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Review of banking services of individuals. Problems of banking services for legal entities and individuals of customers mainly in individuals

Banking services is very popular today in the population. More and more citizens and organizations appeal to banks, while not necessarily being businessmen. So what types of services provide banks today?

What is bank

The bank considers a credit institution that takes possession of money and gives them to use for a fee (credit). This is a legal entity that has its own property obligations to counterparties, clients and the state.

The activities of banks are aimed primarily for profit, i.e. it is commerce. It does not matter here, a public or private bank is discussed. Who offers standard banking services? Sberbank. It is a typical commercial bank, despite the ownership of the state.

Bank of Russia, or Central Bank, is a regulator, supervisory authority issuing licenses and controlling the implementation of banks and credit organizations of non-banking type of financial legislation. Banking services is not its primary task. Yes, it serves only commercial structures. A citizen or legal entity cannot just open an account in the Central Bank, as in any other similar institution.

Service system

In all regions of the country, there are branches of banks in all settlements. Where people live a little, state organizations designed to provide a minimum list of banking services.

If we consider the services of certain banks, then, in general, their proposals do not differ among themselves. Another thing is that under the guise of one service can be offered several, for example, a credit card is issued with the registration of a salary. Thus, banking has become somewhat voluntarily forced.

Approximate list of services

  • Lending.
  • Release payment cards.
  • Opening accounts.
  • One-time transfers of funds between individuals.
  • Storage of cash on deposits.
  • Country-cash services for entrepreneurs and legal entities).
  • Taking payments from the population (utilities, fines, taxes).

His nuances have banking services of legal entities and individuals.

Thus, banks provide a wide range of services. On the level of quality it is difficult to say: branches of even one institution may differ significantly in terms of service, which is shown by numerous customer reviews. What to talk about different organizations.

Credit Service

Lending is the most well-known scope of banks. Loans are provided in monetary form for specific purposes or without any. Often they ask for evidence of the direction of money for the stated goals.

Credit cards are still executed. The proposed limit with time can increase if the client does not violate the terms of the contract. For the removal of money from a card through an ATM charge is charged. The rate on the card loan is 2 times higher in comparison with the loan issued in cash.

The least bet in mortgage lending, however, there is to pay the first contribution of 30% of the value of the object, which is underestimated by the Bank's appraisers.

Taking a mortgage loan burdens the duty to insure itself and real estate. In addition, the client who wants to issue a mortgage is forced to pay for many more services that he does not suspect, turning to the bank. All spending completely fall on his shoulders.

Release payment cards

Payment cards - tool access to banking services. For example, with the help of the card, money from an ATM is removed. There is no need to visit the bank branch to get cash from your account. The payment card makes it possible to pay in institutions, stores, pharmacies without using cash if such an opportunity is provided.

Cards are issued mainly to obtain salary, pensions, social payments, as a tool for managing borrowed funds. Everyone got used to the fact that they are always registered, but it is not. On plastic can be present only the number and date determining the life of its use.

Those who wish to have a nominal card with a personal photo and an additional package of services are pre-introduced at the expense of the amount according to the price list. The price of such a debit card can reach several thousand rubles per year.

Additional bonuses are offered, such as the refund of the funds from the special account to those who pay the card in the affiliate network. Privileges can be the most different.

Distributed release of debit cards. They are stored only by the personal funds of the owners, they are issued for a fee or without it, the only thing that is paid by the client is a commission for removing funds or replenishment of a cash account through the terminal, but it is minimal. Practiced issuing multiple cards to manage one account.

Opening accounts

The account opens to managing the bank's customer's funds: money is credited to it, written off, and are also issued in the presence of payment orders according to the account holder orders. Banking services of individuals, as a rule, provides for the issuance of a map when opening an account. Without it, it is possible, but the card without an account is not.

If the account opens to the organization, the corporate card is possible.

By the way! A fee is taken for opening an account, the exception is loan, through which credit debt is quenched. Commission challenge in this case will be illegal.

Open the bill to the physical person is much easier than the organization. In the bank you will need to present an additional package of documents, asked to fill the paper, provide a sample signature, etc.

The opening of accounts is included in integrated banking services and organizations, and individuals.

One-time transfers between individuals

If there is a need to translate funds, without opening accounts, the bank will gladly provide the service. As in all other cases, the Bank's employee will ask to provide the passport details of the sender and the recipient.

The transfer rate can be from several hours to several days. If the money is translated from the card to the card, then the Client-Bank system will hold a procedure in seconds when it comes to intrabank translation.

The output is to use the terminal through which you can make the funds to the account almost instantaneously, knowing the details or the recipient's plastic card number.

All translations between legal entities are defined if there are invoices. The "client-bank" is actively used, but without a paper payment order can not do.

Storage of cash and things in the bank

Deposit, or bank deposit (so more correctly) - transfer of money for a period and percentage stipulated in the agreement.

Two options are offered:

  • money is returned not previously set dates;
  • the contribution is returned at any time with the incredible interest payments.

If the deposit agreement is terminated, concluded according to the first version, the bank will not pay interest during the time until the money was at the disposal of the bank.

Banks provide deposit cells for the storage of values \u200b\u200bfor a fee according to the contract.

Settlement and cash services

It is a range of services, starting with opening an account, issuing a map and conduct a client's account operation.

Legal entities open an account regardless of the kind of activity, entrepreneurs are exclusively at their own request. True, some of them do this forcing tax legislation, since legal entities, in some cases working with IP without a current account, are deprived of some benefits.

Here the conditions for banking services differ only in price - from several hundred rubles per month to several thousand.

What is included in the RKO?

  • Opening an account.
  • Card issuance.
  • Translations to counterparties, payment of taxes, account holder costs.
  • Storage of funds.
  • Issuance of EDS for account management: remote banking services on the Internet opens through it.

The IP formally has the right to take money directly from his account, in practice, a simple debit account opens, to which money intended for removal is translated.

RTO is paid or in advance, or it provides for removal of funds monthly. Sometimes one of the conditions is the permanent amount of the agreed amount on the balance sheet.

Taking payments from the population

In each bank, it is proposed to pay for the services of the most different kind, starting from utilities and ending with one-time shopping. How are payments? Via:

  • terminals;
  • aTMs;
  • cash transactions;
  • through the Internet.

Immediately and takes a fee for banking services. Prices can not be called the same, because even one bank in different regions is conducting different policies in terms of remuneration for its services.

The terminal replaces the usual cashier. In the interface, you need to find the desired service, enter details (account number, full name of the account holder) and insert bills into the receiving device.

How to pay through an ATM? The card is inserted, the service is selected, the amount is given to the transfer amount - and the client receives a paper check. It is also issued when using the terminal.

Some organizations providing services via the Internet offer to pay for their goods or services through payment cards. The Card number is entered in the field, the phone is given, and the money is written off the card. Confirmation is given by sending SMS to the specified number.

Similarly, the payment system of taxes, fines: through a personal account on the tax service site or bank. Requisites are filled out, confirmation is given by SMS messages.

Payment through the cashier is no longer so popular: time is spent on filling the receipts, orders.

Payments with the help of a terminal, ATMs are allowed only to individuals, i.e. the entrepreneur has the right to spend money in such a way only personal needs. Customs related to business are drawn up according to the rules of cash service.

Internet banking

It is a bank account maintenance by using Internet technologies.

The client is given a login, a long-term password that access your personal account is an electronic version of services. It contains information about the status of the account or accounts (if there are several of them), the amount of available funds and what operations were carried out.

Remote banking services allows you to manage your money without leaving at home, or even being in another country.

Now, without visiting the Bank's office, you can issue a map by submitting an application via the Internet. She, together with a copy of the contract, is sent by the client by mail or courier. Account replenishment is provided through terminals or ATMs, including other banks.

Banking contract

Whenever that requires the letter of the law, the operations are carried out on the basis of an agreement between the client and the bank. The banking service agreement for each service is concluded separately. The full service set is provided in the framework of comprehensive services for a single contract.

The agreement is in writing, the violation of the form leads to the invalidity of the document.

The client has the right to refuse maintenance at any time at his own discretion. The loan has the right to refuse only one who has no debt to the bank.

Most often a typical document is offered. You can first read the organization's website.


In the conditions of the transition period, the radical economic reform conducted in Russia opened a new stage in the development of banking. Special relevance in the conditions of the market acquire issues related to the problems and prospects for banking services of individuals.

The implementation of these transformations is possible only on the basis of the study of the functioning of Russian, as well as foreign banks and the introduction of new forms and methods of working with individuals.

It is known that the banking services market for legal entities are already divided between banks, and the main competition between them unfolds in recent years for attracting funds to individuals.

In competition, banks resort to various forms and methods of attracting funds to individuals. In particular, deposits with short rates of attraction, the so-called "short money" (urgent deposits for a period of from 3; 7; 14; 30 days). Some banks provide an investigator with the opportunity to make interest on the contribution quarterly, monthly and even daily; Take deposits with complex interest, with interest accrual with inflation.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of problems in attracting funds to individuals. This is, above all, the fall in the purchasing power of the ruble. In this regard, not all individuals hurry to entrust their funds to banks, preferring them to invest in foreign currency; Wealthy individuals are investing in foreign banks, liquid products and simply store in thesorrow (accumulation of gold). In addition, an important role is played by the distrust of individuals to commercial banks. And, of course, do not fully know economic and legal laws.

The main objectives of this work are:

Generalization of the accumulated on this issue of Russian and foreign experience;

Development of priorities for the work of banks with individuals.

In accordance with the objectives of the tasks of the thesis are:

Theoretical substantiation of the need for banking services of individuals at the present level;

Practical application of the most acceptable and effective forms of attracting personal funds to bank accounts;

Identifying trends in lending to individuals into consumer purposes;

Analysis of the work of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals;

Problems and prospects for improving banking services of individuals.

This diploma work consists of 3 parts, introduction and imprisonment.

In the first part, the theoretical foundations of banking services of individuals are outlined; In the second part, an analysis of the practice of servicing individuals is given on the example of the JSCB "Regabank"; The third part summarizes the experience of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals and addressed the areas of development of new banking services provided to individuals.

The theoretical basis for writing the graduation work was the publications of the following authors: O.I. Lavrushina, V.I. Kolesnikova, L.P. Rabbivetsky, E.B. Shirinskaya, A.A. Kazimagomedova; Practical banking workers S. Brogo, S. Brussenkova.

The practical basis is the analysis of the activities of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Regional Development (Regabank) for 1999 and 2000.

Theoretical Basics of Banking Services of Individuals

The importance of servicing individuals for a commercial bank

With the transition to the market, the place of each individual citizen in the system of economic relations is changing. He becomes the direct owner of the means and gets a greater degree of economic freedom. This generates the need for numerous banking services, the foundations, for the development of which in the former economic system there was not. In the implementation of these transformations, the dominant role belongs to commercial banks.

Specialists are known that the banking services market for legal entities are divided between banks, and the main competition between them is unfolding for attracting individuals. Currently, competing commercial banks for the service of individuals constitutes the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Competing with the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, commercial banks are actively mastering the banking operations rays for individuals, develop new types of banking services for their maintenance.

Under the conditions of the market, the competitive struggle withstands the bank that is constantly expanding the range of services provided to customers, improves the quality of the contribution and credit services, offering them a different kind of intermediary services.

Accumulation of money income and population savings is the traditional function of banks. Banks accumulate temporarily unused cash income and population savings and use them to lend on current activities and investment of their customers. Commercial banks can carry out active and other operations within their own, attracted and issued funds. Thus, in connection with this, in modern conditions, issues of increasing resource potential and ensure its stability acquire special acute.

The formation of a resource base occurs by conducting passive operations that are initial in the activities of commercial banks, since the Bank usually form resources first, and then places among borrowers on various conditions in order to obtain income.

Among the passive operations of the commercial bank, the formation of deposits is the greatest importance for attracting funds. Cash deposits with individuals and business entities.

The widespread introduction into the practice of working a commercial bank deposits of individuals is the most important direction of strengthening and increasing the sustainability of the resource base. Deposits of individuals is the most sustainable part of resource mobilized by the bank. The greater the number of customers are serviced by the bank, the most of the resources can be used for banking operations.

It should be noted that no matter what economic instability in our country, the amount of deposits is not reduced, and even on the contrary grows. So on 08.18.1998, the amount of deposits and deposits of individuals amounted to 161532 million rubles. on July 1, 1999 - 194345 million rubles, on 1.08.2000 - 314418 million rubles.

To consider the importance of services of individuals for a commercial bank is needed from several positions, firstly, from the point of view of profitability. The name "Commercial Bank" speaks for itself - banks, practically, do not conduct operations that do not bring income, and the service of individuals is no exception. Commercial banks for conducting operations receive income: on credit operations - interest on the use of the loan, for the provision of intermediary and other services - commission remuneration and other income. Ultimately, all these revenues form a commercial bank profit.

Secondly, considering the importance of servicing individuals for a commercial bank, it should be noted that in the hands of individuals focused on different estimates from 50 to 80 billion US dollars and those banks that to maintain individuals using various funds will dispose of these Resources.

In market relations, the role of operations to attract funds to individuals in commercial banks should increase. The correct effective organization of these operations is necessary to ensure normal banking activities at the commercial basis, regulating the money supply in the country, the successful implementation of traditional banking operations, especially non-cash settlements, expanding services provided to customers and, ultimately, transition to integrated banking services.

Thirdly, considering the importance of services of individuals in terms of increasing the competitiveness of the bank in the banking services market. Serving individuals, a commercial bank should focus on providing high-quality, competitive services, focusing on customer service, introducing new forms of working with them. The commercial bank should make every effort that the services provided to them are effective, thereby contributing to the stability and prosperity, both the bank itself and its customers.

Types of services for the maintenance of individuals

Before considering the types of services for the services of individuals, it is necessary to specify who are the individuals? This concept includes population and citizens involved in activities without the formation of a legal entity since the state registration as individual entrepreneurs.

Modern commercial bank performs various maintenance operations, both legal entities and individuals. They act as specific institutions that, on the one hand, attract temporarily free funds of business entities and the population, and on the other hand, they satisfy the various needs of both individuals and legal entities at the expense of these attracted funds.

Conducted individual service operations can be submitted in Table 1.1 - operations for the population, in Table 1.2 - operations for individual entrepreneurs.

Table 1.1.

Operations for maintenance of the population.

No. p / p Name of operation Content
1 Deposit operations Attracting cash in deposits and deposits on various conditions characteristic of each type of deposit and deposit.
2 Credit operations Placing the Bank's resources by providing consumer loan to which include: Credit for urgent needs; housing needs; Lombard Credit
3 Currency operations Commercial banks make the following operations with foreign currency: - Purchase (sale) of cash foreign currency for cash rubles; - purchase (sale) of payment documents in foreign currency for cash rubles; - receiving for collection of cash foreign currency; - issuance of currency on plastic cards; - Others.
4 Operations with plastic cards Issuance of plastic cards and carrying out operations with them for cash issuance; on the payment of goods, works, services; Wage enrollment on plastic card accounts.

Continuation of table. 1.1

Banking services of individuals


In the conditions of the transition period, the radical economic reform conducted in Russia opened a new stage in the development of banking. Special relevance in the conditions of the market acquire issues related to the problems and prospects for banking services of individuals.

The implementation of these transformations is possible only on the basis of the study of the functioning of Russian, as well as foreign banks and the introduction of new forms and methods of working with individuals.

It is known that the banking services market for legal entities are already divided between banks, and the main competition between them unfolds in recent years for attracting funds to individuals.

In competition, banks resort to various forms and methods of attracting funds to individuals. In particular, deposits with short rates of attraction, the so-called "short money" (urgent deposits for a period of from 3; 7; 14; 30 days). Some banks provide an investigator with the opportunity to make interest on the contribution quarterly, monthly and even daily; Take deposits with complex interest, with interest accrual with inflation.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of problems in attracting funds to individuals. This is, above all, the fall in the purchasing power of the ruble. In this regard, not all individuals hurry to entrust their funds to banks, preferring them to invest in foreign currency; Wealthy individuals are investing in foreign banks, liquid products and simply store in thesorrow (accumulation of gold). In addition, an important role is played by the distrust of individuals to commercial banks. And, of course, do not fully know economic and legal laws.

The main objectives of this work are:

Generalization of the accumulated on this issue of Russian and foreign experience;

Development of priorities for the work of banks with individuals.

In accordance with the objectives of the tasks of the thesis are:

Theoretical substantiation of the need for banking services of individuals at the present level;

Practical application of the most acceptable and effective forms of attracting personal funds to bank accounts;

Identifying trends in lending to individuals into consumer purposes;

Analysis of the work of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals;

Problems and prospects for improving banking services of individuals.

This diploma work consists of 3 parts, introduction and imprisonment.

In the first part, the theoretical foundations of banking services of individuals are outlined; In the second part, an analysis of the practice of servicing individuals is given on the example of the JSCB "Regabank"; The third part summarizes the experience of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals and addressed the areas of development of new banking services provided to individuals.

The theoretical basis for writing the graduation work was the publications of the following authors: ,; Practical banking workers S. Brogo, S. Brussenkova.

The practical basis is the analysis of the activities of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Regional Development (Regabank) for 1999 and 2000.

Theoretical Basics of Banking Services of Individuals

The importance of servicing individuals for a commercial bank

With the transition to the market, the place of each individual citizen in the system of economic relations is changing. He becomes the direct owner of the means and gets a greater degree of economic freedom. This generates the need for numerous banking services, the foundations, for the development of which in the former economic system there was not. In the implementation of these transformations, the dominant role belongs to commercial banks.

Specialists are known that the banking services market for legal entities are divided between banks, and the main competition between them is unfolding for attracting individuals. Currently, competing commercial banks for the service of individuals constitutes the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Competing with the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, commercial banks are actively mastering the banking operations rays for individuals, develop new types of banking services for their maintenance.

Under the conditions of the market, the competitive struggle withstands the bank that is constantly expanding the range of services provided to customers, improves the quality of the contribution and credit services, offering them a different kind of intermediary services.

Accumulation of money income and population savings is the traditional function of banks. Banks accumulate temporarily unused cash income and population savings and use them to lend on current activities and investment of their customers. Commercial banks can carry out active and other operations within their own, attracted and issued funds. Thus, in connection with this, in modern conditions, issues of increasing resource potential and ensure its stability acquire special acute.

The formation of a resource base occurs by conducting passive operations that are initial in the activities of commercial banks, since the Bank usually form resources first, and then places among borrowers on various conditions in order to obtain income.

Modern commercial bank performs various maintenance operations, both legal entities and individuals. They act as specific institutions that, on the one hand, attract temporarily free funds of business entities and the population, and on the other hand, they satisfy the various needs of both individuals and legal entities at the expense of these attracted funds.

Conducted individual service operations can be submitted in Table 1.1 - operations for the population, in Table 1.2 - operations for individual entrepreneurs.

Table 1.1.

Operations for maintenance of the population.

Name of operation

Deposit operations

Attracting cash in deposits and deposits on various conditions characteristic of each type of deposit and deposit.

Credit operations

Placing the Bank's resources by providing consumer loan to which include: Credit for urgent needs; housing needs; Lombard Credit

Currency operations

Commercial banks make the following operations with foreign currency:

Purchase (sale) cash foreign currency for cash rubles;

Operations with plastic cards

Issuance of plastic cards and carrying out operations with them for cash issuance; on the payment of goods, works, services; Wage enrollment on plastic card accounts.

Continuation of table. 1.1

Now consider in more detail each type of operations.

1. Deposit operations.

Deposit operations are the operations of the Bank to attract the funds of the population to the deposits to demand and for a certain period. Deposit accounts can be the most diverse.

Demand deposits are funds that can be in demand at any time without prior notice to the Bank by the Client. Demand deposits are intended for current payments. The opening initiative of such an account comes from the clients themselves in connection with the need to make calculations, make payments and receive cash at their disposal through the Bank's mediation.

In the structure of the funds raised, demand deposits on 08.18.1998. We accounted for 38%, on 08.18.1999 - 25%, on 1.08.2000 - 26%.

Demand deposits are the cheapest source of banking resources. Due to the high mobility of funds, the balance on demand accounts is not constant, sometimes extremely changed. The possibility of an account holder at any time to remove funds requires in the turnover of the Bank of the increased share of high-liquid assets by reducing the share of less liquid, but bringing high incomes of assets. Due to these reasons for remnants of claims to demand, banks pay the owners a rather low percentage or no income do not charge at all.

Urgent deposits are deposits attracted by banks for a certain period. There are actually urgent deposits and urgent deposits with advance notice.

Actually, urgent deposits imply the transfer of funds to the Bank's full order for the term and conditions under the contract, and after this period, the urgent contribution at any time can be flawed by the owner. The amount of remuneration paid to the client on an urgent contribution depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and the depository of the contract conditions. The longer time and (or) more deposit amount, the greater the amount of remuneration. The current practice provides for registration of term deposits for a period of up to 30 days; from 31 days to 90 days; from 91 days to 180 days; from 181 days to 1 year; from1 to 3 years; Over 3 years. Such a detailed gradation stimulates depositors to the rational organization of own funds and premises into deposits, and also creates to banks for managing their liquidity.

Deposits with a preliminary notification of dissemination of funds mean that the seduction of the Deposit should notify the Bank in advance to a certain term of the Treaty. Depending on the notification period, the interest rate on deposits is determined.

The amount of the urgent contribution is established by round sums and should be unchanged during the entire term of the contract, the exception may be a type of urgent contribution - a deadlines with additional contributions). Urgent deposits are not used to carry out current payments.

2. Credit operations.

The issuance of loans is one of the main activities of the commercial bank. Banks Along with lending to legal entities are engaged in lending. Banks provide a consumer loan, which serves as a means of satisfying various needs of the population.

Crediting by the Bank of individual borrowers allows not only rational to use temporarily free cash depositors, but also has a lot of social importance, as it helps to meet the vital needs of the population in extension products, various services, etc.

You can distinguish a number of significant signs of lending to the population. First of all, loans are commercial in nature, i.e. banks, try cheaper to purchase credit resources and issue them at higher percentage; The main form of credit collateral is the pledge of property; Loans often wear a friendly character that negatively affects the overall well-being of society and, therefore, the banks themselves suffer.

Lending to the population is carried out under the observance of the same principles of lending, namely: urgency, payability, repayment, security.

The most realistic forms of security are:

Property pledge (real estate, auto - audio equipment, securities);

Warranty and guarantee;


Banks provide the following types of consumer loan:

1. Credit for urgent needs

Credit for urgent needs (current goals) is issued to citizens who have independent income. In practice, this loan can be used for any purpose, because no report on the expenditure of funds to give a borrower. The interest rate on the loan depends on the refinancing rate.

In order to assist citizens in the construction (reconstruction) and housing acquisitions, banks are allowed to issue the following types of housing loans:

Credit for the construction of individual housing - provided in the presence of land and solving the district administration on the allocation of the land plot for the development of individual housing;

Credit for the purchase of individual residential buildings, garden houses, houses in rural areas - issued in the presence of home and certificate accounts confirming the upcoming purchase of purchase and sale operations;

9. Other operations.

4. Operations with plastic cards.

Plastic card is a plastic token containing information about the owner and its monetary account, and allowing you to pay for goods and services without cash.

There are 3 types cards: credit, debit, mixed.

The debit card serves the possibility of payment in the presence of funds on the current Customer Card Account. Russian banks produce mostly debit cards that save money from the risk of bank money resources, which is possible when using a credit card. Debit cards produce Opium Card systems, STB Card, Union Card. Khabarovsk customers offers a debit card of the Pinobank.

A credit card means issuing a loan to the client, and with an automatically renewable limit. Getting a credit card is associated with the conclusion of the contract between the issuer's bank and the client. The contract contains conditions for the sum of the limit, the amount of interest, the annual board for using the card, the period of preferential use, etc.

The introduction of credit cards on Russian wound only begins. The first ruble credit card was the map of the ORT Card system. It is issued for money deposit. The return of the pledge is made in two ways - in the form of trading discounts and after the term of the collateral.

The credit card of the first-class client offers the Bank of "Regigank" of Khabarovsk.

Mixed card - average between debit and credit: the current account overdraft is allowed (the value of which is negotiated in advance). The client can use more money for paying than on the current account. In this case, the mixed card plays the role of credit.

Banks offer population of various types of plastic cards.

Personal maps - card holders get it themselves and manage independently.

Family cards - to one (main map) are binding maps of family members, with the help of which family members can dispose of funds within the limits that define the "Home" card.

The salary card is designed to enroll the salary to employees of firms. As a rule, at this enterprise, the Bank establishes an ATM or organizes cash issuance item.

The Bank opens the company's card accounts to employees and conducts cards to which the company lists the salary monthly. Employees receive a card for free and can be calculated in a wide network of stores or withdraw cash in a bank or ATMs.

A private person receives a card based on the application for maintenance and contract. The contract records the terms of payment from the card account (types of payments, the minimum balance, bank percentage on the account balance, the possibility of overdraft); Conditions of replenishment of the card and repayment of obligations to the Bank (the source of the card replenishment, the percentage of the use of bank loan, commission deductions), etc.

Customers attend stores, workshops, pay for gasoline, get cash, make transactions in which their card accounts are debited (the balance on the card account decreases).

The profitability of the use of cards is obvious. The population is getting rid of the mass of cash bills. The trading network increases the speed of maintenance and calculations for the goods, reduces the cost of working with cash. Banks receive new customers, additional income and significant credit resources.

5. Other operations.

5.1. Settlement and cash services.

The promising direction of a modern commercial bank for servicing the population is the development of non-cash settlements of citizens with trading, communal and other enterprises. Today, banks perform a wide range of cash transactions: take payments from the population in favor of enterprises, organizations, institutions, as well as in the income of the state and local budget; Made on behalf of depositors cashless payments on payments; Provide customers with a technique belonging to the Bank for recalculating cash in both the receipt of from the bank and during delivery.

In addition, the collection, accredient and translation transactions can be attributed to this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Incassive operations are operations, with which money on monetary and commodity-settlement documents receives money on the instructions of its client. Securities (bills, checks), foreign currency are accepted for collection. Making a collection operation, the Bank charges the commission, the size of which depends on the type of operation. Incassive documents also include bonds and coupons for them; Shares and mortgages.

The letter of credit is the instruction on the payment of a certain amount of the person in the implementation of the conditions specified in the accreditation letter.

Translation operations are to enumerate the money paid to the bank, which is elsewhere. They are carried out by sending a bank receipt or transferring money to the correspondent bank.

Cash service lies in the reception (issuance) of cash in deposits (from deposits), the issuance of cash on plastic cards through ATMs or cash desk, crediting cash to the account for their further transfer on behalf of the Client. For cash services, the Bank also charges fee.

5.2. Trust operations

Trust operations are the operations for managing the customer's funds carried out on their own behalf and on behalf of the Client on the basis of a treaty with it.

Trust operations to individuals are diverse, since each client has its own characteristics. However, Russian banks practice a limited set of trust services. Banks offer individuals the following types of trust services:

Disposal of inheritance;

Guardianship and ensuring the safety of property.

Briefly focus on the consideration of each.

Order of property

Trust operations for individuals include the order of the client's property after his death in accordance with the written will or by order of the court. One who disposes of the person inheritance, is referred to as a manager and is appointed by the court. The one who leaves the testament indicates the executor of the will - often the trust department of a commercial bank.

If a substantial part of the inheritance is formed by real estate, harvest for root or cattle, then it is necessary to inventory and take care of their safety. If you need to sell an enterprise, it is important to choose a good time for sale to get an acceptable price.

In addition, the Contractor must have a family of late various kinds of services. His duties can enter the organization of the funeral. In many cases, the family may urgently need cash money, which trust department can take care.

In general, the functions by order of inheritance may include: obtaining a court decision; identifying all the inheritance; ensuring its safety; implementation at reasonable property prices not subject to long-term storage, payment of administrative costs and taxes; solving problems related to debt payment; Section of property in accordance with the will.

Guardianship and Property Security

The need for guardianship is due to the desire of the person who left the inheritance, prevent the departure of the ownership of the juvenile heir, or by the decision of the court, entrusting the guardianship of the trusted person in the event of the owner of the owner of the physical ability to manage property.

Guardianship and ensuring property safety, commercial banks are carried out in two types: as property guardians and as an individual guardian. With the safety of the property, the goal is prosecuted will not allow its loss. The need for this occurs when the owner of the property becomes physically unable to manage property.

5.3 Property Storage Services

Property storage services can be in the form of a safe client or receiving client's values \u200b\u200bfor storage in a steel chamber.

The safe is provided to the client on the lease terms, and only the client itself or his trustee is obtained to present a special certificate.

By accepting storage values \u200b\u200bin the safe, the bank does not provide customers with free access to them. In this case, the Bank performs a kind of agency features.

In the contract, which is leased, and this is a generally accepted practice, the Bank assumes the obligations to keep in secret not only information on the content of the abonated safe, but also about the fact of the lease. In general, even the bank itself remains in the ignorance as to what you keep. The exception is only an open depository case with a mandatory investment. In addition, regardless of the conditions of the lease, the Bank warns the responsibility for the storage of prohibited objects and substances.

The lease conditions of the safe cells offered by different banks are quite different from each other. The amount depends on the size of the cell and the rental period. The minimum term varies from one day to one month.

Any safest cell has two locks, one of which can only open the client, and the other is only a representative of the bank. So alone nor the other can not open it.

5.4 Other services

Banks can provide their customers with various consulting services. These services should be provided by banks not so much for the sake of additional profit, but for the sake of clarification to customers of the subtleties of banking, new types of services, which, undoubtedly, increases both the number of clients and the frequency of their treatment for the bank.

An important type of consulting services is additional services in the implementation of credit and settlement services.

Banks with modern means of telecommunications, computer communications, have always enough diverse commercial and non-commercial information. Along with this, the Bank, providing various services to its customers (especially related to the provision of loans), receives sufficiently diverse information from them providing valuable information. An important source of information is also becoming exchanging between other banks.

On this basis, developed databases may be created for access to which customers must provide a bank, a certain fee. In addition, the ability to use information services, as a rule, significantly expands the base of the Bank's customer, since it creates additional amenities for them: received information, made a deal, and everything, without leaving the bank.

Table 1.2.

Operations for maintenance of individual entrepreneurs

1. Cashier service.

Individual entrepreneurs to implement settlement and cash maintenance in the bank the current account opens.

Banking services of individuals is one of the activities of the Commercial Bank, aimed at meeting the needs of the client on the condition of the payability, compliance with banking legislation and plays a significant role in modern socio-economic systems.

Analysis of research on the topic of banking services of individuals made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

    the modern stage is characterized by the fact that credit organizations working in the banking services market have enough accumulated experience in various segments of the financial market, actively developing consumer lending, expanding the scope of bank cards, actively using information and software complexes for the formation of customer credit stories, participating in development of the bank deposit insurance system of individuals, introducing new technologies and creating the necessary infrastructure to work with the population;

    the positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the banking services of individuals is explained primarily as an increase in the confidence of the population to the banking sector; growth of real disposable incomes of the population; an increase in the number of banking services provided for the population by credit institutions;

    the development of the domestic banking sector is characterized by a high growth rate, increased competition between commercial banks, the intensification of commercial banks in the field of banking services of individuals;

    the positive impact on the development of competition in the banking services market was the functioning of the deposit insurance system. In 2009, the growth of other funds attracted by banks continued, their volume increased by 58.8%, despite the crisis;

    the experience of comprehensive banking services for industrialized countries is gradually implemented by domestic commercial banks, which begin to provide new services, satisfying increasingly complex customer needs, which increases their competitiveness in attracting credit resources and new customers.

The dynamics of the main parameters of the development of the banking sector in the Russian Federation are presented in Table. one.

Table 1

Dynamics of the main parameters of the development of the banking sector in the Russian Federation


Assets (liabilities) of the banking sector, billion rubles.

Own funds (capital) of the banking sector, billion rubles.

Loans and other placed funds provided by non-financial organizations and individuals, including overdue debts, billion rubles.

in% to the assets of the banking sector

Securities acquired by banks, billion rubles.

in% to the assets of the banking sector

Deposits of individuals, billion rubles.

in% to the liabilities of the banking sector

in% to cash revenues of the population

Analysis of the regulatory legal support of the banking services of individuals allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

    banking legislation strictly determines the list of banking operations carried out with individuals;

    in order to ensure the guarantees of the return of deposits and increasing the confidence of individuals to the banking system in the Russian Federation, the deposit insurance system has been created, the improvement of which is the priority of the Bank of Russia in the field of banking legislation;

    banking legislation represents the use of a wide list of species of settlements by individuals.

In maintenance by banks of individuals, many factors play an important role (Table 2).

table 2

Factors affecting the possibility of integrated banking services of individuals



competitiveness of price conditions according to banking / services provided;

the level of the bank margin on the product / service, allowing to make it providing cost-effective for a credit organization


the presence of licenses and permits to carry out licenses with individuals;

availability / absence of legislative restrictions on individual operations with individuals;

restrictions on currency transactions and operations of the interstrup


availability of a wide network of sales points;

convenience of the bank's sales points for the Bank's customers;

level of technology and automation of business processes in customer service


positive business reputation of a credit organization;

availability of various marketing activities aimed at promoting banking / target audience services

To attract customers, it is very important to correctly segmented the client base. Key criteria for which the client base of the credit organization can be segmented is reflected in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Classification of individuals with comprehensive banking services

Classification sign

Client type - individual

1. Depending on the degree of interest of an individual in banking services

1.1. Customers carrying out one-time operations

1.2. Clients who regularly use a certain standard set of banking products

1.3. Clients who regularly use a standard set of banking products that are constantly taking steps to optimize their own financial flows.

2. Depending on the level of income of the individual

2.1. Lower segment. Customer's data income level is practically used for current consumption.

2.2. Middle segment. The level of customer income level allows saving and investment with the involvement of bank credit funds

2.3. Upper segment. High income clients

When working with individuals and individuals, any bank inevitably carries various risks. Below is the classification of banking risks in comprehensive banking services of individuals with respect to the activities of the Bank for external and internal, and also the main factors affecting the level of risks in comprehensive banking services of individuals (Table 4).

Table 4.

Factors affecting the level of risks in comprehensive banking services of individuals


Inflation level and dynamics

The level of income of the population

Level and dynamics of unemployment

Dynamics and volatility of the national currency rate relative to world reserve currencies

Level and dynamics of the country's international reserves

The taxation system of income of individuals and income from individuals with individuals

The degree of population coverage by banking services


The geopolitical position of the country in the global economy

Principles of monetary, budget, social policy state

The degree of support by the state of the banking system and the main sectors of the economy

Availability of limitations on currency transactions and transboundary capital movement


The relevance of the legislative framework in the field of operations with individuals by current economic realities

Availability of institutions designed to ensure the stability of the banking system as part of operations with individuals (deposit insurance system, credit bureaus)

The degree of rigidity of the norms of legislation related to the counteraction to the legalization of income obtained by criminal and financing terrorism


Level of financial literacy

The degree of differentiation of income of the population

The degree of tendency to consumption / savings

The degree of public confidence in the country's banking system

The degree of confidence in the population to national currency

The degree of confidence of the population to the ruling elite of the country

At no time, in many banks, the integrated service system was widespread. Under such a system is a combination of elements in relations and connections with each other on a commercial basis, and ensuring full and / or partial satisfaction of the needs of the Bank's customers (individuals) in the provision of banking products and services through a single information, regulatory and legal system.

The development of the integrated banking service of individuals in the Russian Federation is influenced by factors that can be grouped into external and internal (Table 5);

Table 5.

Factors affecting the development of a system of comprehensive banking services of individuals




􀂃 The acquisition of the experience of integrated banking services Piz. persons

􀂃 Development and implementation of new banking products and services for physical. persons

􀂃 Development of modern risk management methods for comprehensive services to Piz. persons

􀂃 Increasing the interest of banks to new banking products

􀂃 Issue interest rates on bank loans

􀂃The high interest rates on bank deposits

􀂃 High level of credit risks

􀂃The development of the infrastructure of the PHS banking service market infrastructure. persons

􀂃 Low the level of information transparency of the market of banking services Piz. persons

􀂃 Defect qualified specialists

􀂃 Item "Long Money"

􀂃 Creating a system of insurance of citizens' deposits

􀂃 Creating a credit bureau system

􀂃Functioning and development of bank loans market infrastructure

􀂃 Economic Development

􀂃Figt and adequacy of the reaction to a change in demand for banking services by banks

􀂃 High cost of credit resources

􀂃 Equipment of the system of regulatory regulation of the market for banking services to Piz. persons

􀂃Dasking development of the system of credit history bureau

􀂃 Activity of credit risk insurance

􀂃Test requirements from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to the implementation of economic standards

􀂃The high level of development of the banking system

􀂃 High-pace inflation

􀂃 High value refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Murmansk region and the North-West region as a whole have a high level of economic development and, accordingly, are interesting to credit organizations from the point of view of banking business and the opening of branches in the region;

    banks operating in the banking services market for individuals can be divided into three groups: St. Petersburg banks, whose feature is that this region accounts for the main amount of their business; Moscow banks whose head office is located in Moscow; branches of subsidiaries of non-residents;

    banks operating in the banking services market for individuals depending on the number of banking services provided may be grouped into separate groups: the first group of banks - banks providing their customers with the maximum list of banking services; The second group of banks - banks leading more conservative policies than the banks of the first group; The third group of banks - banks, whose list of services for individuals is limited;

most banks, providing a wide range of banking products, are able to carry out comprehensive banking services of individuals, but this is accompanied by rigid competition in the field of services promotion, their price conditions, as well as the quality level of the services offered.

Until recently, most of the commercial banks of Russia operated on the basis of attracting cash to enterprises. It was for servicing financial and sustainable, which constantly in accounts in cash banks has been banking competition. The means of the population, as a source of attracted funds, commercial banks paid for secondary attention. However, recently, the situation in the resource base varies significantly. The vital need to increase investment resources, the weakening of inflationary processes, replenishing banking capital, ensuring social and economic security of citizens causes increased interest in the financial resources of the population by the banking community and other financial structures.

The market of deposits of the population today is the most dynamically developing segment of the banking services market as a whole. And, above all, this is due to the development of the population's market.

Commercial banks continue to remain the main "collectors" of population savings and the main suppliers of long-term investment resources.

Bank deposits for most people remain the most popular type of investment.

If the bank deposit market for legal entities is fairly stable (which is explained by the long-established "attachment" of Russian enterprises to banks, servicing them), then the growing income of the population is deprived of such predestination and become the subject of competition between banks.

A clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe main trends in the development of the bank's bank deposit market, a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, the knowledge of the main price nuances of the formation of deposit products becomes the necessary key to the successful work of the Bank.

The Bank's customer service activities are traditionally divided into commercial and retail (non-trade) sectors. Such a division is based on various approaches to work in these areas.

Retail operations are primarily the service of individuals. Services for individuals are one of the most important directions of banking business. The Russian market of retail banking services, despite significant growth rates - 30-40% annually, is in the formation stage. Its further development should contribute to an increase in the confidence of the population to banks, improving legislation, the development of competition.

One of the directions of the progressive development of the banking sector in modern conditions can be a retail banking business. This is caused by a number of reasons. First, large corporate clients are already covered by banking services, and competition in the corporate services sector has developed tough. The retail banking market is only formed and has enormous growth potential. Secondly, population savings are an important source of resources for banks. Thirdly, lending to the population contributes to the growth of consumer demand, which is one of the factors of economic growth. In addition, the expansion of services to the population allows you to diversify banking activities and reduce bank risks as a whole.

Retail operations are primarily the service of individuals, but not only. After all, any organization also consists of individuals, and many companies can somehow lead financial transactions with their customers - individuals. In this regard, 4 groups of retail operations are distinguished (mainly reflect the technological approach):

  • 1. Customer service operations - individuals who are not related to the service by the bank of any organization. For example, this exchange currency exchange or discovery of the deposit for the client who paid attention to the Bank's services due to the territorial proximity to the place of residence or work. Perhaps attention was attracted by advertising services or tariff rates.
  • 2. Corporate retail operations, i.e. Service of financial interaction of individuals with companies, which, for example, are bank customers or have any individual agreements with the bank. We give a few examples: payment of apartment-new buildings by private individuals in favor of the developer company; payment by customers of the airline tariff for excess luggage at the airport; Payment of utility services; Payment of wages and travel staff.
  • 3. Conditional retail operations. There are in mind those types of banking operations that are carried out not only by physical, but also by legal entities in connection with their commercial activities, but according to the technology of their execution by the Bank, identical to individuals with individuals and which belong exclusively to the corporate sector, but technology is close to retail Bank products. Such operations include operations for receiving checks for collection from individuals and legal entities and their subsequent payment are practically identical and implemented and / or coordinated, as a rule, by the same subdivision for check operations; The release and maintenance of corporate banking cards is conducted by the same unit that issues bank cards for individuals.
  • 4. Retail operations with VIP-clientele.

In a more accurate point, Private Banking's term refers to trust management of cash, securities and other client assets, such as real estate. This concept also includes consulting services, services of the so-called financial engineering and the like. However, in the form, as described above, Private Banking exists only in large foreign investment banks. In domestic practice, confidential cash and paper services can offer only a few large banks, such as Sberbank, Rosbank, Uralsib. Most of the commercial banks understand this type of activity as the provision of services in the maximum convenience mode for the client on tariffs, differing in the better compared to standard. The difference criterion between the "standard" and the VIP client is the amount of funds to which the client operates and which, according to the bank, is an interesting "service object". Usually such sums start from 100 thousand dollars. The service is carried out in "manual" mode. For example, the client treats coffee in the meeting room, and at this time the operational unit prepares the necessary contracts, paper, the cashier is engaged in preparation (recalculation) of cash amounts, etc. When organizing VIP-services, the bank should not be guided by technological approaches, and in this sense such operations are a mansion.

There are also operations with an account and operation without an account.

Operations without an account include all operations performed between the client and the bank at the same time. In other words, these are operations like "deal". Examples are cash currency exchange, transfer of translation, cash receipt in an ATM, etc. Operations without an account are limited in time, as a rule, one banking day.

Operations with a score are characterized by the presence of long-term relationships of the client and the bank. In this case, we can go both about the commission of one operation (urgent contribution) and about a variety of multiple operations performed for a long period of time.

Any service, including banking, satisfies customer needs for which they are willing to pay. In fact, the needs of individuals in financial services are not distinguished by a large variety. Rather, the banks, being regulators of money circulation and a one-time distribution system of the economy, are trying to introduce new tools for attracting private clients. But almost all innovations are reduced to the provision of old services based on new technologies.

True, advanced technologies sometimes lead to a qualitative breakthrough and filling the old services with a special content. Take, for example, such a settlement document as network electronic money. On the one hand, the calculation between individuals in e-mail carries the explicit signs of cash calculation. On the other hand, there are a number of signs of non-cash translating through the banking system. Thirdly, there are signs of calculations by checks. Together, these characteristics form, in fact, a new settlement service, to the era of the Internet, not implemented in principle.

There are reverse examples. As a counter-apprix, you can bring the bank cards based on microprocessors. For more than 10 years, the theorists have been exploited by theoretics for more than 10 years that the chip card is very useful for its holders from the point of view of the formation of individual payment characteristics. In other words, the card itself will be aware that where you need to get a discount, where you need to take into account the "earned" discount points will contain many other individual information, optional payment properties. But, alas, consumers do not hurry for this reason to queue for the "novelty". The fact is that there is no new banking service chip card. Only slightly adds the values \u200b\u200bof an already existing tool.

Banking services can be divided into specific and nonspecific services. Specific (traditional) services is all that follows from the specifics of the Bank's activities as a special enterprise. Specific services include three types of operations performed - these are deposit, credit and settlement operations.

Deposit operations are associated with the premises of customer funds to the bank in deposits (deposits). Historically, this operation was preceded by a preserved operation, when people placed their values \u200b\u200bto preserve banks that ensure reliability and safety of savings. Subsequently, the preservation of funds began to grow into impairment preservation. People began to put their money to the bank not only as the most convenient, safe place, but also in order to obtain income, their maintenance of impairment, inflation. For the placement of money on a deposit, the bank customers receive a loan percentage.

Credit operation is the main operation of the bank. It is not by chance that the bank is sometimes called a major credit institution. And this is true: in the total amount of bank assets, the main proportion of credit operations. Most often, due to lending to customers, the bank receives a majority of income.

The calculated operations that the bank produces can be carried out both in cashless and in cash. On behalf of customers, banks can open various accounts from which payments are made related to the purchase or sale of commodity values, payroll, transfer taxes, fees and other equally important payments. When calculating the bank acts as a mediator between sellers and buyers, between enterprises, tax authorities, the population, budget. In the production of calculations, banks use various modern equipment providing rapid links and technical processing of documentation of the bank entering the bank.

Cash operations can be attributed to the category of traditional banking operations. In modern legislation, they are not included in the basic operations, of which the bank is developing, but in their own intended, they reflect the essence of banking activities. It is difficult to imagine that the bank is engaged in deposits, carrying out lending and calculations, does not conduct cash transactions.

The composition of non-traditional banking services includes all other services. There are many quite a lot, including: intermediary services, services aimed at developing an enterprise (introduction on the stock exchange, placement of shares, legal assistance, information services, etc.), provision of guarantees and guarantees, trusting operations (including consultations and assistance in Property Management on behalf of the Client), accounting assistance to enterprises, submission of client interests in judicial bodies, services for the provision of safes, tourist services and others.

An intermediate position between traditional and non-traditional operations occupy additional operations. They include currency transactions (cash and non-cash conversion services for individuals), operations with securities, operations with gold, precious metals and ingots. These operations banks may not be performed.

In the indicated list of retail operations there are services whose history has hundreds, or even thousands of years. In old retail banks in the same Sberbank (not to mention Western banks), people are serviced by generations.