Repairs Design Furniture

Mascrob from the old washing machine. Hand-made oil

Manual wrapper with their own bil-type hands for the preparation of excellent rustic oil.

The figure shows the design of the oil context:

1. Bil handle.
2. Cap.
3. Case.
4. Metal hoop.

Bil handle

It is made of two parts:

disk with holes

Pull stalks through the hole of the cover, tightly insert it into the central hole of the disk and fix using a wooden wedge.


Let's make out wooden bar The size of 30 x 193 x 193 (mm). The cover is made in the form of a regular polygon with fifteen faces, in the center of which there is a recess and through hole.


It is made of fifteen wooden planks 450 (mm) and bottom length.


The number of slats, in the example under consideration - 15 pieces.
The angle of inclination of the side faces by calculating the formula: 360 / 15/2 \u003d 12 °
The angle is an integer, with the setting of processing equipment there will be no problems.

Drawing of the bottom.

Metal hoop

We will produce from steel packaging tape (cold-rolled low carbon, soft) M-T-W-1.20 x 20 GOST 3560-73, in which there are five holes for self-tapping screws with press / URL] 4.2 x 13 (mm).

When installing the tape, two extreme holes must match.

How to make a hand-type manual wrapper, the order of its assembly:

1. We will collect all fifteen slats around the bottom in such a way that the bottom is part of the groove on each plank.
2. We will be sorry collected design twine.
3. The tape stretch well and fit to the straps and fix in five places with self-presss with pressshaba.
4. Inside the case, insert the pen of the ball with the lid.
5. Lower the product into the water.

Over time, wooden boards Wake up and all the cracks will disappear.


We put a cream or sour cream in a fat content of 28 ... 30% in the housing of the womb.

Close it with a lid with a broken handle.

The effect of knocking is achieved due to the progressive movement of the handle up-down. After some time, the creamy oil is separated from the product.

Churn oil It is possible in a glass three-grade jar, a tightly closed polyethylene lid. Moreover, the dishes should not be fully filled so that the dwelled milk when swinging might be free to get free. It is believed that the most delicious oil can be obtained when driving in a barrel from the linden. For its manufacture, they take clouds of a linden with a length of 120-140 cm, from the end, they choose the middle, close the bottom, and the hole cut the hole with a diameter of 10-15 cm, through which the baked milk is poured into the vessel.

Milk for the preparation of oil is roasted boiled, after it cools up to 30-40 s, wrapped and put it in a warm place. After 5-7 hours, it is ready to knock down the oil. In winter, the dwelled milk topped with warm water, and in the summer it is cold. 15-20 minutes after knocking down on the surface of the mixture there are tanks of oils that are easily assembled into a lump.

Water is added mostly with a small quantity of cream or sour cream for more complete filling. maslobyuk. In addition, it is easier to hang out with water. Cold water Also in the heat simplifies the collection of oil.

In this case, the method of knocking down slightly decreases the oil output, but there remains a lot of delicious stuff, which can be drunk in hot weather and cook skinny curd out of it.

Another vessel of the bidon

Inside the tank for singing oil Fasten the cross, assembled from pushed bars. At the place of intersection of bars, a hole with a diameter of 9.5 mm is done, into which the handle is inserted through the holes of the sidewalls. Wire length 600 mm bend in two places. The long end of the handle is inserted into the walls of the walls and crosses.

Cooked Phaneur bend around the sidewalls. For a more dense fit between plywood and sidewalls, linked with a dense cloth folded in several layers. Fasten Phaneur to the sidewalls with the help of carnations or screws. From above maslobyuk Leave the place for the lid made of wood. After the assembly is completed, the oil is well rinsed and dried.

IN mascrob It includes 4 liters sour cream. After a 15-minute knocking, the oil is ready. Can be made at home occlamp with electric drive. For its assembly, a 10-liter milk bidone will be required, the activator assembly from washing machine, single-phase motor with a capacity of 120 W and a set of pulleys to obtain an activator rotation at a speed of 500 rpm.

Homemade Machine with manual drive

Bidone and electric motor are fixed on wooden frame, sheathed plywood. To get dense oil, sour cream put in a bucket with warm water so that it gets warmed up and easier to come down. They are knocked down sour cream before the appearance of grains grain, after which they are riveted and cleaned from serum.

Drying serum mascrob Fill with water and reconcile the grains of fat again. Then the water change again.

The resulting fat noise is chosen on the plate and the lid from the oil is pressed for pressing the oil and give it the fortress.

From goat milk, oil can be obtained in two ways:

· First method. Milk after issuing boiling and put in a cool place. Two days later, cream is defended in it, of which oil gets after knocking.

· Second way. The milk is poured into a large dish and put in the oven for tomturation until the foam is formed, not yet downed. After which the dish is carried to the cold and defend there for 12 hours. During this time, the foam thickens. It is filmed into another dishes and are knocked down with a spoon or flutter before oil formation.

When I want to eat only a natural product, then the question arises about how to make the wrapper himself. There are such situations where the home cow gives a large number of milk. In this case, the question may also arise, where to make the surplus of such a most valuable product. Today, without much difficulty and effort, it is really possible to make butter butter yourself and at home. But for this process, it unambiguously need such a device as an oil clove. Do not immediately despair, because such a simple equipment can be done with your own hands.

In order to be able to prepare homemade butter, it is necessary to make specialized equipment for this process. To do this, initially take two boards with the same thickness, which can reach approximately twenty millimeters. Regarding the length of the boards, it can be about 300 millimeters. Using the usual construction or joiner's tool It is necessary to round the corners of the boards. After that, it is worth handling the construction files, smooth all the irregularities. In the heart of each board, it is necessary to drill a small hole, the diameter of which will be 12 mm.

After that, three-layer plywood is useful for further work. Of course, you can use a five-layer plywood. But still, it is better to stop your choice on a three-layer.

Plywood sheets should be pre-soaked in simple water, literally for several hours. At that time she mocks, it should be continued to work. You will need a piece of thick wire, the diameter of which will be approximately ten millimeters. Also come in handy and several dry wood stations. Bruks should be knocked down the cross, and on each given end it is necessary to nourish the planks. The length of each plank should not exceed 150 mm. In the heart, we make a hole, the diameter of which is 9.5 mm.

Further the wire bends the step. She will continue to serve as a handle. On its long segment it is necessary to put a cooked plate. At a distance of about 175 mm from the end of the table, you should post a cross. Then to nail another plate. It turns out as a result on one axis at once three planes, that is, the board, cross, and another board.

Then you should return to plywood sheets. By removing them from the water, put the plastics, put on the paneur already the dawn assembled design. After that, it is followed by a firewood with a wheel, and to nourish on the sides of the skokes short. In order to make a better seal, you should put a special gasket between them. The gasket is made of the tight tissue itself, and the folded into several layers.

And only when your homemade oil cloud is completely complete, it should be carefully dry and rinsed clean water. As a rule, in the oil, enter the sour cream immediately, which can be qualitatively knocked down with such a device for a quarter of an hour.

Made the site itself about homemade. On our site you will find homemakes, clear instructions will help to assemble without any problems and use in everyday life or at work your homemade you chose.

Maslobying pan

In each compound, where there is a cow, an oil is necessary. Usually, a wooden cylinder is used as it, through which the rod with a figured circle is passed on the end, driven by manually. I made a mechanical oil.

Mascrob in working condition and disassembled form.

Took enamel saucepan Height 14, with a diameter of 18 cm. Cut from plywood with a thickness of 10 mm circle so that it can enter the pan, and from the fiberboard - a larger circle of larger. Both circles brought together, and in the middle made a hole for the engine shaft. On the cover from above, the electric motor with a capacity of 90 watts and 200 revolutions per minute was secured. The tree himself extended, and at its end he fastened the horizontal turbine from plastics. In the pan pouring slightly heated cream, I turn on the engine to the 220 volts network.

In 10 minutes. The oil is knocked down. It is fragrant, tasty.

If the engine is without the case, then it can be isolated by an ordinary plastic bottle: Cut low part The desired length and put on the engine.

Ilya Borisov
Based on the materials of the Gazate "Fat. Make yourself "

  • Clean the saucepan
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  • Section: Different Homemade Publication Date: 25-03-2012, 06:57

    Mascrob on Smell Hand

    Did you try to try rustic oil, shot down from good sour cream? If you were sure, confirm: there is nothing good! If it is a little slightly satisfying yes, smear on a hunk of fresh rustic bread - none with some butter purchased in the store, do not compare.

    But here, living in the summer in the village, I noticed that it was not often sewned to knock on their own oil. And if it is done, it is painfully primitive ways: a spoon in a bowl, a muve, and who is simple, a barbecue bottle with sour cream. Wearing and for a long time to shoot down, I tried it myself.

    And I decided to make an oil for myself. The device is simple and long known. However, for some reason, it is rarely found where even in rural areas.

    The essence of the design is to conclude sour cream in a closed tank. Inside the tank - mixer. The handle is displayed. For this handle, the blades should be rotated, stirring the sour cream and gradually knocking the oil. Circular motion - more convenient than a spoon, more efficiently. Sour cream is not sprayed. About five liters of sour cream are placed in the tank, from which the oil kilogram is knocked down.

    Tank 1 is done hexagon. For the manufacture of ends, it uses boards with a thickness of 15 mm. From these same boards, three of its facets are made 2. And the other 3 are cut from plywood with a thickness of 4 mm. The top of the tank is free, open. At the edges, the guides of 4 of the tin are nailed. The retractable lid is inserted into them 5. Two supports are nailed or screwed up to the tank 6.

    For shaft 7, the stirrers are taken by the rod ∅7 mm. One end is compiled up to ∅6 mm and thread is cut on it. A wooden sleeve 8 is put on a bent end, a washer, and the end is splown.

    The mixer is double-blade. In crossbars 9 - Holes for the handle. A nut 10 with a thread M6 is attached to one of the cross. For this, the nut is soldered to a tin puck 11. Then the washer with a nut nailed with small cloves to the crossbar 13. The handle is easily screwed and at the same time securely attached to the stirrer. Easily it and dismiss.

    So that the mixer has always occupied right position And it was not shifted, a wooden sleeve 12 is put on the handle. The handle is entered into the tank through the seal (see figure). A hole for the handle in the opposite end is closed by a stub from a fuster (the plug is nailed by small carnations).

    After the tank is made, it is checked for tightness. If the water poured into it proceeds, the discovered gaps are embarrassed by a window dressing. From the outside, the tank is painted oil paint. Mascrob is ready.

    Magazine "Sam" №2, 1995

    In connection with the spread of demand for environmentally friendly products, more and more of our fellow citizens try to independently make smoked baking, baking or other products. Environmentally friendly millennium products are used by special demand, which another thousand years ago firmly strengthened in the human menu. Of course, someone will begin to argue that in Moscow or another big city there is no need to produce cottage cheese or butter, because everything you need can be purchased in stores, and it is quite difficult to get cream. But let's think about what we eat with you actually? Who can guarantee that purchased products will not harm your health? Precisely because everyone wants to be sure that he uses useful food and enjoy high demand household oils. Yes, raw materials in the form of cream or fatty sour cream get enough not easy, but if you have relatives on the village, or you yourself live in country houseYou can always buy the desired amount of raw materials.
    Of course, each of us if you wish, or the need can purchase a finished wool, the benefit that most of the online stores offer the delivery of goods sold to anywhere in the country. But still sometimes you want to do everything with your own hands, and there is no meaning to acquire the wrap up, if you need it only from time to time? It is for lovers to do everything on their own there are a large number of options for how the oil is done with their own hands.. We also give only some options for how can I get oil with minimal cost funds.

    What can be chopped down the oil at home?

    From ancient times, mankind learned to knock down oil in almost any capacity. However, in the process of improvement, special kegs appeared to knock down cream. By the way, the most delicious oil comes out when making cream in a barrel made of linden. If you have the opportunity, you can make such a barrel on your own. To do this, you will need a linden stubbling with a length of 1.2-1.4 meters. From the end you should choose the core. Next, it is necessary to close the bottom and drill or cut the hole on the side (the diameter of the hole is 10-15 centimeters) through which the bore milk will be poured. However, in most urban apartments, it is distinguished to do a barrel independently, so it is best to use the usual three-liter jar. In this bank, pour cream, while carefully make sure that it is not fully filled, because milk when swinging this "oil" should be free to get free. Next, we simply close the jar with a dense polyethylene lid and begin to shake vigorously until the foam is formed. Next, be filtering through the gauze formed mass. It removes the resulting oil from gauze and, forming into a briquette, put cool in a cool place.
    However, the oil cloudy can have more complex design. For example, you can make an oil from an ordinary bidon. The simplest option will use mechanical drive. To do this, you need to purchase a bidon with a capacity of 5-7 liters. Inside the capacity we strengthen the cross, which can be collected from ordinary planed bars. In the place where the bars will be reset to drill a hole with a diameter of 9.5 millimeters. A handle will be inserted into it, which will pass through the holes of the sidewalls. Next, we take a wire with a length of 60 centimeters and bend in two places. The longer end of the resulting handle must be inserted into the holes of the crossbars and walls. After that, bend the Phaneur around the sidewalls. You can also use a tightly folded fabric that will provide a more dense fit of plywood to the sidewalls. After laying out the sealer, Freaky Phaneru to the sidewall with the help of screws or ordinary carnations. Do not forget to leave the place at the top of the oil. Here you should install a wooden lid. At the end of the assembly thoroughly rinse and dry the wrapper.
    More "advanced" home masters can make an electric motor. To do this, you need a bidon with a capacity of 10 liters, an electric motor with a capacity of at least 120 W and a set of pulleys, with which it will be possible to ensure the speed of rotation of the activator at least 500 revolutions per minute. Next, a little fantasy and your oil will start working. However, without looking at the fact that the oil is not so complex thing we would advise you to purchase a household model industrial production, because the prices of them are not high, but the quality is excellent. But here, already decides each independently.

    Several advice beginner oils ...

    If you plan to get milk oil, it should be pre-prepared. To do this, boil the milk and let it cool up to 30-40 degrees Celsius. After that, put it in a warm place of the clock for 5-7 and only after that pour into the oil.
    In the dwelled milk should add some water. Please note that in winter it is necessary to add warm, and in summer, respectively, cold water.
    In the manufacture of homemade oil from sour cream or cream, put a jar with source raw materials in warm water. Thanks to this, they will warm up and will be easier to come back. Yes, and the oil obtained with a heated sour cream will be more dense.
    If you do not have enough sour cream or cream to fill the oil capacitance by more than 25%, add water. In addition, it will be easier to hang out Prostokvash.

    For processing oilseeds used special equipment - Press for pressing the oil. Applying such a simple device that some masters make their own hands, at home or in conditions small production You can get an environmentally friendly product, which is superior to its taste and oil utility, implemented in stores. From what kind of plant crops and in what quantities it is necessary to obtain oil, depend specifications and the design of the equipment used.

    Design features

    Obtaining at home conditions of vegetable oil using an acquired or independently manufactured press is characterized by a number of features that must be taken into account.

    • When producing oil at home, the finished product has a two-year shelf life. Home press can be purchased in serial execution or make it yourself.
    • With the help of a domestic press for spinning, you can get oil from sunflower seeds, olives and even nuts.
    • One of the simplest and budget ways The manufacture of an oil pressing device is the alteration of the serial household press designed to extrude the juice from grapes and apples. In such equipment, it is not necessary to change the work nozzles - it is enough to replace the clip on the device more high power. Such upgrades will allow the use of the unit not only for the processing of olives, but also for pressing the oil from sunflower seeds.
    • The home oil press, the basis of the design of which is a worm screw that is responsible for the spin, can be made using well-handed means. Designing such a press, keep in mind that the pressure it will be able to develop, will depend on both the diameter of the worm nut and the power of the beams. To ensure the device being created higher reliability, beam, which serves as the basis of its design, should be done more powerful. Such requirements fully corresponds to a wooden press for pressing oil, the elements of the mechanism of which are made of oak array. The budget alternative to such an aggregate is the press, the structural elements of which are made of metal.
    • Household press (like any other), used for pressing oil, assumes the presence of a cylinder in its design without a bottom, which can be used as a conventional metallic barrel. To increase the rigidity of such a cylinder in its lower part, you can take metal hoop. If the cylinder uses wooden barrel, then the material from which it is made should be dry and differ in high hardness. Perfect Material In this case, there will be an oak array.
    • An important constructive elements that the oil press must be equipped include rippled rollers, which are a pair of replaceable rollers. Their rotation provides gears installed on metal racks Devices. On the racks, except for the gear, the upper and lower buckets are recorded, as well as the handle, with which the rotation of the elements of the mechanism, or a flip bucket. Ripple rollers are usually made of wood, and their working surface Sheets the blades.

    Operating principle

    After the wooden press for pressing the oil (or metallic) is assembled and equipped with interchangeable nozzles, it is possible to start using it in direct intended. To squeeze the oil using such an aggregate (for example, from sunflower seeds), you must perform the following steps:

    1. Raw materials fall asleep to the load bucket.
    2. Rolls, the surface of which is covered with a polishing-grater, lead to rotation by means of the handle.
    3. Due to the rotation of the rolls, the raw material is delayed in the gap between them, where it is released from the peel (ripping).
    4. After the ridges of the core of sunflower and the husk, from which they are released, turn out to be in the lower bucket.
    5. A mixture consisting of sunflower nuclei and husk is satisfied.
    6. Rolls with a cloth-grater are changing on the rolls with a smooth surface, with which the spin of vegetable oil will be performed.
    7. The purified seed cores are placed in the upper bucket and come to the rolling.
    8. Reduce the size of the gap between the rolls, which is necessary so that the cores of seeds are compressed with the required force, allows a special manual press lever that is translated into the second position.
    9. The result of the execution of the rolling is the casczyce mass, which must be pressed to highlight the vegetable oil from it.

    Insofar as manual press For sacrament is not able to provide high pressurerendered on the raw material used, the oil yield percentage is lower than when using specialized equipment. If you use such equipment or use such equipment as a drive, you can correct such a deficiency.

    Manual press for pressing the oil is different and a number of advantages. We give the most significant of them.

    • Due to the simplicity of the design, such a press can be made with your own hands.
    • The finished product has excellent taste and high nutritional value.

    At home or in a small production workshop can be used both wooden and auger press for producing vegetable oils that are characterized by high efficiency. It should be borne in mind: if you do not produce such devices for pressing the oil yourself, but to purchase ready-made models, the wooden press based on the hydraulic mechanism will cost much more expensive than the press screw. If you take such an aggregate to organize a small business for the production and sale of environmentally friendly vegetable oil, it will pay off rather quickly. Even faster this equipment will be paid for, if you use it for the production of not only sunflower, but also olive or even cedar oil.

    What methods perform spin of oil from vegetable raw materials

    Vegetable oils, depending on the pressure method, are divided into two main species, each of which involves the use of a certain technology and the corresponding equipment. Such species, in particular, are:

    • oils obtained by a hot spin method;
    • cold spin oils.

    If the oil is made using hot spin technology, then the cashier obtained after the rolling is placed in special braziers, where it is heated to a temperature of 110 ° and at the same time moisturize. In this case, the mass is constantly stirred. After such preparation, the raw materials are placed in a screw device where pressing is performed, as a result of which oil is released. Vegetable oil obtained using hot spin technology is distinguished not only by a beautiful dark golden color, but also a very bright aroma, as well as the taste of fried seeds.

    Meanwhile, cold spin vegetable oil is considered more useful because the raw material for its production is not exposed to thermal exposure, respectively, the product saves everything beneficial features. For cold pressing, the oil is used similar to the above-described technology, only it does not have a heating stage of the casczyce mass passed through the rollers. Vegetable oil obtained by cold spin technology, although it has more useful qualities, is less stored, over time it acquires more dark color And bitter flavor.

    Production equipment

    Even high-performance equipment designed to produce vegetable oil in industrial conditions is distinguished by small dimensions, respectively, does not require much space for installation. Modern models It is often mini-complexes for the production of vegetable oil, equipped with various operating modules, which significantly expands their functionality.

    So, typical production line sunflower oil Works on the following principle.

    1. Raw materials will be dried, cleared by different pollutionFrom it, extraneous impurities are removed.
    2. In a special module, the core of seeds are separated from the husks and are crushed.
    3. Crushed cores of seeds are packed, and if we are talking About hot tickness, then also plunge.
    4. It is extrived of oil from the prepared mass.
    5. The oil obtained immediately after pressing is the filtering step, which significantly increases its purity.
    6. The finished oil after filtration is bottled into the container and sent for storage.

    Any more or less cuty man, rash, how the oil worrow is manual, it will be able to prepare an excellent oil with their own hands using sour cream of increased fatty or cream. This setting from a sufficient volume reservoir, other components are an actuator with a rabbit, as well as a handle.

    Through the latter and the product turnover is carried out in the oil. The components of the apparatus from such materials are manufactured as stainless steel, plastics, polycarbonate of increased resistance and various aluminum alloys. Due to the corrosion resistance inherent in the materials listed, rust does not appear in the products made on them, including on working surfaces.

    The selection of fat grains from the cream is a method by means of which oil is formed in the device. This is happening thanks to the breakdown of green blades are multidimulated with rotating discs or rabbire blades. The speed of rotation should approach 60 turns per minute. Thus, the speed of rotation of the units affecting the raw material for the production of oil exceeds the speed with which the operator rotates the device, three times.

    At the same time, it is impossible to specifically indicate how quickly the user will be able to bring down the oil, as it largely depends on both its physical strength and endurance and the consistency of the primary product. But the range of the required time is located within 20-40 minutes, of course, subject to all rules.

    The availability of oil is determined by changing sensations during rotation - turning the handle becomes more difficult, it starts to resist the oil manual. In this case, you need to give the resulting lump of oil the desired shape.

    The general rule is that if there is a trait in the apparatus tank, then pour the raw material in the container in such a way that it is lower than the level of the feature. This markedly facilitates the separation of grain fat.

    The optimal raw material in the manufacture of oil will be sour cream, weathered for 2-3 days, the fat content of which is not lower than 76%. The room in which the oil is manufactured should not be too high, the preferred temperature of 1-17 degrees. It is recommended to wash the oil with a soda solution and carefully wipe after each application. But ash, sand, detergents And the powders are used when cleaning the oil is not necessary, because in this way it can be scratched.

    If you compare the manual wrapper with the device equipped with an electric drive, then it can be immediately noted that in the first case you can save electricity. In addition, a simple mechanism means a strong reduction in the likelihood of a failure of the unit, and it does not overheat. And the pattern here is simple: the stronger and the user, the more effective it will serve the oil.

    The business idea for the production of sunflower oil is based on the oil. From the standpoint of investments among professionals, the idea did not lose its popularity, is still in demand and profitable.

    However, for many, the question of income in this area is quite controversial, which is in vain. Let's figure it out in detail, in order not to rely on the opinions of the majority, and establish your own conclusions on specific figures and facts.

    In this business, you will not be filled with one oil. Profit from his implementation is hard enough to reach the level of cost. But you can not forget about the additional products obtained from the oil block, which bring significant pure profits.

    Equipment for the production of vegetable oil

    Production of vegetable oil at home is limited by financial resources. This species Business is attractive with its flexibility of rapid development. You can begin with a minimum configuration of the production workshop, and then expand additional equipment For the production of by-products. Thus, the range is expanding, and profit grows in progression. The full workshop for the production of vegetable oil should be non-frequen!

    The minimum line of the line consists of the following equipment:

    By big accountThese two components are already quite enough to produce and implement 2 products: good sunflower oil and meal. By the way, the meal of oilseeds is widely used for feeding animals and birds in agriculture. Therefore, it is selling much faster than the main product. In addition, it is much larger at the exit of recycled raw materials - 65%.

    But if you plan to earn more, then it is worth thinking about the expansion of production. Additional technological equipment Production of vegetable oils allows us to receive several products from one butter:

    1. Sunflower oil raw.
    2. Sunflower oil fried.
    3. Oil Technical Olife.
    4. Circles of Makuhi.
    5. Meal
    6. Biogol from Fusa.
    7. Briquettes biofluid from husk.

    Maslobyry even at home can produce 7 types of products in the presence of necessary equipment. It is worth paying attention to other business benefits.

    Storage of vegetable oil in production does not require special conditions. Dry room protected from sun ray, with air temperature, ranging from +5 to +15 degrees, can save unrefined products for 5 months.

    You can use different raw materials for the production of vegetable oils. For example, seeds: sunflower, soybeans, flax, pumpkins and many other oilseeds. This advantage It also positively affects the expansion of the range and increase sales. You can recess the business for other goods without upgrading the line.

    Technology of production of vegetable oils by pressing

    Technological scheme of production:

    The technological line for the production of vegetable oil is completed:

    • Separator for rough and thin cleaning Grains and seeds.
    • Peeling machine for seeds and other oilseeds.
    • Maslopress Extruder Two-Head With heating elements Mens up to + 50c (for a quick start).
    • Filter for cleaning vegetable oils from the Fue (Food).
    • Press for pressing a fus (fusoder).
    • Press for forming Makuhi circles.
    • Press for luzi briquetting from sunflower and other seeds.
    • Auxiliary inventory, facilities and devices: bunker; Pneumatic loader; weight; buckets, shovels, etc.

    We will conduct the simplest educational workshop on the production technology of vegetable oils.

    Required production by cold pressing during annealing, occurs in several consecutive stages:

    1. Rough cleaning of oilseeds (raw materials) seeds. From coarse impurities that can damage technological equipment (stones, wire, etc.).
    2. Thin cleaning of raw materials. From small premises that can affect product quality (dust, weed seeds, etc.).
    3. Peeling seed shell. This process is performed immediately before Cold pressing. In the waste-free production of husk vegetable oil on biofuels, and the kernel on the oil and macuch. The shell of oilseeds can be deleted on various equipment in the type different way: wiping the shell on a specially corrugated surface; Shell splitting with a blow; Pressure compression.
    4. Pressing nuclei through the auger omalopress in order to obtain oil and Makuhi. At this stage we get 2 semi ready-made products.
    5. Filtration. The process of filtering the crude product obtained only from under the press occurs using filters based on filter tissues. For example - Loven. Under the pressure of the air, the liquid falls on the surface of the fabric and passes through it, leaving on the surface of the FUU.
    6. Spin Fusa. The fuz himself obtained after filtration Lavsan contains 80% fat content. It is rationally to squeeze it. Production of vegetable oils by pressing method at this stage ends. Further products are produced.
    7. Hot Makui pressing. Makuchu is better to press immediately when leaving Maslopress, while it still saved the temperature from pressure.
    8. Briquetting. In order to profitably and quickly implement the husk from seeds, you need to make a claimed product from them - biofuels. Naturally for this process It will take special equipment.

    As for the organization of labor in production on such a line, it all depends on the loading of the workshop with raw materials for processing and timing. If the load is minimal (for example, 1 ton per day) then even the 1st employee is quite enough. As soon as the market for the sale of all types of goods produced on the oil, will need additional workforce to invest in terms of good production volumes.

    Waste production of vegetable oil and their use

    Homemade oils for the production of sunflower oil faster pays off if it is rational to use all its advantages. Do not underestimate the relevance of waste management.

    At the outlet of Maslopress, we get vegetable oil is crude and black on color. It should be either upset or specially filtered from the Fu.

    Fuz is small particles of husks and macs with a large content of remnants of the product produced, which remained after filtration. Best method Purification from the Fuza is considered to be a tissue filter. It is not necessary to regret the filter, and then it will qualitatively clean the product and prepare it to the head of the goods. When the oil is cleaned, the assembled compound can be sold on the fuzzy. From it we can still get 20% of bio-coal + 80% of vegetable oil. The recycled FUU in the future turns into a stone, which, in turn, is used as fuel for boilers.

    Do not miss the warfold operation, how does the neoray businessmen do! After all, some firms are purchased waste enterprises of vegetable oils are very cheap, to then press it from them all profits.

    So, the business idea can become a practically waste-free process. You will receive not only a quality product, which at any time of the year will not fall demand, but also unique fuel, and good macuha.

    Marvel profitability

    So, raw materials for the manufacture (Sunflower seeds) costs about $ 500 (somewhere 480), if we talk about a ton. After the raw material is recycled, from this amount you can get close 350 kg of sunflower oil (yield 35%). One liter is easy to sell for one and a half dollar. Thus, for 350 kg in the end, 525 dollars will be released. 525 - 480 \u003d 45 dollars arrived. Of course, 45 dollars with one ton is a small amount. But you should not forget that in production, you can earn on another product - on Makuch (meal).

    Makuha, by the way, not less chassisthan oil itself. When receiving 350 kg of the main product, the shrot will be released 650 kg. Most often, the meal is bought by whole bags, and not by kilogram, so it will sell much faster. Makuch is bought from 0.4 dollars per 1 kg. So, if you multiply 650 kg. 0.4 $, then the amount will be $ 260. Given these numbers, the business idea becomes much more interesting.