Repairs Design Furniture

Habry with your own hands: master class of creating original homemade hangers. We make an outdoor hanger in an apartment for clothes with your own hands. Production of hangers for clothes with their own hands.

How to make a wooden hanger with your own hands? Very simple, we will tell you how. It would seem that a hanger is in the house? Almost no one notices her, although it is quite a significant and functional subject. You will be surprised how to improve it, and even do it yourself. Special skills will not need there, so everyone will be able to make it.

Materials for work: what tree make a hanger

Depending on the type of hangers, we may need different materials for work. There is a general primary list that will be quite useful for any of the works in this category.
The tool arsenal looks about this way:

  • The material from which the hanger is manufactured.
  • Samoning.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pila Bulgarian, with which you can cut the desired parts of the hanger.
  • Dowel if the design is wall.
  • Schurophvert or drill (better electric).
  • Level, roulette, pencil.
  • Emery surface cleaning surface.
  • Hooks.

Outdoor wooden hanger with their own hands

Wooden things have always been high quality and durable, as well as useful in everyday life. This also applies to hangers, so we will now try to build a wooden floor hanger with your own hands.
Much time we will not take this job. It will take about 20 free minutes, as well as all the necessary materials.

To create a floor hanger from a tree we will need:

  • Six knees (copper).
  • Four tees (copper).
  • Four plugs (there must be the same input diameter).
  • Wooden round stick of the same diameter. The total length should be 5.3 meters, cut into parts: 2 segments of 125 cm, two more 70 cm., 4 parts of 20 cm., And 6 last 10 centimeters each.

Work move is very simple. Following the threshing plan, we must collect all the design elements. To facilitate the task, they are marked in the figure with letters.

  • "A" - 125cm.
  • "B" - 70cm.
  • "C" - 20cm.
  • "D" - 10 cm.

To additionally fix our floor hanger, use glue for wood. It will be interesting to look at the copper inserts, which on the one hand will attract attention, and on the other, they will be strong enough in operation.

Wall-mounted wooden hanger with their own hands

An integral part of any corridor, as well as an object that is simply necessary in each apartment.

Wall-mounted hanger can be constructed independently, using all the necessary tools. Warrant material can be different, the best thing is best. In the option "cheaper" you can use chipboard.

From the tools that we need to need it:

  • Screwdrift or screwdriver.
  • Drill.
  • The set drove.
  • Roulette with a pencil.
  • Hooks.

It is done very simply - it is enough to measure the desired distance and resolve the hooks to the board, and then hang the finished hanger on the wall. But there are more interesting options for such a craft.

Wall hanger from hammers

In this craft, we will need everything too as in the previous version, only instead of hooks we will use old hammers, from which you need to cut off the handle, leaving the short end that we attach to the board.


Approximate time of time for which the wall-mounted hanger is really 2-3 hours (this is with the shelf).

Unique ideas for wooden hangers

Outdoor and wall hangers are considered a certain classic, but when you want something extraordinary or creative, you can consider the following design options.

Master class "Hanger of real wood"

Under the word "tree" mean not just a wooden material (board), namely pieces of the real natural tree. Oak chocks are suitable for this work, perhaps even with bitch, which will be perfectly serve instead of banal hooks.


The hanger undoubtedly will attract attention, as well as screens up the boring atmosphere of the room. Most often, this option is placed in a country house or in the country, less often in apartments or mansions.

Stock Foto Wooden hangers in the interior

As you can see, you can make a wooden wall or floor hanger - for clothes or for jewelry, for children and for adults, for dressing room or for an entrance hall. It can be both classic and some unusual hanger from a tree - from skis, hammers, old things, fence or doors, from pallets and so on. The main thing is to connect fantasy, and for inspiration I suggest look at the photo of various wooden hangers that can be made with your own hands.

It can be concluded that there are quite a lot of hanger options, as well as the ideas of their incarnation, and each of them is unique in its own way. Therefore, choose which of ideas is best for your home and start doing your author's masterpiece. This will help you drawings and infirm materials. The main thing is to have the original idea and the mood to implement it.

Coming home, the first thing we do is remove the upper clothes and hang it in a closet or hanger. The last option has some significant advantages: takes up little space, provides quick access to things, easily mounted, suitable for corridors of various shapes and sizes.

Due to the simplicity of the design, it is not difficult to build a hanger to the hallway with your own hands.

Advantages of self-making:

  • N. the estimated cost of the product;
  • IN possibility to achieve the best combination with the interior;
  • AND nadiality of the hangers: this will not have any friends and acquaintances;
  • R scientist work is highly appreciated.

Original wall hangers in the hallway are an important and inalienable element of the interior.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, you need to analyze the form of the corridor. If it is quite elongated, it is better to give preference to a long hanger with compact shelves or without them. For overall premises, you can choose any model.

It is also worth considering interior features: style, details, prevailing colors.

The simplest type of hanger is a wooden hook board, which is attached to the wall. It is allowed to have a shelf for hats, sideways located above or under it. The basis of the design can be taken as a homogeneous large wooden board and a few smaller, bonded among themselves.

In the traditional version of the versa, the wall hanger is a bar on which hooks and pins are located.

If there is a desire to show your creative potential, you can make a non-standard model. For example, a great hanger in the nursery will turn out if you create a blank in the form of a cloud, tree or twig. For the corridor it will be better to cut something different: horns, a fence or inscription.

Wall hangers in the hallway and hooks for clothes are selected according to the style of the room interior.

Materials and tools

Now in almost every construction store, the buyer is provided with such a rich assortment that it is necessary to purchase everything that the tree hanger is created with their own hands in the shortest possible time, will not be difficult.

Wall hanger in the hallway with your own hands is simple work with pleasure from the result.

To do this, buy or prepare the appropriate tools:

  • Lobzik
  • Hacksaw;
  • Soldering lamp;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Screwdriver or hammer;
  • Awl;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette.

Tools that will be useful in work.

From materials will need:

  • A piece of wooden board;
  • Screws;
  • Hooks.

Materials for future hangers.

For decorating:

  • Primer;
  • Painting brush or roller;
  • Varnish or other coating;
  • Billets for decoupage, scissors, glue, textured sponge.

Materials for decorating hangers.

The process of manufacture of hangers

A classic hanger made by their own hands for the hallway does not require significant effort. Manufacturing takes a minimum of time. Initially, we need to think about the design in detail, it is recommended to make a drawing on millimeter paper and calculate the consumption of materials.

You need to carry the drawing with a pencil or marker.

Then you should get a wooden sheet (or board) and put on stable supports so that several centimeters remain between it and the surface of the floor or the table. Armed with a jigsaw, cut the blanks of the necessary form, observing the contour. If there is a desire to make edges with relief, you need to go through the same tool for them.

It is necessary to treat roughness, sanding the sections of the sections and polish.

The next step - Give the desired appearance. For firing boards, a soldering lamp will be required, which is successfully replaced with a gas burner. At this stage, care must be taken to not injure your fingers, and do not spoil the material. Then you need to get paint or varnish and cover all dug parts.

After drying, the assembly of the product is carried out with the help of screws.

The mounted way implies the mounting of small metal planks of the rounded form, called "ears". They drill holes for fastening into dowel screws. In this case, reliability is determined by their length.

Wall-mounted hanger created by their own hands can be fixed in several ways.

Another, no less popular way is to do through holes. After their creation and processing, screws or nails with a long leg are passed and the hanger is fastened against the wall.

For fastening, as a rule, screws or small nails are applied.

To complete the work, you need to attach metal hangers. It is possible to position them chaotically, in one or more rows.

Perhaps fixed by the following fixtures:

  • "Suckers";
  • Adhesive strip;
  • Magnets.

Such methods do not cause difficulties and take a little time. At the same time, the mount is not very reliable and is suitable only for hats.

Any bold designer options will benefitly emphasize the relevance and originality of the interior.

Making hangers from longitudinal and transverse boards

This design resembles a lattice, it involves the manufacture of the base-fitting base from horizontally and vertically arranged elongated boards. At the same time, two layers can be distinguished: the first- with cross-arrangement, second- With longitudinal.

Wall-mounted hanger drawing.

To create a wall hanger with your own hands, you will need to stock up a few long boards. Preference is better to give lumber 10-20 cm wide and 1 m long. Deciding with the size, you should get the desired number of blanks.

The order of assembling hangers.

After that, it is necessary to treat them so that there are no convexities, chips and roughness remained, paying special attention to the edges. Then it is necessary to decompose first the first layer, observing parallelism and the same distance between the planks. If everything suits, it's time to go to the second level. Armed with a screwdriver (or with its absence of a hammer) to fix their position in the crossing places.

Simple version of hangers for self-making.

Bashed hooks need to top boards. If they have a vertical position, then the hooks are better to place in the top in one row. For hangers, the outer side of which is formed by vertical planks, you can create several levels, securing the hooks on each of them.

Sizes of hangers with shelf.


It is possible to complete the manufacturer, giving the product an original appearance. The most interesting will be the surface if:

Before proceeding with coating, it is necessary to clean the tree from the traces of dust, dirt and fat.

Materials for decoupage hangers do it yourself.

It is necessary to primitive our wooden hanger with white acrylic paint.

GYXAL is a transparent paint, which at certain efforts forms a textured surface. Before proceeding with work, it should be diluted with water glumption, according to the instructions. The mixture is then applied to the prepared workpiece and the pattern is created using a textured sponge. It is necessary to act quickly, otherwise after half an hour the coating will freeze.For artificial formation of a tree, this type of varnish is used as cracker.

It is applied to a pre-painted surface, which as a result is covered with small cracks.

Decoupage allows you to create wooden products suitable for any interior. Most often they are resorted to it when they seek to get furniture with the effect of antiquity and complex patterns. To decorate such hangers, you will have to armared with scissors and workpieces with a pattern.

Cutting paper patterns, it is better to impose them on the surface, evaluate how they will look.

If everything suits- introduce the purple side of the glue, attach to the tree and align that it was subsequently not formed bubbles, then coat with furniture varnish and leave until complete drying.

What to choose the final varnish - to solve you. After drying the varnish - fasten the handles into place.

If you have artistic skills, you can apply a drawing with acrylic paints. Initially, background and large elements are created, then the details are drawn. Complete the work better than applying varnish and cracker.

Video: Stylish hangers in the hallway.

The corridor is an important part of any apartment or at home. This place through which guests pass, and the hanger is one of the main components of the hallway. Just like without a sofa, it is difficult to imagine a living room, there is no corridor without a hanger. It's like a butler who meets guests. It can bring some magic to the atmosphere or, on the contrary, to spoil everything.

Modern embodiments of hangers for hallway are several types.

It is difficult to describe how much huge variety of hangers today. There is no end, neither the edge that can not but rejoice. But if you do not understand them, then a rich assortment will not play a hand, but only everything spoils, and the client can just go away, without buying anything, or will buy any product that came across, the charter choose and walk around and about.

The hanger is very often used if it is impossible to place a wardrobe in the hallway for storing things and shoes.

For these reasons, it is worth understanding in advance which they are, and what is suitable in your hallway.

First of all, the hanger is mandatory due to the functions that it performs. With the right choice, it can become a "highlight" of your hallway and make a pleasant impression on the guests.

All of them are intended for one purpose - to create order in the hallway and keep over-wear.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION! Do not overestimate your hallway and buy the first hanger you like, because it can be too cumbersome for such a room. If the space does not allow, then you should not forget about the practicality and saving space.

It is possible to place an outdoor hanger only to a spacious hallway, because it takes a lot of space.

How to start searching for "perfect" hangers for an entrance hall?

There are several factors to which it is worth relying in the first place.

  • The size of the room (it should complement, but not to overfill the room).
  • Design of the room. If the hallway is made in minimalist style, and a bright hanger with remarkable patterns attracted, it is worth thinking about this option several times before making a decision.
  • The presence of children. This factor is relevant when choosing any furniture. If the hanger of the original forms with sharp corners and may fall at the slightest push, it is worth abandoning this venture. After all, children are very curious and want to touch everything in the house.

The choice of wooden hanger will require a designer of a good feeling of style and experience.


If we talk about the materials from which the shoulders are made, then there is from what to choose from artificial to natural materials. The most popular are wood, laminated chipboard and metal. And it is not surprising, because they are distinguished by their practicality and versatility. They can fit perfectly in any interior and add it perfectly. These materials are often mixed.

Metal clothes storage hangers in the hallway can simply be perfectly signed in almost any interior.

Wooden hangers are usually chosen in the corridor if other furniture is also made of natural materials. But it is rather a rule where there are exceptions.

Wooden hangers will perfectly fit into the interior of your hallway.

NOTE! Do not forget about the humidity in the room when buying a wooden model.

If we compare wood with a metal, then in the second case, the choice will be somewhat larger. The most popular species are wall and outdoor. They are quite practical and fit well. Wall-mounted is more convenient in terms of saving space. Despite this, they are very accurate. And in addition to hooks, such hangers are often additional shelves.

They can be presented in any color and style.

As for other materials, the shoulders are also made of glass, trees branches, animal horns. Forged hangers are popular. Plastic models are an economical option, but besides that they are affected by their painfulness and diversity. As for the glass, it is also a great solution for the style of minimalism.

The hanger can also be non-standard and incredibly interesting.

Types of hangers

The hangers differ not only by the material from which they are manufactured, but also by the design, the fastening method, etc., if we speak exclusively about design, then they are the following types.

Vertical or wall mounted. They are made of wood or chipboard and give them different forms (round, straight, curved). On the sides can be attached mirrors. Sometimes leather inserts for originality even add.

Hanger for the hallway is exactly the subject of furniture that will help to properly organize space and bring order here.

Sellers offer the most diverse products. There are even wrought models. They look very original and stylish.

Their bizarre and original forms will not necessarily leave without enthusiastic attention or their owners or guests.

IMPORTANT! It is worth noting that they will have to pay decent.

The hanger does not have to be nailed to the wall. There are types of vertical hangers that do not even need to be installed. They are practical and very comfortable. But most appreciate them precisely. It looks very aristocratic. They often have an additional place for umbrellas.

The stronger the design of the hangers with the style of the hallway is combined, the more cozy, harmonious and modern it will look.

Such open hangers are more often done for corridors.

An ordinary crossbar with shoulders on wheels is also very popular. This is a very practical and convenient option and will suit almost everyone.

Many designers believe that it is the hanger that becomes the basis around which the entire interior of the hallway is created.

A hanger can perform several functions - serve for storing shoes and be a soft pouf.

For many buyers, another important criterion is the presence of a pouiff or chair so that you can sit down and calmly go.

Horizontal is much easier and more compact. They are made from a variety of materials. The cost depends on this.

Despite the use of the same material, wooden hangers can radically differ from each other with their design and design.

In addition to hooks, only shelves for hats are additionally available.

If you search, you can find interesting, designer horizontal hangers in the corridor.

Tumbi-hangers are also popular. They perform both functions at once and are very convenient to use, because they have several boxes or shelves, where you can not only hang clothes, but also put shoes and other accessories.

The main drawback of this hanger - it takes more space than a simple wall.

The presence of the mirror in the hallway is mandatory, as well as hangers. Compatible them - a great idea. And the market today provides such an option.

Also, many models have wheels, which largely facilitates their use.

IMPORTANT! Floor hangers require a lot of space, and they are not recommended to put in a small room.

But on the type of hooks fastening there are still several categories of her shoulders.

  • Fastening with screws (is the most popular and reliable option).
  • Printed hooks. Not suitable for the hallway due to a large load. The fastening will be too weak, and if in the spring and summer the hanger will still last, then in winter the breakdown is inevitable.
  • Attached with suction cups (the same as the mounting of glue) and magnets - reliable, but too complicated way. It requires the installation of a metal surface in the hallway. Few people want to bother so much, so the first way is most comfortable and practical.

Many models of floor hangers are mini-halls that are attached to the wall.

Original hangers in the corridor

Recently, hangers with bending hooks are becoming increasingly popular. This is perhaps the most convenient and practical option. Material can serve both metal and wood.

Metal, in addition to its strength and reliability, also fits perfectly into different interiors.

It is difficult to describe all the most unusual, beautiful, modern, designer hangers of recent years, because their huge set and create categories of them are a rather difficult task.

Excellent woven hangers. As a rule, they are painted in black matte color.

In short, designers love to make hangers of remarkable forms and flowers (in the form of a labyrinth, spines, graphics, snowflakes, plumbing pipes, chairs, hands, owls, etc.)

If the corridor is made in modern style, finding a suitable hanger will not be much difficult.


In the house everything should be combined. It is this factor that creates a comfort and a homely atmosphere. Do not sculpt in a bunch of different colors, styles and materials. In the house everything should be in harmony. This is especially true of the hallway.

The hangers are made from various materials, natural and artificial, but the tree and metal still remain in the lead.

Coming home after a long working day, beautiful, stylish atmosphere will allow you to leave everything more superfluous and plunge into home comfort and warmth. And a successful hanger can contribute a lot to this.

Wood and metal hangers are practical and versatile, they will fit in almost any interior.

Video: Outdoor hanger with their own hands.

The first impression of the owner of the apartment begins with the hallway. There is no possibility to place overall furniture. Quite a wall-mounted hanger. From its design and material from which it is made, the ease of use and durability depends.

Depending on the number of family members, the wall hanger in the hallway can be large or small, one or two walls. Double hanger for two walls is called angular. The disadvantage of such hangers is one: In order to install it, it is necessary to drill the walls and install a dowel. To do this, you need a perforator or you need to invite a specialist.

What are wall-mounted hangers

We define immediately, wall hangers are those that hang on the wall. Make them from various materials:

  • wood;
  • dSP plates, MDF;
  • metal;
  • combined.

Furniture styles in the interior a lot. Since the majority of the population does not live in the royal chambers, the styles are most suitable for the mass consumer:

  • functionalism
  • minimalism,
  • country
  • high tech,
  • ethnic.

If the hallway is a small wall hanger solves a lot of problems. Additionally, the hangers are equipped with couches, mirrors, shelves. Depending on the height of the room, the structural elements are located horizontally or vertically.

In small halls, you can choose a construction that occupies the minimum space. Constructively perform them assembly or collapsible. Prefabricated designs are collected in the enterprise and sold in the finished form. It is possible to attribute wooden from the array and metal. Collapsible must be assembled at home from purchased parts.

Tip: Pick up the apartment or hallway

Hangers from the massif

For wooden hangers, various breeds of wood are used in the hallway: oak, beech, ash, birch, spruce, pine. Hooks are wooden or metal. Modern trees for wood allow the wood to give wood any shades.

Design options are with a shelf for storing hats or without it. Big hangers can be equipped with mirrors, shelves, storage boxes of trivia, shoes.

Wooden products are always expensive. Moreover, it should be noted that soft wood pine or spruce can cost more oak or beech. This is not connected with the price of the source material, but with the difficulties of technological processing of the surface. Soft wood ate is processed bad, after grinding remains risks from abrasive. The array is covered with varnishes, wax or just paint. The advantages of array products are their environmental friendliness and a long service.

Hangers from chipboard chipboard, LDSP, MDF

Wood-chipboard and MDF plates in furniture production occupy a strong position. They are inexpensive, covered with laminated films under valuable wood, they do not cord, they keep the geometric dimensions of the entire period of operation.

MDF is a finely dispersed fraction of fibreboard. They are perfectly milling, covered with paints, varnishes, films for valuable wood. According to its consumer qualities, MDF is superior to chipboard, but they are more expensive.

Plates from chipboard, LDSP and MDF are sold in a finished form to work for homemade masters. It is necessary only after cutting the ends with laminate or special plastic overlays.


The design of wall-mounted wooden hangers give the hallway novelty and originality. It can be done in different versions: with a shelf for hats or without, with a decorative grid, separating clothing from the wall, with different decorative crochets.

However, for the completeness of the painting for metal hangers, additional products are needed, made by forging: Stand for shoes, mirror, keystitch and others.


All well-known materials are used for combined hangers. There are no restrictions here. Appearance depend on the imagination of the designer. The choice of materials for the manufacture of wall hangers is huge.

Pay attention to the hooks. Preference should be given metal. In winter, heavy clothing will hang on the hooks: coats, dublinka, jackets. Further operation of furniture will depend on their strength.

Color selection

Since there are no windows in the hallway, the choice of color solutions of furniture plays a huge role. Keep in mind that white color expands the space, and the dark furniture are narrowing. Choose wall hangers of bright shades. If the hallway is connected to other rooms, then in this case the style of the hallway should harmonize with a common room.

How to choose a wall hanger

You must choose from:

  • the number of family members;
  • design;
  • financial opportunities;
  • national team or inappropriate design.

Before buying, decide on additional accessories:

  • shoe sections;
  • shelves;
  • mounted or floor drawers;
  • shoes;
  • mirrors.

The leaders of the production of this type of furniture are Ikea and Lerua.

IKEA In addition to Wall-mounted hangers, the assembly offers hundreds of hook options for clothes from various materials, ranging from plastics and ending with metal hooks anodized under gold or silver.

Not lagged behind its competitor and Lerua Merlen. The main thing is not to be confused among hundreds of hook options for clothes. Both firms apply modern MDF materials, chipboard, metal, plastic, glass.

How to make a wall hanger yourself

In order not to lose in vain time and not to overestimate your strength, let's say right away, which can be done independently, inexpensively and with a minimum of tools, but what is not. Make a hanger from the wood massif, without having a specialized tool and skills of work, it is impossible. Buy circular saw, milling machine, grinding machine and other tools does not make sense. For this money you can buy several products.

Really, you can make a wall hanger from wrought elements plus chipboard or MDF panels. And you can also use laminated chipboard.


  1. Select photos from the Internet and make your design. Make a sketch of future hangers with all sizes.
  2. Provide vertical or horizontal strips separating clothing from the wall in order not to wipe it.
  3. Select the necessary texture of the chipboard of the laminated film and order the cutting in its size in the construction hypermarket.
  4. Ginger and creek the ends with a special film on PVA glue.
  5. If there are connections on screws or furniture screeds, select special plastic plugs to hide them.
  6. Choose hooks with lots of screws for fastening than two. Consider the chipboard is chips and sawdust. Before screwing the screws, drill a hole with a diameter of 1 mm and a few drops of PVA glue drops into it.
  7. The same applies to the walls on the wall. See that screws do not get out on the front side.
  8. Drill in the wall by a perforator hole for plastic dowels and drive them into the wall.
  9. Set hooks or hinges to which wall hanger will be installed.
  10. Install the hanger in place.

According to the great director, the theater begins with hangers. But is only the theater?

Any house - whether it is a cozy apartment or a spacious cottage - it is difficult to imagine without this inherent attribute of our life.

Hanger-rack on the floor, hooks on the wall in the hallway, the shoulders in the closet ... the role of them is alone: \u200b\u200bSave our things in a tidy state.

However, people with a rich fantasy are able to turn this boring subject of the interior almost into artwork. A simple set of tools for work, patience and a couple of non-standard ideas - and you are the owner of a unique thing.

Review Content:

  • Hanger as part of the interior
  • Wall hanger of wood
  • Hanger in the hallway do it yourself
  • Hanger Handbags for Cabinet With Your Hands
  • Outdoor rack hanger
  • Unusual homemade hangers
  • Hanger as home decoration
  • Photo hangers do it yourself

The main thing in any house is a spacious wardrobe. It gets together blouses and dresses, pants and skirts, gloves and scarves, coats and raincoats.

A good mistress has every thing in its place. Clothes in the closet are different. And hangers for it should also be different.

How to make a hanger with your own hands? Believe me, it's easy and even fascinating. Peel into the chest with long forgotten grandmother's dresses. You will find there stunning things.

Vintage shoulders (so-called tremendous) can be renovated, and they will turn into the main decoration of your cabinet.

In ancient, the shoulders for clothes were wooden. Applying one of the appliances of the decor, you can give the old thing a new life. And what life ... such beauty will want to hang on the wall, and not in the closet - and let everyone admire.

You can transform a clothes hanger with the help of decoupage, unusual staining or appliqué.

Very easy to use soft shoulders. Things on them hold the shape and do not sculp. It is necessary to wrap the usual tremendous thin foam rubber, and then entertain a pretty cloth. Beads and ribbons will give a new thing a special charm.

But to decorate your house with a hanger from the tree of our own production is more difficult. Wood work requires special skill. And the tools are needed special.

Wall hanger of wood

Wall hanger - Design is not good. However, it is worth going with all seriousness - then it will last you for a long time.

The main key of success is strong, dry wood without cracks. Perfectly suit trim bar or board. The length of the workpiece depends on the length of the future hanger. Before starting work, it would be nice to handle the wood with an antiseptic.

Fastening on the panel are located on the board in one, two or three rows at will.

Such a hanger is the place behind the door in the bedroom, as well as in the bathroom, pantry or bath.

Accuracy is brought up from childhood. Equip the children's room with a simple hanger. And if it will decorate the images of the heroes of favorite cartoons - follow your clothes, the child will be happy. Note!

Do not fasten the hanger directly on the plastered wall. Otherwise, you risk "whitewashing" your clothes. Yes, and a jacket or a cloak, sweeping in the rain, will leave ugly spots on the wall surface. To avoid this, under the hanger, you need to attach a sheet of plywood, dense paper or polyethylene.

Panels for hooks can be given any shape - waves, oval, heart, sun, and the like.

Attention! The use of untreated wood is fraught with a large number of hotels. Do not forget to polish the hanger panel.

As fasteners, use empty coils from threads or finished hooks of any form.
And if you include creativity - dried twigs or roots of plants will go into the course. Cut them, remove the bark, polish, cover the lacquer - here's the hooks. In store such you will definitely not find.

An unpretentious wall hanger can be made from ordinary wooden planks. Send them to the wall in parallel - it is the basis for fasteners, and protecting clothes from the blotch, and the interior decoration.


Of course, half an hour you can't do such a hanger. But the ultimate result of your work will be a real hanger. It will only be left to attach at the top of the shelf to store hats.

Hanger in the hallway do it yourself

A good hanger for the hallway must be durable, beautiful, with the most spacious. In the limited space of the hallway, items of outerwear, shoes and numerous accessories should be fit.

This can not be forgotten when designing hangers. Departments and shelves near the hangers in the hallway should be enough to place everything you need.

Attention! When markup, consider the wall dimensions on which you post a hanger.

For a standard apartment, a hanger of this size is suitable: the width is about 1 meter, the height is a little more of the level of the head. Mounts for clothing are placed on the panel in 2-3 rows.


In the upper part of the hanger requires a shelf for hats. The strength of the design will give the bar.

They are attached on the sides of the design, connecting the shelf with a panel at an angle of 45 degrees. Snap the hanger on the wall is best with the help of a dowel.

Hanger Handbags for Cabinet With Your Hands

Make a hanger-shoulder hangers are very simple. Methods of manufacturing such hangers set. You will need: a large cross section, cutting branches of a suitable shape, small plastic bottles, are based on a wire bent under the desired angle of a metal bar or plate.

Wrap the base of the shoulders with a thin foam or other similar material. Then pick up the color fabric and cut the base. Give the resulting cute little charm with ribbons, beads or lace.

If the hanger is designed for the baby - decorate it with a funny face or applique. Pick up the hook - and hang in the closet.

Outdoor rack hanger

It is possible to solve the problem of placing clothes in spacious premises with the help of floor-standing racks. Outdoor hangers are commonly used in receptions of various institutions.

These interior items made of metal pipes are performed. Outdoor hanger - a universal thing. You can accommodate it almost everything. Except, of course, shoes.

The disadvantage of hangers from pipes is its instability. If things on it are uneven, it can fall.

But the floor hanger can always be rearranged in the right place or even hide in the storage room.

In residential premises, this type of hangers is rarely used: it takes a lot of space and is dangerous for children. Nevertheless, the floor-standing rack can be made independently. As a material usually use:

  • for support - a crosslinor of artificial ate, connective clutches of plastic pipes, a swivel mechanism of a broken rotating chair;
  • for the rack - trimming plastic or metal pipes, a small tree trunk, a shovel stalk, a tripod from a camera, "foot" of the lamp and other suitable parts.

Attention! The main thing in the outdoor hanger is its stability.

Unusual homemade hangers

The hanger can be made absolutely from any material or subject. Sounds incredible? Do not believe?

Ensure yourself:

  • Trimming steel wire, tube or corner perfectly suitable for work. For connecting parts, you can use welding. And if the metal is quite flexible and soft - just bent with your hands. The choice of form is yours.
  • The design of plastic pipes will have to taste hai-tech style fans.
  • If you like working with wood, this idea is for sure for you. From the remains of wood of any thickness, you can make a practical and multifunctional hanger for an entrance hall.
  • The simplest hanger can be twisted from the wire. Attach the clamps on the edges of the resulting hanger - now you have a comfortable thing to accommodate skirts and trousers. Experiment with the shape of the hanger - it can become a highlight of your product.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200b"hunting" life is the old good horns of a deer or elk. Attached to the appropriate base, can become a wall-mounted or floor hanger.
  • It is no secret that many of us (especially men) prefer a spacious cabinet ordinary chair.

Spearly on the back of the chair are shirts, jackets and even pants. Why not turn the back of the chair in the original hanger for those shirts and jackets? On this design, the entire costume fit is easily fit.

For storage of belts, belts, the ties are quite suitable, homemade hangers in the form of rings.

Hanger as home decoration

Before proceeding with the manufacture or decor of hangers, think what style prevails in the interior of your room or hallway. After all, the new thing should be perfect in the already existing interior. Here are some examples:

  • In the setting of a bedroom in Country style perfectly fit soft tremendies, covered with linen or knitted cloth with bright colors.
  • Bright shoulders with "puppet" designer suitable for a teenage girl in Barbie's style.
  • Luxurious, with twisted elements, the hanger will become an ornament of Bouire in an eastern or palace style.
  • A tree hanger with grouped patterns will emphasize the strict style of the working office or hallway in the classic style.
  • Ancient, artificially aged or skillful renovated shoulders will give a special charm in retro style.
  • The bedroom of the glamorous lady will be harmoniously look at the hanger, decorated by rhinestones, beads, bows and other brilliant trifles.
  • Designs made of metal or plastic parts, simple and unpaired in shape will decorate the room in the style of techno or hai-tech.
  • Simple in shape, laconic hanger designs complement the interior of minimalist.

Photo hangers do it yourself