Repairs Design Furniture

Handle rear for the plane drawing. Hand hand drawing wooden. Preparation for work

For large number People work with a tree brings pleasure. It is nice to make the table for the veranda or make a gender shop. You should know that this is a great physical work. However, today it is possible to work much easily with the use of electrical rubles. Everyone can work with such a tool.

Such a device has appeared for a long time. Externally, modern electrical plants resemble old structures, but in terms of performance they exceed mechanical designs several times.

With the help of an electrical ruble, you can process the tree, reduce the thickness of the billets from the wood, to stive, customize, process the boards on the bed, mock the edges. With this device, there is no possibility to process large surfaces, but in the case of small volumes it makes sense to use a similar tool.

The planer is more meant to align the surface of the tree, which was pre-rudely processed. After aligning the base, all irregularities and defects will disappear with this tool, as a result of which it will become extremely smooth. Finishing Tree in most cases is made by the grinding plane. With this tool, you can also make a groove or chamfer to the details.

How to make a planer with your own hands?

Figure 1. Run element diagram.

In order to work with concave or curved grounds, Gorba-Kalevki were invented, with which they produce textured planing of wood blanks. These elements have a special form. They have no special advantages over modern plans. In addition to working with these devices is quite difficult. To produce high-quality handling of parts, you will need to have some experience and special skills.

Today in construction stores to find Kaleevka is very difficult, since almost all stores sell e-equipment. That is why it is much easier to independently produce a planer.

Elements that will be needed to independently make a planer:

  1. Iron element.
  2. Chipseater.
  3. Wood blank.
  4. Simple pencil.
  5. Wedge.
  6. Band-saw.
  7. Plywood sheet.
  8. Chisel.
  9. File.
  10. Adhesive mixture.
  11. Drilling device.
  12. Clamps.
  13. Bar cross section 12x12 mm.
  14. Planer.
  15. Micronic skin.

Homemade plans with docking nodes of all elements can be seen in Fig. one.

The element from the iron will determine the dimensions of the tool housing, because the first thing you need to make an iron element and chips. For Rubanka small sizes You can use an iron element from an old instrument, and for a planer with elements in the form of an oval - ready-made "hardware" that can be purchased in a construction store. These fixtures are initially roasted by radius, they can be purchased complete with suitable chips.

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How to choose and process the workpiece?

In most cases, the plane is manufactured from the most common types of wood - birch, maple, etc. The workpiece must be made by 30-50 mm more than the final size of the manufactured tool. The width can be determined by the following formula: the dimensions of the "hardware" + 3 mm + 20 mm on the cheek + an additional 6 mm for processing on the machine. If the plans are made of small sizes, then the cheeks can be a thickness of approximately 6 mm.

The tool marking should be done in such a way that the rings are perpendicular to the sole, and the fiber took place from the front to the rear. So that after sawing, all items can be connected in the correct order, you will need to draw a triangle on the front of the block.

First of all, you will need to make 2 elements of the middle section, between which it will be necessary to consolidate the "piece" and the chips. After that, 2 cheeks are attached.

The tool body is collected from the workpiece, which is cut into 2 parts. Cheeks are peeling ribbon saw. Next, the average section is cut into several parts. At the same time, it will be necessary to form a bed of the iron element and the opening of the chips. Wedge can be filled from unused pruning. Upon completion of the assembly, the case and the sole must be processed in shape. At the end, the ruble adjustment is performed.

The average element should be 4 mm wider than "hardware". In addition, there must be a battery for another 4 mm on the processing of the average design element to the rectangle shape. You can place the cheeks by using the same saw. At an angle of 45 ° there is a bed "Breasts", so that it can without difficulty getting into the chips. At an angle of 60 ° is the front of the front opening. The average element is collected on the front, which is called toe, and the rear part, which is called the heel.

Next will need to make an ordinary pattern from plywood sheetsWith which the groove is selected for the screw head, which ends at a distance of approximately 20 mm from the bottom of the housing. The groove can be chosen by the chisel.

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Pre-assembly design

Before assembling the Rotik Middle Element, you need to be slightly treated with a file using the form of "hardware". Next, the rear of this section is installed on the edge, an iron element is applied to place, after which the front part is shifted to it. In the end, you need to check the correct adjustment.

Next, the design is moved so that between parts of the middle element of the structure formed a gap of 3 mm for an iron element with a thickness of 4.5 mm, which forms the tool mouth. After that, all parts of the plane will need to align and compress. Through the cheeks in the middle section on the 2-side sides, it will be necessary to drill holes in order to install the wrenches and glue them.

In most cases, the plans have a rectangular shape, you should not waste time for refining design. In the side walls, you should choose small niches for your fingers. To make it convenient to capture the tool, you need to remove the chamfer from the corners.

When the plane will have a final form, the chamdes will need to spill. Up to this point, they will be able to provide an accurate exhibition of all elements so that it is possible to fit transverse rod. So that in the process of gluing the elements of the tool, the specks do not interfere, they need to saw flush with cheeks.

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Completion of manufacturing design

On the extreme parts of the rod, you will need to install spikes. round shapethat will be included in the holes in the cheeks. Due to these spikes, the design will be able to rotate at an angle to the wedge. To have the ability to make holes for the rod on the top of the plane, at a right angle to the side parts you need to carry out an extra line. Next, the assembly is removed 1 cheap, and the line is transferred to another cheek with an installed iron element and chips. From the middle, the second cheap is removed and at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom of the structure and 12 mm from the top of the chips, the center of the hole for the rod is placed.

To ensure the exact location of the rod opening, you will need to make a hole on the drilling device.

According to the drawn lines, the cheeks are combined, compressed with clamps, after which the hole is drilled.

The rod can be made from a bar with a cross section of 12x12 mm. The length of the rod must be equal to the width of the tool, taking into account the cheeks. Ships length is determined based on cheek thickness. At each of the end, the rod needs to be made by 4 camp. After that, the spikes are twisted with a knife.

To guarantee an uninterrupted chip output, the upper ribs of the middle element need to round. After making the rod, it will be necessary to check its fit to the tool. The rod must rotate freely.

If you decide to make yourself a flight from electruruck with your own hands, drawings, visual video And our recommendations will enable the goal. Electrolakean itself is useful tool in the farm. But to buy for household targets flight is quite expensive. Therefore, many decide to collect equipment on their own by taking the electrical planer as the basis.

To assemble the flight from the electrolabank, you will need a set of materials and tools necessary for the future machine.

If the reysmus is needed in order to receive income from the products you will handle on the machine, then better decision will be purchasing a finished device. If the reysmaus is a purely tool of household use for homework, then you can safely make it with your own hands.

The main components for assembling the unit are:

  • Electric choke. Consider, once again re-equip the flight into ordinary electrourub and back to collect the machine from it will not work. Therefore, it is better to make an aggregate from a ruble, which is not a pity;
  • Blueprints. You can make your own drawing, relying on the characteristics and features of the electrolaw, planned works and parts that the machine must process. Adapt the finished drawings is more difficult to adapt, since each of them is based on certain models of the electrical runt of the materials used, parameters, etc.;
  • Wooden bars and plywood. Of these, you will collect the case of the future of the flight of the reissimula;
  • Free time. To make the machine with your own hands, you will not need a lot of time. But also try to assemble the unit in a couple of hours, it is not worth it, otherwise the result can disappoint you.

The main emphasis in the design of the flight on the basis of an electrical exchanged is made for compliance with the characteristics and capabilities of the machine with processed billets. Make sure before the start of the assembly, that the equipment will receive the housing, studs, guides, ideally corresponding to the items that you have to deal with.

Studs and guides

We should talk about these components of the flight on the basis of an electrical ruble separately, as they play a significant role in the performance and efficiency of the reysmaus.

  1. Studs allow you to lower and raise a reissue when processing blanks.
  2. Often newbies set the stud across the middle of the machine housing. But this solution is erroneous. If you decide to make the machine, it is worth installing the stud between the front and rear handle of the device. Such a location will provide convenient operation with the equipment, allow you to reliably fix the tool in right position. Problems during operation will be significantly less.
  3. When re-equipping the electrolablanka in the reysmaus, try to give the tool with the maximum mobility. To do this, install the rolling bearing on the top cover.
  4. On the middle plate of the machine, which will be responsible for adjusting the height, secure the nut. Such a solution will provide you with the ability to adjust the position of the equipment with a small step and increased accuracy. This is relevant for particularly delicate processing using a flight.
  5. Guides are used for accurate and efficient processing of blanks. They are made of wooden bars, because the cost of assembling equipment can be considered minimal.
  6. By performing guides for an electrical ruble, make a certain stock in length. They are not recommended to do it identical with the processed length blanks. Perform these items a little more.
  7. The lower plane of the flight from the electrical ruble is done so that when processing the product it moved immediately in relation to the cutters of the device. If the plane starts under the power tool, you will not be able to get high accuracy Processing. Therefore, the effectiveness of such a machine will be minimized.

Security measures

Any home-made power tools, the machine places increased safety requirements during operation. Because if you decide to make it with your own hands on the basis of the electrolabanka, be sure to read the basic rules of its application. It will save you from injuries, as well as the service life of the tool itself.

  • Cutting the workpiece with your own hands by reysmus, always put on special safety glasses;
  • When working with dense, rude blanks, keep hands in gloves;
  • Before turning on the equipment, make sure that all its elements are securely fixed, the wiring is not ill. It must be done before each new work day;
  • Knives and studs should not have defects, damage, cracks on their surface. When they are detected, these elements are subject to immediate replacement;
  • Make sure that the processed billets did not have metal components - brackets, nails, screws, screws. When they hit them, it threatens not only injury, but also the complete failure of the machine itself.

Rules of work on the machine

Having collected with their own hands a working flight from Electralabank and reading the recommendations on safe operation, You can proceed to the processing of blanks.

At this expense, we suggest familiarizing yourself with several delight tips.

  1. Nothing difficult in work on a homemade flight machine built on the basis of an electrical exchanged is not. Because a newcomer can cope with such an aggregate.
  2. Install the hairpin B. proper position. It is mounted for a certain distance relative to the edge of the workpiece.
  3. Set the size that corresponds to the part, lock the bar, acting as a guide.
  4. Tilt the equipment a little from yourself. This will allow open cutting part Studs of your electrical equipment.
  5. Now pull the tool on yourself. This ensures the operation of the reysmaus, which removes the layers of material from blanks.
  6. If you competently assemble the unit, given all the recommendations and following the drawings, the homemade electric flight on the basis of the usual electrourub in its functional capabilities, performance and efficiency is not much to yield to the factory equipment.

The abundance of drawings and schemes for the collection of the flight from the power tools makes it possible to use old unnecessary electrolabucks for yourself. Having special skills and experience, beginners can build great machines.

As your needs expands and obtaining a new experience, the machine can be improved, or use modern, high-power electric plans for its assembly.

If the reysmaus is required to make large volumes of blanks with their subsequent implementation, homemade device You are unlikely to do. For such purposes, it is recommended to purchase the factory equipment of proven manufacturers. Due to the quality and performance, the cost of buying a machine with time is justified, and you will receive a net profit.

How to make a planer with your own hands and effectively

In order to carry out work with curved or concave bases, Gorba-Kalevki came up with the help of which the textual planing of wooden blanks is made. These elements are characterized by a special form. They do not have special advantages in comparison with the plans. In addition, with such devices it is quite problematic. In order for the processing of parts to be performed qualitatively, it is necessary to obtain some experience of such work, as well as special skills.

To date, in building stores, it is very difficult to find Kalevki, because almost all stores are engaged in selling electronic technology. It is for this reason that much easier to make a planer on their own.

The element of iron will be determined the size of the case of the plane of homemade, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do the manufacture of the iron element, as well as the chips. You can take an iron element from the old product for the plane of small dimensions, and for the device with elements of oval form, you can purchase "glands" in any construction store. Such devices are roasted along the radius initially, you can buy them together with suitable chips. The shuttless drawing is very simple and understandable, almost everyone can create it.

Choose and process the workpiece

In a significant part of all cases of the planer of Mastery of the most common varieties of wood - maple, birch and others. The workpiece must be made by 30-50 millimeters more than the final dimensions of the instrument made. The width can be determined using such a formula: the dimensions of the "glands" + 3 mm + on the cheeks of 20 mm + additional 6 mm to be handled on the machine. If the plane is made of small dimensions, then the cheeks may have a thickness of about 6 mm.

The tool marking should be made so that the rings be located in parallel with the sole, and the fiber went down to the rear of the front. So that after sawing, all parts of the design could be connected correctly, a triangle whose vertex looks up should be drawn on the front of the block.

First of all, it is necessary to make two parts of the middle section, between which the "iron" and the chips are fixed with the help of the wedge. After that, it is necessary to fix 2 cheeks.

The planer is collected from the workpiece that is saw into two parts. The cheeks drink with a ribbon saw. Then the middle section is collected into several elements. At the same time, it will be necessary to make a bed of iron element, as well as a distance for the chips. You can cut the wedge from pruning, which will no longer be used. At the end of the assembly, the sole and the case must be processed in shape. At the end perform the regulation of the ruble.

Note that the average element should be wider than "hardware" by 1 mm. In addition, take into account the allowance of 1 mm to process the middle part tool to rectangular shape. The cheeks can be placed using saws. We place an angle at 45 degrees a bedding bed, so the chips can go without any difficulties. The pilot of the front opening is located at an angle of 60 degrees. The average element we saw on the front part - the sock and the back of the heel.

Then you need to make a simple pattern of plywood sheets, with which the grooves are chosen for the screw head, it ends at about 20 mm from the bottom of the housing. The grooves can be chosen by the chisel.

Pre-assembling tools

When making a planer of homemade, it is necessary to slightly process the mouth of the middle element with a file using the outlines of the "hardware". Then the back of this section is installed on the edge, the iron element is applied to place, and then the front part is shifted to it. In the end, you need to check the correct execution of fit.

After that, the design is pushing so that a gap of 3 mm appeared between the components of the average element with a 4.5 mm thickness, which forms the tool's mouth. Next, all parts of the design will need to align and compress. Through the cheeks in the middle section on two sides, it will be necessary to drill the holes so that you can install the specks and glue them.

It is worth noting that a significant part of the Rubankov has a form of a rectangle, so it is not worth spending time to improve the design.

In the side parts you need to choose small holes for your fingers, if available, it will be convenient to keep the tool. From the corners it is necessary to remove the chamfers.

When the ruble appears, the final form will appear, it will be necessary to sprink the chamfer. Until that time, they will be able to guarantee an accurate exhibition of all parts so that you can carry out the adjusting rod. In order to do not interfere during gluing parts of the design, it is necessary to saw them flush with cheeks.

Completion of the manufacture of tools

On the extreme parts of the rod, the round spikes will be mounted, they will enter the holes in the cheeks. Thanks to these spikes, the design will be able to rotate at an angle to the wedge. So that you can make holes for the rod on top element Rubanka, at an angle of 90 degrees to the side parts, an additional line should be carried out. After that, from the assembly, 1 cheek is removed, and with the "piece of iron" and the chips, the line is transferred to another cheek. From the middle part, they remove the second cheek and with a gap of 20 mm from the bottom of the tool and 12 mm from the top of the chips, the center of the opening intended for the rod is placed.

Note, in order to ensure the accurate location of the rod hole, it must be done on a boring device.

The cheeks are combined according to the drawn lines, then they are compressed by clamps, after that a hole is drilled.

You can make the rod from the bar, which has a section of 12 * 12 mm. The length of the rod should be equal to the width of the structure, taking into account the cheeks. The length of spikes is determined based on the thickness of the cheeks. At the ends of the rod, four cerebters must be made. Next, the spikes curl the knife.

In order for the chip outlet to occur smoothly, you need to round up the top ribs of the middle part of the rod. After the rod is ready, you need to check it with its fit to the tool. The rod must rotate without any problems.

Final assembly element

about a small wooden planer with your own hands

After fitting the rod, you need to check the location of the shocks and spikes. These parts of the design must be flush with cheeks. All parts need to be glued and secured by clamps, while the cheeks need to be protected by gaskets. When the glue is dry, it is necessary to take for stripping the protruding solution. In order for the sole above the joints, it is necessary to walk on the product once with a planer.

Wedge can be made of pruning from the middle part, it must be installed between the rod and the chips. If the wedge is a flat form, it will be hard to knock out. If the angle is too big, then the wedge can be knocked out even with insignificant blows.

After the planer is assembled, it will be necessary to make a sole and remake the mouth in order to finally fit to the iron element, given the purpose of the product being manufactured. A narrow gap before the "piece of iron" is mandatory condition In order to finely remove the chips. A width of 0.8 mm wide is more suitable for coarse chips.

The most labor-in part of the manufacturer is the rooting of the tool to the "piece of iron". The pilot must be rounded according to the bends of the iron element. This can be done only through a small opening in the plane sole. If the product is made to remove the fine chips, then it is necessary to take care that the gap of the mouth is as already possible.

The iron element should be fixed at the uneven line of the front part of the middle item, after that, to begin to give right shape sole. To do this, you need to clamp the product made up the product, and from ribs to the middle, where you need to remove some wood. Then the design must be processed by a plane with a flat sole.

When a 0.8 mm distance remains in the plane to the radius of "hardware", you need to switch to the citned. Make it with the goal so that you can remove traces from the plane. Then the plate is fixed in the plate and the long same passages are cleaned low part Rubanka, while you should turn the tool from the side to the side. After that, they inspect the contours of the soles "piece of iron". At the end, it should be cleaned with the soles of the micron skirt, which is attached to the flat base.

After stripping, it will not be able to pass through the mouth. For this reason, it is necessary to remove the wood before the "piece of iron" with a small file. Remove until the iron element coincides with the mouth. As a result, "piece of iron" should get out of the sole.

If the quality of the product made you will arrange, then the tool can be covered with varnish. On the side parts of the plane, they are advised to apply an additional layer of varnish.

Note that during the gluing of all parts of the product, it is necessary to remove all excess glue, which can be written after compression in the tisch.

It is not difficult to make a planer from the tree, if you take into account all the nuances available. Must be observed right order actions and also have everything necessary materials and tools.

At the current age of innovative technologies in production, the hand tool is rarely used, and the mass production of products does not apply at all. However, there were always, there will be masters - cabinetries, for whom work with a tree is not only part of the business, but also a favorite occupation.

For them, make a product with their own hands always gives pleasure. Such specialists in the workshop have many manual carpentry tools.


Types of Rubankov

Planked - a hand tool for treating a tree that allows you to bring the surface of the product with your own hands to the required quality and size. Having a whole set of types of this tool, it is possible not only to treat the surface, but also make various carpentry crafts.

The plague has a whole arsenal of species:

Flat Planing:

  • shirbel;
  • jointer;
  • semi-cell;
  • medveda;
  • grinding;
  • cinubel;
  • face;
  • single;
  • double.

Figure Planning:

  • zenzubel;
  • federgubel;
  • faltelebel;
  • stacking or graders;
  • shpunteubel;
  • mold;
  • groundbel;
  • gorbach.

Having the whole set hand toolsIf you wish, you can make products from the tree of any complexity. In this case, an important factor successful work It is a sharpening knives for the plane with their own hands, which is an expensive production service.

From figured Rubankov useful features Zenzubel is standing out. It is used for the manufacture of grooves, quarters, stripping and bringing to of the desired size spikes and cuts. On the manufacture of this type of instrument and will be discussed.

The article describes the algorithm how to make a planer with your own hands.

additional information

All Tools listed above are standardized products. Therefore, in order for them correctly and accurately performed their work, it is necessary to make them to be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15987-91. Below are extracts from the GOST, which determine the basic requirements.


List of required materials from which should be done hand-held ruled do it yourself:

  • ash;
  • maple;
  • hornbeam;
  • white Acacia;
  • birch (allowed).

Wood must be well succumbed, without knots, cracks and rot. For gluing parts it is necessary to use waterproof glue.

Metal Requirements

Knives are made of the following two-layer types:

  • the main layer - from the brand 30, GOST 1050, (allowed U8, U8A, U9, GOST 1435);
  • the plastic layer - from the brands of 9khf, 9x5VF, X6VF, 9xc, GOST 5950.

It is allowed to use the metal of other brands, but not worse than in the standard. Knives should be perfectly sharpened, and have the appropriate sharpening angle.

Tip: In order to make a worthy quality as a result of the operation of the tool, the workshop is desirable to have a fixture for sharpening a rupture with their own hands.

Preparation for work

For the manufacture of a planer with their own hands, it is necessary to prepare the following means.

Equipment and tools

Name number
Rule 1
Carbon black 1
Pencil 1
Pleismus 1
Circular saw 1
Electropolitanzik 1
Drill 1
Drill, 10 mm 1
Fugoval machine 1
Miter saw 1
Band-saw 1
Grinding machine vertical drum 1
Milling Machine 1
Finger cutter, 10 mm 1
Semicircular cutter 1
Chisel, hammer 1
Metal Pillet 1
Clamps 8

Materials and components

Name View and sizes, mm number
Metal knife In accordance with the drawing 1
Wood light Ash 270x100x25 1
Dark wood Oak 200x80x15 1
Glue Carpipe waterproof 1
Sandpaper Grain 100, 500x100 1
Sandpaper Grain 600-800, 500x100 1
Varnish on a tree Colorless, waterproof 50 g

Description of the manufacturing process

Material heel, nose and soles Rubanka - ash. Cheeks and wedge - oak. The crushing thickness should be equal to the width of the blade of the knife, 20 mm.

Then you need to cut a hole for your hand. For this:

  1. Using a drill, drill holes 10 mm under the pipe;
  2. Electrolitzka make a cutout for hand on the outlined circuit;
  3. On the grinding machine Processing the inner surface of the opening.

If such an operation is mascked in the workshop, like a shutter, with your own hands, the blade sharpening angle should be 45 degrees so that the protruding cutting edge of the knife was parallel to the sole plane.

For this, the billet from the oak is cut into two halves, the surface and ribs are cleaned with the planer.

Similarly make cutout on the second cheek. On both cheeks with the help of ending, hacksaws and chisels cut a hole for a knife.

At the next stage, you need to glue all parts into a single design with your own hands. Initially, the nose and heel are glued to the same cheek. To do this, thoroughly wrapped with glue parts, applied and pressed with clamps. After drying, glue the second cheek on the opposite side.

After drying the adhesive, the billet on the contour is finally cut on the tape saw and manually processes external and inner faces on grinding drum. Semicircular cutter by milling machine processed from two sides all sharp edge Billets Rubanka.

At the end, it is necessary to carefully manually overload the entire billet. Of particular importance is the quality of the sole, which is the working part of the tool. The purity of the processed part depends on its state.

Treatment flat side Billets are made with their own hands, with the help of sandpaper, pressed to perfectly smooth surface. For this, the stove of the fugoval machine is suitable. Initially grind emery paper with grain 100-150. The sole is brought to the "mirror state" grain 600-800.

Important! In order to test the surface quality of the planer with their own hands, you can use the thinnest probe to measure the gaps. Check are carried out from two sides of the sole.

The tool is covered with waterproof colorless varnish, and its own hand is ready.


This tool, except for the manufacture of grooves and sampling of quarters, is very convenient to produce thin stripping surfaces, trimming the angles with which manually, with the help of the chisel it is difficult to cope.

For better development of the manufacturing process, a video view is recommended.

Planer handwrites video

In order to carry out work with curved or concave bases, Gorba-Kalevki came up with the help of which the textual planing of wooden blanks is made. These elements are characterized by a special form. They do not have special advantages in comparison with the plans. In addition, with such devices it is quite problematic. In order for the processing of parts to be performed qualitatively, it is necessary to obtain some experience of such work, as well as special skills.

To date, in building stores, it is very difficult to find Kalevki, because almost all stores are engaged in selling electronic technology. It is for this reason that much easier to make a planer on their own.

The element of iron will be determined the size of the case of the plane of homemade, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do the manufacture of the iron element, as well as the chips. You can take an iron element from the old product for the plane of small dimensions, and for the device with elements of oval form, you can purchase "glands" in any construction store. Such devices are roasted along the radius initially, you can buy them together with suitable chips. The shuttless drawing is very simple and understandable, almost everyone can create it.

Choose and process the workpiece

In a significant part of all cases of the planer of Mastery of the most common varieties of wood - maple, birch and others. The workpiece must be made by 30-50 millimeters more than the final dimensions of the instrument made. The width can be determined using such a formula: the dimensions of the "glands" + 3 mm + on the cheeks of 20 mm + additional 6 mm to be handled on the machine. If the plane is made of small dimensions, then the cheeks may have a thickness of about 6 mm.

The tool marking should be made so that the rings be located in parallel with the sole, and the fiber went down to the rear of the front. So that after sawing, all parts of the design could be connected correctly, a triangle whose vertex looks up should be drawn on the front of the block.

First of all, it is necessary to make two parts of the middle section, between which the "iron" and the chips are fixed with the help of the wedge. After that, it is necessary to fix 2 cheeks.

The planer is collected from the workpiece that is saw into two parts. The cheeks drink with a ribbon saw. Then the middle section is collected into several elements. At the same time, it will be necessary to make a bed of iron element, as well as a distance for the chips. You can cut the wedge from pruning, which will no longer be used. At the end of the assembly, the sole and the case must be processed in shape. At the end perform the regulation of the ruble.

Note that the average element should be wider than "hardware" by 1 mm. In addition, take into account the allowance of 1 mm to process the middle part tool to the rectangular shape. The cheeks can be placed using saws. We place an angle at 45 degrees a bedding bed, so the chips can go without any difficulties. The pilot of the front opening is located at an angle of 60 degrees. The average element we saw on the front part - the sock and the back of the heel.

Then you need to make a simple pattern of plywood sheets, with which the grooves are chosen for the screw head, it ends at about 20 mm from the bottom of the housing. The grooves can be chosen by the chisel.

Pre-assembling tools

When making a planer of homemade, it is necessary to slightly process the mouth of the middle element with a file using the outlines of the "hardware". Then the back of this section is installed on the edge, the iron element is applied to place, and then the front part is shifted to it. In the end, you need to check the correct execution of fit.

After that, the design is pushing so that a gap of 3 mm appeared between the components of the average element with a 4.5 mm thickness, which forms the tool's mouth. Next, all parts of the design will need to align and compress. Through the cheeks in the middle section on two sides, it will be necessary to drill the holes so that you can install the specks and glue them.

It is worth noting that a significant part of the Rubankov has a form of a rectangle, so it is not worth spending time to improve the design.

In the side parts you need to choose small holes for your fingers, if available, it will be convenient to keep the tool. From the corners it is necessary to remove the chamfers.

When the ruble appears, the final form will appear, it will be necessary to sprink the chamfer. Until that time, they will be able to guarantee an accurate exhibition of all parts so that you can carry out the adjusting rod. In order to do not interfere during gluing parts of the design, it is necessary to saw them flush with cheeks.

Completion of the manufacture of tools

On the extreme parts of the rod, the round spikes will be mounted, they will enter the holes in the cheeks. Thanks to these spikes, the design will be able to rotate at an angle to the wedge. So that you can make holes for the rod on the top element of the plane, at an angle of 90 degrees to the side parts should be performed with an additional line. After that, from the assembly, 1 cheek is removed, and with the "piece of iron" and the chips, the line is transferred to another cheek. From the middle part, they remove the second cheek and with a gap of 20 mm from the bottom of the tool and 12 mm from the top of the chips, the center of the opening intended for the rod is placed.

Note, in order to ensure the accurate location of the rod hole, it must be done on a boring device.

The cheeks are combined according to the drawn lines, then they are compressed by clamps, after that a hole is drilled.

You can make the rod from the bar, which has a section of 12 * 12 mm. The length of the rod should be equal to the width of the structure, taking into account the cheeks. The length of spikes is determined based on the thickness of the cheeks. At the ends of the rod, four cerebters must be made. Next, the spikes curl the knife.

In order for the chip outlet to occur smoothly, you need to round up the top ribs of the middle part of the rod. After the rod is ready, you need to check it with its fit to the tool. The rod must rotate without any problems.

Final assembly element

After fitting the rod, you need to check the location of the shocks and spikes. These parts of the design must be flush with cheeks. All parts need to be glued and secured by clamps, while the cheeks need to be protected by gaskets. When the glue is dry, it is necessary to take for stripping the protruding solution. In order for the sole above the joints, it is necessary to walk on the product once with a planer.

Wedge can be made of pruning from the middle part, it must be installed between the rod and the chips. If the wedge is a flat form, it will be hard to knock out. If the angle is too big, then the wedge can be knocked out even with insignificant blows.

After the planer is assembled, it will be necessary to make a sole and remake the mouth in order to finally fit to the iron element, given the purpose of the product being manufactured. The narrow gap before the "piece of iron" is a prerequisite in order to finely remove the chips. A width of 0.8 mm wide is more suitable for coarse chips.

The most labor-in part of the manufacturer is the rooting of the tool to the "piece of iron". The pilot must be rounded according to the bends of the iron element. This can be done only through a small opening in the plane sole. If the product is made to remove the fine chips, then it is necessary to take care that the gap of the mouth is as already possible.

The iron element should be fixed at the uneven line of the front of the middle element, after that it is started to give the right sole. To do this, you need to clamp the product made up the product, and from ribs to the middle, where you need to remove some wood. Then the design must be processed by a plane with a flat sole.

When a 0.8 mm distance remains in the plane to the radius of "hardware", you need to switch to the citned. Make it with the goal so that you can remove traces from the plane. Then, the plate is fixed on the plate and the lower part of the plane is cleaned with long same passages, while you should turn the tool from the side to the side. After that, they inspect the contours of the soles "piece of iron". At the end, it should be cleaned with the soles of the micron skirt, which is attached to the flat base.

After stripping, it will not be able to pass through the mouth. For this reason, it is necessary to remove the wood before the "piece of iron" with a small file. Remove until the iron element coincides with the mouth. As a result, "piece of iron" should get out of the sole.

If the quality of the product made you will arrange, then the tool can be covered with varnish. On the side parts of the plane, they are advised to apply an additional layer of varnish.

Note that during the gluing of all parts of the product, it is necessary to remove all excess glue, which can be written after compression in the tisch.

It is not difficult to make a planer from the tree, if you take into account all the nuances available. It is necessary to comply with the correct procedure, as well as have all the necessary materials and tools.