Repairs Design Furniture

Presses for pressing juice from apples, grapes, fruits and berries: types, manufacturers with their own hands. Homemade press for apples and grapes press fruit


Apple trees occasionally gifted amateur gardeners with such a large-scale harvest that excess of fruit has nowhere to give. In addition to jam and compotes, there is another option of fruit processing - juice. But many are not associated with such a type of blanks due to the high labor complexity of the process. Ordinary household juicers simply do not cope with a large volume of raw materials, and buying a professional device for the season is not ready. But there is a great option - quickly and efficiently press juice from apples on the press made with your own hands.

To independently make a standard press no special skills and drawings. Measured, sprinkle a rail, to score a nail or screw the nut, if desired, can each. Not necessarily own the welding machine, any design can be played in a wooden version. With the help of ordinary garden tools .

For the manufacture of a home press from the tools, a tree and metal (or bollard), a welding machine, screwdriver, pliers, a hammer, will be required. As for the materials, the following are mainly the following:

  • metal chaserler;
  • wooden bars, rails, boards;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts;
  • tank or barrel, steel sheet of stainless steel;
  • vistak screw and nut, valve, threaded rod or jack - depending on the design selected;
  • durable fabric with good drainage properties for bags under apples: Calica, cotton, jute burlap, flax.

Wooden elements are better to perform from oak, birch or beech, because materials from biologically active trees (spruce, pine) can change the taste of juice. With chipboard Drainage grilles do not do in any way: small dust impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde glue will fall into the product.

Types of structures: schemes and drawings

The main thing in the press is a solid foundation and working mechanism.

Principle of operation of the device:

  • layer through drainage grilles the prepared raw materials are stacked (crushed apples) in tissue bags;
  • using the mechanism the oppression goes from above And crushes juice.

A good press squeezes 65-70% juice, leaving almost dry cakes. Make such your own hands is quite real.

The design of the homemade press differ according to the principle of operation of the main mechanism:

  1. Screw.
  2. Based on jackt: Mechanical and hydraulic.
  3. Combined.

In the main mass of designs, pressure turns on top, but in the combined version, compression goes in two directions: With the help of the screw mechanism from above and hydraulic jack below.

Press for pressing juice consists of the following parts:

  • sustainable stanina;
  • quantum or cylindrical housinginside which there are bags with lacknovy apples;
  • wooden latticeswhich are shifted bags so as not to crawl;
  • piston Gneu.t, directly putting pressure on the cake;
  • santer for jack;
  • working mechanism: Screw with handle, mechanical or hydraulic jack;
  • bowl-pallet.

The main body can be:

  • single perforated: Juice through the holes will be drained along the walls and through the bottom in the pallet;
  • double: on a perforated metal cylinder dresses a solid casing slightly more diameter;
  • in the form of a solid metal case with one drain opening from below;
  • collected from wooden rails connected by hoops- Barrel. The walls at the same time perform the functions of the drainage lattice.

The housing can not be - just a pyramid from a wooden frame-lattice in a tray with the mouth at the bottom, which is substituted with a container for juice.

This design is simply and quickly mounted. For the bottom plate, you can take a piece of countertops, for example.

Worm Mechanism or Hydraulic Jack: What to choose?

Screw (worm) The press mechanism is implemented as a large screw (threaded axis) with a nut or mechanical jack. The last option is much simpler - you can buy in the store of spare parts or get from the car's trunk, you will not need to search for anything, customize, pull and weld.

Designs based on hydraulic jack is much more productive (Effort from 1T) than mechanical, and require minimum labor costs from a person. Bottle hydraulic jacks make it possible to press the juice quickly and in large volumes. They are comfortable fit into any design.

You can construct a press with a removable mechanism, then you don't have to specifically buy a jack, but you can use duty in the trunk. After all, the harvest of apples is good not every year.

Making a press with your own hands

Press need a steady robust support - bed. The simplest thing is to collect it from wooden bars with screws. For the manufacture of metal beds, a welding machine and a chaserler will be required.

The size of the frame depends on the diameter of the working body or the parameters of the drainage grilles. Therefore, if a cabinet design is planned, you need to prepare a container in advance.

The simplest frame press with a worm mechanism

Welded stable design. The center of the upper channel is cut off the hole under the screw nut (you can use the old vertical or order from Tokarei). Nut is necessary to frame.

Then collecting wooden drainage grillewhich represents two layers of rails stuffed perpendicular to each other. The thickness of the rails is not less than 20 mm. It is also necessary to set a stand from bars. A retainer for the apparatus part of the screw is attached to the top board - any suitable metal part (can be placed on epoxy glue).

Tray is made from stainless steel sheetThe front is strung out the nose-stock. It remains to substitute a saucepan or other container. As a result, the press is obtained.

The bed for the hydraulic press is assembled on the same principle, as for the screw. As a housing, the easiest way to take the ready-made metal or wooden barrel. At the bottom, the hole is cut and equipped with a drain nose.

If the wooden barrel is not quite hermetic - even good. Juice will be merged at once in several directions, as a result, it will still be in the pallet. On this construction from above, it is better to wear a plastic casing with a raratively diameter so that there is no spray.

Wooden case can be made independently:

  1. Need: somewhat equal to the size of the duffle (can be parquet), two stainless steel strips and anti-corrosion coating screws.
  2. Boards on top and bottom are screwed by self-drawing Towards at a distance of about 10 mm.
  3. Stripes with boards bend in the form of a circle, the ends of the stripes are fastened by bolts.
  4. A plastic bowl can be suitable as a pallet With cut out below with a drainage for juice.

Another important element - focusing for the jack. It is usually done from the tree: you need to bring down the rails and cut out the circle from the received web slightly less than the diameter of the working body. You can, with the help of a grinder, cut a support from the stainless steel sheet.

Drainage pads are made as in the description for the screw pressBut they attached a round form.

As a result, the design should turn around as in the photo.

Preparation of raw materials

The principle of pressed apple juice Simple - the smaller the raw materials are chopped, the more product will be at the output. It is best to use a special chopper (crusher), since finely cut several buckets of apples by hand theoretically possible, but it is actually difficult to implement. The electric center for large volumes is also not an option: roars, howl, heats up, as a result, it can burn. A suitable crusher can also be made independently.

The simplest design of the homemade crusher

From moisture-proof plywood or sheet stainless steel slightly on the cone is mounted deep bunker. Two bars are attached to it for stability from below. A wooden roller is cut into the lower part of the tank (better from the beech) with spiral screws. As a drum, you can use the usual kitchen roller. The axis of rotation of the roller comes out, the drill is inserted into it and the process begins.

Some simply crush apples in a bucket with a building mixer.

The process of pressed juice from apples at home

After the raw materials are prepared, it folded on the plated bags or worst into pieces of fabric on the principle of envelope. Next, convolutions are stacked in the container, a basket or simply on the bottom of the design layer through drainage grilles. It is placed about 3-4 packages. The oppression is lowered from above, juice flows into the pallet. When the pressing process is completed, the mezga is removed, the following batch is loaded.

The remaining cake after high-quality pressure usually gets dry and compressed in "Tablets" (photo 16).

The squeezes are better to recycle into a compost bunch. In such material, worms are very well multiplied by creating a valuable fertilizer for the garden.

The resulting juice can not only drink fresh, but also make blanks for the winter:

  • pasteurized Raded juice;
  • apple wine several species;
  • apple cider.

Apples - very valuable product for health. Purchase and give up the neighbor's pigstream surplus extremely inconsistently and wasteful. By building a pair of simple devices, you can quickly and simply recycle all fruits. And in the winter it will be so nice to get useful and delicious amber drinks from the cellar or refrigerator!

In the midst of the crop season, many dacms and gardeners are trying to use the gifts of nature at the maximum. From fragrant apples for the winter, jam, dried fruits and housekeeping juices are harvested. With large volumes, conventional juicers may not cope, and the press for pressing apples in this case will have to be likewise.

Principle of operation: We make independently

Press for pressing juice can be made and with your own hands from the girlfriend, there is nothing superpower. The main task is to obtain a pure juice from crushed fruits by mechanical pressure on the mass.

Designs may be the following types:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic.

Regardless of the type of energy, it can be powered by manually or using an electric motor. At the same time, the principle of construction is similar in all types and consists of:

  • perforated tank for mezgi (crushed raw materials);
  • press;
  • pallet (soccer);
  • bases (frames);
  • working mechanism (screw with handle in the case of a mechanical version).

Among homemade options are the most common:

  • screw (worm) press for pressing juice;
  • hydraulic.

How to make a screw press?

A screw version of the design is easiest. The piston itself comes into motion under the action of the screw, while the pressure on the fruit mass is carried out evenly, contributing to the most optimal survival, leaving almost dry cakes. It is believed that in this way the spin of the juice from apples is carried out by about 70%.

You can make a screw press from both wood and metal. In the first case, you can do without welding skills.

What will take:

  • material for manufacturing frame-support (wood or metal);
  • metal or wooden tank for tank and perforated tank;
  • screw mechanism with handle;
  • consumables (nuts, screws, screws).
Picture Description

Step 1

The reference frame is going. As a rule, it has a form of a rectangular base located vertically with the bottom frame for the pallet.

If wood is used as a material, it is better not to use coniferous rocks due to resin content, which may worsen the taste quality of the product.

Step 2.

We make a tank. It can be cooked independently from the sheet of steel, but the old stainless steel tank or any suitable container is not bad.

The photo clearly demonstrates the location of the perforated holes for the free exit of juice from the mezgi.

Step 3.

Screw mechanism is placed directly above the tank. At the end of the screw is a circle equal to the tank diameter for uniform pressure distribution.

The manual juicer of the press press can be made on the basis of a conventional jack, in this case the pressure will be carried out not only from above, but also from the bottom.

Step 4.

The pallet must be placed under a perforated tank for collecting fluid.

For uniform pressure on the MEZU, it is necessary to decompose it into small bags of fabric or capron, so the juice will be more efficiently squeezed.

How to make a hydraulic press?

The hydraulic press for apples and other fruits is considered more productive and allows you to spend less effort on juice production. Constructive features in general terms are similar to a worm analogue, the main difference is only a mechanism for pressing fruit mass.

The instruction, located in the table, will make the press of hydraulic type at home:

Picture Description

Step 1

The manufacture of the reference frame does not differ from the screw type of the device. You can use both metal design and wood frame.

Step 2.

A barrel, plastic or homemade wooden tank with a drain hole on the bottom can be used as a housing for the hydraulic press mechanism.

About 30 years ago, in the USSR, the TV shows "that you can" is greatly popular, in which homemade devices demonstrated their developments. I remember, I somehow literally struck the unusual press for obtaining juice from apples with the help of a car jack, a developing force up to 5 tons. The originality of the structure was that the juice from the apples that were in the tank were supplanted up and merged into a separate container. Over time, I made such a press for juice and ... disillusioned in it, because of the three buckets of crushed apples I received only 5 ... 6 l of juice. One day, when trying to increase the compression force up to 5 tons, the tank was born, and it was made of stainless steel with a thickness of 4 mm.

In the future, experimenting with chopped vegetables and fruits, I came to the conclusion that for the maximum exit of the juice raw materials (up to 65 ... 70%) when using the press, it is necessary:

  • the initial raw material is crushed into a crumb size 2 ... 4 mm. Moreover, the green grass should be skipped through the meat grinder, and currant berries, blackfold rowan heat in the oven at a temperature of + 60 ° C 20 ... 30 minutes;
  • grinding raw materials decompose by portions of 1 ... 2 kg (no more!);
  • separate portions of raw materials Wrap in wipes made of durable fabric (LoveVan, Packing Calculation) with a size of 50x50 cm;
  • in the press wrapped in portions wipes, add a stack using drainage pads made of stainless steel.

It turned out that, subject to these conditions, the need for a jack was disappeared, since for a high-quality press of juice, there was enough efforts to the "screw nut", which I borrowed from water valve (the screw is made of stainless steel 40x13). After all, the efficiency of the home-made press for pressing the juice was determined not applied to raw materials, and a significant surface area of \u200b\u200bthe exhaust mass, as well as the fact that the juice from the portion could exit "in all directions", and not only from the bottom or from the sides.

How to make a homemade press for pressing juice

The design of the screw press for juice is clear from fig. 1. Actually consists of two racks with a diameter of 22 mm. From above to pipes, a p-shaped profile bent from 3-millimeter steel has been welded. The height of the profile is chosen with such a calculation so that the nut of the screw pressed into the steel sleeve is located inside freely. From below to each rack welded clamp. With the help of these two clamps, the press is attached to the windowsill. To the screw, on the one hand they welded a head with a hole for the handle, on the other - the stop is attached, which compresses the raw material.

For the collection of juice, the protested 3-liter enameled pan was approached (Fig. 2, a). The hole in the bottom I abuser and secured a fitting in it with a hose to collect juice.

The basket (Fig. 2, b) made from sheet stainless steel with a thickness of 2 mm, on top and bottom to do with a stainless steel stainless steel rings with a diameter of 4 mm. Rings allow you to "evenly" accommodate a basket inside the pan. Yes, the walls of the pan are perforated with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm (randomly).

Gaskets (Fig. 2, c), which share the portions of raw materials loaded to the basket, consist of two disks of a 2-millimeter stainless steel connected using spot welding. In the disks, the holes are drilled with a diameter of 3 mm, the holes are provided between the disks with a thickness of 4 mm (gaskets also from stainless steel). In general, all parts of the screw press are made by me from stainless steel, because at that time the stainless steel was literally lying under his feet.

Work on the pressing of the juice is as follows. The press body is fixed using clamps on the windowsill in the kitchen (you can install the press and on the table). The screw is unscrewed up to the stop. The basket is placed in the saucepan, and on the bottom of the latter put the gasket and have a napkin of durable fabric on it. Next on the napkin placed crushed raw materials (apples, fruits, herbs, berries) in the amount of 0.5 ... 1 kg. The napkin is the envelope, cover the portion with a drainage gasket, which has another napkin. Such packages should be 3 pieces, while the upper package can rise above the pots of 4 ... 6 cm. Putting on the top package the gasket is installed under the press screw. Yes, I completely forgot to say about the spacer (a circle of wood), which is put under the cart (otherwise the pan can be disretened when screwing the screw). Creasing the pressure of the screw must be twisted slowly and smoothly, watching juice output. Having finished squeezing juice, the screw is unscrewed up, the pan is transferred to the table, the cake from the napkins are removed. Depending on the type and quality of raw materials for one cycle using a homemade screw press for pressing the juice, it is possible to press 1.2 ... 1.8 l of juice, and for 1 hour to 12 ... 15 liters.

End of summer, the beginning of the autumn is to collect fruits, vegetables, apples, grapes. And if the harvest is large, then the usual electrical juicer will not cope. In this case, the dacha requires a press for pressing juice from fruits. Now there is a mass of proposals for various presses and davels, hydraulic, screw, pneumatic, wooden, but the biggest minus of these goods is a high price. Make a press for juice with your own hands is not difficult, you need small locksmith skills, welder. And the cost of the homemade press for grapes or apples is several times lower than the purchase.

For winemake, such a device will facilitate his work and save the mass of time. The simplest version of the home press-juicer is based on extriving juice from the mezgi fruits or vegetables. Pre-apples are crushed with special crushers, a grape davilka is used, and then juice is pressed from this mass. With such a technology, it comes out pure juice without pulp, ready to be fermented or for pasteurization and further storage.

Simple press for grapes do it yourself

The screw press for grapes consists of: bases - frames, baskets, pressure devices (shaft or jack), pressing piston. Other options for making the device are possible. When choosing a material, it is not necessary to accurately follow the description and drawings of Persian you can make your own.

Tools and materials for the press:

  • Welding machine;
  • Drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Tank - 50 liters;
  • Metal channel 10-12 mm - 150 mm;
  • Metal corner 40-50 mm - 3200 mm;
  • Oak rails 40x25x400 mm - 50 pcs;
  • Fabric - 1 sq.m;
  • Jack - 1 pc;
  • Crane - 1 pc;
  • Leske 2 mm - 3 m.

How to make a press for pressing juice

1.Rama. The base is one of the most important elements of the press, the frame should be very strong design, the entire load on it is located at work. The side parts of the press are made of metal corners with a height of 85 mm. The upper and lower parts of the frame must be made from a 70 cm length of 70 cm, you can additionally enhance the design, welding the jams between the corners and the chaserler. All parts are welded in all places of contact.
If the design of the screw press is used, then you need to spend the nut for the screw to the upper chaserler. In addition to a metal frame, you can use wooden boards, 5 centimeters thick. The boards are fastened with studs by 10-12 mm and twisted with nuts. Wooden press is easier, but the design does not withstand heavy loads, for a small crop quite suitable option. The finished frame is necessary to sand and paint with special paint for metal.

2. BAC for press. In this design, a cooking tank made of stainless steel volume of 50 liters is used. At the bottom of the boiler capacity, a hole is drilled and a stainless steel crane is installed. Instead of a tank, you can use the usual saucepan of suitable size.
Oak rail grille is inserted into the container. Billets are cut from oak board (you can use a parquet board), the height of them is equal to the height of the pan. Over the edges in the ends of the rails, holes are drilled by 2-3 mm through them the fishing line or stainless wire. By connecting all the planks, it turns out a kind of basket.
There should be a 2-3 mm clearance between the rails, through which the juice of fruit will be fed. You can do without a pan without a pan, connecting the boards of galvanized steel hoops and installing a basket on the tray, which will be flushed with a pressed liquid.
As a pallet, a plastic pallet from a large flower pot or stainless kitchen sink can be used. There is a design where the press for grapes is made by framework, it does not have a basket, cakes fit into the tissue between drainage lattices in several layers and is given.

3.Port. The piston for the press needs to be made from the remaining oak boards, folding their cross on the cross, with the help of a circulation, draw the circle of the desired size and cut out the electric jig. Reiki twist with stainless steel screws or tie copper, stainless wire. If the farm has a log, then you can sprinkle the circle of the required diameter and height.

4.Silome mechanism. A jackbook or screw is used as a pressure manner in the press for apples. In the device for pressing the juice there will be quite enough hydraulic automobile jack with a carrying capacity of 3 tons. For more confident work, you can use jacks that create an effort equal to more than 3 tons. The screw for the press is more difficult to find, and the jack is available in every car enthusiast. Under the jack you need to be selected for lining while pressing.

5. Tanning for filtering. To filter, juice from fruit apples, you need a robust fabric capable of passing moisture. The easiest option to take a kapron bag from sugar. Also for filtering will fit the Capron, Loven, propylene, polyester or use durable hb material, dense flax, not to break under pressure.

So, the manual press for fruits is ready, how to squeeze juice? Basket insert into the tank, inside place the material for filtering. Soft fruits, berries, citrus frozen without prior processing. Apples, carrots or other solid fruits need to be crushed on the crusher or use the mezdu from the juicer, download to the basket, cover the lid.

Install the jack, substitute the receiving capacity, open the crane and slowly put pressure. You do not need to immediately try to squeeze all the juice, you can damage the frame or the fabric is bullied. Make three or four pitching, wait some time, then three or four pitching and so on. From one bucket of apples from the juicer, there are 3-4 liters of pure juice, from crushed mass a little longer.