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Women's executions in the Middle Ages. Chinese torture bamboo. Torture and execution elephants

The Middle Ages are considered the most cruel epoch in the history of mankind, when even the slightest crishes could be subjected to cruel tortures. The torture of the time was so sophisticated that the cruelty of their inventors is simply amazing. Next, we propose to get acquainted with the 13th most terrible torture instruments.

"Pearing Pear

Torture torture torture and not only. This brutal tool was used to punish women who made abortion, liars and homosexuals. The device was inserted into the vagina in women or the rear pass in men. When the executioner twisted the screw, the "petals" revealed, breaking the flesh and bringing unbearable torment victims. Many died then from blood infection.


The dust is the most famous weapon of medieval torture. To the wooden frame by arms and legs tied the victim and stretched limbs in opposite sides. At first, cartilage tissues were broken, and then the limbs were broken. A little later, the spikes were mounted on the frame, which dug in the back of the victim. To enhance the spikes, the spikes were smeared with salt.

"Wheel Catherine"

Before tieting a sacrifice to the wheel, she broke the limbs. When rotating legs and hands finally got out, bringing unbearable torments victim. Some died from pain shock, while others suffered several days.

Pipe- "crocodile"

Medieval torture torture. The legs or face of the victim (sometimes both) were placed inside this pipe, thereby immobilizing it. The executioner gradually heated iron, forcing people to admit to anyone.

Copper bull in which the victim was placed.

The victim was placed in the copper statue of the bull, under which the bonfire was divorced. Man died from burns and choking. During the torture, the crying, coming from the inside, reminded the bull soap.

Spanish donkey is a cruel torture.

Wooden log in the form of a triangle was fixed on the "legs". A naked victim was placed on top of a sharp corner, which crashed right into the crotch. In order for the torture becomes more unbearable, wengels tied to the legs.

Initious coffin

Iron Cage for Torture. The victims were placed in metal cells that were completely immobilized. If the torture coffins had to people do not in size, it delivered additional torment. This death was long and painful. Birds roared the flesh of the victims, and the crowd threw stones in them.

Scald crusher

Medieval torture torture for head crushing.
The head of the unfortunate was clamped under this "cap". The executioner slowly twisted the screws, and the upper part of the "crusher" pressed on the skull. The jaw was first broken, teeth fell out. After that, eyes squeezed out, and finally, the skull broke.

Torture torture "cat paw".

"Feline paw" used to break the flesh to the bones.

Knee Crusher

Device for crushing the knees. This torture torture was especially popular during the Inquisition. The knee of the victim was placed between the teeth. When the executioner twisted the screws, the teeth went into the flesh, and then crushed the knee joint. After such a torture, it was no longer possible to get on your feet.

"Cradle Judah"

One of the most cruel torture was called the "cradle of Judah" or "Juda Chair". The victim was forcibly lowered on the iron pyramid. The edge fell right into the rear pass or vagina. The obtained gaps after a while led to death.

Breast "claws"

This torture torture was used for women who were accused of married infidelity. "Claws" heated, and then stuck in the breast victim. If the woman did not die, then for life she remained with terrible scars.

"Missing bridle"

This peculiar iron mask It was used to punish the grumpy women. Inside it could be spikes, and in the opening for the mouth of the plate, which was imposed in the language, so that the victim could not speak. Usually a woman was spent on noisy squares. The bell stripped on the mask attracted everyone's attention, encouraging the crowd to laugh at the one that was punished.

In the modern world there is no place torture, they are no longer resorted to the justice bodies in order to punish someone or achieve recognition in the deed. Now only the Museum of Torture can illustrate how torture of the Inquisition.

Today, the most terrible torture - electric chairand what happened before ... it is scary to imagine

Torture was so cruel that all the wills of the will will have enough will to look at their dirty, which provides a torture museum in order for everyone to see the appearance of justice in the Middle Ages.

It is difficult to determine the most terrible torture in the history of mankind, as each of them was quite painful and cruel, but you can still highlight 20 of the most terrifying.

Let's start with torture, which can be directly attributed to the top twenty of the most inhuman bullying of people. Inquisition torture included this method of punishment of sinful people. In the Middle Ages, resorting to this cruel kind of torture, the church punished sinners, which were exposed in love for their semi, for example, a woman with a woman or a man with a man. Suchtype of love And the relationship was considered the blasphemy and desecration of the Church of God, so the terrible punishment was waiting for these people."Acute pear"

A tool for terrible torture - "Acute pear"

The torture torture of this species had a rigid look. Accused female blasphemers were placed "Pear" in the vagina, and male sinners in the rear pass or mouth. After the tool was introduced into the body of the victim, the executioner began the second stage of torture, which was to make a person terribly suffer after gradually when the screw is spinning, the pear leaves opened inside the flesh. Open, pear rushed internal women or men in part. Female outcome occurs because the victim was losing a large number of blood, or from the deformation of the internal organs formed during the disclosure of the deadly pear-killer.

The ancient torture of the world includes a punishment of guilty with rats

This is one of the most cruel torture in the history of mankind, which was invented in China, and was particularly popular among the inquisition in the XVI century. The victim experienced terrible torment. The main torture torture was rats. Man placed on the table large sizesIn the area of \u200b\u200bthe womb, there was a sufficiently heavy cage, naked with rats that had to be hungry. Of course, this is still not the end: then the bottom of the cell was removed, after which the rats were on the stomach of the victim, at the same time the hot coals were folded at the top of the cell, they were afraid of the heat and, trying to escape from the cage, broke the belly of a man, such way escape. People died in terrible flour.

Torture metal

Cote cat.

The sinner gradually and slowly, pulled out slices, flesh and ribs with an iron hook, spending on the back.

Gloomy punch

This torture is known in several types: horizontal and vertical. If the vertical option was used for the victim, then the sinner was clinging under the ceiling, while turning the joints, and the weight was constantly added to the feet, the maximum stretching the body. Using the horizontal version of the hole provided the muscles and joints of the convict.

Cranial press

This is a kind of crushing machine for killing a convicted person. The principle of operation of the cranial press was to gradually squeeze the skull of the victim, this press crumbled his teeth, the jaw, the cranial bones of man until the sinner had fallen out of the ears of the brain.

Judine Callel

The very name of the gun is quite insidious, but not only the name is exciting. This inquisitorial tool broke nothing and did not tear on the body of the victim. With the help of the rope, the sinner lifted and seated on the "cradle", the vertex of which was in the form of a triangle and rather acute. This vertex was sitting in such a way as a sharp edge It went well into the anal hole or the vagina of the victim. Sinners from pain lost consciousness, they were brought back into consciousness and continued torture.


The form of this gun resembles a female figure - this is a sarcophagus, inside which is empty, but not without spikes and many blades, the location of which is provided in such a way that they do not hurt the vital parts of the body of the accused, while cutting other parts. The sinner died in flour for several days.

Thus, sinners, thieves and other people who were accused of certain evil deeds against the Church, the king, and so on, comprehended the most cruel fate. The convicts experienced the most terrible flour, being in the hands of the cruel executioner.

It is good that today is only the story and torture torture do not use.

Inquisition (from lat. inquisitio. - investigation, wanted list), in catholic church A special church judgment of heretics, which existed in 13-19 centuries. Another 1184 Pope of Lucius III and the Emperor Friedrich 1 Barbarossa established a strict order of search by bishops of heretics, investigating their affairs by the bishop courts. The secular authorities were obliged to lead to the death sentences endured by them. For the first time on the Inquisition, as an institution, the 4th Lateran Cathedral (1215), which established a special process for the persecution of heretics (PER INQUISITIONEM), was stated at the Inquisition of Pope III. From 1231 to 1235 Pope Gregory IX, a number of decrees conveyed functions on the persecution of heresies, previously performed by bishops, special authorized - inquisitors (originally appointed from the number of Dominicans, and then Franciscans). In a number of European states (Germany, France, etc.), the Inquisition tribunals were established, which were instructed to investigate cases of heretics, and execution of sentences. So the institution of the Inquisition was issued. The members of the Inquisition Tribunals had personal integrity and frequency of local secular and church authorities, were in direct dependence on the dad. Due to the secret and arbitrary stroke of the proceedings, the accused by the Inquisition were deprived of any guarantees. The widespread use of cruel torture, the promotion and remuneration of the inquiries, the material interest of the inquisition itself and the papacy that has received tremendous funds due to the confiscation of the convicted property, made the inquisition of the science of Catholic countries. Surprised to death were usually transferred to hand secular power To burn at the fire (see Autodafa). In the 16th century I. became one of the main instruments of counter-formation. In 1542, the Supreme Inquisition Tribunal was established in Rome. Many outstanding scientists became victims of the Inquisition, thinkers (J. Bruno, J. Vanini, etc.). The Inquisition in Spain was especially rampant (where from the end of the 15th century it was closely connected with the royal power). Only over 18 years of activity of the main Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada (15 V.) More than 10 thousand people were burned alive.

Inquisition torture were the most diverse. The cruelty and ingenuity of the Inquisitors affect the imagination. Some medieval torture torture are preserved to our time, but most often even museum exhibits are restored by descriptions. We present to your attention a description of some known torture instruments.

"Interrogation armchair" was used in Central Europe. In Nuremberg and Fesentsburg, before 1846, preliminary consequences were held regularly with its use. The naked prisoner was seated on the chair in such a pose that the slightest movement in his skin was embossed. The executioners often strengthened the flour of the agonizing sacrifice, spreading a fire under the seat. The iron chair quickly heated, causing strong burns. During the interrogation, the victim could pronounce the limb, applying forceps or other torture torture. Such chairs had various forms and sizes, but they were all equipped with spikes and means of immobilization of the victim.


This is one of the most common torture instruments found in historical descriptions. The dub was used throughout Europe. Usually this instrument was a large table on legs or without them, for which they were forced to lie down a convicted person, and his legs and hands were fixed with wooden dies. Sanidated in this way, the victim "stretched", causing it unbearable pain, often until the muscles were broken. The rotating drum for tightening the chains was not used in all the variants of the scenes, but only in the most hitromed "modernized" models. The executioner could climb the muscles of the victim to speed up the final tissue break. The body of the victim was stretched more than 30 cm before breaking. Sometimes the victim was tightly tied to the punch to make it easier to use other methods of torture, such as tongs for clamping nipples and other sensitive parts of the body, calene iron, etc.

This is undoubtedly the most common torture, and it was initially used in legal proceedings, since it was considered an easy torture. The hands of the accused bind to her back, and the other end of the rope was moved through the ring of winch. The victim was either left in such a position, or strongly jerked for the rope. Often, the victims tied additional cargo to the victims, and the body was praised by forceps, such as, for example, the "Witin Spider" to make torture less soft. The judges thought that witches knew many ways of witchcraft that allow them to calmly carry torture, so recognition was not always possible. We can refer to a series of processes in Munich at the beginning of the XVII century against eleven people. The six of them were incentive tortured with the help of an iron boot, one of the women was subjected to breast dismembrance, the following five chaired, and one planted on the count. They, in turn, were conveyed by another twenty-one people who immediately interrogated in Terestenuvang. Among the new accused was one very distinguished family. The father died in prison, his mother, after it was tested on the hole eleven times, admitted to everything, what was accused of. Daughter, Agnes, twenty-one, stoically suffered a test on a hole with an extra weight, but did not recognize his guilt, and only said that she forgives his executors and prosecutors. Only a few days of the incessant tests in the torture chamber, she was told about the full recognition of her mother. After the suicide attempt, she confessed in all terrible crimes, including the cohabitation with the Devil from the eight of the age, in the devouring of the hearts of thirty people, participating in the Shabash, in what caused a storm and responded from the Lord. Mother and daughter were sentenced to burn at the fire.

The use of the term "stork" is attributed to the Roman court of Holy Inquisition in the period from the second half of the XVI century. Up to about 1650. The same name for this torture was given to L.A. Muratori in his book "Italian chronicles" (1749). The origin of an even strange name "Daughter of the janitor" is unknown, but it is given by analogy with the name of an identical device in the London Tower. Whatever the origin of the name is, this instrument is a magnificent example of a huge variety of coercion systems that were used during the Inquisition times.

The position of the victim was carefully thought out. After a few minutes, this body position led to a strongest muscular spa in the abdomen and anus. Next, spasm began to spread to the chest area, neck, hands and legs, becoming more and more painful, especially at the site of the initial appearance of spasm. After some time, tied to Aysta, "passed from a simple experiencing of torment to the state of complete madness. Often, while the sacrifice suffered in this terrible position, it was additionally tortured by Kalena Iron and in other ways. Railways crashed into the victim's flesh and caused gangrene, and sometimes death.

"Inquisition chair", known as the "Witch Chair", was highly valued as good tool Against silent women accused of witchcraft. This common tool was particularly widely used by Austrian Inquisition. The chairs were different sizes and forms, all equipped with spikes, with handcuffs, blocks for fixing the victim and, most often, with iron seats, which, if necessary, could be split. We found evidence of the use of this gun for slow killing. In 1693, in the Austrian city of Gutenberg, Judge Wolf von Lammartis led the process on charges of witchcraft Maria Vukanets, 57 years old. She was planted on the witch chair for eleven days and nights, at the same time the executioners caught fire to her legs with hot iron (insletter). Maria Vukanets died under torture, going crazy from pain, but not creating a crime.

According to the inventor, Martilo, Ippolito, the introduction of "Vygiv" was a turning point in the history of torture. Modern system Recognition does not imply damage damage. It does not have broken vertebrae, revealed ankles, or fragmented joints; The only substance that suffers is the nerves of the victim. The idea of \u200b\u200btorture was to keep the victim in a wakeful state as long as possible, it was a kind of torture insomnia. But "Vigil", which was originally not considered as cruel torture, took various, sometimes extremely cruel forms.

The victim was raised to the top of the pyramid and then gradually lowered. The top of the pyramid was to penetrate the anus, eggs or a cobster, and if the woman was tortured, then the vagina. The pain was so strong that often the accused was losing consciousness. If it happened, the procedure was postponed until the victim perceives. In Germany, "torture" was called "Protection of the cradle."

This torture is very similar to "torture by". The difference is that the main element of the device is a pointed angle of a wedge-shaped form made of metal or solid wood. The interrogated was suspended above the sharp angle, so that this angle rests on the crotch. The type of use of the "Oske" is to bring the cargo to the legs of the interrogated, associated and fixed on the acute corner.

The simplified view of the "Spanish Donkey" can be considered a tightened rigid rope or metal cable, called the "mare", often such a type of gun applies to women. The rope outstretched between the legs is dying as high as possible and tritura to the blood of the genitals. The type of torture with the rope is quite effective, as it is applied to the most sensitive parts of the body.


In the past, the Association "International Amnesty" did not exist, no one intervened in the affairs of justice and did not defend those who fell into his paws. The executioners were free to choose any, from their point of view suitable tool For recognition. Often they used and roasting. The victim was tied to the lattice and then "roasted" until he received sincere repentance and recognition, which led to the detection of new criminals. And the cycle continued.

In order to the best way The procedure of this torture of the accused has been placed on one of the species of the punch or on a special big Table With the rising middle part. After the victim's hands and feet were tied to the edges of the table, the executioner started to work in one of several ways. One of these methods was that the sacrifice was forced with the help of a funnel to swallow a large amount of water, then beat on an inflated and arched stomach. Another form provided for the premises in the sacrifice of the rag tube, according to which water was slowly poured, which led to inflating and suffocation of the victim. If this was not enough, the tube was pulled out, causing internal damage, and then inserted again, and the process was repeated. Sometimes used torture with cold water. In this case, the accused clock lay on the table naked under the jet icewater. It is interesting to note that this type of torment was considered as light, and the recognition obtained in this way, the court accepted both voluntary and defendants without the use of torture.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmechanizing torture was born in Germany and nothing can be done with the fact that Nuremberg Virgo has such an origin. She received her name because of the external similarity with the Bavarian girl, as well as, because her prototype was created and first used in the dungeon of the secret court in Nuremberg. The accused was placed in the sarcophagus, where the body of the unfortunate was skewed by sharp spikes, located so that none of the vital bodies would be bought, and the agony lasted for quite a long time. The first case of the trial using the "Virgin" dated 1515 year. It was described in detail by Gustav Freitag in his book "Bilder Aus der Deutschen Vergangenheit". The punishment has comprehended by the guilty of herdogle, which was grieving inside the sarcophagus for three days.


The iron scrap with iron scrap or the wheel broke all major bones of the body, then it was tied to a large wheel, and installed the wheel on the pole. The sentence turned out to face up, looking at the sky, and died so from shock and dehydration, often for quite a long time. The suffering of a dying aggravated the banging birds. Sometimes instead of the wheel used simply wooden frame Or cross from log.

Wheels were also used vertically installed wheels.

The wheelchair is a very popular system, both torture and execution. It was applied only when accused of witchcraft. Typically, the procedure was divided into two phases, both are quite painful. The first was in fractures most of the bones and joints using a small wheel, called a crushing wheel and equipped with a plurality of spikes. The second was designed for the case of execution. It was assumed that the sacrifice, broken and crippled in this way, literally like a rope slip between the wheel knitting on a long pole, where it will remain to be expected. A popular variety of this execution combined the wheelchair and burning at the fire - in this case, death fell quickly. The procedure has been described in the materials of one of the court proceedings in Tyrol. In 1614, the tramp named Wolfgang Selveizer from Gastein, recognized by the guilty of intercourse with the devil and the ray of racing, was sentenced to the Lezen's court at the same time to robbery and burning at the fire.

Press for limbs or "cranking"

A variety of devices for crushing and breaking joints, both knee and elbow. Numerous steel teeth, penetrating the body, applied terrible wounds, due to which the victim expired blood.

"Spanish boot" was a kind of manifestation of "engineering genius", as the judicial authorities during the Middle Ages cared for best masters Created all the more advanced devices that allowed to weaken the will of the prisoner and faster and easier to achieve recognition. The metal "Spanish boot", equipped with a screw system, gradually squeezed the shin of the victim up to the bone fracture.

"Iron Shoe" - close relative "Spanish boot." In this case, the executioner "worked" is not shin, but with a stop of the questioned. Too zealous use of the device was usually ended with the bone fracture, plus and fingers.

it medieval device, It should be noted, highly appreciated, especially in the territory of Northern Germany. Its function was pretty simple: the chin of the victim was placed on a wooden or iron support, and the device cover was screwed at the victim's head. First, the teeth and jaws turned out to be crushed, then because the pressure was grooming, the brain tissues began to flow out of the skull. After time, this tool has lost its importance as a murder tool and gained widespread as a torture gun. Despite the fact that both the device cover and the lower support are lined with a soft material that does not leave any traces of the victim, the device leads to a "preparedness for cooperation" prisoner after several rotations of the screw.

The shameful pillar was a widespread sentence way at all times and with any social strict. The convict was placed in a shameful post at a certain time, from several hours to several days. Fallen on the period of punishment bad weather aggravated the position of the victim and increased flour, which was probably considered as "Divine Retribution". Shameful post, on the one hand, it was possible to consider relatively soft way Punishment, in which those guilty simply exhibited in a public place to universal ridicule. On the other hand, those chained to a shameful post were completely defenseless before the "court of people": anyone could offend them in a word or action, spit in them or throw a stone - a good appeal, the reason for which could be a people's perturbation or a personal hostility, sometimes led to injury Or even the death of the convicted.

This tool was created as a shameful pillar in the shape of a chair, and sarcastically called the "throne". The victim was placed down her head, and her legs were strengthened with wooden blocks. Such torture was popular among judges who want to follow the letter of the law. In fact, legislation that regulate the use of torture allowed the throne only once during the interrogation. But most of the judges accounted for this rule, simply calling the next session to the continuation of the same first. The use of "throne" made it possible to declare this by one session, even if it lasted 10 days. Since the use of the "throne" did not leave unreasonable traces on the body of the victim, it was very suitable for long use. It should be noted that simultaneously with this torture prisoners were also tortured with water and kaneylene iron.

She could be wooden or iron, for one or two women. It was an instrument of soft torture, possessing the psychological and symbolic meaning rather. There are no documentary evidence that the use of this device led to physical injury. It was used, mainly to the guilty of slandering or insulting the person, the hands and neck of the victims were fixed in small holes, so that the punished turned out to be in a prayer pose. You can imagine the suffering of the victims from the circulatory disorders and pain in the elbows, when the device was on the long period, sometimes for several days.

The cruel tool used to fix the criminal in a cross-shaped position. It deserves confidence in the statement that the cross was invented in Austria in the XVI -XVII centuries. This follows from the book "Justice in the Old Times" from the Assembly of the Justice Museum in Rottenburg-on-Tauber (Germany). A very similar model that was in the castle tower in Salzburg (Austria), mentioned in one of the most detailed descriptions.

Summer fell on a chair with her hands tied behind his back, the iron collar hardly fixed the position of the head. In the process of execution, the executioner twisted the screw, and the iron wedge slowly entered the Skull of the convicted person, leading to his death.

Cervical trap - ring with nails on the inside and with a device resembling drip, on outside. Any prisoner who tried to hide in the crowd could easily stop using this device. After catching behind the neck, he could no longer be free, and he was forced to follow the supervisor without fear that he would resist.

This tool really resembled a double-sided steel plug with four sharp spikes stove into the body under the chin and in the sore region. She was tightly attached to the leather belt to the neck of the criminal. This species of the fork was used in litigation on charges of heresy and witchcraft. Imagined deep into the flesh, she hurts with any attempt to move his head and allowed to speak the victim only in an unintelligible, barely audible voice. Sometimes it was possible to read the Latin inscription "I repent."

The tool was used to stop the shrill screams of the victims that did the inquisitors and interfering with their conversation with each other. The iron tube inside the rings was tightly shoved in the sacrifice throat, and the collar was locked with a bolt on the back of the head. The hole allowed the air to pass, but if you wish, it was possible to plug in my finger and trigger a suffocation. This adaptation was often used in relation to the sentenced to burn at the fire, especially at a large public ceremony, called an autodfexy when heretics were burned dozens. The iron gag allowed to avoid the situation when convicts drown out spiritual music with their screams. Jordan Bruno, guilty of excessive progressiveness, was burned in Rome on Campo Square Fiori in 1600 with an iron gag in his mouth. The gag was equipped with two spikes, one of which, piercing the tongue, came under the chin, and the second crushed the sky.

There is nothing to say about her, except that she caused death even worse than death at the fire. The gun was controlled by two people who saw the convicted person hanging down her heads with her legs tied to two supports. The position itself, which causes the influx of blood to the brain, forced the victim to experience unheard of flour for a long time. This tool was used as a punishment for various crimes, but it was especially eagerly applied against homosexuals and witches. It seems to us that this tool has been widely used by French judges regarding witches who became pregnant from the "devil of nightmares" or even from Satan himself.

It would like to meet this item had a chance of a woman who sinned an abortion or adulterate. Raspaling his sharp teeth, the executioner ruined the sacrifices in pieces. In some districts of France and Germany, until the 19th century, this tool was called Tarantulum or Spanish Spider.

This device was administered in the mouth, anal hole or vagina, and when screwing the screw, the "pears" segments were maximally revealed. As a result of this torture, internal organs were seriously damaged, often leading to death. In the open state, the sharp ends of the segments were dug into the wall of the rectum, in a sip or cervix. This torture was intended for homosexuals, blasphemers and women who made abortions or sinned with the Devil.


Even if the space between the rods was sufficient to push the sacrifice there, she had no chance from there to get out, because the cage was suspended very high. Often the size of the opening at the bottom of the cell was such that the victim could easily fall out of it and break. The monitoring of this end aggravated the suffering. Sometimes a sinner in this cage, suspended to the long ride, lowered under the water. In the heat of a sinner could hang so many days in her on the sun as it could endure without a drop of water for drinking. There are cases when prisoners, devoid of food and drink, died in such cells from hunger and their dried remains were horrified on his comrades in misfortune.

In the modern world there is no place torture, they are no longer resorted to the justice bodies in order to punish someone or achieve recognition in the deed. Now only the Museum of Torture can illustrate how torture of the Inquisition.

Today, the most terrible torture is an electric chair, and what happened before ... It's scary to imagine

Torture was so cruel that all the wills of the will will have enough will to look at their dirty, which provides a torture museum in order for everyone to see the appearance of justice in the Middle Ages.

It is difficult to determine the most terrible torture, since each of them was quite painful and cruel, but you can still highlight 20 of the most terrifying.

Video about the most terrible torture

"Acute pear"

Let's start with torture, which can be directly attributed to the top twenty of the most inhuman bullying of people. Inquisition torture included this method of punishment of sinful people. In the Middle Ages, resorting to this cruel kind of torture, the church punished sinners, which were exposed in love for their semi, for example, a woman with a woman or a man with a man. Such a relationship was considered the blasphemy and desecration of the Church of God, so the terrible punishment was waiting for these people.

A tool for terrible torture - "Acute pear"

The torture torture of this species had a rigid look. Accused female blasphemers were placed "Pear" in the vagina, and male sinners in the rear pass or mouth. After the tool was introduced into the body of the victim, the executioner began the second stage of torture, which was to make a person terribly suffer after gradually when the screw is spinning, the pear leaves opened inside the flesh. Open, pear rushed internal women or men in part. The fatal exodus occurred because the victim lost a large amount of blood, or from the deformation of the internal organs formed during the disclosure of the deadly pear-killer.

The ancient torture of the world includes a punishment of guilty with rats

This is one of the most cruel torture, which was invented in China, and was particularly popular among the inquisition in the XVI century. The victim experienced terrible torment. The main torture torture was rats. The person was placed on the table of large sizes, in the region of the womb region was placed a sufficiently heavy cage, naked with rats that had to be hungry. Of course, this is still not the end: then the bottom of the cell was removed, after which the rats were on the stomach of the victim, at the same time the hot coals were folded at the top of the cell, they were afraid of the heat and, trying to escape from the cage, broke the belly of a man, such way escape. In terrible flour.

Torture metal

Cote cat

The sinner gradually and slowly, pulled out slices, flesh and ribs with an iron hook, spending on the back.

Gloomy punch

This torture is known in several types: horizontal and vertical. If the vertical option was used for the victim, then the sinner was clinging under the ceiling, while turning the joints, and the weight was constantly added to the feet, the maximum stretching the body. Using the horizontal version of the hole provided the muscles and joints of the convict.

This is a kind of crushing machine for killing a convicted person. The principle of operation of the cranial press was to gradually squeeze the skull of the victim, this press crumbled his teeth, the jaw, the cranial bones of man until the sinner had fallen out of the ears of the brain.

The very name of the gun is quite insidious, but not only the name is exciting. This inquisitorial tool broke nothing and did not tear on the body of the victim. With the help of the rope, the sinner lifted and seated on the "cradle", the vertex of which was in the form of a triangle and rather acute. This vertex was sitting in such a way that the sharp edge would go well into the anal hole or the vagina of the victim. Sinners from pain lost consciousness, they were brought back into consciousness and continued torture.

The form of this gun resembles a female figure - this is a sarcophagus, inside which is empty, but not without spikes and many blades, the location of which is provided in such a way that they do not hurt the vital parts of the body of the accused, while cutting other parts. The sinner died in flour for several days.

Thus, sinners, thieves and other people who were accused of certain evil acts against the church, the king, and so on, suffered a fate. The convicts experienced the most terrible flour, being in the hands of the cruel executioner.

It is good that today is only the story and torture torture do not use.

What do you think it was the most terrible during the Middle Ages? Lack of toothpaste good soap or shampoo? What "medieval discos" were carried out under the tedious music of Mandolin? And maybe the fact that medicine has not yet known vaccinations and antibiotics? Or endless wars? Yes, our ancestors did not attend cinemas and did not send each other emails. But they were also inventors.

And the worst thing that they invented are tools for torture, tools, with the help of which the Christian justice system was created - the Inquisition. And for those who lived in the Middle Ages, "Iron Maidn" is not the name of the hevie metal group, but one of the most disgusting gadgets of that time. To particularly nervous and sensitive, please: do not look under the cat.

The term "Inquisition" occurred from Lat. Inquisitio, meaning "Interrogation, inquiry". The term was widespread in the legal sphere before the emergence of medieval church institutions with such a name, and meant the clarification of the circumstances of the case, the investigation, usually by interrogation, often with the use of force. And only over time, the inquisition began to understand the spiritual courts over the anti-Christian henies.

Inquisition torture had hundreds of varieties. At the same time, interrogations were held in secret, and the execution on the squares was visually familiar with contemporaries, so her artists of those times sketched with reliability. But the torture of the Inquisition was drawn, based on other people's words, often based on the imagination. Some medieval torture torture are preserved to our time, but most often even museum exhibits are restored by descriptions. Their variations affect the imagination. Before you twenty torture torture Middle Ages.

20. Ship shoes

These are iron shoes with a sharp spike under the heel. The spike could be twisted with the screw. With the twisted spike, the victim of torture had to stand on the mysteries of the legs until the strength was. Stand on the Mysteries and check - how much do you defeat.

Central Europe is the main place of its popularity. The sinner was undressed, they were put on the chair, covered with spikes. It was impossible to move - otherwise there were not only bold wounds appeared on the body, but also breaks. If the inquisitors and this seemed a little, they took in the hands of spikes or tongs and tormented the victim of the limb. Of course, you will not have "spills on the contrary", so the sinners suffered much longer. But when their forces dried up, the body itself relied on the heel. Further everything is clear - pain and blood.

19. Fork Yerechika

Four spikes - two, driven into the chin, two - in the sternum, did not give the victim to make any movements head, including and lower the head below.

18. Chair for witch bathing

The sinner tied to the chair suspended to the long ride, and lowered under the water for a while, then they gave a little block air, and again - under the water. A popular season for such torture is a late autumn or even winter. I did a cut into ice, and after some time the sacrifice not only chips under water without air, but also in such a welcome air was covered with ice crust. Sometimes torture lasted days.

17. Spanish boogne

It is a fastening on the leg with metal plate, which with each question and the subsequent refusal to respond to it, as it was required, was still stronger than to break the dog's bone. To enhance the effect, the inquisitor sometimes was connected to torture, which hit the hammer on the mount. Often after such torture, all the bones of the victim below the knees were fragmented, and the skin wounded looked like a bag for these bones.

16. Water torture

This method was "spied" inquisitors in the East. The sinner tied barbed wire Or strong ropes to a special wooden table of the table type with a strongly raised middle - so that the stomach of the sinner drank, as far as possible. His mouth was hammered by a rag or straw so that he did not close, and inserted a tube into his mouth through which the incredible amount of water was poured. If the victim did not interrupt this torture in order to confess to something or the purpose of torture was unambiguous death, at the end of the test, the sacrifice was removed from the table, put on the ground, and the executioner jumped onto her bloated belly. The final is understandable and disgusting.

15. Iron hook (cat claw)

It is clear that it was not used to scratch the back. The victim's flesh burst - slowly, painfully, up to the fact that she had not only pieces of body with these hooks, but also ribs.

14. Dyba

That is the silent. There were two main options: vertical when the sacrifice was suspended under the ceiling, turning the joints and hanging all the warful gravity to her feet, and horizontal when the sinner's body was fixed on the punch and stretched with a special mechanism until then, until she was torn to muscles and joints .

13. Quartification of horses

The victim was tied to four horses - by arms and legs. Then the animals were allowed to drag. There were no options - only death.

12. Pear

This device was inserted into the body holes - it is clear that not in the mouth or ears - and revealed so as to cause the victim a unthinkable pain, breaking these holes.

11. Cleansing the soul

In many Catholic countries, the clergy believed that after all the soul of a sinner could be cleaned. For these purposes, they had to use or inflicting in the throat of a sinner of boiling water, or throwing out hot coal there. You understand, in care about the soul, there was no place for concern about the body.

10. Suspended cell

Ensured two extreme methods of operation. In cold weather, like a chair for a witch bathing, a sinner in this cage, suspended to the long ride, lowered under the water and got it out of it, causing to freeze and choke.

And in the heat, the sinner hung in her on the sun as many days as it could endure without a drop of water for drinking.

9. Press for skull

As a sinner could somehow repense into something, when I first clenched and crumbled his teeth, then the jaw crumble, behind it the bones of the skull - until the brain was poured out of the ears - it's not clear to me. An even more unavailable for my consciousness, information that in some countries is still the version of this crusher is used as the interrog tool.

8. Bone

It was the main way to eradicate the witness influence on other people's sinless souls. The burnt soul excluded any opportunity to confuse or stain a sinless soul. What could be doubts?

7. Vigil or cradle Judah

Know-how belongs to Martili Ippolit. At one time, this instrument of torture was considered loyal - the bones did not break, the ligaments did not rush. At first, the sinner was raised on the rope, and then sat on the cradle, and the top of the triangle was inserted into the same holes as a pear. It was painfully to such an extent that the sinner lost consciousness. He was lifted, "pumped out" and again embarked on the cradle. I do not think that in moments of enlightenment, sinners thanked Ippolita for his invention.

6. Cradle

The cousin of the cradle of Judah. I do not think that the picture leaves a place for imagination, how this torture can be used. Also decent nasty.

5. Iron Maidn. Iron Maiden. Nuremberg Virgo.

These are not "three girls under the window." This is a huge sarcophagus in the form of an open empty female figure, inside which numerous blades and sharp spikes are strengthened. They are located in such a way that the vital bodies of the victim's sarcophagus are not affected by the victim, so the agony of the sentenced to execution was long and painful. The "virgin" used in 1515. Surrender died three days.

4. Interrogation chair

Central Europe is the main place of its popularity. The sinner was undressed, they were put on the chair, covered with spikes. It was impossible to move - otherwise there were not only bold wounds appeared on the body, but also breaks. If the inquisitors and this seemed a little, they took in the hands of spikes or tongs and tormented the victim of the limb.

3. Kol.

In the east, they came up with this terrible execution. The fact is that the person who was planted skillfully on the count - his end was to stick out of the sacrificial throat (and not how painted in this picture), could live a few more days - to suffer physically and morally, since this execution was public.

2. Pila

The executioners and the inquisitors of those years showed short ingenuity in their business. Better than our knew, why a person is painful, and knew that in the unconscious state of pain he would not feel. And what execution in the middle ages without sadness? The usual death person could meet everywhere, the matter was essential. And unusual and very painful death - sawing. The sacrifice was suspended down with their feet so that the blood does not stop supplying oxygen to the head, and the man experienced all the horror of pain. It happened, he lived that the moment when he slowly slowly managed to cut the body before the diaphragm.

1. Keeping

If you read before this place, I present to you one of the most premature ways of execution from all existing.

The iron scrap with iron scrap or the wheel broke all major bones of the organism, then it was tied to a large wheel, and installed the wheel on the pole. The sentence turned out to face up, looking at the sky, and died so from shock and dehydration, often for quite a long time. The suffering of a dying aggravated the banging birds. Sometimes instead of the wheel, we used just a wooden frame or cross from log.

And, although it is believed that torture guns are more often demonstrated than those used, nevertheless, not just on June 26, the UN declared the international day in support of victims of torture since 1997.