Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade gas muffle furnace. We work with gas furnace oven on natural gas do it yourself

Many owners of country sites and country houses often face problems in the heating system of their seasonal housing. For such buildings, it is recommended to use brick furnaces. But such a heating construction has a number of serious flaws. Quickly heating the living structure in which it does not constantly live, a rather difficult task. Gas stoves - an alternative for the heating of a country house and cottages.

Design features

Such devices in their design are practically no different from gas boilers.

The main feature is the operation method. Gas furnace does not connect to pipelines. This is a convenient home or cottage heating system that allows you to quickly warm the room. Liquid heat carrier frozen in it will not be able.

Devices operate on a trunk or balloon gas. The design of the furnace has a housing, a fuel, a burner, a heating shield, automation (fuel failure system).

The device designed for functioning with liquefied gas can be used for heating a small house (single or two-storey). For heating large areas (more than 60 m2), gas operating furnaces are not suitable.

Such heating structures can work in continuous or temporary mode.

This device is one of the most important elements of a similar heating system. At the burners used in gas furnaces, various fuel consumption. For heating a small house or cottage, a device that consists no more than 4 m3 / h can be used.

Burner - element replaceable. It can be purchased and installed separately. The detail of the required power is selected and mounted in the existing furnace. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the size of the threaded connection of the burner and the source of fuel supply to the heating device has coincide. The size of the mounting window for this element is 40-55 cm.

All gas stoves for heating housing necessarily have certificates confirming their compliance with the State Standard of Security and Quality. If there is no such documentation, then it is better not to acquire such goods.

The walls of the fuel cell are heated due to the combustion of the fuel. Air, to maintain the combustion process, is supplied through pushed.

At the top of the heating device, the chimney is located (combustion products come out), it joins the fuel.


Gas furnace used for heating a country house or cottage is an effective heating system. Due to the peculiarities of the fuel material used and the functioning nuances, they have gained wide popularity. To their undoubted advantages include the following:

  • durability, reliability (in fact, there is nothing to break in such a heating device, the warranty period of their operation is 12 years, but it actually serves a gas furnace much longer);
  • environmental safety (devices that use gas for heating will not harm both the environment, in contrast to solid fuel boilers, they do not allocate toxins in the process, can be used at any time of the day and year);
  • Efficiency at a high level;
  • ergonomics (gas consumption is 133 g / h, in areas with a trunk gas carried out even lower);
  • saving places (unlike firewood, gas does not need a separate storage room, it is not required to deliver it, you can fill the balloon on any gas station);
  • easy operation (furnaces are connected to a trunk pipeline or to a conventional gas cylinder and provide comfortable conditions for living).


Gas furnaces are not devoid of flaws. Equipment itself and its installation is not at all cheap. Natural gas - although the most inexpensive fuel, but its value in our country is systematically increasing.

Gas furnaces are quite difficult to install and connect. In the case of even the smallest mistake itself, you can face huge problems in the use of such devices (they will not do what they are intended, or will begin to represent the danger to life and health of residents).

Mounting and use nuances

When installing gas equipment at home or in the country, it is necessary to consider a number of requirements for it.

Often, not one, and two devices are connected to heating private housing to chimney. If two gas units are connected, they are located at different levels relative to each other. The distance between them should be at least 0.5 m. In the chimney it is necessary to make a lash if the heating devices are still solved on the same level.

This design can be in the form of a cylinder, oval, in some cases even a square. But in the last option, you can face the problem of poor-quality traction.

The pipe of the gas furnace should be the same or smaller cross section as the chimney canal. If several heating devices are connected, the cross section is determined using special calculations. At the same time take into account that the aggregates can work simultaneously.

The chimney pipe must be protected from excess condensate. For this inside it, the structure of stainless steel is mounted. Set the chimney is necessary strictly vertically. At the same time there should be no ledges.


It is required to withstand a certain distance between the wall and the furnace: it must be at least 5 m.

The heating device must be put on a non-combustible firm base, the dimensions of which must exceed the parameters of the furnace by 10 cm on each side.

Absolutely forbidden

It is impossible to create chimney from materials having a porous structure. It is also forbidden to carry out a pipe through the premises with poor-quality ventilation.

Criterias of choice

When buying a gas furnace for heating a country house, cottages, baths, a garage, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size of the unit, its compliance of the parameters of the structure, which it will have to damn;
  • the presence of an automatic system for turning off the fuel supply, thermostat and gas fuse (the last two will require a small overpayment, but during the operation of the gas furnace will be saved);
  • the possibility of functioning of the gas burner on the main and liquefied gas;
  • certification of equipment.


Gas furnaces of Russian production ("Teplodar", "Rus", "Troika", "Thermophore") have good reviews. They are high-quality and presented in the domestic market in a wide range. They have a nice design, steel furnace, door made of metal or heat-resistant glass. Such aggregates are characterized by high characteristics, simplicity and unpretentiousness in use. Some models are equipped with special valves allowing to adjust the temperature.

Gas furnace for the heating of cottages, a private house - a profitable and practical option. If you wish, it can be collected with your own hands, but in case of an exposure, such a device can lead to a leakage of fuel material and an explosion. Therefore, self-esteem is very important.

The connoisseurs of the Russian bath perfectly know what a bass oven is. It's just her heart. Therefore, the choice should be treated with all seriousness. It is best to do this at the initial stage of construction.

Many prefer to make her own, others are going to buy ready. The aggregates of this type are presented in large quantities in the retail market. If it is possible to use the main gas, it is advisable to install gas stoves for a bath with a heat exchanger for heating water.

Not only quickly warm up the air in the bath, but it is enough to be saturated with warm walls, but it will take much more time for this. And the heated walls are the key to a good bath.

By type of fuel, the furnace can be of various types: working using electricity, wood-based, solid fuel or gas. About how to choose a stove for a bath, read in the article. Here we will look at what is a gas furnace for a bath equipped with a heat exchanger.

High-quality gas furnaces for a bath with an additional heat exchanger can satisfy the demands of the most avid bayman:

  • A modern gas stove for a bath with an additional heat exchanger has enough compact sizesPerhaps even accommodation in small rooms.
  • Nowadays, there are many types and modifications to the gas bath on Gaza, possess modern design. She perfectly fit into any interior of the bath.
  • Automation that is equipped with a gas furnace for a bath can, without your participation, maintain the specified temperature and humidity.
  • Easy operation of the oven for a bath on Gas makes it possible to use the stove even a child.
  • The availability of fuel is the permanent supply of gas will allow not to think about purchasing raw materials for the heating of rooms in the bath.
  • If desired, the gas furnace for the bath can be installed in the shortest possible time and without additional costs, however, to connect the furnace in the bath, you need to invite a gas service representative.

It should also be noted here that gas furnaces with an additional heat exchanger are produced under any room. A smaller structure will save on costs without reducing the quality of heating. To buy an aggregate, it is not necessary to save much, because the oven will serve not one year. It is worth taking quality products.

Installation rules

Gas can be installed, but some rules should be performed for the installation of such a design:

  • The gas pipeline indoors should be made of copper and steel.
  • If flexible connections are used when connected, they must be resistant to pressure and temperature.
  • Installing flexible sleeves should be made according to current standards. If they are manufactured in other countries, you need to take a certificate for products.
  • Flexible connections used to connect the gas must be marked "Gas" and enjoy with a diameter of 10 mm. Sleeves should not have junctions, that is, be solid.
  • Gas pipe should be protected from damage.
  • If a centralized gas supply is provided in the bath, the removal of combustible products into the atmosphere should be installed.

Only subject to the above-mentioned conditions, the gas furnace for the bath can be installed.

Requirements for the furnace

Such requirements apply to all types of furnaces, but they should not be neglected:

  • The gas stove for the bath must be fireproof, Compact, convenient to use.
  • Have sufficient power to heat the room, ensure the desired number of steam.
  • Models equipped with a heat exchanger must heat the desired amount of water.
  • The heat should be enough for drying room after the end of the procedures.

Types of gas stoves for bath

The gas stove for the bath is a device for heating the room. Gas furnaces with a heat exchanger are used for autonomous heating and water heating. They are not capable of maintaining high temperature and humidity.

Gas furnaces for baths are divided into several groups according to certain signs:

  • on the burner used;
  • by manufacturing material;
  • used by the type of fuel;
  • according to the water heating method.

Gas stoves for baths can be made of stone or be with a metal case. Each view has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Used burners in gas furnaces

In gas furnaces, burners of two types are used: atmospheric and upgraded.

  • Atmospheric burners have the highest possible device. No electricity is required for them and serious automation does not apply. According to special pipes or through the coil door, air is supplied. The efficiency of the operation of the furnace of this type is directly dependent on the quality of air supply to the chamber. If the oxygen inflow occurs in small quantities, the gas burning is not fully carried out, and this significantly affects the efficiency of such equipment.
  • Superior burners have a more complex device, they are energy-dependent devices. Here, the injection of air into the chamber is due to the operation of the fan. This design is very effective in work. They use universal turbocharge burners, which allows them to be used in combination mode (atmospheric burners are not suitable for such a job).

The burner of this type is not suitable for a brick oven. This system requires complete tightness of the chimney and ovens for fan operation. The brickwork "breathes" by itself, due to the material used.

When the fan is running, a certain pressure is created, the exhaust carbon monoxide can penetrate the room.

Heating of water in gas furnaces

Gas furnaces can maintain not only the desired temperature in the bath, but also produce water heating. For these purposes, the furnace is equipped with a heat exchanger, the energy of the combustion products of the furnace are used to heat the water, which are removed through the chimney system, as well as heat of heated stones.

Water tank can be placed above or under a stone. In such a design, the chimney is carried out through the water itself. To solve the compactness of the unit, it will be an ideal model (it takes place no more than the unit without water heater).

Heating can be done and at the expense of the case - then the tank hanging is performed on the back of the furnace either side.

Automation for Gas Kamenka

This is a serious question that defines the safety and quality of the design.

You should choose according to these principles as:

  • temperature maintenance level;
  • degree of protection;
  • when creating an emergency, the gas supply to the system must stop;
  • when the system is deployed, an emergency shutdown must be made;
  • must control gas supply pressure to the system, when leakage detection, the system must be disconnected itself;
  • the presence of built-in pneumatics to disconnect the fuel supply.

Brick gas furnaces

Furnaces of such a design are warm up long, but they are well kept warm. Therefore, it is necessary to warm up early.

The appearance is not much different from the most ordinary wood-burning oven. She will be perfectly looking in a traditional style bath. The cooker is used to access the heater, which is inside the design. It is heated from the streams of warm air, which rise due to the combustion of the gas.

Here, directly above the burner is the Kamenka, to which special requirements are presented. Stones for heating are located in a trough made of metal, which has the entire perimeter of the side (this does not allow water to fill to the fire).

Metal gas furnaces

A gas furnace for the bath with their own metal hands is distinguished by a relatively small thickness of the hull walls and a small number of stones in Kamenka. Such a model is quickly warming up, but also cools too quickly. Models of this type are quite compact, they can be equipped with a bath of almost any square.

This design is cheap by cost. If there is a small set of tool, it can be made in the shortest possible time. Here we will describe the manufacture of a gas furnace, which runs from the gas cylinder. Many have a positive response about such a design that has a very simple device.

Principle of gas furnace

In a separate chamber, which is located in front of the burner, gas is mixed with oxygen. Air enters the furnace and provides normal burning. To ensure air supply and the possibility of cleaning the burner at the bottom of the furnace, the door is mounted. Gas supply is carried out through the tube.

If the oven uses balloon gas, it should be taken enough to this. Such a balloon should be placed outside the room of the bath. Some install cylinders in the ground, a few meters from the bath. It should be borne in mind that the propane mixture is more efficient for the furnace.

The necessary materials

Materials are required to prepare in advance.

This will not disappear while working:

  • Many write that you can use any old gas cylinder to ensure the work of the furnace.

ATTENTION: Do not use old cylinders! Not only you are subject to danger, but such a balloon is not fought with gas. Only those that have passed verification are accepted for refueling. The old cylinder will not be accepted.

  • Any brake disc, most importantly, without cracks, it will serve as the basis for the heater.
  • Buy two gas pipes with a diameter of 50 mm (they will provide a gas supply and air supply to the camera) and one with a diameter of 100 mm (chimney will be made of it).
  • Gas burner (better atmospheric type).
  • Connection connections.

In no case do not take compounds made from the silumin. They are cheap, but when heated or a small impact immediately burst. You should buy made of copper or bronze.

Installation of the furnace

To begin with, we produce a cylinder with the help of a grinder and a cutting circle. The diameter of the cutting base must correspond to the radius of the brake disc, so that without problems it is possible to fix it. When fasteners, it is best to use welding, after which the metal should be cleaned with the help of the grinder and the enlightest circle.

  • For air supply to the system, you prepare a pipe with a radius of 50 mm. We make in it about 10 holes with a diameter of about 5 mm.
  • We do a hole slightly more pipe diameter at the bottom of the cylinder. We produce pipe mounting so that the whole end is 20 cm from the cylinder. Write the joint.

  • Such a system is fastened with a pipe for supplying gas.
  • To connect to the gas, install the gas mounted adapter. The joke is processed by a sealant.
  • We produce the fastening of the chimney at the top of the pipe.
  • Cut a hole for the door. The curtains are attached to the carved piece of metal and attached to the body.

When mounting the oven is extremely important to protect the wall from overheating and fire. For this, a canvas from the clay is mounted between the oven and wall. Such insulation is made in two layers. In complete, the reflective screen of stainless steel should be applied. Possible equipment furnace with heat exchanger of indirect heating.

Competently selected gas stoves for the bath and high-quality installation work will provide you with a comfortable and safe rest.

In recent years, gas furnaces are increasingly used for heating the bath buildings operating in country areas. Gas furnace for the bath with their own hands is most often made of metal. Such a furnace has several advantages. With some of them you can read below:

  • The cost-effectiveness of gas units, which is advantageous of them from wood and electrical heating systems.
  • Practically waste-free combustion of fuel, not requiring systematic chimney cleaning.
  • Small weight on gas heating devices that do not need special foundation.
  • Ease of maintenance of such structures.
  • Long service life (at least 25 years).

The main difference between gas furnaces from other heating devices is the form of fuel used in them, as well as the mechanism of its combustion in the heat chamber. In this regard, when operating such furnaces, special attention should be paid to compliance with the rules of safe treatment with mixtures entering the furnace furnace on the channels of centralized gas supply or from the gas cylinder.

Device and principle of operation

The basis of the design of gas furnaces is a rigid frame, which is manufactured, as a rule, or from a brick, or from metal. When choosing a material, we advise you to draw attention to the fact that brick gas furnaces require more time for their extracts, but it remains longer to retain heat accumulated in them. And metal structures are rather small, but after such a heating, they cool very quickly.

Inside the frame there is a combustion chamber with a burner directly over which the stone is located with stones laid in it, which are heated from the place of combustion of the gas mixture with hot air. It should be noted that the heater is performed as a metal deep pallet with sides, excluding the ingress of the splashing water to the place of combustion of the fuel.

The principle of operation of the central heating node of gas furnaces is very simple. The gas entering the furnace is mixed with air in a special chamber, located immediately in front of the burner, after which the resulting mixture on the thin tube is supplied to the place of combustion and is ignited from the external igniter (from the match or burning with its help paper twist, for example). The air flow to the place of combustion of the mixture is provided with the help of a small and partially overlapped hole, called confused and mounted in the bottom of the case.

The metal design of the gas furnace has the following advantages:

  • Despite the small thickness of the housing walls and a limited number of stones in Kamenka, such a furnace warms up very quickly and can be ready for use in very short time.
  • Metal furnaces are compact and can be installed in small bath buildings without the use of the foundation.
  • Such designs do not require high time spending and in the presence of the necessary material and tools are manufactured as soon as possible.

Note! In homemade gas furnaces, it is advisable to use the burner of the simplest (atmospheric) type that does not require an electric power supply and use of special automation for its work. You will need to purchase such a burner in advance in order to correctly choose the size of the camera combustion chamber below it.

Water tank in such structures can be located both above the heater, so inside the chimney pipe. At the same time, the heat energy of heated air, discharged through the chimney, as well as heat released by heated stones is used to heat the water. Most often in metal structures, the chimney is laid directly through the tank with water heated due to the contact with the walls of the hot discharge pipe. This design allows you to make an aggregate sufficiently light and compact, which does not require a significant place for its placement.

In some embodiments, water heating is carried out due to the contact of the tank with the gas chamber case; In this case, it is hung on the back or side wall frame design.

Production procedure

Before assembling a metal gas furnace, you will need to prepare the following purchased parts and infringement materials (blanks):

  • gas burner atmospheric type;
  • exhaust balloon used earlier for gas welding;
  • the workpiece of the metal door placed on the technical hole, providing access to the combustion chamber;
  • old brake disc from a heavy truck, which can be used as a lining for parish stones.

In addition, you will need gas pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, designed to supply gas and air into the combustion chamber, as well as a segment of 100 millimeter pipes needed to arrange chimney.

And finally, you will need to prepare a small sketch with instructions on the size of the main prefabricated assemblies of the design (hull, pallet under stones, chimney pipe, etc.).

Manufacture of housing

The manufacture of the furnace body is organized in accordance with the sketch prepared earlier and is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first of all, with the help of the Bulgarian, the formation of an old gas cylinder is cut, cut according to the sketch of the sketch;
  • then, two small holes used to supply air and gas cut into the obtained billet;
  • after that, three cutting round blanks are prepared in the size of a cylinder circle used as partitions that form separate work areas of the furnace (firebox, water tank and heater);

Build construction is carried out using any of the types of manual welding available to you. At the end of welding the body of the future furnace with sections under the furnace, it is necessary to carefully clean the seams using the same grinder.

When assembling should not be forgotten that in the section taken under the tank with water, the seam pipe guide must be optionally used simultaneously and as an additional heating source.

Registration of channels of fuel and output of combustion products

To organize air supply to the furnace furnace, you will need a previous pipe Ø50 mm, on the furnace part of which is pre-done about 10 of the holes of a small diameter (about 5 mm). Next, at the bottom of the cylinder body, a hole of a little more diameter is prepared, into which the pipe with holes is then boil. When installing, it is necessary to worry about the outer end of it (without holes) by about 20 cm spawned from the cylinder housing.

The joint of the pipe with the case is thoroughly edged over the entire contour of the welding, after which it will be possible to proceed to the design of a small sash (improvised door) installed at the inlet of the pipe and serving to regulate air flow into it.

Similarly, the pipe is installed, used for supplying gas to the burner of the flue system. At the same time, you will need a special adapter to connect to the gas line or to the cylinder, which ensures the coordination of two mating channels, whose joint is necessarily compacted by a sealant.

At the next stage of the assembly of the furnace, it will be necessary to securely secure the chimney pipe at the top of the channel formed directly in the tank with water (it can be simply welded to the base of the partition used as the tank cover). (Do not forget to prepare a small sectoral hole in the tank cover, which is necessary for filling fluid into it).

At the final stage of the work, you will need to prepare the window of the appropriate size and the subsequent hitch on it a special door through which access to the gas burner will be provided.

When mounting the furnace, special attention should be paid to the part of the structure directly adjacent to the wall or partition of the bath structure in order to protect them from excessive heating and ignition. For this, between the adjacent planes you will need to lay a special gasket from the refractory material (from asbestos tissue, for example) or a layer of clay. If necessary, you can use a special reflective screen made from stainless steel for these purposes.

Rating: 1 245

The heating system of the house is undoubtedly the most important thing for owners of cottages or houses outside the city. There are heating contours, liquid fuel boilers, gas stoves for home heating and many other systems. Since the type of heating depends on how you will live in a building, you need to make a choice. This is a very responsible and important occupation.

Sometimes the process of choice becomes very difficult, because the error in this matter can lead to a variety of serious problems. The most popular heating system is gas. But it will be possible to install only when there is a gas highway next to the house. If it is not, in this case, gas furnaces can be a good option.

Modern models of gas stoves

Furnace device

The equipment includes housing, chimney and foundation. The hull is built of bricks. There are several elements in it, it is a heating flap, a fuel and gas burner. In the absence of a central heating system, a gas furnace can be installed in the house consisting of no more than two floors. These furnaces can work in two modes: constant or temporary. The gas is burned in the gas burner, which is in the fuel. The upper part of the fuel is implies the presence of a grid, which is used by refractory brick.

Gas stove

Smoking scheme

During the operation of the gas furnace for heating at home, the grid is heated, and warm air moves along the walls of the fuel. This contributes to the uniform heating of the whole house.

For more efficient use of the fuel and heating of the lower masonry, gas burners need to be installed as low as possible.

From the top of the fuel, the chimney is departed, and the lower part of the fuel can be bordered with a confusion. It provides air intake in the oven, without this fuel will not burn.

Material for the fuel

The door pondered equipped with a small hole, with which the oven is translated into gas. In the event that you will use a gas furnace for heating at home not constantly, the material for the manufacture of the fuel should be a refractory brick. For permanent furnace work, use the red brick to build the fuel with your own hands. In chimney, a shield must be installed.

Under the influence of the force of thrust, warm air from the fuel will go into the chimney, warming it. If you have a wooden house, it is possible to carry out the chimneys in sequentially connected channels. They must consist of a maximum of five wells.

Red brick for fuel

It is strictly forbidden to use gas furnaces in homes where the channels are located horizontally. Like wood furnaces, a gas furnace for heating at home should be at a short distance from the wall.

Pros and cons of gas furnaces

Each heating system has both its advantages and cons. Heating furnaces on gas have some advantages:

  • This type of furnace does not distinguish harmful substances. They can be used regardless of the time of year and day. You can sleep without fears and do not worry about possible interruptions in the heating system.
  • The furnace can reach a high temperature and maintain it with sufficiently jubous frosts. In your house there will always be a comfortable temperature. With the help of a gas furnace you can easily drink your home or warm the country.
  • Efficiency. Furnaces on gas for heating at home are the most economical heating relative to the spending on fuel. And unlike firewood furnaces, gas does not require storage space. He does not need to look for or bring. Gas is one of the most inexpensive types of fuel.
  • Simple use. You may not worry about the complexity of the heating process. Gas furnaces for home heating are very easy to use.
  • Reliability. Within 10-12 years, this heating system will work without interruptions. You may not worry about that it can fail.

Even gas stoves for heating at home have its own minuses, which cannot be said about. Nevertheless, if the heating systems of another type can find many shortcomings and disadvantages, then the gas furnace has only one.

This disadvantage is the high cost of equipment. But despite this, the furnace pays off with ease due to the economical use of cheap fuel.

Connection rules

If your home is located in the distance and is not connected to the gas pipeline, you will have to spend not a small amount for the installation of heating. And not every family is ready to give for this a meaningful amount. Gas is used at home by many. And if your home is already connected to the gas highway, the arrangement of the gas furnace will come out for you much cheaper financially.

Room for boiler room

Once you have installed a gas furnace for home heating, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory check after the installation of the equipment.

Any disadvantages, malfunctions and damage that could occur when designing a furnace can adversely affect the quality of the heating system. And you can not forget about the danger of gas, both for health and for human life.

You have already familiarized yourself with the main items and principles of work, the functionality of modern furnaces for heating at home. As you have already noticed, these devices are allocated relative to other systems with their characteristics. It is the gas furnace that needs to be installed, in the case of the passage of the gas line next to your home.

Do not be afraid of the initial high cost of equipment. Remember that the dear gas furnace will pay off entirely and very quickly. The gas oven will help ensure pleasant and convenient conditions for your home.

Do you need to install a gas furnace? To solve only you and members of your family. On our part, we provided you with all the necessary information, to make the right decision.

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Gas stove for giving: principle of operation and classification. Choose gas burner

Choose a good system for heating the rooms of the country house - the task is not easy. With incorrect approach, the costs of paying utilities will be a very significant amount. The best option is gas stoves for giving heating.

Gas - Effective Duffage Heating Fuel

The feasibility of choosing gas as fuel

The use of heating devices that work on gas has many advantages:

  1. Absolutely safe during operation. The gas combustion process in the heater for the country house occurs without an open flame. In a special unit manufactured by the most modern technologies, the oxidation process occurs, as a result of which a large amount of energy, heating air, water or another coolant in the heating system is released.
  2. A gas boiler is much less than its fellows that use other types of fuel. Therefore, it is perfect for installation even in the country houses from block containers, without taking a lot of space in close rooms.

Gas furnace - compactness and efficiency

  1. The stove on gas for giving is completely autonomous and mobile. It requires only liquefied gas that can be received from the connected cylinder.
  2. The system consumes the minimum amount of fuel, because its use can significantly save on heating.
  3. Gas furnaces for giving in the process of operation do not burn oxygen indoors. They do not affect human health, but the instructions for their operation requires the mandatory exhaust.
  4. Natural gas heaters do not depend on the presence of voltage in the power grid, which is very relevant in country areas, where there are often interruptions in its feed.

Tip! If you have breaks for wires or turning off the electricity in the country, it will help to rent a diesel generator for giving. This device will allow you to autonomously function all electrical devices in the house.

Just pour diesel fuel to the tank and start the device.

Systems of gas supply in the country

If you have made a decision on the use of a gas heating furnace at the cottage, before purchasing and installing, it should be obtained by a corresponding permission in state bodies. This requirement is caused by the fact that gas equipment is a source of increased danger, because its operation is made in compliance with certain requirements.

There are several options for giving the cottage:

  1. Centralized - in this case, gas to consumers comes from the central network. In this way, residents of urban apartments are familiar with such a way.
  2. Autonomous - the gasification of the site is made according to an individual project using a separate Gazgolder tank. The advantage of the system is that in addition to the heating boiler, you can install other devices: kitchenette, water heater, and so on. Minus - High cost of gasification work.

GasGolder - Individual Gas Reservoir

  1. Balloon - replaceable cylinders are used, which are connected to the system as emptying.

Principle of operation of the gas heater

The basis of the functioning of the gas furnace is the same principle as in wood boilers. However, water or other liquid is not used as a coolant. In this case, the heating occurs due to the convection movement of cold and hot air layers, and non-wood burns in the furnace, but natural gas, mixed in certain proportions with oxygen.

If necessary, the acquired furnace can be integrated into the existing water heating system, as well as to attach the heated air distribution system into neighboring rooms.

Combined boiler for giving heating

There are also combined systems:

  • electrical;
  • on liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel.

Last varieties are most effective. The system equipped with an additional gas burner does not cool in pauses between the furnace, with the result that the temperature in the rooms is held at a comfortable level during the entire period of use (and not cool at night when the boiler is not token with coal or briquettes).

Classification of devices

Gas boilers are widely used for the heating of private houses. They have greatly proven themselves and dacha. Most often, the factory systems designed for certain terms of use are acquired. However, under the order you can fold the furnace and brick.

Method of production of heat

For this criterion, gas furnaces for heating are divided into several types:

Stock Foto Gas boiler with heat exchanger

This is another indicator that characterizes various models of gas furnaces for heating of cottages. He speaks about the ability of the device to accumulate the thermal energy created by him.

There are two main options:

  1. Constant burning. Such aggregates do not have thick walls and cool quickly. But they are able to drop the room for a very short time after switching on, since the air quickly warms up during contact with the combustion chamber. To ensure a comfortable microclimate in the premises, the furnace should function continuously. Great for dacities that are infrequently visited by the country area during the cold season. With a few minutes after arrival, you will enjoy your fertile warmth.
  2. Periodic inclusion. The design has a heatwise element, which is heated during the combustion of gas, and then, after turning off the burner, gradually gives heat around the surrounding air.

Brick gas oven for heating

As a battery, the heat is usually the brick, which is used in the following schemes:

  • they are laid out thermal conducting channels;
  • the gas combustion chamber is placed;
  • heating pads are manufactured.

This option is widely used for the heating of private houses and baths.

Choose gas burner

Any gas furnace for the heating of cottages constructively consists of the following elements:

  • combustion chambers (heat exchanger);
  • hull;
  • combustion products removal systems;
  • air channels;
  • control electronics.

The main elements of any system is a gas burner. We will understand this issue in more detail.

Exterior Gas burner

Description of the device

From what burner is used in the furnace, the following parameters of the entire unit depend on:

  • efficiency;
  • power;
  • economy;
  • safety.

In this node, natural gas is mixed with oxygen, after which their oxidation (combustion) occurs in various modes. The whole process is controlled and regulated by the most modern automation.

Varieties of burners

By method of controlling the device are divided:

  • single-stage (gas supply is turned on and off);
  • two-stage (the furnace can go to the intermediate - economical - mode);
  • floating adjustment (gas combustion intensity is adjustable in a wide range).

By type of air supply for heating burner there are:

  • atmospheric - air sunsited independently, efficiency not higher than 90% (pluses - no need to connect the furnace to the power grid)
  • fan - air is supplied to the camera with a fan, efficiency above 95% (the furnace must be connected to the outlet).

Gas burner with fan air supply

By way of ignition, burners are divided:

  • electronic - it is necessary to power up;
  • piezorozhig - Electricity is not used for gas ignition.

Criteria for selecting a home heating outside the city

By purchasing gas heating furnaces for giving, it is necessary to take into account many different parameters. After all, it depends not only warm and comfort in the house, but also the costs of the subsequent operation of the entire system.


The cost of natural gas used for heating is raised from year to year. Therefore, the acquired heating technique should have a high efficiency ratio. That is, with a minimum amount of fuel produce the maximum amount of heat.

This is achieved, first of all, good heat exchanger isolation. It is thanks to this efficiency of the stove will be at a high level.

Gas furnace scheme for heating


Choosing a gas boiler with their own hands, it should be borne in mind that the high-quality unit cannot cost cheaply. The cost of most domestic models is less than their imported analogs.

But in most cases it is achieved through the use of materials with low thermal insulation characteristics. This, in turn, requires the use of more fuel for heating a small area of \u200b\u200bcottage.

Tip! When buying, choose a model of a well-known manufacturer, which for many years proves its effectiveness.

Despite the fact that the price of such products is somewhat higher, this investment will fully pay off during the subsequent operation.

Usal scope

Gas heaters can be used for heating both indoors and outside of its limits. For example, by placing a special device on a veranda or terrace, you can create a cozy corner for outdoor pastry.

Portable gas heater


The use of gas furnaces for heating country houses is an efficient and inexpensive way to create a comfortable atmosphere in the home. But all the advantages are fully revealed only in the case of a choice of high-quality and reliable model.

In more detail about the methods of heating, you can learn from the video in this article.

Gas furnace for home: "For" and "against"

  • Characteristic
  • Advantages disadvantages

A gas furnace for the house is a convenient option of home heating, if a gas highway passes nearby. Natural gas is a very practical type of fuel. Its use is simple, so gas heating is the most common type of heating.

For a private house, the heating organization is one of the key issues. With difficulty, it is possible to do without water supply or sewage in a private house, but without heating in winter, life in the house is impossible.

The choice of a heating method depends on the set of factors:

  • Technical features of the premises.
  • Financial capabilities of the owner.
  • Availability of fuel.
  • Host preferences.

The most commonly used types of fuel are solid (firewood, coal, peeping) and natural gas. But sometimes use electrical appliances and installations, liquid fuel.


Heating gas can be carried out using different fuel combustion equipment:

  • boiler;
  • convector;
  • infrared emitter;
  • gas furnace.

A distinctive feature of the gas furnace for heating at home is that the gas burner is located in the fueling furnace. Gas has a property to quickly burn and highlight a lot of heat, which gives the elements of the furnace or heat exchanger. For gas stoves, the metal case is suitable, the efficiency of such a furnace is higher.

The weight of the metal furnace is small, the foundation for it is not needed. The brick furnace can be equipped with a gas burner if it has a small firework, a long smoke-rotational system.

Advantages disadvantages

Furnaces on different types of fuel have its own characteristics, advantages, disadvantages. Choosing a furnace for the house, you need to appreciate them, compare with your capabilities and features of the house.

The advantages of gas furnaces are:

  • Furnaces are not toxic. When combustion, gas does not remain ash, soot, soot. It is impossible to poison carbon monoxide from such an oven. For ecology, a gas furnace is the best option. The process of feeding the fuel is automated, no need to follow the oven, so the furnace can work around the clock, even at night.
  • The required temperature is achieved easily. It is possible to warm up both a big house and a small country house. Gas furnaces have a high efficiency, gas burns quickly and completely even with its small feed.
  • Gas is cheap fuel. No need to create conditions and places for its storage, move fuel, which is very convenient for the owners.
  • Gas furnaces are easy to use.
  • Furnaces are durable. No problems work for more than 10 years.

Gas stoves have two main disadvantages:

  • Dependence on the fuel source - gas highway. If there is no such thing, the use of a gas furnace is impossible. It is possible to use a furnace operating from the gas cylinder. But such a furnace is not able to warm up a big house, its effectiveness is low.
  • High cost of equipment. Not every family can afford to purchase equipment for organizing a gas heating system. But if the gas is already connected to the house, the price is significantly reduced. In addition, some organizations implement equipment in installments. You can also use the services of the bank and purchase equipment on credit. High price will soon justify itself. Saving on fuel allows you to quickly recoup the cost of arranging the system.


Several signs of the classification of gas stoves can be distinguished:

For appointment:

  • Bath furnaces. Have a chamber and tank for water heating.

According to the method of heat transfer:

  • Heating the walls of the combustion chamber. The heat is transferred to the room from the walls of the furnace.
  • With heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is usually a pipe that heats up from the furnace and then transfers heat into the room. Most often used ovens with water contour. The ovens installed a tank with water connected to the pipe system, which are accommodated in all rooms at home. The heated water moves through the pipes, heats them, and heat spreads throughout the house.

By heat capacity:

  • Furnaces of constant burning. They have a small heat capacity, quickly heated themselves and heat the air. Quickly cool.
  • Furnaces of periodic burning. Have a high heat capacity and, as a rule, impressive dimensions (to increase the surface area).

By body manufacturing material:

  • Brick.
  • Metal.

By manufacturer:

  • Homemade. The use of self-made gas furnaces is prohibited. Gas furnaces must have a certificate and admission. But the masters often use self-made furnaces, usually in non-residential premises.
  • Ready. Factory production. With the necessary certificates and tolerances.

After installation, any furnace on the house for the house must be verified by the relevant services and is accepted. Incorrect installation and operation of the furnace is dangerous to health, people's lives.

What gas ovens to choose for home heating

Perhaps the heating of own housing is the most important task that gets up to the owners of houses or cottages. The most common problem is the process of selecting the appropriate heating equipment. Of course, this question should take not the last place for any owner of the private area of \u200b\u200bhousing. In addition, if you do not have a connected wire to the main gas, then the gas system is not for you. In this article, we raise the question of whether to give preference to the gas system.

Gas furnace for your home

What heating system to choose for a private house or cottage

Of course, in order to choose the appropriate equipment, you can learn all the reviews. After that, consult with sellers of consultants in the store or read the relevant articles. Do not forget that the cottage and the house should receive heating of the entire premises, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy comfort in the winter cold. Gas furnaces, according to specialists, are distinguished by a number of features that are not achievable for most other systems produced by heating.


Do not hide the fact that any system that generates heating houses has both positive and negative sides. Let's try to figure them out as much as possible in order for you to have a full picture, and negative feedback (if you suddenly see) did not scare you.

Consider the advantages of devices called "Gas stoves", which can be installed in your home:

Not toxic

Immediately it is worth emphasizing the fact that these systems are completely non-toxic, and you can boldly use them at any time of the year, at any time of the day or night, and not be afraid to sleep with the system included.

High temperature indicators

By purchasing gas furnaces in your home, you get the most faithful friend who will not allow you to stay in the cold. Cottage will also receive reliable heating (you can see if you can read the consumer reviews).

Cheap fuel

In order to choose a gas oven a lot of mind and strength do not have to apply, but in the end you will get a very economical assistant. Natural gas consumers costs very cheap.

Easy to operate

If you are worried about the fact that the heating produced by the selected system will be too difficult for you, leave the prejudice. It is gas stoves that can guarantee simplicity of the process of use.


Do not forget that your home or cottage will receive a durable assistant. At the moment there is a very small percentage that such a system can come to an unsuitable state during the first ten years of regular use.

Does there exist?

After reading our article, most likely, you specify a question: "Are there gas furnaces with disadvantages?" Reply honestly. Such heating, as well as heat, produced by other systems, of course, has certain disadvantages. The difference consists only that one system has a significant amount of shortcomings, and the other is only two or three.

Dacha or house should receive professional heating, which can only be achieved if there is a competently equipped system. As for the shortcomings, the furnaces with the gas heating system have two factors that can not like the consumer:

  1. First, it is expensive equipment. As you already found out, gas furnaces are endowed with low gas consumption, which is fairly cheap. Natural gas use in everyday everyday life any average family. As for the installation process and directly connect the system to the trunk gas pipeline - then you will have to invest a lot of money. If the main gas wire has already been introduced into the territory of your site, then the price will decline in several tens of thousands, but if not - prepare for the waste (but it is worth it).
  2. The gas system equipped in your house must necessarily go through the post-installation check, since any shortcomings or production defects that were not seen in the installation process can give discomfort to all members of the house. Remember that natural gas is dangerous to health and life.


So we reviewed the most important points related to heating systems. Now you know exactly what gas ovens are characterized by their characteristics, and it is they who must be equipped on the territory of your home. In addition, financial investments will very quickly pay off several years later. Such a heat system will give you real warmth, and you will definitely appreciate it in dignity. But install it or not, to solve only you.

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Recently, gas furnaces have become great popularity, especially during the construction and arrangement of baths. These structures have advantages over its wood-hazard counterparts - fast room heating. A gas furnace can nane a small room of the bath in just 3-4 hours, it is economical and easy to operate. It should also be noted that when gas is burning, there are practically no waste, therefore it is often not necessary to clean the design.

Gas heating system universal, it is used:

  • for heating baths and saunas;
  • as boilers heating when laying thermal communications indoors;
  • as part of boiler structures to provide apartments with hot water in a summer period;
  • if we consider household gas furnaces, then they are very popular with home owners. Thanks to open fire, dishes on such a design are prepared much faster.

Types and features of gas stoves

Before building a gas furnace for a bath with your own hands, you need to figure out the main design features of these structures and their views.

All gas structures have a classification:

  • heating;
  • household;
  • heating.

If we consider the furnace for a bath or sauna, it is worth staying on the heating gas structure.

The heating furnaces are used in the heating systems of the autonomous species and hot water supply of private buildings. It should be borne in mind that with elevated air humidity, these structures are practically useless, as they cannot maintain high temperature.

Gas household structures are the stoves for cooking, which are often installed on dachas. They are unpretentious in care and easy to use, in addition - quite economical.

Gas furnaces have different qualifications by:

  • the type of burner, which is installed in the boiler;
  • method of heat carrier heating;
  • materials manufacturing furnace frame;
  • the type of fuel that is planned to apply.

The varieties of gas stoves a lot, there is another kind of qualification - by the type of gas burner:

  • atmospheric;
  • with superposition.

The most affordable on the market are atmospheric burners. They are easy to install - no need to put electricity and mount special automation. In this case, injection is involved, under the influence of which air enters the zonal chamber or a special pipe established by analogy with homemade structures.

It is worth understanding that that is why the efficiency of the furnace will depend on the flow of oxygen. In the event that it becomes weak, then the KPD of the furnace will greatly decrease - the combustion of gas will be sluggish.

The most difficult and most expensive design - inflatable type burners, which directly depend on electricity. A constructive feature of this unit is a special fan that bulgesting the air into the combustion chamber. The design efficiency is large, its use is universal, as they can be installed in the combined type furnaces. Atmospheric units can only be installed in gas furnaces.

The case material may be different:

  • a rock;
  • brick;
  • metal.

Each material has both positive characteristics and cons.

Brick and stone ovens

These designs are characterized by the length of the warm-up. If you have a desire to get it in the afternoon, then you will begin to start the bath at night or early in the morning. Of course, it cools such a stove much longer, for example, a well-fired bath even in winter saves warmth for 2 days if the brick design is worth it.

Brick structures need to be installed on the foundation, as they have a decent specific mass, differ little from the classic version of bath furnaces. Only the difference is that the door will open access not to the furnace, but to Kamenka, which is in the oven itself.

It is worth noting that the brick furnace cost will be quite expensive, since there is a lot of material for its installation.

As for metal gas furnaces, they are much more popular among the inhabitants, their advantages:

  1. Easy installation.
  2. Ability to build yourself, without the help of a professional mason.
  3. The design has a small proportion.
  4. It is quickly heated, thereby time to heating the room is much less.
  5. Efficiency, especially if you collect the design yourself.

Bath furnaces are divided into types of fuel:

  • exclusively on gas;
  • combined.

If everything is clear with the first, the latter should be considered in more detail, as they are heated and gas and firewood. This versatility has significant drawbacks:

  • bulky structures;
  • mandatory will have to install a burner with inflammatory;
  • the complexity of execution;
  • electricity dependence;
  • traditional wood ovens are much safer.

As for gas stoves, they can be equipped, without having a number of gas pipeline, as they function perfectly on the propane, which is in free realization and sold in metal cylinders.

In addition, propane is favorably different from natural gas, thermal energy during its burning is much more efficient. This gas is economical when heating a small room of the bath, filling the cylinders often do not have to.

But there is a significant minus - the need to arrange special premises for the installation of gas cylinders, which should be at a sufficient distance from the structure beyond. It is desirable to prepare a steel container covered in the ground.

How gas stoves are arranged

To have an idea of \u200b\u200ba gas furnace device, consider the basic elements of the design:

  • the housing that is performed from metal or other material protecting the internal contents;
  • the fuse that is established in case attenuation occurred in the furnace - gas overlaps instantly and automatically;
  • thermostat responsible for the temperature;
  • hermetic camera. It is on this unit that it is worth paying special attention when choosing a design in the store or independent manufacture of a gas furnace. The safety of people living in the house of people depends on the integrity and reliability of the camera;
  • chimney serves to drain the products of burning from the room of the bath.

As for the principle of work - it is quite simple. The gas burner, to which the gas is entered, is located inside the case. On the housing there is a heater and chimney. As soon as the burner is triggered, the combustion process begins in the working chamber, from which the housing of the furnace and stones is heated, and the waste products go through the chimney.

We must not forget about the tank with water in which it will heat up from burning in the furnace. It can be installed above the heater and attach to the pipe that heats up will give the heat of the liquid. But some craftsmen build a tank attached to one of the stove walls.

In addition to the above, the gas stoves for the bath need to build a protective housing, which is constructed on top of the main, in the places of close adjacent furnace to the walls of the bath.

Pros and cons

Gas fuel today choose many inhabitants, if there is a similar opportunity in the region, as it is considered the most economical fuel. It should also be noted that gas-operating furnaces have a lot of advantages:

  1. The design is characterized by simplicity, if we compare it with solid fuel furnaces, for example, there are no huge furnaces and ashniks in gas furnaces for a bath - there is no need.
  2. Easy operation of the gas unit. Behind the wood stove must constantly monitor and put fuel as it is combustion. As for the gas boiler, it is enough to set the basic parameters: the speed of fuel flow, temperature regime, pressure and automation will be followed by all of these. It should be immediately noted that when building a construction yourself, it is not necessary to save on automation - gas requires a responsible relationship.
  3. No need to constantly clean the gas construction - no ash residues and solid waste.

Gas stoves have shortcomings, but they are few:

  • registration of documents and permits for the installation of gas equipment - one-time, but there are some difficulties;
  • sometimes there are difficulties in winter with high fuel consumption;
  • in some areas, pressure can be reduced in the system, but it is quickly eliminated.

How to make a gas furnace with your own hands

If you decide to create a gas furnace with your own hands, it will not be difficult. The main thing is to determine the sequence of performance and know the main nuances that we will be considered further

You should not be afraid of complex schemes that can often be found on the Internet, if you understand how to deal with the drawing, there will be no problems.


First of all, create a project on paper. It will be denoted by the pipeline that will approach the bath. You should not do it yourself, as it is likely that you make mistakes. Contact your special service in which there are specialists - they will not only make a detailed project, but also the communications will put on the place of installation of the furnace.

In addition, it will have to go through the procedure of coordination with the management of the gas service and get permission from the fire service.

But these actions need to be made only if the furnace will work from the gas highway. On gas-ballot equipment you need to put completely different parts, as the fuel will come from cylinders.

When drawing up a project, you need to develop a good ventilation system, which looks like a chimney. This work also needs to be entrusted to professionals, since with poor ventilation of the room there is a chance to poison carbon monoxide if the heating failure will occur. Before inviting specialists, it is worth preparing all resolving documentation - employees have the right to refuse installation, if there is no agreement.

Installation of a gas stove

Before starting the installation of furnace equipment, you need to prepare a reliable and heat-protected base:

  • to the floor, where it is assumed to establish a design, laid asbestos sheet;
  • then it is covered with a piece of leaf iron and tightly screw to the boards. In case the floor is made in the bathhouse from concrete, then it is not necessary to carry out these manipulations;
  • next, protect the nearby walls, which are also cited asbestos and iron. Even if the equipment is installed at a considerable distance, it is necessary to progress - heat negatively affects the material of the walls;
  • now on sale there are special screens that can provide additional protection not only for walls. Specialists advise them to install around the furnace on the part of the steam room - they will prevent those present in the bath from touches to the hot surface.

Next, the installation is carried out in accordance with the gas supply system and the presence in the bath of non-rigorous walls. In the event of a furnace installation, which will work from the gas highway, it is worth buying a special metal hose, attached to the introductory pipe. The distance is calculated in advance - it is important that there is no strong tension when laying it to the place of installation of furnace equipment. In the walls and partitions, there are passage paths, which subsequently need to warm well, so as not to stir the street in winter.

Important! It is undesirable to use a rubber hose to connect, as it is unsafe, and it serves a short time. It is better not to regret money and buy an element from heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material. In addition, modern hoses for connecting gas equipment are convenient for use and reliable.

If you decide to install balloon equipment with liquefied gas, then it is necessary to prepare a special room that will be on a decent distance from the design of the bath, protected from direct sunlight and summer heat. You can go in two ways - build a special barn, the walls of which will be additionally insulated with foam or mineral wool.

Drop the pit, whose walls can be hampered by the board so that they do not appear, pour concrete. After installing the cylinders into this recess, the insulated cover is built, which can be subsequently sprinkled with the earth.

Next comes assembly and connecting a gas furnace. Installation of the design should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, since different manufacturers have their own definite nuances when assembling - various mounts and installation method. But there are rules that apply to all models without exception:

  • the minimum distance between the wall and the furnace is 30 cm. If the walls are prepared and sewn with refractory material - 15 cm;
  • the chimney is displayed through the assembly on the ceiling and roof;
  • keep the metal sheet to the floor in front of the furnace - sparks can fly out of it.

If the model of the gas stove provides for the installation of the water tank on the pipe, then it can be adjusted in height so that all family members it is convenient to use them.

As soon as the furnace is installed at a permanent place - proceed to the assembly of the control system - in case it is not built into the design. In this case, tediously follow the leadership, which usually goes with the furnace in the kit.

To date, there are many models in which Correspondent is provided, it does not work without electricity, therefore, before assembling the design, a separate cable is extended to the bath, protecting it with a special corrugation from high temperatures.

If there is no built-in fan, then before each ignition, you need to check the craving in the design - for this they light the match and bring to the flue window.

If a gas stove is worth in the bath, then the room will completely warm up to the desired temperature after 8 hours. This is not an accurate indicator, everything will depend on the power of the design, the quality of the insulation of the walls, the ceiling and the floor.

If you install external temperature sensors, the furnace will turn off automatically.

Making a stove for a bath with your own hands: instruction

Necessary materials:

  • gas burner, atmospheric;
  • gas cylinder, which has already worked;
  • metal door for combustion chamber;
  • spent brake disc from a large car - for the heater;
  • gas pipe with a cross section of 50 mm - for supplying gas;
  • pipe is 100 mm - for chimney.


  1. Bulgarian trim the gas cylinder according to the drawing.
  2. Drill the crown 2 holes for gas supply and air.
  3. Form round parts for partitions that share a cylinder on working areas.
  4. To cook the design by inserting the workpiece to the place where it will be: the furnace, pushed and the Kamenka.

Important! If the water container is located on top, then it is worthwhile the pipe for removing smoke.

From the pipe with a cross section of 50 mm need to be done. To do this, make a few holes with a cross section of 5 mm, to spend the cut of the pipe to the main balloon - to the place where it will be pissed.

Then, in a similar order, install a gas supply pipe, which should be opposite the furnace where the burner will stand.

At this stage, the manufacture of a gas stove can be considered complete, only the internal equipment will remain.


If we consider the cost of high-quality, modern gas heating equipment, it will be equal to the price of masonry Kamenka by an experienced cook. It is practically no need to care for a gas stove, it is not necessary to harvest a large amount of solid fuel every year, while the gas is cheaper. For this reason, more and more orders go to gas heating baths, saunas and houses.