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Pour water, tea, milk, wine, butter or coffee - signs. What to pour water: Signs

Our grandfathers and great-grandfather such a product, as milk, saved from hunger into heavy years for the country. After that, there were signs that foreshadow little good to those who walitate milk. There are positive signs. It is necessary to figure out what the spilled liquid promulites us.

Signs with spilled dairy product

1. Experienced hostesses believe that if, when filping, shed milk - it is worth waiting for trouble. They will be small if little liquid sheds.

2. Spilled milk on the table - it means that people will appear in your house, whose intentions will be completely unkind. Rehend to such guests carefully.

3. One of the members of your family will have a long and difficult journey, in which it will wait for danger - promises a sign with a spilled milk on Earth. But you do not need to worry, your relative will return home healthy and unharmed, overcoming all obstacles.

4. Farmers believe that through a spilled milk during the boobs cannot be opened. This may cause the brown behavior of the cow in the next milking: it will begin to fall, step from place to place.

5. In domestic situations, spilled milk in the refrigerator warns you from the flood. Perhaps he will not be strong - for example, you will break the crane.

If these warnings frightened you, and you themselves are extremely superstitious person, it is recommended to float the spilled milk, and then clean this place. So you will get to deceive the fate, unfortunately from myself and your loved ones.

Spilled milk can promise and good:

  • Tenderness and beauty will be filled with the skin of the girl if milk fell to her face or hands.
  • Wait for a big financial addition, if noted that the spilled white liquid began to bubble.
  • Oversized the Cride with milk on the threshold of your home in the warm May day - do not be mistaken. It is believed that in this way you "pricked" luck, from now on it will not leave you.
  • Good luck and well-being promises milk spilled on her clothes.
  • Do not rush to wipe the milk puddle - let the delicious drink enjoy the house, for this he will not forget to thank the generous hostess.

Signs with other liquids

  • Pour water on the table - such a sign promises rain.
  • Spilled water before leaving the house - the sign is very good. The conceived will come true, and your plans are implemented.
  • If a person pronounced toast sheds wine - it is to wealth and well-being.
  • Skeptics argue that pouring wine - the sign is bad. For those who experience for their future, it is recommended to first touch the wines with the finger, and then anoint over the ear. It is believed that so you will be able to inform the fate and move away from ourselves everything is bad.
  • If you thought when tea poured, and the contents of the mug was thrown through the edges - superstitious people will say that in the future you will not need finance!
  • Single hearts will soon meet their "second half," if during the festival on their clothes they got a spray of champagne.
  • A broken glass with champagne on promute newlyweds strong and happy marriage.
  • Spilled beer at a party promises the arrival of new guests.
  • Pouring through the edges of the glass beer is promoting an unexpected financial assistance. It can be a lottery gain, a salary boost or a large premium.
  • Profit promute and coffee sprayed on your clothes.
  • Meaning Signs about the shedding of tea for lonely girls promises a rapid marriage.

Do not blindly believe in signs, you should always rely only on yourself and on your actions. There are a number of accepts, which are warned by something, here are some of them:

1. The unkind events promise us a sign with spilled oil. Troubles are possible in different spheres of life. To avoid them, try to reduce quarrels with loved ones and relatives.

2. There is an old sign: if the girl carried the water and spilled her part - the husband will be drunk.

3. Purified water on the floor - unforeseen expenses are possible, which for a long time choose you from the usual financial gauge.

4. Snacks with spilled holy water warns that you need to pay more attention to your health. Perhaps you will seriously get sick. So that this does not happen, go to church, pray and put a candle for health yourself and your loved ones.

5. Spilled sour cream - harbing trouble. There is a chance that in a situation that will happen to you will have to go on significant concessions, otherwise you risk losing everything that has been sought for a long time.

6. Honey is considered one of the most precious human health products. Therefore, pour honey - not from pleasant. There are failures in many cases for which the culprit will take.

7. You are waiting for disappointment if you pour coffee on the table.

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Water is the source of life on our planet. This is a powerful element capable of making the benefit of all living things and cause irreparable misfortunes and destruction. It rotates the turbine of power plants, watering the plantings of cultivated plants, supplies people drinking and food. She destroys our cities and villages, overpowing them during the salon or saturate tsunami.

Such a dual nature of water and our dependence on it has caused a special relationship to river, rain or spring moisture. Without her in all centuries, religious rites and fortune telling, love spells and conspiracies were impossible. She served as the main hero of the popular epic, the source of inspiration for poets and writers.

  • A special attitude in the people was formed to holy water. It is used to treat diseases, removal of the evil eye and damage, cleaning the premises from negative energy. If you throw it out to the street after midnight, the person is waiting for big trouble in his personal life.
  • When a kid appears in the family, his first bathing becomes a real event. So that it does not overshadow the subsequent destiny of the Karapuz, try not to blame the used water. Signs says that with such water breaks down happiness. It should be left for a day, and only then throw out.
  • Healing key water also requires careful circulation, especially since many sources are considered sacred. Therefore, to pour such moisture is to numerous diseases and troubles.
  • Especially gently should handle the water of a woman. Disadvantaged beauties risk getting into her husband drunk, if you wet clothes during washness. Ladies already married, pushing their spouse to the curve of alcohol abuse, if they accidentally spill water from a bucket or basin.
  • But not always the wet puddle is a gloomy sign. Water spilled on the table, foreshadows the rapid rain, which is quite good during dry summer. A small lake on the threshold before going out of the house promises a great journey with a lot of positive impressions.
  • All that is associated with water occupies a significant part of our life. Therefore, it is not surprising that we often see it in a dream. As a rule, the appearance of overwhelmed mugs in our dreams is foreshadows in vain efforts and empty hopes. Often blown in a dream Water warns that you are talking too much and do little. Especially bad if dampness damages furniture or carpets, which promises great trouble.
  • If you spill boiling water, then this annoying event besides painful sensations and long treatment, it also foreshadows financial losses, which is quite explained if we take into account the cost of drugs from burns.

Unfortunately, with daily use of water, we omit such a moment as its magical power. Otherwise, our ancestors were told to the water, which were told legends, sang songs and told fairy tales about this amazing component of the surrounding world.

In those distant times, the water was called "Mother", "Queen", "Red Maiden". It was believed that she would take away and give vital energy. All natural reservoirs were worship objects.

Live water, dead water, holy water

Water, current to meet the sun, helps with gastritis! Our ancestors knew that water was able to heal and negatively influence people. This was the reason for the origin of the belief of living water, resurrecting people. Water, which flows from the West to the East (towards the rising sun), is alive. If she is regularly washed, she will prolong life. Unfortunately, rivers usually carry their waters from the south to the north. However, if the river flows and not in a strictly eastern direction, in its path it will certainly be bent many times and turn to the right side - to the sun. Here and you should recruit water with a lifeful force. The water of the river flowing from the east to the west is the dead.
But not only in the water current rivers are considered magic. The usual fluid, consecrated in the church, is used in the rehabilitation of the soul and body. It can be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, wash it, make sick places, sprinkle the premises. It is also useful for preserving youth, beauty and health to wash the water, in which some time had a consecrated Easter egg.
Water, infused on gold or silver, is also considered healing. It tones and strengthens the body, struggling with inflammatory processes, respiratory diseases, infections, pathologies.
Magic is considered to be faded water taken from the well at dawn. Healing properties acquire water in sources after the first thunder, and the most peak of them falls on June.
Take water about your problems, and she will take them. Current water is capable of delivering from disorders not only physical, but also an emotional nature. Just just tell her about his alarms. However, in no case, do not tell the river about your happiness - it will take it. Therefore, our ancestors never sang over the river. It is from this sign "Born" another, modern, prohibiting singing in the shower.
Water cleans and protects against negative. So take a shower or bath whenever you feel fatigue, depression or nervousness. If you quarreled with your loved one, you will come together to the water, the water will take all the bad things that fell between you. If you dreamed a bad or scary sleep, hold your hands under running water, remembering his details. The flow will take the vision and protects you from its negative influence. Share water with others, and you will never know grief.
People have long believed that it is impossible to refuse the neighbor in help, especially when they are tormented by thirst. Especially good will be considered to let the tramp or a beggar. This cleans sins. Only the desire to help should be sincere.
According to another old belief, water can not be given to someone at night, until the first roosters have not sang. Otherwise, a person risks spreading with family well-being and prosper.
It is also impossible to transfer a glass with water through the threshold, as it leads poverty. The threshold was always considered a mystical place in the house, border between the world of the living and the world of the dead - nothing can be transmitted at all.
Consider, if a person conceived something bad against you, then through a glass with water, he can pick you up well-being and good luck. Do not give water to unauthorized people from dishes, which you or your relatives use. And never take money for water, as this is a sin.
With water, it is impossible to scream, shout and speak bad words, as this is the cause of the loss of their useful properties. In addition, this water can not be washed, it will become unsuitable for drinking, cooking, colors. Water is sensitive not so much to the words themselves, how many to the intonations that people in them are investing, and to the emotions that they show.
At the beginning of this century, Japanese scientists have found that water has a memory, and therefore it saves and transmits data. Later it became known that water does not just remember information, but also understands it. So say with water only affectionate and kind words. Who in the water will hide his crimes expects punishment. Water can not be discharged in bad words nor bad actions.
The phrase "ends in water", meaning that in the reservoir you can easily hide the traces of the crime, does not reflect the most important thing. A man who tried to wash off his bad acts with water will be punished and will surely get sick. Water element does not tolerate the disrespectful relationship. Therefore, each person should be as accurate as possible and careful in handling water.

Pour water sign

Of course, not feeling in it shortages, many of us do not consider it necessary to relate to it as something very valuable. Meanwhile, this is almost the most valuable thing that we have. And according to the UN, approximately 1.1 billion people (near the sixth part of the world's population) do not have access to clean safe water.
Pour water in many countries is considered a very bad sign. However, if you shed a few drops of water to the table, do not be discouraged - it foreshadows only rainy weather. But shed some water to the floor - to the rampant act. If the water breaks out a married woman, then it promises her conflict with his spouse.
If the unmarried girl sheds the water scored in the holy source or consecrated in the church, then it will walk in girls for a long time.
Spilled water is not always bad: if it happened in front of the output from the house, then it is for good luck. In some regions, there was a tradition specifically water the land at the threshold before being sent to the road so that the road was light, and the traveler returned safely home. He may not return, if a day, in which he went on the road to wash the floor.
Pour the water for yourself by chance also good sign. True, this does not apply to young girls.
Pour boiling water - the next bad sign, which is not only pain from burns, but also deterioration of the material situation.
It should be avoided by spilling water under the first water procedure of the newborn. This water is not recommended to pour it out after the baby is repaid. This can be done only the next day before sunset. Otherwise, your baby in the future will be unhappy.
Do not spit into the water, do not climb the reservoirs, it sullizes diseases. In the house, water should always stand on the elevation regardless of the type of vessel.

Other Signals about Water

See a person with buckets filled with water - to great luck.
The transfusion of water from one container to another is the likely cause of the need for altering something.
If a woman wants to get pregnant faster, then she should drink water from a pregnant cup.
Purchase water in your home - to guests.
In the bedroom should not be kept with boiled water, as this can cause a disorder in family life.
To dream of dirty water in a dream - to the disease, quiet and clean - fortunately. It is impossible to go until sunrise - you can lose vitality.
According to the behavior of animals in water or the water has long been predicted by the weather. So, it was believed that if the fish frolic in water, there will be a good weather, and if the ducks are tank in the water - you can wait for rain. Rainy weather was also thrown by swans, wash in water. Rainy day predicted and swallows, low-flying over the water.
These are the signs and superstitions regarding water reached our days. Most of them are about something caution and prohibits something, but there is nothing surprising. After all, water is the oldest and strongest element, which is the cradle of life in the universe.

Blood something - generally unpleasant, and if at that moment you are dressed in expensive elegant clothes, if you have almost gathered to leave the house, or are you visiting, on corporate, is many times worse.

However, to drench shedding water, tea, milk, oil, wine or coffee - This is not just an incident. This is a situation for which there are many vickhaving different values \u200b\u200band interpretation.

Snacks drank water

Water is not scary at all, if it, of course, is not ice and not boiling, and besides, it is a good sign. So in some countries with water even spend special rites.

For example, in India, before an important event, pour water on yourself and in front of you. It is believed that only then luck will be accompanied.

Inadvertently implanted Warm or slightly hot water, such that does not cause painful sensations, is also good. This means that there is a pleasant surprise ahead and unexpected luck. Perhaps a major win in a lottery or a valuable gift from an expensive person.

In Russia, it was believed to the water, and there is one long-standing folk sign, which reads how much water is shed, so much hot. It went with the time when the water was worn out of the well, so that the sign wears and practical meaning.

Wire boiling water - Not only hurts, but also considered the harbinger of misfortunes. Most likely, this is the prediction of unexpected financial losses and conflicts.

Wire milk, tea, wine, butter, coffee - why on the signs

Shedding milk, standing on the threshold at home or lying in bed, - a good sign. This is to luck for a long period of time. But in other situations it is to losses and disorders.

Wire tea - sign To news or unexpected guests. If the tea was modeled hot and very sweet, - guests will be pleasant and joyful. But almost a boiling or cooled drink, especially without sugar, foreshadows trouble, albeit small.

If there is a stain from the spilled tea on his clothes, this sign says about the problems that will appear in the near future and become a serious obstacle to the way to achieve the goal.

Wine can also be vested. If the wine is red- This is a sign of coming health problems and, especially with a cardiovascular system.

White wine spilled on clothes or body, suggests that the envious envious appeared nearby, from which you can wait for any packages.

Blood oil - Bad sign. Initially, it is practical. Previously, the oil was a rather expensive product, and the stains after it are very difficult, and most often, it is generally impossible.

If boiling oil, then the burn will remain, which is more difficult to cure than the remaining water, and the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body hurts much stronger.

But spots that appeared on clothes, if there is coffee, I must rejoice. It is always good signthat foreshadows changes in life for the better.

Only this is if the drink was not hot, and the pain event did not cause. If you drank hot coffee, this, according to the signs, promises negative changes, empty troubles and bustle.

Water is the basis of life. People, beasts, birds, trees and flowers need daily water. Therefore, a person from ancient times walked her. He made myths and legends, sang songs, told fairy tales about this amazing component of wildlife. It is believed that the mysterious liquid has a memory and perceives human speech. As a result of all this, the signs of water carry a special meaning, and they are not recommended to ignore them.

Water current to the meeting of the Sun heals from all diseases. There are such concepts as live and dead water. That's just many do not know where to take. But the ancient evils perfectly understood in this matter. If the river or stream flows from the west to the east, then it became, it is live water.

If such a liquid is regularly washed, then you can get rid of all diseases, acquire excellent health and live to deep old age. However, if you look at the card, it can be seen that the rivers basically flow from the south to the north. But this is their general direction, and on its way, any water flow constantly turns turns and bends, forms radiation, and sometimes even begins to move in the opposite direction. It all depends on the terrain.

Therefore, you need to choose those parts of the water that seek to meet the sun. It is on these sections of the path of the river or a stream acquires lifeless power. When the current is directed in the opposite direction, the water becomes dead. She runs away from the Sun, which is a source of life. And those who are so wash with such a liquid begin to suffer from diseases and twigs.

Water carries out cherished desires. To do this, you need to lower your head into the liquid and pronounce our desire aloud. In this case, it will be fulfilled.

Water restores the body's energy. An excellent way to restore the energy is shower. He washes off the whole negative from the body, gives him a cheerfulness and freshness.

Water soothes and heals spiritual wounds. If you are bad and hard, go to the river. Stand on the shore and look at the water. Luxurious majestic waters will be favorable on your psyche. You physically feel like a peace and peace creep into your soul.

Do not speak next to water. Something bad: all this will fall on your shoulders with heavy load.. The point is that any reservoir absorbs as a sponge, all its environmental information. If you swear near him or be angry, then water in this place will acquire negative energy. It cannot be washed, and even more so used for drinking or cooking. If such water is poured the plant, it will begin to wake. Therefore, near the reservoir you need to say good and warm words. In this case, the liquid will acquire healing force.

If you accidentally pour water, then wait for trouble or illness. This sign is quite dubious, but it is better to try not to spill the liquid. Beremn, as they say, God protects.

If you hide some kind of crime in water, then she will cruel. There is a phrase: "All the ends in the water." It implies that in the river, lake, the sea or swamp you can hide any crime. This is the greatest mistake. From people, maybe crime and can be hidden at a depth, but not from water. Liquid necessarily punish the criminal. He will receive a whole bouquet of serious diseases and will suffer until the end of life.

If you stretch the tramp or a bench with water, then all your sorrows and trouble will leave you. People can not be refused to help, especially if they ask to get drunk. Help the neighbor in such a smallness, and it will pay off a hundredfold.

If in the morning during the washout to ask for water help, then the day will be successful. If a person has an important meeting on this day, then the morning wash can be determining. The fluid flowing from under the tap will necessarily help if it is asked about the successful outcome of the event. Only at the same time you need to sincerely believe help and prevent any doubts.

Tell current water about your problems, and they will disappear from your life. In our world, everything flows and changes like a water stream that never stands in place. Therefore, he will take with him all your misfortunes and illnesses, if it, of course, ask for this. But here you need to be careful. If the water stream tell about your joys and successes, then he can pick them up with them. Will you still have a broken trough. So show prudence, restraint and never boast.

Signs about water are very important. They are associated with the mighty natural elements, from which life went to the land. This element is able to radically influence our life. In its power to change it both in the worse and the better.

Valery Krapivin