Repairs Design Furniture

Dressers in the bedroom are the most comfortable and stylish storage systems. Location of the chest in the interior (40 photos): modern ideas corner dressers in the interior of the bedroom

All the chest is known - a spacious and comfortable drawer with a lid, the history of which goes to our distant ancestors, seeking his own comfort. However, from a high chest with a deep bottom to get something was not very convenient, so resourceful people came up with drawing drawers in it.

So the idea of \u200b\u200ba modern chest was born - a practically indispensable object of furniture. It is considered a relevant dresser in the interior of almost any room - a bedroom, a living room, a nursery, a bathroom, an entrance hall and a dressing room. It is only important to choose this piece of furniture and make a space next to it, or rather above it.

How to properly use the dressers in the interior of any space, probably, it is only worth mentioning. Naturally, it is needed to store those things that are needed in a particular room. Thus, the chest of drawers in the interior of the bedroom most often performs the storage of bed linen sets, towels, clothes, etc. Also, a small dresser with shelves is used as a bedside table - usually this cantilever tables with drawers on high carved legs.

- in the living room

Dresser in the interior of the living room is used for storing tablecloths, curtains, new year decorations, photos, board games, etc. Naturally, in the living room, it performs a decorative function, so it is worth paying attention to its decoration and "fitting" into the overall style of the room.

- in the children's room

In the children's room, the checker's chest shop keeps the kid toys, his textbooks and notebooks, stationery, clothing, and decoring the chest of drawers in the children's interior, you can fantasize - draw icons on each box so that the child takes effect to order and accuracy.

- in the hall

In the hallway in the dresser you can store umbrellas, equipment care products, as well as facilities for cleaning the apartment. It is worth saying that in the hallway you can not particularly pay attention to the decoration of the chest, because here decorative accessories can be easily brushed or hurt when we wear upper clothes. Here, the dresser is, first of all, the functional element, and the keys, watches, glasses, and other trifles are most often stored on the commercial shelf.

-In bathroom

It looks good in the dresser in the interior of a spacious bathroom. There is a low dresser can be used as a base for the toilet table, if you hang a big mirror over it. Accordingly, cosmetics and bath accessories are stored in its boxes.

How to choose a chest?

Another important aspect is the choice of the chest, or rather its material, color and size. It is important to decide here, all the furniture should be one series - from one material or even a set - or it is possible to use a chest of a chest that differs from the rest of the furniture. Of course, in traditional interiors it is appropriate when all the furniture goes complete, but if the furniture is dark and massive, better chest of drawers or some other piece of furniture to choose from the same material, but brighter. In general, the smaller the room and the massive and visually heavier furniture, the lighter should be its color.

In modern interiors, so that all furniture rejuvenates, choose a two-color option, when one piece of the chest is dark, and the other is bright. Such a dresser in the interior of the bedroom looks good with similar color objects of furniture: a dark bed and a bright wardrobe, two-color bedside tables, a dark headboard on the background of light walls, etc.

However, you do not always choose light color. For example, a bright chest in the interior of the living room, where the rest of the furniture is bright, looks unsuccessful. If a fairly specific color of the cabinet furniture is selected in the room, better and chest of drawers from the same series or specifically paint it after purchased. This can be done independently, but you can trust the professionals that will select the desired paint color.

Heavy and massive chests are interesting to look in spacious spaces with a minimum of furniture. For example, a massive and easy-to-fit dresser in the interior of a bedroom or a minimalism living room can be the only roomy piece of furniture. Moreover, the location of the chest is playing a large role in this case: if it stands in the corner and does not cling, you can pay more attention to the capacity than its decorative function. If he stands in the center and the look constantly falls on it, it is important to think through the accessories that will be on the commercial shelf.

Those who have a real rare old chest, of course, lucky. And others should not be desirable, because now they create things "under the old" who look at no worse than truly old things, besides, they are more acceptable in terms of prices. By the way, the old chest does not always look stylish. In the halls or spacious rooms in the classic style, its use is appropriate, but in modern conditions of small apartments it is better to use compact furniture of modern design. You can make an "old" dresser yourself using the Decoupage technique, and you can also artificially form any furniture.

Decorating the chest of drawers right

In order for the dresser in the interior of the living room or bedroom, it looks more and beautifully, it is important to make a space above it, because it is still a low object, and a commercial shelf. In the bedroom over the chest, the mirror is usually placed, and in the living room - the picture, photo image or panel, however, is not so simple.

Decorative elements can be placed symmetrically or asymmetrically. For example, if you hang a picture or mirror on the wall right along the axis of the symmetry of the chest, then from two sides you can put the same high lamps from it (as in the photo above) or candlesticks, vases or caskets. Moreover, it is important that the height of the decorative elements is the same or slightly above half the height of the picture or mirror. If the picture or panel is shifted to one of the sides of the chest, then on the commercial shelf you can put low vases, figurines or other decorative accessories only on the one hand, the opposite of the one where the picture is located, or on the one hand, put a high item, and on the other hand Some low.

It is worth noting that the picture itself or panel must be proportionate to the Domy. It is believed that the items located above should be a little more than those that are below, so do not choose too large pictures or photos. The same principle passes with a TV above the chest. Of course, the TV is never perceived as an addition to something, it is an independent accessory, so it can be any size, but still better so that wider things are at the bottom. In this case, the premises acquire some kind of harmony and sophistication. You can choose a TV, equal to the width of the chest, but at the same time you need to pay attention to the fact that neither one side the TV does not play the border of the chest.

It is important not to overload the commercial shelf with accessories, especially if the chest of drawers and a wall that it costs is contrasting towards each other. So, on a black glossy chest on a white wall background, you can put a small plate and a high vase or lamp so that there is a speaker in the interior. Moreover, to create a dynamic interior, it is better that high and low accessories differ greatly in height. Also in such premises with light walls and black furniture, you can decorate the accessories of the same color - golden or silver - it will look very stylish. If the wall and dresser is the same color, for example, white, it is better to use stained glass accessories.

The dressers in the bedroom are used as an integral part of the furniture headset. From the old "grandmother's chest", in which additional details are made, became an elegant modern chest. Recently, the form of it quite significantly improved, transformed. Designers added eleventary lines to this element, comfortable retractable drawers appeared. Minimalism lovers can choose any model in the bedroom. There will be no problems with buying, since they are in the market they are presented in large quantities such products for the modern bedroom. You can choose separately chest of bedroom, or buy a finished furniture set.

Attention ! When selecting this element of furniture in the bedroom, take into account the color gamut of the interior created, otherwise your chest will become a "white stain" in the room.

We define a place to locate

It will incorrect to assert that it is the dresser that is the necessary element of furniture in the modern bedroom.

Tip! If the bedroom has small sizes, refuse this item.

When determining the place in the bedroom, consider that it has retractable boxes. The bedroom should have enough space to open them freely. In the photo - sample model for the bedroom.

If you dream about an analogue of a "grandmother's chest", first decide on the dimensions: long, width, depth, which it should possess. Then you can go to the store for new furniture, armed with a tape measure.

Tip! When measuring, consider the thickness of the rear wall. The chest of drawers in the modern bedroom, designed for small things, may be shallow.

From what sizes it will possess which material is made, what additional elements it has, it will be directly dependent on its value. Cheap furniture is made of low quality materials, so this item is unlikely to decorate your bedroom.

The video contains options that can be used when designing a bedroom.

We choose material for the manufacture of furniture in the bedroom

For the classic interior, a wooden version is suitable made of array of natural wood: maple, cherry, oak.

For a modern concise style and strict high-ski-tech fit designs with simple and smooth lines supplemented by aluminum or plastic fittings.

If the dresser in the bedroom according to your idea should become the main element of the interior, you can pick up such a model in which several materials will be combined: metal, genuine leather, stone, glass.

An important component of the element of this object of furniture is accessories: handles of boxes, doors. All these details should be not only beautiful, but also durable, have a long operational period. Do not forget that accessories should "fit" into the overall design of the room.

Alternative to the toilet table

Increasingly instead of the dressing table, in the bedroom you can see the chest. It has a large capacity, you can "fit" in it a lot of useful trifles and things. Every centimeter is important for a small bedroom, so the chest of drawers with a mirror is a real find. For a bedroom, designed for two, it is quite enough to be one such subject with 2-3 drawers. Everyone will have the opportunity to put personal belongings, taking into account their taste preferences, guided by common sense. In the photo - a sample with a mirror for a modern bedroom.

In such a product with a mirror, the owner of the bedroom will be able to decompose their jewels, cosmetics, place a frame with relatives and loved ones.

Tip! Elegantly will look at such furniture candlesticks that will fill the room with extra light, create comfort and comfort in it.

Production of the product

The standard option suggests from three to five drawers. With the greater number, the dresser turns into a closet, it will be inappropriate in the interior of a small bedroom.

You can install the chest of drawers in the bed (side) or opposite it, depending on the location of the mirror. The color of the chest purchased for the bedroom should repeat the color gamut of the other elements of the furniture.

On the instructions that are always attached by the manufacturer to the chest, there are similar information about the stages of its assembly, the number of component parts. Quality boxes have a special mechanism - the closer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Large dressers can also be used as a table under video and audio equipment, TV. Among the minuses are the bulky of such structures.

Narrow chest of diverse colors and forms have an original appearance, suitable for small rest rooms.

For those who prefer stylish sleeping headsets, there will be in taste of strict lines, restrained forms of drawers offered by Italian furniture masters. Extravagant details that complement the dressers, for example, handles of an unusual shape, emphasize the taste of the owner and the individuality of the design created in the bedroom.

A long chest can be put in a small apartment, freeing the part of the room. If desired, you can find a model decorated with Swarovski crystals or genuine leather.

Not all property owners have a material opportunity to purchase expensive designer dresser, try to find a way to restore the old element of furniture.

The smooth wall of the bedroom can be used as a background for a chest having a bright coloring, additional ornaments. To create such a masterpiece, you will need remnants of wallpapers with large floral motifs, as well as a pair of packaging sheets. First you need to cut wallpaper, making 5-10 cm per battery. To fix wallpaper, a transparent PVA glue will be required. The edge of the wallpaper is neatly cooked inward, after gluing to the chest, the wallpaper carefully smooth out the napkin. As soon as the glue dries, the surface is covered with a transparent acrylic varnish to increase the life of the "designer" chest. In addition to the wallpaper, in the same technique you can decorate the chest of chest with a cloth or skin, turning the standard piece of furniture to a real work of art.

Discovering the chest do it yourself

The mirror facade, or its imitation in the style of Ar - Deco, gives the usual chest additional beauty and charm. To work, you will need golden or silver aluminum foil, depending on the taste preferences of the room. For a black chest, a special black paint for wood will be required, as well as a transparent varnish suitable for foil. First, the dresser is painted in black, pre-squeary from old paint. Facades decorated foil to get small "chances". This effect can be obtained if you move the foil with a wet cloth. Then the dresser is covered with varnish, and after complete drying to it, the knobs are screwed to it. Having spent a minor amount of material resources, you will become the owner of the "new" stylish chest for your bedroom.

Bedroom Chest Parameters

The minimum height of this furniture element is 850 mm. At a lesser height, the chest turns into an end.

Attention ! If you have chosen a mounted construction in the bedroom, its height can be less than the standard.

The average length is 50 cm, the depth is 30 cm, the length is up to 2 m. Small "decorative" dressers are not suitable for the bedroom, as they are difficult to call functional, they can not be placed personal belongings, bedding. When calculating the parameters of the product, proceed from the average growth of the person. The optimal is the height of 130 cm.

Attention ! Dresser is not a desk, a telecommunication table. For such purposes, select a special chest - secreter.

In addition to classic options that have 2-4 identical drawers, there are models having different drawers in size. In the smallest can be placed bijourishing, deep and high use for storing pillows and blankets. Deep and long boxes are optimal for bed linen, as well as for storing knitwear.

In narrow and long, you can add brazers, ties, scarves.

Mobility and stationarity

First, this furniture was installed on the base or legs, moving a similar structure could only be necessary if necessary: \u200b\u200brepair, moving, redevelopment of the room. Modern furniture manufacturers offer mobile design options. Such structures instead of classic legs are equipped with special rollers with retainers. Having lifted the retainer, you can move the furniture element to another place, when lowering the lever, it is fixed. In addition to the main function - placement of things, such a chest can be used as a mobile partition. It is relevant for apartment owners - Studios.

Bedroom furniture

The overwhelming majority of the proposed models have a classic rectangular shape. Such a design put along the wall, or fasten on the wall.

Corner models

They have several modifications: Mr.-shaped, trapezoidal, five-lane. The advantages of such options in space saving indoors are busy only angle.

Radius options

They have curvilinear circuits close to an ellipse or semicircle. Such furniture is suitable for high - tech or modern. The round model of the section rotates relative to each other, while they are autonomous.

Combined models

The upper mobile table top is considered to be a common option, capable of moving in perpendicular, parallel, while making a tabletop with a compact and comfortable chest of drawers with drawers.


Designers can turn the old "grandmother's chest" into a modern and stylish object of the bedroom interior. With his selection, it is important to take into account the recommendations of professionals. For the classic style chosen for your bedroom, it is better to choose a model on the legs. Replacing the round knobs forged "under the bronze", sticking a figured fine molding from the sides, give this design an additional charm.

For ampir style or baroque selected when designing a modern bedroom, it will take molding more bizarre form that imitating gold. Handles It is advisable to choose an unusual, "gold-plated" species. In order for the renewed element of the furniture to serve you faithfully for a long time, it is necessary to process its surface with a color or transparent glossy varnish. Modern allows the design of boxes with mirrors, edging by the usual baguette. Among modern fashion trends - the application of decoupage when decorating the old product for the bedroom. Do not forget that such a design is suitable for storing things, fit into the interior of a modern bedroom, has every chance of becoming her true decoration.

Earlier in every home was to be a chest, it was literally all, from clothes to kitchen utensils. Years passed, and it turned into a chest of drawers, much more comfortable from the point of view of storage product, a hybrid of the chest and wardrobe. The dressers put in, and in, and even in, but most often this subject of the interior finds a place where several functions can take on themselves. We have prepared for you a real commercial encyclopedia and rush to tell how to choose a chest of drawers in the bedroom so that it is ideal for size, color, style and filling.

The chest of drawers do not consider the subject of the basic necessity in the bedroom, but without it in some case it is difficult to do. Where to tolay bedclothes, clothing, accessories, discs, books and other little things? However, this convenient cheer of the chest can serve in some cases stand, toilet table, changing table and even ironing board - just need to know what to look for.

№1. What size should be the chest?

To any of us is extremely clear that the chest must not just be placed in the bedroom, but at the same time not to prevent free movement on the room. It is important that there remains a place to extend boxes. If the space is small, and there is already a bulky, then the place for the chest will find problematic. However, if it really has a need, then there are very miniature models on sale. The main principle that should be guided is commodity Bedroom and Chest.

The smaller the room, the more carefully it is necessary to approach measurements. First you need to arm a tape measure and measure the parameters of the place allocated for the chest. I remember and go to the store everything with the same roulette. It will be necessary to remove the measurements from the chest when all boxes are closed, and when they are extended, and the doors are open. Measurement is made from the edge of the rear wall to the edge of open boxes. By the way, if there is in the bedroom, do not forget to take into account its thickness when measuring.

The size of the chest is also dependent on its purpose.. If you store you will be small things like cosmetics and discs, you can take the miniature model. For convenient linen location, more spacious chest will be required.

Parameters of dresser fluctuate in wide limits:

Designers advise for low bedrooms to choose high dressers and vice versa. Thus, you can make space more harmonious.

№2. We are determined with the view and form of the chest

Appearance, shape and purpose of the chest - the concepts of inseparable and dependent on each other. The choice of form depends on the style of the interior and the place where the product will be located. In the form of the chest there:

In appearance and appointment, the dresser is customary to divide on:

The gust of the designer thought does not know borders, so you can find other transformer dresser.

Number 3. Material manufacturing chest

Let's start with the banal mention that the person spends at least 8 hours in the bedroom, i.e. A third of the day, which means that the air in this room should be clean and healthy, and the furniture is as safe as possible and not to highlight any toxic substances. Ideally use an eco-friendly natural tree, but there are other options.

Chests are made of materials:

Designers can have some elements made of genuine leather or stone.

№4. The number and location of the boxes

Classical execution of the chest - Several wide drawers located above each other. Traditionally, they are 4, but the amount can vary from 2 to 5 or more. In many models instead of wide upper boxes make 2-3 narrower. There are dressers where all boxes have different widths, in some inner space of drawers divided into several parts by partitions For convenient storage of belts, ties, cosmetics. If you have things in need of special protection from prying eyes, you can see the dresser, where in one of the sections will be department under the castle.

Drawers of different sizes can be combined by anything, and their number can be significantly exceeding the standard 4 sections. Despite the fact that the traditional design of the chest does not provide for the door, today there are models where part of the area occupy exactly shelves with doors. In any case, you need to choose that dresser in which you can most conveniently place all things.

№5. Mechanism of the extension of the boxes

No matter how much drawers in the dresser are, and no matter how convenient, they are neither located, they will not work normally if the nomination mechanism is made poorly. Ideally, the boxes should be very easy to roll out, but not fall out, even if the extension was very sharp. In the closed position, all boxes must touch with each other and with walls, leaning on the bar on the back side.

In modern chests use such extension mechanisms:

№6. Commerce Equipment

In addition to the boxes, the chest must have a lot of other elements to provide convenience in operation. These include:

№7. Stationary, Mobile or Wall Dresser?

If possible, traveling the chest can be divided into:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

With stationary Everything is clear, they still stand on legs or base, you can move them from place to place, but difficult. Mobile dresser Equipped with rollers, thanks to which it can be rearranged very easily, and thanks to the retainer, the dresser will remain motionless. An option for those who often make permutations.

By the method and features of installation, the chest are divided into:

№8. Chest style and color

The chest can be comfortable and roomy - he must fit into the interior and decorate it. Full time to take all bedroom furniture included - Then all items are guaranteed to be combined with each other. If I had to buy a chest of drawers apart from the rest of the furniture, then try keep overall stylistics and color gamut.

The appearance of the chest largely depends on the chosen bedroom:

  • It involves the use of natural wood of valuable breeds, forged parts, panels. Better, if the chest is not very big and will rely on the legs;
  • , Rococo and Ampir Require more elegant curvilinear forms, an abundance of decorative elements in the form of thread and gilding. Material - tree;
  • requires the use of a chest of bright shades. The preferred material is a tree, preferably artificially aged, the decor is minimal;
  • if he is still strong. A few hours of work, and it can turn into a stylish exclusive product, which is not better fit into the interior of the bedroom. The easiest way is to paint the old chest, and you can use several shades at once, apply the drawing or apply the decoupage technique. Another option is to decorate the facades of drawers, and after drying the glue to cover a new trim acrylic varnish. Instead of wallpaper, you can use a fabric or foil.

    №9. What else is important to consider when choosing a chest of bedroom?

    Dresser is one of those subjects that is bought on a sufficiently long term of use, so it is necessary to consider each trifle when buying:

    • the rear wall of the chest should be thick enough to withstand the weight of all things. Its thickness should not be less than 6 mm, and better - much more;
    • before payment should check the completeness of the fittings;
    • open all the doors and boxes must be gently and easily;
    • do not be lazy to measure the basic parameters several times so that the chest of drawers can fit on his place allotted.

    And, most importantly, it is better to imagine well for yourself, which dresser you want to buy, otherwise a huge variety can confuse you.

    Organized and ordered storage of things and clothing determines how neatly and clean will be in the house or apartment. Functional furniture helps to free the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room, compactly fold things. Dresser for the bedroom, living room or children's - a comfortable and practical subject of an interior with spacious boxes, in which home textiles can be stored, bedding and underwear, clothes. It is important to remember that the chest of size is different, but there are certain restrictions on the dimensions of the furniture so that it was comfortable to use it.

    When choosing a product necessarily take into account the dimensions of the room. The bulky furniture in a limited space looks inorganized, and too small dresser in a large room can make a dissonance into the visual perception of the overall setting. Determining parameters are the size of the dresser in length, depth, height. To properly install the furniture, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the product, foreseen how many things will be stored in it. All dimensions in the furniture detail are given in millimeters.


    The chest allows partially to free the room. One cabinet compartment is not enough, besides, not all things are practical to hang on the shoulders. In the boxes it is convenient to fold the hosiery, underwear, bedding or children's things. You can select some of the most common options in height:

    • low - height does not exceed 1000 mm. It is believed that the furniture, the height of which less than 850, is no longer a chest of drawers, but a big stand. Won on the capacity due to the depth of the boxes and the length of the structures;
    • average - standard size of the chest of height - 1000-1300 mm. Organically look against the rest of the furniture. It is usually placed three or five boxes - depends on the size of the elements;
    • high - suitable for spacious rooms. Product height varies from 1300 to 1600 mm. An interesting solution is high and narrow in the depth of the chest, resembling pencils with drawers.

    The selection of the height of the product must meet the optimal requirements of comfortable operation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a plinth, the size of the legs, so that the furniture can be moved close to the wall. You must pay attention to the sockets located on the wall and switches - the dresser should not close them. If the model is made without legs and stands on the side walls, a cutout should be made under the plinth or an increase in the surface of the table top is 30-50 mm.


    With regard to the chest length is a parameter showing the distance between the outer surfaces of the side walls. It is so much space will take a model set by a wall or furniture of island or suspended type of installation. The longer the chest of drawers, the more things can be placed. It is irrational to acquire furniture less than 500 mm - such a product can not be called practical and functional. Chest length parameters:

    • minimum - 600 mm. Short models are convenient to use for halls for the purpose of storing shoes, bags, accessories. Not very wide dressers with a changing surface for the children's room are relevant - 600-800 mm. One vertical series of boxes is placed in small chests;
    • furniture with dimensions 800-1000 mm - standard. Models of medium length are most in demand for the arrangement of any room - living room, hallway, bedrooms, children's, bathroom, if it allows free space. Filling elements can be with facades of full length in one row or located two sections;
    • from 1000 mm - are considered long models, and the rows of boxes can be two or three. Beautifully look at the entire wall for the living room and bedrooms, if the chest of drawers does not fit with another spacious furniture - a wardrobe, wardrobe. The number of sections can be any.

    The appearance of the chest must be balanced. If a product of 2000 mm long will have a half-meter height, such a model will not fit into any design. The central place of the chest occupies only in the living room, if it is the only furniture for storing things.



    All model of drawers can be classified into narrow (shallow) and wide. Depth determines which volume of things can be placed. Narrow options are chosen for rooms with a limited utility area. In this case, it is rational to put furniture close to the wall, and the length and height of the product must compensate for a small depth, possible options:

    • narrow products depth of 300 mm. If the model is narrower, then it will be impossible to store things. Of the 300 mm 20-30 mm of the useful space will go on the back wall and the thickness of the facade;
    • standard depth - 400-500. The optimal size for the arrangement of any room. Boxes are convenient to use, get the contents from the long zones;
    • 500-600 depth - if the model is more than 600 mm, the comfortable use of boxes is disturbed. Things folded near the rear wall are inconvenient to get.

    A deep chest of dawn takes a lot of space, so you can pick up a wide model of small length or choose an angular design. Countertops wide low models can be additionally used as a working surface, a table or a stand for souvenirs, accessories, lighting devices.


    Standard dimensions

    Cabinet furniture Manufacturers are released according to standard sizes or under the order. Before choosing a model, you need to estimate the availability of free space. If the space allows you to install any dresser, you can select the finished product, made by standard dimensions:

    • the height is 1300. It is not meant to end the worktop as a working surface. The product fulfills its functional purpose - storage of things;
    • length is 900 mm for models with one number of boxes, 1800 for options with two sections. The length of the chest determines the inner filling - large, small boxes, superstructures, shelves;
    • the depth is 400-500. Inside installed guides for boxes. Their length is changing in a step of 50 mm, so the depth of the model determines the size of the poloz.

    The most common standard size of the chest of drawers: 800x100x450, 800x1200x500, 800x1100x550, 1300x900x500 mm. In this case, the inner useful area (depth) will be less than 50 mm, since the space select the facades of the boxes (18-20), the rear wall of the Fiberboard (4), technological gaps and allowances plus the furniture edge.

    Maximum value

    Strict requirements for maximum drawers are not provided. Product sizes depend on the configuration, type and purpose of the structure, as well as convenient use of the interior item. Recommended maximum values:

    • the chest of drawers for the children's room, combined with the changing table, should not exceed 1000 mm in height. Chest length - 800, depth - 500;
    • the model for the living room with a multitude of compartments, including a glass windows for storing dishes, souvenirs. Length - from 1800 mm and above, depth - no more than 600, height - 1300;
    • bedroom option with a mirror replacing a wardrobe and a dressing table. The settings of furniture in height - 850, in length - unlimited, possibly, in the entire wall, in depth - the maximum 600;
    • model for hallway, corridor. Two options are possible - the chest of drawers 1600x600x400 (short and high) or 1300x1000x300 (narrow and low);
    • for storing children's things and accessories. The dresser must be stable, roomy, not very high. Maximum dimensions - 900x1000x450 (height, length, depth).

    The main condition when choosing the optimal ratio of the size of the chest - sufficient capacity and convenience of use.

    Furniture height affects product capacity and installation features. The tabletop can simultaneously be used as a work surface for a toilet table or a stand for decorative items, souvenirs.

    Dimensions of boxes

    The internal filling of the chest is the most diverse. There are many options for the location of the boxes and their parameters. Furniture can be divided into sections with different batteries with elements or consist of one vertical row. The main dimensions of the boxes:

    • the height is minimally 100 mm (with a facade 130), standard 170 mm (with a facade 200), a maximum of 350-370 mm (with a facade 400);
    • depth - the maximum value is 300 mm minus the gap on the thickness of the facade (16-18 for the chipboard) and 4-6 mm on the rear wall of the Fiberboard;
    • standard depth of drawers under the guides - 450, the maximum value is 600;
    • the length of the boxes located in one vertical range is standard equal to the length of the minus 26 (allowances of 13 to the side for the maneuver);
    • the length of the boxes separated by the partition corresponds to the length of the chest in half the minus of the allowance and the thickness of the partition and the side walls.

    Standard number of boxes - from four to six. The lower elements have the same size, and the upper is separated by the jumper and twice as shorter. But this requirement is optional - boxes can be any amount, their dimensions determine the design features of the design.

    Forms of products

    Functional furniture items In addition to the diverse filling may have classic and original contours, as well as unusual decoration. All models can be divided into several types of form:

    • rectangular - standard design with several wide lower boxes and two upper, separated partition;
    • corner - occupy a minimum of space, may have a r-shaped, l shape, contours of the trapezoid, consist of five walls;
    • radius - instead of the usual strict corners of the model have convex or concave surfaces, curvilinear forms;
    • combined - dressers with moving modules, topical in the design of modern interior styles.



    There are design models that attach an unusual form, perform products in non-standard dimensions. From the form of the chest depends the type of product installation. Furniture can be installed along the walls, place an angular way, hang onto the walls, placing the center of the room - island options with drawers that are put forward in both directions.

    "Commode" is a word borrowed from French, in the literal translation - "convenient." This is an extraordinary piece of furniture that loved our ancestors a few centuries ago. He gained particular popularity in the era of the Board of the French king Louis XIV.

    A bit of history

    In the Soviet Union, such an indispensable thing as a drawers facilitating the maintenance of order in the house and providing a variety of things that has been produced in limited quantities. In the current houses, the Komot reliably secured its position, expanding its purpose dictated by time. The high practicality of this furniture is due to the presence of spacious boxes, a wide outer surface and, of course, compact.

    The classic chest is the subject of the interior, which is vertically located drawers. In addition to the drawers, the chest has a tabletop, legs and fit fittings suitable. However, now you can meet the dressers complemented by the doors. The size of the chest varies from miniature bedside options, to the impressive "giants" with a wardrobe.

    The advantage of the chest in front of the cabinet is the presence of drawers and things lying in the far corner become easily accessible. The dresser can be filled with linen, clothes, accessories and baubles, which will not work with a closet niche, because the contents will strive to fall out when the door is opened. In the dresser, things will be stored organized in their place.

    The dresser is often included in a sleeping or kitchenette, as well as in the sets of furniture for the working office and the living room, but also implemented separately. In the bedroom, he easily turns into a dressing table, it is enough to hang the mirror over it.

    Dresser in guestrooms can be decorated with a decorative vase or picture.

    Features of bedroom furniture

    An important moment to pay attention to when choosing is the volume and number of boxes. In the standard dresser usually four drawers. Wide models often have drawers divided into two halves. Chest is needed, first of all, for the convenience of placing things. This furniture has its own characteristics. The top tier is usually small and excellent for storing cosmetics and baubles, and the lower sections are much more and deeper, which allows you to store plaids and pillows there.

    If the bedroom is spacious, the chest can go bundled with a toilet table, a chair or pouf - it forms a single style. When creating an interior in the bedroom, first of all, the convenience and comfort is taken into account. Modern furniture accessories in many ways succeeded, becoming not only more reliable and beautiful, but also more comfortable in operation. A silent system of opening boxes and gentle closure of the door has a beneficial effect on vacation and sleep. It is especially important that the bedroom furniture is made of natural environmentally friendly wood.

    To extend the life of the favorite furniture, it is recommended to follow some rules. First of all, it is necessary to periodically check the health of the retractable elements. Filling the chest, you need to move from the bottom box to the top, so the load is distributed evenly.

    It is undesirable to allow the overload of the boxes, as this can cause the bottom breakdown. It is extremely recommended to have a chest of drawers next to heating devices.

    Models and forms

    Fantasy of modern designers does not know the borders and now in furniture stores you can find many original models: angular and oval, high and narrow, wide and long. Among such a variety, even the owner of the most demanding taste may pick up a suitable model.

    Corner models - The best solution for apartments and houses with limited area, as they allow you to save space. Corner chests can be the most different widths and vary in shape, most importantly, choose the option that will fit well into your interior. Features of angular drawers:

    1. Boxes cover not all space.
    2. Frame and countertop have the appearance of a direct angle.

    Corner chests can be used as a table under the TV.

    Such dressers are:

    1. Radius.
    2. Five-colored.
    3. Triangular.

    In these products, drawers are minor. They are provided for storing consoles, flash drives, wires and modules.

    Semicircular dressers - Universal model, perfectly fit into the premises of any style. The correct forms, such as the semicircle and the circle are pleasant to the human eye, so they, despite the fact that they are classic, are used in modern interiors.

    Such models are manufactured:

    • With a countertop in the form of a semicircle.
    • Radius.
    • Fully round.

    Narrow dressers It occupy little space and visually expand the space, but their capacity is lower, so think about whether such a model is suitable. The width of the narrow products begins from 40 cm, and the height reaches 120 cm, but there are models and higher. Narrow and low dressers can be used as the bedside tables at the bed.

    You can also select the following models:

    • stationary - dressers on the legs;
    • mobile - mobile dressers on wheels;
    • suspended or mounted - shifted from the place such a chest will be impossible, and to get to the upper shelves can be problematic;
    • modular;
    • transformers;
    • puttime dressers are included in the sets of heads.

    The models of the classic rectangular shape prevailSo they are a more versatile piece of furniture. However, if desired, you can find more unusual, designer things. Some models are combined with a table that is created using a folding secreter.


    The size of the chest depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the places and the number of things that will be stored in it. The correspondence of the size of the chest and the bedroom should be taken into account. The little bedroom is easy to spoil even the most elegant chest, creating a feeling of "compression" of space, as in the spacious room too miniature chest can be completely lost.

    What to pay attention to:

    • Plinths will prevent the chest of drawers tightly to the wall.
    • You should consider the additional place required to open doors and boxes.

    Before you purchased your favorite product, you need to use the tape measure and make the necessary measurements so that the parameters of the specific model correspond to the reserved space.

    At low ceilings, give preference to high and narrow models, and in the room with high ceilings the model is suitable and lower. The size of the product depends on its intended functions. If the depth of the drawer does not exceed 30 cm, it is more convenient to store cosmetics, medicines and other small things. The standard model usually has parameters 900 x 1000 x 450 mm. The sophisticated model that serves mainly as a decorative element is usually compact size. This also applies to the option designed for baubles and cosmetics. The dresser intended for bed linen and other things will be much more. If the length of the table-top will be from 1600 mm - there will be a TV well on it.


    Bedroom chests can be represented in different directions:

    • Conservative It will perfectly complement the bedroom in a classic style. Such a chest of drawers is usually large, with curly legs and with a wide tabletop, which can be put by kashpo with flowers and other interior decorations. Furniture in this style is usually performed from a natural tree.

    • Modern style Opens great opportunities for creative experiments. Here you can play with the shape, size and color of the chest. However, it is better not to choose the options "under the tree", but to contact something in one-photo or pastel. Modern models are often decorated with bright inserts, glass and fittings of different shades.

    • Vintage and Provence - Dresser in such a bedroom should have a bright stylistic image. This version of the chest should be light and elegant, with rounded corners and graceful legs. The decor elements here play a special role, hand painted or decoupage is especially valued.

    • Loft - artificially aged furniture with bizarre and negligent losses, rude boxes and blackened metal handles. Often, such furniture is placed under the order from really old materials that have retained traces of time.

    • Ethnic style- Furniture is a simple form, replete with decorative elements. This style allows fantasy to roast, especially since materials are used only natural and optionally expensive.

    You can also meet the style options:

    • ampir;
    • victorian;
    • american;
    • modern;
    • minimalism.

    Each style is characterized by a special color gamut and materials. Modern design concepts allow styles mixing in a single space. Thus, if desired, any chest can be included in the existing situation. If the experiments do not pull - choose the finished headset in one style.


    A variety of materials for modern dresser surprises, but classic and, importantly, a non-toxic material remains, a tree remains. The decor of wooden furniture is affected by the imagination with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe patterns and the subtlety of the thread. Some models boast of inlays on the facade and exquisite accessories. There are models made from the wood array partially, for example, only the facade of the chest is made of an array. This makes the price of the chest below.

    Furniture of the average price category is most often produced from the chipboard and MDF. Visually, it is very similar to wooden furniture. It is better to make a choice in favor of options from MDF: they are characterized by high strength and resistance to external influences. Dresses from chipboard, as a rule, laminate or veneer. Laminated coatings are resistant to moisture and durable. Chest-covered vessels, better imitate the surface of the tree and differ in high aesthetics.

    In the manufacture of chest of drawers also use:

    • skin;
    • ecocked;
    • metal.

    Related materials are considered:

    • ash;
    • aluminum alloys.

    Decals interior reflective furniture with a glossy surface. The most important property of such furniture is shelterness - than it is higher, the smoother surface. The gloss surface is attached to different materials: film, glossy plastic, paint.

    Stylish and elegant solution will be furniture from eco-tree. Such products are practical and easy to operate: it is enough to treat a damp cloth and wipe dry. Leather products will look prestigious, but it will be much more expensive.

    Color solutions

    Dresser models are usually typical, but the color can be chosen on your taste. The main thing is that the color was in harmony with the interior of the room. Shades of the floor and walls, the colors of other furniture will serve for you a guideline. Choosing the bedroom furniture, as a rule, prefer light tones. White color is rich in shades: Sneise-white, ivory color, grayish-white, dairy. Such shades are always popular, as perfectly combined with any colors and give aesthetic pleasure.

    Beige color can be considered neutral. It is unlikely that he will ever be bored, so choosing a beige color, you won't lose. Beige is well combined with brown, purple, blue, pink. Furniture of light colors will certainly please the eye. Too dark chest in a room made in bright colors, will look somewhat cumbersome. The optimal option will be a two-color model combining two different material.

    The natural color of the tree is well imitated by the laminated chipboard. This expands the ability to select a suitable model. Now the daily chameleons are very popular, which change their color depending on the viewing angle. This metamorphosis is a consequence of a combination of varnishes of different colors. In fashion, products with photo printing, here the flight of fantasy becomes almost limitless.

    How to choose?

    To secure the most comfortable stay, you need to pay special attention not only to choose the bed, but also the rest of the furniture. Dresser is an excellent solution for the interior of any bedroom. This is not only a stylish, but also a functional object of furniture, organizing the storage of a variety of things: from bed linen and casual wear, to cosmetics and other trifles.

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing you need:

    • Adhere to a common style. Decorative elements and textures must be harmonized among themselves.
    • Properly determine the size of the product.
    • Crop your destination and number of boxes.
    • Take into account the size of the size of the area and the specific model.
    • Soberly appreciate your financial opportunities when buying furniture.

    If the choice is not easy, it is worth consulting with a consultant, tell about the style of the apartment or at home, preferences in color and model size. We will not be able to mention that it will be stored in it to strengthen the guides and bottom of the boxes. Feel free to ask the consultant to show the quality certificate to the selected interior object.

    The box extension mechanism is of great importance.Roller guides are not the most reliable option, as they allow diskup boxes and problems when opening or closing it. Furniture with ball guides - the best solution that provides high strength and absolute silentness. Hidden guides are characterized by ease of operation and durability.

    In the models without limiters, it is possible to pull out the drawer by negligence, which is a significant disadvantage, especially if you keep small accessories in the box. However, drawers with limiters often open up to the end and things stored at the back wall is not easy to get.

    Silent fittings - the highlight of modern cabinet furniture. The box slides on you "like oil" and also smoothly closes back.

    Where to put?

    An important advantage of the chest is its versatility and compactness. In each apartment there is a place for him. Best chests look at:

    • In the living room. If the furniture is selected for the living room, first of all pay attention to the decor and form. It is in the living room it is especially important to maintain the overall stylist of the room, and the chest of drawers can become a bright accent, emphasizing the individuality and bringing the element of the coziness.


    • In the bedroom. In the generally accepted understanding of the Dresser, "living" in the bedrooms should be classic. Their main purpose is the storage of clothing and bed linen, so they must have spacious and deep offices. Upper boxes are usually not too wide, since there are usually stored underwear or cosmetics. Many young mothers use the top surface of the chest, like a table for swaddling.


    • In the kitchen. Designed for the convenience of the hostess, which loves to keep the kitchen utensils in order. Usually their designs are quite complex, since their branches serve to storing "solid-caliber" kitchen accessories. However, the kitchen models are not devoid of decor - there are products with glass doors.