Repairs Design Furniture

Laminate care at home - methods and means. What cloth is better to wash the laminate? Laminate and Pets

How to care for laminate so that he is always like new? You will agree that, buying such a floor covering, you would like to see it always bright and beautiful, and not flexible and scratched. This pleasure is not cheap, and it is possible to say even the top, which is inferior in this role, except that only parquet. Therefore, care for the floor of the laminate - the occupation is not empty and quite responsible.

Basic General Panel Coating Rules

Laminate care implies a number of uncomplicated, but mandatory procedures. For different types of this coverage, these procedures may differ, but there are some general rules to adhere to which the flooring is recommended to all holders.

  1. Regular wet (but not wet) and dry cleaning.
  2. Correctly selected laminate cleaning agent. Minimizing the risks of mechanical damage.
  3. Timely response to the slightest damage and their instant elimination (if possible, of course).
  4. The presence of at least basic knowledge about the properties of this material, its composition and classification.

Note: Pay special attention to paragraph 2. in the list. Flooring, especially the homemade class (21-23), does not particularly like water, since its DVP-base is easily absorbed by moisture, which remains there, and it swells and flies. Therefore, cleaning of such a laminate should be made only by special detergents, and it is not necessary to abuse "water procedures". But the commercial panel flooring of 32 class or 33, no longer so waterflek, and it can be more abundantly "to pay", but also without unnecessary fanaticism. Read more about classes.

Cleaning and detergents for laminate

  • For dry cleaning, an ordinary broom and a vacuum cleaner are perfect for dry cleaning, but just do not turn on it washing mode.
  • It is not worthwhile to abuse with a wet cleaning - it will be enough to hold it one, maximum twice, a week. It is desirable to use a mop, which has a moisture pressure function. Divide warm water in the bucket with a detergent - and forward and with the song. However, just a slightly wipe the floor with a slightly moistened cloth and every day - you will not swear at you.
  • Of the detergent chemicals we recommend a special means for laminate sold in any economic stores. In addition to him, you can use a children's shampoo, divorced in hot water. Parks of tablespoons on the water bucket will be quite enough.
  • There is still a folk version of washing, using table vinegar and bulletizer. This method is very relevant with the loss of shine. Add a quarter of a glass of vinegar to a liter of water and spray this mixture evenly on the surface of the floor. Wipe this place with dry and soft (necessarily a soft) cloth, and after wipe with a cloth moistened in ordinary water. After, wipe all dry and you can relax - the case is done.

How to prevent the appearance of scratches on the laminate

One of the main troubles of this coverage, in addition to all others, are such damage as scratches that are very easy to apply at home. They are big and small, small and deep and different origin, but the maximum to protect against these misstain will help a small list of recommendations.

Support the humidity level in the house or apartment in the range from 30 to 65%. To control the humidity, use the device called the hygrostat.

  • Immediately after laying, as well as to update the floor during operation, it will not be superfluous to use a special polyrolol. Apply it with a sponge along the board, and then polish the dry tissue rag. This will serve as prevention, will help with already existing small, minor damage.
  • Never pull the furniture, touching the floor. Just raise and carry on weight, no matter how hard it is. Either put under the legs of a towel or a different dense fabric when moving furniture at home. There is still so-called. "Furniture sliders" in the form of plastic disks that need to be put under the legs.
  • If possible, you stroll on the floor mats, especially in places of the greatest activity and mobility of households. Also be sure to chalit them before entering.
  • Write Claws Pets.


There is still such special view OUR outdoor coatinglike glossy. Outwardly, it is pretty beautiful, however, it has such a disadvantage: it is strongly distinguished by the slightest specks and scuffs, even from touching with hands or from walking on it with bare feet. Therefore, we consider separately the question: how to properly care for glossy laminate.

  • We walk on the floor only in domestic slippers, with a soft sole, or in socks. Barefoot is not worth walking, because bare legs will leave ugly stains. About the inadmissibility of walking in the shoes with heels, I think it's not worth reminding at all.
  • It is not recommended to sharpen such a flooring in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Any drop of fat or water does not add to him the appearance of the appearance, but only ruin him.
  • Can be used washing vacuum cleaner, But only subject to the presence of nozzles for carpets.
  • From time to time, wipe the floor with a solution of vinegar and water, to give it a pristine gloss.

General recommendations described above, like mats, proper movement of furniture, etc., here will also be not alien. Well, and to all other things it is worth adding another advice: do not drop anything heavy or acute to the floor.

Using all ours useful adviceDescribed in the article, you will not only provide an indestructible eye of your sex, but also significantly extend the service life.

Video: Proper laminate care in short

The laminate coating is allowed to use in any rooms, for example, in the living room, kitchen or hallway.

So that the laminate served you for a long time, you need a corresponding care

To maximize the service life, sufficiently follow the following simple rules:

  1. During the harvesting of the room, or wanting to make a permutation, with extreme caution you should move heavy furniture. To avoid the formation of scratches on the material, wooden legs And the wheels are wrapped with soft, dense material.
  2. Despite its strength and resistance to injuries, if you drop a sharp object to laminate, it will most likely leave notice. So when cooking in the kitchen or for dining table You should carefully handle the knife and other sharp objects.
  3. If the formation of chipses failed to prevent the formation, then the damage arises should be mastered as soon as possible with special pastes. With the help of a tone paste, you can disguise scratches, as well as stop the further process of destroying the board.
  4. Before washing the floors, the surface must be cleaned from dust particles and dirt with a vacuum cleaner. If there is no vacuum cleaner in the house, a broom is used, although it is not so efficiently removes pollution.
  5. To maintain high laminate wear resistance, use soft brushes, sponges and specials during cleaning. You should not use abrasive cleaning products and brushes with abrasive coating, because because of them are formed the smallest scratches. Due to such damage, the board gradually collapses, dust and dirt penetrates into them, reducing the attractiveness of the floor.
  6. Any moisture that fell on the laminate should be immediately removed from the surface so that the coating does not swear or deformed.
  7. It is not recommended to use the floor tools, which contains wax or silicone. They leave oily spots and labor-based divorces.

Competent departure for the floor of the laminate will allow for a long time to maintain the initial appearance of the board and remove the need to repair or shift the flooring. Care should be carried out regularly and with high-quality detergents.

There is available on sale a large assortment detergents for laminated flooring. In addition to purchased to care for laminate, you can with the help of funds prepared at home. They also remove pollution and give glitter sex. Each individual means struggling with a certain type of contamination.

The most simple I. inexpensive way Clear laminate from pollution and give it the shine is the preparation of acetic solution. To do this, need to dial about 5 liters of warm water in a bucket and add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar. Mix thoroughly and proceed to washing floors. The surface must be pre-cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or sweetered by a broom.

Before washing the floor it is advisable to spend it

Such a composition perfectly removes the drunk dirt, fights with unpleasant smells And gives a light glitter floor. The smell of the vinegar itself is weathering after 7-10 minutes. If you react very sensitively to different odors, it is recommended to open the windows during cleaning so that fresh air penetrates the room.

With the help of a conventional detergent for dishes from the laminate, greasy spots are perfectly removed after eating, colored spots from juice, wine, coffee. Enough to dilute in warm water not a large number of High quality dishwashing agents. Next, using a soft sponge or tissue napkin, remove contaminants.

Wipe the laminate with a clean damp cloth to get rid of the remnants of detergent

The purified area should be wiped with a clean damp cloth from the remnants of the detergent. At the end of the procedure, the microfiber floor wounds dry.

Acetone or White Spirit is used to purify laminate from traces of a shoe cream, nail polish, marker or marker. A little solvent must be applied onto the cotton disk. To prevent clean floor contamination next to the stain, it is treated with neat movements from the edges of the stain inside.

To bring the stains will have to use the solvent

Do not forget to change your cotton disk more often. When the stain is completely removed from the surface, the floor covering is washed familiar to the hostess.

Wax, mastic and plasticine are easy to remove with a scraper with a plastic tip. If, after removing the bulk of pollution, fat stains remained on the floor, then you need to dilute in water for dishes and lightly lose the stains with a soft sponge.

Residues of fatty spots can be derived using a dishwashing agent

To remove the gum from the floor covering it must be pre-cool. You can attach several ice cubes or use a special cooling gel.

If the gum sticks to the floor, the ice will help it

The hardened gum is easy to remove the scraper. The same method is suitable for cleaning the surface from wax.

If you decide to take advantage of the purchase agent, pay attention to the appointment of the fund, as well as the instructions for use. Only adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can achieve the desired effect.

Professional laminate washing

Knowing how to care for laminate in the apartment, even the most complex contamination to be removed with the help of fool or shopping products. The table presents some other pollution and ways to eliminate them.

Funds from spots

The laminate flooring is able to withstand intense mechanical effects, but it cannot boast resistant to aggressive substances. To prevent damage to the laminate, it is not recommended to apply the following means:

  • abrasive substances. Such formulations can cause irreparable damage to the coating. Without a doubt they will cope with their task to remove complex pollution, but at the same time damage the board. Hide such damage is impossible, so the only option to put in order the floor in the apartment is to replace the spoiled segment;
  • detergents with acid and alkaline reaction. Laminate care in the apartment can be carried out only with the help of neutral reaction compositions;
  • brushes and metal scrapers. Such adaptations undoubtedly clean the floor from the spots of the spots, but along with them the part of the drawing from the board will go.

Do not use hard brushes and scrapers

With daily cleaning in the room, it is very simple to maintain a laminate in cleanliness. It is quite thoroughly speaking the surface, after which you wash the floors with warm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. The rag at the same time should be very well pressed. If after the mop on the floor you found wet traces or droplets, they need to wipe the microfiber dry.

Removal of damage from the surface of the laminate

During the operational period on the surface of the laminate board, scratches appear, traces from the permutation of furniture and chip. All these damage not only spoil the appearance of the floor covering, but also accelerate the process of destruction of the laminate. Knowing how to properly care for the floor, and what means to apply to restore the integrity and smoothness of the surface, the laminate floor will serve its full operational period and will delight its appearance.

To remove damage, the following methods are applied:

  • fresh losses from shoes and other items are removed with the help of erasing gum;
  • small scratches are hidden by a special wax pencil. The damaged area is first cleaned of contamination, after which it is smeared with wax, suitable and polished with a soft cloth;
  • deep damage filled with pasta that can be found in building stores. They are also selected by shade. A small amount of paste with a spatula is applied to the chip and distribute evenly. When the recess is completely filled with excess paste collected back to the spatula. When the paste is captured, the treated surface can be covered with a protective varnish for laminate;

If you properly care for the laminate, the floor covering will always shine cleanliness and tidy. Remember, if you are trying to withdraw any pollution with the help of remedies, it is best to try their action on an inconspicuous area. If after a while on the coating did not appear visible damage, you can proceed to the processing of the entire surface.

Features of the care of laminate and how to wash it. How to restore the floor covering and extend the life of its operation. What you can not do when cleaning.

The content of the article:

Laminate care is the task of which everyone who puts at home or in the apartment is an outdoor coating. Street repair, think over all the pros and cons of such an finishing finish. It will not hurt to learn how to care for laminate correctly and what to do in emergency situations (spots from persistent dyes, felt-tippers, fat, swelling due to accidental spilled water, chips from fallen hard items).

Floor laminate structure

Often, such a coating is called laminated parquet, however, the difference between the two types of finish finish is essential. The laminate is a kind of "layer pie", which consists of:
  1. Stabilizing layer. It is represented by a dense kraft cardboard impregnated with melamine. To improve the noise insulating properties of the laminate, it is also glued to it in some cases and noise insulating layer.
  2. Carrier layer. This is the "body" of laminate. In economy class models and some of the representatives of the average price category are performed from the DSP dense board. In an expensive laminate carrier layer - natural wood. It is much stronger than chipboard. In the bearing layer, the locks connecting the neighboring lamellas are cut out.
  3. Decorative layer. Ordinary paper, with a drawdrid applied and impregnated with melamine. Thanks to this layer, laminate imitates everything - river pebbles and marble, natural tree different breeds and ceramic tiles.
  4. Top or protective layer. It depends on its thickness and quality, as long as the appearance of the coating will delight.
In addition to classic laminate, there are waterproof species of this floor covering. The main layer is presented in them not wood or chipboard, but by special durable plastic with air chambers. Care for such a laminate is 90% simpler than the usual and moisture-resistant, having a tree / chipboard.

How to wash laminate

The tree does not like water, especially this applies to materials produced from wastewatering waste. Since 80% of us love to save, then the laminate or economy class is bought, or the medium, the basis of which is chipboard. The chipboard is afraid of water - swells with prolonged exposure, resulting in disrepair coating.

However, the laminate can be washed, though not too often. The main thing is to choose the cleaning agent for this. Household chemistry only for laminate is difficult to find. For sex, any non-aggressive means in the form of a gel or liquid, diluted in water. Moisten the rag in the solution, press well and wipe the floor with it.

Laminate care products that can be found in any household chemical store - Mr. Propper and Mr. Muscul. Divide them with water according to the instructions, wet the rag and wipe the floor. Perfect option - To buy a special mop, on which, with a simple device, you can well squeeze the washing surface.

If there is no muscle and the propumere at hand, you can apply any detergent for laminate with a neutral pH for cleaning. In the absence of a suitable look, what ingredients are included in the existing household chemicals. The simplest composition (non-ionic substances, fragrance, preservatives), safety tool. Knowing how and how to wash the laminate, you will suggest his attractive appearance for a long time.

Consider methods wet cleaning Laminate:

  • The method of the first "water and rag". Use for cleaning a flat mop on which there is a device for pressing a detergent cloth. Pour the water in the bucket, moisten the rag, press with a special lever on the jam. Quickly wipe the floor, then manually soda it with a dry cloth.
  • The method of the second "hot water and a rag". Use highly heated water, but not boiling. The procedure for the former: wet, squeezed, washed, fierce. Hot water is best laundered possible pollution on the laminate.
  • The method of the third "water and vinegar". Relevant if the floor in some places polluted and stopped glistening. Pour into liter slightly warm water? Glass of white vinegar, stir. Fill into the spray and arm yourself with a soft dry cloth. Spray the remedy on a small sector of the floor and immediately start wipe. When the surface is switched, rinse it with clean water, wipe it dry and continue cleaning.
  • Method Fourth "Children's Shampoo". Pour in bucket strongly hot water, Add a couple of tablespoons of a children's shampoo, stir. Spend cleaning classic type. At the end, you carefully wipe the floor dry.

Note! The composition of household chemicals should not contain sodium hypochloride. You can use such a composition once. But the frequent washing of laminate will lead to loss of shine and change color.

Features of the restoration of laminate

Laminate flooring is not only dry and wet cleaning, but also emergency help Coating in the event of scratches, chips, swelling. The mansion is stained from juices, wines and drawings with markers. The floor from the laminate is a comfortable easel for children, so multi-colored stripes, and even whole pictures, especially if a small artist lives in the house, can appear regularly.

How to close scratches on laminate

Scratches appear as the result of improper operation of the floor covering - from children's toys (machines), movement of furniture, under the legs of which lined lips are not substituted. It is impossible to leave such defects on the floor without attention. The sand grads will gradually increase their scratch, and the dust and possible dirt is stuck, as a result will have to change the entire lamel, and this is already a small repair.

To remove a small defect, use the wax pencil (select on the floor of the floor):

  1. Clean the scratch, remove all the dust from the floor with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Spend your scratch pencil. Repeat the action until the flaw will disappear.
  3. Polish with a dry cloth.
If the defect is deep, the pencil does not help, use or mastic, or pasta:
  • Apply a plastic glass mastic (comes in a set), remove from the surface of the surplus, polish the soft cloth. You can walk around this place immediately.
  • Paste fat than mastic. Apply it with a plastic spatula on a cleaned scratch, scatter, wipe with a damp sponge, and then with a dry soft cloth. Cover the place with something. You can walk on it in a couple of hours.
Pick a pencil the desired color not difficult. You can find a shade for sale for any laminate. Mastics and pastes are more difficult, they are released in a limited color palette. To get the desired shade, you will have to experiment: take a few colors and mix in different proportions until you get the right one.

How to remove chips on the laminate

Appear as a result of falling on the floor of a heavy item. Most often there are in the kitchen. Care for such a floor lies in early repair, as the place of the chip is most susceptible to penetration of moisture, dust, garbage.

Clean the defect. Melts with a burner special putty. Apply it to the defect and immediately remove the surplus that have fallen on the surface of the laminate next to the scolf. Give it to frozen, polish and polish.

Care for such a floor in the same way as before: Daily dry cleaning, 2 times a week wet, 1 time per year. Applying specials. Means (mastic).

Elimination of laminate swelling

It occurs if water was shed on the floor and immediately did not remove it. The wet lamel is increasing in size, the edges are exhausted and wrapped. If much time has passed since the fall of water, the situation can be corrected only by the replacement of the floorboard.

If the slave spent a hour and a half under water, try to save it:

  1. Disassemble the floor a little on the place of "accidents".
  2. Swollen flooring put on smooth surface (on paper) and leave to dry.
  3. Paul do not collect, arrange a good draft, which removes moisture from the space under the laminate.
  4. Re-assemble the floor, and put the injured lamels away from the source of the possible ingress of moisture.
Caring for the floor after the accident is standard, but be sure to treat all the joints between the lamellas of the sealant. It is very good if the locks are missed during the collection of flooring.

Removal of drawings from laminate

The method of removal of stains from markers depends on what basis their ink is made. There are several options to get rid of them:
  • Take the eraser, better "Kokhinorovsky", and erase the drawing. If the idea succeeds, complete the work, mixing the mob in alcohol or vodka, and after wipe the floor by any suitable detergent and wipe dry. The method is effective for alcohol-based markers.
  • Take a cloth from the microfiber and try to erase the drawing. After wipe the place is wet, and then a dry cloth.
  • Oyssay on the spot toothpaste. Take the microfiber and erase the marker. If you worked, repeat on the remaining patterns. Then wipe the floor with a wet and dry cloth. Do not use whitening toothpaste and gel!
  • Water your cotton disk in lacquer removal, acetone or white spirit. Try on a small piece of laminate. If the feltster retired, and the surface of the floor remained the same, carefully remove the remaining traces of the child's creativity.
  • Felt felt bulbs water based Easily washed off with clean water. Do not forget to wipe the floor dry after cleaning.

How to remove stains from laminate

In addition to the patterns of floters, blood can fall on a random cut, resin from the tree, alcohol during the holiday, stripes from street shoes, if someone from households decided to run around the house, not undressing.

It is not difficult to cope with such spots:

  1. Drinking blood is removed by any means for washing windows.
  2. You need to freeze the resin from the tree (put the ice from the freezer from above), then the plastic scraper can be carefully separated from the floor. Place rinse with a tool for windows.
  3. A colored alcoholic beverage is removed with water with a detergent (one of the mroves is suitable - proper or muscle). If you did not affect, moisten in denature and try on a small piece of laminate, and then appreciate what happened. If the floor surface has not suffered, remove everything stain. After that, wipe the floor wet, and then a dry cloth.
  4. The strips from the rubber sole of street shoes are removed by the usual eraser - just erase them from the floor, and then rinse it. And do not forget to wipe dry!

Laminate care rules

There are several varieties of this floor covering: the usual, intended for installation in rooms with normal humidity, and moisture-resistant, which is a stealth where the likelihood is chance to accidentally shed water (in the kitchen).

Moisture-resistant laminate is allowed to lay in the bathroom, but the shower will have to be used carefully. Several drops of moisture will not cover harm, but regular water spilling will spoil even the most expensive laminate. For bathroom the best way - waterproof option made of plastic.

Laminate care rules regulate the procedure as a result of which Paul for a long time It will remain beautiful. They must be carried out constantly:

  • Pay attention to the input zone. It is always going to dust, sand, soil particles. So that they do not apply around the room, put a dustwilling rug at the entrance. Each time they came from the street, spend the wet cleaning of this zone, and shake the rug. Clean entrance - 50% of your laminate care work!
  • Remove all sharp objects. At home laminate, it is impossible to walk in the shoes on the studs and moving the furniture (on commercial you can). To avoid scratches and dents, walk around the house in domestic slippers, and furniture legs "Studge" to felt shoes or stick to them special linings that are sold in any construction store.
  • Replace conventional rollers on rubber. Some furniture (for example, chairs for computer work) is equipped with wheels, but they are in 90% of plastic cases. If we ride on them by laminate, the bands will be inevitably, to get rid of which is difficult. Replace the rollers with rubber and ride on health!
  • Exclude or minimize water from entering the floor. Moisture-resistant laminate with qualitatively enhanced joints between the lamelters may be painlessly exposed to moisture. Further, the water will still find a tiny cloth and starts to seep inside.
  • Care for laminate in the kitchen is reduced to the restriction of moisture: provide all flower pots Deep sauces, on the floor near the sink bed rug. If water hit him, remove it on drying and bed dry.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush-nozzle.
  • Make wet cleaning well pressed rag no more than 2 times a week. Frequently change the water during cleaning, so that there are no divorces on the floor. Be sure to wipe the surface dry with soft rags or a piece of microfiber.
  • Use only special laminate care products.
  • Once a year, handle the floor with a special mastic.

What can not be done when leaving for laminate

Laminated surfaces are quite capricious in care, despite the fact that immediately after laying and for time while protective covering A whole, quite regularly vacuuming the floor and wipe a slightly damp rag several times a week.

The following actions cannot be performed if it is planned to save the coating in the original form as long as possible:

  1. Use tools containing pitch and acid, and powders having abrasive particles.
  2. Apply sharp objects for cleaning.
  3. Pour on the floor water during cleaning.
  4. Hold a lot of pets. If you like cats and dogs, put a more democratic coating, such as linoleum or a higher class laminate.
  5. Use to process the surface for parquet, containing wax and oil. They do not penetrate the inside of the lamellas, creating a film on the surface, to which dust and trash particles adheres well.
  6. Use glitter tools containing glycerin. Finding into the joints, they swell the edges of the slats.
How to care for laminate - Look at the video:

Caring for laminate at home is quite simple. It is much more important and more difficult to properly exploit this coverage. Take a home to undress at the entrance, and then go barefoot or in soft slippers, do not spill water on the floor and do not paint the waters! Then cleaning will consist of a daily "walk" with a vacuum cleaner and disposable weekly "race" with a damp cloth.

Modern flooring material created on the basis of wood fiber plates, high density density. IN literal translation From Latin, "laminated" means layered. Appeared at the end

Calculator calculating number

Length of the room, m.
The width of the room, m.
Sq.m. packaged
Method of laying Direct from the corner
It is necessary packaging

The last century, the laminate very quickly won the leadership positions among the outdoor coatings existing at the time and confidently keeps them in our time.

This situation is explained by the constant updating of types and types of laminated floors, improving and introducing new production technologies, as well as rapid and simple installation laminated panels, their reliability and unpretentiousness in the post of operational services. And although we just said that, care for laminate at home, it is not a lot of work or financial costs, but at the same time, a number of rules should be followed.

Devices laminate panel

In order to understand how to better understand how to properly care for the floor of the laminate at home, we will understand how it is arranged.

Based on the name, each individual lamella (panel, board) of the laminate, consists of several layers, more specifically, four.

The bottom, contacting directly with the floor, stabilizing the layer. It enhances the rigidity of the board, thereby protecting and preventing its deformation.

Carrier, main layer of laminate panel. Made of highly dense wood fiber plates and processed various water repulsive impregnations. It is in this layer, due to its thickness, there is a lock connection of laminated panels for fastening to one sexual coating. In addition, the base layer performs noise and heat isolation functions.

Decorating panel layer. Dense paper with a pattern applied to it that imitating the surface of any natural material, geometric pattern, and the like.

Top, protective layer of the surface of the panel. It is he who is most susceptible to external influences, as a result of not careful handling of the sexes and when cleaning them. This layer of the lamella is made of resins acrylic or melamine and prevents scratches and shocks, decorative. According to the strength and thickness of its application, the protective coating is in turn divided into four classes of wear resistance:

  • Grade 31 - for use in home (household) premises:
  • 32 - more high level Protection is used for home or public premises with a small patency:
  • 33 class of strength - house, commercial use;
  • 34 and higher - industrial and sports purposes.

It should be noted that the concept of classification is relative enough. And the laminate of coatings of various manufacturers (Asia, Europe, America), with the same designated level of protection (32, 33 class) operational terms and strength, real possibilities, can differ significantly.

Disadvantages of flooring - laminate

There are few minuses of this type of floor coatings, but they are. And they must be considered when making a choice. In many parameters, laminate flaws coincide with the parquet. When choosing a panel laminate or parquet coating, pay attention to their quality of manufacture.

Both materials are sensitive to the long exposure to them moisture and chemical reagents that are in the composition of detergents designed to care for laminate and parquet at home. The quality of the preparation of the main surface is intended for laying parquet or laminated floor, is in the future reflected in its state. And it can cause the formation of bloats and cracks.

At its cost, individual types of laminated panels are comparable to expensive parquet varieties, which once again reminds of the need to comply with the rules for their departure.

Basic laminate care rules at home

Laminated sexual coating does not require any special approach. Caring for laminate in the apartment is produced by a conventional broom, a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth for washing and removing dust. Cleaning is carried out every 3 - 4 days or more often, if necessary. That is, according to well-known rules. But what to do is extremely not desirable, we will list separately.

  • Care behind the laminate floor implies:
  • The absence of polishing and wax compositions.
  • Education on the surface of the floor puddling water (even short-term).
  • Cleaning slightly damp cloth moistened in warm water.

The complete inability to use in the cleaning of hard, scratching items and brushes, abrasive detergents.

Tools and detergents for laminate care

To the tools used by cleaning the surface of the floor from laminated panels include:

  • Broom with synthetic, soft pile or ordinary broom.
  • Vacuum cleaner with a soft brush - a nozzle, washing vacuum cleaner.
  • Mop with sponge. Or a rag of natural fabric.

The choice of such floors used for washing, the means are very extensive. These are numerous compositions industrial production Related to household chemicals created specifically to maintain laminated surfaces that can be purchased at any economic store. So the healthy household means, with the help of which it is possible to ensure the level of cleaning is not inferior in its result, stores.

As an example, a solution of white, 9 percentage, distilled vinegar can be brought, at the rate of 50 grams on the warm water bucket. Also well proved soap solutions based on economic Soap, shampoos and boom washing gels. The only condition when using such detergents, is a thorough waters of clean water, and then a dry cloth. In this case, you will be guaranteed to get rid of the appearance on the floor, color divorces.

Means for combating mechanical damage and small repair

As protective equipment For laminate care, intermediate lining from rigid materials is stacked under the feet of furniture. Waste and traces left shoes are removed by an ordinary, school eraser or a cloth from flannel, slightly moistened with vegetable oil. Small scratches depth - disguised as a pencil from the wax of the desired color.

Deep mechanical damage can be filled with a special putty for laminate or acrylic paste. After drying it (up to day), to carefully polish and with some mismatch of shades, use the desired wax pencil. Polyrols manufactured for laminate care surfaces chemical industryIt should be applied, no more often than two times a year.

The practical application of the rules for the care of laminate floor, you can see in detail on the video clip attached to the article.

Carrying out laminate needs to be remembered that this material is "picky" and not all means for it are suitable. There is a certain list of rules, thanks to which you can maintain the purity of the coating, not spoiling it.

Laminate care after laying

So that the coverage for a long time pleased with his beauty, it is important to care for him correctly. For this purpose, consider these features:

  1. Be sure to place the dusting mat before entering the dust, sand and other contaminants. It has been proven that a net entrance reduces care work by 50%.
  2. Dry cleaning, using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush-nozzle.
  3. Care for laminate at home includes the treatment of sex with special mastic, and it follows this procedure once a year.
  4. During the movement of furniture, the coating should be protected from what to wrap the wooden legs and wheels with soft and dense material.
  5. When dropping sharp items on the laminate, chipsets are formed, they need to be masked as quickly as possible using special pastes. You can choose a means under the tone of the laminate.
  6. Laminat care implies urgent removal of moisture from the surface so that the material does not swear and not deformed.

Special attention deserves, which is very beautiful, but at the same time strongly susceptible to pollution. On such a material seen traces from bare feet, water, dirt and so on, so this surface will have to carefully care for a matte coating. To give the laminate beautiful shine, you need to apply acetic solution and wipe the dry floor thoroughly.

How to wash the laminate?

there is simple instructionwhich will help to properly carry out wet cleaning:

  1. First, with the help of a broom or a vacuum cleaner, collect a large garbage, for example, sand, earth and so on.
  2. In the water, divert deterioration, but just do it not "on the eye", but only according to the rules described on the packaging.
  3. The next stage in the instructions regarding how to wash the floors from the laminate, implies wetting a rag or a special mop in a prepared soap solution or ordinary water.
  4. Pretchly press the rag so that it remains wet, but at the same time the water did not flow. Clear coating should be wrapped, performing spiral movements, moving from windows to the door so that then do not step on the already washed floor.
  5. If the floor remains wet, it is recommended to wipe it with a dry cloth.
  6. Laminate care, which is not very dirty, implies the processing of conventional water, which should be dialing into the sprayer. After that, wipe the floor with a napkin from microfiber.

there is certain rulesconcerning the removal of stains of varying nature. The most common types of pollution:

What cloth is better to wash the laminate?

For care, rags made of cotton, polyamide, acrylic and viscose can be used. Talking how to care for laminate in the apartment, it is worth indicating that the best for washing such a floor - modern material . He has super-thin fibers that absorb moisture well and dirt. Rapors from microfiber have such advantages:

  • good hygroscopic properties;
  • long retains its color;
  • does not leave Village.

At the same time they have and cons:

What mop is better to wash the laminate?

there is different types Mop, which can be used to care for laminate:

  1. Household butterfly velter.The design includes a handle, the length of which can be changed, and a movable platform with a nozzle. Due to the fact that the platform turns 180 °, it is possible to wipe secluded corners in the room.
  2. Universal mop.The design has two nozzles: with one - a rubber scraper, and on the other - a rigid sponge. For laminate, you can purchase special nozzles.
  3. Mop for professionals. Such options are used to clean large areas. The design has a telescopic handle and a platform that moves 360 °.

Continuing to find out how to care for laminate at home, pay attention to the basic rules relating to the selection of mops for laminate:

  1. For dry care and for rubbing the surface with special wax, use a brush for a laminate or mop, which has a long woolen pile. This inventory is well suited to collect dust and small garbage.
  2. Mop with a long pile, which performs around the edges, can collect a lot of garbage.
  3. Care for laminate, which is strongly polluted, implies the use of nozzles with short loops. They greatly collect trash.

Is it possible to wash the laminate of steam mop?

An excellent device that conducts cleaning and disinfection is, but it is important to figure out, you can use such a device on a laminate or not. Note that steam mop and steam cleaner act equally. It is important to take into account that the purification of the ferry cannot be used to clean the wood coating with a lock compound, since the laminate deformation occurs when the pair enter the crack. It is better not to experiment so that you do not completely change the floor.

If you are interested in how to wash the laminate so that there is no divorce, it should be replaced that the steam mop is suitable for the skled laminate from which it will remove dust and remove bacteria and microbes. Cleaning will take place without applying additional detergents, while there will be no divorce and traces. It is important that the average file feed and additionally low part Steam cleaner or mops are recommended to put a napkin from the microfiber.

Washing robot vacuum cleaner for laminate

Such equipment is positioned, as a device to fulfill two cases at once: remove garbage and carry out wet cleaning. If you look for a way to wash laminate without divorces, you should know that the washing vacuum cleaner is the more robot, often leaves behind an extra moisture on the surface. To avoid this, it is important to choose a high-quality cleaning vacuum cleaner with high power and several nozzles, or you have to use the technique first, and then wipe the floor with a rag.

What is better to wash the laminate?

  1. Laminate care in the apartment can be carried out with the use of shampoo for children, in which the soft components eat and they are safe for laminated coating. There are enough 4 tbsp. Spoons of shampoo.
  2. To polish the laminated surface, mix 1 tbsp. Lemon juice, 3 tbsp. Warm water and 2 tbsp. vinegar. Stir, adding a few drops of detergent for dishes.

Is it possible to wash with water laminate?

This material is afraid of increased moisture, so it cannot be poured with water, otherwise you will have to replace the coating. Describing how to wash the laminate at home, it should be indicated that for cleaning you need simply twice a week wash the surface well pressed with a damp cloth. Can be used clean water room temperatureBut not hot.

Is it possible to wash a laminate white?

Not all means are suitable for the care of such materials as laminate, and it can be attributed to both whiteness, since this chemical leads to destruction acrylic coating. In addition, it is worth considering that whiteness can cause an occurrence allergic reaction. Such negative consequences Do not have disinfection for which the whiteness is used. Finding out how you can wash the laminate and correctly care for it, we note that it is impossible to apply the "Domestos" for disinfection.

Is it possible to wash the laminate by vinegar?

In order not to spend money on the purchase of special funds, you can clean up using vinegar. It is especially good if there is frozen dirt and you need to give gloss coating. Do not worry about nasty smellbecause it will disappear after drying the floor. To care for laminate, use the following scheme:

  1. Prepare a solution by adding 1/4 tbsp into a liter of water. White vinegar. If you wish, you can still pour 3 tbsp. Spoons of detergent for dishes. Pour the means for washing laminate without divorce into the sprayer and shake thoroughly.
  2. Spray the solution to the floor and immediately go to cleaning. No need to leave it for a long time on the surface, as this may cause the defense of the protective layer.
  3. After cleaning, the vinegar is recommended to wipe all with a damp cloth. Then it is recommended to dry all the dry mop or cloth.

Laminate washing

With regular cleaning, it is possible to use only water, wiping the surface first wet, and then a dry cloth. A special means for laminate need to be added when there are complex pollution or when you want to conduct a floor polishing. It is worth noting that gels and washing fluids are not only cleaning, but also disinfect the surface, and they also create a protective film and make places of compounds with hermetic. Brendings are popular among the hosts: Emsal, Hg, Unicum, Starwax, Denkmit and others. They are bred in water, so, more often on 5 liters of water, 3-4 cap takes.

What means is it forbidden to use when harvesting laminate?

One of the shortcomings of the laminated surface is its capriciousness in care, so it is important to know what cannot be used for such a coating. Acute items that can leave after themselves scratch are prohibited. It is impossible to pour a large amount of water during cleaning, because the coating may swell because of it.

  1. The means for washing the floor from laminate and care for it should not contain abrasive substances, alkali and acid.
  2. The composition should not include wax and oil, because they will create a film from above to which dust and garbage will stick.
  3. Can not use chemical compounds For brilliance, which contain glycerin, because after it falls into the joints, the edge of the laminate will be frozen.

How often can you wash the laminate?

If laminate was selected for the finish, then get ready for the fact that it would have to take care of it regularly. Use such tips to care for laminate:

  1. It is recommended to vacuine or sweep the surface almost every day, so that there are no solid particles on the floor, which can scratch the laminate.
  2. As for wet cleaning, it is better to spend it once a week according to the rules that are described above.
  3. To impart brilliance, you should add household chemicals to the water or replace it with a small amount of vinegar.