Repairs Design Furniture

Manufacturing ceramic tiles. If it is necessary to extrude the mixture, the residual moisture of the mixture should be higher than the specified value: it is possible to remove water from the slip with the filter press. Line for the production of ceramic tiles

-\u003e Production, construction, agriculture

Production of tiled ceramic tiles.

Tilelike one of the most sought-after building materials, always enjoyed demand. People do not cease to build, repair apartments even during the crisis. And if large manufacturers specializing in the manufacture tile tile For new buildings, today during the crisis "specifically suffer" in the first place, then focused on providing a tile of individual apartments, you will always stay in the "plus".

Advantages and features of the production of tile

In this case, small business, unlike large production, has several quite "solid" benefits. First of all, it is a great variety finished productsThe smaller manufacturer can hardly "boast". On the hand of "small" manufacturers of tile played and a fall of the national currency exchange rate, significantly increasing the cost of imported products.

The main competitive advantage of small production tile tile - The possibility of producing really high-quality products at prices, below competitive.

Equipment for the production of tiles

For the purchase of a minimum set of equipment necessary to start production ceramic tile It will take about $ 10 thousand.
For this amount you will receive: concrete mixture, vibrostanok, forms under the tile, a chamber for spraying drawings, glaze and a semi-industrial furnace for drying products at a temperature of about 200 degrees. Equipment for the production of tile can be purchased both in the kit and individually, which will be a little cheaper.

However, to make not standard tiles, but something exclusive, unique, you need to get additional devices. Multifunctional upgraded spraying chamber will cost $ 3 thousand to apply different drawings, a set of stencils will also need. Approximate cost of a set of 200 pcs. Stencils - about $ 600.

It is possible to purchase and mass of other wide variety of devices allowing to make tiles, for example, self-driving, however, and the standard set will be enough for production as nasty, so I. outdoor tile.

Materials, room and pressed for the production of ceramic tiles

The quality of the finished tile largely depends on the quality of materials applicable to its manufacture. It is better to use high-quality cement and granite dropout. Also, you will need plasticizers, dyes and glaze. If proceed from monthly production tile tile To cover 5000 meters square square, the cost of raw materials will be about $ 12 thousand.

To organize the production of a given number of tiles, there will be enough 4-working: 2nd near the concrete mixer, 1- to maintain vibrationtol and another will be engaged in drying and tile packaging. In addition, to ensure proper product quality, you need to hire the wizard, with the knowledge of the technological process.

Room requirements for business organization production ceramic tile minimal. The required area is about 100 sq.m. It may be a cold warehouse, a barn - almost anything that has a wall and roof ...

Payback production of ceramic tile

  • $ 10 thousand - equipment for the production of tile,
  • $ 12 thousand - raw materials,
  • about $ 3 thousand - employee salary,
  • about $ 1 thousand - rental of premises and payment of electricity (can differ significantly).
  • $ 1.5 thousand - on the organization of production and the opening of the case.

As a result, one-time costs will amount to $ 30 thousand, and about $ 18 thousand - monthly.

We will calculate the income on the basis of the average cost of the sale of tiles at $ 7 per meter square. With the volume of production in 5 thousand sq.m. The total monthly income will be about $ 35 thousand.

However, if you think that everything is so perfect and smooth, as can be seen from the preliminary calculations, you will have to disappoint you a little.

Seasonality and sales markets.

Ceramic tile - Products that are very dependent on the season and fashion trends. Demand for tile in winter Almost equal to zero. It makes no sense to work in the cold course of the year, since the tile produced by next year may not be in fashion. The demand for ceramic tiles is activated in the spring. In the summer, you should not have problems with the realization.

About sales market - Everything is here according to the standard: through repair brigades, advertising and exhibition stands in building markets and fairs, Internet and other methods to declare themselves and attract customers.

Thus, the real period of payback to investments will be a little more than 1 year.

And remember without ceramic tile Today, no serious repairs do. In Russia, there are many ceramic tile shops, their range will enrich your fantasy in terms of tiles design and will be a reliable guide to the trends in modern repairs.

For the manufacture of tiles in factory, the following equipment is necessary:

  • Concrete mixer: Designed for mixing cement and other ingredients.
  • Vibrostanok.: Designed to compact concrete mix.
  • Forms: Designed for the formation of tiles.
  • Special camera: Designed for spraying drawing and glaze.
  • Bake: Designed for drying formed products.

The listed equipment will be sufficient for the manufacture of an ordinary or standard tile. But if the manufacturer decides to produce more unique products, then it will require some other devices. It can be:

  • Multifunctional camera For spraying, which costs a lot of money.
  • Set of professional stencilsWith the help of which drawings will be applied.

The price of equipment for production (production) of ceramic tiles is quite large enough. But the payback is good.

In the video below discussed special equipment For the production of tiles:

Calculation of raw materials

For the manufacture of tiles will be required the following materialsEach of which performs a certain role in the raw material:

  • (responsible for the safety of size after the drying procedure).
  • (responsible for the elasticity of the mixture).
  • Feldshpay composition (responsible for viscosity).
  • Carbonate composition (responsible for viscosity).
  • A variety of additives.

For the production of tiles, a refractory or refractory clay is necessary. The latter option is most suitable for the number of impurities.

To bring clay to the required state use different additives. They are the following types:

  • Glaze (creates a protective layer and gives the product a beautiful aesthetic appearance).
  • Expressive additives (they reduce clay shrinkage and make plasticity several times less).
  • Places (reduce the melting point of clay).
  • Plasticizing (make clay more plastic).
  • Angob (applied to decorative product processing).
  • Steaming (make the structure of the product more porous).

Manufacturing technologies

The production of tile differs little from the manufacture of ceramic products. Over the years, it remains unchanged.

Factory methods

The tile on the factories passes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the mixture.
  2. Formation of products.
  3. Drying in cameras.
  4. Glazing tiles.
  5. Firing in the furnace.
  6. Sort products.

Preparation of the mixture and formation of products

At the preparation stage, mixing components occurs to obtain the necessary homogeneity. First of all, the clay is crushed, then various additives are added to it to obtain the desired chemical.

Before the formation stage of clay is necessarily wetting. As far as the raw material will be made, and what additives will enter it, depends on the indicators of the finished product.

Under the molding understands the pressing of products. For this, the prepared raw materials are poured into forms and pressed under pressure of 400 kg / cm 2. As a result of this process, a rather durable and very dense product is obtained.

Tile drying and glazing

At the drying stage, unnecessary moisture is removed from the products. This stage is of particular importance. The fact is that moisture in the firing process evaporates. The resulting pairs strongly destroys the integrity of the tile products.

If the drying stage is neglected, then you can get a lot of rejected products at the output.

Glazing is necessary to give or light shade. Applying the glaze is carried out before the firing step. High temperature and subsequent cooling convert such coating into a specific glass.

Such a coating performs protective functions. As a result, the tile not only gets aesthetic appearance, but protects the product from negative impacts.

Firing and product sorting

Another of very serious stages - firing. High furnace temperatures lead to the necessary chemical reactions, as a result of which physical changes occur in the tile. Furnaces are moving through the tunnel.

The temperature of the furnace is different. It varies in the range from 900 to 1300 ºС. It is very important at this stage gradually reduced the ambient temperature. With an empty transition or with a sharp shift, the product may be deformed.

At the stage, the product sorting is inspected. Here is assessed with thickness, dimensions, the presence of cracks and the degree of marriage. Only after that, the tile is packaged and sent for sale.

The following video presents the production of tiles in the factory conditions:

Do it yourself

For self-making tile, you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials.
  2. Production of raw.
  3. Conducting biscuit firing.
  4. Subsequent decoration.

Preparation of raw materials and making raw

At the first preparatory stage it is very important to correctly pick up the type of clay. Here it is necessary to take into account its plasticity. Plastic raw materials allows you to form an absolutely any form.

The optimal option in this case appears the clay of medium fat. If there is a clay of increased fatty, then the value can be averaged, add to the material of sand, pumice or shame. This method will allow to avoid gap during the firing and make raw materials less refractory.

After mixing the components, the resulting mass is wrapped in a polyethylene package. It is very important to completely overlap the access of oxygen. Raw materials should absorb available moisture. Aerial traffic jams in the tile strongly reduce qualitative characteristics. This method will significantly improve the quality of clay.

For molding, polyurethane forms are used or any other suitable in characteristics. When forming, it is very important to distribute clay well in shape and carefully to take it. In this case, the thickness of the future product over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe form should be the same.

Prepared raw dried. Readiness is judged by curing and lightening tiles.

It is important to remember that the raw itself is very fragile.

Firing and subsequent decoration

The firing is also carried out under the action of high temperatures. As a result, a glass-like product should be obtained. In the home conditions it will not be possible to achieve a temperature of 1300 ºС, 850 ºС will be enough. Biscuit firing is called because raw gives shrinkage. This is necessary to take into account when calculating the dimensions of the product.

At the decoration stage, you can show fantasy. A variety of drawings will decorate any product. The most important thing here to use the glaze. It can be applied with a brush or just a spray. Often use the way of poultry. Glossy gloss achieved with varnish or enamel.

At the end of decoration, the product is subjected to firing a second time. It is important to not exceed the specified temperature value, otherwise the tile can crack.

In the video below shows the manual process manufacturing ceramic tiles:

Production of ceramic tile as a business

Business on the manufacture of tile will always take place. Opening your mini production can be quite easy to find buyers due to the fact that the tile will cost a little cheaper than competitive manufacturers. At the same time, it will not differ in low quality. It is these two factors that always stand in the first place from the consumer.

So, it will take about 300,000 rubles for the purchase of equipment. The purchase of material will require about 350,000 rubles.

Per optional equipment You will also have to pay:

  • Multifunctional spraying chamber: approximately 90 000 rubles.
  • A set of professional stencils: 18,000 rubles for 200 pieces.

In addition, it will be necessary to remove the area where the equipment will be installed and the production process will be implemented. On average, it will be needed about 35,000 rubles. In the same figure, we will include considerable costs of electricity.

The process is not automated, so no workers do not do here. On the wages service personnel We highlight about 90,000 rubles. This will require money and the process of opening the case. This is approximately 45,000 rubles.

We divide the listed costs for two types:

  • Disposable, which will be 453,000 rubles.
  • Monthly, which will be equal about 475,000 rubles.

To determine income, we assume that the production volume is 5,000 m 2 tiles. Let the price per square amount to 210 rubles. Then the monthly profit will be equal to 1,050,000 rubles. Net income over a minus monthly costs will be 575,000 rubles. At full payback invested costs will be needed a little more than a year.

The amount of income from the production of tile is very good, but all that are so smooth. This business has its pitfalls.

  • First, the sale of tiles is very much depends on the season. So, in winter it is bought very little, mainly about construction and repair people begin to think in spring and summer. It is at this time of the year that you can count on the full sale of the tile made.
  • The second factor is fashion trends. It is impossible to produce tiles in full per month when it is little in demand. After all time will pass And the tile will become unmarried and not interesting. The demand of buyers will fall on it.

Despite any crises of ceramic tiles are always in demand. Even if in difficult times, people do not build at home and do not major repairs apartments redecorating It is rare without laying a tile. Therefore, this facing material Always find your buyer.

Benefits of small business

Experts believe that this business is more profitable to open in a small format. In small production, you can afford to have a variety of products, and already ready. In addition, the imported goods made in the price made buyers better evaluate domestic. At the same time, its quality is not much inferior to imported samples.

Market analysis

The production market is wide, therefore it is worth deciding with its niche. The segment of inexpensive and high-quality products remain fairly free. Therefore, it is recommended to learn who already works in this niche in your area, which range offers, at what prices, what composition. Your advantage can be in original designer decisionsFor which you will have to invite specialists to develop samples. In addition, it is important to adhere to all installed guests. Only so you can bring business to the competitive level.

Registration of the company

The business plan of production should begin with the definition of the form of registration of the enterprise. For a small case, where a few employees will work, just register individual entrepreneur. But if you plan to produce large volumes, it is better to register a legal entity.

During registration, you must specify the OKVED code 26.3 - the production of ceramic tiles and plates. We also recommend immediately switching to a simplified tax system. So it will be easier to conduct business at the start.

Development of an assortment

Another important question that should solve a business plan - what will be the range of your products. Initially, you need to decide on what type of tiles your company will be specialized. Tile distinguish by:

  • type of raw materials: Cotto, ceramic granite, clinker, Terrala, Metlah tiles;
  • production technologies: with twofold or single firing, glazed, unborn;
  • molding method: hand molding, casting, pressing, extrusion and other;
  • use decorative elements: mosaic, decorative inserts and other;
  • texture: porous, under ancient, mosaic, stone and so on;
  • appointment: for pool, fireplace, floor, kitchen, bathroom.

Another task is to determine what style the manufacture of ceramic tiles will be carried out. To solve this issue, you can invite the artist-designer, which will develop exclusive options. But in this case, the cost plan will increase significantly. Alternatively, you can purchase templates and molds of leading Spanish or Italian developers.

You also need to decide what format tile you will be released. At the start of the enterprise it is better to stay on standard sizes: 400x400, 330x330, 310x500, 200x300, 250x400, 200x400, 250x330, 200x300, 200x200 mm.

Related documentation

Whatever the tile option you choose, the goods must comply with the requirements of the guests. For each type of tile there is a private standard:

  • ceramic tile - GOST 27180-2001;
  • floor tile - GOST 6887-90;
  • tile facing for inland walls - GOST 6141-91;
  • facade ceramic tile - GOST 13996-93.

On those types of tiles for which GOST is not provided, you can voluntarily issue a certificate of conformity. But in any case, include a business plan for the design of a hygienic certificate in Rospotrebnadzor and a certificate of fire safety.

The process of production of ceramic tiles must necessarily provide for permanent quality control of manufactured products. To do this, it is necessary to organize the work of the Technical Control Department and Laboratory.


The production technology of ceramic tiles requires the use of several groups of components. These include:

  • The main - clay components, due to which the mass acquires the plasticity and the ability to molding (kaolin, clay);
  • Components to reduce shrinkage - quartz raw materials, due to which the skeleton of tiles (quartz sands) is formed;
  • Carbonate components, due to which the sintering temperature is reduced, and after the roasting, the goods acquire a glassy structure (field splits, slags, nepheline);
  • Additives - dilutes, surfactants, mechanicallyactivating components.

Naturally, the quality of the tile depends on the quality of these components, so it is better to use the raw materials of the highest marks. If every month produce a tile of 5 thousand square meters. m, the business plan needs to lay at least 12 thousand dollars. for the purchase of raw materials.


Equipment for the production of ceramic tile includes a purchase:

  • semi-industrial furnaces (200 degrees);
  • cameras for spraying glaze, drawings;
  • forms for tiles;
  • vibrostanka;
  • concrete mixers.

In total, at least 10 thousand dollars should be included on the purchase of equipment in a business plan. All components can be bought separately, but you can order a finished production line and save a little on delivery. Include in the business plan and purchase of a set of stencils for drawing - approximately $ 600 per 200 pieces. If you take an expanding chamber with an extended set of functions, it will cost $ 3 thousand.

But this is a standard set that allows you to make a standard tile. If you plan to prepare exclusive specimens, you will have to buy special equipment.

Production technology

Regardless of what tile you specialize, the production technology will be approximately the same. It takes such stages:

  • Preparation of the mixture is a process that passes the stage of grinding, mixing, homogenization, moisturizing.
  • Molding is most often used by pressing method, when the mass is squeezed on both sides.
  • Drying - removal from the tile of extra moisture. It is important to ensure that the products do not crack.
  • Glazing - application to the surface of the composition of the glaze. This stage is used only in the manufacture of glazed tiles.
  • The firing is carried out in special tunnel furnaces, where, gradually heating, the tile is withstanding at temperatures above 1250 ° C.

Some enterprises make the glazed double firing tile. In this case, the tile is first burned, then the glaze is applied and only after that burn again.


To organize small production Tiles with a power of about 5 thousand. square meters per month, enough four workers. Of these, two will serve concrete mixer, one - vibrotole and one more dry and packaging finished products. You will also need a master who will be familiar with technological process And it will be followed by its strict performance.


There are no special requirements for the premises. The main thing is that it is closed and has an area of \u200b\u200bat least 100 square meters. m. Therefore, it is possible to open production in the garage, and in the hangar. The room must be distributed to such zones:

  • finished products warehouse;
  • manufacturing facility;
  • raw warehouse.

The only thing is that it is desirable to envisage that production is not far from the place where the raw materials are purchased. Then you can significantly save on transportation and reduce the cost of finished products.

Sales markets

The market plan for finished products can include the development of such channels:

  • individuals;
  • repair companies;
  • building markets;
  • building stores.

Alternatively, you can open your own point for the sale of tiles. It is advisable to open it in the sleeping areas not far from the new buildings. Then the inhabitants who carry out repairs in new apartments will be able to buy a tile from you, and not to drive for her to another end of the city.

But if you make luxury tiles, the store is better to place in the city center. Note, before the start of trade, you need to receive a certificate in the state-poidnadzor.

The optimal option will be the sale of products via the Internet. You can sell it using ads on free boards. But a great return will give its own online store, where buyers will be able to familiarize themselves with the full list of goods and the conditions for its purchase.

Payback of production

Before opening production, you need to calculate the cost plan, income and payback.

The cost of expenses will look like this:

  • equipment - 10 thousand dollars;
  • raw materials - 12 thousand dollars;
  • salary to employees - $ 3 thousand;
  • rent I. utilities - 1 thousand dollars;
  • other starting investments - 1.5 thousand dollars.

In total, the launch of production will require at least 30 thousand dollars. Initial capital, and then another $ 18 thousand investments every month.

The square meter of tiles on average costs $ 7. If you produce and implement about 5 thousand square meters per month. Meters, monthly income will be approximately $ 35 thousand. However, it is necessary to take into account that not every month will be able to realize the entire volume of products.

Seasonality production

Ceramic tile - seasonal goods. The maximum demand for it is observed in the summer in the most active repair work. In the spring and autumn, demand is slightly smaller, and in winter it is practically no. However, it makes no sense to produce in winter production volumes for the future. In addition to seasonality, the tile has one more characteristic feature - The range is obsolete. What was fashionable last summer is already irrelevant for the next year. Therefore, despite the high popularity of the goods in the summer, the payback period of investments can stretch for a year. To cut it, it is desirable to go to the market with a commodity to the beginning of the construction season - in March-April.

Production of ceramic tiles - a business that will have to organize in conditions of high competition. To reduce its pressure slightly, we recommend using such tips:

  • all your employees must have topical knowledge in the manufacture of ceramic tiles;
  • looking for and listen to the advice of professionals in this area;
  • always focus on customer needs;
  • make sure that each client is an individual approach;
  • if you take to the staff of the consultant, the manager, make sure they speak well the topic and have high professional skills;
  • strive to the rapid place to fulfill the order without prejudice to quality.

The production of ceramic tiles is carried out by a variety of factories and factories around the world. This is considered a promising business and a good capital investment. To date, there are production on which the manufacture of ceramic tiles is largely oriented on individual orders. Abundance options ready-made solutions Along with the possibility of manufacturing personal orders, it allows you to embody in ceramics any designer designs.

The production of ceramic tiles can be performed independently. Ceramics did long before the special presss and other mechanisms appeared. The manufacture of the tile is based on thousand-year practices. Anyone today is quite available manufacturers of tiles using simple mechanisms that make it possible to make the original mass, apply the glaze and perform tile firing.

The process of making a tile is easy. Based on the variety of manufactured tile and its purpose in production, a glove mixture is used in production. different species With the addition of other natural impurities. To obtain a tile of good quality, it is important to use a suitable variety of clay. At first, all the components with the help of the appropriate equipment are pressed. The process is performed under greater pressure, after which the products undergo firing in the furnace at a large temperature.

For the production of tiles, refractory or refractory clay is used. The first option is the most suitable thanks to a large number of impurities. In the manufacture of the tile is extremely important not to violate the conditions provided by technology. Despite the fact that today the manufacture of a tile is the basis of the activities of many enterprises, the growing demand allows not only to expand existing capacitiesBut also open new lines.

For different options The tile provides for the use of the mixture different varieties Clay and additional impurities. To obtain the glaze, a mixture is used, including kaolin clays, sand, glass crumb and oxide pigments. Pigments are used to give the tile of the required color. For the manufacture of the tile itself, a mixture of wild spa, clay and quartz sand is used.

The production of tile is not very different from the manufacture of any other ceramic products. For a very long time, the technology of production of ceramic tiles is basically unchanged. Despite the differences in the features of the manufacture of tiles different speciesFor the main mass of the production technology scheme is also the same.

The production of tiles is a process consisting of several phases. To get tile high Quality Progressive technological equipment is used, the best species Source raw materials. To produce tiles can be used fully automated industrial equipment. Production technology, which is based on high-tech equipment, allows you to make a tile of large sizes with perfect shape and proportions.

Differences of production methods

All initial materials are first thoroughly crushed, after which they are stirred and moistened to the formation of homogeneous mass. At the next step, molding should be molded for which pressing or extrusion can be used. The extruded tile is produced from raw materials crushed into powder. First, the powder is compacted, after which the pressing is pressed under greater pressure. This method makes it possible to more rigidly observe the size of the product and form a high-quality surface.

In the production of ceramic tiles, extrusion technology provides for the passage of a pasty mixture of basic materials through a special film necessary form. In the process of passing the prepared mixture through the form, products of the necessary width and thickness are created. The use of such a molding method is characterized by simplicity and less cost compared to the pressing method. After this action, the ceramic tile will dry and undergoes firing.

How the mixture is prepared and the products are molded

The manufacture of the tile begins with the preparation of raw materials. At the preparation stage, mixing components are made, of which a homogeneous source mass is formed. For this, the clay is first crushed, after which the necessary impurities are added to it to obtain the desired composition. Grinding clay is necessarily wetting. The degree of wetting is determined by additives, the volume and proportions of which are determined by the desired characteristics for finished products.

Next occurs the molding tiles. As already described above, molding can be performed by two methods: extrusion or pressing. In the first case, the ready mass is passed through a special forming installation, in the second in the prepared forms poured a mass, which is then pressed under high pressure. At the exit, very dense and strong products are obtained.

Drying Products and Planting

At the next stage, drying of products is performed, with which excessive moisture is removed from the tile. Without this stage, it is not necessary to do without removing excess moisture at the firing stage there will be intensive vaporization. The resulting excess couple will cause a disorder of the integrity of the tile products, and the output will be too much defective product.

The glaze is required to give tiled products of a certain color or shade. The coating of the icing is performed on the eve of the firing. Glazate tiles by druising and sprouting. High-temperature processing of products in the furnace and the process of cooled turns such a type of coating in a kind of glass. This coating performs not only aesthetic, but also a protective function. As a result, the tile will be protected from negative influence external factors will gain high hygienic properties.

How does the product firing happen

High-temperature effects in the furnace forms the required chemical reactions leading to the necessary physical changes in tile products. In production, the furnace is arranged in the form of a conveyor where products move in the tunnel. There are furnaces in which the movement of products is based on the carousel principle.

In the technological equipment market, the equipment for the production of ceramic tiles is represented in big assortment. With the development and improvement of technology, it is continuously improved. The range is great, you can buy independent plants, Large aggregates for large factories or a separate machine for the production of tiles at home.

What advantages give new technologies

Cafe Production B. lately worries update. This is due to the fact that there are new modern types of equipment for painting products. New technologies allow you to form a decorative layer in such a way that it forms a single integer with the structure of the products. This drawing is not erased over time and does not flex.

One of the modern embodiments of the drawing on the ceramic tile provides for the use of UV printers. This kind of printing is based on the use of special ink and glaze paints with good adhesion characteristics. Upon completion of the application process, this method of graphic drawing produces polymerization using UV lamp.

Special inkjet and laser printers can be used to apply on ceramic tiles. In the production of small batches, use inkjet printers for ceramics. With their help, the black and white drawings are applied. For large volumes of ceramic tiles, production can be equipped with laser printers. In this case, the picture is first transferred to the decal paper, after which it is fixed on the tile, which is followed by firing in the furnace.

Independent manufacture

Recently gets more and more distribution independent manufacture tile. The motive for this is the desire not only to save, but also make the original, not found by anyone finishing material. Great popularity in independent production It uses cement tiles. It represents a very interesting finish material that can be used for walls and gender. Such a coating is manufactured manual waywhich was invented in the middle ages invented.

Cement tile production is an entertaining process. For its manufacture, a special metal shape is made in the form of a matrix with contours of the tile pattern - like the stencil. Further prepares painted cement, for which the mixture is used, which includes small sand, special cement, marble powder and natural-based dyes. W. finished tiles A matte surface is formed, rough to the touch and non-slip. The products made in this way do not pass firing, but only dried. Due to this, the sizes of tiles do not change, while maintaining the initial accuracy, which can be considered an advantage.

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Was in the history of our country the period when to make any thing with his own hands, forced harsh reality, namely the lack required product In the trading network, and the only opportunity to become the owner of a particular subject, it was made from anything at home.

The main component for ceramic tiles is clay

Now the modern industry and trade provides consumers of any nomenclature of goods, including and satisfies customer requests in the finishing materials market. Ceramic tile is represented in all imaginable and not conceivable species, sizes and colors.

It would seem that it would seem easier: come, choose, buy, lay, but this option is arranged not all, in our rapid eyelids of standardization and typical solutions, I want to allocate your individuality at least in the finish of one or another room. And hence the question arises, and whether it is possible to make ceramic tiles at home with their own hands, realizing your own ideas, design of the internal space of the bathroom or kitchen. Tomorrow will not. We answer. Yes, it is possible, but when complying with some simple conditions, which are lower.

What is needed to organize ceramics

First of all, it is necessary to possess great desire, patience and confidence in the positive result, and also have in stock necessary materials, Tools, devices and equipment. Perhaps not everything will succeed at once, but the efforts have extended in the end will be able to proud of themselves, demonstrating both friends and acquaintances, a rather technological product, like a ceramic tile, made of clay with their own hands.

Handmade clay ceramic tile

Selection of raw materials

What makes any ceramics make, they probably know everything, the main component is clay. But about what kind of clay, their properties and the possibility of use for the manufacture of ceramic tiles do it yourself. In terms of composition, properties and field of clay application are divided into four groups:

  1. Rough-meal. Contain a large number of impurities in the form of pebbles and sand, as well as gypsum and lime inclusions. Used for the manufacture of bricks, tiles, dishes and clay.
  2. Fireproof and refractory. Have a high alumina content, possess good plasticity and high degree of refractory. Used in the manufacture of refractory bricks and various ceramics.
  3. Kaolin. Maloplastic clays are used in paper and rubber production And as an additive for the manufacture of faience products.
  4. Montmorlonite. The main feature is their high plasticity, it is used as a drill solution, in metallurgy and the food industry.

Plasticity is the ability of clay to acquire any shape, and maintain it as drying.

Also, clays are divided into "fatty" and "skinny." The first are plastic and products of them can be given any form, but to make ceramics with your own hands at home, it is necessary to prepare clay, for which the source material is diluted to required Sand, shamot or hammer pumice.

Do not take too "fatty" clay, it is better than average glistening

Selection of tools and materials

Deciding to make a tile, or the usual ceramic tile do you need: you will need:

  • raw materials: clay, dilution filler, in case clay fat, water;
  • form for the production of future tiles;
  • cliché for the formation of a pattern of drawing or bas-relief on the front side of the product;
  • shovel, scoop, trowel;
  • grid for reinforcement of the product.

Stages of manufacture of ceramics

The production technology of ceramic tiles with their own hands consists of the following steps:

  • The clay of the middle plasticity is taken, falling asleep into the container and poured with water. After several days of soaking, the clay is mixed and warm up. Then through fine sieve, the material is shaking into another container and after which the mass is distributed to old newspapers or a layer rag of 10-15 mm. Upon reaching the glue of the necessary density, it is stirred and removed into the plastic bag.
  • The material prepared in this way is stacked in the form and compacted, it is necessary to make it so that the level of the molding mass coincides with the edges of the form, for which the excess material is cut into a knife or cutter.

The most high-quality forms are made of polyurethane, products are obtained fairly smooth with the same parameters.

  • Next, the technology of making ceramic tiles with their own hands, goes into the pre-dry stage. It lasts before purchasing a lot of lighter shade and depends on the temperature on temperature. ambient and humidity. The result is a raw tile. If something went wrong with you, then at this stage you can still correct the situation, for which the spoiled semi-finished product is soaked with water, and the formation procedure starts first.
  • The firing process of the raw tile is the most technological stage, because the semi-finished product must be exposed to a high temperature of about 1000-1200 degrees, for which special equipment will be required. To make a ceramic tile with your own hands, you can limit the temperature and in 850-900 degrees, which is achieved in the electrical muffle furnace. The production technology allows this, provided that there is a pumice in the composition of the clay mass, which sins at the specified temperature. Such primary firing is called biscuit for some similarity in the obtained small-pouring structure of the workpiece, after evaporation of water. Ceramic blank at the same time has already acquired the necessary hardness and durability. It is called such a product with terracotta.

Stages of technology: making raw, firing ceramics and decorative layer

  • If you want to make Maitolika do it yourself, that is, burned ceramics, from the front side, covered with icing, and simply put, tile, then the production technology does not end. It is necessary to take another firing, but already with icing, for which a multicomponent mixture is prepared, the main components of which are glass, kaolin and tripolefuse in the form of a powder. All components are mixed and bred by water. The resulting mixture, brush, or method of pouring the workpiece is distributed by the product, and make the second root.

Special attention should be paid to control over the temperature of the process, it should not be higher than the temperature of the primary firing. Otherwise, the glazed surface can be corrupted or the terracotta blank will occur.

Such a tile manufacturing technology allows you to create unique compositions on the glossy surface of the product, for which various compositions are used. In the case when the execution of glazing with the firing is not suitable for any reason, it is an attractive, smooth and brilliant surface, you can process the workpiece enamel or varnish.

And so if the article is read to the end, and the difficulties of production from clay ceramic tile do it yourself, reflected in this manual, you were not frightened, then the honor of you and praise. After all, knowing from what and how to make such a unique finishing material, originality and individuality of the facing, as well as the enthusiasm of your friends and acquaintances, you are provided.