Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade garage chairs. The workbench is the necessary product in every garage. Determine the storage of tools. Self-timers for the garage: ideas for making with your own hands How to make a garage turntable chair itself

Furniture to the garage is functional racks, locksmiths, racks of different sizes, bedside tables and other items designed to store working tools and carry out small repair. Any car owner is proud of his garage furniture, especially if it is made with your own hands.

The article proposes to familiarize yourself with the technology of manufacturing some products for such a room.

Features of the arrangement of garage

The garage is a room where the car is located, spare tires are located for it, various details, tools. It also stores inventory that is not used or prepared for equipment repair.

Such multifunctionality of the room dictates and special arrangement of it, which requires compliance with the rules:

  • Ergonomics.
  • Security.
  • Of course.
  • Comfort.

Tip: Ideally, if the space of the garage is divided into functional zones with a basement, observation pit and a workshop. It is very important that the tool is located in the right place, always at hand.

With competent calculation and zoning, things stored in the garage, and the car does not interfere with the person move, and reliably fixed machines do not damage the body of the car. Before proceeding with the facilities of the room, you should purchase furniture in the garage, you need to make a plan for its arrangement.

For this you need:

  • Create a scheme, draw a design plan or a sketch project for three sizes:
  1. length;
  2. width;
  3. height.
  • With a convenient wayover, which takes into account the best option for saving space and prevent damage to the machine.

  • Planting the installation of the car for parking with the most convenience, access to its nodes and systems requiring frequent inspection and periodic repairs.
  • Calculate the size of the passes around the machine, which will provide free move around it in the garage.
  • Determine the possibility of laying racks, workbenches, shelves, car wash (see), cabinets for storing tools and equipment. In garages with a small area there are places for attachments, the height of the structures and the height of their placement is calculated to ensure safety for the owner and its car.
  • Choose to improve the room materials for thermal insulation and finishing, come up with design.
  • Calculate what the price of the upcoming costs for the purchase of materials for finishing and and.

Making furniture with your own hands

How to make a homemade table workbench for fitter work

Tip: Before you start making furniture with your own hands, you should choose a simple and affordable design, and gradually move to more complex.

The first need for the garage is the workbench or desktop. Such furniture for workshop and garage can have a small size up to 1.5 meters long, and a 0.6 meter width.

Height is selected depending on the growth of its owner. The optimal version of the product when the upper cover is located at the level of the middle of the palms when the hands of a person standing straight. With smaller sizes, the workbench will not be completely comfortable.

For the manufacture of workbench should be purchased:

  • Boards, thick over 40 millimeters for the product cover.
  • Wooden ram 70 x 100 millimeters for the manufacture of legs.
  • Bar 50 x 100 millimeters per crossbar.
  • Saws.
  • Nails.

The procedure for assembling the workbench is as follows:

  • Frame with four legs is manufactured.
  • On the construction on the design is fastened from smoothly outcanny boards. Her edges should be a little over the frame.
  • Horizontal longitudinal jumpers are installed at a height of about 0.5 meters from the floor, for the stability of the workbench.
  • The shelf is placed on them, for storing instruments and materials.

Tip: On the tabletop of the workbench should be installed, recess with the wedge and drill holes with pegs. Attach a small side along the back wall of the workbench, which will protect the parts from the table rolling.

At such a workbench (see), plumbing vices are usually additionally attached.

To accurately perform operations and human safety, the workbench should be located in the garage next to the light source.

Tip: To ensure fire safety after completing the work, turn off the light and electric heating devices. Timely remove the spent raw materials from the workplace and remove from the garage.

  • In the back corner of the boards to hold the material during the transverse sawing, the hinge stop is installed.
  • The vice are adaptable to the clip of the part when processing it in horizontal and in a vertical position.

Toolside table

Such garage furniture can serve as a variety of work and storage of tools. In the room, it occupies very little space, and its appearance with high-quality execution will decorate the room.

For its manufacture requires:

  • Create a planning table of bedside tables. In this case, you can choose a ready-made project, and you can construct it yourself, taking into account your preferences for the workplace device.
  • Beginning joiner is useful to first make a table tool storage bedside table. It will give the opportunity to purchase the necessary experience of carpentry work, and then make a mini workshop for full-fledged work, which will fit in a small wooden box.

The table presented in the photo is an outdoor, small size, wardrobe. Inside it has nests for storing different tools, and outside the verstal board is located.

How is a wooden tool rack

Such a garage furniture has a more time-consuming and complex manufacturing process compared to bedside table, but as a result, the design can be obtained combined that saves space and can decorate the room.

This solution is good to use in a large garage when the shelves need to place details and various tools. Here you can store a lot of things and items.

If necessary, all design sizes can be changed depending on the requests of its owner and specific conditions. With a change in basic sizes, the project changes, new parameters are set for its parts.

Tip: Before making a rack in the garage, it is calculated with maximum accuracy, so that it does not need to redo work, which can lead to the costs of the main material, time and strength.

The diagram is numbered all the details and are written on each of its sizes. At the same time, the details need to be numbered in the order of their manufacture, which will significantly facilitate the subsequent assembly of the design and will help you quickly find the necessary details.

You can take ordinary boards in the garage to laying tools, and for the manufacture of boxes it is suitable for chipboards. For the assembly, screws, dowels, varnish are required.

After determining the size and number of parts, the required material is purchased and you can start making the design.

The procedure for making a design is as follows:

  • Cutting blanks is performed by a manual disc electronized with a guide.
  • In the manufacture of a garage rack, it is necessary to accurately withstand all angles and sizes. To do this, it should be labeled and risks on the workpiece, the material is shown on them.
  • After cutting the blanks, their direct angles are controlled for compliance with the required dimensions.
  • Grinding edges of saws are performed.
  • A wooden rack on previously developed drawings is collected.

How Metal furniture is made for the garage, shows well video. Properly selected equipment in the garage allows you to provide its owner comfort and comfort when performing all the work.

When it comes to garage furniture, then this means different racks, bedside tables, racks, chairs, workbenches that allow you to safely and in perfect order to store work tools. In addition, they serve to carry out minor repairs. Today you will learn how to make a chair in the garage with your own hands, and familiarize yourself with several more interesting ideas. If you are able to embody these ideas in reality, then all familiar car enthusiasts will be envied. In this article, we will give not only detailed master classes, but also useful tips, without which you do not fulfill such a job.

How do you make a garage chair with your own hands?

Joiner's work, of course, it is better to start with something simple, gradually moving to more complex designs. For example, you can make a garage chair with your own hands, only this will not be an ordinary stool, but something like more on the stepladder, without which it is not to do in this room.

Prepare for work:

  • Wood.
  • Tight paper for template.
  • Sheets of chipboard.
  • Trimming chipboard.
  • Pencil.
  • Buttons.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Grinding machine.
  • Melamine, furniture edge.
  • Stiffening rib.
  • Racks.
  • Seat.
  • Clamps.
  • Piano loop.
  • Confirmates.
  • Caps for confirmates.

Perform all the work following this detailed scheme:

  1. Take advantage of the design of a special computer program or pick up the appropriate project of the stroke chairs on the Internet. Make out of thick paper templates side racks.
  2. Pick up DSP trimming so that they come under all available templates. Carefully stick the templates to the chipboard with the buttons, then circle a pencil.
  3. Drink the details of the jigsaw, ends to the typewriter. Cut the remaining parts from the chipboard according to the project. Lining the prepared elements of a furniture or melamine edge.
  4. First, collect a smaller part of the chair that will be fixed. Screw to the stiffness step. Then the step to one of the sidewall so that it is clearly in the middle of the rack. Screens out the second rack, set the rigidity edge seat. Mock the seat so that its edge coincides with the edges of the racks.
  5. Now it is necessary to assemble the second part of the stepladder. It will turn over, so the middle step is mounted upside down. Screw the rigidity and for the upper step, then screw it yourself.
  6. At the final stage, screw the seat. Install both parts to form a stepladder, combining the seats, fixing the clamps. Screw the piano loop. Install the plugs.

So wonderful, and most importantly - the functional chair is ready, it will be folded in two positions, which is very convenient for the garage.

How to independently make a garage cabinet?

The wardrobe in the garage will make it a bit more complicated, but you will get a convenient, combined design that will save the useful space and truly decorate this room.

Important! This solution is most appropriate for large garages whose shelves are always filled with various tools and details. Such a wardrobe can be equipped with drawers and shelves for storing all sorts of objects and things.

We will use the finished project again, but you can change the size of parts, depending on the specific conditions and your own requests. First, fulfill the calculation, trying to do everything as clear as possible so that in the future it does not have to redo all the work. Number in the diagram every detail, specify all sizes.

Important! Denote the details as they are making them, so that it was easier to collect the entire design.

From the joinery plates with a thickness of 38 mm prepare such elements:

  • Lope base.
  • Side wardrobe wall.
  • Three front wall walls.
  • Five base partitions.
  • Seven risers.
  • Eleven steps.
  • Seven shelves.
  • Two front panels for drawers.
  • Five boards of stepped wall.

Of the same plates, a thickness of 19 mm make such details:

  • Four front and rear drawer walls.
  • Four side walls of the drawer.
  • Two bottoms for drawers.

From a bar with a cross section of 25 by 25 mm, follow:

  • Power holder.
  • Railing.

For cutting and build prepare:

  • Disk electric saw.
  • Screws.
  • Furniture rollers.
  • Dowels.

Now that all sizes are already known to you, and you know exactly how many details will be needed, you can go to the store for materials and proceed to work.

Make a closet for this manual:

  • Apply the label to all blanks. Cut on them. Cut the blanks, check their compliance with the required size and rectangle. Separate cutting edges.
  • First of all, assemble the base in the form of a box design, the length of which can change, depending on your desire and certain conditions.
  • Screw to the lid of the base of the partition, while the width of the cells for the boxes should be 60 cm.
  • Separately from the shields, then glue the stepped wall. While the glue will dry out, leave the wall with ragged straps. Then adjusted the design close to the wall so that it serves as the base.

Important! Bloom better on a smooth fear of five blanks.

  • Drill according to the hole for screws.
  • On the wall, mark the location of the police station. Attach them with screws with a dowel to the wall. Place the same police holders on the back side of the stepped wall.
  • Collect stairs from steps and risers. At the same time, secure each step to the risk of several screws.
  • So, you collected separately the foundation, a stepped wall, the stairs, left to open all the details of the lacquer. But first, all the details and nodes are sewn, then cover two layers of acrylic varnish.
  • Create parts and nodes consistently with screws. Set the steps. Put on the base stepped wall, fix it with the upper and lower steps. At the base lid, attach the side wall, the upper platform and a stepped wall.
  • Attach the shelves to the side wall, then from the inside to the stepped wall. Install the shelves on the shelter bars. Put the stair march to place, attach to the stepped and side walls.
  • On the bottom additionally secure the shelves with the march steps through metal strips on the screws. Drink them into the groove to make invisible. Set the remaining steps, the front wall walls, the lower stage.
  • Install the railing and retractable boxes, and each of them should consist of the same walls interconnected by screws.
  • Screens up the bottom, then furniture rollers to it so that the boxes can move.
  • We arrive with the front panel with the handle from the inside of the box to the front wall. Insert ready-made boxes into the wall.

How to build a homemade table workbench for the garage?

The furniture for the garage is made with their own hands. It is most diverse, because here car enthusiasts not only store various tools, but also perform minor repairs. The desktop or workbench is an essential for the garage.

To build a workbench, buy all materials on the list:

  • For the cover of the board, a width of at least 40 mm.
  • Bar for the manufacture of legs with a cross section of 70 per 100 mm.
  • Bar for crossbar 50 per 100 mm.
  • Nails.
  • Saws.

Follow the assembly as follows:

  1. Make a frame with four legs.
  2. Attach the cover from thoroughly sliding boards from above. Its edges should be slightly going beyond the frame.
  3. Install the longitudinal horizontal jumpers at a height of 50 cm from the floor so that the workbench is more stable.
  4. Place the shelf for storing materials and tools.
  5. At the tabletop, install the hinge stop, a special notch with a wedge, drill holes with pegs so that with the transverse sawing the material is reliably held.
  6. Along the back wall, attach the side to the parts in the process of work they did not roll on the floor.
  7. Additionally, attach the locksmith vice for the clamp during the processing of parts in the vertical and horizontal position.
  8. We have led examples of the most useful garment furniture items that can be made personally. It does not need to spend a lot of money for the purchase of materials and tools, because many suitable parts are already in the garage at hand.

Garage is not only a parking lot of the car. This is also a workshop, and a resting place, and the club in interest. Therefore, the arrangement of the garage must be comfortable and thoughtful. On a small area it is necessary to place a lot of things, and they should be comfortable. Self-timers for the garage will help this. What only the people do their own hands. From the elementary shelf to the complex device. All this can be made it yourself. But you need to know how. Several ideas on the modernization of the garage and the plan of their implementation in the article.

Self-wear for the garage: ideas for arrangement

The arrangement of the garage is a long-term process. Immediately do everything will not work, you have to constantly upgrade something, change, instinct something new. At the same time, mainly use homemade garage. It requires less money Yes, it still gives pleasure - to make the necessary thing - it is expensive.

Storage of tires and wheels

Each car owner faces the problem of storing the unreasonable "shoes" for the car. Where to join the tires - the sick question. In general, the storage method depends on whether they are mounted on disks or not.

So the tires with disks can be swallowed or stored lying - in the form of a stack by folding them alone on the other. For hanging tires, it is possible to use luggage straps, chains, a metal cable with a diameter of 4 mm and more in a polyethylene sheath. Fasten the belts to the ceiling, the wall, to the top of the beam.

Another way available is to drive into the wall of pins or hooks with a small bend radius. The distance between the hooks is slightly larger than the tire diameter. The length of the pin should be such that they do not stick to the tire limits. You can fill them with almost under the ceiling to get the wheels.

Tires without disks can only be stored "standing". For them make special shelves. They are usually welded from the profiled tube. 20 * 20 mm, maximum, 30 * 30 mm. You can also use the corner. Cooking the round pipe is inconvenient, but it can be done from it. - Tires are stacked and held in this case better.

The width of the shelf is the 4th multiple bus width, plus the stock is 10-15 cm for some freedom. The height of the rear wall is slightly above the outer diameter of the wheel. The design is simple \u003d on the side resembles a rectangular triangle. Having, to cook such a shelf will not occupy labor.

Shelf for storage tires - Excellent garage homemade This is a factory option with a very inhuman price tag. But it can be borrowed by the idea - the crossbars can be rearranged depending on the size of the tires ... there is little shelf for tires in the garage with a limited space. Tire no - you can fold the shelf

Such shelves are usually hanging on the wall. But the place must be chosen so that the light does not fall into the rubber - it will deteriorate from it. Not the most complex homemade garage, but very useful.


Probably, the largest amount of homemade for the garage is associated with the workplace equipment and tool storage systems. And - not the only way to solve this task. First of all, it is necessary to decide where the workplace will be located. There are three options:

  • On the entire width of the long wall. If the garage has sufficient length and is the ability to "steal" about 1.5 meters. Dignity - everything is located compact, at hand, does not interfere with walking along the car. The lack of such a solution - you have to wear tools if work is carried out on the street.

    Countertop and many boxes. The main thing is to remember where it lies

  • Along one of the long walls. This location is chosen if the garage is wide, but not long enough. It makes sense to position the table and workbench to the left of the entrance - from the driver's seat. But it is not critical. The disadvantage of this location of the workplace in the garage is to move with some caution, but it is more convenient to make / carry out tools into the street.

    The main thing is to properly place the tools

  • Taking one of the corners. This is an intermediate option. Moreover, one of the parties can be made longer, the other is shorter.

    Place a desktop in the corner of the garage, and next to put a sofa - the wrong problem of occupying two adjacent sides - a great idea

The table or workbench for the garage makes the boards, we are plywood. Inexpensive, quite reliable. If there is a welding machine and reconciliation skills, you can weld the frame from the corner or profiled pipe. Write again better by moisture-resistant plywood. It turns out a smooth abrasion surface. Of course, it is possible to use and, but the laminating layer is rapidly damaged.

To "not walk" the place under the tabletop to install the shelves or make boxes. Boxes are more comfortable, but to make them - that is still a fruit. It is quite possible to make the shelves and put the boxes knocked from plywood. Plastic boxes and baskets are also suitable. But the walls must be thick.

There is, by the way, a useful idea - make a rack for storing a tool from a used canister. Find those whose handle is located on top. Next, everything is simple - one of the sidewall is cut and in the future, this canister is used as a box.

It is not necessary to make a whole rack - it's still difficult to remember where what is. But on the same principle you can make boxes for the shelves. On the ends, by the way, you can stick out the inscriptions or pictures (with pictures the identification occurs faster). Such homemakes for the garage bring satisfaction - create a useful thing from garbage - a pleasant feeling.

Storage of tools

The most difficult task is to organize the storage of the instrument in the garage. It must be done so that everything is in order, but at the same time, it was at hand and in sight. Moreover, closed boxes are suitable only to very organized people who always put a thing in place. Otherwise you will constantly rummage in the boxes, forgetting where it lies. There are several ideas for convenient storage of trifles and tools. These are completely simple homemade garage.

Quickly solve the problem will help the usual metal mesh. The reinforcing mesh of wire 2 mm is suitable, the cell is 10 cm. Bold it onto the wall, some twirl twin, flex, make hooks, crossbars, etc. You can buy special hooks that are attached to the grid (there are shops selling trading equipment), and conventional double-sided hooks that can be bought or to do from wire are suitable.

Mesh on the wall - way to quickly organize tool storage

Screwdrivers conveniently stored on a special shelf. You take the board, plywood, a thickness of 10-15 mm. The board needs to be good - so that there is no zoom. At then in the plane, drill the holes of different diameters into one or two rows. If the board is quite wide, you can make the holes more larger - for the chisels or even for the handles of the hammers. All chips again cleaned. Now we have to come up with a mount on the wall. You can use a regular bracket. Screwdrivers, chisels, other similar material are inserted into the holes. Convenient, quickly, all in sight.

There are also useful garage homemakes that allow you to organize the storage of the hand tool. Passatia, pliers, pliers, etc. Place convenient problematic. You can hang on the grid. It is convenient to hang, hang - no. But there is a simple decision - to attach the unintelligo board and put on it tool. So that it is conveniently "sat down", the board on one side run. In the cut, it should be similar to an equally chaired triangle.

Another simple idea for storing battery tools, charging and spare batteries to them. Make a shelf as a photo above. At the bottom of the dutches of different formats, and the upper are used as ordinary shelves. The idea is that everything is in one place, quickly gets / installed in place. These homemade garage will make a workplace convenient. Maintain order will be easy.

Camera carrying for garage

Even with very good lighting in the garage itself or day on the street, under the bottom of the car visibility is very low. To illuminate the front front, portable lamps are carrying. These are the simplest homemade for the garage. You can begin with the epic of the arrangement and equipment of the garage space.

In the simplest version, this is a cartridge attached to the wire, a small crochet screen can be attached to it. Such a completely uncomplicated thing. Light bulbs use ordinary - incandescent or housekeeper under standard cartridge. It's not bad, except that these light bulbs be fighting very often, you need to look for how to hang them so that they shine in a particular place. In general, the design needs to be improved. There are several options for alteration.

Unbreakable cartridge for lamp

This lampshade of the plastic bottle perfectly protects the fragile flask of the energy-saving lamp. You can also use the LED lamp, but the incandescent will not go - too much heats up. The design is ordinary - cord with a fork and a cartridge at the end.

The main task is to find a plastic vessel with the walls of translucent milk plastic of medium thickness. Transparent will not go - it will not dispel the light, too thin walls will not save the lamp from strikes. After finding a suitable vessel remains trifle:

It's simple, but such a plander allows you to brightly illuminate exactly the right area, all the rest of the space is flooded with even light, not cutting eyes.

Carrying from LED Embedded Luminaire

The simplest and most common homemade for the garage are portable lamps. Without them, it is inconvenient not only in, but even just on the workbench. We need a flat built-in LED lamp, which can be included in 220 V. These models are called "tablets" due to their form. You still need a cord with a fork, a piece of plastic windowsill - to integrate the lamp. A slice of the window sill in size should be greater than the lamp. We select specific sizes. Further actions are:

Everything, homemade carrying is ready. This option is for installation on the floor. The movable leg allows you to change the angle of inclination. So that it is less turned over, inside the case (in its lower part) you can fix a couple of loads.

Secure the cord from carrying the ceiling

Amenities fold out of the smallest things, and help in this very simple homemade for the garage. For example, you can remove the cable from a portable lamp under your feet. Carrying usually make a cheap cable. It is not the most flexible, poorly folds, his coils on the floor fall under the feet. In general, enjoy uncomfortable. You can protect yourself and carry - to hang the cable to the ceiling. The solution is simple, but very effective.

Here is such a "suspension" to the ceiling for carrying can be made with your own hands per hour

  • Two anchors with a ring at the end.
  • Screed for cable.
  • Clamping clamp.
  • Metal cable. Long depends on the size of the garage - it is necessary from one wall to another.
  • Steel / plastic rings or a steel wire and a piece of pipe to make these rings.
  • Carrying with a long cable - its length is about double garage length.

The cable is stretched along the long side of the garage. It is more convenient - not far from the "Worker" wall, where the workbench or other equipment is located. Works are a bit:

Well, that's all. You can use. With such a device, the carrying can be reached into any end of the garage, the cable is not confused and does not cling. Conveniently, time requires little.

Garage compressor do it yourself

The compressor is needed in any garage. And, by the way, this is not the most difficult homemade for the garage. A low-power compressor for a garage to swing tires and other small work can be made with their own hands from the utility materials. For example, from the compressor from the refrigerator. To do this, you will need:

  • compressor from the refrigerator;
  • a hermetic cylinder with thick walls (you can use flask from the fire extinguisher, a small gas cylinder);
  • safety valve for 8 atm;
  • pressure gauge;
  • fitting;
  • oxygen hoses with couplings (select the length on the basis of the sizes of your spare parts);
  • the base for the compressor - the thick board is suitable, a piece of plywood.

In order not to download any nasty to the tires, it is desirable to still put a filter - for separating oils, dust and other contaminants. The scheme of the homemade compressor is represented in the photo.

The compressor should be with a starting device. It is included in the network, we look at which air is suused, we note it. You can put a car filter on it - clean air will be hardened.

From the cylinder and the safety valve we collect the oil separator receiver. To do this, we cut two fittings into the balloon - for the input and outlet of the air. At the inlet, we put the safety valve to it with the help of an oxygen hose by connect the output of the compressor.

At the outlet of the receiver-oil separator, we put another oil automotive filter - to remove oils finally. The filter connects with the pressure gauge, and there is already a hose from it, which connects to the bus through the corresponding adapter.

The assembly is completed. But it was convenient to carry this device to carry this device, everything should be consolidated in some way. You can cook frame sizes, attach wheels and handle - for convenient transportation. One of the options for a compressor to swing the wheels is described in the video. There is no receiver, but its functions performs an oil filter. You can do it, but with the receiver, the design is more accurate.

Since the compressor in the refrigerator is low-power, it may take a long time to swipe the wheels. You can make it more powerful by installing two compressors that will be run simultaneously. Accordingly, the pressure will be charged twice as fast. But this installation requires a more solid security group. Such homemade requires a little more equipment, as the scheme is still more difficult.

The garage is not only a place for the car, but also the source of the invaluable additional space, which can be used truly rationally, if you construct useful tools with your own hands.

Garage DIY devices

Since the garage in direct purpose is home to the car, you should carefully consider the place for the tools well organized. Also in the room, there will be several square meters in order to make part of the objects from the apartment so as not to clutter the living room.

When installing various devices in the room, it is important to take into account all available equipment at hand. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

The rational organization of space in the garage creates many tangible advantages:

  • it is possible to independently carry out the fine repair of parts of auto and other mechanisms, due to which it can be significantly saved;
  • convenient placement of tools significantly speeds up the course of work and saves time;
  • creating additional places for storing tools, old things, clothes makes it possible to unload an apartment from things that are rarely used in the household;
  • finally, the well-thought-out inner logistics of the room allows him to save his attractive appearance and avoid littering.

NOTE. At the project development stage, it is important to proceed from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as take into account several mandatory stocking compartments - for storing summer and winter tires, canister, jack, etc.

Video top best ideas on the arrangement of the garage do it yourself

Garage Rack: Step-by-step Instructions for Manufacturing

Since the garage is always pleased with many objects, then arrange their location is a fundamental requirement for proper storage. The easiest and at the same time convenient option is to create a shelf rack.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the design of the structure, you should consider several important requirements:

  • The total mass of the rack should not be more than 4-5 centners - otherwise the design will be very hard to move in case of need. It will also be tangible to put pressure on the floor, which may worsen the quality of the coating.
  • The choice of materials is important to proceed from considerations of strength and durability of the structure. Metal is optimally suitable, as well as wooden beech or oak products. Plastic shelves are not suitable - they are not durable and besides may not withstand the temperature difference.
  • Choosing between a metal and wooden structure, should proceed from specific needs. Metal is longer and stronger, but the tree is more accessible at a price. If you need to place some tools, it is enough to make a small wooden rack.
  • Since all the tools are very heavy, you should immediately calculate the strength of the structure so that it can withstand at least 100-150 kg on one shelf.

Mounting wooden design

For the manufacture of such a device for the garage, you will need conventional working tools:

  • hacksaw wood and metal;
  • hammer, nails;
  • screwdriver, screws;
  • roulette construction;
  • construction level;
  • electric drill.

All wooden parts before assembly It is important to handle primer and covered with varnish. In the garage there may be increased humidity or temperature drop - therefore, without treatment, the tree will not last long.

Video - Wooden Shelving Making Technology With Your Hands

Installation of metal construction

Metal structures are distinguished by exceptional durability and durability. In addition, they do not need to be treated with special materials to prevent rot.

Metal can be made both rack and separate structures, for example, for storing rubber.

This should consider the rules for storing tires that are schematically shown in the figure.

At the stage of designing a metal shelving, it should be noted that all the necessary items can accommodate in it. As a basis, you can take such a drawing.

Or this option.

The easiest option is to purchase a modular design and assemble it yourself. But you can make this device for the garage and do it yourself. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The hardest equipment is better placed on the lower shelves for optimal load distribution throughout the rack. At the same time, the best option is when the lower overlap from the corrugated metal, and for the upper it is quite acceptable to use a solid chipboard.

Suspended shelves: quickly and practical

Not in all cases there is a need to create a rack, because it will take a little more space. On the other hand, in the garage of any size always remains unused the upper space, which can be easily tiered under hinged shelves.

Structurally, it is quite realistic to perform with your own hands any version of such a garage device:

From the tools you will need the standard set described above. The sequence of actions is as follows:

If the shelf is mounted to the ceiling, it is possible to enhance its connection with the wall using metal corners - then the product will not swing and will last much longer.

Schematically, all the technology is shown in the figure.

Manufacture of shelves-shield

The technology of manufacturing with their own hands of such a garage device has its differences compared to the installation of ordinary shelves:

  • The shield itself is made of durable plywood, whose parameters are selected by the situation. Visually shield must completely overlap the surface of the desktop.
  • The shield is highlighted for all shelves and the corresponding marks are made.
  • Next, all holes in which dowels come in the surface of the design. It is for them that hooks will be attached on which all the tools will be located.
  • Fastening the shield to the wall is carried out using brackets. The corresponding holes are made using a perforator.

Schematically all steps are reflected in the figure.

Panel for tools over the work workload in the garage on your own

Garage workbench: Step-by-step instruction

Friend design, which will probably need to carry out repair, plumbing and other types of work, is a workbench. It can be purchased in the store, but if there is a certain skill, it is quite realistic to make such a device with your own hands and put into the garage.

Before carrying out the actual installation work, it is important to clarify several important details:

  • In the same place the table will be located.
  • What work will mainly be held on it.
  • What the work surface material will suit - metal or wood.

All these issues are closely related to the appointment of the product. If work is supposed to do frequently, it is better to choose a durable metal. And for standard economic tasks, a durable tree will be born.

It is important to understand that the workbench is not just a working surface. Often it combines the function of the cabinet, a small chest and even a metallic safe - a similar set of parameters depends on the specific configuration of the product.

Varstakov varieties

The key classification of workbenches is based on those types of works that are supposed to be carried out on it:

At the same time, these functions can be combined, so such a classification is largely conditional. The optimal version of such a garage device is a design on a metal frame with a wooden table surface and drawers. It is most reliable than a wooden analogue, and allows you to save on the manufacture due to the fact that some details will be made of wood. The surface of the table can be reinforced with a metal sheet - then the workbench will last for a very long time.

Metal Frame Workshop Production Technology

For mounting, the design will require a standard set of tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian for metal;
  • building level;
  • lobzik on a tree;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, anchor bolts;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal corners with parameters 5 * 5 cm;
  • pipes square 6 * 4 cm, total length of about 24-25 m;
  • strip steel 4 cm thick, long to 8-9 m;
  • paint for wood processing and metal.

Such parameters are designed to manufacture the finished product with the table parameters 220 * 75 cm, as shown in the figure.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

At the design stage of the workbench, it is important to determine whether the device will be folded either it will stand in a stationary in the garage. In the case of a collapsible version, all parts are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the principles of technology will be different.

Wooden workbench manufacturing technology

Wooden workbench is less durable than metallic. It is well suited for those cases when work is supposed to do not so often - several times a year.

To make this garage device with your own hands, you can use the same drawing that was given above, or to take the sample scheme shown in the figure.

The algorithm will be approximately as follows:

Garage Tipper DIY: Step-by-step video

Along with the creation of discussed garage devices, you can take care of making work tools with your own hands, which will be needed directly for maintenance of the car.

One of the most useful plants is a tipper for inspection of the bottom of the machine. The need for this product is most relevant for Russian realities, because far from every case there is a real possibility of building a loving pit.

Detailed video instruction with step-by-step production scheme

Before making such an installation, it is extremely important to take into account the security issue. Even a lightweight car with a fall can provoke an accident and at least heavier damage itself. Therefore, it is possible to take on the creation of such a design only if there is a sufficient skill.

An independent manufacture of garage fixtures allows you to rationally organize the internal space and essentially get your own workshop in which you can make any current repair work.

Original ideas on the organization of space in the garage

And finally, a photodification of visual ideas for creating roomy designs from a wide variety of items that will probably find in any garage.

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For the rational use of space, communications and devices for the garage are used with their hands from the girlfriend. It is necessary to use in the process of the wall, underground, place indoors, organize normal lighting.

Self-timing devices for garage

For a comfortable operation of a room for storing a car, a certain recommendation should be followed:

Depending on the dimensions of the construction area, occupied by equipment, devices, communications, should not be more than 10 - 20% of the size of the garage floor.

Storage spaces, racks, workbenches

In 80% of cases of garage devices, they are constructed to store accessories, tools, car configuration. It should be noted that the most cumbersome parts of the machine are sets of winter / summer rubber depending on the season.

The main nuances of these designs are:

The width of the pit should allow the driver to drive it without lighting.

Lighting and ventilation

In the garages, parallel lighting diagrams are used more often. One lamp allows you to use a specific zone, several devices are included during a major repairs, visits to the cellar. Minimum electricity consumption is provided. Large resource have day lighting devices.

In cars are used to poisonous, harmful fodels, so they become relevant devices for the ventilation of the garage with their own hands, allowing to create an air exchange. The inflow is organized below:

  • garage - produced in masonry protected by lattices;
  • the cellar is a pipe from the garage or from the street.

The extractor is mounted under the overlap of the cellar, the roof of the garage either has the kind of bloodstream in the capital walls in the highest points.

Article on the topic:

Other useful ideas

Useful devices for the garage with their own hands can be made from used dishes, inventory remaining after construction materials. For example, gluing plastic cans horizontally / vertically, the owner gets a comfortable transparent dishes for a snap or hardware, which is always at hand.

Homemade machines

From the power tools you can collect and garage fixtures:

  • drilling - drill fixed by clamps in the device moving gear on the rail;

  • cutting - shed in a similar manner with a snap-in metal or wood;

The advantage of machine tools is more accurate positioning of the equipment relative to the workpiece. The equipment is collapsing, drill and ush mono remove, apply to the destination.

Article on the topic:


The simplest design is obtained from the automotive hydrodomkrat. For extensive / pressing bearings, clips / compression parts will need to build a frame and removable moving focus. The frame consists of 4 channels welded to each other. Upstairs, the construction is enhanced by rigidity ribs (keys), the transverse corners that give the frame resistance are added below.

The emphasis is pulled in a normal position to the upper crossbar of the frame with powerful springs. The hydrodecommcrate is established between them, as needed a pressing focus to the lower crossbar of the frame. The force of the press is regulated by the jack, the dimensions of the working area are selected depending on the size of the billets.

And finally, a few more examples of useful things for the garage.