Repairs Design Furniture

What tools are needed for sticking wallpaper. How to stick the wallpaper easily and without nerves? Full list of tools and means for self-blowing wallpaper

If you feel about those people who are happy to create comfort in the house with their own hands, then, most likely, when the question is, to entrust the blending of wallpaper, you will not take this task for yourself without thinking. This is a fascinating and creative process that requires accuracy, attention, accuracy and the presence of some knowledge about this stage of finishing. If you have already familiarized with the technology of sticking, decided on the type of wallpaper and are ready to start work, the next question that will be in front of you will be a question regarding the inventory and tool that you will need to work. In this article you will find out what you need to stick wallpaper. By providing itself with the whole necessary tool required to work, you can fully immerse yourself in the workflow, without being distracted by the search for inventory, the presence of which you did not provide on time. Of course, so your work will work better.

Tools required for shook wallpaper

Of course, in the process of blending wallpaper, you can always replace the tools with remedies. For example:

  • The glue can be applied not with a roller, but a painting brush that is available in the house. Some even manage to do it with a sponge or cloth.
  • For climbing wallpapers after sticking, some craftsmen coped with a conventional clean cloth and their own hands, without using a special rubber roller. And such examples mass.

However, we are talking about a serious approach to sticking wallpapers aimed at high-quality and durable. If you seriously approached this issue, you should know that there are basic tools, without which it is impossible to beat the wallpaper qualitatively, and there are auxiliary, which are not always required, but without a doubt they facilitate the workflow, make it more comfortable.

Basic tools

As mentioned earlier, without the main tools it is impossible to imagine a high-quality workflow. What are the tools for plating wallpapers are indispensable?

Malyary Valik

It is a durable roller, which is used to apply glue on the walls and wallpaper. Using this tool, you can evenly apply glue to any surface. The roller for the wallpaper glue helps you quickly and qualitatively distribute glue - in case of relatively short time, you can apply glue to a rather large area. Roller is a durable and foam. The last option is well coped with the task and more accessible for the price.

Painting bath

This tool helps evenly distribute glue over the entire surface of the roller, remove all excess. Working with a bath, you will prevent the appearance of splashes when applied. Losing the walls, adhesive simply will not drip down, because the surplus is eliminated from the surface of the tool.

The painting bath is a tray with a deepening, which flows glue, and the ribbed plane. Macrobow roller in glue, it is necessary to carry out them on a ribbed surface, it will ensure the uniformity of the glue distribution.

Important! The tray must have a size that is slightly more than the size of the painting roller.

Construction roulette

Without it, there is not almost a single stage of repair work. This tool is required and indispensable to measure the planes that need to be saved by wallpaper. He also comes in handy to you when you will measure the wallpaper stripes for sticking.

Capacity for kneading glue

Before starting to stick the wallpaper, it is necessary according to the instructions to make glue. To do this, you need a large container. For these purposes, a bucket is often used. You can use any domestic capacity of the desired volume.

Knife for wallpaper

The stationery knife is perfect for these purposes, because it is incredibly sharp, flat, thanks to the boss of the blade, they are easily accessible to hard-to-reach places. Without the presence of a knife, it will be impossible to cut off the desired strip for sticking, cut off the surplus of wallpaper by the wall or at the plinth. This tool is indispensable in operation.

Perhaps this is the most basic tools needed for plating wallpaper. There is a lot of auxiliary tools that will make it easier for you. If possible, we advise you not to save, and purchase auxiliary tools, especially if you decide to go over your own large area. We'll figure it out that you still need to stick wallpaper.

Additional and auxiliary tools

Support and additional tools include such.

Rubber roller

According to the design, it does not differ from the painting roller, however, the roller itself is made of rubber itself. The wallpaper roller is necessary in order to smooth them after sticking to the surface, smooth them, dispersed bubbles if they are.

Using such a roller will not compare the smoothing by hand and cloth. It provides a tight fit of the material to the surface, work quickly and conveniently.

Important! If your wallpaper has a relief on their surface, then it is worth buying a yellow roller - it carefully copes with the smoothing of wallpaper, without damaging patterns and spraying. If your wallpaper is smooth, then you can safely acquire a black roller.

Roller for corners

Such a roller is quite narrow, respectively - it is easy to work in hard-to-reach places. It is well pressed the wallpaper in the corners and joints, they can be operated when moving from the wall to the ceiling.

Important! Note that if you work on the joints, then be careful in its use on relief wallpaper, because it can damage the volumetric pattern.

Soft sponge

With it, you can easily remove excess glue. Work with a sponge exclusively on the joints, you should not rub it with her cloth.

Construction mixer or drill with a lamination nozzle

This tool will help you thoroughly stir glue in the tank, the mass will be homogeneous and without lumps. The most important thing is when using it, you will save a huge amount of time and strength.


With it, you can note the strip sticking boundary on the wall in order to smoothly and accurately stick the cloth, especially when sticking the first strip on the wall. It is also necessary if you need to cut a piece of non-standard wallpaper. In this case, you will need to apply the boundaries of the desired form and size to the wrong wallpaper, in order to further cut a piece on the borders. For these purposes, you can use a simple pencil, or even better - to purchase a special construction.

Paint brush

The malarious roller will not always be able to rinse the surface in hard-to-reach places, in this case you will need a brush for sticking wallpaper. Using a narrow brush, you can easily try the corners, closer area to the ceiling.


They can be used in the absence of a stationery knife, however, they are not able to cope with all the tasks. They are necessary and indispensable when you need to cut a piece of non-standard wallpaper on the specified borders.


If you decide to cross the wallpaper on the walls in the already residential room, then you will need to dismantle the pads on the sockets and switches, in this case without screwdriver you can not do.

Insulating tape

If you dismantled old outlets and switches, be sure to insulate all the bare wires. This is a necessary security measure, it is not worth neglected.

Malyan Scotch

An indispensable assistant if you need to protect certain areas from the glue. A good example when you need to protect the ceiling and slopes from glue. This applies to rooms in which the state of slopes and the ceiling satisfies your requirements, and they do not need to be subsequent painting.

Putty knife

This tool is auxiliary when trimming overcurrent wallpapers from the floor and the ceiling. In order to carry out this manipulation, it is necessary to press the spatula tightly to the wall, right through the junction of the transition, and with the help of a stationery knife to crop over the wallpaper.

In this embodiment, this tool is made of metal, and should be quite wide, for the convenience of work. There is also a spatula for sticking wallpaper, which is made of plastic and is used to smooth the surface after sticking. This tool is also called the clamping spatula. It is used as an alternative to a rubber roller.

Soft rag

Along with the sponge, it can remove excess glue. In this case, it is worth choosing what you are more convenient and more comfortable to work. Most people prefer precisely soft cloth, however, unlike a sponge, it cannot be so quickly rinsed and squeezed almost to dry condition.


In case you need to cut a piece of non-standard wallpaper, the square will help you draw a straight corner.

Building level

In order to shove the wallpaper exactly and in terms of the level, this tool is necessary. Often it is used in conjunction with a plumb.

Malyary plumbing with thread

This tool is a durable thread, to one end of which the cargo was attached. The plumb helps to create an accurate vertical line in terms of level, which is a guide for sticking lanes of wallpaper.

Important! Knowing what this tool represents, you will know how to make a plumb for sticking wallpapers yourself. To do this, you can use a kapron thread and any cargo that can be tied to it.


Of course, you can use the usual table, instruct chairs and stools one to one. So you can get to any heights. However, do not forget about comfort and security. It is best to use a stepladder. If it is not in your farm, you can lend it for a while or take a rental.

The tool for sticking fliesline wallpaper, paper-based wallpapers, acrylic, textile, vinyl and fiberglass wallpaper can be easily found on sale. Many of the necessary tools definitely have in your farm. Remember that from thorough preparations for the process of sticking wallpaper, the use of high-quality tools, your accuracy and accuracy depends on the general view of your room. Therefore, come to the process thoroughly, with full responsibility and seriousness.

By purchasing wallpaper, you already plan their sticking on the subconscious level. You pick up the necessary tool in the mind, think over the processes of the walls of the walls and present the final result. We would like to tell you more about some tools that you can come in handy in your work.

Wallpaper Tool

Knife and scissors

We will not stop at the choice of wallpaper and glue, it will not be a long and painful process that you have to go through all those wishing to make repairs at home. It should only be noted that glue must be chosen under the type of wallpaper.

For example, if you stopped on the wallpaper with a fliesline substrate, then the glue must be appropriate. If you have paper wallpapers, then the glue is recommended for a paper wallpaper cloth.

Wallpaper and glue are ready to work, print the rolls and cut the wallpaper on pieces of a certain length. For this we need a knife or scissors. Subsequently, it is necessary to trim wallpaper on the wall, so it is better to choose a simple building knife with replaceable decaying blades. It is sharp enough to cut the wallpaper, and how it faded, then the blade is easily changing or rolled.

Modern knife with rolling blades

There are special wallpaper knives with a long wide and stupid blade, but they are very impractical and can be used correctly by professional masters, if we glue with your own hands, we do not need them.

Scissors will be required for neat cutting wallpaper in complex places, the area of \u200b\u200bswitches, sockets. Scissors will rise the simplest.

Roller and brush

Wallpapers are cut into pieces of a certain length and ready to apply glue. Now we will apply wallpaper glue on the canvas, it will take a roller or brush.

If you want to use a roller, select the foam option, since it is very easy to apply glue to a smooth surface. If not, others are suitable: artificial or natural fur, velor, artificial wool. The roller can be purchased in any construction store, this is not a scarce goods. The cost of various manufacturers is not very different, and quality too.

Velor coat roller

However, in recent times, all stores sell it already assembled, although in terms of practicality it is better to buy in parts: a handle (BEGEEL) and a fur coat. Subsequently, spare parts are changing if necessary.

Using a roller for applying glue to wallpaper, it will be convenient to pre-roll it in a special bath, since it does not fit into each bucket. Such a bath is available in most stores, it has a special compartment, where you can roll the roller, get it with glue. Even the finished sets consisting of a bath and roller are sold.

Set: bath and foam roller

The tassel is also convenient to apply glue to the wallpaper cloth. To do this, choose any brush, which is not climbing. Natural bristles have a tassel or not, for us it does not matter.

Brushes show themselves well with a lot of bristles, they are called McList. Unlike flusted - narrow, they have 8-10 rows of pile. Flusted brush Choose a wider, best of all 75-100mm.

You may need a narrow brush, to miss the wallpaper in hard-to-reach places, where the roller does not fit in any way, this moment is also necessary to provide.


The easiest, but comfortable wallpaper spatula

If you are accustomed to smooth out the wallpaper with an ordinary cloth or a brush, then this is also a true approach. Dry rags will need to wipe wallpaper and removing glue residues.

Some masters are used to smooth the wallpaper rubber roller, its fur coat is mild, made of rubber. However, to use this tool requires a certain amount of experience in construction work.

There is a special small roller to work with the joints of the wallpaper, which allows rolling the joints of the joint, thereby getting rid of the excess glue.

Roller for rolling of walls of wallpaper

For cutting in hard-to-reach places, an ordinary metal spatula is useful, which is very convenient to cut the unnecessary edge. After you separated the unnecessary part of the wallpaper, it is easy and smoothly cut off with a knife.

Use the spatula very gently in order not to damage the decorative part of the wallpaper.


If you have high ceilings, then you should take care of normal convenient tools for working at height. From stool or stool carries many difficulties and can be dangerous. While the normal stepder will greatly facilitate all the workflow.

Choose aluminum stepladders, iron hard to move, taucing it backwards throughout the whole shook wallpaper, you definitely very tired.

Low stepping that is easy to use at home

For a successful blowing wallpaper, you will additionally need:

  • plumbing or level to smooth off the vertical direct, relative to which sticking will be made;
  • pencil or marker in order to make marks on the walls;
  • roulette for clear marking of pieces of wallpaper and walls;
  • tara to mix glue, preferably with a lid, in case you have to leave glue in the finished condition;
  • a stick for kneading glue, or a special mixer worn on a drill;
  • heat and screwdriver to ensure safety in places where sockets and switches are present, especially if you are not going to completely de-energize the room.

If you have the entire listed tool in stock, then with a large share of the probability of the wallpaper, it will be successfully. Perhaps we are unnecessarily focusing on simple and understandable things, but you can just forget about them. If there is no of our list, then try to find it in order not to complicate your work.

Wallpaper sticking is quite serious, which requires great preparation to obtain an excellent result in the real creation of the interiors of the premises of your home. It provides for a complete set of the necessary tool for holding wallpaper sticking, the quantity of old wallpaper, if available, using the appropriate devices and tools for carrying out this work, preparation of the surface of the walls and the ceiling to stick the new, cutting them into the necessary panels, selection and preparation of the required glue. Strict observance of such a sequence of work will help to avoid many surprises: oblique seams that have retired cavities, manifestation of dark spots and irregularities of walls or mold on wallpaper, which sharply reduce the quality of the finish.

Required tools

Tools used in wallpaper sticking are our helpers who perfectly provide convenient and productive work.

Wallpapers- Special tool that is used during pasting walls with a wear-resistant surface - flieslinic or vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis. It can be useful when cutting edges of wallpaper.

Blank blade knife - It is a mandatory attribute in the list of tools used in the lacking of wallpaper. He is indispensable for assistance in circumcision of surplus wallpapers at the door, plinths and wherever smooth and accurate cut is needed.

Knife - Used for slicing the adhesion, in the case when during the sticking of wallpaper it is necessary to obtain the exact media at the junction of two canvases.

Roller- also the necessary tool made from synthetic fiber, which is used to apply glue directly onto the walls (when it is a necessary condition for sticking wallpaper, such as fliseline) or to primitive walls under them.

Rubber roller (clamping roller) - It can be made of microporous rubber or synthetic fiber. It is used to order wallpaper to the surface of the surface (for example, vinyl and structural vinyl wallpaper).

Maclovitsa- Special brush, which is used in order to apply the wallpaper adhesive. In addition, depending on the properties of the bristle, it can be used to erode ceilings and walls, as well as for priming surfaces when preparing them to pasting.

Brush - It is used to apply glue into the field of climbing the wallpaper strip to the ceiling, the floor, as well as in the corners.

Malarian spatula - The most in demand from the whole list of tools that are used in the preparation of the soil surface. It is used in order to remove old wallpapers, the outer layer of paint or plaster on the walls.

Roller for wallpaper seams (conical shape) - It is used for smoking and order of seams when the walls are blowing with vinyl or structural vinyl wallpaper.

Roller for wallpaper seams - Good assistant. It is made of synthetic soft material and is usually used for smoking and ordering seams when working with sensitive wallpaper.

Scissors - Standard tool, which is indispensable when designing wallpaper wallpapers of the desired sizes.

Auxiliary tool for cutting wallpaper - It is used for cutting and subsequent cutting off the walls of various wallpaper.

Plumb - Used to determine the vertical position on the wall of the first panel, which will determine the quality of pasting the entire wall.

Own brush - Used to press wallpaper panels, as well as smoothing them to avoid the formation of bubbles, folds and wrinkles.

Brush for wallpaper - Along with a warehousing brush, it is used for curses and high-quality smoothing of the wallpaper cloth. It is very successfully used on surfaces that are sensitive to pressing.

Folding line -convenient for any dimensions, since it allows them to carry out one, unlike roulette when assistant required.

In addition to the specified tool set, you will need to be needed. bucket For the preparation of glue simple pencil For marking and orienting labeling of the wallpaper. The use of other writing objects is not permissible. For the clouds and applying the glue you will need a workplace. According to the old traditions, it was organized on clean floor, but if you acquire it for this folding desktop.I am sure that it will not be an empty spent and you will quickly feel a difference in labor costs.

Removing old wallpapers from the walls

Before the new wallpaper sticker, it is desirable to remove old. Removal technology depends on their type. Of course, on the labels of your old wallpapers there were pictograms indicating how to remove them, but where they are currently making a decision. You can confidently remember only their kind, and this will already help apply the necessary removal technology that depends on it.

Removal of ordinary paper wallpaper- Provides their softening with warm water with the additive detergent, or use a special fluid. It is possible to apply a solution with a sponge or use a spray gun for indoor plants. Let the water takepoint within 15 to 20 minutes. Raise the painting spatula, starting with the seams, wet wallpaper and remove this piece. Try to do without new scratches on the wall. Poor squeezed pieces again wet and remove all the remnants. Working with liquid Do not forget about electricity. Work around sockets and switches do dry. If it is not possible - turn off the electricity. Upon completion of the removal of wallpaper, wash the wall with warm water with a small amount of detergent, and then clean water. Removal of washable wallpaper - Provides a violation of the integrity of the waterproof film in order to open the access of water with the added to remove wallpaper to the substrate. To do this, you can use wire brushes or special devices - such as a bulk tiger. It is necessary to work very carefully to work very carefully to work with a wire brush or a sharp gear spatula. Scary are not so much scratches as the fact that metal particles can remain in them, the rust of which can later enter the surface of new wallpaper. This water and violating procedure may have to be repeated several times. They are also well removed by a special saparwoman, which can be replaced with an iron with a steamber or cover the problem space with a wet rag and stroke a hot iron. Then the completion of the removal of wallpaper rinse the wall from the old glue Removal of vinyl wallpaper - It provides for the use that the facial vinyl thin film can be separated from the paper base, lifting both of its lower corners and pulling the film from the wall with a uniform force. If the paper base is well glued to the wall on it, you can glue new wallpapers, and if you have been detected - remove as paper. Fliseline wallpaper are also removed.

Preparation of the surface of the wall

The future quality of wall decoration by wallpaper directly depends on the quality of their preparation for the salary. Of course, it is better to align all the walls and angles, but with a large amount it is possible that it is possible to pay the places of flaws in which they have the greatest impact on the perception of decoration - ceiling eaves from polystyrene foam, angles of walls and slopes of doors and windows, places of attachment of plinths and platforms of doors that should To be smooth, strictly vertical or horizontal. The angles of the wall closure must be even even but a small deviation from the vertical is allowed. The presence of slits between the platbands and the wall, the plinths and the wall, as well as the ceiling, both at the ceiling and the walls, but to put the eaves and platbands in the "pits", and "hill" to bypass smooth arcs. All revealed slots must be past. At the same time, it is necessary to align both the "pit" itself, stretching the putty from the thickness of the slot "in zero" on the wall at a distance from her to half a meter. You can not install the ceiling cornice, but it gives the finish finished look. In addition, the absence of eaves does not cancel the work on leveling the corners between the walls and the ceiling (if necessary). If you have plasterboard walls, they must be completely past, otherwise, with the next repair, you can remove cardboard with wallpaper. The places of applying putty and all thoroughly purified dark stains must be stuck with sandpaper and all the walls to be treated with special antibacterial agents (fungicides) and dry. Walls with a large number of multicast plots must be rolled by one layer of water-emulsion paint.

Upon completion of the work with alignment, the entire surface of the walls is necessary to primarily undermine the wallpaper glue, diluted with pure water by 20-30%. If the base of the walls are loose, it is better to use cheap universal domestic primers, and then rebound the wallpaper glue. Often, instead of primers used imported PVA (Turkish). It is necessary to dilute water 10% of the PVA, then making 20-30% of the wall glue into it. However, such a technology can make wallpaper gluing irreversible - they will later be difficult to remove from the walls. ATTENTION!!! Do not use the domestic PVA, it was not assumed for such use and therefore leaves yellow spots on the wallpaper.

The wallpaper glue walls are not allowed to grind the walls when gluing flieslinic and glass wallpaper, since they are glued along the glue, applied on the wall. Grounding of walls is made by special primer mixtures. Aqua has proven well well, which is divorced by water in proportion 1: 3. For primer, you can use a brush with a wide flab or roller. The soil should be applied to the surface previously purified from dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner. The primer is applied carefully, it should penetrate all the pores of the surface. Drying the primer - at least 6 hours (better than 24 hours).

Cutting tools

After completing all the preparatory work, you can proceed to cutting wallpaper. At the end of the preliminary work, you can proceed to cutting them. If your wallpapers have two edges and glue a mustache (that in our time is a rarity), then they will need to trim one of the edges of the existing line depending on the orientation of the surface. Rollov, which will go for pasting the right wall (if facing the window) cut off the left edge, and for the left - right. For wallpaper, glue into the joint does not need to cut anything. Further, the wallpaper is cut into the panels of a certain (whole cuts), in advance of the calculated length, while in the future it is possible to combine the drawing on the adjacent panels, it is necessary to strictly follow the pictograms from the "Start of Pattern" group on the wallpaper label. The length of the wallpaper without docking patterns should correspond to the height of the ceiling, and in the case of the required docking - a whole number of stuck patterns corresponding to the ceiling height. It should be borne in mind that all the canvases must have a small excess in length of 5-10 cm - the stock into the unequal height of the room along the perimeter of the walls or the possible shrinkage of the wallpaper after the cooling trungery. The number of required cloths can be determined by bypassing the entire perimeter of the room using a roll itself as a measure. It does not take into account parts of walls with doors and windows. From one roll of standard length, it is possible to obtain with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters 4 of the entire cut in the absence of docking pattern and 3 canvas, taking into account the required docking. Remains from rolls are fully suitable for pasting of the panels above the door and walls of the window opening. On all the prepared bands should be a pencil, its top is marked. This is especially important when the oncoming sticker bands. The wallpaper prepared in this way is stack on the desktop (or on the floor, covered with pure newspapers or polyethylene film) so that the edge of each web played by 2-3 cm relative to the previous one. This will help to avoid accidental chucks on the front side of the material. After that, you are ready to start labeling

Types of glue for wallpaper

Universal glue Suitable for most light or medium wallpaper. For heavy wallpapers, you can reduce the amount of water used for its dilution.
Heavy Wallpaper Glue Designed for pile, fabric and scent wallpaper
Fongicidal glue Fungicide obstructs the development of mold by submarine-proof wallpapers (heavy vinyl, washable, etc.)
Thickotropic glue For heavy wallpapers and fabric coatings
Not a dirty glue Use it for wallpapers that can be protected by ordinary wallpaper glue.
Repair glue For the liner of the deployed parts. Can glue vinylk vinyl

That's it seems to be everything that needs to be done to prepare for successful labeling of wallpaper.

Any repair requires careful preliminary preparation of all materials necessary for the work and tools. You must be prepared for any surprises and chance to achieve the highest possible result. In this article, it will be coming specifically about those things that will be needed for shook wallpaper.

Preparing everything you need

Let's start, perhaps, with the preparation of the tools, although the alternateness does not play the principal role here.


What do you need to shove the wallpaper?

  • Spatula width 35 cm. It will make it easier to cut the cutting process and trimming protruding segments.

Tip: For thin or having a fragile decorative coating, as well as for applying liquid wallpapers, it is recommended to use. It will help keep them safe.

  • Stationery knife. Its cloudy blade is sharp enough to easily cut the wallpaper of any quality, and he himself is light and comfortable.

Tip: Be sure to get an additional blades, as they quickly stupid and come into disrepair.

  • Velor roller 25 cm wide. We need for applying the wall surface.

  • "Barrel" for bulk jacks. It is a small barch-shaped plastic roller designed for the highest quality joints of the seams by pressing them.

  • Special bath with a ribbed surface for the content of glue.

  • Bucket for kneading adhesive solution.

  • Roulette. It will carry out all the necessary measurements.

  • Brush. It is useful for processing hard-to-reach places.

  • Clean rag. The thing is incredibly important when sticking wallpaper, despite its visible insignificance. It is a rag that you will rapt the canvas on the wall, squeezing the air under them, and you can also remove it in time to remove the glue on the decorative side.

  • Ladder. The average height of the ceilings is two and a half meters, so it's better to glue wallpaper, standing on a reliable staircase, and without bouncing.

  • Pencil. We are needed to apply markup.

The price of most of the above tools is low, and utility is very significant, so try to get a complete set of accessories.


What do you need to know when choosing wallpaper?

  1. Moisture resistance. This is a very important operational parameter that is responsible for how much the room can be, which produces a repair, and whether it will be possible to carry out wet cleaning of the decorative surface.

Determined using special characters:

  • One wave is allowed during cleaning the use of a damp cloth.
  • Two waves - perhaps more thorough wash with the subsequent rubbing dry.
  • Three waves - high-quality removal of dirt using household chemicals.
  • Wave and brush - the use of a brush or washing vacuum cleaner is allowed.

  1. Environmental purity. If small children or allergies live in your home, it is better to be restrained in this matter.
  2. Light resistance. Its sensitive to ultraviolet products should not be used in places well illuminated by sunlight, as they burned very quickly. So choose this indicator correctly, we will also help special labeling in the form of a circle or semicircle with rays symbolizing the sun.

  1. Method of sticking. It is important to find out whether the wallpaper is self-adhesive, and if not, then the glue is applied to the canvas or only on the wall. These data will affect the amount of adhesive needed and the complexity of the finishing of the finish. The corresponding symbolism is attached:

  1. Rulon sizes. With their help, we will further discern how to find out how many wallpaper rolls are needed to stick your room.

So, we turn to the answer to the question how to determine how much wallpaper is needed. To do this, first need the size of the room and roll. Classic products have a width of 53 centimeters and a length of 10 meters. The room you, armed with a tape measure must measure themselves, namely the length and height of the walls.

For example, let's take three three meters the wall, and we calculate how much the wallpaper is 9 sq m. To do this, we will find the roll area: 10 × 0.53 \u003d 5.3 square meters. And then split the wall area on the resulting number: 9 / 5.3 \u003d 1.7 roll.

In this way, you calculate all the walls. If you have difficulty, you can always use one of the many online calculators.


How much is the glue for wallpaper and what better to choose?

Here you will help the following:

  • Instructions on the wallpaper themselves. For each specific model, the adhesive composition is always indicated.
  • Annotation on the package with glue containing information about the approximate flow rate of the finished solution.


Before starting the process of sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully prepare. To do this, you need to get all the necessary tools and materials. The list is quite impressive, and therefore it is desirable to have it at hand during the hike in the store ().

The video in this article contains additional information.

Be careful and do not miss anything important!

2. Glue (special - for fliseline wallpaper). "We took Pufas - this is a glue that does not leave traces on the wallpaper, it is easy to stir, not leaving the lumps. There is a ready glue on sale, but sometimes it has to breed water, especially when it is hot in the room, and the humidity is low. In such conditions The glue is quickly absorbed, you do not have time to work with him. Therefore, I prefer dry formulations that can be breeding under myself ".

3. Paint knife with interchangeable babes. "In good knives, the blade should be rigidly fixed and during operation not to fumble.". The fascinated edge of the blade should be immediately disintegrating, otherwise cutting off gently wallpaper will not succeed.

4. Overseas spatula, or special rubber rollers to smooth wallpaper (wide and narrow), or a piece of vehicle. "It is more convenient to work with a spatula: it is easier for them to smooth out the wallpaper and remove the air from under the glued cloths. For wallpaper thin or with a delicate relief pattern, choose a soft wallpaper spatula".

5. Plaster spatulas (big and small), with which wallpapers will be cut.

6. Capacity with water to mix glue.

7. Bath for finished diluted glue.

8. Roller and brush for applying glue on the wall.

9. Screwdriver with a nozzle, a piece of rails or other brewed material for kneading glue.

10. Clean wet sponge for removing glue, accidentally fallen on already glued wallpaper.

11. Construction level or plumb, roulette, as well as a simple pencil for drawing vertical before sticking the first canvas.

12. Syringe - will need for "treatment" of wallpaper, if after their drying, bubbles will appear on the walls.

Stages of work

1. To glue the wallpaper is needed on slippath and well-projected walls. It is important that the primer is completely dried. "It happens, iron stands on the walls - it needs to be closed with oil paint, preferably white. If this is not done, then a rusty spot will flash on the wallpaper".

"It is undesirable also when the walls are processed by different primers, as there will be different absorbability and permeability of the adhesive. If the walls are simultaneous, then the wallpaper will hold the same well.".

It is recommended to work with the walls when the ceiling finishes completed, but not vice versa. Styling on the floor tile and other dirty works are also performed before plating wallpaper. If the flooring is already already there, it should be covered with cardboard, film or other materials.

2. Immediately before cutting wallpaper wallpaper, the walls should be additionally progressed by glue. Glue for primer must be somewhat juicy than for sticking. Grounding the walls with glue is especially important in the heat, as well as when sticking thick wallpaper.

Important! Glue wallpaper is needed indoors with closed windows. And after sticking, you should not open the windows at least at least a day.

3. It is necessary to start glue the wallpaper with a large wall and end in low-rise places (under the windowson, for furniture, etc.), where you can use pieces of wallpaper, if you do not have enough whole cloths.

The first strip is glued from the corner. To wallpaper lay exactly, it is necessary for them using the level of the vertical. To do this, the level is strictly vertically applied to the wall and the line is drawn under it. "It is not necessary to lead it from the ceiling to the floor. It is enough to make it a length of 1-1.5 m".

"The line must be postponed at a certain distance from the angle: from the extreme protruding point, on the width of the tube less than 0.5-1 cm. In this way, a small supply is made to all the irregularities of the angle, because in our houses the walls are rarely perfect, often they are risen in This or another side, and then immediately in both ".

If the corners of the corners are round, then the vertical is carried out in the middle of the corner, and sticking starts from this place.

4. Getting to dilute glue. "Pour water in bucket and gradually, approximately for a minute, we snatch a pack of glue, while stirring. We give adhesion to stand a little, swell, then we stir it again and leave the glue for a few minutes again..

When cooking glue is allowed to somewhat retreat from the instruction and make a consistency of thick or fat. "As a rule, for heavy wallpapers glue makes more dense. By the way, such wallpapers are good because they are dense, do not turn them, they are easier to move. The proof that the glue turned out to be the necessary consistency - wallpaper when gluing without effort moving, and this is especially important When selecting a picture. That is, the glue should be so that it is easy to work with it. ".

The finished glue is overflowing in the bath: It will be more convenient to type glue on the roller and press the excess.

"If you did not have time to beat the wallpaper at a time, work can be postponed: the day or two diluted glue can stand. Only for the time of the pause it is better to cover it. If the glue thickens, mix it. But if it is poor and began to make an unpleasant smell, it means that reinforced , and in this case it is better to knead fresh glue ".

5. When working with phlizelin wallpaper, apply glue is not necessary for the canvas, but on the wall. "With the help of a roller evenly, glue on the wall within the gluing of the next web, but I shouldn't have a lot of glue on the wall..

6. Further the wallpaper roll is assigned to the wall, unwinding, the cloth rises up. A small reserve is left on the ceiling - the prudence in case of the curves of the walls and the ceiling. Alignment is made relative to the previously marked vertical. When the edge of the canvas and the drawn line will coincide, wallpaper, starting from the place of combination, are not allowed by hand. Gradually pressed the middle and further - the opposite edge of the canvas.

Wallpapers can be cut into strips in advance before sticking. The length of the canvas in this will be equal to the actual height of the ceilings. Excessive cuts, and if at the bottom it turns out that the wallpaper does not take place slightly, it will hide the plinth.

7. We make trimming on top and bottom. To do this, put a large spatula on the wall of the wall and the ceiling (floor), almost parallel to the wall, and under it, as for a ruler, sharp knife, cut off too much. When along the entire length of the spatula with a knife, we remove the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of wallpaper. At the same time, the spatula is not removed: if in some place the canvas did not cut off, we spend the knife again. In the corners and other hard-to-reach places we work a small spatula.

"If the ceiling is stretched or with a plinth of polystyrene foam, the trimming must be made as neat as much as possible and carefully. The stretch ceiling is enough to hurt the tip of the knife, and the hole forms".

8. After the canvas leveled and pre-cried their hands, the wallpaper should be smoothed, remove all the air and bubbles from under them. This is a wallpaper spatula: first, the middle of the canvase is pressed with straight movements from top to bottom, then the "Christmas tree" (from the middle, on the sides and down) - the edges are smoothed. Wallpaper and corner jacks are sent with a slight majority.

"Thus, we move down from top to bottom. When we see or feel the bubble with air and glue, drive it to the edge of the canvas. The glue from wallpaper is better to clean immediately - a kitchen sponge moistened in water. Although, if the glue is high quality, when drying on the wallpaper it is. It becomes invisible, but on painted ceilings it is noticeable. All works need to be performed with clean hands ".

9. While the wallpaper is smoothed in one place, the adhesive can dry in another. Then it is necessary to lift the web and under it additionally wrap with a brush with glue, then omit the wallpaper and declorand and press them again.

10. If a fold was formed when smoothed wallpaper, you need to raise a piece of the canvas to this fold and glue it again.

11. The next strip is placed on a similar principle as the first. The canvases are connected by vertical strictly jack. "If the walls are curves, you can smoother than them with glue more: it will absorb it and start stretching, at the expense of what you will succeed exactly to dock the edges of the canvase and smooth the curvature of the walls. You can't do it.

"Sometimes wallpaper departs with time, the edges rise. To do this not happen, it is always necessary to quickly miss the wall with a brush under the edges of the canvas and in these places it should be good enough. The glue on the edges should be enough, excessly displayed with a spatula".

Important! Powing wallpaper with a pattern requires special attention.

After glued the first strip, the wall with glue for the second strip. Next we substitute the tube, unwind it, the upper edge of the canvas raise to the ceiling and move until the drawing coincides. I connect the edges of the canvases, smooth your hands, make a trimming on top and bottom. Then the wallpaper is smoothed by a spatula.

If it turned out to be superfluous too long a piece, a preliminary trimming is made with a margin, and after smoothing - finishing, final.

"Cut" Switches

Conditioning at the place of installation of removed sockets and switches: gripped with a hand of emptiness and make a knife to the slot in the form of crosses. We make the final trimming on dry wallpaper (wet cut more difficult). To do this, a small spatula is attached to the edge of the pickle, and under it, like a ruler, on the perimeter of the peavercraft is cut off.

Trimming in pipes

Trimming around the pipes requires greater thoroughness. The procedure for the next. We apply a canvas to the wall with a pre-applied glue to the pipe (if on top), from it under a small spatula down, we make an incision. It should correspond to the distance from the ceiling to the pipe. If the incision turned out short, it is lengthened. Next at the bottom point of the cut, we make a small longitudinal incision, and the canvas finally raise to the ceiling. After the wallpaper was dissolved, there are a gross trimming of a "asterisk" near the pipe under the spatula. After the final alignment of the canvas under a small trowel on the pipe is made final trimming.

Near the window

At the window, the Wallpapers can be glued out of pieces or from a solid strip. In the second case, the docks and the windowsill will need to be drawn.

Beginning Standard Stand: glue is applied on the wall, the wallpaper tube is attached, the roll is unlocked, applied to the wall, combines the edge with the adjacent web, the wallpaper is smoothed by hands. Next, over the opening of the window, a trimming is made: the blade (very sharp) is put forward for the maximum length, it is squinted with a web and the perimeter is cut (without a spatula). "If you have an extra pair of millimeters, you can be removed the next day: to appear on the slope using sandpaper. Do it need it on dry wallpaper. On the wet it will not work unnecessary.".

In the corner

The first strip goes slightly on the next wall, forming a nest. The second strip is glued similarly. If the nesting of two canvases turned out to be small, then it is enough to smooth out and press the canvas well, and if the nest is big, then you will need to additionally make trimming. Otherwise, the angle will look inactively.

The trimming in the corner is made as follows: into the angle, in parallel with the wall with the upper blade, the spatula is put. Next, we make a cut, and at the same time two layers. Then the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece from the top canvase is removed, after - the upper cloth is rejected, and trimming from the lower one is pulled out.

Next Stage: Application of glue using a brush in the corner itself and gluing the canvas. "In the corners it is necessary to use glue, since these places can freeze, and the wallpaper will begin to lag behind". It is better to pull a little wallpaper and make a total of 1-2 mm in the corner.

"If in the corner you need to glue a narrow wallpaper band, then you can cut off the cloth of the desired width so: the wallpaper of the required length is twisted into the tube, put on the hard place, the width is measured and then the knife is measured. like bread The whole roll is cut immediately. ".

12. If, after drying, the wallpaper still swept, they can be "subject." "Take a syringe with a needle and type wallpaper glue into it. The glue should be more liquid than for sticking, such to go through the needle. In the place of the bubble, where the air stands and the wallpaper did not stick, make a hole, release the air, enter the glue there and put the canvas ".