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Press for hay manual do it yourself. Press for hay with your own hands: description, device, scheme and recommendations

Publication date: 23-12-2013, 23:08

Those people who hold a lot of cattle or love to retrodically order corporate paintball in St. Petersburg or for example rabbits quite often produce an independent workpiece of the hay for the winter period.

As a rule, hay, and if more precisely, the dried grass is stored in bags or simply in stacks, which is not very competent, since the place is so rushing a lot, and besides, the grass in stacks and bags can be missed or moldy. Therefore, it is better to prepare homemade bale shapers before the beginning of the procurement period.

In order to make such installation, you will need four bar, four rails, a pair of thin and wide boobs And two plywood sheets.

First you need to assemble the frame, namely two identical rectangles using bars and rails for this. After you need to fill these rectangles from the front of these rectangles in advance of plywood sheets.

Next, it will be necessary to drink the same boards, in such a quantity so that they can be blocked both the sides, but it is important not to forget that there should be a certain distance between the planks, in the region of 2-3 mm. By the way, these slots will give an opportunity for long-term stack formation, with gradual lining of grass.

Simply put through the slots herbal mass will be well ventilated and does not start. In general, you need to nourish the extreme boards first, and only then fill the steel, starting from the middle.

As a result, the box should turn out without the bottom and the lid. But the lid is still needed, because the hay needs to be pressed, it can be made of several thick boards.

The process of forming a stack with the use of this design is extremely simple. First you need to take two long ropes and put them in parallel or cross in the box so that their ends hang out of the box.

Then you need to fill the box with dry grass. After insert the lid and the tumble even stronger further to connect the ropes and pulling the bale from the box for them. And in the end will remain tie the ropes from above and attribute it to the storage place.

Often, the hayfields are at a considerable distance from the livestock farms.

In this case, working with scattering is complicated, transportation is irrational to its delivery. In such situation best way The billets of the hay is to press it in bales and rolls and shipping them for storage under sheds and in the seating closer to the consumption location.

The preparation of the pressed hay has several options for technological operations. The process of pressing the technology of mowing and drying grass is similar to the technologies of the blank of the scattering hay. The herbs are mounted in punishes with mile with simultaneous or subsequent ivy, to accelerate the drying in the processes of them 1 ... 2 times. In the rollers, the grass is dried to a moisture content of 20 ... 22%.

It is very important to get homogeneous in the humidity of the hay. This is the first fundamental difference between the technology of the preparation of pressed hay.

It is selected from the roll of the hay and immediately pressed in bars with balers PS-1.8, PPL-F-1,6M and PKT-F-2 with strapping bales with twine. PS-1.8 pole pickles and PPL-F-1,6M form bales weighing 24 ... 36 kg, and Pect-F-2 pick-up - weighing up to 500 kg. Dry hay is pressed to a density of 200 kg / m 3, hay with substandard humidity - up to 100 ... 130 kg / m 3, it needs to be dry to humidity of 17% active ventilation.

Bales load B. vehicles And deliver to the place of storage. Stacking bales in stacks, skids and hay containers are carried out by TT-4, TPU-7 contexts, PF-0.5 loaders, PG-0.2, etc., etc.

When laying bales in a skidstone (stack) on open platform It is necessary to exclude the contact of the lower bales with the soil in order to avoid their damage. For this, the wooden flooring is arranged, the litter of the twigs with a thickness of up to 30 cm or straw - 70 cm. The skid is usually formed with a length of 20 m and a width of 5.5 m.

The first eight rows of bales are stitched strictly steeply, the ninth row - the carnome, from the ninth row, the gradual rugs begin, i.e. the narrowing of each subsequent row by 30 ... 35 cm. The top is covered with a straw layer 70 ... 90 cm, tarpaulo or polyethylene filmSo that the moisture does not get inside the skid. Under the canopies, in the snowy sheds, in attic hayrs, bales are placed tightly with the maximum use of the volume of the room.

Sometimes you have to press the hazardous hay of 20 ... 25% (up to 30%). In this case, it is necessary to have a post-reading technological operation - to dry bales with active ventilation. Apply the same devices as when leissing the scattered hay. To successfully lear the hay to conditioned humidity, it is necessary to reduce the density of pressing to 100 ... 135 kg / m 3. Here the rule is true: the higher the humidity of the hay, the less the pressure density.

Taking into account productivity ventilation unit The first lower layer of bales lay a thickness of 2 ... 2.5 m, dried to a humidity of 17%. Then you load a second layer with a thickness of up to 1.5 m and continue to ventilate, this hay layer is also dried up to the norm, then load upper layer Tits thick up to 1.5 m and bring it to conditioned humidity. This ventilation is stopped, but periodically control the condition of the stored hay. If necessary, carry out additional ventilation and eliminate the foci of self-heating.

Reception of active ventilation and drying of hay in bales requires special attention and clarity in performing all operations. With insufficient control over the course of the drying of bales, the food may be confused to the standard humidity.

The widespread use of the PRP-1.6 rolled baler was found, which compresses the hay to the large-sized rolls of the cylindrical shape weighing up to 500 kg and a density of 120 ... 200 kg / m 3. In the harvesting of the pressed hay, this unit requires a complex of machinery and equipment for working with such rolls - PCU-0.8 stacked loaders, PF-0.5, as well as the machine for grinding rolls before feeding the IRT-F-80 skirt.

In addition to the PRP-1.6 press feeder, other rolled balers are used: PPL-1.6M, Pr-F-750 (weight of bales 450 ... 750 kg); PF-350, PR-1,2L, PR-200, PR-400 (mass bales 150 ... 200 kg).

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The press pick-up is widely used in all soil-climatic zones. Survived by the tillage technique today is a press pick-up.

In small farms this needable assistant It is in demand for the billet of the underlining material and coarse feed. The hay in bales is better kept and occupies a smaller volume.

Such trailed equipment for the motoblock is used on small farm fields in large agricultural enterprises. Technical processing Mass, cut by mile, performs a press pick-up. He collects freshly skilled green grass, forms rolls with cut dry stems of cereals with residual moisture up to 26%. Then, the press for the hay sends the mass into the receiving device of the packer. The unit gently lays dry plants into a compact briquette and unloads extruded bales.

Advantages of using aggregates for hay workpiece:

  • the use of a press feeder significantly reduces drying duration, loss of hay;
  • 3-4 times the labor costs are reduced;
  • in the future, the quality of the hay during storage and transportation is significantly increased;
  • you can independently adjust the attachment.

There are 2 main types of agricultural units for the harvesting of high-quality hay. How to choose the model you need?

Roller baler

Today, this type of mechanisms for the billet of dried stalks of plants is distributed most. The spring teeth of the unit pick up herbal mass laid in the rolls. Next, the press pick-up tightly twists each portion of the hay in bales having a kind of cylinder. The spring fingers of the press feeder serve a roll to the presidential mechanism. New portions of dry grass are continuously loaded. The density of the roll increases as the mass of the hay is ascended. The effectiveness of the press feeder for a minitractor is proven in practice.

In the device for linking hay, dry herbal mass rotates in the press chamber. The press chief gives a signal when a completely even roll of the required density is formed.

The tensioner is activated when the required roll size is reached with the subsequent winding of the twine. Packed hay is pushed out by a special mechanism.

With the help of a press pick on a minitractor, you can prepare up to 20 tons of straw for 20 summer days. No need to control the operation of the equipment continuously. The mini tractor continues to move, and the field remains a tight, tightly formed roll. The selection of the hay to the motoblock must have a rolled type design.

In all areas of the plain land use, the Russian model of PPP-120 Pelikan is widely used. The semi-trailer machine is controlled and serviced by the mechanic. The canine press forms a straw rolon with a mass of up to 270 kg, a length of 1.2 m. The pressing chamber is protected from damage to falling out of foreign objects.

Fast double winding mechanism works well. The unit has a working speed of 9 km / h. Roll unloading efficiency is provided by a special slide with powerful springs. The domestic model of the PPP-50 weighs 350 kg and forms rolls weighing up to 20 kg. The unit successfully works with a capacity of 10-80 liters. from. And it is distinguished by a low cost.

For a small farm, you can purchase a press choker for motoblocks. The equipment qualitatively forms rollers of bevelled grass. The package whose size exceeds the norm, throws out on the field using a special device. How can I make a press for hay with your own hands? For Agrrays, this can be a profitable solution.

The owners of the farm always willingly acquire a maneuverable mini-baler roller. Such an aggregate works great on extensive areas. Transport the roll of the hay of small sizes is completely unfortunately to one person.

Rolled mini-press chief is distinguished by small dimensions, affordable price. Without the use of a mini-tractor, modern farming cannot function. About 50 picker varieties can use the owner of agricultural machinery small size. At small areas and agricultural squares, prefer to use a press pick-up for a minitractor.

The RXYK 0870 hay press is compatible with a mini-tractor having a power of 30 liters. from. Such an aggregate forms within an hour to 100 hay rolls. For a mini tractor with a capacity of 20 hp The pick-up RXYK 0850 is perfectly suitable, which creates for an hour to 120 herbal cylinders. Rolls are 50 × 70 cm.

The device is easy to maintain, repair and use. Overall herbal cylindrical packages occupy a lot of space, as they have a large volume. When transporting a rolled hay, a special equipment is needed, since significant problems arise.

Bale type pickers

Such aggregates produce briquettes of a rectangular hay, which have various sizes. The lingering grass in the rolls is captured by spring teeth of the unit and is supplied to a special compartment compartment. Briquette dimensions are regulated by technology. The knitting apparatus is triggered by the predetermined pressure parameters of the herbal mass. Quality bales are firmly packaged, they are associated with twine. Then the unit is thrown into the field.

The pick-up PPL-F-1.6 "Kyrgyzstan" still remains in demand, since it has a low cost. Its payup does not exceed 2-3 months. However, its performance is not high enough. For 7 working hours, it forms 875 bales.

Acute is a problem with the presence of parts and repair. The unit of semi-trailer Tukan 1600 is distinguished by the durability of the drive mechanism, long-term operation without stopping. There are bale weighing 10 -50 kg. The Belarusian Press Child Baler PT-165 has gained popularity. The machine forms bales with adjustable density. The length of the briquette linked by synthetic twine is 1.2 m. Russia is unprofitable to the use of large-scale press pickers of imported production.

The mechanism of this type has many advantages. The popularity of this equipment among producers of agricultural products is noticeably growing. Multi-sized bales are formed, having a lot of up to 20 kg. Transporting hay in small briquettes is not difficult. Used manual or mechanized way to unload bales.

It is necessary to mention the minuses and advantages of this type. The productivity of labor is significantly increasing. The density of the bale is regulated.

The drive is reliably protected from breakdowns, since solid foreign objects randomly falling inside the mechanism are output through the pulley. The baler baler pays for its high cost only on large areas, provided it is enough high yield. Such aggregates need constant thorough care.

Homemade machine harvesting

To save, many people try to create a press pick-up with their own hands. Homemade press It will be cheaper for the hay, but not every farmer can get a good result, since it is technically done to make it difficult.

Some homemade masters create a simple press pick-up with their own hands using lumber, chassis timber. Alone is created a large box of boards. The horizontal method of loading hay is applied. As a press, a helical or rush jack is used. On the door loops It holds a locking mechanism.

With this device, you can press and knit straw bales. The homemade press for hay in the form of a large box, hydropress, pressing cameras often be seen in the farm. Standard polypropylene twine binds a block. It is important to make a high-quality bale of the hay, so that the blocks do not fall apart during the transportation process.

How to choose a press pick-up? The performance of such equipment during operation is estimated according to the following criteria:

  1. Efficiency. Reasonable savings resources. Power consumption.
  2. Productivity of unit, dynamic. The device must work without interruptions. Easy to operate.
  3. Active vigorous functionality. Pressure density, grip width, bale mass parameters, bandwidth.
  4. Durability, reliability of the model. Working for a long time.
  5. The size of the processed area is an important indicator of the choice of technology.
  6. The cost of the machine is important, but this is not the most important criterion.

For the mechanization of hay, it is possible to apply homemade press for the hay or purchase the necessary technique with a margin of strength and durability.

It is necessary to take full responsibility to the selection of the necessary model of the press feeder on the motor-block for its farm.

When choosing an aggregate, you should carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations. Press pickers of bale and roll types are most commonly used in domestic agriculture. Their application allows you to get more profit Due to the reduction in waste when performing field work.

Choose a model that is necessary in the farm. Your business can be profitable.


In the harvesting of the hay, it will not be superfluous to get bales. This press for the manufacture of bales worked three seasons. With this simple device, we fully provide food our livestock. The extruded hay gives explicit advantages during loading, transportation, loading to the repository, as well as better retains its nutritional qualities.

The loading chamber has the following dimensions: Length-2500 mm, height - 500 mm, width - 400 mm., Made from profile pipe 20 by 40 mm. and leaf iron thickness 1.8 mm. The piston is made of profile pipes 20 by 40 mm., Piston rod - two profile pipes welded together with a size of 30 by 30 mm. The piston moves on the guide rollers. On the piston rod through the pulley, winch force with steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm is transmitted.

After the squeezing of the hay, the piston returns to the original position by the bypass cord. The winch is made of a shortened roller of the conveyor. The width of the coil of the winch is 130 mm. The coil has two sections, on one wound steel cable, and on another category. Side of the winch is welded by a led asterisk having 45 teeth. Val winch 30 mm thick. The winch rotates on ball bearings.

On the steering wheel there is a leading asterisk on 14 teeth. The length of the arm of the steering wheel is 1680 mm. It is made of a profile pipe 20 by 40 mm. Conduously cooked with each other. Rotation on the winch is transmitted roller chain from agricultural machinery. Boot door from the same profile pipe 20 by 40 mm.

First, the frame is made, and then sewn with wood, and with the front side of the leafy gland. Moves the press on the wheels from the IL motorcycle.

Press in work:

The press pick-up is one of the varieties of agricultural machinery, which is used to select and pressing the hay, which remains on the field after harvesting. Subsequently, it is used as animal feed. To this end, they buy ready-made factory products or independently make a press for the hay with their own hands.

The main division of such devices is the principle of their work. According to this parameter, they are divided into rolled, as well as bale. In turn, the latter is also divided into automatic and semi-automatic. Often, farmers independently create homemade presses for the hay. The principle of operation of such devices is as follows:

  • first, the pick-up collects dry raw materials from the ground;
  • next, it falls on the press, where they occless their compressed and tight filling of the teller;
  • at the end, the raw material enters the packter.

Similar bales or briquettes, based on the methods used, are linked, after which they are unloaded.

The press for the hay is indispensable in agriculture

Roller baler

The most popular today is exactly the type of aggregates. The principle of their work is that the springs of the device are captured from the Earth of the hay or a straw, which is then fed into the aggregate. Further the raw materials occurs, as well as its press. As a result, a mass is obtained, in shape resembling a cylinder, which is why the aggregates and got their name. The work of the automation begins after reaching the roll of the desired size. To begin with, its packaging is grid, and then unloading by pushing out of the press chamber.

By performing all these steps in automatic mode, such a method of rolling shows high efficiency performance. When connected to the motoblock of this unit for 20 days it is possible to prepare about 20 tons of hay.

The main advantage of such equipment in front of large full-sized products is considered to create small weight, as well as the size of rolls, which allows you to optimize loading and subsequent transportation of raw materials in storage and use. In addition, the cost of this process is significantly less.

Bale aggregates

Due to the use of such equipment, hay briquettes are created rectangular shape. Their principle of operation occurs as follows: First, the raw material enters the pressing compartment. How it falls there, determined by the type of device. So, there is a manual press, as well as automatic.


In this case, the materials enter the chamber for pressing by means of manual feed. Therefore, there is no need to connect to the motoblock or mini-transport. All stages of briquette formation are carried out in manual mode.


Such units are equipped with a built-in engine. Due to this, there are relatively small bale in their size, and the form they have allows you to easily produce their transportation, as well as optimally use the storage space.

In both cases, pressing is carried out by progressive movements of the press, compressing in the chamber hay to the desired density. Upon its achievement, a bunch of a finished bale with a trimmer and its subsequent unloading on the field occurs. Apply these types of technology often, but to achieve profitability they need to be used to process medium or large areas.


In order to make the hay bale with their own hands, it is important to pre-prepare all the necessary materials, as well as tools and study the drawings. There are such aggregates from the drum, the pressing belt, special moving rollers, as well as knitting devices.

Using homemade models Allows you to collect small rolls, convenient for loading and transporting.


To independently assemble the press for the hay, you will need to prepare:

  1. The running element equipped with a rigid base where the press box will be installed.
  2. The core required for installation on it of all nodes.
  3. The picker equipped with a special transport ribbon.
  4. The chamber-casing having a cylindrical shape, press, as well as a gearbox.

The greater power will be used by the motoblock, the higher the chance to achieve the desired speed with which the rollers will rotate. This depends on the level of performance of the self-made device.

Construction features

By its design, such a mechanism is a major box made of wood or steel. It must be rigidly attached to the frame made of metal profiles. When the box does not have a lid, then a folding door is made, reminiscent of the gate in its appearance.

Device wicket

In the process of processing a box with racks, it is important not to forget about the creation of the door. To make it most simple method It is considered to fasten the classic folding gate. For its mounting mounting door loops. So that it is tightly held in the pressing process, it is important to further strengthen it by installing metal plates. In this case, they are fixed in such a way that you can set the valve between them, which goes beyond the side edges of the door to a certain distance. An outside lever is made, allowing you to change its position, thereby fixing or opening the gate.

Homemade manual press

Main part

The body of the device itself is made of wood or metal. So, to the back of the box you need to attach a bar, about 2 times higher than the height of the box. After that, two more vehicles are mounted in parallel with a distance that allows you to establish a beam between them. It should be able to make a rotation 180 degrees around the axis. Further, at the other end of this beam, the sole of the future press is established, which should be able to perform similar semi-windows.

The form, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe future soles is determined by the dimensions of the structure itself. So that the piston had the opportunity to move freely inside the box, the sides are left by the lumen, component of about 0.7 cm. After that, a special coil is installed on the back of the box, on which a thick fishing line is wound or a twine. On the opposite side, where the door is located, make several narrow holes that are required to bind ready-made briquettes.


The installation process of all elements of the homemade press among themselves is as follows:

  1. First, the chassis is assembled, which is a base consisting of several pneumocoles.
  2. The following is the installation of the lobovina, and after the pick-up, along with the transport ribbon.
  3. Now the press, as well as a box in the form of one-piece and independent instrument. Additionally, rollers are installed on the bottom of the box. After that, the plate on the spring is fixed, which is located on top of the box. It is used in order to presidate the hay before it will be twisted into the roll.
  4. Further mounted the drive for which cardan Val. Connects to the gearbox.
  5. At the end, the installation of large gear on the pick-up. And here it is important to understand than large diameter, the greater the feed rate.

The winter storage question of the hay is relevant for farmers and privately engaged in livestock and birds. There are some simple ways of packaging hay that do not require large costs. One of them is the press.

According to the old fashioned, the dried bell grass is harvested in shear. They not only occupy a lot of space, but often deteriorate. It does not save the hay and plastic cover. If the sheaf does not wet on top, it begins to hide from the inside.

Much more convenient and more practical, modern farmers consider to keep hay in a compressed form. The mechanism for the formation of a briquette can be made independently without resorting to high costs. Most often a significant part essential materials There are in stores or sheds.

Options that have liked many users, three. Two of them are a metal or wooden housing with a folding piston. The third is a press-lobbyman working from the traction of the Motoblock.

The easiest in manufacture (there is no need to carry out welding) and use, wooden press for the hay. His work takes place in four stages. The hay, laid in the box, throwing the press three times, is pressed. Then, without removing, tied up with the twine.

Construction features

The mechanism is a large blast of wood, which rigidly sits on a frame from a thick bar or metal profiles. The box has no roof, but there is a folding door, such as wicket.

Press for hay do it yourself easy. We will need puzzle, sash and carefully polished boards. Connect them desirable metal corners with fastening bolts. Then you need to beat the box around the perimeter (Upper and Lower) Rake from Metal ( better stainless steel). It will give the structure of strength.

Device wicket

Processing the rails box, you need to remember the opening for the door-gate. Therefore, experts recommend to duplicate the strengthening from the inside. It will be enough to the upper perimeter, since the lower bottom is rigidly fixed with an iron frame.

The easiest option of the folding wicket is ordinary folding or door loops. And the lateral metal rails should be delayed tightly during pressing. To do this, they need to be consolidated so that they are out of the side edge and ended with large jar. The length of the protrusion depends on the steel or wooden gate, or rather, from the thickness of its side face. The valve can be performed from a bar, a rod or rigid rail.

Main part

Metal press for a hay of metal or wood is manufactured. TO back wall The box is attached to the bar several times the height of the box itself. Two parallel timber is fixed on it. The distance is calculated so that between them it is possible to mount the beam, which will make half a trip around its axis. At the second end of the beam fastened the sole of the press. It should be easily accomplished by the same half-trip.

The shape and square of the soles are calculated in size cross section The design itself. 5-8 mm leave for freedom to promote the piston.

On the back of the box, in a convenient place, a coil with a synthetic beep or a thick loaf is mounted. On the other hand, two narrow, elongated holes are done on the door-gauze. They are needed for a bundle of the resulting briquette.

This device greatly facilitates the work of the farmer. The baler mechanizes the time-consuming and long-lasting process of collecting dry grass with fields. An intelligent unit not only collects, but also rolls the hay in tight rolls.

Buy the press element is not difficult. But the factory option is designed to work with a conventional tractor or his mini-version. For small farms using only motoblocks, it does not like.

You can collect similar device yourself. Special costs and forces will not need.

Such presss for the hay are made with their own hands fast enough, perfectly cope with the full cycle on the assembly and packaging of the hay. They are able to assemble dried rollers on the field, to push and twist the dry grass into the roll.

Benefits are somewhat. Such pickers are simple devicesAnd as a result, have convenient settings. Do not crumble the grass and do not deform bales homemade presses for the hay. The dimensions of the assembled units allow you to create small briquettes, one person can be transferred and installed.

An only lower density of the briquette leaving the homemade press can be recognized as a minor spoon. Most often, this is due to the lack of a bundle apparatus, which is not installed not to lose the power of the tractor.

The design of the selection apparatus

For the assembly will be needed:

  • esters for mounting all nodes and main part fastenings to the device of thrust - refover;
  • chassis with a tight base for a press box. Equipped with two wheels for movement over the field;
  • the pick-up with which will be collected from the field of rollers of the hay;
  • cylindrical chamber cylindrical casing with a press on the cardan transmission and a small gearbox. This part is made of rollers, grid, pressing hay, molding steel plate on a rigid spring (in factory installation instead - hydraulics).

It is worth noting here that the more powerful the motoblock, the greater the likelihood to achieve the desired rotation speed of the rollers, the higher the productivity of the assembled unit.


The homemade press for a hay, working on the thrust of the motoblock, is mounted in several stages:

  1. The chassis is going - the base on two pneumocoles.
  2. It is mounted on it and the pick-up itself with the conveyor belt itself.
  3. The press for hay and box are mounted as a single independent element. In the bottom of the box are attached rollers and a grid for pressing the hay. On the spring, in the upper part of the box, a plate is fixed. It presses the already compressed grass before twisting into the roll.
  4. Next is going to drive. To do this, it is necessary to connect the cardan shaft and a two-speed gearbox, from which a chain transmission comes to the rollers with the conveyor ribbon ribbon.
  5. The diameter gears are mounted on the pick-up device, slightly more than on the rollers (to increase the speed of the selection and power of the press).

If the quality of the bales obtained does not suit, you can share work. First assemble dry grass with motor-block rakes, then press.

The press for hay and straw is necessary not only to large farmers, but also those who contain a small livestock of livestock. The presence of this apparatus will noticeably simplify the workpiece and storage of hay and straw. The device reduces the initial value of raw materials more than half, and one cubic meter of hay or straw will weigh up to 250 kg. The device can not only buy, but also do it yourself.

Hay press for motoblock

The homemade press for the hay can be manual made of boards or metal, and a roll, which is attached to the motoblock or clings to a mini-flower. The extruded hay is more convenient for storage, and the pressed straw can be used to make fuel briquettes.

Briquettes made of straw are well burning, and they can be trapped not only residential, but also shopping premises.

Rolled Press Baler For Motoblock has several main components:

  • Lobovina, on which all the details are attached,
  • The chassis on which the wheels are attached
  • Devices for picking up from the earth of straw and hay,
  • Conveyor
  • The working capacity in which the presidential mechanism is located
  • Mini-box gear.

Making a means of a motoblock with your own hands, you need to remember that it is worth paying the most attention to the pressing device.

It includes:

  • Shafts
  • Purpose grille made of durable metal,
  • Steel or metal plate,
  • Several steel springs.

The factory press for the hay to the Motoblock, such as PPF -145 or PPF -750 and other models of the PPF, differs from the homemade in that it has a hydraulic pressing system instead of grille with springs.

Roller feeder performance will depend on the power of the motor-block or tractor.

The process of manufacturing a press

To facilitate mounting work, it is better to draw up or find a drawing, with a detailed indication of not only dimensions, but also fastening parts. The press pickler for the hay is going as follows. First welded the chassis. For its manufacture use durable metallic profile or steel sheets. Length and width is selected based on individual needs. Pneumatic wheels are installed on the running part, as well as the lobol. The pickler himself will be fixed to the lobster: it can be made of several metal bayonets or branches. With his form, he resembles ordinary forks. The conveyor is also attached to the lobul. Produce transporter from chains or durable thick wires.

The next stage - a working capacity is welded to the PREDBACK. Make it out sheet metal. Some farmers are used as a working capacity and ready metallic barrel. At the bottom of the tank, several pressing shafts are installed, as well as a welded metal grille. At the top - several springs fasten a heavy steel plate. The latter is going to the drive, which is responsible for the work of the entire device. For this, the cardan needs to be connected to a two-stage gearbox. From it, the chain transmission will spread to the shafts, as well as on the conveyor. Homemade Press Babeer for Senna is ready!

Handmade straw or hay

Press chief with your own hands can be made more simple way. If you need to bale small volumes of straw or hay, or if it is not possible to use mechanical deviceThe manual analogue of the subspector is suitable. Such an apparatus will help to avoid high costs, and materials necessary for its creation are almost every farm.

A simple hay can be done with a metal or wooden case. The easiest and not requiring special efforts for the manufacture is a wooden manual press. It can be done even without using a welding machine.

How to collect a manual press

Externally, the press for the hay is similar to wooden boxAttached to the frame. Made manual press for hay from ordinary boardswhich fasten for strength to the corner using mounting bolts. The perimeter of the drawer is fried with metal strips. Separate attention is worth paying a folding lid. The opening for it is also worth the shelling of metal strips as outside, as from the inside. The folding cover is also made from the boards, and the most convenient way to fasten it is on ordinary door loops.

The press itself is better made of metal, but a tree can also be used. Those who tied metal deviceMark the larger density of the bale.

To the back wall wooden drawer The cut of the bar is attached, one and a half times more than the box. Two small parallel bars are attached to it. Between them should be a distance that allows you to attach a beam capable of committing several half-coordinating around its axis. At the other end, the press itself is attached, which looks like a flat sole. The press should also freely make a half turn around its axis. The shape and size of the press is calculated on the basis of the size of the cross section of the main drawer.

On the back of the box is also mounted a roll with a twine. It is needed for a ligament already received bale. The baulo is simply: we put into the hay or straw inside or straw, we close the lid, we turn the press, we associate the obtained bale.

Metal option manual press It is manufactured by a similar scheme, with the only difference that the body is welded from steel sheets.