Repair Design Furniture

What are the differences between bees and wasps? Differences between a wasp and bees and a bumblebee Preparations with a normal reaction to a bee or wasp sting

Outwardly, all bees are similar, but in fact there is a strict classification of these insects. Bee breeds with descriptions and photos will help not only distinguish between these beneficial insects, but also learn how to choose the right species depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

How to choose bees

Bees are classified as hymenoptera and are used to make honey and other products. South Asia is considered the birthplace of insects, and from there these insects spread throughout the world.

A characteristic feature of this species is living in families consisting of a queen, several tens of thousands of workers, and several hundred (or thousands, in large families) of drones. It is noteworthy that in summer the number of worker bees increases, and in winter it decreases significantly.

Note: The only full-fledged female in the family is the uterus, which lays eggs in the warm season. Drones, workers, and new queens are later hatched from them. Interestingly, the life span of a queen is directly dependent on the number of worker bees in the colony. If there are only a few of them, the uterus will live no more than three days, and in large families one uterus can live up to five years.

As a rule, after two to three years, the egg production of the uterus sharply decreases, so it is replaced with a younger individual. A productive uterus lays up to 2.5 thousand eggs per day, and during the season this figure can grow up to 200 thousand.

The queen almost never leaves the hive. The only exception can be the period of swarming and mating. In addition, if a queen from one family meets another, a fight will surely start between the insects, and a stronger and more agile representative will win.

A characteristic biological feature is the ability to reproduce not only within the family, but also with other families. This process is called swarming.

Working bees are only females who, due to underdeveloped genitals, cannot mate and lay eggs. It is these females who perform all the work in the hive: they collect nectar and pollen, produce honey, build honeycombs, feed the larvae and the uterus, and also guard the hive and monitor the optimal temperature regime in it. Under natural conditions, working individuals independently replace the old uterus with a young one.

Note: Sometimes, if there is no queen in the family for a long time, some working insects can begin to lay eggs. But since they are not fertilized, only drones hatch from them.

The lifespan of worker bees depends on the time of their hatching: summer bees live no more than 45 days, and autumn ones - up to 10 months. In addition, they are divided into two groups. Non-flying (young) are almost constantly in the hive, and fly out of it only in good weather. The flyers are responsible for collecting pollen and nectar.

Figure 1. Visual differences between insects and classification of worker bees

Drones are males whose sole function is to fertilize the uterus. That is why their genitals are well developed, and there are no organs for collecting pollen and excreting wax. Each family contains several hundred or even thousands of drones, although the queen mates with only a few (usually 6-10 individuals). Drones reach sexual maturity at the age of 8-14 days, and after that they can not only mate, but also leave the hive, flying away from it at a distance of several kilometers. Figure 1 shows the main visual differences between the queen, workers, and drones.

Note: Drones live only in summer, as in the fall, worker bees drive them out of the hive. Sometimes, if there is no queen in the family, some drones remain in the hive for the winter.

Interestingly, all insects go through the same developmental stages, but they differ in duration depending on the type of insect:

  • In the first stage, the "egg," all insects develop in the same way: three days;
  • The second stage, the “larva before sealing,” for the queen lasts 5 days, for worker bees for 6, and for drones for 7 days;
  • The last stage of development, "larva and pupa in a sealed cell," lasts 8 days in the uterus, 12 in working species and 14 in drones.

Accordingly, the developmental cycle of an adult insect is 16 days for the uterus, 21 days for workers, and 24 days for drones.

These are quite hardy insects. They can carry a load through the air, the mass of which corresponds to half the weight of the individual itself, and are capable of speeds up to 60 km / h. In addition, they have developed eyesight. They have five eyes (two on the sides and three on the crown), which distinguish objects by shape and color. Insects have a well-developed scent, which allows not only to distinguish flowers, but also to find the location of the hive. If the bees sense danger, they can sting. Single bites are not dangerous, and multiple bites can cause severe allergies. That is why, when working, beekeepers use special protective clothing.

What you need to pay attention to

There are four main types of these insects: giant, dwarf, Indian and honey. In household plots, only the latter type is bred, since it is he who produces honey.

When selecting bees for breeding, several factors should be taken into account.:

  • Climate: most insects are adapted only to certain temperature living conditions. For example, Central Russians tolerate cold weather very well, and Italian ones - hot climate;
  • Productivity: the ability of the uterus to lay the maximum number of eggs directly affects the safety of the family;
  • Nectar Harvesting and Honey Production: Anatomically, some insects have longer proboscis, which allows them to collect nectar from more plants.

Figure 2. The most productive species: 1a and 1b - Italian, 2a and 2b - Ukrainian steppe

You should also take into account the tendency of insects to swarm, since during this period their honey production decreases. Italian and Ukrainian steppe are considered optimal for breeding (Figure 2). Such species are highly productive and calm in nature, but require additional care in the winter and protection from diseases.

In addition, there are many breeds, each with its own distinctive characteristics.


Insects are not bred artificially, and only those types are grown for breeding that are characteristic of a given climatic zone and have already managed to adapt to living conditions.

Figure 3. Representatives of breeds: 1 - Central Russian, 2 - gray mountain Caucasian, 3 - yellow Caucasian, 4 - Ukrainian steppe (uterus)

For our country, these types are considered the best.(picture 3):

  • Central Russian: rather large insects of dark gray color. The uterus is highly productive, and the melliferous capacity is average. During the season, no more than 30 kg of honey can be collected from one family. Representatives of the species are conservative in nature, and it is difficult to switch to new melliferous areas. In addition, they are quite aggressive, but they are highly resistant to cold and disease.
  • Gray mountain caucasian smaller and lighter than the Central Russian. In addition, the uterus is not distinguished by high fertility, and workers are not distinguished by their melliferousness. No more than 29 kg of honey can be collected from one family per season. However, these disadvantages are fully compensated for by the advantages: they productively use poor sources of honey collection, easily switch to new areas, have a peaceful character, and thanks to their long proboscis, they can collect nectar from a much larger number of plants than representatives of other species. In addition, they are poorly amenable to swarming (no more than 5% of individuals from the family), therefore, in the summer, the fertility of insects practically does not decrease. However, they are very sensitive to cold and putrefactive diseases. Nevertheless, it was she who became widespread not only in Russia, but also abroad.
  • Yellow Caucasian in size corresponds to the mountain gray, but slightly exceeds it in fertility. Insects are gray with bright yellow stripes. Quite peace-loving, they are distinguished by medium swiftness, they tolerate hot and dry climates well, but they can attack other families and are susceptible to diseases. At the moment, the yellow Caucasian is gradually being absorbed by the gray mountain.
  • Ukrainian steppe transformed from the Central Russian, adapting to the southern living conditions. Representatives are smaller in size than the Central Russian ones, but they also have a much longer proboscis, which has a positive effect on productivity. In addition, Ukrainian steppe species are distinguished by high honey content (up to 40 kg per family per season), resistance to temperature extremes and diseases.
  • Carpathian is in many ways similar to the Ukrainian steppe. The only difference between insects is that the Carpathian has a much longer proboscis. They are distinguished by average swiftness and winter hardiness and an exceptionally peaceful nature (Figure 4).
  • Representatives Italian breed in size correspond to the Central Russian, but significantly surpass them in fertility. A distinctive feature is the golden color with bright yellow stripes. They have a peaceful character, they use very well a variety of types of plants for collecting nectar, but they do not have sufficient resistance to cold and disease.
  • Krainskaya was imported from Austria. They are distinguished by a gray color with a silvery tint. Fertility is average, but insects are distinguished by rapid spring development. Various sources of honey collection are excellently used, but resistance to cold and disease is average.
  • Far Eastern formed in the process of mutation of insect representatives of several species. Due to this, they are distinguished by their small size, gray color and low fertility. Despite the high propensity for swarming, insects are peaceful in nature, and can use the earliest plants for honey production.

Figure 4. Breeds: 1 - Carpathian, 2 - Krainskaya, 3 - Italian, 4 - Far Eastern

When selecting insects for breeding, be sure to take into account the climatic features of the region, since most species are very sensitive to cold weather and require additional care in winter. For more information on the world's most popular Italian breed, see the video.


Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find a purebred bee, since so-called hybrids are bred in most apiaries. But, if you have clearly set a goal for yourself to choose the best breed by photo and description, we recommend using some useful tips.

Among the basic selection rules, there are:

  • Assessment of the appearance: each breed is formed under the influence of certain climatic conditions, therefore, insects of different species differ radically from each other in appearance and size.
  • The climatic conditions in which the apiary will be located also play an important and sometimes decisive role. For example, in warm climates, Italian can be bred, but they are not suitable for temperate and cold climates, since they do not differ in winter hardiness.
  • The peaceful nature of insects is an important criterion for novice beekeepers. For example, representatives of the Caucasian will bring honey even if the beekeeper accidentally damages their nest, while the Central Russians have a rather aggressive character.

To make it easier for you to choose a breed for your apiary, we present the names, photos and descriptions of the most popular species.

How to determine the breed of bees: video

You can learn how to identify the breeds of bees with the help of the video. Its author talks about the characteristics of certain types of insects and the criteria by which they can be distinguished.

Carnica bee breed and their characteristics

The description of carnica bees primarily concerns subspecies or strains. There are four of them: Karnika, Italian, Caucasian and dark forest.

Regardless of the strain, all insects of this species are distinguished by high productivity and low feed consumption, therefore they tolerate winter well even in lean years.

Insects are gray, with small blotches of yellow, the body is short and covered with numerous villi, which make the insects look furry.

The characteristics of carnica bees include such indicators(Figure 5):

  • High productivity allows you to get honey even with a weak flow;
  • The peaceful nature allows the beekeeper to work with insects even without protective clothing;
  • Saving feed consumption increases the survival rate in winter, and the family will collect honey even in the absence of a queen.

Figure 5. Features of karnik bees

Among the disadvantages are the late emergence of brood, especially in warm and long autumn, as well as low productivity during the second brood. This feature is due to the fact that bees spend almost all their energy on the first flow.

Buckfast bee breed and their characteristics

A description of the buckfast bee breed and their characteristics will help to objectively assess all the pros and cons of the species, and decide whether it is worth breeding such insects in an apiary.

Firstly, it should be borne in mind that the breed was bred by breeders, and it is based on Italian bees, therefore all subspecies of buckfast have a characteristic yellow color. Despite the constituent hybrids, all insects of this species have some common features (Figure 6):

  • Insects practically do not swarm, but at the same time they bring in a sufficiently large amount of brood. Moreover, it is not recommended to restrict the growth of the family, as this can negatively affect the honey collection.
  • Insects collect little propolis, since the Egyptian breed was used to create the hybrid;
  • They are characterized by a calm character and do not show aggression when the beekeeper is working with a hive.

Figure 6. External characteristics of Buckfast bees

In addition, the queens of this breed are highly fertile, and the insects themselves have excellent endurance, so in most cases they tolerate wintering well. However, these insects are not suitable for the northern regions due to their insufficiently high frost resistance.

Carpathian bee: description

The Carpathian bee, or Carpathian, stands out among other breeds by its early emergence, that is, insects begin to collect nectar much earlier than other species. In addition, the honey collected by representatives of the Caucasian species contains little sugar, and the insects themselves tolerate wintering well (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Carpathian breed

Among the advantages of carpathians, one can single out a peaceful nature and high productivity. In addition, they tolerate winter well, practically do not swarm and get sick a little. But their winter hardiness is low, so it is not recommended to breed the Carpathian breed in the northern regions.

Central Russian breed: characteristics

Central Russian bees are considered one of the largest. They have a dark gray body color without yellowness (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Features of Central Russian bees

They have high productivity, resistance to cold and disease. However, insects have a rather aggressive character, and when working with them, it is imperative to wear protective clothing. This breed is recommended to be bred in the northern regions, since in the south they swarm heavily and significantly reduce productivity.

Caucasian breed

The Caucasian breed includes many subspecies, which, although they have some differences, still have some common features (Figure 9).

Note: The variety of subspecies is explained by the fact that they were formed in different climatic conditions. For example, the Caucasian valley ones can collect honey even in extreme heat, and the high-mountain ones - when the temperature drops to +6 degrees.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the long flight duration. The bees leave the hive early in the morning and return late in the evening, which allows a large amount of honey to be collected. In addition, the nectar harvesting period lasts from early spring to late autumn, which makes the breed one of the most productive.

Figure 9. External features of Caucasian bees

Also, Caucasian bees easily adapt to various weather conditions and produce a lot of propolis, which is used to warm nests for the winter. Despite these features, insects do not tolerate wintering well, therefore the main task of the beekeeper is to properly prepare the hives and provide the insects with a sufficient amount of food. In addition, they often get sick and are very sensitive to dampness.

Italian breed: photo

A characteristic feature of Italian bees is their unusual bright yellow body color, which makes them easy to distinguish from the rest (Figure 10). Uterus are highly fertile, and insects have high disease resistance and a rather peaceful nature.

Figure 10. What an Italian breed looks like

They are distinguished by high productivity, and during the honey harvesting period they easily switch from plants where there is less nectar to those where it is possible to harvest more abundant harvest. Insects secrete a lot of wax, but they do not tolerate wintering well due to their low resistance to cold. That is why it is recommended to breed Italian bees only in the southern regions.

How to tell a bee from a wasp

Good day. Sometimes it is interesting to watch various funny situations from the outside.

I remember how one girl next to me saw a wasp and began to run away from her with loud cries for help. She thought it was a bee, and their bite was deadly.

The nuance of the situation is that at first glance it is not so easy to determine the exact type of insects flying around you. Would you like to know how to tell a bee from a wasp? What are the main differences between them? Now I will analyze in detail all the important points in the article below.

Difference between bee and wasp

There is a legend that the devil created the wasps, and God created the bees. Following the legend, it is thanks to the blessing that bees guard human health, supplying such important and necessary components of many medicines as honey, wax, propolis.

Wasps, at least, are referred to as useless creatures, and as a maximum, to pests.

And, nevertheless, the similarity of these two insects leads to confusion, which we have to figure out.


If you ask a child who is in front of him, a wasp or a bee, he is likely to get confused. But adults are often unable to distinguish between a bee and a wasp. And, nevertheless, there are many external differences in these insects.

Bees belong to the order Hymenoptera of the superfamily Apoidea. They look like this: the body is somewhat rounded, covered with villi. The bee, like many similar insects, has yellow-black stripes on the body, muted color.

Wasps do not have a strict scientific definition; they include those from the suborder stalk-bellied, which cannot be attributed to bees or ants. Wasps have a long body, which is pulled over the chest. The body of wasps is smooth, without fibers. The color of the wasp is similar to that of the bee - the same stripes, but only bright, noticeable.

Life activity

Bees are laborers by nature. They are ready to work endlessly for the good of the hive. Collecting nectar from flowers, bees produce many useful products that are used in pharmaceuticals and human nutrition. Honeycombs are built from the wax they produce.

Wasps are not able to develop any useful product; they make their hives from a variety of waste.

The food of wasps is quite varied. They do not disdain either fruit or nectar. The diet of wasps also includes delicacies, which include flies and other small insects.


In case of danger, bees sting, but only if they are attacked first. In this way, they protect the hive. After the bee has stung, it dies, leaving a sting in the opponent's body.

There is a certain hierarchy in the family of bees, the highest level in which is the queen bee. It is her welfare that the worker bees take care of. In winter, all the conditions for a comfortable existence are created for her.

The wasp is a rather aggressive insect. Its characteristic features are intrusiveness and the ability to sting at any moment. At the same time, the wasp does not die.

In addition to the sting, the wasp uses a jaw apparatus to defend against opponents, which, in principle, is uncharacteristic for insects of its family. The wasp queen spends the winter alone, she has no helpers and guards. Alone, she lays the larvae and builds a nest.


  • The bee has a more rounded body. The cover has villi, the color is muted. The wasp, on the contrary, has a smooth elongated body and bright colors.
  • Bees produce useful products: wax, honey, propolis. Wasps do not produce any useful foods.
  • Bees are not the first to attack, wasps are predators by nature, they are able to sting for no apparent reason.
  • After the bee stings, it dies. Wasps are capable of stinging multiple times, and in addition they bite using the jaw apparatus.
  • Bees feed exclusively on pollen, while the diet of wasps is more varied.

The queen bee is surrounded by the care of other members of the family, while the wasp queen is forced to take care of herself on her own.


What is the difference between a wasp and a bee

Many have heard the legend about the creation of bees by God, and wasps by the devil. This division is based on the fact that bees create honey, taking care of human health, and wasps collect garbage from garbage and carry a lot of diseases. So how is a wasp different from a bee?

Outwardly, these insects are very similar. The most interesting thing is that a child can easily confuse these buzzers. But in fact, these insects belong to different orders and differ significantly in habits and habitat.

Bees belong to the order of Hymenoptera, and wasps are difficult to enroll in a specific group. Therefore, they were classified as stalk-bellied, which do not belong to ants and bees. Bees drink dew, and their evil "girlfriends" quench their thirst with anything.

Differences in insect coloration

Insects have a color difference. There are dark and bright stripes on the abdomen of the worker, but their outlines are blurred. The "devilish creature" has distinct yellow and black stripes. The body of the bee is covered with villi, the wasp, in turn, is completely bald.

The abdomen of a worker has a rounded shape and resembles a belly. In a wasp, the body is divided into two parts in the chest area. The lower part is thin and has an oblong shape.

Habitat and livelihoods

Bees are classified as workers. From morning till night they collect nectar, build honeycombs. The most interesting thing is that the stores for the collected honey are also made by bees from their own enzymes. The glands on the paws produce a kind of honey glue that connects the pieces of wax, so the mass resembles a building mixture.

  • garbage from landfills;
  • small insects;
  • carrion of birds and animals;
  • fresh and rotten fruits and vegetables.

As you can see, wasps eat very differently, unlike bees. Due to the constant stay in landfills, a lot of pathogens of various diseases live on the paws of these insects. Accordingly, after a bite, infection or attachment of a bacterial infection is possible. You can distinguish insects by looking at the picture.

What is the difference in stressful situations?

Workers take care of their womb and constantly protect the hive. But they never attack first in case of danger. Only if you decide to get into their housing, then prepare for an attack.


They instantly relay the message of the attack to their sisters. Wasps are very annoying and aggressive insects. They can sting at any time, regardless of whether you attack them or not.

That is why it is recommended not to move if a wasp is flying near you. She will quickly react to your movements and brush off the bite. After being bitten, she does not die, since her sting is long and has the shape of a spear. Workers always leave their sting in the body of the enemy and die. Bumblebee is also very similar to a bee, but its venom is less dangerous.

How to distinguish between insects?

Take a close look at the coloration and the presence of the gun on the body. The wasp has no hairs, and the abdomen is long and thin. It is slightly longer than the bee, but thinner than it. Look at your surroundings. If there is an apiary nearby, then, most likely, this toiler is returning from the honey collection to the hive. If there is a garbage dump next to it, then the annoying insect is a wasp.

How to deal with wasps?

It is better to start the fight in winter. It is best to destroy their nest. In the daytime and summer, insects are very aggressive and can cause you a lot of trouble.

Therefore, do not try to knock down the nest with a stick. If you want to get rid of wasps in the summer, use pesticides. Inject the substance into the hive at night. Remember to take precautions.

As you can see, the differences between wasps and bees are not only in appearance, but also in behavior, habitat and character.


How do bees differ from wasps and bumblebees? What does a bee look like?

First of all, insects differ in appearance, color. In bumblebees and bees, the colors are less bright, softer, not conspicuous, in wasps and hornets, the color is provocative, showing that you cannot joke with them.

Here is a general comparison

The insect profile does not show their actual size. The real ratio is as follows:

Let's take a closer look at insects. Bumblebee is a plump, fluffy, flying and buzzing insect that does not bother anyone.

A bee is a small, unobtrusive, discreet and very useful insect for humans, very hairy.

The wasp is a beauty, bright and intrusive, especially loves watermelons and attention, smooth-skinned.

The Hornet is a blood-yellow giant killer that everyone is in awe of.

Let's consider each insect in more detail and, as we will see, each of them has its own face:

Insects differ in the way they feed. Bees and bumblebees feed only on nectar and pollen from flowering plants, for which they are equipped with a long proboscis for pumping out nectar from plants and numerous hairs on the body.

Wasps and hornets are omnivorous predatory insects with an important ecological role. They can feed on nectar, berries, vegetables, and other insects. Adult wasps visit places where sap comes out on tree trunks (in particular, elm and aspen), and inflorescences of various plants - thistle (Cirsium sp.), Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.).

Wasps are often referred to as agricultural pests: wasps on grapes. However, in urban areas, the range of food is significantly expanding - here wasps visit markets with open trays (berries and fruits), kvass points of sale, food waste, consume jam, etc.

To feed juveniles, working wasps actively catch various small insects, including bees, but mainly caterpillars of small lepidoptera (Lepidoptera), various Diptera (Diptera), in particular, eristal flies (Eristalis tenax L.), green carrion flies (Lucilia sp.).

In urban conditions, as in the extraction of carbohydrates, the range of protein sources is expanding - wasps do not disdain meat products (in particular, boiled sausage, discarded meat, etc.).

Hornets are predators and feed on various insects: gadflies, bees, flies, horseflies ... They also love to feast on tree sap, flower nectar, fruits and berries.

In the fall, when many insects die, hornets raid bee hives. The honey bee becomes their main source of food at this time. A hornet can eat up to 30 bees per day.

It should be noted, however, that the danger of hornets and wasps to bees is greatly exaggerated. Wasps and hornets are cleaners, they eat the weakest individuals of bees, but, in addition, they clean nature from much larger pests: flies, butterflies, etc.

All insects differ in the way they defend / attack. Bumblebees, bees, wasps and hornets have a formidable weapon - the sting. However, not everyone uses it willingly. So, in bumblebees, females and working bumblebees have a sting, but they very rarely use it.

Although the sting of the bumblebee is almost smooth and can be used many times.

Many sources indicate that bees, unlike wasps, have a serrated sting. This is not entirely true.

Wasps and hornets in the process of evolution have developed a more perfect weapon - the sting of a predator, which is also provided with jags, but these jags are smaller than those of bees, and most importantly, there is no peculiar knot at the tip of the sting, which allows wasps and hornets to sting repeatedly. Comparison of the sting of a wasp and a honey bee below:

Insects also differ in the structure of other organs and general anatomy, but this is too large a topic and not very popular to be considered on the pages of this blog.

You can find out what kind of insect from the presented ones lives next to your house, without even seeing this insect. It is enough just to look at its nest.


How to tell a bee from a wasp?

Bees and wasps are very similar insects, so it is important to know how to tell the difference between a wasp and a bee. Bees are classified as Hymenoptera, and wasps have no scientific classification. Externally, the bees have a rounded striped body. As a rule, the stripes are black and muted yellow, brownish.

In wasps, the body is elongated and pointed, and the stripes are much brighter. Also, bees have a shaggy body, but wasps do not. The main difference between a bee and a wasp is that the latter do not carry honey.


There is an opinion that bees are beneficial insects, as they carry honey, and wasps are pests that can only sting. In fact, this is not the case, each insect has its own useful functions.

Wasps, for example, exterminate really harmful insects; wasps feed their future offspring with them. Both wasps and bees can sting. True, bees are not so often found in the city, as they live near flower fields.

By the way, about 80% of all plants are pollinated solely thanks to bees. A bee can sting only once in its life, since there is a hook at the tip of its sting, because of which it cannot get the sting from the victim's body.

Wasps can sting many times, and they also bite with their jaws.

The semantics of the names of the varieties of wasps and bees is quite fascinating. For example, social wasps are called that way, because they live as a whole society, with their own charter and hierarchy. Also, these wasps are called paper, since they build their houses from paper.

The amazing thing is that wasps make paper themselves. With their strong jaws, wasps gnaw wood, chew it, dilute it with saliva and get paper.

This is the name of the honey bee for obvious reasons. There are also mason bees who build their houses from real cement.

Bees rarely enter human habitation, as they feed exclusively on pollen. Wasps are attracted to human food: honey, fruits, juices and even meat, which they carry to the larvae.

It is very important to know how to distinguish a bee from other insects, since bee venom contains acid, which can be neutralized with alkali, for example, by soaping the bite site.

Aspen poison contains alkali, and you need to neutralize it with acid, for example, vinegar. Bee venom is even useful, as it can treat diseases of the nervous and circulatory systems. It also increases the level of hemoglobin in the body.

Despite the fact that the bites of these insects are quite painful, they rarely cause complications and problems. The only exception may be an allergy to the components of bee and wasp venom.

Bees rarely bite just like that, but wasps can attack first, since they are predators by nature. In addition to honey and poison, bees produce wax that is useful and necessary for humans. Wasps destroy pests such as flies. That is why these insects should be protected.


Honey bee and common wasp

Arthropod insects bee and wasp have their own characteristics associated with the structure of the body, habitat. How is the hierarchy structured in a bee or aspen family, how long do insects live, what factors affect life expectancy, what is their sting intended for?

General information about insects

The first mention of bees was recorded 15 thousand years ago, and reports of the uniqueness and mysteriousness of communication between insects go back to the 17th century. In those days, the fact was established that the transmission of information and the language of bees lies in dances, characterized by special movements, flight speed and the power of buzz.

What is the difference between a bee and a wasp can be visually determined by its appearance. The color of the bee has a muted color, and the body is covered with villi. The wasp has a smooth and long body, tied in the chest area. The color of the wasp is bright, with noticeable yellow and black stripes.

Among wasps, solitary and collective species are found equally. Therefore, biologists consider the wasp to be the most convenient object for studying the way of life of animals and the transition from solitary existence to colonial, and then to social interaction with the hierarchy.

Bees form a family, which is represented by 3 types of insects: a queen, a worker bee and a drone. Individuals differ in size and shape. The structure of the insect's body forms:

  • head;
  • abdomen;
  • breast;
  • hard, flexible chitinous cover (external skeleton).

They are considered the descendants of ancient wasps, in which some abilities were acquired or lost at a certain stage of development. Unlike wasps, where the queen is obliged to take care of herself on her own, in a bee family she is surrounded by comprehensive care from the entire family.

Structural features

The main difference between the bee is the presence of a triangular head with the main part of the nervous system and brain concentrated in it. In the middle of the head, along the vertex, there is a suture, from which the complex (faceted) eyes of the insect are located on both sides.

From each individual hexagonal plate, a round tube extends into the depths, gradually tapering downward. The walls of the tube are covered with a shell that allows light to pass through.

A branched nerve approaches each tube from below. The eye of a working insect consists of 4-5 thousand facets, the uterus - up to 5 thousand, and the drone - up to 6-8 thousand. Simple eyes are located on the crown of the head, and the so-called third eye - on the line of the epicranial suture. The peculiarity of the structure of the organs of vision consists in the form of transmission and processing of external information.

The wasp has 2 pairs of membranous wings, and the dimensions of its body are 1.5 cm to 10 cm. On the sides of the wasp's head there are 2 large and complex eyes, allowing the insect to see simultaneously in different directions.

Below on the front side is the forehead, from which 2 movable articulated antennae (antennae) extend.

On them are the organs of smell, intended for their orientation in a dark space. With its antennae, the insect perceives humidity, temperature, and the level of carbon dioxide in the nest.

The wasp has antennae on its head that perform the following functions:

  1. remote and direct perception;
  2. measuring the size of cells when building a nest;
  3. taste buds.

The insect has 3 pairs of legs attached to the lower part of the chest and consisting of 9 segments. The foot itself is formed from 5 more parts, interconnected by a chitinous film. The wings of a bee consist of membranes and are supported by the veins in a stretched state, and during flight - perpendicular to the body.


The anatomical structure of a bee consists of organs:

  • digestion;
  • breathing;
  • the lymphatic system;
  • genitals, which are located in the abdominal part.

In a honey insect, the abdomen is egg-shaped, in the uterus it is oblong, and in drones it has a blunt end. It consists of segments, which are a ring of 2 halves. The drone has 7 segments, the rest have 6. Between the last segments there is a stinging apparatus.


The digestive system of bees consists of 3 sections, and digestion takes place during the movement of food through the canal. The lymphatic system is not closed, filled with hemolymph and fluid. The organs of the system include the heart of five chambers and blood vessels.

The internal structure of a bee in section looks as follows: a number of glands, vessels, nodes, food organs. A feature of the structure of the respiratory system is the presence of air sacs without a chitinous lining inside and the tracheal system with holes in the rings, which open depending on the state of the insect and the degree of its load.

The nervous system of a bee consists of the following parts:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • vegetative.

The weight of a bee depends on the functional responsibilities in the family. For a honey bee, it is 0.1 g, and for a queen - 0.25 g.

The oral apparatus consists of an upper and lower lip, paired upper and lower jaws. In a bee, the mouth apparatus is equipped with a proboscis, with which the insect collects nectar.

The mouth apparatus of a wasp, in contrast to a bee, is designed to grind plant matter, which insects use to build a nest or for food.

Insect sting

The bee sting has small barbs, due to which it always remains in the body of the victim. If you look at the sting of a bee under a microscope, you can see a chitinous stylet with a thickening in the shape of a saw at the proximal end. There are 2 lancets inside the stylet.

Wasps, hornets, ants also use a sting. This organ is a modified ovipositor and is located behind the abdominal region. The sting is a pointed organ and part of the body. With its help, a wasp or bee injects a poisonous substance under the skin.

The stinging organ is used to defend against attacks. The sting is located at the end of the insect's abdomen and, when bitten, continues to act at the expense of the glands for a long time.

After a bite, an open fatal wound is formed at the place where the sting of the bee is. Not only the honey can sting, but also the uterus, if necessary, to protect the family from attack and to fight against someone else's uterus.

The main differences in the structure of the sting of a wasp and a bee:

  1. the sting of a wasp has small notches;
  2. the wasp has no knot at the tip of the sting;
  3. the bee leaves its sting in the victim and dies;
  4. the wasp can sting several times.

How to distinguish a wasp sting from a bee sting? In case of danger, bees never attack first, but sting solely for self-defense purposes, and die after being bitten.

Wasps are aggressive insects, they are annoying and can sting at the most unexpected moment.

Unlike bees, wasps use not only a sting, but also their jaws in case of an external threat. The wasp sting is very painful, and in the presence of an allergic reaction in humans, it can be dangerous.

Insect nutrition and habitat

Among wasps, predators and herbivores differ. Depending on the species, wasps eat very differently: aphids, pollen, nectar, insects, fruit juice. Predatory wasps catch their prey and paralyze them with poison.

Wasps live everywhere, not only in the Arabian Peninsula, the Arctic and the Sahara. The conditions necessary for the life of bees are markedly different: insects need plant resources with fruit trees, pastures, fields with industrial and grain crops (sunflower, buckwheat).

The closer the apiary is to urban agglomerations, the higher the probability of the presence of chemical elements in the form of heavy metals in honey. In search of nectar, the bee flies long distances.

Productivity in the collection of honey largely depends on the amount of brood raised by workers. The flight speed of a bee with a filled goiter is 30-40 km / h. With intensive work, the amount of nectar collected by the bee colony is 10-12 kg.

A worker bee makes 26 flights per day. The mass of the bee is not stable. During the first flight, the mass of the bee is 0.122 g, in flight - 0.120 g, and the old flight - 0.108 g.

The lifespan of a bee born in autumn can be 7-8 months, and a summer bee up to 6 weeks. But the life span of insects can be regulated if the family for some reason has lost its uterus.

To find their way home, the bees are guided by the position of the sun, the landscape and keep in mind a map of the path. The organs of smell and touch help them to navigate in conditions of absolute darkness.

The difference between a bee and a wasp is not only external. By their way of life, bees are toilers, working for the good of the family. Collecting nectar from flowers, they produce many useful products:

  • royal milk;
  • wax.

Many of them are used in the pharmaceutical industry (bee venom). Wasps are incapable of producing useful products, and they build honeycombs from waste.

Bees feed exclusively on pollen, and the diet of wasps is varied and includes an abundance of foods. Very often in the garden they can be found on ripe apples or peaches, and inadvertently be stung.


What is the difference between a wasp and a bee

Have you ever wondered how a wasp differs from a bee? It is not easy to distinguish between the two insect species. This article will help you clearly distinguish between the wasp and the bee.

Wasps are stalked hymenoptera insects. Outwardly, the wasp is not as thick as that of a bee, hair. This is because the wasp does not collect pollen.


The wasp is usually colored with yellow, black and white stripes. The female wasp has a sting - this is the ovipositor, modified in the process of evolution, the sting is necessary for the female for protection and attack.

Unlike bees, which prefer plant food, wasps feed their offspring with insects, especially spiders. Mature wasps feed on the nectar of flowers and the blood of their victims. Wasp larvae can also consume solid food.

Usually, two types of wasps are distinguished: solitary and public. Solitary wasps do not build nests. The female searches for food in the ground, for example, beetle larvae, paralyzes them and lays eggs on them. But most wasp species do build nests.

A mink in the ground or a clay house can serve as a nest. Some types of wasps paralyze several larvae at once, thus, it turns out something like a honeycomb. Each cell contains a larva that feeds on insects paralyzed by the female.

Burrowing wasps differ from other species by their special behavior. They feed their offspring with various insects, and build nests in the stems of plants, for example, blackberries, and fill chambers for larvae with aphids.

Also, such a type of feeding is distinguished as a "one-time benefit": the wasp pulls out a mink in the ground, about 5 cm deep, which at the end expands to the larval chamber, the wasp lays several small caterpillars in the chamber, then lays eggs on them.

The larva grows and feeds on caterpillars, then forms a cocoon, and a full-fledged individual emerges from the cocoon, tearing itself upward.

The difference in the behavior of semi-social wasps is that the female brings several caterpillars into the larval chamber every day until the larva finally develops. Also, semi-social wasps sometimes feed their offspring with already chewed caterpillars.

Public wasps live in colonies. They build their houses from cells, which are suspended on a special leg from the walls and cornices of buildings, as well as from tree branches.

These cells are paper-like and are made from chewed grass and wood. Social wasps are divided into oviparous, which are also called queens, and workers who do not lay eggs.

The uterus usually builds one cell and immediately lays an egg in it, then gradually the rest are built around the first cell. The queen feeds the hatched larvae with chewed insects. During feeding, the larvae secrete saliva, which is taken by the adults.

Then the cell is cleaned and used for another larva. The larvae usually mature in late summer, some survive the winter, falling into a daze, while others die.

Some species of wasps in the southern United States deposit honey in cells.

Bees, like wasps, are classified as Hymenoptera. The body of bees is black with yellow spots, more stocky than that of wasps, the hair is thicker. Unlike wasps, both larvae and adults of bees eat only plant food: pollen and nectar.

Bees have long hairs on their bodies and baskets on their legs - these are devices for collecting pollen. Wasps do not have them, because they do not pollinate plants. Bees carry pollen from one bright flower to another.

Some bees in the process of evolution have developed such a useful quality as pollination of flowers of only one species. The main benefit of bees is not honey or wax, but their ability to pollinate. Honey bees can be transported from place to place to pollinate agricultural products.

Like wasps, bees are social, semi-public, and solitary. Most bees are solitary. Some of them dig burrows in the ground, some live in the stems of plants and in the crown of trees.

The bee tears the mink from the inside with a thin layer of wax, then brings pollen and nectar there, lays eggs on top and closes the entrance to the mink with a stone or earth. Then the bee begins to build a new cell.

Bee larvae feed on nectar and pollen, having formed, they become either a pupa, from which a full-fledged individual then emerges, or remain in a larval state for a very long time. Those species with a short larval stage overwinter in nests.

An interesting way of spending the night of bees: usually males gather for the night in a swarm on the stems of plants and interlock with their jaws.

Semi-public bees build several nests side by side, each of which is often occupied by more than one bee. Interestingly, in this case, each bee feeds only its offspring. Guard bees can often be seen outside the hive.

Bumblebees are representatives of public bees, they are large in size, bright yellow in color and especially long hairs on the body. Young bumblebees appear in the fall, with the onset of winter, the males die, and the queens are buried in the ground to overwinter.


Unlike solitary and semi-social bees, bumblebees do not dig holes. They live in rodent burrows, bird nests, in the grass. Also, bumblebees are distinguished by the fact that several larvae can develop simultaneously in one larval chamber.

Non-stinging bees are also distinguished. Since the sting is an altered ovipositor, accordingly, only females can sting, and in some bees the sting is simply reduced.

An interesting phenomenon is robber bees. On their hind legs there are no baskets for collecting pollen, they do not pollinate the flowers, but are engaged in capturing and remodeling other people's nests in order to obtain food.

Bee honey is nectar, partially digested by the bee, which it regurgitates into its combs. The bee seals the honeycomb with a special wax layer. Bees excrete wax from special glands.

  • Outwardly, the wasp differs from the bee in a slender body and less dense hair.
  • Wasps do not collect pollen and do not pollinate plants, unlike bees, whose main purpose in nature is to pollinate flowers.
  • Since bees are pollinators, they have special pollination devices in the form of baskets on their feet, in which pollen is transported.
  • Wasps feed their larvae with animal food, and bees only with vegetable food.
  • Wasps paralyze prey, bees bring fresh caterpillars to their offspring.
  • Bees produce honey, while only a few species of wasps can.
  • Bees cover the inner surface of the mink with a thin layer of wax, while wasps do not emit wax.
  • Bees build their hives from wax, and wasps make their chambers from a chewed mixture of wood and grass that resembles paper.
  • Representatives of social bees settle in burrows abandoned by rodents and in nests of birds, while social wasps build their own houses.

Most likely, even in childhood, each of us asked such a question, what is the difference between a wasp and a bee, a hornet from a bumblebee, a fly from a cockroach, and the like. Today we intend to analyze in our review two species of Hymenoptera, which, despite the fact that they belong to the same taxonomic group, are in fact almost two opposites, like the signs of "plus" and "minus".

So, let's talk about how a bee differs from a wasp, how to distinguish a wasp sting from a bee sting, and much more about these two canonical species of Hymenoptera.

External differences

It must be said that from some distance it is not always possible to say with certainty what kind of insect is flying, a bee or a wasp. Still, both species (and in this review we will consider and compare exactly the species, using the common wasp and the honey bee as an example) belong to the same order of Hymenoptera, and naturally, they cannot differ in the same way that a grasshopper differs from a butterfly.

Stinging insects.

But, in fact, these two types of insects do have much more different than in common. And this statement applies to both their essence and lifestyle, and external characteristics.

So, what is the difference between wasps and bees.

Let's list the main differences, and these include:

  • body shape;
  • the thickness of the transition between the thoracic segment and the abdomen;
  • presence / absence of body hair of insects;
  • the thickness of the legs;
  • body coloring.

Now let's explain each of the points listed.

A wasp is really distinguished from a bee by a more torpedo-like body. It looks as if it is stricter, its body has an elongated, lean, more pointed shape.

Perhaps one of the main features of all wasps, which distinguishes these insects from others, is their so-called "waist", comparison with which has long become a catch phrase. Indeed, in the structure of its body, the predator has a very narrow transition from the thoracic section to the abdomen.

Also, a bee is distinguished from a wasp by the presence of a very noticeable thick hairline, especially on the thoracic segment of the body. The wasp, on the contrary, does not have visible hairs on its body, its body is smooth.

Bees have fleshy, so to speak, black legs. In wasps, the limbs are usually yellow, they are also longer and thinner than that of a bee.

Finally, both types of insects have very different body colors, especially the coloring is a characteristic distinguishing feature of the wasp. If you look very close at representatives of both species, it is impossible not to identify the striped predator.

Its bright black-yellow color, together with a predatory expression of "face", betrays a stinging killer in it much more clearly than a stinging hymenopteran insect, which is also able to stand up for itself, can be identified in a calmer and more comfortable appearance of a bee.

Despite the fact that both species have a gnawing-licking mouth apparatus, the wasp still has much more impressive mandibles, which emphasizes the aggressiveness of the species and its focus on fighting and attacking.


Bees and wasps share only one mode of existence that is common to most Hymenoptera, including ants and bumblebees. Both the wasp and the bee are social insects, the main life purpose of which is to take care of the hive in bees, and to provide the colony with food and protection in the wasps.

At the same time, nevertheless, here there are more differences between these two types than in common. Bees are much more sharpened for taking care of the hive, they tend to invest their whole life on the altar of the safety of the larvae and the uterus.

Wasps, being predators and aggressors, not only protect their colony, larvae and their queen bee from outside encroachments, but they themselves quite often carry out attacks on other social insects, such as bees or ants.

Wasps never attack bumblebees, because this predator cannot cope with such a large enemy, unless it is a hornet. But with bees, wasps arrange real massacres, in which wasps, more adapted to aggression, often win.

Relationship with a person

There is no doubt that the attitude of a person to industrious, useful bees from all sides, and to a much greater extent to aggressive wasps useless for people, varies greatly.

Bees have indeed been used by humans for a long time to obtain such valuable products of their vital activity as honey, propolis, wax; their poison is used in medicine.

The difference between a bee and a wasp.

Even in ancient times, honey was called the food of the gods, noting the amazing combination of its taste properties with such healing properties as restoration of strength and prolongation of life.

Propolis and wax are also the most valuable substances that have pronounced antibiotic properties and are widely used in pharmacology for the creation of many medicines.

Bee venom has been used for decades as a therapy for problems with the cardiovascular system, for sleep disorders, treats rheumatic diseases, neuralgia, and generally mobilizes and improves immunity.

What can oppose such a set of wasps? In fact, quite a bit.

If we talk about the whole family as a whole, the same hornets, for example, and many other species of wasps, perform the function of cleaners of farmland from many harmful insects and their larvae.

However, to a greater extent, this striped aggressor is associated in humans with a pest, which is also dangerous to health. Wasps often sting for no reason, attack bee hives, they also tend to gnaw holes in the peel of the fruit, thereby spoiling the harvest.

Bite difference

The difference between a bee and a wasp is also manifested in the behavior of the representatives of both species when a threat arises.

Indeed, bees tend to use their weapons only in the most extreme cases, when the insect is sure that either itself or its hive, which means the larvae and the queen, are in mortal danger. After all, a bee, as you know, dies after stinging an adversary, since its sting always remains at the injection site, and the sting process itself inflicts injuries incompatible with life on the honey worker.

The wasp, on the other hand, has a different structure of its reduced ovipositor, which it can use many times without any threats to its health.

Also, the chemical composition of the venom of these species of Hymenoptera has some differences, although very insignificant. With a bee sting, the allergic reaction of the human body is still somewhat less obvious.


As we could see from what we read, wasps and bees really are, as it were, two opposites.

These two species of Hymenoptera, of course, share some inevitable similarities in appearance and social life. But, nevertheless, these are creatures that are completely different in nature, noticeably different from each other both externally and in behavioral characteristics. Just as a person's perception of a domestic dog and a wild wolf differs, the attitude of a beekeeper to a useful bee and a predatory aggressive wasp can be characterized in the same way.

What is the difference between a wasp and a bee, most people learned in school. Some acquaintances, friends or relatives have revealed this "secret". At the same time, there are people who are still quite poorly versed in this issue. Interest in how a wasp differs from a bee sharply awakens if a person is stung by one of these insects. Let's finally finally figure out which of these "flyers" produces delicious honey, and who behaves like a military aggressor, constantly attacking and causing pain.


The first thing that distinguishes a wasp from a bee is its appearance. In flight, of course, it is quite difficult to look closely at the flyer, but if you freeze motionless for a minute and wait until the insect lands to rest, then it will not be so difficult to determine its type. Pay attention to the photo of a bee and a wasp.

The latter belongs to the suborder Stalk-bellied, its body is elongated, has a noticeable and bright color, does not contain villi, that is, it is smooth. In the area of ​​the chest, it seems to be tightened with a corset, which is where the well-known phrase "wasp waist" originated. The bee looks a little different. According to the classification, it belongs to the order Hymenoptera, which, in turn, belongs to the superfamily Apoidea. Its body is rounded and covered with small villi on top. The color of the bee is not as bright as the wasps. And if you look closely, you can see yellow-black stripes on the body.


The second difference between a wasp and a bee lies in the peculiarities of using the sting: bees can use it only once in their life, in the most extreme case. After the bite of this insect, its sting remains in the body of the victim, and the bee itself dies. Another thing is the wasp, which never parted with its weapon and can attack several times in a row. All this affects the motivation for the bite, which it does not hurt to learn more about. A bee stings only when it feels a real threat and danger to its life or hive. The wasp has an annoying and aggressive character and can attack for the most trifling reason.

Life activity type

The third difference between these flyers is that thanks to bees we always have the opportunity to enjoy the most delicious, healthy and beautiful product made from flower nectar. Who among us doesn't love honey? Probably, such people do not exist at all. In addition, do not forget about wax and propolis, which are raw materials for the manufacture of various medicines. Unlike the toiler bee, the idler wasp does nothing useful for humans. This insect lives in a hive, built of various waste and garbage, and eats anything. Wasps are very unpretentious to food and consume everything: nectar, jam, forgotten on the table, and watermelon ... In contrast, a bee is a true vegan, and this is another trait that helps determine how a wasp differs from a bee.

We hope now that from now on it will not be so difficult to figure out who exactly is flying in front of you. In any case, it is better not to disturb both bees and wasps once again, since their stings can bring not only pain, but also serious consequences, especially when there is an allergy.

What to do if a swelling and redness appear from a bee or wasp sting depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Edema, inflammation, red spot appear immediately after entering the bloodstream. In some cases, the condition returns to normal within a few days, in others, medical attention is required.

Differences between a wasp sting, a bee

Insects belong to one class of stinging insects. The sting is a modified ovipositor, so only females bite. When the muscles of the abdomen contract, the sting is pierced into the skin, and poison is instantly injected. The immune system reacts to damage to the skin, the ingress of a toxic substance with edema, pain, redness, swelling.

It is possible to determine whether a wasp or a bee has bitten by one important sign. A bee leaves a sting in a wound, a wasp does not. has jagged edges, looks like a saw. It pierces the body easily, but has no ability to move in the opposite direction. The insect makes a jerk, the sting comes off along with a part of the abdomen, continues to pulsate, pumping poison. Bee in a few minutes.

Smooth, looks like a big needle. Plugs freely into the skin, easy to remove. In one attack, an insect can sting up to 5 times, after which it flies away freely.

You can find out if a wasp or a bee stung by sensations, external. Wasp poison is stronger, more toxic. After the bite, a local allergic reaction develops instantly. If the insect stings on the neck, the poison enters the bloodstream faster, and general allergy symptoms develop. Bee venom is capable of causing pronounced local manifestations, rarely provoking a strong reaction. The exception is people with individual intolerance to bee venom.

On a note!

If we compare who stings more painfully - a wasp, a bee or a bumblebee, the first place in pain, danger is taken away, in the last place is the bee. In terms of the frequency of bites, wasps win, since they are distinguished by aggressive behavior. Any sudden movement is regarded as an encroachment on life, they rush to attack.

Bite symptoms

Outwardly, the manifestations are practically the same. It is difficult to assess the degree of pain, if a wasp or a bee stings for the first time, a person has nothing to compare with. The bite looks like this:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • in the center is a point with a small depression;

A photo of a bee or wasp sting is presented below. You can carefully consider all the features of the traces of the attack of striped insects.

On a note!

If a wasp, the bee stings in the leg, injects poison into the arm, the entire limb swells. With a bite on the neck, face, tongue, the likelihood of laryngeal edema increases. In severe cases, Quincke's edema develops. In the absence of qualified assistance, a person risks dying. If bees have bitten or attacked by a swarm of wasps, the dose of poison in the blood significantly increases, anaphylactic shock may occur.

A severe allergic reaction provokes:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • fainting;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • constriction of the pupil;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills.

At home, it is allowed to exercise or bees with a local allergic reaction. If there is a deterioration in well-being, difficulty breathing, the larynx swells, you need to immediately call an ambulance or go to the sanitary inspection, accompanied by other people.

First aid for a bee or wasp sting

After an insect attack, you need to take certain actions to avoid complications, to reduce the manifestations of allergies.

  1. Rinse the wound with clean cold water. The procedure will help wash off the remains of the poison, remove dirt. Laundry soap is used at home.
  2. Disinfect. Use ammonia, medical, boric alcohol. And also hydrogen peroxide, a medicinal herbal tincture of medicinal herbs.
  3. Neutralize the effect of the poison. Apply vinegar, citric acid. To prepare the solution, 1 teaspoon of vinegar or 0.5 teaspoon of acid is injected into a glass of water. Wipe the sore spot, make lotions, compresses. If it is not possible to prepare a solution, apply a sugar cube for 5 minutes.
  4. Prevent the poison from spreading. Ice cubes are applied to the site of the bite for 5 minutes or cold objects - a bottle of water, meat from the freezer, a heating pad. Cold constricts blood vessels, prevents the spread of poison, and also relieves swelling, eliminates pain.
  5. Reduce inflammation. You can process the bite with a decoction, tincture of calendula, chamomile, valerian. Or they use pharmaceutical preparations.

If you have a severe allergic reaction, you need to take an antihistamine as soon as possible. Be sure to drink medicine for multiple bites, if a wasp, a bee stings in the neck, face.

Folk remedies

Symptoms disappear completely within a week. All this time, the sore spot hurts, itches. To speed up tissue regeneration, folk remedies are used. They are also used if it is not possible to treat the wound with professional antiseptics.

  • Baking soda. Make a paste. Add a little water, mix, apply to the bite site until dry.
  • Laundry soap. Foam you need to spread the bite. Leave on for 5 minutes.
  • Plant juices. Celandine, dandelion, plantain, aloe vera are used.
  • Toothpaste. For medicinal purposes, a hygiene product with menthol is used. Leave on the skin for 5 minutes. Shaving foam is used instead of a paste.
  • Onion. Squeeze out the juice or apply gruel to the sore spot. The tool neutralizes poison, prevents the penetration of infection.

On a note!

Juices of potatoes, carrots, beets, lemon, grapefruit have anti-inflammatory properties. They make compresses, lotions, just wipe the wound.

Preparations with a normal reaction to a sting of a bee, wasp

Use a product based on natural ingredients, herbal extracts, essential oils.

  • Menovazine. Produced in the form of an ointment, solution. In the composition of menthol and 2 anesthetic components. Relief comes at the time of application. Processed up to 4 times per day.
  • Calendula. Apply ointment, solution. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antipruritic, disinfecting, analgesic properties.
  • Star. The balm contains camphor, clove oil, mint, menthol, and other natural ingredients. The tool eliminates painful symptoms, stops inflammation, and accelerates tissue regeneration. It should be smeared for redness, pain, itching, inflammation.
  • Boro-Plus. Antiseptic cream based on oils, herbal extracts. Smells good, helps quickly. The universal preparation is allowed to be applied, if necessary, up to 5 times a day.

If no improvement in the condition of the skin is observed within 2 days, agents are used to reduce the activity of histamines.


The active ingredients reduce the level of histamine, stop the pathological process, and eliminate the symptoms of allergy. Apply in a thin layer twice a day. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. Do not use for more than 7 days. To enhance the effect, take tablets, syrup, drops for oral administration.

Effective remedies:

  • Claritin;
  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Fenistil-gel;
  • Psylo balm.

Average price 300 rubles. Available without a prescription.

On a note!

With a strong allergic reaction, as well as if antihistamines do not help, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Antiallergic drugs

The active substances are hormones from the group of glucocorticosteroids. They act similarly to antihistamines, but 4 times faster. They reduce the activity of histamine, increase blood pressure, reduce vascular permeability, and eliminate the external symptoms of allergies. It is forbidden to process a wasp or bee bite without consulting specialists.

Oral tablets Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. The dosage is selected depending on the age. Adults - up to 3 pieces per day. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms.

Ointment for wasp and bee stings:

  • Sinaflan;
  • Advantan;
  • Elokom;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Triaccutane.

Contraindication to use is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The cost of hormonal drugs from 50 rubles. up to RUB 500 The cheapest hydrocortisone ointment, its price is within 50 rubles.

What not to do

After a bite, it is forbidden to squeeze out the poison, since such actions contribute to the spread of a toxic substance, the penetration of a secondary infection. It is forbidden to scratch the wound, rub for the same reason. You cannot drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, which contributes to the spread of poison through the blood.

When pathogens enter the wound, a secondary infection develops. At the site of the bite, suppuration, ulcers appear, and the scale of inflammation increases. In this case, it is forbidden to use hormonal external agents. Treatment is carried out with local antibiotics. An effective, affordable remedy - Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment. They also use combined hormonal agents with an antibiotic - Elokom S, Ftorocort.

The benefits of a bite

Treatment by bees or wasps is used in alternative medicine. The poison contains substances that accelerate metabolic processes, tissue rejuvenation, and cell renewal. The toxic substance lowers blood pressure, which is useful for hypertensive patients. Bee venom has analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is often used to treat sciatica, vertebral hernia, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Wasp poison has the properties of stopping the development of a tumor, renewing cells. used in alternative medicine for the treatment of prostate cancer, gallbladder. Further research is ongoing. Experts hope to get an effective anticancer drug based on wasp venom in the future.

Specific treatment should be carried out under the supervision of specialists; self-therapy can lead to serious consequences.

On a note!

After a wasp sting, the bees in the body produce antibodies that resist the development of severe allergies in the future. However, addiction does not occur in people with impaired immune function. Each subsequent bite is more dangerous than the previous one. A vaccine is given to prevent severe allergies. It is a purified poison containing a low amount of histamine. It is completely impossible to cure intolerance to wasp poison; revaccination should be done periodically.