Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a long table with your own hands. How to make a table of wood with your own hands? Photo ideas: how to make a given table with your own hands

To start a loved to the independent manufacture of furniture, it is worth learning how to create a stool because it is the easiest way. And then the time to study the question of creating a table comes.

Table designs are different, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of creating a stuff.

A simple table for use in the country or during a departure to a picnic you can collect just a few hours. To do this, you need a hacksaw, a hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can be made for residential premises. Since it is able to perfectly replace the current very large option, purchased in the retail point of sales or furniture store.

The process of self-creating the table is interesting and on the other hand, since the freedom of creative expression of the author appears with the help of it. It can be represented as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

The creators of manual amateur furniture are not just called joiners. It does not apply to the usual definition like: Sounders or bedside beds, and maybe lockers.

Having gained experience in this direction, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables that are characterized by advanced characteristics.

Now consider the question of the independent creation of wood-based tables.

Wood is characterized by cleanliness and accessibility, in addition, it is not so difficult to process, like other materials. It transmits the maximum energy of the aesthetic filling of the style of the residential room.

At the expense of its properties condescendingly refers to the mistakes of beginners in the field of independent creation of furniture. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of skill.

To begin with, learning to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use as a material: glass, plastic or even metal.

Selection of tools and room facilities

To engage in independent creation of tables or other wooden furniture elements, it is necessary to use only a non-residential room.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation of a large amount of dust, chips and other waste.

And the process of toning or creating protection for material based on the simulation is capable of forming dangerous release into the air. Actually nitroleki can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal joinery workshop will have to take care of the air ventilation. Specialists advise creating artificial ventilation of the premises.

Many for this use a garage, however, waste production can pollute or damage the car because of this is not the best option.

Joinery tools belong to modern and traditional species

For the most part, for a start, it is possible to limit the simple carpentry tool, however, it may be necessary to see modern versions in the form of:

  • The swivel version of the stub, helps to create a sleep based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all its beneficial properties, first of all, with an ampace saw. This couple is considered universal, it can come in handy for the fulfillment of many works.

  • The handmade version of the universal electric jigsaw, which is characterized by a tilted shoe, helps create a propyl based on the necessary angle with respect to the vertical plane.

  • Disk version of the grinding machine. It will help newcomers to process the tree surface approximately for 5-15 minutes. An experienced joinear together with the skin will be able to perform the same work for about an hour.

And there is also an ordinary grinding ribbon machine and for grooves with in-depth places, characterized by a protruding option for the working part.

Such tools are highlighted by the price and narrow specialization of work, experienced masters recommend that they take them into a short lease term.

The best specialists using, various grinding machines can even create an effect of artificial aging wood, however, it is a very difficult job as for beginners.

What tree is suitable best?

To create a wooden table, any wood, which has an average resistance to the rotation process, however, should be refrained from soft versions like: poplar, willow, wood of ailant, aspen and more alder.

Of the domestic types of wood it is best to use:

  • soft versions in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane, juniper or ate.

  • solid in the form of an ideal oak suitable for many works of beech, maple, nut or ash, larch, as well as fruit rocks represented by apple trees, plums, pears, apricots and quince. And also here should include Elm and Ryabin.

  • pretty solid views based on acacia, tees, stone birch, dogwood and says.


The table and probably all kinds of furniture created by their own hands, I want to decorate with an artistic version of the painting, and not ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the drawing can be spoiled so that this does not happen to rub the paint into the depth of the tree to the varnishing process. This can be done on the basis of equipment - lesing. We are talking about layer-by-layer rubbing, using paints.

Photo tables do it yourself

Wooden street table for giving is quite possible to make it yourself. This uses ready or independently developed drawings. To make a beautiful tree table yourself for use on the street, you need to purchase high-quality material, and comply with the rules of manufacture.

Beautiful and comfortable country table - an indispensable attribute of summer holiday. When choosing a finished product, you need to determine the sizes as well the following parameters:

  • using the object of furniture outdoors or indoors;
  • the maximum number of people capable of placing at the table;
  • the budget allocated for the purchase.

The tabletop and the building of the street object of furniture can be made of different types of material:

  • plastic models are an ideal option for exploitation at the cottage. Advantages are in the available cost, relative compactness and ease. As a rule, round or oval form are produced, and allow you to place about six to eight people. Despite the stylish appearance, it is not characterized by too long service life. The disadvantages include the tendency to destruction as a result of the negative impact of direct sunlight. Also, a lightweight design can turn over with strong wind gusts, the need to be used to install the maximum smooth surface and damage exposure, which is accompanied by a rapid loss of the initial aesthetic appearance;

  • wood models Very organically look even in a modern summer landscape. Such furniture items perfectly complement garden plantings. Such models are categorized enough. By cons of natural wood include the ability to collapse and be carried out under the influence of water and temperature drops, and the legs depressed into the soil may rot, therefore it is required to regularly process with antiseptics;
  • elegant metal models Different quality and incredible durability. This furniture is particularly beautiful on the background of forged fences and decor elements. Such tables are consistent with considerable weight, as well as very high cost. Very often modern models are a very successful combination of metal with wooden or glass countertops.

If it is planned to use the table in summer conditions yearly, the optimal option will be a metal structure, which is very resistant to any unfavorable external factors. The legs of the metal design can even be concreted, which will betray additional stability to the object of furniture.

How to make a wooden table for giving with your own hands

Tables made of wooden boards are very often manufactured independently. Of course, this option will require sufficient care throughout the entire period of operation, but will allow you to give a bright style and originality in the country. Among other things, you can build the simplest models with your own hands with minor time and money costs even in the absence of professional skills and special tools.

Making the drawing of the table with sizes

The scheme of self-assembly may be ready, but to get the original table with the most suitable size and table top, you need to draw the drawing yourself. When drawing up the drawing, it is recommended to focus on the standard dimensions of such an object of cottage furniture 178x95x77.5 cm.

Required tools and materials

To make a beautiful and practical tree table for cottages, need to prepare:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • saw
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level.

Work is necessarily carried out in standard protective glasses and mittens. In the manufacture you need to use building materials presented:

  • pair of boards with dimensions of 85x10x2.5 cm;
  • pair of boards with dimensions 153x10x2.5 cm
  • four boards with dimensions 168x10x2.5 cm;
  • four boards with 75x10x5 cm sizes;
  • board 95x10x2.5 cm - 17 pcs;
  • fixing tools in the form of nails, screws and bolts;
  • glue for woodwork.

It is also necessary to prepare antiseptic compositions in advance for wood processing, wood varnish or special paint and brushes.

How to make the table do it yourself (video)

Getting Started: Production of Wooden Street Table Parts

All elements in the form of wooden boards must be smooth, natural humidity, from high-quality wood solid rocks. If necessary, the boards must be aligned before carrying out the assembly, and if necessary, their grinding. To get a durable design, you should make careful processing of wood with antiseptics.

It is not recommended to soak wood with oil compositionswhich has proven themselves in operation in conditions of high humidity, but increase the level of flammability and give the designs an unpleasant and sufficiently stable smell that remains for a long time. After applying water-soluble impregnations, it is recommended to apply a layer of a special lesing antiseptic that allows you to give high decorative properties of a product and promoting additional protection.

Assembly and fasteners of the main elements

At the first stage of independent manufacture of a wooden street country table, a frame base of the furniture object is assembled. It is to the framework that the boards will be fixed to create countertops and, as well as the stands of the table. The frame base traditionally consists of four sharply and even longitudinal boards having a size of 168x10x2.5 cm and a pair of endboards with dimensions of 85x10x2.5 cm.

The assembly must be carried out on the maximum smooth surface, fixing the end elements to the longitudinal boards with galvanized screws and adhesive composition. Very important Do not allow the base of the base in the process of assembly and fastening. After checking on the diagonal, additional boards 153x10x2.5 cm are necessarily recorded, which will allow to give the resulting design to the additional rigidity, and also hide the sections of the feet of the legs.

The countertop is assembled from the board with dimensions of 95x10x2.5 cm. Fixation of boards can be produced both galvanized nails and self-draws. Be sure to leave a gap between the table top elements at 0.5 cm. The legs are mounted using self-tapping screws or bolted compound. The second option is more preferable and allows you to get a removable model, convenient for transportation and storage.

Installing amplifiers - Warranty of durability

If there is a need to get the most massive and durable design, the amplifiers are used. To install such details, it is necessary to flip the product up with legs. Transverse amplifiers in the middle of the countertops are nailed, and the angles of amplifiers are spilled in order to save space. A pair of figure cut amplifiers, which repeats the shape of the worktop, is nailed to the sidewalls.

How to protect the table from external factors

Adverse weather conditions represented by the sun, rain and temperature drops are an aggressive medium for a wooden structure, operated in the conditions of the street. To protect the wooden products and extend their service life, special film coatings and a variety of impregnating compositions are applied. Polyurethane protective films are most often used. The disadvantage of such a film coverage is the loss of appearance, reduced efficiency and wear after the expiration of a certain time. Impregnations for wood protection are represented by a mixture based on oils and solutions of repetuents. And the other option of protection against external adverse factors has proven itself well, but requires periodic updates.

Wooden street table: drawing (video)

We make a wooden country table from what's hand

As a material for creating a wooden cottage table, a variety of remedies are very often used. Incredibly stylish and very reliable tables from the slab - an option that can be made independently in the presence of some skills of working with wood. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the technique of manufacturing tabletop based on sleeps is characterized by characteristic specificity and quite laborious, but the resulting finished product will be unique and unique.

Very original in garden design looks construction:

  • from a wooden bar for real fans of natural materials;
  • from several stumps or bobbins;
  • from old window frames with a glass countertop;
  • from boxes supplemented by various decorative elements;
  • from an old wooden chest with forged elements.

Tables created from pallets were also quite widespread. Fashion for such products came from Asia, where similar furniture furniture is very often manufactured for the absence of free funds. When creating this option, you can show all your fantasy, but it is very desirable to replace nails from pallets to the self-tapping screw, And all the fastenings of the frame and boards must be reinforced with special furniture corners. If you wish, you can add the design by conventional furniture wheels, allowing you to make the table mobile and convenient to operate.

How to make a metal table with a wooden table top

One of the interesting and durable options for garden furniture. For self-making, you will need:

  • metal pipe or high-quality metal rolling of sufficient section;
  • primer for work with metal surfaces;
  • paint in the metal surface and brushes;
  • chalk or light marker;
  • smooth surface for stencil;
  • wooden table top;
  • bruks and adhesive composition for fastening table tops.

The tool can be represented by a welding machine, a grinder, saw for metal, hammer, screwdriver, self-drawing and bolts. The metal is pre-cleaned from rust and contaminants using a steel brush, after which the frame is created according to the stencil.

Welding should be taken carefully to prevent the formation of welding growths. The metal brush is cleaned with the whole design, after which the primer processing and staining is performed. After full, the paint is complete, the tabletop is recorded, which also needs to be treated with special antiseptics, after which it is covered with varnish or paint.

Table of logs do it yourself (video)

Independent production of cottage furniture from wood is a very interesting and creative process, affordable even beginners. Such natural material is perfectly combined with metal, glass, and plastic, which allows you to create original, unusual and very decorative solutions.

The table with your own hands may well be made even a homemade master who does not have any accumulated experience in the joinery craft. Of course, it will be possible if the design of the table will be sufficiently simple and understandable.

For example, find a suitable ready-made table model for a kitchen with overly small dimensions is not always obtained. Purchase to order furniture from the wood array - sufficiently placed. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to take care of the tools and design your own "work" yourself, pushing out the specific sizes of the place where the table is planned.

In addition, a desire often arises to show their creative abilities in the conditions of giving, especially since there is always a desire to beautifully equip the veranda or a gazebo of a country site. If there are suitable materials and tools at hand, then you can or sit for drawing up the drawing of the future table, or take advantage of the finished project, and then proceed to work.

To understand which of the types of tables under the power to build with your own hands, it is desirable to consider several options for this subject of furniture.

Tools for work

Before starting work, you must prepare the appropriate tools that will be required for the manufacture of any wooden table. The amount of material for each model will be different.

You can use ordinary, traditional hand tools that have always worked carpenters. This list usually includes:

  1. The plans to be aligned with wood and drive items to the desired size.
  2. The chisels for sampling of various holes and grooves, removing small protrusions.
  3. Saws of different sizes and modifications that cut thick boards or make minor drums.
  4. Pencil, roulette, corner and ruler.
  5. Screwdriver Set.
  6. Clamps for temporary fixation of glued parts.
  7. Sanding paper for grinding.

Many of the tools can be replaced by more modern and convenient devices:

  • Electric jigscription will perform all the work for which they used to be used, the various saws mentioned above.

Rating electroballs
  • The grinding machine will help to make the surfaces even and pulses them to the brilliance, will save from the very tedious handling procedure with emery paper.

  • Milling machine with a set of cutters. This device will help rounding sharp corners, drill curly grooves under furniture loops, and if you need a certain experience, you can decorate the table with a relief pattern with it.
  • Significantly accelerates work, as it will have to spend on the twist of each self-proof for a few minutes. In addition, it is possible to install one of the cutters or conventional drills in it with certain operations, for example, in order to process the edge or make a perfectly smooth large or fine hole (groove).
  • The building level will help make the product smooth and neat, as it will show all possible irregularities and skews.

So that the finished furniture does not work out "dashed", the assembly is controlled by the level

Easy in the manufacture of a table for the country area

Make a similar country table - forces to each

Necessary materials

For such a country having a size of a tabletop of 1680 × 850 mm, it will not be necessary for a very large amount of wooden blanks. It is necessary to prepare the following:

  1. Bar, section - 750 × 100 × 50 mm - 4 pcs. (Table legs).
  2. Self-tapping screws, bolts and, possibly, metal corners.
  3. Carpentry glue.
  4. Board, size:
  • 1680 × 100 × 25 mm - 4 pcs. (longitudinal framework elements);
  • 850 × 100 × 25 mm - 2 pcs. (transverse framework parts);
  • 1580 × 100 × 25 mm - 2 pcs. (facing boards for the side elements of the frame);
  • 950 × 100 × 25 mm - 17 pcs. (Boards for the table top).

All wooden elements must be processed by the compositions and have a prepared smooth surface. If it is planned to "darken" wood, then it is covered with a verse, and for the manifestation of the texture pattern - on top neatly passed the grinding machine. Sanding paper with small grain will remove the blurred sublime parts of the wood pattern, and they will become lighter than recess.

Installation of garden table

When all parts for the frame will be prepared, you can go to the assembly.

Frame or "Box"
  • The first step of the work-table framework details are four longitudinal boards of 1680 × 100 × 25 mm and two end 850 × 100 × 25 mm, laid out on the big table or on the floor. On the end boards there is a markup of the location of the internal and exterior boards. Using a ruler, relying on the drawing, the desired distances are measured and the pencil is marked. Be sure to accurately note the width of the longitudinal board at the junction with the end, especially if the connection is to pass in the insertion method.

The connection of the elements can be carried out in different ways:

Connection with the choice of a "quarter" and using metal corners

- with the help of a steel corner - this is the easiest and most reliable way;

- the method of the insert is a more complex way, since it requires exact dimensions not only in the width and length of the connecting elements, but also in the depth of the board;

Several types of connection on the principle of "Ship-Paz"

- "Paz-Schip" shown in the second figure a), b), c), d) and e) such a compound is also quite difficult for beginner masters who do not have experience;

- The connection of the wizards is shown on Fenther E) - this method also requires ideal accuracy when marking and drumming the holes in the parts connected.

  • All compounds are usually carried out with glue. An exception is only fastening the details of the metal corner.
  • The frame must have perfectly verified direct angles, so after connecting all the elements, you need to control the construction of the construction corner and measurement and comparing the length of the diagonals.
  • If the parts are fixed with glue, they must be fixed in clamps and leave it to the complete burden, otherwise they will be connected unreliable.

  • When the glue is driving, and the frame will acquire a certain rigidity, facing boards are fixed to external longitudinal sides of a size of 1580 × 100 × 25 mm. The place of their attachments also need to be placed, since in their edges there should be a distance for the installation of the legs. Facing boards are also placed on glue and fixed with self-drawing, the hats of which should be dried in wood by 1.5 ÷ 2.0 mm.

  • The next step is the transverse case of the countertop boards 950 × 100 × 25 mm. The place of consolidation is also needed to first place, starting from the middle of the frame, as they must be installed at a distance of 5 mm from each other. Table tops over the frame should be 25 mm from all four sides.
  • Further, each of the boards are fixed in four places to the longitudinal elements of the "box" of the table, and the extreme boards are also to the end parties. So that the hats of the screws were recessed, for them in the boards, the recesses with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled into a depth of 2 ÷ 3 mm, then, in the center of these recesses, the drill of a smaller diameter (usually - 3 mm) through holes are dried, in which the self-tapping screws will be screwed. In order to avoid cracking of boards during installation work, through holes must be drilled.

  • After that, on the edges of the longitudinal boards, the legs of a bar with a cross section of 750 × 100 × 50 mm are fixed, they must accurately coincide with the width of the table top.

The next step - the legs are installed
  • The legs can be fixed to the frame by self-drawing, but it is better to fix each of them with two bolts, placing them on the diagonal of the connection site. Through the bolts are drilled through holes, and the twisting of the nuts on them is made from the inside of the frame using the key.
  • The final stage of manufacturing is seeding with screws of self-tapping screws with a mixture made of joinery or epoxy glue and sawdust. This homemade putty fill the deepening over the hats and well smash. After grazeing the glue all the worktop, and especially the places closed by the "plugs" of the glue, you need to polish well.

  • After that, the table can be covered with varnish or water-based paint. Waving to dry the decorating or protective layer, the product can be installed in the country gazebo, on the veranda or terrace in the recreation area.

If desired, the set to the table will be easy to make or bench.

Small folding table for kitchen

Such a small folding table is perfect for a small kitchen or a very small room.

  1. Its design is arranged in such a way that the countertop cannot work independently if the feet of the table will be condemned, so the table is quite safe for installation in the children's room.
  2. The presence of a bilateral spacious bedside table will allow you to store various trifles and small toys.
  3. The table is equipped with a tabletop of sufficient size so that the child, sitting behind him, could perform homework.
  4. In addition, there will be a place for a laptop on the worktop or the books necessary for studying books.
  5. If necessary, this small table can easily be replaced with an ironing board, if you have a soft tissue on its surface.

Given all the above, the table can be called multifunctional, despite the very compact dimensions.

Find out how, as well as familiarize yourself with multiple models with detailed instructions, in the special article of our portal.

Required materials and details for folding table

To assemble such a convenient piece of furniture, you need to prepare all the details from which it consists. The list of necessary blanks is shown in the table below, and how to manufacture them - will be described and shown below:

Scheme of the table with the populated numbers of assembly parts (clickable illustration - click to enlarge)
Details number in the drawingthe name of detailNumber, pcs.Detail size, mmMaterial of manufacture, thickness, mm
1 Folding part of the table top.1 600 × 600.
2 Fixed table top of the couch.1 600 × 475.Multilayer Plywood 25mm Thick
3 2 530 × 30.
4 2 120 × 30.Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
5 Top face detail of the groove, limiting the movement of the leg.1 122 × 30.Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
6 Element groove for the movement of the leg on the folding countertop.2 530 × 20.Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
7 The element of the groove for the movement of the leg on the tabletop of the couch.2 120 × 20.Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
8 Lower end detail of the groove, limiting the movement of the leg.1 122 × 20.Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
9 Side walls of table stands.2 720 × 520.MDF 19 mm
10 Horizontal details of the stands forming the shelves.3 520 × 312.MDF 19 mm
11 The lower vertical part of the inner partition of the couch.1 418 × 312.MDF 19 mm
12 The upper vertical part of the inner partition of the couch.1 312 × 184.MDF 19 mm
13 The average horizontal part of the couch.1 310 × 250.MDF 19 mm
14 Door of the couch.1 477 × 346.MDF 19 mm
15 Shelf of the couch.1 310 × 250.MDF 19 mm
16 Facade cabinet drawer.1 346 × 209.MDF 19 mm
17 Front drawer panel (located behind the facade).1 418 × 312.MDF 19 mm
18 Side panels drawer.2 341 × 250.MDF 19 mm
19 Rear drawer panel.1 272 × 120.MDF 19 mm
20 Bottom panel box.1 341 × 272.MDF 19 mm
Handles for drawer and door doors.2 Ø 30 mmWood
Upper leg element.1 80 × 80 × 18Multilayer plywood 18 mm thick
Mobile feet of the table.1 Ø Top 55, bottom 30, height 702Wood
Furniture loops for connecting two parts of the table top.2 Ø 50 mmMetal
Furniture loops for the door.2 The size depends on the form.Metal
Bottom end panels covering the lumen under the tab.2 20 × 300 × 5Plywood 5 mm

The figures show the drawing of the table to which you can rely on the process of manufacturing and assembling elements into a single design.

The main sizes of the table (illustration clickable - click to enlarge)
Separate table nodes - retractable box and guide channel for moving legs (Illustration of clickable - Click to enlarge)

For the manufacture of all the parts listed in the table, modern electrical tools will be required that can bring the workpiece to professional perfection.

Learn how to make with a photo and description in a special article of our portal.

Installation of folding table stands

Start the manufacture of the table stands with the most important and large part of its details - countertops. Since the folding table, this element will consist of two parts - stationary and "mobile", that is, that which can be thrown down if necessary. In the folded state, this table may well perform the role of a conventional compact standby.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation

The first step of plywood with a thickness of 25 mm, using a jigsaw or circular saw, it is necessary to cut the blanks for the table top, the size of 600 × 600 and 600 × 475 mm.

Next, the larger panel is marked - the semicircle is drawn up, since the front of the table should be rounded.
In order to achieve the correct form of the semicircle, you can use a large building circulation, or make it yourself - from the nail, pencil and rope.

Then, according to the noted, the tabletop curly.
This can be done using a jigsaw or circular saw by installing an appropriate zircle nozzle on it.

Further, the milling machine is set to the cutter of the desired configuration, which will make the edges of the table top smooth, optionally - smooth or rounded.

The milling part of the panel is treated with a milling part, leaving a smooth one side that will stick with the second part of the table top.
The edges are then processed.

The next step, the two treated parts of the table top are laid on a flat table at a distance of 5 mm from each other.
Marking is made to install furniture loops. They must be placed at a distance of 100-120 mm from the edge of the table top.
Furniture loops can have a different form, so they should be put on the marked place and circle with a simple pencil.
Then, with the help of a milling mill in the plywood, special curly grooves are arranged, the depth of which should be equal to the thickness of the furniture loops.
In the finished holes of the loops are fixed with the help of self-tapping screws.

After connecting the hinges of two parts of the table, in the middle of the panels, there is a markup from the bottom side to secure parts that form a closed channel for the movement of the moving feet of the table.
Guides must be fixed at a distance of 30 mm from the joint of two parts of the table.
For the manufacture of parts, plywood is 18 mm thick. Then, cut out of it and processed by a mill of 10 elements: 530 × 30 mm in size - 2 pcs., 530 × 20 mm - 2pcs, 120 × 30 mm - 2 pcs., 120 × 30 × 20 mm - 2pc., 122 × 20 mm -1 pcs.
It is important to remember that long rails must have from one edge, and short elements on both sides of the sections of 45˚ so that when docking, they formed a straight angle. In addition, the upper long and short parts fixed on top of the lower rails of the guides are cut from the ends, also at an angle of 45˚. These sections are necessary to ensure that their corners do not interfere with the foot of the legs by the resulting channel.
Then, to the discharged section of the rounded, and then to the rectangular part of the tabletop are glued with carbon glue parts. First, they are fixed on the glue, and then screwed up the longest rails having a size of 530 × 20 mm, then overlaps the channel part 122 × 20 mm.
On top of long and short fixed rivers are pasted by second, having the same length, but large widths are also additionally screwed by self-draws. Thus, a smooth channel forms between the tabletop and the upper rail, along which the leg will move.
It is very important to calculate the location of spouts of screws in so that the upper does not come across those that fix the lower rails.
Similarly, four parts and on the rectangular part of the table top are fixed.
All items should be processed before smoothness and perfectly fixed with each other, otherwise the leg when moving will be stumbled on obstacles and jam.

The leg is usually made on the lathe. If it is not, then it can be ordered to order it at the master or buy in the finished form.
As a last resort, you can make it square, processing the timing of the desired height before smoothness.
Then, on the upper end part of the leg with the help of a duct and glue is fixed exactly in the center, the guide square plate of plywood, having dimensions of 80 × 80 × 18 mm.

Next, after drying the glue, the leg can be installed in the channel intended for it and test for its free movement, without jamming.
If necessary, you can carry out minor fit and refinement.

The finished countertop is painted, or is covered with a water-based varnish - if the goal is set to preserve the factory drawing of plywood.
After that, the finished countertop is laying aside and go to the manufacture of the couch.

Elements of the cabinets do not have complex configurations, so it is enough to make them enough on the MDF panel or a thick phaneer to accurately move the dimensions of the parts specified in the table, and gently cut them out them with a jigsaw or saws.
After the items are made, their end parts must be processed before smoothness by the milling mill, otherwise they will look inactively.

If you plan to leave the visible end parts of the details of the chandeliers with a special laminated edge ribbon, then this process is carried out using a conventional iron.
The tape on the inner side has a layer of glue, which is heated under the influence of heat and ensures reliable fixation of the edge on the surface of the end parts of the MDF panels.

The next step in the door panel of the cabinets you need to make curly grooves in which furniture loops will be fixed and fixed.
The holes are made in the same way as in the tabletop using a millingrer, but in this case the mill can be installed in the screwdriver, since the MDF has a smaller density than glued plywood and is easier to process without material chip.
The loop should be located at a distance of 100 mm from the edges of the door - before the start of drilling you need to spend thorough markup.
A similar procedure is carried out with the wall of the couch to which the door will be fixed.
Then the door of the door is joined among themselves, to check the correctness of the installation and for the holes for the screws for the screws.

In addition to loops, you can immediately fasten the prepared handle.
To do this, retreating the edge of the panel 50 mm and finding a convenient position in height, the point is noted through which the through hole is drilled to fix the handle.

All made parts of the cabinet are painted paint selected color with roller and brush.
The paint will not only make the product aesthetically attractive, but also protects the material from the negative effect of a specific kitchen wet environment.

Next, you can go to the assembly of the bedside tables.
Professionals spend this process using special tools, but they can be completely replaced by appliant devices. For example, you can assemble on a flat table, and for the convenience of installing the cabinets, it is additionally installed on smooth bars.
Mutual fastening of parts can be carried out with the help of wooden drums, metal furniture corners or self-tapping screws - the last option is the easiest, but also the most unreliable. In addition, hats of self-assembly after assembly will have to mask various compositions.
The assembly process occurs as follows:
- The bottom panel is laid on the stand.
- It is set to it in terms of the level and with the help of a construction corner one of the side panels and its location is marked with a pencil.
- And the same is planned on the horizontal and vertical panel the location of the fastening parts.
- exactly the same procedure is carried out with the second side and separation middle wall.
- Then, on the marked points of the bottom and end sides of the side panels, holes are drilled to install the waders.
- After that, before gluing the parts, the locations are defined on the side walls to install the shelves. Then, in the marked places mounted brackets-shelters for which holes are also drilled.
- Next, in the holes, drilled in the bottom, are mounted glued by glue, the side walls are put on the upper, protruding part.
- the non-removable jumper shelves are mounted in the same way, simultaneously with the side walls.

Before you continue to work, you need to make sure that the glue in the collected design is good.
In order for the cabinet to stood tougher, it is placed on the side and for the breakdown squeezed by clamps.

While driving glue, you can take a drawer assembly.
Since it will be completely assembled from MDF, the installation of the box can also be carried out with the help of a wanking.
The lateral sides are assigned to the bottom part of the box, and the line has a pencil, and then marked seats where the sewage will be installed.
Then, the sidewalls are removed, and on the marked places, the holes are drilled in their end to install fasteners. The same is done on the bottom panel.
Further, the wrenches are missing with glue and gently inserted into the holes, connecting the sidewalls with the bottom.

Bathrooms are twisted with the help of self-tapping screws, the hats of which are recommended to be dried into wood, and the holes should be sealing from epoxy glue and sawdust.
Another fastening option can become furniture corners, which are from the inside are screwed to the sidewalls by self-draws. Each of the sides will take two corners.

Collecting the box, it is necessary to control the evenness of its corners with a construction corner and a change in diagonals, otherwise there may be a skew.

If it is planned to install metal roller guides for a lightweight drawer, then to start on the sidewalls of the boxes and on the inner walls of the cabinet, the place of their attachment is determined.
To do this, with the help of a pencil and ruler, the line is drawn, on which the guides will be enshrined.

Next, the front panel is installed to the front of the box. It is screwed from the inside of the drawer, through pre-placed and drilled holes.
Recommended In addition to the screws for fastening the panel, use the glue: it is applied to the front panel, and then the facade is pressed to it, and they are tightened with four-five screws.
After grazing the glue in the center of the front panel, the hole is drilled through which the handle is screwed.

Finally, the long-awaited moment comes - the connection of the stands and countertops.
The stationary part of the countertop is recommended to first be glued to the surface of the couch, and then fasten it with self-strokes, which are screwed from the inside of the lower cabinets.
But first, the countertop must be right. A part of the channel located on the stationaryly installed tabletop panel must be restarted into the side of the couch - it will serve as a stopper for the movement of the legs towards the table.
The countertop should go beyond the edges of the cutter on the side of the drawer by 50 mm, open shelves by 30 mm, and from the side of the leg - 120 mm.

Securing the tabletop, go to the final installation and screwing on the dormitory of the bedside tables.
Then the retractable box is inserted, and the shelves are installed on the shelves.

In the closed state, the compact table, so it does not take up much space and looks quite aesthetic.
If you wish to decorate it, you can choose other colors that will be better harmony with the interior of a particular room.

In the open state, the table will also not take much space and perfectly fit into one of the corners of the room.
Thanks to its "easy" design, it does not waste the interior, and the shape of the tabletop makes it safe for children. Therefore, this option can be considered ideal for small apartments with small kitchens and rooms.

If there is a need to save money, or simply there is a big desire to show yourself in joiner's work, then you should not postpone self-making. Moreover, the assembly will become not only interesting and useful, but also very pleasant, especially at the moment when the work will be successfully completed.

For those who are confident in their abilities, another interesting version of the round table, which may well serve both at home and in the territory of the site.

Video: An example of a round table assembly

And one more idea of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen table, to realize themselves, which is incorrect, will also be able to skillful owner:

Video: Easy kitchen collapsible design

The kitchen table is your own hands - this is the opportunity to save, and the way to ensure the kitchen with unique furniture, perfectly fit into the available space. However, it is important to correctly identify the dimensions and the form of a future design.

How to make a wooden dining table

The table from the wood array is beautiful, naturally and, as a rule, expensive. But it is not necessary to buy such a table, because you can make it with your own hands no less qualitatively and for much smaller money.

So, to make a dining table with your own hands you need:

  1. 4 things. leg legs for a table, 73 cm high and not too thin;
  2. For table top: 4 Dry cutting wooden boards with a length of 1 m (for a table with a width of 60 cm);

  1. For frame: 2 boards 80 cm long and 2 40 cm long boards.

Prepare the tools: the planer, the grinder or grinding machine, the electrolovka to circumcise the boards, circular saw, drill (with a 8 mm drill), a screwdriver, sandpaper, self-tapping screw (30 mm), carp and carbon black, wrenches, clamps (preferably). And, of course, you will use a pencil, roulette, gloves and safety glasses.

For the finishing of the table, it will take a varnish, a simulation or paint along with the primer. First make a worktop. To do this, you need to easily adjust all 4 boards for one length - 100 cm. If your boards were not cut onto the panel, then they need to be overwhelmed along width and thickness. Then they need to carefully polish the plane. The better you get excited wood, the more smooth the tabletop will turn out. Well process edges so that the boards can easily fit to each other.

You will not connect the boards with self-testers and nails, but glue and ducks (choppers). To do this, on the edges of all boards, we make the same marks in 10-15 cm increments and drill holes for the drill of 8 mm drill. Then he sanding the edges and put on them and in the holes made joinery. Now the choppers are processed by the same glue, we drive into the holes and in turn connect all 4 bars. Excess glue on the surface remove the sandpaper and grind it, as well as all the edges of the plane. At this stage, you can walk on the tabletop with a metal sponge to give the wood texture.

So, the countertop is ready. Now you need to make the legs and make the base for it.

To do this, it is necessary to smoothly bore balusters with short transverse boards with glue and screws. The glue dries at least 12 hours.

Fresh legs to long crossbars and drill holes in them in order to set the table top later.

After the glue in the frame will dry, you can start installing the countertops on it (frame).

If you want to make the table longer and wider, then you need to strengthen the table with two additional transverse strips, as shown in the photo.

So, the table is almost ready, it remains only to be treated with a varnish or a verse or paint, pre-trunking.

What color to paint the table? Relieve yourself from personal preferences and colors of the rest of the furniture. Below is the most universal option - the table top and the legs are covered with verses.

We can see the main errors of the wood of the tree in this video.

If you like the gloss, then the surface of the table can be covered with a veil, and from above - varnish (an example in the photo below), or just cover with varnish.

You can paint the legs into white, and the worktop is covered with a verse to make such a design, as the next photo.

How to make a kitchen table from chipboard

The kitchen table with their own hands from the laminated chipboard is a practical and budget decision. Such countertops are covered with decorative plastic, stable during abrasion. In a typical version, the size of the table top can make up 3000x600x36 (26) mm, but today it is not difficult to purchase a DSP sheet, painted to the necessary dimensions or agree on the furniture workshop for the sale of a suitable trimming.

You will also need:

  • Connecting and end planks;
  • End edges;
  • Shrews.

Even if you acquire a tabletop of suitable sizes, you will need to additionally process ends - it will make the result more attractive, and will also protect the base from moisture. For these purposes, you can use a special furniture Cant based on polyvinyl chloride or glue the edge tape. An option with Kant is considered more practical for the dining table and suitable for home masters.

For the kitchen table, the corresponding supports will be needed - you can buy legs individually or give preference to the finished base. It all depends on what option your drawings provide. The most common option is the round legs d \u003d 60 mm and a height of 71 cm. They can be collapsible, with adjustable height, and also differ in design - matte, painted, shiny.

In our case, it will be chrome-plated shiny legs-rods with a diameter of 60 mm, as well as a tabletop of white bricks with a thickness of 36 mm, and a white plastic liner T-shaped cant with girths is selected.

So, how to make a dining table with a tabletop from chipboard:

  1. The markup is applied to the material according to the drawing. At the angles of rounding should be a radius of 60 mm.

  1. The countertop is attached to the form with the help of an electric bike.

We should use a saw with reversible teeth, because otherwise the chips of plastic coating are possible. At first, the angle of the chipboard is trimmed with a labzik with a margin of 2 mm, and then finally spinning the grinding machine.

  1. Milling grooves for furniture Cant.

  1. Cant is stuffed. Before this, the ends of the product are necessarily covered with silicone sealant. The sealant is laid in Kant, and to the top side of the table top. For packing edge used rubber Cyans. After that, the excess sealant is removed.

  1. Fasten legs. To do this, on the reverse side of the table, the markup is performed by a pencil. In most cases, the legs are placed 100 mm from the edge.

For attaching holders, self-tapping screws with a secret head of about 20 mm are used. After that, the legs are put on holders and fix the hexagon key - all, your new table is ready.

How to define dimensions

According to the principles described above, you can make tables more or less in length and width. How to choose an optimal size for your family?

If we are talking about standard kitchen with dimensions from 6 to 8 squares, then the drawings will demonstrate a typical structure with a height of 750 mm and a perimeter of 800 * 500 ... 1200 * 600 mm.

The dining table must be calculated on a certain number of people. Usually it corresponds to the number of tenants - 3-9, but a pair of free seats is still added for guests. For large companies, there will be a good solution.

Calculations are carried out as follows: the number of persons multiply by 60 ("working" perimeter per person). As for the collar width, here we follow the recommendations of the specialists - its optimal values \u200b\u200b- from 800 to 1100 mm. Narrow tables are complex in serving, and wide - uncomfortable for sitting.

If you decide to make a kitchen table with your own hands oval (round), you will have to calculate the circumference length - diameter * 3.14.

Form choices

The shape of the kitchen table plays a significant role in the perception of space. Universal design - rectangle or square with straight corners. It is distilled and can be installed close to the wall or in the center of the room, saving space.

Oval models are quite comfortable and beautiful, but they do not have a lot of capacity - not more than 8 people will place the overall product. In addition, they require large areas - more than 8 square meters. meters, because they won't put them on the wall.

You can also be called a universal and traditional option suitable for both very and large cuisine. But it has a smaller capacity than a rectangular table.

The optimal option is a rectangular table with rounded corners. How to make your own hands just such a table from the chipboard we have already told above.

Furniture Care Rules

After the dining table is made, you will need to take care of the long operational period of the product.

So, wood furniture, polished and varnished, needs careful care, because it can easily be scratched. In addition, there are traces of contact with hot. A universal polishing composition is selected as basic wood care.

If we are talking about a tabletop from MDF or chipboard with a plastic coating, then the care is not complicated and lies in regular washing detergents.

Do not forget that kitchen furniture needs to be moved away from the heating devices and from the walls bordering the street. The straight sunlight is harmful to wooden furniture.

This furniture object is one of the most universal applications. The table can be a table, economic, installed in a residential room, on the veranda, territory, in the workshop, and so on. In short, it is impossible to do without it. But the purchased products of many do not suit on a number of parameters - sizes, constructive features, form or for a different reason.

Considering that the tree is relatively easy to reveal, grinding, make the table from it on its own drawing, do it yourself for a good owner is not a problem. Yes, it will come out much cheaper. Plus - satisfaction from such work.


It is ideally an extension, a barn, an empty garage, although a small platform under a canopy is suitable. Working with a tree on a plot, in the open sky - it means completely depend on the weather whims. If there are suitable for the manufacture of furniture "Square meters", then it should be disturbed in advance about high-quality ventilation. Natural is sometimes not enough (moreover, it depends on the change of the direction of wind and pressure), and the exhaust is established.

Arguments that if you use the means of protection, it is possible to work in a closed space, you cannot withstand any criticism. Wood dust will immediately settle on everything, including, and on the sample, with which some actions are made. Neither exact cutting line, nor high-quality surface treatment of wood (not to mention the impregnation and finishing coating with paints and varnishes) can not be obtained.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that many preparations used for wood processing contain toxic components. For example, varnishes, paints, impregnation,: if they are not natural, then harmful evaporation is guaranteed.


Their set depends on how much it is planned to "reflect" a simple design of wood, which kind of form and a number of other nuances are. If the master does not claim the elegance of the wooden table, does not aim to achieve its originality, then the usual carpentry set is quite enough.

For more "fine" work in the process of manufacturing a table of unusual forms, external design will need special devices.

Al / Lobzik. An ordinary saw to make an inclined vertical dug, accurately withstanding the angle, will not work. The canvas will "play" because the quality of work will be extremely low. Lobzik electric universal in use, moreover, gives high accuracy of cutting wood or cutouts in it.

Stuslo swivel. The main function is to relieve the corner cutting. This device can or buy, or do. The thing is, no doubt, is useful in the house. An indispensable assistant to accurately cut a variety of blanks. For example, plastic or wooden cartoons (floor, ceiling), which are made in the process of repairing any premises.

Grinders. The market has several modifications of this email tool, and the criteria for its choice is a separate question. For the manufacture of the table, the tape is quite suitable. It is universal in use, and is used not only when assembling furniture.

Manual frezer . If it is necessary to select the grooves, hole processing and in a number of other cases it is not without it.

Many of the listed devices can be leased if the manufacture of furniture is not a hobby, but the need.

Impregnating and other formulations

Protection against rotting:

  • Operating machine oil - effective, besides a free tool. But not for dinner tables.
  • Linen oil. Natural and effective product, deeply penetrating the structure of the tree and protect it from mold and fungus. Minus - high cost. But if the table is intended for meals - an excellent option. The drug has no color, because after processing lumber, there are no traces in the form of darkening, stains, divorces leaves, unlike the development.
  • Emulsion water-polymer. It is characterized by durability and safety for health.
  • Acrylic varnishes. They practically pushed their predecessors of the category "NC", as harmless and in many indicators it is better than the compositions that are bred by solvents.
  • PVA, bone glue and a number of others. More information about carpentry compositions.

To decorate a tree:

  • Colorless varnishes are used not only to protect the material from moisture. With their help, you can save the texture of the tree, strain it.
  • Moruli.
  • Lucky with coloring effect (toning).
  • Paints (but only for wood!).
  • Putty.

Using colorless varnish and pigments, you can make a coloring composition, with any shade. It is enough to correctly determine the equity ratio of components. Make it easy, conducting experiments with mixing and inflicting a sample on a discarded board. This will make it possible to choose an acceptable tone. More than appropriate, as it is not always possible to purchase on the market.


All tips on the assembly of the wooden table with the help of nails (argument is simple, quickly and cheap) is better to ignore. The reasons are as follows:

  • A nail is easily rolled with a dry tree (and it is like that; about it is slightly lower).
  • It is quite difficult to correct it with the leg (strictly vertically). To redo their mistake in some cases is even more difficult.
  • A tree, even the most protected from rot, with time it gives away. Maintainability of a table shot down by nails is extremely low. Practice shows that remove such fasteners without damaging adjacent structural parts rarely when it turns out. As a result, instead of the planned replacement of one element will have to be changed 2 - 3.
  • When assembling a wooden table, if one adhesive is not enough, it is worth using self-tapping screws.
  • Sometimes separate parts (in places of compounds) require gain. Strengthen the strength of the meticome with a thicker and long leg is inappropriate. The reason is the same - the likelihood of a tree split. For these purposes, metal strips, brackets, corners are used.

Features of the choice of wood

Someone is focused on the cost of lumber, the stability of the tree to rot, for the third, its texture is important. What can be recommended to the novice mast furniture-maker? Do not use for the table, if it is not intended to be installed somewhere in the back or garage, the same tree tree. It is so many beginners "craftsmen" and come, selecting the same type of boards and bars from what remains of construction or repair and dust in Saraj.

Making a wooden table for residential premises, verandas and so on, you need to take into account the properties of individual rocks. Naturally, if there is no sufficient experience in assembling furniture, it is worth paying attention to cheaper wood. The first in life table (chair, stool) is just a kind of training in the manufacture, obtaining experience.

Countertop. Here in the first place is the strength and minimum absorption of moisture. It is for this part of the table constantly something sheds. The optimal choice is pine, larch, oak (although the latter is more expensive). Thickness - at least 3 cm.

If the sizes of the table top are small, then can be used by wood-based slain products (, awning and similar). But only with lamination to prevent the felting of the material when the liquid falls on the surface. For example, LDSP.

Legs. Birch. From moisture, it can and "Tale", but in terms of strength - a great option. The optimal parameters of the blanks for the legs (in cm) are considered: the length is about 76, the cross section is 5 x 5. Sucks. Acacia. It is much easier to find than boards from the frequently recommended sshit tree.

In the furniture industry, low-grade sawn timber are not used. It is economically inappropriate, since the pre-treatment of wood increases the duration of the production cycle. But when making anything of the lower grades, non-thendition - just right. The same pallets remaining after using foam blocks or bricks.

And not only because it is free or is relatively cheap. Many minuses of such wood with a competent approach can be turned into pluses. For example, after covering, a colorless lacquer, a tabletop acquires a unique original look.

The main thing is that the boards do not have obvious defects in the form of rot, cracks, dropping bitch and wormwort.

If pine is selected for the table top (this also applies to many other coniferous rocks), then you need to pay attention to the location of the annual rings. These arcs are called clutches. On sections of the boards, they can see how they are oriented, and this is taken into account in the process of their laying in a row. Samples obtained by the method of cutting tangential are located with alternation (the hunchback down, the following - up); Radial cutting - equally (arcs in one direction). Nuance is insignificant, but it is precisely compliance with this recommendation excludes the risk of warping and splitting the boards.

For furniture, if you think about her durability, you should take only a dry lumber. During the wood drying, it will be deformed; This is a natural process, and its consequences in the form of twisting, warping, bends are inevitable. Such a table will quickly quickly be done, and will have to be repaired. And here you need to decide - to purchase high drying wood or rid it from moisture yourself. The first option is easier, but such a tree is more expensive. The second will cost cheaper, but there are a number of purely technical difficulties.

  1. First, it is necessary to provide stable temperature at the place of storage of blanks. Its values \u200b\u200bwill lead to the uneven evaporation of moisture, which will negatively affect the strength of the tree.
  2. Secondly, good ventilation should be organized.
  3. Thirdly, and, perhaps, this is the most unpleasant moment - you will have to wait for about six months, depending on the initial humidity of the tree. But this is not a guarantee that the result will be expected; Even in this business need practice.

This once again confirms the idea that starting to make furniture made of wood for the first time, you should focus on the simplest table for household needs from a cheap lumber, without claims for its sophistication and originality of the design. For example, for a shed, garage and the like.

Wooden Table Options and Schemes

It should be immediately noted that any work related to design and self-assembly is a creative process. In this case, stereotypes do not exist, so you can only take the model you like as a basis, and everything else is linear parameters, the form, the specificity of the manufacture - depends on the purpose of the product and its own imagination. Here are just a few examples, what can be wooden tables. For example, for country sites, small utility rooms are worth choosing structures, the geometry of which is easily changing - folding, hiking, suspended, garden, level and so on.

Tables that are supposed to use for food, games, as journal for installation in residential rooms by target purpose, are made stationary, that is, unchangeable sizes. This assembly is more "solid", since all articulated parts are fixed hard; No hinge connections.

Features of the build of wooden tables

If a person is taken to make something, it means that he knows how to use the tool, read the drawings and work with sawn timber. Such a home master is not needed to learn Azam joinery. But a number of nuances in the manufacture of a wooden table will notice it is worth it. These comments will only help in the process of work.

Let's start with the types of compounds. There are quite a lot of them, but for a table that is going to do it yourself, it is quite sufficient.

On the shtacks

In this case, the fastening of the parts is made on the adhesive composition (Fig. 1 - 3).

The nuance is that for the manufacture of "cylinders", which are inserted into the in advance drilled "channels", takes the tree of a more dense structure than the elements of the table. This is what ensures the strength of the compounds. Before installing them from the edges of the waders and holes, chamfer is removed.

These round sticks are available, in any furniture cabin, several sizes. Pull them, even having a carpentry machine - an irrational time spending. Acquire plastic wades for the table are not recommended; They are used for collapsible connections. For example, frame furniture (walls, multi-level racks and the like).

It is not worth applying for fixing the elements of the table of the table (Fig. 4). Metal and wood are distinguished by the degree of temperature expansion. Such a connection will not last long - "Shat" will begin, especially if the table is intended for installation on the territory or in an unheated room.

On the Tsarga

Such connections are advisable to do if the table has or periodically disassemble, or without it it is impossible to transfer it through the doorway. Although not all kings suggest dismantling the design. The most practitioners are shown in the drawings.


Such connections are used mainly for garden furniture or installed in extensions; For shopping tables. An example is shown in the picture.

Nuance work with fastener

In order for the screw to be easily screwed and "walked" in the right direction, pre-at the point of its installation drill, a slightly smaller diameter than the fastener leg, a hole is done. The main thing is to withstand the coincidence of the axial lines, that is, prevent skeur. In this case, it is possible to do without a screwdriver for the "landing" of self-supersay.

Wood processing features

The fact that the plans is first used, abrasive with a large grain, and then small, know everything. But sometimes it turns out that the last stage, grinding, has to be engaged repeatedly. Here a lot depends on the tree of the tree and the degree of its drying. After applying the first layer, Varnka Varnka can "stand up". Nothing wrong with that. It is necessary to wait for the billet and repeat it with abrasive processing. Work is painstaking and takes time. But it is precisely for such a technique that you can bring the "problematic" wood to the perfect "smoothness".

To exclude the risk of human injury, all edges, the corners of the table should be repeated a little.

Features of the exterior decoration

  • Small defects in the form of cracks, chips are eliminated with a putty composition.
  • At the end of the grinding, it is necessary to remove all wood dust. In this case, the usual household vacuum cleaner will help with an appropriate nozzle. It is recommended after such a cleaning to wipe the entire table with a slightly damp cloth, let me dry and repeat the cleaning of dust residues. After that, you can safely begin to apply the veil or varnish - "katoshkov" on the tree will not be.
  • It is possible to give the originality of the table not only with the help of curly cuts, an unusual form of table top or legs, a combination of texture of different breeds and so on. One of good options is an artistic painting.

And finally. Work on the independent making of anything from the tree (the same table) is just the initial stage of mastering the skill of the "collector designer". Having worked out technologies, methods on wood, acquiring the necessary skills, just just go to other materials - metal, plastic, glass. So the benefit from the wooden table made even by the most simple drawing (except pleasure from work and saved money) is obvious - no wonder the time spent.