Repairs Design Furniture

The specificity of the installation of the cold roof from the metal tile. Cold roofing device Cold roofing metal sheet metal sheet

Today, during the construction of a residential building, various options of roof designs are used, but the easiest is the cold roof. Such a device is perfectly suitable when the attic space is not used as a residential additional room. The diagram of such a roof is very simple: carrying structures, waterproofing, doom and a counterbill plus roofing material.

The features of the installation of such a cold roof are that it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap for condensate output to protect not only carrying structures, but also roofing in the form of metal tiles from the negative impact of moisture.

The installation itself does not differ in any difficulties, the main thing is to correctly fasten the profiled metal sheet in such a way that the precipitates do not penetrate through the joints under its surface. Before starting construction, you should produce all the required calculations, calculate the angle of inclination, the shade step, decide on.

Features of cold roof

The cold roof is different from warm on its device, although the design itself is extremely simple. The only thing to take into account is the option of roofing. When using metal tile, it is necessary to provide ventilation gap for the proper output of condensate from the underpants space. This is done so that the steel sheet is not subject to corrosion.

The cooling roof device is the installation of a rafter system, which is placed on the membrane or polyethylene film for waterproofing. After that, a controller is nailed, a doomle and a coating in the form of metal tiles.

The peculiarities of such a roof is the complete absence of a layer of heat insulator, the presence of under the skate and on the rods for the output of moisture. Design and installation do not make up difficulties, the main thing is to correct all preliminary calculations.

Installation itself includes such features:

  1. If in the future it is planned, then it is necessary to approach very carefully to the selection of the membrane to protect against excess moisture. For the future attic, only specialized waterproofing in the form of membranes produced from PVC is suitable.
  2. If in the future insulation is not planned, then microporphic waterproofing is used, designed specifically for cold roofs. Such a film does not allow to lay thermal insulation materials next to it, that is, with further insulation, you will have to spend on a new membrane. If this condition does not perform, then the roof will practically be protected from moisture in the future, the insulation will be constantly wet, and the roof coating will be subject to corrosion.

Priority work

For laying a waterproof membrane, it is necessary to remember that its installation is carried out with some provisis, about 20 mm. Such a device allows you to secure condensate, that is, rafters and other elements of the roof of moisture are protected. So that the water is effectively evaporated, and not stored, creating an unfavorable atmosphere, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a ventilation gap, which is made between the waterproofing film and the roof skate.

Such a gap allows air to circulate in the undercase, withdrawing all condensate traces. The membrane itself to protect the roof should not have breaks and other defects, it should be attached using a construction stapler.

Next is being performed, the edges of the film must be attached to the help of a scotch.

From the features that the cold roof is different, it should be noted that it can be constructed for any climatic region. Many mistakenly believe that such a type of roof is not suitable for the northern region, but it is not. It is here that the cold attic is a traditional solution for a residential building. The attic overlap itself is insulating, that is, the use of a cold roof does not affect the internal microclimate of the upper floors. The attic itself may not even be used, since the installation of the insulation layer between the upper floor and the underground space solves all the problems relating to the loss of heat.

When building a cold roof, do not forget about this stage of work, as the correct insulation of technological holes and outputs. For this, all ventilation mines, chimneys, the inputs on the surface of the roof need to heat up. This will avoid troubles such as icing, the formation of condensate, the penetration of precipitation, heat loss.

To cover the roof of such a design, you can use a wide variable roofing material. Most often it is a metal tile, which does not constitute any problems. This option is considered optimal, as all laying work is performed as a short time, no additional work is required. You can use other materials for the coating, for example, flexible tile. But here there are a number of technological difficulties that can make installation more expensive and complex. Therefore, the use of a metallic profiled sheet in this case is preferable.

Roofing pie under metal tile

The device of the cold roof under metal tile is one of the easiest options. In addition to carrier structures, such a roof includes roofing material in the form of metal tile, a crate, a layer of waterproofing. Installation of such a roof is very simple: a waterproofing film is attached to the rafter system with the help of a construction stapler or small galvanized carnations. After that, it is pressed with screws on the tree, which will be attached to the counterclaim, the step of which depends on the type of sheet metal. The size of such boards should be 25 per 100 mm, in some cases a solid coating of plywood or chipboard are used.

Waterproofing film (this can be a special PVC membrane or polyethylene film) should be placed on the roof with a small savory. At the same time, ruptures and other defects are unacceptable. The level of oscillation of the roof film should be from 15 to 25 mm. This will ensure proper ventilation of the lower side of the waterproofing, the removal of condensate from it to the cornice bar, after which the drain tray. If this is not done, it will be susceptible to the negative impact of moisture, and this will lead to destruction.

When a cool roof device, metal tile must be remembered that the metal sheet and the thin layer of waterproofing does not provide proper protection against noise, which can occur with a strong rain. It is for this reason that the cold roofs from the steel sheet are rarely made without insulation, which protrudes with an excellent soundproofer. A cold attic so it turns out unused.

The structure of such a roof includes such mandatory layers:

  1. From the side of the residential premises, first goes a layer of vapor barrier with one-sided permeability, that is, condensate is produced from the room, but does not penetrate inside.
  2. Slingerine roof system, longitudinal runs, that is, carrying construction.
  3. Waterproofing. The film should be slightly saved to ensure condensate conclusion.
  4. The counterclaim, the installation of which is carried out parallel to the installed rafyles. Boards The counter tests pressed waterproofing, providing its additional mounting.
  5. The drying roof is performed from a wooden bar, whose cross section is most often 50 by 50 mm. Installation is carried out in a step of 35-45 cm along the slopes. The step may vary, as well as the material for the crate, it depends on what type of metal tile is used, what kind of roofing is selected.
  6. Sheets of metal tile.

What else will required?

To mount the roof with such a design, it is necessary to take the simplest tools and materials that do not differ in a large value. In addition to wooden boards for the device of the rafter system, crates and counterclaims, steam barrier, waterproofing membrane, the calculated number of metal tile sheets should be prepared. Staples, galvanized nails, wood and metal screws are used as the fasteners.When calculating steel sheets it is necessary to remember that various challenges may be needed, for example, skating tiles, funds, eaves, etc..

The cold roofing device differs from the warm so that in this case the layer of the insulation is not used, that is, there is no layer of insulation between vaporizolation and waterproofing membrane. Such roofs are applicable in the case when the attic space is not used under them.

Most of the pitched roofs in our country have a cold attic in their design. This name is due to the temperature of the air in the attic, which should not be very different from the air temperature outside the house. With such an attic room, a large buffer air zone is formed, which makes it possible to effectively adjust the temperature in the attic with its correct arrangement.

Cold attraction design

During the construction of the roof of the house, many wonder to make a cold attic or attic under it? The easiest way to organize a roof with a cold attic room. Mansard construction will cost several times more expensive and will require more labor costs.. Although it is indisputable that the attic will significantly expand the living area.

The roofs with a cold attic have the following main components in their cake:

  1. roofing;
  2. attic outer walls (applicable for bartal roofs with frontones);
  3. insulated overlap between residential premises and attic.

Ventilation is ensured by cornisic and skate thinking. The air passing through the cornese holes is called the supply, and extending through the horse - exhaust. Additionally, you can make ventilation through the hearing windows on the front alone or roof rods. The windows are equipped with louvre lattices for the possibility of adjusting the intensity of the ventilation.

Hearing windows are located on opposite roof rods so that there are no unrecoverable areas.

Hearing windows can be rectangular, triangular and semicircular shapes. Their lower part should be at a height of no more than 0.8-1.0 m from the floor of overlapping in the attic, and the upper part is not lower than 1.75 m from the floor in the attic. They can also serve as a roof of the house for inspecting the roof, ventilation and chimney elements.

Paro- and thermal insulation of a cold attic

For the roof with a cold attic room, most importantly reduced heat loss through the attic overlap. As for wooden and reinforced concrete floors, vaporizolation is mandatory. It stacked on the overlap itself and ensures the protection of the insulation from vapors that can be condensed in the heat insulator, passing through the ceiling of the residential premises. Boil and bulk materials can be used as insulation. The cake of the ceiling consists of vapor barrier, beams of overlapping and insulation.

In the ceiling ceiling, the following types of thermal insulators often use:

  • polystyrene and foam plates;
  • or mats;
  • clay granules;
  • slag fuel or granulated;
  • sawdust with lime or clay;
  • pumice.

The thickness of the desired layer of the insulation is chosen depending on the calculated winter temperature using the table below.

Winter temperatures are calculated by SNiP 2.01.01-82 (building climatology and geophysics) or choose from the regions of the Russian Federation from the respective climatic maps.

The insulation is laid between lags or ceiling beams, and on top they make a boardwalk for attic moves. Lags, usually, have a thickness of 50 mm, and the planks for the flooring 25-35 mm thick.

For ventilated attic rooms, soft or semi-solid heat insulating materials are considered the most optimal.

Device waterproofing attic

Waterproofing roofs with a cold attic, according to many specialists, a controversial issue. Some say that waterproofing must necessarily be present under the roofing material, and someone categorically recommends refusing from it. Here a lot depends on the type of roofing material and the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof.

Metal roofs are most susceptible to corrosion arising from possible small leaks or from condensate. Therefore, again we draw your attention to the fact that ventilation plays one of the main roles in the fight against the condensate formed.

For gentle metal roofs, experts are recommended to install superdiffusion membranes. It will prevent moisture from getting outside the roof when staining snow or rain. No matter how well the roof was laid, there is always the likelihood of minimal leaks. That is why, a little overpaying, you will receive additional protection against moisture in the insulation in the ceiling of a cold attic.

Possible leaks or condensate when entering hydrophobic insulation significantly reduce their heat insulating properties.

If, for example, slate is used as roofing material, then you can refuse from waterproofing. The market also presents professional flooring with an anti-condensate coating, which can hold up to 1 liter of water at 1 m 2. For our part, we recommend that we always recommend using waterproofing membranes, because it is the most cheapest and simple additional way to protect your roof from possible leaks.

When installing waterproofing membranes, use a counterclaim. It performs the function of the fixing rail and, due to its height, provides the necessary clearance to ventilating the underpants. The device of the creened attic shaft is no different from the insulated roofs. The sizes of the crate and its step determines the form installed roofing.

The roof protects the residential house from precipitation. But what to protect the roof? The first thing comes to mind is the finish coating. But the functions of his little others, due to the fact that moisture can be penetrated through the roofing material. On the path of moisture by the real barrier and, in fact, the only defender of the roof from the wetting and the destructive effects of water is waterproofing.

The need for waterproofing cold roof

The main task of roofing is the protection of buildings from wind load and precipitation. If it must be three layers (insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing) under the roofing of the insulated attic, then under the roofing coating of the unheated attic may not be anything at all. However, in practice, on the other hand, it is still mounted layer of waterproofing.

If the water sources were only outside, then you could, in principle, do without waterproofing the cold roof, while hoping that the quality of the roof itself will guarantee the absence of stuff, snow, rain and any leakage 100%. With the competent installation of some types of roof it is.

But the problem lies not in the sediments themselves, but in their condensate, that is, drops dropping from the inside of the roofing coating. The likelihood that condensate will appear, if, for example, engineering equipment will be held through the attic. These may be fires, chimneys, as well as various heating elements and hot water systems.

Whatever thermal insulation would be effective, there is always a heat dissipation, therefore there is a significant difference in temperatures in the attic. Depending on the different temperature in the air, a different amount of moisture is formed in the air, and when warmer air is transferred to the roof, it comes to the point of "dew", it leads to the appearance of condensation.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the need for waterproofing the cold roof from metal tile, which makes it possible to facilitate the process of re-equipment of the attic room in the residential attic, if you have such a desire. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect the waterproofing of the roof that protects the subseciented space from condensing and atmospheric moisture.

In principle, in cold attacks for waterproofing, materials of any type can be used: anti-condensate films, diffusion membranes and ordinary films. The owners choose most often anti-condensate films, they are cheaper than diffusion membranes. And their advantage over ordinary films is that they have on the inside the lobby layer on the inside, thanks to which they can hold condensate until certain time until the conditions for the evaporation of moisture are created.

In a cold roof, the waterproofing film is installed under profiled sheets at a distance of 5 centimeters (an additional design is made for such a goal). With this, the temperature will be equalized on the inner and outer side of the sheets. A properly mounted insulation system for a cold roof will bring no less benefit in terms of reliability of the structure than the roofing coating in itself.

Materials for waterproofing roofing

For a variety of roofs, various materials are used as waterproofing: ranging from the common runner in rolls and various mastic, to superdiffusion membranes. What to buy material depends on the roofing cake and operating conditions. First of all, it is necessary to determine with the roof cake, and the choice of waterproofing material for the cold roof will happen by itself.

Caution isolation

Mastics are used as an independent type of waterproofing for flat and bulk roofs. But usually use loose isolation as an auxiliary event. Namely, in order to repair various rolled roofs, embedding the mixed joints and cracks of the rolled material, sealing auditory windows, pipe conclusions, additional insulation of the skunk part, endands, end parts and gluing the tiles of bitumen.

For the device of the ass roofing, it is necessary to clean carefully base from peeling parts, dust, dirt. It is also additionally recommended to impregnate the base with a degreasing composition or bitumen primer. But mastic cannot be used in the device of inclined roofs as independent waterproofing.


Very common and popular material for a cold roofing device, as relatively not expensive. It is used for roofs with an angle of inclination from 0 to 25%. But still he loses rapidly his fans. The fact is that Ruberoid has low durability, and after some time all its shortcomings are manifested: bituminous material is destroyed under the influence of UV, the cardboard basis rotates, the integrity is disturbed, the leaks begin. In addition, it is based on exclusively combustible materials.

Its new analogue with some eliminated disadvantages is the EuroBeroid, which is based on the non-burning material (polyester, glass cholester, fiberglass), which is covered with a special modifiable bitumen composition. Such an EuroBeroid has greater durability and, accordingly, the highest price than the predecessor, but still is flammable and non-environmental. It follows from this that the use for the roofs of the EuroRuberoid in small areas is often not profitable. But if it is flat roofs, then this option is suitable.


Pergan once was a rather popular roofing waterproofer, which was used when installing a cold roof. It was he who was replaced by Ruberoid, but lost its popularity. The reason for this is rapid aging, low strength, loss of thermal insulation characteristics, non-environmental friendliness. This option isolation is the cheapest, but at the same time short-lived. From this it follows that the use of parchment can be used exclusively for the time protection of the roofing coating.

Membranes and films

The waterproofing films include polypropylene or PVC membranes. Such materials for several reasons are gaining popularity: high waterproofing indicators, high base strength, vapor permeability, durability (about 50 years).

Membranes are separated into the following types: diffusion, pseudodium diffusion, superdiffusional and anti-condensate. Each species has its own features of application and its own purpose. Well, the price of membranes, in contrast to other materials of waterproofing, is quite high. Moreover, their cost is often proportional to the characteristics of a certain material.

Pseudodiffusional membranes are a film with a fairly low level of vapor permeability - up to 300 g / m2 / 24 hours. Such a film can be used to protect the cold roof from the corrugated floor. There are no restrictions in this case. If it is used in a warmed roof cake, then it is necessary to make a ventilation gap between the insulation and the film. For its device additionally should make a crate. Because of this, the cost of such insulation may increase and make an amount equal to the usual diffusion membrane.

Superdiffusional and diffusion membranes are the perforated film with high (more than 1000 g / m2 / 24 h) and medium (equal to 400-1000 / m2 / 24 hours) with vapor permeability. For waterproofing the cold roof, this vapor permeability is sufficient. Ventilation gap in the case of this film is not required. There are many advantages in such membranes: you can install directly on the insulation; Displays pairs from the inside and at the same time does not pass inside moisture; is a windproof for insulation, this in the underfloor space saves heat; In the dusting environment, it does not lose characteristics.

However, such a material forms a condensate on the upper plane at the upper plane, so it cannot be used under the roof due to the fact that it can corrosive. If the finishing coating of metal (zinc, steel, aluminum, copper), the volumetric diffuse membranes are used. The layer that comes into contact with the roofing material, acts as a kind of separator, which absorbs and this assigns condensate from the metal roofing.

Anti-condensate membranes are also used for folding and metal tile roofs. The darling "carpet" is on one side of the film. It turns this side to turn out to the finishing coating, as shown on the video about the cold roof from the metal tile. It is necessary to arrange the ventilation gap under insulated, since such protection vapor permeability approaches zero.

Waterproofing of a cold roof with their own hands

Waterproofing, which is properly equipped, should be similar to a puff pastry that needs to create a substrate. Its composition depends on the type of substrate itself. Under the cold roof this layer is performed as follows. The framework is laid on the rafter structures from the counterclaim and the crates. The crate is placed by waterproofing material and pressed against the counterclaim.

For a counterclaim, the best material is impregnated with anti-view or a rack antiseptic, 4-5 centimeters width and 2-3 centimeters thick. It is necessary to lay the boards of the crate horizontally, and the vertically - the board is a counterbalax. In this case, the channels should be formed between the slacks, which have a height of 2-3 centimeters. They are needed for roof ventilation. Withstand between the rails such a distance so that the entire channel area is equal to the 1/100 area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

From steam moisture you can get rid of ventilation. With the roof area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of a hundred square meters, the area of \u200b\u200bcommon ventilation channels should be one square meter. Before the roof of the roof, ventilation channels should be held so that there are free pairs of moisture through the holes at the top of the roof.

The procedure for waterproofing the design of the cold roof is next. Severe Vansel waterproofing film along the roofing cornice sequential rows. Place the material horizontally, while moving from the cornice to the rod of the roof. The width of the adhesion of the roof depends on the degree of slope, which is in the limit of 10-20 centimeters.

The film is fixed with galvanized nails with a wide hat or braces of construction stapler. Scotch tape is sick, where the film is joined to get a complete tightness of the waterproofing of the attic. In the same way, the subsequent layers of waterproofing film are stacked. It is determined by their number.

There should be about twenty millimeters between the rafters of the film. There must be an air pocket of 40 millimeters between thermal insulation and film. In order to ensure the ventilation of the underpants space, it is necessary to make the skate product on the skate, that is, the gap between the axis of the skate and the edge of the film. The required incidence of 50 millimeters is equal.

In areas where pipes, antennas and other communications are installed, the waterproofing film is attached to the close-up clamps, having previously cutting it. Using a building stapler or double-sided tape. When the attic windows are filled with film, you should always be guided by a special instruction from the material producer of the material. Over the film with an interval between Brukes in 10-15 centimeters, a counterclaim is nailed.

Thus, with properly mounted waterproofing, the overall service life of the insulation, roofing, and, of course, the whole roof is. Therefore, it is necessary to relate to the selection of protective material from moisture and strictly follow the technology of waterproofing.

At the moment, in the process of building a country residential building, different variants of high-quality modern structures of the roofing part of the building or facilities may be applied. The cold roof is relatively simple among them. A similar device is optimally suitable in cases where the general attic room for some reason is not used as a residential one.

The design scheme of such a plan is characterized by simplicity, there are elements such as high-quality waterproofing, bearing elements and roofs. There are some features of the installation of this design. They are that it is mandatory to provide a high-quality ventilation gap, designed to withdraw a copied condensate.

This is necessary in order for carrying structural elements, as well as the roofing coating itself, are effectively protected from the adverse effects of humidity.

The installation of such a roof itself is not characterized by some difficulties. The most important thing is that it is required to be done - competently consolidate all present profiled, made of metal sheets.

It is necessary to make it so that the drop-down precipitates cannot penetrate the numerous joints under its surface. Before starting the construction process, it is worth producing such important stages as:

  • Make all the necessary calculations;
  • Be sure to calculate the parameters of the roofing angle of inclination;
  • It is important to determine the shaft step;
  • It is also required to determine the method of fastening the sheets of roofing material.

Compliance with these rules will allow the construction process quickly and efficiently.

From the warm roof, described by relative simplicity. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is obligatory, this is a special type of roof material and its flooring.

In the process of applying modern metal tiles, it is recommended to provide an effective ventilation clearance that will correctly display condensate from the room located under the roof. This is necessary in order for the element of the steel to be subject to corrosion destructive processes.

The device of this design is the installation of the rafted system, a membrane or high-quality film is mounted on it. Then the consolidation of the counterclaim, the crates, as well as the coating, that is, metal tile.

The main features of this design include the complete absence of the heat insulating layer, there are also special ventilation holes, they are located strictly under the skate and at all without exception.

These fixtures are used to efficient water output. The process of professional design and subsequent installation will not be submitted for the master any difficulties, most importantly, competently implement all the calculations.

The process of high-quality and professional installation itself consists of features such as:

  1. If the device is scheduled, it will be necessary to competently approach the qualitative choice of the protective membrane for effective protection against the extra amount of moisture. Only high-quality waterproofing may be suitable for the attic room, which may have a form of a conventional membrane, which is usually produced from PVC.
  2. If subsequently, you do not need to use the room, you can use a special microporphorized waterproofing. It is needed specifically for this design, like a cold roof. Such material does not allow different thermal insulation in the immediate vicinity of it, with any further insulation it will be necessary to spend the material tools for the purchase of a new material.

Important! If you do not perform similar conditions, the roofing after some time will not be fenceten from humidity. In this case, the insulation will always be wet, and the roofing material will be very damaged by the devastating corrosion.

For the laying process of high-quality waterproofing membrane, it is necessary to remember that it can be accomplished with a certain provision, equal to about 20 mm. A similar factor makes it possible to arrange a drop of droplets, respectively, the rafters and other structural elements of the roof from excessive humidity are carried out.

In order for the water to be eliminated as efficiently as possible, thereby creating a relatively unfavorable environment, it is required to equip the presence of a high-quality ventilation hole. It is carried out between film and roofing skate.

Such a gap provides the ability to circulate without problems under the roe, all traces of moisture and condensate will also effectively.

Important! In the process of work, it is very important to ensure that the protective membrane does not have breaks and some other defects, and its fastening is carried out using a special construction stapler. It is required to be required to perform ingestion, that is, all edges of the film are required to be secured by using Scotch.

Of all the main features inherent in a cold roof, it is worth noting that it is possible to build it if necessary, there is an opportunity for any region of the country. Many suggest that this type of cover may not be suitable for some regions, but in fact everything is wrong.

For standard residential premises, the presence of a cold, unwanted attic is traditional solution in all parameters.

It is worth noting that the use of the roof of such a plan will not affect the temperature of the upper floors. The attic room itself can not be used at all, and the heat loss solves the installation of a layer of high-quality insulation between the upper floor and a special underpantle space.

In the process of the construction of a cold roof, it is worth remembering about such a stage of work produced, as a competent isolation of all present technological outlets and holes. These are such structural elements as:

  • Chimneys;
  • Special mines;
  • Inputs leading to the surface of the roof.

All of them are required in a special way to heat up. Qualitatively performed works will quickly avoid such unpleasant moments as the emergence of a large amount of condensate, icing, heat loss and sediment penetration.

The device of such a design as a cold roof is one of the most common options due to its simplicity. In the composition of the roofing cake there are such layers as:

  • From the side of the rooms, a layer of high-quality waterproofing is laid, which has one-sided permeability;
  • Slim roofing system;
  • Film from moisture, necessarily a little saving;
  • The counterclaim, the construction of which is made strictly parallel to the previously mounted rafters. Wooden boards of this system are firmly pressed waterproofing, that is, it is qualitatively provided by another mount;
  • The drying of this design of the cold roof is made from a high-quality bar made of timber. Its cross section should be 50 by 50 mm. Its installation is made with a certain step, approximately 40 cm, but it is directly based on the category of used metal tiles;
  • The top layer is directly metal tile.

  1. On the rafters, through a special stapler or small galvanized nails, the film is fixed, which provides waterproofing.
  2. Then she presses fasteners.
  3. Step directly depends on the category of metal used.
  4. The size of such boards should be equal to 25 by 95 mm.
  5. Sometimes professional builders use a solid coating structure made of high-quality plywood sheets.

A film that provides efficient protective waterproofing should be laid with a savings, but other defects are categorically unacceptable. The degree of wire roofing should be approximately 15-25 mm. This will provide the ability to guarantee the highest possible ventilation as possible, as condensate will be carried out.

Moist will first go to the bar on the eaves, and then in the drain tray. Neglecting this process will lead to the fact that the moisture will destroy the roof completely.

When building a cold roof, which is made of metal tile, it is necessary to remember that the sheet of this material does not provide protection against noise. Therefore, in the attic no one lives, it is cool and noisy.

To install a cold roof, you need to take relatively simple tools, as well as consumables that can be purchased relatively inexpensively. Special brackets are used as the necessary fasteners, it can be self-tapping screws or galvanized nails.

Important! In the process of calculating the sheets of roofing material, it is necessary to remember that such good elements are required, like an endand, tile for the skate, eaves, and so on.

The device of the standard cold roof from the warmed design is different, just lack of layer of insulation. Such a roof is erected in the event that the attic will not be used as a residential premises.

Comfortable accommodation in the house is impossible without a quality equipped roof. In order to reduce heat loss during the cold months of the year and create a favorable microclimate for people who stay in the house use different materials, including professional flooring.

Due to the multilayer roofing pie containing a layer of thermal insulation, heated air under cold weather conditions does not leave the room. Installation of vapor barrier under the roof professional flooring helps to maintain low thermal conductivity.

Why do you need vapor insulation under the professional

Many homeowners are interested, whether it is possible to cover the roof of a professional floorproofing without waterproofing, and why it is needed.

The vaporizolation layer in this case is equipped to achieve certain purposes:

  1. To protect the insulation from the penetration of wet evaporation. The fact is that as a result of its wetting, thermal conductivity occurs. In addition, the penetration of moisture leads to the destruction of the material.
  2. To prevent the liquid accumulation in the heat insulating layer and the direction of water vapor outside.

Water pairs are always present in the air of residential buildings. They are partially removed from the premises of the ventilation system, and the rest remain. The warm air saturated with pairs rushes to the ceiling overlap, where it is cooled, and the moisture appeared penetrates into roofing materials.

The insulation has a porous structure and therefore absorbs wet evaporation. In the process of wetting, the thermal conductivity of the material increases, and it is worse kept warm in the house. To prevent moisture penetration into the porous structure of the insulation, vaporizolation under the professional flooring is mounted.

The film for the arrangement of the vapor insulation layer is placed on the side of the premises to protect the material for thermal insulation and the elements of the roofing design from the penetration of vapors.

Features of the selection of material for vapor barrier

The construction materials market presents a large range of special films for attic and cold roofs used for the device of the vapor insulating layer.

To make the right decision regarding whether vaporizolation is needed under the professional flooring, it is necessary to own information regarding a number of factors:

Before, acquire materials under the profile flooring, it is necessary to deal with the financial side of construction. If the determining point is the price, then they choose economical products.

As for the effectiveness, the films for vapor barrier are characterized by operational characteristics and with them should be found in advance.

When selecting the material, the characteristics of a particular room take into account. For heated building, a foil film will be the best acquisition, and for the cold roofing from the professional flooring there will be quite inexpensive pergamine. When the roof is erected on the structure, which is attended occasionally, vapor barrier from polypropylene or conventional polyethylene film will be required.

Parosolation products for roofs

To put under a professional flooring or other roofing coating layer of vaporizolation, films are used.

The construction market presents the following most popular types of their:

  1. Polyethylene film. This inexpensive household material has long been applied as vapor barrier. It delays steam coming from residential premises. Polyethylene cheaper membranes and reinforced films. He has a big minus - insufficient strength, since it can be easily damaged upon installation. So that the insulation is reliable, the film is laid out in two layers. It is attached by a special stapler to the inner crate, observing step 1.0 -1.5 meters. In case of damage to the material, you need to make a patch. For this purpose, the place of puncture is stuck with construction tape. Also, check the joints.
  2. From polyethylene reinforced. It is inexpensive, but it has good quality. It is made of several layers of polyethylene and strengthen the polypropylene grid for strength. Despite the low weight, such a film is strong enough and it is harder to damage in the fastening process. Due to the reinforcement, the material is tougher. Film is fixed using a special tape. The selection of this material can be called the optimal combination of affordable prices and good quality.
  3. Pergamine. It is used to create vapor insulation for a long time. It is a reliable protection against moisture, it is durable, has a long service life, but, unfortunately, he has a lot of weight. Despite the low cost, Pergamine is not recommended to use in residential premises. In the case of heating, the material begins to make an unpleasant smell, and after laying a professional flooring, its temperature is raised often. According to the above reason, Parchment is used when the answer to the question is whether the waterproofing is needed under the cornet of a cold roof of a non-residential attic, positive. It is convenient to apply for laying waterproofing over the crate.
  4. Polypropylene film. It is a durable material for vapor insulation stacked under the professional clothes. It is produced similarly to a plastic laminate film, but it has a relief layer. Condensate accumulates on films with a smooth surface, then it is going to drop and they fall from time to time. The film with a rough surface is produced on the basis of cellulose and viscose. It is able to absorb moisture and this feature prevents the formation of droplets. Further, subject to lowering the humidity of the air, the collected condensate evaporates. Mount the film by the anti-condensate surface to the room. For the correctness of the installation work, you must learn instructions from the manufacturer of products. This type of film is one of the best options for vapor barrier to a straightened.
  5. Foil. In essence, it is a variety of polyethylene or polypropylene products. She has not only a reinforcing mesh, but also a thin layer of aluminum, which reflects infrared rays and helps to keep warm. As a result of using a foil film, heat loss decreases by more than 10%. The cost of such an insulator is higher compared to other types of vapor insulation materials, but its installation allows you to save on heating costs. Put a foil film by aluminum coating towards the room. There should be a gap of about 5 centimeters between her and wall decoration of the walls. There must also be a small gap to the insulation. To fix the film use self-adhesive ribbon, and the joints are covered with aluminum scotch and then the vaporizolation layer is sealed.

Waterproofing of cold roofs - is needed

The space under the roof of the cold type is not heated, but the temperature inside is always different from the outer. For this reason, the bottom of profiled sheets is going to condensate. Therefore, the answer to the question: "When a cold roof is built whether waterproofing is needed?" Unknown. Of course, you need.

This layer will not allow wet evaporation to enter the wooden elements of the rafting system and other parts of the roofing design. Waterproofing is placed on top of the rafted and then secure the counterclaim. Next, mount the crate and professionalist.

When the waterproofing layer does not prevent the output of the steam to the outside, then the steam barrier for the cold roof is not needed. Rising upwards, water vapors get through the film under the professional flooring and dried in the place due to the movement of air flows. In this case, runneroid, polypropylene, pergamine and polyethylene are not suitable. For cold roof, experts recommend using a nonwoven steaming membrane.

Device of vaporizolation

Do you need vapor barrier for a cold roof? No, since it is equipped only for warm roofs, so that moisture does not get into the insulation.

The pair insulation layer panels laid about 15 centimeters. For the selected type of film, the connecting tape is selected. Small slats for it can be wooden or metal.

Parosolation under the roof for a roof: whether the waterproofing of the cold roof is needed, is it possible to cover without it under a straightened

Parosolation under the roof for a roof: whether the waterproofing of the cold roof is needed, is it possible to cover without it under a straightened

All you need to know about the choice of vapor barrier for the cold and attic roof

When planning the project of your house, I always want it to be warm and cozy.

To do this, adhere to instructions when conducting construction work.

Also enough attention should be paid to the warming of the roof, in particular, the literate provision of all types of isolation.

How to choose vapor insulation for the roof and not mistaken? To begin with, you will get acquainted with the types of vapor barrier materials.

What is vaporizoation?

In residential premises there are always water vapor, which circulates inside it. And according to the laws of physics, it rises with warm air. Over time, it will penetrate into the subcoase space, where it starting to absorb insulation.

To avoid these consequences, you need to install vaporizolation, which should be present in any roofing cake. Some believe that finishing the attic facing, which prevents moisture inhibition, eliminates negative consequences. But it is recommended to always use a special coating that is placed between the ceiling and insulation.

What vaporizoation to choose for roof?

There are the following types of steam barrier for the roof:


Applies more often for high-altitude houses Soft roofs from rubberoid, iron roofing sheets, where the insulation is not used. This vapor barrier for a flat roof is well suited. The main complexity in the use of mixtures of this kind is the preparation of the surface before applying. For this type of isolation, such compositions are used. as:

  • hot bitumen;
  • bitumen-crooksol mastic;
  • chlorinet-based lacquer or polyvinyl chloride.

Outlet (membrane)

This type is more popular, especially in individual construction. Materials for this kind of isolation are produced in rolls and this gives some advantages:

  • simplification of laying;
  • ensuring a sealing compound when coaching;
  • reducing the number of seams.

Types of inlet vapor insulation materials

  • Waterproofing. Prevent steam penetration into insulation. Possess special perforationwhich allows pairs to penetrate out. Mounted with some roofing clearance that promotes air circulation Between the outer and underground space. It has unidirectional permeability of steam, preserves dry heat insulation.
  • Anti-condense. Equipped special farming layerwhich is on their inner surface. He delays moisture and excludes heat insulation. The moisture will quickly disperse due to the circulation of air in the gap. This type of insulation should be laid by the adsorbing layer for the inside of the room. Fastened with the help of a counterbalax.
  • Playproof. Provide impermeable protection inner side of the roof insulation. Sometimes there are layers aluminum foilwhich is capable of reflecting back inside the radiant energy. Stacked with a ventilation gap to the insulation. Provides good protection against moisture, while maintaining heat.
  • Membranes. Are modern vaporizolation materials that are able to prevent moisture output, passing air. When using membranes, the provision of air cleaver is often not necessary. This material for vaporizolation of the roof has gained more popular in our day.

Special device such roofing does not require laying two layers: Heat insulation and vapor insulation. It saves funds and construction resources. Water vapor, which passes through the film, is between waterproofing and a professional flooring, from where it removes the flow of air.

Therefore, the main task when installing a cold roof is providing good ventilationwhich is ensured by creating a gap with the help of a counterbalax.

Cold roofing device

Do you need steam barrier under the cornet of a cold roof? No, not needed, the main thing is to take care of good ventilation.

Parosolation for the attic roof

Materials are most often used as: pergamine, rubberoid and foil isolation. Also fairly effective are modern membraneswho have proven themselves in this sector and are excellent for vapor insulation of a soft roof.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out sealing and isolation of various design elements. Vaporizolation is placed on the insulation and is fixed by the method that corresponds to the material material.

Fixing to concrete, brick and metal surfaces are performed using double-sided adhesive tape, stacked with 10 cm overlap. And to the tree is attached to nails or stapler brackets.

Foil film is installed with a reflective layer inside the room so that the heat energy remains inside the building. There is a gap for ventilation between the thermal insulating and vaporizolation part, as well as to create a warm air barrier.

Detailed diagram of the roofing roof roofing

The joints of the film are sampled with a material with a close thermal expansion coefficient. Promotion of foil to the wall is better to press straps with a sealant applied to them.

Parosolation under professional flooring or metal tile

The metal tile is a heat-conducting coating, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, condensate causes it irreparable harm. To solve this problem, it is necessary to ensure the roof of competent vapor insulation and waterproofing. Before choosing, it is necessary to decide what is more important: price or efficiency? Let's look at what vapor barrier is better for the roof of metal tile:

Cheap option - Parchment and polyethylene

Pergamine will be able to live for a long time, while he has sufficient flexibility and low cost. However, a large mass, an unpleasant smell when heated and difficulty is difficult to make it not the best option.

Polyethylene is well kept steam and protects the thermal insulation layer from moisture. It is cheap, but at the same time polyethylene is very easy to damage. It is difficult to mount independently. Due to the considerable mass, set the film with the standard method to professional flooring is hard. Therefore, the installation occurs to the inside of the cladding with a stapler. Film mounted in two layers.

Reinforced film, foil, membrane

Regarding the price is also an acceptable option. The reinforced film consists of several layers with a reinforcing mesh of a fabric that adds strength. Small weight and rigidity allow you to establish such insulation yourself. Fastened with self-adhesive tapes. A significant drawback is the absence of an anti-condensate layer, which can negatively affect the insulation.

Diagram of the device of the roof from metal tile

What vaporizolation to choose for a roof under metal tile? One of the best options is foil. It has low thermal infliction, which allows you to maintain heat in a room, a small mass and sufficient strength. The larger minus of this material is a tendency to form corrosion.


The penetrating ability of the steam is sometimes underestimated, which leads to a rapid failure of thermal insulation. Therefore, it is necessary to accommodately approach the issue of vaporizolation and take into account all the nuances when choosing materials and conducting work. This will provide a long service life of the future building.

What vaporizolation to choose for a roof: choose vapor barrier for flat, attic, cold roof

Do not know which vaporizolation to choose for roof? We will tell you about the types of vapor barrier for the roof, consider whether vaporizolation is needed for a cold and attic roof. We will also talk about what vapor insulation material is suitable for a flat roof and roof made of professional flooring and metal tile.

Do you need steam barrier under a cold roof?

Today, this issue is asked more and more developers. The fact is that the cold roofing system allows you to build a residential building for relatively small money, when a warmed roof requires tremendous costs as financially, so in terms of forces and time. Using that such a system in a sense is better, many developers wondered, and whether vapor barrier is under the cold roof?

Cold roof construction in a residential building

Many developers who wish to save some part of the money on construction, seek to acquire the cheapest materials, but that the quality of the whole building does not suffer from it. This is possible if you use primitive two skate as a rafter system, as a coating professional flooring, and the roof is cold.

The design features of such a roof can be listed on the fingers, since there is no need to lay the thermal insulation material, a vapor insulation layer and other components that are often found on insulated roofs. If you are all doubtful in savings, you can say with confidence that the cold version will be at a cost of 50-60% less, insulated design. In addition, work can be carried out independently, therefore, the savings will increase even more.

Cold roof pie, in most cases, includes the following products:

  • Stropile legs
  • Waterproofing material
  • Controvershet
  • Okeekhet
  • Profiled metallic sheet

Is it necessary for waterproofing under the metal tile of a cold roof?

It is worth noting that all metal surfaces have one similar feature, they collect condensate. Waterproofing, which is part of the roofing cake with a cold roof, fix this problem and protects the room from the incoming moisture both outside and from the inside. Many developers in the construction of a warmed roof are advised by their familiar not to lay a vapor insulation layer if they will build a building with a cold roof type. They think that the cold will remove the condensate, which is visible on metal products, but are very mistaken.

Condensate appears due to the temperature difference between the roofing room and the external environment. Naturally, when the attic is not heated and not insulated, then the difference will be small, but still it is sufficient, in order to provoke the selection of moisture from the air. As you can see condensate, it will be formed regardless of the type of roof, therefore, the question in the question at the beginning of the item can be answered uniquely: yes, you need.

As an example, the economic buildings can be given, the owners of which are not very careful about their service life. In such buildings, roofing cake is most primitive and even violates the construction standards and rules. Most often, roofing pie consists of rafters, discharged crate and roofing. All layers of vapor insulation and waterproofing were simply thrown into. Despite this fact, this building can simultane significantly a long period, and may be the opposite, fall apart after a couple of years. Here already as lucky, but why risk if you can do everything in a qualitative way?

In residential buildings, it is impossible to risk, as someone's life can depend on this. I do not exaggerate, because if the condensate will affect the rafter system and other elements of the roof for a long time, then it simply destroys them, which can lead to the fall of the entire roofing cake.

Waterproofing and ventilation of the cold roof

If you are placing a microporphorized product, then such a layer will block access from the outside, but at the same time water vapor can easily undergo this site. It can be said that laying of vapor insulation products on roofing rods in this case is optional. After penetrating the pair inward, it turns out to be a waterproofing material and a metal coating, where it is removed by natural ventilation.

With increased air humidity, condensation processes begin, thus moisture accumulates on the reverse side of the film penetrates all the roofing materials. In connection with this fact, for the construction of a cold roof it is not recommended to use such materials as: polyethylene and polypropylene, rubberoid, as well as pergamine.

The ventilation system of cold roof is quite simple. To create it, gaps are left, which, as a rule, are along the cornese swell. Air masses pass through them, collect all the moistened air and remove it through a cold triangle, located in the ridge of the roof.

The counterclate is a design to provide additional ventilation. Most often it can be found on complex roofing systems, where products with a high degree of waterproofing are used as a cover, for example, metal, bitumen tiles and others. The gap, which is created using the installation of the Contract Tank allows fresh air to dry the roofing pie on both sides, so the designs with such a pie serve significantly longer than the rest.

Cold roof. Does waterproofing needed on economic buildings?

First of all it is worth noting that economic buildings differ significantly from residential buildings both by their structure and volume. The vast majority of developers try to save on the construction of secondary structures, so the question of waterproofing is relevant than ever. Before answering the question, let's deal with the coating. To date, professional flooring is one of the cheapest materials, so I will talk about buildings covered by it.

Manufacturers of different countries seek to take into the world such products, so that she began to use the whole world. If you are a fan of professional flooring, then today, such is a metal sheet with anti-condensate coating.

In its appearance, it is practically no different from his analogues. From the inside the synthetic composition is applied, it is like felt. Due to the large number of pores, this material is capable of detaining in a square meter to 1 liter of water. After the surface has appropriate moisture, ventilation takes into business and if it is completed according to all the rules and standards, the drying process does not take much time.

Thanks to the installation of such a "cunning" coating, the need to lay a vapor insulating and waterproofing layer is removed, but it should be understood that the weight of such a coating will vary depending on weather conditions. Making the necessary calculations is very important to take into account these parameters and use them in the calculations. It is worth noting that the finished roof will be much cheaper, because it will not be almost half of the roofing cake.

Installation of waterproofing for a cold roof

So, based on the information obtained above, you realized that the waterproofing material is laid regardless of the type of roof and the functional purpose of the construction. However, if you wish to save, you can use roofing with an anti-condensate layer, but not all people love metal coatings, so I will now tell you the general principle of laying waterproofing.

  • First of all, an inexperienced roofer should repeat the safety technique and the principle of operation at height. After that, it dresses in special uniforms, which should include the following: personal protective equipment, good shoes with non-slip soles and mounting belt.
  • After the rafter legs fastened in their places, you can start laying a vapor barrier layer. It is attached to the rafters with a construction stapler and pressed the crate. With a small scope of the material strips are placed across the skate, and on the highly spontaneous rods along. To improve the quality of laying this layer, the joints are missing bitumen or are sampled by double tape.

  • The following is the counterclaim. It creates the necessary air layer, which will remove moisture from roofing pie.
  • The waterproofing material is placed on top of the conservalet.
  • After that, they start the installation of sheets of professional flooring.

Most developers seek to overlap as much as possible with one strip of the proflist. This is justified by the fact that there is a smaller amount of joints, therefore, the waterproofing qualities of the whole roof increase significantly. You can make all the work on your own, but to increase efficiency it is better to invite 1-2 partners.

Does vapor barrier under a cold roof: waterproofing for metal tile

If you are wondering: Do you need vapor barrier under a cold roof? After reading this article you will understand everything. It describes the nuances of insulation and technology of laying suitable materials.

Cold roofing of professional flooring: device and technology

The house with a cold attic is not uncommon in modern construction. Such a solution is particularly relevant for business buildings, as well as cottages. Often the cold roof of the professional flooring is made in residential buildings when the main square of the house is enough for its owner and there is no need to do the attic.

The device of the cold roof is advisable, first of all, for economic reasons. First, you save on materials, secondly, isolating a large scenery space from the rest of the house, do not spend on its heating. And, thirdly, the installation of a cold roof is much easier than laying a full roofing pie.

Cold roofing device from a hardware in a residential building

The design of the cold roof is very simple. On the skates, neither the insulation, nor vapor barrier, nor, all the more, the finish finish. Naturally, the savings in this case are very significant, given that it is the price of thermal insulation and finishing that is 50-60% of the cost of the whole roof. In addition, due to the simplicity of the design, the cold roof of the professional flooring is stacked with their own hands without any problems.

Cold roofing pie consists of the following elements:

  1. Rafters;
  2. Waterproofing film or membrane;
  3. Monitoring;
  4. Doom;
  5. Professional flooring.

Waterproofing of a cold roof: is it necessary?

Waterproofing of the cold roof protects the room from possible leaks and condensate, which is formed on the inside of the metal roofing. Since the condensate is released on metal surfaces when the temperature drops, there is a common misconception that it will not be in the case when the radiated roof is mounted.

Naturally, such an opinion is not true, because, despite the fact that the underpants room is not insulated and not heated, the temperature inside will still differ from the temperature outside, and often quite significantly. Therefore, the answer to the question: "Will condensate on a professional flooring if the roof is cold?" - Unambiguous: "Yes, it will be."

In this regard, it becomes obvious, whether the waterproofing is needed under the corrugated floor of the cold roof. The consequence of its absence will be the fact that condensate will fall onto the overlap, increasing the humidity in the attic room. This will lead, at best, to the accelerated spurrel of wooden structures, and at worst - also to a catastrophic decrease in the thermal insulating properties of the insulation, if it is unprotected.

The waterproofing membrane of the cold roof is placed on rafters and is fixed by the counterclaim, after which the lamp is already mounted for installing a professional flooring.

If you are not going to produce a cold roof in the future, you can use a microporphic film that is much cheaper than special membranes as waterproofing. However, it is necessary to mount it with an obligatory saving by 20-30 mm in order for moisture to flow into the space between the rafters, and did not moisturize them, leaking through the capillary effect.

Parosolation and ventilation of the cold roof

Since microporphorized films impede moisture penetration from the outside, but do not interfere with a water pair, steamproofing a cold attic on the roofing rods is not required. Water vapor, passing through the film, it turns out between the layer of waterproofing and the professional flooring, where it is removed by the air flow.

If the waterproofing film for the cold roof will delay the water vapor, it will lead to excessive moisturity of the room and, as a result, dampness. In addition, when enhanced humidity, steam will be condensed already on the film from the inside. Therefore, ordinary polyethylene and polypropylene films, as well as obsolete materials such as rubberoid or pergamine, for waterproofing the cold roof are not suitable.

The ventilation of the cold roof is very simple and ensured due to the creation of the gap with the help of the counterclaim: the air flow falls under the roofing coating through the cornized stroke and goes through the horse.

Availability of a counterclaim - a prerequisite for good ventilation. It is this clearance that several centimeters between the film and the crate allows the airflow to be easily under roofing.

Cold attic ventilation is carried out using conventional auditory windows that should be located in such a way as to ensure the passage of air flow when carrying out through the entire room. In the event that the sizes of the undergrade room are large, the ventilation of the Cold attic in a private house can be improved using a classic supply-exhaust scheme.

If you are planning a cold attic insulation in the future

In the event that the cold roof from the professional leaf is a temporary option, and in the future you are planning its insulation to create a full-fledged residential premises, the microporphic film should not be used as waterproofing. The fact is that the insulation cannot be installed close to it - if this is done, the film will lose all its waterproof properties and starts to pass water.

This film needs to be replaced with a nonwoven steaming membrane. In particular, for these purposes, those types of Tyvek or Dorken membranes are perfectly suitable, which can be placed directly on the insulation. They, of course, are more expensive, but their use will reduce the thickness of the roofing pie for 80-90 mm. If, as a waterproofing of a cold roof, you already use a microporphorized film from the corrugated floor, you must provide a gap of a minimum of 50 mm between its lower point, taking into account savings and thermal insulation.

In addition, vaporizolation of the cold roof, converted to insulated, is not needed, since the pair will pass through the insulation and, without lingering in it, removed through the film or the membrane.

Cold roof made of professional flooring in economic premises

For sheds, cabins and other economic premises, a cold roof device from the professional leaf is the optimal option. In this case, it is recommended to use a special professional flooring with an anti-condensate coating.

Such a profiled sheet from the reverse side is covered with a special synthetic composition, which is similar in structure to felt. Due to the large number of small air cavities, this material can hold a sufficiently large amount of moisture - up to 1 liter per m2. Thus, with increasing moisture, the anti-condensate coating absorbs water, which is then evaporated under the action of ventilation of the cold roof.

Thanks to the use of the professional sheet with an anti-condensate coating, the design of a cold roof becomes much easier and cheaper, because it does not need a waterproofing nor a counterclaim. In addition, such a material is indispensable for arbors, veranda, canopies and other open structures, since the waterproofing in them is not used in principle, and the condensate appears no worse than in a cold attic.

Installation of a cold roof from a professional flooring

The cold roof of the house from the proflist is fed simply and can easily be mounted with their own hands without attracting specialists.

First, waterproofing is mounted, with sagging, if a microporphic film is used as it. It is fixed with the help of bars, the counter tests, nailed to the rafters parallel to them.

Then the idle of the house is performed.

Next, the direct installation of the cold roof of the corrugated floor is performed. If the width of the roof row is less than the maximum length of the sheet of professional flooring, it is placed in general without transverse joints, which makes it possible to improve the tightness of the coating. The side joints are made in 1-2 waves, depending on the roof slope and the profiled sheet brand.

The technology of the cold roof is quite simple, so its installation is performed quite quickly. However, all the wooden components of the roofs must be treated in advance with special compositions, which will prevent their rotting, as well as to the mold and fungus.

How to insulate a cold roof?

Often the cold attic device is just an intermediate stage. Most of the cold roofs are insulated with the aim of increasing living space at home. It's easy to make it, since there is no need to redo the cake of the cold roof - it is actually the top of the cake of the warmed roof.

In order to make an attic attitude from a cold attic you just need to add a layer of insulation and finishing finish. If you are as a waterproofing, as we recommended, we used a waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane, and not a microporphic film, then the material for thermal insulation is placed closely between the rafters. Then there is an inner lamp with the clocks of the desired thickness, between which the second layer of the insulation is mounted. They can also consolidate the finish finish - wooden boards or plasterboard.

When the cold attic insulation does not need a layer of vapor barrier, since water vapor from the inside of the room will pass through the insulation and leave the roofing pie through the waterproofing membrane into the undercase. Therefore, before heating the cold roof, do not forget to treat all the internal wooden structures with compositions that prevent rotting.

In addition to the specified method, the insulation of a cold attic of the roof can be performed and by spraying polyurethane foam. This is one of the fastest and simple options, moreover, this insulation is considered one of the best existing on the market. It fireproof, has excellent heat insulating properties, durable, resistant to acids and alkalis, is not subject to rotting.

In addition, the insulation of the cold roof from the professional flooring with the help of polyurethane foam allows you to create a solid layer of thermal insulation, in which there will not only be missing slots, but the rafters will be closed. The only drawback of this method is the cost. You will not be able to perform this work yourself because it requires expensive equipment.

Cold attic device: ventilation, waterproofing, insulation

Cold roofing device in a residential building and utility rooms: technology, features and ways to save. How is the cold roof waterproofing and the attic ventilation? How to insulate a cold roof from a professional flooring?