Repairs Design Furniture

How to do from swan wheels. Step-by-step instruction of execution. How to make a swan from the tire

If you have a little free time and the desire to create, you can create amazing and useful things from any girlfriend. Surely in your yard or in the garage there is a pair of old, who served their tires that can be given new life, Sustaining your garden, flowerbed under the balcony or playground.

Original and practical crafts from the tires are made in their own hands in a few hours, of course, provided you have required tools, as well as skills to work with them. If there is no one of these items, then it will take a little more.

Flowers from tires.

The easiest option - Put the tire on the ground, fill it with a loose fertile substrate and plant flowers. Than more TireMoreover, different plants can be placed in it. But do not forget that soil in such a flower is quickly heated, so watering flowers need more often than usual.

You can create a spectacular composition of 3-7 automotive tires of different sizes.

More complex in the manufactureBut at the same time very elegant flower beds for giving cut from old tires with the help of a knife. If any tires are suitable in the first case, then it is better to choose for this flower beds most worn. Such a foundation is much easier to cut and twist.

Before starting work, the tire must be washed out, as the sand and the earth will complicate the work and shut down the blade. After the tire is driving, cut the petals on the side, by challenge their marker boundaries. To do deep (to Cord) cuts At the base of petals, then turn the bus will be easier.

From the opposite side, cut the petals smaller (make shallow vertical cuts), symmetric upper petals.

After that, the tire must be turned out. If the rubber is very tough, by outside Make the central part with a grinder several crossbars every 15-20 cm.

The finished flowerbed can be painted in any color, decorate an intricate pattern or ornament. In order for paint to lay exactly, rubber degrease with soap solution.

How to make a swan from the tire.

For the manufacture of this beautiful bird is best suited very old tire with kapron cord. Because it will not have to cut the side, but the central part, you need electric logsik . What it is more powerful, the faster the work will be promoted.

Wash the tire thoroughly and dry, and then make a chalk the main details:

  • Head
  • Tail
  • Wings

The total length of the neck (with head and beak) should be not less than half of the tire. In this case, the length of the beak is 9, and the length of the head is 10 cm.

Well, if the boundaries of parts coincide with the pattern of the tread, in this case it will be easier to cut.

Make a small cut with a knife or drill, insert the jigsaw pyline into it and cut the beak, head and swan neck. It is necessary to do it at once on both sides - cut 4-5 cm one hand, transfer the jigsik to another, cut there 4-5 cm and return to the opposite direction. And so until I cut the neck completely. When working, do not neglect the safety regulations.

Last but stop the tail. Swan is almost ready, it remains only to turn the tire. But this occupation is also not of the lungs, it requires physical strength, dexterity and skill. You can not turn the wings, and by making additional cuts, just beate them on the sides and down.

To give the neck characteristic swan bending will be needed metal Prut.. Retreating from the axial line of the head and neck for 2-3 cm, make symmetrical punctures from both sides every 15-20 cm. Insert the wire brackets in the punctures and attach a metal rod to the neck, then give him fit form.

Pay attention to this material -

Protruding metal cord represents a serious danger, so it needs to be neat Cut the brine, and sides read emery paper. If you are going to install the swan on the playground, spend grinding especially carefully.

Surface rubber Degreased with soap solution. After the swan dries, paint it in white or black oil paint or nitroemal. For greater stability fill low part Birds gravel or use another tire as support.

Many car owners in the garage are dusting old tires - throwing out them either lazy, or once, or they are intentionally stored in case "suddenly will be useful." Old auto strokes are most often used to create borders, decorative flower, equipment of sports and yard sites or create original ornaments for the garden and the yard. One of the decor variants are swans from old car tires. Make them with your own hands will be under the power of any craftsman, only tires and some kind of tires and a couple of hours of your time will be needed from materials.

Swans from tires: Original garden decoration

Probably does not exist on the territory of countries former USSR A town in which there would be no garden or courtyard decor in the form of automotive tires. With the skillful performance, such crafts look aesthetically, original, their creation is rapid, simple and economical with the financial and temporary side. Decorative swan, and better composition from a pair of swans will give the highlight to your site and invariably will attract the attention of guests.

Did you know? The history of the emergence of automotive tires has almost 200 years - the first such invention was patented and submitted to the public in 1846.

How to make a swan from a tire: step by step instructions

Create original decoration It is preferably desirable for the garden, because in the process of cutting the rubber will be heated, highlighting chemical hazardous substances, weathered which from the room will not be easy. If you work in the garage, it is advisable to wear a respirator.

Necessary materials and tools

Of the tools you will need such:

  • drill (can be replaced with a sharp knife);
  • electrolovik;
  • bulgarian;
  • working gloves;
  • roulette.
Required materials include:
  • tires in the desired amount;
  • thick wire (1.5-2 m);
  • thin wire (20 cm);
  • decor paints (white, red, black), resistant to exposure sun ray And precipitation.

Important!Tires are desirable to choose "bald" and with nylon cord amplification, and not metallic - it will greatly simplify the process of working with them, and will also save on possible injury.

Manufacturing process

To begin with, consider the features of applying the markup, because without it cut the beautiful swan hardly it will turn out. First, it is necessary to draw two lines parallel to the inner tire opening, exactly half of the product - it will be wings. On the outer edges, the distance from the beginning and to the end of these lines will be equal to the length of the neck and head. The head will rest in the tail.

Main sizes of swan parts:

  • beak (length 9 cm, width 4 cm);
  • head (length 11-12 cm, width 8 cm);
  • neck (width of 4 cm head, at a base of 10 cm).

When all materials are prepared, you can proceed to the process of creating a garden decoration:

  1. Thoroughly wash the tires from dust and other contaminants. It will simplify and make a more enjoyable further work with them, besides, the paint will go to the clean product and keep it much better.
  2. When the tires are dried, apply marking with chalk and roulette. Wings can be made in the easiest way - drawing semi-souls, or to make them figured.

  3. It's time to wear glasses and dense protective mittens or gloves. At this stage, you need to do several holes on the head and the swan's head and the beak in such a way that the jig can be inserted into the opening. If you make such holes throughout the pattern, cut will be much easier.

  4. The most responsible, time-consuming and attendant stage is cutting around the pattern. It is best to work a jigsaw on medium speed, moving towards the bottom of the neck to the bird's head.

  5. When the swan is cut, it is necessary with the help of a knife or grinder to treat sections: make them smooth and more neat.

  6. The product must be turned inside out so that the swan take the more believable position.

  7. Now you need to work with your head and neck products, as they will not be able to take the desired elegant shape without a frame. To do this, in the center of the neck, do double holes every 15-20 cm and insert thin wire brackets in them. Next, it remains to turn the thick wire in them, which serves as a frame, and give sculpture the desired position.

  8. Final stage - Painting Swan in white or other desired color.

Important! In the process of cutting around the pattern, it is necessary to work in parallel, with small areas of 5-10 cm, immediately cutting out both sides of the swan.

In order for the decor to look more organically in the garden composition, you can additionally make a simple laying for swan from the same tires. Hats of large bolts are well suited for imitating eyes, which can then be painted in black.

When choosing a place to locate garden ornaments It is necessary to be guided not only by your taste, but also take into account some factors, such as the illumination of the place and the falling of precipitation. Despite the paint layer, which will slightly protect the tires from the external influence, this is not enough to protect the products from deformation and cracking, which inevitably occur with rubber left in the sun. Also will negatively affect the fall in water. Therefore, it is optimal to place rubber swans in the pronted area of \u200b\u200bthe garden or under a canopy so that they do not fall down the dining sun and rain. Low temperatures Also negatively affect the condition of the products, because for the winter they are recommended to enter the garage.

For many Russians country cottage area - Not only the place where vegetables and fruits grow, but also a seating area with soul and body. Decorative ponds, garden dwarfs, flower beds with flowers, paths and other ways - ways to decorate the garden There is a huge amount. IN lately The popularity of crafts from waste, such as plastic bottles and old car tires are acquired. In order to give the second life to serve their things, there are weights of advantages. Step-by-step instruction According to the study of how to cut an independently beautiful swan from the tire, will help you make such a craft!

  • First, it is environmentally friendly, because things will not rot on the landfill, polluting the environment.
  • Secondly, it is always nice to create comfort and decoration with your own hands.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable, such scenery will require a minimum financial investments, After all, each motorist wear tires. Of these, you can come up with a lot of garden ornaments: these are small flowerbeds, barriers, artificial reservoirs and much more. The popularity is also gaining figures of animals and birds carved from the tire. If you decide to decorate your garden plot, read the master class.

How to cut swan from a tire with step-by-step instructions

To cut the swan from the tires you need:
  • Worn automotive tire
  • Pila Bulgarian
  • Electropolitanzik
  • Fat wire, rod or steel plate
  • White and red paint for outdoor work
  • It should work on the street, since the rubber is heated from the Bulgarian, and there is a strong smell of Gary
  • Be sure to work in dense mittens or gloves
  • Feet should be in a closed shoe

We study safety technique when cutting out a fugure of a tire

Getting Started - Step-by-step instructions, how to cut a swan from an old wheel

To work, you need to choose the most old tireThe more thinned and what is called bald. The more rubber is worn, the easier it will work with it. If there is a choice, it is better to give preference to a tire with a nylon or byproke cord, and not with steel. To do this, on the tire there should be no labeling "Steel". It is difficult to cut the latter, and they are also attempting both during operation and with further use: such a bird is better not to put on the playground to avoid cuts in children.

First you need to draw on a tire "pattern" of the future swan. In the middle, celebrate the point and draw the beak from it, smoothly turning into the head and the neck of the bird. When working with a R13 tire, having a circle length of 1.8 m, the dimensions are approximately the following: the length of the beak is 8-9 cm, the head is 9-10 and a width of 7-8 cm. The neck at the beginning has a width of 4-5 cm and closer to the body It is thickened to 8-10 cm. Its length is about 75-80 centimeters.

The swan body should remain non-worn, and it is not necessary to cut it: the wings and neck with the head are connected on this part.

Swan cutting circuit:

After the drawing of the swan from the wheel begins the cutting process. Bulgarian cut quickly, but from this rubber heats up and there is a strong smell of Gary and Sopot. Therefore, many masters prefer to do with the help of the same grinder, a drill or chisel of the label for the jigsaw blades, and continue to drink it right. It is convenient to use a reverse tooth blade at low speed. So the material will heat up less, there will be no soot, and the control over the process is better due to the low speed of work.

It will be right not to cut a completely one side, and then another, but to make small cuts from two sides one by one. So much more convenient to work, the rubber is not so strung out, besides, the probability that it will be symmetrically increases.

Next you need to turn the workpiece. It is short, but quite hard physically. To do this, it must be put the cut part to the ground, press the foot and pull up the resulting wings. As a result, it should be approximately as in the photo.

After that, the neck shape should be fixed. To do this, it is necessary to do in pairs of holes at a distance of 15 cm from each other and insert a soft wire brackets in them. With their help to attach the rod or steel plate to the neck of the bird. Next, the detail bend to it remind the neck of the swan.

After cutting and giving a swan, it will only be left to install the figure on the selected area and reapsert it. Beautiful will do not make one bird, but immediately a couple. Body paint white paint, and beak - red. Draw your eyes or form them from buttons, stones, rubber pieces.

You can also hold a stand from another tire lying on the side. Artificial reservoir or imitation, for example, from the stones will look very much by the way.

In addition to the swan, you can make other crafts with your hands from the tires. For this you need only a little imagination and time.

Video on the topic

How to make a swan from a car tire for garden decoration

Swans for a long time chose not only the ponds and lakes, they are increasingly found in the household sections. On green lawns you can see whole swan flocks made of car tire tires. Designers called this direction TRESH-ART (from English. TRASH-ART) - the art in which the old trash is involved. The name is new, but the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating beauty from waste has appeared long ago. Uncommon miracle birds decorated not one courtyard or garden. If you like such art, we suggest to get acquainted with the technology of making swans in detail. Swans can be made from different materialsFor example, from plastic bottles (details here). In this article, we take a tire.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the plot can be made of girlfriend, but it is necessary to understand that it is a work, and not a pellement. In order for the Garden in the garden, the wonder-swans from the tires will be needed:

  • Old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinding machine (Bulgarian);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, passage;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • Metal rod;
  • Paint.

What tires to choose

For swans are old, well-carted tires from passenger cars. Moreover, rubber should be the most worn out, erased to the limit. Such tires are called lys. The worse the material looks like, the easier it is to work with it. Do not take studded rubber, especially imported production.

If you can choose, it is better to take rubber with a kapron cord. Such material can be cut just a knife. Tires with metal cord are more difficult in processing, in this case, without special tools can not do.

As an option, in search suitable materials You can contact the nearest tireage. Usually, in such places, unnecessary tires give pleasure. For one swan you need one tire. If you wish to experiment with the form of birds - take a few. Before starting work, rubber needs to be washed and dried. All work is better to spend on open air.

Marking of the circuit on a tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the markup scheme. During the operation, the tire will need to turn. The complexity of this process will depend on how you make cuts.

To help you - a step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of swan with your own hands:

With the help of chalk, it is necessary to share the bus in half. Then chain the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be greater than half the length of the circumference of the tire. The wheel R13 is a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For proportional head you need 10 cm, the length of the beak is 9 cm. In the photo - the swan cutting circuit:

  • The tire must be cut by the outlined lines.. A knife can cope with the tires of an old sample with a kapron cord. In order to facilitate work, prepare a soap solution and plunge the cutting object from time to time.
  • Metalokord knife will not succumb to. You can use grinding machine. It is necessary to work solely outdoors, and do not forget about closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Note that the operation with rubber increases the flow of circles. It will take about 3 disks per swan. In addition, the ragged rubber spreads not the best smell around, nothing and soot are provided to you. Bulgarian cuts quickly, but not eco.
  • Lobzik work more pleasant. For the planting plant you need to make a hole. You can use chisel or drill. Lobzik's pylon wear increases from high speed. Optimal option - Work on the turns below average using a reverse tooth millet. So you can repeat the metal cord without any problems: the reverse move of the peel will simply break it, and a small speed will not give the tires to heat.
  • For adherents hand tool It will be suitable for the mill. It will also cope with the metal cord, but the speed will be lower.
  • You need to cut the bus along the contour of the neck and head, the transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, then gross mistakewhich newcomers allow, there will be a complete drinking one side of the neck. If you cut the bus on one side, the second cut will be quite difficult. It is better to make small cuts alternately with each of the sides. So it will go faster.
  • Next Stage - Tail. His length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and makes it easier to turn the tire. Cut it similarly.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is time-consuming and looks like: the workpiece is molded by a cut part down, it is pressed by foot and pull, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be sold.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. Side half rings need to lower down. If you took a tire tire with a metalocard, then the edges need to be treated with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to fully smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made of tires with a metal coordinate only for the decor, but not for playgrounds. Touching cutting with protruding wire is unsafe for adults, what to talk about children.
  • In order to give the swan you need, you should strengthen the neck. For fasteners, you need to drill two holes over the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They need to be located along the axial line. In the holes insert brackets made of thin soft wire. Brackets need to fasten the thick steel wire. It will take about 1.50 m. The bottom end is fixed from the inside of the neck, at the base of the tire, the top is at the head level.
  • Swan is almost ready, you just need to bring it the neck and make a rubber eye. They can be screwed with screws. The edges of the wings are caught for the decor, then the jar resemble the bird's fool. If you wish to have a princess-swan in the garden - make a crown from a plastic bottle.

On - describes in detail how to make a swan from a tire:

Tire sculptures

In order for the birds to look uncomply and aesthetically need to be painted correctly. For swans usually choose white or black color. Silvery and golden sculptures look good. It is suitable for any stable paint for external work.

Rubber is well painted with oil, enamel and nitrocrasses. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean dry surface. Properly applied paint to bed well on the sculpture is not deformed and keeps quite a long time. Aerosols of automotive paint are suitable. Then work will go quickly. Smoothly painted surface can be decorated with acrylic paints. Draw your head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

Location swans on the plot

Natural habitat swans - reservoirs. Therefore, they harmoniously look near the water or its imitation. If there is a pond on the site, then you can put a swan near it or install using a stand in the water. Then the swan will be greasy above the water surface.

Rubber birds will decorate lawn or flowerbeds. Inside the sculpture, you can pour soil and plant your favorite plants there. For stability, the stand is used as another tire. It must be painted in the tone of the swan or the surface on which it is installed.

You can arrange a special reservoir for swans. To do this, you need to make a small pit, lay it out with a dense film, fix the edges with the help of stones, pour pebbles on the bottom of the film and pour water. Near such a lake, the swans will look outstanding. In order for the water to be stored, it can be used for watering and regularly add a new portion instead.

Other ways to use tires on the plot

Lovers original decor Like other ideas of the decor. Swan can be easily turned into a parrot. To do this, you only need to make cuts somewhat differently and paint the product with a suitable way. Tires can be easily turned into garden Klumba or even mini-pond.

The tires used are in the dacnifice not only for the device of flower and small architectural forms. Such material was not left without attention and adherents of practicalism in design. Masters make remarkable tire furniture. It's not only simple puffs, but also more complex chairs and tables in colonial style. Supplement such ensembles swing in playgrounds and fencing from tires. Popular in landscape design and products from mounting foam.

On - set original methods Use automotive tires In landscape design:

For the manufacture of swan from the tires, you will need a fantasy and certain skills to work with tools. Damas for such work it is better not to take. IN skillful hands Figurine will turn into a decent element landscape design. You can create whole groups or use single sculptures. It all depends on the features of your site. Such a decor always looks cute and homely. This applies to all that is done with their own hands. Under this link - information about crafts from cans.

Each of us would like around his house or in the country there were purity and order. Not all of this manages to achieve, moreover, care for flowers decorating pricework, not so easy. Everything requires large costs in time and forces. However, there is a solution to this difficulty! You can make crafts from girlfriend, which would have pleased you daily and absolutely not demanded a permanent care. Very simple and at the same time beautiful looks crafts - Swan from tire.

Materials for the manufacture of swan do it yourself:

  • tire;
  • lobzik;
  • drill;
  • plate;
  • screws;
  • water-emulsion paint.

The process of making a swan from the tire:

1) First you need to prepare a bus to work. It is desirable that the auto stroke is bald and without unnecessary bends.

2) It is necessary for its width along the lines to draw a swan's head, starting with the beak, which is a rectangle of 9 cm long, 2 cm wide. We continue, without taking your hands, draw your head. It is wider than the beak 2 times, and the length remains the same - 9-10 cm.

3) We smoothly go to the drawing of the neck on the tire. You need to drive lines from the head and up to more than half of the circle of the car. Often, the cutoff line of the tire itself does not match the image of the neck, so it is necessary to carry straight lines very gently so as not to get into the slice.

4) Where you painted the beak, you need to mark the linus of the swan tail, the size is 20 cm.

5) comes the most sophisticated stage In operation: cutting the hand-drawn, neck and head. You need to do it first a drill, and then the lobzik pail, and sawing 5 cm alternately on each side.

6) After that, you need to turn the bus, giving it the shape of the swan. The wider part that remains is strung out into the inside, and it is a support of your craft.

7) without fastenings of the neck of the Swan will not hold on, so it is necessary to drill holes in the neck and head and attach the bird's head to the plate.

8) The rubber is cut off swan eyes and screwed into imperceptible screws.

9) Swan ready, you can exercise your creative nature and start it painting. So that the workshop becomes crystal white color, I will have to punish it several times, every time waiting for complete drying.

If you want your swan to look as much as possible, then you can make a lawn around him, as well as put it in another tire painted in the color of the water.

On this, our master class is finished, more crafts for cottages can be seen in