Repairs Design Furniture

Electrrowanka - description and techniques of work. Planing of electruruck of a wide board: Basic Rules How to fix the placer planing

Hello everybody! Talk today about the electrolakeanka. If you are correctly exploited, then you will provide and high quality Processed surface, and do not allow the tool to apply injuries. So, we will analyze in this article the question of how to properly use the electrical exchangers.

80 Names of electruruckics at low prices. Click to see

The sharpening of the knives and their installation

In order for the treated surface to be smooth and clean, it is necessary to use the electrolabank with well-sharpened and properly exhibited knives, and also requires the right planing depth and correctly move it over the surface.

To use the plane with stupid knives is silly, since, firstly, the surface will be coarse and inaccurated, and secondly, the engine receives an excessive load in this case, which will lead to its premature wear. Knives can be sharpened, and they can simply throw out after blurred, and new ones are put instead - this applies to thin knives that are used now on most modern electrolabanks. Unlotyped and many stuffed blades have two sharp sides, which makes it possible to work again after blunting one side. One-sided knives, naturally, will not turn over.

Sharpening it is better to entrust specialists in special workshops, which in cities are usually abused, as it is required for this special equipment. However, there are craftsmen who exact knives themselves and with the help of domestic sharpened - here the most important thing is that they did not bring the eyes to see the smallest irregularities, as well as hands, so as not to make extra such irregularities. But still it is better to contact a special service, as this procedure is inexpensive.

Now about installing knives. It can be dangerous to work with an electric shutter with an electric shutter, and this leads to unpleasant results relating to the treated surface. They can be attached differently on different models. How to replace, it is better to know in the instructions. The knife after installation should be evenly stitching from the drum without distortion. How much it should stick out from the drum can be determined using a ruler. After installation, we exhibit a certain planing depth, and then apply a ruler to the knife to the end side so that it is parallel to the front sole of the plane. Now you can measure the distance between the front sole and the first line. It must coincide with the exposed planing depth.

After installing the knives, make sure that they do not hide the housing, rotating the drum. And all the work, of course, you need to spend when the fork is extended from the network.

Treatment of surfaces

When planing, a number of non-hard rules should be followed, which will make the best result.

The processed workpiece should be securely secured so that it does not hang during the planing. If you are going to use the plane for processing large and heavy brusons or boards, then the main thing is that they lay on enough smooth surface, And how it is not necessary to fix them, since they are so heavy and will not run anywhere.

Before attaching the planer to the workpiece, it should first turn on and give in the air to dial full speed, and only after that you can start mauling. Watch it on the surface is preferably without jerks and stops at a speed of 1.5-2 m per minute. If you work at such a speed, then the best processing quality is ensured.

What depth to expose depends on how uneven the surface being processed. It happens that the pars or board saws are poured so that the surface is obtained by waves. Such surfaces are first better to go through the maximum depth of planing, and then to process it at a smaller level. This may require not one pass, but several.

It is necessary to use the plane so that pressure during planing is uniformly on the entire sole. However, when you only put it on the edge of the treated surface, you should slightly press the front part. And when it comes to the end, it should be kept stronger to the back. This will prevent education at the edges of the board or bar of the bruises. Pressing force can be defined only by an experimental way.

It happens that when planing, the differences are obtained between adjacent passages. Do not allow them to appear, and also to correct if they still appeared, it is possible only with the acquisition of some experience. If such differences appeared, they can be removed by passing the planing with the minimum depth of planing. It should work so that a strong pressure does not turn out to be.

If your device supports a quarter to remove a quarter and you decide to use it, you should do the following. First, it will be necessary to establish the part of the side emphasis. This is done according to the instructions, different models Fastening can be arranged in its own way. Then you should make sure that the side of the board, where you will shoot a quarter, smooth and does not have drops. If it is uneven, then the sideways passing along it will repeat this irregularity, and the quarter will be filmed crookedly.

When removing a quarter, do not forget to put pressure on the tool both from above and on the side. Sometimes, forgetting to squeeze the plans on the side, he shifts towards the edge, and a quarter again is removed unevenly.

How to safely use the electric branches

When working with the plane, some safety rules should be followed by your body from injuries.

Naturally, before work, you need to make sure that the insulation on the conductive cord of the electrolabank is in good condition. If there are casualties or cracks on the wires, such a wire must be replaced. You should not use the tool with damaged wires.

Also mentioned above that the inclusion should be made to contact its sole with the workpiece. And only after he picks up complete turnover, you should bring it to wooden surface. Also, after releasing the inclusion button, the plane should wait for a complete stop of the drum, and only after that put it.

Connected to the network, but left for a time without the work of the plane, should be put on the side so that with an unintentional inclusion he could not move away.

Such are the features of the use of the ruble. I hope that the article has proven to you useful. See you!

Electrical rules went on sale in the middle of the last century. And since then, the principal changes have not occurred in their design. It still remains an indispensable tool for carpenters and home masters. The main function is wood processing and selection of fold. The article we will talk about how to stroke the electric car.

  • significantly increases productivity;
  • improves the quality of the result;
  • it is not necessary to apply significant efforts, which allows you to prepare at once a large number of material.

Working by a simple ruble, you have to make flying return-translational movements that quickly exhaust. The principle of operation of the electrolabanka is based on the rotational motion of the blades, which are moving independently, without effort from human side.

Today, the construction market presents a huge range of electrolablakans and is not lost in choosing, and what you need. They are both domestic and professional, it all depends on how intensively they will be operated.

Construction Electrureanka

The cost of the plane will depend on its main working part - a drum with knives. The number of blades can vary from 1 to 4, but most often they are released with two blades. It is their number and the speed that the drum rotates and forms the productive power of the tool, and accordingly the price. For home use It is enough to choose a planer, the frequency of turnover of the blades of which is within 10 thousand / min.

In addition to this important element, the electrolake is consisting of:

  • the housing itself with the handle;
  • nozzle, for removal or chip collection;
  • start button with a smooth start system;
  • electrical engine;
  • base base - sole;
  • closed drive;
  • regulator, to limit the depth of chip selection.

Tip: More dear models Often have a special system that automatically controls the frequency of drum revolutions depending on the load rendered.

The difference between household electrurucks from professional

This separation is quite conditional, since both at home is best to buy high-quality plans. But their cost is so high that few people can afford to purchase it for single works.

  • Choose household electrovelocks is best of all of the average price category. This will ensure the acquisition of a good and functional instrument, for short work. It is also worth paying attention to the weight, which should be in the range from 3 to 4 kg and at the power of the electric motor - at least 1000 W.
  • Tip: When choosing an electruruck in his passport, two capacities are specified. The first maximum, and the second is effective. For hardening solid wood or with large quantity Shches, the second value should not be less than 400 W.
  • The following, which plays a role when choosing a tool is the turnover of the engine electrolake. To work on the house or with private construction, there will be a value of 10,000 rpm.
  • If you need to buy more powerful professional instrument, its power should not be below 1.5 kW. At the same time, the weight of such a ruble will be almost 10 kg.

  • Another parameter is to adjust the depth of planing. Household appliance You can set up to 3 mm, and professional capable of planing to a depth of 4mm. The adjustment step is also important, which varies from 0.1 to 0.25 mm. The more positions, the better quality It turns out to achieve when working.

Tip: Sometimes Hitryat manufacturers and indicate obviously false information. It is necessary to know that the possible depth of planing directly depends on the power of the electrolabank. Thus, the tool with a low power up to 1000 W and weighing in the range of 3-4 kg cannot be buried by 4 mm.

  • A distinctive feature of the professional level electrolack is the presence of a function of supporting the number of revolutions in the processing of complex sites. In cheaper household models, it is practically not found.
  • It is very convenient when in the kit there is a stand, allowing it to fix it inpatiently fasten the electrolake with blades up. All expensive models are equipped, in domestic versions there are infrequently.

The average price for home operating electricians is 5-8t.r.

Selection of electruruck for work


  • For the ability to repair and care, the case must be collapsible. As a rule, it consists of a removable lid for belt drive and the main part covering the engine and the sole.

  • The tool should go to bed well, be balanced by weight. Taking electricians, it is worth paying attention to how convenient to squeeze the start button with the same hand that keeps the tool. It is better to abandon the model that is included with the other hand, as it will quickly lead to fatigue during operation.
  • On the sole of the plane should be a groove. Its functions are in the removal of air during operation and in the processing of the champers. Even if the plans do not need to often process chamfer, the air removal greatly facilitates the work, excluding the formation of an airbag.
  • Planing depth control can be swivel or made in the form of a button. Roles does not play, it will be equally convenient to use.

  • The nozzle that is used to remove the chips must be equipped with a bag for collecting and be able to rotate at a comfortable side.

Technical indicators

  • Power of the electric motor.It can be from 600 to 2000 W. Than more powerful toolThe more electricity it consumes, heavier weighs and is expensive. All this is justified only for active operation.
  • Frequency speed. Manufacturers indicate this value when idling. So, if an indicator is 12,000 revolutions, when working with wood average stiffness, real revisions will be approximately 8000.
  • Planing width. The width of the sole also depends on the power of the electric paper. It is not necessary too narrow to buy, then it will be inconvenient to work with wide surfaces. Optimally take a tool with a working surface of 90-100 mm and a capacity of 1000 - 1200 W.
  • Depth of planing. It was already written above, but it is worth adding one nuance. Very rare when for homework The depth is required even in 3 mm, so it is enough to choose a model with a possible recess to 2 mm.

How to work Electrolabank

  • Electrolake - this is a pretty serious tool and working with it requires concentration and increased attention. Therefore, only by purchasing it, you should not immediately start working, first it is recommended to explore the instruction manual of the electric paper.
  • This tool can be produced primary wood processing, removing the bitch, conversion and other rough irregularities. And do the finish finish to the perfect smooth surface. The desired effect is achieved by regulating blades. So, for primary work, the knives must be set even, and for the ultimate vice versa, reduce the distance between the sole and knives.
  • Before starting work, electrolakeanka needs to try to fill the hand on rough material, in the event of failure, it will not feel sorry to ruin. This will sufficiently feel the tool and understand, and make the electrourub setting.
  • In the inept hands of electruruck can leave the jackets, instead of a smooth surface. Fix it can be adjusted to the protrusion of blades, it is done using a hexagon. After a few finishes, the tool will be ready for the main work.

Tip: When adjusting knives, you must make sure that they do not hide the case.

  • Starting work, wooden product put so that it does not move. It is desirable to fix it with something. Ultimately, this will greatly affect the quality of processing. Inattentive attitude to this point can lead to the masters injury. Knives rotate S. high speed And, reaching the bitch, they can catch a moment and throw the board from her position.

  • Planing starts from the edge of the board, gradually moving towards the opposite end. At the same time, the instrument is tightly kept with two hands. One hand hold for the main handle with the start button, and the second handle helps to adjust the direction.
  • Each time before using the electrolabank, it is necessary to check that the blades do not come into contact with the wood treated. Otherwise, this will lead to injury.
  • To create a smooth surface you need to know how to properly strict. The tool sole is located strictly parallel to the board. You can only achieve this equivalent effort, which have hands on both handles Rubanka. In addition, work should be carried out by the same movements and at the same speed throughout the entire surface being processed.

Work electronics video

  • If the electrolake has a support support, then work with it will differ significantly. In this case, it performs the function of the machine, being in a stationary position. The master must be led to the board itself, carrying out the necessary pressure on it. With this method of work, it is important to securely secure the support itself to the tabletop with the help of fasteners that are included. It is thus convenient to work with an assistant who should also be prevented about the features of the operation of the tool.

Instructions for disassembling Electrolake

If the tool was bought new, then it is impossible to disassemble it independently until the warranty is completed, otherwise it will be annulled. On household electrueankics, this term, as a rule, does not exceed 2 years. With any breakdown during this period, contact the warranty center, which is in every city.

Another thing is when the tool is already new or bought in the "used" condition. To simplify the task of possible repair, I need to explore internal structure Electrolake.

Regardless of the model, each planer consists of:

  • electric motor;
  • shaft with knives;
  • planing depth regulator;
  • plastic case;
  • belting;
  • sole.

The principle of operation of this power tool certainly depends on the motor. When receiving an electrical pulse, the engine redirects rotation on the mill. The transfer of torque is done by means of a belt.

The sole of the electrolake is nonmonolite, but consists of two parts. Thanks to the moving front part and it becomes possible to adjust the blades, the rear part remains fixed.

Variety of knives for electruruck

Knives are consumableswhich over time is stupid or break. Therefore, periodically, they have to buy again. There are two main types of knives - carbide and high-speed blades.

  • Filter blades.They refer to the category of reusable, as they can repeatedly undergo sharpening. What makes them more economically more profitable. But their alloy does not allow working with solid rocks, such as oak or larch.
  • Carbide blades. They serve longer, their high-speed analogues are more slowly erased and perfect for solid wood. But their main disadvantage is that they will not succeed to sharpen them. In addition, when accidental contact with metal subject, for example, unnoticed in the material of the nail, is the likelihood that the blade will break. Manufacturers offer a two-way version of such knives when one side fills, it can be turned over with another sharp side.

How to set up electrolabuck

  • As well as repair work With any electrical appliance, the planer first should be de-energized.
  • As a rule, the replacement of knives is required after long-term operation, which means it working surface Many resin accumulated. It is possible to clean it with the help of White Spirit.
  • Next check the correctness of the installation of knives. For this, the metal line is applied to the edge of the sole and check whether its ends of the blades occupy. If not, at first they must be adjusted.
  • Next, a special key, which was attached complete to the instrument, slightly weaken the knives on the drum. Wherein cutting part The knives should be strictly parallel to the sole and perform no more than 0.5 mm. But the rounded knife is twice as much more, from 1 mm and more.

Living in the apartment such a tool, as the electrolaws may not need and do not need. Another thing if there is vacation home, Cottage or even your workshop, in this case it is just necessary. Thanks to the article you can do correct solution In choosing the desired model of electrolablanka for private use.

For planing of the boards there are many ruled and planing machines. However, if the board is quite wide, more than 200mm, then it is quite problematic to shoot it, because one side of the board is convex, and the other with curved edges.

In this case, it is better to use various planing techniques. The first way is not to walk with a wide electrolabank, according to the speakers. This is done in order to evenly conduct planing and prevent the chalkboard plane skew to one of its edges.

At the same time, strict protruding edges are needed with a small planing thickness, take the same number of times one and the other. In conclusion, the board is planing on a wide strikal machine. If there is no planer machine, then there are special knives with rounded ends in the electrolake, so that they have sold them between non-strokes, since the width of the planing is less than the board.

If you have large machine, In order that there is no distortion when planing not flat, on the one hand, the shavings fall on the face, after that the board is tightened and smoothly lies with planing. Such a simplest reception makes it possible to avoid chasing when planing.

Do not neglect the clamping device that many planing machines are completed, since they not only press the board, but also pressed it smoothly. When a smooth surface of the board is reached, the main thing is good and adjusted knives, plus a thin layer of planing.

If a planing machine You already have than the board being processed, then the board is planted at one pass, then on the one hand, then on the other. In this way. You will achieve a smooth surface of a wide board.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly work with electrouruk. For the appearance of ease of use, several important nuances are hidden.

First of all, it is necessary to determine how often and for what purposes you will use the tool. From this will depend on its power and design. Power Rubanka S. electrical drive ranges from 0.5 to 2.2 kW, performed may differ in the number of knives. Basically, models with two blades are presented on the market.

Several tips:

So, you chose the unit you need. It will not be superfluous to check the cutting edges of the knives on the absence of flaws - they should not be chips and irregularities and the sole of the Rubbank, which should be as smooth as possible. As a result, these factors will affect the quality of the treated surfaces.

Before the start of processing of the main product, make several training sections on unnecessary bars. This will get used to the instrument, master the planing depth switch and, in general, to evaluate the capabilities of your tool. In the course of test work, you can identify the functional shortcomings of the new "assistant". They are deleted by setting the plane.

How to configure the + (video) tool

It is best of all, of course, to seek help in the service workshop, where professionals will quickly and effectively help with the Rank setting. When there is no such opportunity - you will have to cope on your own. Guided by the instructions, use the hex key to relax the fastening of the blades on the drum. Next, to put knives to exact position, use a locksmith.

Beginner carpenters should be remembered that the smaller the depth of the cut, the higher the quality of the processing and easier the course on the surface of the board. The more the knife is beyond the borders of the sole root, the larger layer of wood it removes. Upon completion of the blades, it is necessary to thoroughly pull out all the mounts. What would make sure that everything is done correctly and the cutting surface does not come into contact with the case, you need to turn the drum several times manually. All configuration work must be carried out on the tool off from the network.

Working with Wood - Wide Board + (Video)

Before starting work with a wood surface, it is worth identifying a convenient mode - manual or stationary. For example, consider the processing of a wide board.

Manual mode:

For best security Working and its environments need to qualitatively consolidate the future product. If there is even minimal backlash, the quality of work deteriorates. After it is necessary to check the freedom of movement along the board. No extraneous items should interfere with the tool. It is very important to hold the electrovenics tight and two hands.

Before turning on the tool, the knives should not come into contact with the treated surface. It is safely to bring the power tools from the end of the wooden canvase immediately after starting and move forward. Hold the sole of the runo exactly, parallel to the boards. Press of both hands should be equivalent.

Miscellaneous effort applies only at the beginning of a tree passage, where more emphasis is on the front handle, to the back - at the end. During operation, it is necessary to exclude jerks, stops or acceleration.
With experience, the correct completion of the passes along the back of the workpiece and the setting of the cutting depth of the knives will become more accurate. The direction of movements of the plane for processing the lumber is carried out along the fibers. In the case of a prefabricated product from several bars, boards with high irregularities in compounds, the movements of the electrolaws are performed diagonally.

We place exactly + (video)

In order to harvest exactly, it is necessary to lead the planer only forward without turns and distortions. The thickness of the product determines the speed of movement. On average, it reaches from one and a half to two meters per minute. It should not be applied too much effort - it will lead to the stop of the tool and irregularities. At the end of the straight line you need to drown the engine, and move the mechanism to the next area. Even when the instrument is turned off, you should not touch the knives, as it threatens random injury.

Be sure to follow so that the chips do not fall under the sole tool. It is better to purchase electrician with a dust collector. Then the process will become much cleaner.

In order to avoid a bevel on the edge, an angular focus is required. It is fastened to the base of the Ranking, perpendicular to the axis. In order not to form chipsets on the edge, sampling it a little, by removing the chamfer. The same procedure applies to the details of the varnished varnish. It will help ensure a smooth transition between the pair of surfaces.

Stationary mode:

In this case, the tool is attached to a rigid stable support. A wide board is heading from himself on the plane of the plane against the movement of knives. Working in this mode, it is necessary to promote wood with the same speed and pressure in the place of contact with knives.

At the end of the processing of the sawn timber, cyclishing is performed. This procedure allows you to align the seams noticeable after different passages of the plane, remove roughness. This uses a squash machine.

Perform the work of the electrrubank - not a very difficult lesson in the presence of minimal skills to work with it.But it will be somewhat more complicated to stroke the electrolake a wide board. Not every specialist will be able to fulfill such work. It is due to the complexity of removing the uniform layer between the processing borders.

Performance: Instruction

In order to achieve high-quality processing of the board, before this it is necessary to initially make trial processing on lumber waste. At the same time, the plans can be used in different modes Works: This is a manual mode and stationary. The stationary regime is to pass the billet through the rotating knife part of the plane.

In order to work with the use of manual mode, before starting the process, you need to configure the tool. not much different from the setting of the usual manual Rubanka. To do this, you need to adjust the depth of the cut of its knives. Most often, this size is 1-4 mm. When configuring configuration, it is necessary to consider the fact that a smaller depth of planing of the material will improve the quality of its processing.

Moreover, the knife setting to a small planing depth will make it easier for it to move along the billet. At the same time, it is necessary to press the tool on the edge of the passage and roundate the rear edge edge (which will help to avoid injuries).

The smaller the rotating knife will perform for the sole of the ruble, the smaller layer of wood it will shoot, therefore the boundaries between different passages will be less noticeable.

In the case when deep processing of the material is needed, then when you first pass, the knives are adjusted to the maximum processing depth. And then they are reconfigured and perform more accurate finishing planing.

Over time, you can buy the skills of the correct completion of the passage on the back edge of the material and selecting the right planing depth. This will help speed up the process of work and make it not for 8-10 passes, and for 4-5.

To properly make knives setting, which depends on the difference in the upper marks between the front and rear end of the ruble, it must be performed using a launching line.

Back to the category

Proper wood processing

When using electrolablak, it is necessary to properly select the direction of processing material.

Usually it is customary to take along the direction of fibers on wood. But in the case when the processing of blanks, which are assembled from several boards or bars, having large protrusions in places in places, can be processed in the diagonal direction. Knives Electrolack are rotated at a fairly high speed and therefore allow you to perform such a procedure. Of course, ordinary hand tool This will not work.

In order for the treated edge does not work when processing oblique, it is necessary to apply the corner stop, and not hope only for individual craftsmanship and eye. It must be attached to the side of the tool to its base, in a strictly perpendicular position relative to its axis. Now to harvest, you need to attach a planer tightly on the plane of the board, and its base should be located exactly at an angle of 90 degrees.

The corner stop needs to be very firmly consolidated, because during long-term operations the screws of its attachment can relax, which will lead to the damping of the work surface of the plane. If it happened, then it is necessary to wipe it with Whitespit.

To avoid chips on the edges of the board, they need to get a little brute. It is done with the removal of the chamfer. The same procedure must be performed on the details that will then be covered with varnish. This will help create a smooth transition line between two surfaces.

After completing the processing of a wide board, you can resort to the procedure for its cyclishing. Cyclishing is the process of alignment of seams between different passages on the board. It is performed using a special typewriter. Such processing, like cycloying, also need to be performed in the direction of the board fibers. Its use will allow remove all unnecessary roughness.