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A person with an injury abandoned is distinguished by a special physique and behavior. The injury abandoned. Mask addicted

The one who bears injured abandoned, constantly experiencing emotional hunger. The lack of physical nutrition can determine the same injury - it usually arises until breech. Trying to hide this injury from ourselves, the human being creates a dependent mask.

Out of five different types The injured dependent is most inclined to become a victim. Very high probability that one of his parents - and possibly both - were also victims. The victim is such a person who is always inclined to create a problem - primarily health problems - to attract attention. This meets the needs of the dependent, which constantly seems to be given too little attention. When he seems to be trying to achieve attention, he actually is looking for opportunities to feel important enough to get support. It seems to him that if he does not be able to attract the attention of such a person, he will not be able to count on it. This phenomenon is well noticeable from the dependent when they are still very young. The dependent child wants to be sure that if he does something wrong, then someone will definitely help him out of trouble.

Such a person is dramatized too much; The slightest incident takes her gigantic sizes. If, for example, the husband did not call his wife and did not say that he would come home late, she suggests the worst and does not understand why he did not call and forced her to suffer so much. Looking at a person who behaves like a victim, surprise sometimes, as he manages to create so many problems. But the dependent itself does not see the big trouble in these problems: they bring him the most valuable gift - The attention of other people. So he managed not to feel abandoned. After all, to be abandoned for him is incomparably more painful than to experience the problems created by him. This truly understand it can only the other dependent. The more obvious victim a person looks like, the harder of his injury, the injury abandoned.

I installed another pattern: the victim very often and willingly play the role of the Savior. For example, the dependent seeks to take on the duties of the Father in relation to its brothers and sisters or is looking for a case of saving someone he loves, from trouble. These are more subtle ways to attract attention. On the other hand, if the dependent makes a lot of services to another person, then it usually counts on compliments, wants to feel an important person. Such a desire often becomes the cause of the diseases of the back, as other people's duties are caught on it.

The dependences alternate the periods of the attacks and falls. For some time he feels happy, everything goes well, and then suddenly he becomes sad and unhappy. He even asks himself, why this happens, because changes happen without visible reasons. Well reading, he can detect his own fear and loneliness.

Support from other people is the form of assistance in which the dependent has the most acute need. Regardless of whether it is difficult or easy to make decisions yourself, he, as a rule, first refers to the other, asking their opinions or approval. He needs a sense of support in his decisions. Because of this it may seem that people of this type are difficult to decide on something defined, but in fact they doubt their decision only in cases where they do not feel support. Their expectations relative to the other depend on what these others can help them. In any case, real physical assistance is not so important for the dependent, as a sense of supporting his affairs and intentions from another person. When it is supported, he perceives it as help and love.

The dependent may seem lazy due to the fact that it does not like to show activity or to work alone physically; He needs someone presence, at least just for moral support. If he does something for others, then awaits response. If his expectations are justified and a pleasant relationship is, he tries to extend this condition. When a joint work ends, he says: "What a pity that it ended." The end of something pleasant he perceives as if he left him.

The dependent personality with the features of the victim, especially the woman, tend to ask many questions and is often distinguished by a child voice voice. It can be seen in those situations when she asks for help; She hardly takes refusal and usually insists at her request. The stronger it suffers, having received a refusal, the hardest is looking for funds to achieve their own, uses manipulation, capricious, blackmaatties, etc.

The dependent is often referred to the advice, since it is not confident in its ability to fulfill the task on its own, but it is rare to the received councils. In the end, he comes as he wanted himself, because, in fact, he needed not advice, but support. When he goes with other people, he misses them forward, as he prefers to be led. He believes that if he perfect his work well, no one else will do it, and then insulation will come, loneliness, and that he wants to avoid at any cost.

Loneliness and really scary dependent more than anything else. He is convinced that he could not cope with solitude. Therefore, clings for others and does everything to win their attention. He resortes to all sorts of tricks, if only he loved, if only they did not leave one. For this, he long and patiently transfers the most painful situations. His fear is expressed by such thoughts: "What will I do one? What happens to me? How should I be? " It is often torn internal conflictsSince, on the one hand, it requires a lot of attention, and on the other hand, it is afraid to demand it, as it can burden and annoy others, and then they will leave him. The dependent judge on how he withstands long suffering, and conclude that he loves these suffering. In fact, he does not accept them. Look at the woman who beats the husband or who lives with an alcoholic. Most likely, it is easier for her to carry this nightmare than to stay lonely. She lives with the hope, emotional, ghostly hope. She does not recognize her injury: if she admitted her, he would have forced to experience the suffering that this injury represents.

The dependent person has the most powerful ability to not see the problems in its partner. She prefers to believe that everything is in order, as it is afraid to be abandoned. If the partner announces that he leaves her, she suffers incredibly, because, not wanting to see the problems, did not expect it. If this is your case, if you see that you cling to, you go out of fear to stay alone, "give yourself support. Find a certain mental image, imagine something that supports you. Do not give up when the moments of despair are coming and it seems that no one can help you. Yes, sometimes it happens that it is not visible to the exit, but there is always a way out. If you are able to give yourself support, the light will appear and you will find the way out.

Sadness is the strongest of emotions that you have to experience dependent. He feels her in the most hidden depths of the soul, unable to understand or explain from which it is taken from. In order not to feel this sadness, he is looking for societies of other people. But it can go to another extreme - to retire, leave a person or the situation that the sadness is sorry and the feeling of loneliness. He does not realize that at the same time someone leaves someone. In crisis minutes, he can reach the thought of suicide. As a rule, he only talks about it, trying to scare others, but does not reach the matter, because, in essence, he is looking for only support, sympathy. If he comes to a suicide attempt, it is unsuccessful. But if after a few attempts, no one will sympathize with him and will not support him, he can really end with him.

The dependent is afraid of all chiefs and power people. People with an imperative voice or power manners see him cold and indifferent, and of him, insignificant, they seem to notice at all. For the same reason, he is very kind and friendly with others, sometimes even overly and forced. He hopes that due to such behavior and others will become friendly and attentive, and not cold and arrogant.

The dependent need the need for the presence and attention of others, but does not notice how often he refuses to others in what requires for himself. He loves, for example, to sit in a chair and read the book, but can't tolerate, when the spouse is also doing (spouse). He loves to go somewhere alone, to retire, but if the same man will make him close to him, he feels abandoned and unhappy. He thinks: "Of course, I am not so important person to take me with me." It is as painfully he experiences the situation when he is not invited to any meeting or meeting, where, for all reasons, they would have to invite; He is experiencing a deep despondency - he left him, he does not need anyone.

If you see an injury left, then I must remind you that this wound has activated your parent of the opposite sex and that every person of the opposite sex continues to be Bedgered. And quite natural and human reaction is your anger on the parent and other persons of the opposite sex. I repeat here what is written in many other my books:

While we continue to be angry with your parent (even unconsciously), until then, our relationship with people of the same sex as this parent will be difficult to develop.

Liz Burbo "Five Injury"

Tatyana Kulichich

Watch for young children or remember yourself in early childhood. Have you been tormented by complexes, did you think about what they look like something wrong? Was it necessary for happiness something else besides a bright sun and my mother's smile? Children do not know what problems with self-esteem or painful hatred in itself. We all come to this world in love with yourself, their loved ones and the universe. But due to psychological injuries, people can lose this condition. Therefore, in order to gain genuine love of yourself, as in childhood, you need to heal these wounds. Is it worth saying that love for yourself is the first and indispensable condition for a happy life in harmony with you and others. Without love, it is impossible to be happy in love, marriage, in a relationship. Be happy at all. Without working with the cause of the problem, neither trainings or meditation will not help. What are these injuries?

Types of psychological injuries and healing methods.

Modern psychologist Liz Burbo allocates 5 major injuries. Each of them has its cause and consequences for a person. Burbo describes even the type of physique characteristic of people with one or another injury. She gives advice, how can you cure these deep spiritual wounds, return love for yourself and high self-esteem.

The injury is rejected

Rejected children are those who were born after severe unplanned pregnancy, children are not the sex that parents planned. This injury also occurs as a result of too much expectations of the parents about the abilities of the future child. For example, it often happens that a child with musical abilities is born in the family of hereditary doctors. First, it is trying to change it with all their forces, and then reject due to the fact that he is not the one who needs them. The injury rejected most often is experienced due to the ratio of his parents. After all, girls see in mothers an interaction example, just like boys - a mentor in his father. When these people reject them, they feel that they are not entitled to existence.

A rejected person from early childhood feels that he does not need this world. He is passive, closed, tries to occupy how less spaceHow to communicate as little as possible. He avoids classmates at school, then colleagues at work. Everywhere tries to be inconspicuous. Such a person can often change the place of residence, work, a circle of communication, but everywhere feels not in its plate. The body of the rejected person seems composed of separate, not related among the parts. In their faces you can see a sharp asymmetry. They are folded very disproportionately. They often have excessive thinness, muscle letness and bone fragility. They often have problems with the skin, as if saying "Do not touch me!"

You can heal the injury to the rejected one through the awareness that if you were not needed to your parents, it does not mean that you do not need to whole world. Look for your place in life, your vocation is the key to healing. Surround yourself with people who respect and appreciate you, and learn how to accept these feelings with gratitude. Realize that you can love you just because you are. You do not need to play the role of someone else to win the lost right to life.

An injury abandoned

Unlike a rejected child, abandoned knows what he needs her parents, remembers what to be loved. But it gets too rarely or stopped getting sharply at a certain point. The injury abandoned is formed when parents spend too little time with the child, constantly busy at work, give the baby to upbringing grandmother (even at the time of vacation), etc. This trauma is most often happening with the parent of the opposite sex, because the emotions received in communicating with him are brighter. An abandoned injury may arise from the fact that the child under two years has lacking physical nutrition for any reason. Or, even if the parents paid a lot of attention to him, it turned out to be not the fact that he was eager. For example, excessive control, dictation of each step, etc., instead of emotional heat.

A man with an abandoned injury is experiencing a constant emotional hunger on love and affection. He is ready for everything to get at least a small portion of heat. To do this, such a person accustomed to adapt to others. They will be able to play any role to love them. Such people are prone to dependencies, especially love. In the partner, they are desperately looking for their parents who left their parents. They live a huge fear of parting. Sliding and breaks for them are like a catastrophe. Such a person may feel valuable only while is in a relationship.

At the dependent person, the problem with posture: he is constantly stuck, he has very weak shoulders and spine, and the stomach is druiting. Such people quickly get tired, they have lowered immunity, because of which they often suffer from colds. Their feature is a weak tone. And it feels in everything. By the way, they often suffer from bulimia - with the help of food they are trying to get their emotional hunger.

The key to healing this injury is to gain independence. A person with this injury must stop seeing the parents partner and the only meaning of life. Pay more attention to other areas of your life (friends, hobbies, work). It is especially important to learn how to maintain close relations with several people at the same time, not rolling dependent on one person. Learn to feel full, even when you are alone. Love it, spend more time alone with you.

It is also important to relieve this injury to stop angry with the parent (as a rule, the opposite sex), which caused this injury. Worry this problem. Most often, this parent also experienced this in his relationship with the parent of the opposite sex. Sorry him.

Injury humiliated

This injury develops in people who for one reason or another their own parents were ashamed: due to appearance, insufficient abilities, etc. This injury is associated with psychological or even physical regular humiliation. Having ridiculed his baby, uttering such phrases as "again you spoiled everything," you can not wait for another ", the parents are hard to hurt their baby. A child who received such an injury from his own parents is often an etched at school, which only aggravates the situation. The person who is humiliated, begins to subconsciously enjoy this and becomes a masochist. He begins to attract people to him who like to mock them. Constantly falls into ridiculous situations where it is ridicule.

A man with an injury of humiliated helpful practically before inappropriate. Often takes over the extra work, prone to blind self-sacrifice. He persistently demolides all insults to his address. I do not know how to say "no" because it is afraid of offending someone offended.

Externally, such people look pretty strong, but it is a deceptive impression. They often suffer from overweight problems. Their leather is flushing, an unpleasant grayish shade. The upper part of their body is usually larger, because of this, their bodies look disproportionately. Face features small, neat, largely children's.

It is possible to heal the injury of the humiliated through work with its own depressed angrily. Masochist suppresses his aggression so much that he learns to enjoy her manifestations in his direction. Stop afraid or be ashamed of your own anger. This is the source of your strength, the emotion that protects you from encroachments to your freedom. Practice various exercises to unlock anger. It may be beating a pillow, which is advised by many psychologists. An excellent method is to go out in the field where no one sees you and does not hear, and to shove out. With the ability to experience anger to you will return and love for yourself, and self-esteem.

Trauma betrayal

This injury is obtained in a relationship with the parent of the opposite sex, which used it for its own purposes. It is known that many mothers, especially lonely or those who do not have relationships with her husband, are overly tied to their own sons. They can pour them, but at the same time strictly prohibit communication with peers, jealous to the first love of the Son. Also, the fathers, without knowing it, can use their own daughters. For a small child, the parent of the opposite sex is an unshakable ideal and authority. And an adult, feeling insecurity, can bind a child to himself to constantly receive his attention and admiration.

Realizing one day that it was used for their own purposes, the child becomes closed, ceases to trust people. He seeks to control everything around, especially his feelings for other people. At the same time, he has the need to constantly conquer people of the opposite sex to raise their self-esteem. Some time after the beginning of the relationship, he throws his victims. So he is trying to take revenge on the one who caused him pain, his mother. There can also behave and women, leaving men, and then losing interest in them.

People with a trauma of betrayal behave very confidently in society, even defiant. However, their injury can be found at constant tension in their body, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and hands. Often, they have a running glance, they are very attentive to detail, coming out what is hidden from other eyes. Women can not afford to get out of the house without makeup. Men carefully care about their image, constantly buy expensive accessories.

You can only heal this injury by recognizing and having lived your pain. Do not deny your own injury, do not try to logically explain it or justify your parent. Allow yourself to get angry with him. Stop ashamed of your own weakness. Pay all tears that have hidden in themselves for so long. Start building trusting relationships, based on true intimacy. Do not use your loved ones for your own, we will remove to see them only toys to increase your self-esteem. Take your own imperfection. Stop strive for an unattainable ideal, love yourself as you are. After all, you know that under the mask your self-confidence is hiding shame.

Injury injustice

This trauma receives a person in childhood from his parents. Injustice is constant reproaches in pursuit of an unattainable ideal. The child feels that he would do, he will never be good enough for his parent, but desperately seeks to it. He unfairly assesses the identity of the child, the presenter of his merits, and concentrating on the disadvantages. Since childhood, the thought is inspired by such people: they do not have any rights, only duties.

Externally, such a person often has a proportional body, a direct rigid housing, missing weightless weight. He seeks to excellence in everything, so carefully monitors the appearance. Often wears black clothes, or things dark colors.

In order to protect against a huge pain caused by injury, such a person tries to cut himself from any feelings. His body becomes a rigid frame that protects against any emotion. Often such people try to bring their body to perfection. This is done with the help of various diets or sports to exhaustion. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bperfection is very important for them. They believe only achieving the ideal, they can deserve the right to love and pleasure.

Man with injury injury in every way avoid any negative emotions. He is hard to confess that he has some problems, illness, adversity. He will delay the visit to the doctor to the last, just not to admit that he is sick. Externally, it may seem cheerful and easy, but his joy is insincere.

In order to heal this injury, it is necessary to recognize your own imperfection, afford to be weak, vulnerable, dependent. Do not justify your own parents for their illness "for your good." They could teach you discipline and ambitiousness, but took the main thing: spontaneity and taking themselves to anyone. And turn on feelings. Please rejoice more often. Do not be afraid to feel.

Tatiana Kullinich for https: // Site

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Typology of characters (Alexander Lowen and Liz Berbo)

1. Radiant injury - fugitive mask - schizoide type

Characteristics of injury rejected:

Awakening Injury: from the moment of conception to one year; with the parent of his sex. Does not feel the right to exist.

Mask: Fugitive.

Parent: The same floor.

Body: Compressed, narrow, fragile, fragmented.

Eyes: small, with an expression of fear; The impression of the mask around the eyes.

Vocabulary: "Nothing," "Nobody", "does not exist", "disappear", "I am sick of ...".

Character: Detachment from the material. The pursuit of excellence. Intellectuality. Transitions through the grade of great love for deep hatred periods. I do not believe in your right to exist.

Sexual difficulties. He considers himself anyone not necessary, insignificance. She strives for solitude. Hanging. Able to be inconspicuous. Find out a variety of ways flight. Easily goes to the astral. He believes that he is not understood. It cannot allow to live quietly to live your inner child.

Most afraid: panic.

Food: Appetite often disappears due to the influx of emotions or fear. Eats small portions. Sugar, alcohol and drugs as methods of flight. Predisposition to anorexia.

Typical diseases: Skin, diarrhea, arrhythmia, disruption of respiratory functions, allergies, vomiting, fainting, coma, hypoglycemia, diabetes, depression, suicidal inclinations, psychosis.

Fuggest disease:

Among other diseases characteristic of a fugitive, we also see violations respiratory functionsespecially during panic.

Fugitive is susceptible allergies - This is a reflection of the rejection, which he survived or is experiencing relative to certain food or substances.

He can choose and vomot As an indicator of his disgust to a specific person or a situation. I even heard such statements from adolescents: "I want to crash my mother (or father)." Fugitive often wants to "crash" the situation or hated person and can express his feeling with the words: "This is a nauseous person" or "me from your conversations". All this - ways to express our desire for someone or reject something.

Dizziness or fainting - Also suitable environments, if you really want to avoid a situation or person.

In serious cases, fugitive saves komoy.

Fugitive, suffering agorafobiaIt uses this disorder when it wants to avoid some situations and people who can cause panic from him (more on this behavioral disorder will be told in chapter 3).

If the fugitive is abusing sugar, it can provoke such pancreatic diseases like hypoglycemiaor diabetes.

If he has accumulated too much hatred for the parent as a result of suffering, experienced and experienced by him as a rejected creature, and if he reached its emotional and mental limit, he can develop depressive or manico-depressivestate. If he plunges suicide, he does not speak about it, and when it moves to action, it provides for all so as not to fail. Those who often talk about suicide and is usually mistaken when proceeding to action, belong to the category of abandoned; They will be speech in the next chapter.

A fugitive since childhood is difficult to recognize himself a full-fledged human being, so he seeks to be as a tendent hero or heroine, he is ready to lose, dissolve in his idol - for example, a young girl passionately wants to be Merilin Monroe; It lasts as long as she does not decide to be someone else.

The danger of such deviation in behavior is that over time it can go to psychosis.

Structure of schizoid character.


The term "schizoid" comes from "schizophrenia" and means a person who has a predisposition to schizophrenic state. This includes the splitting of the person as a whole, for example, thinking is separated from feelings. What a person thinks seems to have a small visible connection with what he feels or how he behaves; Care, gap or contact loss with peace or with external reality. A schizoid individual is not a schizophrenic and can never become a predisposition to this disease in his personality, usually well-compensated.

The term "schizoid" describes a person whose feeling is reduced, whose ego is weak and whose contact with the body and with feelings is strongly weakened.

Bioenergetic conditions

Energy is discharged from peripheral body structures, namely from those parts by which the body contacts the outside world: face, hands, genitals and legs. They are not fully energetically related to the center, i.e., the excitation from the center does not flow free to them, but is blocked by chronic muscular voltage at the base of the head, shoulders, pelvis and thigh joints. Consequently, the functions performed by them are separated from the senses in the heart of a person.

The internal charge is prone to "frosting" in the center of the center. As a result, a weak impulse is formed. Nevertheless, the charge is explosive (as a result of its pressure) and can break out in the form of violence or murder. This happens when protection cannot more restrain and the body is overwhelmed with a huge amount of energy with which it cannot cope. Personality is divided into many parts, resulting in a schizophrenic state.

Protection consists of a pattern of muscle stresses, which together continuously hold the identity, not allowing filling in peripheral structures with feelings and energy. Muscular stresses, the same as described above, are responsible for the disconnection of peripheral organs from contact with the center.

Thus, protection is problematic. In the field of the waist there is an energy splitting of the body, and as a result of this, the disintegration of the integrity of the upper and lower half of the body. Bioenergy analysis is shown in the diagram.

Physical aspects

In most cases, patients with such signs the body is narrow and squeezed. Where in the individual there is paranoid elements, the body is fuller and more athletic species.

The main stress areas are at the base of the skull, in the joints of the shoulders, legs, pelvis and in the diaphragm area. The latter is usually so powerful that it divides the body into two parts. The main compression focused in small muscles that surround the articulation. Therefore, this type of character can be observed or extremely rigidity or superbness of joints.

Mask face. The eyes although not empty, as in schizophrenia, but inanimate and do not come into contact. Hands hang, more similar to processes than to continue the body. Foot strentered and cold; They are often twisted; The body weight is transferred to the outer side of the foot.

Often there is a noticeable inconsistency between two half of the body. In many cases, they do not look belonging to one person.

For example, when stress, when a person takes the position of the arc, the line of his body often seems broken. Head, torso and legs are often at an angle to each other.

Psychological relations

A person does not feel a holistic / 14 /. The tendency to disunity arising at the bodily level due to insufficient energy relationship between head and body leads to a splitting personality. So, you can find a posture of arrogance in combination with humiliation or a virgin that feels a whore. In the latter case, the body is as if divided into two parts - the upper and lower.

In the schizoid character, sustainedness is found due to the weak border of the ego, which is a psychological copy of the lack of peripheral charge. This weakness reduces the resistance to the ego external pressure and forces it to go into self-defense.

Such people avoid close, sensual relations. In fact, such relationships it is very difficult to establish due to lack of energy in peripheral structures.

The desire to always motivate actions gives schizoid behavior of the shade of insincerity. It was called the behavior "as if", that is, it seems to be based on feelings, but the actions themselves are not an expression of feelings.

It seems important to bring some data on the origin of this structure. These are summarized observations of those who have studied this problem, treated and analyzed patients with such disorders.

In all cases, there are distinct evidence that patients in early age Refused by their mother, and this was perceived as a threat to existence. The rejection was accompanied by a hidden and often open hostility from her side.

The rejection and hostility developed in the patient fear that any attempts of contact, requirements or self-affirmations will lead to the destruction of it.

From childhood there is a lack of any strong positive senses of safety or joy, frequent nightmares.

Typical for such patients is both separate and irremotional behavior with random bombings, which is called autistic.

If any of the parents re-interfered with the child's life during an Oedipova period (for example, sexual reasons), which is very widespread, then another paranoid element was added to the main symptom. This made a possible activity at the end of childhood or in an adult state.

In all this, the child has no choice, except for the separation of oneself from reality (intensive life of imagination) and from his body (abstract mind) to survive. Due to the fact that he had horror and mortal feelings, the child was separated from all senses by self-defense.

Manner in dance:

· Fugitive dislikes dancing. If it dances, then the movement is minimal and inexpressive, he does not want to notice. It seems to be written on it: "Do not look at me for a long time."

Choosing a car:

· The fugitive loves the unobthetic machines of the neuropy color.

Pose sitting:

· Fugitive is moving, trying to take as little space as possible in the chair. He loves to press her legs to themselves: when not connected to the ground, it is easier to escape.


· Fugitive is most afraid of panic. He can't seem to be realized, because it hides, disappears, as soon as the panic begins, or even earlier than it starts. The surrounding sees a panic without difficulty - he almost always gives her eyes.

Injuries by Gender:

· The injury is rejected experienced with the parent of his floor. That is, the fugitive feels rejected by the same sex as he himself. He accuses them that they reject him, and he experiences a greater anger towards them than to themselves. On the other hand, when he rejects his personality of the opposite sex, he rejects himself even stronger. Accordingly, in this case, his anger on himself dominates. There is also a high probability that this person of the opposite sex has not rejected it, but left.

Healing injuries:

· Your injury rejected Close to healing, if you gradually take more and more space if you start asserting ourselves. And if someone pretends that you are not, it does not knock you out of the gauge. The situations in which you are afraid to panic occur.

2. Abandoned injury - Dependent Mask - Oral Type

Inspection Characteristics Abandoned:

Awakening Injury: Between one and three years, with the parent of the opposite sex. Lack of emotional nutrition or nutritional nutrition.

Mask: Dependent.

Body: Elongated, delicate, deprived of tone, sagging; The legs are weak, the back is twisted, the hands seem excessively long and hang along the body, individual parts of the body look like a flabby.

Eyes: Large, sad. Attracting look.

Vocabulary: "None", "one", "I do not get out", "eat", "do not leave."

Character: Victim. Showing merging with someone or something. Needs presence, attention, support, reinforcement. It is difficult when you have to do something or solve alone.

Appeals for advice, but not always it follows. Children's voice. Painfully perceives failures. Sorrow. Easy crying. Causes pity. That is joyful, then the cookie. Physically cling to others. Nervous. Star pop. She strives for independence. Loves sex.

Most afraid: Loneliness.

Food: Good appetite. Bulimia. Loves soft food. Eats slowly.

Typical diseases: Pain in back, asthma, bronchitis, migraines, hypoglycemia, agoraphobia, diabetes, adrenal diseases, myopia, hysteria, depression, rare diseases (requiring long-term attention), incurable diseases.

Diseases abandoned:

Asthma - disease characterized by difficult, painful breathing. In the metaphysical plan, this disease indicates that a person takes more than he should, and gives up with great difficulty.

Problems with bronchami Also very likely, since bronchi metaphysically associated with the family. If the dependent suffers with bronchial diseases, this indicates his family dissatisfaction: it seems to him that he gets too little from the family that it depends too much. He would like to believe that he had a solid place in his family, and not to fuss, the time of this place.

Under the influence of its fusion subcillance, the dependent attracts problems pancreas (hypoglycemia and diabetes) and adrenal glands. The whole digestive system is unstable, because he considers its nutrition inadequate, even if it is physically quite normal. Despite the fact that insufficiency exists only in the emotional plan, its physical body Receives reports of lack of food and reacts accordingly - reflects the mental state.

Myopiadependent is also found very often. It represents the inability to see far, and this is due to the fear of future and, especially, with reluctance to meet the future alone.

Dependent, too cruising his sacrificial sundry, can bring himself to hysteria. Psychologists say that the hysterical person is similar to the child who is afraid that he will take a pacifier and leave one. Therefore, such a person is inclined to noisily demonstrate their emotions.

Many dependent develops depressionWhen their injury gives them strong sufferings and they feel helpless - they do not get the love that you want. This is also a way to attract attention.

Dependent suffers migrainebecause it hinders yourself to be yourself, blocks your "I am." He is too fussing, resorts to all sorts of tricks, just to be who others want to see him, or almost completely lives in the shade of people who love him.

I also noticed that dependent is very often attracted rare diseasesrequiring special attention or so-called incurable diseases. Let me remind you that when medicine declares some disease incurable, then, in fact, she reports that science yet I did not find reliable funds against this disease.

The above-mentioned diseases and ailments can be observed in persons with other types of injuries, but those who are experiencing an abandoned injury they are most often.

Structure of oral nature.


We describe a person as having an oral structure of character if it has many features typical of the oral period of life, that is, infancy. These characteristic features are a weak sense of independence, the desire to hold onto others, reduced aggressiveness and an inner feeling of need for support, help and care. They mean the lack of implementing this in infancy and represent the degree of fixation at this level of development. In some people, they are disguised as deliberately accepted compensating positions. Some individuals with this structure detect exaggerated independence, which, however, is not able to withstand stress. The main experience of oral character is deprivation, while the relevant experience of the schizoid structure was the rejection.

Bioenergetic conditions

"Oral character" is characterized by a low energy level. The energy is "not frozen" in the center, like a "schizoid character", and enters the periphery of the body, but its stream is weakened.

The reasons for this are not entirely clear. The first place is put linear growth, the result of which is a long subtle body. The only possible explanation is that the delay in the adult allows long bones to grow overly. Another factor may be the inability of underdeveloped muscles to keep the bone growth under control.

The lack of energy and power is most noticeable at the bottom of the body, because the development of the body in the child begins with the head down.

The level of charge of contact points with the surrounding world is reduced. The eyes are weak with a tendency to myopia, the level of genital excitation is reduced.

This bioenergetic state is shown in the chart.

physical characteristics

The body is usually long and thin, corresponds to the ecotomorphic type of Sheldon. It differs from the body of a schizoid personality by the fact that it is not strong.

Musculature is underdeveloped, not dwelling. This lack of development is most noticeable in hand and legs. Long poorly developed legs are a typical feature of this structure. The feet are also thin and narrow. Feet, it seems, can not keep the body. Knees are usually reduced to provide additional support for sustainability.

The body can fall sharply due to the partial weakness of the muscular system. Parts are common physical signs immaturity. The pelvis may be less than usual both in men and women. Often there is little hair on the body. In some women, the growth process is delayed entirely, and their bodies are similar to children's.

Breathing in persons with oral character superficial, which is explained by the low energy level of their personality. Iniquity at orally reduce the power of a sucking impulse. Good breathing depends on the ability to gain air.

Psychological relations

People with oral character are experiencing difficulties when standing on their feet in the literal and figurative sense. They seek to lean or hold on to others. But, as I noted earlier, this deficiency may be hidden exaggerated position of independence. Collectivism is also a reflection of the inability to be alone. There is an increased need in contact with other people, in their warmth and support.

An individual with an oral character suffers from the inner feeling of emptiness. He constantly wants to fill this emptiness at the expense of others, although it can act and as if it provides support for himself. The inner emptiness reflects the suppression of the intensive feeling of the strong desire of something that, being pronounced, would lead to a deep crying and more free breathing.

Due to the low energy level, the personality with oral character is subject to fluctuations in the mood from depression to delight. The tendency to depression is pathognomonic for oral traits in person.

Another typically oral feature is the position - "I must". " This can be expressed in the idea that society is obliged to provide him with a means of existence. There is such a conviction directly from early experience Defense.

Etiological and historical factors

Early deprivation may be due to the actual weight loss and support of the mother due to its death or illness, or its absence caused by the need to work. Mother who herself suffers from depression, can not be allowed to child.

It is often detected early development, the ability to speak or walk earlier than usual. I explain this development as an attempt to overcome the feeling of abandonment, becoming independent.

There are also other other experiences of frustration in an early life when the child tried to reach his father or brothers and sisters for contact, heat and support. Similar disappointments can leave a sense of angration in man.

Typical are depressive episodes at the end of childhood and in early youth. However, children with oral type do not find autistic behavior in contrast to children with schizoid type. We must recognize that sizoide elements can be in an oral structure, as well as oral - in schizoid.

Manner in dance:

· The dependent prefers contact dances in which it is possible to cuddle to the partner. Sometimes it seems that he hangs on a partner. All his creature radiates: "Look, as my partner loves me."

Choosing a car:

· The dependent prefers cars comfortable and not like everyone else.

Pose sitting:

· The dependent is sprawling in the chair or falls on the support - to the armrest or on the back of the adjacent chair. The upper part of the housing is tilted forward.


· The greatest fear of the dependent inspires loneliness. He does not see this because it is always suited in such a way to be in someone's society. If it all turns out to be alone, then, of course, admits that alone; But at the same time he does not notice how feverishly looking for something to do what to fill time. There is no physical partner, telephone and TV replace him with the company. Its loved ones are much easier to notice, feel this great fear of loneliness even surrounded by people. He is also given sad eyes.

Injuries by Gender:

· An abandoned trauma experiences with the parent of the opposite sex. That is, the dependent is inclined to believe that he will leave the opposite sex, and accuse them more than himself. If he is experiencing the experience of abandoned with the face of his sex, then accuses himself, as he believes that he did not show enough attention to him or failed to assess his attention. It often happens that he is confident that this face of his sex left him, but in fact it rejected him.

Healing injuries:

· Your injury abandoned Close to healing if you feel good even alone and if you need less attention less. Life no longer seems so dramatic. You still have a desire to try various projects, and even if others do not help you, you are able to continue the case and yourself.

3. The injury humiliated - Masochist mask - Masochistic type

Characteristics of injury humiliated:

Awakening Injury: In the period from one to three years, with the parent who is engaged in the physical development of the child (usually it is a mother). Lack of freedom. The feeling of humiliation due to control by this parent.

Mask: Masochist.

Body: Tolstoy, round, low growth, thick dense neck, tension in the throat, neck, jaws and pelvis. Round face open.

Vocabulary: "Decent", "unworthy", "small", "fat".

Character: Often shame yourself or others or is afraid to cause shame. Do not like fast walking. He knows his needs, but not listening to them. Many sticks on your shoulders. Sugges to control to avoid shame.

He considers himself untidy, heartless, pig, worse than others. Prone to merger. It is satisfied so as not to be free because "be free" means "be unrestrained". Sometimes he is incorporated, it is afraid to cross the trait permitted.

He loves the role of mother. Excessively sensitive. He punishes himself, believing that he punishes someone else. She strives wants to be worthy. Often experiencing disgust. Increased sensuality is combined with shame in sexual behavior. Not considered with its sexual needs. Reaches in food.

Most afraid: Freedom.

Food: Loves satisfying, oily food, chocolate. Voracious or, on the contrary, eats small portions. It is as well to buy for yourself and use "delicacies".

Typical diseases: Back pain, shoulders, throat, angina, laryngitis, diseases of the respiratory tract, legs, feet, varicose veins, tensions, fractures, impaired liver functions, thyroid glands, skin itching, hypoglycemia, diabetes, heart disease.

Diseases humiliated:

Pains are very often marked back and feeling of gravity on shouldersbecause the masochist takes too much to whistle. The pain in the back is mainly due to its feeling of non-free. The pain in the lower back is associated, as a rule, with material problems, in the upper - with the emotional sphere.

He may have illness respiratory tractWhen they suffer from other people's problems.

Often happen trouble with feet and footsvaricose, Tensions, FracturesWhen he is afraid that he will not be able to move, then the physical troubles that really do not give him to move.

Often, work is often broken liverSince it is overly concerned about the problems of other people.

Pain B. throat, angina and larygitis - Insensible satellites of the masochist, because he constantly restrains himself when he wants to say anything, and especially - ask.

The harder it is to realize my needs and declare my requirements, the higher he has the likelihood of a disease. thyroid gland.

In addition, the inability to hear their needs often provokes scabes, skin itch. It is known that the expression "I am still itching ..." means "I want it terribly ...", but the masochist gives his desire - he is ashamed to wish his own pleasure.

One more physical problemwhich I often observe the masochist type people - the poor work of the pancreas and, as a result, hypoglycemia and diabetes. These diseases are manifested in individuals who are hard to allow themselves to be a sloant and pleasure, and if they allow them to be tormented by the feeling of guilt and humiliation.

Masochist is predisposed by K. heart diseasebecause it does not like himself enough. He does not consider himself as a significant being to deliver a pleasure. The heart sphere of man is directly connected with his ability to enjoy, enjoy life.

Finally, firmly convinced of the inevitability of suffering, the masochist quite often does herself surgical intervention.

The structure of a masochist nature.


Masochism in public opinion is equal to the desire to suffer. I do not think this is true for an individual with this structure of character. He suffers, but since he himself is not able to change the situation, it suggests that it wants to remain in it. I am not talking about people with masochist perversions, about people who seek to receive blows from their sexual partners. The structure of a masochist nature describes a person who suffers and humps or complains, but remains submissive. Submissivity is the main masochist sign.

If an individual with a masochist character demonstrates a subordinate position in external behavior, it is completely different inside. At the deep emotional level, he has strong feelings: anger, denial, hostility and superiority. However, they are

flax is blocked by fear and can break out inadequate behavior. A person opposes the fear of a breakthrough with the help of muscle containment patterns. Thick strong muscles constrain any direct manifestation and allow you to pass only a honey and complaints.

Bioenergetic conditions

In contrast to the oral structure, the masochist is energetically fully charged. Nevertheless, the charge is fixed inside, although not "frozen".

Due to the strong containment, the peripheral organs are not charged, which does not lead to discharge or energy release, expressive actions are limited.

Detergenting so much that leads to compression and sharp decline of the body's forces. Weakness is observed in the waist area, as the body bends under the severity of its tension.

The pulses moving up and down are drunk in the neck and waist, which explains the strong tendency of this personality to experience anxiety.

The tensile body in the sense of elongation or pulling itself is strongly reduced. Reducing the stretch causes the structure to shorten the structure described above.

physical characteristics

For the masochist structure, people are typical with short, thick, muscular bodies.

For unknown reasons, hair growth on the body is usually amplified.

A characteristic feature is a short fat neck showing the drawn head. Waist, respectively, shorter and thicker.

Other an important characteristic is pulling the pelvis forward, which can be described more literally as a selected and flat back. This posture has similarities with a dog that pursed the tail.

This position of the pelvis along with a voltage pressure from above is the cause of bending or a sharp weakening of the body in the waist area.

Some women can see a combination of rigidity in the upper half of the body and masochism in the lower half, expressed by heavy buttocks and hips, taped the pelvic bottom.

The skin in all people with the masochist nature of the dark shade due to its stagnation of energy.

Psychological relations

Because of the powerful containment, aggression in such individuals is significantly reduced. Similarly, self-affirmation is limited. Instead, there is a nagging and complaints. Natage is the only sound expression that easily passes through the shredded throat. Instead of aggression, provoking behavior is observed, which causes a strong reaction of another person, strong enough to enable the masochist to react quickly and unrestrained.

Energy stagnation due to strong containment leads to the feeling of "furifies in a swamp", the inability to move freely.

The position of humility and diet is characteristic of masochist behavior. At the conscious level, the masochist is identified with an attempt to please; However, at the subconscious level, this position is rejected by embitrability, negativity and hostility. These depressed feelings must be released before the masochist will be able to respond freely to life situations.

Etiological and historical factors

The masochist structure develops in a family where love and adoption are combined with strong pressure. Mother is dominant and sacrificing; Father is passive and humble.

The dominant, who sacrifices his sacrifice, literally stifling a child who makes feel strong guilt for any attempt to proclaim his independence or approve a negative attitude.

Typically strong focus on food and defecation. It is equivalent to pressure from above and below. "Be a good boy. Get pleasure to mom. Eat all food ... Empty your intestines regularly. Give mom to see ... "And so on.

All attempts to resist, including temporary outbursts of irritation, suppressed. All people with a masochist structure in childhood There were temporary outbreaks of irritation that forced them to stop.

Common experiences were the feelings of the trap trap, which caused only the reaction of the bits ending with self-esteem. The child did not see the exit.

As a child, the patient fought with a deep sense of humiliation when he tried to "release him to freedom" in the form of vomiting, pollution or disobedience.

Masochist is afraid to stretch his hand or foot or pull the neck (the same for genitals) because of fear that they will be cut off or will break away from them. In this particular there is a strong alarm about castration. The most strong fear of being cut off from parental relations, which provided love, but under certain conditions. We will look at the meaning of this in more detail in the next section.

Manner in dance:

· Masochist always dances willingly and much, taking the opportunity to express his sensuality. He dances for pure fun of dance. All his species says: "Look at what I can be sensual."

Choosing a car:

· Masochist chooses a small, cramped car, where barely fits.

Pose sitting:

· Masohist sits spreading his legs. In most cases, chooses the wrong place for it, so it feels uncomfortable.


· Masochist is most afraid of freedom. He does not consider and does not feel free because of the many restrictions and obligations, which he himself came up with. On the other hand, the surrounding it seems completely free, because it usually finds funds and time to do what I decided to do. He does not look back on others, making a decision. Even if what he decided to roll him up, in the eyes of other people, he possesses complete freedom to change his decision, it is only for him to want. His eyes wide open to the world show a great interest in everything and the desire to relive as many different experiments as possible.

Injuries by Gender:

· Juice injury is usually experienced with mother, regardless of gender. That is, a masochist man is inclined to have a humiliation from female. They are usually accused of them. If he is experiencing injury to humiliate with the face of male, then accuses himself and shakes his behavior or his attitude towards this person. He can worry this injury and with his father, if he is engaged in his physical education, teaches the child to maintain purity, eat food, dress, etc. If this is your case, then you have to apply what has been said to male or female.

Healing injuries:

· Your injury humiliated Close to healing, if you, before telling someone "yes," you give yourself a time to think if this is responsible for your needs. You're less with your shoulders less and feel more free. You cease to create restrictions. You are able to handle requests and requirements, without feeling at the same time annoying and unnecessary.

4. Trauma of betrayal - Mask of controlling - Psychopathic type

Characteristics of the injury of betrayal:

Awakening Injury: In the period from two to four years, with the parent of the opposite polo. Wrecked trust or unfulfilled expectations in the loving sexual sphere. Manipulation.

Mask: Controlling.

Body: Eaves strength and power. Men shoulders wider thighs. The woman has a hip wider and stronger. Chest wheel. Belly too.

Eyes: Looking close, seductive. Eyes that everyone see at first sight.

Vocabulary: "Separate (Sia)", "Do you understand?", "I can", "I myself can cope with", "I knew it," "Trust me," "I do not trust him."

Character: Considers himself very responsible and strong. She strives to be special and important. Does not hold back your promises and commitments or makes efforts to keep them. Easy lies.

Manipulator. Seducer. It has many expectations. The mood is uneven. I am convinced that right, and seeks to convince others. Impatient. Intolerant.

Understands and acts quickly. A good artist, because it wants to be marked. Circus. Trust with difficulty. Does not show its vulnerability. Skeptic. It is afraid to break or relieve commitment.

Most afraid: Separation; divorce; renunciation.

Food: Good appetite. Eats quickly. Adds salt and spices. It may not eat long, while it is busy, but then loses control in food.

Typical diseases: Diseases of control and loss of control, agoraphobia, spaphyphilia, disorders of the digestive system, the disease, the name of which ended on, herpes rota.

Disease of betrayal:

Agoraphobia due to its fusium sublocity, as well as dependent. On the other hand, agoraphobia, which is experiencing controlling, is primarily noted by fear of madness, while agoraphobia is connected with the dependent mask, motivated by the fear of death. I want to emphasize here that the doctors are often confused by spasophilia agoraphobia (the definition of agoraphobia is given in Chapter 3).

Controlling especially attracts control of control, management - all sorts of violations of work joints in the whole body, and most often knee.

The most inclined to diseases with loss of control in some body bodies - bleeding, sexlessness, diarrhea and etc.

When he feels completely helpless in some situation, he can break it paralysis.

He often has problems associated with digestive systemespecially S. biscuits and stomach.

He is inclined to diseases whose name ends on -Et.. Here I send you to my book "Your body says: Love yourself!", Where it is described in detail that these diseases are especially characteristic of individuals who are influenced by their numerous expectations tend to impatience, anger and disappointment.

The controlling often happens rota Herpes.- It arises when, consciously or unconsciously, controlling the representatives of the opposite sex "nauseous types". In addition, it is good tool Control, allowing not to kiss others.

The structure of a psychopathic nature.


This nature structure requires some preface. This is the only type of character that has not been described or analyzed in my previous works. It can be a very complex structure, but for the sake of short and clarity, I will describe the simple form of this violation.

The essence of the psychopathic position is the denial of feelings. It differs from schizoid, which is disassembled with feelings. The psychopathic personality of the ego, or mind turns against the body and his feelings, especially sexual. That is why the term "psychopathy" arose.

The normal function of the ego is to support the tenderness of the body to pleasure, and not the destruction of him in favor of the mental presentation of the ego. In all psychopathic character, there is a large investment of energy into a mental image of a person. Another aspect of this person is the desire for power and the need to dominate and control.

The reason why this type of character is difficult, the one that exists two ways to acquire power over others. One is puzzling or defeating the other; In this case, if a person does not challenge the loot, he begins to feel a victim. The second way is the impact on a person by means of a seductive approach, which is very effective against naive people falling under psychopathic power.

Bioenergetic conditions

There are two types of bodies that correspond to two psychopathic structures. The overwhelming type is more easily explained by bioenergy, and I use it to illustrate. Acquisition of power over other people is achieved by elevation over them.

In this model, the energy displacement to the head end of the body with a concomitant decrease in charge at the bottom of the body is noticeable. Two half of the body are noticeably disproportionate, the upper part is significantly more and more dominant in appearance.

The look is alert or incredulous. Such a person does not seek rapprochement with others and does not understand them. it feature psychopathic personality. Most exists a certain compression around the diaphragm and the waist, which blocks the stream of energy and feelings down.

The head is energetically overloaded. This means that there is super-use of the mental apparatus, leading to a constant reflection on how to obtain control and domination of the situation.

The need for control is also directed against itself. The head holds very hard (can never lose his head), but she, in turn, holds the body firmly in his power.

Energy relations are shown in the diagram.

physical characteristics

The body of the vast type detects disproportionate development in its upper part. It makes the impression of an inflatable person and corresponds to his bloated image of the ego. It can be said that this structure outweighs in the upper part.

She is also tough. Bottom part The bodies can no longer detect weakness typical of the structure of oral nature.

The body of the second type, which I called seductive or destructive, is more correct and does not have an inflated look. The back is usually too flexible.

In both cases, there is a violation of the energy flow between two half of the body. The first type of pelvis is poorly charged and keeps hard; In the second - it is too charged, but is isolated. Both types have an explicit diaphragm compression.

There is a noticeable tension in the eye segment of the body, which includes eyes and the occipital area.

Also, severe muscle tension can be tested in the cervical area along the base of the skull, in the so-called oral segment. This tension is associated with the suppression of a starting pulse.

Psychological relations

A psychopathic personality is required to control someone, and although it may seemed that she controls a person, she herself also depends on him. So, there is a degree of oralness in all psychopathic personalities. In psychiatric literature, they are described as having oral fixation.

The need to control closely connected with fear to be controlled. Be controlling means being used. We will see that in the past, personalities with this nature structure had a struggle for dominance and control between the parent and child.

The desire to be at the top, to achieve the goal so strongly that a person cannot allow or afford defeat. The defeat puts it in the position of the victim; ERGO.He must be a winner in any situation.

Sexuality is also always used in this melting game. He (man) is seduced in his apparent government or in a soft secret temptation. The pleasure of sex is secondary compared to achievement or conquest.

Decitment of feelings is usually denial of needs. The psychopathic maneuver of such an personality is to make other people need him to not have to express his needs. So he is always in the center of the world.

Etiological and historical factors

In all types of character, the past of a person explains his behavior. I could make a general approval that no person could understand his behavior if he did not know his past.

So, one of the main tasks of any therapy is an explanation. life experience patient. In the case of this person, this is often pretty difficult, because the psychopathic trend of the denial of feelings includes the denial of experience. Despite this, there are many studied in bioenergy regarding the emergence of this problem.

The most important factor in the etiology of this state is sexually seductive, misleading parent. The temptation is covered and exists in order to satisfy the narcotic needs of the parent. He aims to bring the child to the parent.

A seductive parent is always a rejecting parent, rejecting the needs of the child in support and physical contact. The disadvantage of the necessary contact and support explains the oral element in this nature structure.

Seductive relationships create a triangle that puts the child to the position of challenging the parent of the same sex. This creates a barrier to the necessary identification with the parent of the same sex and in the future identification with a seductive parent.

In this situation, any achievement of contact makes a child extremely vulnerable. A child or raises the needs (shift up), or will satisfy its needs by manipulating parents (seductive type).

In a psychopathic personality there is also a masochist element arising from submission to a seductive parent. A child cannot draw up or leave this situation, he has exceptionally internal protection. Submission lies only on the surface; Nevertheless, to the extent that the child obeys openly, he acquires some proximity to the parent.

Mazochist elements are most stronger in a set or seductive embodiment of this character structure. Initial concession should go to the masochist slave role. Then, when the seduction worked and the attachment of another person is durable, sadistic quality arises.

· Controlling is distinguished by a loud, rolled voice.

Manner in dance:

· Controlling a lot of space. He loves to dance and uses it to seduce. But first of all, it is convenient to show it for him. It comes from him: "Look at me."

Choosing a car:

· Controlling buys a powerful, noticeable car.

Pose sitting:

· The controlling sits leaning back all the corps back and arms crossed when he listens. Taking the word, leans forward to look more convincing in the eyes of the interlocutor.


· Controlling the most frighten the separation and renunciation. It does not notice how intensively himself creates problems and conflict situations, as a result of which eliminates further communication with individuals. Creating, attracting situations to himself in which he opposed someone every time, he does not see that he does not see what these situations are afraid of these situations. Rather, on the contrary, he assures himself that these gaps and renunciation for him are beneficial. He thinks thus does not give himself to fool or use. His sociability and willingness to new acquaintances prevent him from realizing how many people he struck out of his life. The surrounding sees it much better. And he also gives out eyes. When it is angry, they become tough and inspire even the fear that is able to push away from him.

Injuries by Gender:

· The injury of betrayal is experienced with the parent of the opposite sex. That is, the controlling usually believes that he was betrayed by the persons of the opposite sex, and is inclined to accuse them in their suffering or emotions. If he is going through the injury of betrayal with the face of his sex, then accuses himself mainly and is angry with himself for having managed to foresee and prevent this experience in a timely manner. It is very likely that what he seems to be betraying from the persons of his sex, in fact, is an experience that has intensified his injury of injustice.

Healing injuries:

· Your injury betrayal Close to healing, if you are no longer worried about such stormy emotions when someone or something upsets your plans. You easily weaken the grip. Let me remind you: weaken the grip - it means weakening your attachment to the result, get rid of the desire, so that everything goes only in your plan. You no longer try to be the center of attraction. When you are covered by pride in the work done, you feel good even if others do not notice or do not recognize your merit.

5. injury injury - rigid mask - Rigid type

Characteristics of injury injury:

Awakening Injury: From the age of four to six years, with the parent of its sex. Debt be executive and perfect. Blocking individuality.

Mask: Rigid.

Body: Direct, rigid and, within the possible, perfect. Good proportions. Rounded buttocks. Low growth, fitting clothes or a close belt. Counted movements. The skin is light. Compressed jaws. Neck tense, straight. Osanka proud.

Eyes: Looking shining, alive. The eyes are light.

Vocabulary: "There are no problems", "always, never", "very good, very kind", "very specific", "exactly", "absolutely fair", "of course", "Do you agree?"

Character: Strives for excellence. Envious. Removed from his own feelings. Often crosses hands. Productive - to be perfect. Obviously optimistic. Live, dynamic. Often justified. Very reluctantly refers to help.

Laughter over trifles - to hide your sensitivity. Tone voice dry and tense. Does not recognize that he has problems. Doubts the correctness of its choice. Compare itself on the principle of "who is better - who is worse."

It is hard to accept anything: considers unfair to get less than others, but even more unfair - get more.

It rarely allows themselves pleasure, as it usually experiences a sense of guilt because of them. Not considered with its limitations, too demanding to itself. Controls itself. Loves order. Rarely sick, indifferent or ruthless to his body. Choleric. Cold, I can not show your feelings. Loves look sexy attractive.

Most afraid: Coldness.

Food: Prefers salty dishes sweet. Loves all crisp. Controls itself to not get fat. It is ashamed and justifies when he loses control over himself in food.

Typical diseases: Nervous exhaustion (professional), frigidity (in women), premature ejaculation or sexual impotence (in men). Diseases with ending on -Et. - Tendinitis, Bursit, Arthritis, etc.

Krivoshoya, constipation, hemorrhoids, spasms and convulsions, circulatory disruption, violation of liver functions. Varicoses, skin diseases, nervousness, insomnia, poor eyesight.

Illness of injustice:

He feels the rigidity of his body as inflexibility or tension at the top back, in neck, as well as in flexible sites (ankles, knees, hips, elbows, wrists, etc.). Rigid love criste with fingers, thus trying to improve their flexibility. In a word, they are capable of feeling the shell, which is complained of their body, but do not feel that under this shell is hidden.

Already mentioned nervous exhaustion.

Diseases whose name has ending -Et.: tendinit, bursitis, arthritis. Every disease with a similar name indicates very frequent in rigid state - depressed, hidden in the body internal anger.

Rigid may suffer pain or devilion of Sharedue to the fact that he is hard to see the wrong, unfair, in his opinion, side of things or events.

Very often observed constipation and hemorro "Due to the fact that it is difficult for him to relax, stop himself in everything.

Characteristic for rigid spasms and causes - Personality reactions, prone to cling or hold back due to fear.

Inability to deliver yourself pleasure provokes problems blood circulation and varicoses.

The usual problems are dry skin.

Acne On the face, they testify to the fear of mistake, lose face, not at the height of their own expectations.

Rigid often suffer psoriasis. They bring on this disease to not be too good or too happy - it would be injustice towards others. It is curious that the flashes of psoriasis often coincide with holidays, vacations or with a period, when everything is worried safely and happily.

Disorders are often observed liverdue to the depressed anger.

Conventional phenomenon - nervousness Rigid., Although they mostly control it well, so that it is unnoticed.

Quite often observed insomnia, especially in those rigids who do not know how to calm down until they do their own business and flawlessly. They so tensely think that they have to be done that they wake up and can no longer sleep.

Violations vision There are due to the fact that Rigid is very hard to see that he accepted an unsuccessful decision or misunderstood the situation. He prefers not to see what he considers imperfect; In this case, he does not suffer. He often uses the expression "it is unclear" - which also does not contribute to the improvement of his vision.

Structure of a rigid nature.


The concept of rigidity occurs from the trend of these individuals to keep himself unbending - with pride. The head is pretty high, the spine - right. It would be a positive feature if it were not for the fact that this pride is protective, but the incidence of non-adept. Rigid character is afraid to give up, equating this to submission or fall. Rigidity becomes defense against the underlying masochist desire.

A person with a rigid character is beware of being deceived, used or trapped. Its prudency takes the form of containment of pulses from disclosure and distribution. Deterrence also means "keep back", therefore, rigidity. The ability to restrain is based on a strong position of the ego with a high degree of behavior control. In addition, it is supported by the same strong position In relation to genitals, thus focusing the attention of the person at both ends of the body, establishing good contact with reality. Unfortunately, the focus on reality is used as protection against the desire for pleasure, and this is the main conflict in person.

Bioenergetic conditions

In this structure, there is a rather strong charge in all peripheral points of contact with others, which favors the ability to check the reality before the start of action.

Cutting peripheral, which allows the feelings to flow, but limits their expression.

The main regions of the voltage are the long muscles of the body. Clamps in flexing and extensive muscles are combined with each other and cause rigidity.

Naturally, there are various degrees of rigidity. When the deterrence is moderate, the man is animated and vibrated.

Bioenergetic state is shown in the diagram.

physical characteristics

The body of a person with a rigid character is proportionally and harmonious. It looks and felt holistic and connected. Despite this, you can see some elements of disorders and distortion described above for other types.

An important characteristic is the body's liveliness: clear eyes, good skin color, abilities of gestures and movements.

If the rigidity is strong, then positive factorsThe above, respectively deteriorate: coordination and grace in movements are reduced, the eyes lose some shine, and the skin shade may be pale or grayish.

Psychological relations

People with this character structure usually everydays are oriented, ambitious, competitive and energetic. Passivity is experienced as a vulnerability.

A person with a rigid character may be stubborn, but rarely evil. Partly stubbornness arises from his pride: he is afraid that if he does not face his, he will look silly, and therefore restrained. In part, it arises from the fear of submission, i.e. lose freedom.

The term "rigid character" was adopted in bioenergy to describe the most common factors in several different labeled personalities. So, it includes a phallic, narcissistic man whose attention is focused on potency, and the Victorian type of hysterical woman, whose character of Reich described in the "Character Analysis" ("Character Analysis"), and which uses sex as protection against sexuality. Old-fashioned mandatory nature also belongs to this wide category.

The rigidity of this nature is similar. Rigidity is also visible in a schizoid structure, where, thanks to the frozen state, its energy system is similar to ice and very fragile. Mostly people with a rigid character effectively cope with their lives.

Etiological and historical factors

The past, standing behind this structure, is interested in the fact that a person with this character was not worried about heavy injuries that create more serious protective positions.

The most significant injury here is the experience of disappointment in the desire to achieve erotic satisfaction, mainly on the genital level. This happens when banning child masturbation, as well as in relations with the parent of the opposite sex.

The rejection of the children's desire for erotic and sexual pleasure was considered by a child as a betrayal of his aspiration for love. Erotic pleasure, sexuality and love are synonymous in the mind of a child.

Due to the strong development of the ego, a person with a rigid character does not refuse this awareness. As shown in the diagram, his heart is not cut off from the periphery. He or she are a creature that acts with a heart, but with a limitation and control of the ego. The desired state would have a refusal to control and confidence in the heart.

Since the open expression of love as a desire for physical proximity and erotic pleasure faces the rejection of his parents, then a person with a rigid character moves in custody in custody to achieve his own. It does not manipulate as a psychopathic character, and maneuvering to achieve intimacy.

The significance of his pride lies in the fact that he is tied to this feeling of love. The deviation of his sexual love wounds his feeling of dignity. Similarly, an insult of self-esteem is equivalent to the rejection of his love.

I have one final remark. I have not discussed the treatment of these problems because the therapists are treated not to the types of characters, but people. Therapy concentrates on people in their direct relationship: to his body, to the ground, on which he is worth, to the people with whom he communicates, and to the therapist. This is the basis of a therapeutic approach. However, in the background there is a knowledge of character, without which the therapist will not be able to understand the patient and his problems. An experienced doctor can easily move from one area to another, without losing them from the view.

· The rigid speech is somewhat mechanical and restrained.

Manner in dance:

· Rigid dances very well, feels rhythm, despite some stiffness, inflexibility of the legs. He is very attentive, trying not to get off the rhythm. More often than others visits dance courses. The most rigid stands out seriousness, keep very directly and seem to consider their steps in the dance. They kind of talking to their external species: "See how good I dance."

Choosing a car:

· Rigid prefers the car classic, working, hardy - he wants to get full for his money.

Pose sitting:

· Rigid sits completely straight. At the same time, it can move his legs and arrange the whole body strictly symmetrically, which even stronger emphasizes his rigid posture. Sometimes he crosses his legs or hands - when he does not want to feel what is happening.


· Rigid most afraid of coldness. It is difficult for him to recognize coldness, because he considers herself a sincere, warm man who does everything to be around harmony and justice. As a rule, he is faithful to his friends. But the surrounding often notice his own coldness, not so much in his eyes as in his dry, hard behavior, especially when he believes that he is unjustly accused of something.

Injuries by Gender:

· Injury injury is experiencing with the parent of his sex. That is, Rigid suffers from injustice from the side of his sex and accuses them in injustice to him. If he is experiencing a situation that he considers unfair, with the face of the opposite sex, it is not accused of this face, but rather itself - in injustice or incorrectness.

Healing injuries:

· Your injury injusticeclose to healing, if you allow yourself to be not so perfect, to make mistakes, without falling into the rage and not criticizing yourself. You can afford to show your sensitivity, you can put in front of others, without fear of their condemnation and without having a temporary loss of control.

Leave someone means also to throw it, leave, not desire to do more. Many confuse the concepts of "reject" and "leave." If one of the spouses, for example, decided to reject another, he pushes it, drives out, does not want to see him next. If he decided to leave the partner, it leaves him, leaves, is deleted - temporarily or irrevocably.

Here are some typical situations provoking an injury from the child abandoned. Kid can feel abandoned:

  • if his mother suddenly turns out to be very busy in connection with the advent of a new baby.
  • if parents go to work daily and there are very short time with him.
  • when he is hospitalized, not allowing parents to be with him in the hospital.
  • when parents give him to his holidays - even a grandmother - for supervision.
  • if his mother constantly sick, and his father is missing or too busy to do it

Many people who are injured abandoned, confirm that in childhood they suffered from a lack of communication from parent of the opposite sex. The one who bears injured abandoned, constantly experiencing emotional hunger. Trying to hide from yourself this injury, a man creates a mask dependent.

An abandoned injury give great sad eyes; They seem to try to attract our attention. Weak legs I. long handshanging along the body, create an impression of helplessness. The man seems to not know what to do with her own hands, especially when they look at him.

For the mask dependent, the lack of tone in the body is characteristic. Long, thin, sagging case indicates a severe injury abandoned. Muscular system is underdeveloped; From the outside it seems that it can not keep the body in a vertical position that a person needs help.

Another feature of the dependent mask is the location of some parts of the body below normal. Sometimes curved the back, as if the spine is not able to hold it in a straightened state. Whose parts of the body - shoulders, chest, buttocks, cheeks, belly, scrotum in men, etc. look like hanging, flabby.

Of the five different types of injured dependent, the most inclined to become a victim. Very high probability that one of his parents - and possibly both - were also victims. The victim is such a person who is always inclined to create a problem - primarily health problems - to attract attention. This phenomenon is well noticeable from the dependent when they are still very young. The dependent child wants to be sure that if he does something wrong, then someone will definitely help him out of trouble.

Such a person is dramatized too much; The slightest incident takes her gigantic sizes. If, for example, the husband did not call his wife and did not say that he would come home late, she suggests the worst and does not understand why he did not call and forced her to suffer so much.

But the dependent itself does not see a big misfortune in these problems: they bring him the most valuable gift - the attention of other people. So he managed not to feel abandoned. The more obvious victim a person looks like, the harder of his injury, the injury abandoned.

I wonder what the victim Very often and willingly plays the role savior.

if the dependent makes a lot of services to another person, then it usually counts on compliments, wants to feel an important person.

Support from other people is the form of assistance in which the dependent has the most acute need.

The dependent judge on how he withstands long suffering, and conclude that he loves these suffering. In fact, he does not accept them. Look at the woman who beats the husband or who lives with an alcoholic. Most likely, it is easier for her to carry this nightmare than to stay lonely.

Dependent people easily give free tears, especially when they are talking about their misfortunes and problems. In their sobs, accusations of other persons who threw them in a difficult moment. They do not want to see how often they themselves leave others. They do not give themselves the report in how many undertakings are thrown halfway.

Another way to attract attention is to conquer a social situation or a position to open access to a wide audience. Many singers, actors, circus artists and other religious-theatrical world workers who are addicted to the numerous public are addicted, people.

Of the five types of injured most of all love sex who is afraid to be abandoned. Usually he wants sex more than a partner. If a dependent woman does not want love joke, she will not tell her husband about it. She would prefer to imitate pleasure, as it does not want to miss the case to feel desirable.

As for nutrition, the dependent can eat a lot, without gaining weight. Since internally, it is tuned to what he is always lacking and everything is missing, then the corresponding message receives during meals and his body.

Fugitive is inclined to anorexia, and dependent - to bulimia. When a dependent man suffers from Bulimia, he "eats" his mother: he is painful to him. When Bulimia is manifested by a dependent woman, she lacks her father.

As for physical health, dependent differ, especially in childhood, frequent diseases, weakness, perfect physique. What do dependent suffer:

Asthma - disease characterized by difficult, breathing. In the metaphysical plan, this disease indicates that a person takes more than he should, and gives up with great difficulty.

Problems with bronchamiSince bronchi metaphysically connected with the family. If the dependent suffers with bronchial diseases, this indicates his family dissatisfaction: it seems to him that he gets too little from the family that it depends too much.

Problems pancreas (hypoglycemia and diabetes) and adrenal glands. All the digestive system is unstable, because he considers its nutrition inadequate

Myopiadependent is also found very often. It represents the inability to see far, and this is due to the fear of future and, especially, with reluctance to meet the future alone.

Dependent, too cruising his sacrificial sundry, can bring himself to hysteria. Many dependent develops depression.

Dependent suffers migrainebecause it hinders yourself to be yourself, blocks your "I am."

If you see an injury left, then I must remind you that this wound has activated your parent of the opposite sex and that every person of the opposite sex continues to be Bedgered.

While we continue to be angry with your parent (even unconsciously), until then, our relationship with people of the same sex as this parent will be difficult to develop.

If you find the features of the dependent, but do not think that it was deprived of the attention of the parent of the opposite sex, - rather, on the contrary, this attention was redundant, then it was probably what happened. Attention that have provided to you was not the variety of what you wanted. It almost suffocked you.

You remember that main reason Injuries lies in the inability of a person to forgive themselves for his dear or someone else evil. It is difficult for him to forgive himself because it usually does not even realize that he saves anger

We reproach others in all that they do, but we do not want to notice .

For this reason, we attract people who show us how we behave with others and with yourself.

According to Liz Burbo

Abandoned experiencing his injury mainly at the level "to have" and "do", and not at the level of "be", characteristic of rejected. Here are some typical situations provoking an injury from the child abandoned.

Kid can feel abandoned:

If his mother suddenly turns out to be very busy in connection with the advent of a new baby. Especially acute this feeling happens in cases where the newborn baby is sick or requires special care. Abandoned it seems that Mom completely left him and ...

He so wanted to hit her by setting a romantic evening! Full of loveHe bought a gift for his girlfriend. But the real surprise did yet she.

"I covered the table, lit a candle and put a beautifully packed package next to her plate," says Hans-Jürgen Israel (44). "There was a bag that she wanted for a long time." But instead thanks, the photographer received a turn from the gate. "She looked at me and said:" I think we must break up. "

Until today, he never digested sudden ...

Hello! My husband and I live six months. His parents divorced when he was small. During the departure of the father, he was very worried, rushing hysterics. On the this moment We have such a situation: everything can be fine, but as soon as some kind of quarrel or I start a conversation on an unpleasant topic, he can't restrain himself for a long time and he has a breakdown.

He is being cruel, insults, and if I answer him in the same spirit, it can push, insists that I silenced. He also had ...

Watch for young children or remember yourself in early childhood. Have you been tormented by complexes, did you think about what they look like something wrong? Was it necessary for happiness something else besides a bright sun and my mother's smile?

Children do not know what problems with self-esteem or painful hatred in itself. We all come to this world in love with yourself, their loved ones and the universe. But due to psychological injuries, people can lose this condition.

Therefore, in order to gain ...

Injusting injury can be due to the thought that we have more material benefits than other people, but it happens more often - it seems to us that we are not enough.

This trauma is awakened during the development of the child's individuality, that is, aged about three to five years, when he is aware that it is a human being, a separate holistic entity with its peculiarities.

The child feels like injustice that he cannot be holistic and ...

The key term associated with betrayal and the opposite of him in meaning is loyalty. Be sure - it means to fulfill your obligations, be loyal, not to change. A faithful person can be trusted, you can rely on it.

When loyalty is violated, it becomes the cause of the suffering of the person who was betrayed.

This trauma is awakened between the ages of two and four, when sexual energy develops and emerges the complex. This injury is experiencing a parent of the opposite ...

The rigid speech is somewhat mechanical and restrained.

Controlling is a loud, rolled voice.

Each type has its own manner in dance:
Fugitive dislikes dancing. If it dances, then the movements are minimal and inexpressive, it is not ...

An injury is called such an event that generates unusually strong or uncontrollable feelings, or the human crisis itself itself.

Under the psychological trauma, the state of disintegration or a breakdown, arising in the case when the mental apparatus is suddenly exposed to superfluid external or internal stimuli, which are too strong to cope with them in the usual way.

Thus, traumatic stress comes in the event if the stressful factor ...

Often, people with difficulty capture the difference between two concepts - "reject" and "leave." Leave someone means to retire from him for someone or something else. Reject - it means to push off, not desire to see with you and in your life.

The rejecting uses the expression: "I don't want," and the one who leaves, says: "I can't".

Be rejected - very deep injury; Rejected it feels like a refusal of his essence itself, as the denial of his right to exist. Of all...