success in all areas of activity. Successful teams use the synergies of talents and the energy of their members in such a way that 1 plus 1 gives the result of at least 3 (and often much more). In a word, when the command works simply, the overall result is much higher than the sum of its parts.

Introduction .................................................................................... 2

Chapter 1: Theoretical basis Leadership problems in modern conditions……………………………………………………………………………..4

1.1. Essence of leadership theories……………………………………………4

1.1.1. The essence of the behavioral approach ................................. ... 12

1.2. Motivation and Types of Leadership: species, features……………….….18

1.3. Leadership as a mechanism for continuously improving the competitiveness of organizations…..………………..…………...27

1.3.1. Determination of the role of leadership in the system quality system..28

1.4. New generation leaders: features, the problem of preparing the leaders…...48

1.5. Contents of the concept of "team", characteristic features……...57

Chapter 2: Leadership Fees in Modern Russian Conditions…………………………………………………………………………….62

2.1. How to achieve success, starting "from scratch"?…………………………..62

2.2. Manual with personnel orientation - is it easy?……………………………………………………………..……..66

Conclusion .............................................................................. ..69.

List of references .................................................................. .72


Course work is devoted to the problem of leadership in modern conditions. The relevance of this problem is explained by the lack of a clear definition of the leader and at the same time increasingly increasing the value of the leader and leadership in the modern world. Currently, this word sounds more often and more often, various seminars and trainings are held, which make the goal to train leadership, but still there is no single concept explaining the essence of this term.

In the history of management, it was, in general, three approaches to the study of leadership: an approach from the position of personal qualities, behavioral and situational approaches. But none of these approaches gave integrity in learning the problem.

Nevertheless, the lack of a clear definition does not prevent modern leaders to strive for leadership. Perhaps, then a little, in what the researchers agreed in the opinion, this is that the modern leader should be a leader. Moreover, the leader behind which the team is, which, in turn, allows business more efficient and successful.

The team should be distinguished from "Small groups", considered in psychology . Unlike the small group, the team always consists of professionals, always aimed at solving a business problem, always, firstly, acts, and only then, secondly, communicates. Therefore, accents and leadership, and the team management is rather shifted to business than the emotional sphere.

The second chapter discusses two examples. The first section provides a "success story" Rustam Tariko, which this moment He is the owner of the Rust Group of Companies. The second section provides an example of manual with personnel orientation (based on an interview with the director of the MLLASHA factory A. Ponomarev).

Thus, the goal of the work is to try to summarize information on leadership in the modern world and allocate its main characteristics and features; Disclose the essence of the "team" concept. Explain the importance of leadership and teams in modern conditions.

For this purpose, it is considered primarily approaches to the study of leadership and its types. Attention is paid to the leadership in the company's quality system, its value is revealed to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. One of the possible methods of learning leaders, the "narrator method" is also given. At the end of the first chapter, the essence of the concept of "team" is revealed. The main features inherent in the team and distinguishing it from other groups are determined.

When writing a course work, the works of domestic and foreign scientists under the problem under study were used. A complete list of reference sources includes 30 items.

Chapter 1: Theoretical Basics of Leadership Problem in Modern Conditions.

1.1. Leading theory: types, content.

Leadership is the ability to influence both a separate personality and groups, aiming the efforts of everyone to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Translated from the English leader means "head", "commander", "Chapter", "Leader", "Presenter".

A group that decisive the meaningful problem always puts forward to solve it. leader. Without leader, no group can exist.

The leader can be defined as a person who can unite people for the achievement of any purpose. The concept of "leader" becomes significance only with the concept of "goal". Indeed, a ridiculous leader did not have a goal.

But to have a goal and achieve it yourself, alone - not enough to be called by the leader. An integral property of the leader is at least one follower. The role of the leader is the ability to negotiate people, to ensure the existence of such links between people in the system that would contribute to solving specific tasks within a single goal. That is the leader is element of organizing a system of people.

In modern management, leadership is characterized ambiguous:

1) Leadership there is a type of power,the specificity of which is the direction of the top, and the carrier of such power is not the majority, but one person or a small group of persons - "leadership-power carried out by one or several individuals" (J. Blondez);

2) Leadership is management status, social position associated with decision-making,this is a guiding office. Society is complex, hierarchically organized system Social statuses and their respective social roles. The social status of the head suggests and even requires the fulfillment of the social role in the leader's manner; Leadership is "a position in society, which is characterized by the ability of his face to direct and organize the collective behavior of some or all of its members" (L. Danton);

3) Leadership - this is an impact on other people.(V. Katz, L. Edinger), but not any, but responding to the following conditions: a) constancy of influence -this is not a one-time short-term impact (a terrorist who captured an airplane cannot be considered a leader), b) the latitude of influence -impact is carried out on all members of the troupe; in) explicit priority influencedthe relationship of the leader and slave asymmetric, one-sided orientation from the leader to members of the group, d) the organizational leader is relying on the direct use of force, but on credibility or on recognition of legalitymanuals. The dictator, the power of the holding group in submission, does not merge the leader (prison supervisor). Not all researchers agree with this (Blondez admits the use of the coercion system);

4) leadership is a natural socio-psychological process in the group,built on the influence of personal authority of a person on behavior of group members. Influenced by the behavior of a person who makes a change in behavior, relationship, feelings of another person. Influence can be provided through ideas, oral and written word, through suggestion, conviction, emotional infection, coercion, personal authority and an example.

5) Leadership is an informal phenomenon, it is symbol of emotional and psychological generality groupand sample behavior for its members. The position is widespread in patriotic psychology. Krichevsky notes that the role of the leader arises spontaneously, it is not in staff schedules, the leadership is a psychological phenomenon, while the leadership is social.

Leadership is always a matter of degree, the strength of influence that depends on the ratio of personal qualities of the leader with the qualities of those whom he is trying to influence, and with the situation in which this group is located.

From the point of view of the scale of solved tasks allocate:

1) household type of leadership (and school, student groups, leisure associations, in the family);

2) Social type of leadership (in production, in the trade union movement, in various societies: sports, creative, etc.);

3) political type of leadership (state, public figures).

There is an undoubted connection between the fate of the leader of the household, the leader of the social and leader of the political. The first always has the ability to move into the leaders of another type.

Leadership and guide.Hard opposition is hardly legitimate - the concepts are close, management acts as a common category, not by chance in English, German and a number of other European languages, management and leadership are indicated by the same word lEADTRSHIP. (eng.) and FUHRUNGUE- M..), In sociology and political science distinguish formal and informal leadership, noting the relationship of terms with the concept of management. Formal leadership is considered as a priority impact of a certain person on members of the organization, based on the governing position of this person in a public hierarchy. Management is always formal leadership. Informal leadership is interpreted as a subjective ability, the readiness and ability of a person to fulfill the role of the leader, as well as the recognition of the rights to leadership by the Group. The informal leader is not always the leader in status.

Leader and manager.In Western literature, these concepts traditionally distinguish these concepts according to the following parameters: 1) The content of management problems - the manager takes care of the effective performance of current problems, solves certain partial problems, the leader comprehends the time challenges, develops innovative ideas, lays the basics of solving the tasks of the future (I.O. Coter, USA); 2) Impact on personnel - "Managers force people to do what they need, leaders cause people a desire to do what you need" (Lee Jackson, a well-known American theorist and management practices, from the "dozen golden thoughts"). "Leaders are people who are able to identify all the best in others. Managers in the organization can be as much as you like, the leaders are always a little. " The leader with organizational abilities is able to quickly and correctly assess the situation, allocate tasks in need of priority implementation, to distinguish from fruitless work, quite accurately calculate the timing of the problem of solving problems. The idea that the main distinguishing feature of the capable organizer is in the ability to quickly find effective ways and means of solving problems are confirmed at each step. Interestingly, saying on this account of Napoleon Bonaparte: "My genius consists in the fact that I embraced all the difficulties of the case with one rapid look, but at the same time all the resources for overcoming these difficulties; This is obliged to my superiority over others. "

The talent of manuals by people is based on the whole complex of socio-psychological qualities and properties. The trust and love of the masses to their leader plays a big role. Trust in the leader is the recognition of his high advantages, the merits of authority, recognizing the need, the correctness and effectiveness of his actions. This is internal agreement with the carrier of the authority, the willingness to act in accordance with its installations. After all, it is possible to make it possible in the absence of coercion funds only on the basis of trust. And confidence this means that people are in domestic harmony and union with the leader.

The structure of the mechanisms of exposure leaders on the mass depends on the properties of followers. The leader is in the strongest dependence on the collective. The group, having the image of the leader, is a model - it requires a real leader, on the one hand, compliance with it, and on the other, the ability to express the interests of the group is required from the leader. Only subject to this condition followers do not just go beyond their leader, but they wish to go behind it. It is suitable for a person for the role of the leader, primarily depends on the recognition of the qualities of superiority by other people, that is, the qualities who inspire the faith in him, encourage them to recognize his influence on themselves. Natural leadership - when influence comes from recognition to other and personal superiority of the leader. It is not important here that the leader has the qualities of superiority, but the fact that his supporters believe that he has these qualities.

The impact of the leader always depends on the situation. Higher intelligence, preparation or experience can be partial base for leadership. Typically, the inclination of the dominance is essentially important, namely, the ability to exercise the initiative in interpersonal relationships, to direct the attention of others, to offer them solutions, the ability to "talk in the language" of their supporters. The role of the leader is to implement the views of their supporters to the agreed action program. The leader can lead its supporters in the direction in which they themselves want to go.

The value of the leader is not exhausted only by the formation of new groups. It also performs an important task of maintaining cohesion in already existing groups.

The leader is such a person who in relation to the group can be considered as its mirror. They may only have the one who bears the features, welcomed and expected in this group. Therefore, "transplantation" of the leader to another group or the appointment of it from above as the leader ineffectively.

Why is a person becomes a leader? There are several approaches to the definition of leadership.

Approach from the position of personal qualities.The leadership, the leadership became an object of research, when at the beginning of the 20th century began to study the management for the first time. However, only in the period between 1930 and 1950. It was for the first time to study leadership on a large scale and on a systematic basis. These early studies aimed at identifying properties or personal characteristics of effective managers. According to the personal theory of leadership, also known as the theory of great people, the best of managers have a certain set of common for all personal qualities. Developing this thought, it can be argued that if these qualities could be identified, people could learn to educate them in themselves and thus become effective leaders. Some of these studied features are the level of intelligence and knowledge, impressive appearance, honesty, common sense, initiative, social and economic education and a high degree of self-confidence.

In the 40s, scientists began to study the collected facts about the ratio of personal qualities and leadership. Unfortunately, despite hundreds of research conducted, they did not come to a single opinion about the set of qualities that certainly distinguish the major leader. In one of the studies, it was stated that only about 5% of personal qualities of managers in total in four or five studies. In 1948, Stogdille made a comprehensive review of leadership research, which noted that the study of personal qualities continues to give contradictory results. He found that leaders, as a rule, were distinguished by intelligence, desire for knowledge, reliability, responsibility, activity, social participation and socio-economic status. However, Stogdille also noted that different situations effective leaders Discovered different personal qualities. Then he concluded that today's behavioral scientists would agree: "A person does not become the leader only due to the fact that he has some set of personal properties" .

The conclusion that there is no such set of personal qualities, which is present in all effective leaders, is often given as evidence that the management efficiency is situational. However, Stogdill himself believes that his point of view does not sufficiently shall with the personal nature of leadership. He argues that there are good evidence in favor of the fact that various abilities and quality are required in different situations. Although he does not call back to the approach to management from the standpoint of personal qualities, Stogdill concludes that "The structure of personal qualities of the head should relate to personal qualities, activities and objectives of his subordinates" .

Behavioral approach. The behavioral approach has created the basis for classifying the style of guidelines or behavior styles. This has become a major contribution and useful tool for understanding the difficulties of leadership. Disappointment in approaching leadership from the standpoint of personal qualities intensified at about the same period when in the theory of management began to gain the strength of the Beheviorist school. Thus, there is nothing surprising that the second approach to the study of leadership focused on the behavior of the head. According to a behavioral approach to leadership, effectiveness is determined by non-personal qualities of the head, but rather his manner of behavior in relation to subordinates. Despite the fact that the behavioral approach has advanced the study of leadership, focusing on the actual behavior of the head who wishes to encourage people to achieve the goals of the organization, its main disadvantage was a tendency to proceed from the assumption that there is some one, optimal style Manuals. The earlier authors of the Bihewic School, as a rule, considered the leaders who behaved democratically and were considered with others as the most effective in modern organizations. However, summarizing the results of research using this approach, a group of authors claims that "there is no one, optimal style of the guide." It is very likely that the efficiency of the style depends on the nature of the specific situation and when the situation changes, changes and suitable style . Later the authors and scientists of a behavior school usually recognize that a situational approach to management is needed. The optimal style of leadership varies depending on the situation.

Situational approach. Neither the approach from the standpoint of personal qualities nor the behavioral approach could identify the logical relationship between the personal qualities or the behavior of the head, on the one hand, and efficiency on the other. This does not mean that personal qualities and behavior do not matter to leadership. On the contrary, they are essential components of success. However, later studies have shown that additional factors can play a decisive role in the performance of management. These situational factors include the needs and personal qualities of the subordinates, the nature of the task, the requirements and impact of the medium, as well as the information available at the manager.

Therefore, modern leadership theory appealed to the situational approach. Modern scientists are trying to determine which behavior styles and personal qualities most of all correspond to certain situations. The results of their research indicate that it is similar to how different situations require various organizational structures, so must be chosen and various methods Manuals - depending on the nature of the specific situation. This means that the leader leader should be able to behave differently in various situations.

However, in order to understand why a situational approach to leadership is needed, first need to lay a certain foundation. Let's start with a behavioral approach to the leadership, which focuses on the concept of a guide style.

1.1.1. Essence of a behavioral approach

An important contribution of the behavioral approach to the theory of leadership is that it helped to analyze and make a classification of guidance styles, i.e. how the head behaves with his subordinates. Manual style in the context of the control is the usual manner of the head of the head in relation to subordinate to have an impact on them and encourage them to achieve the objectives of the organization. The degree to which the manager delegates its powers, the types of power used by him, and its or her concern primarily about human relations or first of all about the task is all the guidelines characterizing this leader.

Each organization is a unique combination of goals and objectives. Each managing is a unique person with a number of abilities. Therefore, the styles of the manual cannot always be attributed to some particular category that we give in this section. Rather, the style of this manager can be correlated with some position in a specific continuum. There are two widespread systems for determining this continuum. According to the traditional classification system, the style can be autocratic (this is one extreme) and liberal (other extremes) or it will be a style focused on work, and a style focused on a person.

Autocratic and democratic guide.

Autocratic leader in the management of authoritative, an autocratic leader has enough power to impose his will to performers, and if necessary, without hesitation resorts to this. The autocrat deliberately appeals to the needs of the lower level of their subordinates on the basis of the assumption that this is the same level on which they operate. Douglas McGregor, a well-known scientist in the field of leadership, called the prerequisites of an autocratic leader in relation to employees of the "X" theory. According to the "X" theory:

1. People initially do not like to work and, if any opportunity, avoid work.

2. People have no ambiguousness, and they try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to lead them.

3. Most people want security.

4. To force people to work, it is necessary to use coercion, control and a threat of punishment.

Based on such initial assumptions, the autocrat usually centralized the authority as much as possible, structures the work of subordinates and almost does not give them freedom in decision-making. The autocrat also denominates all the work within its competence and to ensure the fulfillment of work, can have psychological pressure, as a rule, threaten.

When an autocrat avoids negative coercion, and instead uses remuneration, he or she gets the name favorable autocrat.Although he or she continues to remain authoritarian leaders, favorable the autocrat manifests an active care for the mood and well-being of subordinates. He or she can even go to allow or encourage their participation in task planning. But he or she retain the actual power to accept and execute decisions. And no matter how much this leader was favorable, he or she stretches his autocratic style further, structuring the tasks and imposing the strict compliance with the huge number of rules that rigidly regulate the behavior of the employee.

Representations of a democratic leader about employees differ from the submission of an autocratic leader. McGregor called them the theory of "U":

1. Labor is a natural process. If the conditions are favorable, people will not only take responsibility, they will strive for her.

2. If people are attached to organizational purposes, they will use self-government and self-control.

3. Promotion is a function of remuneration associated with achieving the goal.

4. The ability to creative solving problems occurs often, and the intellectual potential of the average person is used only partially.

Thanks to these assumptions, a democratic leader prefers such influence mechanisms that appeal to higher-level needs: accessories, high target, autonomy and self-expression. This democratic leader avoids his will to impose his will.

Organizations where a democratic style is dominated is characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers. Subordinates take an active part in decision-making and enjoy a wide freedom to fulfill the tasks. Quite often, explaining the goals of the organization, the head allows subordinates to determine its own goals in accordance with the items that it formulated. Instead of tight control of subordinates in the process of their work, the lower head is usually waiting for the work to be completed to conduct its assessment. (Of course, that such a mechanism acts, it must be supported by a highly efficient control system.) The manager spends a relatively large part of his time, acting as a link, providing compliance with the objectives of the production group to the organization's goals as a whole and caring for the group to receive the resources you need .

Since the democratic leader assumes that people are motivated by higher levels - in social interaction, successes and self-expression, - he or she are trying to make the responsibilities of subordinates more attractive. In a sense, he or she try to create a situation in which people themselves motivate themselves to some extent, because their work by nature itself is a reward. To a high degree, a democratic leader also contributes to the insignificant to understand that they have to solve most of the problems, not seeking approval or assistance. But the head invests a lot of effort into creating an atmosphere of openness and trust, so that if subordinate and need help, they do not hesitate to contact the head. To achieve this, the head organizes bilateral communication and plays a guiding role. He or she try to teach subordinates to delve into the organization's problems, give them adequate information and show how to search and evaluate alternative solutions.

Levin research. Perhaps the earliest study of the effectiveness of leadership styles was conducted by Kurt Levin and his colleagues, this study was conducted earlier than McGregor described managers in the light of their theories "X" and "U". The object of studying Levin was 10-year-old boys. These boys were divided into several groups and are distributed across various clubs. At the head of everyone stood an adult who confessed by autocratic, democratic and liberal guide styles. The subordinate is given almost complete freedom in determining their goals and control over their work, authoritarian leadership is characterized by a high degree of sole authority of the head: the head defines all strategies for the Group; No powers are delegated to the group. Democratic leadership is characterized by the division of power and the participation of workers in management; Responsibility does not concentrate, but is distributed. Liberal guide is characterized by the participation of the head; The group has complete freedom to take their own decisions.

In his famous study, Levin discovered that authoritarian leadership was achieving a larger work than a democratic. However, there was a low motivation on another scale of the scales, less friendliness in groups, lack of group thinking, a large aggressiveness, manifested both to the head and other members of the group, a large repressible anxiety and at the same time more dependent and submissive behavior. With a liberal manual, the scope of work decreases, the quality of work is reduced, more games appear and the polls are preferred by a democratic leader.

Later research did not fully confirm the conclusions that autocratic guidance provided a higher productivity, but a lower degree of satisfaction than a democratic one. Nevertheless, Levin's study gave the basis for searching by other scientists of the behavior school of behavior, which can lead to high productivity and highly satisfaction.

Guide, focused on work and man.

Classify guidance styles by comparing autocratic and democratic continuum. Rencis Lykert and his colleagues in Michigan University developed an alternative system, comparing groups with high labor productivity and low productivity groups in various organizations. They believed that the difference in performance could explain the style of leadership. Similar to the continuum on the theories of "X" and "U" McGregor, heads of groups with high and low productivity were classified according to the continuum, which is from one extreme - focused on work (theory "x") to the other - focused on man (theory "y" ).

Head focused on work, also known as the head oriented targetfirst of all, it takes care of the design of the task and development of a remuneration system to increase productivity. A classic example of a head focused on work serves Frederick W. Taylor. As we mentioned earlier, Taylor built the task of technical principles Efficiency and reward workers who exceeded the quota, carefully calculated on the basis of measuring the potential production of products.

In contrast to this the first care of the head, focused on a person, are people. He or she focus on improving labor productivity by improving human relations. The head focused on a person focuses on mutual assistance, allows employees to participate as much as possible in making decisions, avoids petty custody and establishes a high level of productivity productivity to the division. He or she actively believes to the needs of subordinates, help them solve problems and encourage their professional growth. Essentially, the head focused on man behaves like a leader who attracts workers to participate in management.

Based on its research, Lykert concluded that the style of the management would be invariably oriented orto work, orper person. Not a single leader was met, who would show both of these qualities to a large extent and at the same time. The results also showed that the style of leadership concentrated on a person, in almost all cases contributed to improving labor productivity. Later, behavior scientists revealed that the style of some of the leaders was focused simultaneously to work, and per person. Moreover, due to the nature of the situation, the style focused on man did not always contribute to improving labor productivity and was not always the optimal behavior of the head.

1.2. Motivation Leadership and Types of Leadership: species, features.

What makes a person strive for leadership? Subjective mechanisms of formation, character and direction of leadership clarify psychoanalytic theory of Z. Freud.From his point of view, the basis of leadership is the depressed libido predominantly unconscious attraction of a sexual nature. Other psychologists interpret libido more widely as mental energy at all. In the process of sublimation (accumulation and transition to higher states), the libido is manifested in the desire for creativity, leadership, and so on. Many people have a guiding positions performing subjective compensatory functions, allows you to overcome and suppress various kinds of complexes - a sense of inferiority, incompetence, and so on. Submission to the leader also finds an explanation in the theory of psychoanalysis - the subjective adoption of leadership is laid in childhood as a need for a patron, an authoritative person. In this sense, the authority and the patronage of the head of the organization are similar to the authority and patronage of the head of the family.

Followers 3. Freud (Frankfurt School, Adorno, From) revealed a special type of person, predisposed to authoritarianism and aspiring to power.Such a person is formed in unhealthy social conditions that generate mass frustrations and neurosis - the state of depression, the oppressive stress, anxiety, hopelessness and despair. A person appears a desire to escape from all this in the sphere of domination and submission. For an authoritarian personality, power is a psychological need that allows you to get rid of your own complexes by imposing your will to other people. The authoritarian personality is dualistic - on the one hand, it shows peculiar sadistic (possession of infinite power gives a special pleasure, the weakness of other people causes contempt and the desire to humiliate them), and on the other hand, the masochist inclinations (when a collision with superior force, such a person is on its carrier , admires them and worship him).

Becoming the leader, such personality and deteriorate to extend their power to personal relations with subordinates and violate their rights, care not so much about the interests of the case, how much about the preservation or increase in their power. For the activities of this kind of executives need hard control.

Instrumental motivation.The psychoanalytic motivation of the desire for leadership reveals one of the types of leaders. Most people, as studies show, do not seek power at all. Do they become leaders? Yes, although the power itself is not value for them. Power is only a tool, a mechanism for obtaining a different kind of brand, means of achieving other goals: material (high income, prestige, profitable ties, privileges) or spiritual and moral (achieving high goals - responsibility for the common cause, assistance to weak, establishing friendships in collective).

Game motivation.Motivation can be a game - a person perceives guide process as a fascinating, exciting game.In this case, the motive of the leader becomes itself the maintenance of management activities - the solution of complex and socially significant problems in the process of organizing interaction and communicate with people.

The classification of leadership is diverse. Based on what criteria determine the types of leaders in the group?

Depending on the prevailing functions, the following types of leaders are distinguished:

1. Leader organizer. His main difference is that the needs of the team he perceives as his own and actively acts. This leader is optimistic and confident that most problems are quite solvable. Behind him go, knowing that he will not offer an empty case. I know how to convince, inclined to encourage, and if you have to express my disapproval, it does it, not hurt someone else's dignity, and as a result, people try to work better. It is such people in sight in any informal collective.

2. Leader-Creator. Attracts first of all the ability to see a new one, to make problems solving problems that may seem insoluble and even dangerous. It does not command, but only invites to the discussion. It can task so that it will interest and attract people.

4. Leader-diplomat. If he used his abilities in evil, it could well be called the intrigue master. It relies on the excellent knowledge of the situation and its hidden items, in the course of gossip and overwhelms and therefore knows well to whom and how to influence. Prefers confidence meetings in the circle of like-minded people. Allows you to openly say that everyone knows to distract attention from their unaffected plans. True, such a variety of diplomacy often only compensates for the inability to lead more decent ways.

5. Leader-comforter. It is drawn to him because it is ready to maintain in a difficult moment. Respects people, refers to them benevolently. Polite, warning, is capable of empathy.

General leadership in the group consists of the following components: emotional, business and informational. The content of leadership in social groups usually allocate type type of leaders (sometimes they are called the leader roles):

1. Business leadershipcharacteristic for formal groups decisive production tasks. It is based on such qualities as high competence, the ability to better solve the organizational tasks, business authority, the greatest experience in this field of activity. Business leadership affects the leadership. With a "business" leader (hands of the group), it works well, it can organize a business, to establish the necessary business relationships, to ensure the success of the case,

2. Emotional leadershiparises in informal social groups Based on human sympathy, the leader's attractiveness as a participant in interpersonal communication. The emotional leader causes confidence in people, radiating kindness, makes confidence, removes psychological tensions, creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort. The emotional leader (the heart of the group) is a person to whom, every person in the group can seek sympathy, "shook out in a vest."

3. K. "Information" leader("Brain of the Group") Everyone is treated with questions, because he has an errot, everything knows, can explain and help find the information you need.

The best will be the leader combining all three components, but such universal leaderit is rare. Most often, however, there is a combination of two components: emotional and business, informational and business, Situational Leadershipby nature can be business and emotional. His distinctive trait - instability, temporary limitation, connection with a certain situation. A situational leader can be a leader in some situations and cannot be in others. L.I. Umansky highlights 6 types of leaders in executable roles: 1) the organizer (group integration function); 2) the initiator (nomination of ideas and the solution of new problems); 3) the emotional setting generator (dominates the formation of the group's mood); 4) the standard (sample, ideal, "star"); 5) Master (specialist in a kind of activity); 6) Erudes (distinguished by extensive knowledge).

In personnel management used and the classification of leaders depending on how the group perceives them:1) "one of us" -not allocated among the members of the group, perceived as "first among equal" in a certain sphere - the most successful or will of the case, which, in general, the group, lives, is rejoiced, it is sad, it takes the right decisions and is mistaken, as well as everyone else group members; 2) "The best of us" -allocated from the members of the group on many (business, moral, communications, etc.) qualities and in general is a role model; 3) "good man" -perceived and appreciated as real embodiment The best moral qualities: decency, goodwill, attention to other, willingness to come to the rescue: 4) "Minister" -it seeks to act as an expressive of the interests of his adherents and groups and the whole, focusing on their opinion and acts on their behalf. Types of perception of the leader with individual members of the group often do not match or superimpose each other. So, one of the employees can evaluate the leader as "one of us", other it perceive it at the same time as "the best of us", and as a "minister".

An interesting psychoanalytic approach to understanding and to the classification of types of leadership is interesting. 3. Freud understood the leadership as a dual psychological process: on the one hand, group, on the other, is individual. The basis of these processes is the ability of leaders to attract people, unconsciously cause a feeling of admiration, adorations, love. Worship of people of the same person can make this personality leader. Psychoanalytics allocate ten types of leadership.

1. "Periov", or "Patriarchal Lord". The leader in the image of a strict, but beloved father, he is able to suppress or oust negative emotions and inspire confidence to themselves. It is nominated on the basis of love and worship.

2. "Leader". In it, people see the expression, the concentration of their desires corresponding to a specific group standard. The identity of the leader is a carrier of these standards. He is trying to imitate in the group.

3. "Tyrant". He becomes the leader, because he inspires the surrounding sense of obedience and scoreless fear, he is considered the strongest. Tiran leader - dominant, authoritarian personality, he is usually afraid and obeyed him.

4. "Organizer". He acts for members of the group as the power of maintaining the "I-Concept" and satisfying the needs of everyone, relieves guilt and anxiety. Such a leader unites people, he is respected.

5. "Seducer". The man becomes the leader, playing on the weaknesses of others. He acts as " magic Power", Giving output to the depressed emotions of other people, prevents conflicts, removes tension. Such a leader adore and often do not notice its flaws.

6. "Hero". Sacrifices for the sake of others; This type is manifested especially in situations of group protest - due to its courage, others are focused on it, they see the standard of justice. The leader of the hero is fond of people.

7. "The bad example." Acts as source of infectiousness for a conflict personality, emotionally infects others.

8. "Idol".Entails, attracts, positively infects the environment; he is loved, moored, idealize.

9. "Izgoy".

10. "Scapegoat".

The last two types of leaders are essentially anti-liders, they are an object of aggressive trends, thanks to which group emotions are developing often the group is combined to combat the anti-lider, but it is worth it to disappear, as the group begins to decay, as the general group stimulus disappeared.

Leadership differ at the power of influence on members of the group: "Unquesting leader" - instructions are executed even when they disagree with the interests of the members of the group; "Not unquestionable" - submission is possible until the contradiction arises between its own interests and the needs of the group members.

Depending on the direction of influence (rather, according to the result of leadership for the organization), leadership can be considered as constructive, destructive and neutral. The first (functional) contributes to the implementation of the organization's goals. The second (dysfunctional) is formed on the basis of the aspirations of damage to the organization (leadership in the formation of a group of thieves or bribes). The third does not affect the effectiveness of production activities (leadership among those who work in one organization of amateur gardeners). In real life, the border between these types of leadership is mobile, especially between constructive and neutral leadership.

The question of the naturalness and artificiality of leadership, the contest of leadership qualities or opportunities to learn the leadership of Spoen. He is interpreted as a matter of leading management and includes five aspects:

1. Detection of leaders;

2. their development;

3. Accounting for the interests of the Group;

4. Informal leadership;

5. Elimination of destructive leadership.

Detection of people with born (or formed) leadership qualities and their attraction to leaderships may well come from both the thesis that leaders are born and from recognizing the possibility of their targeted formation. In the first case, we are talking about the detection of leadership qualities and their use for organizational purposes, in the second - on attracting (or luring) to the enterprise already prepared and manifested themselves leaders. Methods for detecting leadership abilities - testing, studying biography, work experience, selection of students to train senior managers from among those who have manifested themselves in governing positions in the lower link (this is received in Germany, USA - Compare graduates to higher government schools gymnasium). The leadership researcher Stephen Covi determines the suitability of leadership using the following eight criteria:

1) Continuous self-improvement: I read, ask questions, I pass additional training courses;

2) Orientation to the service of other people: I focus on providing services to other people, regardless of how I earn myself on life yourself, - in other words, I always ask myself that you need another person, and not just what I need;

3) radiation of positive energy, goodwill and evasion from the perception of negative energy and conflict;

4) Faith in others: I defend another person, I see its value - kindness and potential opportunities;

5) rational distribution of time and effort: I try to optimally distribute the time of my life between work, family and society;

6) internal confidence, optimism, fresh look at the events - the perception of life as an adventure;

7) self-criticism, tolerance, recognition of the merit of others and their equal rights to self-expression - I appreciate the differences and understand that my method is not "the only right one", I consider new alternatives as exciting, and not threatening me;

8) Caring for physical health, intellectual and spiritual development: I follow health with the help of exercises, intellectually develop, reading, and not spending time at the TV, spiritually rarest with the help of prayer, meditation (mental concentration and psychological attitude to anything when Complete detachment from everything else), reflections on things that can cause inspiration.

The development of leadership is targeted formation and deepening of relevant qualities.The following procedures are used to develop leadership:

1) Developing personal motivation;

2) the development of individual intelligent and moral leadership qualities;

3) ensuring the social competence of the leader and its goodwill in relations with the members of the group;

4) Acquisition of skills and ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, know and take into account the features, interests of the group members. Accounting for the interests of the Group is manifested in the integration of the individual goals and interests of members of the group with corporalization, realization of needs, representation and protection of interests of both individual members of the Group and the whole team as a whole. This eliminates the soil for the emergence of destructive groups and leaders, increases the authority of the head in the eyes of the staff and the significance of business leadership in relation to the leadership emotional;

5) a combination of activities of the head of formal and informal leadership;

6) Elimination of destructive leadership. Large damage to the activities of the organization brings destructive leaders - leaders of opponent groups of innovations, ownership of property, drinking companions, bribes, etc. To eliminate this kind of leaders, the following ways of action are applicable: the destruction of the leader system - followers through the dismissal of the leader, transfer it to another place work; Changing his social role due to the redistribution of functions or through the inclusion in the rival persons; isolation of the leader, disbanding a group of followers, transfer to other areas of work especially close to the leader of people; The relaxation of the influence of the negative leader can contribute to the reduction of communications between it and the group (the transfer of the leader to another room, the loading of its work that impede informal communication). These measures are administrative in essence and not always applicable, as they can border the violation of legislation, are perceived as unfair to cause a collective discontent, undermine the confidence in the manager, cause destructive conflicts. Therefore, it is preferable to a second way to eliminate destructive leadership - a change in its nature, orientation and use of the ability and the authority of the leader with benefit to the organization. Methods: Individual conversations, the leader's approach to management, the manifestation of special attention to him, appoint it to guideline. This method usually does not cause a painful reaction of followers, protest from them, because An adequate assessment of the leadership qualities of their idol, in their opinion, is valid. However, this IM6Tode can be effective only when an informal leader is ready to change its orientation and subordinate to the activities of the organization's goals.

1.3. Leadership as a mechanism for continuous competition

There are organizations in which everything seemed to be done correctly, but something, nevertheless, is missing. There are no soul in them, there is no mechanism that allows you to breathe life into the dead system. They exist without faith, without love, and without hope. They are doomed, if only there is no person, or a team of like-minded people who will find the essence and meaning in this deadly system, and then hope will be returned. Such a person is called the leader, and the concept, in which he plays a decisive role - leadership. Leadership is not a guide, as often translated, although the leader can be the leader. Leadership is not management. You can, even, talk about the occurrence of TQL era (Total Quality Leadership): Universal quality-based leadership. It is the quality - the key to competitiveness. And whatever role played the concept of quality in the future is clear that it is no longer thought without leadership. It is for him that this work is dedicated.

1.3.1. Determining the role of leadership in the quality of the enterprise.

When mentioning such words as a leader or leadership, it comes to mind, these are political leaders, leaders of nations, religious leaders, people who in difficult circumstances have managed to change the course of history due to the unshakable faith in the rightness of their business and the ability to inspire and behave Mass people. The mountains of books are written about them. They put them as an example, they scare children them. People study the features of their characters and motives of actions. Leaders of this scale have great power, they can execute and prevent. True, the authorities can be obtained by force, go deception by chance and it will not necessarily lead to leadership. But the opposite, apparently, is always true: leadership gives rise to power. Although we consider not a state, but only firms in the conditions of the market, the problem of power is important for them, even if not on such scales and manifestations. The investigation of the nature of the government in the European tradition is usually associated with the name of N. Makiavelli and with his famous book "Sovereign", (or, as translated into Starin, "Prince"). Makiavelli believed that the power is especially important in transition periods, since any transition from one usual state to another to be used to be familiar, requires slow and difficult processes of restructuring consciousness. These processes give rise to resistance, and to overcome it just need power based on force and fairly cynical. He wrote: "There is no case, which device would be harder, the maintenance is more dangerous, and success is more doubtful than the replacement of old orders of new ones. Whoever advocated with such endeavors, he expects hostility to those who benefit old orders, and the coldness of those who are beneficial new ones. This coldness is explained in part in part in front of the enemy, on whose side are laws, partly the disturbance of people who do not really believe in a new one, until it is fixed by positive experience. " Attempted to design the views of Machiavelli and other thinkers of different times and peoples to modern management.

So why do we need power and power? If you follow Makiavelli, it turns out that power is needed to suppress the inevitably emerging resistance. Today we think otherwise. -For, we believe that any resistance today, according to any reason it arose, and whatever forms have taken, is the result, first of all, yesterday's errors in management, if you want, in management. And secondly, the fact is that violence, as a rule, does not lead to that purpose at all, which is declared at the initial moment, and even even leads, then expensive, long and not effective way. In most cases, there are other ways, the paths are more direct and natural. Apparently, the best of them is leadership.

Leadership is power that does not need force, although it has it. The force becomes not necessary when ideology comes to help leadership. It is the leader who is designed to formulate such an idea or a system of ideas in which those who need faith are willing, and who are ready to accept those who are looking for explanations. It is important, of course, that the proposed ideology reaches those who are addressed.

But this is not all the functions of power. The fact is that power is, apparently, the most natural source of our rights and obligations (powers), the rules of activity, within the framework of the system under consideration, be it a state or firm. The needs of this kind do not depend on leadership, although under its influence they can change.

Well, and, of course, power is a guarantor of compliance with the agreements reached.

In addition to errors made in the management process, the resistance also feed the fears before the indefinite mysterious future, where it is easy to lose its position, with such labor conquered by the long years of stubborn labor. Undoubtedly, this is a manifestation of weakness. The Great Indian thinker of the beginning of our outgoing century S. Vivekananda said: "Weakness generates the idea of \u200b\u200bresistance to the very idea." The adoption of the leader's ideas, based on faith or on mind, makes people stronger (since in this case the painful issues and intractable doubts are removed), eliminating, or at least reducing the resistance threshold.

That is why the leader is a key figure. There is no sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of political leadership, we will be further only about the leadership in business.

No one knows where the leaders come from. But it is clearly seen that when the organization has a leader (individual or collective), then her affairs are noticeably beginning to go up. Now, perhaps, no doubt is that leadership - key element Business. Here, as usual, the difficulty arises. Is the leadership really plays an exceptional role among all the elements of the business, or are all the elements of the organization's quality system?

We often neglect some things that seem insignificant to us. Especially those that are some abstract concepts, difficult to translate into practice. Among such abstract concepts can be allocated leadership. But it is worth thinking about why the guru in the field of quality was allocated to leadership.

Deming wrote that statistical quality control is just 2%, and what then is everything else? What do you think the system will work effectively if all the elements are included, except leadership, for example? If there is no lead, then the system will not necessarily die. But leadership is a starting mechanism of the quality system (SC). And without it, the SC is rather a fiction than reality.

"Leadership is required for all components of the system," said W. Edwards Deming in the preface to the book of G. Niva. And, above all, the leading role of the highest leadership is important, without which constructive transformations are difficult, and it is not possible at all. Obviously, leadership is a key element of the innovative process and support for the development of quality culture in the organization. Leadership is the key that opens the way to success in business. Juran focused on the fact that the leadership of top management is one of the eight lessons who assimilate the companies - the prize-winners of the National Boldridge Malcolm Prize in the field of quality. Similar views expresses and T. Conti due to self-esteem methods. Yes, and B. new version INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF ISO Series 9000 is the same song. Leadership becomes one of the eight fundamental principles based on the standards.

Let's try to resolve this problem. First, we define the place of leadership in the organization and will look for exactly where it is necessary, and not where light. We can serve as the starting point for us three concepts of leadership: in SC, in psychology and in management.

In the TQM Declaration (1998), presented by the Quality Research Panel (Head - Professor Execution, Tokyo University) Leadership is located in the TQM components section, namely in the subsection "Essence of the Management System" (Fig. 1).

W. Edwards Deming also allocates leadership as one of the 14 points of quality philosophy. Point number 7 sounds: "Focus" Leadership "." Leadership is required "as a work method that aims to help workers perform their work in the best way." From the theory of leadership, it is known that it is an integral component of the work of teams and groups. M. Meson with co-authors, also considers leadership to the internal factors of the organization, or rather to the "People" subsystem (Fig. 2).

Thus, leadership can be found in philosophy and in the system of higher management, and when working in the field. In the generalized form of leadership requires work on systems and processes together with people who work inside systems and processes. It turns out that leadership is required everywhere. How else to determine the place of leadership? Here we, perhaps, agree with the Japanese: the most significant leadership is leadership in the highest leadership. After all, no matter how the leadership is developed in the field, if the captain of the ship decided to stay in a quiet harbor, and not to start in an adventurous trip to the search for the promised quality land, for example, how many sailors would not try, the quality would only dream. So, we define the place of leadership in the system of senior management of the organization, but we will not forget that the place is very conditional.

We will go in order. What should a modern leader know know? First of all, to have a concept about him and know the main conclusions from the theory of leadership, to not make elementary errors in simple things. Then know where the hidden control lever and influences is located and how the leader is recognized.

Fig.1. Location leadership in the quality system.

Fig. 2. Location of leadership in the management system.

So, we will deal with the concept. Over the years, leadership has been actively studied with us and abroad in various contexts and on various theoretical foundations. In some cases, leadership is described as a process, but in most theories and research, a figure that has won an understanding is considered.

Leadership is a multi-speech social phenomenon. The phenomenon of leadership is manifested in any more or less organized groups, seeking any common goal for a group. It is difficult to give a general determination of leadership. This is explained by the fact that leadership is always manifested and everywhere where people have to solve any problems affecting the interests of all or most members of the group. The most notable leadership relationships are made in cases where the group is faced with the task of transition from one state to another, or when the group is distributed to resources. For the most faithful definition of the concept of "leadership", we studied a number of representations of different authors, and risked to give their definition. In general, the picture is as follows:

Most authors converge on the fact that leadership is a theory or concept in which, first of all, relationships between the leader and followers or members of the group (team) are described. Clear - if there is a leader, then there must be followers.

It is indicated that the leader occupies its position or as a result of more efficient activities, or it has the ability to influence the members of the Group, thanks to his personal qualities or as a result of the current situation.

It is noted that the interaction between the leader and other members of the group arise for the sake of solving common problems or achieving general group purposes. Moreover, group activities are carried out by members of the group voluntarily, again due to the influence of the leader.

Some researchers indicate that this activity leads to social changes and, ultimately, to the development of society. We will focus on the fact that the leadership is - realization of an optimal system of intragroup interaction in a certain sense (interaction between members of the Group) aimed at achieving general group purposes . And it should be noted that on the course of this activity and its result can influence the ability of the leader to solve the problem of situational analysis and the adequacy of its actions in this situation. .

If the leader leads his dream and faith in the right point of his case, then what gives the leadership team (group)? In addition to the objects listed above. Condo marks still eleven positive circumstances for the team. Here they are:

1. Responsibility for work is filled with meaning and includes a cycle of continuous improvement of Shukhart - Deming.

2. Communication is improved inside the team, and interpersonal relationships also become better.

3. The hidden talents of the team members come out and their human qualities reveals.

4. The command structure is transformed from a simple configuration leader - a team member to a complex multi-level system. This turns a rigid, incapable of adaptation, the structure into flexible, which allows employees (sovistrators) to act in the situation. And this, in turn, makes command work reliable, allowing employees to respond quickly to any crisis.

5. The members of the group exercise in the manifestation of the initiative and in independent work.

6. Vague goals clarify and turn into concrete common goals.

7. After all members of the group receive common goals, solutions about the distribution of roles in achieving these goals is easily achieved.

8. The number of possible ways to achieve goals increases, which makes it possible to manifest the abilities of all members of the group.

9. The possibilities of the leader strengthen and support the capabilities of all members of the group.

10. All "Power" members of the group are expanding in enhanced.

11. The individuality of the group members are not suppressed, and on the contrary, completely disclosed in attempts to achieve common group purposes. And among members of the group arises a special type of cooperation.

As you can see, relationships are built on a mutually beneficial basis.

On the theories of leadership

Now summarize the main conclusions of various studies, during which a number of leadership theories were developed. Such as the theory of personal qualities, behavioral approach and situational leadercy theory. Each of theories closed some part of the problem, but did not give integrity. None of them was fully accepted and criticized, but the results of all somehow were used and used in practice. To date, there is no single theory or approach that would unite all research and reflect the general vision of theorists and the practitioners of the leader's phenomenon and the leader's figures. Here are some common conclusions that researchers do:

· There is no standard set of qualities that would have inherent leaders in contrast to other people. In different situations, effective managers discover various personal qualities. Moreover, the structure of the personal qualities of the head should relate to personal qualities, activities and tasks of his subordinates.

· You can highlight, following the pioneer works of K. Levin, three style of leadership or leadership: dictatorial, democratic and consigning and their various combinations and two vector orientation vector: The leader can be focused on relations with subordinates - "man orientation" or on the result - "The result orientation / task." The effectiveness of a specific leader style depends on the nature of a particular situation and a situational approach to management is needed.

· The orientation vector is also dynamic and changes the direction depending on the situation in the group: in situations, very favorable or unfavorable for the group, a leader oriented to the task achieves big results than a leader focused on people. People-oriented leadership is most acceptable in moderately favorable situations. But more efficient managers are oriented, first of all, to work with a person than the result. Since the accounting of the human factor is of leading importance: "Management is achieved, or fails in the proportion in which it is unconditionally accepted by the group as power or leader."

· Leaders can be trained by the methods of effective leadership.

· The most effective leaders are able to be responsible for their behavior, wish to achieve the goal, and also have education and experience in relation to a specific task that must be executed.

In addition, researchers came to another important conclusion. And we will focus on it.

"The values \u200b\u200bof the leader are included in its culture and remain there even after the departure of the leader." This conclusion, first of all, speaks of responsibility, which the head takes on himself, is aware of it or not. It really affects the lives of many dozen, hundreds or even thousands of people in that they all live in the system that is filled with them. In other words, all the behavior of the leader will be in the go to his company. "Their decisions, actions and an example set the tone of the whole organization," and "The main role of the Supreme Guide is to manage the values \u200b\u200bof the organization." Values \u200b\u200bmanagement is the same hidden control lever and influence. What, above all, has the price in your organization and why? The values \u200b\u200bof the manager have a property to manifest themselves not only in a market strategy (aggressive or partnership-oriented) and organization's policy (aimed at achieving a goal at any cost - delays in the evenings, work on the house, meeting during lunch) or how best to use The potential of employees for the benefit of the organization.

If the secretary in the organization is mediocrely copes with its duties, but perfectly draws up even minor documents and draws on his free time on the computer, then it is worth thinking about the design project to entrust him, but to the post of secretaries to choose another person.

The values \u200b\u200bof the leadership manifest themselves in the style of clothing, and in the style of communication, in intra-ammable jargon and even in the text of the family life of the subordinates. How to most effectively implement the command shape of the work? Check the order, or start working in a team yourself? How to encourage employees to continuously learning? We have impossible tasks for them, to produce posters and wall newspapers, give tasks to control the managers, or to dedicate one hour in the morning to read the literature? If you are the leader, then you also know this pattern by experience, so why not make it using work?

On this conversation about the role of values, it would be possible to finish if this medal was not back side. Values \u200b\u200bplay a key role and when recognizing the leader's leader, being a determining factor. Not only the system of values \u200b\u200bof the group, but also the system of values \u200b\u200bof the organization and society is played. If we talk exactly exactly, these value systems mutually affect each other, changing mutually. Leadership studies have shown that in situations where performers act at the level of lower needs (one value system), a democratic style (another system of values) can reduce their satisfaction with work and adversely affect effectiveness. For example, a wizard can allow working to participate in decisions regarding the method of fulfilling the task. However, if they do not have an active need for a more complex task or in respect, they may not feel in the style of the leadership of the wizard of the positive orientation. Moreover, they may even threaten. However, do not throw in extremes and act from the standpoint of authoritarianism. A good leader is the leader, firstly, should know the level of people with whom it works (the level of their claims, needs, their motivation), if the team is heterogeneous, then the contradictions will arise almost certainly. The way out of this situation seems to us as follows: it is necessary not only to rally the leader's team with the help of a common goal (and goals and values \u200b\u200bare inextricably linked), but also use an element of continuous learning in the organization, expanding the vision of people and contributing to their development. In other words, it is necessary to "align" the command. Only after that it is possible to productive cooperation.

During the research of the Dalgard, the main values \u200b\u200bof the leader were determined: mutual respect, trust, tolerance, curiosity, courage. The world has changed. On the summer of the times of strong guys who know how to "do business", capable of prescribing, punch, make, check, demand, punish. Ready to always consume a strong little word, to increase your voice or hit the fist on the table, always put things up the case. Maybe they seemed to themselves leaders. They were only victims of artificial selection that fell into extreme circumstances. Now it does not work. Only quickly fading inertia remained.

Thus, leadership becomes authority, which is impossible to delegate. It is impossible to delegate because it is impossible to be a leader in purpose, and because leadership is, first of all, the responsibility, as we have already noted. Responsibility, or take or not. Even in cases where they are responsible, the internal consent of the person is required, otherwise everything turns into an empty formality.

Responsibility is that without which in principle there is no true leadership, but this requirement for the leader is far from the only one. The remaining demands that are presented to the Company to the modern leader have two aspects: they determine its success and are constantly changing over time, as the situation changes in the world.

One of the recent studies of the Institute of Strategic Changes of the company Anderson Consulting gives us a fairly complete picture of such requirements. In the process of research, three main characteristics of global leadership in the future were determined. Global leaders should:

· Constantly improve your knowledge and abilities, develop the ability to objectively assess your actions, be able to use your strengths, just as good, how to make gaps in knowledge. The leader should enjoy the trust of others, guided by personal fundamental and spiritual values, organically combining emotions, intellect and business qualities. The leader or manager must not so much to accumulate knowledge in itself, how much to share them with others. Superficial development and skills will be not guided enough for many managers, especially deep internal changes will be required for adheating young leaders.

· Organization management, creating internal and external network influences. Managers should be able to create such networks often on an informal basis. Such forms of network relationships involve various unions and partnerships both within one field of activity and between sectors, as a result, they can lead to a formal merger and union. Such unions and associations can not be managed exclusively through hierarchical leadership and control, since no one can handle alone with such high levels complexity of management of the created component; Guidelines must be divided, often among the group, team leaders. Global leaders should be able to lead national teams - matrix, interdependent, temporary "teams". They must understand and create technological infrastructure systems that enable dynamic, complex information networks to act productively. The leader must increterately identify and formulate the hidden, informant potential of the organization, such as the potential of knowledge, human capital, as well as explicitly tangible resources, such as fixed capital and finance.

· Increase personal qualifications of personnel, as well as the professional level of the organization as a whole, using and stimulating the differences in the image of thinking, the approach to solving problems and the culture of the whole globe. The leader of the future should be able to use the distinction of opinions, creative discussions, recognizing the existing world differences, and at the same time use that in common in the views, lifestyle, etc., which unites people in the world. In addition to the development of global vision of problems, the global leader should also understand the needs and use the motivation of all age groups.

In addition, in the study, fourteen key features of global leaders were allocated:

2. foresees potential opportunities

3. Creates a general vision of the future

4. promotes the development of people's abilities, delegates the powers to them

5. Appreciates in people differences

6. Develops a team approach to work, a sense of partnership

7. Welcome change

8. demonstrates knowledge knowledge

9. Encourages a constructive challenge

10. Provides customer satisfaction

11. Reaches success in competitors competition

12. Demonstrates personal achievements, high level of competence

13. Shows readiness for collective leadership

14. Acts in accordance with proclaimed values.

At first glance it seems that it is quite difficult to meet all these requirements. And it would be no doubt if not to take into account, perhaps, the most important requirement of Anderson Consulting for some reason does not speak openly - the modern leader - the head must have systemic thinking. In this case, heterogeneous characteristics are structured, they will acquire integrity and will take their place. Systemic thinking, as well as the value basis of the leader, we would like to highlight especially.

It is the systemic thinking that allows you to create a general vision of an organization, adequately assess the situation, correctly implement the task. Only with the system approach, the process can be greater than the amount of its elements. The basic principle of systemic thinking is that any process, object or phenomenon is considered as a system. "Business, like other types of human activity, is also a kind of system. There is also invisible relationships, which sometimes only reveal over the years. " Each of us, one way or another, voluntarily or involuntarily turns out to be a member of the activities of many systems, not always even noticing it. "It turns out a curious situation: we are component parts Some existing systems in society, even sometimes not suspecting it. We perceive them only indirectly - through the relationship in which we come with other people. But it is impossible to assume that the fact of the invisibility of these systems is absolutely indifferent for us. After all, we constantly strive to improve them. " And especially this fact should not be indifferent to the head. It is difficult to improve what you do not see or have an incomplete representation. It is even harder to improve what you do not suspect. Even if the head knows his organization from A to Z and takes into account the subjective and abstract elements: such as the human factor, leadership, the presence of a mission in an organization, etc. That remains a false system in which the organization is only an element. Consequently, the organization will receive feedback to any changes not only from the inside, but also from the outside. And often in a very unexpected form. This should also be remembered, otherwise what kind of adequacy of the manager can go. In fact, the system is an independent essence and systemic look needed to see the system in its fullness, integrity; If you want to see it from the side. Otherwise, it is doubtful that it will be possible to improve anything. The system itself lives, the head thinks she lives under his leadership or thanks to him. Trying to do something, wants as better, as a result, it turns out, as always. No wonder even this phrase became a winged, which indicates its relevance. From here there is a problem overcoming the invisibility of these systems. What is the system? "Will something he remains if we exclude the materiality of our own existence and the materiality of objects forming an external one-visible part of the system? It is not difficult to exclude all this from consideration, since it is not difficult to imagine tomorrow at our place of another employee, a complete change of furniture or premises. This means that all these material elements of the system, that is, most often and we ourselves, the essence of the system is not determined. And it turns out that the main thing turns out to be, in spite of everything, the same is invisible, intangible, the universal part of it. What is this part? And this is nothing but a set of relationships that are established between people, one way or another involved in the activity of the system. "

That is, the system consists not only from a particular material part, but from abstract. And together they are indivisible as a form and content. And it is impossible to work with one part, ignoring the other. Now, along with such reasons, as an increasing interest in business leadership, the tendency to transition to the TQL era and many others can also be noted that the leadership is just that abstract category about which they try not to say, but without which you See, the specific reality of half and damage.

But back to systemic thinking. Often leaders, managers, managers know the main system laws through experience, practice or "sense of business", and the description of them in the lectural form is found by the phrase: "Yes, I knew that long ago, but I didn't know how to say." And this is wonderful, and there would be no theoretical knowledge if it were not for the requirements for the leader.

According to P. Senge, the image of the "leader - hero", which comes forward in the days of "tests and crises" is outdated. The leader today is not a hero - a loner ("on a deck"), not the captain of the ship, but, above all, the designer. Agree that the captain of the ship is not beautiful and significant on the bridge and at the helm, still lives in the world invented by the designer of the ship. "It makes no sense to be a leader in a poorly designed organization." The leader must have a skill to design a process, share its vision with the others (try convincing people with words: "I feel so" not supported by concrete facts; agree, it is very difficult to implement this without knowledge of the theory), teach people in a team (again without theory nowhere) and Be a faithful favorite course. Because his vision began to live his own life as soon as it became a separated vision of a team of like-minded people or organizations.

We will not identify the basic laws of systemic thinking - the task of the leaders themselves is to enter this subject area. Fortunately, many specialists and we have successfully worked abroad and work in this direction. The task of our article is to convey the idea that the leader - the head must have systemic thinking and know the laws by which the systems live and develop.

In a conversation that the modern leader about leadership and leaders, we touched upon two points: disassembled the concept of leadership and summarized the main theoretical conclusions. Allocated the value basis of the leader as the basis of management and several words were told about how the leader was recognized. Then they stopped on the requirements for the modern leader - the head and especially on one fundamental - systemic thinking. The only question we have left without attention - as such leaders become.

It is important to remember that leadership is that it is impossible to delegate. His either must be taken with joy and carry with honor, or just to move aside.

1.4. New generation leaders: their features, the problem of preparing the leaders.

In the past few years, the need to prepare the leading personnel of the new generation becomes one of the main problems for many companies and their top management. Up to the mid-1990s, the onslaught of globalization forced the company and their leadership to focus on strategic diversification of activities and the preservation of existing experienced personnel. With this on the preparation of managers " new Wave"Did not think and relied on this issue on the personnel departments. Such a concept as "cultivation of personnel" was actually absent in the lexicon of top managers of companies.

By the mid-1990 Unprecedented breakthrough in the area information technologies And sharp demographic oscillations changed the picture, exposing the obvious shortage of both technical skills and leadership qualities in new leaders. As a result, the top management of many companies discovered that the inability to find a leader in a timely manner with the appropriate skills negatively affects competitiveness. At the same time, control over the current situation was actually impossible: the inertia of thinking and strategically incorrectly arranged priorities did not allow top managers to solve the problem arising. The used methods of autosorption on finding, hiring and training leadership personnel did not give the desired effect. A few years ago, the situation has changed dramatically, and now the top management acts in the role of hedkhanters, and in the role of coaches, and in the role of coaching.

First, the art of management is best to learn where it will be applied. Learning new leaders within the company, and not in external trainings, allows managers to see its real value and the form of implementation, and in addition powerful tool Strengthen organizational potential of the company.

These criteria in the aggregate are reflected in the Story Telling method, which, with apparent simplicity, allows you to achieve impressive results and provide students with necessary experience for successful management in the future.

It should be noted that, as experience shows, the narrator method is not a 10-minute greeting of the head of the company with a call to participate in the program, but a laborious and long-term process, the effectiveness of which, according to the author, depends on compliance with 5 principles:

1. Specific focus and connection with the strategic objectives of the company It serves strengthening strategic and organizational potentials. At the same time, it is necessary to link the accumulated experience with the current tasks of the company. This does not mean that the coach (narrator) must give examples exclusively from the life of his company: the great set, right up to the memories of the leader's leader about the early stages of their career.

2. Compliance with the story of the participants.The head of the classes (narrator) should build a story around the experience that was purchased to them at that stage of the career on which the listeners are located. In other words, the shoe store manager in a small town is unlikely to benefit from the story about the successful restructuring of Wal-Mart. The narrator should build his story so that the participants seen themselves in the proposed situation and solved current, pressing problems.

3. The authority of the storytellor.The narrator, despite his high position, should be not only a worthy example for imitation, but also to have a sense of respect, to be a kind of "professor" for "students." Only in this case the story will be perceived and benefit.

4. Dramatic element.The story must capture the attention of the participants. This requires the presence of a difficult situation, a call, a dramatic element. In any case, the drama is built on the need to make complex decisions or make a difficult choice that it is just required from the leaders of modern organizations. For example, the story may narrow how the narrator fought for the position, the requirements for which were much higher than its capabilities at that time.

5. High cognitive value.The story must stimulate the desire for learning, and the latter in turn leads to a change in behavioral culture. Whatever the requirements for the head of a particular company, the narrator's method should form at the student understanding of the importance of strengthening both the strategic and organizational potential of the company.

Tag method in the program of preparation of "new leaders"

The narrator method can be an effective means for the preparation of new leaders only with a hard work and interest of all parties. For this, the following steps will be taken from companies:

Attract the management apparatus to active participation. This step is obviously the most important to achieve learning efficiency. The guarantee of the success of the program is only the active participation of the management apparatus in "growing leaders", and not passive support for one or two then managers.

Develop general requirements for the qualities of the head. The effectiveness of the program largely depends on the unified management approach to how to manage the company.

Examine all available alternatives. Combined with the method of the narrator, as separately, other methods can be used to prepare managers: structural coaching, practical classes, university programs and comprehensive testing.

Pick up the "narrator" group for the program. The most interested leaders may be included in the group of narratives, which can also be included by heads of personnel services and invited specialists who experience the training of senior executives.

Prepare narrator and participants. In order for the stories to reach their training goal, it is recommended to attract a specialist to their preparation, work and rehearsal. Careful selection of students should be carried out to be informed about the purposes of the program and their responsibilities as dialogue participants.

Pick up the topics of stimulating dialogue, reaction and actions. The story is not a performance from the rostrum, but a catalyst of the discussion. From the narrator requires sincerity, as it should be about the essence and aspects of management. The story should last about 30 minutes, followed by the discussion of the characteristics of the management problem. After discussion, the participants present their ideas on the management issues that they have prepared in advance, and also make up the plan of activities that contribute to their formation as managers.

The method of the narrator is not the only tool, it should be used in conjunction with other instruments of the manager techniques to build an effective team with a single vision of business and its goals. At the same time, MR can be one of the most important methods of the coming decade, as the preparation of not just managers, but it is the leaders that becomes the task of essential.

Effective management of the company should be carried out at all levels, therefore promising managers constitute a gold reserve of the company. They are the strategically most important capital of the company, since they, in turn, will have to lead and prepare future leaders of all levels, which will allow the company to develop their strategic potential and improve the organization.

Interesting the question of what the leader of the new time should be. In general, according to James Sitrine and Thomas Neff, the management managers of the Spencer Stuart leadership staff, which since the "old economy" has changed little. They argue that "the fundamental characteristics conducive to leading in business remained the same since the industrial era." Next, they, however, add that at the same time it is necessary to inform such new qualities that will meet the requirements of speed, flexibility, readiness to risk, continuous attention to the interests of customers and access to new levels of communication within the organization.

A significant part of such ideas about the conditions of leading in the new millennium is based on a study prepared for their last book called « Lessons from. their Top.» . In it, the authors allocate 6 fundamental and complementary principles that are guided by the most successful leaders Business, and emphasize the fact that these principles in our time are just as effective as it was before in other conditions. According to the ideas of the books of the book, the essence of the leading in business can be briefly characterized in the following words: "Do what you need, as needed."

6 characteristics of the leader of the information era:

1. Close attention to the interests of the client. They argue that all companies need to focus their attention on the preparation of such a proposal for the client, from which it is impossible to refuse, because without the availability of customers, success in business is impossible. In the organizations of the traditional type, the management department of marketing usually resort to the services of a marketing company in order to study the preferences of the target group (focus group) and send results to the brand management department, which, repulsiating from the information received, decides on expanding the production of previous products and Development new. While earlier such a process occupied from 3 to 6 months, in the conditions of the modern economy it is necessary to drastically reduce dramatically, and the process itself is included in the number of priority management tasks.

2. Mitigation of the principle of hierarchy in the structure of the organization. Over the past 5-10 years, a command and controlled management style, mandatory in the era of an industrial economy, a style characterized by a centralized decision-making system and resource allocation, gave way to a larger organizational flexibility. The authors quote the words of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of General Electric Jack Welch, who somehow said that "the key to success in organizing a business process will be the appointment of the responsible for the decision of the most important issues of the principal business, regardless of what hierarchical, organizational or geographical The company's structures they arose. " Sitrine and Neuff are convinced that this statement is true for organizations in the new economy.

3. Management using a business model. Development and following effective strategy - a necessary condition of leading in business for all companies. What is the feature of the new economy? In the process of developing a strategy. As Sitrine and Neff explain, "the development of a strategy as a management instrument entered into a rule in recent decades, its goal is to help enterprises identify goals to assess the difficulties and opportunities and develop a business plan." Based on the strategic plan, annual plans are drawn up, in accordance with which short-term planning, the distribution of funds, the budget formation and organizational issues are solved.

4. Creating and disseminating favorable installations and ideologies. In conditions when the profit is not easy, the creation and distribution of the company's positive image is the first step towards success.

5. Readiness to risk. Since the barriers to entering the market in the new economy are low, and the reward for success is great, in order to remain in the forefront, it is necessary to constantly look for new ways in business. Internet culture of samples and errors when the key to success is to use the principle of feedback with the consumer, dictates readiness to risk not in words, but in practice.

6. Willingness to work more and more efficiently than competitors. The principles listed above are not actions if the leader's candidate is not ready to fully engage in work in accordance with the requirements of the Internet era.

If you judge the last remark, Titrine and Neuff looks like right: in all these years, the conditions of the leading have almost changed. This leading is still the result of hard work and dedication, as it was in the last century and how it will be in the present.

In conclusion, I would like to exposure from an interview with Harry Camp - Director General of DHL in the CIS.

According to Harry Campa, the basis of leadership is, first of all, a clear definition of the direction of development. "... It is very important to properly arrange priorities at every stage of the company's development. Such an approach will allow targeted to move towards achieving a strategic goal, given the latest market trends and realizing the place of its company in a particular industry. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the execution of the tasks for each stage. When you apply such an approach, this will ensure the clear operation of other components of the manual. Thus, an atmosphere is formed, in which people work: team spirit and cooperation within the organization. Company employees acquire professional experience, skills and knowledge that are necessary for work. This is the role of management. "

"Management efficiency," continues CAMP, depends on how clearly you are presenting the tasks of your organization and, accordingly, formulate your staff requirements of all levels. The ability of the head to make complex decisions is very important, as well as supply the organization to all necessary to perform the tasks. Management personnel must quickly recognize the areas of the conflict, to respond in a timely manner to certain crisis situations, i.e. Must be able to manage. Important ability to adapt and vary depending on the new realities. "

As for corporate culture, the basic principles, according to the Director-General of DHL, is primarily an understanding of the mission of the company. "Knowledge by all managers of the corporation of the company's main directions of development of the company, pride in their company. Open democratic relationships in the organization as a whole, which contributes to the creation of a permanent information flow, i.e. All employees have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat and how is the company, what are the final results. Corporate culture is the creation of such an atmosphere in the company when everyone can ask a question to the representative of the Supreme Guide or to make a proposal for business development or the permission to one or another difficult situation. This is an important part of the process. Another part is a team job. This means that you need people with the most diverse abilities and opportunities. "

At the same time, Mark Kukushkin, a leading trainer-consultant of the company "BEST training", director of development, argues that examples are known when the leader on initial stage There was no team. One such example will be given in Chapter 3. "At the" promotion "stage of the business," says Mark, "you can be a leader without a team, but it is impossible to keep the business without a team. If there is no team, the leader is not able to transfer a business or business will collapse. In this sense, the creation of a team is a very important part of work that supports and providing leadership. The leader's phenomenon itself is not commanded, but it requires a team to maintain. Therefore, a good leader knows how to competently transfer what he started, in reliable hands. "

1.5. Team: Definition, characteristic features.

Now in the world a lot of speaking about the fact that the team is unexpectedly the most powerful organizational force. The leaders who were able to feel drastically change their management style, the entire management system, begin to work in a team and with teams, and this allows them to make a tangible leap forward.

Why, in modern conditions, without teamwork, a perfectly organized and a clearly functioning enterprise is far from always effective?

Apparently, because for the ease of leadership in it, a clear hierarchy of power and responsibility was built, and for the coherence of the work, clear regulations of interaction and powers were developed. This is the strongest management system, and the development of bureaucratic procedures is a wonderful medicine against chaos. But in the world is stable and predictable.

In the world, dynamically changing as it were, as it were, on the contrary. A clear execution of instructions may seem harmful, as it slows down decision making, reduces the flexibility and response efficiency and reduces the likelihood of creative and non-standard actions. Regime regulations and hierarchical structure can support the internal stability of the enterprise for some time, but they are largely opposite to self-development and the speed of the reaction to changes that occur not only around the enterprise, but also within it.

By understanding the problem, the leaders are looking for some way out:

Someone sees salvation in the "disagreement of the enterprise" or in reducing control levels;

Someone introduces "teamwork work commands" or proceeds to the "Project Management Project";

Someone is trying to rally the top management in the team of like-minded people;

Someone "infects the team spirit" all enterprise.

So, the team is salvation in a medium with a high degree of uncertainty. In this case, the clear official powers and even the borders of professional competencies are blurred, the responsibility take on everything, the decisions are made operational and creatively at the junction of various knowledge, experience and opportunities. There is even a formula showing the "magic" synergistic effect of commands: 1+1+1=5.

However, any team can be called a team? IN social psychology The studies of small groups are very popular. However, not all phenomena characteristic of them are suitable for evaluating teams. Unlike the small group, the team always consists of professionals, always aimed at solving a business problem, always, firstly, acts, and only then, secondly, communicates. Therefore, accents and leadership, and the team management is rather shifted to business than the emotional sphere.

The team is usually called a small group consisting of 5-7, less often of 15-20 people who share goals, values \u200b\u200band general approaches to the implementation of joint activities; have complementary skills; take responsibility for the final results of activity; Can perform any intraceand roles and determine themselves and their partners belong to the team.

As a rule, the team consists of specialists with varying specialization and jointly working on solving certain tasks.

Team relations that include such concepts as the "feeling of the elbow" and the "spirit of partnership" can manifest itself exclusively in the business sector, without extending the personal life of team members.

The command is initially formed to perform any task, so the task determines the role composition, a list of skills that members of the team must have, the timing of the task and the degree of control over the leadership team.

Here are some possible command definitions:

The team is a group of two or more people who regularly interact and coordinate their work to achieve a common goal;

The team is a group of people working together to achieve a specific business goal.

The team is a way to build an organization, taking into account the real qualities of its employees, in the name of the most effective achievement of the organization's goals.

The team is a small group of people complementary and interchangeable each other during the achievement of the goals. The organization of the team is based on the well-thought-out positioning of participants who have a general vision of the situation and strategic goals and those who have spent interaction procedures.

Thus, on the basis of the above definitions, you can select the following significant signs for the command:

so, team members:

- "work together";

- "own spent interaction procedures";

- "thoughtfully positioned" and / or "interchange each other";

- "Aim at achieving a common goal" and / or "have a general vision of the situation."

Work together. This feature is essential if the members of the group work precisely together, but not nearby. The physical presence of the "Comradist's shoulder" creates a strong field, "charges". Mutual support, if it is, is achieved a lot faster and without any requests from the needy. But the main thing is for what I work everything. And if not very clear, " in the name of what"The team can turn into a" hostage group "of the situation whose goal is not at all general, and simple equal.

Exhaust interaction procedures. The presence of such procedures is definitely an important factor, because The team is not just a group of people are very configured among themselves. The team is already a "worked" group. What does "worked" mean? Such a group has already ceased to be the sum of the characters of people entering it. The bottom line is that it has become a single, system or organism in which the organs do not contradict each other, do not compete with "chairs", and everyone does their job, if necessary, compensate for the weakness of one body to enhance the functioning of the rest. Thus, a synergistic effect occurs in the team.

Participants thoughtfully positioned. This feature is essential only if positioning occurred with their participation.

Command members interchange each other. In this case, it is not about the fact that all team members should be equal to opportunities, social status and, especially on professional qualifications. The interchangeability of the team is the distribution of responsibility, information and authority, manifested in the fact that all team members own all the full information on the purpose and course of joint activities to achieve them and can take responsibility for the leadership of the entire group at any time. It is very significant for the team. The skills necessary for such interchangeability are best formed in pedagogical systems with "duty commander." This term means that each participant has the opportunity to be a commander and learn to fully respond to everything.

The focus on achieving a common goal. Obviously, this sign is most significant, but only if the goal is outside the group (the purpose of the enterprise). If the target of the Group is "to know each other better," to hold a joint weekend, then this is no longer a team, but a friendly company.

General vision of the situation. The sign is essential if the vision is general, and not the same, and if the general is not only a vision of the situation directly related to the goal. There is such a phrase: "This is not our person. He is alien to us. He is not the same as we all. " In Western Management, intensively learn to "manage differences", realizing that they bring a fresh look and greater outdoor breadth.

Chapter 2: Practical aspects of leadership problems in modern Russian conditions.

2.1. Personal leadership on the example of Rustam Tariko.

A few years ago, during the consumexpo exhibition, the head of the young distribution company Rustam Tariko found a representative of the company owning the rights to the champagne champagne veuve clicquot, and said: "Believe it or not, but it will take time and this bottle will be in my portfolio." And left. Then Veuve Clicquot in Russia sold a German company, and the statement Tariko looked at least strange. Two years later, the representative of Veuve Clicquot called Tariko: "Two years ago you said that this product would be yours. He is yours "...

Rustam Tariko began working in Moscow, in a small company that provided services to foreigners (taxi, theater tickets, etc.), then in the Italian travel agency that served business trips. At that time, foreigners began to actively ride in Russia, but the hotels for them were catastrophically lacked. The agency will be happy to place its customers even in Rossi and Ukraine, but for this it was necessary to receive permission to manage high-altitude houses every time. "If you decide this problem for us, you will become a millionaire," Tariko said in the agency.

Tariko went to the management of high-altitude houses, but quickly realized that it was nothing to catch. " In the service of accommodation, the hotel "Russia" did not want to talk to him too. But here he showed perseverance and loomed under the door until the head of the service did not say: "What kind of boy stands under the door? Let him, let him tell what he wants. " She needed a day for random and approvals, after which she said: "OK! You can send your foreigners. " Two days later, Tariko placed the first group of Italians in Russia and earned $ 5,000 in one day at the Commission.

The next step in the business career Tariko was cooperation with Ferrero Rocher. He came to the representative of the company with the idea of \u200b\u200bselling "Kinder surprises" for rubles (then they could only be kush in the "birch"). The Ferrero Rocher said: "If you are such an enterprising guy, there are several boxes with chocolate eggs, take the store and see how they are sold." He took them to the Moscow department store and sold. After that, he was invited to work on Ferrero Rocher, put one condition: he should go to Luxembourg for a year to study. He went, but he returned very quickly - all the most interesting happened in Russia. With Ferrero Rocher had to say goodbye.

However, the business community of Piedmont has already begun to chase a young enterprising guy from Russia. Soon the representatives of Martini contacted him.

Tariko says that by that time was already enough tricky - came to the negotiations, registering his own company. And he himself suggested the conditions of cooperation - an exclusive contract provided that in two months he will sell so much Martini in Russia, but then it was sold for the year. He fulfilled the established test and received an exclusive.

Now the RUST group of companies includes a distribution company for the sale of alcoholic beverages more than hundreds of brands, among which - Martini, Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, Veuve Clicquot, Bacar.(The expected turnover in 2001 - $ 100 million), a company producing vodka "Russian standard"(The projected turnover in 2001 - $ 30 million), the Russian Standard Bank (fixed capital of $ 30 million) and the electronic platform B2B for the sale of food.

Tariko recognizes that the bank is his favorite brainchild. On June 1, he will be two years old. When he decided to establish a bank, whose business is based on lending, few people considered the idea of \u200b\u200bcommon. It was 1999. Now in stores "Peace"or "M Video"sold goods under the Russian Standard loan, which can be made right in the store. Tariko explains that there is a mathematical model (very complicated), which allows you to calculate the risks (the theory of probabilities was among its favorite items in Miet). It is based on the fact that all potential customers can be distributed in three risk areas - white, gray and black. Conditionally speaking, her: client - married woman With a Moscow registration, which has a child and working in a serious company, then the bank almost does not risk, gives her a loan. Accordingly, the homeless is a person for the black zone, his credit will not be issued. But this is only the top of the iceberg. The most complex lending scheme has been developed in conjunction with consultants. McKinsey..

According to Tariko, this year the bank went on yield, although according to the business plan written by the same McKinsey consultants, should have come to yield only in 2003.

In the business community, they say that Tariko installed at his company semi-axis order. "A lot of speculation on this account," businessman agrees. - What does the half-time regime mean? I demand a lot from people. If in many companies, the growth of 20% per year is considered normal, then in Ruste, the norm is 100% and higher. For a developing company it is correct. " But if managers work well three or four years, they, according to Tariko, become its co-shareholders.

According to his conviction, the owner must control the business in four main parameters: 1) strategy; 2) appointment and dismissal of key employees; 3) Finance (the top manager cannot go beyond the parameters of the business plan agreed with him); 4) the company's integrity (the top manager cannot sell, restructure the company). Next, the owner should not go, even if he really wants to "charge." "You can not engage in micromedge and decide, issue or not issue a loan, "says Tariko. "Maximum what you can do is to charge the inner auditor to check the client that you are interested, but you can not stop the business process."

Tariko says that the reason for all the dismissal of top managers in Ruste is discrepancies on some of these parameters: either did not converge on the strategy or by key people or by financial parameters.

In particular, the cause of loud dismissal general Director "Rusta" Yana Ankersen was a discrepancy about financial parameters. Tariko believed that the Holding divisions need to be transferred to sufficiently solid financial powers. Ankersen did not agree with this, in his opinion, the framework of the financial freedom of the divisions on which Tariko insisted, excessively wide. According to the head of "Rusta", his main mistake was that he did not comply with this question with Ankersen during the time he hired it.

Since the topic of the owner's trust in top management is now very relevant, we cannot bypass it. "These problems will be less revealed in the material businesses - I mean oil, aluminum, - everything will happen more or less smoothly," says Tariko. - But take, for example, my marketing business. Get control over it or destroy it easily. In consumer business, the transfer of power will be very painful and last another two-three. "

In his opinion, the question is not only in the laws that are poorly protected by the owner, but also in business ethics. "In the West and the legislative base and morality work well," says Tariko. - There is indecent steal. If you touched, you can never get on good work. We do not have it. "

2.2. "The most difficult management is people." Guide with an employee orientation.

In this section, I want to analyze an interview with A. Ponomarev, who for 12 years has been the director of the Mlama plant.

The "pilot-experimental plant of dairy machines" is interesting in several points. Created in 1932, it was the first enterprise that was created for the production of equipment for the dairy industry in the Soviet Union. And the company immediately became unique. The uniqueness lies in the following: firstly, all the first samples of the machinery of the dairy industry were born at Molshesh. And it turned out: the plant mastered this product, passed somewhere, in the same Makhachkala, and there, in place, the "separator" plant appeared. Thus, the Dairy Industry of the USSR was formed. The second uniqueness that today there is not a single plant in the former Soviet Union, but more than 4 thousand, where the equipment "Molshem" would not work. And the third uniqueness of the plant is that the factory always remained the leader in the creation of new equipment in the industry. These three features have formed a certain character, a certain philosophy of the plant.

"At the factory," says Anatoly Vasilyevich, there is a system of four areas: frames, economics, technique, planning. But if you ask those who lead these directions, everyone will tell you that the most difficult is personnel, personnel management. " To date, the biggest problem in the work of this direction is that "progress, the movement of the plant, unfortunately, is ahead of the possibilities of personnel composition, which today is at the factory. But the acuteness of this problem is smoothed by the fact that coherence is achieved in work, the disadvantages of one overlap with better operation of the other. There is a constant selection of those who lag behind. And she will not stop. If you score such frames, then from next year we will sell our footage. That is, to take, educate, but those who are still located in the bottom of the quality, we will sell. "

This system of four directions implies long-term planning. ".. if we talk about the personnel strategy, then it is simultaneously simple, and complex. We have criteria for age indicators, according to qualification indicators, training, a whole mass of regulations, criteria for working with personnel. But the most important thing is that today it understands every employee at the factory. Just as everyone knows the motto of the plant: "Through mutual understanding and quality work to an advanced firm." The fact that this program works, confirms the fact that not so long ago the Japanese made an official invitation to implement the system in Panasonic.

What is the uniqueness of the model, which is successfully implemented at the factory?

This is what Ponomarev says: "You look at how the West went. He created machine tools with numeric software, where it does not matter who will leave and come. It is important that it performs it to perform, inserted the part, pressed the button, and the machine itself will handle everything. And he will give a signal that the tool fastened, the point parameters are not withstanding. See how in Italy - the government changes every three months. Well, what is the case for "FIATA", for other firms? .. Therefore, we set the task to ensure that all employees feel comfortable, normal to plan their lives and lived on this life. And did not think whether Rublev or Kovalev will change there. So what they are. The system should work. I'm so hired as they. This is the main uniqueness.

As for the level of professionalism, Ponomarev says that "... at all levels it requires improvement. This is our greatest job with each specific employee, with departments and with the whole team ... Very serious disagreements we have on the subject of improvement through self-improvement. This question is relevant for young people, and for middle age. There is neither age or a service or professional threshold. Everyone needs to rise by 2-3 orders. This is a serious problem, a serious question. And we are ready to train and improve our employees and spend on learning all the means that any employee will declare. "

So, we reviewed two examples of leadership. In the first example, the story of Rustam Tariko, which, as many people can say, "turned out to be in the right place at the right time."

Rustam Tariko, the owner of the Rust group of companies is notable for its organizational abilities. Having achieved quite large heights, Tariko does not stop on it. It continues to open new companies, for example, the Russian Standard Bank, and establishes quite high demands for itself. Of course, such large companies, as well, and any other, require competent leadership. As we could notice, companies created by Tariko still function and quite effective. Therefore, among other things, the huge merit of Tariko is that he was able to choose such top managers who could not only maintain the existing level of organization of organizations, but also to "put records", which he says at least annual growth in companies - instead of 20 % How many other companies are 100% and higher.

In the second example, an example of the manual "with the personnel orientation" is given on the example of the Mlama plant. At the enterprise there is a system of four directions: frames, economics, technique, planning. And the most difficult is shots. Each employee at the factory is aware of the mission and company purposes. There is a developed system of training and advanced training of workers. Finally, the most significant evidence of the effectiveness of personnel management, in my opinion, is the fact that the plant has made an official invitation to introduce their system in Panasonic.


The work covered the problem of leadership in modern conditions.

According to the results of the study, I made the following conclusions:

1) Despite the popularity of this topic at present, there is still no clear definition of this term. The existing approaches to its study do not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of leadership.

2) The second section covered the issue of motivation of leadership. Based on the material set forth in this section, and life experience, we can say that not all people strive for power, for many it is just a means of achieving other purposes: material, moral, etc. Some people possess power allows you to overcome your own complexes and, finally, for part of people, power is just a kind of game. In accordance with this stand out different kinds Motivation of leaders who depend on human attitude to power.

3) The next section discusses the role of leadership in the company's quality system. All researchers converge on the fact that leadership plays a significant role in business and, in particular, in the quality system. Leadership is the key that opens the way to success in business. The final success of the corporation will depend on the ability of all its employees to work creatively together to achieve a common goal. However, it is not necessary to do without leadership that feeds, supports the desired skills and the required attitude. Thus, leadership is an integral element of the quality system, and the element is not only inherent, but also indispensable.

4) From section 1.4. "The leaders of the new generation ..." You can draw the following conclusion: the leaders are better to raise inside the organization itself, with a fairly effective way to "upbringing" the leaders is the use of the "narrator method".

5) In the section "Contents of the concept of" team ", characteristic features" discloses the essence of the team, its main features and difference from simple groups are determined. The relevance of this issue is due to the sudden realization that the team is the most powerful organizational force. Moreover, the leaders who could understand this begin to work with teams, which allows them to make a tangible leap forward.

Finally, the second chapter discusses practical examples of leadership and leadership in modern Russian conditions.

In conclusion, I want to say that, in my opinion, the problem of leadership every day becomes more and more pressing. In modern conditions, when the market is developing rapidly, many companies overlook the foreign market, the head that is not a leader who does not have its back of the worked team, it is unlikely to effectively manage the enterprise.


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